By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees
“(Kadirgamar)’s vision transcended the petty differences that plague this country and he was an epitome of the true Sri Lankan identity”” (The Island editorial, Sep 19, 2005)
Once upon time, Singapore was yearning to be a land like Sri Lanka. Today, with the vice versa being the reality, will the mentality of the Sri Lankan electorate change at least now, to allow a ‘Kadirgamar’ to a occupy one of the two top seats of power? Singaporeans recently elected former deputy prime minister and a distinguished economist, the 66-year-old Tharman Shanmugaratnam as their president, who earned a landslide victory in their country’s first contested vote for this position in more than a decade. He has garnered attention and admiration from Sri Lanka due to his Sri Lankan ancestry. Some newspapers called him as of Indian Tamil origin Notably, Tharman’s historic win as the first non-Chinese presidential candidate in a contested election is a significant milestone in a predominantly Chinese city-state. The president in Singapore holds significant powers, including approving civil service appointments and instructing anti-graft investigation. His presidency will play a crucial role in shaping the nation’s future and addressing its challenges.
Tharman is a multi-generational Singaporean of Tamil ancestry from the 19th century and is one of the most qualified citizens of the resource-scarce city-state that has witnessed various development phases for over 50 years. Singapore’s presidential election yielded insightful clues to the republic’s evolving race relations, with the analysts saying that ethnic voting theories were ‘disproved’ by Tharman’s landslide victory, with the voters prioritising a candidate’s ability more than other factors. The electorate was mature enough to look beyond his ethnicity , and consider his personal track record,
In US, the election of Obama was an important moment in human history because Obama’s ancestors were slaves, most of whom died during the Middle Passage and he will always be the first African American president in US history. Obama’s election also signalled a deep change in American politics. The vast majority of the American people were then are willing to select an African American as President, showing that racial prejudice has declined, and overall it was an incredible moment in the American history and Obama’s election appeared to resolve a moral contradiction [about race] that ran through the interstices of US history from its very founding. Americans saw Obama’s election as a race relations milestone. However, it was also true that Obama did not become the best President for the US Black people and subsequent events too proved racism is still a living reality in the US.
UK has a Hindu politician of Indian origin as its Prime Minister, and although not elected via a public vote, was yet a game changer. Having the first non-white leader of the UK was undoubtedly a “big moment” in the history of British politics. London elected Sadiq Khan, a Muslim as its Mayor – which has an overwhelming majority of Anglo Saxon whites. As UK analysists said ,’this showed that attitudes toward people from migrant communities have changed a lot in the UK, although that is not to say UK is no longer a racist country … but things have changed a great deal
In the Sri Lankan context, doubts are cast about the possibility of a minority politician or an aspirant becoming the Prime Minister or the President. The closest Sri Lanka came to appointment or election of a politician from a minority community was Kadirgamar. The issue of the election of politicians from minority backgrounds to the highest office in US, UK and Singapore brings us to the unpleasant memories of how racist attitudes and majoritarian mentality denied this charismatic Tamil lawyer who later turned to politics – Lakshman Kadirgamar from being a Prime Minister. Following the victory of the PA, he was appointed Foreign Minister in the PA government of President Chandrika Kumaratunga. He held the post till 2001, playing a significant role in having the LTTE banned internationally. Both The US and the UK proscribed the LTTE on 8 October 1997 and 28 February 2001 respectively, thereby depriving that organisation of a primary source of funding.
At the 54th session of the UN General Assembly in 1999, Kadirgamar proposed that the UN commemorate Vesak as a day of Buddhist observance, in recognition of Buddhism’s contribution to human spirituality. His proposal to the UN was based on an earlier recommendation made at the World Buddhist Conference held in Colombo in 1998. In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 54/115, moved by him. As a result of then FM Kadirgamar’s efforts, Vesak Day is now internationally accorded as a United Nations Observance Day.
Following the victory of the United People’s Freedom Alliance in the 2 April 2004 Sri Lankan parliamentary elections, he was mentioned as a possible candidate for Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, but on 6 April President Kumaratunga appointed Mahinda Rajapaksa to the post. Four days later, however, he was appointed foreign minister again in the new cabinet. Kadirgamar was considered as one of the most successful foreign ministers Sri Lanka has had, and recognized that significant change was needed within Sri Lanka if its communities were to live together peacefully was an enduring part of his legacy. Sadly, Kadirgamar was shot dead by a sniper at his private residence in Colombo and the assassin was widely believed to be from the LTTE. With his impressive track records, why then was he not allowed to become the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka? Unfortunately, Kadirgamar’s dedicated efforts towards striving to maintain, promote and strengthen democracy, peace and security in our country and while fighting terrorism and safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka as well as his pivotal role in making Vesak as a United Nations Observance Day, appeared to have not good enough to qualify for the post of PM.
If he was granted the opportunity to serve as PM, not only would it have been a tribute to his indefatigable services he thus far rendered to Sri Lanka, as the Minister for Foreign Affairs, but it would have also served to reveal to the world the atrocious lie propagated by some, including the LTTE, that a Tamil citizen would never be allowed to hold the office of Prime Minister of our country. Besides, as the incumbent of the office of Prime Minister, he would have had the additional clout vis-à-vis the international community to effectively campaign against the scourge of terrorism that the country faced. He certainly had the credentials to hold this high office, compared with many other politicians who were able assume this post later on simply because they belonged to the majority race.
According to Chinese whispers , the highest echelons of power and Buddhist clergy apparently ‘conferred’ and ‘conspired’ to ensure that a non-Buddhist that he was, should not the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka; let alone to contest the highest office of President. This was despite the fact that he went all out to defend the Majority amidst all the terror and thus gained the wrath of the Tamils. His Tamil critics opined that he was so blind, covered with ambition, that he never thought that the majority of the Sinhala Buddhists, would never accept him at that level, and that they would never take the risk of appointing a Tamil. They said that he bartered his Tamil name and pedigree in the hope that the majority will forever remember him. As DBS Jayaraj says, Kadirgamar was very much interested and concerned about the Tamil issue. He was extremely receptive and agreed that federalism would be the ideal solution, but felt any realistic solution had to be acceptable to the majority of the Sinhala people as otherwise it would not be implementable. But, despite he being who he was, the Sinhala Buddhist political class did not allow him to go beyond his FM post. During a BBC interview he was asked if he thought he was a traitor to the Tamil people since he was a minister in a Sinhalese-dominated government. He said “People who live in Sri Lanka are first and foremost Sri Lankans, then we have our race and religion, which is something given to us at birth”. “We have to live in Sri Lanka as Sri Lankans tolerating all races and religion”.
Why didn’t the Sinhala-Buddhist electorate represented by the majoritarian minded political parties want to ‘tolerate’ non-Sinhala Buddhist Kadirgamar in the PM seat? Will Sri Lankan majority community even now show political maturity and take cognizance of the developments around the world and be ready to accept a non-Buddhist Head of State or even a Prime Minister? Will a non-Sinhala Buddhist PM( if there is one) be a reality in a national government? Analysts point out that until the deeply entrenched Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian mind-set exists, this will remain a dream in Sri Lanka.
Anthropologist S J Tambiah noted the transnational aspect of the sense of insecurity in the minds of Sinhala Buddhists as planted by the vested interests when he described Sinhalese Buddhists as a “majority with a minority complex.” Their mindset has been conditioned by the stories of the Mahawamsa and its sequels. That mindset has prevented a majority of Sinhalese Buddhists from accommodation of minorities as co-equals in society. Militarily the war has been won and the guns have fallen silent. But embers of hatred seem to be burning in both hearths. This helps explain why many Sinhalese Buddhists feel regionally isolated and why they believe that minorities in Sri Lanka use transnational networks to further their political goals. In such a socio- political backdrop, it would be futile even to attempt to imagine a Sri Lanka led by a Tamil or a Muslim political leader.
As repeatedly stressed, the obstacles for national reconciliation and peaceful co-existence in Sri Lanka are many. Among them, the prominent one as highlighted by scholars and social analysts was the institutionalisation of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, inability to accept the multi ethnic nature of the nation, political role of the Buddhist monks and the minority mindset of the Sinhalese (read KM De Silva, Nira Wickramasinghe, Jayadeva Uyangoda, Amungama, Dr Tambiah).
However, there is still much optimism to have the likes of Kadirgamars elected to the highest seats of power, given the rising public realization that an inclusive Sri Lanka is the way forward. As reflected during last year’s Aragalaya, there is a growing numbers of people of goodwill within the Sinhala Buddhist community who are attentive to the needs of the present hour: a healing touch that is built on a genuine confederative ideology that sees the minorities as an integral part of the concept “Sri Lankan.” However, it is still doubtful what political clout they carry or what proportion of the Sinhala-speaking problem are aware that they are part of the political project to gain power by Chauvinist political leaders.
It was political parties which instituted ethnic nationalism on a basis of class interests in order to form ethnic solidarity to obscure class differences. The severity of the ongoing economic crisis and its impact on ordinary Sri Lankan people across ethnic groups through the lack of basic necessities represents how class struggles are prominent in Sri Lanka. The Aragalaya like protests in the nation offer hope of an increased class consciousness among working class people and a class revolution that will put power in the hands of the Sri Lankan people over the ruling elite who create race divisions and use majoritarianism to gain or stay in power. Barana Waidyatilake and Myra Sivaloganathan in an article in Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute website(2018) gives a way forward ‘Given the critical role that this perception of global isolation plays in Sinhalese-Buddhist nationalism, addressing it could open up possibilities for better managing this nationalism. One way to accomplish this is by formulating foreign policy messaging that can garner positive international acknowledgement of Sinhalese-Buddhist identity. Since Sinhalese Buddhists identify most with their faith, references to Buddhism would be incorporated into foreign policy messaging’.
Overall, the statement that ‘only a Sinhala Buddhist could become the Head of State” is only a myth and violates the Constitution. Being a non-Sinhala Buddhist is not a disqualification as per Article 92. However, fundamental rights and reality ..will depend not on constitutional guarantees but on the goodwill, common sense and humanity of the Government in power and the people who elect it” as Lord Soulbury once put it.
Nathan / September 6, 2023
Would Kadirgamar have been elected for even a minor position in Singapore?
SJ / September 7, 2023
Certainly not with a foreign nationality.
pilimathalawa / September 8, 2023
Kadirgamar worked for Sinhala leaders as a running dog. But, Sinhala nation kept him on right place😉.
Cicero / September 7, 2023
The point is that he was a minor player prior to coming to SL, having worked in the World Intellectual Property Organisation. He had no experience in public life. He was built into a giant figure because it suited Chandrika. He is not the meritocratic figure Tharma Shanmugaratnam is. Kadirgamar would also not be owned as one of them by the majority of the Tamil people. He had a second class LLB degree from the U of Ceylon and went to Oxford. He became anglicised (?) and disowned his people. The comparison is not apt.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Do not let prejudice get the better of fairness.
LK was brought up in an environment that was not quite Tamil. He was about as anglicized as members of the leading political families including those of Tamil leaders like GGP and SJVC.
GL Peiris perhaps got a First Class and a PhD. Which was the better performer?
I am no admirer of his politics, but the man was consistent and stood for what he believed was right.
He commanded respect in the state and diplomatic circles in which he moved.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
Kadirgamar would ALSO NOT BE OWNED AS ONE OF THEM BY THE MAJORITY OF THE TAMIL PEOPLE. He had a second class LLB degree from the U of Ceylon and went to Oxford. He became anglicised (?) and disowned his people.”
Who did Tamils OWN and Chameleon like to DISOWN anybody and Everybody – that was when Thiruvengadam V Prabhakaran (TVP – normally used in Halcyon days to describe Afghans with Temporary Visa Permit – 60 days) was alive and kicking!!!
LK was atleast 6th generation Tamil hailing from Jaffna!!! Ratanjeevan Hoole is a Christian, do we disown him!!!???
Religion is Belief, Race is from birth!!!
Mahila / September 8, 2023
“He was built into a giant figure because it suited Chandrika.”
He was not “BUILT” by anybody!!?? LK Built his image himself with the ingrained Intellectual capacity, knowledge of Law and command of the Language, and outgoing amiable quality!!??
He was easily approachable and had an unfailing ear!!!
That’s why he outshone everyone as a Great Foreign minister!!! Even GL couldn’t match him!!!
His father too was a Q.C. of repute in Company and Commercial Law!
leelagemalli / September 8, 2023
I think if he as learnt and respectable person, became dual citizen to that country, no doubt, he or anyone would be elected as their leaders, of course, if the candidates bring yeoman services. Late Minister Kadirgamar was exceptional politician and his speeches regarding protection of BUDDHIST statues in Afaganistan etc went viral apart from that his stand took regarding LTTE terror which did lot harm to the tamils than to the rest of island nation. All these were pronnounced by the great LK again and again, his assasins are not out of the usual criminal bands, that grabed powers in the guise of ” sinhala-nationalism, chaunism” in Nov 2019.
Just imagine, how GOTABAYA is now feared by CHANNEL 4 coverages, and the manner how quick he was to bring his explanations which are just excuses to mislead the very same 6.9millions of stupid people.
Nathan / September 9, 2023
I am not against any ‘deserving’ individual being anybody.
This word ‘deserving’ is huge, – Some deserve even death!
If you put yourself above those you are serving you lose your right to serve them.
leelagemalli / September 9, 2023
Today, the representatives of the people in our country are no longer calm and quiet to have a peaceful discussion at the table. They are often more aggressive.Is that at all possible in a civilized country ? I thoguht Tharindu Uduwaragedara or the kind of journos are impatial, but his reactions forced me to change my good thoughts about him because he sounds “judgemental”.
I really don’t know why they can’t behave normally and listen to others peacefully. Invitees attack the governor from the first moment, could you imagine?
If I had to work with the kind of people invited to a panel discussion, I could easily get hurt. In the end we wouldn’t achieve anything. Don’t you think that we as a society should be well prepared for such discussions on worrying topics?
What are your opinions? First things first: People should be prepared for discussions to be conducted peacefully so that everyone’s feelings are heard.
Native Vedda / September 10, 2023
Here is a treat for you,
AKD in Parliament, on a fine morning, (afternoon, evening) he had a field day on 6 April 2022:
Please listen to the clip above:
He has a message for all the Fascist loving MP’s to whom he said he was the one who decides when “he leaves, or he arrives”. Put it another way it was a strong message for the b**** carriers, it is him who decides when he would go to …. how long he would sit there and think, and how many times he would use it, ….. In the world of SJ the leader guides him ….. even to use his ….
The question is why does the fire brand AKD (like young Vasudeva) seems like losing the fire in his belly.
He does not question Chinese land grabbing ploys nor does he deal with delaying tactics in the Sri Lanka’s loan restructuring schemes ,
does not question Armed forces involvement in war crimes (1971 to 2009),
does not question the zealot Saffronista’s efforts to destabilise north east,
does not question the intention of Chinese warships visits, …
Is he prepared to sever party to party relation with Communist Party of China, under what circumstances?
Does China fund JVP, ….. ?
What is his alternative policies on politics, Economy, Religion, Language, Devolution, Democracy, Liberal Values, …………….. Please tell him to stop preaching the already dead and buried fake Socialism/Communism/Marxism/Maoism…… being panacea for all our ills.
Please ignore teenager’s rant in these columns.
Sinhala_Man / September 11, 2023
Dear Native Vedda,
Thanks for drawing attention to this speech by AKD.
He draws attention to many actual facts, and he names many names.
The problem for you, at certain times is your anonymity. I nevertheless trust you. You have highlighted the fact (if fact it is) that AKD does not question certain deals entered into with the Chinese, etc. You are performing an admirable service yourself. But then, you make sure that we don’t know your face, we don’t know who is making the comments that you make.
For me, the one area in which the NPP is weak is their inability to reach out to the minorities because they lack sufficient speakers of Tamil. Significantly, however,this speech has been aired by a Tamil website.
English is not so much of a problem, I feel.
The NPP has only three Members in Parliament. How can they do more than they are now doing?
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
Native Vedda / September 6, 2023
Mohamed Harees
“Sadly, Kadirgamar was shot dead by a sniper at his private residence in Colombo and the assassin was widely believed to be from the LTTE. “
Kadirgamar’s residence was situated in the high security zone.
How did the assassin enter the house from which he took a shot at Kadirgamar and killed him?
There was complacency on the part of security forces, deliberately removed security, or a hired assassin assassinated him to remove all competitions among the party stalwarts, ….
The jury is still out.
We need an International investigation.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 7, 2023
Tharman will never be elected to high post in Srilanka or Malaysia as both are dabbling with racism, one Sinhala Buddhist and other Malay Islamic. Kathirgamar has been badly let down by Chandrika for political expediency both in life and in death. Laksmanan Thalayasingam was my classmate in school from lower kindergarten right up. He was living in the house next to that of Kadirgamar from where the shooting took place. He and his gardener were arrested and kept in custody. Severe pressure was exerted on Chandrika to release him by Sinhala friends of Thalayasingam who knew that he was innocent of the allegation. When he came out, I asked Thalayasingam how did he manage. He told me that when police investigation found the real culprit, Chandrika had no choice than to release him. His gardener was however not lucky, being kept in remand for fourteen years without being brought to trial and died in remand. It is now well known that Kadirgamar was murdered by contract killers from the army, arranged by Mahinda Rajapakse. That is why they were able to escape despite the tight security around. Like Lasantha’s daughter, Kadirgamar’s children should file case in international courts.
SJ / September 7, 2023
“There was complacency on the part of security forces…”
Did the jury give this verdict?
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“Did the jury give this verdict?”
Sheer speculation:
There was complacency on the part of security forces, deliberately removed security, or a hired assassin assassinated him to remove all competitions among the party stalwarts, ….
Need bit of grey matter to understand the difference.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Thanks for admitting that it is speculation.
But no amount of gray matter can help one work out whether a muddled head speculates, utters falsehoods or fantasizes.
Have you still not seen the right doctor?
Is the rest of the text speculation too?
Ajith / September 7, 2023
“Did the jury give this verdict?”
Did you mean China?
SJ / September 8, 2023
Do not be daft.
Check with NV. It is his jury that I inquired about.
Nathan / September 7, 2023
Native Vedda,
Kadirgamar did his assignment as Foreign Minister admirably well. He did his job so well that Chandrika found him Prime Minister material.
But Mahinda had other ideas.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“Kadirgamar did his assignment as Foreign Minister admirably well.”
How did this island benefited from his services?
“But Mahinda had other ideas.”
Mahinda was sworn in as Prime Minister on 6 April 2004
Kadirgamar was assassinated on 12 August 2005 much later than Mahinda was sworn in as Prime Minister.
Please clarify why would Mahinda compete with him when he was already assured an important office, appointed as Prime Minister? Did Mahinda feel threatened by Kathir’s presence in the party?
Please bear with me as I know very little about this island’s politics, and willing to learn.
Nathan / September 7, 2023
‘How did this island benefited from his services?’
Where have I said, Native Vedda, that the island benefited?
Some people benefited. They admired him.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“Where have I said, Native Vedda, that the island benefited?”
What did you mean by
“Kadirgamar did his assignment as Foreign Minister admirably well.” ?
Nathan / September 8, 2023
Chandrika admired K’s job!!
That was all which was necessary.
(You think that I admired?)
SJ / September 7, 2023
“Please bear with me as I know very little about this island’s politics, and willing to learn.”
The first part is true and I hope that the second will sometime be true.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“he first part is true and I hope that the second will sometime be true.”
Willing to learn from learned and freely admit to my own mistakes when pointed out unlike some Mao’s b***s carrying pedantic ………………..
SJ / September 8, 2023
You never really admitted a mistake. There is a five letter word that you never use.
You tried your silly one-up-man-ship but slipped pretty badly.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
“Mahinda was sworn in as Prime Minister on 6 April 2004. Agreed. 1½ years before LK’s Demise!
Kadirgamar was assassinated on 12 August 2005 much later than Mahinda was sworn in as Prime Minister.
Please clarify why would Mahinda compete with him when he was already assured an important office, appointed as Prime Minister? Did MAHINDA FEEL THREATENED BY KATHIR’S PRESENCE IN THE PARTY?”
Answer to the question, YES!!
Presidential candidate Nomination, is sole prerogative – Party Membership
Being Prime minister DOESN’T make one the absolute guaranteed candidate for Presidential Election Nomination, unless the incumbent is incapacitated!!!??? Assassination, Illness or otherwise!!? Gota/RW case is by virtue constitutional provision!!??
Mahinda Rajapakse succeeded Ratnasiri Wickramanayake as PM in 04/2004, with the support of the JVP, especially the Wimalasiri Gamlath AKA Wimal W and Gommanpillai, who were the aggressive supporters along with tacit support of Mangala S.
LK was a Leftist sympathiser all along and the Leftist in PA tacitly supported his Nomination!!??
That’s why WW had been always given a very favourable dispensation by MaRa, including the last occasion, when Gota sacked him!!!???
They had indications that centre-left of the PA make a move closer to Polling date!!! Was in the Air!?
leelagemalli / September 8, 2023
I thought there was a good chance that a candidate of Indian origin would someday become the next leader of this small country of 5 million people. Chinese in Singapore are not the most kindest people as I know it well.
I have been to S’pore dozens of times from my childhood days on. But time has changed it. In between , Vivek Ramanswamy, a biologist/clinical chemist is now winning hearts and minds to be America’s next GOP candidate. The United Kingdom produced Sunak as their leader. Google has appointed as their CEO an Indian who migrated to the country for his higher education. Indians are the winners of the day, as never thought before.
Many people, including me, dreamt of the late Honorable Minister LK becoming our first ever PM from the minority.
However, Sri Lanka’s crime records, inheritend indifference and malice, prevented this from becoming a reality.
Murder and contract killing has become the practice of this nation today, how can we imagine a minority leader emerging to rule the nation? Hypocrisy is governing as never before. I think how many of us know that these killers hidden among the sinhala-buddhist monks all these years. I had no sympathy or whatever towards GHANSARA or the like fake monks.
Tamil from the north / September 7, 2023
NV, your question further validates my suspicion of the Rajapaksa involvement. CBK was planning to appoint Kadirgamar as the next PM and MR would have lost his chance permanently. I strongly feel Gota’s men had a hand in this killing. I don’t think he was shot with a sniper rifle, but a small arm like a pistol at close range, maybe one his bodyguard? Also after he was shot there was no cordon and search of that area for hours, why?
SJ / September 7, 2023
That is a bit too much of an extrapolation.
You say ” I don’t think he was shot with a sniper rifle, but a small arm like a pistol”. to say it there needs to a sound forensic grounds.
Unscientific speculation only makes the picture murkier.
Besides, pointing a finger at GR will be gladly received by many.
I strongly feel Gota’s men had a hand in this killing.
But what was the position that GR hold at the time? (Early retirement from the army in November 1991. Joined Informatics, Colombo as a Marketing Manager in 1992. Migrated to the US in 1998. Returned to the country in 2005 to aid the presidential campaign of Mahinda Rajapaksa.)
Mahinda Rajapaksa’s nominations was accepted on 7 September 2005. nomination as presidential candidate. GR would not have had access to hit-men until some time into 2006.
Kadirgamar was assassinated in August 2005.
Something fails to click, doesn’t it?
SJ / September 7, 2023
You say “I strongly feel Gota’s men had a hand in this killing.”
I hope that you are not trying to absolve the LTTE of a role in the killing.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“GR would not have had access to hit-men until some time into 2006.”
It was well known along with Fonseka and others Gota ran a death squad during between 1987 and 1991. Where were the hit men who worked under him during JVP period? One is in Geneva. Assassins could be hired for a price if needed.
SJ / September 8, 2023
“Where were the hit men who worked under him during JVP period?”
Polish your glass ball to have the answer you like to believe.
Native Vedda / September 9, 2023
To all teenagers, leader of the boys band types:
“Polish your glass ball to have the answer you like to believe.”
The boy who wanted The University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) or UTHR(J) to disclose details of its members, activists, … at the peak of the war now defends the death squads existence or continuation.
The question is whether he is still with death squads (both Sri Lankan and or LTTE) or a informed person worthy of ……
By the way learn from the following quote that is of course you are still capable of learning:
“The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will P**s You Off – Gloria Steinem”
If you feel you are ****ed off please hang in there you will soon get your freedom from your own nasty thoughts.
chiv / September 9, 2023
Native, fully agree with you.
SJ / September 9, 2023
Back to offer consolation to a desperate soul who knows only personal abuse!
Mahila / September 8, 2023
Fully agree with you! Absolutely
SJ / September 8, 2023
Thanks M.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
Tamil from the north
Please refer to my response to Nathan’s comment.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
“Also after he was shot there was no cordon and search of that area for hours, why?”
That script is AT VARIANCE from facts reported and FORENSICALLY, EXTRAPOLATED from the crime scenes and POST-MORTEM (autopsy)!!!???
As far as I know, there was an immediate Lockdown of the crime scene and search initiated, including the house from the place where the alleged shooter fired and empty shell recovered!!! Say this, as I had first-hand knowledge (Over the phone) of happenings within ½ hour of dastardly deed!!!??
Going on mere “hearsay or rabblerousers talk”, should refrained!!? Presumptuous at Least!!???
That is one of the biggest ‘AILMENTS’ afflicting the Nation!!? We can DO WELL WITHOUT!!??
Whilst unabashedly agree, whilst LTTE was Possibility, there were, who benefitted – by the elimination ok LK Powerful position he may seek or thrust into by Party!!?? LK since 1994 has become – STALWART/BULWARK OF GOVERNMENT GAINING RECOGNITION AND SUPPORT INTERNATIONALLY!!!??? This in scenario where many, who in PA Faction, in their Long-march, from 1956 to 2005!!?? Longer, years Senior! Though none matching him in Intellect or character!!???
POSSIBLE/SUSPECTED ‘regrouping’ prior subservient members of PA group, Presidential Election 2005 (180 days to go), and Leadership challenge may attributable cause?
nimal fernando / September 7, 2023
“There was complacency on the part of security forces, deliberately removed security”
I put it down to sheer incompetence. A group/clan of humans who take 30 years to overcome a bunch of school kids ……. and can bankrupt a country ……. aren’t even capable of organizing a fart-up after a baked beans dinner …….
For Chrissakes man open your eyes and observe how the country is run!
Kadirgamar bought and moved into a better and bigger house in a better location. He bought the house from children who inherited it from their parents but were no longer living in Lanka. He bought it honourably without looting public funds. He bought it with bank loans, part of which he was planning to settle with the sale of his old house.
nimal fernando / September 7, 2023
His neighbour was former Royal College fast bowler and Cricket captain Thalaysinham. He was a police inspectors son who had married into wealth. His wife became an invalid due to illness and Thalaysinham became a terrible drunkard. The couple were living downstairs and were rarely using the upstairs. The snipers used a section of the upstairs that was rarely used by the couple. That had a good line of fire to Kadiragama’s swimming pool. The rest is history.
Native, how come you living in Colombo 7, next to Ranil, not know this and dwell in conspiracy theories?
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
nimal fernando
“He was a police inspectors son who had married into wealth. “
Actually his father was attached to Ratnapura Police Department. He was the Superintendent of Police for the entire Sabaragamuwa Province in the 1960s, My ELDERS knew him well. (Unlike some writers I am not dropping names).
“Native, how come you living in Colombo 7, next to Ranil, …”
I am sorry I didn’t know Ranil lives in Cinnamon Gardens (කුරුඳුවත්ත) but I know a president who used to live in a local Banana Plantation (කෙසෙල් වත්ත).
old codger / September 7, 2023
“know a president who used to live in a local Banana Plantation (කෙසෙල් වත්ත).” It seems that the place was not actually a plantation, but an estate belonging to a retired British administrator called Cassell. Rather like the way Messenger Street became Masangas paara.
You might be interested in Lucky Thalayasingham’s obituary:
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
old codger
“It seems that the place was not actually a plantation, but an estate belonging to a retired British administrator called Cassell.”
Brilliant, thanks.
“You might be interested in Lucky Thalayasingham’s obituary:
Thanks, I was told when he was at Ratnapura police he used to frequent an upmarket sports/Tennis club.
SJ / September 8, 2023
The five letter word is not forthcoming re the misinformation
Mahila / September 8, 2023
Glad to know that you knew that simpleton and affable person who was born near to the commencement of the 3rd week of June!!!???
He had visited our home frequently enough to secure our contribution for his governance of the CMC and thereafter the Country
nimal fernando / September 8, 2023
Kadirgamar’s life was always under threat …….one thing I should say about Ranil …….. when he became the Prime minister in 2002, the first thing he did was, call the outgoing Foreign minister Kadirgamar and offer him protection ……… Ranil took pains to beef up his security.
Native Vedda / September 9, 2023
nimal fernando
“when he became the Prime minister in 2002, the first thing he did was, call the outgoing Foreign minister Kadirgamar and offer him protection ……… Ranil took pains to beef up his security.”
Was it a good thing or bad arrangement?
What was Kadirgamar’s contribution, to people, to the country, …. to the world?
Sinhala_Man / September 11, 2023
nimal fernando,
I thought that our duty is to attack Ranil Wickremasinghe non-stop.
And here are you stating that, in certain matters Ranil actually stands for positives!
Well I try, myself, to do the like. You are the master entertainer, and you are able to get your messages across. And I think that we both have credibility because we’re fair.
nimal fernando / September 8, 2023
The man of the hour ……. wonder why Sinhala_Man hates him so much ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc_erchbopQ
Native, time to come up with some arguments to protect your neighbour Ranil and his impressive “committees” that always get to the heart of the truth! :))
Who are we trying to fool, Native? ……. Actually, who are we trying to fool? Cradle to grave, eh?
What would Lanka be if there were no Lankans? ……… Point to ponder.
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
Dear “nimal fernando”,
I didn’t dare display so much hatred until Ranil confirmed my worst fears by refusing to conduct Local Government Elections in March 2023.
Of course, we didn’t like the way that he succeeded Gota through horse deals, and knowing from various reliable sources the sort of guy he was, I feared that he would act as he’s now acting.
Well, you dislike his actions himself, don’t you?
And having said something about me, you don’t show us anything about me. You show us AKD speaking sense in Parliament. I admit that I go a bit over the top in my praise of AKD. Why not try to find some place where AKD says something unacceptable. I guess that you cannot.
A disappointing comment by you!
Sinhala_Man / September 11, 2023
Thanks for the link; which was to a speech by AKD.
Teasing is one of your (valid) techniques.
I try to speak as plainly as possible.
Panini Edirisinhe
Native Vedda / September 9, 2023
nimal fernando
“Who are we trying to fool, Native?”
Good question.
You should aim this question at …. Cross Dresser, Ganapathipilla, Prince of Darkness, Shenali Waduge, ….. Department of Police, Defense Establishment (Easter attack Channel 4 allegations : “OFFICIAL REBUTTAL” from MOD, https://www.newswire.lk/2023/09/09/easter-attack-channel-4-allegations-official-rebuttal-from-mod/)…. Tiran Alles, ….. SJ,……..
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
How sad that Thalaysinham ended up like that! I remember him in the Royal-Thomian of 1966 when he struck terror into the Thomians.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
I fully agree with your sentiments!!! It was Mark Bostock’s Home, which he sold on his retirement going away probably back to UK.
Mahila / September 7, 2023
All these claims and stories are PRIMATILY FABRICATED – Manufactured Truth!!!??? Similar to the mythical stories abounding on many matters for centuries!!??
If not those scripts cannot be changed at the whims and fancies of elitist Politicians, religious or any other and whatever positions they hold in society!!!???
Take for instance the story of the start of the Sinhala Race??? You’ll find a plethora of people denouncing, claiming some other story, of a different kind, going so far as to claim even, Prince Siddhartha ‘The Buddha’ wasn’t born in India, but in Northern Sri Lanka!!!??? They change History or ‘attempt’ as if they control this UNIVERSE!!!??? And History is a tool to be manipulated to their own advantage!!!??
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“If not those scripts cannot be changed at the whims and fancies of elitist Politicians, religious or any other and whatever positions they hold in society!!!???”
Watch the clip:
Chandrika Bandaranaike
Would you buy a second hand car from her?
old codger / September 7, 2023
Chandrika isn’t the only one. The Cardinal said one thing in the Channel 4 documentary, but seems to be already changing tack. The guy who went to Geneva to challenge Channel4 on Tamils wants an international inquiry when Channel 4 talks about Catholics. And yes, the same guy who took his own time to visit those other Christians in Batticaloa.
nimal fernando / September 8, 2023
Never liked CBK ……… especially when she ruled the nation ……. but truth be told, she kept a better lid on corruption than any of the recent leaders.
Not talking about perfection …….. to some, Ranil is perfection personified ……. to some, AKD is perfection personified ……… to some Buddha is ……….
To some perfection resides in Pittsburgh ………
Give me imperfection any day ……… imperfection like Prabakaran ……… I’ll be as happy as Larry ………
Imperfection ran a tighter ship and almost delivered …….. while perfection has left the nation wanting ………
Raj-UK / September 8, 2023
Nimal Fdo
”she kept a better lid on corruption than any of the recent leaders” Beg to disagree. She kept the lid shut for those outside her circle. Not surprised if MR learnt the fine art from CBK because, apart from the street cunning, I doubt very much MR had the understanding to take corruption to great heights. Simple question, how did she get the ££s to buy her property in posh St, John’s Wood immediately after her tenure? Her children were still at Uni or just graduated, therefore, won’t even get a mortgage to by a terraced house in a poor part of London.
nimal fernando / September 9, 2023
I don’t know the finer points/details of her wealth ……. and I didn’t say there was no corruption ……. but under her rule corruption wasn’t as endemic as what followed ……. and pols from her side of politics weren’t as rich as they are today ……….
I had to check what endemic corruption is :)) ……… https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S017626800900086X
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Dear Raj, I doubt about your information on CBK’s land properties in UK.Her daughter got married to a white national in UK and he should also be a professional (likely to be a doctor). My cousins in UK (living there half a century) confirmed that any middle class people could purchase a normal house/flat in London, he or she should not necessarily be a leader of a country. Besides, Bandaranayakas had their own links to UK for decades. And it is not such a palace as Mahinda Rajaakshe propaganda misled the nation, it is just a house property as my close links revealed.
However, I think of Mahinda Rajapaksa, Pablo Escobar from Colombia comes to mind.
Mahinda was an actor for few films and Pablo was a player. Both had similar styles of relationships with vagrants and various people in their society.
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Mahinda Rajapaksa was known as a king of rascals of the 70s. Since childhood, he did not have a pure character. This is what I heard when my elders spoke about Rajapaksa. Although they are not “walawwa people” at all, the media has fully misled the people of Sri Lanka by making them as such. His amuda lensuwa around the neck fooled th enation him being ” people s man”. And they did not even owned their own vehicles before 2005. There are enough videos to prove this if you would search for.
Endemic corruption has arisen due to the direct involvement of Mahinda and his hedgemonists through the introduction of “Salum Dora”. One can commit any corrupt act, but he asked to do it being careful, that’s what he told his local leaders.That is his trickery.
Sri Lankan Pablo aka Mahinda went out of his way to assassinate the character of CBK because of his power-hungry tactics. Immature JVPrs supported him for that mlechcha act.
So, after 2005, CBK s legacy was fully replaced by MAHINDA Rajapakshe s boru-hapankam. The truths vanished about everything related to CBK and RW. People were fooled for their political survival. Please talk the the experts, but not kind of DAYAN JAYATHILAKA or the like backlickers of Rajapakshes.
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Fortunately, today everything is coming to light one by one. I thank CHANNEL 4 BUT MUCH MORE TO COME in the months and years to come…. believe me.
Truth will soon guide you, it was CBK who brought better solutions to the long-standing ethnic problem, whether its implementation or federalism. Unfortunately it was kicked out by the club led by Bali’s son at the time. As Reverend Professor Pathegama Ghanissara clearly says, our people are more stupid than they used to be. They will do any cheap work for small gain. There are many people who believe they know, however they don’t even know the basics of anything.
It is said that Basil Rajapaksa fully financed Queen Chaura’s book and Victor Ivan was duped into it by Mahinda.
That is why I believe that if the media mafia and Mahinda mafia had not existed, the situation in this country would have been much better. Lack of political literacy can easily manipulate people. It is clear to anyone today.
All blatant lies were planted for his selfish gain. Even today the media does it for them.them today.
May our people be blessed with brains !!!
Mahila / September 8, 2023
That clip was good! Thanks. She doesn’t seem to have much confidence in Ranil to enable anything, although she admits his intentions are good!!!???
Raj-UK / September 8, 2023
Watched the U Tube clip out of curiosity but gave up half way. CBK talks of the poor standard of education today but that’s nothing new. So what did she do to improve the education during her tenure? Was everything tickety boo during her time? She just went with the tide, only the hype. Not only she did anything to stop the rot but nominated the biggest crook ever to plunder the country & now she is shedding crocodile tears for the poor citizens of SL.
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
Dear Raj-UK.
Is this what you listened to?
I’ve “listened” to all of it. Dozed off at certain points, but suddenly got up to hear something towards the end. I’ve made a comment there, on the YouTube. It goes like this:
“I still admire CBK. She may not have been perfect, but she meant well. Listen to what she says at 1:18:09. She begs forgiveness from the people at that point for foisting Maithripala Sririsena on us. What could be a clearer apology than that. The refusal of our people to recognise honesty is responsible for most of our problems.
She had her human failings, but how how many of our politicians display that sort of honesty. I can think only of Anura Kumara Dissanayake now, and how so many of our our people still refuse to accept his apologies for what his Party had done between 1988 and 1990.
CBK was unfortunate that she had to contend with a Veluppilai Prabhkaran who would accept no reasonable solutions to our problems. At least now let us realise that we should admire the good done by some, and not keep nit picking.
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
Continuing that YouTube comment, which will be difficult for you to find, but it is there. How we get manipulated! When I’m logged in, YouTube labels it as the “Top Comment”. But you, Raj will not be able to locate it, because we have far too much rubbish covering it, when you try to search.
“I have never met you, CBK, but thank you very much for not keeping quiet. Taking all sorts of considerations in, you can hardly be doing better even now.” End of YouTube comment.
I was in Government Service, during the time CBK was President. In the Education Department. I was too small a fry to matter. Had to be. Even up to now, I have not met her, but she was doing her best for education. Like any leader she couldn’t control everything. I don’t complain!
She got her friend Tara de Mel appointed as Secretary in the Education Ministry. They did quite well. But the implementation? The jostling below her level? Her Minister of Education, Richard Pathirana, was not a bad man, either. But it was a mismatch.
nimal fernando / September 11, 2023
“What could be a clearer apology than that.”
An apology to Mrs Manel Fonseka for insulting her dead husband who can’t defend himself.
chiv / September 8, 2023
Mahila, you’re right. It’s not about Kadirgamar, Lasantha or Easter Mayhem. Siri Lanka is full of unsolved mysteries. There are plenty childish stereotypes taking pleasure pointing out a Tamil minister arrested , are now eating their own words. Tharmar is appointed as President who can instruct anti graft investigation. That is Singapore (going by merit and not stereotype stupidity ). Whereas our naive Lankans question “why will Muslims sacrifice for Gotha ??? Sally was not in country to stage Easter Mayhem ???
Mahila / September 8, 2023
“Why will Muslims sacrifice for Gotha ??? “
Because they were well renumerated/rewarded for their services!!!
All the ‘Back Biting’, burning and looting was a different act!!!
chiv / September 8, 2023
Hope, MH will write an article on Muslim leaders who were appointed / elected to higher positions ???? Anyone remember A.C.S Hameed who was then thought to be the greatest foreign Minister ??? yet another enabler and a liar. 2) Things they did to promote their community ???? 3) Their fate after years of integration, so called patriotism and Lanka first attitude. 4) M.H.Mohammed who was an organizer of Black July. 5) some credit due to Badruddin Mohammmed who managed to create A/L failed doctors at the expense of well qualified Tamils. 6) Rajapaksa turncoat Ali Sabre rattler who threatened his own community to vote for the Mafia family. 7) Hakeem the smiling assassin, Richard , Fowzie, lunatic who demanded pay without working / sleeping . . . . . .. . . . . . .
Mahila / September 7, 2023
Have heard from person close to then resident (Relative of LK) of the adjoining house at that time – presumably, the “shot” was fired to kill LK –, that the “Fire-Escape”, door/exit/entry on the upper floor of the premises, was kept unlocked, because of requests made by security complement that they want to have untrammelled free access to carry out overt surveillance of area!!!???
1. Was this a justifiable request and process by security contingent? or
2. Whether they should have instead, had a separate key (duplicate) secure access and egress?
3. Had sole access with the consent of the owner?
4. This is very contentious point, none had explored or to seek answers!!!???Or
5. Was it Grand Plot to obfuscate as to people entering/leaving?
6. This is a question not raised as known, and unanswerable forever!!!
Not surprised, having seen Channel 4 of the BBC 2 days ago!!?? No wonder, criminal, decide to RUN AWAY, or access weapons to Kill custodians when they are taken to remote place!!!???
Our Police and Security professionals are “Thotha Babas”
deepthi silva / September 7, 2023
As usual with Vedda, a very intelligent observation !
When President Premadasa who had several layers if security around him was assassinated in broad daylight, maybe Gota was pulling the strings from LA ! Were the army guys who also perished in the bomb complacent ?
When Kadiragama was killed Chandrika was president. Was she also in the deep plot ?
Vedda are you sure this was another Rajapaksa job , conveniently blamed on the Tigers ?
Shall we appoint the international diaspora to investigate these things ?
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
deepthi desperate silva
“When President Premadasa who had several layers if security around him was assassinated in broad daylight, maybe Gota was pulling the strings from LA ! “
You should have asked former Minister National Security and Deputy Minister of Defence Athulath S**t Bomb Mudali, …… or his b***s carriers.
Possible, anything is possible for you lot.
Gota didn’t relocate until late 1990s.
“Shall we appoint the international diaspora to investigate these things ?”
Isn’t it what the cross dresser who opposed International Investigation of War Crimes now wants International Investigators to dive in and dig in, and find no fault on the part of Rajapaksas?
Please avoid ghost stories to have good night sleep and avoid nightmares.
Sleep well.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
Good idea, otherwise, the mind would be in Unstable state!!!???
deepthi silva / September 8, 2023
Half naked Vedda, you don’t like even my praise !
In your case clownish ideas are matched by your clown face !
Any way, go on commenting in the CT, it is therapeutic !
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
deepthi desperate silva
“Half naked Vedda, ..”
Oh dear when did you replace Churchill?
“Any way, go on commenting in the CT, it is therapeutic !”
So you too enjoy CT by typing a lot and saying nothing.
I love hearing from those have had practical experience.
old codger / September 8, 2023
““Half naked Vedda, ..”
You naughty boy. So, you’ve been up to no good with DS. Was it at the same bar where I met her ? I hope you were impressed. No, no, I’m not talking about intelligence.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
old codger
” Was it at the same bar where I met her ?”
Aiyo Kadavule!!!
I just want to remind you a real lif story:
(Lorena Bobbitt severed her husband John Bobbitt’s p**** which occurred on June 23, 1993, in Manassas, Virginia.)
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Have you noticed that today the whole world believes that Malecha Rajapaksa must be behind the “Easter Sunday Massacre”, but Deepti the estranged woman is still defending Rajapaksa?????
I question today why on earth Deepti could not marry anyone from the Rajakshe family?
She is said to be a UK doctor, but I doubt it…. As always, she or he bashes someone on this forum. The woman or man must dive into utter despair to act like that. I have connections with NHS hospitals, if life turns miserable for this person I can find her or him a partner.:::: I offered my support several times. But she is silent about it. why ?
deepthi silva / September 10, 2023
Leela you say the whole world knows that Rajapaksa family was behind the Easter bombing !
Does that include RW ? Why wont he arrest them then ,for committing mass murder ?
Just because you hate someone (Rajapaksa) it does not mean they are guilty of every crime . No wonder there is no justice from guys like you.
So full of hate and bias
old codger / September 10, 2023
“I question today why on earth Deepti could not marry anyone from the Rajakshe family?”
Good question, but don’t you think even the Rajapaksas have limits?
leelagemalli / September 11, 2023
“even the Rajapaksa have limits?”
I don’t believe they have boundaries. However, even though they are record breakers, apparently, they don’t treat DS (backside lickers) fairly. Either DS is the ugliest duckling or karma. I feel bad for DS. She always finds it difficult to be a part of criminals. I think her efforts are still not enough.
old codger / September 11, 2023
In your universe, I suppose referring to others as “half-naked, smelly, with oily bodies, pot-bellied, ugly”, etc, is not low and vulgar?
If you can’t take what you get, don’t provoke those who can do it better than you.
deepthi silva / September 10, 2023
Codger when you deal with a female, must you always bring a sexual suggestion ? So low and vulgar .
leelagemalli / September 11, 2023
What if some females are like poisonous reptiles?
That being said, I have not read any non-provocative comments from you. Most of them are full of junk content.
old codger / September 11, 2023
In your universe, I suppose referring to others as “half-naked, smelly, with oily bodies, pot-bellied, ugly” etc, is not low and vulgar?
If you can’t take what you get, don’t provoke those who can do it better than you.
deepthi silva / September 8, 2023
Something wrong with you Vedda, no reference to Churchill , the veddas I know are half -naked.Maybe the veddas you know dress in full western suit when they go out to hunt !
SJ / September 11, 2023
Which way do you prefer? Half naked or fully dressed?
Even the Sinhala peasant is half naked at work.
How many “Red Indians” today wear their tribal gear, except in reserves to make some money?
leelagemalli / September 8, 2023
To my surprise, I haven’t read a comment from you, which may be normal. Either you’re sick or frustrated with not being able to enjoy the basics.
What’s wrong with you, why do you always talk the same scolding way? Can’t control your own frustration and refrain from lashing out at someone?
Would you like me to introduce you to a partner on your side?
I deal with several clinics in the UK. Such a relationship will definitely give you a boost. Don’t worry, Japanese housewives start their dream studies at universities once they reach retirement age.
I know several doctors your age. Please let me know we only need women desperate to see it right.
deepthi silva / September 8, 2023
Leela what a painful effort at humour ! Clearly humour is not your style. Try lies and stupidity
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Prof. DS,
That’s not meant to be funny. Focused only on reality. You have been a pain to this forum time and time again. That is the truth. I usually dont write things with humour contents.
soma / September 8, 2023
International community is busy.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“International community is busy.”
Name the members please and I will tell you International community is more than the group comprising USA, China, UK, Hindia, Japan, …………………………………….
Rajash / September 8, 2023
Hi Native – did you watch the C4 documentary on Easter Bombing.
As per the documentary Apparently Gota Operated a hit squad headed Pillayan.
They were involved in many bombings and killings under instruction and these bombing and killings were attributed to LTTE for International consumption
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
Where you’ve been?
You were missing, soma was missing, I was worried.
I did watch C4 documentary on facebook.
Not only Gota, but Fonseka, Janaka Perera, Premadasa Udugampola (DIG) … and many others operated death squads during 1987/1991 period. One member of the dead squad is in Geneva, … I have no idea when those dead squads were dismantled.
In order to escape from those dead squads many patriotic members of JVP joined the armed forces. By 2009 all would have been promoted to top ranks in the armed forces. Isn’t it another reason as to why JVP objects to investigation by foreign investigators?
Rajash / September 8, 2023
I was spending more time on twitter…found it more interactive than CT. Also it covers current news hot on the heels and not just limited to Sri Lanka but also UK politics, USA, India , Cricket etc
I was also in Sri Lanka for 3 months and Canada for 2 months. Tamil expats are vibrant and successful in Canada.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“I was also in Sri Lanka for 3 months and Canada for 2 months. Tamil expats are vibrant and successful in Canada.”
So you didn’t go Thailand this time?
Did you meet the Canadian Roy Ratnavel the author of Prisoner #1056?
His life story is interesting.
As you said Canadian Tamils seem to be doing very well.
What is your message to their(both Sinhala and Tamil speaking) brethren back in Sri Lanka?
Rajash / September 10, 2023
I also read Prisoner# 1056..it’s now doing the circle among my friends.
I als read The orders were to rape you by Meena Kandasamy. It’s an interesting book if you can get hold of it. Very small book. Meena’s interview with Tamil tigress after the war.
My message…first oust the Ranil Rajapaksas. Recreate the Aragalaya spirit, elect some genuine young generation
But there is a vast gap between Colombo elites and the rural folks.
Rajash / September 10, 2023
I will join you to Thailand when you go next.
My friend with whom I go to Thailand died of heart attack at the massage parlour. Happy ending for him. So now I don’t have a companion to go.
SJ / September 9, 2023
“In order to escape from those dead squads “
Dead squads? Nice one though!
Native Vedda / September 10, 2023
“So now I don’t have a companion to go.”
Please be kind to SJ, who does not know how to make oneself happy, a sort of a loner, perhaps he feels there is no purpose in life after Mao, Siri Mao, ….. into nitpicking, knitting, crocheting, sewing, baking, ….. . It looks like he is tired of being tired. He needs fun, …. take him around, …. show him how to have good time, …
Nathan / September 6, 2023
There are enough Tharmans in Sri Lanka. Only Kadirgamar was made visible.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“There are enough Tharmans in Sri Lanka. “
You mean Namal, Yoshitha, Rohitha, …………
Mahila / September 8, 2023
you mean “ATHARMANS”!!!???
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“you mean “ATHARMANS”!!!???”
Could be
Ajith / September 6, 2023
“Sadly, Kadirgamar was shot dead by a sniper at his private residence in Colombo and the assassin was widely believed to be from the LTTE. “
We all know there are number assasinations or murders happened in the name of LTTE. Even the two Policemen who were murdered in Vavunativu, Batticaloa 2018 was blamed by LTTE but later it was found that it was by Saharan. Even now it appears that the Easter Bombing was organized by Pilliyan and military personal using Saharan and other criminals. So, it could have been another assasination for power.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Oh dear!
This man cannot even imagine that VP’s cyanide brigade would kill a fly!
Because they were falsely accused on an occasion, this pathetic character would claim innocence of all the crimes that VP’s ‘pediyans’ were associated with.
Go, teach a grandmother to such eggs.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Go, teach a grandmother to suck eggs.
Douglas / September 7, 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam – the elected President of Singapore and, a BIG THANK you to the citizens of Singapore for the display of RESPONSIBILITY and being EXEMPLARY in casting your VOTE at an election.
Now the Sri Lankans are JUMPING up with Jubilation in tracing Mr. Shanmugaratnam’s ancestry. What “EMPLTY VESSELS” are we? Don’t you see how your own brothers and sisters born among you, live among you of equal academic qualifications “Behave and Work” in your own country? Aren’t you ashamed of seeing the highest “Academic” and “Professional” qualifications have so far managed your country’s Governing? In the same way, look at how you have VOTED at elections in comparison to those in Singapore. Please ask yourself: Have we done our duty by the country?
In comparison, Singaporeans (Academics and professionals like Mr. Shanmugaratnan) have done their duty with honesty and integrity toward uplifting the country and its people.
Sinhala_Man / September 8, 2023
Lukman Harees writes wonderful articles; both Douglas and Raj-UK make sincere comments.
What we need is a society where every human being is respected. Regarding leadership, we should look forward to creating a society (it’ll take time), where the ablest lead (I’m not that, not terribly clever, and definitely too old). That should not depend on any factor except those that make it possible to lead.
There is misunderstanding here. In Lanka at present the most important person is the President; in Singapore it is the Prime Minister. So that defines the National Leader.
Neither of the persons named in the heading came anywhere near that. At least in Singapore, Tharman succeeded’ in Lanka there never was any chance of Kadirgamar succeeding.
Many changes must take place in Lanka.
leelagemalli / September 10, 2023
Dear Readers for your Info@
Also, SINHALA MAN aka SNAKE MAN could write good comments at the same time.
However, Bad association has alienated him completely. Srilanken media should be made acocutable for that. This naive man was a good person long ago. Now he is no different to an average hateful JVP. See how things could fall apart with bad association… alah.. curse on srilanken society.
That’s what my elders taught me from day one. CBK’s character assassinations were entirely motivated and well organised by Rajapaksa’s propaganda and backed by JVPs. It worked well to erode Sri Lankan society to horrific levels.
If there was no CBK administration, today, we would be trying to pick up the tsunami debris even today.. Truth should be given due respect.
Sinhala_Man / September 11, 2023
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.
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Mahila / September 8, 2023
Reflection on the Country and it’s Modalities!!!???
When IMPELLED all citizens EXCEL!!!
We Sri Lankans seem to be “DEAD on TRACK”, in what we all excel in DOING!!! FOR ONCE!!??
Mahila / September 8, 2023
When you have pay Obeisance and follow Robbers and Looters, the aspiration of the Citizens to become pliable to be comforted and part of Looters and Robbers!!!??? What else is reasonably Expected??
Raj-UK / September 7, 2023
It is not ethnicity or religion per se but the genii called Nationalism SWRD released that has been the root cause for the destruction of SL & continues to play havoc. Maybe, SWRD was not thinking far & was concerned only about him getting power on the back of peasants & the average man on the street. His weeping widow continued the legacy but it was the Sorbonne educated & much hyped CBK who did the most damage recently by selecting the loyal pet dog instead of internationally accepted Kadiragama as the PM. Not learning the lesson, she then went on to nominate another uneducated yob, slimy Sirisena, & the rest is history. Now the country is f****d & so is her party. The Bandaranayakas, as a family, have a lot to answer for.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
That decision was not entirely her decision, but collective decision of the Party – SLFP – main Partner of PA!! She voiced the name of LK, but quickly drowned by protests
Raj-UK / September 8, 2023
The party was her legacy & she was the leader, so, what does it say about a leader whose recommendation is overruled by other members? Either she had no control over her leadership or had the respect of others as a leader, or both. In the end she watched poor LK thrown under the bus in favor of an uneducated yob. She just played to the gallery for her survival as the leader of the party. The Bandaranayake legacy is no more & the party is is in political wilderness (unless hanging to the Rajapakse tail) All I can say is good riddance.
Sinhala_Man / September 10, 2023
Dear Raj-UK,
A clear promise from Medical Doctor Nalindra Jayatissa that the JVP/NPP will wait for Elections, and abide by the decision of the people.
Also rebuttal of the Front Line Socialists (nimal does that include the pretty Swasthika?) claim that AKD has money stored in Malta, and, dear Douglas, the NPP will eschew raucous and ugly protests:
Clear Sinhalese; 30 minutes.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 48111444V)
leelagemalli / September 11, 2023
Thanks for reminding CT readers of that. Our people forget easily. Even if their loved ones are killed, the memories do not bring them cognition.
The best example is the victims of the Easter Sunday bombings. As of now, I have made up my mind as if it was done by karma.
Although CBK was elected with a landslide victory, her term in parliament did not allow her to budge an inch. If you take that as the scale, the resistance to her government was several times greater than to good governance. And at that time the war was at its peak.
Looking back, srilanka is a hell filled with human beasts similar to poisonous reptiles.
SJ / September 8, 2023
“genii called Nationalism SWRD released”
That genii was released much earlier by MK Gandhi, Sun Yat Sen , Ho Chi Minh and many others in Asia.
In Sri Lanka Ponnambalam Arunachalam did it before the rest in calling for independence.
BTW, what were WWI & WWII about?
Raj-UK / September 7, 2023
There is no ethnic Singaporean but consists of Chinese, Malays, Indians & others. A former Singaporean work colleague has a Chinese mother & a Scottish father who served in the Hong Kong police. He is a christian while his wife is a Chinese Buddhist. Everyone seem to be getting on fine. Sunak doesn’t hide his Hindu faith but some old school English living in the past, can’t accept an ethnic Hindu from the colonies & a self made billionaire to boot, as PM, However, most Brits are intelligent enough to accept that it is the capability that matters, not jokers like Boris. The majority SL voters lack that basic intelligence.
Sinhala_Man / September 8, 2023
Dear Raj~UK, and Douglas
This is a 90 minute interview of CBK on 06.09.2023 | Ilakkaya |
I was told about this, but I will have to listen tomorrow.
I respect CBK for having sincere intentions. I’m sure that some of what is said here
will be worth discussing. Whilst typing I hear useful things.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
leelagemalli / September 11, 2023
thanks for telling the truth about CBK.
CBK’s alleged earnings were blatant lies and the Bandaranaikes had many connections with the UK and the West long before Rajaksha or others started it. So I don’t think that she stole money the way Mahinda spread lies about her.
It’s just slander. She suffered a lot until 2015. However, by 2015 she took the lead with late Reverend Sobitha who vowed to drive out the “great criminals of the nation”.
I don’t agree with anyone who totally disagrees with the “good governance” that revealed so much about lanken “PABLO ESCUBAR” aka Mahinda Paraya in Sri Lanka.
The begining of MS-RW government was one of the exemplary governments we had ever in srilanka. That started respecting world standards. Late honourable Minister Mangala samaraweera did a great job regarding getting external affairs restored and be back to normal world affairs, which was totally tarnished by Medamulana dogs by 2015. Remember entire world was against SRILANKA by 2015, but for Swaziland.
However, MS-RW govt was completely thwarted by the then “JOINT opposition led by MEDAMULANA beasts”.
Gotha was not caught by such distractions, but he failed to do the job because he did not know how to control the boogers.
SJ / September 8, 2023
So there is no racism in the UK!
leelagemalli / September 11, 2023
There is racism in every country. What matters is its level.
But Sri Lanka’s racism levels are the highest (10) on the scale (10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest). If you lived in the UK, you had to experience it. As someone who has dealt with many countries in Europe, I see more racism in Austria and Switzerland than in other European countries. Also in the east european coutnries, there is much more racism against some social groups. My colleagues shared with me that Croatia is a country with more racism. It also depends on the person’s opinion.
I question, if racism dominates the UK, how can a dog be their Prime Minister today?
Gus / September 7, 2023
Kadirgama’s use as a QUISLING use was redundant and he was expendable by the Sinhalas. His Karma resulted. Similarly the crook in white garb Malcolm Ranjith who kept quiet while 150000 tamils were murdered got his Karma when his own were murdered. The sinhalas are enduring their Karma now for faciltating the genocide of tamils by the Rajapakses. The Rajapakses who are now considered by the majority as international SCUM and their collaborators are having Karmic effects on them and very likely are next in line for the same ultimate treatment they metered our to the tamils. Media reports say that the buddhist saffron robed thugs are themselves now targeted by sinhala thugs who are now aware of their bunkum sinhala buddhism
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
Dear Gus,
Kadirgamar was a fine man, intelligent, articulate, and all that.
But you’re right!
Kadirgamar getting appointed would merely have confirmed that he was a Quisling. There may have been a few rich Colombo Tamils who approved of what he was doing, but even then he was never voted in. He came in on the National List, didn’t he?
We, Sinhalese, have always wanted a few high profile puppet Tamils. To tell the world that some Tamils were treated all right. That even that was not possible damns us Sinhalese. But CBK was probably sincere in wanting it done.
That move was in no way comparable with Rishi Sunak being considered by a majority of Conservative MPs to be the fittest to lead them. And it was accepted by the citizenry of the UK. I mean there were no protests about a brown man being PM.
When Conservative Party Members were asked to select, I knew right along that they would go for the White Woman, Liz Truss. Surely, I don’t have to type in pages and pages on that!
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
Dear Lukman Harees,
I agree that Obama’s win was a sea change, because blacks are considered to be the descendants of slaves.
That is probably true of his wife, Michelle.
But the literal truth is that Barack was not descended from any slave. Please check and correct me. His mother was a totally white woman, and his father was not even an American citizen. He was Kenyan.
The above observation is not terribly important. Very few Americans would have gone that deep into the “facts”. But what a fascinating early life Barack had had. Indonesian Muslim step-father, his half sister, etc. And schooling in a Madrasa.
However, by the time that he became an adult, and was brought up by his white grand-mother to enjoy Harvard, etc. I didn’t bother to check all that out; I, too, may have made mistakes! But my mistakes are only in comments; an article ought not to have mistakes.
Sinhala_Man / September 9, 2023
And Lukman,
It strikes me that this statement is also not accurate: “London elected Sadiq Khan, a Muslim as its Mayor – which has an overwhelming majority of Anglo Saxon whites.
As I keep saying, I’m not a much travelled man. I’m not sure about the exact places for which Sadiq Khan is Mayor. It may be that a clear majority of the population is Anglo-Saxon whites. But “overwhelming majority” seems to be exaggeration. To me, it seems that many speak of just how many “coloured” people there are in London.
The main thrust of your articles is fine; this scattering of inaccuracies undermines the authority of the article.
cugan / September 7, 2023
Tharamar its good that you live in Singapore if it’s here they would have corned you.unless you pretend to be dont know Thamil for survival.(like Kadir Indrajit….)
Our brothers ask favour to send back Mahendran now put all the blame on him no gas fuel….no dollars etc
But reality is in here they are like Somalians pirates they wants anything as santhosam/commission or cut from ginger to wind powe..
This is open deal 6.9 knows about very well but it’s ok like Rambukwella said boys are boys thats all.good part is looking for election again to come back to chamber even they provide mattresses too,what a perks they might provide virgins too who knows.
One of the minister got habit of after drinks wants to play with live ammunition .He shoots to air time to time,then neighbours knows he had some drinks..
You won’t find these sort of stories in Singapore, a monk with two women in side the pansal having time,then alerted by someone.to protect the orher monk gave a statement dont expect 100% from them everyone stressed from economy down fall..
Here they don’t punished .
SJ / September 8, 2023
“here they are like Somalians pirates”
Do you have a clue about how those pirates came about?
shankar / September 7, 2023
kadirgamar may be dead but we tamils still have hope of a tamil president or prime minister one day because pillayan,douglas and karuna are still alive.
Rohan25 / September 7, 2023
Good one Shankar. I can see through your sarcasm of all these so called Tamil quislings. Similar to Kathirgamar who did more damage to his Tamil people by portraying himself as one of them, when in my opinion he hardly identified with them or their aspirations and scorned his own people, just like someon on this forum.
shankar / September 8, 2023
” just like someon on this forum.”
don’t be cowardly.Openly name the person.
i have a healthy respect for douglas and do not think of him as a quisling.he is like a cat that has nine lives and has survived many assasination attempts from the LTTE.He even broke out of prison and also survived the prison riots in 1983.
shankar / September 8, 2023
rohan 25
also i respect karuna.He would have made a better leader of LTTE than prabha. He was pushed into the sinhala camp by prabha.I also feel sorry for mahattaya.
pillayan is trash.As for my sarcasm you mentioned satire would be a better word.
Rohan25 / September 9, 2023
No Prapakaran whatever his faults were, was very correct in his assessment of these two( Karuna and Pillayan) they were not leader material and were self-serving traitorous crooks, who will damn their own people for money and power. What have they done to prove their leadership, even after the demise of the LTTE thanks to lots of inside information from them, other than colluding with the Rajapakses and being used as a tool like the eastern Muslim politicians, to damn and marginalise the eastern Tamils? We can see now what Pillayan was up to, his role in the Easter bombing and how he was used by the Rajapakses, where most of the victims were Tamils and a large number from the east. What did Karuna do? Planned and plotted with the Sinhalese and Muslims, to divide the Tamil vote in Amparai, in order to deny the Tamils their only seat in the Amparai district, which they should have won, giving the Muslims another extra seat that they do not deserve. At least Douglas does not do all this but attempts to sort out problems faced by the Tamils, especially in the north and I give him credit for this.
shankar / September 10, 2023
rohan 25
karuna is a mixed bag.On one side he has the killing of 600 surrenderd policeman and the kattankudy massacre while on the othr side we see his courage and intelligence in the battlefield.Nowadays to win battles you have to have a brain too and karuna was to enter the batticaloa uni but chucked it up when he saw what happenned in the 1983 riots he got very angry and he and his brother joined the LTTE and subsequently his brother was killed.He rose from the ranks due to his battlefield exploits and became the blue eyed boy of prabhaharan.
when he was called by prabhaharan to the vanni to answer corruption charges he declined because he saw what happenned to mahattaya,who was also a guy who fought in the battlefield like him and gave everything to the LTTE and inreturn was tortued and killed by pottu amman who never was on the battlefield just like prabha.I was laughing wheniheard that the two who were livin in bunkers for 25years were now coming out like rats to lead the LTTE onthe battlefield at the near end of the war because all the other commanders were dead.
shankar / September 10, 2023
The intelligent karuna was of the opinion that prabha should have reverted to guerilla warfare just like in the beginning of the LTTE when he found he was losing the convntional war.That is why i said that karuna would have been a better leader of theLTTE than prabha because he would have changed tactics.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Knowing the calibre of Tamil politicians, do you seriously think that a Tamil president (even other than your shortlist) will be of any benefit to the Tamils.
India had two Dalits, two women, one Sikh, a South Indian, an Aadhivaasi as president. Did any of them make much of a difference to the groups concerned.
Btw, the US had a Black as president.
Native Vedda / September 7, 2023
“Did any of them make much of a difference to the groups concerned.”
If only India had Mao, access to red book, and Red Guards, ………
SJ / September 8, 2023
There he goes with the desperate cry for the doctor in the room!
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“There he goes with the desperate cry for the doctor in the room!”
Here comes the teenager, …..
SJ / September 9, 2023
Still on the look out?
Leonard Jayawardena / September 8, 2023
Sri Lanka also had teo men at the helm
Leonard Jayawardena / September 8, 2023
Sorry, this post was sent accidentally while I was writing the correct one, which appears below.
Leonard Jayawardena / September 8, 2023
Sri Lanka also had two women at the helm of government but some Sri Lankan women are still complaining of discrimination against women.
leelagemalli / September 8, 2023
LJ, Good to see you back to comment@
These female leaders were just coincidences.
You may talk to university undergraduates, staff members, female school teachers, anywhere where females have got to heart out what they have been going through in our SB-dominated hell.
The truth is that women in general, in Sri Lanka are fighting for their basic rights, regardless of where they are.
Remember, how that girl child (Dr Safi s teenage daughter) fought to escape from being harassed at the time, her father was singlehandedly targeted by even locally graduated MBBS holders (Jayasumanaya was backing that falopian tube suppression could lead to infertiity in those 400 mothers that were worried of not getting further conceptions).
Be they Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, their woman suffering is greater than that of others in the hell created by Rajapakshe villains and their supporters. Btw, there are rumours that MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE’s last breath said to be causing tremours in southern soil these days. Is that true ?
SJ / September 8, 2023
A woman being PM or President is no guarantee of women’s rights.
The dice are still loaded against them.
Many rights like property and inheritance rights demanded much struggle to win.
There are social barriers and gender prejudices that still operate in society.
SJ / September 8, 2023
Have you not noticed the derogatory language used be people in their references to women in general as well as in particular?
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
Leonard Jayawardena
“Sri Lanka also had two women at the helm of government but some Sri Lankan women are still complaining of discrimination against women.”
Good, the first woman was appointed by her HUSBAND’S devoted RACISTS follower’s, also to stop her crying wherever the weeping widow went, during her tenure she ruined the island.
Though a widow her daughter was elected with almost 2/3 majority, but the practicing racists within the party and opposition never allowed her to do what she set out to do. Our Nimal’s friend Prabaharan helped the those racists immensely.
What was first woman’s legacy?
How did those two women help those women who are engaged in low paid jobs for example the plantation, export processing zones, ….. appalling working conditions, …. and those who were sent to toil and die in middle east, ….
The first woman aided and abetted war crimes in Bangladesh, and committed war crimes in 1971.
Just because they are women they are not angels and do not behave completely different to men.
nimal fernando / September 9, 2023
“Nimal’s friend Prabaharan helped the those racists immensely.”
Which Tamil leader got equal treatment with the Sinhala government in the South? ……. Whatever means used ……. Prabakaran achieved even momentarily what the Tamils were clamouring for all their lives …….
If Prabakaran wasn’t there would that have happened? ……. Is that helping the racists?
Are you suffering from amnesia? You are as twisted and biased as the good ol’ racists you’re trying to denigrate!
leelagemalli / September 9, 2023
” committed war crimes in 1971.”
Is somewhat hypercondriac ?
I did nt know there was a war in 1971?
Native Vedda / September 10, 2023
“I did nt know there was a war in 1971?”
According to some reports there were 18,000 innocent people were killed in 1971 in the south. The Indian air force bombed the s**t out of JVP in some parts of the south. According to some sources Hindians to bombed these places.
Please ignore the teenager.
Bert / September 7, 2023
That is a frightening thought considering the caliber of politicians we have this is quite possible.
shankar / September 8, 2023
educated tamll leaders are dead.Killed by the LTTE.Douglas best of the worst.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
You think, Tiss Kutti Arachchi and Kalutara MP Raththarang are below Par???
SJ / September 8, 2023
I would have thought that you are quite literate.
Mahila / September 8, 2023
Excellent nominations LEAD THE NATION!!!??? Hit NAIL on HEAD!!!
Pandi Kutti / September 7, 2023
Definitely not Kathirgammar who I consider a quisling.
Gus / September 7, 2023
A commentator here said in context that it was Gota’s minions that killed Kadirgamar. Me thinks that it is the Thugs the Saffron Clothed Buddhist clergies hierarchy the mahanayakes who obviously have nothing to do with the real buddha who constantly gave their blessings to the Rajapakese including Gota who are the ultimate killers in the sinhala land including of the flock of the humbug Malcolm Ranjith and the tamils. I am sure if these hierachies
SJ / September 7, 2023
“Me thinks that it is the Thugs the Saffron Clothed Buddhist clergies hierarchy … who are the ultimate killers”
Fantasy knows no limits!
Gus / September 7, 2023
I am sure if these thuggish buddhist clergy hierachies had a modicum of brains not infested with RACIST buddhist ideology (THAT ALSO CREATED MY ATTITUDE) they would not have constantly/regularly blessed these Rajapakse murderers who killed Kadirgamar.
My 100 years plus old mother fortunately living in a country that has a good health system that contributed to her longevity (I am sure that this would not have happened in bankrupt beggars sri lanka) once told me that it was fortunate that the RACISTS sinhalas contributed to her leaving RACIST sinhala land and her family being out of sri lanka .
Mallaiyuran / September 7, 2023
Just hypocritic, humbug unity lecture, while not ready to oppose the Thani Alaku demands or those promising Tamils blood in North. It is shameful for a Tamil Muslim Man to write this class as an easy match to Sinhala Buddhists Intellectuals racism.
Is this author for racial unity? Can this type of hidden motive essays bridge the gap between Tamils and Muslims, whose main politician introduced standardization, to divide the races to extreme and they to warm up out of Sinhala Tamil pogroms? Tamils are not just in the fight for their deprived rights with the Sinhala Chauvinist, but even for their citizenship. The third race inserted it into that & stabbed on the back of Tamils. Tell me something, If Ali does something to Muslims what Kadirgamar did to Tamils, will the author write an essay about Ali, like this? The author will tear off Ali to fibers. Why is this third-grade dirty job of comparing Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who received ¾ of all communities votes, to a notorious crook Kadirgamar, who never received one single vote from specially Muslims, Tamils, & never got any recognition from Sinhalese, who honor only rowdy Royals, who organized and carried out Kadigamar murder. Kadirgamar’s family asked for an honest second inquiry during Yahapalanaya. Evil said in parliament how the money payment for the murder was exchanged but never investigated the murder. Why? Racial Unity?
Mallaiyuran / September 7, 2023
Not one private Muslim citizen or 25 MPs (out of them 20 were ministers) who were unitedly working together in Yahapalanaya time, did not attempt to seek justice for that family! Tell me about something in what government Muslim partners were left out by the Sinhala Buddhist governments? Still not feeling not satisfied and so dastardly trying to impose Kadirgamar over Tamils with the name of equal rights to Tamils? Every Tamils knows that Sinhala and Muslim ministers, writers and leaders promoted Kadirgamar, Pillaiyan, Karuna, Deva, Shanmugathsan…. only for being a pesky annoyance to Tamils. Take a poll from any part of the Tamils in Langkang that if Rowdy Royals did not shoot Kadirgamar, but appointed him as the PM, then they would have felt that the Muslim-Sinhala Aanduwa was recognizing Tamils rights? Why only blame Sinhalese, why not blame Muslim Bathiudeen for the destruction of Tamils education? In what democracy it says Tamils should take Muslims proposing unelected Kadirgamar as leader and subject them for SLFP’s standardization? When India wants to implement the 13A, Muslims leaders unitedly ask for a Secret Deal with Evil. This author talks of the impossibility of Federalism. Do the Singapore Malay Muslims Asking MMDA or Thani Alaku in Singapore? Malaysian Malay Muslims agreed for Singapore’s separation, not Federalism, dear friend! If the author doesn’t know where Singapore is, why not ask others.
SarathP / September 7, 2023
Remember that the JVP, when they were part of Chandrika’s government, nominated Kadiragamar for the PM. Not hard to guess who would have panicked.
Velu / September 7, 2023
Tharman and Kadir.
I beg from any one of the commentators or the author to cit one incident, Kadir claimed that he is ethnically Tamil. His name served well for his political masters to show the world that a minority has been a foreign minister of SL, that is it, and helped SL to label those who fought for the aspirations/rights of the SL Tamils as terrorists, this is what he did. Kadir, changed his religion from hindu to christian to buddhist, for what? He is a pseudo sinhalised buddhist. For god sake dont compare Kadir with Tharman, who is married to a chinese lady but had his childrens named with Tamil heritage. It is next to impossible for a SL Tamil to hold any effective political position in SL government for the next 50 yrs or never.
soma / September 8, 2023
What are the TNA’s plans for the next fifty years?
SJ / September 8, 2023
The same as that of the ACTC/FP/TULF/TNA for the past 75 years
Native Vedda / September 8, 2023
“What are the TNA’s plans for the next fifty years?”
Business is as usual as the UNP, SJB, SLFP, SLPP, JVP, ….. .
I wonder whether Sri Lanka is going to remain as a undivided country or to be annexed by Hindians or Chinaman, perhaps divided into two parts and each part choosing to join either Hindia or China.
My advice you better relocate to the part that decides to join Hindia.
Cicero / September 7, 2023
The Singapore President has always been a person from the minority community except on one occasion. Devan Nair was an Indian and President of Singapore. The last president was a Malay lady. The President performs a largely ceremonial function with little executive power. The difference in Tharman’s case is that he was the first elected President and 71% voted for him. Since the Malays and Indians account for only about 23%, substantial Chinese people voted for him. It was an achievement. The President of Singapore has a veto over spending of the reserved funds of Singapore. Apart from that, he has no executive powers. Too much must not be read into this achievement.
SJ / September 7, 2023
Does that not tell us what the post is worth really?
Yet, even as tokenism, it is a decent gesture.
shankar / September 8, 2023
“Apart from that, he has no executive powers. Too much must not be read into this achievement.”
absolutely correct.It is merely a symbolic gesture on the part of the chinese to give a useless position to a member of the minorities,but remember if we had a symbolic post here of president with no powers and it was given to a tamil then the bhuddhist monks would have gone gaga because if you give a banana to the tamils they will start to holler their heads off and if you then take back the banana and give the skin to the tamils they will continue the hollering without realising now it is only a skin.
SJ / September 8, 2023
” a symbolic gesture on the part of the chinese to give a useless position to a member of the minorities,”
If that is the case what is all the celebration in the CT about?
Tharman S was deputy prime minister at one time. Any observations?
Agnos / September 8, 2023
Mr. Shanmugaratnam has been careful in his allegiance to the ruling party. Had he raised his voice like the late Mr. J.B. Jeyaretnam, who was bankrupted by false charges from Lee Kuan Yew, Mr. S would have faced the same fate. For this reason, the election of Mr. S doesn’t signify much to me.
SL shouldn’t look to the Singaporean model. There are a few good things such as free tertiary education, decent medical care, and reasonable free speech, which SL shouldn’t give up, even if there are many other problems that need solutions.
SJ / September 8, 2023
Jeyaretnam was an opposition party leader, wasn’t he?
LKY would not have been any kinder to a critic of any nationality.
Cicero / September 9, 2023
Jeyaratnam deserves mention. He was a Sri Lankan Tamil. He opposed Lee Kwan Yew. Rajaratnam, another Sri Lankan Tamil, was deputy leader under LKY. LKY got defamation awards of high amounts whenever Jeyaratnam made remarks against him. I remember during my stint in Singapore that Jeyaratnam would stand with buckets in both hands on the steps of markets and largely Chinese people, afraid of being noticed, would run and drop money into the buckets so that he could pay off the damages. It was said that Jeyaratnam would take the small notes to the registry of the court to pay the damages and delight in the fact that they had to count the small notes and the coins. He was in his way a courageous man opposing a benevolent authoritarian.
Agnos / September 10, 2023
SJ, Cicero,
I am aware that JBJ was in the opposition. I didn’t imply LKY was racially motivated as in Sri Lanka. But Tamil leaders who haven’t been toadies have faced challenges even in countries like Singapore. This deeply reported piece on JBJ may be of interest to readers:
Siva Sankaran Sharma / September 7, 2023
Tamil people want real honest Tamil politicians, who genuinely work for the welfare of the island’s Tamil people to be elected as leaders and to higher positions and not useless Tamil traitors and quislings, who only care for themselves and for their own welfare and deliberately cause a lot of damage internationally for the just Tamil cause by misinformation. These Tamil quislings may be heroes for the island’s Sinhalese and fake Arab South Indian origin Tamil Muslims. as they are doing what they really want, destroying the Tamils. This is the reason they love him and promote and praise this Tamil traitor and quisling, who caused so much misery for the island’s Tamils. Always bring this quisling’s name up with regard to illustrious and remarkable Tamils. Illustrious and remarkable indeed! Notice will never mention Chelvanayagam or any other Tamil leader who was much loved by the island’s Tamils and was considered their leader but this person whom 99.99% OF the Tamils consider as a traitor, as the Tamil leader worth mentioning, as this traitor is their hero.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / September 7, 2023
Strange no self-respecting Tamil ever praises or promotes this man but always condemns him. Tamils would have never wanted this man to be a leader President or Prime Minister as they are fully aware that he would have run around the world, stating that he is a Tamil, to muster support but in order to please his actual Sinhalese masters, would have made life hell for them. He was just a puppet and figurehead in their hands doing their bidding and dirty work. Parading him to the world that they have a Tamil( quisling) in an important position, who also agrees with their racist policies. They used him and once he reached his use-by date disposed of him and then conveniently laid the blame on the LTTE. I consider this article and the mention of this person’s name in association with remarkable Tamil leaders, as an insult and affront the the Tamil people by this Muslim author, a deliberate dig. May be remarkable to the Muslims, for what he did to the Tamils but not to the Tamils.
SJ / September 8, 2023
“Tamil people want real honest Tamil politicians,”
Sadly they never get what they want.
That goes for Eelam, federalism, internal intervention etc. as well.
Gus / September 7, 2023
Some commentators here in the past have said that the ceylonese tamil (this is also the current ethnic description on Singapore ICs) diaspora has no international clout. But on youtube which I watch sinhal land news for reinterating the deprivations in sinhala land and thanking that my grandfather had the wisdom to emigrate, I see the buddhist thugs in saffron robes shouting “overseas tamils”. I am sure that them ceylonese tamils diaspora have very much significant clout that the whole of sinhala land, its peoples and its politicians which has not yet been used against sinhala land to this tamil diaspora’s full potential. I attended a one family function in the UK of approximately 250 ceylonese tamils family members and estimated that the net worth of the persons present was at least approximately GBP 125 x 500,000 and there was at least one second generation person with a net worth of GBP 5 million. Very likely that the estimated 1 million ceylonese tamil diaspora would be able with their SPARE CASH (NOT LOOTED) pay off sinhala lands foreign debt many times over. ( In the past I even had a letter from a sinhala land PM requesting a contribution to sinhala land treasury – the BEGGING BOWL Off course I did not oblige.)
Rohan25 / September 8, 2023
Sorry Mohamed Harees, if there is a national leader elected from the Tamils, it should be someone, who is acceptable to the Tamils and has worked hard for their welfare. Not a quisling who damned them and did the bidding of his Sinhalese masters, who paraded him around the world, like a show pony, to falesely portray, how good the Sri Lankan state is to the Tamils and even give them high positions like foreign minister. In my opinion he even outdid the Sinhalese and was more successful in damning his own people, inorder to ingratiate himself to with his Sinhalese masters and even delibarately choose a Sinhalese Buddhist woman as his second wife and converted to Buddhism, inorder to further his political career and make him more acceptable to the Sinhalese. May be a hero and an acceptable Tamil for you, the Sinhalese and the island’s Muslims, as he was dancing to their genocidal, war dance tune but definitely not acceptable to any Tamil, other than a few quisling like him. This is what matters most. The strange thing is he finally met his end at the hands of the very same people, he worked ard for and to be part of them, as many of them considered, as a Tamil, he was trying to aim too much and was getting too big for his boots and he had reached his use by date. Then the blame was convenniently laid on the LTTE.
Rohan25 / September 8, 2023
Please do not insult us by trying to portray this person who is regarded by almost every Tamil as a traitor and a quisling as the only Tamil worthy to be a national leader, when they are far better-suited Tamil candidates who did great service for their people and to rest of the nation. You or the Sinhalese will not like if a Tamil did the same thing. You may consider this as something complimentary but the vast majority of the Tamils will consider this suggestion of this man, who did great damage to them, as the representative and ideal Tamil to be the national leader, as an insult and poking fun of them.
Gus / September 8, 2023
The manner of MERE DENIALS by the Rajapakse SCUM ILK and their minions is MANIFESTLY. CLEAR that the Channel 4 news that they were responsible for the MURDERS of the Catholics like they did of the Tamils. The Psychology of murderers is usually there is an element of apprehension / guilt / regret for the first, second muders BUT AFTERWARDS it becomes the NORM. This is the case with the Murderous Rajapakses family after murdering at least 150,000 plus innocent tamils and then being inured and normalised to murdering, were the hidden hands who masterminded and murdered including sinhalese christians during the Easter bombings resulting in the usual barbaric sinhala reprisals.
IF Rajapakses are NOT Responsible They should WELCOME PUBLICLY AND SUPPORT an international investigation and NOT a word of this nature is MANIFESTLY CLEAR that they are all GUILTY MURDERERS WITHOUT A DOUBT!!!!
Velu / September 8, 2023
Don’t ask me what are the plans of the TNA for the next 50yrs or so. My guess is they will talk…talk… in the parliament and live happily in Colombo. You know their interest is not about the SL Tamils, it is about keeping the parliamentary seats in the parliament even if they are 90yrs old. They will not let any reasonable Tamilian who will expose the Sinhala-Buddhist crimes against the Tamils. In one word their interest (particulalry Sampa and Suma) keep their “luxury” life in Colombo.
I expected a one word comment by SJ for my positing, I believe he is still looking for his wise wording.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
There is no TNA now. This was predicted by HRW in 2017, when the Evil led Yahapalanaya, received TNA-Tamils support in 2015 to win the election, but slackened its promise to investigate the War Crimes under the agreement Resolution 30/1. HRW said the result of UNHRC’s inability to move forward the Evils’ administration will destroy TNA. Evil fired Mangala, the most favored minister by the West, though he too was a bowl carrier to Peking for commissions. ACTC and TULF had forced Sampanthar Aiyya to revive the FP, earlier. This was the reason other members of the TNA became too nervous to stay under a too popular partner. It was not like a partner’s association but was like a leader-follower relationship, under FP. Some of the TNA partners who earlier worked as opportunists with the government and were operating as liberation movements too, for and against LTTE. When LTTE formed this organization (TNA), it preferred Sampanthan Aiyya’s leadership. The partner organizations of TNA never fully accepted LTTE’s dominant status. There was no objective congruent between LTTE and FP, but the most appealing phenomena for Tamil in they both were they tried to stay with one and only one solution as their campaign theme.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
This practically stop those who frequently cry that TNA too was a government ball carrier by changing their policy to match with UNP-SLFP power changes. FP only believed in Federal Solution until Siri Ma O created a Sinhala Buddhist republic, leaving Tamils outside of that constitution. Soulbury constitution had added S 29 to address Tamils’ consent for 1948 constitution, for overcoming the Tamils’ concern on the tendency of the Sinhala Buddhist leaders to have converted Tamils as Sinhala Buddhists by passing legislation time in the parliament, with majority voting. FP continued on its position until it envisaged the real truth that negotiations with Sinhelse would lead nowhere, and Sinhala Buddhists are not ready to come down even 1% in giving resolve on converting Tamils as Sinhala Buddhists or even denying the Tamils history’s existence in the Island of Ceylon by passing legislation on various fronts and different, different dimensions. Sinhala Buddhists are so rigidly determined to discard the Human Civilizations achievements and ignoring UN and other international organization’s requirements but believing that locally passing a legislation with the Sinhala Buddhists majority that the Tamils are terrorists, and they hope by that to wipe out Tamils, lawfully or physically. Sinhalese extreme approach (specially the iron fisted deeds of Siri Mao) forced SJV to call for God’s help & plunge into full self-determination.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
As Tamils had so much confidence and respect for SJV’s honesty and reliability his words created many rebel movements with various caliber. SJV didn’t need a Pillaiyan group, or a double agent Asath Mouland to create Jihadi group to force Tamils to accept his guidance. It all was so natural in his way of life. He just says, Tamils accept; that is the situation with the extremely brilliant politicians like Kayt’s Navam, or Amir, or Vanniyasingam or even in the latter years, Ponnambalam & Thondaman too. But LTTE, which had seen the Black July 83, and 13A at its tender ages, did not come below separation, ever. Now Tamils are waiting for an international investigation, they don’t have even Zero (0) confidence in India’s ability to have the 13A implemented. (India has yet to send a strong FAM after Mrs. Gandhi’s Parthasarathi, to handle Indian matters; then the Tamils affairs after that is extra.) So, the party which wants to reflect their opinion at the parliament will have to decide where they want to stand. Whether it is the non-existing TNA or anybody else, that party’s standing on War Crime investigation is merely expressing their feelings in negotiating with UNP-SLFP controlled Appe Aanduwas, in the past. In other words, that party is looking for internationally sponsored self-determination.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
This cannot be misconstrued that they are betting on Self-Determination is simple and easy. But that means that they are forcefully driven and cornered by UNP-SLFP Appe Aanduwas by demonstrating at the negotiation table that “Please do not come here anymore; whether you are going to end up self-immolate (but by the hands of Sinhala Buddhists who challenge to take your head to Colombo) or you like win freedom, for God sake go for International Inquiry. The International Community may tell you not to go for them as it is not their problem, but please don’t come to us too because it is not our problem either”. There are different opinions in the member parties, few are: adding different echelons like, urgent object, immediate object, normal term object, long term object, infinity term objects….. 13A, referendum, Pondicherry Status…… These are some inventions proposed by parties. But these differences in Tamils political parties only have told the international community that still there is some blood left in Tamils to wrench out before paying an ear to the international inquiry.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
There are many things that need to be discussed with Channel -4 Documentary. This spot is too small for that. Further I have not seen the documentary fully. So, I limit connecting that documentary to Tamils freedom. Garnier Francine was attempted to molester and torture by Sinhala Buddhist Rapist Security system. The Swiss Embassy did not attempt to keep her within the compound but used her help to smuggle the documents on Appe Aanduwa’s Jihadi terrorism on 4/21. So Appe Aanduwa, just one month ago, closed her case by making her forcefully accept that she lied to court that Rapist Security services attempted to torture her. Too bad the Swedish embassy had let her down so senselessly. The Norwegian embassy closed and moved to India, while Mr. Solheim arranged $12B for the Langkang government. These guys, who have put their heads under the sand in time before “Dispatches released”, are people Tamils and other oppressed communities counted for their help against Appe Aanduwa. But still the minimum thing we can draw from the “Dispatches’ ‘ is Pillaiyan, A Tamil criminal, who was serving prison term for Aanduwa’s murder of MP Joseph Pararajasingam, was released and reused on 4/21.
Sinhala_Man / September 10, 2023
Thanks, Mallaiyuran, for letting us know that you have seen only part of the Channel 4 Documentary on the Easter Bombs.
So far, Raj-UK has seen it all because he’s in the UK. (BTW, Rishi Sunak has arrived in India for the G-20 summit).
Native Vedda has seen it through Facebook, whilst being in Sri Lanka.
Something you may have missed; the Maldives Presidential Elections are heading for a surprise result.
How does that arithmetic work out? If all Nasheed’ supporters stay a home, and if Muizzu keeps al his voters, he wins the Second Round in twenty days. It’s time we began to discuss systems of voting.
Who was the the Chief Election Observer? Mahinda Deshapriya.
Some votes were cast in Colombo:
Will Lankans who are abroad be allowed to vote at future elections? Hushshshsh! Ranil may use that as an excuse to further delay our elections.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
Is that a joke of Chanel-4 to publish a document that the spy chief was using a Muslim spy (Moulana) to request Pillaiyan to forge a deal between Muslim Jihadis and Spy Chief. Then why did the SLFP and UNP governments pay for NTJ from 2014 from government payroll? Is the Channel – 4 playing this travesty because Mangala who in 2018 declared that “NTJ was in government payroll from 2012 to until the Jihadism, including the periods of Yahapalanaya. We have no need to save Pillaiyan, but we can take care of him in a decent way rather than like the government putting him in prison and milking him using his past history, which is a shameful, cowardice, notorious, action. The Viyathmaga Muslim Moulana is a spy himself planted by Appe Aanduwa into the Pillaiyan Organization to keep Pillaiyan in the path, not betraying the government. Moulana is such a third grade Doubler, so it is not sure if he was planted in Swiss too by Aanduwa, (like one time they planted Karuna in UK,) to confuse the whole world and clean the Evil image locally out of 4/21 and bring him back as EP again.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
But what is a complete disappointment here is that Channel-4 attempted to save the Evil Emperor by implicating Pillaiyan and Hitler King only. 4/21 was a product of the entire cabinet of Yahapalanaya government and many Joint Comedy Clubs of the Slap Party. Many ministers of that time will accept that this was a shame for them because this took place under the nose of them, inside the cabinet.
The point we need to note here is the status of Law & Order of the country. No other countries, even Russia or North Korea, are plotting so many schemes on each other, because in those countries rulers weed the opposition people; not opposition join the rulers to play the same side goals. This is unavailable on any notorious standard! NTJ was part of the spy framework of Appe Aanduwa all along, who kidnap, kill, and make people disappear from the living spaces surprisingly. Centuries or even millennia of complaints about this NJT were made; the regular Muslim mass had gone only with the wind, because Muslims ministers were gatekeepers and body guards for this heinous deed. NTJ were kept on the CID payroll without one single incident of them being investigated.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
In Vaharai Bridge shooting, arranged by Aanduwa, Aanduwa used ab ex Tamil rebel, by now he was a responsible family man with a wife and 5 children to feed, to load the crime on him, in order to protect the real Jihadi terrorists acting to cover Appe Aanduwa. The Vaharai shooting was completely unwanted, but many were put in untalkable pains and sufferings only to fake the Modayas to believe that there were no Jihadis at that time of Jihadis shooting the policemen. After all the arms Jihadis carried with them were not all stolen from Police. After being tired of their own tricks of using the Langkang court system to hide Muslim- Sinhala Aanduwa’s criminal activities, now Comedy Cardinal, Valaiththodam Jr, Ponni, Kumara Welgama, Deal Dasa like political and religious leaders are asking for an IC investigation on 4/21.
Mallaiyuran / September 9, 2023
It looks if an international inquiry comes out, Channel -4 is fearing that Evil too would be implicated in that, unlike more sure outcomes that are always drafted and edited at the political headquarters and released by the Langkang Supreme Court. If that is correct, we like to remind the Chanel -4 & West that the only purpose of Evil in the power is not obtain additional loans from IMF and pretending like developing the country, but without any hesitation or shame protecting the Rowdy Royals- whole family, not just saving Old King and dropping Hitler King down.
Pandi Kutti / September 8, 2023
This article itself shows how divided and racist the island is. For Chingkallams and Thullukans, any Thamizh who is a traitor and quisling, who joins and conspires with them to destroy their own Thamizh people is a good worth and illustrious Thamizh, even worth of national leadership, if they have not bumped off to the other world before that, by other Chingkallams or even Thullkans for not knowing their proper place. However, to the Thamizh they are scum and consider it an insult to them, that the Chingkallams and Thullkans are deliberately trying to put these Thamizh quislings on a pedestal, worthy of very high office, as they had done their bidding and damned their own people, for their own selfish ambition and personal power. However, it is the opposite if any Thamizh leader or politician works hard for the betterment of their own people, the Thamizh consider them a leader, worthy of their name and suitable for a higher position and office but the Chingkallams and Thullukans think this person as a traitor and not worthy of anything and will never mention this person’s name, other than to condemn. A good Thamizh to them is a Thamizh traitor and quisling and a bad Thamizh to them is a Thamizh who serves
Pandi Kutti / September 9, 2023
In short, any Thamizh leader selected for high office should be first acceptable to the island’s Thamizh, as he or she represents them and speaks on their behalf. and just to the Chingkallams and Thullkans as they only love Thamizh quislings and are not genuine Thamizh leaders.
Liger / September 9, 2023
My God the sheer gaslighting!
A Tamil/Sinhala/Moor who ONLY works for Tamil/Sinhala/Moor is not suitable to be a politician for all Lankas. Kadirgamar was a politican for ALL Lankans.
Given the indegenous Sinhala language and need to protect the island’s Buddhist heritage (that also encompasses Tamil-heritage vis-a-vis the Gods of the Hindu pantheon being honored within Viharas), Kadirgamar understood the need to appreciate the concerns of the Sinhala majority (who rightfully/not-surprisingly have a minority mindset), as well as the Moors who to this day honor their motherland, as well as the Lankan-Tamils who are Lankans first and do not ascribe to Chola-supremacy.
Unlike some commenters, he embraced his Lankan-Tamil heritage (as do all of us who share ancestry with South India) and despised Tamil-supremacy/Tamil-nationalism.
God Bless Lakshman Kadirgamar!
Those who keep worshipping Adele’s left nut aka ltte should visit a temple, a vihara, a kovil, a church and a mosque to clear their minds and assist the island in its recovery without using diaspora-money to fund destabilization.
Pandi Kutti / September 10, 2023
A liger is a sterile cross between a Lion and a tiger, why are you roaring in agony here? Did your zoo keeper forget to feed you? Just be patient and sit in your zoon enclosure and you will be fed. How is the London weather?
Liger / September 10, 2023
Agony? This holy war against you wretched chola-leftovers/adele-supremacists is God’s gift to us Lankans to keep honing our skills.
Now stay in your sty and enjoy the view.
Pandi Kutti / September 11, 2023
99% of the Chola Chera Pandian and Naicker Thamizh leftovers have all become Chingkallams, most probably you are one of them. You can see from the family names like Mudali, Pilli, Hetti, Arachchi, Koon/Kone, Bandara, Naicker, Sekera, Peruma, Ratne, Singhe, the list goes on. Add to that all the largely low castes from then Thamizh South India, who were imported into the island to do menial service work and work as slave labour in the huge southern spice estates, now all converted to Chingkalla Aryan Buddhist or Catholic racists, just like the purple robed crossdresser. Who make up approximately half the present-day Chingkallams, maybe you are one of them. No wonder the present-day Chingkallams share so much DNA with South Indian Thamizh than the native Sri Lankan Thamizh. So you admit you are Chingkalla racist, living the good life in the UK my sterile Liger Kutty no wonder you are roaring in agony and pain. May I sing a nice Thamizh lullaby to you, to remind you of your distant Chola homeland.