By G K Nathan –
An Appeal to United Nation Human Right Council (UNHRC) Members to Act on Rights of Tamils in Sri Lanka at the 25th session in March 2014
Historical Facts
Sri Lanka an Island is presently inhabited by multilingual (Sinhala, Tamil and English) multireligious (Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians) and multiethnic (Sinhala, Tamil, Arab and European descendents) peoples. Sinhala and Tamil peoples have lived in the Island for a few millennium[1]. Seventy million Tamils, a sea-faring Nation, spread the subcontinent culture in South East Asia and live across the Palk straight, were the first settlers in the island, as seen in the archeological evidence[2]. Sinhala people claim that they are descendents of people of North Indian origin, as per Codrington[3] these are mythological stories related to Buddhism and contrary to genetic facts[4]. The belief that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country is the source of Sinhala-Tamil conflict in the Island and it is the reason for continuing religious conflicts with Hindus, Moslems and Christians. Interest in spice trade, attracted European colonial powers to Sri Lanka; first of them the Portuguese landed on the West shores of the Island in 1505, at that time there were three well established “countries” or Kingdoms in the Island: two of them were Sinhala kingdoms one in the South and the other in the Central Hills (Kandyan); the third one a Tamil Kingdom in the North East; two of the three Kingdoms had Tamil Kings. The Kingdoms in the South and the North came under the control of colonial rulers: first the Portuguese, then the Dutch and finally to the British. The British, last of the colonial rulers conquered the Kandyan Kingdom in 1815 and unified the three Kingdoms as one country for administrative convenience in 1833. The Island became independent in 1948, but only safeguard for the rights of minority groups were instituted with unalterable, section 29(2) of 1946 in the unitary constitution, the UK has some responsibility for the current predicament. After more than six decades of majority rule, the unitary constitution promulgated at the time of Independence is found to be wanting in a multi-ethnic, lingual and religious country like Sri Lanka. The transfer of power in the hands of the Sinhala Buddhist majority community, instead of sharing power as happened prior to colonial era, was the worst that happened to the Island. Last uprising of Tamils against oppression led to a three decades long military conflict which ended in May 2009. The World silently watched war crimes and crimes against humanity that occurred during the final stages of the military conflict; allegedly, by both combatants resulting in the death of large number of Tamils. Members of International community have called for an independent international inquiry, as to what happened in Sri Lanka in breach of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)[5] to which Sri Lanka became a signatory on 11th June 1980. After acceding to ICCPR, the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) enacted the Sixth Amendment to the 1978 Constitution of Sri Lanka in August 1983, the article 157A (2) stated that “No political party or other association or organization shall have as one of its aims or objectives the establishment of a separate state within the territories of Sri Lanka” thus denied the democratic rights guaranteed under Articles 26 of ICCPR to the Tamil Nation. The 6th Amendment is in contravention of the following articles of ICCPR:
Article 1-1 All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
Article 25 (Electoral Rights) every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions:
(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives;
(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors; and
(c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.
Article 27 Guarantees persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities the right, in community with other members of the group, to enjoy and practice their own culture, religion or language.
This submission represents views of most Tamils in Sri Lanka and Tamil diaspora of about a million in number some were made to abandon their former homeland in Sri Lanka and are living in foreign countries. After Independence in 1948, migration was caused by many contributing factors: disenfranchisement of a section of Tamil population in 1948; planned colonisation of the Tamils’ historical homeland, which started in 1949; reduction in representation of minority groups in the parliament, to less than a third, in 1952 within four years after Independence; denial of language rights of Tamils with implementation of Sinhala only bill of 1956 and repeated pogroms against Tamils as a reaction to their demand for equal rights through peaceful agitations. Two-third majority gained in the parliament was used to promulgate new constitutions in 1972 and 1978, which further consolidated powers in the hands of Sinhala Buddhists at the expense of other minority groups: Hindus, Muslims and Christians. The subjugation of minority groups was completed by removing the safeguard entrenched in section 29(2) of 1946 from the constitution of 1972. Gandhian style non-violent peaceful protest against subjugation led to repeated pogroms against Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1961, 1974, 1977 and 1983, last of the pogrom over 3000 people were killed and large scale destruction of properties of Tamils occurred Island wide. After every pogrom more and more Tamils left the country, seeking refuge in foreign land. Having had repeated failures to find a negotiated resolution to the political differences between Sinhala and Tamil Nations, in 1976 all the Tamil political parties called for “Right to Self –Determination of Tamil Nation” that was approved by 83% of people of Tamil homeland in the 1977 General Election, the call is justified under Articles 1 and 27 of ICCPR[6]. Following the approval by the people of Tamil Nation, the Tamil youth started a military campaign to liberate the Tamil homeland from Sinhala domination, after more than three decades of military campaign, the war came to a sudden halt on 18th May 2009, unfortunately supported by countries which are now clamouring for justice to the Tamil Nation, woken up by atrocities committed by both sides.
International Response and Sri Lanka’s Prevarication
There were serious allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity against the warring parties in Sri Lanka in the International media and supporting evidence produced by Human Rights Organizations. This led to the United Nation Secretary General (UNSG) visit to Sri Lanka and at the conclusion of his tour on 23 March 2009, a Joint Statement was issued with President of Sri Lanka which “underlined the importance of an accountability process” and the Government of Sri Lanka agreed that it “will take measures to address those grievances”. The UN Panel of Experts[7] on Accountability in Sri Lanka (PoE) was appointed by the UNSG and their report lifted the lid on atrocities that occurred during the conflict, but President Rajapaksa maintains to date that the war was conducted against “terrorists” with “zero casualties”. The PoE found credible allegations, which if proven indicate that a wide range of serious violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law were committed by both combatants, PoE estimated about 40,000 perished in the final stages of the war. The UN failed operation in Sri Lanka was criticised and the UNSG appointed a UN Internal Review Panel[8] to investigate the UN operation in Sri Lanka, during the conflict and its failure to contain the conflict. The review panel put forward proposals, how to avoid repetition in the future; but also increased the previous estimate of number deaths to 70,000. Both Panels appointed by the UNSG were not allowed by GSL to visit Sri Lanka and make a better assessment. The Social Architects (TSA)[9] a group of academics based inside the country carried out a survey in both the Tamil provinces and came to a conclusion that 118,036 people were killed, from September 2008 to May 2009. The Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission[10] (LLRC), appointed by GSL to investigate the final stages of the conflict, as part of the agreement with UNSG, failed to give a number for the civilians killed. The LLRC maintaining the facade of “zero civilian casualties” put forward by President Rajapaksa casts doubts whether any internal mechanism will succeed bringing the truth to the surface. In the past under President Rajapaksa’s regime a number of Commission of Inquiry[11] has been set up; reports neither published nor implemented. Bishop of Mannar[12] in his submission to LLRC raised the discrepancy between the number of civilians at the beginning of final conflict and the 282,380 people who were incarcerated in prison camps in the North at the end of the conflict; there was a discrepancy of 146,679. The difference between the missing people and dead people given by TSA could be the number of people who could have escaped as refugees to other countries? President Rajapaksa before the final onslaught, ordered all the UN and NGO personnel to vacate the war zone and conducted a war without 24/7 news coverage.
The veracity of this number need to be confirmed, which can only be done by setting-up an Independent International Commission of Inquiry (IICI) which will reveal whether the breach of International human right law and humanitarian law have occurred and the true number of people injured and/or killed . The call for IICI is being pursued by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi Pillay, David Cameron Prime Minister of the UK who recently announced at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Sri Lanka and many others have joined the call. The USA has been consistent in their call to implement the LLRC report, since sponsoring the UNHRC resolutions at the 19th session(Promoting Reconciliation in Sri Lanka – A/HRC/19/L.2) and 22nd session (Promoting Reconciliation in Sri Lanka – A/HRC/22/L.1), repeated their call once again, in US media briefing[13]. The International community can draw it conclusion that the current regime of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has avoided the responsibility to implement what was agreed with UNSG which “underlined the importance of an accountability process” and that he “will take measures to address those grievances” of Tamil Nation. The alleged breach of International human rights law and humanitarian law remain not investigated, for almost five years. As follow up action to previous resolutions at UNHRC, calls, two reports issued end of February 2014, first issued by Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released by High Commissioner Ms Navi Pillay[14] and the second one US State Department Human Rights report 2013 released by US Secretary of State John Kerry[15], highlight failures of GSL to advance reconciliation and establish accountability for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sri Lanka. Ms Navi Pillay has supported the setting-up of an “Independent International Inquiry” because the “National mechanisms have consistently failed to establish the truth and achieve justice” and “this can no longer be explained as a function of time or technical capacity, but that is a fundamentally a question of political will”, she concluded. The Government of Sri Lanka, after agreeing with UN Secretary General to act in March 2009, has not made any progress with respect to accountability and reconciliation, except holding the Northern Provincial Council elections last year September 2013 prior to Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November 2013 at Colombo. The same council has no administrative functions, the province is under the control of occupying Sri Lanka Armed forces; the council has passed a resolution supporting the OHCHR to set up an Independent International Inquiry.
Time to Act – International Community
Minorities’ rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) are well defined in three articles: Articles 1 on “Right to Self Determination”, 25 on “Electoral Rights” and 27 on “Rights of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities”; were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 December 1966, and in force from 23 March 1976. At the time of Independence of the Island of Sri Lanka in 1948, Great Britain as the last of the colonial powers promulgated a unitary constitution bringing together multiethnic, multilingual and multireligious Nations to form a country. Since then many Nations brought together have gone their own way for example: Pakistan and Bangladesh, USSR, Yugoslavia, Eretria, Czechoslovakia, East Timor and South Sudan. The antiquity of Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka is very much older than the Sinhala Nation, based on archaeological[16] evidence and proximity of large number of Tamils live across the Palk Straight is a further proof. The 450 years colonial rule has left everyone with proof of Independence and antiquity of two Nation in Sri Lanka, contrary to partisan views. The arrival of the colonial powers challenged the mythology, Sinhala people were propagated that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist contrary from beginning contrary to facts and even before the Sinhala language was evolved. The Colonial history of the Island starts with the landing of Portuguese in Ceylon, in 1505 and ended with the promulgation of independence in 1948. During the colonial occupation, the truth about the Tamils in the Island came to be known and the Mahavamsa myth was exposed and the area of land occupied by the Tamil Nation was defined.
Sir Hugh Cleghorn, British Colonial Secretary, June 1799 challenged the myth, when he said: “Two different nations, from a very ancient period, have divided between them the possession of the Island: the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior in its Southern and Western parts from the river Wallouwe to Chilaw and the Malabars (Tamils) who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion….” [17] The map of 1681 presented by Robert Knox [18], here shows three Kingdoms at the arrival of colonial rulers. This and other historical evidence shows beyond any doubt the Tamil Nation identity and antiquity in the Island of Sri Lanka are established beyond any doubt. As a linguistic group speaks one of the seven oldest languages in the world, under the ICCPR the three clauses, quoted above are applicable to the Tamil Nation and need to be restored holding a referendum among all Tamils:
An Appeal to Members of UNHRC
The international community has waited for almost FIVE years to know the truth about what happened at the last stages of the war which ended on 18 May 2009, Sri Lanka has conveniently used procrastination; even though President of Sri Lanka and the United National Secretary General (UNSG) showed their commitment by issuing a joint statement on 23 March 2009, which “underlined the importance of an accountability process” and the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) agreed that it “will take measures to address those grievances”. As the outcome of this statement UNSG appointed Panel of Experts on June 2010 and the report was issued on 31 March 2011, President of Sri Lanka appointed Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) in May 2010 and the report was issued on 16 December 2011, both remain unimplemented. It should be noted that the Tamil Nation has been in the Island of Sri Lanka as an Independent Nation from time immemorial that right was denied by the UK at the time of Independence in 1948, since then successive Governments of Sri Lanka have continued to deny the rights of Tamil Nation to date under current constitution. The two resolutions passed at 19th and 22nd sessions of UNHRC calling on Sri Lanka to implement GSL’s on report by LLRC remain unfulfilled. It should be noted that Sri Lanka a signatory to the International Covenant to Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is in breach of this covenant as given above. The fifth anniversary of the joint statement by President of Sri Lanka and UN Secretary General occurs at the 25th session in March 2014, the UNHRC members should make use of this opportunity to start the conflict resolution process by taking following actions, immediately:
Independent International Commission of Inquiry to restore justice and advance reconciliation between the two Nations
Rights of Tamil Nation are to be restored under ICCPR to which, Sri Lanka is a signatory
[3] HW Codrington, A Short History of Ceylon,, pp. 9, 10.
[5] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR),
[7] UN Panel of Experts
[9] , Report of the Secretary-General’s Internal Review Panel on United Nations Action in Sri Lanka, November 2012
[10] , The Numbers Never Lie: A Comprehensive Assessment of Sri Lanka’s LLRC Progress.
[11] A List of Commissions of Inquiry and Committees Appointed by the Government of Sri Lanka (2006 – 2012),
[12] Mannar Bishop’s submission to LLRC,
[13] US State Department’s Daily Press Briefing:
[14] hc
[17] History Behind the Present Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
Eusense / March 14, 2014
First this Dr. should list the rights Sinhalese have but not the Tamils. Then we can start talking! I have posed this question so many times but haven’t received a viable answer. The only answers I got was “want to sing the National anthem in Tamil”.
By the way, where on earth is this “Tamil Nation” you are talking about?
Liberal One / March 14, 2014
Yeah they usually run away when asked what rights do Tamils lack here that Sinhalese, Muslims and other ethnic groups enjoy.
kali / March 15, 2014
The rights the Tamils lack is the right to determine their own destiny and not be be dictated by 20 Million Racists of whom you are one.
NO COLONISATION NO ARMY RULE AND SELF DETERMINATION. After the elections in India we will get to the PROMISED LAND and MR will have to look for a disused Bunker to avoid being jetted off to the HAGUE.
Ravi / March 14, 2014
The British, who were the last foreign rulers of Sri Lanka should have handed Tamils the right to rule their territory when they finally left Sri Lanka. It is tragic that they did not do so. Now, the national flag of the Tamil Nation, with its Tiger emblem of an animal that is totally different to the passive Nanthi (cow), flies in the Tamil nation. It is the Sinhalese government that should bear the responsibility for this. The Sinhalese majority government and the Sinhalese political leaders should consider the Tamils’ demand for the right to self-determination with sincerity, humanity and political foresight and act at the earliest to recognize it. Failure to do so will inevitably lead both comminutes to face more devastation bringing the country down to a beggar state. The international community should recognize that Sri Lanka needs two states and that structures should be created to facilitate coexistence of the two states.
Palayang yako! / March 14, 2014
You expect sense from people who only understand nonsense in the form of xenophobia and racism.
This lot and their followers will have to learn from their own mistakes and the small minority of decent people in this country will have to suffer with the b..s who created and are continuing to create a hell on earth call Silly Lanka!
Raja / March 15, 2014
Ravi why did the Northern and Eastern place names have Sinhalese names, many of which are Tamilised today?
If there was a Tamil nation, why did the Colonial powers import Tamil indentured labour from South India and not from this mythical Tamil nation?
Why are all the archaeological remains older than 500 years belong to Sinhala heritage and ancient inscriptions and are in Sinhala script?
Why are the records kept by Colonial powers and famous travellers to the island, indicate the country including Jaffna was populated with Sinhalese people?
Why did only the Sinhalese have many uprisings against colonial powers to regain independence?
Why did colonial powers sign treaties only with the Sinhala Kins/rulers?
During the negotiations for Independence, why did the British refuse to grant any of the bogus demands made by the Tamils?
Last but not least, why is this clamour for a separate nation using arguments that can be applied to all nations in this world, rather than live as one nation, just like when people migrate today to other nations?
Burning_Issue / March 15, 2014
Were you born yesterday? Perhaps you only learned to read and right on the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinistic materials! Please learn about the battle between the Jaffna king and the Portuguese. The east was part of the kandian kingdom that was being ruled by a Tamil king. The Sinhala Chieftans betrayed the kandian king and facilitated the downfall of the kingdom. Surely you cannot blame it on the Tamils!
Please list the places that are Sinhala within N&E? I will then list the names in the south that have Tamil sounding names.
Can you proof that the archeological findings in the north have Sinhala scripts? Do you know that once there were many Tamil Buddhists. Have you heard of Manimerhalai? Buddhism arrived in Sri Lanka from which part of India?
If you do not learn the history the right way, Native Veddha will teach you some lessons!
Raja / March 18, 2014
The reply to my comments indicate the low calibre of these people masquerading as experts on South Asian History. Fortunately I am not brought up to abuse people but I know a bit about the history of Sri Lanka, recorded in Mahawansa, Chulawansa, Thupawansa, stone inscriptions, writings by foreignors from Rome, China, India, Arabia etc, but sadly now being distorted by these unprincipled separatist activists, whose predecessors could not even hoodwink the British colonial powers, who were favouring them in every field, into believing their fairy tales.
As for Sinhala names in the Northern suburbs, it is well documented. In fact prior to the arrival of Portuguese there were NO suburbs with Tamil names in the North or East or West or South of Sri Lanka. If you want names, just read the Justice Sansoni Commission (appointed on the request of Federal Party) report or a complete list appearing on various internet websites, giving the meaning of the original Sinhala name, which have been Tamilised but no with meaning in Tamil unless totally renamed like Chunnakam which was originally Hunugama in Sinhala.
kali / March 15, 2014
Raja you Sinkalam:
Let us have these silly arguments after we have reclaimed our Land.
You can Bark but you Cant bite anymore.Your teeth has been poulled out.I will speak to you in 3 months.
Ravi / March 15, 2014
You seem to be not only ignorant but also fully confused. This is what happens when you read articles written by some Sinhala-Buddhist racist pseudo-historians.
“Ravi why did the Northern and Eastern place names have Sinhalese names, many of which are Tamilised today? If there was a Tamil nation.”
They are not Sinhala names but Sanskrit names. The ancient Tamils were Hindus and Mahayana Buddhists. Just like Pali was the language Theravada Buddhists, Sanskrit was the language Hindus and Mahayana Buddhists.
“Why did the Colonial powers import Tamil indentured labour from South India and not from this mythical Tamil nation?”
Because they could not find enough labour from the local Sinhala and Tamil nation.
“Why are all the archaeological remains older than 500 years belong to Sinhala heritage and ancient inscriptions and are in Sinhala script?”
Who says the ancient archaeological remains older than 500 years belong to Sinhala heritage??? Where is evidence to prove it??? Ancient inscriptions and NOT in Sinhala script, they are in Brhami script common to both Sinhala and Tamil.
“Why are the records kept by Colonial powers and famous travellers to the island, indicate the country including Jaffna was populated with Sinhalese people?”
Which colonial records???
Which famous traveler said the country including Jaffna was populated with Sinhalese people??? Can you name one or give a link.
Only one Portuguese writer by the name Fernão de Queiros has written in his book ‘Temporal and Spiritual conquest of Ceylon’ that the people of Jaffna were ‘Chingalaz’.
Prof. Tikiri Abeyasinghe, Professor of Modern history in the University of Colombo,1974-1985 (until his death) explains very clearly in his book ‘Jaffna under the Portuguese’ the misconception of Portuguese and their failure to distinguish between Tamils & Sinhalese in pages 26-57.
Prof. Abeyasinghe had visited Goa Historical Archives in 1967 & 1982 and also stayed in Portugal during 1978-79 for nine months and visited Arquivo da Torre do Tombo & Arquivo Històrico Ultramarino, the two leading archives in Lisbon. He very clearly says that the Portuguese writers have made a terrible mistake.
“Why did only the Sinhalese have many uprisings against colonial powers to regain independence?”
Very similar to some of the Sinhala rebellion against the British rule even the Tamils have rebelled. Pandara Vanniyan (Kulasegaram Vairamuthu Pandaravanniyan) was known as one of last native Tamil chiefs to challenge British rule.
Also, when the Portuguese took over the kingdom of Kotte, the Sinhala king of Kotte did not fight against them but later when they took the Tamil throne of the Jaffna kingdom, the last king of Jaffna Cankli Kumaran, fought decisively with the Portuguese forces. Unfortunately, Cankli Kumaran’s forces were defeated. The Tamil kingdom came under Portuguese domination in 1621, and this was how the Tamils lost their sovereignty, independence and their traditional homeland.
“Why did colonial powers sign treaties only with the Sinhala Kings/rulers?”
Who says the colonial powers signed treaties only with the Sinhala Kins/rulers??? Even the Tamil king of the Jaffna kingdom has signed treaty with the Portuguese.
“During the negotiations for Independence, why did the British refuse to grant any of the bogus demands made by the Tamils?”
The British made a blunder by uniting the Tamil North to the Sinhala South and giving it to the Sinhala leaders (Kalu Suddhas) at independence. They felt that GG Ponnambalam’s 50:50 demand was too much.
“Last but not least, why is this clamour for a separate nation using arguments that can be applied to all nations in this world, rather than live as one nation, just like when people migrate today to other nations?”
Blame the Sinhala governments and its political leaders for not letting the Tamils live as equal citizens and one nation in the island.
Javi / March 17, 2014
“The British made a blunder by uniting the Tamil North to the Sinhala South and giving it to the Sinhala leaders (Kalu Suddhas) at independence. They felt that GG Ponnambalam’s 50:50 demand was too much.”
Churchill had lost the war and the Empire was bombed. Roosevelt was new and the problem Russia was still creating was important because in the history of the world Russia has never been conquered by the west.
So there was impatience because the Indians now had the guns. Churchill was never a peace time PM.
Nehru wanted to rule Ceylon its written somewhere (I read it somewhere for sure)Mahatma the naked fakir (the brits called him that because they knew his weakness and preferred him to Subash Chandra Bose the warrior)
Indira was still a child caring for her mother a TB patient while father was in and out of jail. Mahatma the bas**ard groomed her and Feroz and what he did to her too god knows because she was very different to him and no one could read her. She never shed a tear when she picked up the bunch of keys from the helicopter crash with Sanjay in it at Delhi.
Yet graft India worship Gandhi but not the RSS who shot him- it does not make them racist. Its just the western press Jewish control and congress call them racist even though most of the mosques in the north are built with the same stone of the temple.The Maratha’s are the only martial race of India accepted by the British and Persians- they ruled Tanjoor last Maharaja Sivaji 11.They had respect for all faiths in the true tradition of the Hindu so they survived but fought the invaders who changed the language and religion.The last battle was lost in 1818 because the generals let down the warriors (that is what the Brits had to say) Same time Kandy had to give in- Ajanta- Sigiriya ;)The Dutch were guarding Kandy and the Dutch republic was being over run by the French at the same time so the Brit-Dutch negotiation. So even today wherever you find BP there is Shell.50/50 going dutch.European history is very interesting.Cheers
James / March 17, 2014
Raja came arguing as if he is an expert, after seeing your reply he ran away naked leaving his sarong and amuda. This is the actual state of most of these Sinhala racist Modayas. They cannot argue back because they simply invent things from thin air.
Javi / March 16, 2014
`Why are the records kept by Colonial powers and famous travellers to the island, indicate the country including Jaffna was populated with Sinhalese people?1
You are talking of romantic stories because that is what the british and the fascist sinhala monks wanted you know. They don’t stand in a court of law at the supreme court of England and Wales.The Portuguese were answerable to the Emperor of Rome (Spanish)Dutch were traders ruled partly by Spain and England was kings and Queens. It make take you 10 years to study European history.(eg Queen and prince both have German blood) For a small place of 25k sq miles you are writing shit so for a super power like Eu there are stupids like you the traveller who write shit that does not stand a supreme court of UK still the commonwealth head- you are not the owner to go away but you can live provided you live with respect of other minorities.Its the same in the UK where 90% of land owned by 10% of the people.
Everything that has happened in the Spice Colony Ceylon, India pakistan bangaladesh afganistan from 1498 is in the form of Treaties of London and there are no copies only reference- for once in your liftime go fetch lazy bones.
East India Company was started in 1498- Portugese- Dutch-English (royalty of EU is related from then so the single name Lon Treaty)
Rohan / March 14, 2014
If a Sinhala person writes address in his own language and post the letter anywhere in the country, the letter reaches the destination. If a Tamil person…?
Eusense / March 14, 2014
What a moronic statements is this?
What will happen do you think if a Spanish (20% of US population) person in the US write an US address in Spanish and mail it any where in the US..?
When Tamils in SL write to their diaspora do they write the address in Tamil?
Javi / March 15, 2014
nonsence pol buruwa Buro(spanish)
The people of south america are known as Hispanic/Latino’s
You see you are the gaame gasgemba.
You have no idea of the origin of English or Spanish to discuss Spaniolă.
You are still the slave with just a thick head arrogant Bullshitosis.
Any letter addressed in Spanish has always been delivered in the US. Texas is a Spanish name as much as Los Angeles – Christopher Colombus is Basque not italian and most British royalty still marry Spanish women.
Sihala have just servants who were assisted by SL embassy of Italy by fraud.
Repeat for you fuckdumbass as to why present day Lanka cannot deliver a letter other than in sihala.
Similar to religion, patriotism is an emotion, as opposed to a rational thought process. Studies and surveys have consistently indicated that approximately 90% of persons in any given country have strong patriotic sentiments. This percentage is similar to the percentage of people involved in other faith-based activities, such as religion. This same percentage also reflects the bell-curve of the general intelligence level of a population: 90% of all Lankians register an IQ below 50. This is evidenced in your method of study which is revising past question papers than understanding the subject. While 90% of all persons in a Caucasian population group register an IQ below 120.
eusense / March 15, 2014
Where do you live? In the US the postal code (numerical) will take the letter to the postal area. If a Spanish speaking employee is available that person will hand it over to the area delivery person. If not it will stay in the post office to be picked up.
I am sure same will happen in Sri Lanka, if a Tamil person is available the letter would be delivered. The mail issue that you and Rohan guy is bringing are no real issues. When you are in a society where 85% of the people speak a different language, if you want to get ahead you need to learn that language. You don’t ask for a separate nation as this low life author is asking for!
By the way you need to get rid of your foul language use if you want people to take you seriously!
Javi / March 16, 2014
Modaya I live in Spain I live in UK and I live in the States too we are in the west for over 50 years.
and I am fluent at spanish as much as I am fluent at Sihala.
Go learn your language first
The spanish alphabet is the same as english
Henry V111 wife Spanish Catherina aunt of Roman Emperor Carlos 1 (Spanish)
Henry V111 anglo saxon daughter Elizebth 1 Virgin Queen Ruler of the world when she beat the Spanish Armada and crushed the Portuguese incursions.
Deputy PM UK wife is Spanish.
Please dont waste more time trying to teach me EU and neither am I a school teacher
The Spanish write a different way to the English the same as the sinhalese write – so generally even the sihalese who are good at english laugh at their own villagers english- got the point; because grammer is different.
In the age of translator chips that can scan ; Even the mouse I use is a scanner of documents of anysize to any format and it cost $10. So what is the problem with a postman even SL??
I am not for any division because there is no romance then. But in utter desperation they want to divorce which i understand and both are at fault
I am happy that it hurts you when I use almost foul- the reason is in utter frustration with square heads with limited education research (here I must say our history books were not only tampered by the Brits (that alexander the great left Afghanistan without a fight though he ruled punjab for 3 years and frightned of chandragupta maurya he went berserk but around 65 by the monks. Even the idealistic Germans listen and learn but the special breed of Sihala and Tamil after 83 dont want to see the light that is the sad state.
As a child I learnt at school to say mea culpa, mea culpa,
mea máxima culpa and its taken me a long way in life.
You speak nice and right I will appreciate you because you are also a person of the island but the time you take sides T or S or M or any religion i am not with you because i respect all- as kids everybody was uncle and aunt and we jumped over hedges and had food in anyone’s home and that was life in the pleasant island. Good luck.
Javi / March 16, 2014
BTW The point of origin or constant is Geographic Code and the Postal codes are derived for it. In practice we all use Postal Code for almost everything as using surname/family name as constant for data base.
The Tamil language (is complete) has it all clear before English came into being because they (Chennai) gave the world the Zero therefore we count our billions trillions etc.Even the calendar (west and east) is copied from the Hindu- nothing to be proud of but they need to be respected and not treated like the way they are- they must definitely get something or the sky will fall on Lanka for sure.
The Spanish write the postal code first eg 28008 Madrid (is Plaza de Espana) Canada US and UK are all the same – the code comes after.
So what is the big deal postmen are generally smart and the only maybe a cat or dog may attack them.;)
kali / March 15, 2014
What language do the Sinhalese write to their Diaspora in the West headed by Sam Chicken. Do you quack.
Thondamannar / March 14, 2014
Tamil persons are mere 5% need to learn the language of the majority or shut up instead of talking of rights.
Destination …Nandikadal… not bad
Rayappu’s den in Mannar
kali / March 15, 2014
Dried up River you river.
We havent learnt your Language for thousands of years and why would we learn it now.
We make Music and you copy it from us so get real you idiot( Pukkai).
Amarasiri / March 15, 2014
Dear G K Nathan,
RE: Rights Of Tamil Nation Are To Be Restored: An Appeal To Members Of UNHRC
“First this Dr. should list the rights Sinhalese have but not the Tamils.”
Why only the Para-Sinhala and the Para-Tamils live in Lanka, the land of the Native Veddah Aethho? What about the other Para-deshis, the Para-Muslims, and other Paras? They all came from South India, by Illegal Boats, Kall-Thonis or Hora -Oru, unlike the original Natives who walked over 25,000 years ago, when the sea levels were low.
The opinion of the Native Veddah is that if the Para-guests cannot behave, they should get back to South India.
kali / March 15, 2014
The rigts the Sinhalsese have and the Tamils dont have is as follows.
1) Kill the Tamils using the Army
2) Destroy Temples , Mosques and Churches using THUGS.
eusense / March 15, 2014
So, those are the rights Tamils are fighting for ???
Amarasiri / March 16, 2014
When LTTE was in power in the North and the East, the Tamils had the right to kill Muslims and Sinhala and in addition to rob and expel them.
They even killed Rajiv Gandhi, an Indian.
Are you looking to get back the same rights again?
Fathima Fukushima / March 14, 2014
There is NO Tamil nation. So your demand will NOT be given.
Foolish Tamils think just because UNHRC boss NP is a Tamil they can get their racist demands!
Didn’t Tamils worship IPKF soldiers when they first came to the island? What happened after 50,000 IPKF Tamil children?
LTTE had to bomb Rajiv.
Ramany K / March 14, 2014
One thing I know for sure.Tamil parliamentarians have all the rights that the Sinhala parliamentarians have.may be that is why they are not bothered about ordinary peoples grievances.
Piranha / March 14, 2014
They may, but the Tamil parliamentarians of the TNA act within the law and don’t abuse their powers. Ther are also no kudukarayas, murderers and other criminals in the TNA.
Native Vedda / March 14, 2014
Ramany K
“Tamil parliamentarians have all the rights that the Sinhala parliamentarians have.”
Do the Tamil Parliamentarian have the right to impunity over criminal activities including murder, bribery, drug trade, 10 to 20% commission …. thuggery, …… land grabbing, illicit trade in timber, …. remove a governor, remove occupying armed forces,. protect war criminals, …. ?
Do they have the right to employ court clowns to frustrate their opponents?
Do they have the services of Champika, Mervyn, Weerawansa, Karuna, Pillayan, Duminda, KP, and criminal fraternity?
K.A Sumanasekera / March 15, 2014
Dear Native,
Don’t they have the services of Cameron, Harper, Pillai and Mcrae, not forgetting the Reverend in London and their PM in new Jersy !!!
Can the native Sinhala Buddhists match that ?….
Javi / March 15, 2014
“Can the native Sinhala Buddhists match that ?”
Pol-Buruva even a “Pythagoras Theorem” cannot prove the suffix `native` in sihala buddhist of bestiality breed.
Sevela Sumane born in a harem and want to bring down the Govigama like Premadasa criminal from shanty town and muslim RajaPassa/Kotchi who came by Hora-Oru.
Native Vedda / March 15, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
“Can the native Sinhala Buddhists match that ?….”
First of all Sinhala/Buddhists are not the natives of this island but descendants of Kallathonies mostly from Tamilnadu. Naturally I take exception to you for loosely using native in your comments.
Of course Sinhala/Buddhists not only can match that but they have done exceedingly well with the support of their mother country India and other Western nations including USA.
At the domestic level they are doing very well with their own home grown leaders such as Champika, Mervyn, Weerawansa, Karuna, Pillayan, Duminda, KP, and criminal fraternity.
In fact USA is mindful of the fact that Weerawansa’s threat to launch a boycott campaign against Google, Yahoo,…. could derail their economic recovery which might lead to recession, depression, stock market turmoil, …………
You are rest assured, you have the support of International Community as well as domestic warriors who are ready to die, farce onto death.
Sadith / March 14, 2014
Only 18 countries in this world didn’t sign ICCPR, so can you name one country except those 18 that gave right of self-determination according to ICCPR. Why the hell Sri Lanka should deviate from rest of the world.
lal / March 14, 2014
To Nathan,
There is a Tamil Nation in southern Endia. It is not independent, and ruled by Hindi speaking overlords. The Hindi speakers believe the Tamil subjects are not ready for self rule. Now, there is the opportunity for you tough guys to go to southern Endia and prove them wrong. Sinhala people are ready to help you and other disatisfied Tamils to reclaim their homeland and settle there. Don’t pin your hopes on UNWHATEVER and Nazi Pullai and be disappointed!
Siva / March 14, 2014
Lal and all others who ask why cannot the Tamils demand for a separate Tamil country in India (Tamil Nadu) instead of Sri Lanka (Eelam).
From the very ancient time, Lanka (as first mentioned in the Ramayana) was a part of South India. The ancient Tamil was born on the sacred earth a part of which is now called Sri Lanka. What is Sri Lanka now is part of the lost landmass of Kumari kandam (Lemuria) that went under a massive quake of the sea in times long past. The first Tamil Sangam was held in this land. It is believed that God Siva attended the first Tamil Sangam. The Island of Sri Lanka was not a Buddhist island but a Siva Bhoomi – the Land of Siva right from the beginning. All the ancient rulers of Sri Lanka were Saivaites irrespective of whether they were Naga or Sola (Chola) or Pandu (Pandya). It was only recently the Sinhalese started calling Sri Lanka as the Dhamma Deepa of Buddha after the Buddhist missionary monk Mahinda introduced Buddhism where as we Tamils still call Sri Lanka as Eelam, the sacred Tamil land of Siva. Even the footstep at Adams Peak is originally known as Siva’s and NOT Buddha’s. The original Siva boomi (sacred land of the Tamils) that broke away from South India due to the massive earth quake (Kumari Kandam) is the right full place for the Tamils. This is the only reason why the world Tamils (including the Tamils in Tamil Nadu) is trying to establish a Tamil country known as Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka and NOT in India or any other place. The sacred Tamil land/holy land of Siva is Eelam.
Eusense / March 14, 2014
Why do you go only up to Ramayana times. While you are at it you should go to BCE era!
You should also enlighten the Native American Indians with your historical garbage and encourage them to get the US back to their rule.
Javi / March 15, 2014
You are the classic pol buruva trolling for `gooo`ta `booo`ts thinking you are the teacher from the siura butthole- fuckdumbass.
Why didn’t Passa or Gooota attend the commonwealth summit meeting on the 10th of March at London and meet Her Majesty??
You Slaves are Gooo Baye No??
your hi-flying talk is only fit for your borrowed ambude meeharako!
eusense / March 15, 2014
I see you got 2 thumbs up (TU) for your comment. Now I can envision the status of the’Tamil nation’ you are dreaming of!!
The Professional / March 14, 2014
Before restoring anything this GK Nathan needs treatment for dementia. Poor fellow will be reborn as a devil if he continues to harbour thoughts of hatred till death. Then the so called oppressed can seek relief from Nathan Yakkah and devil dancers of south will have good business.
Javi / March 15, 2014
[Edited out], you sound like the professional kuddu dealer at parliament who has graduated from selling kassipu.
So how is kuudu Mervin paying you nowadays to be trolling 24/7/365?
kali / March 15, 2014
What is your Profession.
Is it reciting ” Moola Mantra”
The Professional / March 16, 2014
Hi Javi,
It appears that you are not well and what you say are edited out by CT.
If you do not like kudu try ganja. The police stations in Uva Province are said to have enough stocks. If you do not like kasippu go to the OPA Bar. It has all good brands of both local and foreign “kasippu” brewed according to internationally accepted standards. According to media reports kudu Mervin sells “Ecstasy” and if you like it please do contact him in his ministry. You seem to be very knowledgeable about dealers of kudu and kasippu.
Javi / March 16, 2014
`If you do not like kudu try ganja.¬
Pseudo prof CT/Wiki/Google and not even my professors has ever been god to me in my wildest dream. I was built to stand alone.
In any case the existence of God is not the issue.
It is your very statement in enticement that you scribbled on CT that I mentioned to you last time over about your selling booze to Friday forum.
I did reread it before I gave you the clue; article by professor at Manchester from, Haputale.
it is not my duty to search for something that you wrote so go fetch servant class dumbass.
I have always got knowledge of narcotics, arms etc from the highest legal bodies of Lanka and India which is beyond your birth right in your new found glory. So dont try to tell me you are govi/vella/or prof.
The Professional / March 20, 2014
Hon. Sir,
The vocabulary of your comments appearing in CT indicates that you are from a high cast aristocratic family. I beg your pardon sir if I have offended you and hurt your feelings.
The Professional / March 16, 2014
The Moola Mantra
Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha
Whenever you chant this Vedic Sanskrit Mantra, even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and chant it with feeling in your heart, then the energy will flow a million times more powerfully. It is therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it.
This Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he comes and makes you feel his presence, in the same manner when you chant this mantra the Supreme Energy manifests everywhere around you. As the Universe is omnipresent, this Supreme Energy can manifest anywhere and anytime. It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes the Divine Presence stronger.
OM has 100 different meanings. It is said, in the beginning was the Supreme word and the word created every thing. That word is OM. If you are meditating in silence deeply, you can hear the sound OM within. The whole of creation emerged from the sound OM. It is the primordial sound or the Universal sound by which the whole universe vibrates. OM also means inviting the higher energy. This divine sound has the power to create, sustain and destroy, giving life and movement to all that exist.
SAT means all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Unmanifest. It is experienced as emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static. Everything that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.
CHIT is the Pure Consciousness of the Universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting power of the Universe. Out of this is evolved everything that we call Dynamic energy or force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is the consciousness manifesting as motion, as gravitation, as magnetism, etc. It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit.
ANANDA means bliss, love and friendship nature of the Universe. When you experience either the Supreme Energy in this Creation (SAT) and become one with the Existence or experience the aspect of Pure Consciousness (CHIT), you enter into a state of Divine Bliss and eternal happiness (ANANDA). This is the primordial characteristic of the Universe, which is the greatest and most profound state of ecstasy that you can ever experience when you relate with your higher Consciousness.
PARABRAHMA is the Supreme Being in his Absolute aspect; one who is beyond space and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the Supreme creator.
PURUSHOTHAMA has different meanings. Purusha means soul and Uthama means the supreme; the Supreme spirit. It also means the supreme energy of force guiding us from the highest world. Purusha also means Man, and PURUSHOTHAMA is the energy that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide Mankind and relate closely to the beloved Creation.
PARAMATMA means the supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and in all beings, living and non-living. It’s the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides formless or in any form desired. It’s the force that can come to you whenever you want and wherever you want to guide and help you.
SRI BHAGAVATHI is the Feminine aspect, which is characterized as the Supreme Intelligence in action, the Power (The Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine Mother) aspect of the creation.
SAMETHA means together or in communion with.
SRI BHAGAVTHE is the Masculine aspect of the Creation, which is unchangeable and permanent.
NAMAHA is salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is OM and also has the qualities of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek your presence and guidance all the time.
Javi / March 16, 2014
`You seem to be very knowledgeable about dealers of kudu and kasippu.¬
`The Moola Mantra- VAS KAVI`
Bestiality Breed Sihala Buddhist,
What are you professor of how to run brothels for passa and duminda?
Even a Chinese or a Arab Mulla can copy and paste your version of Sanskrit.
Sanskrit is the language of the Hindu Brahmin and even George Harrison and his followers (Hari Krishna) at Bushy never learnt it right- that is the strength of the Hindu- No conversion there no illegal occupation of others property. Buddhism is for the untouchable to be accepted into society. Same as equality law in the UK for the cleaner to sit along side the middle class employer even at the pub.
Borrowed feathers never shine for always so it is called counterfeit and there is copyright law. i am very sure the software you use is unlawful copy.
Therefore don’t display your ignorance in your borrowed yellow ambude dumbass.
david stanislaus / March 14, 2014
Perhaps that if Tamils the likes of Nathan talk of the rights of Tamil individuals rather than of the “Tamil Nation” they will go far.
Thiru / March 14, 2014
Dr G K Nathan,
Keep up your good work:
Sri Lanka as a state has been atrocious in its treatment of Tamils since independence.
All Tamils want is the freedom from the Sinhala racist yoke, and liberty to run their own affairs well.
International community now realizes the lies and cheating of the Sinhala dominated Sri Lankan state.
It’s time to free Tamils from oppression.
Vibhushana / March 14, 2014
Here is the Hugh Cleghorn minute including the parts Nathan did not include.
‘Two different nations, from very ancient times have divided between them the possession of the island.. First the Cingalese inhabiting the interior of the country, in its southern and western parts, from the river Wallouve to that of Chilow, and secondly the Malabars who possess the northern and eastern districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners. The former who are allowed to be the earlier settlers, derive their origin from Siam professing the ancient religion of the country.’
Hugh Cleghorn would not spell Mahavamsa let alone “challenge” it with his infantile knowledge of the island.
Javi / March 15, 2014
“would not spell Mahavamsa let alone “challenge”
Free education troll product of JVP living down under.
That is because only Sihala Mahawamse Buddhist grow Skunk marijuana at Tasmania- Ginger Head Shepherds don’t lie.
Prasad / March 16, 2014
The Buddhist order in Sri Lanka had declined during the colonial period. However the Sinhalese had exchanges with Siam (Thailand), another Theravada Buddhist country. In order to re-establish Buddhism, the Sinhalese established the Siam Nikaya (from Siam). Due to Buddhism (from Siam), they (British) are also calling the Sinhalese as people from Siam but what he says about the two different nations have divided between them the possession of the island is what he saw and experienced physically. The Mahavamsa also proves it.
If you read the Mahavamsa carefully, even Dutugemunu’s father King Kavantissa the king of Rohana (Kingdom in Southern Sri Lanka) had told Dutugemunu not to invade (Rajarata) the land of the Damilas. He had said, Rohana the region on this side of the river (Southern territory) has enough land. There is evidence in the Mahavamsa that the Northern territory (Rajarata) was occupied by the Tamils. It says, Dutugemunu had to conquer not just one Tamil king (Elara) but 32 Tamil Chieftains around the Anuradhapura principality alone. He also killed around sixty thousand Tamils in the war. How could there be 32 Tamil chieftains in the area of Anuradhapura alone and sixty thousand Tamils any Tamil settlements (Demel-gam-bim) in Anuradapura?
Not only HUGH CLEGHORN but many colonial officers and historians have said the same.
Jacob Burnand, a Swiss soldier in the service of the Dutch and later the English, was the governor of Batticaloa between 1784 and 1794. In 1798 he composes a ‘memoir’ on the North and Northeast, in which he locates the origins of the Sinhalese in Siam and mentions that from time immemorial Sinhalese and Tamils had divided the rule of the island between the two of them.
Commenting on the provenance of the Tamil and Sinhalese languages the Dutch Predikant, Philippus Baldaeus who was in the Island during the mid17th century asserts,
‘It is to be observed that in Ceylon they not only speak the Cinghalesche but also the Malabaarsche languages, the former from Negombo to Colombo, Caleture, Berbering, Alican, Gale, Belligamme, Matura, Donders etc., But in all other parts of the Island which are contiguous to the coromandel coast Malabaarsche is the prevailing language.
The above view is also corroborated by the Governor Rjklof Van Goens account dated 1675. Referring to Batticaloa he made the following comment:
‘And since all the inhabitants of Batticalo (both in customs, religion, origin and other characteristics) together with those of Jaffnapatnam, Cotjaar and on Westward right over to Calpentyn and the Northern portion of the Mangul Corle inclusive, have been from the remotest times and are still now Malabaars, divided into their tribes, and very unwillingly mix with the Cingalese, Weddas or others outside their tribes, as also the others are not willing to do with these, they are up till now to be considered no otherwise than that they form with those of Jaffnapatnam, Cotjaar, & a people separate from the Cingalese, and have up till now remained pretty well in their freedom; having accepted of their free will the company’s protection only in order to protect themselves against the cruelty of the King of Candi, wherefore it behoves us not to leave them in need or to delay if we do not wish to see them presently stand exposed to the same cruelty; since otherwise we have to expect from this rich, populous and fertile territory yet many fruits both temporal and spiritual.’
The limits of these Sinhalese and Tamil settlements have even been documented in 19th century maps prepared by British map makers. In particular, Arrowsmith’s 1857 map of Ceylon, indicate that Sinhalese area can be distinguished from Tamil areas by the language used for place-names, including those designated for natural and human-made features (Emerson, 1859).
The boundaries between the two peoples coincide with areas where Sinhalese names, such as oya, wewa, gama, gamwa, wia, etc. switch to Tamil names, such as colom, aar, oor, madoo, tivoo, etc. . .It also appears that the areas occupied by the two peoples were distinct enough to persuade the British colonial government to designate the territory inhabited almost exclusive by Tamils as the Northern and Eastern provinces in 1873.
A Chief Justice in the British Government, Sir Alexander Johnston wrote on 01.07.1827 to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland as follows:
‘I think it may safely be concluded both from them and all the different histories which I have in my possession, that the race of people who inhabited the whole of the Northern and Eastern Provinces of the Island of Ceylon, at the period of their greatest agricultural prosperity spoke the same language, used the same written character, and had the same origin, religion, castes, laws and manners, as the race of people who at the same period inhabited the southern peninsula of India.’
The census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 also indicate that the two Tamil provinces (North & East) were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881). The Sinhalese population constituted only 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces in 1881; Sinhalese accounted for only 0.51% of the total population of the Northern Province, and 4.2% of the Eastern Province. This administrative attitude of the British make it clearly evident that to them although the whole of Sri Lanka was under their complete control, the people of the Sinhalese areas and the people of the Sri Lankan Tamil areas were two distinct elements of the same island’s population. The recognition of the Tamil identity of these North Eastern provinces by the British is also confirmed by the successive census taken in these regions starting from 1827, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1921, to 1946. The recognition of such a distinction by the British authorities grew even clearer when they began to introduce gradually political or constitutional innovations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and even later.
‘The fact is that in the census of 1920 only 4 percent of the population of the Eastern Province was Sinhalese. The Sinhalese settlements in the east were small and scattered, even though there is historical evidence that most of the east came under the umbrella of the Kandyan Kingdom. But while the ultimate rulers were in the Sinhalese Kingdom of Kandy, the people of the east were mostly Tamils and Muslims. It is only in the past fifty years that there has been a substantial influx of Sinhalese settlements through state intervention.’
In 1939, one of the governors of the country, Sir Andrew Caldicott reflected the views of many of his predecessors when he said that all ‘fissures radiate from the vexed question of minority representation.’ When the question of Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) was before the British House of Commons, the Conservative M P for Hornsey referring to the Tamils made the following observation:
‘Ceylon . . . . is not a single unit. There are two races, Sinhalese and Tamils. The Tamils differ from the Sinhalese in race, religion and to a large extent in background. Where there is a racial minority in a country the danger is, it may become a permanent political minority’ (Hansard November 22, 1947).
The above statements reveal two important facts,
Firstly, what these gentlemen saw physically and what they experienced personally, and secondly, what they heard from others and what they believed.
Also, from the above statements it is very clear that during the colonial period, the colonial rulers were calling the south Indian land which is closest to Sri Lanka (Jaffna) as Coromandel and NOT as Tamil Nadu or Chola/Pandya Nadu. They are also calling the people/language of Coromandel as Malabar/Malabaarsche and NOT Tamil. Due to Theravada Buddhism (Siam Nikaya), they are also calling the Sinhalese as people from Siam (Thailand), another Theravada Buddhist country.
Anyhow, what all of them clearly saw and experienced during their period was that, there were two different Nations having two different languages, religions, cultures, and living in two well defined and clearly and naturally demarcated land areas.
Paul / March 14, 2014
Tamil Nation my ass. There is no such thing. There is a Sri Lankan nation, join it or perish.
Native Vedda / March 14, 2014
“Tamil Nation my ass.”
We are not interested in your ass.
“There is a Sri Lankan nation, join it or perish.”
There is no Sri Lankan nation. Its a lie the rulers want you stupids to buy and you are ready to buy anything that is rapped in Sinhala/Buddhists majoritarianism.
When was this one nation came into being?
This island belongs to my people and will remain Veddah Land forever. If you don’t like it please feel free to leave my ancestral island.
We will consider buying you a one way ticket to Tamilnadu (of course on a Kallathoni)
ramona therese fernando / March 14, 2014
Native Vedda,
You lost 2,500 years ago!!! So please follow the history of humans, and know as per America of International Law, fellows like you who can’t assimilate into mainstream are doomed to live in reservations.
As of 2009 Sri Lankan became, according to International Law, a United, Democratic, Modern country (actually, she became this in 1948, but as per the belligerence of the few ethnic-protecting-race of persons, She became purely United, Democratic, and Modern only since 2009).
UN comission, Sri Lanka was a Sinhala-Buddhist nation ever since 2,500 years ago. When Vijaya and Buddhism landed on our shores, it is logical to presume that they first set foot on the Lankan coast. Hence the Lankan coast up to the mountains became Sinhala bodied, and vocal, scripted and Buddhistic. Some Indian Tamils fisherman also assimilated throughout history with the coastal persons (and vice versa) as is/has been done in all migrations and assimilation of humans throughout human history. Furthermore, Lankan kings brought down those tough North Indian Kasthryas to soldier the coast so as to ward off invaders. Europeans came to our shores to trade, and later with their guns and ammo, they also invaded and colonized Lanka. They assimilated with the native population, thereby further varying and increasing the viability of the Sinhala gene pool which also contained Chinese, African and Islamic blood as per Lanka’s island nation history.
The history of Lanka’s north and east is prone to speculation of course, but the Tamil race who has occupied that area for around a few millennia, has wanted to remain autonomous throughout history. That die-hard, ethnic-protecting race of persons is still at it, even in this modern era. Furthermore, they want to take over the rest of Sinhala Lanka which they find is quite impossible, and are hence appealing to foreign powers for assistance with. In between their quest to promulgate Lanka, they have disgracefully taunted Sri Lanka with racial jibes together with atrocious terrorism, such of what the world had never seen previously, and that of which humans with a tendency to violence have copied from ever since.
Truth is, this great nation of Tamilians were very great in peacefulness, equanimity and intellect several thousand years ago in Indus valley of Pakistan. Being chased away by Aryan invaders to the south, they are still lamenting their glorious past.
The world truly feels for them. But UN commission, as these great Tamilians cannot be relocated in Pakistan, please teach them to be contented, progressive, peaceful, and humanistic in Tamil Nadu.
UN comission, leave Sri Lanka with her wonderful modern Buddhistic values and morals (even if about 25% of the population is non-Buddhist- however, they too tend to follow the majority culture, like all Britishers in England speaking and acting like Church-of-England people).
Lanka always of course, have revered her Tamil persons in their ancient cultural ways, and if there were any wars between the Sinhalese and Tamils, they were Kingly wars. They were not the dirty ethnic-racist wars of twisted ethnic-perversions of the modern-era that were passed down by Nazi-concepts from Europe.
UN commission, Lanka is willing/ has always been willing to give the N&E autonomy and exclusivity based on United, Modern, Democratic, International Laws formulated on Western participatory democracy. However, as this Tamil Ancient Nation also wants to be progressive in this modern day, they cannot hold true to the Modern Method without being a disease to all others. We ask you UN commission to speak reason to these troubled beings. Please help us further, for the sake of Civilization on Earth.
ramona therese fernando / March 15, 2014
And furthermore UN commission, the Sinhala-Buddhist race even brought down royal Tamil persons and their entourages to integrate with Royal Sinhalese persons and their common folk.
Javi / March 15, 2014
fernando the fish monger,
why are you trying to preach your smelly gospel in bin lardens tainted knickers?
As it is you are like skunk in a spin dryer.
Paul / March 15, 2014
Personal abuse – the last refuge of a moron with no counter argument.
Javi / March 15, 2014
` the last refuge of a moron with no counter argument.`
You never follow an argument because you are the classic dumbass and intercede.
now as far as karawa pool passe nool what is there to discuss with you??
Right and wrong are relative terms and truth is the daughter of time not of authority.
In lanka authority has been hijacked by muslim rajapassa of hora oru just like you of bestiality breed.
If you had authentic discussable material I am game as always. If I am not sure I always pay for consultation and that is inbred in me by family background and professional education therefore we prosper as our own master providing services and manufacture.
Patriotism is the incubator of wars and for scoundrels to take refuge.
Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others, merely because you were born in it.
I never needed the bombastic one to teach me that.
This is greatness and humbleness I expect from judiciary:”Socrates tells Hippias that he does not agree with himself, and is perplexed about his own conclusion.”
Have you got any ba”s or are you like Nonis no penis with 2500 years of bestiality breed??
Ravi / March 15, 2014
They took the Portuguese surnames such as De Silvas, Fernandos, Dias, Coorays, Zoysas, Pereras, Peiris, Mendis and so on to hide their original South Indian identity. The fishing Fernandos are mostly from Thoothukudi.
ramona therese fernando / March 16, 2014
O’ OOOOOOH!…..Ravi’s at it again! Carry on Ravi…..Carry On……
Amarasiri / March 15, 2014
ramona therese fernando,
Can You Hear what the Native Veddah Aethho Have to Say?
Competition between Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamil, in the Land of The Native Veddah Aethho. Para-Sinhala and para-Tamils, please go back to South India. The DNA in your genes proves that. You all know, according to Native Veddah terminology, you all are Paradeshis, Para-Sinhla, Para-Tamil and Para-Muslims, i.e. Parangios, just like the Portuguese, Foreigners, in the native Veddah Aethho land. You all originated from South India.
If you cannot live in an egalitarian civilized manner, without imposing your Myth-based hegemony, please leave and get back to South India, with your fellow South Indians. Here is the Data for the above assertion.
“As such, genetic evidence linking the legendary origin of the Sinhalese population to East India (Prince Vijaya) is lacking.”
Am J Phys Anthropol. 1988 Jun;76(2):217-25.
Blood genetic markers in Sri Lankan populations–reappraisal of the legend of Prince Vijaya. Saha N. Author information Abstract Serum protein (haptoglobin types; transferrin and group-specific component subtypes); haemoglobin and red cell enzymes (acid phosphatase, esterase D, glyoxalase I, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, adenylate kinase, and phosphoglucomutase (locus 1) (subtypes) were studied in the Sinhalese, Tamils, and Muslims of Sri Lanka. The allelic frequencies of all the polymorphic systems were similar in these populations without any significant differences. A close look at the present results and earlier investigations on 13 polymorphic loci controlled by 37 alleles did not reveal any genetic characteristics in the present-day Sinhalese population that are distinct from those in the Tamils of Sri Lanka. As such, genetic evidence linking the legendary origin of the Sinhalese population to East India (Prince Vijaya) is lacking.
PMID: 3166342 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Hum Biol. 1995 Dec;67(6):843-66. Genetic affinities of Sri Lankan populations. Kshatriya GK. Author information
Abstract: Mythological and historical sketches of the Sri Lankan population indicate that it is heterogeneous and composed of diverse ethnic groups. Ancient chronicles of Sri Lanka relate the origin of the Sinhalese to the legend of Prince Vijaya, who arrived on the northwest coast of the island in 543 B.C. from northeast or northwest India. Further, because Sri Lanka occupies an important position on seaways, it has received a constant influx of people from various parts of the world (especially from the Middle East and Europe), including India. Taking into consideration mythological, historical, and linguistic records of Sri Lanka, I attempt to study the degree of gene diversity and genetic admixture among the population groups of Sri Lanka along with the populations of southern, northeastern, and northwestern India, the Middle East, and Europe. The genetic distance analysis was conducted using 43 alleles controlled by 15 codominant loci in 8 populations and 40 alleles controlled by 13 codominant loci in 11 populations.
Both analyses give a similar picture, indicating that present-day Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka are closer to Indian Tamils and South Indian Muslims. They are farthest from Veddahs and quite distant from Gujaratis and Punjabis of northwest India and Bengalis of northeast India.
Veddahs are distinct because they are confined to inhospitable dry zones and are hardly influenced by their neighbors. The study of genetic admixture revealed that the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka have a higher contribution from the Tamils of southern India (69.86% +/- 0.61) compared with the Bengalis of northeast India (25.41% +/- 0.51), whereas the Tamils of Sri Lanka have received a higher contribution from the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka (55.20% +/- 9.47) compared with the Tamils of India (16.63% +/- 8.73). Thus it is apparent that the contribution of Prince Vijaya and his companions, coming from northwest India, to the present-day Sinhalese must have been erased by the long-standing contribution (over 2000 years) of the population groups of India, especially those from Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Similarly, the Tamils of Sri Lanka are closer to the Sinhalese because they were always in close proximity to each other historically, linguistically, and culturally.
PMID: 8543296 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
March 11, 2014 at 5:01 am
ramona therese fernando / March 16, 2014
Genes aside, the Sinhalese race remains the Sinhalese race with a distinct Sinhalese language and script and the predominant Buddhist religion. I did say in another thread that the proportion of Vijayan blood in the Sinhalese is probably from 0.0005, if Veddas or Tamils (according to your readings) inhabiting Sri Lanka 2,500 years ago were about 1-million in number. These amounts are probably impossible to show in genetic identities. However, genetic tests are too prone to manipulation. For other genetic tests distinctly show a good amount of North Indian blood also in Sinhalese, probably due to North Indian interest in Sri Lanka as per Buddhism.
Whatever it is, this Prince Vijaya did bring in the scrip and language to Sri Lanka and this was followed by Buddhism. And as this race of Sinhalese has resided in Sri Lanka for 2,500 years, International Law makes all other counter argument to the Sinhalese legitimacy of the Island, redundant.
As for the Vaddas, they lost 2,500 year ago, and therefore, show of unwarranted arrogant egotism by this stone-age race can only be viewed as one of absurdity.
Halt / March 14, 2014
Mr.Nathan, you are a victim of the lost cause of the tamil independent which is a myth. you are trying to show that musilims do not exist as when considering the chapters .
Tamil in the country does enjoy the rites as per he rest of the races. how many tamil doctors get qualified in Sri Lanka. the only issue could be some other government jobs other than doctors and pharmacies are lacking for the tamil population. if that is the main reason that one proclaim the loss of rits , then they must be dumb as ever. government jobs for lower levels work on the decisions of the acting government. those in power will get their set of supporters in to such positions. so how on earth the tamil ordinary people will get chances for such positions in the government institutes when the vote base is mostly sinhalese. in the present context the tamil people as a whole enjoys the same freedom as the rest of the races in sri lanka. NE is is been highlighted to achieve the narrow agenda of those pro elements such as Diaspora and NGOs. if they claim the reality and accept the reality ,there wont be a slogan for them for their campaign for the fund raising and existence.
Ravi / March 14, 2014
In 1995, Dr. R. Jayasekara , Human Genetics unit, Faculty Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and his team collected blood samples in Colombo and surrounding areas from 102 Sinhalese, 100 Tamils, 103 Burghers, 100 Muslims and 103 Malays who were healthy, normal and unrelated individuals. Altogether 608 blood samples were collected and transported by air to the department of Human Genetics. University of New Castle. In the final analysis, the Sinhalese and the Tamil Population of Sri Lanka appear to be the descendants of a single genetic group who had occupied this country from prehistoric times. DNA of Tamil Nadu Tamils is matching the Eelam Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese.
The Sinhalised Tamils of the South (low country) whose ancestors were brought to Sri Lanka by the Portuguese/Dutch from South India (Coramandel coast) as menial labourers (for growing/peeling cinnamon, fishing/pearl diving, coconut planting/plucking and toddy tapping) adopted Portuguese surnames to hide their original South Indian identity.
None can dispute the fact that Tamil speaking Muslims (Marakkala Minissu or Sonahars) of Ceylon are descendants of Tamil Hindus who embraced Islam in the latter part of the century when South India was under Muslim rule. It is only religion that divides the Tamils and
Muslims. By ethnicity Tamils and Muslims are one. Tamil speaking Muslims (Mother tongue Tamil, not Arabic) do not have the slightest resemblance to an Arab in stature or complexion. They bear Tamil names e.g. Periya Marikkar, Sinna Lebbe and Pitchai Thamby.
Anpu / March 14, 2014
Thank you Ravi for (1) info about Dr Jayasekaras work and (2) the rest. Few reference (web links or books )would be very useful.
Eusense / March 14, 2014
Interesting. Do you have any links to find out more about this research?
If correct, this shows Sri lanka should be one nation and we all have to get rid of petty differences and work together to take the country forward.
ramona therese fernando / March 15, 2014
Hi Ravi,
How are you? This is regarding your comments about the Portuguese bringing down Tamil labourers to work as cinnamon peelers, toddy tappers, fishermen, pearl divers and any others. With Lanka being an island, one can logically deduce that these occupations have flourished on our coast since pre-history. But with the Portuguese and others wanting a commercial enterprise, bringing in more persons from the profusion of man-power of the south Indian coast to fulfill their interests is a strong possibility. They did this kind of thing in all places they set up in. Furthermore, they also brought in African workers. So one would find that the coast being of an even greater variety, although the varieties also extend inland.
And as to there being a stigma of shame on this, it could never have happened in Buddhistic Sri Lanka, for even if the more ethnically-pure Dravidians tend to belittle ,embarrass and taunt such variations, the sensibility of the Buddhistic mindset soon kicks in, and the variations are seen as something of a celebration. The light skin of the European mixtures, the sweet curly locks of the African mixtures, the hardiness of the Tamil mixtures (although they are of the same gene pool, as you say, as that of the Sinhalese, and so it is hard to tell the difference), makes a somewhat newer breed of dashing Sinhalese.
As for the Portuguese names these Sinhalese possesses, at the time of the colonies, it would have been the vogue to spout European surnames. Why, even Sinhala royalty changed their names to reflect Portuguese ones. Furthermore, many of the coastal persons were forcibly converted by the Portuguese and were given these names to reflect their conversion. Of course, most were the result of Portuguese, Dutch and British parentage.
All in all, our Sinhalese persons (of all religions) are proud of our much varied history, and only beg to be able to proceed as a United, Modern, and Democratic society.
Ravi / March 15, 2014
Again gibberish!
What is your point???
ramona therese fernando / March 16, 2014
My point Ravi : All in all, our Sinhalese persons (of all religions) are proud of our much varied history, and only beg to be able to proceed as a United, Modern, and Democratic society *Tamils included).
justice / March 14, 2014
Genetic analysis is correct.
But,nations are more than what their genetic components show – language,religion,customs and habitat also define them.
We,of the former island of Ceylon,are divided by these factors.
The majority component wish to rule all.
There has to be a compromise.
If the north and east have a majority component of tamils,let them manage their affairs under the constitution,without interfearence.
This is all what they desire.
Bruz / March 14, 2014
No point writing even facts and figures or reasons and make people who refuse to understand ordinary human, humanity with some civilization. People who love to hate Tamil, Tamils, Muslims or any other race are just not worth arguing with. One cannot straighten a dog’s tail by any means. There is pure ingrained racism that prevents any understanding.
UNHRC and IC are woken, can see some light at the end of the tunnel, there are others, one by one getting a picture of the hidden truth. The battered and butchered lot will have their day sooner than later. Time is ticking !
Wanna see some ‘fake’ photos published in an LTTE Rump supporting media; TRY http:// [Edited out]
noel-jones / March 14, 2014
G.K.Nathan, According to Prof.Karthigesu Indrapalan[a tamil intellect] there is no tamils in Jaffna before 12th centuary. South Indian rulers invade Jaffna from time to time, but Sinhala Kings chase them away several times.
The Dutch rulers in 17th centuary brought down tamil agricultural Vellalayans from South India to grew tobacco. When British invade Ceylon at the end of 17th centuary the tamils Vellalayans settled down in Jaffna. And the British brought down tamil labourers in 18th centuary to work in tea and rubber plantation in Ceylon. This is the story of tamil inhabitants in SriLanka.
So those illegal citizen of India must send back. British did not do that because they want to take revenge from Sinhalese and also need demographic changes in Ceylon. This is the truth and anybody wants get a idea please go to British Archives in London. Nathan it’s applicable to you too.
Anpu / March 14, 2014
“According to Prof.Karthigesu Indrapalan[a tamil intellect]..”
Yes Prof Indrapala is an intellect. I hope you understand this.
“For example, Dr. Nalin De Silva still comments on the thesis that the PhD student Mr. K. Indrapala wrote in 1965. After 30 years of research as a senior Archeologist/Historian, Prof. K. Indrapala says he does not even have a copy of his dissertation (1965) which is completely out of date.”
Anpu / March 14, 2014
“Well, for the past three decades, Indrapala’s thesis gained a notoriety of its own. Sinhalese politicians, journalists and pseudo-historians had flaunted this piece of academic embroidery to dispute the ancestral claims of Eelam Tamils. Indrapala is undoubtedly a scholar with good credentials. But, my question is, does this mean that he cannot be wrong?
Recently, I had the chance to read completely what Indrapala had written in 1969. He had begun the second paragraph of his paper by stating, “As in the case of all students of ancient history we are confronted in the first place with the problems of inadequate sources.” This is a true grievance, one should accept in good faith. But what will one think of a scholar, who bothers not to check on an authentic and original source as reputable as Marco Polo, before arriving at a half-baked inference?”
Marco Polos Visit to Medieval Eelam –
Anpu / March 15, 2014
Please do not quote outdated history.
“The 1965 PhD Student Mr. K. Indrapala
It is surprising that, like many pseudo-scholars, even Mr. Bandu de Silva says, Indrapala has had no reasons to alter the pronouncements he made in his 1965 PhD though he came under heavy ethnic pressure to rewrite history as the facts had not changed.
In any historical research, it is natural to change the views and assumptions, because up to now, we have no definite answers to so many unanswered questions in the fields of Archaeology, history, anthropology, epigraphy and etymology in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, daily we stumble across several new findings and they contribute to new historical vistas. Therefore, based on new facts, one’s earlier conclusion has to be compromised to adopt changes. History is a continuous process of investigation without any end in sight.
For example, for the last 40 years, the Sinhalese Pseudo-historians and bogus scholars (charlatans) had been using the Tamil PhD student Mr. Karthigesu Indrapala’s 1965 PhD thesis which was not in favour of the Tamils as a guide in all their arguments/writings. When the well renowned and recognized former History professor of the Jaffna University, the same Prof. Karthigesu Indrapala retired from his profession after 30 years of research as a Senior Archaeologist/Historian/epigraphist and a University Don. Prof. K. Indrapala published a book in 2005; 40 years after his 1965 PhD thesis where he says his PhD dissertation is completely out of date that even he does not have a copy of his 1965 PhD thesis what he wrote 40 years ago as a PhD student. It is absolutely natural that people change their opinions upon new findings (not ethnic pressure) but the bogus scholars (charlatans) want to still continue to quote the obsolete theories what Indrapala himself has abandoned.
This is what Prof K. Indrapala says about his 1965 thesis:
I was planning my postgraduate research, the late Prof. W.J.F. LaBrooy, my revered teacher and, at that time, Head of the department of History at the University, advised me to research into the early history of the Tamils of Sri Lanka for my doctoral dissertation, as he considered this aspect to be a serious gap in the known history of the Island.
The thesis was completed with the material that was available in the early 1960s.
As long as excavation work remains undone, I pointed out; much that is relevant to our study will be wanting… Even the inscriptions and literary works that we have used have proved to be inadequate in the reconstruction of a satisfactory history of the settlements and in the solution of many important problems.
The thesis was presented as the first major attempt to bring together all available evidence on the subject. THE FACT THAT IT WAS IN NO WAY A COMPLETE STUDY WAS ADMITTED. In view of these limitations and difficulties, while we may claim to have added something to our knowledge of the history of the Tamils of Ceylon, the account presented here is inevitably incomplete and not always definite. We have often been led to state our conclusions in hypothetical terms.
More importantly, significant developments, both in terms of archaeological research and changing historical perspectives, have taken place in the last four decades”
Anpu / March 15, 2014
“”Evolution Of An Ethnic Identity – The Tamils in Sri Lanka
C 300 BCE to 1200 CE – Dr. K. Indrapala
Book Review by Parasakthy Sundharalingam:
“What I have stated is what was already there, what some respected scholars have said, what many have forgotten, what some have chosen to ignore.” Dr. K. Indrapala
The latter part of the 20th century saw how modern archeological techniques and methods have changed and are changing the course of History. As more and more archeological evidences are unearthed, the story of man continues to be reconstructed.
After many years of dedicated research, Prof. Indrapala reviews many of his earlier findings in the light of new discoveries in archeology, epigraphy and numismatics in Sri Lanka and South India , in his book – The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity, the Tamils in Sri Lanka C 300 BCE to 1200 CE. He says:
In times of human conflict, whether communal, national or international, History together with its sister discipline of Archeology is always among the first causalities.
The importance of this statement is felt, when he quotes the latest report (February, 2005) of an archeological find, an urn, with writing in a very rudimentary Tamil – Brahmi Script – belonging to 500 BC, unearthed at Adichchanallur in the Thirunelvely District in South India. (A report that reached him after his work had been handed over to the publishers). “As long as excavation work remains undone, much that is relevant to our study, will be wanting”, were his words in his thesis published forty years ago in 1965. He continues to re-iterate this in this book, “The thesis was completed in the early 60s. Needless to say that dissertation is now completely out of date”.
Dr. Indrapala’s dedicated research during these forty odd years throws light on many issues of the country’s past history, some hitherto misconstrued – to quote his words:
This book is concerned with the Tamils who lived in Sri Lanka in the early centuries of its history and with the evolution of an ethnic community speaking the Tamil language in the Northern, North Western and Eastern regions of the island, whose descendents in modern times perceive themselves as an ethnic identity that is different from the Tamils of South India, as well as other groups in Sri Lanka.
He continues,
… Historians have tended to base their writings on the assumption that the people of the Island at the dawn of history were Sinhalese and that at a later time; the Tamils and other communities came to share the country. Sri Lankan historiography of the 19th and the early 20th century is responsible for this over simplification of the ancient history of Sri Lanka .
Further the historian in him says:
My aim here is to explore the past in order to understand how the Tamils of Sri Lanka (as well as the Sinhalese) came to be what they are. Their political claims that led to the current conflict are to be judged in terms of accepted universal Human Rights and not in terms of their past in the Island. The deeper one delves into Sri Lankan history, the more will one find how much the Tamils and Sinhalese have shared history and culture and common descent. …. …. ….
… … … This book is written for the purpose of drawing attention to some of the important aspects of Sri Lanka ’s past. It is written for the Sri Lankan audience, and for this reason detailed notes and quotations have been included, as articles in International Journals as well as foreign publications are not easily accessible to the average reader. …
He rejects the colonial historical writings that identified the Sinhalese with the Aryans and the Tamils with the Dravidians, and thereby nullifies the ‘purity’ of races.
It is fascinating how the eight chapters in the book are titled – from ancient times to 1200 AD – showing the birth, growth, and development of the two ethnic groups.
1. The Common Gene Pool
2. Conception and Birth
3. Imaginary Ancestors
4. Two Little Siblings
5. Growing up
6. Emerging Personalities
7. Reaching Adulthood
8. The Joint Achievers
According to the above chapters, the Tamils and Sinhalese have descended from common ancestors and through a process of language replacement (a theory popularized by archeologist Renfrew) the ‘North Indian Prakrit dialects spread among the vast majority of the people paving the way for the evolution of the Sinhala language, while Tamil became the language of the North, North West, and East of the Island leading to the emergence of Sri Lankan Tamil.’ Both could not have happened simultaneously – Tamil is an ancient language with a rich literature by the time the North Indian Prakrit dialects spread in the country. Therefore it is the older of the two – this should have been emphasised.
The last chapter aptly titled ‘Joint Achievers’ clears many a historical misconception. The author proves the harmonious relationship that existed between the Tamils and the Sinhalese during the Polannaruwa Period (11th and 12th century) when they jointly achieved great heights in architecture, sculpture, hydraulic engineering, trade, literature, and the fine arts. According to him, “The reign of Vijayabahu ushered in a period of remarkable partnership between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. And there is no room for interpreting the war against the Colas as a Sinhalese-Tamil conflict.”
It is interesting to read about the very close relations that had existed between Tamil Buddhism and Sinhalese Buddhism from very early times and the benevolent religious policy of the Cola Emperors for the Tamil contribution of Buddhism in the Island . There is evidence to show that Tamil was taught at all the Pirivinas and Buddhist monks were very well versed in both Tamil and Sinhala. The author continues to explain how at a much later period when Saivaism became the religion of the Tamils and Buddhism of the Sinhalese, religion, in addition to language, became a marker of ethnic identity.
While tracing the growth of the two ethnic groups he concludes,
A complete bifurcation of the Island into Tamil speaking and Sinhala speaking areas would have taken place only after 1200, especially with the fall of Polannaruwa and the establishment of a new centre of Sinhalese power in the South West. …
In this book, the narration of the historical development leading to the emergence of two separate ethnic identities ends in 1200. But the story does not end there – the dawn of the 13th century marks the beginning of the political separation of the two groups
‘The manner in which history is being “used” in fighting contemporary issues is a matter for concern’, is this historian’s regret.
He quotes historian Hobsbawn,
It is very important for historians to remember their responsibility, which is above all to stand aside from the passions of identity politics even if we feel them also – after all we are human beings too. …
It would be appropriate to quote the author’s words at the concluding passage of the book.
“Anyone turning such a fascinating story of ethnic interaction in a hospitable Island with an exceptionally long record of human habitation into a woeful tale of communal conflict and confrontation is surely misinterpreting history for whatever purposes it be.”
Prof. Indrapala’s book has come at a critical period in the history of Sri Lanka , when the two ethnic groups are at the ‘parting of ways’. Is it a harbinger of peace or has it arrived rather late?””
karl singham / March 15, 2014
This is a very sound analysis not only of Indrapal’s work-early and late- as well a thoroughly scholarly statement of the way history is done.Historical writing is an ongoing process and no finding is ever final.It has an “until next” quality to it.However interested parties — for example those think The Mahavamsa or the Cleghorn minute is a final statement — can fix on something and extract a meaning suitable to their respective causes.
However, the key paragraph in Indrapala’a statement is this:
“Their political claims that led to the current conflict are to be judged in terms of accepted universal Human Rights and not in terms of their past in the Island. The deeper one delves into Sri Lankan history, the more will one find how much the Tamils and Sinhalese have shared history and culture and common descent. ….
It is this statement that both the Sinhalese and Tamils should take into account in building a modern nation state.
noel-jones / March 15, 2014
Anpu, So Prof. Indrapalan accepting his PHD thesis wrong after 49 years. PHD is not like A/L Anpu. A person, prepare PHD thesis after reading many many books,researching,discussing,excavating,examining etc.. I don’t know Prof. Indrapalan publicly said that what he was written for PHD were lies or not properly analysed. And for the last 49 years nobody found any important inscriptions, or any other witnesses which can prove that there were tamil inhabitants before 12th centuary in Jaffna. Correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not a inttelectual like Prof.Indrapalan or you Anpu.
For the last 49 years lot of things can change Anpu. The way of people thinking,the way of people behave. Suppose what Prof. Indrapalan written in 1965 correct, and after so many years of extremism of LTTE, or the pressure of LTTE extremists, Prof.Indrapalan also might change his way of thinking. Maybe that’s why he’s now denying what he was written as his PHD thesis. Or maybe his brain malfunctioning now.
Anpu / March 15, 2014
“For the last 49 years lot of things can change Anpu. The way of people thinking,the way of people behave. Suppose what Prof. Indrapalan written in 1965 correct, and after so many years of extremism of LTTE, or the pressure of LTTE extremists, Prof.Indrapalan also might change his way of thinking. Maybe that’s why he’s now denying what he was written as his PHD thesis. Or maybe his brain malfunctioning now. “
You are right in this “”lot of things can change””.
But we cannot change the mind of some people like you. Because the do not want to accept facts.
“The intimate cultural integration of Ceylon with the Tamilnadu of South India is well sustained by several sources. Of literary evidence we have the epic poem Manimekalai among “the greatest of the classical epic poems of Theravada Buddhism,” and the Cilappadikaram, the Epic of the Anklet, singing the chronicle of Kannaki. The cult of goddess Kannaki is a “vital link between South India and Ceylon. Following the inauguration by. Cheran Sengottuvan, of the temple to Goddess Kannaki, an inauguration at which Ceylon was represented by King Gajabahu (171 – 193 A.D.),1 as Cilappadikaram tells us, the cult of the Goddess spread all over Ceylon, the Kannaki Amman of the Tamils, Goddess Pattini of the Sinhalese, the most vigorous perhaps of the folk cults of the Sinhalese.
In the category of archaeological data, we have the observations of Paul Pieris, the eminent Sinhalese civilian and historian, following his excavation of part of the site of Kantharodai, the earliest capital of the kings of Jaffna.2 “It will be seen that the village of Kantharodai has no reason to be ashamed of its contribution to our knowledge regarding the ancient history of our island. It stands to reason that a country which is only 80 miles from India and which would have been seen by Indian fishermen every morning as they sailed out to catch their fish, would have been occupied as soon as the continent was peopled by men who understood how to sail. I suggest that the North of Ceylon was a flourishing settlement before Vijaya was born. I consider it as proved that at any rate such was its condition before the commencement of the Christian Era.” Memories of the past flash across one’s mind, as I felt, when I first visited the site a few years ago.
In a similar vein, are his remarks3 on the ancestral Hindu Temples of Ceylon
“Long before the arrival of Vijaya, there were in Lanka five recognised isvarams of Siva which claimed and received adoration of all India. These were Tiruketeeswaram near Mahatittha ; Munneswaram dominating Salawatta and the Pearl fishery ; Tondeswaram near Mantota ; Tirukoneswaram near the great bay of Kottiyar and Nakuleswaram near Kankesanturai. Their situation close to these ports cannot be the result of accident or caprice and was probably determined by the concourse of a wealthy mercantile population whose religious wants called for attention.”
The situation of these large and ancestral shrines in widely separated parts of Ceylon, is an obvious index to the range of distribution of the Tamils over Ceylon from very early ages, testifying to a strong Tamil population at the cardinal points and sea port towns of Ceylon. This would also indicate that the Tamils entered Ceylon at whatever port was most convenient of access, not necessarily from the major sea ports of the Jaffna. Peninsula.
The Veddas, the Sinhalese and the Tamils are the three ” Primary Races ” of Ceylon. The Veddas are the aboriginals of the Island. As already stated, practically all authorities are agreed that the Tamils have been in occupation of the Island ” for over 2,000 years.” 4
Says Tennent,
” Jaffna has been peopled by Tamils for at least 2,000 years, the original settlement being of a date coeval with the earliest Malabar5 invasion of the Island, and their chiefs continued to assume the rank and title of independent princes down to the seventeenth century. The Rajavaliya recounts the occasions on which they carried on wars with the Sinhalese kings of the Island ; and their authority and influence in the fourteenth century are attested by the protection which the Raja whose dominions extended as far as Chilaw, afforded to Ibn Batuta, when with his companions, he was permitted to visit the sacred foot-print on the summit of Adam’s Peak.”
The more significant role that Jaffna filled in the annals of the Tamils in Ceylon, is to be sought in the fact that as the nearest to the Tamilnadu of South India, Jaffna was the earliest to come under strong social, cultural and political influences from South India, and was occupied by the Tamils earlier than the rest of Ceylon, going back to the legendary days. (Manimekalai ; the Cilappadikaram).
Native Vedda / March 15, 2014
“Anpu, So Prof. Indrapalan accepting his PHD thesis wrong after 49 years. PHD is not like A/L Anpu. A person, prepare PHD thesis after reading many many”
Have you actually read his PhD thesis?
“Dravidian Settlements in Ceylon and the Beginnings of the Kingdom of Jaffna”
Tell us what is in his introduction?
noel-jones / March 16, 2014
Native Mixed Veddha, I did not read his PHD thesis. I was only a 5 year old kid at that time. But in newspapers I read what he was written especially by Prof.Nalin de Silva. It is Anpu[maybe Anpu is the real Karthigesu Indrapalan writing here under the name of Anpu] who said that, what K.Indrapalan’s PHD thesis not correct or there is no sobstantial evidence to prove what he was written in 1965 for his PHD. A subject like Written History of a country cannot change even if the time passes unless otherwise somebody found substantial evidences to prove something.
Maybe he[Indrapalan] might thinking that what he was written in 1965 nullify what modern tamil historian funded by die-ass-pora today trying to prove or trying to re-write[the history]. Or maybe somebody or an organisation bought Prof.Indrapalan or threaten him to withdraw what he was written for his PHD 1965. What a joke.
Native Vedda / March 16, 2014
” I did not read his PHD thesis. I was only a 5 year old kid at that time.”
Nalin Silva was an ardent supporter of Tamil Eelam but he had changed his mind by the mid 1980s.
If you haven’t read Indrapala’s original thesis you have already forfeited your right to criticize him or his work. Your information comes from a third rate Sinhala/Buddhist racist who has gone ga ga a long time ago.
My Elders have seen and read the Indrapala’s work and assured me it is still available from University of London archives. If you visit UK go access it.
I am told that the thesis was heavily qualified by the author.
Anpu is right and Indrapala was right then.
How long you have planned ride on Indrapala’s back? When he wrote the thesis Archaeology was in its infancy. When you get more information your conclusion also changes.
Don’t blame Indrapala, blame yourself for being a ill informed bigot.
Lets have a discussion after you have read and understood what Indrapala wrote then and wrote recently.
“Maybe he[Indrapalan] might thinking that what he was written in 1965 nullify what modern tamil historian funded by die-ass-pora today trying to prove or trying to re-write[the history]”
You still sound like a 5 year old, so there is no growth in you.
Lets not take this route who paid whom and who works for whom and so on. Lets judge history writing on its merit.
What exactly you want the Tamil historians to write? Would you be happy if they wrote all Tamils came with Dutch to work in the Tobacco farms and historically the entire island belongs to Sinhala/Buddhists Hela who had lived here for the past 60,000 years ……………… etc?
noel-jones / March 16, 2014
Native Mixed Veddha, Nalin De Silva never support Tamil Ealam. He only supported minorities grivences when he was young. Because he was embrace to Socialism at that time.
And I did not criticise Prof. Indrapalan’s thesis. What I said here is his thesis correct even if he wrote it in 1965. Because he surely refer many history books,inscriptions,archives in Potugal,Britain and in Netherlands about both Sri Lanka and South India before he wrote his thesis. And it is Anpu that criticise it saying Prof. Indrapalan’s thesis are wrong.
I’m glad that Prof. Indrapalan’s thesis still available in University of London archives because Anpu in his one comment here said what Prof. Indrapalan said like this,”..he doesn’t even have a copy of his dissertation[1965] which is completely out of date…”. OK Prof. Indrapalan this is a happy news for you. Native Veddha said that your thesis in 1965 still available in University of London archives. Please go and take a copy and read it once again Prof. Indrapala.
“..What exacly you want the Tamil historians to write?” You asking from me Veddha? I don’t care what tamil historians write about Thamil Nadu or about South India because that’s the place where your inhabitation. But willingly or unwillingly you and the rest of tamil brought down here by Dutch and the British as labourer’s and or swam the Palk strait and came here as “Kallathonies” for economic gains ,do not try to distort our Great History.
Anpu / March 17, 2014
“And it is Anpu that criticise it saying Prof. Indrapalan’s thesis are wrong”
Can you substantiate your claim?
Native Vedda / March 17, 2014
“Nalin De Silva never support Tamil Ealam.”
Please refer to this paragraph:
[Nalin de Silva’s politico-ideological career is exemplary here. Being an uncompromising defender of the right of the Tamil people to establish a separate state in the early years of 1980s,12 he took a u-turn around the 1983-84 period towards Sinhala nationalism and is currently its most vociferous exponent. Between 1983 and 1987 he advocated a more moderate approach to Tamil nationalist political interests. However, these short-lived
moderate views soon disappeared.]
Page 20
History After the War: Historical Consciousness in the Collective Sinhala Buddhist Psyche in Post War
ICES Research paper 9
By Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri
July 2013
“I don’t care what tamil historians write about Thamil Nadu or about South India because that’s the place where your inhabitation.”
Either Tamilnadu or South India is your homeland. Your ancestors kept coming by the boat load, Kallthonies, since time immemorial, as refugees or asylum seeking hoodlums, seeking better life, ………..
Most of them have now become Sinhala/Buddhists. The only country you could call your homeland is in India, Tamilnadu.
Go check your DNA and see your genetic components which would match exactly with Tamilnadu Tamils. If you find variations in your gene then your forefathers could be either Genghis Khan, Ibn Battuta, or one of those European racists.
If you are looking for a Sinhala/Buddhist one nation you could build one in Tamilnadu. I am told Tamils in Tamilnadu are very generous with their long lost cousins. Your Tamil brethren too can build their dream homeland in that part of India.
This is Veddah land and it will remain so for the foreseeable future.
noel-jones / March 18, 2014
Native Mixed Veddha, Don’t quote here what Dewasiri Perera wrote about Prof. Nalin de Silva. Quote a letter,speech or a book of Prof. Nalin de Silva which support Tamil Ealam or seperatist movement in SL.
JimSofty / March 14, 2014
Tamils have only a state. even that exists after 1964.
Talk about a nation.
Javi / March 15, 2014
Jimbo the pissu yellow robed sihala buddhist,
Why has your partner the sihala buddhist monk at Tasmania who cultivates skunk marijuana stopped giving you a commission that you so desperately troll 24/7/365??
bo / March 15, 2014
What Tamil Nation? There is no such thing. Does he mean Tamil Nadu, which is a regional state in India?
Ravi / March 15, 2014
Right from ancient history, Tamils are from both India and Sri Lanka. There was nothing called Tamil Nadu until the British created it. What existed as the Tamil countries in South India and Sri Lanka were known as Chola/Sola Nadu, Pandya/Pandu Nadu, Chera/Sera Nadu and Eela Nadu/Eela Mandalam. Tamil nation existed and still exists in South India (Tamil Nadu) and North-East Sri Lanka (Tamil Eelam). The Tamils are the sole occupants (natives) of both N&E Sri Lanka (Tamil Eelam) and South India (Tamil Nadu) when the colonials left. Just like the Arab nation has several countries in the middle-east and North Africa, the Tamil Nation had several countries (Chola Nadu, Pandya Nadu, Chera Nadu and Eela Nadu) in India and Sri Lanka and still has two regions/states in South Asia (Tamil Eelam and Tamil Nadu). Tamil Nadu belongs (Homeland) to the Tamils of India and Tamil Eelam belongs (Homeland) to the Tamils of Sri Lanka. There was a natural bridge known as Rama Setu that existed during the ancient period from Tamil Nadu to Tamil Eelam (now submerged by the rising sea but still visible in the satellite pictures taken by NASA).
The invasion theory that was mentioned in the Mahavamsa was wrongly interpreted by the European (colonial) Orientalist scholars. Even today the majority including some historians wrongly believe that the NE Tamils are invaders from Tamil Nadu. The so called invasion was only the replacement of the king at the Anuradapura kingdom by either a Chola or a Pandya king. In the recorded history of Sri Lanka, it is NOT mentioned anywhere that there was a mass influx/settlement of Tamils from South India to Sri Lanka during the Chola/Pandya rule. At the same time, in the recorded history of Sri Lanka, it is NOT mentioned anywhere that there was a mass exodus of Sinhalese from the North to the South. (Do you think the Sinhalese in the North simply packed their bags and went to the South leaving all their lands to the newly arrived Tamils without any protest?).
If Tamils like Elara are called invaders, then the Singalas like Vijay and his 700 men were also invaders. Whether you call them invaders or invitees or tourists or whatever, Singala came from India and Buddhism also came from India. Both Tamil and Singala kings ruled the Island alternatively right from the beginning of history and the civilization was created by both. It is not mentioned anywhere that the Sri Lankan civilization is a Singala civilization or Tamil civilization. They both contributed, the Tamils starting from the kings Sena and Guttika as per the Mahavamsa. The Sri Lankan constitution does not say SL is a Singala country, the so called SL ‘history’ book Mahavamsa does not say SL is a Singala country and the Sri Lankan people (except a very few Singala racists) do not say so either. Just because the Singala Buddhists are more in number/majority (how they became a majority is no secret) that does not mean that the whole country is exclusively for them. A part of the country belonged to the Tamils before the British united the Tamil North (formerly Jaffna Kingdom) to the Singala South. The Singalese is the ONLY race in this entire world that foolishly believes that the majority race in a country is the sole owner of that country and all others (minorities) are aliens. No wonder the Suddhas called them ‘Kavum Kana Modayas’.
Disgusted / March 15, 2014
Tamils were not the first settlers in Sinhala Dweepa (called Ealam in Tamil), now referred to as Sri Lanka. Original people were the tribes that lived in the country, and these tribes together with migrants, including the Aryan migrants of Prince Vijaya, absorbed into these native tribes to form the Sinhalese of today. Even South India was in ancient times populated with Similar tribes and the dravidians who were in the North and central India, having migrated from North Africa were further pushed down to the South to absorb the native Tribes and give rise to the Tamils of Today.
When the Portuguese first arrived in the 15th Century, the North was populated with Sinhalese. These facts are clearly recorded in Portuguese documents.
The very fact Tamils were brought to Sri Lanka in large numbers by the Colonial powers, as indentured labour as the Colonial masters could not trust the native Sinhalese of the land, is proof enough that the majority of the Tamils in Sri Lanka today are descendants of these indentured labour and subsequent legal and illegal migrants.
Also the fact the Sinhalese speak Sinhala a language developed within Sri Lanka and not found anywhere in India,and also the Tamils speak a Dravidian dialect, a language used in Tamilnadu in India, is a clear indication that the Tamils are mainly recent arrivals, although there were remnants from Tamil invasions from ancient times who were allowed to settle down in Sri Lanka, just like the Europeans who stayed back in Sri Lanka to form the Burgher and Eurasian communities.
If Dr Nathan’s theory is applied, then all nations in the world, would initially had people from their neighbouring nations and the current majority communities are not the real natives. This means a country like Australia could be claimed by Indonesia or China and Indonesia could be claimed by Australian Aboriginees or Vietnamese and so on and so forth,for all nations. What a stupid argument. Without accepting the ground reality, from the languages spoken, original place names including in the North, archaeological remains, agricultural practices and historical records maintained within the country and with Colonial powers, what is the purpose in anyone splitting hairs with the silly theory, that all nation were originally populated by races from their neighbouring nations”.
Javi / March 16, 2014
`When the Portuguese first arrived in the 15th Century, the North was populated with Sinhalese. These facts are clearly recorded in Portuguese documents.¬
You can never change the history of Europeans with your fish smelling culture of Portuguese. There are no Portuguese documents- period – there are only Roman Emperor Documents and Portuguese shoe makers.
You know nothing about the knights in Armour who drove away the Arabs and the rise of Europe as world power.
It is the Spanish Armada that sent the Portuguese workers to Goa in 1498 later part of it was given to Charles 1 of England as dowry. You are slaves (slavery was in force then ) bought into the Spice Colony which it is still (your exports are still to Europe Sirima tried to stop it but she ate her own skunk because you are lazy stupid slaves not Germans- apey ratte apey anduva)
The land does not belong to anyone’s father nor because you spread your legs and multiplied incest breed.
Everything about the Spice Colony from 1498 is in the form of treaties called London Treaties (hundreds of them) and some in latin still.
You find some at Sommerset House at the Heath London (Spanish/portugese defeat by Queen Elizabeth 1 world power) and most at the British Library reference section only- these can be accessed only by previous appointment and no copying is allowed plus if it is available elsewhere like at the inner temple then you have to go there.
Its good because scum like you interpret the history or start quoting some paid for white writer.
Stop being disgusting like the african slaves of west indies the spice colony and atleast in the 21st centenary learn to have some self respect.
Go check before before you start your `Vas kavi dumbass!
Disgusted / March 18, 2014
Javi – Don’t just make wishful statements and display your ignorance. As a matter of recorded history, the Sinhalese emissaries were sent to meet Roman emperors in BC periods (recorded in Roman documents), whereas the Portuguese arrived only in the 15th Century, when Jaffna was still ruled by the Sinhala King from his kingdom located in the South. This is like USA being ruled from Washington, which does not mean other states are independent nations.
Please, also don’t insult the Portuguese settlers in Sri Lanka by calling them shoe makers etc, which displays your arrogance, like in the Hindu caste system, which denigrates people categorised into certain castes. Your comments also suggest, you think that contact with the Romans and Portuguese occurred in the same period. What a joke. I am not surprised you support this flawed article written by Dr Nathan. I await the normal abuse expected from certain quarters, but wont be replying. So, have a great time.
Anpu / March 18, 2014
“whereas the Portuguese arrived only in the 15th Century, when Jaffna was still ruled by the Sinhala King from his kingdom located in the South.”
I am not a historian. Is your statement correct?
Don sarath / March 15, 2014
This guy is trying to rewrite the History of Sri Lanka, when there is a 2500 year old written history where there is no mention about any Tamils living in Sri Lanka before Sinhalese. According to it these Tamils are Kallathonies (illegal Immigrants that came to Sri Lanka from South India). He is trying to justify their cause for a Tamil eelam. If the Tamils were the first to live in Sri Lanka, how is that they dwindle just under 10% of the total population and their land is limited to the North which is close to the border of Tamil Nadu, where over 70 million Tamils are living. If what this man is saying is right, either the the Tamil men are impotent and they could not produce their kind or the Tamil women are not capable of giving birth to children, or both. Also these Tamils have to be so dumb (like the writer) that they have chosen to live in the North which is the most barren part of Sri Lanka, when there is so much better land in other parts of the country. This so called Dr is also another dumb fool produced by the Tamil nation and thinks that all the others are also fools like him.
thrishu / March 15, 2014
They have encroached into the North from TN and now want the South as well, pushing out the Sinhala people and Muslims past the southern beaches into the sea. What about all the colonies in Wellawatta and Kotahena and the hill country, plus the collaborators amongst the Sinhala too.
Ravi / March 15, 2014
“When there is a 2500 year old written history where there is no mention about any Tamils living in Sri Lanka before Sinhalese.”
It is the other way man. In the 2500 year old written history and stone inscriptions the word Demada, Damila, etc are found several times but unfortunately the term Sinhala is found only once or twice in the Pali chronicles but never found in any stone inscriptions.
“According to it these Tamils are Kallathonies (illegal Immigrants that came to Sri Lanka from South India). “
Even Sinhalese are Kallathonies (illegal Immigrants that came to Sri Lanka in a boat from North India).
“If the Tamils were the first to live in Sri Lanka, how is that they dwindle just under 10% of the total population and their land is limited to the North which is close to the border of Tamil Nadu, where over 70 million Tamils are living. If what this man is saying is right, either the the Tamil men are impotent and they could not produce their kind or the Tamil women are not capable of giving birth to children, or both.”
Why don’t you ask the same question from the Veddhas, the original natives of the island? Why both Veddhas and Tamils did not become the majority?
The Sinhalese became a majority only after the European Colonials came to Sri Lanka. In the 16th century, the Portuguese and in the 18th century, the Dutch who occupied the island brought in tens of thousands of people from South India (mainly from Cochin in the Malabar coast/presently Kerala and from Tutucorin in the Coromandel Coast/presently Tamil Nadu) and settled them in the Southern parts of the island from Puttalama up to Matara as menial laborers (for growing/peeling cinnamon – today known as Salagama caste, for fishing/pearl diving – today known as Karawa caste, coconut planting/plucking and toddy tapping – today known as Durawa caste, and for many other jobs). These people took the Portuguese surnames to hide their original South Indian identity. Later, within a few centuries, the Sinhala population in the South (low country) increased exponentially when these people assimilated with the local Sinhala population by adopting the Sinhala language/culture and the Buddhist/Christian religion and getting converted to Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Catholics. If those people remained as Tamils instead of getting sinhalized, today the Tamils would have been the majority in Sri Lanka or if they had assimilated with the Veddas instead of Sinhalese, today the Veddas would have been considerably a large population in Sri Lanka.
“Also these Tamils have to be so dumb (like the writer) that they have chosen to live in the North which is the most barren part of Sri Lanka, when there is so much better land in other parts of the country.”
Originally the people irrespective of their ethnic identity were living around the kingdom. The kingdom was in North-central (Anuradapura) which is central to both North and South. Later the Sinhalese created and settled in the Southern Kingdom of Kotte and Kandy while the Tamils created and settled in the Northern kingdom of Jaffna.
Banda / March 15, 2014
Right now, 70 million or so or around 90% of all Tamils in the world live in Tamil Nadu. If that is so, what better place for a homeland for Tamils than Tamil Nadu?
Nathan claim ‘Tamil peoples have lived in the Island [Sri Lanka] for a few millennium.’ In an interview with ‘Rivira’ on the 7th May 2009, MP for Madakalapuwa (Batticalo), MR. Ariyanandran said, North had been amalgamated to East of Sri Lanka for more than one thousand eight hundred years. Some other Tamils say Rawana is a Tamil. Yet others claim today’s Tamils are descendants of the ancient tribe Naga. Actually this Naga tribe of Sri Lanka was first mentioned in Buddhist Tripitaka and Mahawamsa. But none of these people tell us why this millenniums year old or 1800 year old race in this island still have a culture and language akin to that of the Tamils in Tamil Nadu.
In my opinion, Tamils should have evolved to be a new nation with a new identity like all island nations in the world if they were a millenniums of race that lives in the island of Sri Lanka.
If one analyses Tamil psyche and declared aspirations step by step, it is not too difficult to find answers as to why they repeatedly say Tamils are a millenniums old race in Sri Lanka.
For one, almost all Tamils are mad for not having a country of their own. They are flabbergasted when they realize, Tamils are banned from even talking about separate Tamil country in India where their greatest dynasty Chola Chola hails from. In the circumstances, most Tamils think, if they gain Tamil homeland status in the North and East of Sri Lanka, they can overcome Indian restrictions and form a Tamil dynasty like that of the Raja Raja Chola in a foreseeable future. Pirapakaran’s aim was that. One could have easily felt this general Tamil aspiration if he/she subscribed to before it was closed in 2010.
I like supplement my argument that Tamils of Sri Lanka are the same people of Tamil Nadu or in other words they are not an old tribe of Sri Lanka, this way. If a small group of people landed in Maldives islands had developed a unique language and culture to become Moldavians in less than thousand years and Wijaya and company that settled in Sri Lanka two thousand five hundred years ago had mixed with the local tribes to evolve as Sinhalas, why not Tamils of Sri Lanka be like them if they were also an old race?
No Nathan gives a straightforward answer to such questions. Whether Tamils were a sea-faring nation or not, Mahawamsa written in the fifth century says that Tamils were raiders of Sri Lanka kingdoms and time and again they had ruled part of Sri Lanka since before Christ. Mahawamsa also intimated when invaders were beaten, most of them went back to India and those who remained were assimilated with the Sinhala society.
The fact that Tamil invaders had gone back to India after being defeated can be established from studying the recent Tamil history meaning, history after the so-called Portuguese explores were washed up to the island. Portuguese colonial records say; Phillippe de Oliveira hanged the last king of Jaffna, Cankili II in 1619. That means, Jaffna kingdom had ended in 1619.
Surely, there should have been a thriving society in Jaffna if Tamil kingdom meaning Tamils has been there for several millenniums. Tamils should have felt Jaffna is their homeland. When their king was killed Tamil people should have moved to the jungles of Mulathivu, regrouped and fought the invader. But so-called millenniums old inhabitants not only did not fight back but had not rebelled against the Portuguese invader. Most of the Tamils settled to accept the end of their kingdom and had gone back to India, as before.
Why do I say Ariyachakrawarthi subjects had gone back to India? I say that because the next European colonial ruler after Portuguese, the Dutch had brought so many labourers to North and East of Sri Lanka from Malabar Coast to grow tobacco after a few decades. Had there being enough people in Jaffna, Dutch need not have brought labourers from India. Not just that, with the new labourers, the Dutch had brought a new law from Malabar to give the labourers an incentive and a reassurance to stay in Jaffna. The Dutch had codified it as the Thesawalame law to guarantee the land rights for imported Tamil labourers. Today, racist Thesawalame law keep the Sinhala out of Jaffna and help Tamils retain their dominance in Jaffna.
At no time in history however, Sinhalas retreated to any state of India or another country whenever Tamil invaders defeated their kings and kingdoms. They simply moved to jungles of the down south, regrouped and fought back. After the British takeover, Sinhalas had two major rebellions while Tamils had none. That’s the difference between true bhumiputras and the fake ones.
Native Vedda / March 18, 2014
“Right now, 70 million or so or around 90% of all Tamils in the world live in Tamil Nadu. If that is so, what better place for a homeland for Tamils than Tamil Nadu?”
For once you may be right.
Since your DNA confirms your close affinity with Tamilnadu Tamils don’t you think Tamilnadu is the rightful place for a homeland for Sinhala speaking Tamils whose ancestors came to my island by kallathonies and had over a period of time become Sinhala/Buddhists?
You should seriously consider going back to Tamilnadu or Bihar and found your one nation Sinhala/Buddhist state there.
“the Dutch had brought so many labourers to North and East of Sri Lanka from Malabar Coast to grow tobacco after a few decades.”
The descendants of those who came from South India now call themselves Sinhala/Buddhists and speak a language which didn’t have any basis.
kal / March 15, 2014
An Appeal to United Nation Human Right Council (UNHRC) Members to Act on Rights of Tamils in Sri Lanka at the 25th session in March 2014.
You are appealing to the wrong body which is an irrelevance when the the only Nation which has Total Jurisdiction over Sinhala Lanka both in terms of its proximity and Security tied together does everthing to thwart the attampt by the West to bring the Genocidal GOSL to books.
I am just bidding my time for the next 3 months for the Rights of the Tamil Nation to be restored. This will happen as soon as the Iron Lady assumes the mantle either as King Maker or Queen herself and untill then nothing is going to happen. The corrupt Congress is more intersted in appeasing the Paymasters than addressing the Greivances of the victims.
After the election if the Iron Lady has any influence at the centre this is the Time Table.
1) Within 3 months of taking over GOSL will be ordered to get thier acts together and devolve power to the North & East.
2) If King Mahintha refuses to act then two Indian Warships will dock in Colombo Harbour just as they did when there was this Chinese Submarine scare to warn MR of the failure to act.
3) The only army that can re enter Sinhala Lanka is the India Army and this time it will not be IPKF but TNA.
*** If there are any Sinhalese doubters just look at what Russia did in Crimea. To give you more facts of Indias Jurisdictaion over Sinhala Lanka just consider the following.
a) Indian Warships can dock in Colombo Harbour without permission from any Country.
b) Any other Nation before sending Warships to Colombo Harbour has to first get clearance from India.
c) India is the only Country which has a Second Consul Office in Jaffna.
Keep taking the pill and hold tight we will reclaim our Historical Land.