15 February, 2025


Ranil’s Election Fright & The TNA’s Election Strategy

By Rajan Philips

Rajan Philips

It is tempting to ask if Ranil Wickremesinghe can electorally survive the referendum fast one that he got his cop-turned politico Party Secretary to pull on his behalf. Will Mr. Wickremesinghe even contest? Might his effervescent mind think of another pre-election ploy? Such as a special referendum to consult the people if he should contest the next presidential election for the sake of the economy? He could creatively interpret the constitution to justify such a referendum. But he will most likely not do it. It is not that he wants to absolutely make sure of his chances. It is only that he is not a natural for politics at the hustings. After forty seven years in politics, the man still lacks the fortitude when it comes to facing an election.

While President Wickremesinghe appears to be weighing his options: to run or not to run, like the proverbial Prince of Denmark, other potential candidates and political parties are publicly positioning themselves and outlining their platforms. The SLPP, now forced to wait on Ranil Wickremasinghe to make up his mind, is trying to launch a campaign without a candidate. Last week, the SLPP reportedly began its ‘battle from Rajarata’ (Satana Arambamu Rajaratin), for what and against whom no one knows. Not far away in Rajarata, the NPP responded in style a few days later. Anura Kumara Dissanayake went lyrical with a litany of people’s grievances and promising deliverance with the assurance of an NPP government just round the corner. 

In Colombo, Patali Champika Ranawaka made his own pitch at his Party’s (the United Republic Front) second convention, at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium. It seemed well attended including outside personas who would not be otherwise seen together in the same place nowadays, namely, Chandrika Kumaratunga and Maithripala Sirisena. The former is fighting for the soul of her father’s Party while the latter is fighting to turn it into a rickshaw for Wijeydasa Rajapaksha.

As for Champika Ranawaka, he has presidential ambitions and may not be in fear of elections, but he has no significant political organization to sponsor his candidacy. Yet the contents of his technocratic speech at the convention lend more weight to his considerable credentials as a candidate even though he has no viable campaign wagon of his own.

Absent in the pre-election posturing is the voice of Sajith Premadasa. A while ago I wrote comparing him to Rahul Gandhi in India, mostly for their ineffectiveness as political scions. The elections in India have proved many of us wrong, at least in the pre-election assessment of Rahul Gandhi. Contrary to predictions, Rahul Gandhi is the biggest winner in India’s mammoth election, and Prime Minister Modi is the biggest loser in spite of his threepeat success.

The Indian election results are more a pushback by the voters to the BJP’s hyper Modiyism than an endorsement of the opposition (INDIA) alliance. Yet the efforts and exertions of Rahul Gandhi in mobilizing the opposition to Modi’s dominance are now being acknowledged. Mr. Gandhi launched two cross-country marches in 2023 and again in 2024, covering over 10,000 miles in total, first going from south to north and then from east to west. The marches were laughed at lampooned by his detractors, especially those in the pro-BJP media. Now, they are being credited for their mobilization success.

May be Sajith Premadasa could take a leaf from Rahul Gandhi and conduct his own marches in Sri Lanka – from south to north and from east to west. The journeys will be much shorter and far less arduous. But success cannot be assured, because in a presidential election there is no second place winner. The winner takes it all, unlike in a parliamentary election as in India, where Modi has been cut to size in spite of his winning, and Rahul Gandhi has made substantial political gains even though he could be nowhere near forming a government.

The TNA’s Hand

The TNA had its own marches – from east to north – not too long ago, and now it is reportedly getting ready to have discussions with all presidential candidates before deciding which candidate it can support in the election. The Daily Mirror (June 5) quotes TNA parliamentarian MA Sumanthiran articulating the TNAs position: “We will have to look at what the candidates come up with, and then we will hold discussions with them. Our final decision will be made only after this exercise.” 

He has also dismissed, as “dreaming,”  the apparent claim by the SJB that the TNA will be supporting Sajith Premadasa in the presidential election, while welcoming the “land distribution programme carried out by the government.” The government is Ranil Wickremesinghe. We cannot be sure if Mr. Sumanthiran is intentionally or otherwise tipping his hand about whom they might support. Supporting Ranil Wickremesinghe will not be without some controversy, but if Mr. Wickremesinghe opts to stay out of the race, the TNA will have to look for an alternative suitor.

In any event, evaluating the proposals of presidential candidates and deciding on one of them as worthy of support is a far superior approach to the lame brained suggestion to field a common Tamil candidate, or the dead end idea of boycotting the presidential election. And the top of the list questions to potential candidates should be about what concrete plans do they have to normalize the lives of the survivors and victims of war, how would resources be allocated to implement those plans, and what timing commitment are the candidates willing to make. Nothing less, of course. Nothing more, as well.

The people who are hurting on the ground need to have something on the ground that is material to their lives, and not some text about political structures over which there will never be any agreement between any two Sri Lankans. There is enough constitutional text to provide the framework for rehabilitating the surviving victims of war. The process of rehabilitation would in turn vitalize and revitalize the political texts and provide the scope for new actions and programs. That would be the approach of building from ground up, a surer political process, than the tortuous talk-down alternative of permanently tinkering with the constitution.

It would be interesting to see how the JVP/NPP would respond to the TNA’s intended approach. Will it dismiss it as ‘bargaining’ and, therefore, unacceptable to its political ethics? Or seriously engage with the TNA to see what meeting points there could be between them.

In fact, the exercise should not be limited to the TNA, and should be extended to include the political organizations representing all non-Sinhala-Buddhist sections of the Sri Lankan population. Even the Sinhalese Catholics have political grievances even though they do not have a political organization to represent them. All of this is not ganging up on the Sinhala-Buddhists, Sri Lanka’s natural majority, but seeking to expand the state, rather than divide, to equally include the island’s natural minorities.

Latest comments

  • 8

    If TNA moves towards Ranil, then there is no difference between TNA and the ‘Monkey” MPs who jump from party to party. I thought Sumanthiran as an honourable person with this move, if he makes, he is no different than those who take bribes and jump. Has Sumanthiran promised bribe?

    • 7

      Buddhist 1,
      “I thought Sumanthiran as an honourable person with this move, if he makes, he is no different than those who take bribes and jump. “
      It is your mistake if you thought any Tamil politician as honourable person. They are no different to any other politicians in Sri Lanka.
      TNA was formed with the purpose of uniting all political parties with a united voice for Tamil People’s political rights. Unfortunately Sumanthiran played a key role in breaking that unity and even now he plays a key role in dividing Federal party into pieces before presidential election to fulfil the work of Ranil Wickremasingha, the master of divide policy.

      • 3

        Dear Ajith,
        It is disheartening to be challenging you.
        Sumanthiran was not there when TNA was formed. No omission or commission shall be placed at his feet.
        Hon. Sampanthan brought in Sumanthiran into the fold.
        He learnt politics under Sampanthan. Sumanthiran owes his political career to him. For that reason, he was loyal to Sampanthan.
        Sampanthan who showed faith in Ranil. Sumanthiran followed it.

      • 3

        “It is your mistake if you thought any Tamil politician as honourable person. They are no different to any other politicians in Sri Lanka.”
        That pretty much explains well the LTTE Inc. business.
        But the “Boss and family are alive and well” business is a little over the top.

      • 2


        Most Tamils, as a percentage, are more honest than the Sinhalese, and they are very hard-working.

        • 2

          Are they?
          I find a number of them working pretty hard on loitering along Galle Road.

        • 2

          Buddhist 1,
          I don’t want to compare the honesty of the people or hard working but politicians are not honest with the people.

        • 18


          Are you familiar with a man named Raj Rajaratnam?

    • 3

      The Tamil monkey tamer died in 2009. Only a few have leapt since. But monkey business with India and the West goes on happily.

      • 3

        Come on, SJ, monkey MPs are not only Tamils; there are Muslim MPs and above all in numbers, there are more Sinhalese MPs who are monkeys.

        • 1

          I talked of monkey business of Tamil politicians since you tried to exempt Tamils as an ethnic group in your comment.
          As for honesty, check with the the public.
          They are as rotten as any other.

      • 2

        Your Sinhala monkeys are still dancing and killing Sinhala people day by day

  • 6

    Rajan Philips is a good columnist. Quite good. However, he is slipping. Does he have a contract with CT, to fill its pages weekly?
    Rajan says that TNA will favour Ranil in a Presidential contest. He could be right. But, TNA will not be.
    Two reasons.
    1) TNA is no more. What is there is only a skeleton.
    2) Voters who voted blindly are no more ready to vote with eyes closed.

    • 7

      “Voters who voted blindly are no more ready to vote with eyes closed.”
      Closing or opening the eye could make no difference to a blind voter.

      • 1

        “Blindly” is not blinded, or blind. “Blindly” is an adverb, event and action specific, not person or animal specific.
        Usage Ex: A Deva medicine addict blindly writes illuminations & observations, because of the hallucination effect of those substances. It is like a blind man feeling and observing an elephant. As that kind of blindness is a medical condition, it cannot be alleviated even by illuminating the elephant with a 1000W daylight bulb. But there is a chance for a kid learning English as a second Language and living in the same house by giving his or her Thatha ½ an hour English lessons, daily.

        The original sentence is nowhere explicitly saying, indicating, implying or even observing the voters are medically blind. It clearly says that it was a past habit of certain voters and they will not be able to stay in that habit anymore. A defect in some comedians is they misconstrue the metaphor as the point and start to blabber.
        True Komalies!

  • 5

    Can anyone ASSESS and READ a CRIMINAL MIND before something, a committed crime takes place? Not really. That is the MINDSET of Ranil W/Rajapakse & Cohorts Government.

    The proof is in the public domain ….erupting a discussion on the future of elections…..Presidential and even Parliamentary. The major topic discussed is the UNCERTAINTY of elections. Some talk of certainty in interpreting the Constitution. Has the President said it for certainty? No. Instead, he gets his party Secretary to Propose a different approach….hold a “Referendum” and Extend the lifespan of the Presidency and the Parliament for two years. The latest to join this campaign is Wigneswaran – the Chief Minister from the North representing the Tamil voters. Mr. Sumanthiram ..on the fense. Rajapakses still playing the “Hide & Seek” game. In addition to what UNP Secretary said at the Media Briefing held at Party Headquarters …”Hold a Referendum”….Ranil The President said, “NOONE HAS PROPOSED THAT THE PRESIDENCY MUST BE ABOLISHED”.

    The above statement is OMINOUS. Mark my words! There is now a PLAN to hold a referendum and ask the People: Do you want to abolish the Presidency? That is THE plan to cancel the Presidential election and establish a Parliamentary Rule with Ranil W as the PM. Am I dreaming? Could be. I am unable to say it firmly because I am not a criminal.

    • 0

      Douglas, extremely interesting description of a criminal mind, whoever the possessor may be. A mindset which discusses future plans for any event and then gets another person to propose a different approach to boost what the original plan the person wanted. Frankly the best for this nation would be to abolish this presidency WITHOUT extending the period of the current lot. Otherwise, we would all become beggars after their dreams of tricks and robberies and crimes.

  • 6

    Ranil can’t hold elections …….. because he is sure to win.

    With all his “clever” schemes throughout his life …….. once again ………. the simple brilliance of Ranil’s intelligence is exposed.

    He is courting the leaders ……… not the voters.

    Ranil is too intelligent to realize ……… it’s the voters who vote.

    • 2

      Dear nimal,
      You have written,
      Ranil can’t hold elections …….. because he is sure to win.”
      Surely, what you meant was:
      “Ranil can’t hold elections …….. because he is sure to lose.”

      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

    • 5

      nimal fernando

      “Ranil is too intelligent to realize ……… it’s the voters who vote.”

      Mahinda, Basil, Namal baby, ….. and their b***s carriers must be regretting the end of the war too soon.

      The entire clan and their b**** carriers …. could rely on their former business partner Vellupillai Prabaharan for an enforced election boycott in the North/East had Gota/Sarath let him live.

      Vellupillai Prabaharan would have been more profitable to Basil, Mahinda, merchants of death, ……….. alive than dead.

      They could have easily avoided Sirisena’s Good Governance, Aragalaya, …… and now President Ranil.

      • 5


        Too many spinners in the Lankan team …… you always spin everything to show Ranil in good light ……. DTG always spins it to show God in good light …… OC has variations of spins for variation of people ……. from Colombo, Bandarawela to Pittsburgh. :)))

        What Lanka lacks is fast-bowlers …… who can send it fast and straight ……. and aim true at the wicket ……… come what may …… :)))

        • 2

          nimal fernando

          “What Lanka lacks is fast-bowlers …… who can send it fast and straight ……. and aim true at the wicket ……… come what may …… :)))”

          Well it could turn into sixes if the balls hit wrong bats, batsman ……. say RG Sharma (IND), CH Gayle, ……..

          Then don’t complain there were 11 players in opponent’s team….. as the stupid Tamils now accuse.

    • 2

      English or no English ……. he has a very intelligent way of looking at things/situations ……. no wonder he strikes a chord with many people sans the dyed-in-the-wool Anglos ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJKnSkLpuy4

  • 7

    A Reflection on Recent Governance and Future Prospects
    In the realm of governance, actions often carry more weight than mere words. Over the past two years, the administration under Ranil’s leadership has demonstrated a notable decrease in interracial tensions, marking a significant departure from previous tumultuous periods.
    During this period, instances of interracial altercations have reached their lowest levels in comparison to recent memory. This tangible progress underscores a shift away from the divisive rhetoric that has historically plagued our nation’s political landscape.
    For individuals belonging to minority groups, the trajectory of recent events may instill a sense of confidence in Ranil’s leadership. Unlike certain predecessors who exploited racial and religious differences to maintain power, Ranil’s approach has remained notably devoid of such divisive tactics.
    Contrastingly, figures like Mara and his cohorts have perpetuated a cycle of manipulation, preying on the fears of the Sinhala majority to further their own agendas at the expense of national unity and progress.
    Ranil’s steadfast avoidance of such unsavory tactics serves as a testament to his sincerity and commitment to inclusive governance. His reluctance to engage in divisive strategies indicates a belief in the merit of his vision and the potential for positive outcomes through constructive dialogue and cooperation.

    • 7

      Alternative Perspectives:
      While alternative political factions may exist, their appeal primarily rests upon segments of the population harboring grievances and misconceptions regarding minority communities. Such platforms offer little in the way of genuine progress or unity.
      Acknowledging the potential for synergy, there exists an opportunity for individuals like Sajith to align their aspirations with Ranil’s inclusive agenda. By setting aside personal ambitions in favor of collective advancement, leaders can collectively steer the nation towards prosperity and cohesion.
      In light of these reflections, it becomes imperative for citizens to shift their focus towards broader national objectives. By transcending petty divisions and embracing a unified vision, Sri Lanka can emerge as a formidable player on the global stage, driving economic growth and societal well-being for all its inhabitants.

  • 5

    TNA isn’t it a divided group of Politicians. Do they talk in ONE voice?
    TNA ( I include all the Tamil Speaking Citizens) should support the Politician who is going to bring Law and Order to the country. The new President should be bringing in a NEW Constitution that
    grants /GUARANTEES to the minorities.

    • 2

      Isn’t a new Constitution and guarantees the perennial problem?
      Which President do you have in mind?

    • 2

      Tamils have learned their bitter lesson for the past 75 years no sinhalese leader is going to solve this ethnic problem in favour of Tamil i.e. to change the constitution and self rule for Tamil in east and north in federal state . Every Shinhalese leader with no exception solving this ethnic problem is forcefully colonising Sinhalese in north and east and changing the demographic of the Tamil population; they are no more Majority in East and North. They have already done this in the East. Very soon it will be Vani district. Finally Tamils only left With majority in Jaffna district only

      In this presidential election Tamils should vote ADK so that there will be a third force other than Rajapakse and Ranil / Premadasa (both same) among Sinhalese which may help a bit In bargaining for Tamils rights

  • 7

    Rajan Philips, You said it well. “Those hurting on the ground need something on the ground that is material to their lives and not some text about political structures” Why not write more how to extend this into some realistic and practical substances which will eliminate their misery without food for family and other basic needs specially for their children to grow up without resorting to corruption while growing up and receiving education to become useful adults of the nation. Robbing national assets must be judged. No other way.

  • 6

    “The former (Chandrika) is fighting for the soul of her father’s Party “
    I would have thought that she buried the party the day she became President.

    • 6

      “I would have thought that she buried the party the day she became President.”

      Actually the party was dead on the day the party was founded, later it was buried by his Weeping Widow, in the mean time its supporters were carrying the mummified corpse.

    • 2


      I think CBK abonond her old man’s party way before when she formed a new party with her actor husband & Ossie Abeygunasekara. In fact, I can vaguely remember her pledging to continue with her husband’s vision with a clenched fist salute over his coffin. I used to wonder if it was a Nazi salute. I am sure you will recall that front page picture back in the mid 80s.

      • 1

        She had quarrel with the SLFP and joined her husband’s party, and came back to the fold after that party was willingly wrecked by a gang within.
        Have you ever seen a Nazi salute in your life?
        Neo-Nazis are on the rise around you and watch them salute.
        Learn a few facts before making nasty remarks.

        • 2

          “Mamiyarai Koovaththai Marumagal Ammi Kalilai Theisalam!
          Daughter -in-law took it on the family’s grinding stone, the anger over the Mother-in-Law, she had.
          Isn’t it what they call the Dance of Nazi Salute, also?
          What kind of dance do you perform when on a would be meeting with SLFP bosses like Siri Ma O, Chandrika, Old Rowdy King, White Flag Murderer…..? Or even Karuna, Pilaiyan, Deva, Ramanathan, Badiudeen…….?

  • 5

    “the lame brained suggestion to field a common Tamil candidate, or the dead end idea of boycotting the presidential election.”
    Does the author really think that the Tamil voter has a choice? The JVP/NPP?
    Be practical. By habit, Tamils will be persuaded to vote for RW by most leaders. So a boycott will benefit the JVP/NPP most.
    Even with a common candidate there is the second preference which will go RW’s way.

    • 5

      “Even with a common candidate there is the second preference which will go RW’s way.”

      Does it matter Tamils fielding a common candidate at the next elections.
      They tend to make the most stupidest decision at right and wrong times like their Sinhala Speaking brothers.

  • 7

    Ranil can play all the tricks he likes …….. but there is a small matter called opinion-polls …….. they indicate he is not even a distant third …..

    How can he surmount that?

    Ranil should forget all the mortal games on earth …… and court DTG ……. to put a word to the one above …..

    • 0

      nimal fernando, what makes you think the one above wants Ranil to be president. Ranil may want to say to abolish the presidency, so he can call off the presidential elections and do whatever he has planned to do to remain in power. This nation does not need any proud arrogant leaders obsessed with themselves and their own royal pretext. We need a selfless leader or group of leaders to uplift citizens who have been robbed and plundered.

  • 6

    The TNA is rudderless and has not election strategy, only damning the island’s Thamizh with their infighting and their stupid internal power games. just like the way the LLTE did in the later part of its life, and damning the very same Thamizh population, who they are supposed to fight for, and safeguard to further misery and state sponsored Chingkalla racism. They are just there to feather their own nests.

  • 1

    Sumanthiran is at his highest pitch in reinventing the Secret Solution for the 2014 election, if one will be there. There are so many hyenas howling once again that TNA is failing to volunteer to use the opportunity in engaging for the next Secret Solution. My understanding is that the first episode of this series of Secret Solution was released with the title of Banda – Cheluva pact, in 1957. Of course, this time, there are more activists like IMF, who are convulsing hard to give additional loans to Evil and pulling him from plunging in Chinese Black River loans. This is what you call taking a thorn from your muscle with another thorn and at the end leaving both in the muscle. Anyway, it is not a question for the Modayas’ in the election that “If you want BRI loan or IMF loan”. It is a question only for bribe money payers and takers, the Sinhala Buddhist political leaders of Langkang, the Wild Life Sanctuary – SinhaLE Lankawe. If the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas are aware of the feeling of pain of two thorns, would they have labored for 75 years to bear(deliver) the country’s bankruptcy? in the episode pushing TNA to go for it. It is not just me who is hiding in a foreign country, but even the internal consultant, agent of Appe Aanduwa of NPC Jehan PhD, is also talking about it.

  • 1

    One may know whether Scherzinger’s cat is alive or dead without opening the poisoned box, but no one can predict which party’s fox is in which party’s box until the uncertain election conducted and until a few months passed after the next illegitimate or the illegal government is formed. This is the preempt of the story of the election about to be held to protect the sovereignty of the country, while Viyathmaha pulling it out of bankruptcy by stabilizing the economy and protecting the country’s democracy. Do you feel any contradiction in the above classic passage from the classical Sinhala Buddhist ‘s Mahavamsa Chronicle?
    Sumanthiran has warned the CC faction of the Federal Party that if they go for CC, he will defeat them. Sumanthiran did not win in the last election and Sritharan (A CC faction candidate), the FP Party Leader elected, played out other candidates’ votes and made Sumanthiran win. This time only God knows Sumanthiran’s future – Mystery (past is history). Sumanthiran said, after supporting CC candidate Yahapalanaya (2015), if he fails to get the Secret Solution from the UNP’s Evil, he will quit politics. So, this time he is going against the Tamil CC so that he need not to quit, if he has a chance to win in the election.

  • 0

    The current Tamil CC idea is a still a born child of TGTE Prime Minister’s call for “International Referendum to a form of government on their negotiation with Aanduwa for that solution and removal os 6th A in case they want to ignore the resolution mandated government form and go for separate state.” TGTE’s referendum is not a Yes-NO question of any form of solution but only resembling a poll. By that referendum, it was the Tamils’ responsibility to tell TGTE of what form they have to work for Tamils’ redemption. With its political well frog idea, TGTE has been claiming it as a very imaginative idea. But TGTE’s fallen fruit had fallen in the milks, so recently in America congress introduced a proposal that the congress need to bring a resolution for self-determination of Tamils. We have been asking America to honestly work on their 2015 UNHRC resolution 30/1 and an International Investigation. If America had found a way to enforce the Resolution 30/1, and if the current proposal in the congress also goes through the congress, then America will have international support to solve Tamils’ problem, like in the way they have gained IC support to resolve Palestine issue. Now, even if the American congress passes the Bi-party Tamils’ self-determination resolution, the war crime investigation is needed to support for the proposal because India,

  • 0

    Russia and China have their own interest in Sinhala Buddhist politics so they may try their best to disable any practical benefits the Tamils can achieve from this effort of passing a proposal at American congress. Still no denial of its worthiness in resolving Tamils problem.
    To come back to the original point that we were talking about before we digressed to bi-party proposal in US congress, that this CC proposal is explained by a few as the Referendum referred to by TGTE. The original proposers of Tamil CC accepted that a CC has no possibility of having achieved any kind of election victory in any kind of interpretation. But Justice CV like CC advocates explained that it is a way of taking Tamils’ plights to Sinhala Majority, who has constantly been brainwashed by the unscrupulous Southern UNP-SLFP Union politician by demanding “Sinhala Buddhism Only” for the whole Ceylon Island. Last week, in the South, in a School meeting, Evil was igniting the racist extremism, While JVP/NPP and SJB has been contending that 13A implementation is needed for Tamils and JVP that it was until one permanent solution can be configured. Evil said as the Sinhala Buddhism is given a special status in the country and he exasperated that others (JVP/NPP and SJB?) will have to implement that.

  • 0

    His clear intention was using Article 9 to stir up the coming election with Sinhala Buddhism’s constitutional status. This is mainly to block the proposal of Systemic Change by JVP and its supporters with a mandate from the election to change the constitution. That is in effect blocking JVP changing the constitution to remove the EP or changing the nature of the Unitary government based on Presidential leadership using Sinhala Buddhist extremism. He has successfully prevented the Slap party from putting any candidate in the presidential election and he is now working on the SJB. This type of Nariya actions cannot stop Anura standing for the election or his progress in the future, even if he loses this election. But that is not the case with the other two. Especially to name two politicians from the other two parties, they are Valaiththodam Jr and Playboy Minister. If they do not vigorously challenge JVP but just join UNP and justify Evil’s crimes as was in the last 75 years, they will be doomed with this election. Valaiththodam Jr completely wiped out the UNP in the last election, without even one seat for UNP. If he is not building up on that success and pushing out the UNP as a permanent loser but surrenders his past victory to Evil to manipulate it and hand it over to somebody else like Ravi or Sahala, then it is only self-annihilation.

  • 0

    The Playboy minister’s damage is coming from the other side of the coin. Evil put the playboy minister under the 35 years age limit hoping that either dada will be dead or in prison when the playboy reaches 35. So, that time has lost his main promoter – dada, the nincompoop baby will not be a president ever in the future. If a strong candidate is not placed by Slap Party, it will be reduced to much below to the current SLFP or even below UNP, if they leave the EP election passes and the people forget about their fame of annihilating Tamils. Valaiththodam’s damage is coming from the other side of the coin.
    Writers here on CT only talk about a three prong competition in the coming presidential election; i.e., : JVP. SJB and UNP. The Slap Party, which gained the special majority in the last election is now completely discounted by the Media world again as a viable contender in this election only because of their blunder by handing over their mandate to run the country to the UNP, which did not win even one seat in the parliament. Here the interesting fact is UNP did not stage a comeback strategy, but the Royal Rowdies appointed Evil as their guardian angel with their own 2/3 majority.

  • 0

    This is how Old Rowdy King thawed the Western bias against him by hiding under Munthanai of Evil and using the favoritism the West had to UNP to wrap him around for his own protection. Now, by the self-sacrifice of Rowdy Royals, UNP is back on the stage. Rowdy Royals gained protection against Western anger by using UNP’s Munthanai.
    Last two years, some Koolukkum Paadi Kanchikkum Paadi political analysts have been on the claim that they have been saying from their last birth that UNP’s Evil is the best candidate for reviving the Economy. These anti-West crusaders are saying that it was they who said first to go for the IMF and it is the only source to redeem Langkang, but no need for systemic change, which was the protesters’ proposal to cure Langkang’s rotten worm crawling culture and economic downturn.
    What we are struggling with here is to make the readers realize how a viable, permanent, good-political party can be promoted, defeating the Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals’ multi-tier wheeling and dealings, a concern for all CT readers irrelevant of their supporting party. Most of the readers started to turn towards JVP/NPP, which was not a major player until now, because the legacy UNP – SLFP followed opportunistic politics, over a 78-year period.

  • 0

    These dupe masters are clinching on the other master technicians: 1). the IMF, who wants to convert UNP as an Anti- China weapon and 2). the bogus numbers of the Central bank man releasing. How many of you honestly believe the central bank’s concocted inflation rate or exchange rate which is built by not importing goods or paying back old loans but browning new land are the true solution for the Inland’s people’s, food, travel, communication, education, health, local race relation, international relations and all other problems? How many of you honestly think that if the UNP wins in the coming election, it will be able to win the parliamentary election in honest ways and run an honest government? You need a modern government that has muscle to turn around the economy and put the country back on the world map, not the Grandpa, Grandma crooks, who tell bedtime racial stories. Slap Party’s Rowdy Royals sacrificed them for the UNP’s comeback, by conscripting all their progress, only to hope to cheat the West on an international Investigation, using the Western’s hopeful candidate, the Evil. I already said so many times but repeating again, a group of bogus political pundits, who came out with a campaign of “Anarchy is being invoked by the protest”, opposed Protesters, blocked them going to the end & forming their temp government, and changing Junius Richard’s constitution.

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    This is how the Protesters were defeated, and the Anarchy of Rapist Army and Police was invoked with the leadership of Evil. Now the UNP Kadies’ Anarchy, lies of the Central Bank, IMF and Evil’s UNP-SLFP union’s deception are the rules of the country. Is this better or worse than the concocted Anarchy of Protesters?
    TNA/FP MPs are saying that they can make a decision of whom to support only after the three leading candidates place their offers to Tamils. Sounds like reasonable talk. But there is no truth in that. Like their Southern counterparts, these guys are faking things with their talk. Anybody can offer anything to Sam Sum, but they will come back with Evil’s one as the best for Secret Solution negotiation. That is because TNA knows too well that Evil will be threading cunningly the negotiation until the next election, so nagging Tamils will not bother these Tamils MPs for their land problem, income problems, Rapist Army & Rapist Police and above all, their question about their stolen rights. But fortunately, Tamils know what the TNA is talking about and what Evil does to Tamils at the end of his term. That is after leader Pirapaharan, they will vote independently; that is North East Tamils no longer care about the UNP.

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    So JVP should not mind these Kaiyaalahatha (Handicapped) clowns. If Tamils place CC, it is not too wrong to construe it as beneficial for JVP, because still it is a question if JVP can wash its past communist face, to be present in front of Anti- Communist Tamils. That is what happened to the Chinese Communist Shanmuganathan, V. Ponner, Balathampu …….. & other famous northern communists. The only positive path for JVP is feeling the Tamils’ pulse themselves and answering their questions. You know this is not even one letter excess or short from the common man’s expectation of democracy. Depending on Tamils leaders’ quacking is worth nothing. (I am not advising JVP to not negotiate with Tamils leaders, if they come for it). They should competitively do their election campaign in the North too, like they are doing in the South, but the South must be won by them, but North’s loss, if that is what is going to be, can be compensated by other ways. So, in the supermarket pricing strategy, JVP should balance the Kavuum and Panankai in their balance, but should not let the Kavuum to be too light compared to Panankai, but the other scenario, the Kavvum too heavy may not very important to win this time election.

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    There is another idea also, JVP should evaluate that too. What JVP should do is fully concentrate in the South and tell what Gothapayal did. Gothapayal said if the Sinhalese want the sovereignty saved, Sinhala Buddhist should vote for him exclusively. The Jihadi 4/21 is gone, Sovereignty is not the main issue in the minds of Sinhalese, that is why Evil is trying to promote Sinhala Buddhism. The same way JVP should campaign that if the Sinhala Buddhist wants the UNP-SLFP union which is a bankrupt country truly ousted and country saved from Economic ruining, Sinhala Buddhist should vote for them unanimously. This will not hurt Tamils so need to give any additional promise of Tamils. The only issue is if JVP wins, in the future, for them to truly build a prosperous country, they need a Tamils accent too. But, Thanks to SJV and leader Pirapaharan, after them the Tamils do not consider the EP election has any relevance about their problems, so whoever the Sinhala candidate in the south or an additional Tamil Candidate in the North, is extremely illusionary expecting for Tamils to vote as needed, in the North East. Historically Tamils have resisted voting for any Presidential candidate in the EP election.

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    In the true sense, it is better for JVP not to build up too much hope within the party on Tamils votes, because the leaders understand the political atmosphere over there but the backbenchers may get angry with Tamils in case if the JVP lose, saying that “We gave them all promises, but they cheated by not voting for us”. It was only Tisaranee Gunasekara, like half-baked imbeciles, who only claims it was Leader Pirapaharan appointed the Old Rowdy as president. Because the Sinhala Buddhist Viyathmaga’s these type theories only now have driven the country into bankruptcy and beyond that, still beg them to borrow left and right from IMF and BRI. When they started to borrow from the IMF, they advertised that if the IMF approved their loan first only other institutions would be giving them future loans. It was only childish jokes of the Central Bank and Finance Ministry comedians to talk like that, but even after two years have passed, no serious FDI has come to the country. In the Yahapalanaya presidential election, about 40% Tamils only voted in whole for all candidates, after Sam Sum company robustly campaigned Tamils to vote for CC. But in the 2013 Provincial election 80% voted, whether the provincials’ members have any authority to change even the lamp post bulb, Tamils take it as their election vote in that with all sincerity.

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    So JVP can think of if they want to let the bird in the hand (South) fly away in order to catch the bird in the bush (the North) If JVP strongly feel they can make Tamils vote, then they should go for it, because it can earn a wider base. Otherwise, they should feel comfortable with the Southerners’ vote and should make their focus on the economy and kick out the Evil, who failed to restore the economy, but starting racism by telling any candidate who wins must uphold the constitutional position of Sinhala Buddhism, without changing its grip on the constitution. Evil because who is only spewing racist venom in this election, it is clear indication that he is sure that he did not improve the economy and he doesn’t want to bet on that.

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