17 January, 2025


Sampanthan As Opposition Leader Would Be The Last Nail In The Coffin

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

We have already had a bitter experience with Mr. Wigneswaran and we mustn’t repeat or compound it. Mr. Sampanthan is a cultured gentleman, a superb speaker and a fine parliamentarian in the old tradition. But he would be most unsuitable to be made Leader of the Opposition. It is neither because he is an ethnic Tamil nor because he is the leader of the TNA that Mr. Sampanthan must not be appointed the Leader of the Opposition of the Sri Lankan parliament. It is because of the political project he subscribes to and the political views he holds. Going by those declared views, he would, as Opposition Leader, not oppose only the policies and practices of the Government of Sri Lanka. Indeed he probably won’t oppose the present Government at all, since he helped bring it into office; his party colleague Mr. Sumanthiran is a co-drafter of the 19th amendment which castrates the executive Presidency, turning that office into a constitutional eunuch; and his party the TNA has gone on to defend the 19th amendment in the Supreme Court. Instead, Mr. Sampanthan as Opposition Leader would be opposed to the very political community, the very political unit, which he would be sworn to uphold and operate squarely within.

To put it differently, one cannot have as the Leader of the Opposition someone who is not loyal to the Sri Lankan State. One cannot have as Leader of the Opposition, someone who refuses to uphold the very character – unitary, not merely united—of the Sri Lankan state.

I refer not only to a decade ago, when Mr. Sampanthan and his party contested the election on a single point platform, namely that the separatist-terrorist LTTE was “the sole legitimate representative of the Tamil People”. I do not refer primarily to the fact that he has yet to express regret and apology for that stand.

I refer primarily to Mr. Sampathan’s stand on so solemn an occasion as his party’s 14th Annual Convention in 2012 a mere three years ago, well into the post-war period when his political conduct cannot be excused by the invocation of a likely LTTE threat to his life.

A mere three years ago, Mr. Sampanthan, the most prominent local leader of the Northern Tamil community, which exists a few miles away from the sub-regional landmass of Tamil Nadu with its aggressively hostile streak towards Sri Lanka, reiterated his party’s commitment to achieving with the support of the international community, the same ‘soaring aspirations’ that could not be achieved through the force of arms.

He asserted—some would say confirmed—that ‘the international community’, through its current stance, may open the space for the achievement of that goal: “…The current practices of the international community may give us an opportunity to achieve, without the loss of life, the soaring aspirations we were unable to achieve by armed force.” (R. Sampanthan, speech at ITAK 14th Annual Convention, Batticaloa, May 2012, Colombo Telegraph)

Plainly the “soaring aspiration” which was unsuccessfully sought to be achieved through “ armed force” is that of the separate state of Tamil Eelam, which axiomatically entails the dismemberment of Sri Lanka. This is the gentleman who some openly recommend for the post of the Leader of the Opposition!

In his keynote speech on this formal political occasion, Mr. Sampanthan called for the restoration of the degree of sovereignty that the Tamil people are said to have enjoyed over 500 years ago, prior to the advent of colonialism. This refers to a completely independent political existence. “…Up to 500 years ago, the Tamil people established their own governments, and governed themselves.  Our party symbolizes a time in history…during which our people had their own sovereign Tamil governments…Our fundamental objective is to regain our community’s Home, its historical habitat and its sovereignty. The symbol of the House symbolizes this unshakeable aim…” (Ibid)

The House Mr. Sampanthan is talking about is not the Parliament of Sri Lanka, where the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress ( SLMC) and certain ideologues of the LSSP such as Mr. Lal Wijenaike would like to see him as Leader of the Opposition! No, Mr. Sampanthan is clearly calling for a separate house as a home—not a roomier room in the existing house of the unitary Sri Lankan state.

If the world were to be re-ordered by restoring the pre-colonial status quo ante of no less than half a millennium; if every minority of roughly a million people or a fraction of a country’s citizenry, were to demand this right and seek its exercise, the world would be plunged into anarchy, chaos, bloodshed. This project cannot be entertained—and most certainly not on a relatively small island with no ‘defense in depth’; adjacent to a landmass which has been historically hostile.

Had Mr. Sampanthan’s transparent declaration of tactics at his party’s Annual Convention just three years back been authored by a Sinhalese, it would have been dubbed ‘racist stereotyping’. “…The softening of our stance concerning certain issues, and the compromise we show in other issues, are diplomatic strategies to ensure that we do not alienate the international community. They are not indications that we have abandoned our fundamental objectives…In other words – we must prove to the international community that we will never be able to realize our rights within a united Sri Lanka… Although the issue at hand is the same, the prevailing conditions are different. The struggle is the same, but the approaches we employ are different. Our aim is the same, but our strategies are different. The players are the same, but the alliances are different. That is the nature of the Tamil people. Although we still have the same aim, the methods we use are now different…” (Ibid)

Simple logic tells us that if such a person who holds these views is appointed the Leader of the Opposition, he will use his office to further the aims he believes in and is committed to. Thus we shall have a Leader of the Opposition who has “not abandoned [their] fundamental objectives”; who believes that “the struggle is the same” and “the aim is the same” (as that of those who used “armed force”). Logic tells us that he will use “different strategies”, “approaches” and “alliances” in the service of the unchanged fundamental objective and aim. Most clearly of all, Mr. Sampanthan as Leader of the Opposition will continue to think and feel, and act on the thinking and feeling, that he and his party “must prove to the international community that we will never be able to realize our rights within a united Sri Lanka”. Thus Mr. Sampanthan is committed to proving to the world that Tamil rights can be realized not “within” but only outside a “united Sri Lanka”.

Note that Mr. Sampanthan used the term “united” and not “unitary’. If he does not believe that Tamil rights can be realized within a “united Sri Lanka”, is he not making the case for separation? Do we believe his Supreme Court affidavit or his address as leader, the annual convention of his party? In other words do we believe what he says in English in Colombo or what he says on a formal occasion, in Tamil, in the North and East? At the very least we have here a case of political schizophrenia. Do we wish to have a democratic separatist or at the very least, a political schizophrenic as the Leader of the Opposition of Sri Lanka? Those who advocate this are either utterly irresponsible or subscribe to a sinister separatist project. They are either fools or knaves.

Shrinkage of Sinhala Political Power

Already the combination of the 19th amendment which dismantles the strong Presidency would place national decision making in the hands of a Prime Minister who could be the willing or unwilling hostage of the TNA and a parliament and a Cabinet that could be bought up by Diaspora slush funds. Taken together with the drive to go beyond the 13th amendment and Mr. Sampanthan’s belief that Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga will settle the ethnic problem by the end of this year on the basis of her political ‘package’ of the mid-1990s, what the Ranil-Chandrika-TNA troika and their external patrons are embarking on is a road map to weaken the centralizing capacities of the Sri Lankan state and reduce the share of state power, political power, that the Sinhala community has and is rightfully entitled to be given (a) its overwhelming demographic preponderance, (b) antiquity (if the Northern Tamils had preceded the Sinhalese they would hardly have remained stuck in the least arable Northern cone of the island) and (c) the fact that it is the only community whose language, an ancient one, is spoken only on this island.

The suggestion to make Mr. Sampanthan the Leader of the Opposition is part of a macro-strategy to reduce the share of political power and size of the stake-holding within the Sri Lankan state that the Sinhala nation is naturally and organically entitled to. Ranil, Chandrika, the TNA, and those countries with significant concentrations of Tamil voters are moving to dismantle the safeguards for Sinhala political power in this island state. The strategic aim is the dilution and dissolution of Sinhala power, the power of the majority on the island—not least because the Sinhalese are seen as the sole obstacle to Western and neighboring hegemony and as allies of China on this strategically placed island on the Maritime Silk Route, while the Northeastern periphery is seen as a potential base by the external hegemons, who will therefore tilt towards maximizing the power of the North as a distinct, highly autonomous, indeed quasi-independent political unit a la Kurdistan. This is why Mahinda Rajapaksa was externally de-stabilized and ousted, and a puppet regime “democratically” installed. And that in turn is why the multitude wishes him to return, to steer the destiny of their country; a country that is now manipulated by external hegemons and their disgraceful local lackeys. The multitude knows in its bones, nay, in its collective soul that this island is the only country they have on this planet.

Latest comments

  • 33


    You have descended to a level you cannot see any more the half glass full, which is your problem or you pretend you didn’t see. It is so disappointing that a person of your caliber who said something in the eighties when working on the NE provincial Council as a Youth Affairs Minister now took a U turn and carrying on with what you are up to now.

    Didn’t you see the two blokes you spread hatred about were in the Independent Day ceremony and earned the ire of Tamil extremists, do you want to say to your readers why did they do it?. Didn’t you know their effigies had been burnt in even Jaffna?. Why do you try hoodwinking the majority by only providing some selective readings that you want your elks to read.

    Didn’t TNA unequivocally, even giving legal status, say in the supreme court that they seek a solution respecting the unitary status of SL.

    Don’t you see their fight for the rights of Tamils is not unfair, as it has been denied by successive GoSLs. Note some leaders have already accepted it including your master, but you couldn’t comprehend in your adulated mind.

    • 25

      No Dayan,
      You say “Mr. Sampanthan is clearly calling for a separate house as a home—not a roomier room in the existing house of the unitary Sri Lankan state.”

      Tamils don’t want a roomier room in the house purportedly owned by the Sinhalese as the last government and most Sinhalese claim, but a smaller house of their own where they are the masters, and not subject to the periodic pogroms and genocide by the Sinhala state.

      • 14

        Mind you, Tamils are only asking for the repossession of the small house their ancestors owned and and left it for them, not something from the Sinhalese or their state as a hand out!

        Sinhalese can continue to enjoy their big ancestral house adjacent without any hindrance from Tamils.

    • 26

      This man Dayan sounds like Slobodan Milosevic: Architect of Yugoslav break-up.

      Dayan’s arguments are very similar to the stand taken by Milosevic.

    • 7

      For me, Dr.Dayan and Dr.Duttugemunu are in the same boat….you pathetic bankrupts …

      • 2

        @ Rev Devil

        They are both from the same school of thought! What can you expect?

        • 4


          “They are both from the same school of thought!”

          Thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmm

    • 1

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

      Has anybody measured the average IQ of those who voted the Crook Mahinda Rajapaksa with the average IQ of those who voted for the Common candidate?

      The estimates are that the the average IQ of the 5.8 million voters who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa is 65.

      The estimates are that the average IQ of the 6.3 million voters who voted for the Common sense Candidate, Maitripala Sirisena, is 93.

      Remember, the average IQ of Sri lankans is 79.

      The Modaya, the Mootal, the Fool voter who voted with an IQ of 65 gets one-vote. The Common Sense Voter with an IQ of 130 also gets one-vote.

  • 13


    I do not like to disagree with you but here I must in public. Sampanthan as Leader of the Opposition, rather than being the last nail, would affirm that Tamils who qualify to be Leader of the Opposition will get what they have earned and that Tamils are very much a part of Sri Lanka.


    • 15

      No, Dayan the last nail on the Tamil people’s coffin was hammered in Mullivaaikkaal. Or, was it?

      • 11

        Look at the Sinhala supremacist’s logic:

        “If the world were to be re-ordered by restoring the pre-colonial status quo ante of no less than half a millennium; if every minority of roughly a million people or a fraction of a country’s citizenry, were to demand this right and seek its exercise, the world would be plunged into anarchy, chaos, bloodshed.”

        What did the Sinhala majoritarian Sri Lankan state do to the upcountry Tamils?

        Just because they were brought by the British less than 2 centuries ago they cannot be citizens and repatriated hundreds of thousands of them to India just because they don’t want Tamils.

        It was the British who about 1833 annexed the Tamil homeland to Sinhala ratas to form Ceylon. So if the Sri Lankan regime came reverse a historical fact, why can’t the Tamils expect the same with respect to their homeland?

        Furthermore it was the British who brought the alien concept of unitary state and all the misery to Tamils that followed.

        So in other words, Sinhalese can reverse history, but Tamils cannot because all the power is with the Sinhalese. Simple as that.

    • 6

      TULF leader also became the opposition leader and the LTTE was born.

      Amithalingam was a lawyer, now Wigneswaran is a judge.

      Southern politicians are brain dead, if they want to appoint Sambanthan as the opposition leader.

      • 1

        Jim softy

        Southern Politicians IQ Vs. Northern Politicians IQ? Any different other than being labelled Modayas and Mootals?

        Has anybody measured the average IQ of those who voted the Crook Mahinda Rajapaksa with the average IQ of those who voted for the Common candidate?

        The estimates are that the the average IQ of the 5.8 million voters who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa is 65. The estimates are that the average IQ of the 6.3 million voters who voted for the Common sense Candidate, Maitripala Sirisena, is 93. Remember, the average IQ of Sri lankans is 79.

        The Modaya, the Mootal, the Fool voter who voted with an IQ of 65 gets one-vote. The Common Sense Voter with an IQ of 130 also gets one-vote.

  • 15


    Everyone in parliament is qualified to become the leader of the Opposition. Do you or do you not agree? I would recommend that you
    leave it to those within to sort it out.

    It is disgusting that you spread such thoughts to an already confused public.

    Did you see what CBK said of the great Buddhist leader of yesteryear, your heart throb and the man who made you climb the political stage in Nugegoda on his behalf?

    “His family and he have plundered this country and those charges can be proven. We are in the process of gathering evidence regarding these charges so that we can present them before a court. . .The Presidential Secretariat, which during my tenure, ran on a staff of just 283 had increased to a total 1600 officials during his term – most of them were his relatives who would come that way only on the pay day to collect their salaries,”

    Now that is not me saying so, but a former President and leader of the SLFP.

    What have you got to say to that? Nothing???

    • 1

      What Dayan has exposed to us about Sambandan is NOT confusing at all. A man who still yearns for Prabhakaran’s (and his OWN) dream and contrives to use outsiders to realize it, is unfit for the post. There is a term for such persons.

    • 3

      J & F

      Of course Dayan de Silva (alias Jayatilleka) doesn’t give a rat’s ass whether his hero is the biggest looter of the nations Treasury. He has never ever commented on that little matter, nor why he himself has summarily ditched his father’s surname (although he loves to quote him at every opportunity).

      What this apparent sycophant desires most is to be on the front-burner all the time at any cost, lest he be forgotten.

      He has experienced the heady taste of foreign postings and the juicy plums that go with that. His betes noirs CBK and Ranil won’t bother to give him even a sideways glance. MR, in Dayan’s cock-eyed imagination (driven by the that comic foursome of Wimal, Gammanpila, Dinesh and Vasu) is therefore his only possible salvation. Hence morals nor ethics ever figures in his equation when he pumps all this rubbish on CT readers.

      Like the desert vulture, Dayan doesn’t mind being a carrion-eater as long as he can fly high!

  • 8

    Dayan has proved openly he is a communalist without any doubt. Does he understand thus is a democratic country and all citizens are equal and freedom of speech is ensrigned in the constitution .

    Any citizens if he is an adult elected to the parliament can be made leader of the opposition and even prime minister as well.

    It is because of guys like DJ who propagate communalism this country is still suffering and make division amongst communities. This type of people are no different from a man who creates violence on the street racially. It is disgusting to see he wants support his leader MR who cries that tamils only defeated him and wants to further the confusion by stating Sampanthan should not be elected as leader of opposition.

  • 5

    Dear Dayan,

    you have made all the right moves to secure a seat for the next general election. This has been your focus in all writing as you see the greater picture that others do not see.
    Please remember there had been many like you before. The only ones who remain are those who show sincerity, which you do not have.


  • 13

    Sounds like Dayan Weerawansa?

    • 9

      Dayan Silva has become another Nalin Silva, due to old age and uncertainty of their future, selling their qualification and self esteem has become a common practice. Some intellectuals sell even their self-respect when it comes to joblessness. This may happen only in Sri Lanka.

  • 4

    After ALL the changes proposed Sri Lanka WILL NOT be a unitary state that it was till 2015.

    The CBK Ranil Managala , Sirisena (may be) is the 2000 package, P-TOMs , ISGA or implementation of the Oslo agreement. The ISGA was not acceptable to people in the country and the LTTE. It was NOT acceptable to LTTE because it was a military organisation with semblance of civil administration (for the outside world)….

    Now the LTTE military arm is NON-existent..(maybe) But , definitely, political wing headed by Tamilchelvam (hmmm..that’s an old name)is live and well in Vigneshwaran, Sampanthan, Sumanthiran, …These are MUCH more formidable opponents compared to Tamilchelvam (But Tamilchelvams , V.Prabhakaran’s Karuna lot are MUCH more honest than the above mentioned lot)….These people live amnog US and act against us. Whilst , Prabhakarans lived the life they believed in….

    Under these circumstances it is better to separate Sri Lanka into a Sinhala homeland and a Tamil homeland…AND possibly a Muslim Muslim speaking sector in somewhere in the Eastern province. This is ONLY long term solution.

    Politicans will talk about RECONCILIATION which is a lot of nonsense trying to put the work back on the people themselves RATHER than answering the real difficult questions.

    WHAT THE TAMILS are asking for is:

    NOT minority rights within a state.

    THEY are asking for recognition of nationhood within a state. This invariably MUST create a another state which is AND has to be A SINHALA-BUDDHIST HOMELAND.

    The SRI LANKAN politican is NOT ready ACCEPT THIS TRUTH…THis is the problem

    • 5


      “THEY are asking for recognition of nationhood within a state. This invariably MUST create a another state which is AND has to be A SINHALA-BUDDHIST HOMELAND”

      “The true and heroic history of Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese together provides the nationalistic foundation of Sri Lanka. It is time Sinhalese and Tamils make an earnest effort to anchor Sri Lanka on her true historical foundation with its clear demarcation of . the two sovereign traditions. This will enable the building of a new nation based on the principle, Tamileelam belongs to Tamil people , Sinhala Ratta belongs to Sinhala people and Sri Lanka belongs to all Sri Lankans accommodating the sovereign experience both nations.”

    • 3

      There is no need to create another Tamil state as there is a Tamil state just a few kilometers away from Sri Lanka. There are also several grubby so called Little India’s elsewhere, mainly inhabited by Tamils. Those Tamils who agitate to create a Tamil ghetto within Sri lanka should be “invited” to leave Sri Lanka and be a curse in those places. They can take with them both RW and CBK.

      • 9

        lal loo

        “Those Tamils who agitate to create a Tamil ghetto within Sri lanka should be “invited” to leave Sri Lanka “

        Good. Now tell us how should the people act to stop a Sinhala/Buddists racist ghetto being build in this entire island.

        Since you trace your ancestry to Sinhapura in Venga why should not you consider relocating back to North India? If and when you decide please make sure you take your Tamil brethren with you.

        Please check your lineage there is a big chance you could be a descendant of Vellaikkara padei (mercenary) from Erivirrar Patnam in South India.

        Before venturing into your intermittent racist taunt I suggest you check your DNA, you will be happy to note that you share your genetics more with Tamil Nadu Tamils than any others in this island.

        It will cost you only $120.

  • 7

    All the Tamils are attacking Dayan from every side.

  • 8

    Dayan, you are loosing it. May be it is old age.

  • 15

    Let me get this straight. You are saying that Sampanthan cannot become the opposition leader because of the “political project he subscribes to and the political views he holds”. ??? So only people with certain political views can become opposition leaders? And Mr. Dayan Jayathilleke has the right to prescribe what those views must be? And this Mr. Dayan thinks he is a political scientist???

    No, Dayan, you are wrong and you know it. The opposition is there precisely to hold differing political views from the government. There is absolutely nothing wrong if a section of the MPs do not think that unitary constitution is not good for the state of Sri Lanka. You may disagree, but they are entitled to their views. There is nothing wrong either even if a section of the MPs think this country needs to be separated, though Sampanthan has said many times that he is for a united Sri Lanka. In many democratic countries in the world a section of the politicians openly advocate for separation. The Scottish first minister openly campaigned for separation, and David Cameron, the guy you lot like to vilify, fought it democratically, rather than outlawing the campaign. Some Sri Lankans think this country must stay united. Others think it should be separated. They are both political opinions, and it is natural that there are MPs in the parliament who represent both opinions.

    Of course, you and I may not like separation, and we have the right to express that view. Those who want separation also must have the right to democratically express that view, and gagging that is nothing short of state terrorism. Last time we attempted to gag TULF, they lost credibility among Tamils and LTTE was born. It is best for us all to learn to listen to arguments we do not like, and counter opinion by opinion. If Sampanthan represents the biggest block of opposition MPs in parliament he should be the opposition leader, and it is not up to a guy who does not understand/respect democracy and who probably won’t even get his wife’s vote to prescribe which views he must hold.

  • 10

    The difference between the respective stances of Anurakumara’s JVP, Champika’s Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), Weerawansa’s Jathika Nidahas Peramuna (NFF), the SLFP’s Mahinda Rajapakse faction, Kumar Gunaratna’s FLSP or for that matter, between those of Gunadasa Amarasekara, Nalin Silva and Dayan Jayathilake, on the country’s national question, can be explained in terms of nuances. Indeed, they are all stuck in a time warp. The island’s majority community must learn to protect the interests and DIGNITY of its fellow minority communities, in a spirit of accommodation, if the country is to move on. That said, the world’s current geopolitical map is no sacred cow.

  • 6

    Dayan the Dr Goebbels,

    Please come out and say it openly, that in order to install Mahinda as Permanent Maharajjuruwo of Sri Lanka, it is paramount that the Tamils and Muslims should be killed off for good.

  • 7

    Last nail in the Sinhala only coffin?

  • 2

    “To put it differently, one cannot have as the Leader of the Opposition someone who is not loyal to the Sri Lankan State. “

    Who decides on this loyalty? You Dayan?

  • 2

    When I read article written by a eductionalist like this, I feel it is good I am not so educated and a registered mad person in this society. Really I cannot understand the whole article as such with my inferior knowledge.But I have no grudge on any human. All Sinhala, Muslim, Tamil , rich or poor educated or not, I feel they are human beings. We all do wrong at stages, we understand we did wrong, we correct our selves. We all feel pain equally. [Edited out]. I do not embose seals on people.I feel my simple life is very good. I could speak to a beggar. Their blessing smile give me life stolen by big people. Some times I help mad persons with care.Their smile is very rare therefore valuable than a beauty queens’. I feel it is good I am not considered as a veteran professional in this country since I cannot understand them. Really I cannot act as they are. I do not know how far their performances are effective.Since I am considered as a fool in this society by almost every one, I could express my ideas freely. Really I like it.

  • 4

    Tamils recall the quality of our democracy when Amir became Leader of the Opposition in 1977. Both UNP and SLFP thugs were found physically attacking and stealing the assets and properties of multiple thousands of Tamils, killing and harming their persons, destroying their businesses in all four corners of the country. This done at the behest of the political leaders of these rowdies and directed by the politikkas of the area.

    Sampanthan becoming Leader of the Opposition, under normal circumstances, will be a pointer towards the strengthening of the democratic system. But Sri Lanka is by no means in a normal state with 2 legged (m)animals of the BBS, JHU, Sinhala Ravaya running riot periodically targeting minorities with their reddha raised up – Sarongs, if you like.

    Dayan, once again, is trying to inflame the atavistic features of the Sinhala thug in the streets so that his Boss can regain power soon, by hook or by crook, on a massive blood-bath.


  • 5

    DJ, I thought you are a fair man but you proved to be wrong.All Tamils wants is a fair play from Sinhalese.Sinhalese do not want to give it cos of politics,If you cannot treat them fairly,just separate them.You don’t have to give them any them.
    Singapore and Malaysia has a bitter separation but after that both prospered.After Tamil kingdom was a separate entity before portugese concurred.This is a history and you cannot erase it.As your famous Colvin said one language two nation and two language one nation.This is sure to come my friend.Let me also tell you this may not be good for Tamils in particular but they have to work their way out.Then you also can relect Mahinda,swindle Sri lankan airlines ,put billions of dollars in seychilles and continue exploit the poor Sinhalese.this is going on for the last seventy years or so and since it is a rich country that can be sustained.

  • 7

    Dayan Jayatilleke says “…Sampanthan must not be appointed the Leader of the Opposition of the Sri Lankan parliament. It is because of the political project he subscribes to and the political views he holds…..

    Who on earth is this erratic maniac to decide who should be the Leader of
    the Opposition and who should not. If the voters, I mean Tamils, have sent
    him to Parliament, does not Mr Sampanthan enjoy the same rights as any
    other MP?

    This guy Dayan is not only a racist but also a bastard. His mother must be
    turning in her grave at the things he says.

  • 3

    Dr Dayan,
    We will fight, till our leader is back in power!!! That’s the only solution for the mess we our in now!!!!

    • 6

      Your leader is a dead cause ! He is losing it !!

      Ask his inner circle.

    • 2

      Ask Mahinda if Hon. Sambanthan is not fit to hold the position as Opposition Leader
      and in my opinion he will support Hon.Sampanthan – for many valid reasons.
      What will the Commonwealth leaders say or the IPA? This is the last nail on Dayans
      coffin, based on CT commentators so far!

    • 0

      Our leader you mean the plunderer who made this country a coffin, call Dayan to assist you. He is carrying lot of nails with him these days.

    • 4


      “We will fight, till our leader is back in power!!! “

      You should do what is necessary. Here is something that should boost morale of your supporters:

      we shall not flag or fail.

      We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
      we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
      we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
      we shall fight on the beaches,
      we shall fight on the landing grounds,
      we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
      we shall fight in the hills;
      we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

      Winston Churchill

    • 2

      Pigs might fly

      if the bugger would reutrn to active politics again.

      Dayan is also a spent source to this day. His malice can only widen the divisions between tamils and those MR proxy sinhalese. We belong to the leberal sinhalaya… who would even say yes to Germany style devolution of power if the minority problem would be solved inthat way because we are all srilankens. I have no doubt – moderate sinhalaya think the way I do.

  • 5

    Dayan as a political scientist you could have analysed the role of the opposition leader in a parliamentary democracy and discussed whether Sampanthan as leader of the 13 member TNA (leaving aside MP Piyasena who has become a government supporter) would fit in that role.

    Instead, you have gone and analysed his role in the light of his past role as a TNA member accepting LTTE’s long declared goal of separation and his party’s position on the unitary state of Sri Lanka. These are irrelevant issues and you cannot be hypothesizing on what or what not he will do as an Opposition Leader given his policy background.

    The real issue is whether Sampanthan can play the role of true opposition leader in the Sri Lankan Parliament. Leader of the Opposition is considered in Parliamentary Democracies based on the Westminster system as the alternate Prime Ministe of the country. He or she would normally be expected to become Prime Minister if the government of the day were to lose office. In Parliamentary democracies such as UK and Australia, Leader of the Opposition is assisted by a shadow cabinet. The shadow cabinet evaluates and criticizes government’s policies and bills and each shadow minister functions as the opposition spokesperson in relation to the subject he/she is assigned to. Unfortunately, this good practice of opposition members functioing as shadow cabinet in not evident in Sri Lanka.

    However, the traditional role of the opposition leader as an alternate Prime Minister is generally accepted in Sri Lanka in the past. That was the reason that in the past Parliaments,when on occasions the government of the day was defeated the Governor-Generals first called upon the opposition leader to form an alternate government before deciding to dissolve Parliament and call for fresh elections.

    Sampanthan may be a long-serving Parliamentarian but he with the support of just 13 TNA members in Parliament and being part of the Executive Council cannot become the opposition leader. The 1977 Parliament when Amirthalingam became the Opposition Leader was different. That was a situation when all other Sinhala majority parties had numerically less members than that of TULF. TULF had no role as member of any executive governmental body that decided government policy unlike the case of TNA now. TNA’s role as member of the Executive Council tasked with government policy making disqualifies Sampanthan and his TNA taking up the role of opposition. He and TNA, as part of the Executive Council that makes government policy decisions, are part and parcel of the government of the day. They cannot be by any yardstick sit and critize the government in Parliament having made government policies sitting as members of the Executive Council

    In the present Sri Lankan Parliament, even TNA and JVP combined together will not be in a position to function as an effective alternate government tasked with criticizing government policies for the same reason. JVP is also a member of the Executive Council that make government policy decisions.It cannot now join hands with TNA to become the official opposition.

    The present situation in Sri Lanka is very unique because the leader of the former opposition without commanding the support of the majority of Members of Parliament had been made the Prime Minister of the country. And now a big chunk of SLFP members have joined his government to give the necessary Parliamentary support to function as a viable government with the connivance and approval of their SLFP Party and they continue to remain as SLFP members. This of course disqualifies SLFP assuming the role of the opposition.

    That leaves the combine of Dinesh Gunewardena, Wimal Weerawansa,Vasudeva Nanayakara and LSSP and CP members as true opposition Parliamentarians in the present Sri Lankan Parliament. Though they might have been elected as UPFA members, they have dissociated from the present government led by Ranil and they function in Parliament in opposition to the government. Their request to make Dinesh Gunewardena as the Opposition Leader has therefore some merit.

    I cannot guess what the Speaker’s decision is going to be on this issue but it is illogical for Nimal Sripala de Silva to function as the Leader of Opposition because his party is part of the governing coalition. For the same reason it is illogicasl to make Sampanthan or another TNA member as leader of the opposition. The viable functioning of the parliamentary democracy requires an effective opposition. For the reasons discussed above, the call to make Dinesh Gunewardena seems acceptable. We have to wait and see what the Speaker decides and what reasons he gives for his decision on this issue.

    • 3

      Naga’s studied and lucid explanation is appreciated. As I see, it is the international community – sick and tired of a country full of potential and promises continuing to ruin itself – and posing a danger to the crucial sea lanes along it – not to mention endangering the good and lives of its own 22 millions of citizen. What they foresee, I believe, is to assist – not spoon feed – a formula through which the country as a whole regains its governing capacity. After all the international community has much stake in Sri Lanka with its investments, aid and many other forms of assistance. So far the Sirisena dispensation proceeds on a rational path towards reconciliation. That, I believe the IC, is trying to encourage. Having in place an able senior Parliamentarian as Leader of the Opposition like Mr. Sampanthan also will place the Sirisena government in good light after decades of huge War Crime and HR charges against Tamils.

      But, personally, I don’t think Sri Lanka, in its present stage of divisive and deep communal politics against a bitter opposition lead by a radicalised Buddhist priesthood, is not ready for such a lofty re-arrangement. A politicised army of nearly a third of a million makes the situation more complex.

      While I note my earlier suggestion of a 2 nations in one country formula is now being talked about increasingly, I read in these pages
      a suggestion the offer of a Muslim Sector in the Amparai area, not a Muslim Nation, may also be worth considering now that the Muslims have been here and have helped Nation building at least in the past 200-300 years.


  • 5

    Dayan thanks for saying clearly that you are not for equal rights and equal opportunity for all Srilankan citizens. Amazing intellect, diaspora will be delighted. After all you haven’t given up the separatist project. Is that your default?

    You haven’t changed and won’t allow others to change as well or you are not well.

    Have some lessons from AKD. Is he now RWs puppet for you?

    Majority of Srilankans are much better Srilankan citizens respect justice and equality for all as proved in last election. They will keep the Srilankans united in heart and sprit.


  • 6


    Why don’t you join one of the political parties, become a member of parliament and express your views in parliament!

    Rather than criticising everything , why don’t you come with a proposal to solve our problems??

  • 6


    Are you serious about your position that Mr. Sambanthan should not become the leader of the opposition. If you take that stand , I agree with you. But instead North and East of Sri Lanka should not be represented in Sri Lankan parliament and the rest you will understand . If you fail to understand I shall explain further

  • 11

    People like Dayan are real rot. They are the very reason for Sri Lanka for what it has become since independence. These chaps like majoritarian democracy. Their main problem is defeat of MR by minority. He has clearly verbalized in his rubbish called some sort of patriotism. It is majoritarian democracy Dayan and his friends want.
    Look at India a Sikh becomes the Prime Minister, a Tamil Muslim from the South becomes the President, that is inclusive politics. that is real democracy. Obama becoming US President, that is a victory for democracy.

    Here a catholic cannot become a cricket captain because he uses the sign of cross in the field ( Vaas was removed from captaincy after JHU protested). A Tamilian who betrayed his race, family and religion (apparently to achieve what his fellow Oxfordian and Oxford Union president achieved in politics) couldn’t become the PM after sacrificing so much. This is Sri Lanka. Dayan and his cronies are digging the grave possibly for the whole Sinhala race.

    Lets start some where. Dinesh is a well known racist and a MR fan. He will help in the destruction of this country to the best of his ability. If Sampandan is appointed, The Speaker will always have a say in throwing him out if he is not acting properly or if he tries to further the diaspora agenda or his own ethnic partisan politics. It will give a good opportunity for the government to test the Tamil leadership about their sincerity and show the world how TNA is acting after endorsing unitary nature of Sri Lanka. There is no point in digging the past and accusing people of war crimes. No war can be fought without losses.

    If Sambandan is appointed opposition leader it will also force Tamils to come to terms with reality and give up diaspora politics and work for reconciliation.

    • 1

      Well said roger.speaker should appoint samba dan.

  • 4

    Excellent, Dayan. Provea that even these supposedly “moderate” We Thamizh leaders still harbour dreams of establishing the mythical, racist state of Demezh Eezham. Sri Lankans must not let their guard down, there are We Thamizh in the grass :D

    • 4

      Imposter Sarma,

      I am still waiting! Show this forum one instance where you defended the rights of the Tamils. You cannot can you? You have no backbone to state your views as a Sinhala and you masquerade as a Tamil to subvert debates! You are a lowest of lowest human being; I am very sorry to say!

  • 8

    CT readers,
    I would like to start a petition to stop DJ from contributing to CT (have seen other readers suggests it), as he write a load of crap.
    Your opinion please

    • 6

      D.E.M.O Krazy

      You must be crazy to stop anyone typing.

      Don’t make him a martyr.

      • 2

        Native Vedda.
        I guess you are right! LOL

        The fact that he doe not seem to read any of the comments by the CT readers and respond, makes me wonder if he is suffering from Dyslexia!


        Dayan, you are excused!

    • 2

      Dear D.E.M..> Kraz,

      Dayan De Silva Jayathileke’s writing is not crap. Rather, it is intentional inciting — inciting hatred. And, I believe, inciting racial hatred with intent to diminish the rights of citizens based on race or religion would be a much stronger ground to censure Dayan’s propaganda and to legitimize censoring his writings in CT.

  • 5

    Dayan defends what the colonizers left us with.
    Time moves on, waiting for none, resetting history as it was before the colonizers dropped in.
    Our choice is to handle this with sophistication or lose it all.

    Like it or not, the Tamils have made their case, a Nation wanting to live within an Undivided Srilanka. It is the accepted norm in Governance these days.
    Line up you Kandyans, events elsewhere will nudge you to reclaim your past.

    Little Srilanka will have a Chinese Enclave, settled by Chinese Criminals released from jail ( remember we gave China 50 acres FOREVER ), and three Nations, a Tamil, Sinhala and Kandyan in the future. or

    As Tisaranee Gunasekera opined, A Chinese Dominated South, An Indian Dominated North; at their throats with the Kandyans getting squeezed from both sides.

  • 7

    Siva Sankaran Sharma a.k.a. Blacker, the Army private, in a more recent avatar defecates again.

    Why is there so much of anti-Tamil venom in you – a self-confessed
    part-Tamil. There is nothing to establish Tamil Eelam, it has always
    been there. But the Tamils are rational people. They know the ways of a changing world. They have the wisdom to look forward to and live in amity with the world and their neighbours. The Sinhalese, or let me re-rephrase it to some Sinhalese, whom you are trying to be part of, have had the entire island since the British but have only managed to mess it up – thanks to politicised Buddhism and now the army, which you are trying hard to identify with. Nation building, Sapper, is an entirely different ball game with priests running half-naked in the street leading hundreds of thugs and attacking, stealing Tamil assets. To that list add, killing and knifing dozens of harmless Tamils.

    Look at the issue from the majority component of your persona – which I believe is Burgher – parangi or lansi I do not know. Both have a partiality towards injustice to the Tamils. Fortunately, the new dispensation of Sirisena-Ranil-CBK-Mangala-Ven.Sobia-Ven. Ratana make an attempt to hurdle through the maze of Sinhala-Buddhist long-held prejudice to make a truly united nation. Where do you stand on that, confused ex-soldier?


  • 3

    It is a sad fact that Dayan has forgotten that Tamils are Sri Lankan! Likewise diaspora also Sri lankans.Some Donkey Sinhala newspaper(s)papers think tank is that diaspora is not Srilankan!!
    According to Parliament norms next to UNP,SLFP, TNA Alians is the biggest party.So leadership from Nimal has to given to Sampanthan.

    Tamils must given their respective place in Sri lankan Government system

  • 6

    Dayan keeps on writing and writing. He keeps on getting a belly full from readers.90% of readers keep on hammering him.Yet he wants more. Must be a masochist. Has he no self
    respect that he loves to keep on getting abused.

    • 2

      It might just be that he doesn’t pay much attention to mad dogs howling and barking :D

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