15 September, 2024


Ranil Rajapaksa Interregnum

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

“Politics is the art of the possible”, said the 19th century German statesman Otto Von Bismarck, and Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) is the embodiment of that truism. How else could one describe this man’s mercurial rise from a zero to hero within a matter of two and a half years and without any support from the people this country? By being an impostor if not a doppelganger of Rajapaksas and a trustworthy insurer of their ill-gotten fortunes, he won their trust, identified himself with their political party and eventually filled in with their support every position vacated by them from finance ministry, to premiership and ultimately the presidency. He deserves to be congratulated.

The ancient regime is back in power as in Egypt, and Rajapaksas have proved that they are not yet a spent force in politics. But there is a difference between what happened in Cairo and in Colombo. In the former, it was a military man from the barracks who grabbed the presidency with force and bloodbath, murdering nearly 800 protestors and throwing the elected prime minister into prison. Here, it is by an unelected parliamentarian through the constitutional process, but with a promise to maintain law and order and protect the constitution by getting rid of what he called the karalikaruwo or rebels. However, once he orders the tri-forces to act they wouldn’t know the difference between his karalikaruwo and aragalakaruwo or strugglers. A bloodbath in the weeks or months to come cannot be discounted. Rajapaksa regime had no choice but to rally behind RW who has already earned the sobriquet Ranil Rajapaksa. The interim political order could now be baptized with a new nomenclature, Ranil Rajapaksa Interregnum (RRI). Will this interregnum run its full course until the end of the current parliament’s term of office? The immediate task facing RRI is economic reparation.

RW should be hoping to win at least some semblance of support from the people by bringing relief to at least part their economic suffering. He could do that by way of importing a couple of shiploads of fuel, medicines and food. The ones that are reported to have arrived already seem to be a preplanned affair to coincide with RW’s succession. Of course, there is no foreign currency to pay for them. The present Governor of SLBC, whom RW wanted GR to get rid of in favour of one of RW’s nominees, has warned of an empty treasury and negative reserves. The president would therefore be urging IMF, the World Bank and possibly the Asian Development Bank to release emergency funding to help his regime to survive. He could also approach India to do more and quickly. But ultimately, all such assistance are not gifts, but loans to be settled later. That would bite the treasury for years to come. Even then, foreign assistance would not flow until political stability is restored. That depends on what aragalaya proposes to do next.

To the aragalayers what had happened so far is the worst possible outcome. A man who had been rejected at the ballot box and tarnished his reputation by acting as the chief insurer of Rajapaksa fortunes is now at the helm, installed by the same corrupt gang. There is also speculation that GR, if he fails to find a country to accommodate him permanently may come back to Sri Lanka with all privileges of a past president intact. Hence, aragalaya has no choice but to continue with its mission.

RRI could prolong only with the barrel of the gun, and RW would have no compunction in employing that because he also carries a personal grudge against the protestors, for he believes, without any evidence to support, that the arson attack on his private residence was the handywork of aragalaya. Moreover, RW is a prodigy of the old order and he would be the last person to entertain any form of systemic change that would disturb that order, let alone the change aragalayers are demanding. Didn’t this president say that he wanted the army helicopters to crowd out Galle Face Green? He no doubt wants to clear that precinct of crowding protestors. This is why a confrontation between aragalaya and RRI is unavoidable. Trade unions, university students and the leftist groups would be expected to swell anti-RRI demonstrators. Would that confrontation be the swan song for RW and ultimately RRI? Nothing could be discounted at the moment.

At a time when the nation was expecting to receive a president who could unite the different communities and rejuvenate their collective synergy to restart the war on want, they have been presented with one who personifies failure. The current bunch of 225 parliamentarians had proved once again their incompetency to read the pulse of the nation. Aragalaya was apt in passing no confidence on the entire 225 and demanding them to quit. But they are there and Rajapaksas are on the saddle. Given this scenario, how could the protesting youth expect RRI to entertain any of their six immediate demands submitted recently? In reality, solutions to the current malaise lie not inside but outside the parliament. Would the progressive forces at least now resolve their petty ideological differences and form a broad coalition with aragalaya to take the struggle to a new level?

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, Western Australia

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  • 31

    Dr Ammer Ali,
    You articulate the views of many Sri Lankans.
    If RW has an iota of decency or respectability (he does not know what these mean!), he should dissolve the parliament and hold elections at the earliest opportunity.
    My fear is that he plans to continue with an utterly repressive rule disregarding the people’s wishes.
    I hope the idiotic rural voters understand what is happening.
    Ranil is certainly not my president!

    • 24

      Sunil when people abuse their given rights election after election, they end up with a president they never voted or wished for, is that politicians fault? Remember racist thero wishing for a Hitler. Do you think he got two instead of one ?

      • 8

        Hits the nail on the head and then some ….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sOGdmqsuKM

        • 6

          That is a brilliant analysis – impeccably articulated!

        • 0

          A brilliant choice of video, nimal fernando.
          A must listen for everybody who can understand twenty minutes of Sinhala.
          Panini Edirisinhe

      • 5

        One to be in ‘standby mode’, in case Hitler- Mein fails by any chance??? So we have it!! Don’t we?? Enjoy the ride?? May not be as rough as 1989 or 2009 nevertheless!! Bless SL!!

      • 8

        That is a rhetorical question!
        What happened at the Sri Lankan parliament merely reflects the stupidity of the voters. MPs could do anything – thank that megalomaniac JRJ for the constitution.
        We will never change the constitution until there is another bloodbath.
        There is every justification for the Aragalaya to be reinvigorated now. The young should educate the less informed in the rural areas until there is a massive movement to get rid of the present MPs.
        We are not smart enough to operate in a democracy.
        Compare what happened in the UK with Sri Lanka’s power struggle.
        Boris Johnson could not stay as PM notwithstanding being elected by the second highest majority. He delivered BREXIT.
        He had a few drinks with his staff during the COVID lockdown, which constituted a violation of the law.
        That was fatal for him.

        • 5

          That is UK!
          One could only envisage such happening’s in a day dream in SL!
          There was an instance a minister or deputy minister stood down, ehen charged by police for a traffic offence – happened to be connected with transport portfolio?!
          The SL position of an Minister standing down in the face of allegations will only happen when the “SUN SETS DOWN ON THE EAST”!!

      • 7

        “When people abuse their given rights election after election, they end up with a president they never voted or wished for”
        Someone (May be SJ) mentioned, that, ” Learning history is not how Hitler killed the Jews, but importantly How Hitler convinced the populace to make him 1st Chancellor, then Führer of Germany, to Nazi Germany??!!”
        One needs change in system, then need to identify reason and mitigate and change it!!
        So does not recur??
        One I have identified, that may be the least contributor to this Malaise?!!
        Nevertheless, should the erudite (?) parliamentarians have the gumption and conviction of mind (if it is intact and working more importantly, intent and will is there to cleanse oneself??!)
        Let us see our Honourable MP’s at work for once??!!!
        I would like to know, who will propose and who will second the Motion in the house of parliament to amend the Elections law applicable to the General, Provincial Council, Local Government Council Elections Act of Sri Lanka?!
        This is only a start and must happen NOW, not any later or after a committee report?!

        • 1

          Do not confuse C and make him rant.
          I did not say any such, but wish I did.

          • 4

            SJ, Do not worry, especially on Silly Lanka matters, haven’t we heard and seen enough, not to get confused. Calling out hypocrisy may appear ranting, only to those who are guilty.

    • 15

      “I hope the idiotic rural voters understand what is happening.”
      People respond to their situations.
      If the rural voter is not hurt by a regime the voter will not mind its going on.
      The country does not have a clear cut urban–rural divide. The JHU and its offshoots have a strong power base among the middle classes of Kotte, Hmagama areas.
      Formal education is no guarantee of intelligence or not being an idiot.
      Tell me why could not any of the pompous prophesies on these pages, all by highly qualified people, not simply work out that the electorate of 225 will vote for whoever MR really wants, although he nominated Dullas.
      When people are bogged down by their prejudices their vision gets increasingly selective.

      • 9

        You say:
        The country does not have a clear cut urban–rural divide.

        I am not so sure about it.
        Formal education is no guarantee of intelligence or not being an idiot.

        I agree with you on that.
        ..work out that the electorate of 225 will vote for whoever MR really wants..

        I got this totally wrong.
        When Sajith proposed Dulles, I was sure Dulles would win.
        SLFP also backed Dulles.
        There was TNA (Sumathiran), backing Dulles as well.
        What happened is totally unexpected.
        I honestly don’t know who could have predicted this outcome because such an outcome defies logic!

        • 4

          Here is our parliament!

          There has been a brutal suppression in Colombo – I heard 47 young people have been mercilessly assaulted!

          • 2

            Sunil, you are first with the news here.
            “There has been a brutal suppression in Colombo”
            Ranil has achieved what MR’s thugs could not.
            Various factors played.
            The Aragalaya had suffered a slight setback after the people who were pleased like punch with the return to parliament abandoned ship.
            Ranil struck at a moment when the ‘opposition’ was shell shocked. But he has accelerated a process: The committed Aragalaya activists had to learn sooner or later that a Colombo-based middle class protest had to give way to a broader mass movement. Ranil has made it ‘sooner than later’.

            • 0

              You say:
              ‘The committed Aragalaya activists had to learn sooner or later that a Colombo-based middle class protest had to give way to a broader mass movement. Ranil has made it ‘sooner than later’.

              I entirely agree with your observation.

              Surely, if the whole country takes part in a co-ordinated nonviolent struggle, the government has to respond with changes.

              Many Sri Lankans resident abroad (two countries that I know of) have been in touch with their Foreign Ministries requesting some form of intervention.
              I am not sure if such efforts have any impact although petitions signed by many Sri Lankan expatriates and nationals of these two countries could have a miniscule impact.
              There are also rumours of organising co-ordinated demonstrations in other cities across the world where expatriate Sri Lankans reside.

              In my opinion, nothing will work unless the Aragalaya becomes a truly broad-based movement.
              Cool heads are needed to provide direction and leadership to the Aragalaya.

        • 1

          “The country does not have a clear cut urban–rural divide.”
          Sunil, kindly note ‘clear cut’.
          There are voter bases for the parties their loyalties hold. The urban voter is more vulnerable to the vagaries of the economy. That makes the “floating vote”, but that has little to do with political understanding. The ethnic distribution of urban centres is generally more diverse than rural areas. Then there is a larger working class presence, which does not reflect in the voting since the decline of the Left.
          Pethiagoda did some cool headed analysis to predict the outcome, which none of the ‘experts’ here got anywhere close to.
          When Sajith commits political harakiri by with withdrawing in favour of an SLPP candidate, he hurt both SJB and SLPP votes. Given the preference system, the aim had to be to reduce RW’s vote below 113. The second preferences of respective supporters of Sajith & Dullas would more probably not have been Ranil.
          Also Sumantiran’s support for Ranil was not a clever ploy. If it was unconditional, that was good. But his conditions would impress the Tamil voter in N&E, but not the parochial SB voter in parliament (which most SLPP MPs are).
          Most importantly it was a ‘fixed’ home and home match, in which, only the SLPP head count mattered. I think tat Dullas played his assigned role well.

          • 0

            Thanks for the elaboration on the rural-urban divide.
            What you say makes sense although the past voting pattern is indicative of the increased susceptibility of the rural folk to be manipulated by the perceived threat to Sinhala Buddhists.
            Now I realise that it was a well organised match-fix.
            Most of the MPs were taken for a ride including some SJB, SLFP and TNA members!
            The Rajapakshas have outsmarted many MPs. Looking back, I am happy that the JVP did not waver.

      • 8

        “when people are bogged down by their prejudice their vision gets increasingly selective’???? Oh my good, I am still laughing while typing this comment. MR him self did not vote for Dullas, hence 134 voted for whoever he wanted. MR told press on his way out AFTER (not before) elections that “the party nominated Dullas”.(that too when cornered by waiting media, asking “who he voted for ?”). People are well aware SLPP secretary insisting RW as their official candidate, until just few days before election GLP came out claiming Dullas for president. It was so planned in advance, there was not even any disagreements or contradicting statements between the two, which usually would have been the case. SJ, must be the only one to believe Mahinda voted for Dullas. Yes, formal education (retired Prof) is no guarantee of intelligence.

        • 6

          Native where are you ??? Like Ranil, SJ’s dreams too have come true. A communist, socialist , anti U.S, anti Capitalist, is our PM. . Soon we will be free of all miseries just like in China, Russia, Cuba —-.

          • 0

            “Native where are you ??? “
            Poor sod, not even NV to his rescue!

          • 6


            I am very much around, however am disgusted, disappointed, with shameless political class and cronies.

            • 2

              Me too Native but to a lesser extent. I did not expect 134 A.Holes to ignore the struggle and suffering of their constituents. (expected narrow margin either way) Rumor is that, post election victory was celebrated throughout night until wee hours at Namal’s place with sumptuous meal and plenty of booze to wash down. Apparently 137 of SLPP crooks showed up , including one who supported Dullas in public.

            • 0

              Native Vedda,Including Sri Lanka’s Tamils (TULF)

            • 0

              C, unfortunately he was there in a different foxhole.

          • 3

            US / UK educated Philip G and his son Dinesh are leading lights of anti US , anti West / Capitalism. Haven’t we heard and seen enough.

            • 0

              Perhaps you have hitherto unknown information about the education of either in the UK.
              “Philip G and his son Dinesh are leading lights of…”
              Did not Philip G, a partner in the UNP-led 7-party alliance of 1965-70 pass away some decades ago?
              Who brought him back to life?
              Even at their worst, they will be angels compared to the pro-US JRJ and his nephew Ranil W.

        • 2

          You need no help to be pathetic.
          Did I say which way Mahinda voted?
          “Tell me why could not any of the pompous prophesies on these pages, all by highly qualified people, not simply work out that the electorate of 225 will vote for whoever MR really wants, although he nominated Dullas.”
          Read the clause ” the electorate of 225 will vote for whoever MR really wants, although he nominated Dullas” with help from someone who knows language.

      • 1

        SJ ‘Mahinda did not propose Dulles. Gotta propose Ranil. The brothers are still playing from near and Far. Each MP of SLPP was given enough money to vote for Ranil. Now Ranil will create havoc in the country. Military will go along with him. Poor students will get killed.
        Praise God.

        • 1

          Mahinda called Dullas his party’s candidate, and even ‘regretted’ his defeat, according to the papers.
          Was it the ghost of Gota entering Dineshes body that propose Ranil?
          The SLPP MPs know which side of the slice is buttered.

    • 2

      Boris Johnson resigned as a PM, is he dissolved the UK Parliment?

      • 3

        No. Why dissolve parliament as full term is not over?!

      • 2

        Can a PM dissolve parliament?
        He/she can only request the head of state to do so.

    • 5

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 2

      “If RW has an iota of decency or respectability (—-mean!), —dissolve the parliament– elections —- opportunity.”
      Sri Lankans for the past 75 years or so since independence, elected Boorowa type representatives, by and large, made constitutional changes to the original constitution granted by British at Independence, which in the main was ‘near consensual’ amended it to suit their (Majoritarian) “Whims and Fancies” and not the needs of the country and it’s citizens per se!!!???
      Thus brought us to point in history Starvation, Hunger, Lack of Essentials!! Booted out!!!!
      Cause, Disdain, despair, dejection by world with a ‘begging bowl in one hand and UNHRC rule book in the other’!!
      With due respect to MaRa and Mohan Peiris craving their indulgence too!!!
      Now an interim president elected by the body, what the inept, imbeciles, who occupy, space called ‘Parliament’ and constitution enacted by Majoritarianism as part of the ‘Basic law’ enactment of skulduggery by them to suit them??
      Why complain??
      “Bloated heads with miniscule brains”??

    • 2

      Agree with you absolutely, but who is the architect of this conundrum??
      Not RW??
      He is an actor in this ‘Prime Stage’!!
      May be most important one too?
      Not the cause?? Not at all!
      As you know everyone impels you, in seeking the truth, remove the cause and the effect will cease or vanish!!
      The responsible are collaterally,
      A. 6.9 million voters,
      B. R. Bros., Inc.,
      C. Corrupt elected MP’s and
      D. Bribing MaRa, BR ‘Kakka’ (all of them from the looted money)???!!
      None have the gumption to do that???
      “Call a Spade A Spade, none else?”

      • 4

        Thanks for the comments.
        I hope we’d avoid another bloodbath although all indications are that Ranil has been contracted to do just that.
        Democracy is a joke in Sri Lanka!

        • 1

          Fully agree on the aspect of a Bloodbath, which should be avoided at all cost, notwithstanding provocations
          JRJ’s that is the reflection or response of 1983 excuse will be utterly unhelpful in todays’ context?!!!
          It would be ‘KAPPOTHI’!
          Total, absolute and outright!!
          Should be taken out of all vision, mission and “day dreaming”!!!

        • 0

          It was only intimidation with force. Not quite a bloodbath.
          It is a warning of what could happen.

          • 0

            My fear is that Sri Lanka may experience a Chile’s Pinochet performance.

            • 0

              “Chile’s Pinochet performance” was with the fullest blessings of the US.
              I wonder if you thought of that too.

              • 0

                I have not heard of CIA’s involvement in Ranil’s ascendancy.
                By the time information is released (as with Chile), it is likely that I may not be alive.
                Future killings to preserve Sri Lankan crony capitalism will have the uncle Sam’s blessings.
                Allende was not a Soviet puppet but what he promoted was considered a threat to capitalism.

                • 0

                  The US plays it both ways as necessary.
                  It did with the GoSL and the LTTE– arranging military training for both sides in Israel at the same time.
                  NGOs in its pay were involved in the Aragalaya to ensure that it did not go too far. But Aragalaya moved a little to fast for them. But they will catch up. The Aragalaya can only be on the alert about fifth columns.
                  For all the ‘concern’ about dispersing the protesters, no foreign country will antagonize the RW-DG branding of the family rule– unless it is very unstable and, more importantly, hostile to one’s interests.

  • 21

    Dr Ali.

    Do u have any clue as to why not even a single person other than the famous 3 NPPers voted for AKD? .
    How would u and the other sensitive commenters explain it ? .
    Why did nt the northerners vote for him? .

    • 12

      Whoever ……… whatever candidate wins …….. the country always lose …….. this time too.

      Anyone wants that explained in rocket science?

      • 10

        Nimal that is what make
        our voters and country unique and wonder of not just Asia but the whole world.

        • 6

          Ranil visiting injured soldiers in hospital …….. getting down at the barricades to talk to them ……… is ominous

          Crazy as it may sound …….. I now believe, what EE always said about Ranil …….. is true!

          Although now, EE will start singing the praises of Ranil …….. who came to the rescue of his heroes :))

          In an age of casual treachery and betrayal …….. can anyone pin down anything anyone says these days?

          Do anyone realize that this is about getting the country out of bankruptcy: not developing the country? ……. That’ll take more than a decade to come back to where it was before?

          I’ll be 117.5 by then! ……. Sinhala_Man, finally you’ll be younger than me!

          “In nimal’s case, I have no idea what it is.”

          btw I’m Jamie Dornan …….. who we are doesn’t matter: who we wish we are is thaa thang …….. https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/top-sexiest-men/

          By the number of gals hanging around him ……… I’ll take Old Codger as a second preference ……….. :))

          • 5

            nimal fernando,
            “Although now, EE will start singing the praises of Ranil…”

            No I will not. Now I hate Gotabhaya for giving the opportunity for this traitor.

            For what happened Sinhalayo say ‘inguru deela miris gaththa wage’ (Gave ginger and took chili).

          • 3

            “By the number of gals hanging around him …… I’ll take Old Codger as a second preference “
            Thank you, but it hasn’t reached 72 yet, and I doubt they’re virgins.

            • 3

              old codger

              When is Mahinda going to replace Dinesh as being the all powerful Prime Minister?

              I am still awaiting for the appointment of Udhaya, Wimal, Prince of Darkness (Sarath) to their former rightful places, … and I am indeed very happy Kamala is also given the rightful place in the centre of power.

              Congratulations Ranil
              Rejected by the people
              Elected by the crooks
              May all your deals come true

              Whatsapp message.

              • 0

                Native Vedda. welcome Ranil, six times PM of Sinhalese Nation (Heladiva) Sirimavo became PM without a single vote and she became world’s first woman Prime Minister

              • 0

                Native Vedda. welcome Ranil, six times PM of Sinhalese Nation (Heladiva) Sirimavo became PM without a single vote and she became the world’s first woman Prime Minister

            • 3

              “I doubt they’re virgins.”

              Does it matter? ……… In my chase, if they breathe they are my type. ………. Leave all the dead ones to Lester: he roams the nether world.

              Sinhala_Man is out to get all the JVP/NPP groupies :))

      • 1

        Say what you please, nimal.
        I’m listening to AKD now, at 18.57 Lankan time:

    • 9

      leelagemalli, Your thoughts are valid. But, considering the gravity of the situation the priority was to STOP Ranil. Does that make sense.

      • 10

        If the idea was to stop Ranil, why did the two people who were offered the post of PM turn it down? Does that make sense either?
        What was the great idea in Sajith throwing his hat in the ring and what is the even greater idea of pulling out in favour of the SLPP candidate?

        • 4

          “What was the great idea in Sajith throwing his hat in the ring and what is the even greater idea of pulling out in favour of the SLPP candidate?”
          Dr. DJ would have been crowing all over CT if his idea worked. And the Maharajas would have selected the Cabinet.

          • 3

            Cool headed reasoning does not appeal to the sentimental types.
            Await a few more red thumbs.

    • 8

      Dear LM: The answer to your question is simple. All “134” (not excluding the “89”) who voted Ranil W are well-known “Dishonorable” ROGUES who serve themselves and seek protection. So it is imperative to find an imperishable solution. So the BEST and the ONLY solution was Ranil W. Incidentally, the “THREESOME” who stood FIRMLY against that “223” Rogues were NPP representation in Parliament. That voting also proved “1” is bigger, higher, and more formidable than “3” when assessed in terms of “Honor”, “Integrity” and “Moral Standards” as per Sri Lankan Standards.

      • 3


      • 4

        Simon, I appreciate your thoughts, and yes that rogue house is infested with world class rogues. But my question is for well over 25 years in the parliament as MPs, what the heck JVP has achieved for those donkey’s years if they could get their own 3 votes only!!?? What positive changes have they ever done in our parliament if this is the final outcome? In our society, or in our establishment??? If they cannot get at least ….just one more vote…??? Rather AKD is absolutely loves to give voice cuts to the press lavishly or giving elaborate speeches inside that rogue house for donkey’s years. None seems to have listened to him!! What has any of those voice cuts brought to the country?? That’s all they have achieved so far and I dare say that is a blinking pathetic outcome for them, particularly to AKD despite their 25 years seat warming job inside that rogue house in Diyawanna!! Are they just enjoying the MP salaries/perks and don’t bother anymore??

        • 1

          Jit: Thanks. It is your question as well as many of the “Literates”: “What JVP has achieved so far” and now you ask: ” what have they done other than collecting salaries and perks”? My question to you and many others including that “6.9 Million PLUS” is: Why have you not listened to all that JVP and now NPP has all these years told you and explained (proved TRUE and FACTUAL) and not given a single chance to govern the country, without which neither they could deliver nor execute the programs? OR, why at least did not give them a larger number in Parliament to withstand the onslaught of the “Majority Dictatorship” that got established with the “20A” of the Constitution?

          Now please don’t refer to the “Coalition” they had with Chandrika, because I know what they “DID” and “WHY” they left that Government.

          • 1

            Simon, average SL voters are just stupid. Such a crowd can not perceive situations by just listening to voice cuts. If a radical change in the system is needed then they want to see elaborate actions from any party. Pragmatic changes….. solutions that make common sense…bold leadership….. To break the status quo you need to be a street fighter! JVP did NONE of that in the last 25 years! They have been just talking…talking….!! JR did satyagraha and broke curfew rules of Sirima. MR broke Premadasa’s curfew rules and did Padayatra! Those are cobbler attacks needed in politics. But JVP only plays pussy footing!! The golden chance they had to dominate the tide in their favour and do a positive change was to take the steering wheel of the aragalaya. But they didn’t!! They were dead sacred to take that lead!! That is the naked truth! They wanted to play safe!! Didnt want to earn the wrath of Rajapaksha gang….They were just sheepishly jittering and ran away! And I can see that will be the future for them in the next 25 years too!!

            • 3

              “average SL voters are just stupid.”
              are they so because they are Sri Lankans — or is it because they vote?
              Is it not the case that anyone who expects that the ballot will change the system cannot be very clever.

            • 1

              Jit: “…….take the steering wheel of the aragalaya”. A good “RECIPE” to end the JVP. “Rajapakse Regime” expected and waited for it to happen, but to their surprise, “Aragalaya” took a different turn. However, “Rajapakses” tried their level best to rope in JVP to aragalaya, but failed and had to eat their own pie. You have produced a “Cut & Paste” of the very “Recipe” of “Rajapakses”. I am glad JVP didn’t swallow that “Bait”. They survived another day to fight the battle yet to come.

              • 2

                Oh yeah, its always very safe living inside the safety tunnel Simon! So probably JVP should never walk out of that “safe place” to swallow that “bait” from those evil people so they will be very safe FOREVER in that rogue house airing lovely voice cuts and other heroic speeches to all those wide eyed people who love those entertainments!! While others, including civilians are being absolutely pragmatic as how to get rid of this corrosive dynasty and its cronies (the gang) entirely. The problem in SL today is, after 1977 JRJ’s dictatorial constitution, the mindsets of most people and the elected representatives have become utterly conditioned with the idea that there is no other political power worthy having than having the authoritarian power!! Since 2005 this idea has gleefully expanded into totalitarian and tyrannical domains. Almost gone beyond the point of no return that we probably would never get the democracy we enjoyed before 1970. The only way out for the country to make it at least a ‘livable’ country and some hope for the future is to continue the street fighting until ‘the gang’ is terminated entirely!! If JVP is not taking that risk then somebody else would. I know you want the best for the country Simon, thank you and I rest my case here!

                • 1

                  Jit: Thank you. Two of us have traversed on different routes but met at one common meeting point: “…….the best for the country.. Thanks again for initiating an interesting dialogue.

    • 5

      Fear or money

      • 6

        All 225 fear losing their seat if the government falls.

        • 3

          Are the seven reds (so far) from among the 225?

      • 0

        lankan100: You are spot on, but please don’t differentiate with an “OR”. I say in one word: “BOTH”.

    • 8

      Dear “leelagemalli”,
      Thanks for your email, asking me the same question. Long before you see it here, you will see this response of mine:
      Of course, I can you bloody idiot!
      You’ve asked Dr Ameer Ali that.
      I shall answer there.

      I’m very poor. If I have to give you private tuition, I shall charge you money!

      To other readers: Please try to understand that I consider LM to be very nice. I’m very appreciative of what a generous and decent guy he is. Although I have never met him, when he once came to Lanka he couriered lots of chocolates and other goodies to me. We sometimes talk using WhatsApp.
      However, I shall now proceed to give him the reasons. nimal fernando below this, too. These fellows are in First world countries and don’t dare to use their real names. In nimal’s case, I have no idea what it is.

    • 7

      Dear LM,
      Professor Kumar David has been telling us a lot about “Strategic Voting” and about the System of Preferences.
      Here there were only three candidates; I’m not sure whether the Preferences allowed were two or three. Had Ranil been denied113 FIRST Preferences, the Second Preference of those who voted for AKD would have been looked at.
      The important thing was to keep Ranil at below 113, even after all Preferences had been counted. With only three candidates running, it wouldn’t have mattered how the votes for Dallas and AKD were cast.
      As it is, I feel that “the northerners” also would have known that the guy who stood a chance of beating Ranil was Dallas. So, to me it is understandable that they would all have voted (1) for Dallas, and (2) for AKD. The Preference Votes would not have been looked at by those who were counting. However, I heard Vijitha Herath being named as his counting observer, so he should know.
      To the best of my knowledge, the only other election in the world using this system is for the Mayor of London:
      It is not easy to understand.

    • 1


    • 1

      because even the northerners have a brain.

      • 2

        Good morning.
        “Because even the northerners have a brain.”
        The wording reveals that it was in serious doubt??!!
        That is irrelevant and immaterial and that assumption has been taken as a “GIVEN”?!!!
        More importantly, what should be important to elicit is whether it is situated in the appropriate place as designed by the creator and functioning optimally!!!
        It is a well know fact, that undue pressure causes, brain dysfunctional or to Malfunction, is important to note and correct it, if possible?!

      • 0

        Do southerners really have brains ?

        Do srilanken journalists have brains ?

        Swing districts of srilanka are
        Just look back and see how they voted for the ULTRA HIGH CRIMINALS again and again.
        So, it is high time, SRILANKENs to wake up and see it right yet today. No point of giving the chance, so long voting literacy is far from them.
        Swing districts of Sri Lanka@

        In Sri Lanka as we have a Proportional Representation system, a win in Puttalam or Polonnaruwa or Gampaha does not have the same strong effect as in the American system. But these districts can tilt an election in the favour of a party and these are districts to study carefully as they have predicted the winner in 14 out of 15 national votes.

        With many Sri Lankan districts becoming strongholds of the two major parties, it is a few districts like these three that are unpredictable and have the capacity to swing an election.

      • 0

        “even the northerners have a brain”
        Are they usually born without that organ?

        • 0

          Are they usually expected to be born without that organ?

    • 1

      Dear “leelagemalli”,
      Bharatha Thennakoon is the commentator whom you recommend as the best, and his comments on the outcome of the voting is insightful.
      He doesn’t speculate on whether SECOND PREFERENCES would have been cast. Perhaps he wouldn’t know, although, operating as he does from Paris, he was surprisingly privy to details of what is happening here, especially in the next video.
      I had sent him a text message on the 19th suggesting that all those voting for AKD should cast a second preference for Dullas. His response: “OK, will try”. After you posed your question to me, I asked him when I could have a brief chat with him. He responded with “sorry; he was setting out for this “Rathu Ira”:
      There was realism here for a hundred minutes in Sinhalese. But nothing on “preferences”. The minorities may have cast votes for AKD, but I fear that the “purity” of the NPP may have prevented reciprocity by them.
      And here are Thennakoon’s thoughts on “failure” to derail Ranil yesterday.
      I crave forgiveness of Tamil readers – all in Sinhalese.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela.

  • 16

    “At a time when the nation was expecting to receive a president who could unite the different communities and rejuvenate their collective synergy to restart the war on want, they have been presented with one who personifies failure. “
    I always thought the author was a sober writer who could see things in perspective. But this article is full of ill-considered invective like the above.
    It is true that RW rules with the support of the Pohottuwa. He well might protect the Rajapaksas too. But the fact is that he has a set of his own policies and doesn’t subscribe to the bizarre Pohottuwa economic vision. Nor is he given to majoritarian rants. The Pohottuwa members who brought him to power are people who will follow any leader, never mind what his policies are. After all, they did vote unquestioningly for the 18th, 19th, 20th, and will definitely vote for the 21st too. And that includes Dullas Allahaperuma. If Ranil actually succeeds in recovering the economy, the Pohottuwa will get some of the credit too.
    BTW, despite the Aragalaya, if there is an election next month, I am sure that the “new” 225 will look a lot like the guys and gals from the last three Parliaments. Stupidity dies hard, people.

    • 4

      What the pandithayo did no know was that the match could be fixed, which it was.
      What we read until Wednesday on these pages was wishful thinking– and that was not the first time.
      Did people really expect MR to surrender passively?

  • 11

    Dear Dr Ameer Ali,
    I’m glad to see that CT is up and running, and I think that it will be allowed to do so. I haven’t properly read your article, but I know that you almost always talk sense.
    “Almost always” because every one of us is fallible , we can make mistakes.
    This new regime will have to show that they are liberal in some senses. I have been very clear in what I have said (even when wrong!) and I have identified myself unambiguously. There may have been some existential danger for me in doing so under the Rajapaksas. It will be less now. However, how long will a man man of my age be able to survive in poverty?
    “Ordinary readers” would have seen the comments on this article only today:
    You, in Australia, ought to have seen my comment (the third there) yesterday because you are one of the many to whom I emailed it soon after submission in the early hours of Wednesday, yesterday, the day Ranil was elected.
    The first comment there is by “lankan100”. Although I may have got certain things wrong, he’s probably got this right. I had an email from Male, Maldives, yesterday. My Maldivian friend told me that Singapore was asking Gota to leave. He was hoping that Gota wouldn’t come back to the Maldives. He felt that, being a Lankan, Gota would find that this is the only place that he could get to.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela

  • 15

    The uncalled for name-calling of Ranil seems out of bitterness.
    No soothsayer on CT expected this outcome, which Rohan Pethiagoda forecast with sound reasoning over the weekend elsewhere. It helps to have one’s ear to the ground.
    Of course some petty cash was in play, but more as an insurance.
    The news of the ‘successful deal’ made by a TNA leader with Sajith and Dullas would probably have won RW a few votes from undecideds, but not gained any votes for Dullas. (Reportedly some TNA MPs voted for RW.)
    I wonder why no one is demanding the resignation of MR as leader of SLPP since his candidate fared very poorly, especially among the ‘SLPP voters’.

  • 6

    The “Art of the possible’ has happened. What else could/should happened?
    Democracy has marched on.
    If Ranil gets voted out in future, another will take his place.
    No president can hope to “unite” everyone.
    “Bloodbaths” – we have had enough.

    • 2

      Part of national history?! History Repeats!???

  • 13

    If Ranil tries to mess with Aragalaya, it will be the end of his cunning politics. I firmly believe losing the SHAM election is blessing in disguise for those disappointed candidates/parties. Ranil may manage to get some free food/fuel for short time but the debt burden will keep magnifying to gigantic proportions from which country will never recover. Given the same system, parliament, administration and policies, expecting the impossible from Ranil, after decades of him doing politics is mere wish. If you have doubts, please wait for the list of names, appointed as ministers.

    • 13

      First things first/ right at the moment what essential is to find a solution for fuel and electricity crises.
      Now no need to hide we are made a doomed nation by Medamulana animals ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹

      • 10

        and the 6.9 million “all forgetful”, kind hearted and forgiving people!!!??

      • 2

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      • 2

        “…we are made a doomed nation by Medamulana animals”

        Is it by Medamulana animals or ‘Aragalakarayo’ who hijacked the original ‘Aragalaya’?

        • 1

          U the kind of dogs to adulate Medamulana thirisannu/ u should should be really sick.
          Our pain would nt change much even if Mahinda paraiah would fall die tomorrow ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹

    • 7

      CHIV, Cabinet is unchanged – PM Dinesh

      • 5

        Mahila, not only that, He ordered military to attack the few protesters, staying at GF site dismantling tents so that he can have his dream oath taking as per”Covenant House Protocol”. Ranil may be cunning playing “old politics” but clueless about dealing with current social media generation.

    • 6

      I think that RW is too cunning for that.
      During his short spells as PM he allowed more freedom for the state media than any other President or PM. The Rupavahini gained credibility as a result.
      A good manipulator is not confrontational.
      He made far less noise than Sajith and his minions when Sajith was trying to seize control over the UNP.
      He did not attack the Maharaja Organization’s TV stations despite the latter’s vile attacks against him and Mangala who backed him.
      That is his strong point. He is an improvement on JRJ on that count.
      The Aragalaya has been deserted and undermined by people who cannot think beyond sending Gota home. But it will revive and rebuild.
      Meantime, MR can and will rule the country with no Rajapaksa in the cabinet.

      • 3

        SJ, agree with all what you said, but not sure after yesterday night GalleFace events.

        • 0

          Yesterday’s events only accelerate the process of revival and rebuilding on a different basis.

  • 3

    To the aragalayers what had happened so far is the worst possible outcome.

    Thinking of the 134 parliamentarian before they had many proven faults of Ranil now due to benefits Ranil proposed the faults was cover-up. we have learn scam that ranil done from the Pohotuwa members. All mistakes and failures painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.” was addressed by them the player for audience Not for country

    • 4

      Opportunities change with times? Money Talks!!??

  • 7

    There is no surprise in this outcome. If we understands the politics of this country it is the same pattern of Politics again and again and that lead to bankgruptcy of the country. The centre of international politics is Sri Lanka and national political institutions.
    The first question is why Gota or Mahinda did not bring the armed forces which is his speciality that non specialist Ranil can do and why the armed forces kept silence until Gota run away. We can talk that it is a victory of people power but in real that is not the case. We cannot under estimate Rajapaksa family tactics and agenda. Why Gave the power to Ranil instead of any one. This is a joint decision between Ranil, Mahinda and Gota. It means all will get benefit not only from Power but also from money and international support. At his point international community can’t give money because they do not want to give up future options such as Tamil problem. They need every one under control. Ranil got his dream President post and International community got Sri Lanka under their control and Rajapaksas got their future dreams. Once the fuel crisis ends, people are not going to bother about protest or Rajapaksas after year. So, still Rajapaksas still keep their control on Ranil and two third of his gang and when necessity come they will throw Ranil any time.

    • 5

      “There is no surprise in this outcome.”
      Why did you tell it to the CT’s Sastrakarayo when they were making their forecasts.
      When one cannot claim “I said so” the next best is “I thought so”.

    • 2

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    • 2

      By International community, you mean western powers, in particular the US, you are right. We all know RW was the US’ man in Sri Lanka and this has all the finger prints of a US backed regime change written all over it. Through wholescale corruption, Rajapaksas mismanaged the economy to the point of complete failure. They had little choice but to go to the west for a bailout and we know there are no free lunches in geo-politics. Hence, the US exploited the home-grown protests to their advantage to put their man in place. The Rajapaksas probably had some arm twisiting by the US behind the scenes but were probably promised immunity not just from corruption but also the crimes they committed during the civil war. Exploiting home grown protests to get rid of governments/regimes for US national interests is a tried and trusted method the US has used and attempted in many countries, from Iraq (2019/2020), Hong Kong and European ‘colour’ revolutions to more recently in Pakistan. So, I disagree the Rajapaksa will get rid of RW anytime soon, they need him to protect themselves from the wrath of the west.

    • 2

      “At his point international community can’t give money because they do not want to give up future options such as Tamil problem.”

      Are you implying that the International Community is using the so called ‘Tamil Problem’ to their advantage?

      • 2

        Yes, there is no doubt.

        • 1

          Is it a confession?
          The Tamils should wake up to it.

  • 7

    Who won the election to appoint an Interim President? – Venal legislators.
    Who lost – India.
    Some media have reported Ranil Wickremasinghe as the 8th Executive President which is wrong.
    Ranil is Sri Lanka’s FIRST INTERIM PRESIDENT elected by Sri Lanka’s venal legislators, not citizens.
    It is a public secret that the Rajapaksas bribed MPs to vote for Ranil.
    Ranil is not eligible to sign as the President. He can sign only as “Interim President” who was elected by Parliament to cover up the duration of Gotabhaya’s term of office, i.e. for the remaining 2.5 years.
    According to Sri Lanka’s constitution, Executive Presidents are elected for 5 years through a Presidential Election. Ranil’s appointment didn’t fulfil the said Constitutional requirement. Therefore, he is only an Interim President.
    Who will take Ranil’s vacant seat in Parliament? Gotabhaya?

    • 9

      You come up with so many novel theories daily.
      Why don’t you set yourself up as a constitutional interpreter in addition to historical fiction? ?

      • 0

        And as so called constitutional expert☹☹☹☹☹☹☹.
        Actually how the interim president to be named should be contained in the constitution. Champa sounds to be sensitive in such picky points but she was one who always praised Sataka dogs until she got divorced from WImal Buruwanse lately.
        Mahinda is the architect of sl s mlechcha politics.

    • 2


    • 6

      My recommendation is CHAMPA! Drive out all the current Lunatics??!!

      • 3

        Drive out all the current lunatics, does it include CHIMPA the racist???.

        • 1

          Why not??!!

  • 6

    … A bloodbath in the weeks or months to come cannot be discounted.
    When Prabhakaran met his death I didn’t lose hope. When Ranil produce the rabbit out of his hat I do.

    • 5

      “When Ranil produce the rabbit out of his hat I do.”
      I thought that Mahinda pulled Ranil (not rabbit) out of his hat!

    • 0

      Nathan, 11.2% Tamils living in Sinhalese Nation, TULF voted for Ranil

  • 4

    To start with the election commission should act promptly, gives thorough check for candidates if anyone has pending cases they can’t contest until it’s being cleared by courts.if that party failed then the leader has to be resign that means he is.not capable and failed. Gives the chance to orther candidates,
    Like wise to voting or marriage 18/16 stop underage ordination, stop all the perks and privileges to priests and politicians. Am not expert the ratio of yellow army and the statues, same as we have the tri forces in N/E so excive.
    Even this corrupt malpractice back door buissnes brought to the head of state.he even wouldn’t have think of the be
    We hard bunkers in front yard bombed by whom,sanctions cut off let them die for own citizens, we were penalized time after time by socially economically bombered by education by systematically and burnt the library off but they pets carry out the orders of the masters. Chased away ,now so called ,find 4 Parsons who fired his own home,how many homes ,made schools and temples as refugee camps on our own soils.imdian ships has to come to Colombo to take the rest to Jaffna.yes grateful so many of us safeguard by our fellow community and make sure of our safety and risk of their appraisals.
    When poor farmers were protesting came to the streets and voiced who do they with.same as we were
    This 69 and Sangam wants him to be,we may the 1st Hitler

    • 2

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    • 2

      “Like wise to voting or marriage 18/16 stop underage ordination”
      What is your problem with ordination of children done on a voluntary basis. If they are not happy, they can leave at any time. Even Gautama Buddha ordained his son Rahula.

      • 2

        In that case what was your problem in LTTE recruiting children on a voluntary basis. If they are not happy, they could leave at any time.Even Prabha recruited his son for the cause. Evil, SB terrorism created LTTE and Zaharan , try getting it into your empty head. By the way LTTE didn’t have pedophiles as in your ordination.

  • 5

    The political jill mall done to replace Rajapakshas with Ranil shows the level of corruption within SL politics.
    It also demonstrates that the electorate has no say in SL politics.
    The voter is taken for a ride.

    • 4

      Do not blame corruption for this replacement.
      It could have been Sajith rather than Ranil. Or even the Field Marshal.

  • 2

    Having read your comments, I feel a MUST to make mine.
    Any appearance of a rift between Mahinda and Gota is politics. Every move of Gotabaya is with the blessing of Mahinda.
    Ranil is more astute than any Rajalaksa. Mahinda will be in politics until Namal gets a go at the throne.
    Ranil was Mahinda’s choice for the Presidency. Ranil is the caretaker. Dullas was a front.

    • 4

      “Ranil was Mahinda’s choice for the Presidency. Ranil is the caretaker. Dullas was a front.”
      You have summed it up beautifully.

  • 5

    For me, the economic hardships are real, but I’m trying to understand the inevitability of problems in all societies.
    We must pay attention to minority grievances. How the British Prime Ministerial stakes will get resolved won’t be known until September; fascinating because there were so many minority persons and women in with a chance six days ago. See comments here:
    I’ve not had the good fortune of many readers who have globe-trotted; I’ve been confined to the Uva Province. No regrets.
    Rishi Sunak still has a chance. I find him fascinating:
    He is an avowed Hindu:
    This is disappointing:
    Professor Tim Wilson has got me prejudiced against Liz Truss:
    Who is this professor? I found him advising on how to write:
    Admittedly a pot-pourri, bits of which some may find useful. They are evidence that all political activity is complex, but we must hold the people who run our country accountable. Familiarity with this ensures that we don’t get patronised by Ranil, who is fond of trying to impress with his knowledge of Westminster.
    Panini Edirisinhe – Uva Province

    • 2

      Sinhala_Man, did you know that if he wins, Rishi Sunak will not be the first national leader of Indian origin. Both Ireland and Portugal have had leaders of Indian origin. Here is a fascinating list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heads_of_state_and_government_of_Indian_origin

      • 5

        Peru had a full blooded Japanese elected President more than once.
        When he was imprisoned for corruption, his daughter contested and almost won.
        The point to note is that the Japanese did not light crackers when Fujimori was elected.
        (South Asians suffer some complex I think.)
        What matters is what the elected people stand for.

      • 3

        Dear Paul,
        Thanks for enlightening me. I knew about
        but not about
        I have updated my knowledge by reading not only those two Wikipedia entries, but explored some links. However, I realise that for me to then smugly proclaim that I “know” it all would be satisfaction with shallow awareness.
        I always thought the Varadkar story was remarkable, because I knew that he was also gay. I have studied the Literature of Ireland in some depth, but I know that such study isn’t the same as living in a place. This is why I don’t want to pontificate even about all of Sri Lanka. This cursory reading hasn’t told me much about religion. Most Irish Literature was written by Protestants who became insignificant in Éire. I do have a brother-in-law in Brisbane who is quite proud of his Irish ancestry, but then I don’t know all aspects of him.
        Éire” – now that’s a bit of pretentiousness on my part! One can’t just pick up a spelling and pretend to know all that matters.
        Actually, we’ve got many more people in Lanka who have links to Portugal, but Basta!

  • 2

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  • 2

    I do not want to analyze deeply, but it is said that yesterday’s election of the President in the Parliament of Sri Lanka has been attacked by a very serious hacker. But, you wouldn’t believe that this hacker group was led by a well-known South Asian mastermind and a man nicknamed Asia’s Great Sage. 4D chess in politics refers to the manipulation of political movements in a way that is difficult for common people to understand, fraudulent, and conspiratorial. Basil Rajapaksa and the Rajapaksa family want to ensure the safety of their lives and property. For that, they should protect Ranil Wickremasinghe. Ranil Wickremasinghe wanted nothing else but to fulfill his 43-year-long dream of becoming president. He succeeded yesterday in a very cunning way. The whole country saw that Ranil Wickremasinghe does not have the solutions to the country’s economic crisis. According to that, will the people who kicked the president out of the country, not kick Ranil Wickramesinghe? Rulers must realize that playing 4D Chess with the people will bring down their destruction upon them. Can these rulers deceive God who is monitoring every one.

    • 1

      Jit: Thanks. It is your question as well as many of the “Literates”: “What JVP has achieved so far” and now you ask: ” what have they done other than collecting salaries and perks”? My question to you and many others including that “6.9 Million PLUS” is: Why have you not listened to all that JVP and now NPP has all these years told you and explained (proved TRUE and FACTUAL) and not given a single chance to govern the country, without which neither they could deliver nor execute the programs? OR, why at least did not give them a larger number in Parliament to withstand the onslaught of the “Majority Dictatorship” that got established with the “20A” of the Constitution?

      Now please don’t refer to the “Coalition” they had with Chandrika, because I know what they “DID” and “WHY” they left that Government.

  • 3

    “He no doubt wants to clear that precinct of crowding protestors. This is why a confrontation between aragalaya and RRI is unavoidable.”

    How right you were, Ameer Ali. JR risen from the dead.

    • 2

      Yes, Manel, instead of attending to the Economy, he has his political agenda.
      It is the first thing that confronts us on Friday morning:

      We are desperate, but this man has only got a political agenda.

  • 0

    True. The “Art of the possible’ has happened. But who is the possible? Definitely not RW. He is only the stooge and dummy. He needs walk the rope very carefully. He gave a promise to protect the corrupt bunch of politicians.
    Now the puppet master is watching and very intently. Not step, a word or look could be against him. Basil has wielded his enormous, unseen power over those who committed crimes against the country and its citizens. They are glued together to save themselves, at least for short term.
    People who have experienced the unexpected and in a shock are waiting for a fresh breath. Then they will start to think afresh and readjust their positions. I am sure they know it is, ‘one step forward and two steps back’.
    An important third party is here too. That is the military, the armed forces. They are meant to follow orders but may need time to re-think; which way to go? who is giving orders? how genuine are the intentions? who are in the wrong? etc. If and when they start to feel that they oppress their own people, then they may even change their minds. So, it is not the end and how will the conflict and Aragalaya proceed and progress will not be simple.

  • 1

    What we witness now is the Swan Song of Ranil.W.. Even the lights failed when he came over to Parliament to take his oaths..
    JRJ too showed no emotion when there was widespread rioting after the signing of the Indo-Lankan accord……….
    Ranil.W.too was calm and cool when his house and most importantly his books were set on fire.
    Now he is on a project to browbeat a genuine protest in the form of the Aragalaya.
    Protests on one side Economic crisis on the other side and he has taken unto himself as the saviour of the Rajapaksa cabal.

    But it is not going to be a cool and calm scenario in the forthcoming weeks.
    He has bitten off more than he can chew…………..

  • 1

    Nathan, 11.2% Tamils living in Sinhalese Nation, TULF voted for Ranil

  • 2

    Can’t help himself…the Batalanda compulsion is too strong….will be Lanka’s Robespierre era.

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