25 April, 2024


Ostentatious Iftars & Obnoxious Poverty: Changing Religious Topography Of Sri Lankan Muslims

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

Islam, like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism advocates simplicity in life and abhors ostentation and arrogant display of personal wealth. Among Islam’s celebrated five pillars namely, the confession of faith, daily prayers, fasting, obligatory charity and pilgrimage to Mecca, fasting from pre-dawn to dusk for thirty days during the month of Ramadhan represents material sacrifice for the sake of the Divine. By avoiding food, drink and physical and sensual pleasures during the day while performing extra prayers at night a devout Muslim approaches the Creator and pleads for forgiveness of his/her sins. The month of Ramadhan also carries extra significance to Muslims because it is believed that the first revelation of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad occurred during one of the nights in that month. Finally, it is also a month when the poorer sections of the community expects to receive by way of charity any financial or material help from the more affluent so that poverty does not become an obstacle for some to participate in the festivities of the month.

After fasting the whole day a Muslim traditionally breaks the fast (iftar) by consuming one or two date fruits and a cup of cool or hot drink, even though it is not obligated that one should break the fast with dates. At the end of the month is the Eid or festival which starts with morning prayers and proceeds with modest enjoyment. Specially prepared food shared with members of one’s family and friends is an essential part of this festivity. Wearing a new piece of dress is also recommended.

In all this however, simplicity and modesty is the recommended norm of Islamic behaviour. It is said that in fulfilling religious obligations the right hand should not know what the left does. What is happening in Muslim societies today and particularly in Sri Lanka is the opposite. Iftar has turned out to be a public exhibition to display the power of politicians and opulence of the rich. Iftars are held in Five Star Hotels with maximum publicity where the nouveau rich hobnobs with the politically powerful to make mutually beneficial deals, while the poor and the down-trodden are condemned to break their fast either in the corner mosque or in their own hovels. Breaking fast with humble dates and rice porridge in one’s home or mosque has become an occasion for haute cuisine amidst great publicity. A religious occasion has become an emblem of economic and social cleavage.

The same phenomenon is observable in the practice of obligatory charity or zakath. What one sees here is not the wealthy going in search of the poor to distribute in secret their surplus as recommended by tradition but an army of poverty-stricken men, women and children roaming the streets and openly knocking at the doors of the rich to beg for a few rupees or cents. It is an obscene scene which the religious leaders in Islam are avoiding to tackle. In plural societies like Sri Lanka where believers of other religions and non-believers are watching the behaviour of Muslims this religious pomposity earns a negative image for Islam. The religious topography of Islam that historically exhibited modesty and simplicity, and which earned the respect of many has been radically transformed into an exhibit of haughtiness and obscene opulence which is attracting the hatred of several.

Why did this transformation take place especially during the last few decades? The ruling political and economic environment in most part of the Muslim world including Sri Lanka has an obvious link that cannot be ignored. The ruling economic paradigm of open markets and untrammelled competition has created an enormous economic disparity. For the first time world public opinion is talking about the one versus ninety-nine per cent. Muslim societies are part of this equation. The discontent against this paradigm is on the increase and the Brexit verdict is the latest expression of this discontentment. Islam’s original message is to halt this disparity, but that message has been corrupted by the haute bourgeoisie, the children and vanguard of this paradigm. Ostentatious iftars at Five Star hotels are symbols of this haughtiness.

Religious leaders should try to stop this obnoxious iftar displays and religious pomposity. They should bring back the simplicity embedded in Islam’s religious obligations.

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Latest comments

  • 13

    A timely reminder…. thank you Mr. Ameer Ali.

    • 3

      Dr. Ameer Ali

      “Religious leaders should try to stop this obnoxious iftar displays and religious pomposity. They should bring back the simplicity embedded in Islam’s religious obligations.”

      Sri Lankan Muslims are turning out to be idiots, following the Wahhabi-Salafi traditions of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, who follow the traditions of the Devil and Satan.

      What happened to the Sufi traditions?

      The Wahhabi Salafis want to kill the Sufis, and the Satan, Devil following
      Muslims” are blindly following them. Then they put on weight during the month of fasting! Strange, indeed!

      Muslim IQs and critical thinking are dropping every year due to stupidity and in-breeding. The IQs have dropped about 15 points over the past 1,400 years due to inbreeding and downgrading of reason over revaluation.( Compare Northern Mediterranean and Southern Mediterranean average IQs)

      So, the Ulama and Mullah’s have lost their ability to think and reason. What a pathetic situation.

      Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      Published on Nov 10, 2014
      This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.

      Ken Miller on Human Evolution


      Uploaded on Feb 14, 2007
      Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

      • 12

        Amarasiri the great,
        kindly stay out of religious debates. Worry about the obnoxious events taking place in your philosophy and try to make your lovely land a place of harmonious coexistence for all.
        You don,t seem to have got enough as mentioned in a previous article about the Bishop of Mannar.
        It is because of left handed shaggers like you that your serene land Sri Lanka is slowly being torn apart.
        Clean up the dirt in your own garden first before you take a peek into others gardens.
        Its a pity that your lovely land, a land of many good god fearing people has morons like you amongst them who has nothing else to do other than make half hearted, stupid, valueless, meaningless comments.

        One day very soon some good people will make every effort to come looking for you and when they do they will not leave until they have given you you a good sound banging up.
        Take a bath, groom yourself, dress up in simple clean garments, go over to the nearest temple and spend as much time as possible in prayer and meditation so that prosperity, peace and harmony will envelope your lovely land, and finally you can tell your moronic self ” yes ! i have done what i thought i could not do.”

        For God’s sake man think better and do better, for your country’s future is at stake.

        • 2

          United we stand

          “For God’s sake man think better and do better, for your country’s future is at stake.”

          The Stupid get in the way, that is the Core-Problem. Is the average IQ of 79 the problem?

          So, the Ulama and Mullah’s have lost their ability to think and reason. What a pathetic situation.

          Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


          With the age of Reason and Enlightenment, Europe got out of Stupidity. So what do we have now? Airplanes that fly, internal combustion engines, semiconductors, mobile phone and the internet we are communicating now!

          Averroes, Ibn Rushd, was a medieval Andalusian polymath. He wrote on logic, Aristotelian and Islamic philosophy, theology, the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, psychology, political and Andalusian classical music theory, geography, mathematics, and the mediæval sciences of medicine, astronomy, physics, and celestial mechanics.

          This is what he said about the Philosophers and the Ulama and Theologians, 900years ago.

          The Philosophers have Reason and (functioning) Brains and the Theologians ( Ulama) and no (functioning ) brains.

      • 1

        Dr. Ameer Ali

        RE: Ostentatious Iftars & Obnoxious Poverty: Changing Religious Topography Of Sri Lankan Muslims

        Khalid Al Ameri explains how people around the world break their fast during ‪#‎Ramadan‬ – giving us a glimpse into the largest iftar gathering in the ‪#‎UAE‬:

        In Sri Lanka, Five Star Hotels? Can anybody, Rich, Poor and non-Muslims can go?


      • 2

        Dr. Ameer Ali

        Do the Sri Lankan Muslims have the self-control and discipline that Ramadhan Fasting demands?

        10,000 years ago, before the Agricultural Revolution, Homo sapiens ate about one meal per day, if they were able to find it. The 3 meals per day is a modern innovation.

        This young woman is fasting for the first time to show her support for her Muslim friends, and experience fasting.


        20 Benefits of Eating One Meal a Day


        Published on Dec 16, 2015
        20 Benefits of Eating One Meal a Day…

        #1) You will lose weight.
        #2) You won’t have to worry about gaining that weight back.
        #3) You won’t have to worry about boosts in cholesterol or triglycerides.
        #4) You won’t have to worry about blood pressure increases.
        #5) You won’t have to worry about blood-sugar spikes.
        #6) You will save money!
        #7) Your schedule will be more open (since you’ll be spending less time eating).
        #8) You will be able to more enjoy socializing with friends and family with a beverage and focus on the conversation instead of the food (this goes for when your friends are eating and it isn’t your mealtime).
        #9) You will feel less sluggish after your meal.
        #10) You won’t have to stress about consuming “bad” foods.
        #11) You will maximize concentration, mental clarity, and focus (sometimes called “hunger high”).
        #12) You will stop thinking about food when it’s not time to eat.
        #13) You will destroy psychological cravings and indiscriminate munching and snacking (the snacking is what makes you fat).
        #14) You will stop binging.
        #15) You will beat irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal unrest.
        #16) You will be less sick and common illnesses will have a reduced impact on your body.
        #17) You will learn to be productive on an empty stomach instead of on a full stomach (and you’ll generally be more productive all-round).
        #18) Your food will taste better!
        #19) You will eventually make and enjoy healthier eating choices.
        #20) People will respect your level of self-control.

        How to Eat One Meal a Day (OMAD) – The Basics


        Published on Nov 29, 2015
        Lose weight. Reclaim your health. Enjoy super-awesome blood-sugar levels. Be less sick and feel better.

        This video is about How to Eat One Meal a Day (OMAD) – The Basics.


        1. Pick a meal time.
        2. Eat only once per day.
        3. Eat one full but average-sized dinner plate.
        4. Allow one calorie beverage.
        5. Finish within one hour.
        6. After the meal, only calorie-free liquids.
        7. Remember the apple cider vinegar.
        8. Remember the splurge day!

        Ready to check out how this plan will affect your body? Go here:


        A slightly more expanded article can be found here at:


        Get support: forums.omad.info
        Get with the (OMAD) program: http://www.omad.info

        • 0

          [Edited out]

      • 7


        Just because you can write well ,does it mean your IQ is good,

        Mate, don’t bullshit here, even if your IQ is good you can’t over

        power the one above, he can make you a vegetable in seconds.Watch

        your words!

        An illitrate with faith is better \n asshole with IQ.

    • 1

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      Actually are many benefits to fasting. However, the current Muslims are abusing it. They should only eat once per day. Many are gouging on Food from Sunset to Sunrise, and put on weight during the month of Ramadahan.


      How 3 Meals A Day Became The Rule, And Why We Should Be Eating Whenever We Get Hungry Instead.

      Listen to your stomach and not the ticking of the clock, because it’s past time humans evolved from our ancestral eating habits. Meal times are scheduled around the typical 9-to-5 workday, and first dates, family meeting times, and events like weddings all revolve around them. Humans may actually follow this routine more than any other in existence, but appetite doesn’t chime on the hour. In fact, it’s utterly unnatural to eat when we’re told.

      As it turns out, eating three meals a day stemmed from European settlers, with whom it grew into the normal routine, eventually becoming the eating pattern of the New World. Native Americans were actually eating whenever they felt the urge to, rather than whenever the clock said morning, noon, or night. After the industrial revolution, people began to turn a midday meal into a lunchtime staple, and the after-work meal turned into dinner, a placeholder for the next meal.

      “The eating schedule of the native tribes was less rigid… the Europeans took this as ‘evidence that natives were uncivilized,’” Abigail Carroll, author of the book Three Squares: The Invention of the American Meal, told National Review. “Civilized people ate properly and boundaried their eating, thus differentiating themselves from the animal kingdom, where grazing is the norm.

      One of the newest weight loss recommendations is intermittent fasting, and it actually rebels against current research that tells you to eat when you’re hungry and have six meals a day. Skipping your lunch break or going the entire day without any calories may not only be a weight loss recommendation but also the trick to a longer life. Reducing calorie consumption 30 to 40 percent can extend a person’s life span by a third or more, as many animal studies have shown, by making the brain resistant to toxins than cause cellular damage.

      Constant eating doesn’t allow the body to experience starvation mode, or even hunger for that matter. European settlers changed the biological demands of eating and turned it into a forced food farce. Ignore the manmade routine and follow your own appetite for a healthier life, just like the Native Americans did.

    • 1

      What timely reminder?
      The Muslim world is in chaos at the moment.SL Muslims are no different.
      The Saudis had the money but now they are in difficulty with plunging oil prices. The next decade has the possibility of less Saudi influence and interference; this might help.

  • 5

    Using Ifthar for launching political speeches/propaganda is sad to see in our community. Ifthar functions should be full of piety, and religious serenity following the principles of Islam, nor glamorous, exorbitant, and extravagance in food, but simple. Unscrupulous Muslims and politicians are turning it into political vote supportive gatherings, “asthaufirullah”. These practices need to be changed soon, Insha Allah. This is why “THE MUSLIM VOICE” is calling/praying for this change that is needed in our community, the need to create a NEW Political Force for the Muslims, It is time up that a NEW POLITICAL FORCE that will be honest and sincere that will produce “CLEAN” and diligent Muslim Politicians to stand up and defend the Muslim Community politically and otherwise, especially from among the YOUTH, has to emerge from within the Sri Lanka Muslim Community to face any new election in the coming future, Insha Allah.
    Noor Nizam. Peace and Political Activist, Political Communication Researcher, SLFP Stalwart and Convener – The Muslim Voice.

  • 6

    What’s your problem with Muslims?

    You take a lot of pleasure writing anything negative about Muslims at a drop of a hat. Sure, Muslims like anyone has their own faults. After all, they are not perfect like you.

    Don’t you have a different tree to bark? Let me give you some pointers – corruptions, bribery, rape, drunkeness, BBS, etc.

    I understand, these subject matters wouldn’t get much attention to boost your ego, I guess.

  • 2

    Dr. Ameer Ali

    RE:Ostentatious Iftars & Obnoxious Poverty: Changing Religious Topography Of Sri Lankan Muslims

    1. “Islam, like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism advocates simplicity in life and abhors ostentation and arrogant display of personal wealth. Among Islam’s celebrated five pillars namely, the confession of faith, daily prayers, fasting, obligatory charity and pilgrimage to Mecca, fasting from pre-dawn to dusk for thirty days during the month of Ramadhan represents material sacrifice for the sake of the Divine.”

    2.” Finally, it is also a month when the poorer sections of the community expects to receive by way of charity any financial or material help from the more affluent so that poverty does not become an obstacle for some to participate in the festivities of the month.”

    3. “In all this however, simplicity and modesty is the recommended norm of Islamic behaviour. It is said that in fulfilling religious obligations the right hand should not know what the left does. What is happening in Muslim societies today and particularly in Sri Lanka is the opposite. Iftar has turned out to be a public exhibition to display the power of politicians and opulence of the rich. Iftars are held in Five Star Hotels with maximum publicity where the nouveau rich hobnobs with the politically powerful to make mutually beneficial deals, while the poor and the down-trodden are condemned to break their fast either in the corner mosque or in their own hovels.”

    4. “Why did this transformation take place especially during the last few decades? The ruling political and economic environment in most part of the Muslim world including Sri Lanka has an obvious link that cannot be ignored. The ruling economic paradigm of open markets and untrammelled competition has created an enormous economic disparity. For the first time world public opinion is talking about the one versus ninety-nine per cent. Muslim societies are part of this equation.”

    Thanks for pointing out the contrasting scenarios.

    So, what happens?

    The rich, if they fast, break fast at break fast time, and keep on eating until day break, when they are supposed to stop eating. Because of the extra calories consumed, and lack of exercise, they put on more weight, and become obese.

    The poor on the other hand, eat perhaps two meals instead of three meals, and lose weight because they do not have sufficient calories in their meals.

    So, religion has become political for the new rich, a way to get exposure. It is the same going to Mecca multiple times.

    Did some quick research, and the results are given below.

    The Prophetic Diet:


    “The worst vessel the son (or daughter) of Adam ever fills in his (or her) stomach. It is enough for the son of Adam to eat a few morsels that will maintain his back’s uprightness. But if he must add more to his stomach, then let it be one third for food, one third for water, and one third for air.”

    Many Muslims gain weight during Ramadan fasting: Did the Prophet Gain Weight or lose Weight?


    CAIRO — The sun slips beyond the Nile and the fast is broken. As they have done for centuries during the holy month of Ramadan, Egyptians hurry home through the twilight to eat and drink after a long, scorching day.

    Fasting renews the spirit but it often does little to trim the waist line. What happens between dusk and dawn can endanger health: Feasting, inactivity and disrupted sleep -– Muslims often stay up until 4 a.m. to eat a last meal before sunrise — can add weight in a population already struggling with one of the highest obesity rates in the world.

    “Unfortunately, many Muslim patients, and Muslims in general, tend to overeat upon breaking their fast, and usually the meal involves heavy, fatty foods that are high in calories,” Dr. Al Madani, head of Emirates Diabetes Society, told TradeArabia, an online news site.

    The breaking of the fast usually begins with fresh dates and lots of water, followed by soups and juices, including a popular one made from berries and topped with pine nuts. Soon after evening prayers, a large meal called iftar is shared. Poor people are not left out: They dine under tents called “God’s tables,” which are donated by the wealthy and dot the neighborhoods of this sprawling, ancient city.

    The feasting continues after dinner as Egyptians visit with family and friends. Special desserts such as creamy konafa and syrupy basboussa are served throughout the night. The next meal, or sohour, comes just before morning prayers; there are more sweets to supply fuel through the day’s fast.

    This is repeated for 30 days.

    Mahmoud Ismail said there are two ways to do Ramadan: one healthy, one less so. The 38 year-old father of two is a swim coach and physical education teacher in Cairo.

    “I am working 8 until 3; then I exercise an hour before sunset,” he said.

    “I cannot sleep the fast away,” Ismail added. “Too many people wake up at 3 in the afternoon or sleep at work during Ramadan.”

    His wife struggles with her weight during Ramadan, often gaining more than 10 pounds: “Her schedule allows no chance to burn calories,” Ismail said. “All the night is eating and then cooking for the next iftar, then she sleeps at 3:20 after sohour until about 3 in the afternoon.”

    Indeed, it is women -– the ones who in a patriarchal society spend endless hours in the kitchen — who are most likely to have weight problems in Egypt.

    Three in 4 Egyptian women are overweight, and nearly half are obese, according to the World Health Organization’s most recent figures. Women here are among the fattest in the world, alongside their wealthy Arab neighbors in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

    Access to exercise is one more challenge for Egyptian women. Only the wealthiest can afford health clubs, said Dr. Gulsen Saleh of the National Nutrition Institute, and the rest have no place for exercise.

    Unfortunately, a sedentary life may be just as harmful to health as obesity. A recent study in the journal Lancet showed that inactivity, regardless of weight and other factors, increases risk of chronic diseases and earlier death.

    But sweets are also to blame. A fasting brain prefers high-calorie carbohydrates above all. Scientists in Ajman, the United Arab Emirates, observed that more fats and sweets were consumed during Ramadan.

    Of 173 families interviewed in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, two-thirds reported weight gain among some or all of the family members after Ramadan. Many pointed to the rich food and lack of exercise.

    Sleeping through a fast may sound inspired, but it sabotages good health in several ways. First, more time is spent awake during the feasting hours. And disrupted sleep cycles affect hormones that act on metabolic rate and appetite. The body responds by eating more.

    The essence of this religious fast, said Cairo physician Wafaa Hawas, is to practice self-discipline.

    Hawas advises her patients: “Start with a soup like lentil, have some salad and meat; stay away from Ramadan sweets or have a little only; I am sure if you follow this, you will lose weight by the end of Ramadan.”

    As it is written in the Koran, “Eat of the good things we have provided for your sustenance but commit no excess therein.”

  • 11

    Bravo Sir, bravo. I think some vulgar ostentatious so called Buddhists are as guilty. Did you notice the absurdity of the US Embassy in Colombo also engaging in an Ifthar? Ludicrous. This has more to do with capitalism and worship of Money and showing off. Same sort of false piety can be found amongst buddhists too.

  • 10

    Why pick on ostentatious and pompous Muslims when there are more important things that affect the Muslims and the whole world. For the starter how about telling Saudi Muslims and others close to them to stop preaching hatred through Madrasse schools. Their school texts demands Muslims to kill infidels and Jews. The terrorists who kill women and children shout” Allah Akbar” because they believe God wants them to kill others.

    • 2

      Dr. Ameer Ali RE: James Comment Above.

      “For the starter how about telling Saudi Muslims and others close to them to stop preaching hatred through Madrasse schools. Their school texts demands Muslims to kill infidels and Jews. The terrorists who kill women and children shout” Allah Akbar” because they believe God wants them to kill others. “

      James hit the nail on the head!

      What the so-called, Saudi Wahhabi “Muslims”, who are NOT Muslims, but followers of Satan, Devil Iblis do is not Islam. Most of these “Muslims: have low average IQs, even after they are “Educated”.

      They say they follow the Prophet’s “traditions” , and then lie. The examples are far too numerous to post in one posting.

      Dr. Ameer Ali, you should start writing a series of articles on this subject. It will help everybody, especially the misguided Muslims who are misguided by the Devil, Satan, Iblis following Wahhabis and Salafis and its clones such as ISIS, Taliban, and Boko-Haram.

  • 1

    “Religious leaders should try to stop this obnoxious iftar displays and religious pomposity”

    Who are these ‘religious leaders’ of the Muslim Community ?

    Hazraths, Hafizes & Moulavis perhaps ?

    Or are they perchance the ‘Glorified Lebbes’ of the ACJU ?

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaa

    • 1

      The Laughing Lebbe

      “Who are these ‘religious leaders’ of the Muslim Community ?”

      “Hazraths, Hafizes & Moulavis perhaps ?”

      Averroes, Ibn Rushd, was a medieval Andalusian polymath. He wrote on logic, Aristotelian and Islamic philosophy, theology, the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, psychology, political and Andalusian classical music theory, geography, mathematics, and the mediæval sciences of medicine, astronomy, physics, and celestial mechanics.

      This is what he said about the Philosophers and the Ulama and Theologians.

      The Philosophers have Reason and (functioning) Brains and the Theologians ( Ulama) and no (functioning ) brains.

      Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power


      Published on Nov 10, 2014
      This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.

    • 1

      The Laughing Lebbe

      “Who are these ‘religious leaders’ of the Muslim Community ?”

      The Muslims need Leaders who can Reason and Think ans who can Fight.

      For example, Muhammad Ali.

      SHOCKING BREAKING NEWS – Muhammad Ali Defends Muslim WOMEN – BBC NBC FUNNY


  • 4

    A well penned article Mr.Ameer Ali, at the same time I see no harm in The President offering iftar to his Muslim Citizens with some luxury ,This has been the way of the Good past leaders and rulers , even The King Of cambodia use to invite the Muslims to come and make Salat in the Palace , even sometimes Iftar is offered in The White house.

    What matters at the end of the day is one’s intention , if it was for peace ,harmony and unity it is well and okay and as Muslims of this Country it should be appreciated .

    Muslims the rich and the ones who can afford should come together during this Month,every year and and feed not just Hungry Muslims ,but should feed all the poor from all faiths , the best will be to offer Milk powder for babies and dry rations for the people living below the poverty line .

    There is no need to point fingers always at Politicians and government, it is time we as Citizens of this land share some responsibility in the name of Brotherhood in humanity .

    A lot can be done if The Muslims put aside their differences in the thought of Schools, at least during this month , it gives us an opportunity to stand on a common platform and not to judge, but to love and reach out to all those in need from among Muslims and from every other faith ,including the ones who label themselves as Agnostics and Atheists.

    may peace prevail

    Thank God and Glorified be God For being God The Most gracious , unlike the bias man , God’s mercy and blessing of the provisions are always fair , God never withholds The blessing based on different communities , even the ones who reject the very existence of God- his provision are not withheld, man instead is always Judging when it is not his concern or right , Judging is God’s duty while man is only suppose to serve God by serving the Creations .

  • 6

    At it again to stir up a controversy about Ifthar functions in this month of Ramadhan. If not for the potential misconceptions that may arise in the eyes of those reading your article, about this concept and practice of hosting Ifthar functions as a waste of money, and/or designed to gain political favors or to win personal glory, I wish to remind you that in most instances it is held by people and of Embassy staff of countries who have the means. This is a phenomenon happening all over the world, where Ifthar is organized even the White House. It is held in many of the official residences of many Heads of State. Business organizations have Ifthar functions for their employees, while Muslim Mps will organize Ifthar to meet their constituent members, The fact remains thatthere will always be poor people and no one can change that. Islam has other means of addressing that problem by helping the poor with Zakath funds which is compulsory charity and Sadaqa which is optional and not bound by any limits. This article is worthy only as rabble rousing designed to discredit these practices which have no bearing nor is violation of Islamic practices.

    • 1


      “This article is worthy only as rabble rousing designed to discredit these practices which have no bearing nor is violation of Islamic practices.”

      You are missing the whole point of the article. The article says:

      “In all this however, simplicity and modesty is the recommended norm of Islamic behaviour. It is said that in fulfilling religious obligations the right hand should not know what the left does. What is happening in Muslim societies today and particularly in Sri Lanka is the opposite.”

      This is not simplicity and spirituality. So, they are celebrating the end of Ramadhan from Day 1. So, Ramadan has become an excuse like Christmas. Pretty soon it will be like Christmas with trees and feasting like in a Mid-summer Night feast.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    An Indian Islamic group has issued a fatwa against Iranian film-maker Majid Majidi and the Oscar-winning Indian composer AR Rahman over the depiction of the prophet Muhammad in a new film, reports the Indian Express.

    The Mumbai-based Raza Academy called for Muslims to reject Muhammad: The Messenger of God, a big budget Iranian film which has courted controversy by including shots of the prophet’s back, via a low-angle shot of a teenage Muhammad against the sky, and his hands and legs as a baby. Many Muslims, in particular those from the dominant Sunni tradition, see physical depictions of Muhammad as taboo, and the academy said the new film made a mockery of the religion.
    summary » …. Arabic | English | Persian …
    Muhammad: Messenger of God – Movie Trailer (in full HD)
    Aug 28, 2015 … (Read our film review here). The first in a trilogy of films about the life of Prophet Muhammad was released today at the Montreal Film Festival
    AR Rahman responds to Muhammad: Messenger of God fatwa …
    Sep 16, 2015 … AR Rahman responds to Muhammad: The Messenger of God fatwa … Muhammad biopic director calls for more movies about the prophet’s life.

  • 1

    The Companions of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) mentioned the life of the world before him. He (PBUH) said, “Do you not hear? Do you not hear? Simplicity (in life) is part of Faith, simplicity is part of Faith.” [Abu Dawud]

    Why do Embassies, Business Organizations and people who have the means continue to plan and host such pretentious Ifthar functions ? What do they hope to achieve by doing so ? These functions are confined largely to the ‘Haves’ and do not include the more-deserving ‘Have-nots’. The attendees consist of Muslim males who place high value in such ‘See-and-be-seen’ events. Almost everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, is clearly bored to death at such ‘social’ events. What do these invitees discuss at such events ? The stock-market ? The latest cricket scores ? The antics of the anti-Muslim groups ? Brexit ? Trump ? The only persons with false smiles on their faces are those who are hosting the event. Even the Moulavi responsible for reciting the Azan acquires a slight accent when the TV cameras focus on him. No respectable Muslim should participate in such events. He should break fast in his home or at the nearest Mosque in accordance with the simplicity of our faith and ready himself for the night prayers that follow.

    Clearly, these Embassies, Organizations and even Temple Trees have their own agendas in organizing Ifthar functions. If they genuinely desire to reach out to the Muslim Community during the month of Ramazan to demonstrate their goodwill, then there is no better way than to offer to sponsor Ifthar on a specific date at 100 of the poorest Mosques in the Island with advance invitation for all male and female members of the mahallah (congregation) to participate.

    Remember the hadith, my Brothers & Sisters of the Ummah, that we should at all times KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

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    Everyone has their own agendas , The Mullahs, the khatibs, the Ulemas , the Muslim Kings , the rulers , Amirs of the Masjids of the Tablighi Jamaats , the The Sheiks and his followers of all the Tariqas and The Sheiks of the Wahabi order and their exclusive members of their groups ,so does the Shias and various sects.

    Everything is well as long as no one abuses their influence to cause disharmony , let each have their own agendas within their own groups , and let them not point fingers , remember when you point one finger,three are pointing back at you ,no one have the right to judge others , because no one has been perfect in the past and even if they have reformed and have become practicing Muslims still they are not perfect and never will be and there is no guaranteed ride to Heaven,only death will tell you where you are destined and there will be no way for you to inform your beloveds or your Club (Sects) members where you are destined , It is human to want some luxury and comfort and comparing that with ego , is like apple and oranges .

    What about the Kings who claim to be custodians of The Holy Mosques ? The amount of food wasted daily ?

    What about the ordinary folks who express outward piety so much, but still indulge in so much of luxury , what about the money they waste on super luxury Vehicles , houses, Clothes, The hypocrisy of hating the west so much but will spend any amount to see their children go to the best western school and their children’s weddings ?

    There are wealthy Muslims who will spend lavishly on iftars for their friends and close relations who are rich.
    Which is pure show off .
    If That is okay , then the iftar issue is only a tiny pebble compared to the arrogant display of personal wealth of all the Muslims mentioned above.

    If the very Rulers of Mecca and Medina can arrogantly display their personal wealth on daily basis and more during ramadan , what is the big deal of complaining such a simple issue ?
    There was simple food laid on the Table , it is nothing compared to the pompous Iftars they have in Saudi .

    We are only human , so do not judge , so that you may not be judged ,,,

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    [Edited out]

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    well written article. It shows how Islamic ritual is used and misused by some people to show off. I agree with this fully. Iftar should not be like this. I heard some children were chased out in Iftar in some part of East.. Iftar is not show off.. it has become a fashion for all to use this to political gain.. fame..show off.. while real people who need food are deprived of. this article should be translated into Tamil and Sinhalese so people will read and grasp..

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