By Granville Perera –
A war winning decorated military hero, who was court marshaled, stripped of his medals and humiliated by the Rajapaksa brothers regained his honour with the election of Maithripala Sirisena to the Executive Office. He was acquitted of all charges, his medals returned, pension and other retirement benefits restored. He was later promoted to the rank of Field Marshall, the first military officer to rise to this rank in Sri Lankan military history. Yesterday, he along with his wife Anoma (who was reappointed by President Sirisena as the Chairperson of the Ranaviru Seva Authority) participated in the military celebrations opposite the parliament in Battaramulla commemorating the military victory against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). During the Rajapaksa regime, Sarath Fonseka was denied even the opportunity to participate in the grandiose victory celebrations that was the hallmark of the Rajapaksa administration.
While he along with the commanders of the other forces should have been given the credit of defeating terrorism, Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mahinda Rajapaksa have continued to deny it and claim credit for themselves to the extent that all records of Filed Marshall Sarath Fonseka had been erased from the war history. Gotabaya had selected and worked with field commanders like Shavindra Silva, Jagath Dias, Kamal Gunaratne etc. who probably reported to the political/ administrative leadership directly and not to the commander of the army. The international community and the Tamil Diaspora accused all of them including Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka of committing war crimes and excesses during the war.
The current government of Maithripala Sirisena has gone out of the way to appease and promote Sarath Fonseka to the coveted rank of Field Marshal. This may have been done in gratitude for his role in ensuring the regime change in January 2015. Did he reign in the military and ensured their neutrality or did he play an even bigger role by preventing a coup? The government has even gone to the extent of renaming a road in his honour, while he is still alive, a trend that was created by none other than Mahinda Rajapaksa and followed by many of the contemporary politicians.
While there should be recognition for the soldiers who scarified their lives to rid the country of the scourge of terrorism, it is important that all the war dead is recognized. This should include the large number of Tamils (fighters and civilians) who were killed in the three-decade conflict; after all they are citizens of Sri Lanka.
In lieu of President Maithripala Sirisena’s solemn promise to the international community of a credible internal inquiry of military excesses, the country needs to deals with any rogue military personnel who may have violated the basic rules of war and may be liable for punishment for war crimes. This would include commanders including Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka who has been accused of committing war crimes. It is only a credible Sri Lankan investigation and punishment to the violators of law that could keep the vultures from the Diaspora and international community away from destroying the hard fought stability that prevails today in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s civil society too has conveniently forgotten that Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka as the commander of the army should also be held responsible for the military excesses if any, during the final stages of the war.
Why is the international community, the Tamil Diaspora and the Sri Lankan Civil Society who screamed at Gotabaya as a mass murderer silent on the rebirth of Sarath Fonseka in uniform, He should have taken orders only from the commander in chief, Mahinda Rajapaksa and if he took orders from any other Rajapaksa, other than Mahinda Rajapaksa, he too should be held responsible for the large number of civilian deaths through the use of heavy armory and shelling of civilians who were held as human shields by the LTTE. Ample evidence of civilian causalities is provided by the award-winning Channel 4 documentary on the final days of the Sri Lanka war against the LTTE.
A large number of Sri Lankan’s dreamt of ridding the despotic regime of the Rajapaksa’s by electing Sarath Fonseka in the presidential race of 2010. Yet, quite a number of his staunch supporters sighed a breath of relief when he was not elected as President. This was because of his arrogance, and military style of administration he displayed during the last weeks of his presidential campaign. His iron-fisted approach was also evident from the style he tried to manage his party after his release from prison that led to some of the senior cadres leaving the party.
Remembrance day NOT War Hero’s Day is what Maithripala Sirisena promised. With Mahinda Rajapaksa’s continued attack claiming that the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe administration was betraying the war heroes, Sirisena followed the Rajapaksa style of celebrating the end of the war. A sad end to a noble idea of honouring all the war dead.
Thiru / May 21, 2015
When will a proper international war crimes investigations start on these culprits seen in the photo above:
That will bring a fitting end to these(illegal) war victory celebrations.
Jangi Hora / May 21, 2015
Fonseka played politics while in Uniform. He disgraced the Military. He dishonored every military man who served the country with bravery and valler. That is the difference here. Fonseka bit the USA bullet. He committed treason on the country. If it was any other country Fonseka would have been executed.
len / May 21, 2015
Question which any country Hora the brave patriot. Suppose you were at the front line fighting the terrorist oops no sorry supporting Rajapaksa.
Lasantha & Sooriyarachchi / May 22, 2015
The difference is that Gota is a DESERTER and FM is NOT.
TREASON 2 is saying (in Jan 2009) that the army shelled the hospital which dishonored every military man who were served the country with bravery and valler:
DISHONOUR is politicizing the military, extra judicial killings, white vans, family theft and creating disharmony between communities by targeting small communities etc, etc.
LAST, but not least, the bs artist is the US CITIZEN, jangi and bullet what not..
Basil has been betraying the troop valour since 2006:
Mahinda did not want to fight and never did throughout his plitical career, he was pushed to it by you know who, aJHU, PNM, ect…
upul jayasooriya / May 22, 2015
What you fail to realise is that when our gallant forces wre finishing off the war, Sarath Fonseka was having a family vacation in China – All paid by the Chinese Government
M. Sirisena / May 24, 2015
We live in the 21st century with modern communication and technology.
The war was won 99%, his strategy was well implemented, only a fool and a LTTE sympathizer would think that we were going to lose the last 1% to mop up, the last few fragments of land and tigers, that was a fight for the Sergeants and Corporals. Unlike mud-slingers like you, SF was confident of the ability of his troops, having to meet a deadline for the Chinese armoured vehicles.
SF’s infantry innovations and unique strategies to world military history:
The famous 3 year plan for outright victory, envisaged a decade before……………a rare vision:
Fonseka establishing the defences of Jaffna in 2002 and putting a stop to the unceasing waves in 2000:
Maj. Gen. Janaka Perera’s conditions to take over the task of being Northern Commander; Field Marshal has to be Jaffna Commander (due to MaRa, this hero is no more):
Fonseka introduces the Mechanized Infantry Regiment:
MR was also out the last week, Mahendran offering Prabakaran sea planes:
Percy was affraid of Velu, Fonny was’nt of both the evil.
len / May 21, 2015
Thiru your name sake Antony the pseudo intellectual at this very moment arguing the case on behalf of LTTE at Haig.
vishvajith / May 21, 2015
Dear Thiru, if I may, pose another pov, the Tamil Community must also look at itself in the mirror, for not accepting a political solution when a viable offer was on the table. The ground situation was then far advantageous to the LTTE and their advisers asked them to go for broke, and lost.
The Tamil Community can’t absolve it’s responsibility for what happened in the Vanni.
f=ma / May 21, 2015
according to Thiru, we are all war criminals.. but isn’t your savior SF, who was in command of the army, was the one which all the Tamils voted for? I have heard stories of the army being fearful of SF when he was in command but then why did he wait till his election campaign to speak about war crimes, couldn’t he have stopped it from happening by over-ruling the Rajapakshes?.. if you want justice, first question SF.
punchinilame / May 22, 2015
A legal question – if these culprits are tried once locally, they are not liable to
face a 2nd Inquiry for the same offence/s elsewhere – say at Hauge. If this is the
correct position, US/UN are are aware of it and are pressing for a domestic Inquiry
only? Can someone explain this situation further please? The UN regulations too
require exhaustion of a domestic process/inquiry before stepping into the next level?
Jeevendiran / May 21, 2015
This bloody Sinhala people are allowed to honour their dead but not our Tamil people who sacrificed their lives. The Tamils died because they were victimised by the Sinhala government. Atleast now, they should be honoured
Hela Raja / May 21, 2015
CT should not allow this kind of racist and disgusting comments under their comments policy. By way of a response to this disgusting omment:
The “bloody” are the Tamils, with their hands drenched with the blood of 60000 innocent victims of their terrorism.
The Tamils died not because they were victimised but because ater independence they were (and are) too greedily trying to cling on to the privileges they received from the British and Americans for betraying the country they lived in.
They should not be honoured but their graves deserve to be desecrated.
Splatt / May 21, 2015
Don’t worry machan. Jeevendiran, Thiru, Cholan, missing Mahavir etc are living abroad in safety and batting for Eelam. This is the only way they have to vent their spleens….in a Sri Lankan site!
I suspect that CT allows such comments because they cause outrage and increase the readership. Similarly with the articles by Usha SS, Rudra and other imbeciles.
Eelam will never happen. ‘The Hague’ will never happen. The US understands what is possible and what is not.
chOlan / May 21, 2015
@ Spalatt
he he he .dream ….
last regime licked Greater China …new regime lick USA ……
The result is going t be pathetic …
Don’t worry either Greater China or West will divide this country …till then dance
gamini / May 21, 2015
You taking pride that all you have mentioned are living out of the country, do you imply that none can comment as a citizen living in this country? Shows exactly what these crow about. It is no wonder the Tamils took up arms, thanks to bloody idiots like you. You have the audacity to boast yet.
Splatt / May 22, 2015
Gamini you ask me ‘do you imply…?’.. without waiting for an answer you condemn me…and then deduce that the Tamils took up arms because of people’s comments…..and then say that I am boastful…what a bloody idiot you are.
Jeevendiran / May 22, 2015
Yes, this is how you controlled the entire Tamil population by shutting their voice. Now, you are trying to stop even CT from giving the Tamils a voice. This shows the bloody Sinhala chauvinism that has prevailed in Sri Lanka always. Please be aware, stifling moderate voices will only bring the guns back to our demands. Sri Lanka (including Tamils and Sinhalese) need peace and that is achievable through dialogue.
max / May 21, 2015
You can honor innocent tamils but not brutal tamils like VP, Pottu, Bala, Susei, VP’s son etc., who were the deadliest of deadly meat eaters in the entire world history! The present TNA politikkas including its big man ex-judge whose duty is fan the communal hatred also should be punished for trying to defecate wounds now gradually fading out.
cholan / May 21, 2015
When you heard these above said names you wet your pant just few year ago ….
@ max
why on earth you shiv when you hear LTTE ???
Sihalese from cradle to grave live with fear ……
So so you expect Tamils must shut up and accept what your grand father..father..cousins..uncle did to them from 1956 to 1983 plus 2009 May?
Last week just 100 Sinhala thugs students at Eastern University attacked a Tamil govt. officer for playing Tamil national anthem indeed this is in practice since 1948 …..
So Tamil must shut up ????
Few days ago jaffna public attacked a police station and courts following the rape of a school girl..
MURDERPAKSE liberated N-E …but people can’t walk on streets even during day time because of tis modaya liberation
dave / May 21, 2015
Who told your Tamil people to sacrifice their lives. they sacrificed their lives to kill sinhala babies smashing to coconut trees, opening the wombs of pregnant mothers , killing innocent men women and children.
Sri Lankan military is not just hero they super heroes… because they eliminated the evil LTTE from our mother land.
Paul / May 21, 2015
‘Screaming At Gota & Silent On Fonseka, Why?’
Maithri needs the support of someone from the Sinhala Buddhist right as well as somebody from the military. In SF he has ‘two birds with one stone’. Gota is discredited because of his own and his family’s activities but Fonseka is not so greatly discredited.
This is just my suggestion as to the reason. Don’t claim to be an expert, unlike…..!
Amarasiri / May 21, 2015
RE:Screaming At Gota & Silent On Fonseka, Why?
1. “A war winning decorated military hero, who was court marshaled, stripped of his medals and humiliated by the Rajapaksa brothers regained his honour with the election of Maithripala Sirisena to the Executive Office. He was acquitted of all charges, his medals returned, pension and other retirement benefits restored. He was later promoted to the rank of Field Marshall, the first military officer to rise to this rank in Sri Lankan military history. Yesterday, he along with his wife Anoma (who was reappointed by President Sirisena as the Chairperson of the Ranaviru Seva Authority) participated in the military celebrations opposite the parliament in Battaramulla commemorating the military victory against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). During the Rajapaksa regime, Sarath Fonseka was denied even the opportunity to participate in the grandiose victory celebrations that was the hallmark of the Rajapaksa administration.”
2. “While he along with the commanders of the other forces should have been given the credit of defeating terrorism, Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Mahinda Rajapaksa have continued to deny it and claim credit for themselves to the extent that all records of Filed Marshall Sarath Fonseka had been erased from the war history.”
The Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa Family Regime wanted to depicted as Rajaoaksas as the Second Coming of King Dushta Gamini,(Teriible Gamini), generally known as Dutu-Gamunu, for his defeat of the Tamil King Elara.
Mahinda Rajapaksa, wanted to be second Dutu-Gamunu, and get all the Glory for Himself and the Family. That Required a Villan, Velupillai Prabakan,VP, the Terrible, to be defeated. The Problem was that VP, was defeated by Sarath Fonseka, and he had to be sidelined, in order for Dushta Rajapaksa to prevail as the new Duttu-Gamunu.
So, the election of Mr. Maitripala Sirisena as President, brings the True Hero, Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka, to the rightful place in History, and will expose the Dushta( Terrible) Rajapaksa and his Dushta (Terrible) Brothers in the history of Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
Raja Raja Chatu Raja.. Mara Raja Chatu Mara…
“He thought he was the Shahanshah (King of all Kings)”
[Edited out]
CHOlan / May 21, 2015
Guys don’t worry ..
DOGGABAYA and MARSHALL FIELD …with MURDERPAKSE .will be at ICC at The Hague soon
max / May 21, 2015
Why so Cholan? For giving your northern brothers a space to breath and all fellow Sri Lankans to live in a peaceful country while blood thirst murderers like you to fan separatism among tamils?
thrishu / May 21, 2015
Let us see first what the writers like this do to appease the the remainder of the country for all the murders that their hero VP had committed, instead of lighting lamps. Till then, we are not interested in the baying of mad dogs. [Edited out]
cholan / May 21, 2015
Don’t hear about the butchering..loot and rapes of Tamils from 1956 to 1983 by your grand father,,,father ,,uncle ..cousins ????
and this is the reason for the birth of LTTE…..understand???
sanchay / May 21, 2015
Yes we tamils can mourn our dead but not the dead of terrorists like VP & Co.. Can you tell what do we have gained with the actions of terrorism until now? and is our life became better in Sri Lanka with the actions of terrorism. Of course the lifes of war supporting diaspora Tamils has become comfortable in the west but at the cost of Tamils stayed back in Sri Lanka. How can you justify this Cholan? Yes of course the Tamil terrorism was the result of and the answer to Sinhala racial politics since 1948 but it does not rationalize the killing of innocent civilians, either it be Singhalese, Tamils or Muslims and more over LTTE has killed or was responsible for the killing of lots of Tamil civilians and they have erradicated a huge number of the Tamil juths who were the members of other groups. How can this be justified, do they have the sole right to fight for the rights of the Tamils. The war was a business for VP & Co later on. you cannot keep on hiding behind the racist politics of the Singhala govts. and going on killing freeks.
And for the gang rape and killing of Tamil girls who is responsible? not the Rajapakse or the Singhalese but our own Tamil idiots. Why are you then scolding the others for your own mistakes? Why dont you start protesting against these murderous freeks., Cholan.
CHOLAN / May 21, 2015
@ Sanchey
The rape and murder of this school girl show the beauty of the peace in North-East …..where for every 5 Sinhala army for each 1 Tamil person and 100 s of Sinhala police officers roaming…
But girls can not go to school…..
It is your grandfather..father..uncle..cousins because of their actions from 1956 to 1983…..are responsible for the birth of LTTE..
If anyone think they can rule a minority by force they are badly mistaken…
lal / May 22, 2015
To Cholan,
I agree with your sentiment that even with the presence of large number of Sri Lankan military and police presence in the North, Tamil barbarism persist. Therefore, it not the right time to pull the troops back from the North. As you suggested it was Tamil political leaders Chelva, Ponna bothers, Sunda (uncles and grandfathers of Tamil racism and casteism) produced VP the scumba; be assured the fellow has been put down in a fitting manner (photo available). Their racist rants against the Sinhalese goes beyond 1956, to more like 1930s. The raping and murder of this young girl ought to be condemned outright and the perpatrators dealt with harsh penalties. Wiggy and his TNA mates are silent but I can assure you the Sri lankan will act decisively.
cholan / May 22, 2015
If TAMILS talk about their deprived rights it is terrorism ….????
one person`s freedom fighter is another person s terrorists e.g.,Subas Chandra Bose
To this day not a single Sinhala press mentioned about the rape of this girls instead stoning of Police station and courts by emotional Tamils was the headline ..and BBS went and said this is against Sinhalese in Jaffan ..this is the way things happend since 1956..why?
What about the Tamils raped by your Sinhala forces before and after 2009 ???
To this day since 1956 not a Sinhalese was punished by law for anti Tamil riots….why???
What Tamils in N_E need immediately their own police force …
.it is the MURDERPAKSE & DOGGABAYA introduce drugs and liquor plus southern prostitutes into N_E
Finally the Tamil affair has gone out of Sri Lanka now ….sorry
The division of this country is inevitable ..this time either Greater China / West will do this
Sanchay / May 22, 2015
Cholan it shows your prejudice against anybody who opposes your opinion. How come you assumes that I am not from the same community as yours? Because I am a Tamil should I keep my mouth shut at the face of our wrongs done by our “BOYS”? I wouldnt do that… may be you are blind in one eye. I lived through the most part of the 30 years war in Jaffna and even then I didnot take it for granted how the LTTE and other Terrorists treated the Tamils as hostages on their way to power, but actually they were supposedly fighting for their freedom. Can you explain to me why LTTE, EPRLF, TELO and all who claimed to be fighting for the freedom cooperated at some time with the enemy? Who killed or should I better say massacered TELO , PLOT and others???
For your referrence please read todays CT:”This Year Marks The 25th Anniversary Of Kattankudy Massacre”
ease read this in todays CT: “This Year Marks The 25th Anniversary Of Kattankudy Massacre”
Jeevendiran / May 22, 2015
Sanchay, There was a time that our ladies could keep their “pottu” and walk straight because of the fear the coward Sinhalese had for VP. They defeated the Tamil aspiration not through their bravery but by carpet bombing the entire tamil population of the North. You should know, 70,000 people died in the last 4 months of the war, and even hospitals were carpet bombed. So, do not think that you have shut the hopes and aspirations of the Tamil people. You have only silenced them temporarily through the use of heavy armoury and the betrayal of the Tamil people by India.
Sanchay / May 22, 2015
@Jeevndiran: because I am protesting against the means and methods of VP / LTTE and others it does not necessarily mean that I am defending the Singhala nationalistic barbarism or BBS. If I protest against the desrespectful acts against humanity I must have the guts to protest it even if it is carried out by my own community. Everything else is out of pure racism. I experienced how human life was erradicated for no reasons in the hands of LTTE, EPRLF, TELO & Co. IPKF and SL Army and even from people who claimed to have patronage from some other war mongers. Why should it be wrong if SL army or IPKF did this and not if LTTE and others did this?
fazeel Hussain / May 22, 2015
Sarath Fonseka should be kept away from any power because he could be worse than Hitler. We would be pleading for Gota and Mahinda if Sarath Fonseka ever ascends to power. Thank God for Ranil as he knows what he is doing. He has made sure that Fonseka would be kept out of parliament by offering him the field marshal title
Plato. / May 21, 2015
MaRa another DUTUGEMUNU?
You cannot compare incomparables! Besides ,Dutugemunu,is a folk hero.
MaRa is a swindler!
Amarasiri / May 21, 2015
“MaRa another DUTUGEMUNU”
If there is another Dutugamunu, it is Sarath Fonseka,
MaRa is a Liar, Crook, Robber, Swindler, Criminal and deceiver of Modayas, Mootals and Fools.
PS. Plato, how did you manage to live this long? Mediterranean Diet?
justice / May 21, 2015
LTTE members including VP, who surrendered with White Flags as instructed by state officials, were killed on the final days of the war.
This inhuman act by the army – whatever the LTTE did – is a blot on the nation and its armed forces.
Vibhushana / May 21, 2015
The Tamils consider killing top LTTE 100 odd, possibly after surrender a “war crime”…
That wasn’t a war crime but a punishment of a code violation. These top LTTE violated their own code of conduct surrendering.
Over the years they forced other low-caste Tamils to follow the code. Instead of surrendering they should have bitten the cyanide themselves.
cholan / May 21, 2015
@ Vibushana
During the comedy sansoni commission about state sonsored 1983 July Tamil massacre one Buddhist Ayatullah told investigators Tamils killed the Tamils …
Sorry international community will not accept Mahavamsa laws
Ajith / May 21, 2015
There is no doubt that Mahinda, Gotapaya, and Sarath Fonseka are war criminals. Fortunately, the greediness of power between Mahinda and Sarath Fonseka gave an opportunity to get the crimes committed by Mahinda and Gotapaya. Although Sarath Fonseka deny war crimes, those military personal who run away from Mahinda regime have provided substantial truth about the crimes committed by Mahinda & Gotapaya. The international investigation findings will clearly tell the truth about who did what crime. At this stage Maithiri’s actions about corruption of Mahinda & his Family may substitute war crimes and there is a possibility that the impact of the international investigations of war crimes may be not intensive as we expect. Maithiri will form a new governmant and start a negotiation process with TNA and using that as an excuse, there may be another delay on UN release of findings.
vishvajith / May 21, 2015
If a road is named after a Tamil Warrior, then I recommend Balraj Mawatham. Brig. Balraj was a brilliant strategist and gave the state a good fight.
Read about Brig. Balraj here
I salute the many warriors of my motherland. You fought a good fight. Your war is over. Ours has just begun and we fight to bring in the peace, for the absence of war, is not peace.
Onward and upward to my Motherland.
cholan / May 21, 2015
There was a time when SL Army heard the name of BAALRAJ they wet the pants and shiver…..
After all this SL army top brass were trained in western military academy …
BAALRAJ …never got such training and never left his land except for medical treatment…
vishvajith / May 22, 2015
Cholan, the warriors of the State respected Martial Qualities of the warriors of the North. Balraj, Theepan, Soosai et al were all respected by the Srilankan Govt forces.
In a different note, practice follows theory. What people study in training colleges are what has been put to practice by others. Balraj’s exploits, the U-Ambush, the Box Ambush and then the LTTE’s Pasilan Rocket are well documented and now studied by Military Scholars.
Btw, when an STF officer was presenting the Pasilan Rocket to a Defense Conference in Paris, a participant asked ” How the fuck can you send that bloody thing up “. The weight, circumference, ordinance didn’t make sense to the theory available on projectile weapons.
Some contribution to military history our nation made.
Eds / May 21, 2015
Hey Author, there were no Tamil Fighters, only Tamil Terrorists who fought against this nation!
What sort of a trecherous Yaha Palanaya blind worshipper are you?
Oh and by the way, Tell that convicted traitor that he is no longer in the army and according to army traditions and law, he cannot don that coveted uniform which he is so blatantly degrading and violating now.
This is a true slap on the faces of the true heroes who paid with life and limb and never BETRAYED the motherland with WHITE FLAGS!
kali / May 21, 2015
By Granville Perera –
Screaming At Gota & Silent On Fonseka, Why?
*** The answer is simple. They are all part of the Axis of Evil.
SE despite being in charge of the Masacre has vowed to protect his tormentors at the UN by giving evidence that not a Single Tamil was killed by the Army and they were all killed by the LTTE.
How can you shout at your Secret Weapon who is prepared to lie under Oath.
If this is the best Sinhala Lanka can produce you can imagine why an Internal Mechanism will be non partisan.
Donkey / May 21, 2015
War crimes are atrocities effected to other legislated forces of a country and not fighting a tarriest organisation. Time to wake up to the truth. If the Tamil are struggling still to have a separate state get out of SL. If you wish to be recognized as SL’s then stay on and get on with life. Do not listen to the donkeys who live in London, Canada and other parts of the world and preach bull shit to you guys. Who raped the 18y old school girl? Why? Did you copy this trend form India the big bother where all poor quality of life and low lifers hang out. SL was never like this. Rape in Jaffna was not heard of. What happen to your good culture? Get your rich culture back and be proud of it. We all know how hard you guys work cultivating your land. It is always the simple things that matter. Be human and recognise all and not just Tamils.
dave / May 21, 2015
You bloody colombo telegraph.. mouth peace of LTTE…. you publish only people who criticize Sinhalese. shame on your journalism
gamini / May 21, 2015
I believe if SF has a backbone he should directly point at Gota and come out with the truth now, how Gota Ordered the killing of all surrenderees with the white flags in his absence and how Shavendra De Silva accomplished the job. It certainly is no treason but exposing the War Crimes committed that has tarnished the image of the rest of the Forces and the Country. Why should all the Forces be blamed for the megalomania of one? This action will put all the accusation from the UNHCR to rest and the country can move forward with reconciliation. Think SF, think! You once said it and had to retract due to pressure. Now come out with it to settle this issue with the UNHCR for ever. There will not be any need for any further International Investigation. Save this country and free it’s people for good.
Plato. / May 21, 2015
Plato,how did you manage to live this long? Mediterranean Diet?
Perhaps,you are referring to the original Plato; I am however a young Kinsman.Much younger than young Nishantha of Srilankan Airlines!
Jaya / May 22, 2015
When Sri Lanka finished the war against Tamil Tigers, Tamil Diaspora and some western countries started war against Sri Lankan Political Regime not the military Regime,
First they approached Sarath Fonseka and promoted him to contest against Rajapaksa. Somehow Fonseka lost the election. Then they used Geneva and UN against Rajapaksa but yet could not change the regime. Their recent choice was Sirisena who was a close associate of Rajapaksa to contest against Mahinda Rajapaksa. They managed to turn almost all ethnic groups against Rajapaksa including Tamils, Muslims and also SLFP. This time they successfully defeated Rajapaksa. Also this victory made Sirisena a PRISONER of the said Group. Now Sirisena has no choice but to do whatever Tamil Diaspora and “West” wants.
Fonseka was the military boss at the time now there is no serious blame against him on war crimes front just because he is ‘one of them’. All key personnel in previous Regime including Gota are prime targets by the ‘said group’ and Sirisena has no control of stopping any of attacks.
Gota is an enemy while Fonseka is a “CULT” member. This Saga will continue until another government takes power.
upali wijewardene / May 22, 2015
The biggest mistake Sarath Fonseka made was that he did not turn his guns on the Rajapaksa’s. Yes, we would have joined the rest of the countries in the region and had a military coup, but that may have rid the country of the scourge of the Rajapaksas. Any military government would have not lasted too long and our draconian constitution could have been torn and a new constitution with the necessary safeguards for democracy could have been introduced.
kali / May 22, 2015
Granville Perera:
I posted my first comment in a hurry and didn’t have time to read as I was busy with other things.
But having read the Article in its entirety I can see some facts are totally incorrect which might either be due to your enthusiasm to criticise or you didn’t give it some serious thought before writing.
1) The international community and the Tamil Diaspora accused all of them including Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka of committing war crimes and excesses during the war.
*** This is a matter for the UN and ICC. Let us not try to cover up SFs role in the Genocide although he might say he was acting under orders but he has claimed credit for defeating LTTE so he is as guilty as the rest.
The one in question is as follows.
2) The current government of Maithripala Sirisena has gone out of the way to appease and promote Sarath Fonseka to the coveted rank of Field Marshal. This may have been done in gratitude for his role in ensuring the regime change in January 2015. Did he reign in the military and ensured their neutrality or did he play an even bigger role by preventing a coup? The government has even gone to the extent of renaming a road in his honour, while he is still alive, a trend that was created by none other than Mahinda Rajapaksa and followed by many of the contemporary politicians.
*** I am sure even you can spot your mistakes with the above. Let me ask you the following questions.
a) MS has gone out of his way to appease SF for reigning in the Military. My friend SF had no power to reign in the military the day after the election which is when the alleged Coup Attempt took place. He was only mad a Field Marshal after MS came to power.
How could he have reigned in the Military when he had no power to do so. Was it through some past loyalty by some officers.
So next time don’t make a fool of your self and get your facts right.
3) Why is the international community, the Tamil Diaspora and the Sri Lankan Civil Society who screamed at Gotabaya as a mass murderer silent on the rebirth of Sarath Fonseka in uniform, He should have taken orders only from the commander in chief, Mahinda Rajapaksa and if he took orders from any other Rajapaksa, other than Mahinda Rajapaksa, he too should be held responsible for the large number of civilian deaths through the use of heavy armory and shelling of civilians who were held as human shields by the LTTE.
*** Make no mistake in my book SF is equally Guilty whether he took orders from MR or Gotha.
Don’t worry I will be writing to UN alerting them to the fact SF has pledged to LIE under OATH ( despite overwhelming evidence to confirm Army under him committed War Crimes) which is an offence.
Harvey Perera / May 22, 2015
Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka forgets what happened in 2010. I recall that he said he will hang the Rajapaksa family at Bogambara. He must also remember that when he was injured by the suicide bomber it was Colonel Gotabaya Rajapaksa together with President Mahinda Rajapaksa who did everything to save his life. They sent him by plane at great expense to Singapore where he recovered. After the election he holed up in a hotel in Colombo with 600 army deserters in a coup attempt to grab power. That is the reason why he was arrested and had to face a military tribunal. He was sentenced to 20 years which was reduced to 2 by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
– See more at:
f=ma / May 23, 2015
Harvey Perera
No point saying this to the idiots who read CT.. they have dementia and are at the brink of forgetting what happened during the war. They only have selected memory loss though; anything which associates the good of Gota and MR are deleted and consequently the bad of all the other schmucks are transferred to the two. As you said, SF would now be ‘compost pohora’ if not for MR and Gota.
Gamaya Yapalanan / May 25, 2015
Have read the “Ummaga Jayathakaya” in your school time. SF resembles the character of “Moosila”. The dog who bits the hand that feeds him.
mel / May 27, 2015
Shucks to the dias-porras. Had enough of wailing porras and their stooges here. Let’s have closure. Only reminder should be the remembrance of those fallen heroes who liberated the country from the savage Tamil terrorists. If ordinary Tamils have any sense they should take an example from the majority Sinhalese who lost out the most. They lost their loved ones not only from Tamil terrorism but also from the JVP Sinhalese terrorism. They are not running to UNHRC. No inquiries for their losses and disappearances of kith and kin. No help no counselling no nothing. Silent tears for the rest of their lives. Tamils for goodness sake stop trying to be so special. You committed the crime. so shut up and go away. Cry babies, it’s always me, me, me nobody else matters. Having committed such atrocities now crying foul. Waiting to see Bin Laden followers and ISIS followers appealing to the UNHRC next.