21 January, 2025


President Skips His Brother’s Funeral

It seems President Maithripala Sirisena has deliberately skipped his own brother – Priyantha Sirisena’s funeral that was held in Polonnaruwa this evening, sources close to the President told Colombo Telegraph.

MaithriAlthough the President was due to return from his official visit to China on March 28, it seems he has not returned although other officials including Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera has returned to Sri Lanka.

Priyantha Sirisena aka Raju died on Wednesday evening at about 7 pm succumbing to injuries received from an axe attack. His attacker identified as Don Ishara Lakmal Saputhanthri surrendered to the Police the next day and confessed that he attacked Priyantha since the victim verbally assaulted his parents using foul language.

The President’s deliberate avoidance of the funeral comes as no surprise as his relationship with his brother appears to have been dented over the years.

When the deceased brother was charged with damaging a Wildlife Department office and attacking an official in 2012, the President who was then a Minister of the Rajapaksa regime said he believes it is due to a sin he committed in a previous birth that he has been given such a brother.

Holding a press conference on October 19, 2012 Sirisena said it is he who gave instructions to the Police to immediately arrest his brother and ensure he is not granted bail.

“I will not give chances to anyone who engages in wrongful acts – not even to my siblings. If I hadn’t given instructions to enforce the law, he might not have been arrested even by this point. . .I have held various positions in the political arena for close to 24 years and I believe I got those chances due to some meritorious act I committed in my last birth. Similarly I also think that I was given a sibling like this due to a sin that I committed in a previous life,” he said.

Latest comments

  • 112

    True Leader.

    • 44

      It has nothing to do with truth. Its cheap publisity to pretend that he is honest & a true leader. He needs it badly right now.

      • 37

        Sometimes one’s own siblings and even children engage in negative acts that do not go with one’s own grain. If this sort of difference has been building up over a long time, then it is quite normal for one to give a wide birth of the other’s life events. It happens in all walks of life, and certainly in Sri Lanka very common occurrence. particularly, if this youngest sibling had been brought up by MS acting like a father, then he was bound to get hurt more by the youngest sibling’s behavior.

        I do think that funerals are the last life event that one would like to attend, to give a farewell, to forgive and forget, but it is quite common to hear, that in families and friends that betrayals were experienced, no forgiveness even at death.

        • 11

          True but also very disturbing political development.
          A brother of the leader of the country being hacked
          to death is a very bad development. One could argue
          about the assassinations of even past leaders and
          Ministers but they were all political. However much
          wrong the victim could have been,how on earth the
          perpetrator even could imagine to touch President’s
          brother? This matters to us so much in our normal
          and political life.Life in Srilanka should not be
          allowed to go this low in the name of “yaha

          • 19

            This is just normal for a predominantely so called buddhist country.

            Paradoxially, buddhism passes the view that non-violence should be the way:

            This relects the practising culture in the island.

            I think the island people are miles away from non-violent culture.
            BUddhism has become their hypocritic religion.

            • 1

              Though non Indian are the majority they suffer from a minority complex like the low caste of India. Homicides and Suicides are much higher among the non Indians showing their helplessness.

            • 4

              for those who are trying to sling mud at MY3 on his brother’s demise , please read this article , the air fare for the transportation of Priyantha S has been paid by his own brother , not by the government .


      • 12

        If he wanted publicity he would have kissed babies and ladies like horapaksa.

    • 95

      He is indeed a true leader. Under his guidance only, we will have a chance in this life. He is the most unbiased lanken politician of the day. We the nation can be proud of. If MR did the job to the manner considering all the high profile frauds carried out by his brothers, he would have been president of all even today. JuST for that matter that his term defeated the LTTE terror, was a bonus to the low educated man to let abuse the nation and their assets no considering Rajarata and other follks would have been sunk in that way. Karma should work on Rajapakshes …. during my short visit made to my parents last Novemember, I felt, OMG, is this the country i once lived until my 24 years.- looking at the way the doggy regmie abused the poor man s funds fo rtheir political survivial. How many times, I threw my spit on to his placards not being able to see that face anymore. It was made Gadapi world… not second to that.

      • 33

        He!! Supun Malakadaya, don’t believe Sirisena, he got his brother arrested that time merely because he was angry with him. He hated the bro owing to some family dispute. What about when Sira’s son was arrested after beating a police officer? He immediately odered his release. Ha ha. So you call him a true leader?

        • 43

          Ilk you belong to those carrying “balligputha gene” so no purpose of talking about Justice with you guys. Rally round to Buruwanse, then the life will be okay for you. Good luck -not worth to waste my 2 cts for the kind of comments.

          • 16

            That is not a clever response Supun. Just answer the question without resorting to foul language.

            • 19

              ” What about when Sira’s son was arrested after beating a police officer? He immediately odered his release. Ha ha. So you call him a true leader? “
              what do you want me to respond here ?

              I dont think MY3 was the authority to release his son to that time ? If today police can investigate all the set of former high men, why did the police fail to do so under the lead of MR ?

              Police seems to have some guts to do their job today, these are becoming clear to anyone but not to you – before 8th, it was like people has no guts to discuss these issues. CT was blocked by them on a repeated mode.

              • 26


                He beat a police officers son,not a police officer.Sirisena went and apologised to the son at the hospital which was a rare humble act in that arrogant environment that was created by the Rajapakshes.Imaine any other minister going and doing that.Siri also told the father who was a DIG that he will allow the law to take its course.However after speaking to his son he got both sides of the story where the DIG’s son had behaved aggressively by grabbing a camera from siri’s son friends hand and damaging it because he thought that they were taking pictures of his wife on the beach with a naked friend of siri’s son in the background.It was a stupid incident of idiots who have too much testesterone.

                • 2

                  Sirisena went to apologize only to save his back side and no other reason. It seems to be that so called ‘high IQ’ yahapalnaya boot lickers are living under a rock since January.

              • 13

                “before 8th, it was like people has no guts to discuss these issues. CT was blocked by them on a repeated mode”.
                You must be dreaming Supun. CT and many other newspapers continued their fearless attacks on MR government and ministers throughout. You give me a sample period, I will send you the link to at least one such article each day.

                • 8

                  When was that ?

                  Towards the end of November – i could not myself log on to CT while being in the country ? How many more efforts of you guys coudl help to cover MR then acitviities ? Do you still believe that people could further be made fools ? I know by myself what I got to see during my vacation. It was almost like in a country – only leaders powers is above everything. The bugger ruined the nation instead of doing more good- it occured through his folly. He is not an intelligent person for anyone. Not worth to plough a land of the southerners either. Anyways agree with the fact all forces within his term put the stop to the relay race of terror issue. But in aftermath people had to face MR terror instead of the one of LTTERs. Looking at the way they interviewed and how much of the info were then printed in local media – was very clear during the days of CHOGEM… they gave interviews, but mostly only biased info were put on their favourite media.. so that the picture to be drawn even stronger… so in that way only MR and thugs worked.

              • 9

                According to your argument President is accountable for all dastardly acts committed by all the citizenry in which case MS should resign for the massive fraud committed at the Central Bank under his leadership…

                • 6

                  If the scale of abuses being carried out today are much less compared to the days of MR – anyone with a bird brain would get it that there was high profile abuses under the lead of MR or NOT ? Or you belong to the average bearing IQ < 70 ?

                  • 0

                    Samare so its now things are fab simply because less abuse ah! now I get it so clear a logical explanation to comment from a bird brain. Question is this from a pea brain?

                • 1

                  Today BC is in function, while it was not the case prior to 8th January…
                  who is to be accountable for that ?

                  Today Journalists write whatever they gather is right – they excercise a degree of freedom – had this been the case prior to the 8th January?

                  Today most of those who were alleged to have been highly abused – are called and interviewed by BC – was that the case under MR regime ?

                  Today police acts quicker – as if they are not caricatured by Templetrees .. was that the case in MR days ?

                  Central Bank or any other issues are in the focus of being investigated… was that the case during MR days ?

                  Women were attacked by thugs and politicians in the MR days, is this the reality for them today no… MY3 woudl react within hours to impose anything in favour of people .. or not ?

                  The innocient of the innocient were tied to tree stumps… and nothign was fairly investigated during the days of MR, is this the same today ? no… even the ones who tied them to trees are called for investigations ? is that not a 180 grad change ?

                  Everyone criticises the other today enjoying the freedom created by the current regime RW, MY3 today, was that the case in MR days ? As I knew it, only a hand picked were allowed to voice while others were injected for their animal experiments… or not ? can you challenge by giving facts Paul – or are u suffering from a syndrome of the kind that infected DAYAN JAYATHILAKA today ?

                  • 1

                    “To Seelawathi Jayasinghe” Just hark back to start of Rajapaksa first inauguration as the President. Remember the euphoric mesmerising state of the majority Sri Lankan Sinhalese. MR was elevated to lofty heights of a KING after about 100 days. Fearless leader and his family who defeated a marauding blood thirsty VP & his band of killers (Col. Karuna Amman exclude) who were supported by the corrupt West. Now the same people who are wiping lot of rotten egg from their face after supporting the corrupt tyrant MR elevating yet another President who for a better part long while comfortably sat next to Rajapaksa on the same bench until that he was shown by hand of women to a realization he is been slowly getting pushed to edge of the bench soon will hit the ground. Already not that the history repeating it self it never changed other than few cosmetic changers with lot of rhetoric to stupefy the public. In the mean time RW daily adding to his boys club more of his pals and what of the corrupt politicos form the past regime they easily change the seats. Quote Obama ” you can put lipstick on a pig but still a pig”. So don’t hitch your wagon to a star to soon Seelawathi

            • 1

              No he is right, no other langauge can be used towards abusive people there down. Those who carrying [Edited out] GENE will go on supporting crime friendly nature of anyone. That is what – we face it today. I dont consider srilanka as a civilized society. Each time on my return to EUROPE, I feel, how many more years would the lankens in general take them to be part of CIVLILIZED human being. From MR to bottom men and women are uncultured unethical rascals. Today, they still talka bout others, but forgetting the dangerous era run by MR and thugs. Until shortly we faced it that brutal, but the fact that our ones forget everything overnight make it difficult to get them. So what talks about the average knowledge of them.

          • 8

            This supun jayawardhana is living in a dream world. He has a utopian govt. His writings show nothing but his stupidness alignment to the sorry current state of affairs. I regret a mawkish like you has the same name as I do.

            • 8

              For sure, he is not living in the Island. So dont you think those who travel once a while to the island coudl see it beyond ? You guys had always been like Kirimati gilapu kimbula letting Rajapakshe brothers to loot you to no go levels. Today, talk to ministry of Finance and get the facts right – then let s argue how many billions went missing due to the mismanagement of MR et al. Even today, like a bull set free he has got all rights wihtout any barriers to go and visit his former henchmen staying in prisons..but days are numbered I woudl say.. though people were that gawky those days, today they should have learnt some more since media is no longer biased today… 3rd forces of the country could do lot more if MR adminstration allowed it. I have the feeling you miss all the MR programmes telecasted on state senders by Hudson for example.

        • 17

          John ,

          You tried to distort the actual facts , MY3 and his youngest siblings disputes are family rivalry and it’s common to any family , the fact that neither Priyantha nor MY3 had abused their official status to rape the Sri lankan society unlike previous King Kakkille , your hero King kakkille and his vast extended family members had been blatantly abusing their official status to rape the whole Srilankan Society up until 8 th Jan 2015 , let me remind one or two such episodes , when the clown prince were to visit any place in his chopper , all the adjoining roads and traffic had to wait stand still till the clown passes by , Gotas and basil’s off springs were given special STF protection even out side the country , what would you call such things ?
          As for your absurd accusation of MY3’s son’s misbehavior , Daham or whatever his name may be is another spoiled brat but MY3 hadn’t abused his official status to rescue his off spring from the police , in fact it had been reported that MY3 had to sit for more than 8 long hours on the police bench to get his son out from police custody , i’m not saying MY3 is a saint and flawless , of course he has many , but the fact of the matter is , how he conducts and leads a very simple life style after becoming the all powerful executive president of SL , if you can’t see that obvious , basic difference , you truly are a hypocrite.

          • 4

            “when the clown prince were to visit any place in his chopper , all the adjoining roads and traffic had to wait stand still till the clown passes by , Gotas and basil’s off springs were given special STF protection even out side the country , what would you call such things ? “
            Where were you during Premadasa, JRJ and Chandrika era?
            Whole of Colombo Fort, Galle rd from Bambalapitiya and new parliament precinct was no go areas and hour long traffic jams were the order of the day. This was while they were feeding the tigers and doing sweet b@##er all to stop the war. MR family and Gota’s family were prime targets of the Tigers during the war and it was a reasonable precaution to continue with security measures after the war due to strategic reasons which I can detail here at the expense of presenting a lengthy treaties. Different times, different needs my dear srilal.

            • 10

              Really ?

              Today MR should be protected from own community.. not from LTTERs ha ha ..

              Why was that MR himself worked on removing the high security given to CBK then ?

              I think best offer to them would be putting them jail -where they deserve. Security is also there – so for the rest of their life they hsould spend there. All the billions that were robbed should be gotten back by confistcating their all the assets. America will support in this regard to screen the assets fo Basil the most abusive of that bunch.

              • 4

                MR should be given limited perks like how he had provided for EX Presidents… He is now abusing the resources that an Ex president uses. Ex Presidents before him had limited movements and was NOT seeking for cheap publicity like what MR is doing now at tax payers expense. He is trying to woo more people to add to his dumb voters bank of 5.8 not knowing that he is slowly but surely losing from the 5.8 mil of dumbos.

                About time a cap is put on the use of fuel by this Rouge..

            • 8

              Paul ,

              Don’t drag this into JR,Premadasa,CBK era , issue is , giving unprecedented protection to the president’s extended family members after the war , that’s it !

              Has MY3 abused the power as MR ? Has MY3 been taking 200 odd delegates on his official foreign trips ? Has MY3’s wife or his off springs abused their power to get admissions to popular schools ? i mean the list goes on …….

              • 5

                These men are entwined with all kind of corurption and abusive cultures as they cant see any distinction between good and bad. That is why Paul et al would cough for the abusive. Else, if he had a brain the size of a needle head, my god, he could think before addhis 2 cts worth.

          • 8


            Was Pumbaya MY3 a minister under MARA once? Why did not he resign at first place if he realised that MARA was on wrong track. Pumbaya did not wants to loose the comfy life he was enjoying at that time.

            Is it s sign of a rue leader?

            • 6

              Khonka Pala,

              Oh i see , now the burning issue at hand is , why Hadn’t MY3 resigned from the then MR government ? as he didn’t , he is not a true leader , Right ?
              i don’t think you deserve an answer for this sort of an elementary question , ask me some thing very tricky ……

              • 0

                Siri -[Edited out]

                You argued that Pumbaya is a true leader? If so tell us why he was not behaving like a real true leader when things are going bad. To most of us Pumbaya exhibits that he is is an opportunistic.

                By the way, these are questions to be asked from a moda-choon like you.

                • 3

                  for the sake of constructive debate , i disregard your personal attack on me ,so let’s focus on the topic here , MY3 will show his leadership qualities when it comes to giving nominations , rest assured King Kakkille won’t get the nominations from SLFP this time , thus he will have to hang on to ” Google Mudiyansalage Thunmulle Booruwansa ” aka WW . isn’t it ironic to see two big time losers clinging on to each other’s tails for their own survival ? make no mistake , as long as CBK is around MR is going to be a non entity , not only just MR but his vast extended family as well ,all What MR can do now is , going round the country with endless “Bodi poojas” , only Derana and Sirasa TV channels giving the coverage and bunch of dimwits still worshiping the Mafia king . Mafia family doesn’t deserve to live in super luxury as they have plundered countries wealth beyond our imagination , hence Walikada or Bogambara is the the most appropriate place for the whole family , period !

                • 4

                  Criminals of your kind are plenty in MR MAde srilanka . Thanks god the bugger was defeated by GENTELMAN of the nation -MY3: He risked it by jumping on to the fast moving train. THere we have to have some more respect. You buggers would have been gone licking the balls of Rajapakshes for even letting your wives be his SLAVES. That you guys have for sure done sofar and ruined this nation. Today, we all have equal rights to express ourselves. Just the flow of people marched to Bribery commission was started in the new era dawned by great human being of the nation -MY3: But the doggy days run by MR did not even allow LANZA to be captured by lanken POLICE mechanisms, since he knew if it happened, more funds to MR election campaign would have been blocked. MR washed their underwear, while those FILTHY men inlcuding you washed his. This game was being playing telling the other way around to the gawky folks that have lower IQ. You are a curse for the lanken society. Days ahead of us we will have civilized ways to tackle our problems – is a certainity today than in the past.

                  • 4

                    This was addressed to this partcular ” Khonkapala”.

                    • 0

                      Rair end From Swiz

                      Your answers to my question shot at Sri-A-Lal is “Yanne koheda Malle Pol” type answer.

                      I presume you are around mid 50s. Early sign of Dementia my friend. Time to seek suitable medication.

                • 5

                  Real puppets are those so called senior leftists: They have been made impotent by Rajapakshe perks. Wasidewa opens his stinky mouth even today while the representative for Thummulle people – Buruwanse goes on with his agenda. Latter the way he addresed the public proxy MR prior to election was beyond all ethics and morals. I happened to watch them later, I would put the man in behind bars to heal the nation. Wimal WEERAWANSE is a catastrophy ot lanken lanken culture. Self immolation or the like could be helpful to him – if not by himself by external sources. The man is a pain for the lanken society – is fact.

        • 5

          I also hate my brother sometimes the way he handles things. But I still love him since we are all brothers and sisters born to our parents. I believe there should be something more than displeasure… driven to long ends… Prez not to have reacted in that regard. He is a gentle sort of person – may more likely he did not like the way his brother behaved sometimes in the recent past. Everything could be… but it is not people s issue… it should be within their familes. Finalyl, Prez is also a human being made out of flesh and blood. Nobody has rights to criticise him there. I also know one of my aunteis then did not take part his brother s funeral reminding former disputes that were though long ago. That belongs to the culture of the lankens – some are like naya and polaga.. even if their genetics share a lot. Some harbour things while others dont. I dont do so – I love to forget it and shake hand myself with them when meeting next.

        • 1


          Some Kalavaddas pretends to be pundits and redefine the meaning of true leaders. Main thing is not worry.

      • 37

        Any Sri Lankan who loves his country more than self will feel such loathing to see the Jarawa face of MaRa to spit on it. You Supun have spoken the truth.

    • 70

      If MY3 WAS NOt there, this nation would have undergone all the torments as had been until 8th January. He sacrificied his life for us all. That is why I pray for him and his politics. He definitely has got MAHATHAMA gathiguna. Regardless of being his relation, he has acted wihtout delay in that case shows the true nature of him.

      Rajapakshe let his brothers and sons to abuse it to the core. Stupid people still back him eventhough all is now revealing. What have the buggers done with the billions of tax payers funds taken away all the times ? As JVPers once said, they may have eaten lanken currency as salads.

      • 6

        “He sacrificed his life for us all”. aiyo aiyo.. Still there are people like Samuel whose political know how is worshiping the politicians. No wonder politicians can take us on great rides – just as the ‘yahapalana’ falsification currently we are riding.

        • 4

          Truth succeeds. Wait and see. You guys would further be supporting the bunch that would ruin the nation rather than see it right LET ALONE today.
          If anybody woudl see it – that the current rulers made every efforts to their best – they are the healthy fractions of the population while all other like you guys – that need therapies to revert your brains and see way forward. It is common there are all kind of people in a population be it in DEVELOOPED or devloping… see when you read the analyses of DJ – what would you feel at once ? Is he not biased by all natures to attack only RW, CBK and other he feels are have to… That is it.. but he is given a place in lanken media.. at least under the lead of MR… he even stood with dogs that pulicly to forread the communique passed by most virulent man of the nation – Mahinda Raajapakshe…. so in the same manner you thinking could also be different to that of mine.

        • 7

          You should be an another caricatured by Thunmulle Wimale.

          So, you guys cant see it right. But soon in the future a day will be dawn you guys to regret as to why you thought – those senior leftists- penisless boys and born modaya like Wimale are representing your thoughts. Thunmulle Wimale is not worth to appoint as a street sweeper. How come he became millionaire with wife behaving like society lady (social scum has been raised up by Musala Rajaapkshe by looting the people s funds) – he will have to pay all thse before long.

          • 3


            not good educated ones have a place int he world made by Rajapakshes. THAT is the only reason Thunmulle Wimale to allow all societal animations. There are always some fractions like or not to be part of them. So that is inevitable. This would not have been the case in developed countries since almost average folks are well informeda bout the the basics. Those levels we may see it happening in 50 years now.

      • 4

        You say Rajapakshe did thatn BUT lately his offspring law maker denied CSN sender is of their ownership. Nothing against that is yet read on the local and international media either. So who is lyinghere. ? I have the feeling they the rulers cant do more than they have done sofar with the prevailing law and order of the country. That is why the essence of getting the Amd passed could lead the solutions to the like problems – I think current regime is wise to do it using their patience rather than not falling on the impatience modes of actionsof JVPers. Even JHUers have senssed it to this day except that the issue with CB:

    • 38

      It is a terrible tragedy for the President and his extended family.

      Public has a legitimate interest in this gruesome affair. However, it is a tragic private matter at the end.

      Sri Lanka’s President is first and foremost a human being too.

      Allow him the time and space required to get through it in the best possible way. This is not a matter for politics.


    • 18

      Buddhism teaches us to forgive and to forget. This is his own brother – a few moments visit before the funeral would have be very appropriate.As a person who quest from the Dhammapada at any excuse should understand this. If he was not the President, would he have stayed away? most likely not.

      This is purely to avoid any photographs with a now unacceptable sibling – recommended by the master spin doctor, Mangala.

      Taking his son to China – irrespective of who paid for it is unacceptable in the light of what brought him to power. No family favors or undue privileges. As for Dhamma’s nightclub shenanigans,it is a bomb waiting to explode.

      When you come on a platform of purer than the driven snow, one has to be very careful -but staying away from your own brother funeral is purely selfish distancing from any fall out.

      • 7

        Whatever the reason is,surely, staying away from one’s own sibling’s funeral is not at all that humane. If Maitripala Sirisena Can forgive even S.B.Dissanayake and Pavithra Wanniarachciand offer them high positions why can’t he forgive his own brother who has been hacked to death? Further Maithripala Sirisena should not have spoken in public about his achievements due to meritorious acts and having such a sibling to a sin he committed in his last birth. Was he trying to score points by divulging such facts. Maithripala Sirisena looks a very timid, simple and a kind person but looks seem deceptive.

        • 3

          It is not right – to compare toilet mouth pieces of PAWITHRA and SB – with those of the typical family typical disputes and based conflicts.

          It is always better to be real than had been like MR like fake characters. Even today, many among us ( what about the talks of villagers) can know what a man MR has been. He is just actiing. His true colours are similar to that of an Extremist as Leequanju once stated.

        • 2

          Attending and not attending funeral is a totally a private matter. I feel CT shouldnt have given importance to this matter. If it is correct CT should have given publicity for the son getting a free trip on state expenses. That would have been appropriate.

      • 2

        Did he take his son to China? I am surprised. MY3 practice what you preach. I heard that as soon as MY3 came into power, Daham was seen at hotels with a host of security officers.

    • 9

      True leader??… To me MS looks like an alien… How MS survived in SL political battle field for 40 years? Peoples’ war hero, MR, said in public when his distance family member was challenge or harassed for wrong doing, “if you are messing with my family, you are messing with me”
      Nobody said anything against MR, This is the normal behaviour of leader in SL masses of public like. MS act like an alien…

      • 0

        Normal behaviour of a Sri lankan leader doesnt mean its the right behaviour. Corruption is also a normal behaviour of our politicians but is it the right thing?

    • 7

      What he said is correct, i have one like that ,robed my parents all the savings .used anyone close him, i know how he feels, question is next berth don’t know what will happen.

    • 8

      a absolute PUPPET

    • 5

      Why on earth this so called “true leader”s son was included in the presidential delegation that was toured China recently? Do you want us to believe the 100 day bullshit, ballooning cabinet, boot licking of Modi, David Cameron separatist entities etc., and dissolving Sampur Camp are the signs of a true leader? And how can I forgetting the bond issue of CB under the name of good governance? List goes on and on. This man is nothing but the most weak leader in the recent history of Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      Yes but MR made society is far from getting it the way of a TRUE leader. Today if you are corrupt, abusive, rapist like, only you could win the hearts and minds of the folks. If you are violent, only, they consider you are doing well with that. It is the perception of the society. So i AGREE with the fact that the people are not yet grown to realize the change. MY3 has all high values that a leader should have. His gentleness and non-abusive nature he has proved already. Alone the fact that his foreign trips were not that gigantic has saved millions for the country. Alone the manner he is used to live the life at Temple trees has saved billions to this day. Alone the manner he curtailed extravagant DANSALAs have saved billions. All these are the real values of a leader. I wish you all the best MY3.

  • 48

    Dear Sir,
    I am so pleased to here, how honest you were and giving instruction to police to arrest your own brother for his wrong doings.Not many people in Sri Lanka who would have done, what you did. Certainly not Rajapaksa’s.I take my hat off for you, and please carry on your honest way and put those dishonest currupted lot in jail.

    • 15

      Senaka, you’re sadly mistaken. If he is such a honost leader, why did he take his son DAHAM on his trip to china ? this is a cheap trick he is playing to pretend his honesty to people like you and specially to western embassys and countries. He needs that “honesty” image badly right now. Remember what this president said in his very first speach to the nation ? He started with the buddhist verse “Nahee Verena Verani”.
      So why is he applying this verse to his dead brother ?

      • 27

        Do you know if he bought his son’s ticket with his own money? Unless you’re an employee in the presidential secretariat, I doubt it. If he actually pulls off this 19A business, I wonder what sad tune you’ll sing then. The man can’t seem to catch a break. He’s already done more to benefit the country than mahinda did after 2009, and people like you are still going around spreading random stories. Pathetic.

        • 5

          Do you know who bought the ticket, May be someone should ask him?

          • 17

            MY3 WOULD NOT do any abuses to the manner Meeharaka Rajapakshe did it..::MR while doing so – could see the eyes of the innocient of the innocient that are on a life struggle for their survivial. Rajapakshe genetics is most abusive than anyone could just feel it.

            • 4

              Also who paid for his accommodation,internal travel and food during this appendage tour? Can we see the invoices and receipts please?

          • 5

            Today raising questions from the prez is becoming a common thing you idiot. Gone were the days that only a few were asked to lick his legs in the morning and evenings – while all others inlcu. Wasideva et al were kept silent through the perks offered to them. Even that matter, that balu Mervin was involved in – was still far from understanding… I mean the public servant who had been tied to a tree stump in order to seek his content in that way- was not given fair investigations. There the basic respect of a citizen was fully destroyed.

            Those who next to him surely raise the question when getting to read these on the papers. Today young politicians seem to go beyond since they are not tied by perks offered to them. i love the way Dr. Harsha De Silva, Senasinghe, Ranjan and like work hard to achieve the final goal – which is paving way for a fair future of the island nation

          • 0


            Apparently, it was his dead brother paid all airfares and other accommodations for Pumbaya and the family.

        • 5

          KP, President Sirisena’s son DAHAM is a law student studying in London for your information. So why should he be taken on the china trip ? Remember how the media like CT yelled when such things happened during Rajapakse’s time? where are the journalistic exposures today?
          In short, the toyyas took power promising the voters to do a better job. So they should do it better or at least try not to do the same wrong doings as the Bayyas. But they are not doing it.
          The only benifit the country has got since Toyyas took power are Koththamailli & WiFi Political instability!

          • 1

            Mr. MaRa Siripala, can you post CT links where CT has published your boss MaRa’s kids travelling with him? Don’t talk bullshit [Edited out].

      • 13

        Siripala you cant understand. This video clip is from 2012. You are saying the president is making such a speech as he badly needs publicity now. Are you thinking this speech was done after his brother was attacked?

        • 4

          Honest Citizen, I am not dumm. I know the video is from 2012. CT has placed it to make him “Mr. President Clean” other websites are doing the same. Have not seen the photos from China with Daham in the team?
          Strage CT has missed it. If it was Rajapaksa, CT would have been the first to publish it.

          • 1

            Mr. MaRa Siripala, can you post CT links where CT has published your boss MaRa’s kids travelling with him? Don’t talk bullshit [Edited out].

          • 1

            Siripala and co why are you dancing on the grave? Do you get some satisfaction ?

            Bring on the cronies and the tails and do you think you will be satisfied then. Stupid idiots.
            Crime is a crime when committed by a king or a servant, don’t keep on white washing, people will get fed up and tired of your stupidity.

      • 8

        May be he should have his own grounds. But compare the waste today and then. You should be not that beeri aliya not to have gotten it yet. Rajapakshes abused Srilanken thinking it was their private taxi. But today, MY3 and his entourages use normal flights. NO doubt, these are exemplary. You guys have no courage see good as good … so rotten with corrupted mind sets- that created by Mahajarapakshe rulers. Those Rajanos were not worth even to appoint as street sweepers, but stupid gullible folks have no idea about the education – they just voted for the idiots. In the we all paid our lives … and today we are fallen that deep nothing coudl easily help out us.

      • 2


        Hat off to your statement my friend. Pumbaya is a show-off to score some cheap points.

        To survive 30 odd year in SL politics, you need a remarkable abilities and Pumbaya has bee good at that very welleven to betray his own boss MARA.

    • 13

      Now that this has happened… MR Gota and others might be shitting in their pants, knowing IF he was not helping a sibling to do wrong, he will not let MR AND CLAN go scott free. For this to happen and yaha palanaya to take effect RW should be silenced and his hands tied. He is obstructing justice to be meted out. Get all the culprits and jail em for long periods of time and retake all the assets they possess… hand it back to the citizenry of SL via development and not to the Central Bank, where some lunatic could come and play ball…

      • 5

        Wow people here have a very short memory, When his son and goons attacked DIG’s son, He interfered and sought help to save his son, Read the article by the D B S Jeyaraj!. And whose help he sought? As far as I can remember, Gotabhya!.

        Hooo HHOooooooooo Hooo, [Edited out]. Do not insult real Snowden!


        I wanted to double check before I publish it. Read for yourself,

        “Maithripala Sirisena now began making a series of telephone calls. Among those whom he called were Defence and Urban Development Ministry secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaka. He also called Senior Colombo district DIG Anura Senanayake who in turn telephoned the Kalkudah Police. Anura Senanayake also telephoned a senior Supdt of Police in the East who began contacting the local Police.Sirisena spent several hours at the Police station pulling strings through the telephone”

        I have already been branded as MR supporter, Now Brand DBSJ as one too!

        • 2

          “I have already been branded as MR supporter, Now Brand DBSJ as one too! “

          it’s pity that you are not aware of the true character of BBSJ , Victor Ivan resembles DBSJ , victor Ivon has dual personalities , once he was spearheading the free media then all over sudden he was busy protecting the most ruthless dictator , when the writings were on the wall, he conveniently switched the sides . Keerthi Rajasingha’s name also comes to my mind when you mention his name .

        • 6

          Who is DBJS? He is a paid Coolie of Gota.

    • 4

      He should have gone through all the torments not to appear in brother#s funeral.

      Remember donkey Rajapakshe abused the state helicopter the time drug dealer -Lanza was about to be arrested by police. What happened after that…. he kissed Lansa and Lanza kissed him.. what happened to the case ? Why should a man elected as President of the nation should kneel before drug kin pins ? Where had the respect been gone ? That is how Rajapakshe protected all the high profile abusers. But today, RW and MY3 criticised anyone go against the law. As Ranawaka makes it very clear it was a mistake with CB issues, but people make mistake and the process of investigations are being carried out now.. it was not that RW wanted those billions… but it was due to making wrong decisions.

  • 25

    All we needed is a leader of this type.
    Imagine the Rajapaksas, today Weli Raju will be the Ambassador in USA or in the UK by now.

    If not., he will be the chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines or Ports Authority.

    Those jokers like Wasidewa, Pannikkiya, Gembanpila and DJ should take note of this nobel man.

    • 11

      I dont think you are related to DJ ? Else you would not have added like that.
      Yes, for Raja even former Tea taster -tea business man was made Washintons man.. just because the dog did not care of the credentials – went on with his Madamulana principles – the worst ever president the nation ever produced. HIs true colours are sitll to be analysed. Even today, the man has guts to say what he thinks is right – thinking the very same gawky folks would never learn it… but I really dont think the very same stupid folks woudl stay like that while today journalists do their job far well than had been before the 8th. Today, after all the state TV channels dont allow to SPEAK only about Prez Sirisena. I hate the bugger Hudson, he should be hung by his balls learning people a lession that the manner he had been should never be repeated.

    • 3

      Noble man? In October he says MR is wonderful, and in November calls him a murderer?? Very noble indeed

      As for this whole sorry episode about the axe murder- his 4 days China trip became a 6 day trip? Nobleness and honesty would be to come back as per the plan, and not attend the funeral if his “Buddhist” conscience does not allow him to do so. To stay an extra two days is stupid

  • 27

    This is a sad story. I am very sorry to hear that the President has to go through this tragedy. I hope that the cruel and uneducated politician will not take this opportunity to criticize him.

  • 14

    Yahapalanaya at its best

  • 10

    Wait until Brother Dudley’s massive rackets hit the ceiling.
    Let’s not forget it was Maitripala S who exonerated Kudu Mervin
    in that Shape Committee where that poor Samurdi Supervisor was
    tied to a tree by a madman going as Minister. All our laws were made to fall silent in that national shame.


  • 16

    A true leader.

  • 9

    What is published in this story seem bizarre. It reports to say that MY3 has not returned to the country while others have returned. Now the President of the country being out of the country not explained to the nation and mysteriously missing is bad. That absence is now attributed to avoiding his brother’s funeral. Blood is thicker than water and I trust that had MY3 been in the country he would have attended his brother’s funeral however unacceptable the sibling may be. So he has to be out of the country at this point of time on a matter that was previously arranged and that cannot be put off even if the brother passed away.

    Now it is also reported that he would give no chance to anyone who engages in wrongful acts – not even to his siblings. What about the son’s escapades? It is sadly reported that the son requires all CCTV be switched off the moment he enters public places like hotels. The late sibling was so detestable to label him as some one who had to be his sibling because of sin that he committed in the a previous life. IS IT? The man draws sand from the Mahaweli river and rightly is called as the “Veli Raja” and this President who got elected on the premise that he is to give up power clings himself to the portfolio of Mahaweli & Environment. Another Mahendran type of secret relationship???

    He asks his brother Dudley to move out of the Presidential Secretariat when the brother visits unannounced. BUT IF MY3 IMPLEMENTS THE LAW TO THE LETTER WHY NOT ASK THE AUTHORITIES TO CLEAR THE ARALIYA HOTEL FROM ITS PRESENT LOCATION?


    • 2

      “It is sadly reported that the son requires all CCTV be switched off the moment he enters public places like hotels”

      I am shocked. Please expose daham’s behaviour before he follows the former Princes. Those who are close to the President should warn him. That is what the friends are for.

  • 10

    A true and just President ,breath of fresh air after the likes of JR,Prema and MR

  • 8

    The late President Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore used to not tolerate any corruption or mischief even of his closest relatives. Good way to go MS. His brother looked a rowdy and so different from the cultured and pleasant looking MS.

  • 11

    This is a private matter. If he was estranged from his brother that is a private matter not one that has any impact on national policy.

  • 17

    Well, the President distancing himself from his brother is fine. All know the brother was not a good person. But I am not sure whether he had not skip the funeral. After all he is the brother. As long as the President does not try to make political capital of this Brothers death, there is no reason why he should not attend the funeral, at least for the sake of his brothers family members. We must take a stand against injustice, but at the same time must love our enemies. That is true justice.


  • 3

    Very good for not attending the funeral of tattooed brother

  • 4


  • 0

    he is still on an official visit to a very important country for srilanka where many knotty problems between the two have to be discussed at the highest levels and sorted out.He can’t just pull out and come back for his brothers funeral and for a brother who is disgracing his family name. Mangala may have left because the nitty gritty of the talks might have been over but sirisena has to be there to smooth out the starin in relations with the worried chinese especially regarding their investments that they have poured their money into because of the strategic location of srilanka.Now the chinese have pulled a rabbit out of the hat and surprised siri by saying that Srilanka,china and india should get together and be friends.The implications are that US and europe should be cut out in the indian ocean.Ranil will not like that because he is a supporter of the west and siri needs ranil to keep out the rajapakshes.

    So there are a lot of matters on sira’s mind at the moment with china and he can’t be running back for his good for nothing brother’s funeral.Anyway for a person believing in rebirth the carcass is just a chemical composition that is identical to the earth itself and just goes back to where it belongs while the souls gets a new body.

  • 2

    There are many private sector bigwigs that giving bribes to get business under MR. They are all under fear now and doing all kinds of things to undermine the MS government. These are the moles who are making comments here. The country least concerns them. What they want is money in their pockets, accounts, trips overseas, education of children overseas. Hiding money in tax heavens. Its time to unmask these bloggers.

  • 1

    More likely Mr Sirisena treasures his plum job much more than this wayward sibling. This is not uncommon among some members of the human race.. just read the history…

  • 2

    Disowning your own brother in life or death in this way cannot be accepted in Sri Lankan society and culture. As a Sri Lankan and a Sinhalese this is not maithri as a human being or maithri palanaya as in politics.

    • 2

      I agree. It may be not uncommon in Iraqi or Soudi Arabian cultures or even in medieval European culthres, certainly not apt in today’s Sri Lanka where Maithree is the cornerstone of the governance structure and leader’s conduct.

      • 0

        FYI..Constantinople (Iraq) is the bedrock of civilization, so dont even try to compare SL to it… Iraq is in tatters today coz of the Greedy PIGS who want FREE gas/petrol and the likes of MR..

        • 1

          My friend, today’s Istanbul (Turkey) was the earlier Constantinople.


        • 0

          Pray, tell me the connection between MR and the downfall of Iraq.

  • 1

    The latest news about this story that we got to know is, that the brother died from an axe attack from his mistress. This is apparently what has really happened and he was killed by his “other” woman over a huge argument. No wonder MY3 did not want to get involved as this will tarnish his image. His own brother did what the previous regime was doing?? Unheard of isn’t it?

  • 2

    Give time and space to the President and his family to grieve. For what ever reason was the sibling died is a secondary matter. At this moment our president needs space and sympathy not dragging a verbal postmortem.
    All these Jarapassa supporters do you have siblings ?even they are your arch enemy you will mourn inside your mind.Same situation here. Give Space for our humble peace loving President.
    Even after losing the presidential election the pilfering and commissions ect are being swindled from the state coffers by the brutal greedy crime sodden Ex prez and the family.
    The almighty lord Buddha spoke on the day the 8th of January. It was the act of god in reply to all the crimes committed over the years. What’s the point in visiting these temples when your heart is full of hate and thuggery. No meaning.

    The good citizens of this country should show their strength and support this Gandhivian follower M3 to bring peace harmony and prosperity to our onetime peaceful nation. Leave those supporters of crime and criminal FAMILY..
    Say good riddance and follow the path of honesty peace and happiness.

    Hope That family has ended its terror in our nation forever .

    Who are these mongrels wants the criminals back in power. They have blood in their hands.

  • 5

    Listen friends, grab the chance when it is in front of you!

    We will never get a more decent man than this, as our Leader. Respect him, and follow him and his ways. By the look of things he is closer to the Buddha’s way than a lot of others who roll around temples and preach from lofty pedestals ….

    Let’s stop the negative vibes. Let’s celebrate the moment. We may never see the likes of such a man again !!!

  • 3

    Very good time for the top notch lawyers for all the cases piling in law courts for all the crimes committed by the crime sodden ex and his followers. To solve and punish the criminals. Hope you follow the law books and not the books of Jaraprez and dogs.

    Lawyers to make money in SL

    • 2

      And make Millions and cover up the crimes committed by the Jarez pissays. May the lowyers of lawyers attain the cess pits by the grace of Lord Buddha. Just like the criminal family.

  • 0

    Funerals in the family don’t come everyday and when the President failed to attend his brothers funeral then there is more than it the eye can. Anyways
    this personal and nothing to do with the running of the state machinery and we have to respect his decision as this is a private matter and the subject should cease from any further discussion and not used in this forum to make a storm in a tea cup.

    • 0

      correction to my earlier comment……………….
      Funerals in the family does not occur everyday and when the Hon.President
      did not make it means there is more to it than the eye can see.
      Anyways, this a personal and private matter and has nothing to do with running the state machinery and needs no further debate on the subject.
      I hope everybody will respect his decision and refrain from further deliberation

  • 2

    politician would be like saint they shouldn’t have boundaries an attachment. if a person is emotional about the personnel feelings he couldn’t be a politician. he who selected to be the leader of the country must think of the people who live in the country more than the himself & his family. because a simple action he takes decide the future of the nation & the country. I don’t see any wrong, Mr. Maithreepala has done this occasion. He knows his brother more than us. We faced all the rubbish when Mr. Mahinda was in the position. We are Srilankans have to open the eyes and see the world more openly than ever before how Europe developed, U.S.A. developed; We don’t have to go so far see Singapore. The basic instinct of ours haven’t been change we still in stone age we don’t like any other person be developed rather than ourself. Leave the selfishness behind.

  • 0

    the president skipping the funaral is no surprice. [Edited out]

  • 0

    This is a blatant lie published by the UNP to create disaffection among the brothers of Mr. Sirisena. UNP wants to oust Sirisena as soon as possible because he is a poor man and has comradely relations with the poor people of this country. UNP stalwarts did the same thing to Mr. Premadasa because he represented poor and downtrodden people of this country. UNP sharks are not able to do their usual deals because of Mr.Sirisena, JVP and JHU. They want to get rid of these people. They want to reduce the peoples mandate given to Mr. Sirisena to govern the country and acquire the sole executive power to Ranil. There are large number of media, electronic, social or other that campaign with this objective whether openly or clandestinely. Mr. rajapakses success party depended on his cordial relationship with his relatiives. These power hungry political sharks are trying to isolate Mr. Sirisena in whichever way they think successful.

  • 0

    Why, Sirr?
    Doctors in Sri Lanka, no good, that u had to show you are throat to a Singaporean Doctor.
    If so, why is it that there is a problem with having a Singaporean (world class Economist/banker) as the Governor of the CBSL causing you ulcers?

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