By Vishwamithra –
‘Then came a moment of renaissance, I looked up – you again are there, A fleeting vision, the quintessence, Of all that’s beautiful and rare’ ~ Alexander Pushkin
Those who clamor for change do not demand a substitute. They categorically demand an alternative. Replacing a rotten system of governance, an ailing economy that does not seem to show any recovery on the horizon, a culture that is more stagnant and decaying rather than moving forward with fresh additions of fresh vistas, is no mean task. The choice before the country today is as clear as crystal. In such a dynamic circumstance, those who appear before the people promising heaven and earth must be evaluated very prudently and diligently. Seventy six years of lamenting and wailing history cannot be allowed to repeat itself.
Sajith Premadasa is by no means an alternative. Who is Sajith and what social values and cultural measurements he represents? How does he differ from a rotting system that has taken the country and her people to the abyss of economic disaster and sociopolitical calamity? Whom does he talk for and who are his own substitutes when he is absent from the chair? These are very valid and legitimate questions one should ask on the eve of the most era-defining election. Are we really demanding an end to an era that witnessed a cataclysmic downfall of all the values and social measurements that define us as a cultured people?
Election after election, ever since 1947, Ceylon then and Sri Lanka now has been indulging in a tragicomedy of musical chairs. The Senanayakes, Bandaranaikes, Jayewardenes, Premadasas and Rajapaksas have played pandu with the local electorate. Never ever planning for the next twenty five to fifty years, they planned for the next election. From mercantilism in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, Ceylon’s graduation to quasi-capitalism and socialist capitalism has produced an obscene and ugly tapestry. Its multi-lingual, multi-ethnic and multi-religious make up is being sustained by a crude sense of suspicions and transactional exercise of political power amongst its leaders.
Any critique of those who have let the country down over the last seventy six years, in the face of the fast approaching Presidential Elections, is now redundant. Let us discuss who is before us today, now: Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sajith Premadasa, Namal Rajapaksa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Any more conversation about Ranil and Namal could be foreclosed. The real battle is between Sajith Premadasa and AKD.
Against a challenging backdrop of deep economic crisis and sociopolitical upheaval, a national discussion about the two front-runners, the candidates, that are in the arena is pertinent even at this eleventh hour.
As for Sajith, this Presidential Election campaign has so far been, at best, a very mediocre exercise. Within his own party, Sajith is tangled in an avoidance of unspoken clashes of personalities. He seems to be ready to accommodate anybody, anybody whether he or she has been tarred with the corruption-brush or not, merely to enhance the optics of the moves. An insubstantial mind seeks indulges in such shallow and shortsighted exchange of power definitions. Sajith’s is such a shallow mind.
The power-trip Sajith has been journeying is unremarkable in one sense and has produced some embarrassing moments while on the other has been like a story one does not want to hear. But elections cannot be taken for granted. Although the context is unmistakably different and way too long ago, Sri Lankan voter has time and time again shown an utterly dismissive mindset. Once being quite susceptible to the vagaries of empty promises thrown at him by his leaders, the voter has displayed singular emptiness of intelligence and common sense. Sometimes he has shown unmitigated shrewdness in understanding the prevailing schools of thought and political winds and placed at the switch of power the most deserving leaders, later to be discovered as undeserving and mediocre.
However, lack of consistency on the part of the voter has lent to the gradual and sure decline in the country’s sociopolitical culture and economic collapse. Both AKD and Sajith are confronted with these inconsistencies that have been the hallmark of the previous generations of voters. Yet as the most recent chapters of history indicate, Aragalaya-22 had an immeasurable effect on the collective psyche of the electorate. It opened the eyes and ears of the public to such an alarming width and breadth, it dawned upon the country at large that there is another way out of this classic mess.
The gross waste of time, energy and will of the voter and his families became a measure of successive defeats; generations that have betrayed their own offspring generations were subjected to a fresh and unspoiled reality; they began to think outside the proverbial box. Instead of pursuing a mirage that had no relevance nor validity in the context of sociopolitical goals, it occurred to him to go after a total change; a change that is completely new and untested. The meteoric rise of AKD and the National People’s Power is chiefly owing to that phenomenon: A need for a total change.
When it occurred to the ordinary man and woman that the grass could be greener outside the existing parched dry land, they decided to pursue that meadow with all earnestness. This pursuit was essentially alien to the minds of Sajith and his status quo-laden group. They are being weighed down by their own outdated ideologies and hackneyed strategies and tactics. The people chose to look another way. The nasty treatment Sajith received when he visited the Aragalaya-22 ground on that fateful day has not taught Sajith a lesson. To say that he was humiliated is an understatement.
Sajith simply has not realized that his father, the Senior Premadasa is no more a popular figure amongst the current generations. On the one hand, Ranasinghe Premadasa’s name is not even known to the present generation; his policies may have been relevant and even acceptable to the country three decades ago; but his governance principles were no less draconian than the ones followed by the Rajapaksas. But as a credit to Senior Premadasa, he never involved his kith and kin in his own political journey as power-sharing partners.
Sajith Premadasa has decided to the contrary. His nagging suspicion about his own party-men, has made him seek solace in sharing that political power with his own spouse and sibling. The country is already sick with the Rajapaksa-nepotism. She was battered and sickened by the cruel hands of one first family of the twenty first century. She won’t tolerate another one, in fact, a rerun of the Premadasas in the third decade of the century. Nevertheless, blinded by his own megalomania , Sajith has resorted to this maddening journey of self-seeking. His irrational pursuit of power politics founded on nepotistic principles has taken him to a place where even his own second-in-command lieutenants are talking behind his back about the obscene arrangements Sajith has put in place in the party.
‘All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. That is precisely what’s happening to Sajith Premadasa and his SJB. If nothing else makes Sajith and the SJB an integral part of the status quo, this nepotism he is trying to establish in his own party makes them so. Even though Sajith does not hail from the elite of Sri Lanka, his very association with a traditional elitist Party such as the United National Party (UNP), makes him to be identified with the elite lot. Today’s political warfare is a clash of two diametrically opposed classes: elite and the non-elite, privileged and the non/under privileged, haves and have-nots. One cannot escape from that glaring reality. The misfortune of Sajith and the SJB is that their lot has been with the first part of each category- elite, privileged and haves.
A great majority that voted for Gotabaya Rajapaksa belonged to the second part of the categories- non-elite, non/under privileged and have-nots. It is that voter who is hell-bent on voting for AKD and against Sajith. Being driven to sheer desperation at this late hour of the elections, Sajith has once again resorted to telling ‘Donald Trumpian’ kind of falsehoods on public platform. When Sajith tells the audience that there is a secret pact between Ranil Wickremesinghe and AKD, no soul in the country would believe it. But Sajith keeps repeating it believing in the Goebbels’s theory of repetition of a falsehood makes it a truth. His gross underestimation of the intelligence of the average man could not be more glaringly misplaced.
However, defeating Sajith at the ballot is not easy. The base at which he begins his campaign cannot be underestimated. Yet, what makes the contest more exciting is the DNA Sajith is credited with- status quo. So long as the average voter holds the view that he is part and parcel of the forces that refuse to embrace wholesale change, his chances of success fade with each passing day, just five days to be precise. Victor Hugo said: ‘Virtue has a veil, vice a mask’. Sajith won’t take off his mask, the people will do it for him, on September 21st. Sri Lanka does not need a substitute, she needs an alternative!
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
Nathan / September 16, 2024
What both Vishwamithra and Ameer Ali are trying hard to achieve is a victory for NPP.
Reasonable effort. What both are avoiding is mentioning is the JVP history and intent.
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
Nathan, reasonable effort you say, avoiding JVP history and intent. Having lived through JVP 1971 and 1988, it is simply impossible to think of another round of that era, this time specially adding the fact that leader is promoting Pro Hamas terror with Palestine embassy to destroy Israel, which has been promised the land and Jerusalem. Bible in Amos 9,15, Creator God says that Israel will never again be uprooted from the land he has given them. Resurrected Jesus is coming back to an undivided Jerusalem to rule in Kingdom power and free all humans from their sins through forgiveness to all who want it. Hence supernatural terror clash is expected.
Nathan / September 16, 2024
What both Vishwamithra and Ameer Ali are trying hard to achieve is a victory for NPP.
Reasonable effort.
What both are avoiding is mentioning the JVP history and intent.
(The miscommunication was a syntax error.)
SJ / September 16, 2024
“What both are avoiding is mentioning the JVP history and intent.”
There are many others who are avoiding mentioning the UNP’s two forks’ history and intent.
R Kaz / September 16, 2024
Do not understand the reason to raise the Israel-Palestine conflict in Sri Lanka’s election campaign with some up in clouds arguments unless you support here in the real world on earth, packing the Israeli Ambassador off for his government’s role in slaughtering 16 thousand children in Gaza.
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
R Kaz, Your leader is promoting Hamas terror promoting Palestinians who are trying to take over the whole world as another one world leader political leader can arise from it. Look what happened to Britain by being lenient to terror Hamas politicians now in their own parliament. America has started expelling immigrants. Canada too in bad shape.
LankaScot / September 16, 2024
Hello DTG,
Being in support of NOT killing Palestinian Civilian Men, Women and Cjhildren does not make you a Hamas supporter. Only in your Bible is the Genocide of a people proclaimed – “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys'” 1 Samuel 15.
This was quoted by Netanyahu to his IDF Soldiers on how to deal with the Palestinians.
Because of the Demographic Changes taking place in most Western Countries, they need Immigrants. The Politicians and the Economists know this. However some Politicians conflate Immigrants with People seeking Asylum. Of course you should be able to explain why around 2 Million Sri Lankans have left for Greener Pastures. There is an old saying “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”.
Best regards
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
Hello LS,
💥 If JVP comes to power, it will be in power for 6 months. Ranil will then back to reconcile the situation.💥💥💥💥 that will be GOTABAYA Episode 2.
LankaScot / September 16, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli,
If the NPP/JVP tries to renegotiate the IMF Deal, then Sri Lanka may be left to its own devices very quickly. If that happens then we are back to GR’s Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour and we all know where that led. Sri Lanka is not alone in facing Economic Problems – even the UK might have to go to the IMF like it did in the 1970s.
Most people I speak to here have no faith in any of the 4 main Contenders for the Presidency. Now I used to think that one person could not have much effect on a Nations Economy until I saw Liz Truss’s Budget and its result. It could easily happen in Sri Lanka.
Best regards
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
Hello LS,
our people in general have no arguments. Nor do they respect arguements based on facts
. Like the deers run after mirages, they just move forward. Or many don’t care about fact-based information. No doubt, you have pulsed this nature having lived int he country over 3 years as of now.
They just want to direct their own thoughts. Their human evolution is somwhat stuck somewhere.
Everyone become an expert to bash the other. Sometimes, their knowledge is beyond basics.
srilanken Youtubers and journalists struggle to earn their last dollar by hook or by crook. Impact of the spreading lies is out of focus. JVPrs spread more lies than any other presdientional contestants.
Nor is it easy to punish those who steal, as has been done by politicians even in Europe for decades.
Ranil is the only leader who knows the nature of our society. hE KNOWs that both most of the politicians and the people are more in favor of theft than the opposite side. He knows very well that it cannot be solved easily.
The situation is as if the ICU patient is in the operating room, but everyone except Ranil is talking about various issues of the nation and not focusing on saving the life of the ICU patient.
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
please discuss the video below with your wife. That is in Sinhala
Kerner is a medical graduate and his arguments can open people’s eyes.
old codger / September 18, 2024
Wasn’t this Kerner with the JVP in the Aragalaya?
SJ / September 16, 2024
“If the NPP/JVP tries to renegotiate the IMF Deal…. If that happens then we are back to GR’s Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour”
Be fair
GR’s vistas are his screwed up vision. Give the JVP some credit for its sanity.
I doubt the JVP acting recklessly in this matter.
LankaScot / September 18, 2024
Hello SJ,
What I meant was that if the IMF deal is abandoned (and Sri Lanka is on its own) we are back to square one and have no idea what the consequences will be. Why did Sri Lanka with GR at the helm abandon the use of Chemical Fertilisers? Because they had no Foreign Currency to buy anything. My Brother in Law (a Rice Farmer) suffered badly due to this. Don’t you think that there must have been wiser heads explaining the consequences? The JVP will make many mistakes due to inexperience, just look at what Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng did to the British Economy.
I hope you are right and the JVP takes advice to help Sri Lanka recover. As you said before the IMF is there to make sure that Countries can Service their Debts.
Best regards
SJ / September 18, 2024
“Why did Sri Lanka with GR at the helm abandon the use of Chemical Fertilisers?”
The GR regime was utterly clueless.
We should also remember that it was the same regime that approached the IMF and RW followed up.
The JVP cannot act as if it is a revolutionary government, because it is not.
whywhy / September 16, 2024
L M ,
R W has two choices . Win or Sabotage . It is R W who wants to
run the show for some more time and not the other way round .
We are heading towards an unpredictable weeks ahead . It is about
the Old Order deciding to Back Off or No budge . It could be a Calm
before the Storm . With three in the front according to how the
world sees it , Chaos is slowly , slowly showing its head and if , only
if that is what the Old Order Expected and worked for , it is there for
them . Maybe Just Maybe Election won’t decide it .
Mallaiyuran / September 17, 2024
“Of course you should be able to explain why around 2 Million Sri Lankans Tamils don’t call them Sri Lankanans (have left for Greener Pastures. ”
True Sarcasm!
Not all 2 million are Tamil emigrants, who sought greener pastures. Good numbers are true patriotic Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Army Members, after snatching enough Thalikodies in North and though Paranagama had a slick idea to get the service free, but bored with the wasted looking ugly Kalu Tamil women, and after seeing the richest community of that time (Tamils), though were doing well as were for long history (more than a century), were leaving to Western, Greener pastures (that is why the highest refugees accepting nation like the USA accepted extremely few Tamils, compared to small nations like Norway, New Zealand or even Canada) they too went to West and sought refugee status complaining that because they were protecting Tamils and the Sinhalese got angry and chased them out. Though you could have stayed in the West and helped to slow down the demography change, but instead of remaining the Green, you, LankaScot, following the path of American Olcott, came to Langkang to protect and preserve Sinhala Buddhism. How do you expect a simple-minded DTG to explain this much complication, cooked by the Sinhala Buddhist Appe Aanduwas and British Lord Soulbury’s unitary Sinhala Buddhism only constitutional cook up?
Mallaiyuran / September 17, 2024
Yes, the poisonous tongued Netanyahu murdered 6 captives to rush the surrendering of the Israeli government. -another true sarcasm. Yet you appear to confuse between Islam vs Judaism with Westen Protesters’ Whitmen Vs Minority immigrants, which you show by hating the 2M Tamils’ and few Sinhala Buddhists’ migration to Western countries and claiming refugees’ status, as fooling the West with sneaky agreement with unscrupulous unpatriotic Western politicians.
But all Western protests on their governments for supporting Israel are mainly about the movements against White Men racism. If it were about Judaism Vs Islam, almost all the protestors might have turned against Gaza, not Israel because the world over the Jihadis have marked with their stamps. There is no country in the world not touched by Jihadis, but for other than the Old Rowdy King there aren’t many countries that have bought arms from Israel to kill their own people paying commissions themselves from the money of dying Tamil citizens. Langkang borrowed in Western Sovereign Bond market bought Kefir, Devora to Kill Tamils. (IMF staff specifically expressed satisfaction only on Langkang obtaining Exim Bank’s loan reduction, not ISBs). Aanduwa has signed with Israel to send 100,000 Sinhala Buddhists to replace farmers sent out by Netanyahu sternly warning, no longer come to our Green Pastors, use the OIC and UN aids to create your green pastures instead of using it to dig tunnels & bult bomb resistant bunkers.
LankaScot / September 17, 2024
Hello Mallaiyuran,
The 2 Million that I was referring to were the Economic Migrants to the Middle East and other Countries due to the dire conditions in Sri Lanka.
DTG is far from simple-minded, single-minded maybe in his defence of the Christian Bible.
As for the Demography Change, I am helping. I paid National Insurance Contributions for more than 40 Years which entitles me to a Pension. I live in Sri Lanka so I also contribute to the Foreign Currency inflow.
Olcott was Blavatsky’s dupe and supported Hinduism as well as Buddhism; look at their operations in India. Theosophy was their Cult, not a Religion.
Please stop being disparaging towards Black Tamil Women – they are not ugly, far from it.
Best regards
R Kaz / September 17, 2024
He ain’t my leader, maybe you need to come down from the clouds and understand the Israel-Palestine conflict from a human point of view instead of spewing your anti-Palestinian rubbish here! if the slaughter of 16 thousand children isn’t terror, what is ??
suhi / September 19, 2024
The BBC has been exposed for spreading lies about Israel and adopting an extremely biased stance. These casualties you’re quoting are Hamas propoganda that have not been fact checked by the leftist anti Semitic western mainstream media outlets. 16k does not differentiate between the number of terrorists and civilians killed. Military experts have actually pointed out that Israel has a balanced ratio of civilian to military deaths since the war began. Don’t fall for the lies. Also don’t forget that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. The hostages had even been held in a tunnel which had it’s entrance in a child’s bedroom. These people need to be eliminated and they will be.
Paul / September 16, 2024
DTG, ‘Hence supernatural terror clash is expected.’
You mean like Harry Potter? Do the rules of Quidditch apply?
Sunil Abeyratne / September 16, 2024
Israel is committing genocide with the blessings of the creator God – father, son and the holy ghost.
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
Sunil A, you are not aware that Creator God alone can give life to all humans and that life returns to him when they die. He is not a wimp who tolerates sin and wiped out most such life with Noah’s flood. It is not genocide, but his life. No other god can give you life. When you reject him, you can’t go to him. Israel has no choice but follow his ruling plan only
Sunil Abeyratne / September 16, 2024
Thanks davidthegood.
I suppose we are all entitled to our views.
My views are based on what I see.
The earlier Benjamin Netanyahu is charged for genocide the better it is for the world.
What happens in Gaza is evidence of double standards the West applies.
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
Sunil A, I understand your attitude of judging Netanyahu from what you want to see in the world. The Hamas terror Gaza happenings are far deeper for reconciliation and has a very long history. At a point when area belonged to Judea, and 2001 to 2006 PM Ariel Sharon of Israel, under military and political pressure was leaving Gaza and West Bank. He went into a permanent vegetative state from 2006 to 2014 till death. UN declared the valid state called Israel in 1948, but never a Palestinian state until even now. Two wars were critical for Israel, the six day war of June 6-10 of 1967 and the Yom Kippur war of October 6th-25th of 1973, this latter repeated by Hamas on October 7th of 2024. Finally, Jesus is coming back to undivided Jerusalem to rule from. Easy rest is in God’s plan.
suhi / September 19, 2024
David, I’m with you. A small handful of us stand with Israel against all the lies and hatred aimed at the one and only Jewish state.
davidthegood / September 19, 2024
suhi, great confession confirming Isa.45,5 that besides the Lord, there is no other God. The Jewish state of Israel was created by Jehovah God to birth the sinless Jewish Jesus who redeemed all humanity from their sins at the cross in eternal covenant exchange. Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem, the capital of the only Jewish state as you confirm it suhi because of the revelation you have received. Who is Allah in whose name Hamas terrorist groups are trying to eliminate the Jews and their land Israel, hoping to receive the 72 virgins promised to the martyrs in heaven.
Paul / September 16, 2024
DTG, ‘He is not a wimp who tolerates sin..’
Yet he tolerated Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler…. and Ming the Merciless!
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
Paul, the eternal habitation of humans given life by Creator God, and which life returns to him at their death, if rejected by humans, has to follow only the demonic deception joining him in the lake of fire in hell. These people you mention are not likely to have been tolerated by God in his habitation unless they repented at the last moment and their sins were pardoned by a merciful God.
Paul / September 17, 2024
DTG, A kills B. A is remorseful. God forgives A. What about B’s family? They suffer for the rest of their lives. A promise of future eternal life doesn’t fill their stomachs today. God is behaving like one of our politicians. A has crossed over to G’s party! So G promises good things…but only in the future…and only if you toe the line. It’s called tyranny.
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
Paul, what you call tyranny is really God trying to help you not obey the demonic if possible. But you have free will choice to disobey him and take their consequences.
Paul / September 17, 2024
DTG, free will choice? That’s mighty generous for solving the problems that He created in the first place. Are you saying He was unaware of the consequences of his own Creation?
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
Paul, you got it wrong. God did not create problems in the first place. He made perfect people in his image but gave free will to disobey which is what Adam and Eve foolishly did, when deceived by the devil who said “you can be like God” Paul if you submit to him and pray, you will be rid of your confusion and be at peace.
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
Paul, somewhere you say that there is no hope for me. Do you really think that will bother me in anyway
old codger / September 17, 2024
But God himself created the demon. He could have prevented evil, but didn’t. Is he that dumb?
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
old codger, God created angels and Lucifer deceived them to disobey God and hence became demons cast out. Then God created perfect humans in his image and satan deceived them too to disobey God and many who rejected God and Jesus will find themselves in hell with satan. He allowed free choice for all to come to him but the arrogant think they know more than the Creator God who then has to cast out like he did to Lucifer. They argue till the flames burn them
Paul / September 18, 2024
There is no hope for you DTG. Blind faith and belief in a book full of contradictions will get you nowhere. I suspect you have been brainwashed and were too mentally weak to withstand it. Filled with fear and doubt you stumble on, valiantly trying to defend the indefensible. It’s a real tragedy that a human brain that is so capable of knowledge is totally lacking in wisdom.
old codger / September 18, 2024
“God created angels and Lucifer deceived them “
But God created Lucifer too. So God is responsible for evil.
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
old codger, God did not create demons, but only perfect angels. Deceived by fallen Lucifer (Satan), these self-willed angels disobeyed, and became demons, who were cast out of heaven. Same happened to humans who rebelling, will reach hell.
Paul / September 18, 2024
DTG, ‘Do you really think that will bother me in anyway’.
No of course not. Similarly your threats of lakes of burning fire do not bother me in the slightest.
LankaScot / September 16, 2024
Hello DTG,
” Israel has no choice but follow his ruling plan only”.
Could you please spell out what God’s Ruling Plan is and please remember any Project must have SMART goals/objectives and these stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
The State of Israel has only existed since May 14, 1948; Ben Gurion’s self-fulfilling prophecy maybe?
There have been 5 Major Extinctions of Life in the past 500 Million Years,
Ordovician-silurian Extinction: 440 million years ago.
Devonian Extinction: 365 million years ago.
Permian-triassic Extinction: 250 million years ago.
Triassic-jurassic Extinction: 210 million years ago.
Cretaceous-tertiary Extinction: 65 million Years Ago
I don’t see Noah’s Extinction anywhere.
Best regards
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
LankaScot, Noah built the boat as he was considered righteous by God who saved all his children too in the boat during the flood. When he finally came out of boat, the first thing he did was to build an altar to God and offer clean animal sacrifice. Noah’s son Ham in Gen.10,6 had a son that sinned and married from Egypt and went away from family. You ask for God’s ruling plan. It is to build a sinless family to rule the earth. Adam and Eve disobeyed, and all their descendants were sinners. God sent his sinless son Jesus to earth much later through a virgin birth to carry all human sin and be crucified instead. Later, God resurrected Jesus who ascended, and who will come again to rule from Jerusalem with those who accept him. Israel was given to Abraham’s descendants taken captive to Egypt and Babylon. Never to be removed after 1948 only.
old codger / September 17, 2024
“God sent his sinless son Jesus to earth much later through a virgin birth to carry all human sin “
But there are still sinners, according to you. So Junior failed in his mission?
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
old codger, when Jesus comes in Rev.19,11 he judges and makes war. All who are still sinners will not escape, as he has to eliminate them to make his kingdom rule over the whole created universe in righteousness and justice. Humans have the free choice to remain in sin as demonically inspired and move into the lake of fire and hell.
old codger / September 17, 2024
So Jesus has to come again to finish the job? Isn’t that an admission that he failed the first time?
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
old codger, you are still finding fault with our loving Creator God. There are still sinners because they are arrogant and can’t accept free mercy exchange for which Jesus paid. Don’t wait till it is too late.
old codger / September 18, 2024
“There are still sinners “
Again, wasn’t it Junior’s mission to be crucified and thereby rid the world of sin? Are you saying he failed? You can’t have it both ways.
SJ / September 18, 2024
Junior failed to deliver and Pop was cross.
LankaScot / September 17, 2024
Hello DTG,
Where does it mention 1948 in the Bible?
How did Ham’s son manage to marry someone from Egypt if all the peoples of the Earth were wiped out apart from Noah’s Family?
Where in the Bible does it say that Ham’s son went to Egypt and married?
The Bible is so full of contradictions that people go crazy trying to unravel them.
When you cannot give an answer that makes any sense you evade it e.g. the Genocide of the Amalekites.
Best regards
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
LankaScot, 1948 is not in the bible. UN established the state of Israel nut not Palestine. Flood wiped out land was repopulated. Have you heard of Hagar, the Egyptian slave woman of Abraham’s wife Sarai, and mother of Ishmael. Bible does sound crazy to unbelievers who reject God. Amalek attacked Israel coming out of Egypt and also many other times. God’s displeasure was their “curse” and in Exod. 7,14 God vowed to blot them out. All my answers which are never evaded, are in the bible. Study it
LankaScot / September 17, 2024
Hello DTG,
So your God wiped out not only the Amalekite men, but also the women, children and animals. Why is this Genocide OK, but the Rwanda one is not?
Or maybe you believe that everything that happens is the work of God and therefore OK?
By the way Exod. 7,14 has nothing to do with the Amalekites, only Egyptians I think you meant Exod. 17,14. Here is a Christian Apologist on Amalek “Like Pastor Andrew said, this wasn’t genocide, this was divine judgment” https://mercyhillchurch.com/why-did-god-command-saul-to-eliminate-the-amalikites/
Which is why you excuse the Israeli Genocide against Women and Children. For me and many others, if you hold these views, that is inexcusable.
Best regards
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
LankaScot, do you know our choice of views, those given by God or you?
LankaScot / September 18, 2024
Hello DTG,
You asked, “LankaScot, do you know our choice of views, those given by God or you?
I implicitly asked you “Which is why you excuse the Israeli Genocide against Women and Children. For me and many others, if you hold these views, that is inexcusable”.
So is the slaughter of Women and Children in Gaza OK with you and your God?
Best regards
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
LankaScot, slaughter of any human being is certainly not OK with me. I have no control over what people do in this world. Are you able to control them
Paul / September 16, 2024
Sunil, in the USA they are referred to as Pop, Junior and the Spook. God bless America.
LankaScot / September 16, 2024
Hello Paul,
That’s the best translation of the Latin “In Nomine Patris,et Filii,et Spiritus Sancti” that I have seen, since it was accepted in Nicea 325 AD.
Best regards
SJ / September 16, 2024
In 1971 the JVP was nearly the sole victim of killings.
in 1988-89, the UNP government was the bigger killer and torturer.
Why cannot you face facts?
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
SJ, in 1988-89, UNP President eliminated the striking and rioting JVP which kept universities closed for 3 years. They were killed by burning Tyres and other methods. JVP led IUSF Padmasiri Thrimavitharana medical student was tortured and killed in 1988. Another medical student Collure, has not been seen ever again. That is how UNP finally reopened the universities and got back to working order after that 3-year closure. In 1971 insurrection, JVP attacked the police.
Paul / September 18, 2024
DTG, and what was God doing about it? Nothing.
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
Paul, God has given freewill choice and allowed the nation to recover from that terror. He is not going to jump in and out of this earth according to your whims and fancies.
Paul / September 18, 2024
DTG, what freewill choice does a child born without arms have? All of these are not genetically inherited problems. Even if they were, it is God who is allowing them to occur. You only have to open the OT to see what a monster he says he is.
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
Paul, you believe what you want to believe. Children up to 12 years old are not considered sinful with freewill choices. Also seen in Jewish 12-year-old bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah. God is not jumping into and out of earth when humans sin. Why don’t you ask him in prayer, the answers you need. His love will shock you
Paul / September 18, 2024
DTG, ‘you believe what you want to believe’. Thank you, most kind, unlike the vengeful OT God.
SJ / September 18, 2024
“SJ, in 1988-89, UNP President eliminated the striking and rioting JVP which kept universities closed for 3 years. “
What were the white vans doing?
The list is too long.
LankaScot / September 16, 2024
Hello DTG,
Amos was written around 760 BC at a time when the Jews were in Exile. Amos 9:14, “I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit.”.
So they return and are promised “And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God” Amos 9:15.
The Jews returned from exile in three waves, 538 BC (Cyrus, Babylon) when they laid the foundations of the second temple , 458 BC and 445 BC when they rebuilt the walls and the gates of Jerusalem. You have misconstrued the meaning of Amos 9:15 because it refers to a return from exile and a promise to never remove them again. 1948 and the new State of Israel, is more than 2000 years later so God obviously broke his promise.
Best regards
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
LankaScot, Amos was a prophet and it is not easy for many to grasp the difference between prophecy and a physical promise like that of a human being. Better stop chasing after what you think are God’s failures. Even in AD 70, Roman Titus burned up the Jerusalem Temple and renamed the land Palestine in mockery of Jewish enemies the philistines. Israel still exists with undivided Jerusalem to receive Jesus, whose feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which will split in two. Zech.14,4 and the Lord God will come with all the saints. (prophecy) Rev.19,11 says he comes to judge and makes war, ruling in kingdom authority. There is still the Armageddon process awaiting separation of sheep and goat nations.
LankaScot / September 17, 2024
Hello DTG,
“Israel still exists with undivided Jerusalem to receive Jesus”. Jerusalem IS divided.
This is the current position of the UN – “East Jerusalem is subject to the principles set out in Security Council resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, notably the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and is therefore not under Israeli sovereignty … the Fourth Geneva Convention is fully applicable to East Jerusalem, as it is to other territories under occupation”.
Best regards
davidthegood / September 18, 2024
LankaScot, there is no Palestinian state of UN with part Jerusalem as capital. Reason is that Jerusalem has an upward supernatural connection with Eden of God, which unbelievers cannot access. (Tree of life is guarded) Zech.12,3 is clear that Jerusalem is a very heavy stone and all who heave it will be cut in pieces. Read further how the Jewish messiah will look after the Jews of Israel, if you live long enough to believe and see.
Sinhala_Man / September 17, 2024
I’m not one bit interested in the Christian eschatology that you propound, davidthegood.
Why not start practicing the moral teaching of Jesus? Don’t you believe in forgiving people?
Actually, in the case of the leadership of the NPP, there’s almost no current leader who has to be forgiven anything. I find them all decent and upright people; may be a bit obsessed with having been downtrodden for so long.
There were occasions in the History of the Party where they more than stood their ground, and hit back at their oppressors. And that is the whole point. Many who were born into these families, but realised that in a meritocracy they would be nowhere, became the worst of oppressors themselves.
How this statement of mine will be received I do not know; I know that I was deliberately prevented from contributing what I was capable of.
David, I have written about my experiences with the “elite” Anglican schools. Please google these two words: “Thomian Pharisees”.
I’d rather not get on to my hobby horse, unless you refuse to stop talking down to people.
Panini Edirisinhe
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
Sinhala_ Man, as you say, I always forgive to receive God’s mercy. What’s the problem. I have no issue either with elite schools or village schools, wherever people reside and what they can afford. Not critical of human behavior except when it clashes with what is forbidden in the word of God. Sad that you gave up your godly birthright forgetting there are consequences. Even in election voting, we cannot embrace Hamas terror Palestinians against Isael.
Ajith / September 16, 2024
We all know that the major candidates in this run have a very bad past. All of them have blood on their hands. So have to rely on of them. Aragalaya made all of them to realise it and only NPP is focusing on change and Sinhalese people also realised it. So it is the responsibility for us to trust with caution.
Unfortunately in the North East Tamils don’t want to interfere with this contest by voting for a Tamil candidate. Sadly Sumanthiran and few Federal party did not like this in order to support either Ranil or Sajith made a decision to support Sajith. Latest news is that Tamil candidate received a letter from IGP that there is threat to him from Sumanthiran and Sanakiyan. It looks that this election is going to be a dirty end.
SJ / September 16, 2024
“If Sajith has blood on his hands so will Anura by the same criteria.”
Extrapolation is dangerous for one who does not know his sums.
SJ / September 16, 2024
But do they really have blood on their hands?
If so all worshippers of VP have far more blood on their hands.
Ajith / September 16, 2024
I know you’re a friend of Buddhist Fundamentalism and you also have a blood on your hands. Where is LTTE comes in this Sinhala only race. It looks based on the past Namal may be the correct choice for you.
Naman / September 16, 2024
“ Seventy six years of lamenting and wailing history cannot be allowed to repeat itself.”
Was it 76 years of how SL Sinhala Buddhist mind set focused on how to suppress/BREAK Tamil Speaking Citizen’s (TSC) successes in Education Employment Agriculture etc. AND having shrewd planning to colonise the areas of TSC. So far all GoSL of any Sinhala Parties are guilty of this behaviour.
Huge expenditures in Defence is to keep the TSC under check. Drug culture wasn’t there before 2009 but has become prevalent within the open prison of the North and East of SL.
“CHANGE” the TSC expects is for the complete in the “Mind set” of Sinhala Buddhist Supremacists. That is
to accept us EQUAL partners in the SL development. AKD I do hope will work towards a UNITED country without any further discrimination/Restrictions/Subjugations of TSC. It is sad to see Sumanthiran and Mano Ganesan getting on to Sajith P’s bandwagon which either the Singhalese and TSC can accept. Sajith P might have promised 13A + implementation to TNA but I do feel that its implementation will lead to waste of tax payers funds.
Let the TSC of SL vote for the Compass symbol at both the Presidential and Parliamentary elections.
We do not need linguistic or religious based political parties in SL.
davidthegood / September 16, 2024
Naman, you seem to have forgotten that all candidates as well as all voters have both linguistic and religious based mindsets as parts of us. So can’t dismiss saying we don’t need them.
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
DTG, why not you try to pray (as you repeat God is with you) for our folks for them being empowered by brains ? If not today, when ? People are misled by JVP murderers for their power grabs.
Most of our people behave like they are reborn. THose who are under 30 are irresversibly brainwashed. They have no arguments. bUT THEY WISH JVPrs should be their leaders.
AKD led groups brainwashed our vulneralbe from monring to evening. Blatant lies fed in the small heads of our people
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
leelagemalli, lots of churches are praying for God’s will and purpose for our nation.
SJ / September 16, 2024
SB chauvinists targetted the Muslims since 1915. The Muslims survived it until they started to mint money in the 1970s in the gem trade and Middle East employment and business. Their breaking through in education and professions made them even more vulnerable.
N& E Tamil leaders were partners in depriving the Hill Country Tamils of citizenship. There was always envy of the burghers and Northern Tamils. But that came into effect much after.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / September 16, 2024
The essence of the essay is that people are looking for an alternative, not a mere substitute that lacks any of the lustre of the alternative that shines through. This alternative is the only hope for an almost dead nation that is crying out to be saved. Nepotistic megalomaniacal dumbwits can never deliver. They are just political players without any concern for the country, whereas the alternative force is committed and sincere. If they endorse the ruling of the ICJ that a settler colonial genocide that is against the whole Global South in its expression, being livestreamed into our television sets and have expressed their solidarity with the oppressed, more kudos to them..!
Svenson / September 16, 2024
‘AND having shrewd planning to colonise the areas of TSC. So far all GoSL of any Sinhala Parties are guilty of this behaviour.’
And long may it continue. The moment you use the word ‘colonise’ you are referring to an area where Sinhalese are unwelcome outsiders. You want ‘colonising’ to end as well as equality for Tamils everywhere else. Utter hypocrisy. The Government can settle Sinhalese wherever they want to. The North and East are not your preserved areas. Have you never heard of bussing in the US to diversify racial segregation and increase harmony? You people are the ultimate advocates of apartheid, racism and hypocrisy.
Buddhist1 / September 16, 2024
Sajith is neither an alternative nor a substitute; he is the leader Sri Lanka needs. I say this because Ranil and Anura are dictators. They both think they know everything, unlike Sajith, who works openly with a very strong team of members who are educated, experienced, and, above all, clean.
Ranil has all the crooks around him supporting him. Anura has Tilvin, Lalkantha who have been involved in various racial riots and other riots. Sajith has a very clean team. Therefore Sajith is a strong presidential candidate.
Naman / September 16, 2024
Sajith P has Prof G L Peiris who had stood by Rajapaksa clan and hence Sajith P is not having all good ones but rejects from the rest of the political parties
Native Vedda / September 17, 2024
What does G L Peiris want in his life?
SJ / September 16, 2024
B1 you sound just like the clowns who make declarations of character about other candidates.
Srilankan Boy / September 16, 2024
To those who want to brush NPP with the JVP tar:
Nathan / September 16, 2024
Lionel Bopage is an exemplary human being.
SJ / September 16, 2024
Do you say that JVP is tar (hidden by the NPP coating)?
leelagemalli / September 16, 2024
nimal fernando / September 16, 2024
You might still get a reprieve from the Bolsheviks at this late hour! ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxUJjSw2dNo
Aren’t you glad, it’s your favourites, the Safronistas, delivering your salvation?
Never look a gift horse in the mouth!
Native Vedda / September 17, 2024
nimal fernando
AKD has found a fine team of modern communication experts, the mode and messages of NPP is very attractive and simple to understand, unlike the last 60 years, such communist phrases jargon have deliberately been avoided:
Democratic centralism
National liberation
Enemy of the people
Foco theory
Bourgeois revolution
Brilliant and sleek story telling.
However the fear/worry is can AKD wriggle out of old guards’ ideological strangle hold?
Is AKD aware of the fact he has to work with the same old corrupt bureaucracy, functionaries, police, …..etc … ?
old codger / September 17, 2024
Here’s an intelligent supporter making very valid criticism of the NPP manifesto, disconcerting the interviewer at the end.
LankaScot / September 17, 2024
Hello Native,
“A SPECTER is haunting Sri Lanka – the specter of communism”.
First line of Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto (slightly paraphrased).
It is still worth reading the original for an explanation of the Various Terms.
I mostly agree with what they say in the Document, although quite a bit has been overtaken by developments since then.
I was always sceptical of Historical Materialism and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Historical Materialism (unlike Science regarding the Natural World) has failed miserably to predict Historical Processes or Events. Given Marx’s description/analysis, neither Russia or China have been Communist. Many Marxists Parties in the past described them as “State Capitalist” or “Failed Worker’s States”.
NPP/JVP is much more likely to turn Sri Lanka into an “Orwellian Stalinist State” or in time possibly an Oligarchy like Russia. However other International Actors may intervene to prevent this.
Best regards
Native Vedda / September 18, 2024
“However other International Actors may intervene to prevent this.”
I agree, in other words if things go wrong foreigners will not hesitate to grope our people, irrespective of their gender. I mean they will not stop groping them.
The Hindians may have last minute devious plans.
The Americans will join in Hindian enterprise.
About thirty years ago Hindian Diplomats serving in Colombo seriously thought they ought to take corrective actions by Social Engineering. Perhaps they are still reading relevant books and chapters on that subject.
Mani / September 16, 2024
Vishwamithra, your general assessment on this presidential candidate is fair. As a leader Sajith has far more minus points than plus points going for him. However, contrary to your assumption, the ‘average voter’ (in contrast to the youth) is not really looking for ‘wholesale change’. I think Sajith is not perceived as either an alternative or substitute by the ‘average voter’ but as a safer, lesser evil, and as their favourite by the base on which he can rely. A week ago, I would have said that he had very little chance but I am discovering that the NPP wave is receding to some extent, and more people whom I meet are questioning AKD’s lack of proven experience and becoming anxious about a repeat of the Gota scenario. It is Sajith, rather than Ranil, who is being considered. If he reassures his potential voters that his PM and key cabinet posts will be given to competent and (relatively) clean SJBers, rather than photottuwa/SLFP dregs or Champika (the minorities and non-racist Sinhalese are especially concerned about this), it might be a game changer for him to stay in the race.
ramona therese fernando / September 17, 2024
One can’t know why Sajith became nepotical. Were the others of the party trying to retain the status quo, and radical change would involve greater socialistic practices that they didn’t like? Some of his group migrated to the Ranil’s UNP party. So they must have had the elitist views on non-taxation of the rich with the idea of building newer Vistas of Prosperity over the working-classes. They also might be uncomfortable with Sajith’s greater push of the 13th A. But then Ranil is also with the 13 A.
Anura, of course, has a wide range of comrades working in tandem with him. All are for the working-class, and all are ready to implement the necessary Systems Change to build the country from ground up.
Both speak about ending corruption and bringing back the stolen money to the Motherland. But they give no detailed plan for it. Political theft of Lankan money to offshore accounts will take years to recover. But there are legitimate and lawful transfer of money from big Lankan businesses to global conglomerates and global stock exchanges. They have not mentioned about recovering this money so the real-time in-country employment of the Masses can commence.
ramona therese fernando / September 17, 2024
Our country is bankrupt, and we need all the resources we can get. Instead, we send our workers to labour-camps in the Middle East to make up for the discrepancies. NPP’s Harini, made a statement the other day about keeping the system in place for those that are producing results. What results is she talking about? Creating results overseas translates zero wealth for the local economy.
Systems change will require some upheaval. Our stock-market in connection with global stock-market might plummet temporarily till balance is reached. It is only a 1% who will see their stocks dip. The 99% will be grateful for the recovered monies and the move towards creating in-country employment. That is where patriotism kicks in, when the 1% knows that they are temporarily losing out for the greater good.
We do not need international industries to invest in Sri Lanka at this time. We need to build up our local industry – the farmer, the fishermen, the building contractor, the educator, the medical profession and many more. Once we are out of bankruptcy and our people have a good happiness index, then can we begin again the international money wagering.
ramona therese fernando / September 17, 2024
All in all, Anura’s party seems the best. They will recover monies (although we are unsure of how), work well with the Tamil bretheren so they will not need much implementation of the 13th A., will need no land-bridge to India as our Motherland will have her own form of employment and adequate local currency, and work tentatively with India for greater regional coorporation. This could be the best Systems Change we will ever get.
old codger / September 17, 2024
“We do not need international industries to invest in Sri Lanka at this time. We need to build up our local industry – the farmer, the fishermen, the building contractor, the educator, the medical profession “
So, you will leave Pittsburgh and come here to help AKD build Paradise, I assume, instead of preaching to us from a safe distance. Which category would you fit into?
ramona therese fernando / September 18, 2024
OC….oh boy. YES! Alas, I am almost of retirement age, but I’d do what I can.
Native Vedda / September 18, 2024
nimal fernando
Please note old codgers comment:
“So, you will leave Pittsburgh and come here to help AKD build Paradise, …”
Do you have any comment?
Naman / September 17, 2024
Putting SL in the RIGHT PATH is a very difficult TASK for a new Leader/President. We need to realise that the people who benefited by the SYSTEM that is prevailing currently are not going to GIVE UP that easily.
They will try to place all kinds of OBSTACLES.
Hopefully both minority + majority races in the country get behind AKD
in order to chase the corrupt into wilderness
davidthegood / September 17, 2024
Naman, AKD is great friends with the Rajas who robbed the nation and who have no desire to go to jail even to get free meals there. There is no wilderness there.
SJ / September 18, 2024
Cheap jibe.