13 January, 2025


Rajapaksa: Despicable Conduct Under The Cover Of Dhamma

By Nagananda Kodituwakku

Nagananda Kodituwakku

Nagananda Kodituwakku

In his campaign aimed at returning to power, day before yesterday Pepilyana Sunethadevi pirivena became Mahinda Rajapaksa’s latest victim. It is sad to see that, claiming to be the followers of Lord Buddha, these people occupying temples wearing yellow robes practice completely the opposite of what Buddha taught. They simply permit Rajapaksa, who was shown the door by unequivocal terms by the people, to erect mega screens at sacred premises and to make absolutely resist, utterances, spreading ill-will, hatred and enmity against the minority communities the Tamil and Muslims. This despicable act is seen purely immoral, rousing the sentiments of the innocent naive poor Sinhalese, always prone to be deceived.

The million-dollar question is who to be blamed for all this nonsense. Surely it is none other than spineless Maithripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickremesinghe for their total failure to restore and enforce the Rule of Law to the letter, against those criminal elements who plundered the wealth of the nation ruthlessly. These elements who ruthlessly engaged in all sorts of anti-social behavior are now demanding returning to power, thanks to Sirisena administration hitherto failed to realize the burning desire of the people for corrupt free rule with due respect and regard to the trust and confidence placed in it by the people.

Mahinda Papiliyana 28People expected President Sirisena to be firm and concerned with rebuilding the Nation and committed to do the best in the national interests than entangled with a petty party political agenda. People know that nothing definite and substantial can be expected from impotent Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is appointed to the office of the Prime Minister not by a popular mandate but thanks to a political agreement entered with President Sirisena. Now it appears Ranil daydreaming about return to power in a big scale, having done nothing tangible to take the country in the right direction.

Mahinda papiliyanaIn 2010, when Rajapaksa was elected to office for the second term, the first thing he did was the imprisoning of General Sarath Fonseka, the opposition presidential candidate for no valid reason whatsoever. Whereas, under Sirisena administration what people are witnessing is completely the opposite. It is disheartening to see that those elements directly responsible for committing serious crimes have not been dealt appropriately and allowed to strengthen their positions and regroup to capture power by whatever means, cheating the majority of susceptible people once again.

It is sad that majority people of this country comprehend nothing about the enormous power they enjoy over all organs of the government (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary) that use these powers on a social contract, as set out in the supreme law of the land, the Constitution.

Gotabaya PapiliyanaRanil Wickremesinge & Co appear to believe that people would vote them to power, for the ‘great enormous job well done’ within a short period in office. Obviously these are living in a fantasy world.

The truth is that Ranil, is absolutely impotent and condemned person, dumped by the people in umpteen numbers of times. He should have left politics more than a decade ago, permitting the general membership of the party to elect a young dynamic leader with a vision to be the leader of the country and navigate it in the right direction. Had he had done that probably Rajapaksa would not have been able to buy the MPs elected to office with UNP vote and shifted their allegiance later on. The great Machiavellian, Rajapaksa, used the opportunity for his private benefit, to destroy all democratic institutions including the Judiciary, whilst keeping absolute power in him with total impunity permitted under the Supreme Law, the Constitution, which he changed to serve desires even before taking oath for the second term.

In this backdrop, the people of this country are surely yearning for a good dynamic leader with integrity and vision to be the Prime Minister. During the short period in office, the UNP has demonstrated to the people what an impotent group of people they are and would probably go to the history as the party held power for the shortest period in office. At least Rajapaksa, despite abusing office for private benefits whilst condoning criminal gangs under his shelter, continued with the development of infrastructure projects and did a marvelous job (Gotabaya) to keep the city pleasant and its pavements clean.

However, what the people witness today under Ranil & Co is terrible. They are impotent to such an extent that even the ongoing infrastructure development projects have been made redundant, earning the wrath of the people, who are waiting to demonstrate their verdict at the next general election.

Latest comments

  • 12

    Nagananda Kodituwakku

    RE: Rajapaksa: Despicable Conduct Under The Cover Of Dhamma

    “In his campaign aimed at returning to power, day before yesterday Pepilyana Sunethadevi pirivena became Mahinda Rajapaksa’s latest victim. It is sad to see that, claiming to be the followers of Lord Buddha, these people occupying temples wearing yellow robes practice completely the opposite of what Buddha taught. They simply permit Rajapaksa, who was shown the door by unequivocal terms by the people, to erect mega screens at sacred premises and to make absolutely resist, utterances, spreading ill-will, hatred and enmity against the minority communities the Tamil and Muslims. This despicable act is seen purely immoral, rousing the sentiments of the innocent naive poor Sinhalese, always prone to be deceived.”

    “The million-dollar question is who to be blamed for all this nonsense. Surely it is none other than spineless Maithripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickremesinghe for their total failure to restore and enforce the Rule of Law to the letter, against those criminal elements who plundered the wealth of the nation ruthlessly.:”

    Yes, Spineless Wimps.

    Mahinda Rajapaksa, aka MaRa , Chatu Mara and Amana MaRa will use Buddhism to get back to power.

    Is Maitripala Sirisena and the SLFP going to use the election as the way to wash the Rajapaksas or just arve in.

    If, Mairipala Sirisena and the SLFP takes a position that Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cronies will not be given nomination , and give nominations, on;ly to those who are not corrupt, there is some chance.

    Will Sirisena be a statesman nor just another politician?

    • 9

      Nagananda Kodituwakku

      As far as I know, Mahinda is not a bad person. He is a victim of his own circumstance.

      I still feel he is the best leader for Sri Lanka. Having learnt the bitter lesson on 8/1, he have changed and farsighted.

      • 17

        “As far as I know, Mahinda is not a bad person. He is a victim of his own circumstance”.

        you are correct my Dear, Mahinda is not a M[B]ad person.
        He came to me at the Kaluthara jail and helped Tangalla Rapist also.
        by the way, have you ever heard of a story of Brick kiln with a dead body of a young women in early 70s.
        may be Doctoor kudu Marvin knows the real story of that.
        they all family clan like Agni pooja, Fire rituals.
        That is called Malaccan ancestry, and tribal genealogy.

        why don’t you offer him a feeding teat, as he is still a toddler.
        Chip of the old blocke,
        Sons also like father, still fed by milk teats by the young birds.

      • 9


        It’s best if there are no second chances
        in politics…or 3rd, 4th or 5th chances,
        ad infinitum, for that matter, as is the case sadly,
        in Sri lankan politics.

      • 5

        Stupid Moron!

      • 5


        “As far as I know, Mahinda is not a bad person. He is a victim of his own circumstance.”

        As far as I know, Mahinda Rajapaksa is a Terrible person.

        Mahinda is a liar, a Crook a Robber and a Criminal.

        He is the worst Sri Lanka had seen since independence.

        We was well aware what was going on around him and the corruption and criminality of his family and his cronies.

        MaRa MaRa Chatu Mara Amana MaRa We Do not need and We do not want

    • 15

      We have entrusted Maithripala with a job. He’s been cautious, and many of us find the progress too slow. But, he hasn’t put a foot wrong. If he is successful, it is much later, that he will be hailed as a statesman.

      We have to “make haste slowly. They stumble who run fast.” However the public must be alert, and we, the voters, must not be silent. We must make our views known.

      • 1

        One must be tunnel-visioned to believe that M3S hasn’t put a foot wrong. The COPE report alone would suffice as proof.
        From ancient times people have gathered at places of worship seeking sympathy and support and it affects how they behave. This has both positive and negative effects as we see in today’s world. This is in no way peculiar to Sri Lanka. We have seen various Judaic, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist clergy leading political leaders by the nose to do their bidding at various times in history. Often such activity has been cruel and evil. On occasion it has been fruitful in protecting the rights of the people from marauders, whether internal or external, who seek to dispossess them. The latter needs to be applauded.

        • 2

          It’s the UNP, not Maithri, who has to be held responsible for Bondgate and the COPE Report.

          • 0

            The President has become a straw man – a scarecrow. Evenn in that he fails.

      • 4

        I understand the delicate situation MY3 finds himself in now. Even then, the progress is way too slow. There is little doubt UNP’s elite is now controlling the wheels of justice. Therefore the whole Rajapassa clan is relatively safe. That is how we they roll in this country.

        Otherwise, how can they be so free? Given the massive scale of criminality and corruption they committed. Few toothless cases have been brought against them. That is to hoodwink the dumb Sri Lankan public. Like SLFP and UNP have always done, since 1948.

        All Rajapassa clan members, their cronies & henchmen will wriggle themselves out of the grip of justice in due course. In fact, we will find many of them in Sri Lanka’s next Parliament.

        The new government should have acted swiftly and severely at once. In accordance with the law. Burden of evidence has never been a problem. Most Rajapassa cronies were caught red-handed already during their rule.

        The problems is corrupt political elite of SLFP & UNP taking the people of this country for a ride for well over 60 years now.


        • 3

          Ben Hurling

          “There is little doubt UNP’s elite is now controlling the wheels of justice.”

          I am told Rajapaksa lackeys are still in control, hoping to go back to their glorious days of the last ten years. Until then they are expected to hold the fort.

          Please let MS and RW know how best to ease out MR, Gota, Basil and their lackeys from their shadow government(“the secret government” or “the invisible government”).

    • 8

      And of course the section of the naive general public
      as well, who seem to be easily led on, and a bit
      backward and unintelligent in their thinking.

  • 23

    The author should at least show some respect towards MS & RW for providing the necessary democratic space to conduct a Parliamentary Election. Democracy was restored in such an extent even MR with all his past abuse of power and corruption is able to contest in this election.

    Now it is open to the people of Sri Lanka to freely elect whom they want to rule them. Basil Rajapakse for a change will be away from the election commissioner this time around. Gottabaya Rajapakse will be no longer able to mobilize his army men to enter the counting centres to alter the manape votes.
    MR will not be able to put up his cut outs all over the country using Govt funds.

    • 5


      “The author should at least show some respect towards MS & RW for providing the necessary democratic space to conduct a Parliamentary Election. Democracy was restored in such an extent even MR with all his past abuse of power and corruption is able to contest in this election.”

      Yes, that is true, but the fact remains the crooks and criminals are at large. They should be in jail or waiting to be hanged, especially Gotabbel.

      That is why Maithripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickramasinghe are wimps.

      Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa had no hesitation to arrest and put in jail the Hero sarath Fonseka.

    • 5


      “The author should at least show some respect towards MS & RW for providing the necessary democratic space to conduct a Parliamentary Election. Democracy was restored in such an extent even MR with all his past abuse of power and corruption is able to contest in this election.”

      What the Author is saying, when the two wimps MS and RW had to shoot, they were not shooting, just talking, and the Rajapaksas are still at large..

      [Edited out]

    • 13

      Don’t be too sure about Gota not mobilizing the army. MS n RW did nothing to cleanse the army of the hurrah boys. Seems to me like we have lost the golden opportunity we ushered in a few months ago. All because MS was playing the gentleman and Ranil was busy planning and plotting his own moves. No one stopped to wonder why the people voted them in.

      • 2


        “No one stopped to wonder why the people voted them in. “

        Why did the people vote Maitripala Sirisena? To clean up the MaRa Mess.

        Did they clean up the mess? No Just Talk, no shooting. The Crooks, Robbers Liars and Criminals are still at large.

        [Edited out]

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 26

    Their are corrupt politicians and corrupt clergy, that go hand-in-hand. The common Buddhist must stand against abusing their shrines. At least we must learn from our neighbors how to respect ones religion. Imagine a catholic, Hindu or Islamic shrines opening for cheap party politics; their followers will rise up against such abuses.

    • 7

      That is not true.
      Catholic churches in Kurunegala, Mannar and all over north used the pulpit to support the murderous atrocities of LTTE during the Elam war.Mosques are a hot bed for for preaching intolerance of other religions. that of unbelievers. Perhaps the writer is a non-buddhist.

      • 5

        Far from the truth. Please stop writing falsehood. What you are doing is inciting hatred against Muslims. I suppose you are another Gnanasara in the making. You surely carry those traits in your genes to state such outrageous claims against Muslims.

        We don’t receive sermons on hating others who are non-Muslims. That is what Gnanasara is doing to the Buddhist community, and is still being done by MR and his cronies inside Temples (as this writer explains).

        Why don’t you investigate and witness first-hand what is being preached in Masjids during their regular Friday prayers. When you state ‘Mosques are a hot bed for for preaching intolerance of other religions’, you must be living in trouble-zone or a ‘hot-spot’ somewhere else in the world under a repressive regime, and not in SL.

        The truth is wWe are advised time and time again to respect other religions and faiths, share our meals with them, pay a visit when they are sick or when invited, and many other such good things. Even after many disturbances instigated by monks, like Aluthgama/Beruwela riots, the Muslims were repeatedly advised to act with a lot of patience, calm and leave it to divine justice, where human justice failed miserably.

      • 1

        The Bishop of Mannar and Emmanuel are NOT MUslims.

      • 2


        “Perhaps the writer is a non-buddhist”

        A non Buddhist is better than a Sinhala/Buddhist.

        By the way what has Buddhism got to do with racist like you?

  • 9

    It is a shame temples are being misused to carry out political campaign. It is Buddhism which suffers.

  • 9

    All politicians are self serving people.One has to look at the way Mihanda was defeated.The unity of U P FA was broken and U.N.P came into shared power through the back door.Like all citizens Mahinda has the right to proceed i his political path.He is a good political leader who has been accused of many things but not proven upto today.After all Sinhala Buddist have Avery easy going attitude that is the reason appx 2million Tamils are holding the country to Ransom.We need strong leader who will protect our mother land and not become a slave to western agendas.Yes his govt did make mistakes but he never betrayed the country.He the very first leader to address U.N in Tamil .this showed he is interested in recocoliation and offering an olive branch to Tamils.No Tamil politician has come forward and apolagized to Sinhalese for the Crimes committed by the LTTE. Irrespective of what people think Rajapakes Brothers really and truly love the Mother Land and would do everything possible to protect it. People of Sri Lanka will make the correct decision on the next electioon day !

    • 8

      “Rajapakes Brothers really and truly love the Mother Land and would do everything possible to protect it”.

      That is why They ran away from Mother Land, Sri lanka.
      DID They revoke their US Passports and withdrew the allegiances to Safe guard US Constitution and US Interest.

      When There is an another War In Sri lanka,
      They can do one more time big,
      One More time, Yuddhen Passey Suddhey Demu neyda????

      • 0


        “That is why They ran away from Mother Land, Sri lanka.”

        Yes, the Rajapaksa Brothers, Ran.

        Hero Sarath Fonseka, stayed, took a bomb, sand still defeated LTTE Leader Velupillai Prabakaran, who helped elect Mahinda Rajapaksa.

        MaRa MaRa Chatu Mara Amana MaRa…

  • 6

    How CT editorial board allowed such a low grade description of Hon. Prime Minister and His Excellency the President, Does Colombo Telegraph partial to the Politicos or to the contributor of this article, negative description of someone’s personal inability true or false should not be allowed for publication.
    This may be an effect of MaRa that is very difficult to be shed off!

  • 4

    What a set of goons are these Sinhala. Are they patriotic. Where have they been during the terrorism. It is a shame for Colombo Telegraph to provide space for these foolish Sri Lankans. Mahinda Rajapakse is the great leader that out passed the rest from 1948 to 2005. He did to Sri Lanka no one was ever able to do before. He made Sri Lanka a Country every one can be proud of. I can accept Tamils being critical as GTamils are not patriots and they want the country divided. But these poor sinhala [Edited out] I cannot understand.

    • 1

      Great Robber and Killer Of Sri lanka with his Jarpassas clan of Malaccan Gave a Sri Lanka’s Economy a Real Clean Up.
      And Portuguese ancestry Stooges and Born Morons like You canot Identify a Family clan of scoundrels and Killers,

      What a pity of a Character like you.

      That is Why Those Family clan of scoundrels and Killers are Not Going to Their Adopted Countries.
      They have never ever taken of this much of luxury, free from,
      Sucking the Blood of Poor Sri Lankan people.
      Unpatriotic Family clan of scoundrels and Killers Sold Sri Lanka to India And China and Now going after SElling the BUDDHISM for gains.

  • 6

    Sir, if it wasn’t for Rajapaksa there wont be any temples, temples probably be whipped out with the monks. You should know what happen to Buddhist monks and temples under UNP. Also why are you so worried about Rajapaksa if he is so bad?? let democracy prevail

  • 5

    If Sobitha, Rathna and Amila can engage in politics from their temples, why can’t the monks residing at the Pepiliyana temple do it?
    Kodituwakku, in case you didn’t know, Sobitha has been engaged in politics since 1977 living in the Naga Viharaya for and on behalf of the UNP.
    Clean up your own act without trying to preach nonsense to others!
    Country is in utter peril, someone be it Mahindha or Gota or ABC or EFG has to come forward and save this nation from a bunch of illegal back door western boot licking trecherous monsters who has done nothing but lie, lie and lie and steal for the last six months!
    Take a hike Kodituwakku!

  • 9

    This temple was responsible for attacking clothing store at Pepiliyana spreading a false story that there was a rape. Crowd gathered at the temple and the temple bells rang to call people for action. The chief priest gave an interview saying that he is not going to burn the building that he laid the foundation stone without mentioning that owners had changed hands.

    What do you expect of this temple and the chief priest

  • 4

    It is very sad and breaks one’s heart to read lankans , particularly sinhalese are engaged in a campaign spearheaded by Americal imperialists and tamil ltte diasapora to denigrate politicians and country’s leaders on flimsiest of reasons.
    Yes he has been attending buddhist temples. To Mr Kodituwakku this is despicable. Also, for those Sinhala buddhists who are in the payroll of American imperialists buddhist religious activities are despicable

  • 7

    The Theravadians and the Saffrons are the ace enemies of Sri Lanka. The Saffrons and the Politicians (of all hues) work hand in hand, on the corrupt principle “you scratch my back, I scratch yours. What Mahinda Rajapaksa is doing is working under the system.

    The foolish of Sri Lanka do they not know that what they practice is not Buddha’s Buddhism, but Theravadism, (worship of the clergy), a hotchpotch of the worst of Hinduism – which the Gautama set out to banish?

    Look at that picture of Gota carrying body parts of dead men on his head – doesn’t he look like a joker?

    For Sri Lanka to prosper the Sinhala Buddhist voters need to get an education. Until that happens Sri Lanka will remain a melting pot of corruption.

  • 2

    The title should be ‘Despicable Conduct Under The Cover Of Democracy’

    “A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.”
    — Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

  • 10

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with the author.

    I totally blame MS for his inaction in taming these rogues and murderers, On the day the 19th amendment was passed, he should have dissolved the parliament. Instead, he gave them oxygen to breath.

    MS, should not have put his party and himself before the country. A lot of people put their lives at risk to bring him to power. He simply forgot the beginning !

    MS, will be totally responsible and he will have blood in his hands, if any political assassinations takes place in the future.

    Instead of image building, he should have thought why he was brought to power by 6,200,000 people !

    You have disappointed me Maitripala Sirisena !

    • 3

      Point of View

      Succinctly summarized. Thank you.

      There are Two wimps in Sri Lanka. The current President and the Current Prime Minister. What a shame.

      A complete let down for the 6.25 who voted. MaRa and their cronies are still a large.

  • 6

    Thank you for your article. While condemming all leaders all around, possibly indicating the mood of the day, you need to step back and look at the art of compromise and accomodation.

    Just as some have to negotiate with the terrorists, we also have to talk with those who appear to be enemies of the people and reach some sort of a mutually beneficial agreement, with gradual process of change towards the goals we all seek – democracy, rule of law, accomodation of minorities, and development.

    May I suggest that it is engaging with politicians and working with them for non violent change is the best and most civilized option.

    Mahatma Ghandi had this to say :

    “If I seem to take part in politics, it is only because politics encircles us today like the coil of a snake from which one cannot get out, no matter how much one tries. I wish therefore to wrestle with the snake.”

    “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
    Mahatma Gandhi

    About Violence:

    “I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”
    Mahatma Gandhi”

  • 8

    Nagananda Kodituwakku

    Rajapaksa: Despicable Conduct Under The Cover Of Dhamma:

    I endorse everything you have written with some reservations.

    1) This despicable act is seen purely immoral, rousing the sentiments of the innocent naive poor Sinhalese, always prone to be deceived.

    *** But who is to blame. If you ask me I would say the innocent naive poor Sinhalse. Surely this is 21st Century the internet age. They are not illiterate.

    It is a pitty that I am a Minority. But if I was born a Sinhalese I would have led this Nation to a Bright Future.

    2) There is a power vaccum and there is no one lead this Nation. MS & RW are all we have got.

    • 2


      “2) There is a power vaccum and there is no one lead this Nation. MS & RW are all we have got.”

      Yes, That is what we have got. we need to train them hoew to shoot, not only talk. They should talk to sarath Fonseka, the Real Hero for beating VP.
      [Edited out]

      • 4


        What rubbish are you talking about.

        They should talk to sarath Fonseka, the Real Hero for beating VP.

        *** Look what happend to SF the Real Hero of Shooting VP. He was dragged by Gothas Foot Soldiers is his pants damaging his Genitals.
        My friend shooting finished long time ago. Talking is the way forward.
        A dialogue between Fellow SINHALESE to recognize that whetther we like it or not we have Seperation of Races but we can UNITE as EQUALS .
        An Honest and Genunie Dialogue between Sinhalese and Tamils that past was riddled with Injustices against the Minority and that the Sinhalese are ready to rise above their Prejudices and embrace Tamils as their Brethren and heal the Scars.

        The talk of Shooting will not work so get it out of your system and make no Mistake we are the New Kids on the Block.

        • 0


          “2) There is a power vaccum and there is no one lead this Nation. MS & RW are all we have got.”

          I hear that the spineless wimp Maitripala Sirisena is giving SLFP Nominations to Mahinda Rajapaksa and his cronies.

          For heavens sake do not vote for any of the SLFP wimps.

          Vote for JVP, UNP or any other, bit not for wimps and cooks.


          Opposition Leader Nimal Siripala de Silva has met with former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Kandy this morning, political sources revealed to Ada Derana.

          At this meeting, Rajapaksa was briefed on the decisions taken at the discussion held last evening with the participation of President Maithripala Sirisena, SLFP General Secretary Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, UPFA General Secretary Susil Premajayantha and the opposition leader.

          Sources say that Nimal Siripala de Silva informed the former President that President Sirisena had agreed to give nominations to Mahinda Rajapaksa contest the General Election from the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA).

          However, it is reported that the President has not agreed to name Rajapaksa as the party’s Prime Ministerial candidate.

          Meanwhile the ex-President is expected to submit these decisions for discussion at the UPFA leaders’ meeting scheduled to be held this evening. He will formally announce the decisions reached at the discussion tomorrow (01).

          In the meantime the report of the six-member committee appointed to coordinate between the former President and the incumbent President will be handed over to the latter within the day.

          However, the chairman of the said committee John Seneviratne has said that presently the relationship between the former President and the incumbent President has strengthened and that his committee emphasized to them the importance of protecting the party.

          Meanwhile certain minority parties are today expected to hold discussion with the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP).

    • 1

      Look at this guy kali, [Edited out]. a spineless coward. he is going to save us. haha.
      He says, “It is a pitty that I am a Minority. But if I was born a Sinhalese I would have led this Nation to a Bright Future.”
      Nut case.

  • 10

    Do not under estimate the majority of the voters, they are prudent enough.

    Mind you they dealt a severe blow to Tsunami Hora MARA on the presidential election. They definitely would give a knock out punch in the General Elections too.

    I agree that, MS/RW soft pedalled on the corruption of MARA & CO, but with the exposures up to now and also the exposures which will come out till the Election Day, will definitely dent the vote base of ALI BABA AND MORE THAN 40 THIEVES.

    The single most incident which will weigh against MS/RW coalition will be the BOND SCAM, which needs to be addressed diligently by the duo. I do not understand how on earth, that was allowed to snowball to this magnitude. Best thing is to file charges against the Governor in FCID, otherwise MARA & CO will go to town with it, as if that was the only corrupt deal involving CB Governor.

    They say you need only a pinch of poison for a whole rice pot, unfortunately that is what exactly happened during the Yahapalanaya. All the good works done during the 100 days is over shadowed by this shady deal.

    Hope we voters decide wisely and act prudently under the circumstances. If any person with sane mind weighs the pros and cons of MS/RW rule over ALI BABA & MORE THAN 40 THIEVES, the scale will tilt strongly towards MS/RW.

    Wish and hope saner counsel prevails and ACE ROGUES,THUGS, MURDERERS, PLUNDERERS AND RACISTS are confined to MEDAMULANA BACKYARD, where they rightfully belong.

  • 7

    The picture of Gota carrying ‘relics’ turns my stomach.
    This man who jailed hundreds of citizens to be held incommunicado without judicial process, should be in jail, instead of them.

    Mahinda R being glorified by portrayal on mega screens in Buddhist temples is perversion of Buddhism for personal glory.
    Has ‘Sinhala Buddhism’ metamorphosed into ‘Political Buddhism”?

  • 2

    “Despicable conduct under the cover of Dhamma” – You speak of Rajapkase. What about those who have got into “ROBES” and conduct themselves openly against the vows taken by them? Why blame Rajapakse? He has been able to “BUY” all these yellow robed people from the temples spread country wide for the achievements of his “psychopath” tendencies. Under those circumstances, isn’t Rajapakse a very successful “Achiever”? I recognize that “psychopath” is an “Achiever”

  • 5

    Maitri and Ranil is an excellent combination. I hope this will stay on. Maitri has the common touch and Ranil is the professional manager-an honest man of integrity and ability. The writer’s criticism of Ranil is in bad taste and based on ignorance. I got a feeling the writer is a MR guy masquerading as anti-MR

  • 1

    It seems people are forgetting that it was under MS General Secretary status that MARA was gaining one victory after another in the past.As soon as MS crossed over MARA lost in-spite of all the cheating and use and abuse of all the public resources and media power and propaganda at his command as the almighty Emperor of Lanka up to the 7th January,2015..It is because of the other rogues in the SLFP which for the preservation of their own secrets and covering up of robbing public money that MS is unable to finish MARA off.The time will come when MARA and his band of rogues will be marched off to jail.Let us not under estimate the sharpness of MS b’s political mind and acumen.If he was capable of achieving so much with so little in so short a time he obviously is more than a match for MARA who is an immoral leader who must be despised by the guarding deities of Lanka.Lets wait and watch for the killer blow that will send MARA ito the dustbin of politics forever together with his band of thieves.As the saying goes “Lipa gini molawana thek diya haliye ,sepayak yayi Kakuluwa diya keliye”meaning until the water starts boiling in the pot the crab thinks he enjoying a lovely swimming opportunity”.This is the stage that Ali Baba and his Forty thieves are enjoying right now.

  • 2

    “One must be tunnel-visioned to believe that M3S hasn’t put a foot wrong. The COPE report alone would suffice as proof.”Ram

    No its a blinkered vision like a horse. Just one direction.

    Kodi @ Kodituwakku…. can you speak about your Custom days. Then we can comment. Was it not a lucrative job ????????
    People in glass houses do not turn on the lights.

    “I totally blame MS for his inaction in taming these rogues and murderers” – Point of View

    Ansar is dreaming and the Author is hallucinating

    ““Despicable conduct under the cover of Dhamma”- Douglas.
    This is what the Catholic Clergy led by Emmanuel did in the North. Also the history of the catholic church will reveal. In the name of Jesus Christ the atrocities……………

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    Mr. Nagananda Kodituwakku is completely coorect and profoundly inscribed.

    It is sad to see now The Great Teachings of the Buddha has been drastically politicized in Sri Lanka.

    Not many but few so called monks….would say monkeys are completely responsible along with Mahinda Rajapaksa Family.

    I have met and encountered many well disciplined and well trained genuine disciples of the Buddha but unfortunately few pseudo monks who attire saffron robes wickedly misguide multitude of born Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

    It is very hard to understand how greedy Mahinda Rajapaksa is……..

    As MP, Deputy Minister, Minister, Cabinet Minister, Opposition Leader, Prime Minister and The President ….he nearly fifty years benefited and lived with public money……As the president …..specially in his second term he and his family lavishly lived and drastically accumulated money and unimaginable wealth.

    Everything have been exposed by many and it is completely visible.

    Not only locally but also globally most people know how Rajapaksa family stole the public money.

    Unfortunately most Sinhalese Buddhists are blind and they are not very wise to understand about this well corrupted Rajapaksa Family.

    Hope our brothers and sisters of Tamil and Muslim will teach a very memorable lesson to Rajapaksa Family and henchmen in this election.

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    Dont Worry Be HAppy. Rajavassas cannot win. YOu know why. He has never won any election legitimately in the past. 2005 thanks to prbakaran this idiot own becucase tamils were prohibited voting. 2010 he rigged the election. 2015 he bribed the people with rice packets still he lost.

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    What the author says is absolutely true.

    There is a chance that Mara might be able to deceive the common sinhalese people and find himself in a position of power once again by all manner of crooked means.

    If Mara is not handled properly he could become a serious obstacle in the development of Sri Lanka as a civilised nation.

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      Well said . Many people share your views .

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