By Pearl Thevanayagam –
This piece is rather a lengthy one intended for those observing UNHRC Chief Navi Pillai’s schedule in Sri Lanka for five days starting Sunday, August 25,1013.
Her visit should not be taken lightly. Whether the government likes it or not, she is after all the last word on what the future holds for the Rajapaksa Government and would sift through with a fine tooth-comb on what went on during the last stages of the war in 2008/2009.
She comes armed with enough tangible evidence of government soldiers committing rape, murder and torture on Tamil civilians fleeing for their lives caught between the advancing army and the stubborn LTTE which was using them as human shields. She would take the accusations of the majority Sinhala government’s unleashing so much horror on Tamil civilians akin to Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews and the following holocaust on par with ethnic cleansing of the Tamil population.
Then there is the complicated situation where the LTTE were said to be shooting fleeing civilians point-blank on the back according to eye-witness accounts of those who managed to enter army controlled areas and NGOs present. Would the government who is succouring active LTTE members now and rehabilitating them allow Ms Pillai unfettered access to these witnesses?
Could Ms Pillai garner evidence from former army chief Sarath Fonseka and the other military chiefs who conducted the dastardly operation from the frontline which killed 40,000 or more innocent Tamils?
The government would argue it conducted humanitarian relief for the fleeing Tamil civilians from the clutches of the LTTE. It has yet to prove this was the case. Even Bell Pottinger, an upbeat advertising firm engaged by the government at an enormous expense could not stop the salvos thrown in the direction of the government by international NGOS and media that the government was bent on eugenics annihilating Tamils to carve an exclusive conclave of a Sinhala Buddhist island.
Love Sama of the Gypsies is old hat when the island is bleeding even after the war ended. Now it is the Christian churches and the Muslims and their mosques which come under attack from a new ugly Sinhala chauvinistic Buddhist clergy and its cohorts who do not hesitate to unleash violence despite Lord Buddha’s percept of tolerance and non-violence.
There were token Tamils such as the much touted Lakshman Kadirgamar, the ex FM assassinated by the LTTE, whose second wife Suganthini was president of Seva Vanitha Unit, aka a government funded charity looking into the welfare of wives of government soldiers, who went on intimidating and killing Tamils in War Zones. Why should we blame Sinhalese when selfish, materialistic and greedy Tamils are ready to sell their own people to get perks from the government? What did Kadirgamar ever do to the cause of the Tamils and seek to address their grievances. The fellow would not utter a word in Tamil if one were to shove bamboo-shoots under his finger nails. He was luxuriating in the government provided swimming pool when he met his tragic end.
Killing Fields video of Channel 4 passed muster by OFCOM, the independent regulator and competent authority for theUK communications industries. Eye witness accounts of independent international media and NGOs which managed to penetrate the war zone and give first-hand accounts of atrocities committed against non-combatant civilians who survived and sought refuge in foreign countries are proved to be bona fide they have been tortured, raped and murdered by government soldiers.
They received direct command from the disgraced army commander Sarath Fonseka and defence secretary and sibling of the President, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. Even the toothless LLRC (Lessons Learn and Reconciliation Commission) set up in the aftermath of international outcrySri Lankashould be hauled up before the UNHRC for war crimes, rather unwillingly admitted that there are unanswered questions which the government is reluctant to respond to are some matters the UNHRC chief will scrutinise.
That the government soldiers were instructed to shoot surrendering Tamil civilians including LTTE combatants by the highest command is common knowledge.
For the purpose of streamlining the thought processes of the media, academics and analysts I reproduce here the US draft resolution.
Human Rights Council
Twenty-second session
Agenda item 2
Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the
High Commissioner and the Secretary-General
United States of America: draft resolution
22/… Promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka
The Human Rights Council,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant instruments,
Recalling Human Rights Council resolution 19/2 of 22 March 2012 on promoting reconciliation and accountability inSri Lanka,
Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,
Reaffirming also that States must ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, as applicable,
Taking note of the national plan of action to implement the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission of the Government of Sri Lanka and its commitments as set forth in response to the findings and recommendations of the Commission,
Noting with concern that the national plan of action does not adequately address all of the findings and constructive recommendations of the Commission,
Recalling the constructive recommendations contained in the Commission’s report, including the need to credibly investigate widespread allegations of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances, demilitarize the north of Sri Lanka, implement impartial land dispute resolution mechanisms, re-evaluate detention policies, strengthen formerly independent civil institutions, reach a political settlement on the devolution of power to the provinces, promote and protect the right of freedom of expression for all and enact rule of law reforms,
Noting with concern that the National Plan of Action and the Commission’s report do not adequately address serious allegations of violations of international law,
Expressing concern at the continuing reports of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture, and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society and journalists, and threats to judicial independence and the rule of law,
Noting with concern the failure of the Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority, which is integral to reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all members of its population,
Expressing appreciation for the efforts of the Government of Sri Lanka in facilitating the visit of a technical mission from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and encouraging the Government to increase its dialogue and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner,
1. Welcomes the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on advice and technical assistance for the Government of Sri Lanka on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka and the recommendations and conclusions contained therein, in particular on the establishment of a truth-seeking mechanism as an integral part of a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to transitional justice, and notes the call of the High Commissioner for an independent and credible international investigation into alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law;
2. Urges the Government of Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations made in the report of the Office of the High Commissioner;
3. Reiterates its call upon the Government of Sri Lanka to implement expeditiously and effectively the constructive recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, and to take all necessary additional steps to fulfil its relevant legal obligations and commitment to initiate credible and independent actions to ensure justice, equity and accountability, including investigations of violations of international law, and reconciliation for all Sri Lankans;
4. Urges the Government of Sri Lanka to cooperate with special procedures mandate holders and to respond formally to their outstanding requests, including by providing unfettered access to the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the Special Rapporteur on the rights to peaceful assembly and of association, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Independent Expert on minority issues, the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice;
5. Encourages the Office of the High Commissioner and relevant special procedures mandate holders to provide, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, advice and technical assistance on implementing the above-mentioned steps;
6. Requests the Office of the High Commissioner, with input from relevant special procedures mandate holders, as appropriate, to present an interim report to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fourth session, and a report in an interactive dialogue at the twenty-fifth session, on the implementation of the present resolution.
Statements of other member states
Russia said that Sri Lanka’s second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review had again confirmed its readiness and openness to engage in open dialogue. Sri Lanka had agreed to the majority of recommendations made and those accepted were truly constructive and non-politicised in nature. Russia appreciated Sri Lanka’s list of voluntary commitments on many aspects of human rights.
Sudan said that Sri Lanka had accepted a great number of recommendations, most of which were positive and constructive. Sudan welcomed the acceptance of two recommendations on consolidation of law enforcement and resettlement of internally displaced persons. It was important to create an environment that made it possible for citizens to enjoy their rights.
United Arab Emirates welcomed positive measures undertaken by the Government to implement the recommendations from the first cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. The United Arab Emirates took note of Sri Lanka’s statement on giving new impetus to the human rights system and promoting human rights. It was fully confident that Sri Lanka would move forward and hoped it would be supported in this.
United Kingdom expressed serious concern about freedom of expression in Sri Lanka and asked why the recommendation to invite the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and opinion to visit the country was rejected. Sri Lanka gave no justification for the rejection of the recommendations relating to the independence of the judiciary. The impeachment of the Chief Justice ran contrary to the clear rulings of Sri Lanka’s highest courts and contravened principles of fairness, due process and respect for the independence of the judiciary.
United States welcomed the acceptance of recommendations to combat gender-based violence and investigate breaches of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The United States was disappointed that Sri Lanka had rejected the implementation of the recommendations of its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission and nearly all recommendations to engage with the United Nations Special Procedures mandate holders.
Venezuela welcomed the spirit of openness and cooperation that Sri Lanka had demonstrated in the second Universal Periodic Review process and urged it to implement the recommendations of its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission. Venezuela recognized the efforts of Sri Lanka to implement recommendations from its first Review, notably those relating to the improvement of the enjoyment of human rights and those related to peace.
Viet Nam said that serious efforts had been made by Sri Lanka in relation to the national reconstruction and reconciliation process, and noted with satisfaction the ongoing implementation of 19 voluntary commitments made by Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, challenges and hardships remained to be overcome, for which an environment favourable to creating a stable and peaceful Sri Lanka was crucial.
Algeria said that Sri Lanka had actively shown it was willing to further advance human rights by intensifying the policies it was undertaking for the protection of the human rights of women and children in particular.
Belarus commended Sri Lanka on the adoption of a National Action Plan and the measures taken to reform and enhance national legislation, and said that Sri Lanka had shown strong commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights.
China said that it appreciated Sri Lanka’s important achievements in advancing domestic reconciliation. China called on the international community to respect Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, objectively look at its advancements, provide constructive assistance, and avoid interfering in its domestic affairs. China supported the adoption of the outcome.
A member of the delegation of Sri Lanka, in response to a statement made by the United Kingdom with reference to the impeachment of the Chief Justice, stated that the Constitution and procedural matrix involved in the impeachment of judges of the Superior Court was not some process invented on a person-centric, ad hoc manner. In that context it was correct to state that the invocation of that procedure to meet requirements that emerged consequent to facts to the case concerned was justifiable. However, the entire process and a ruling by a division by the Supreme Court on the matter had now been brought under the judicial review.
Human Rights Watch said that Sri Lanka had rejected the recommendations to implement the recommendations of its own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission. As further evidence of its lack of commitment to accountability, the Government had turned down basic recommendations focusing on the need to end impunity and investigate serious allegations of human rights violations.
World Evangelical Alliance welcomed the acceptance of recommendations to promote reconciliation and inter-religious dialogue, but was puzzled that religious freedom was still an issue in Sri Lanka. In the words of the United Nations Secretary-General, the rule of law was fostered by a strong civil society, practiced tolerance and celebrated diversity. Pluralism was not a problem, it was the solution.
Amnesty International presented the case of Mr. Ragihar Monaharan, one of five university students murdered by Sri Lankan security forces on 2 January in 2006; his family had been forced to flee the country when their lives had been threatened because they sought justice for their son’s murder.
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, in a joint statement, said that it was extremely disappointed that Sri Lanka’s recommendations had been amended so that they focused on the National Action Plan, which included only a fraction of the recommendations originally made. The rejection of a large number of recommendations by Sri Lanka, for example to investigate enforced disappearances, demonstrated Sri Lanka’s limited commitment to the reconciliation process.
United Nations Watch said that forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, sexual violence against women, and restrictions on freedom of expression remained prevalent in Sri Lanka. It was regrettable therefore that Sri Lanka had rejected many valuable recommendations made in that respect. Moreover, attacks on the independence of the judiciary and reported cases of child rape and violence against women were particularly alarming.
International Commission of Jurists said that Sri Lanka had failed to uphold its pledge to conduct an independent investigation into allegations of gross human rights violations during the war. Furthermore, the recent removal of the legal Chief Justice of Sri Lanka through an impeachment process declared unconstitutional by the country’s Supreme Court was particularly alarming. This was the latest in a long series of attacks against the independence of the judiciary.
Action Canada for Population and Development said that it was disappointed with Sri Lanka’s lack of engagement or acceptance of recommendations on non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity. It was also concerned about the lack of response on recommendation 128.24 on decriminalizing homosexual relationships between consenting adults.
Jubilee Campaign expressed grave concern that the period since the end of the war in Sri Lanka had been marked by State-sponsored Sinhala Buddhist triumphalism, the weakening of democratic institutions and the rule of law, the constriction of civil and political rights, abductions and forcible disappearances, and a widespread climate of fear among human rights defenders and journalists.
CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation said that the rejection and delayed implementation of crucial recommendations had shown a lack of commitment to addressing serious human rights concerns. Several prominent human rights activists had been subject to slanderous campaigns instigated by the Sri Lankan Government portraying them as traitors for raising concerns about human rights violations.
Liberation said that the refusal of Sri Lanka to ratify a number of international instruments such as the Rome Statute spoke loudly about its commitment to address accountability and torture in the country. The Human Rights Council should take measures to address accountability and impunity in Sri Lanka, given the evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and the lack of will of the Government to address them.
MAHINDA SAMARASINGHE, Minister of Plantation Industries and Special Envoy of the President of Sri Lanka on Human Rights, in his closing remarks, thanked the delegations expressing their support toSri Lanka and stressed that the conflict was 30 years long and involved ruthless terrorists, causing the suffering of many thousands of people. During this period, many civilians had been murdered by the Tamil Tigers; thousands and thousands of Muslims had been forced out of their homes and Buddhist places of warship had been targeted. All the talk about killings and atrocities must be balanced and include also those committed by the Tamil Tigers.Sri Lanka was diverse society in which freedom of religion or belief was guaranteed and the Government did not condone any attacks on places of worship. The investigation into the death of five university students had commenced;Sri Lanka needed time and space to deal with such gruesome events and with the challenges ahead and had not absolved itself from responsibility.Sri Lanka was committed to achieving national reconciliation impartial
Also reproduced here is an article this writer contributed to SLG in December 2011.
LLRC ignored rape victims in its report
By Pearl Thevanayagam
(December 22,London,Sri LankaGuardian) One glaring omission in the LLRC report is the rape and murder of a significant number of detainees in camps by government security forces. No woman would have ever come forward and told the Commission that she had been raped. Sri Lankan culture does not permit a woman to come out with the fact she was raped since there is a heavy stigma attached to a raped woman.
Apart from a clergyman’s submission which states“As a priest moving with the people I notice that we have nearly 81 widows in our district. Either they have lost their husbands or their husbands are in the detention camps. These women headed families face many difficulties, as the Tamil society is a very traditional society. When a man goes in to help a widow’s family undue suspicion could arise and social and moral issues could also come up. They do not have anybody to help”, there is absolutely no mention of rape on Chapter 5 Paragraphs 104 to 117.
Around June this year I wrote a piece to Sri Lanka Guardian titled `The Vanquished People’ in which I was witness to an 18 year old asylum seeker with a low IQ who was examined and interviewed by a psychologist and saw with my own eyes the injuries she sustained in her private parts when she was dragged out of her cell along with four other girls and repeatedly raped by several soldiers almost on a daily basis for 18 months. She bore a female child as a result who is now almost three years old.
The psychologist who had been treating her for almost two years told me she was telling the truth and the fact that she ran for her dear life when spotted a uniformed porter confirmed that she was indeed traumatised and it would take many more years for her deep psychological wounds to heal.
Evidence is also surfacing of young boys being raped and tortured in detention camps during asylum claims and human rights groups could do well to interview immigration solicitors and foreign government ministries dealing with asylum claims.
If the LTTE had committed many atrocities rape had never been one of them. Channel 4’s Killing Fields’ video, evidence given by many female asylum seekers for obtaining refugee status despite many bogus claims, recent UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture) disclosure of rape, torture and murder and UK based human rights group report on the same put these rape victims is reminiscent of South Korea’s `Comfort Women’ during World War 11 in detention camps who were systematically raped by Japanese soldiers and who needed sexual gratification to keep their morale high. Some seven decades laterJapanis still paying compensation to these women who are now well into their nineties.
Despite all this, theUK High Commissioner DrChris Nonis ceremoniously handed over the LLRC report – a puerile effort of a few government servants to exonerate the government from the atrocities of its security forces – toUKparliamentarians with pomp and pageant at the House of Commons. The premature release of the LLRC report before the government announced deadline of December 21 smacks of Prof. G.L.Peiris’s fingerprints to placate the international community into thwarting war crime investigations and is seen by critics as a damage-control exercise before international war crimes investigations proper begins next year.
UN’s choice words that `it welcomes the report’ in no way suggest that it accepts the LLRC report as the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Sri Lanka is fast losing its credibility from day one after the war ended when it announced that no civilians were killed by the security forces and later went on to admit some civilians may have been caught up in the offensive against the LTTE.
The reason the refugees abroad are campaigning to bring the government before the international war crimes tribunal is that almost every one of them had either lost at least one member of their family or relatives or seriously affected. Their fight is a just fight and the world is listening at last. It its futile and foolhardy to accuse them of re-awakening LTTE terrorism.
The LLRC report has taken a lassaiz-faire attitude towards the annihilation of a good proportion of civilians and this alone merits international intervention and making the government accountable for war crimes committed. The war victims deserve immediate reprieve if the government sincerely wishes to mend fences with its minorities which include a good proportion of innocent Muslims.
*The writer has been a journalist for 24 years and worked in national newspapers as sub-editor, news reporter and news editor. She was Colombo Correspondent for Times of India and has contributed to Wall Street Journal; where she was on work experience from The Graduate School of Journalism, UC Berkeley, California. Currently residing in UK she is also co-founder of EJN (Exiled Journalists Network) UK in 2005. She can be reached at pearltheva@hotmail.com
Puswella / August 23, 2013
It is normal procedure for Tamil journalists to compare the SL military to the Nazis, to use emotionally charged terms like ‘Rape’, ‘Killing Fields’, ‘40,000 or more innocent Tamils’ etc. This is why they cannot be taken seriously. Pillay being a Tamil will probably believe every word.
Bruno Umbato / August 24, 2013
Usage of Lies, exaggeration, ideas of separatism and all other unmoral decalarations to redicule Sinhalese and Budhists in this country by LTTE rump is not new … Many in the world are beginning to understand this fact and ignore their biased writings … But there are some who would not want to understand or realize the truth for their own benefit or to help their race …. Navi Pillay is obsessed with SL and she devotes more than 90% of her time in pursuing to take SL to war crime tribunals … With so many human rights abuses occurring right now on this globe, she glued her eyes to SL for benefit of her own race .. Nobody could expect anything unbiased from her visit to SL …. She remained biased and she would come out biased … No matter what SL does, she would never stop her trying to take SL to war crime tribunals … She would try, try and try … But, she would definitely fail because her personal hatred towards SL and separate country for her own race are not ideas expected from a chief of UNHRC … She takes UNHRC to black hole to satisfied her whims and fantasies …. What a shame!
sarojini / August 24, 2013
Basically many Tamils do not Understand what “Rape ” “genocide” Human rights violations really mean . They ramble on like parrots what one hears. This eventually becomes the mantra , setting their scene for the rest of the gullible Human rights activists to echo . After all it is the bread and butter for these dubious NGO’s that have to sing for their supper. If there is peace in a country, NGO”s and their paymasters will be redundant .
gamini / August 25, 2013
This Scum Bag is as useal soiling this blog with her discharges, repugnant to say the least and the stench is unbearable. No wonder Men Pause at such lewd characters. Yet they never give up. She believes that Tamil women have not been raped and killed in the North. Why were some of our Forces on duty in Haiti sent back after being caught raping women there? No wonder this kind like to sit back and enjoy, certainly then it is not rape but a case of seducing the Forces and for all I know must be passing on AIDs as well. God help this Nation, matephorically.
kali / August 26, 2013
You Sinhalese Rat you dont know what you are taliking about you bloody woman.
You say that the Tamils dont understand what Rape , Genocide and Human Rights Violations mean and tghat is insulting to those who have suffered all of the above at your hands. If you have any decency left in you youlwill do the following.
Rape: Tell your soldier brothers to satisfy their apetite with their wifes if they dont have a wife they should stick their Tom Tom into an amimal.
Genocide: As for the Genocide that was unleashed on the Tamils I am not surprised as your comrade Ahmadinejad said the samething about the Holocaust and killing is second nature to you .
Human Rights: It does not surprise me as you lot dont value Human Life. Bloody half Animal.
kali / August 25, 2013
This is a typical Sinhalese reaction and that is why we cannot live under the same roof.
Dont worry Eelam has arrived through the back door and if you notice your Thuggish Leaders haave succumbed to pressure. By the way do you know the whereabouts of Wimaaaaaal WeeraaWansaaa he has been missing for days probably drowned in his vomit. How sad.
thiscantbhappening / August 23, 2013
Pearl,Your rant para on Kadirgama is quite offensive…bamboo shoots under fingernails? Really??
abhaya / August 23, 2013
Another idiot crying for the international community to rescue his eelam dream .
I guess if you keep telling the same lie it becomes the truth . lmao
gamini / August 23, 2013
It appears that the truth being repeated, it becomes a lie to those who do not want to believe and think the others will also follow suit. What wishful thinking?
abhaya / August 24, 2013
gamini kallathoni
yes your eelam dream will never be . no matter how many times you tell it . may be in TN butstill not likely .
gamini / August 25, 2013
This Pambaya who believes that there is no one else to do his Job as he is the only one Qualified in the world, claims that he is there working, not because he likes, but because he is compelled to by his host country. What a tragedy for the poor soul? I saw him boasting in another thread, of his Globe trotting habits just to impress the readership I suppose. I have been asking for what the Job he does, but he is silent, possibly unable to say what it is. How can he say it and insult his family pride?
By the way Pambaya, if you want to refute something what I have said, you are certainly welcome. But please do not insult your intelligence for the entire readership here by demeaning your self otherwise resorting to garbage rummaging with your rants, completely irrelevant to the subject of discussion, calling me a Kallathonia or for that matter a Tamil Eelam seeker as I am far from it. I believe it is your pin head intelligence that prompts you to engage us, thinking you are in par with us, the readership of this blog the CT. Good Bye!
kali / August 26, 2013
Man oh Man you idiot and for your information Eelam has arrived.
Here is the reason why and according to the State Department who forced MR and his cronies to call a election the problem in Sihala Lanka is no longer a Sinhala Tamil issue but a Jaffna issue and to put it in Sinhalese the North is a Seperate Entity distinct from the South.
Got it? if not seek legal advice and I can help you if you come to my Practice and the first consultation is FREE.
Thondamanaru / August 23, 2013
It also appears normal for pro-ltte tamils and diaspora refer to Rape, murder and torture of Tamil civillians who were fleeing each time they address.
These diasporas appear to prevent any resemblance of peace to the Tamils living in Sri Lanka.
They are a curse to the Tamils living and moreover hellbent on recouping their lost $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
kali / August 25, 2013
Aru I told you the Aru dried up long time ago and so have you nothing news to offer except the same old rhetoric
kali / August 25, 2013
Your ideas have dried up. You idiot there is no semblance of peace to the Tamils in Sri Lanka except State Terrorism unleashed by your Thugs
Joe Ladislaus / August 24, 2013
‘I guess if you keep telling the same lie it becomes the truth . lmao’
If this applies to the goose, it must be to the gander as well.
Jim softy / August 24, 2013
Pearl Devanayagam. You are just talking CRAP.
You people got TAMILNADU in 1964. what happened to Those Tamils except producing some Indian rupee – trillionaire politicians in Tamilnadu.
Even in Sri Lanka Tamil caste issue is alive and thriving. If not for the Sinhala people, Tamils would be killing and oppressing Tamils because of the low caste. You people hide everything behind the language that you don’t speak.
Read this.
“Dalit boy of Vadugapatti in Tamil Nadu’s Madurai district has been forced to carry his footwear on his head for daring to wear them in a caste-Hindu area.
WITH the imposing Puthur hillock surrounded by lush green sugarcane fields offering a picturesque backdrop, Vadugapatti in Usilampatti block in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu gives the impression that all is well there. But the humiliation inflicted on a 11-year-old Dalit boy and the abuses hurled subsequently at his widowed mother by a caste Hindu youth have unmasked the moral pretensions of the tiny village in the heartland of the Piramalai Kallars.
In a place where footwear is considered a status symbol rather than protective gear, a Piramalai Kallar youth, P. Nilamaalai, forced the Dalit boy, P. Suresh (name changed), to carry his sandals on his head as punishment. His crime: wearing footwear in the caste-Hindu area!
The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) took suo motu notice of the case and held an inquiry in the village on June 11. D. Venkatesan, Director of the NCSC (Tamil Nadu and Puducherry), who was accompanied by A. Iniyan, investigator, confirmed that the incident had taken place. Dubbing it a “heinous crime against a juvenile”, he said that persons guilty of the crime would have to face “serious legal consequences”.
Following a complaint lodged by the victim’s mother, P. Nagammal, a brick kiln worker, the Usilampatti Town police registered a first information report (FIR) on June 6 and arrested Nilamaalai, his brother P. Agni and their father, A. Pathivuraja. The police have registered cases against them under sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.
Even 10 days after the incident, Suresh found it difficult to come to terms with the humiliation he had undergone. Narrating his ordeal, he said it occurred when he and two other boys were returning from the Government Kallar High School where he was studying in Standard VI. “
kali / August 25, 2013
You are talking CRAP with a big C
Peter Casie Chetty / August 24, 2013
Someone got laid on the Observer News Desk while working overtime. Was that you Pearl? Story is that it was you.
If you doubt me ask Sugee.
R.J.de Silva / August 27, 2013
Show some decency and breeding – uncouth Peter Casie-Chetty. You are
talking of a lady and a journalist of many years. There is little doubt
you have a vulgar mouth and a dirtier pen.
Senguttuvan / August 24, 2013
Pearl Thevanayagam is an experienced Lankan journalist who has followed
the ethnic conflict carefully for decades. She has a right to express her views as she sees the issue. The fact she is a Tamil and that she and her immediate family suffered badly in 7/83 should not be held against her. She has reason to be disappointed with the way the country is managed because it was due to its failure, she, like dozens of other talented and patriotic local journalists had to flee the country.
Her views on Lakshman Kadirgamar are shared by many across the ethnic divide. It is an open secret even Kadirgamar’s children doubt his killing had a direct LTTE involvement.
James / August 24, 2013
Lies, lies and more lies…. OMG! do you actually believe what you write ???
Pearl has shown in her opinion written that she is actually a fruit cake.. she has convieniently left out all the murders of the Tamil leaders/intellectuals by the LTTE and their disregard to civilian life.
Preaching and spreading lies … you are no better if not worse than those who you have accussed
kali / August 26, 2013
Pearl might be a fruit cake which means at least she is sweet. But you are a Crocodile shedding Crocodile tears. Since when did you start to have sympathy for our fallen heros.
Donald J Gnanakone / August 24, 2013
The stray dogs bark but the caravan rolls on.
Great article Pearl… What you said about Lakshman Kadirgamar was very diplomatic… There is plenty more skeletons in that “dirty cupboard”.
Jim softy / August 25, 2013
Even in Rajiv Gandhi killing LTTE was not sure whether they did it or not.
What a bunch of back-boneless losers.
lal / August 24, 2013
To dear Pearl,
Do you recommend any punitive measures against those Tamils who financed and supported the LTTE to carry out murderous acts in Sri Lanka? Are they not culpable for aiding and abetting murder, rape, forced recruitment? And, should not the numerous LLTE murderers now in custody be incacerated for their crimes, if tried and found to be guilty? To maximise on Pillai’s visit to find out exactly what went on is just, but to capitalise on her ethinic background to exonerate the atrocities of the terrorists would be a big mistake. The world is watching Pillai, given her dubious history of impartiality as an arbiter in conflict resolution situations elsewhere, her ability to conduct an inquiry fairly and impartially. She is also under pressure from her kith and kin and her paymasters to implicate Sri Lanka, and Sri Lanka only, regardless of overwhelming evidence of murderous acts of terrorists and, others who aided those activities now living comfotable lives in UK, USA, Canada and elsewhere. A meaningful outcome from Pillai’s visit is doubtful, to say the least.
kali / August 25, 2013
Lal Bahdour Shastri,
Let me explain to you something and answer your questions.
1)LTTE was the creation of Sinhalese atrocities since independance.
2) They were freedom fighters and acting under a lot of constraints and no one one pretends that there were no excessess but if you care to ask who was responsible for that it was you lot.
3) As regards rape this is a subject you cannot defend and you only have to read the account of what your soldier brothers did to our Krishathi. Man it haunts me to this day.
4)As regards the punishment for the so called aiders and abetors of the struggle for Freedom you dont even know what that means and the following I hope will answer your question.
Karuna who killed 2000 Occupying soldiers is now a Government Minister and why have you rewarded him is it because he helped to infiltrerate the LTTE. If that was the case you cannot claim to occupy the moral high ground and how could you justify your actions to the families of the soldiers killed .
There is nothing wrong in Pillai being a Tamil and if you say that because she is Tamil she will be biased how can you justify the following the following. If that was the case how can your Thugs be the Judge and Jury and why shouldnt their actions be investigated by an Independant body.
You are passing judgement on her visit even before it has started and that is because you fear the outcome and its implications.
James / August 24, 2013
I was really looking forward to read a well written and a well researched article . . . what a waste of time
Pearl you your article has been a great dissapointment!
kali / August 26, 2013
Who asked you to poke your nose into this. Keep out of this and dont poke your nose into this man.
Jim softy / August 25, 2013
“The fact she is a Tamil and that she and her immediate family suffered badly in 7/83 should not be held against her. She has reason to be disappointed with the way the country is managed because it was due to its failure, she, like dozens of other talented and patriotic local journalists had to flee the country.”
What is the difference now, Tamils are into the same kind of politics.
Those days, vellahlas ran Jaffna. Now, again they will run Jaffna; will live through the Caste system and use TAMIL as the unifying force.
kali / August 25, 2013
Softly softly your criminal Leaders have been forced to eat the Humble pie andI dont want to waste my time giving you a list of humilitaions they have faced.
But then your race is a funny one and you will erect a monument for them from the Ruins.
James / August 25, 2013
Pearl Thevanayagam is like many others who have gone through a very difficult time in ’83 and again as a journalist . . . We all have difficult times & disappointments in our lives some time or another. However, she should strive to be the better person and not allow the negative aspects of a period in her life to change her for the worse but should use it positively to tell and put across what really is going on ..
An honest, researched reporting will be appreciated more than the rubbished that is currently published here.. and her accredition as senior journalist will not be questioned
Today there are no patriotic politicians… they all have deep pockets waiting to be filled up at every oppurtunity to the cost of each and every citizen.
Will we ever get know the truth of the war.. I do not think so.. is the government responsible for some of the crimes they are accused of the answer probably be yes, but the LTTE are also guilty of the same crimes and more, probably worse as several generations of tamils have suffered, families have been torn apart, the fabric of the tamil society has been change forever – sacrificed by the few to hold on to power and what became a way of life. Lets us not forget that it was the LTTE who killed most of the tamil leaders and intellectual.. who if living could have come forward to lead the people.
If we are to continue to live a life of false pretence how will we ever improve our lot? Its time now to accept what has happened and seek justic where neccessary and go forward to rebuild what was taken away for the last 30 years
kali / August 25, 2013
I dont know if I should call you Pearl ( as opposed to Pearl of the Indian Ocean) of the palk strait.
I endorse much of what you have written and much of it is well documented.
As regards the Ramifications of UNHRC”s Chief visit to the Island it was long overdue and that is only part of the solution.
The Nation that holds the key to taking it through to conclusion and bring those responsible for the Genocide to justice is India.
But we are a long way from that and according to me reckoning it could take another 3 years.
First we need a change of Government in India as the current as the hands of the current rulers are tainted with Tamil boold and many have taken back handers.
So you cannot exepct them to implicate the partners in Crime as that is not possible for fear of being found out.
But I am hopeful that things are moving in the right direction.
1) Under pressure from USA, BRITAIN, and INDIA election were announced.
2) After the election the No 1 priority is to get the barabric army off the street and armed with the mandate from the people that must be a formality as up to now in the absence of a Civilian Government MR was able to let the army have a free reign and terrorise the Local Population.
3) Introduce a Tamil Police Force to take charge of Security as this cannot be left to Soinhalese Police to avoid repetion of cases like Krishanthi
4) Grabing Tamil Land to colonise must be stopped and reversed and all the confiscated land must be returned to rightful owners.
5) Development of Eelam must start immediately so all the displaced Tamils can return home including those from foreign Countries.
Then the final act to complete the process:
Accountablity is not going to happen from within and that can only happen with outside help and the election of a New Government in India will expedite matters.
Once MR and his cronies have been jetted off to the Hague the process of Reconcilation can start only if there is a willingness on the part of the Majority.
But we Tamils cannot move on until those responsible for the Genocide are behind bars.
P.Riyad / August 26, 2013
‘Her visit should not be taken lightly’..says the author PT..any reason why we should take a paid employee (official) of the UN anyway but lightly? Officials are the workers paid (by sovereign states) to make reports for the edification of the heads of states that form the UN..and the decision makers are these heads of states who will evaluate such reports. They, of course, must be taken seriously.. but the messengers, definitely must be taken lightly. Isn’t that the correct thing to do!
kali / August 26, 2013
Riyad of Saudi Arabia,
What are you talking about man. If you are Tamil you will understand the meaning of ” Kumpallai Kovintha”.
It simply means that every one is saying something so why dont I also join in the fun and talk some rubbish and what you are saying is rubbish.
If the author says that her visit must not be taken lightly it simply means she must be taken serioulsy as she will be the author of the message.
You dont like the author which is obvious so you are hoping that the decison makers that is people like Banki Moon who is a Buddhist will consider her a light weight and put her message in the bin. What a waste of paying for the trip by the UN
Antany Peter / August 26, 2013
The Rajapaksa brothers have full support of the Chinese, not only in investments, but controlling the people and media. India just can’t wait on the West to act, India must guide the West to act. The UN high commissioner Navi Pillay’s visit, the UN human rights Council meeting in September and the CHOGM have all the answers for India.
The Rajapaksa brothers and their supporters are intoxicated in power and MADNESS. One thing that absolutely surprised me is how the Sri Lankan government has been dealing with public protests and journalists, while the UN High Commissioner for human rights Navi Pillay about to visit the country, and being the host country for the CHOGM. It shows the government’s madness. As a political writer, I never seen, heard or read such a madness due to bloody arrogance and stupidity.