By Dayan Jayatilleka –
After Hyde Park, March 17th 2016, politics cannot go on as before. Not for much longer anyway.
For a few months now, Prof. Kumar David, a literate leftist and an ideologue of the Yahapalana bloc, has strenuously urged in his columns that the UNF (and its cosmopolitan left allies) “smash the Rajapaksas on the streets”. Luckily for the UNF, it chose to ignore that advice or else it would have been a case of “Bambi meets Godzilla”, with the UNF playing Bambi.
Just how ludicrous the Prime Minister’s exuberant threats to take to the streets in March was, became evident with the modest display the UNF put up in Colombo, a hub of UNP strength, on March 15th, when the numbers were insufficient to hold a public meeting at Hyde Park and settled for a few speeches at the Lipton Circus which is the usual venue for trade union picketing.
The footage of Ranil Wickremesinghe viewing his troops while standing in the crowd, arms folded and tight lipped, was in complete contrast to the ebullience of Mahinda Rajapaksa and the view from his vantage point at Hyde Park the next day.
The crowd at Hyde Park was bigger than Nugegoda and Nugegoda was big. I know, not only because I was seated on both platforms, but also because I was a boyhood veteran of Hyde Park rallies in the 1960s and ’70s, after which my father would repair to the bar on the top floor of the building opposite (now the APIIT) and discuss the rally with the Left orators such as Vajira Pelpita. I recall Wijeweera’s famous Hyde Park meeting of early 1971, where he wore a red polo-neck and demonstrated karate moves. That large meeting was a mere fraction of the crowd that packed the place and its environs on March 17th. As overhead shots showed, the Hyde Park crowd stretched up to the ODEL roundabout and down most of Union Place. The crowd was so densely packed that ex-President Rajapaksa and those on the stage were tossing their bottles of water to those in difficulty just in front of them.
The huge audience was strongly determined. It was multiclass, ranging from the underprivileged to white collar workers, professionals and managers. If this isn’t a mass movement, I don’t know what is.
This is a popular political movement whose leadership clearly showed that it will not be intimidated. It dared the government to do its worst, be it in the form of sackings or incarceration.
This is also a movement that is on the offensive (or as the Americans say “on the offense”). Its discourse revealed its intention and goal: the removal of the UNP government of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. This did not necessarily mean overthrow and left room for its replacement by an SLFP dominated government of a coalitional character.
How on earth does the UNP leadership hope to implement painful IMF cutbacks, push through devolution beyond the 13th amendment, cooperate in a Hanuman bridge connecting Tamil Nadu with northern Sri Lanka, sign ECTA which opens our IT sector to the neighboring behemoth, and set up special laws and special courts with foreign participation to try those who fought and won the war, when standing against it is a strong, motivated opposition movement with a formidable political leadership?
Any single one of those measures could trigger a storm of protest within and outside parliament. The only way out is a consensual process based on roundtable discussion and collective deliberation, with buy-in by all major stakeholders including the Joint Opposition.
Hyde Park showed that the Joint Opposition has arrived, entrenched itself. It is the real Opposition and politics is polarized between the UNP government of Prime Minister Wickremesinghe and the Joint Opposition. There was repeated reference to the respected Dinesh Gunawardena as the leader of the Joint Opposition, while Mahinda Rajapaksa is clearly the magnetic national leader of the movement as a whole.
Never has an elected Government in this country evoked as much opposition so soon—with a single significant exception. A year after it was elected in 1952, the UNP government faced the mass uprising—the ‘Hartal’ –of August 1953. That peaceful upheaval caused the UNP Cabinet to be evacuated on board a US warship. It was a double whammy, in which the body blow of a popular protest was followed in three years by a gale force electoral defeat. That UNP administration blundered on three fronts: socioeconomic (food prices), nationalism and culture (language issues, the ‘purple brigade’) and foreign policy (Bandung). A key ideologue and strategist of that disastrous UNP government was the present Prime Minister’s father. Today’s UNP administration is a throwback to that earlier anomalous experiment.
If anything is likelier than any other, it is that the present UNP government will be defeated at the next national-level election unless it changes its profile by changing its leadership. However, unlike in 1988 it has no front-ranking organically UNP nationalist figure within its ranks. This lends itself to an outcome similar to 1956 and 1970, rather than to a last minute comeback under a new leadership as in 1988.
To my mind the more crucial question is whether or not such an electoral outcome will be preceded by the kind of upheaval that UNP governments other than DS Senanayake’s always faced: August 1953, 1966-68, and 1987-88. Of the three episodes, the UNP survived at the nearest election only in ’88, but that was a radically populist-patriotic UNP candidacy. The social, economic, ethnic and external profile of today’s UNP administration puts it on a collision course with the strong, dynamic, highly motivated populist-patriotic Opposition movement that was visible at Hyde Park on March 17th. This UNP looks headed straight for a Hartal ’53, to be followed by an electoral 1956 a few short years down the road. Ironically, the UNP and its patrons were boasting of an Arab Spring in South Asia. Now, it may be about to get one right in the face.
This UNP government cannot count on the military (with or without the penny packets of SF loyalists) to counter the social power of the people, not least because of the Jagath Dias and Chagi Gallege moves, the impending special courts on war crimes, the de facto No Fly Zone in the north, the installation of the TNA as the opposition, the backstroke in relation to Tamil Nadu fishing piracy and the prospect of a constitutional federalization process.
Ranil Wickremesinghe is the Prime Minister but Mahinda Rajapaksa is the President of the Streets. The UNP leads the government but the Joint Opposition holds ‘peoples power’. The UNP proposes from above; the Joint Opposition disposes from below. It is a classic situation of ‘dual power’.
In this situation of ‘essential equivalence’ in the balance of forces, President Sirisena must decide. Does he pivot towards or away from the anti-Ranil/anti-UNP forces? If he doesn’t halt the present course of the Wickremesinghe Government and recompose it in a manner that the SLFP is the dominant or at least the equal partner of the coalition, drawing the forces of the Joint Opposition with it, then there will be gridlock at best and collision at worst. If the present Wickremesinghe administration is not changed from above by the President, then it will be changed from below by the people. It cannot proceed on its present course.
confu tao / March 20, 2016
[Edited out]keep dreaming
Sirimal / March 21, 2016
Hi Guys,
all these men on the picutre shold be sick or mentally retarded.
The size of the high profile frauds had been carried out by this Pulligona and Gonaharak are beyond all moral and ethical levels.
Yesterday, I was listening to Senior man of SLFP Seneviratne finally accepting that they as ministers had no voice during the days of Rajaakshe but his brother Basil most known 50%. That was a big failure his said. This man never uttered much against Rajaakshe until recently. Finally they are compelled to get it. So would the intoxicated folks become with the time. Hope not that they will take unnecessary times to realize it.
S.Modaya / March 22, 2016
Dayan Jayathilake, Wake up – your writing is PATHETIC and you are truly a sorry figure!
Like you, Mahinda Jajapaksa is clearly desperate for power and trying to win the battle in the street through rallies and a devious campaign.
Clearly, Jarapassa wants to start Red Shirt Campaign in Sri Lanka as in Thailand to distract people from all the financial criminality of his family and cronies.
Sabotage of the economy and distraction of the Sinhala Moda masses with Sinha Le and a Buddhist conspiracy theory that Sobitha Thero who despised MR more than he disliked Sira- Ranil Ayahapalanaya was done away with by them, farmer protests, is all part of Mahinda Jarapassa plan to destabilized the country.
MR is desperate to take back power and build a corrupt dictatorship with Gota as the new SLFP leader!
Still, Unless the RIGHT TO INFORMATION BILL is passed and the financial crimes of the Jarapassa family and regime are revealed soon, and they are held accountable and the looted funds brought back to pay off natioal debt, Sira-Ranil and their cabinet of corrupt clowns will also soon be out on street..
Ms. Maralathoni / March 22, 2016
I have noticed there are patients in paliative wards, that would never wake up but stay live. Their consciousness is gone but hearts work further with low frequencies. The state of the patients are comparable to the recent behaviours of DJ and Burupala from Ausi. These two men give no the good example for the youth that need to learn the basics of this life. What their montives are clear to spread ultral nationalism that goes above everyhting. Like cattle in europe were infected by Mad cow disease, these men are sick by the kind of mental problems. basta.
Today youth have lack of examples to follow. This is clear to anyone and everyone. If they talk about lanken politics – Mr Medamulana the way he himself adds his thoughts not thinking twice has become vernacular langague to them. So were his ministers like forexample Mervin dared to add thoughts like the one mentioned below
” you journalists are my bastard sons born to women with whom I had enjoyed then – for some reasons those women were not given any kind of compensation by me – forgive me, and tame to me today, I will help you sons”.. can you imagine ? No way the kind of men would have been given excuse, if this ocurred in the Europe.
This was the acts – public statements made by idiotic minister of Rajapakshes Regime.
Do the kind of men have any power to act this way in the government created by MY3 and Ranil today ? no no no
Where decency functions, nothign can go wrong – that is what my granny murmured to me repeated tone.
Never – that is the greater difference between Rajaakshe Regime and today decent environment.
Leelagemalli / March 21, 2016
Can anybody please help Dayan ?
He has been suffering from a rare disease which has no real definition.
He doest know what he has been uttering – even worst than uknown kidney diesease suffered by Rajarata people.
If we can help the man, his hard disc can further be used for the benefit of the country. Man had no doubt got on with many missions while being in Europe. All those exp is like ” gangata kapapu dara wage”- useless to this date. MR di dnot give him a chance. This Govt will not be albe to him. Man is fallen that deep now.
Please help please help please help
Punchiburampi / March 21, 2016
No, his is reached to metastasis. No help can save him any more.
Confused_Frankfurt / March 23, 2016
Sama / March 23, 2016
anything written by this man go viral among the folks.
Almost over 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% are bashing comments to Dayan Jayathilaka. Almost many seem to be his enemies how come ?
May be his arrogant nature
May be him to have sat with dogs betraying all educated folks of the island
May be his bad luck
Gobba / March 20, 2016
Smart Patriot indeed. Dj still singing for his supper, just like Down under Mahindapala, “I lost my trousers by the Diyawanna” Sarath N Silva etc etc
Sama / March 21, 2016
Please check it out on the pic.
Pictures worth 1000 words.
The man is fallen to the levels of former Kelaniya-Vermin-the Mervin.
Remembering the way once Kelaniya vermin licked the feet of Rajaakshe to be on good books.
This man Dayan Jayathilaka is intoxicated by Rajakashe magical power as the numbers of stupid rural folks – that are kept away from Facts and the ground realities of RAJAKSHE POLITICS.
Had late Mervin De Silva (one of the good journalists of the country) been alive, He would have committed suicide not being able to bear the anger the way his own son behaves lying with dogs today.
Sirimal / March 22, 2016
Are u sure that Mervin De Silva the journalist was his father ?
Why then DJ behaves so ?
Having just watched the picture – what came to my mind at once was I DJ has taken the role of Kelaniya Mervin of the tday who ran amok to please and appease Rajaakshe then: Remember ?
Yes, to solve his unemplyed problem, he has to beg anyone and everyone.. that we understand.
Hinniappu / March 21, 2016
It is beleieved that Mahindapala and Dayan De Silva are both potential twins.
I will check their DNAs in next and get back to you.
Selvam Adikaram / March 20, 2016
This government’s downfall is not faraway. People are fed up, above all who voted for it & now lost their own dignity. Matter of time before it falls due to populace pressure from the street.
Mallaiyuran / March 20, 2016
Dayan’s judgmental skills shown by his choice of which camp he to in is and when. When the Old Royal gang was robbing the world, he was kept outside other than for the fallen crumbs. He was used in UNHRC. He foolishly took a ministry in Varathar government. Now is back inside hooligan’s club. From there, he is getting excited seeing the Biryani Coolie crowd. If these communist want to blow the racial horns and make the Old King get to the chair third time, they have to see the Tamils are out of Lankawe. If the Tamils and Muslims are in Lankawe, there racial games are to guarantee to lose again.
Old King is carrying his racial drum on his chest. The helpless (neither UNP nor SLFP), orphans the communist like Dayan, Vasu, Wimal, Amerasinghe……., the couple of expended fireworks are called to beat it walking backward in front of Old King. These communists are damaging the SLFP’s immage like never before by blowing their pure racial hate pipes. This beating and blowing racial hate through Ayatollah’s BBS, Ravana Balaya….was the strategy developed to face the third term EP election by the communists. This strategy adapted from Solomon West Ridgeway times and fertilized by NM Perera and Colvin times and perfected in Vasu, Dinish, Winal, Dayan.. time. These tricky, manipulative, power hungry policy-less, blood color communists talk one and thing target another thing. They know they cannot capture the power, so they prop up Old King likes goons with dirty intention and though dirty games with hope of using them. But, so far, they are the ones got used by SLFP. Such was the communist’s strategy prescribed by these clowns and that is why Old King attacked Muslims in Aluthgama right after 2010 election. They saw 2010 election victory through the communist racial lens and created their faulty strategy. That will will not work until State Secretary on Power. This communist roosters have got woke up in the midnight crowing a faulty alam. That for the damage of the Old King and the SLFP.
PURAWESIYA / March 20, 2016
Jayakarthik / March 20, 2016
After reading the article which election is going to take place both presidential and parliamentary elections are years presidential election dayan jayatillake’s new found fellow traveller can’t contest and parliamentary elections only six months ago it took place. In both elections mahinda bit the dust.dayan jayatillake has to understand that politics is not just renting a crowd to hold rallies rather it is based on the issues which concern common man.let us focus on certain issues or concerns raised by Mr.jayatillake first and foremost is ecta which essentially is an economic and trade agreement between India and is on the record that srilankan government under mahinda initiated moves on cepa which was an earlier avatar of ecta.srilanka if it wants to grow economically it needs market for its goods.India is a huge market it can exploit to its advantage.given the exchange rate and proximity to huge Indian market if it bolsters its infrastructure it will be very beneficial to its economy.srilankan market is not such a lucrative one for Indian companies.srilankan companies fears of being swamped by Indian companies are far as it sector of srilanka being swamped by Indian information technology workers is laughable to say the least.Indian startups and software companies are competing worldwide why would they concentrate on a small market like srilanka?. As far as hanuman bridge and other apprehensions I leave it to fertile imagination of former fellow traveller turned Sinhalese nationalist.
Gune / March 20, 2016
I don’t read this man’s articles as they are absolute waste of time. However his Headline caught my attention and I think they should read as either “Power in the Dark” or ” Dark Power in the Park”
Sama / March 22, 2016
So do many.
They just add their comments only.
I wish Thisaranee Gunasekara could bring us a good analysis. But she seems tob e bit silent now, since the current gov does their job to their best.
Lanka Watch / March 20, 2016
Welcome Dayan of Nugegoda fame,back to the forum. You were MIA for quite some time and only Prof. HLD. Mahindapala entertained the CT readers to laughs with the rewritten history of Tamils in the country, exposing the Vellalar cast supremacy in Jaffna. Now you have seen a large crowd at an opposition political rally at Hyde Park, headed by the former President and come to an immediate conclusion, that MR will form the next Govt, and your dreams will come true,without finding out as to who transported the crowd and from which areas, and who paid for the transportation as you know that there is plenty of public money still left with the looters of the past regime.
Any one looking at the photo of you and wife with MR, in your article, will know that your dream of becoming an ambassador or a minister is dashed as MR did not stand up, as matter of courtesy,
even when a lady was by your side, when you were greeted and this shows the respect, he has for you. Your posture exposed your character and you should not have put that photograph there to disgrace your own self.
sekara / March 21, 2016
It is past experience from the FTA that is speaking here.
If Sri Lanka is such an insignificant market, why does India even bother to ask, let alone push?
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 21, 2016
“Hyde Park was not an ingathering of merely a nationalist, still less an ultra-nationalist tribe. Though it is at its existential core a nationalist resistance movement, a quintessentially patriotic opposition, the ideology or self-image of the mobilization was best exemplified in SLFP senior Kumar Welgama’s declamation that the ultimate aim of the struggle was to form a “Vamay aanduwak” i.e. “a government of the Left”.
This reference by an SLFP moderate centrist of long standing establishes a continuity with the bedrock SLFP tradition of 65 years: a perception of the UNP as the Right, the SLFP and its allies as “the progressive forces”– broadly speaking “the left”– and the struggle as “Right vs. Left”, “reactionary vs. progressive”, “pro-imperialist vs. patriotic anti-imperialist”. In the SLFP’s discourse and the country’s larger political culture itself, the Centre-Left is by definition “patriotic/nationalist” and vice versa. The current UNP–driven bipartisan bloc goes against that grain.”
– Dayan Jayatilleka,’Power in the Park’ updated version, The Island, Monday March 21st 2016
Simon Gunasekara / March 21, 2016
If you call Kumara Walgama (one another most known personality to have run amok during the days of Maharaja)as most senior, that is really an insult deliberately being made to lanken folks.
Dayan, please wake up, tomorrow will be late.
As many in lanken senior politics do so, you too have to relinquish your personal vendetta against CBK, RW and the kind of normal politicians of the country – have to say good bye to the most corrupted bunch. That will open you more if you really want to help the people byy your senior knowledge. Else, go back to lanken University and do your best as a lectuerer that can LET alone help the students since lanken universities are short of senior lecturers. Thinks it out man, rest of year ahead of you are not much – you are already in late 50ties. Your parents and the ones who love you would support you if only your ultral nationalistic thoughts would have been erased in your hard disc. Never sit with the dogs again – you have reached to a point that people (with brains) hate you rather than love you. It is all because the manner you stripped yourself being gotten to Nugeguda Wedikawa.
Sama / March 21, 2016
The problem with you is – you cant differenciate who is who – that guide you always to end up with your theories. You are another mutation this nation cursed with. Ane apita giya kala Dayan
Punchiburampi / March 21, 2016
Dayan – power in the park is wrong titling – power in their pants will fit better-
nothing more nothing less. These men are higher criminals. Time will show you them soon.
These men are so stupid – entire right thinking world is laughing at Rajaakshes today. Rajapakshes have become the laughing stock to the west. Basta
Emil van der Poorten / March 23, 2016
Dayan Jayatilleka:
It’s a good thing that CT was generous enough to publish more sycophantic babble from you, because no one would look for your ramblings intentionally.
That front-row line-up in the CT picture looks suspiciously like the same highly-paid, poor-performing jackasses many of whom were/are connected to or descended from the so-called “old left” who left their own legacy of self-seeking advancement with the likes of Mrs. B!!
Some people truly have no shame! But then, it would be ludicrous to expect better from you!
D.Nimal / March 21, 2016
Sri lanka been another Indian intervention of second shock attack by 2015 January 9 had been misguided propaganda and by the UNP agitation.
The devolution package is compromised alliance with separatist agenda of TNA and Muslim Congress by UNP and US and Indian both belligerent coalition are pursuing predatory aim plundering Sri Lankan nationl wealth and their land.
Every Sri Lankan citizens knows that on the Indian and US attitude to Island of Sri lanka by split and division of our land by hegemonies interest in Indian Ocean domination.
This is on going contradiction which has exist between People in Park and Parliament so far and which has been sources of peoples power shows that complete instability and inconsistency of state power of our society has led since 2015 January 9th by MS, UNP-Ranil and CBK!
This is quite untestable. The entire Parliament history of Sri Lankan bourgeoisie class in divided into Comprador of UNP and National bourgeoisie of SLFP since 1951 to considerable extent of capitalist constitution.
Is that correct 1972 by SLFP constitution upheld sovereignty and unitary character of state, but that 1979 UNP-JRJ constitution has denied that New constitution to large extent.
But Sri Lankan state management and its operation has shows that changes of Governments and Presidents, Primer-Minsters, & Ministers means very little for the REAL WORK FOR THE ADMINISTRATION IS IN HAND OF POLICE, ARMY FORCES, BURCARTARCY OFFICILAS AND OTHER FOREING POWERS.
The power gangs of UNP & SLFP and their elites of handful working on undemocratic through and through ,it is connected by thousands and millions of treads with local and foreign bourgeoisies and is completely dependent on them.
Present UNP ruling regime and their gang of that UNP led ruling coalition are surrounded by an atmosphere of local and mainly US, UK and Indian big bourgeoisie relation and breathes nothing but same atmosphere.
It is set its way petrified stagnant and is powerless to break FREE of this undemocratic atmosphere. It can only think ,feel, sense or act in old way of Parliamentary politics of Undemocratic norms of practices. Most of UNP leaders and CBK henchmen of men and women of SLFPs ,the upper ranking officials of President, entirely enslaved to US and Indian by their Finance Capital being to certain extent ,it agents and vehicles of its interest and influence.
What is now necessary in sri lanka is not to invent ,new reforms ,not to make Indian and US plans for comprehensive changes . Nothing of that kind. This is situation is depicted and deliberately depicted in a false light by Indian and US hegemonies, the UNP-Ranil CBK and MS who shouted against our Democratic Republic national interest of Sustsnibility of development of capitalism.
Since 2015 January 9th Sri Lankan situation in fact is such that the unprecedented burdens and hardship People of post war period ,the unparalleled and very danger of economic dislocation and catastrophe have been emerged .
People of Sri Lankan has to learn lessons from since last 16 months Park power change into Real People power not that by overnight ‘gun rule politics of JVP’ “democracy” -PND Wijaweera or Rohana or later Attnakayas leadership did in 1971 April 5th and 1988/89.
PROUDMAN / March 21, 2016
Hi nimal sounds like you have forgotten your medication and started to blaf. Man go back and take your pills and go to bed. good night
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 22, 2016
Joint Opposition eyeing Maithri – Mahinda coalition
March 21, 2016 12:17 pm
The Joint Opposition is making arrangements to form a coalition yet again between President Maithripala Sirisena and former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, a source said.
A comprehensive discussion in this regard was also held between several senior members of the Joint Opposition, the source added.
The Joint Opposition would too hold in depth discussions in a bid to form the coalition between the President and the former President within next few weeks.
Maithripala Sirisena, who was the Common Candidate of the opposition, defeated Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Presidential Election and formed the coalition government with the United National Party and the other parties of the common opposition.
– See more at:
Native Vedda / March 22, 2016
the self proclaimed expert on Cuba, Castro & Castro, the self confessed war monger, probably you missed the political events that is taking shape in USA Cuba relation.
Do you know Obama is actually in Cuba.
Perhaps the younger Castro is a traitor to the people and revolution. Here is the news item to prove it:
Barack Obama: ‘Change is going to happen in Cuba’
President Barack Obama is in Cuba for a historic three-day visit to the island and talks with its communist leader.
He is the first sitting US president to visit since the 1959 revolution, which heralded decades of hostility between the two countries.
Mr Obama said change would happen in Cuba and that Cuban President Raul Castro understood that.
The two leaders met to talk about trade and held a joint news conference.
Mr Castro denied that there are political prisoners in Cuba, telling journalists to “give him a list” and then they would be released “tonight”.
He also defended Cuba’s record on human rights and pointed to problems in the US.
“We defend human rights, in our view civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights are indivisible, inter-dependent and universal,” Mr Castro said.
“Actually we find it inconceivable that a government does not defend and ensure the right to healthcare, education, social security, food provision and development.”
Mr Obama said the trade embargo would be fully lifted in Cuba, but he could not say exactly when.
“The reason is what we did for 50 years did not serve our interests or the interests of the Cuban people,” he said.
How did you miss this historical event?
Aia / March 22, 2016
You seem to have exited at seeing Joint Opposition eyeing Maithri – Mahinda coalition, and like to think their attempt would be materialized. If happened, It will surely a good outcome for all those murderers, gangsters, thugs and people like you, the smart patriots. But, it will never happen, it will be a wishful thinking on the part of a political scientist, only shows his political maturity.
As you conclude “It cannot proceed on its present course”, I tend to agree that all those criminals, doesn’t matter which party they belong or how older they are, who were part of the mega crimes should do their time behind the bars. Hope that would change the present course, for the better.
As someone commented, I too think that you should not have published that photo, which is counter productive, and shows Mahinda hasn’t learnt a lesson yet. You can bash Mervyn inside the closed doors and come out huddling but in public places, there are some courtesies and etiquettes- you know that. Only way to get away from the crimes he and his men committed is to fool the gullible, and no doubt the places like the Park provides a better avenue for him to protect. The problem he has is crimes he committed were committed with such ease and carefree thinking he will be the president for ever, if not a king.
Sama / March 22, 2016
Great – yes, this is the nature of lanken folks.
Outsiders will not get it easily.
Burning Issue / March 22, 2016
As the maxim goes when one is in a hole, one should not dig deeper! Do you seriously think that MS will join hands with MR. MR’s middle son has just been bailed and there are talks of many other MR family members due to be arrested. What kind of a political scientist you are? You have mortgaged your brain for unreddemable misfortune and you have snookered yourself and ending up writing complete none senses.
Have you noted that since the fall of the MR regime the satisfaction ratio of Sri Lankans has gone up. I have read this in a recent publication. What have been smoking lately.
Mallaiyuran / March 22, 2016
definition “patriotic/nationalist” – Dayan
Patriotic/nationalists are a bunch of policy-less, in the past disastrously failed, communists, hiding their secret colors explicitly in the blood, doing home maid duties to SLFP thugs.
I hear the oldest party in Lankawe is LLSP communists. But, the eventual UNP, SLFP, even the minority TNA and SLMC all are accepted by the relevant crowds, but not the red shirt communists who twist their objects and lie to common people with confusing terminologies like center-middle-left-forward moving progressives so the common crowd would not know exactly where these thieves are at a particular time. But people identify them by their color and have kept them where they have to be. These guys are still showing some presence in the South, but in North, even their left behind slippers before they took their final run away is no longer remaining there. UNP has established as the largest party in Lankawe. Even though it did more damage to minorities, they are fearing of the sheer brutality of the SLFP, always are supporting the UNP. When JVP was with the SLFP, it became the third in 2005. Then it left SLFP and now it has only 4 seats. The communist Bambies has no other way but to be always trampled by the Godzilla SLFP. If the communist keep twisting their purpose of hanging with SLFP, everybody knows who they are and where they are. Until JR messed up with the Constitution and kept the power for 17 years, Sinhala Buddhist has been voting against the incumbent governments, hoping the opposition will give more free rice. They barely understand any of the center-middle-left- forward progression of the communists’ twisted talks. If Dayan had gone back to his master to get his Biryani parcel and the sip of the arrack, nobody is dimwit enough to believe his talks. Communists are described in the past as the servants who hold an umbrella in Colombo when it’s rains in Moscow. With that image what is use of talking about UNP’s imperial heritage. Which looks sillier and more cynical? Historically Communists have learned thier lesson that they have no place in Lankawe. Thier only purpose of parasitizing on SLFP is for their survival. That is well displayed by the 15 or 20 splits in that crowd. There is nationalism, nor Patriotism.
Mallaiyuran / March 22, 2016
“form a coalition yet again between President Maithripala Sirisena and former President Mahinda Rajapaksa”
Then who is going beat whose chest?
Who is going to pat/scratch whose back?
ravivararo / March 22, 2016
[Edited out]
Tamil from the north / March 23, 2016
Yeah Power In the Park my arse you racist scoundrel.
EDWIN RODRIGO / March 23, 2016
Hi guys, how are you all doing? Good time to make a come back from my tour with Gaban Atha. There is great news not relevant to this thread but something that I like to share. I selected this thread as the one drawing most comments right now in the hope that I would reach most by publishing it here.
The Kepler space telescope has detected a supernova explosion 1.2 billion light years away of a star that is 500 times as massive as our sun.
In 2011, two of these massive stars, called red supergiants, exploded while in Kepler’s view. The first behemoth, KSN 2011a, is nearly 300 times the size of our sun and a mere 700 million light-years from Earth. The second, KSN 2011d, is roughly 500 times the size of our sun and around 1.2 billion light-years away.
2011? Isn’t that stale news? Not so! Sifting through and the analysis of data has taken this long.
“To put their size into perspective, Earth’s orbit about our sun would fit comfortably within these colossal stars,” said Garnavich.
The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave – what astronomers call the “shock breakout” – has been captured for the first time in visible light by NASA’s planet-hunter, the Kepler space telescope. An international science team led by Peter Garnavich, an astrophysics professor at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, analyzed light captured by Kepler every 30 minutes over a three-year period from 500 distant galaxies, searching some 50 trillion stars. They were hunting for signs of massive stellar death explosions known as supernovae.
Native Vedda / March 23, 2016
“Good time to make a come back from my tour with Gaban Atha.”
We had good time in your absence.
We wish to continue in our blissful state. Please go away and come back in about 50 years time.
EDWIN RODRIGO / March 23, 2016
Shanthi, Shanthi, Veddah. Maitri, Maitri Veddah. I am a completely changed person.
When you take a tour of the universe, courtesy Gaban Atha, first thing that you realize is how insignificant you are. secondly, how ugly Veddahs are even on a universal scale, thirdly what a short blink in the eye 50 years is, fourthly how small a Veddah brain is even compared to that of a kalaveddah.
Your next comment?
Sama / March 23, 2016
Yes, indeed.
You are genius. Ich liebe Dich GRUSSE AUS Deutschland
EDWIN RODRIGO / March 23, 2016
Salam alekum Sama. Peace be on you Sama. Let Samaya be upon you Sama. And may that make you a real SAMA, which you evidently are not.
I don’t know the Greek language. The only Greek phrase I know is: “Ich bin ein Berliner” – I am a hamburger.
Sama / March 23, 2016
Edwin appu..
I am what I am but I am not speaking greek. It was GERMAN.
Anyways, you are far more better than the idiots that hang on with Rajapkashe balunadaya further supporting them to raise their heads.
Your problem seems to be when you start you cant stop adding all the wal wataram not giving it a break. Either you are fulltime entertainer onteh web doing nothign but enjoying by your posts.Why i am telling this is, you add sometimes miles long posts.. so that readers could collapse rather than coming to read them.
Please shorten your posts – this is what I can kindly ask you. I am no unkind person. I add my thoughts to this valuble platform while travelling through Europe, while waiting for trains, or planes or bullock carts, or taxis. I am not Muslim, I am born buddhist but my sympathy is to respect all religions – all living beings equally. Good luck to you..hope you will shorten your lengthy posts that always caused me Karakewilla (diziness).
EDWIN RODRIGO / March 24, 2016
Oh!!! What is the meaning of your phrase?
When you say comments should be short how short should it be? Please quantify. no of words, letters or sentences. Good luck in your travels.
ruwan / March 23, 2016
It happened in 2011 and you are telling us now in 2016? And you call that stale news?
Don’t you see man? It happened 1,200,000,005 years ago. And you are writing about it now? Don’t you have anything better to do? Stale is the underest of the under statements.
Vanguard / March 23, 2016
Welcome back Dayan!
Funny how there are 157 comments when the nearest election is 4 years away.
Agreed the present course cannot continue, I hear the SLFP is headed for a win in 2020 according to our President and former President CBK.
Nothing to worry. There is peace, and good governance.
EDWIN RODRIGO / March 23, 2016
Dayan? I thought I was Mahindapala!
D.Nimal / March 23, 2016
The whole issue at present at in Sri Lankan that progressive and democratic forces have NOT learned any lessons from the during these great exceptionally last 16 months? since 2015 January 9th!
If not that how to save that lost revolution under MS? How then the counter-revolution are join hand with the Mathari-Mahinda is possible ? If they have learned something the establishment of a stable ,unwavering power of US and Indian be begun immediately.
Up to now state power in Sri lanka has virtually remained in the hands of US Indian and local UNP-neo-colonist bourgeoisie, who are compelled to make only particular concession US and Indian as well as TNA and Muslim Congress .
MS regime headed by UNP-Ranil and CBK hand out promises to search for all sorts of excuses to cover their political domination, the only to fail to carry promised to people.
Currently what MS leadership is doing only FOOL the people by show of “honest (yahapalanya) coalition governances”.
In Sri Lanka the UNP led MS & CBK back counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie are power in today, while coward petty bourgeoisie namely TNA and JVP and section of CBK led SLFP (MS helpers) parties have become “UNP opposition”. Policy of these parties is essentially one of compromised with so-called “Devolution package” and undermined unitary character of Sri Lankan democratic Republic.
The objective situation in Global politics is more revolutionary democratic and it cannot be dealt with slow type reforms in capitalism by UNP led Neo-colonial policies.
MS regime is in deeds, it is anti-popular, undemocratic ,counter-revolutionary government of puppet junta in that back by US and Indian.
In present context every changes in Sri Lanka ,if it is real revolution there is amounts to a class shift. Therefor that best way of enlightening masses of people and of cause of fighting those who deceive the public by invoking task of that sustsnibility of path and task of capitalism.
Not only that is duty and responsibility of leading political analysis to be analyse the class shift that has taken place in 2015 January 9th in present ongoing “Rainbow counter-revolution”.
Not that is possible to be compromised between Mathari-Mahinda.
In fact MS pays lip-service to US and Indian political power inside our country.
But actually MS is stand for the foreign capitalist and is was immediately back by UNP, CBK, TNA, MC and JVP’s.
Politics, Press, elections and “democracy”last 16 months power are proof of this.
Seelawathie / March 23, 2016
It is all becuase you guys are impatient.
Give them some more time – to work on the wreck left by Rajapakshe clan.
Time will show you long term decisions taken by the current regime will shape up the nation. Alone the fact that Law and order issues move forward today than had been in the past is a good sign to all of us that long for a better future in this country.
Mallaiyuran / March 23, 2016
“It is all because you guys are impatient. Give them some more time – to work on the wreck left by Rajapakshe clan. “
If the one year and three months is not to set up policies and communicate with the people voted this New Royal Government, how much time needed to be patient to see any output from them? Why is it taking so long to put in front of the people what the Chinese Government and the Old Royal Government have agreed in Port City Land selling? Won’t that one single decision put the Old King never ever show his face to public again? Fonseka saying the New Royal Government will not be able to fly its planes over Port City it if China is not agreeing. How many Modayas, who are claiming “Federal State is only separation” understands this that it is a complete loss of country’s sovereignty over that land? Isn’t it a game playing to hide that information? They are same Royals; they are not ready to punish themselves.
Tell us one single court case Ranil wants to have investigated? Forget about Mahendran case, Champika case etc. because they are current government’s political future is involved. But Lasantha, Thajudeen, Vidya, Saraniya, Pararajasingham, raviraj, Trinco students, Action farm employees….Why these cases are not coming to light? Isn’t only to save the Old Royals, specifically? Pillaiyan has been put in remand again under PTA. This is an outdated piece of law. Why? Because he said that Old King paid for him to murder the New King so he sent hitmen. Is this how the new time given to them going to be spent? Why somebody not taking a decision to release Pillayan and arrest Old King and keep him in remand until Pillaiyan statement is investigated? They know exactly what happened to the CEB’s transformers. They are hiding that truth under the carpet and are calling the German and Japanese Experts to investigate it. Isn’t it a mere show? Who is going to provide them the data to investigate? Will somebody honestly release the maintenance files for these experts? Isn’t it the Sinhala Engineers who are hiding the truth going to handle them, until experts leave the country? Suppose, just for a talk, one of the foreign experts looked at the damaged transformers’ physical appearance and exclaimed “Alas…. It is a sabotage”, then what? Then Buddha going to fly over the sky once more and fix the mentality of these criminals?
After one year and three month, can you tell their ideological position, (not what they did) releasing the occupied lands, withdrawing occupying army, investigating the war crime, taking the throat hold to allow the NPC to operate, amending the constitution… If another few years are given, what will be their position on these matters; expecting a firm position?
Tell us something in clear terms that what is difference you see with this team, the New Royals and the UPFA-SLFP team, Old Royals who ruled until 2015. Tell a name of minister, whom you honestly believe is in control of some matters, so far telling the truth, thinking of the people and because of it have a sure foot to come back in 2020. Tell us something about some real the difference, not the physical composition but of some benevolent traits, between this team and any other team came to power from 1948. The real Tamils’ experience is every time the team changes from 1948, the incoming new teams’ crookedness is squaring that of the outgoing incumbent.
How the path is that has not changed for one year and three months is going to change in the rest of the time and bring some fruit for that change?
Just don’t explain to us. If you are happy live with it. For us, it is enough and enough. We Tamils have to go separate and rebuild over life back again from the bottom of the foundation.
Upali Weerasinghe / March 24, 2016
It appears that Dayan only can count heads at public meetings and not votes cast at elections. Suggest going back to O’level maths. You cannot fool all the people all the time.