By M.N. Getaberiya –
One way or another the Muslims of Sri Lanka encompass a colorful history at the back them marked by a long spell of hardship suffered during the Portuguese and Dutch occupation of the Island. It is much to their credit that they withstood the onslaught of economic constraints, political intrigues and religious persecution to stay behind and survive. Most other peoples may have packed their bags and left for good. They not only saved their religion from the Christian enemies but also rebuilt the economy, slowly and steadily, by the 18th century when the British took over control of the island from the Dutch. Having adapted to the local conditions in various ways and also contributing largely to the Islands economic prosperity, the Muslim community of Sri Lanka, unlike the Hindu Tamils of the Northern Province, has saved itself from any major clash with the Sinhalese population. There are many blames and misconducts done by the majority Sinhalese government and people as the Tamil community claim and to wage a civil war against the Sinhalese government by the Tamils by the leadership of the (LTTE). Perhaps Muslims were not much interested in political affairs then but later with the certain pressure and injustice that they may have felt made them form a unique Muslim political party (SLMC) Sri Lanka Muslim Congress to claim the right although prior to this and most of the Muslims are still allied with the two major political parties (UNP & UPFA or PA) Eastern Muslims were encouraged to form SLMC which really benefited them then somehow which is impotent contemporary political affairs.
Ever since the Tamil separatist group branded under Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam struggled for a creation of a separate land or claimed autonomy from the North and North East Sri Lanka, Muslims began facing numerous issues by both the parties. Muslims were suspected being pro LTTE by the government vice versa by the LTTE which created helpless and many hassles among Northern and Eastern Muslims were ended up in horrible. During and prior to the war Northern and Eastern Muslims were forcefully evicted from these areas with bare hands; leaving their all belongings including land owned documents where they shall not be able to reclaim which has become a major issue in resettling Muslims in their own lands contemporarily. Had they failed to do so they were in the status of being killed? The atrocities carried out by LTTE was unbearable and much painful which resulted nearly 30 years of war and responsible for hundreds of thousands of lives somehow came to an end in 2009.
The post war Sri Lanka means many Sri Lankans a new birth, new life, freedom and fear free life and mostly majority Sinhalese enjoying the victory like never before. It is widely understood based on facts figures and evidence there were human rights violation as well as mass execution during the war. Without being prejudice one must state that LTTE was a cancer for the community as a whole. For them had no value for lives whether Tamil, Sinhalese or Muslims; their ambition was to conquer a considerable part of Sri Lanka and establish a separate Tamil Elam (a land for Tamils). The government cooperated at many times negotiated to conclude the war though always LTTE dogged the government or took advantages during any peace process in reorganizing themselves by buying time from the Sri Lankan government in the presence or peace broker Norwegian government who acted as a the third party for the negotiation process. There were wrong doings and injustice and discriminations from the government part during and prior to the war which one shall not reject. Many innocent Tamils remained under custody of the government secret services and a considerable number disappeared under custody. Innocent, poor, old youth, children were abused physically, mentally as well as sexually which many Tamils those who were not had any relationship with the LTTE were also humiliated with the cruel act done by the government and its military forces. One must understand the real situation to realize the pre war Sri Lanka and post war Sri Lanka and the contemporary situation.
Post war Sri Lanka with nor doubt brought many advantages to the island and find many developments rapidly. The foremost revenue generating sector for Sri Lanka is the tourism industry and it is booming at the highest level. With that the travels and tours, road networks, economic developments, public facilities, good governance, tea rubber and coconut export has also improved. Hotel and hospitality industry is also at top level. International companies are investing in various sectors. Many international financial aids are flowing to the government such as china, Iran, Pakistan and India playing a major role. Making Sri Lanka wonder of Asia is a good vision. Making Sri Lanka IT, Education and knowledge hub of Asia may defiantly would drive Sri Lanka in to a top level and we may become a leading and developed nation in Asia. More or less, the entire sector is improving swiftly which is an excellent sign.
Apart from these development theme, Sri Lanka is facing many internal and external issues within the government, with the government and private sector and also internationally they face numerous issues like, human rights violations, Diaspora issues, financial issues including various other dilemmas. At times the government representatives are not efficient and qualified enough to compete with and not in good terms in negotiation particularly with the international community; ultimately it brought various negative phases and mottled the image. One of the major reasons behind this is the communal violence and revulsion. The extremism elements within the government and other major Sinhalese community against the minority are rapidly escalating. Therefore, the post war Sri Lanka could be seen in various points of view in terms of domestic and International eyes which it varies in all aspects. Sri Lanka should be pleased in ending the long conflicted civil war between LTTE and the government at a cost of at least Rs 23 trillion, which still the government and major Sinhalese community has not learnt any lessons after all fighting for nearly three decades and having lost hundreds of thousands of lives of military as well as innocent civilians including prominent political leaders in comparatively the government and groups of extremist and other organized elements are concerned, their responses towards minority Muslims in post war is a matter seriously to be concerned. The Sinhalization and Buddhist only thoughts and acts are taking place in Sri Lanka are watched by the international community and many predict Sri Lanka may end in inviting another conflict between a community and communities. The recent Israeli presence in Sri Lanka believed to be provoking covert communal violence based on religious and cultural affairs which resulted in destroying 21 mosques in various parts of Sri Lanka. Sinhala Buddhist or popular extremist elements partly a political party (Bodu Bala Sena similar to RSS in India) extremely oppose the Muslims. They have established an organized forum to destroy Muslims livelihood in all aspects and forcing to listen and follow the orders if not insisting Tamil to run to India and the Muslims to Saudi Arabia.
The clash of identity is the contemporary communal issue in Sri Lanka. There are 9 percent of Muslims in Sri Lanka as per the government facts which is not acceptable at any cost while there should be nearly 13 percent of Muslims in Sri Lanka currently. The reason being omitting the real facts and figure as many Muslims see is to avoid the Muslims government quotas/allocations in all facet, such as; education, security/armed forces, teaching, scholarships, public facilities, parliament representation, religious, monitory aid, housing, health, and many other areas and allocating among the majority. Tamils are already lost almost everything and Muslims have become their latest prey. There are serious sectarian and religious antipathy activities and violations are taking place with the knowledge of the government. It is understood that the government is taking the complete advantage in stirring the most sensitive aspects of minorities. Destroying Mosques, Kovils (Hindu) and banning Muslim owned brands and making barriers for Muslims in conducting businesses is brutal activity. This wave of religious extremists and harsh social violence and racism is gradually effecting towards the Christian community too without differentiating either Tamil or Sinhala Christians. The fear among Buddhist has sensibly greater than ever, and the monks involvement in remonstration against minorities in all phase generates more Sinhala Buddhist responsive against the minorities are creating absolute danger to Muslims.
Sri Lanka has obtained millions and billions of international, government, non-governmental monetary aids on long term debts, which the government denies and takes some Chinese and Indian assistance for certain sectors in developing. Such as the highway networks and other construction sector where as India is playing a major role in resettling Tamil IDPs in the North and the East by developing housing and facilitating them in humanitarian assistance. Although, here the resettlement differ from actual resettlement in the North and the East, there are many Muslims who fled the area during the forceful mass departure by the LTTE with no land documents in their possession which they now vulnerable to reclaim and the government taking advantage over this matter and occupied many areas possible as they could and built military bases and settling Sinhalese people from other areas which the government deny.
Post war Sri Lanka is obviously peaceful up to certain extent which people of all the communities and particularly major Sinhalese involved in day today activities with a piece of mind is greatly appreciated. Colombo is worlds one of the famous cities when consider Sri Lanka as a tourist destination. Anti Muslim campaign is a sheer madness. This is how one can describe the potentially disastrous hate campaign unleashed against the island’s peaceful Muslim community by a handful of racist rabble rousers, who are a law unto themselves.
Initiated, two Muslim pavement hawkers were attacked by monks at Embilipitiya. Then there appeared provocative posters in Mahiyanganaya, showing a person carrying a sword in a fit of rage to kill, stating ‘remove the mosque or we will do it.’ With that came the report of a medical officer in a government hospital, who tried to forcibly sterilize a Muslim woman who gave birth to her third baby. However, no action was taken by the government to trace these lawless elements. The question is who are these outsiders disrupting communal harmony? Who finance them and for what purpose? How do they get away scot free? I am sure they embarrass the mainstream peace-loving Sinhalese. So far, Muslims have demonstrated remarkable restraint, but the question is for how long? At some point, some Muslim may react and such a development could be exploited to unleash an anti-Muslim pogrom which Muslims should never repeat the mistake of what LTTE did in the past.
In the aftermath of the military defeat of the LTTE in May 2009, the entire country hoped that all communities could move ahead peacefully for a better future, though the wounds were still deep. It appears that these racist elements have shattered all these hopes.
The campaign to poison the minds of mainstream Sinhalese against Muslims began by a small but well-organized group demonizing Islam and Muslims through 19 Sinhalese and English language websites. In the midst came the destruction of a 400-year-old Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura followed by the shameful attack on the Dambulla Mosque, led by a chief Buddhist priest. This was the first time in the history of Sri Lanka where mobs vandalized a mosque and prevented Friday prayers. Since then, there were attacks on a number of small mosques all over the country. However, perpetrators, always outsiders, remain free. Leaflets calling for the boycott of Muslim trading and other establishments and not to sell properties to Muslims started circulating all over. Do they realize that around a million Sri Lankans, majority of them Sinhalese, are happily employed in Muslim countries and their inward annual remittances, around US$ 6 billion, help keep afloat the island’s economy?
Muslims oil is better but Muslims are not. These countries supply the bulk of our oil requirements. We export tea, non-traditional and many other items to Muslim countries from where a considerable number of tourists, who insist on halal food, come here. Muslim countries also provide billions in development aid. Timely assistance of Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Iran and Libya proved crucial in defeating the LTTE. Neither the Christian West nor the Buddhist East came to Sri Lanka’s aid in times of crisis. Only Muslim countries remain sincere friends. For example, most Muslim countries stood by Sri Lanka against the US-sponsored UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka.
On top of all, it was the refusal of the Muslims to support the LTTE’s separatist call and their sacrifice that helped Sri Lanka preserve its territorial integrity, especially at the early stage when the island’s armed forces were not equipped to meet this challenge. Under such circumstances, to whose benefit these racist elements are provoking the Sinhalese against the Muslims. It is sad that the Sinhalese unaware that the Jews who cleverly put the Christian West and the Hindu extremist dominated India against Muslims are now manipulating to set Buddhists worldwide against Muslims?
According to reports, those who attacked Buddhist temples in Bangladesh were not people from the area, but brought from outside as it happened in the case of the attack on the Dambulla mosque. Buddhist pilgrims to Bodhgaya visit Nalanda where tour guides sow the seeds of hatred towards Muslims by portraying Muslims as responsible for destroying Buddhism in India. Many suspect that what is happening in Sri Lanka is part of this overall hate-Muslims campaign unleashed under Washington-Tel Aviv-New Delhi axis. If this continues we may fail to save the country from another potential disaster?
According to New Delhi based fortnightly The Millie Gazette of 1-5 December 2009, Indian Information Ministry report (2008) disclosed that foreign money, Rs 7877 cores, was received by Hindu communal organizations in India to cause riots against Muslims. These organizations got money from Israel via Europe, instead of getting them direct from Israel. Similarly, tours of leaders of Hindu organizations to Israel have also very much increased. They are brainwashed in Israel and used as tools against Indian Muslims. The same ingredients are applied against Sri Lankan Muslims. As Israeli backed anti Muslim riots happening in India, Sri Lanka is under the shadow of the same substantive activities and the socio-political atmosphere may change in to a disaster. Politicians, journalists and others started visiting Israel. Israeli penetration in the island’s print and electronic media seems to be effective, judging from the number of pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim articles in the recent times. More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, warned his countrymen of the danger of allowing the indiscriminate migration of Jews to the US. True to his predictions today, Jews are the effective rulers of that great country. Isn’t it time Sri Lanka learns little more about this? Most Muslims suspect that the Jews, architects of Islamophobia and the force behind the US-led European invasions of Muslim countries are behind the anti-Muslim hate campaign in Sri Lanka. They started raising issues such as halal food, Muslim women’s dress code, slaughtering animals, increasing population and anything and everything to demonize Muslims. These are issues which could be solved by peaceful means. The anti Muslim campaign occurred long before and symptoms were all around for many years and it had ruptured now. Muslim employee in government departments and other State institutions even the mercantile sector seems to have closed their doors to Muslims who are, by and large, excluded from government contracts, tenders and all such activities.
Indifference towards Muslims remains open and around 130,000 Muslim Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the North continue to languish in camps in appalling conditions three and half years after the war. In this regard, it is worthy to note that last year, when a 44-year-old Madawala Muslim, Mohamed Rafeek, who was running a small shop, was killed in an accident, around 20 bus loads of people from Mahiyanganaya, all Sinhalese, attended the funeral weeping and crying till 10 p.m. as if their own family member was killed. This is what Buddhism is about. This is what Sinhala-Muslim relations have been, though extremism had forcefully been poised to the common Sinhalese and Buddhists by certain radical elements.
Paying tribute to the peaceful nature of Sri Lankan Muslims and their organizations, former Chief Justice, Sarath N. Silva said on 29 June 2008, “A salient feature of the Muslims of Sri Lanka and their organizations is that they never organized themselves for armed insurrection or destruction. They are a peaceful ethnic group spreading through the length and breadth of the country. They interact with other religious and ethnic groups, cordially interlinking those cultures with their own culture, while polarizing their own culture. This is appreciable.”
Since Independence, politicians of all shades of opinion exploited racism to retain or gain power. The result was the armed conflict, during which these very same politicians flourished on arms purchases while innocent ones from poor families sacrificed their lives. Their irresponsible and short-sighted policies brought the country to where we are today. Under the circumstances, isn’t it the responsibility of reasonable elements in the Sinhalese community to wake up and contain racist elements, whose anti-Muslim campaign has the potential to turn this country, once again, into a killing field Governments have a responsibility to ensure that all communities regardless of their ethnicity or religious persuasion have equal rights and access to all aspects of social welfare and facilities.
Economically Sri Lanka is better in South Asia. Per capita income is considerably high in contrast to the neighboring countries. Majority Sinhalese are rural living while all other community is mixed. North and Eastern Sri Lank is majored by Tamil Hindu and Christians wile Muslims seconds the majority Sinhala population is the minority living in these areas. Major cities such as Colombo, Kandy, Galle, and Kurunegala are mixed with all the communities. It is vital that Muslims populations in urban areas are considerably high in numbers where they are into trade activities. Based on these facts it is hard to conclude Muslims are well to do. Yes, Muslims are scattered all around the country. Their living standard varies from poor to the rich. Majority Muslims are poor in Sri Lanka. There is a substantial number of lower, middle and upper middle class living with various issues and difficulties to tie lives. Talking about the capital Colombo (central), Muslims are the majority and within this too community divides in to various categories, from labor to the administrative to the parliament representatives. Few are well to do in trade and commerce activities. Majority Sinhalese are in to the government jobs while Muslims are very miner; therefore they are opted to do any business, from selling grams to the import export level. Tamils are very much in to trade in comparatively to the Muslims and Sinhalese. Somehow the economic conditions of Muslims cannot be measured because of few Muslim giant traders. They are poor and fair in evaluation to the other two communities.
In the meantime access to education and the literacy rate in Sri Lanka is high. It is the highest literate country in South Asia as per government and SAARC evaluations. Free education is equally given to all Sri Lankans Tamil, Sinhalese or Muslims are free to admit in any government schools. Free books and school uniforms are divided among them. The education system is high and one of the best in the world. From elementary to the university education one could study free of cost. Yes, there are semi governmental and private school where a certain number of people are engaged with. If there is any discrimination it begins with the university entrance as the government has reduced the allocations for Muslims. Not only education this also matters with seeking government jobs in various sectors. Apart from that there is a considerable number of Muslims who do not have even basic needs to access for the free education where government is neglecting to assist them.
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
WOW, Very Soon, Muslims would say, Through out the History Sri Lanka was a Islamic country and It is buddhist Shrines that were built on Islamic shrines.
Amarasiri / June 10, 2013
Jim Softy
1. Sri Lanka was animist, Jain and Hindu
2. Was populated by Veddas,m Yakkas. Nagas and Raksas
3. Sinhala and Buddhism, were all imported. like the others.
4. It is Mahanama Monk Racism and Myths that is the curse of Lanka
5. Need Separation of Church and State.
6. Must give complete freedom for Monks, Priests and Mullahs to burn with petrol.
7. Religion is the opium of the masses.
8. Then everybody in Sri Lanka get “Nirvana”, if that is not a Myth.
Capucine / June 10, 2013
Amarasiri, ignore Jim Softy, he is soft in the head. He left Angoda few days ago, after a long stay there
JimSofty / June 10, 2013
The Sinhalization and Buddhist only thoughts and acts are taking place in Sri Lanka are watched by the international community and many predict Sri Lanka may end in inviting another conflict between a community and communities.
Mr. Getabariya:
what are you talking ?
What you are doing is Islamization of the whole world. When the people of respective socities fight back you cry out loud saying discrimination.
Sri Lanka is not a ARABIC or TAMIL OR CHRISTIAN country. Why Sinhalaization is WRONG.
Why SINHALA_BUDDHISTS SHOULD SHU”T UP their mouths and cross their hands stay silent ?
Because, you want to complete the Islamization of the country ?
Former Army Commander talked the truth.
Sri Lanka is a Sinhala -buddhist country and we treat other religions as our brothers and sisiters. You learn to respect us.
That is “live and let live”. when you convert us and when you try to convert us we have to fight back.
I am no Muslim / June 10, 2013
Ignore amarasiri, he is jihdis.
Tsunami Hora / June 10, 2013
O you again Mr. Angoda Leela,
Who let you loose?
People beware! Rabied LEELA is still at large.
Muliyawaikkal / June 10, 2013
I like the Israel bit.
Every Muslim analysis ends blaming Israel.
If Israel gives money to protect SL, Israel must be out best friend.
Where can I get Israel money to save SL as a Chinkalam nation?
Didn’t Israel give jets, boats, bombs, missiles, etc.?
MNZ / June 10, 2013
M.N. Getaberiya
A very long-winded essay which could have been summarised in a few paragraphs.
All what you say may be true, but you fail to reckon that these anti-religious dramas are being orchestrated by some elements in the regime (who probably even agree with your views) that need to create diversion from the more pressing problems facing the ordinary citizen.
Although these smoke and mirror moments will come and go, the weak and fractured opposition have shown absolute impotence by failing to mount any significant counter-attack against these provocative elements unleashed on the hapless minorities.
Therein lies the main problem!
Sama / June 10, 2013
Yes, these are just info that people are aware. Unfortunately, this is an article without proper analysis of the today s problems.
sunila Mendis / June 10, 2013
All right thinking people of all religions specially the so called Sinhala Buddhists should realise that it is to the detriment of all communities to rouse communal feelings.We have learnt that bitter lession with a civil war which destroyed the country.Bodu Bala Sena fell from the skies all of a sudden. Their architects and those who benefit from this racism have to be recognised and nipped in the bud. all Sri Lankans have a choice between living and dying.
I am no Muslim / June 10, 2013
You talk as if you lot helped our forces to defeat the terrorists. It is you and your lot that poured fuel to drag this war for 30 years.
Duminda K / June 10, 2013
Dear Rushdi Gataderiya, you have started in a very positive note and I am happy to hear that from you. But then you have gone on labeling BBS or other Buddhists as extremists. Did you notice any reason for them to be so? Referring your own words, you have stated that Sinhalese enjoy the freedom mostly in the post war ear ect.If so what is the reason for them to be extremists ? The thing you have forgot to mention is about the Muslim Invasions in SL. All of the Muslims Mosques which were destroyed were built on top of Buddhist Temples. do you agree or not? Have we ever heard any issue related to a Mosques destruction in an area where there was no Buddhist Heritage? Why are you not writing any thing on Muslims destroying Buddhist Temples and building Mosques on top of it? Any thing about Asad Sally calling the Kuragala Ancient Temple a 1400 year old Muslim Site? When you point one finger , there is always four fingers pointed at you. The thing you should understand it Buddhism is a way of life in Sri lanka. It has been so for the last 2000 years. We dont have any issues with Muslims or Tamils as long as they live in peace. That has been the case ever since. But when ever the minorities get violent, then the majority has to respond.(that’s the nature) You have gone on expressing your displeasure on the Halal Ban? just think it this way, Buddhist Monks are going to charge 10 Rps from every item you purchase. Do you as a Muslim agree to it? Then again you have mentioned about the wrong doings in the resettlement’s happening in the north, please take a look at the Cencus records in the North in the late 1960’s. Lastly , not only Muslims in the country are without basic needs like education, why did you neglect that aspect?
Sama / June 10, 2013
I think you just pick few issues, being hurt by some.No doubt this is not a balanced article as I feel. Nor is it a good analysis about the today^s situation. But I feel what is irritating to large masses today is the reactions of BBS or any other social segments with the patronage of top leadership in the country. Clear to us all that lanka being a poor country has all sorta shortcomings in many areas that need to be addressed properly. That is not uncommon to other poor countries. But a country such as ours has undoubtedly great potential to improve the quality of life alone considering the high social indicators of the folks. Literacy rate of the nation is the highest in SL and it was reported that the health standards are better than in Russia – according to WHO records as reported few years ago. However, nations lead a better guidance if wanting to achieve better standards. Alone high literacy rates can not bring us further so long state mechanisms feed the majority folks with inaccurate realities. As examples about misleading the nation are progress made on human development, progress on LLRC implementations and very many issues. If they have made progress on many areas, you cant see tremendous increase of crime rates in the country today. Why dont they have a proper mechanisms to control that in the country today – that should be the foundation for all the development projects. Do you think that the rulers have investigated crimes that people expected from them to a free and fair manner.. now again the news of Missing journalist -Ekanligoda s living in France.. just see how the state reacts on the issue.. that alone give you a mirror image of the RULE that we experience in the country today.
Duminda K / June 11, 2013
@ Sama,
we have to discuss this on a different forum. Agree that we have not experienced what we really expected. But there are positives, lets not forget it.
Sama / June 11, 2013
Dont you feel if the rulers structured police and administrative systems before being spent on multi billion projects, the progress the country could have achieved should be far higher than what we experience ? Donor nations see it in that way. Why have the ruler failed to implement, let alone the basics so far ? Is that because of the multi party coalition ?
Duminda K / June 12, 2013
NO. Iam not with you on this.The structural changes which you mentioned are not easy tasks.It needs time. Not just one or two years but may be ten. To hold development projects until one end is 100% is stupid. The government is trying to do every thing at once,at a considerable pace.I guess its the right way. Changes will happen with time and by then the country will also be in a far more better state.
Sama / June 21, 2013
Duminda K,
a)”To hold development projects until one end is 100% is stupid”
it is obvious to anyone with average IQ that so long there is no enforcement of rule of law, nothing can go healthy. This is the situation that our people face today. No justice is given to many crime investigations in recent months.
b)”The government is trying to do every thing at once,at a considerable pace”
This alone indicates that the rulers have no proper policies. How can they succeed the development projects so long there is no proper foundation – which the lack of law – lawlessness is governing today. President is well aware of the situation. But
as – the saying says,
“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know” – Aldous Huxely (Ends and Means)
c)”I guess its the right way”
Surely that is a rather topsy-turvy world!
d)”Changes will happen with time and by then the country will also be in a far more better state.”
Do you have any example country that has achieved their goals
Sama / June 21, 2013
d)”Changes will happen with time and by then the country will also be in a far more better state.”
Do you have any example country that has achieved their goals going to through similar tactics of Rajapakshes.
NO: :(
Capucine / June 10, 2013
“All of the Muslims Mosques which were destroyed were built on top of Buddhist Temples. do you agree or not?” No I do not agree. If I say that all Buddhist temples have been built on top of Hindu places of worship, will you agree.
Duminda K / June 10, 2013
What world are you living in ?
Maralathony / June 10, 2013
What a Buddhist church for the Duminda kuduwa?
Duminda K / June 12, 2013
@ Maralathony not clear?
Sunil Dahanayake / June 10, 2013
Dear Writer,
You need to understand that your article is only one sided and racist. You need to ask why Sri Lankan majority population does not like your ethnic group or what are major issues surrounding this divide between the Sinhalese/Tamils and Muslims. Therefore, instead of putting the blame on Sinhalese or any community try to understand the issues facing between the Muslims and other major communities in Sri Lanka. By that way, you can make awareness among your community without blaming the Singhalese or other ethnic communities.
Your community is trying to force everything the way that you want instead of adapting to Sri Lankan traditional cultural and religious values. I give below the following examples:
1. Your community forced us to consume ‘Halal’ certified food items and diverted those certification taxes to enhance your religious activities. Is that reasonable?
2. Your community is building your religious places within the hearts of the Buddhist Heritage places destroying the Sri Lankan cultural and religious heritage. The examples are building too many mosques around and inside the most sacred places for Buddhists such as in Kandy, Dambulla, Mawanella, Digapwapiya etc. Then you community members put up loudspeakers and start your religious sermons five times a day. Think about the noise pollution. Is that reasonable?
3. Now you say that one million Sri Lankans are working in Middle East and without this foreign exchange income that we Sri Lankans cannot live and manage our economy. How valid this argument? I fully support, if the Sri Lankan government ban exporting ‘House maids’ to Middle Eastern countries? We managed our economy for 2500 years without these earnings on export labour to Middle Eastern countries?
4. You say that we are dependent upon Middle Eastern oil. How valid this argument? There are many other countries in the World that Sri Lanka can purchase crude oil. One such example is Venezuela.
I can mention many examples. The main problem is that majority community perceives your community is carrying out a cold war to destroy the Sri Lankan cultural heritage and ethnic percentage and balance. We want to keep our cultural heritage and ethnic percentage for another 5000 years as it is now. We do not have any problem with the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. They share our culture/ religion and we share their culture/religion. But so far your community members are not fully integrating with this Sinhalese and Tamil cultural and religious heritage.
Therefore without putting the blame on 90% of the population of Sri Lanka, I kindly request you to understand the divide between your community and majority 90% of the population of Sri Lanka. Then make awareness among your community about these issues. Your article is full of errors and biased statements.
I am no Muslim / June 10, 2013
We are told that there are over 5000 mosques in Sri Lanka for 2,000,000 Muslims. That means, there is a mosque for every 400 Muslims. Acceptable?
Sama / June 10, 2013
where do you get all the numbers from to insist us the readers that 90% of population feel that the muslims are running a cold war or and dividing the nation on the focused issues ? Not even 70% of the folks make up buddhists in the country how dare you using these numbers ? Please add references to help the CT readership understanding the views even better. Inaccuate numbers do mislead us all today… you seem to have learnt all these from the RULERS…and their propaganda… :(
If you ask others to make their community aware – so you (we the buddhists) should also be ready to make aware your community that BBS or any other bigoted mind sets have no rights to harm people to the manner they are set to do so. And please add the statistics about the BBS how many among the born buddhist folks belong to them … etc… as a buddhist, I am aware, they cant be the representatives of us buddhists.. so long violence are filled in their mind sets. Then the CT readership will feel what you have been saying is the truth.
I belong to lanken buddhists, but I would not say yes to any radical mind sets like BBS or any others.
Sama / June 10, 2013
Please just explain why you find the article – racial …!
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as…
Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.
Today, as many of us experience it, some use the word RACISM evasively , this is not knowing its meaning clearly. Word Racism has a greater impact in Germany AND rest of the Europe. Just criticising the shortcomings of some social groups, according to me, can not be racial based views. There are also racially formulated terms today that have been grouped as not accepted by some states in the Europe. If found using them openly, some can even COST them their jobs. I know this evidently one team member said to have used bad and unacceptable terms on their dark skinned colleagues – this parituclar white lady in the end lost her job.
Ajith / June 10, 2013
You have a government lead by Sinhala with a majority of two third and You have a military of 99.9% Sinhala, and you have a Sinhala president who has all the powers. How come you say that Muslims are forcing you to eat “Halal” meat? If you don’t like why don’t you have your own butcher shop to eat your meat? If you want to export non halal meat to another buddhist country why don’t you start your own business?
You are confusing between Sri Lankan culture and Sinhala buddhist culture. You have no right to claim that Buddhism is belongs to you Sinhalese. There are rules and regulations regarding building religious places and it is a matter for law to decide, not fundamentalists to decide the legality.
It is you extremists who destroys human culture and buddhist preachings. You are the real enemy of your culture and heritage.
I don’t agree with most of the writings of the author. There are number of factual mistakes in his writings about muslim community and other communities. But we should respect the identity of different ethnic groups and their legal and human rights.
Native Vedda / June 11, 2013
Sunil Dahanayake
“Your community forced us to consume ‘Halal’ certified food items”
You could always stop buying Halal food. Boycott is the best and effective weapon if you felt it is Haraam to eat Halal. Did anyone break your both legs for abstaining from consuming Halal?
“Your community is building your religious places within the hearts of the Buddhist Heritage places destroying the Sri Lankan cultural and religious heritage.”
Your community is building your religious places within the hearts of the Hindu Heritage places. Further, you are selling liquor licenses to those criminals who set up their stalls near schools and religious places. Why don’t you ask your religious and political leaders to deal with their criminal supporters?
“We managed our economy for 2500 years without these earnings on export labour to Middle Eastern countries?”
Oh really?
Then why are you sending your women folks to Middle East where they are kept as medieval slaves? While at home your men folks rape their under age daughters.
“There are many other countries in the World that Sri Lanka can purchase crude oil. One such example is Venezuela.”
Have you considered the cost of transporting the oil from Venezuela? This is a typical argument usually expected from stupid Sri Lanky. You haven’t disappointed me.
” The main problem is that majority community perceives your community is carrying out a cold war to destroy the Sri Lankan cultural heritage and ethnic percentage and balance”
Your perception is your problem not ours.
Your community is concerned about how many time a Muslim is having sex with his wife and control it. Ask your government to introduce an exclusive bedroom Tax on Muslim sex. How do you propose to count the number of sex act? Send the BBS to monitor Muslim household sexual activities.
” We want to keep our cultural heritage and ethnic percentage for another 5000 years as it is now.”
What is your cultural heritage?
There is a way out for you.
Your people are descendants of Kallthonies from North/South India. It would be better if you went back to your ancestral home. When you go take your Tamil brethren with you, sooner the better.
This island is my ancestral land and I don’t want you here.
Leela / June 10, 2013
Muslim Getaberiya,
Are you complaining the government has reduced the university entrance allocations for Muslims? I think the truth is at the contrary.
Sri Lanka ‘Law College’ is a government institution in par with Universities. According to the Young Lawyers’ Association of Sri Lanka, out of 705 Tamil medium applicants, 133 were admitted whereas only 154 admitted out of 6,295 Sinhala medium applicants. Surprisingly top marks was also obtained by Muslims. Not that it is wrong for Muslims to be at the top. the question being that is not the case for any other facilities. Its obvious that some racket was there in favour of Muslims.
Next, if 13% is the true Muslim population now as you say, I am certainly concerned not about your perceived Muslim rights such as not granting relevant quota of government jobs and etc to Muslims being highlighted or leaked to HRC but about a much more serious issue than that.
A few decades back, Muslims were only 7% and now you argue Muslims must be 13% a figure far exceeds 9% the census department declared. One has to ponder how such an increase is possible for a small minority at such a speed. I too wondered whether you figure is right when think of breeding like rabbits by Muslims. If you are right such an increase is not acceptable to Sinhala Buddhists and we have a serious problem at hand. So, don’t you be naive to discard opinion expressed by BBS, SR and RB as views of Sinhala minority.
If Muslim breading habit continue at this rate in Sri Lanka, Sinhala Buddhists fear, Muslims will overrun Sinhala Buddhists landscape and destroy our 2500 year heritage in just another few more decades. If that happens, there will be race riots and existing racial harmony will go for a six. We read even Europe is experiencing similar expansion tactics by Muslim and seemingly, their leaders are testing their own remedies.
As for us its good that you write your side of the story and we respond with ours hoping both sides of politicians will come to an understanding to maintain the status quo.
Muliyawaikkal / June 10, 2013
If 13% is true, we have to bring down the US Marines, Mossad, IPKF and what not to achieve a sustainable balance.
Something tells me the 13% figure is correct. Within 40 years, their percentage doubled. By 2051 there will be 26% Muslims; 10% Christians; 15% Hindus and 49% Buddhists.
But according to the Guardian UK projection SL Muslim population in SL in 2030 will be only 8.5%. We have to work towards it.
Sama / June 10, 2013
Yours and few other commentators are trying to divide the nation today..This is obvious to any readers. This is not at all acceptable us as buddhists because buddhist would not allow practising violent way of life at all.
Single issues mentioned by some commentators need the CLOSE attention of the authorities (RULERS) today in the country SEEKING the proper solutions. In any society that lack of proper rule of law – you can see all similar incident happening. Be it on the well developed west or in developing countries, where proper rule of law is the lack – almost everything can go into pieces. This you may have seen sometimes in France or Spain… OR in Italy too. But not seen in UK, Germany, Switzerland or and the countries rule of law is the rigorously set.
Leela, I bet you, your comments are not based on your own conscience. You are biased as has always been, but it is high time you to see it back whether you motives can ever help the nation. If it came from a naive young man or woman, it is thinkable, but you ve been a 70 year old, I ask myself why you are u upto communal conflicts. Can the nation afford new form of problems if they want to improve the quality of the life for their future generations ?
Tsunami Hora / June 10, 2013
‘breeding like rabbits’
I am sorry about your incapabilities.
More importantly very sorry about your Impotency.
O dear dear impotent Ms. Leela Angoda.
Amarasiri / June 11, 2013
Leela Girl.
“If Muslim breading habit continue at this rate in Sri Lanka, Sinhala Buddhists fear, Muslims will overrun Sinhala Buddhists landscape and destroy our 2500 year heritage in just another few more decades”
1. Why is Muslim breed rate faster?
a) They are less educated. So they have fewer jobs. So, the parents get them married early. So they breed early.
Solution: Educate them and give better educational opportunities without discrimination. When people work, they have less time.
2. Muslim men are circumcised. Buddhist men are not. Leela, do you think, this difference, pollkudu, coconut refuse, has something to do with it. Just curious.
3. Buddhism was introduced not 2500 years ago, about 2,250 years ago. Buddhism gestated in India with Hindus for 260 years before it was introduced.
4. Lanka was animist, Jain and Hindu before that.
5. Lanka had a decent civilization before Buddhism was introduced.
6.The monks had more to gain from the Monk-King axis controlling the people, like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
7. To seal the deal, Monk Mahanama MYTHS introduced the Sinhala Buddhist racism, to Buddhism. It is not there in India and Elsewhere.
8. Monks, politicians, their supporters, shills and skunks have a field day with these myths.
Muliyawaikkal / June 10, 2013
Let me post what an articulate commentator posted in another website. Very interesting. Minorities must learn from their mistakes otherwise they will recur.
“According to UN reports there are 89,000 Tamilian Mahaveer war widows in north and east of SL.
According to the 2012 census, there are 2,200,000 SL Tamilians in SL.
Roughly 70% of the population are adults.
So there are 1,540,000 Tamil adults in SL.
If those 89,000 Tamil men were alive and assuming men:women 50:50, there would have been 859,000 SL Tamil adult men. (1,540,000 / 2 + 89,000)
89,000 / 859,000 = 11%
AT LEAST 11% SL Tamilian men DIED from war!
You want another 11% of Tamilian men to die?”
In comparison, the casualty as a percentage is not that great for the other communities. Given this fact, do Tamils really need a political solution? I wonder.
Aryan / June 12, 2013
To Lorenzo/Leela,
Leela and yourself are soul-mate.miss the chance to produce some alians to the Sri Lankan society.
The first ever census was held on 1871.the total population of that year was 2.4 million.(out of 2.4 million,224000 of them are Muslims (197000 was moors)).unlike other communities in Sri Lanka,muslims not face any war,riots etc to destroy their community.more over crime rates,such as murder and suicides are rare in Muslim community comparison to others.
so Muslim population is grown steadily.
every succesive governments are purposely cook the census reports.(now it’s become huge problem).when government curbing the businesses of Muslims purposely,Muslim children are focusing on education to secure good future.(hence represinting the correct population ratio in university entrance to politics).
Islam will grow………………….if you don’t like it, there is one option-self immolation.
Aryan / June 12, 2013
To Lorenzo/Leela,
Leela and yourself are soul-mate.miss the chance to produce some alians to the Sri Lankan society.
The first ever census was held on 1871.the total population of that year was 2.4 million.(out of 2.4 million,224000 of them are Muslims (197000 was moors)).unlike other communities in Sri Lanka,muslims not face any war,riots etc to destroy their community.more over crime rates,such as murder and suicides are rare in Muslim community comparison to others.
so Muslim population is grown steadily.
every succesive governments are purposely cook the census reports.(now it’s become huge problem).when government curbing the businesses of Muslims purposely,Muslim children are focusing on education to secure good future.(hence represinting the correct population ratio in university entrance to politics).
Islam will grow………………….if you don’t like it, there is one option-self immolation.
A. J. Perera / June 13, 2013
I have been out of the country for some weeks now. In the last few days
I am reading from various sources comments and articles on the ethnic issue. I also note whenever some criticism is made against Muslim writers there are many Muslims replying in strong and angry language.
I think one of the problems Muslims will face is there are too many of them many from Universities in the Eastern Province claiming to hold Doctorates of different shapes, but showing more their poor quality.
These writers do much damage to their own community. Their own Muslims have admitted and criticised these bogus learned men in these pages. I think CT also should take note of this as many I have spoken to are not happy about this. There is one Doctor here who wrote Islam was the cleanest religion and the first man was Muslim and various other falsehood that naturally makes other religious followes angry.
Now the man has toned down and is talking about the need for all communities to live together respecting each other. This is good. I have nothing against them if they want to live peacefully – without inconveniencing others.
They have now realised making the Sinhalese angry is bad for them.
I read today in Karapitiya, Galle the UDA under Gothabaya tried to oust nearly 35 Musim families from their homes and try to bulldoze them. Muslim women, in the fear and desperation of losing their homes, have fallen on the ground and have asked the bulldozers to run over them. Now this is bad and will bring a bad reputation to this government and the Sinhala people. If these Muslims have been living at Karapitiya for a long time the Government should have first find accomodation acceptable to them before the UDA went about their development plans. Muslims are also part of our society and must be treated kindly and like others.
Focus / June 20, 2013
What to do Muslims Had face Sinhala Racism and Thagarisam of Busdhist Munks with Drunk & Drive against Muslims I Think That is they have studied. Oh Lord Buddha is is you have preach to Buddhist?