14 February, 2025


Santa Claus – Does He Exist?

By Upatissa Pethiyagoda

Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda

This may be of some interest to readers for two relevant reasons. One being the drama related to the Speaker, Dr/Mr Ranwala on the issue of what prefix to his name he should use (There being no change to his being “The Honorable”). This big question has led to great debate in the Press (Mainly in the on-line “Colombo Telegraph). The second reason, being the claim that political acts in Sri Lanka are based on Science. The man who wished to give form to this lofty theory, was Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who assembled a group of “Scientists”, under his “Viyathmaga”, cynically mis-spelt by some as “Vipathmaga”, which met an untimely and ignoble retreat to oblivion. He feasted on the Myth of “Organic Agriculture,” fed to him by no less a person than a Paediatric Neurologist, seconded by a Priest, and supported by a (disputed) Professor of Surgery, who together, made a “Pigs’ Breakfast” of the paddy farmers’ lives. Lesson unlearnt, being that in matters of fertilizer usage, it would be better met, by seeking the guidance of Soil Scientists, rather than medics (who of course have their uses).

The writer admits that this is downright plagiarism, of an unknown author, on a matter of importance, being less than a week away from  Christmas. Enjoy “Seasonal Fun”.

“Christmas is now before us. Children the World over, have peered into their stockings, played with their toys, having promised to be good boys and girls, during the next year, awaiting Santa’s next coming. Santa himself is a cheery guy, decked in a bright red, loose fitting, flowing Ermine cloak with white frills. When in ermine cloak , chanting through a face, with cheerful ruddy cheeks, and with white frills, and a tuneful song, would begin getting them laundered, dried and packed away and awaiting Santa’s next annual run. Santa himself is a rotund, cheery guy, decked in his bright red flowing robe with white frills.

As we approach the festive Season, children across the Globe hang up their stockings and seek gifts from Santa Claus, promising to be good throughout the next year.

He is a rotund, cheery guy – red cheeks, flowing white beard and bright red overcoat, and a heavy sack of goodies to give good little children, who have behaved well since the Christmas before.

In Temperate countries, he slides down the chimney, looking for the stockings hung out by hopeful children. That done, he climbs back on to his sled and skates along to his next destination. Children of mainly cold countries have chimneys In their homes, although they seem too narrow for his well-rounded body, he somehow wriggles down the chimney.

As a country whose governments pledge to commit themselves (like ours), to “Scientific Governance”, we owe it to ourselves to address the questions in spite of our ongoing Corona Pandemic.

Now to the numerical part to test the “Santa Hypothesis”. The following Physics calculations are not original and are based on an article in the renowned scientific Journal, “The SPY magazine” (January, 1990), for any who wish to refer to the original.

No known species of Reindeer can fly. But there are about 300,000 species of living organisms, yet to be classified. While most of these are Insects, Germs and pesky viruses (eg SARS, Ebola and now, Covid-19) we cannot completely rule out flying reindeer, remembering also that Sri Lanka is a “Hot Spot “ for endemics and some of our species are listed in the IUCN’s “Red List” as endangered.

There are approximately two Billion children, that is persons under 18 or 378 million (according to the Population Reference Bureau).At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that comes to 108 million homes. Presuming that there is at least one good child per household, Santa has about 31 hours of Christmas on Earth, (thanks to different Time Zones and the rotation of the earth). Assuming an East to West trajectory (which seems logical), this works out to 967.7 visits per second. Which is to say that, for each Christian household with a good child, Santa has around 1/1000th of a second to park his sleigh, jump down or hop out, creep down the chimney, fill the stocking, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left for him, get back up the chimney, jumps into the sleigh and get on to the next house.

Assuming that each of the 108 million stops are evenly spaced around the Earth (which of course, we know to be false) but will accept for our present purpose, we are now talking about, 0.78 miles between houses, a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting bathroom stops or other breaks. His warm clothes and outside snow, would compete with each other to determine how many leak-stops will be needed.

This means that Santa’s sleigh has to move at 650 miles per second, or 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of calculation, the (hitherto) fastest man-made vehicle, the Ulysses Space Probe, moves at a mere 27.4 miles per second. An average earth-bound Reindeer can run (at best), 15 miles per hour.

The payload of the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized LEGO Set, (Two pounds each), the sleigh is hauling over 500 thousand tons, not counting Santa himself. An average adult male Reindeer (Arctic species), weighs around 300 pounds. Even granting that the “Flying Reindeer” can pull 10 times the normal amount, the job can’t be done with eight or even nine of them, Santa would need 360,000 of them.

The best available and updated Census, estimates a population in the Arctic Circle of around 396 million reindeer. With a reduced “Draw-down” of Christmas Trees in the near future, under the “New Normal” forced by the Corona Pandemic, “Green Peace” has expressed its elation and lauded the consequent environmental benefits.

Santa’s annual requirement presently stands at 54,000 tons or roughly seven times the weight of the “Queen Elizabeth” – no, the ship, not the late Monarch.

A mass of 600,000 tons travelling at 650 miles per second, creates enormous air-resistance and heat generation and would heat up the reindeer (plural) in the same fashion as a Spacecraft re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

The lead pair of Santa’s Reindeer, will absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy per second each. In short, they would burst into flames almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them and creating deafening sonic booms in their wake.

The entire reindeer team would be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second, or right about the time Santa reaches the fifth house on his trip.

Not that it matters, since Santa accelerating from a dead stop to 650 mps, in 0.001 seconds, would be subjected to acceleration forces of 17,000 g. Even a 250- pound Santa (which seems ridiculously low, considering all the high calorie snacks he must have consumed over the years), would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds, instantly crushing his bones and organs and reducing him to a quivering lump of pink mush.

Therefore, if Santa ever existed, sometime in the past, he must now be dead.

Merry Christmas, and a glorious 2025 to all.

“Nettle Grub”

Latest comments

  • 0

    Here is the original legend from before St. Nicholas was canonized:
    The legend of Santa Claus throwing coins down a chimney is based on the story of Saint Nicholas helping a poor family by dropping gold coins down their chimney:
    The story
    Saint Nicholas visited a widower’s house at night and dropped gold coins down the chimney into stockings that were hung by the fireplace to dry.
    The tradition
    This act of kindness inspired the tradition of hanging stockings by the chimney and the legend of Santa Claus entering homes through chimneys.
    The poem
    The 18th century poem A Visit from St. Nicholas (later known as The Night Before Christmas) popularized the idea of Santa entering homes through chimneys.

    So Santa’s is a nice teaching-example for children to be generous. No one claims it is factual except for Nicholas throwing coins down the chimney of a poor family.

    Dr. Pethiyagoda seems to have taken the legend a little too seriously. If he wants to attack the faith, he must attack the faith about how Nicholas lived rather than flying reindeer or a fat man passing through a chimney.
    Canonized for his life of social value and witness to God’s work, he was known for his kindness and generosity, He is an early example of a saint who was honored for his life, rather than how he died.

    Does Dr. Pethiyagoda have anything to detract from Nicholas’ service to the poor? His generosiy? If so that would be worth discussing at length, not otherwise.

    • 0

      Jaffna Man, there was a rumor circulating that Santa Claus visited the Dalada Maligawa some time ago.

    • 0

      Dr. Pethiyagoda….stop being the Grinch!

    • 0

      CT is quite poor at counting. It finds even 200 difficult to count!

  • 5

    “……The man who wished to give form to this lofty theory, was Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who assembled a group of “Scientists”, under his “Viyathmaga”….”
    What can an O/L educated man whose only job option was to join the army as a second lieutenant, do with ‘viyath ‘ (educated) people? Over and over these so called educated people have misled the gullible, naive politicians in this land.

    One such so called fake ‘educated’ men is Mahinda Deshapriya! This man was firm that citizenship of Gotabhaya before the presidential election 2019 was NOT an issue! How dare he could break such a fundamental rule?? Nobody in any country can seek office of the president if they do not have citizenship of that particular country! But for obvious grafts, Deshapriya did not follow that rule and allowed an American citizen to become the president of Sri Lanka!!
    Now the same man is questioning the validity of Speaker’s educational qualifications!! He should top the list for the best hypocrisy medal ever!

    • 1

      Jit, both Gota and Padeniya lost the little honor they had and are no longer remembered now.

    • 4

      “Such a so-called fake ‘educated’ man is Mahinda Deshapriya! This man was adamant that Gotabaya’s citizenship was not an issue before the 2019 presidential election! How was he able to break such a basic rule?

      Yes, Mahinda Deshapriya is just as stupid as Mahinda Rajapaksa and Wimal Weerawansa, even though he has a BA degree. Those who invite him for interviews are uneducated journalists.

      Mahinda Rajapaksa became a religion of ordinary stupid people because he spreads lies (Kunuharupa) and some public statements harm the # private lives of others. It polarizes Sri Lankan society like a wildfire.

      It was maintained by the ignorant Wimal Weerawansa, who was the winner of elections representing suburbs of Colombo. Wimal Weerawansa is the number one rascal in the public domain. Gossip in general acts as a vitamin for most of our people. Like frogs in wells, their thoughts and minds are confined to their own little world. Simply saying, most of them are beasts in human disguise.

      The people in the struggle/Aragalaya did not make any effort to drag Mahinda Deshapriya.. Why?

  • 1

    Santa Claus – Does He Exist?

    The speaker qualification will be proved after he gets the document from Japan, What about other Goverment past and present leaders form UNP and Photuwa those who do not have them must be penalized use this fund to adopt a technique to eradicate the monkeys doing so will cause to more production on coconuts and self sufficient

    • 3

      RBH59, put out a stocking and see whether Santa Claus exists. Anyway how will that knowledge help you except if you find a shot gun inside.

  • 1

    “But there are about 300,000 species of living organisms [that fly] yet to be classified. While most of these are Insects, Germs and pesky viruses “
    Sorry, flight is a voluntary act, and generally requires limbs of some kind.
    So bacteria and viruses do not really fly, but float in air.
    If they can be said to fly, dust also will be a flying thing.

    • 3

      SJ, did you know that dust is alive. God said “Let the earth bring forth grass and it was so”. Gen.1, 11 Also it is in Jer. 22,29 that God said “O earth, earth, earth, write this man as childless, not prospering in his days” The demonic spewed water but the earth swallowed it to save a woman from that dragon. Rev. 12,16. Can speak to the earth to swallow witchcraft, sorcery, idolatry etc. and be rid of them.

      • 2

        Hello DTG,
        Have you been reading Philip Pullman’s book “His Dark Materials” or just imbibing of the happy juice? By the way Grasses came late in the Earth’s History, 70 Million or so Years ago and God forgot to mention that there are about 10,000 different Species. Now Seaweeds they are about 1 Billion Years old.
        Best regards

      • 5

        Mr DTG,
        I would be grateful if you could tell me when you started swallowing Bible texts becuase your tie to bible is not natural at all.
        Going back to my dormitory days as a student in the early twenties, when the Americans had their weekly gospher sessions, I was forced to attend those sessions, how did the religiously blind Americans (black Americans) began, their prayers, first time experience of the kind of sessions…
        The various gestures, the loud chants were no different to me than the Sri Lankan style devil dances. Those devil dances that were seen by me were Traditionally performed in southern Sri Lanka.
        The pastor (a black American) came up to me with his eyes closed and asked if I wanted god to enter my heart… That shocked me, because I was not very familiar with the blind faith in a God I had never seen such prayer sessions before. . .honestly saying, I was frozen by his words, not being able to realize the truth behind it. Over the time, I understood, that whole lot of people caught by christianity are forced to beleive that god created human beings.
        As a born buddhist, I did nt follow blind beliefs, even I read some buddhist literiture later on.

        • 1

          leelagemalli, as a born buddhist you have a blind belief, a so-called nirvana which you think you can enter all on your own steam, even though you were born to parents because of what they did. Tell me names of people in this so-called nirvana. Is it a state of being. The bible says if you are not with the Creator God who made all humans but takes to heaven only those who wish to go there, rest are listening to the fallen deceiver the devil taken with him to hell.

          • 6


            I was watching a documentary on the “Alawites” recently. Despite being “Muslim” on the surface, they incorporated elements of Christianity as well as “reincarnation” into their religion. “The Alawites believe in reincarnation and metempsychosis, which is the idea that a soul can inhabit different bodies, including animals. They also believe that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, is a divine incarnation of God.” This is why the Sunni hate them so much. Since these kinds of beliefs would be classified as “heresy” in “orthodox” Islam. But the point is, Buddhists and Hindus were living in the Middle East a very long time ago, up until the time Muhammad smashed the idols at the Kaaba.

          • 1

            Hello DTG,
            All Religions, including yours, have “blind beliefs”. Humans are fallible beings, we invented the Gods to explain what we couldn’t. Prior to the invention of writing most knowledge was passed on orally or practically by example. My ancestors built Stone Circles, Megalithic Monuments, Burial Chambers and the most Ornate Depictions of various creatures (even long forgotten Elephants) on Stone Slabs. After the entry of Christianity these upright Stones also incorporated the Christian Cross. There was (still there) one of these Pictish Stones about 200 metres from my Gt Grandmother’s House on the banks of Loch Kinord. 500 metres behind her house there were the remains of an Iron Age Village and a Beaker Folk Burial Site. I do not know any of their names or whether they are in Nirvana, but I inherited quite a bit of their DNA. Compared with these people yours is a very recent Religion. But are you any more right than them?
            Best regards

          • 1

            I strongly believe that the good you do will come back to you and help you move forward. Helping others, regardless of religious beliefs, is a good thing. I volunteer/ed my support to older people whenever I get the opportunity. During my student days, I was overwhelmed by various problems, including college fees, but I took the time to help seniors in a home, by shopping for their daily needs etc. It was very beneficial for my psychology and balance. It is always good to do something for others without expecting any return.
            Although I respect the true Buddhist teachings, I do not really follow Buddhist myths and Jataka stories.
            In general, I believe that any religious belief can guide you to some extent, but you should not go crazy about anything.
            There is a zebra crossing near my place of residence, where people have to stop their vehicles coming from the road, and there I usually see a male priest (guess in early 70ties, a white german) from a church I know, the way he does it, he makes different gestures rather showing him being guided 24/7 by God. As if God commanded him to cross the road safely. I am speechless. Some people like DTG behave like that today. His peers in Anurapura do the same.


            We should not be slaves to religion, race or anything else.
            The Magdeburg (Germany) massacre opened our eyes these days, as did the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka, which injured hundreds of innocent visitors and pilgrims and killed hundreds more. Overall, it is clear that there is more hatred than peace of mind in people in this world.

      • 1

        SJ, did you know that dust is alive.?
        A lot of dust is bits of your own dead cells.
        Isn’t that disgusting?

        • 2

          amrit, what about the rest of the dust that you plant mangoes and eat them. Juicy, not disgusting

      • 3

        Some dust comprises microbes, but not most, which comprise inorganic matter.
        The OT BS has no bearing on this.

        • 1

          SJ, some dust you will be covered with when you die, whether buried or burnt and thrown out. The putrefying bacteria will eat your flesh.

        • 2

          The dust defined by people like Bible parrots is a far cry from the dust we know. Dust can contain microorganisms and all sorts of other inanimate particles. As a person with dust allergies, I am very concerned about a dust-free environment when I travel around the world and in hotel rooms.

  • 1

    Disappointing essay. There is very little pun and no fun reading the ramblings of another ‘Doctor’. I read to the end expecting the punch line, which I could not find. The only fun was the stamp size image of the ex-speaker dressed in a polar bear costume…………………

  • 2

    Nooooo……That’s not how Santa Clause works! Santa Clause is….Quantum! ✨ He works on a Quantum Mechanics scale. He is somewhere and everywhere on Christmas night. His two hands are actually 2,000,000 ones. His reindeer, a great many. He is the American version of the Hindu God Vishnu. He did so many good things in his lifetime, that when he died, he was granted those powers by God Almighty. Man’s mere calculations just don’t cut it (but it was still interesting to read). And Japan might just decide to confer the title of Dr. onto Mr. Ranwala….they didn’t accept his Biochemistry thesis at one time because it had elements of Socialism in it (the corporate profit element was not there), but they will reconsider. 👨🏽‍🎓

    • 5

      “And Japan might just decide to confer the title of Dr. onto Mr. Ranwala….they didn’t accept his Biochemistry thesis at one time because it had elements of Socialism in it (the corporate profit element was not there), but they will reconsider.”

      RAN-WALA (Gold pit) or ASUCHI-WALA (poop pit) If someone like that could get a PhD none of us would be risking our lives in labs.

      I am saddened to hear that the power to award “Honorary Doctorates” to several different institutions across Sri Lanka has been destroyed by the Sri Lankan idiots closest to the Rajapaksas, which has given higher education a place. There is a huge difference between earned PhDs and honorary PhDs as we know it. Let’s not award such stupid titles to any monkey in our hell, like Laksiri Fernando or the like, so-called scholars, were among those who were complicit in such scandals.. There was a person called “Keethi Dissanayake/Valampuri Man” who promoted the myth using artificially produced “Valampuri” worth between 0.7 and 1 million rupees in Sri Lanka. Since those Valampuri were initially considered by politicians (Rajapaksas), the business community has been completely misled.

    • 2

      rtf, don’t pretend you are all knowing to work out how Santa works. Have you met him.

      • 4

        “rtf, don’t pretend you are all knowing “
        If you will permit me to blab a little, isn’t that what you do all the time? You claim to know what God thinks. Ramona doesn’t.

        • 3

          My dear OC,
          For some reason, DTG behaves like he’s a brother of God. Why is that? Every time I’m forced to read about DTG, Depserate DS and Lester, what goes through my head is that I should check their DNA sequences. Researchers believe that some are not phenotypically distinct, but they are completely different from due to their own genetics.

          • 3

            leelagemalli, by whose authority do you think you can check other people’s DNA sequences. Not seen such pride and arrogance.

        • 2

          Yeah DTG!

        • 1

          old codger, you can know what God thinks as it is already written in the bible

          • 2

            So, you agree that adulterous women must be stoned to death as in Leviticus?

            • 1

              The Pope himself has condemned Israel for killing innocent civilians. Are you saying that you know the Bible better?

              • 0

                The Pope is sympathetic towards the highlighted starving children in Gaza. Children all over the world have the same issue. Gaza was the inheritance of Judah, Josh.16, 47 and the Philstine giants invaded and lived in 5 cities there. Later King David had to war to take back Jerusalem. 2 Sam.5,7 and defeated the Philistines who stole the Ark and their Dagon fell down. In fear they returned the Ark back. It was brought to Jerusalem to build the Temple there. All this lost on old codger.

              • 0

                The Pope is not good enough for a BA Christian.

              • 0

                That is why I call him a parrort. OMG.

            • 0

              old codger, at THAT time, adulterous women producing idolatrous families was a national disaster which you can never understand.

          • 0

            DTG…….Jesus, the Son of God/God incarnated/ God’s emissary is the one who directly knows and said what God thinks. All the other writings of the Bible are allusions to what God thinks, some of which have been inspired by Satan himself (like King Herod’s descendant/reincarnation, Nethernyahu).

    • 3

      Hello Ramona,
      Santa Claus is not American. Try reading some history and stop rambling. He was around a long time before the Europeans stole the indigenous American Lands. That was one of the slightly older Genocides perpetrated by the British and others.
      Best regards

      • 0

        We ALL know that, LS! But it was the Americans who took Santa to the world……talk about rambling…..🙄

      • 1

        She may be basing her history on the Book of the Mormons

  • 4

    Dr. U.Pethiyagoda, At this age, you could have found the answer by now. Parliament is one crazy dram-soc anyway for those who have studied in the best religious schools.

    • 3

      The crazy dram-soc is much safer than any theocracy or fascism.

  • 4

    It is clear that this world is full of fairy tales and myths, both religious and cultural.
    Some of us always thought that this was limited to the “South Asian region with a quarter of the world’s population” where stupidity prevails in many ways through religious means. But if you live in the West, you will find that some myths dominate the Western world too. The unique power of myths sown by previous generations has not yet been surpassed by scientific discoveries.
    These myths influence a person’s life depending on the psychic powers of each of us and go beyond all other influences of our lives, perhaps even those of other beings inherited by birth or by some other art and means.
    We observe that men and women of the CT commentator DTG type or similar fall for the simplest tricks played on them by the media or elsewhere. They are predestined to be completely brainwashed with all the stories.

    • 4


      A good example is an old lady from my neighborhood who never got vaccinated against COVID-19 because of her unwavering strong attachment to superstition. However, she is a physically strong person who even at the age of 75 still rode her bicycle like a teenager would. It is only thanks to her strong immunity and spiritual power that she has survived previous virus attacks. She is now almost 80 years old and her spiritual powers are even stronger than they were a few years ago.
      There is nothing in their (such people’s mind) minds except fairy tales or other narratives. This religious and cultural background still dominates even as subsequent generations improve their knowledge of the real world through science, medicine, technology and other fields.
      The current writer is right when he says that there are no flying reindeer species in the world yet today, but the myth persists. Similarly, Buddhist stories teach us that Prince Siddhartha experienced a miraculous walk after birth. In fact, human babies do not start walking until they are 12 or 18 months old.

      Thousands of myths are woven into our education for different reasons, and no human being has evolved without religious and cultural influence.

    • 2

      leelagemalli, you are completely brain washed with the myth of a non existent nirvana. Who is there as billions have died already. When Jesus resurrected, he was the same Jesus. Ridiculous to believe that you can become SJ or old codger or LankaScot or S_M or even simply vanish from this world.

      • 0

        Hello DTG,
        “Ridiculous to believe that you can become SJ or old codger or LankaScot or S_M or even simply vanish from this world”.
        Maybe you can tell us where Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went?
        Best regards

  • 4

    Let’s pay attention to this helpless man’s request. He seems very genuine. Religious crimes are being swept under the carpet.

  • 8

    “He feasted on the Myth of “Organic Agriculture,””

    Organic agri is not a myth, despite Gotha’s miscalculations relative to fertilizer. The idea was good, the approach was wrong. Refer to this article: “Pesticides in food linked to ADHD in kids” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/pesticides-food-linked-adhd-kids-flna1c9455626. The doctor referenced in the article says, “It’s been shown that people who switch to an organic diet knock down the levels of pesticide by-products in their urine by 85 to 90 percent.” This is not a Sri Lankan issue per se. It is a global issue. Big pharmaceutical companies are making billions off the backs of people consuming unhealthy GMO foods. As are the food and beverage co’s that make these products. Politicians are obviously silent because they need the donations.

    • 1

      Hello Lester
      It was not due to “miscalculations relative to fertilizer”. Gotabaya’s Government had no Foreign Currency to pay for anything, never mind Fertilisers. The Organic angle was a scam and everyone knows it.
      Best regards

      • 9

        ” The Organic angle was a scam and everyone knows it.”

        Can you prove it? Were you the one selling the fertilizer?

        • 2

          Hello Lester,
          I was in Sri Lanka at the time and my Brother in Law couldn’t get any Fertiliser for his crops. His Supplier told him that the Government didn’t have any Dollars hence the attempts to buy the Chinese Seaweed Fertiliser. We all know the repercussions of that debacle, don’t we? Or maybe not, you weren’t here.
          Best regards

          • 3

            If Lester disagrees with something, it is not a matter of seeking truth. He is dreaming to be on top (similarly to that of RANWALA whose credentials are fake as of today), I think it is a psychological issue. So anyone with intelligence knows that Gota’s organic debacle was introduced without proper study.

            Australia, Germany, France and many other powerful countries have tried it in the last 30 years, but they have failed to achieve their ultimate goal of creating a leading organic world.
            Gota’s cronies have not done enough homework to maintain the so-called high mindedness of the current government. That is clear to the people today, when the Prime Minister and senior ministers appear in public and behave like political cadres.

            • 6

              This individual Leela supports former president Chandrika who was the biggest “hora” in SL history. She was convicted of fraud in the “Water’s Edge” case by the Supreme Court. Leela is so dim that he doesn’t know CBK’s relatives are still doing scams with Basil Rajapakse and others. There is not enough space to give all the details here. Public info!

      • 4

        If all these deadly pesticides are killing people, why is the population increasing?

        • 2

          Hello OC,
          Here is a memory jogger for Lester, his Alzheimer’s is getting worse. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/05/sri-lanka-organic-farming-crisis/

          Best regards

          • 2

            Is it possible for someone to pretend to have Alzheimers at convenient times?

            • 2

              Is the Alzheimers getting worse because Lester isn’t wearing a tin-foil hat while using his mobile?

          • 5

            Hello Scot,

            The fertilizer ban was not Gothabaya’s idea originally:

            ““There is a section of the Sri Lankan NGO society and civil society, which has been arguing for the spread of organic farming in Sri Lanka for quite a while. … This has also been actively supported by many international groups,” R. Ramakumar, an agricultural economist at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India, told me.”


            Secondly, the government ran out of money after the fertilizer ban, not before. The fertilizer ban contributed to a decline in agricultural productivity. But the reason the government ran out of money has nothing to do with fertilizer. It could not re-pay the debt on short-term loans. Because of COVID-19, new sources of financing dried up. Without COVID, the government could have found a new lender or engaged in debt restructuring.

            Also worth noting: most of the farmers originally supported the fertilizer ban: https://www.veriteresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/VR_EN_Insights_Sep2021_Organic-Fertiliser-Transition-in-Sri-Lanka.pdf

            • 2

              “Secondly, the government ran out of money after the fertilizer ban, not before”-High-IQ genius.
              Public knowledge:
              “The Sri Lankan government has announced a plan to lift the ban on vehicle imports in phases, imposed since March 2020”
              “In May 2021, the Sri Lankan government imposed a ban on the import of chemical fertilizers and other agrochemicals: “
              So, more than a year earlier, the government ran out of money.
              Even three wheeler drivers know that lies have to be believable.

              • 5

                In May 2021, the Sri Lankan government banned the import and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, with the goal of promoting organic agriculture:

                Sri Lanka declared the country was suspending payment on most foreign debt from April 12, 2022

                Some people are so stupid, you have to come up with a new definition of stupid. In any case, now we have clear evidence that the government did not stop buying fertilizer because it ran out of money.

                • 1

                  Hello Lester,
                  Edinburgh University did an Analysis of the Sri Lanka Media handling of the Pesticide Ban
                  You wrote “In any case, now we have clear evidence that the government did not stop buying fertilizer because it ran out of money.”
                  Edinburgh University said – “No consistent reason behind the ban was however presented; some emphasised the importance of moving toward organic farming as a wider agricultural and environmental goal while only a few articles suggested the decision was political and motivated by the financial crisis” https://centrepsp.org/media/blog/how-pesticide-bans-are-represented-in-the-media-exploring-sri-lankas-2021-import-ban/
                  Another Report in “The Conversation” stated that the Foreign currency reserves position was dire “By early May [2021] it was barely US$50 million”. They continued “This was marketed as a policy to promote organic farming, but really it was about cutting demand for foreign currency”. https://theconversation.com/how-did-sri-lanka-run-out-of-money-5-graphs-that-explain-its-economic-crisis-187352
                  Bankrupt people know long before the Crunch comes that they are running out of money
                  So please show your clear evidence.
                  Best regards

              • 1

                old codger,
                Your wording tells that you feel that lifting the ban is in order. I disagree. Let those individual(s) applying for permit show cause why their request ought to be met.

                • 1

                  No, that’s not my wording. It’s from a website. I am totally against car imports at this time, just as I think it is stupid to upgrade Air Force for 50 million USD.
                  But there are some high-IQ Rajapaksa worshipping retards who can’t understand that the government banned vehicle imports because it had no money, long before it couldn’t import fertilizer.
                  This is the same high-IQ idiot that thinks December 21st is the holiest day for Christians and that May 2021 is earlier than March 2020.

          • 1

            btw, do you celebrate Christmas!
            I hope they solve all the food shortages in Sri Lanka soon so that Christians and others can finally celebrate their religious festivals.

            • 2

              Scot celebrates Christmas on the 25th. Lester, being high-IQ, celebrates on the 21st. I can stand in the queue any day.🤣🤣

              • 5

                An old senile pervert who thinks people celebrate Christmas only on one day. 🤣🤣

                • 1

                  Exact quote:
                  “Lester / December 22, 2024
                  5 1
                  Hello Scot,
                  It makes little sense. Supposedly “hated” Muslims, but attacked Christians on their holiest day? “
                  Alzheimers coupled with arrogance seems worse than senility.

                  • 0

                    What’s more, the idiot doesn’t know that Christmas isn’t the “holiest day” for Christians. How pathetic.

                • 2

                  Lester, old codger keeps inhumanly blabbing. Needs a brain transplant

              • 1

                Hello OC,
                25th of December was Christmas for most of us, however some Families celebrated around the 6th January giving presents then. I don’t know why as they were all Church of Scotland, however Aberdeen did have quite a few historical connections to Bruges and parts of the Netherlands. Aberdeen also traded with the Hanseatic League Countries.
                Best regards and have a Happy Christmas

                • 1

                  Thank you.
                  Jan 6th is the end of the Cristmas season. ” Partridges in pear trees” etc. But for the Armenians it is Christmas Day. For others, including Russians and some Indians, it’s Jan.7th.
                  But Germans don’t celebrate it on Dec 21st.

                • 1

                  This may explain it:
                  Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th each year.

            • 3

              Hello Leelagemalli,
              As Children we were the same as all the other Families and had Christmas Presents and Christmas Dinner. The Christians appropriated our Mid-Winter Pagan Festival and made it theirs despite Jesus having been born around the 4th of January (apparently).
              We never had (or missed) the Christian trappings of Christmas, no prayers or similar Mumbo jumbo. Not even Burns’ “Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat and we can eat, And sae the Lord be thankit” The Selkirk Grace” By the way Robert Burns was a Freemason (1781) and wrote quite a bit on the Hypocrisy of the Churchy People.
              Best regards and have a Happy Christmas

              • 1

                Hello Scot,

                You claimed that Gothabaya banned fertilizers because the government ran out of money. But you are unable to explain why the same government declared bankruptcy around one year after banning fertilizers. As usual, your mate the Magistrate won’t be too pleased. Last time you were vouching for terrorist graveyards that lacked permits and were built with drug money. Now you are using the brother-in-law to make spurious claims against an ex-President. By the way, did you see what your HTS comrades did to the grave of Hafez al-Assad? Besides pouring liquid of a certain caliber upon it, they also set the grave on fire. Being a master of semantic tomfoolery, no doubt you could find a justification.

          • 1

            Hello Scot,

            Regarding Alzheimers, you know I don’t place much emphasis on the “superiority” of humans. So human “disease” is just another malfunction we can ascribe to the limitations of organic matter. Even Carl Sagan admits there are other civilizations with beings who possess technology far superior to that of humans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-yqVHrQP2Q&ab_channel=NeildeGrasseTysonVideos.

            Sorry to crash your atheist party, but the evidence of such “planets” is predicted by Buddhism. If you become expert at “Vipassana Meditation”, you might be able to “communicate” with your old comrades Deif, Sinwar, Nasrallah, Hitler, and the rest of the anti-Israel gang. I don’t know what plane of existence they reside on, since I have no interest in meeting them. You could also consult a medium, they are very good at this sort of thing.

            • 0

              “Regarding Alzheimers, you know I don’t place much emphasis on the “superiority” of humans. “
              Except Brahmins and Jews, of course. And mathematical idiots.

            • 1

              Hello Lester,
              You just don’t understand Carl Sagan, do you? Patrick Moore asked Carl a question – “If there are other Civilisations ….. they must have very advanced Technologies”
              Carl Sagan answers ” there are stars that are Billions of years older than our Sun … and therefore I can imagine civilisations immensely beyond the capabilities of our own”
              So Carl Sagan does NOT as you suggest “admits there are other civilizations with beings who possess technology far superior to that of humans”
              Also on the question of “Teleportation and Thought Transference” Sagan replies “There is very little in Science which is absolutely out of the question, but I don’t know of ANY evidence which suggests that we should invest a lot of time and money on those particular ventures”.
              And by the way the Buddhists believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth. All of the modern Translations of Buddhism use anachronistic terms for Buddhist Cosmological ramblings.
              The rest of your comment is just that – Ramblings. Go back and watch the Video bearing in mind my points.
              Best regards

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