Three convicted over killing of Indian PM may be freed as judges rule they cannot be kept indefinitely on death row
India’s supreme court has commuted the death sentences of three men convicted of assassinating Rajiv Gandhi, the country’s former prime minister, in a case that has riveted the nation for 23 years, the Guardian reports.
A special anti-terrorism court eventually found four people guilty in 1998. They included a woman, Nalini, who gave birth to a daughter while in prison. She was granted mercy when Rajiv’s widow, Sonia, intervened but three others – Santhan, Perarivalan and Murugan (Indian Tamils do not use surnames) – were to be executed in September 2011 when the Madras high court intervened, citing their mercy petitions.
On Tuesday the supreme court said keeping the men on death row indefinitely was wrong and granted them mercy. Perarivalan’s family reacted with relief and joy in Chennai: “It’s an emotional moment,” his aunt told NDTV. “When you see him, he’s a good human being. He will be released and will be enjoying family life.”
She was asked what would she say to the victims’ families. “Twenty-three years have passed … so definitely we want our son to be released. Other families, they are suffering, we have regret for that, but our son cannot be punished.”
Q-A-S-S-I-M / February 18, 2014
“so definitely we want our son to be released. Other families, they are suffering, we have regret for that, but our son cannot be punished.”
Oh that was easy -so Sri Lankan Soldiers can now rejoice ,in the event if they are tried their family can say the something right?
So is this the ballgame of dirty India – ? India is dirty we all know that- but how come the Sri Lankan Tamil don’t see it?
India used them ,raped their women in the name of peace keeping ,tortured them and killed them..
Sri Lankan _Sinhalese-Tamil -Muslim _burger or simply others -They are all the same ,,,,
They are too blind they really never understood how to choose their friends- SRI LANKANS ARE LAME.
Muslim / February 18, 2014
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Native Vedda / February 19, 2014
I agree “Assalamu Alaikum” (peace be upon you.)is not for you.
Javi / February 22, 2014
Indian SC restrains TN from freeing Rajiv Gandhi killers.
TN judges gand fatgeya!
Palmsquirrell / February 18, 2014
Sri Lankan soldiers deliberatly carried out genocide against Tamils. You are comparing the deliberate slaughter and rape of thousands of Tamils to the assasination of 1 person Rajiv, how much more biased can you get.
Rajiv Ghandi was the head of an organization that deliberately raped and killed Tamils , all under the guise of peace keeping. Rajiv Ghandi had promised to send Indian troops back into Sri Lanka to finish of Tamil resistance which ofcourse would mean more rape and slaughter of Tamils.
Javi / February 19, 2014
It is the price the Tamils for seducing India which is not just Tamil Nadu.
Later JR counter seduced the 2 who never passed out from Cambridge like Sanjay.
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
How exactly did Tamils seduce India? What you say makes no sense , because India created LTTE for their own regional goal, which was to prevent USA from building a base in Trinco. Once US abandoned the plan, India sent in its Army to destroy Tamil rebels because India fears Tamil Nadu will break away if there is a Tamil Ealam in Ceylon.
Javi / February 20, 2014
“How exactly did Tamils seduce India?”
Like playing love under the palmyra tree instead of under the umbrella at galle face green.
These are matters the north and south should settle- but it was seduction not JT’s having a pot of gold that India needed.You don’t even know how close Sirima and Indira was- if not for that relationship the JVP would have taken over because North Korea even had boxed helicopters at Colombo 7 close to Rosemead place. This trinco is pure portugese fantasy aryan that tamils are hiding under because hitler was defeated. Indira gave not just katchievu your dream but Diego Garcia which Sirima sold to UK and now its a shared UK/US base.
Meh / February 20, 2014
Re: Sri Lankan soldiers deliberatly carried out genocide against Tamils.
A: That maybe the case, but based on that logic, the LTTE also deliberately carried out genocide against Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and Sinhalese.
Re: You are comparing the deliberate slaughter and rape of thousands of Tamils to the assasination of 1 person Rajiv, how much more biased can you get.
A: One can be a lot more bias, as clearly evident from your statement.
Re: Rajiv Ghandi was the head of an organization that deliberately raped and killed Tamils, all under the guise of peace keeping
A: So was VP, only he did it under the guise of freedom fighting. So what is your point?
You can’t cry foul once you have yourself committed to playing against the rules!
Palmsquirrell / February 20, 2014
” A: That maybe the case, but based on that logic, the LTTE also deliberately carried out genocide against Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and Sinhalese. “
You do not know the definition of genocide. Genocide is the deliberate attempt to wipeout a race or ethnic group . LTTE has never tried to wipe out any ethnic group. India’s elite has ; the most glaring evidence of this fact is the attempt to force Hindi on the Dravidian south. Another glaring incidence is the sterilisation of 7 million low caste women, and since lower castes are non Aryan, it is genocide by Aryans against Sudras , untoucables and adivasis. LTTE never waged a rape campaign; rape is a tool invaders have used to accomplish genocide.
“A: One can be a lot more bias, as clearly evident from your statement.”
This is meaningless because you do not explicitly state what it is in my comment that is evidence of bias. So let me reieterate: how does one compare the assasination of a single leader to the deliberate rape and slaughter of countrless civilians.
” A: So was VP, only he did it under the guise of freedom fighting. So what is your point?”
At the time of the assasination LTTE wasn’r proscribed in the West because LTTE hadn’t resorted to more desperate tactics. LTTE was a direct result OF Sinhala Chauvinism and genocidal attitudes. What was Rajiv’s reason to attack all Tamils, if not for unbridled hate. LTTE was fighting in Sri Lanka, the land of their birth and ancestors , while Rajiv/Indians were fighting outside of India.
“You can’t cry foul once you have yourself committed to playing against the rules! “
What exactly are these rules? Tamil armed struggle was a response to Sinhala supremacy, which manifested itself in anti Tamil pogroms. It seems to me you are saying that since Tamils picked up arms , they should accept anything that comes their way.
Meh / February 21, 2014
Re: You do not know the definition of genocide
A: Whether they attempted genocide or not is irrelevant, as the Tigers were mass murderers. Are you saying your bar for wrongdoing is drawn at some carefully worded definition of Genocide? Guess that works for you, given you spend your life defending a group responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in human history. All that said, the LTTE did attempt genocide, on the Muslim communities in the East.
Re: This is meaningless because you do not explicitly state what it is in my comment that is evidence of bias
A: Only in your world mate. Anyone who reads your hugely sympathetic rant for your side, while justifying a heinous movement of mass murderrers, can see the bias in you. It is this very bias that sustains war, and allows killers to exist on both sides of a conflict as heroes.
Re: At the time of the assasination LTTE wasn’r proscribed in the West because LTTE hadn’t resorted to more desperate tactics. LTTE was a direct result OF Sinhala Chauvinism and genocidal attitudes. What was Rajiv’s reason to attack all Tamils, if not for unbridled hate. LTTE was fighting in Sri Lanka, the land of their birth and ancestors , while Rajiv/Indians were fighting outside of India.
A: Amazing that you think the above is an actual argument… You are clearly either hugely deluded, or more likely, part of the mass LTTE propaganda movement. Your inability to grasp the fundamentals of justice, or reality for that matter, is blatantly on display here…
Re:What exactly are these rules? Tamil armed struggle was a response to Sinhala supremacy, which manifested itself in anti Tamil pogroms. It seems to me you are saying that since Tamils picked up arms , they should accept anything that comes their way.
A: Bingo! You justify picking up arms, but seem so oblivious to the consequences that come with it. In your world, everyone else is to blame. You are simply the innocent righteous victim, justifying murder, abduction of children, suicide bombings, human trafficking, arms smuggling, drug trafficking – all in the name of an ‘armed struggle’.
Get real mate! You can’t support a heinous group, and expect sympathy when heinous acts are carried out against you.
Many innocent Tamils, including children and women, died in the hands of the LTTE (and also other groups including the GoSL). To point the finger at one side, and defend the other, is insulting to the dignity of all those who lost their lives to this evil war sustained by power hungry individuals from both sides. You should be ashamed of yourself for defending such a group. If you want justice for your people, then open your eyes, and demand true justice – though by the sounds of what you write here, you may yourself be a culprit responsible for answering to many of the heinous acts carried out against your own people…
Dawn Dale / February 23, 2014
only genocide was by LTTE – who wanted tamil only land and no one else.
Javi / February 20, 2014
Your jury judge and hangman does not work in the international arena.
Your monkey is for burro sihala monkey court.
Meh / February 21, 2014
The international arena (by which I presume you refer to the likes of the US/UK) is no different to the so called sinhala monkey court. They also function under personal vested interests, with no respect for truth or justice. I can see your agenda is currently more aligned with that of those of your so called ‘international arena’, that is not to say you are any more an advocate of truth or justice than the ‘sinhala monkey court’.
Javi / February 21, 2014
Truth and justice for you right now depends on your pay master”” Dont talk of international and foreign diplomats etc that you have never associated with
Authority is the Truth in practice no one else
Truth is the daughter of Time not authority.
The release of the Three convicted over killing of Indian PM is because the Judges who are employees have to look after their arse knowing NaMo is due.
eg. When Janata Party was due for the first time and Dr S Swamy was to be the minister of Justice.
Dr Swamy moved to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and he was a professor of mathematical economics there from 1969 to 1991. He was removed from the position by its board of governors in the early 1970s but was legally reinstated in the late 1990s by the Supreme Court of India. He continued in the position until 1991 when he resigned to become a cabinet minister for law and justice plus commerce and industry.
Authority is the Truth – In science and technology we carry out experiments and find truth which again gets interpreted by idiots like you.
Javi / February 22, 2014
Indian SC restrains TN from freeing Rajiv Gandhi killers-
Too many involved in the sky falling on the north of lanka.
Raul is not qualified like his mother. like MR and Namal Sajith.
Meh / February 22, 2014
Truth is the truth, and that is, people show a blind eye to their biases, and justify injustices by their side, while demanding justice for themselves. This sums up the whole debacle that is Sri Lanka. Neithef side wants to see their flaws, but are experts at finding the flaws of the otherside. Thus we have sustained conflict and poor governance. Idiots like me fortunately have no bias. Yes, I may be an idiot to hope that one day mankind will be able to look inwards, and corrct their own flaws individually, rather than wage wars against others fuelled by hypocrisy, selfishness and ignorance. I’m happy being that idiot, as opposed to the warmonging you lot who consuder yourselves to be geniouses, when in fact you are all nothing but dilluded know it alls. Btw, your rant above is absolute tosh! How can someone be reinstated to something in the kate 90s, and hold it till 91? Similarly how does one Thihold a position from 69 to 91 if he was remived in the 70s. Think you need to get the principles of basic mathematics sorted before going into science and technology!
sach / February 21, 2014
ICRC report has mentioned that SLA soldiers had actually sacrificed their soldiers to save Tamil civilians by using militarily ineffective tactics. So how do you say SL army deliberately did a genocide?
One reason being that there was no genocide at all.
OutRider / February 18, 2014
The damn Tigers should be ashamed seeing how the civilized world functions. Prapakaran showed no mercy for anyone who crossed his path.
The mass murderer, child killer and serial assassin was such a totally demented psychopath, he killed even those who disagreed with him in their dreams. Prapakaran the fascist butcher had only one punishment in his criminal justice system for all his victims – torture and kill.
This is a timely and welcome step by India to signal to Geneva just before the Annual March Farce to be wary of the supporters of the fascist LTTE now parading as champions of human rights and democracy, and trying to influence the proceedings.
Palayang yako! / February 21, 2014
Is there no limit to how stupid you can be? We know you get paid for doing kind of nonsense but you don’t have to over-do it, you know?
Incidentally, when is your parole from the lunatic asylum over because then we can be spared the rubbish that you write under this name and so many more?
OutRider / February 21, 2014
How you doing Aney Appachi?
AVB / February 19, 2014
” India is dirty, we all know that” — Very racist statement..
In SL, there were attempts to kill President (CBK), killed ministers and lot of peasants (believed to be done by Tamil rebels), Were there prosecution or attempts to prosecute those culprits? I haven’t heard much… SL is believing in murdering all captured… Geneva convention doesn’t apply.
India is applying judicial processes as a democratic & civilized country? And people in SL says India is dirty.. What a joke?
Recently, after the war victory, Prabakaran’s long time personal assistant/secretory was prosecuted by SL AG .
What was the sentence? Two months prison term.. … So called world worst terrorist’s personal assistant got only 2 months prison term, obviously that was what AG had requested.. What a joke…
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
Indian elite are a scheming coniving Machaevelian bunch . Tamils and Sinhalese killing each is music to the ears of India’s elite, because they hate both groups.
Fathima Fukushima / February 18, 2014
The best thing Tamils did was to bomb Rajiv for the way IPKF treated Jaffna Tamil women.
Well done LTTE.
Javi / February 19, 2014
Fatfu tipcut mango,
Rajiv and tata the Farsi’s have invaded lanka in big way;taken over muslim shanties at colombo 2. Its called retribution on earth for driving them away from homeland. Await the sky to fall on you courtesy IAF ( indians incl of muslims) That is how they do porkistan.
Ben Hurling / February 18, 2014
I am glad they were granted mercy at the end. Though they were all LTTE terrorists.
After all they were mere foot soldiers. The LTTE high command lived well in the Vanni until their brutal end. Those who backed the cruel LTTE high command still thrive in the West. Promoting “Human Rights” apparently.
The poit is nobody or institution has the right to take a life. Including the government of India. Capital punishment is so profoundly wrong. Must be abolished.
Hopefully the pardoned killers have realized how they have been used by LTTE’s perverted version of Tamil racism. To conduct ghastly crimes in Sri Lanka and in India.
It is a timely reminder to the world what the LTTE was all about in reality. And what Sri Lankans of all ethnicities were forced to live through for 30 years.
Ajith / February 18, 2014
Ben Hurling,
Look at you Buddhist Sinhala racists in a mirror. The high command Sinhala racist terrorists still live and enjoy even after brutally murdered over 100,000 Tamils. You Buddhist Sinhala racism still thrive well in Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, you Sinhala Buddhist racists not only think but implement the right to take a life without justice in the name Buddhism. I still remember 1958 when Sinhala Buddhist racist terrorists dragged a mother with a child and burnt them in the middle of a street and call this as a bravery and those who took arms to stop that happening as terrorists. The crimes committed by your race against poor Tamils cannot be comparable even with Nazi Germans. Sinhala means brutality, blood thirsty, violent creatures.
J.Muthu / February 18, 2014
Dear ajith
This hurling bugger believe Jaffna library burnt by LTTE. Typical Sinhala Buddhist modaya…..nothing else. Hope US,UK and EU take tough action against this rascals. Economic sanctions until leave tamil land..
Ben Hurling / February 18, 2014
How can you become Sri Lanka’s first Tamil President, when you cannot even hide your eagerness for sanctions. Against your own country!
Think about it. If you are serious about your Presidential bid next year.
Rohan / February 19, 2014
Yo! Sanctions are placed on a country to ‘treat’ its leader/s. For the very reason that sanctions would hurt the people, not the ‘leaders’ sanctions were not imposed a number of times in the past. This issue is NOT against Sri Lanka, bit against Rajapakses. All it takes is one to have some brain and ones ability to use it. Well…..
Ben Hurling / February 18, 2014
Did I unintetionally press a sensitive area in your being? So utterly consumed by Tamil racism and hatred of Sinhalese.
My apologies!
Ajith / February 18, 2014
Ben Hurling,
Yes, I am very sensitive against those who cowardly hide the truth. You talk about 30 years between 1980 and 2009 but I talk about 1948 to 2013. There was no Tamil racism. We had Tamil rebellion against Sinhala racism. In your terms burning a Tamil by a Sinhala Buddhist is a heroism. Do you want us to love your blood thirsty heroism?
Javi / February 19, 2014
That is it Ajith, 48 onwards because all received the franchise from 32 and knew what it was to experience freedom in a pluralistic world.
Now let the sky come down on filth like hurling in their scratchy underwear.
Ben Hurling / February 20, 2014
Restrict yourself to copying and pasting Bob Dylan lyrics on CT?
You excel in that. But, that’s all.
Javi / February 21, 2014
” copying and pasting”
Ben the standard fascist paid troll, dont come with your god he is only a pissu balla.
We are wondering when you are going to wash and stop wearing scratchy underwear.Phew!! (^O^)
Ben Hurling / February 20, 2014
“In your terms burning a Tamil by a Sinhala Buddhist is a heroism”
What is your basis for that conclusion? Are all your accusations crap like this?
Native Vedda / February 21, 2014
Ben Hurling
Sinhalese burning Sinhalese shouldn’t be a news to you.
Sinhalese burning Tamils shouldn’t be another news to you.
Sinhalese burning Tamil houses, businesses shouldn’t be another news to you.
Sinhalese burning magnificent library with old books and ola manuscripts should not be another news to you.
Tamils burning Tamils shouldn’t be a news to you, ask TELO survivors and Jaffna Tamils.
sach / February 22, 2014
there is no tamil racism? So you killed Muslims and did ethnic cleansing of Muslims from North due to Sinhala racism? Sinhala people are NOT racist as much as tribal racist tamils who whitewash LTTE!
sach / February 22, 2014
what about you looking at a mirror? After funding and supporting a terrorist organ for 30 years that smashed babies onto tree trunks, massacred village after village, bombs targetting civilians, killing people by burning and ultimately hiding behind women and children? Dont you feel shame? But has the indeceny to come and talk about others in an internet forum.
Racist tribals!
Native Vedda / February 22, 2014
Whenever I look at the mirror I see a halo hovering above my head.
I am sure when you look at the mirror you would see two horns jutting out of your head.
Javi / February 22, 2014
We had Dr White the bali tholi medecine for cricket injuries.
Now we had Dr Rohan the bali tholi terrorist instigator.
Now Blossom “Such” having wet dreams of babies being being banged on to coconut trees not Palmyra.
They are finding ways of confirming their bestiality breed.
At present NaMo has said he would be like to be like Vajpayee as far as SL goes.
Dawn Dale / February 23, 2014
I have lived through killings of 30 years – and people killed were Sinhala, muslim and tamil without distinction, violence perpetrated by LTTE. where were u this 30 years that don’t u don’t remember deaths of other communitties
Palmsquirrell / February 18, 2014
You ignore all the crimes the Indians did against Tamil civilians when they were in Sri Lanka. LTTE killed Rajiv because he wanted to send Indian troops back into Sri Lanka to further brutalise Tamils. Rajiv to the Tamils was no different as Saddam to the Kurds.
The Nehru-Ghandi family has shown a Nazi like hate towards Dravidians because the Nehru-Ghandi family is Aryan. Ever since Nehru, this family which has ruled India for decades has waged genocide on non Aryans, from forcibly or coercibly sterilising 7 million low caste women (during Indira Ghandi’s rule) to repeated attempts to exterminate Dravidians by trying to impose Hindi on the South. So the actions of the Indian army (under Rajiv) against Ceylon Tamils must be viewed in the wider historical context of the region as it pertains to race, caste and linguistic heritage.
Javi / February 19, 2014
“” You ignore all the crimes the Indians did against Tamil civilians when they were in Sri Lanka.””
It’s your adopted nation US that caused the division into 4 parts just to get at Russia.
India is yet to be independent of the US/UK/Farsi Persian. The Opium Farsi changed their clothes and names to Gujarati. Rajiv is the son of Farsi Gandhi the brain child of Nehru. Farsi distributed the opium to China for the British started the opium wars and annexed Hong Kong.
Lanka is no different- the present day richest landed at Mutwal and lived in the harbour homes just like the chetties had nothing just masqueraded as sudhu pukka and evaded all forms of payment to be what they are – just buy and sell.
It’s important to think inclusive and read, travel.
Presently these Farsi’s are having a problem because there is a steady influx from Iran to India so they started moving goal post to say they arrived at Karnataka by boat while before they just trekked like the Persian invaders.
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
Are you alluding to the division of India in India,Pakistan and Bangladesh? If so this was between the Hindus and Muslims in the SubContinent and the British. The US was on the sideline if anything.
Rajiv is half Kashmiri Brahmin from his mother’s side and half Parsi (Zorastrian). Both the Brahmins and Parsi claim Aryan racial origins as both are Indo-Iranian sub groups.
Javi / February 20, 2014
Go read who was President before Roosevelt. Why the sleeping giant woke up to enter Europe not just Japan who bombed.What the Russians were doing in Germany when Baharat independence was disscused- have you seen the faces of the east german folk when the wall came down??
Take some time off trolling then try to understand what Baharat was and its contours. Then you begin to understand who the sihala are.
Then get back please.
Javi / February 20, 2014
You are living in this Aryan concept which is scorned at by even socialist Europeans.
If the north Indians are so Aryan they wont be eating poratas any more but having free sex with the Germans. ha ha. This fallacy has being going on in India by Farsi who don’t marry outside to stay pale and now they have dwindled due to all forms of disease especially skin.
The european invaders found it easy to work with minorities to handle the majority.
Only the west of Punjab was captured by Alexander the great – so you find greek script. therefore the loud mouth Punjabi think they are sudhu pukka.
I have moved with this croud from campus days and met sihala buddhist monks with my afghan friend (the oldest 300BC writings of gautama is from Afghanistan and at the british museum) and we laughed because the monk never knew where i came from. These are things we do as back packers during semester holidays or life can be a bore.
Javi / February 20, 2014
BTW its an Englishman retired professor at The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) one of my very good friends. He lives close to that place too who informed me about the partition. He knows almost every building in UK Ireland US and Canada and its history. There are a couple of others at the same school I checked too.
Palmsquirrell / February 20, 2014
What Aryan concept is scorned at by Europeans?
I didn’t say North Indians are Aryan though they are Indo-Aryan in liguistic terms but racially are mostly of pre-Aryan stock. Aryan is a racial term that was used by Indo-Iranians but it was not exclusively a term to denote only those of Indo-Iranian stock but rather to any who conformed to certain social ideals.
Europeans were able to control India, because India has always been divided by caste and sectarianism. There never was an India before the British created it, though there was commonality of culture and racial stock.
Javi / February 20, 2014
#sorry man Aryan does not exist in my vocabulary after Hitlers death. However I do know the West especially has never defeated Russia and now they are looking for violet eyes high cheek bones Russian roulette- neyama badhu multiple geee all the oil gas diamonds.
Palmsquirrell / February 20, 2014
Aryan or Indo-Aryan is a common term in Anthropology, especially in the subfield of Linguistics.
Javi / February 22, 2014
Only villagers who come to the cities of India talk of Aryan no one else that is your inbuilt problem.
There are many books when it comes to talk of Anthropology, Ergonomics/human engineering, that is why we have books by Rohana which the west believed. There are hundreds of authors and we refer several books because no one is 100%.
Your stuff sadly is from “kitch” not from the reference section of great libraries.
Leuven is the oldest of the continent and the best have you been to ref no?? Have you been to Tate refrence No??
Your caste problem is glued in your head I have met indian buddhist like you in india tried to help them is studies but they never change- my batch mates is to tell me don’t waste your time with them they are what they are.
Javi / February 20, 2014
You should study European history and the wars before comparing your personal caste problem-eg. Henry V111 father of Elizebeth 1 and his links with Carlos 1 (his aunt was Catherine) and the joint wars with ottaman and french -and the class which is also caste. Britian never allowed a catholic and spain will never allow a christian and there is class there too.
When you need legal advice you go to a lawyer and for him to say a few words he charges you a few depending on his standing that is caste.
The sub caste of that is one can use the language and win a case but the other can cross examine (make the accused pee in their pants) and win. Both are winners and are sub caste.if you cant marry a high caste that is your problem because everyone is choosy and try to get the right balance but there is never a guarantee therefore even the Chinese have divorce from 1931. In China they said Taiwan were the nationalist but I notice now the CPC are even more nationalist- time is never stagnet then everything becomes putrid.
JULAMPITIYE AMARAYA / February 18, 2014
Rajiv Ghandi got his Gifts to LTTE returned back as a Death trap and succumbed.
and helped to kill many sri lankans with the help of his RAW operations.
So Deserved to get that Punishment.
INDIAN bureaucracy hates Sri Lanka and wants to destroy our economy, culture, and peoples too to get advantages for Indians.
Javi / February 20, 2014
India would like to bomb Lanka the beggar state- gune nathe ballo.
Rajiv.s mum Indira gave Diego Garcia and you sold it to UK to run a military base along with US as necular might that is eyeing India. If Indira had not assisted Sirima you would have been JVP “apey anduve” ploughing the field and been like North Korea disease stuck like walking corpses. ;) mokede kollo?
Levingston / February 18, 2014
Try if you can ask West to prosecute Tamil terrorists all over the West for the last moments of Rajiv suicide blast.
Today these Western Homosexuals are setting up the world’s agenda on twisted promoting twisted lifestyles. No regard to childrena nd families all over the world. Bomb them all. Their religion has no concept of Karma.
lal / February 18, 2014
It’s Election Time! Murderers freed to get Tamil Nadu support for Congress from the Jokers.
radish.S / February 18, 2014
We all forget Sri Lankan Naval ratings missed attempt to murder Rajiv Gandhi in Colombo when he visited Sri Lanka. Probably he would have got promotion like the SL navy ratings who were destroying an entire road (Central Road) of Tamil shops from night 10 p.m. until 5 in the morning next day in 1983 while their Commander who was inside the Naval Dockyard along with the others got promotions. That is Sri Lanka Navy discipline and rule of law for you. In the case of these three accused persons there was enough evidence to show that they were not the main culprits and in any event they have served 23 years in prison which is more than the period served by those serving life sentence in most of the countries of the world and in 139 countries death penalty has been abolished.
Dev / February 19, 2014
Yes attempted murder with a rifle butt when the other end had a nice sharp, pointy bayonet attached to it LOL
We Tamils and our stories!
Javi / February 19, 2014
RAW got Sinhala thug Premadasa same style- diced meat what were you heros upto??
Mageysekera / February 18, 2014
A healthy process of justice must have, as part of its necessary component, the presence of compassion and mercy in equal measure. The Rajiv Gandhi killing is a result of a political conspiracy – whose real engineers were never found. The Kartikeyan Report was nothing but circumstantial evidence to save the Indian establishment from blame and criticism. Kartikeyan’s report had sufficient holes to run an armoured tank through it. At the time Rajiv G died Khalistanis,
Sikhs, Sharad Pawar’s followers, Bofors-deniers, among others, were all after him. Many still believe the LTTE were used merely as triggermen with the conspiracy being the burden of others within India. The killing of Sanjay and Indira still remain mysteries.
The relatively free judicial system, a probing media culture, a totally politically neutral tri-forces, an independent Elections systems, inter alia, continues to provide welcome oxygen to the country that Galbraith rightly described in terms of an anarchic democracy. Despite its ills the country is now an agricultural and economic power. That is far preferable to the variety that Sri Lankans are fated to inherit – now run by drug-traffickers, gangsters, kidnappers, extortionists, pimps, comfort women, venal political leaders relying on the army and what else have you. The sooner this kali yugaya (kalakanni rajaya, if you like) is over Sri Lankans will breathe a sigh of relief – hopefully united thereafter in all 4 corners of the lovely island.
justice / February 18, 2014
Rajiv Gandhi was really a muslim.
Muslims are/were mostly unaware,thus did not protest his assassination by LTTE,and now,the commuting of the death sentence of his killers.
Javi / February 21, 2014
Raul is even worse. propped by the US he says all Indian Hindus are terrorist .
His education is worse than that of Sajith more like Namal in the cubical.
When Pakistani Islamist bomb he says Indian Muslims are terrorist because Manmohan is a pakistani.
Graft Union of India and MR Lanka are bed mates.
Now you will understand how the sky fell on the north.
Nothing is going to happen without US India.
NaMo is a hard nut for US to crack.
Vaiko lost his lungi to Sushima will the JT’s loose it again because NaMo is in for landslide with out TN 40???
Q-A-S-S-I-M / February 18, 2014
Palmsquirrell why so offensive ? you have lashed out about Muslim race , religion etc ,etc, ,, you still have not got what I have struggled to make plain here , ,, however I leave it to you ,you are entitled for your opinion.
All I been trying to make plain here is that there is no problem really between any of us Sinhalese ,Tamil or Muslims , there is a hidden hand who benefits from our misery ,if we can not understand this and forgive and unite and move ahead ,then that’s a destiny we have chosen.
Cheers .
Palmsquirrell / February 18, 2014
Muslim isn’t a race , and that is one of the issues I have. That the Ceylon Muslim organisations try to classify Muslim as an ethicity distinct from Tamils, which invariably means the destuction of the Tamil ethnic roots of most Lankan Muslims. Ofcourse I am not referring to the Muslim Lanks who are obviously not Tamil, eg: Memons , Malays and certain other Muslims who show Arabian phenotypes.
Europeans were famous for converting Native Americans as a means to destroy Native American identity. Regarding religious conversion; whether it was the White man or the Arabs who settled in Ceylon, conversion to eraze one’s ethnic identity is cultural genocide. If Sinhala Buddhists converted Tamil Hindus and Christians as a means to destroy Tamil ethnic identity that would be cultural genocide, so the same applies to Muslims who work towards erazing Tamil ethnic roots of Tamil Muslims.
Native Vedda / February 19, 2014
Could you define what you perceive as Muslims. Is it a race, religion or culture?
Are those Arabs living in Middle in Muslims?
Are black Africans Muslims?
Are those Malays living in Malaysia and Indonesia Muslims?
Are European Bosnians Mulims?
Are those Gujarati speaking adherents of Islam also Muslims?
Are those Bengali speaking adherents of Islam also Muslims?
Javi / February 19, 2014
As long as the world and Japan in particular drop money in that begging bowl they will be just square headed and blame the suddha.
Jagath Fernando / February 18, 2014
Not surprising.
We need to assess our neighbors and and identify true friends.
Good learning lesson. Internal issues and politics are far more important for India .
A.D.J. Perera / February 18, 2014
Are you the former Cricketer/Ruggerite?
Native Vedda / February 19, 2014
Jagath Fernando
As an island which is populated by 20 million stupid people you don’t have much choice in selecting your friends. Friends are given to you as you haven’t earned friendship in this world.
Therefore you have not much room to maneuver.
Sadith / February 18, 2014
Well done India, now you have to double the security to Mr.Manmohan. What kind of stupid justice system India has!!! If you cannot hang these criminals, for god sake at leat send them to life in prison.
Burning_Issue / February 19, 2014
I am not one of those Tamils who rejoice with this news albeit these fellows were young and misguided at that time. However, going by your logic, what would you say about those JVP killers who terrorised during the 90s; some of them are in government?
sach / February 22, 2014
JVPers were killed by the government. The ones you see today were actually un important ones.
Rajash / February 19, 2014
this shows a softning of attitude by Sonia and the Central Govt towards the Sri Lankan Tamil cause. Now they realise that Mahnida is taking them for a ride. We can now expect them to vote against Sri Lanka in the UN. There will more acts from India to pressure Mahinda .
Javi / February 20, 2014
“softning of attitude by Sonia and the Central Govt “
Don’t be gullible. Vaiko lost his lungi just after BTF welcomed sushima at london. You will never understand India the way Chinese do ;)
They need to look benevolent to cover some of the atrocities committed during their honeymoon in a foreign land(india)
K.A Sumanasekera / February 19, 2014
Has the Indian SC put Sonia on Prozac?..
Didn’t the same SC hang Bombay Bombers pretty quick?.
Has Judge Sivathasan shown leniency and mercy to the LTTE, when Ms Pillai from Geneva says there won’t be any mercy for Srilankan soldiers who killed the LTTE and its Chief Operations Officer.
Has the Judge secured his tenure under the Butcher from Gujarat and written off Gandhis?.
Will Ms Sonia still instruct her PM to say Yes to Cameron, Obama and Ms Pillai in Geneva?.
Muslim inhabitants in India must be wondering what the future hold for them…
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
Atleast India has a sizeable population of Muslims, while Pakistan ethnically cleansed and genocided the Hindus ,Christians and Buddhists to the point that the current demographics of the aforementioned in Pakistan is tiny .
Pakistan was carved out because Muslims wanted their own country independent of Hindu Indian rule yet India has more Muslims than Pakistan.
Javi / February 19, 2014
Sevela sumane,
You know nothing about who a govigame , vellala or whom Indira Gandhi (nee Nehru) married and to what caste or place he came from.
you like most here have been to some wayside school to learn English grammar and think the world is your oyster. but is never the case- you are just a mere clerk/typist talking cock and bull and undressing everyone as like an offshot that you are.
Now here it is you village beastality breed scoundrel.
India is yet to be independent of the US/UK/Farsi Persian. The Opium Farsi changed their clothes and names to Gujarati. Rajiv is the son of Farsi Gandhi the brain child of Nehru. Farsi distributed the opium to China for the British started the opium wars and annexed Hong Kong. Lanka is no different- the present day richest landed at Mutwal and lived in the harbour homes just like the chetties had nothing just masqueraded as sudhu pukka and evaded all forms of payment to be what they are – just buy and sell. It’s important to think inclusive and read, travel.
Javi / February 19, 2014
“Butcher from Gujarat”
Have a good look at the mirror as the IAF likes to bomb you.
The world media jewish that did the same to china is hiding under rajapassa bed.
The very same muslims who accused him are canvassing for NaMo because he has been absolved under the pakistani born PM and Italian leader.
Lanka Muslim, UK / February 19, 2014
Sonia intervened to obtain a pardon for Nalini; which is an unrevengeful act of Sonia. Now the Court says the others found guilty cannot be kept in the death row indefinitely; demonstrating the independance of the Jidiciary acting according to natural justice. A lot to learn for Sri Lanka from these unique examples.
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
Just PR, like how many rich people contribute to charity to look good and get tax deductions.
Javi / February 19, 2014
“Sonia intervened to obtain a pardon for Nalini; which is an unrevengeful act of Sonia.”
That was a political move by the foreigner Italian to get closer to the gullible voters who still think Gandhi the muslim that Indra was forced to marry is a Gujarati like the naked fakir mahtma gandhi (he liked have 4 virjins always and discarded them like in a islamic harem)
The leader of the opposition Sushima warned her that she would shave her head if Sonia became PM so she appointed pakistani Manmohan.
IAF is waiting to bomb SL- IAF traditionally includes muslims who bomb Porkistan.
kris / February 19, 2014
Another election gimmik from india , try to get more votes from tamils
who cares
Javi / February 19, 2014
Yes but hope BTF now know that haryana/delhi are known for the lungi trick she did the same once again on Telgana bill. They did the tel gala trick before too with the tamil language against traditional rivals punjabi then reverted back.;)
Piranha / February 19, 2014
I am glad these three have been released from a death warrant because those who were behind the murder, including the indian politicians, have escaped any punishment. The LTTE carried out the killing at the behest of some indian politicians and this fact was hushed up. Rajiv was responsible for the atrocities the IPKFS committed against the Tamil civilians of the north. The IPKFS monument in Jaffna should be destroyed.
justice / February 19, 2014
You are correct.
Member of the Legislative Assembly Ms Maragatham brought the suicide bomber Dhanu to the venue of the meeting at Sriperumbudoor and went back immediately.
The group of congressmen who were there kept well behind when Rajiv walked forward to the group of civilians waiting to meet him. Then Dhanu garlanded him and bent down to ‘touch his feet’and detonated the bomb.
Maragatham and these congressmen escaped – and did NOT give evidence in the murder trial.
The Chinon camera of photographer Babu escaped the blast and all photos were intact.Thus the case was ‘solved’.
Javi / February 19, 2014
Justice could you also please tell us why VP the mother of all step fathers made the confession statement at one of his pongu’s and immediately after that the statement made by Rahul at TN about justice for him not delivered as yet. Therefore the sky came down on the folk of the north as VP clung on to power than handing himself over. Now everyone is talking about the innocent who died. Sure the people of the north must get something than being treated like this.
Javi / February 19, 2014
“The LTTE carried out the killing at the behest of some indian politicians and this fact was hushed up.”
The Delhi government did not take that type of shit answer but his bodyguard classmate SP RAW Chanakaya Puri called over at SL embassy and informed Neville that Premadasa was the man and they would get him with the year- diced for dice.
ABCD / February 19, 2014
Oh my days how stupid Indians are esp north indians. The so called Aryans only make up about 20% of the so called north indian population but yet they have always ruled so far. Are these low caste north indians fools or something to continue voting for these aryans eventhough these aryans actually despise them. This is basically apartied except that in this case the idiotic low castes actually vote for their oppressors.
Palmsquirrell / February 19, 2014
The system is rigged, and the upper castes control the political machinery a great deal so people can only vote for who is put up as a candidate by the big parties. Despite this there are changes like Modi, who is of Sudra caste and Mamta Banergi whos caste I don’t know but she looks quite native and tribal. The lower castes have been rising up the political ladder but there is a long ways to go.
Javi / February 19, 2014
” The lower castes have been rising up the political ladder but there is a long ways to go.”
What happened to debate between low caste Dayan and the low caste Indians
The Indians got the Freudian slip and surprised Dayan just walked through.
the reason missionary school education.
Then again Nonis vs CNN white guy and Nonis with former Biz News present BBC Pakistani- she made him feel small (I don’t know where she studied but looks like convent school.
Now you will appreciate why SWRD got rid of these schools. The same way the JT’s and sihalese keep the indian tamils of the estates.
Its called power to rule and enjoy without working.
Javi / February 19, 2014
“The so called Aryans”
So you are product of bestiality breed Lankan ambude.Vijaya Ha ha.
Aryan is the place where Iranians live. Indira’s husband was Iranian refugee like Jinnhas Petit.
Like all refugees they wore Gujarati clothes and learnt the language but did all the underhand things like smuggling Opium to China for the Brits to annex Hong Kong- If respect your mum go read and travel before you envey and talk of anothers family fuckshit.
Lankans are like the anti social chinese who are told what to think.
Palmsquirrell / February 20, 2014
Aryans are a sub group within Indo-Iranian , which itself is an Indo-European subgroup. The Indo-European homelands is in the Eurassian steppes in an area spanning modern day Ukraine and Western Kazakstan. Aryans aren’t native to Iran, they entered the Iranian Plateau some time in the 2nd millenium BC. Before the Aryans there were other civilizations in Iran.
crazyoldmansl / February 19, 2014
Ah nice to know! Indian Tamils do not use Sir names. I suppose they use madam names then.
Javi / February 19, 2014
Hide and seek!
But would never confuse database operators as they follow the format- surname first.
Paul / February 19, 2014
Election time in India. Tamil votes matter.
Javi / February 19, 2014
Can easily do without all 40.
However IAF bombing is on the cards.
You have no room to bribe the UK or India after 31st May.
Anpu / February 19, 2014
Jayalalithaa govt to release seven convicted for killing Rajiv Gandhi
“Seven convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, including Nalini, would be freed, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa said on Wednesday.
Announcing the government’s decision in the assembly, Jayalalithaa said the government would release V.Sriharan alias Murugan, A.G. Perarivalan alias Arivu, T. Suthendraraja alias Santhan, Nalini, Robert Payas, Jayakumar and Ravichandran, reported IANS.
All the seven are convicts in the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination case.
The Supreme Court had on Tuesday commuted the death sentence to Murugan, Perarivalan, and Santhan citing an 11-year delay in deciding their mercy petitions.
The decision to release them was taken in the cabinet meeting held Wednesday.
Jayalalithaa said the state government’s decision will be sent to the centre. If it does not respond within three days, the state government would release all the seven convicts.
MDMK chief Vaiko said it was “a bold and historic decision by Jayalalithaa”.
Rajiv Gandhi was killed in May 1991. The conspirators were convicted by a TADA court in January 1998 and were awarded death sentence, which was confirmed by the apex court May 11, 1999.”
K.A Sumanasekera / February 20, 2014
“The seven LTTE Tigers who killed Rajiv will be released within three days “. says the CM of TN.
If they are Srilankan citizens, will they be deported to Srilanka as the West normally do with the migrants?.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 20, 2014
Has CM Jayalalitha dug out the first sod to build the Independent Tamil Nation aka Tamil Eelaam?.
She gave only 3 days notice to the Centre to shape up or ship out.
If the Killers of a PM of the country can be released to become heroes,what is the state of the authority of the Centre.
Transformation of Tamil Nadu into fully blown Eelaam will happen sooner than later.
Even the decision of the Judge Sivathasan indicates that Gandhi era is coming to an end soon.
The ex CM of Gujarat, whom the Indian media call the Butcher, is a sure fire bet to take over old Manmohan’s office.
Indian bookies will be reluctant to offer even USD 1.10 for a Dollar bet.
Modi who is in bed with not only Jayalalitha but also her Opposition leader, wouldn’t be able to say no to the CM.
Even without Jayalalitha , Vaiko , Seeman and Nedu will be unstoppable with more than half the population of Naduans who are poor , getting behind them once they are pumped up with the dream of Eelaam and a better life.
Even the well to do Naduans will be ecstatic with the feeling of their own Eeelam passports.
US, once the enemy and now the lover who would love Modi even better , wouldn’t mind an Eelaam for the simple reason that they wouldn’t want another “China” strictly in Economic terms , next to the real one.
The current Srilankan leaders seem well aware of this.
They will ensure that the borders are safeguarded and the inhabitants protected against any militarism from an Eelaam..
But the current campaign from overseas to force regime change if successful will weaken the security of the country and her inhabitants and make them vulnerable.
That is the message the Govt leaders should take to the rural .poor masses who are not up to speed in international affairs.