Namal uses Office of Prime Minister for one month into his father’s illegal term as ‘Prime Minister’ of Sri Lanka. The fake Prime Minister Rajapaksa‘s eldest son and heir is back to his old tricks, abusing power and using his father’s status and official resources at his own whim and fancy.
For several days now Namal Rajapaksa who holds no official position in the purported Government set up by President Maithripala Sirisena following a coup on 26th October, has been using the Prime Minister’s Office situated at Flower Road Colombo 07 as venue for political meetings with Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna members from different local councils around the country.
On November 24th Namal chaired a meeting of SLPP local councillors from Suriyawewa. On November 25th Namal chaired a meeting of SLPP local councillors from Katuwana. On November 26 Namal Rajapaksa chaired a meeting of SLPP local councillors from Weeraketiya. All of the meetings were held at the Office of the Prime Minister on Flower Road.
The Rajapaksa crown prince is well and truly on the path to abusing state power again, and has learned nothing from his father’s twin electoral defeats in 2015 which were credited largely to the abuse of power by his offspring and siblings, observers said.
“The past 3.5 years out of power have taught the Rajapaksa’s nothing. Not even one month occupying government illegally they are back to their old tricks bringing the same crooks back to the governing seat – look at the appointments of Kapila Chandrasena and Nalaka Godahewa – both officials in the former Government who are facing criminal charges,” said one political observer. “Namal Rajapaksa has not matured an ounce in the past four years either still intent on laying waste to his father’s political legacy by his arrogance and abuse of power” the observer added.
Since Mahinda Rajapaksa took up illegal occupation of the Prime Minister’s Office at Flower Road his party men and purported ministers have made it a habit of holding press briefings at the venue on a regular basis.
It bears emphasis that during the past four years the Office of the Prime Minister has never been utilised for political activities.
Dave / November 27, 2018
we need more buffoons like Wannihami in SL to make it very prosperous. We need Wannihami et al, people who worked in minimum wage jobs around the world to represent the parliament so they can steal all the money and let the people suffer.
Let’s make the 3 wheeler buffoon Wannihami the next President !!!
wannihami / November 28, 2018
Dave mon ami, je salue mon chapeau. Je ferai de mon mieux pour que vos souhaits se réalisent et je compte échanger mon trishaw contre une voiture de sport lorsque je serai président. Anysuggestios sur quelle voiture?
Analyst / November 28, 2018
Wannihamy moron! Are you in hot boiling water? You seem to be so desperate to jump out of it to save your fake government.
It’s so obvious , you need a psycho analysis firstly before being sent to Angoda.
This is my analysis. Take it or leave it,
taddu / November 28, 2018
Fake government and its greedy leeches should be summoned to parliament to verify these unlawful acts. They are so scared to come to parliament now.
koneswaran / November 28, 2018
Shiranthi Raja is behind this move, She is desperate to make Namal the leader.
Pon Kulendiren / November 28, 2018
Unfortunately, feeding bottle and a cot is not available for Nammal baby
Renu / November 28, 2018
Then how does Ranil do politics at temple trees being not the PM?
K.Pillai / November 28, 2018
Lankans are being lemming-prodded towards a cliff, the bottom of which is a Venezuela-type disaster.
Namal does not care. He is only interested in finding out as to whether SLPP in Suriyawewa and Katuwena and Weeraketiya have enough language/religion-divide flags. Took a day each!
What about meeting the SLPP branch, Namaliya (formerly Vavuniya)?