19 February, 2025


Russian Warship Deal Resurfaces Due To Sirisena’s Unusual Intervention To Protect Ravi

Although four days have elapsed after the Mexican National Day, Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne, who left the shores to attend the event on behalf of President Maithripala Sirisena, has still not returned to the country.

Wijegunaratne left the country last week, under Sirisena’s blessings, despite a high-profile investigation against him for allowing Chandana Hettiarachchi alias Navy Sampath, the main suspect of the abductions and murders of eleven youth, to evade Police arrest.

It is now clear that Wijegunaratne, the most senior active military officer in the service, will not be arrested by the CID, due to Sirisena’s intervention.

Sirisena, who is also the Defence Minister overlooking armed forces, has ordered the CID to refrain from arresting any senior Army officer, and file legal action against them if they are involved in any wrongdoing. ‘

The order has been given to the CID despite the opposition of several senior Cabinet Ministers, including Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne, a closest ally of Sirisena, and Finance and Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera.

Sirisena almost stormed out of the special Cabinet meeting he summoned over the matter, last week, when Senaratne said the President should take the blame for “protecting criminals and murderers”.

What remains a hot topic in the political circles is the reason behind President Sirisena’s unusual intervention to protect Wijegunaratne despite serious allegations against him. In addition to summoning the Police Chief and senior CID officers, Sirisena also went on to convene a special Cabinet meeting last week, to prevent the Police from arresting Wijegunaratne.

Suspicions have now been raised whether Sirisena’s unconditional backing of Wijegunaratne is due to the latter’s involvement in purchasing of a Russian warship for double the price of its actual value, through a Rs. 20 billion deal with Russia’s war machinery, JSC Rosoboronexport .

Wijegunaratne ascended to the position of Navy Commander as his predecessor, Admiral Travis Sinnaiah, was forced to retire by Sirisena due to his opposition to the purchase of the Russian ship.

President Maithripala Sirisena and his closest associates, including some of his family members, were pushing hard for this deal and Sinnaiah, to them, was a stumbling block. It was Wijegunaratne who took over the post after Sinnaiah and cleared the path for the Russian deal.

Wijegunaratne signed the deal when three different committees appointed to look into the procurement, refused to give approval to proceed with it.

Latest comments

  • 32

    The forecast is very clear. The Tornado is really gathering momentum and it sure will hit the island without any hope of recovery.

    • 29

      Who said that Maithri doesn’t love our country; he loves Wijegunaratne more!

    • 24

      This bunch of pseudo intellectuals calling themselves the “World patriotic Lankan forum” are showing their true colors by defending the actions of the Rajapaksa Government of Sri Lanka and Myanmar! They are making a fool of Sri Lanka at the UNHRC with this stunt. There is no honor or patriotism in defending criminals. The behavior of the WPLF expose the hypocrisy and lack of ethics or qualitative intellectuals representing Sri Lanka.

      • 11


        Those Sinhala/Buddhist fascists who wish to destroy the country and people
        first make themselves mad and then self destructive.

        These will run out of steam shortly because they themselves feel the hollowness of victory they have been gloating about.

        But then only the shameless bigots will defend the indefensible, all those war crimes. People always ask the question, why this man/woman or that man/woman is hiding behind patriotism, sovereignty, bravery, …….. perverted history, ………………. What is he or her hiding from?

    • 5

      Hi, sorry, I know the media hyped it up that he was evading arrest, but from what I remember, the judge only ordered him to be produced before court, not to be arrested. Also, I believe that he returned to the country yesterday from what I have heard. Sorry, I could be wrong.

    • 4

      Yes indeed, Lanka has been betrayed by all its corrupt politicians! But, Sirisena must sack Bond scam Ranil and Mangla NOW and prevent further economic disaster, inequality and conflict again in Lanka.
      CT Editors, Pl do a story on US Govt’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which wrote Bondscam Ranil’s Vision 2025, and has been developing a Fake Aid “Compact” for Sri Lanka for the past 4 years. and claims it wants to build more roads although Lanka has the highest road density in South Asian and is using Singapore to get land cheap in Sri Lanka for its Fake Aid.
      MCC head honcho is right now in Lanka to prevent Central Bank intervention and to let the rupee crash– See the pics with to Lanka’s Hair dresser finance minister. The rupee touched 170 today!

      • 1

        Don the fake economist,
        “The rupee touched 170 today!”
        The USD was only 8 rupees in 1977. If you were alive then, can you remember if you had a phone /electricity/ Radio/TV/ car/ bike, etc?
        A bicycle cost Rs.275, which was more than an average salary of Rs.200. A shirt cost Rs.21, (10% of your salary).
        The value of the dollar has no connection with standard of living.
        Stop repeating meaningless statistics . Go and learn proper economics.

        • 0

          What tosh LAC!
          The value of the rupee has everything to do with the US$ which is an international trade currency and Sri Lanka imports most of its goods, particularly oil!
          The crash of the rupee means that the external debt has also increased massively and it is indeed shocking that no economists in Lanka have taken taken a stand on the IMF-WB-ADB-MCC induced de-regulation of finance sector and Neoliberal ‘reforms’ that are at the root of the crash of the Lankan currency. SL will soon be like Greece or Agentina which were NOT crashed by China!

          • 1

            “The value of the rupee has everything to do with the US$ “
            That is perfectly obvious. What I pointed out is that we have a better standard of living with the rupee at 170 than when it was at 8 to a dollar. Can you deny that?
            The cost of imports does go up , but salaries go up too.
            One has to think deeper, not follow the herd and make knee-jerk statements.
            I have been around long enough to know that I can buy many more bicycles or shirts now than I could in 1977.

          • 4

            Budhdhadasa is right. The value of a currency is only an indicator of exchange rate. It used to be denominated in gold long ago. If it is all that important, Why is Japan a first world country with the Yen at 112 to a Dollar?

            • 1

              old codger

              Or a third world medieval country’s 1 SAR = $3.75000

    • 5

      Late Rev. Sobhitha who led the movement against former highly abusive adminsitration, doubted if Yahapalayana would end up in vain – is becoming clearer to us day to another.

      I think in today context, no among the two parties are ready to speed up anything. Almost even essentials issues stay in stalemate situations.

      Mr Sirisena was put above his ablities by the coalition last Nov 2014, however, there had been no other able candidates either. Not much is now achieved, and in the rest of the term, he would not do anything either.
      UNP is being put the blame by President s passiveness… for example President has no gut to speed up any investigaitons alleged against Rajapkshes. That is a very big set back for the current govt.
      The govt came into being not to make anything wonders but stand vehemently against CORRUPTION of former men.
      Today, all facts are becomign clear, bu tJO goons are about to pick up bonus poinst.
      People are now fed up of any big political parties.
      If all these would pave the way HIGHLY abusive Rajashes to return to power…
      would be a great threat for the future of this country.

  • 24

    Outrageous, Despicable, Patholaya should be impeached at any cost.
    Village idiot is drunk to the maximum.
    Lets all get together and throw this Maithripaksa to the polonnaruwa garbage dump.
    First it was Dilrukshi Wicks and now he wants IGP to go home.

  • 12

    Manipulation everywhere in the region, despite professions of Democracy.
    That’s a link to tell you what’s happening in the Maldives, where there are to be elections on Sunday, the 23rd. There are lots of Maldivians in Sri Lanka as refugees, including the former President, 51 year old Mohamed Nasheed, a man who’s just too good. He was not allowed to contest the elections. There are two polling booths in Sri Lanka, but Nasheed won’t be allowed even to vote. Find out for yourself for what trivial reasons the man is being harassed like this. This is another possible source of information:
    I wonder whether we have sent somebody like Mahinda Desahpriya or Prof.Jeevan Hoole to monitor what’s happening there?
    Or are we indifferent to what goes on in a country that was 100% Buddhist a millennium ago, but now has a regime that will not only deprive an apostate of his citizenship, but has asked customs officers at the Male International airport to smash any “idols” that are found in passenger baggage. Many Sri Lankans working there have been appalled to find that the tiny Buddha images that they have carried across for their personal devotions are smashed to bits at the airport. This is a fairly common occurrence.
    Make no mistake; Mohamed Nasheed is himself a devout Muslim, whose personal life has been so blameless that the incumbent tyrant has not been able to direct any sleaze at him. He’s a decent, tolerant man, who has been concerned about the way in which the “Resort Owners” have been fleecing the country.

    • 11


      I value your comment.
      Please go back to 2016 and see how such forum sharers (as Mark, janaka, Rabok, Sas, Fed up, davidoff, Silva, Chamuditha Senanayaka, coli, … etc) defended this thug in uniform:

      Navy Commander Attacked Journalist On Human Rights Day


      When an officer acts over zealously then we got to ask what is he hiding from? We do not know where those who defended the thug in uniform in 2016 are.

  • 24

    Sink hole leese man.
    Lets forget about maldives and buddha statues.
    11 young boys killed in cold blood and war zeros are protected by the state.

    • 15

      Dear Nadarajah Ravi,
      I knew that I was a bit off topic, and yes, Buddha statues are not as important as living human beings. Actually, I feel that what I posted has got truncated, probably owing to length. I had returned to the fact that whereas the Maldives problems could hopefully get solved on Sunday, there is no solution in sight for us.
      If you have some general idea of the sort of comment that I post, you may realise that I am very concerned about the indifference of the Sinhalese public towards the sufferings of so many Sri Lankans, especially if they are either Hindus or Muslims.
      What happened during the War ought to be impartially investigated, but we have to face the fact that with every passing day, the likelihood recedes. These eleven boys being killed, with killers protected by the State, is that a recent happening?
      That earlier comment was a bit unusual for me; it was an attempt by me to draw attention to injustice everywhere, and many a “Buddhist” takes note only if they are under threat. I’m no racist. I’m hoping that it is Prof. Hoole who has been sent to the Maldives; I gather that he visited Pakistan two months ago for similar work. He’s independent and courageous.
      Give me a bit of time, I will illustrate how much I am awake to the problems faced by Tamil-speaking Sri Lankans. You and I both belong here; I won’t use empty words by saying that we are “brothers” while allowing injustice to flourish.

    • 4

      Dear Nadarajah Ravi,
      It’s difficult for me to understand what is happening in the North. I feel that we are doing foolish things in the South, but not everyone here understands everything that the politicians do.
      I find that some of the most basic things about the conducting of elections are not known to the people; I have tried to explain them here:
      Some friends later told me that I am terrible at explaining things – something that I acknowledged here:
      I’m doing what I can, but others, I’m sure, have greater communicative skills:
      I have acknowledged that here:
      I hope that you follow up on all that I have given above. Meanwhile, indications are that Prof. Hoole is among the handful of monitors who have gathered in Male, the capital of the Maldive Islands; and I have found another objective analysis of the political situation here:
      I think that you ought to study all that now, before those election result come here, so that we understand what’s been happening.


  • 27

    Now everything is beginning to make sense. People were at a loss to understand why Sirisena, who was supposed to be a mild-mannered person, suddenly started acting up. He was threatening to slash people with double-edged swords and Manta Ray tails. While shielding the Rajapaksa murderers and thiefs, he went on a rampage against Ranil when the bond scam came to light. He turned into a speechifying moralist buffoon. He castigated women who thought it is okay in this day and age to buy alcohol or work in bars. He wants to hang drug peddlers, and government officials who mismanage state finances. Yet he fires Admiral Travis Sinnaiah for opposing the scandalous purchase of a ship. His chief of staff gets arrested for taking a huge bribe. Now even more grave crimes like protection of murderers, obstruction of justice and cover-ups are being exposed. But if he thinks he can ride over these new, shocking revelations too by his usual sanctimonious preaching, blaming non-relevant things like cashew-nuts, and by genuflecting before parasitic monks with his butt up in the air for TV cameras – he’s out of touch with reality. This time he has even cooked up a story about plans to kill him and Gota. Why bring in Gota? Is Sirisena now trying to position himself in the Sinhala Extreme Right in order to salvage his failing presidency? It is obvious Sirisena has sharply veered from his “Yahapalanaya common candidate” beginning to a rare kind of a criminal President.

    • 17

      Ajay Spot on with your superb comments.

      Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people.

      • 1

        Thanks, Mudson Amerasinghe for both your observations.
        I had reposed so much faith in My3. What a disappointment!

  • 8

    With this Rs. 20 billion deal and so much of publicity what the hell is the CIABOC doing about it? Mr. K
    Nagananda might step when he has completed the study. What is the SB intelligentsia waiting for???

  • 3

    Dear Nadarajah Ravi,
    We’re in this soup together – the entire South -East Asia region.
    This is something that you may miss; I know that we don’t fully trust “the West” either, but I think that the Guardian newspaper is much fairer in its news than – let’s say Rupert Murdoch controlled “Fox”. So see this assessment, please:
    I’m sure you will come to understand me better!

    • 5

      Sinhala Man
      Canada’s Parliament has unanimously adopted a motion declaring crimes committed against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar to be genocide.

      The motion Thursday also endorsed the findings of a United Nations mission that outlined how crimes against humanity have been committed by the Myanmar military against Rohingya and other minorities.

      In Washington, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland praised members of Parliament for passing the motion to recognize “this atrocity.”

      Human rights observers called the declaration as a significant milestone.

      Some 700,000 Rohingya crossed into Bangladesh after a brutal counter-insurgency campaign by Myanmar security forces. The U.N. report alleged widespread rights violations, including rape, murder, torture and the burning of Rohingya homes and villages.

  • 5

    those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad

  • 16

    MY3’s first job should have been the abolishment of the ‘Executive presidency’. What did he do instead?, surrounded himself with fraudsters, murderers, rapists from the previous corrupt regime.

    Being a simple village man suddenly he got the taste of executive power and with the help of media coolies headed by killi mahendran and shiral lakthilaka started attacking Ranil in every platform in run up to the feb 10 elections.

    • 0

      JRJ was point blank correct on his prediction he made on becoming the country’s first President when he said “the Office of President in this island is set to endure without end for many decades in this Island”.
      He said that because he exactly knew the mind of the country’s politicians of majority community he belonged to.
      My3 is only proving that prediction of JR right.

  • 15

    MS on a daily basis shows us that he is not suitable for the position he is having.

  • 9

    MY 3 IS BEHAVING IN SUCH A way because all ELEVEN STUDENTS WHO WERE ABDUCTED AND KILLED FOR RANSOM ARE ALL TAMILS AND MUSLIMS.if these students are singalase he will thing twice before getting involved.this is not the first time top officers from forces are arrested.IF I REMEMBER CORRECT IN EARLY SEVENTIES SOME ARMY OFFICERS WERE ARRESTED for the killing of PREMAWATI MANNEMPERI in kathirgama.HE IS NOT HELPING CDS BUT HELPING HIM SELF FROM RUSSIAN WAR SHIP DEAL.by this foolish action HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED TOGETHER WITH THAT OF POOR RANIL.

    • 0

      True, PARAGON,
      Only, I must re-spell for you the name of the place where poor Premawathie Manamperi was murdered: Kataragama.
      Also, wise Plato has displayed intelligence. By the way, Plato, Thiru K. is in the island, with Indrani. I’ve not met them yet.
      Also, we’re still guessing who you are!

  • 15

    Aha! Now we know why Dayan. J.was appointed to Russia as the Ambassador. He now joins the legion of War Heroes having used only his Pen! Pen is mightier than the Sword eh?

  • 12

    Why did he then complain against Rajapakse during election time that he protecting criminals. What is Sirisena doing then. Sirisena is an ungrateful rascal who ‘stabbed’ Rajapakse behind the back simply out of greed for power.

  • 6

    What is the difference between “Kanakarayankulam O-i-C attacking Children”
    Navy Chief attacking journalist recording navy response on striking port workers?
    In both instances state actors attacked civilians – and these attacks are not noticed by the government.
    The silent majority – who will vote for this government – are looking on, helplessly.

    The president will ‘grace’ the first voyage of this ship which will need massive refurbishment – which is why Russia is selling it & making massive profit – while greasing palms – and, the navy will ask for additional funds for maintenance.

    Why is a navy man attending a diplomatic event in another country?

  • 5

    Obstruction of justice for robbery, murder and exclusive vote collection eventually comes to the surface and embraces the covering up crooks into the act. Look at fire walking Karl Marx of Medical Council hero worshipping the GMOA TU terrorist mafia thugs together with crazy, jealous medical deans who tried to destroy 1000 SAITM MBBS youth who had the right to educate themselves.
    Today got 2 courts C/A and Supreme Court verdicts against them of injustice to SAITM doctors who idly wasted 2 years and faced many obstacles. Watching GMOA twisted path unravel is a lesson in itself. SLMC should be restructured without TU, adding some lawyers and professionals of integrity and honest citizens.

  • 6

    What I have consistently held , with my friends, is that public pretence of antagonism is really fake. Whether UNP, SLFP or any other “Pee”, they are all the same and in cahoots. This why I believe that best hope for the Nation is to press for a non-party, technologically literate set of incorruptible men/women. There are precedents from elsewhere (Macron in France, Trudeau in Canada and perhaps Imran Khan in Pakistan) are interesting cases to follow. MS has failed the nation. He, like water, has found his own level. He has had a 10-year ring-side seat with MR, whose egg-hopper feed has only nourished treachery (wrongly regarded as courage) which exploited the high waves to bring to MS to the shore. That was a only a manifestation of revulsion against the MR monarchy. Unfortunately MS is playing the same game – if fact better – than his Guru. This is the Guttila/Musila story being replayed, except that here the Musalayas are The People.

    • 0

      Dr. Pethiyagoda

      I can feel your outrage where a bunch of thieves have hijacked our
      system of governance – blue, green, red and whatever in the past
      2 decades. Can you imagine one PM was an open drug-trafficker. Another caught in Japan for human smuggling!!! Our own President’s trusted officials are in jail for massive bribery-extortion.
      Dozens of high officials in jail for various charges of bribery and corruption. What has happened to this country???

      Bangladesh – another den of corruption – tried an alternative system of governance by experts for a short while. But is back in the same old rot again. It is unlikely to work here. What is more, very soon we might not have a peaceful country in onw piece. When the Dollar/SLR parity hits Rs.200 the wheels of our system will come off – irrespective of the nonsense Ranil is preaching now. I fear in an year we will be another Venezuela.


  • 2

    “Nettle Grub”
    What I have consistently held , with my friends, is that public pretence of antagonism is really fake. Whether UNP, SLFP or any other “Pee”, they are all the same and in cahoots. This is why I believe that the best hope for the Nation is to press for a non-party, technologically literate set of incorruptible men/women. There are precedents from elsewhere (Macron in France, Trudeau in Canada and perhaps Imran Khan in Pakistan) are interesting cases to follow. MS has failed the nation. He, like water, has found his own level. He has had a 10-year ring-side seat with MR, whose egg-hopper feed has only nourished treachery (wrongly regarded as courage) which exploited the high waves to bring to MS to the shore. That was a only a manifestation of revulsion against the MR monarchy. Unfortunately MS is playing the same game – if fact better – than his Guru. This is the Guttila/Musila story being replayed, except that here the Musalayas are The People.

  • 1

    How come such allegations of shady deals never surfaced during the former regime?
    May be they were ‘strong’!
    What a way to draw the line between ‘strong’ and ‘weak’.

  • 4

    There are enough rumors in SL to say President’s Son In Law is the go between to get the money. I have no proof but this is what I hear. If that is so, then President should appoint a commission to investigate this allegation.

  • 5

    Dear Author and all participants,
    At least now after Sri Lanka was let down for several years by these notorious politicians do the learned Professionals, learned citizens, Learned Academicians, Learned Journalists understand you missed a golden opportunity for an independent inquiry when you got a chance to get rid of all bad apples and save your dignity? In an independent unbiased inquiry no responsible Sri Lankan would be implicated and nothing else can pave the way for a clean and respected Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Will the Rtd Commander Sinnaiah join hands with Dr Ranil?. Or will Sampathar take him ?.

    Either way, either can finish off My3 Sira.
    And even get Dr Mahendran and the SIL off the Hook.
    That is ,if this story of the Santhosams from the aging Russian Warship going in to My3 Sira and his family rust is the Truth…….
    Just like Dr Ranil’s Royal Buddy Dr Mahendran has done with the EPF Funds..

    But the real story is My3 Sira now depends on the Lankawe Navy and the Lankawe Army for the protection of his dear life.
    That is what S B Dissanayaka said on prime time TV the other day.
    SB is not a nincompoop.. Is he?.
    Dr Ranil the person who appointed the UNP Card Carrying member as the IGP in fact recruited SB as a potential Leader of the UNP.
    That was when the UNP Sinhala Buddhist Faction lead by Uncle Karu and the Golaya from Keselwatta were going after Dr Ranil’s Jugular.

    SB in fact accused Dr Ranil as the person who is behind DIG Nalaka Silva’s attempts to assassinate My3Sira..
    How cool is this Yahapalanaya…

    • 4

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Either way, either can finish off My3 Sira.”

      Give the unrehabilitated terrorist Wimal Sangili Karuppan the tools he will do it for you from the air.

      By the way please tell us if Dr Go still possesses his pet shark?
      Is he planning to say to Maithiri “Mr Sena we meet again. Thank you for saving our bums”?

  • 0

    Ravi theLiar escaped one robbing deal once govts changed. I think this one is for the profits given to Maitrhipala bt Alosius and company of him.

  • 0

    In a previous comment I have stated why MY 3 would protect the “forces”. He now bars arrest but permits charging in courts. That is also consistent with the behavior of the Police, say in Thajudeen case. You remand fellows for months but no progress in prosecution. Ultimately the former big wigs of Police who are alleged to have covered up the case are now on bail after a prolonged period of remand. MY 3 cannot allow the same fate to occur for the big wigs of the “forces”. If he cannot run the risk of a coup or an assassination. It appears that the PM has some support form the Police Top brass. There too the PM cannot afford to fall foul with them. The Russian ship deal (chances are that it really exists) is only a part of the equation and is not a significant factor to protect the “forces” or Ravi W. If MY3 can effectively suppress independent pressmen without murdering or maiming them suppressing a scandal is nothing for him.

  • 2

    What is the war silly is going to fight with outdated Russian war ships. We are in the age of nuclear war heads, and it is fast becoming wars from outer space with ETs who have deceived us into worshipping them in groves, rivers and under parasitic trees. We need rational and balanced leaders for the nation, not frozen with fear because of GMOA who even threaten the Supreme Court of the land, wanting to take over, and strike better than even match boxes. Need to eliminate these terrorist thugs and liberate citizens once for all

  • 1

    There are several versions of the quote (Mike Moore recently)
    “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”
    Another version is “In a democracy the government is afraid of the people”
    We have a situation where the people AND the government are afraid of the Armed Services and Police.
    Most of us take this as a fact of life. Will we be allowed ever to get out of this?

  • 1

    The performance of the “unity government” has been failure after failure. Both the Prez and the PM must resign in shame for letting the people down. We need a good professional lot to takeover, devoid of corrupt thugs, drug dealers and uneducated bums in the present regime. Let us live in hope that this will will become a reality.

  • 0

    Facts in this article totally wrong. Admiral Wijegunaratne retuned to country 18th Sept night after attending Mexico Independence Day Celebrations. Admiral Travis Sinniah took over Commander of the Navy post from Admiral Wijegunaratne. When Sinniah took over Wijegunatne became Chief of Defense Staff ( Tri -Forces Commander). This article says, Wijegunatne took over from Sinniah as Navy Commander which is totally wrong! Shame,!!!

    • 0

      Yes, important to get facts right.
      I guess your assertion must be correct. I’m not going to check this out myself – where’s the time?

      • 0

        Thanks . You can check anytime

    • 1

      Dear Slnguadian,
      Thanks for pointing out the detail that is wrong, but does that indicate that the facts in the rest of the article are “totally wrong”?

  • 1

    While awaiting the election results alluded to, above, this may make interesting reading:
    What a contrast with our political families!

  • 1

    if there is a difference of 10 billion rupees between value and the price paid a good citizen should make a complaint to the bribery commission.C’mon guys get out of your couches and start moving.

  • 0

    Sinhala Man.

    …….Also, wise Plato has displayed intelligence ……
    So SM, its now and then, not always that Plato displays intelligence eh?
    Oya hari narakai Panini!

    By the way did you see that 20th Century Fox Hollywood film Catch me if you can?
    If you do meet up with Thiru K and his consort Indrani Pl. do convey my regards.
    I was their guest on so many occasions at their Uni: quarters, next to Arunachalam Hall in the GOOD OLD DAYS.

    • 0

      The problem, Plato, is that Thiru doesn’t know who you are.
      So, you’ll put the cap on because it fits you! Display more intelligence and e-mail me (I have given my e-mail address many times).
      More important than the occasional lack of intelligence that you display is the fact that you’re a thoroughly decent guy.

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