Dismissing claims made mostly by state media journalists at her press conference yesterday that the UN was biased towards poor Third World countries the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights yesterday urged Sri Lankan scribes to read more material published by her office and the UN to find out how vocal her office and the organisation was being on other major human rights issues around the world.
Asked by the editor of the Daily News if the UN was investigating US drone strikes against civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan Navi Pillay replied in the affirmative.
“Look at international issues, environment, drone attack and internet censorship. You would be doing a huge benefit for Sri Lankan readers if you raise these issues” the visiting UN HR Chief said.
Repeated attempts to bait the UN Envoy failed when she patiently urged scribes to read the material the UN was constantly publishing to learn about the UNHRC’s work.
“All you need do is just scroll and see what those recommendations are, there would be issues that the population here would be interested to hear about,” she explained.
Rupert Colville spokesman for the High Commissioner said the public perception of UN bias towards Sri Lanka because UN statements on the country were obviously highlighted by media in the country. “You don’t report what the UN says about Guatemala or the Congo, or many other places. So you may see the High Commissioner speaking more about Sri Lanka than any other country but that is not the reality. As she said she’s visited 60 countries and we make statements about countries all over the world,” Colville explained at the press briefing.
She said the published material will show that the UNHRC does a report of every UN member state.
“It’s honest exposure that’s a start. Then you have special procedures and independent experts, five of them have already done a report on Counter-terrorism and the measures adopted in Europe on Counter Terrorism,” Pillay said responding to a question posed by the state media about the UN targeting Sri Lanka out for special action.
She said the UN’s independent experts were currently examining the US run Guantanamo Bay Prisons, Extraordinary Renditions and Drone attacks.
Myrna / September 1, 2013
The picture is nicer than the story !!!
Sama / September 1, 2013
This Liliput does his job properly to the sake of MR turning it from ” Daily News” into ” Daily lies”.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / September 1, 2013
MS Nawaneetham Said to This RAJAPAL;
“All you need do is just scroll”
All He is doing only to SCROLL UP for the Use Of Rajapassa And Clan
Like his friends Malinda senaviratana,
Bandula jayasekara,
Hadu Samarasinghe.
They in line with SCROLLED UP FOR JaRAPASSA for personal gains.
Dodo / September 2, 2013
The [Edited out] Rajpal hates [Edited out]
Dodo / September 2, 2013
Rajpal [Edited out]
mike / September 1, 2013
He looks like a three-wheeler driver waiting for hire!!
Sirimal / September 1, 2013
He is :)
Spring Koha / September 2, 2013
I showed this to Soththi Ranjan my regular 3-wheeler man and he looked closely and laughed his head off. I explained to him that we all have a double somewhere…preferably far away and in a different business.
Pissu Pusa / September 2, 2013
Of the man Rajpal? He looks a donkey who has. Not read any thing ,who has perfected the art of singing for his supper
Aela / September 1, 2013
If looks are anything to go by, then this editor of the Daily Noise looks more like a pimp.
Dadisbidis / September 1, 2013
Of course he is a pimp for Rajapassa clan,nbut then sometimes he is punter like in Switzerland!
Spring Koha / September 2, 2013
Oh You naughty boy! Ol Raj did indeed take a punt….with the words ‘this one’s for mother Lanka’
Palayang yako! / September 1, 2013
What do you mean Rajpariah Abey “looks like a pimp?” Don’t you know what he does for a living and for whom? I am told be [Edited out]!
Safa / September 1, 2013
Obviously Navi Pillai and UNHRC is beyond the comprehension of this vagabond. These are the type of people employed by the govt to educate the masses about current affairs laced with the poison of hatred.
Punitham / September 1, 2013
Rajpal et al,
Is there anything the UNHRC Chief has said that has not been said by national, regional and international human rights organisations and many others?
Just one example:
UNHRC Chief @ press conference: ”I am deeply concerned that Sri Lanka, despite the opportunity provided by the end of the war to construct a new vibrant, all-embracing state, is showing signs of heading in an increasingly authoritarian direction.”
Sri Lanka’s Authoritarian Turn: The Need for International Action, International Crisis Group, 20 February 2013
‘Mali and Sri Lanka regressed from flawed democracies to hybrid regimes’’ – Democracy index 2012 – Democracy at a standstill, A report (2013) from The Economist Intelligence Unit, http://pages.eiu.com/rs/eiu2/images/Democracy-Index-2012.pdf
Rajpal et al, pl don’t undereducate (undereducate is in effect miseducate) the public. Please EDUCATE them. PLEASE don’t pawn your conscience.
Lankan Firdy / September 1, 2013
Rajpal mus be educated first !
Sirimal / September 1, 2013
How can that be done ?
So is it with Mervin, Weerawansa et al.
Average of the country have been made stupid by Mervin,Weerawansa. Those gawking folks would believe whatever these dogs drop down.
Sooner than later, I bet they start to behave as if they have become North koreans. When it is to celebrate – they would, when it is to cry for rice packet, they would easily be hired. This is the nature of this kind of rules.
Punitham / September 1, 2013
Rajpal et al
Pl tell the public that Sri Lanka is part of UN Peace-keeping Force in other countries when it denies the entry of UNSRs into Sri Lanka. Had UNSRs visited and guided us in the right directions UNHRC CHief wouldn’t have even come here at all.
justice / September 2, 2013
Also tell them that 91 sri lankan peacekeepers were expelled from Haiti by the UN,for sexually abusing Haitian females,mostly children.
A female major general visited Haiti to record statements from the victims,but no prosecutions yet.
D.Panabokke / September 1, 2013
Dear Rajpal
Spend some time reading news – don’t noose all the time.
J.Muthu / September 1, 2013
He look like a human face of[Edited out], what you expect…
J.muthu / September 2, 2013
Oh my lord he look so sweet tamil girlies missing this so sweet loving face…oh my budha firgive me …
mike / September 1, 2013
Reminds me how Rajpal spent quite a lot of time with BIJAY (Bandula Jayasekara) in a restricted area while in Geneva????
Spring Koha / September 2, 2013
Don’t ask. That way, you won’t hear no lies. Hint: they didn’t go to admire the lovely fountain in Lake Geneva.
RajasH / September 1, 2013
nice boy Rajpal….I am sure he is serving all the needs of MR
citizen / September 1, 2013
such a small man with a small mind
Percy Jilmart / September 1, 2013
RajFool AbuttKnickers editor of the Daily Lies is just one of the 3 stooges who spend their days and nights white washing the family regime that rules this country. The other two stooges are none other than MaRalinda SeneviRotten editor of the NayShun and toilet mouth chairman of SLBshit Hudda SamaraSina.
Together this triumvirate of media sycophants along with hundreds of other bought and paid for journlists, try to hoodwink the jackasses of this country 24×7. Thankfully they are unable to fool everyone including the readers of CT and for the moment that is the only silver lining in the dark cloud known as the Sri Lankan media. :(
MrRetort / September 1, 2013
Don’t try to fly for true color would be sen properly. Do your cleaning job for the Pakse for for your existence, but why point the finger in manner against a mirror to point yourself. Foolish
Amarasiri / September 1, 2013
Rajpal Abeynaika,
“All you need do is just scroll and see what those recommendations are, there would be issues that the population here would be interested to hear about,” she explained.”
Why not scroll down and publish these in tje Sri Lanka State controlled media along with the other stories.
Do not quote the Lanksmans Hulugalle aka Borugalle of State Media. He lies. He lied about the Udayan Newspaper attack, along with many others.
Lapatiya / September 1, 2013
“Asked by the editor of the Daily News if the UN was investigating US drone strikes against civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan…….”
I have no doubt in my mind that this time Mr. Rajpal Abenayaka is right to talk about drone strikes against civilians. Actually he should write an editorial in his Daily Noise Rag and advise Madam Pillay, US and UK to get help from our Sambudda Saasana Chakrawarthi as to how they could kill only terrorist’s by bombing with “o” civilian causality.
Amarasiri de Rodrigo / September 1, 2013
His monotonous drone spoils the morning every day for listeners of the S.L.B.C.Most listeners switch over to Gold FM,no sooner they hear his voice on air.He is a definite pain in the behind,and the way he keeps spewing out blatant lies is disgusting.He is a born ARSE LICKER,who should be kicked off the air, and the precious ONE HOUR ALLOCATED to him, given to someone who can produce some nice, enjoyable and invigorating music that will enable listeners to perform their daily duties in a buoyant frame of mind.As he himself stated on air sometime ago, someone who threatened to hang him on a lightpole at Galle Face Green, should carry out his threat, and and rid all good listeners of Sri Lankan Radio,of a very annoying personality, WHO IS FORCED down their ears every weekday morning, so that we could all breathe a sigh of relief and collectively say, G.R.O.B.R.
Silva / September 1, 2013
This miserable Lilliput inheriting everything of Lilliput proportions from legs to arms and trousers to t-shirt has a face protruding from an anthill like head resembling that of a home-dwelling frog! This frog by his croaking Daily Noise made the birdbrained Sinhalese a bunch of racists whose consumption religion is MaChaBaGo-ism! The depth of thoughts of this frog is no more deeper than his Daily Croak! However grave the situation in the country this bugger has only one answer that is his frogish croak! Croak..croak!!! This is the life of Rajaafucked Andenayakaeka!!!
Jim softy / September 1, 2013
How many reports NAvi Pillai had issued regarding the following ?
“*The killing of 300 Iranian civilian air passengers (including 90 children) blown out of the sky (on Iranian Air Flight 655) by the U.S. Navy in Iranian air space from Iranian territorial waters by the U.S. warship Vincennes on July 3, 1988. (The commander of the Vincennes William C. Rogers III was subsequently rewarded with a Combat Action ribbon and the prestigious Legion of Merit “for exceptionally meritorious conduct.”)
*Helping Saddam Hussein’s Iraq regime attack Iranian troops with chemical weapons, including sarin, a deadly nerve agent, in 1988.
*The killing of more than 125,000 Iraqis so that the U.S. could punish the renegade behavior of its former client Saddam Hussein in the so-called Persian Gulf War of 1991 – an operation that cost the lives of less than 200 U.S. troops. (The body count included many thousands of surrendered troops slaughtered while in full retreat from Kuwait on the infamous “Highway of Death” in the night of February 26-27, 1991. A reporter described the highway scene as “a blazing Hell” and “a gruesome testament,” noting that “to the east and west across the sand lay the bodies of those fleeing”).
*The killing of more than 1 million Iraqis by a U.S-imposed weapon of mass destruction called “economic sanctions” between 1991 and March 2003 (Secretary of State Madeline Albright said the following to CBS News about the killing of more than half a million Iraqi children by the U.S.-led sanctions: “this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.” )
*The killing altogether of more than 2 million Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalians, Libyans and other predominantly Muslim and Arab people killed in criminal U.S. wars of occupation, revenge, assassination, torture, and petroleum-control launched in the name of the “global war on terror” since 9/11/2001. (The dirty wars have continued with a vengeance under Obama, who holds a special attachment to lethal special forces and drone attacks across the global battlefield.
*Massive U.S. assaults on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in April and November of 2004. Besieging the city and declaring it a free-fire zone, the U.S. Marines attacked Fallujah with (among other things)white phosphorous (a chemical agent), cluster bombs, and depleted uranium. The U.S. “liberators” killed many thousands of civilians in a vicious campaign of retribution (for the killing of four Blackwater operatives) that included the targeting of ambulances, hospitals, and mosques. The U.S. left Fallujah with a higher measure of radioactive poisoning than that experienced by Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bomb droppings of 1945), creating an epidemic of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality and birth defects.
*Consistent massive U.S. support and equipping of (a) Israel’s deadly oppression of the criminally occupied Palestinians and (b) dictatorial oil regimes across the Arab world, including above all Saudi Arabia, the most reactionary government on Earth.
*Failure to withdraw military aid from an Egyptian military regime that butchered hundreds of its own people who were protesting a military coup that Washington refuses to acknowledge as such. “
Wickramasiri / September 2, 2013
Jim Softly, Thank you for your concern expressed on behalf of the many countries where people have been killed due to military intervention by the U.S. I agree with you, but I am yet to read a similar condemnation from you of the killings and murders of the Sri Lankan government, or even a mild criticism of the many undemocratic actions here. What is the problem? Would you be seriously pulled up? Would you lose your job?
CKPrahalad / September 2, 2013
Hi Jim, why do you cry wolf for Muslims…all these time you accused only Muslims and Islam to blame for the murders happened and happening around the world…now you started to blame USA and UN for what happened…don’t be a hypocrite Jim, please learn to interpret the facts you put forward….
Sanjay Karuna / September 2, 2013
The trouble with Sri Lanka is our poor Education System. With the exception of a few urban Schools, the rest of the population have no proper education at all. They are taught, the basics of Numeracy and Literacy in these Schools, it is true. But, are they taught to think for themselves, have access to World media, and react critically to what Govt Sponsored Newspapers are allowed to Publish? Successive Governments have turned a blind Eye to this situation, because they are then sure of having an uncritical, captive, Voter Base. It is when some of the more intelligent students go to University, that the trouble starts. Their critical eyes are opened to what is going on, and Insurgent Groups like the JVP and LTTE are born. The Government then collects the rewards of winning Wars! Nothing is done about the problems that were created by these Governments in the First Instance. Sri Lanka’s loss is a whole generation of Intelligent young people, who could be serving the Country better, than this lot of half-educated Self-Seekers.
CKPrahalad / September 4, 2013
very good analysis…only the elite have critical thinking on knowing where to invest the ill-gotten money, whether to invest in Swiss bank or properties in West..uneducated or ROTE learned masses merely follow the elite masters…
essie / September 2, 2013
No,no. Dont insult the poor lad He cant help himself.His editorials are evidence of his ignorance. But at last someone in authority has shown him the way-‘GO,READ, GET EDUCATED’!
What a slap in the face!
Sakala Bujang / September 2, 2013
What reading more for this Lilliputian
amoeba. He has time only to see areas
with red lights. Otherwise it is Allwyn’s
free arrack at the Beach Wadiya every
Ramona U / September 2, 2013
Ha ha serves bloody right for the likes of Rajpal who intimidate people and insults them at will to have truly been humbled by a superior intellect. Many Sri Lankans fear countering such gutter mouths not because they have logical arguments but because they can say whatever garbage they want in State media and get away with it. Rajpal should have read Navi Pillay’s CV and realised what a puny insignificant non entity he is compared to her before trying to be a smart ass and getting utterly embararsed.
Pissu Pusa / September 2, 2013
Siri Lankans are sooo sooo smart. They even buy the daily news.!!!!!
Sanjay Karuna / September 3, 2013
Pissu Pusa, It is only for the Obituaries!
CKPrahalad / September 4, 2013
and to read Gazette updates…
Saro / September 3, 2013
The editor of the Daily News is a Civil Servant like the Defence Secretary and therefore must have met the UN HRC Chief outside the Press Conference venue.
buwa / September 4, 2013