By Mohamed Harees –
‘You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do’. ~ (Quran : Surat al-Maida, 8)
On Thursday, Sri Lanka Thawheed Jama’ath (SLTJ) exercised their constitutional right to protest against the attempts made by the Government to bring about amendments to a historic law relating to the Muslim Marriages and Divorces (MMDA), apparently due to pressure exerted by the EU as a precondition to granting GSP+ to Sri Lanka. Thousands flocked and showed their disapproval and discontent by walking in a procession , carrying placards which culminated in a mass meeting addressed by SLTJ Leaders. There was also another counter- protest staged by a Sinhala group against this SLTJ procession ,which also exercised their constitutional right to express their freedom of expression, which is a healthy sign in a vibrant democracy. ‘Jaw-Jaw’ is better than ‘War-War’ as Churchill once said.
Be that it may, what was however totally deplorable was the abusive manner in which a SLTJ Leader handled criticism and how he referred to Ven Gnanasara Thero in abusive disparaging terms at the meeting. This type of language is not at all acceptable in any civilized society; moreover it is against the basic rules and decorum Islam teaches us- Muslims to adopt in handling criticism , however despicable such criticism may be. True! It is beyond doubt that Ven Gnanasara Thero and his likes went way beyond the basic rules of decorum their own religion – Buddhism teaches them and even breached the tenets of the Vinaya Pitaka too, by being abusive towards not just Muslims, but insulting even their beloved religion of Islam which they along with billions of others in the world hold dear in their hearts. The manner of speech and behaviour particularly Ven Gnanassara Thero was so rough and unrefined , they ultimately earned the wrath of most of the venerable members of the Maha Sangha and the majority of Buddhist brethren.
It was also true that the Post War period under MR was really a testing period for the Muslim community which felt insecure and was reeling under fear due to the well-orchestrated hate campaign launched by the hate mongers of this nature. However the Muslim community by and large did not lost their cool and they were kept in control by the Muslim theologians and did not engage in unpatriotic and/or irresponsible speech or action. This exemplary behaviour do doubt earned the admiration of not only the other communities in Sri Lanka, but also the international community as well. This admirable behaviour, in the face of such verbal abuses and assaults, of not only the Muslim community but also the majority Sinhala people showed their maturity who finally booted out these hate mongering elements at the last elections. It will therefore be harmful, to this exemplary track record of the community, if SLTJ or any other Muslim or Muslim organization arrogates to itself the right or licence to engage in these types of unrefined speech or abuses, in the way this SLTJ leader referred to Ven. Gnanasara Thero, as per the video being circulated in the social media. SLTJ has also suffered in terms of their credibility in the process, unless they apologize. It was a matter of shame that SLTJ leader did not have the ability to express his feelings and views about Ven Gnanasara Thero in a more refined manner. Perhaps, he may have not heard the saying ‘ Do not let others define you; or they might pick the worst word in the dictionary’
In this context, it has fallen on the Muslim community to disown and condemn these despicable manner of speech as not reflecting the community at large as it goes against all norms of civilized criticism and decorum their beloved faith has taught them. It is a matter of extreme regret that SLTJ which says it professes to follow the Sunnah, the traditions of Prophet (OWBP), has abandoned the very exemplary way this Role Model taught us in handling the much worse forms of criticism and abuse directed at him by his worst critics and enemies during his mission. The Muslim community will recount that it has equally condemned another instance of this SLTJ leader’s abusive speech too in he past too.
Islam establishes certain indisputable tenets of creed and practice for Muslims to uphold. It equally establishes for us inalienable tenets of human kindness and human rights. It is a message to humanity, and in fact, the Qur’an engages in encouraging good behaviour and discouraging bad. It takes a very human approach. People, by their nature resist those who act harshly towards them. However, by being harsh, they do not engage in a discourse of ideas, but rather a struggle between the idea that they are defending, and the human nature of their opponent – who resists them simply because of their unmannerly way of criticizing. In the absence of good behaviour, criticism can lead those who are criticized to become even more persistent in what they are on, no matter how wrong or misguided it might be.
Muslims are taught to take heed of the advice of Prophet (OWBP) when we engage in criticism, to focus on the merits and demerits of the various points of view without being abusive. Allah exhorts people in the Qur’an: “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good preaching, and argue with them in an even better way.” [Sūrah al-Nahl: 125]. Criticism should not therefore be couched in harsh words and foul language. The most substantive criticism loses its impact if it is not conveyed in a polite manner. People shy away from callous words as our people would have definitely experienced in this instance. SLTJ has thus lost the attention of the community and the country to the fair message they were trying to project through their MMDA protest, as a result of these ‘Trump style’ abusive verbal attacks, as the adage goes: Operation successful- Patient Died’. The earlier this truism is digested, the better for all.
jim softy / November 5, 2016
Girls go through puberty when they are 9 – 13 years. OLd, this muslim guy if that has gone through puberty and if she likes, she can get married.
A girl went through puberty does not mean, she can understand the world. It is very common, young girls die when they get pregnent at a very young stage.
Why Some muslims talk just like dumb animals. Humans are different.
Amarasiri / November 5, 2016
Lukman Harees
RE: SLTJ’s MMDA Protest And (Un-Islamic) Abusive Criticism
Alternate views to SLTJ’s MMDA Protest.
Debating Religion & Politics – Forum for Discourse
Ex muslim Salman Rushdie – Islam is Insane.
In Christianity there is Sin and Redemption.
In Islam there is Shame and Honor.
In order to prevent Shame, Muslim men, Wahhabi men, Fundamentalist men,stop the women doing more or less anything.
Published on Oct 14, 2016
Salman Rushdie – Islam is Insane
Salman Rushdie is the author of twelve novels: Grimus, Midnight’s Children (which was awarded the Booker Prize in 1981), Shame, The Satanic Verses, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, Shalimar the Clown and The Enchantress of Florence, and Luka and the Fire of Life. His most recent novel, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, was published in the English language in September 2015.
He is also the author of a book of stories, East, West, and four works of non-fiction – Joseph Anton – A Memoir, Imaginary Homelands, The Jaguar Smile, and Step Across This Line. He is the co-editor of Mirrorwork, an anthology of contemporary Indian writing, and of the 2008 Best American Short Stories anthology.
ali / November 6, 2016
Salman Rushdhie? Lol. A self-obsessed coward as his own wife called him, a crazy for fame and money, a tool of Western anti-Muslim propaganda machine that knew how to make hay when the sun shines, and a low class womanizer born to Muslim parents in Bombay, India in 1947. He just targeted Islam as the “get-rich quick scheme” to turn himself into the world’s most famous living author and to make money (Remember, Indian genes?). He himself has been married four times, and he has been romantically linked with many actresses and models, even while he was hiding for 10 year due to Iranian Fatwa on him (Order by then-supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, Iranian government to execute him).
Due to fear of his life, this lowlife pig-headed publicly announced a return to Islam in 1990 while still being highly guarded by UK Police just to appease those who wished to execute him. And he later admitted that it was all for the show when succeeding Iranian government withdrew the Fatwa.
The Satanic Verses was published in 1983. It created controversy in the
Islamic world because of the perceived depiction of Muhammad (PBUH). It is actually Muslim world that gave him popularity as he targeted.
What more, Roald Dahl, a famed fellow author described Salman Rushdhie as ‘a dangerous opportunist who knew what he was doing’ to get an ‘indifferent’ book to the top of the best-seller list. (Targeting ripe fruit theory)
In any profession, there are people who try all possible paths to get to the top of fame and rich lists. Unfortunately, this coward has chosen Islam as his short-cut.
Now, Amarasira, go, read “The Last Temptation of Christ” by Nikos Kazantzakis, and share with us how you feel about it.
Conclusion: He or any similar minded authors are nothing but racists and xenophobists as our infamous thero is, with different classes and abilities. Don’t get caught to them because they write good English. LOL
Advice: Having enough time with an Internet connection and a laptop doesn’t mean that you can copy paste any junk in a public forum.
Thanks, Ali
Amarasiri / November 6, 2016
“Now, Amarasira, go, read “The Last Temptation of Christ” by Nikos Kazantzakis, and share with us how you feel about it. “
One thing that is Common to All religions, is that it is belief, with no supporting data and proof. Religions and Theology thrives in Revelation and hearsay, not Reason, Observations and Data.
Focus on the meaasge and argument of Salman Rushdie. It is Valied, true or does he give supporting evidenve. You are doing is ad hominen attack.
Ad hominem (Latin for “to the man” or “to the person”, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
RE: “The Last Temptation of Christ”
Hailed as a masterpiece by critics worldwide, The Last Temptation of Christ is a monumental reinterpretation of the Gospels that brilliantly fleshes out Christ’s Passion. This literary rendering of the life of Jesus Christ has courted controversy since its publication by depicting a Christ far more human than the one seen in the Bible. He is a figure who is gloriously divine but earthy and human, a man like any other—subject to fear, doubt, and pain.
In elegant, thoughtful prose Nikos Kazantzakis, one of the greats of modern literature, follows this Jesus as he struggles to live out God’s will for him, powerfully suggesting that it was Christ’s ultimate triumph over his flawed humanity, when he gave up the temptation to run from the cross and willingly laid down his life for mankind, that truly made him the venerable redeemer of men.
The alternate Views from the “Internet”
George Carlin — Religion is Bullshit
George Carlin – 10 Commandments
Sam Harris demolishes Christianity
Sam Harris compares Islam to Buddhism, and Religious Extremism
Why Islam is violent and Buddhism & Jainism are not Sam Harris
Joshua 10:13
King James Bible
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Ad hominems on Galileo?
Hadith of Najd
The Hadith of Najd is a famous hadith with several chains of narration about three geographical locations. While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as “Najd” is disputed.( Disputed by the Wahhabies)
Ad hominems on Bukhari, Muslim and Other Hadith writers?
ali / November 7, 2016
Sorry, read my comment a few more times, and you would realize it is not ad hominem, or I am trying to attack the author personally. I am highlighting a few facts on a man’s true characteristics that would help you realize the real motives behind the book.
Judging by the form of the message, not by the messenger might sound fancy, but not practical always in the modern world. After all, we don’t want to be the blinds, following the blind. Honestly, today the world doesn’t take someone serious without an exemplary life?
A fabrication of the heretics (without any supporting evidence of any authentic books or Qur’an), derogatory terms for the prophet (PBUH), his wife, and his friends with mixing up of Islamic laws to their opposite with the author’s whimsy, is what you have been believing as so-called “Supporting Evidence”?
“The Last Temptation of Christ”? That is too much you have written there, let’s see some other time mate :)
Asiff Hussein / November 5, 2016
Be it as it may, there are some areas where local Muslim law certainly needs to be reformed in keeping with the true teachings of Islam. For example there is no provision for the written consent of the bride, so that it is possible that she could be forced into a marriage she does not want. True the law requires it, but there is no provision for her to express her consent in the marriage register. It is her wali (marriage guardian)who signs for her.
Also questionable is the right given to the bride’s wali (agnatic guardian such as father or brother)to consent to her marriage which means she cannot contract a marriage at her own discretion but is subject to her wali in this matter. This not only goes against Islamic teachings which gives her this right, but also against a very basic human right. See: http://asiffhussein.com/2015/04/02/freedom-of-marital-choice-in-islam/
Cruelty in the name of God / November 5, 2016
Irrespective of whether it is forced by the European Union (for GSP +) or otherwise, child marriages should be strictly prohibited in Sri Lanka. Until a child attains the age of 18 (adulthood), he/she should not be allowed to get married, primitive underage marriages is a thing of the past, now the world is civilized.
This SLTJ Leader Raseek seems to be a stupid idiot, he is going way outside the topic and bashing BBS and the Tamil Diaspora for no reason at all. Neither the BBS nor the Tamil Diaspora is involved in amending the Shariya law in Sri Lanka. The government decided that underage marriages forced by the parents/religious leaders without the consent of the girl child is illegal and cruel and therefore should be stopped.
Buddhist Gay marriage / November 6, 2016
Ordaining underage Buddhist children (giving very young boys to the temple) is also very similar. It is like giving an underage boy in marriage to the chief monk to engage in all kinds of activities. While amending the law relating to the Muslim Marriages and Divorces, the government should also amend the Buddhist laws of ordaining underage children as monks.
sr / November 6, 2016
Buddhist gay marriage
Something called Buddhist gay marriage? please provide reference.
There’s a world of difference between marriage and ordaining.
There’s law to deal with any kind of child abuse so juvenile monks are protected through that legal provision.
There’s no legal provision for elder monks to commit sexual abuse for juvenile monks.
But underage marriage under a legal cover provides permission to sexually abuse underage girls. (marriage is meant for sex).
However I accept your idea that ordaining as a monk without knowing the gravity of it may lead to mental stress for underage monks.
Buddhist Gay marriage / November 6, 2016
In the name of ordaining, giving underage boys to the chief Buddhist monk (Temple) to be sexually abused can be termed as ‘Buddhist gay marriage’ and it is legal to give the child to the old monk. Child abuse such as sodomy is taking place on a daily basis in most of the Buddhist temples but nobody dares to report them unless the child is admitted to the hospital and then it leaks out to the public that the senior monks have raped/abused the child. It is worse than child marriage. Correct yourselves first before correcting others. Stop not only the underage girls marriage but also the underage boys ordaining. Both are very similar, both are sexually abused.
sr / November 6, 2016
Buddhist gay Marriage
Don’t be silly man/woman
If you know about somebody who supply boys for gay monks why don’t you tell police about it.
You are the culprit here, hiding a crime.
You must be caught and taken to the courts.
What’s your real name? fool.
Buddhist Gay marriage / November 6, 2016
No other religions have a system of child ordination other than Buddhism and therefore the possibility of abuse of children confined to Buddhist monasteries cannot be avoided. The biggest crime of Buddhism is ordaining a child at the tender age and forcing that child to live a life detached from all normalcy, how primitive and cruel it is. It is nothing but child slavery and cruelty in the name of religion. These children who are given away to the Buddhist temples at an early age are too young to understand the religion or child abuse or the intimacyual molestation they face.
These children are deprived of proper social interaction which is a major part of education in becoming an adult. This could partly explain the antisocial behavior they show when they grow-up and come in contact with society. They have been deprived the love and affection of parents and loved ones, not really exposed to the good and bad of the society and they find it difficult to fit in. This disgusting practice of taking the childhood away by forcing a child to become a monk at the tender age, gives great opportunity for the vultures to prey on the innocence. Do these children deserve to be put through this kind of ordeal? Who is going to stop this practice, or at least raise the age limit to 18 when they are older enough to understand what’s in for them? Why are those so-called humanitarian organizations not protesting against this barbaric act? Unfortunately the authorities who shout a lot against child abuse in films, etc. never even open their mouth on the massive scale child abuse happening in Buddhist temples.
Amarasiri / November 6, 2016
Cruelty in the name of God
“This SLTJ Leader Raseek seems to be a stupid idiot, he is going way outside the topic and bashing BBS and the Tamil Diaspora for no reason at all.”
He is not alone. There are a lot of stupid idiots.Thee are more stupid idiots among the Wahhabies, Salafies, and their clones such as ISIS, ISIL, Taliban, Boko Haram etc. They All follow Satan, Devil, Iblis, and do not like God.
Wahhabi Saudi Arabia promotes this Ideology
Read about the Hadith of Najd, and the Horn of Satan.
Marwan / November 8, 2016
Wahhabies, Salafies, and their clones such as ISIS, ISIL, Taliban, Boko Haram etc. have no connection nor relevance to the rest of the peace loving Muslims living alongside with other faiths in the rest of the world. What percentage of the world’s Muslim population do these people represent. Less than 1%, and you are crowing so much about such an insignificant crowd when there balance 99 percent living decently and amicably, interacting with all non-Muslim communities in their daily lives. It is true, as Muslims we are truly in a quandary, since they all are part of the the Muslim faith, the Muslim Ummah, but at the same time they don’t represent us. They, in fact are fighting toward achieving their own political victories rather than a religious one. People like you keep repeating such false claims so often that may be very soon Muslims leading peaceful lives may actually start believing it and begin to feel guilty and hate themselves for being Muslim, even when the opposite is true. So don’t feed into the narrative and repeat what you read in western media, meant for their own consumption and promotion, like to fuel their Islamophobia rhetoric (scare and hate of getting consumed by Muslims and Islam). However, the whole world now knows, just as much as there will always be rotten eggs in all communities, Muslims in general are good people and Islam is a religion of peace. Again, this can only be true until someone comes along and tries to promote or violate any clauses in its pristine teachings. These can become issues which can never be tolerated under any circumstances, and will, at almost all instances, get nipped in the bud. Other than that, there must never be fear of Muslims nor their religion – Islam, amongst all people.
Ahmed L. / November 6, 2016
Honestly, among all those law-abiding non-Muslims, how many brides are given in marriage according to their own preferences? (It doesn’t mean I am against any reforms, but trying to say just not the law alone can make a difference)
Amarasiri / November 6, 2016
Ahmed L
At least for some some Muslim girls, they are placed on the throne in the evening, and raped at midnight.
They dd not how to get get married and what to do?
Ahmed L. / November 7, 2016
Yes, because Muslims girls get raped only after being placed on the throne, so they might not know what to do.
Instead, we have some non-Muslims girls getting raped regularly on the public buses, trains, parks, film theaters, tuition classes, cheap lodges and even at religious places in some cases, and such ones after being placed on thrones, have the talent to rape the poor bridegroom also, in contrary.
Question is, would you buy a used underwear? or a brand-new that you will need some time to adjust to your body curves ;)
Female Discrimination / November 7, 2016
The government should ban Child marriages (underage girls forced into marriage) and Polygamy (the practise of having more than one wife).
Amarasiri / November 5, 2016
Mohamed Harees
RE: SLTJ’s MMDA Protest And (Un-Islamic) Abusive Criticism
“Muslims are taught to take heed of the advice of Prophet (OWBP) when we engage in criticism, to focus on the merits and demerits of the various points of view without being abusive. Allah exhorts people in the Qur’an: “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good preaching, and argue with them in an even better way.” [Sūrah al-Nahl: 125]”
Thanks for the write up and opinion of the majority of Muslims.
You are making a fundamental error by calling Sri Lanka Thawheed Jama’ath (SLTJ) Muslims. At best, they are pseudo-Muslims, like Sinhala-Buddhists, who a pseudo-Buddhists, but rather Iblisis, Satanis, who are clones of the Wahhabis and Salafis, who originated from the Najd region of Saudi Arabia, as per Hadith of Najd.
The Hadith of Najd is a famous hadith with several chains of narration about three geographical locations. While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as “Najd” is disputed.
Sri Lanka Thawheed Jama’ath (SLTJ) follows Iblis, Satan, just like the Wahhabies and their clones.
The Sufis follow God, Allah. like all the “Muslims” .
Al Azhar Scholar: ‘Wahhabism/Salafism is a Satanic Faith, the Horns of Satan’
Al Azhar Sheikh shia are Muslims, Wahabi Salafi’s are Extremist
Amarasiri / November 5, 2016
Lukman Harees
RE: SLTJ’s MMDA Protest And (Un-Islamic) Abusive Criticism
//‘You who believe! show integrity for the sake of Allah, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to taqwa. Fear [and respect] Allah. Allah is aware of what you do’. ~ (Quran : Surat al-Maida, 8)//
You can’t really argue with religious people on the streets. They are nuts.
Debating Religion & Politics – Forum for Discourse
Sam Harris – The Greatest Speech on Religion Ever – Religion Debate
He uses reason. Wish I had him as backup when I’m debating religious people. He explains and words things so much better than many people do.
You can use this against SLTJ’s.
Dangaya / November 7, 2016
Amarasiri uncle:
I see that you have a lot of time and typing skills. Why don’t you transform your skills into money by doing some data-entry jobs, instead of wasting your time here?
Thanks sir.
Amarasiri / November 7, 2016
“I see that you have a lot of time and typing skills. Why don’t you transform your skills into money by doing some data-entry jobs, instead of wasting your time here?”
You do have a point here. Why not spend your time doing some data entry jobs and get paid instead of the postings on the internet?
Why? Because Amarasiri is not after the money.
Amarasiri wants to Expose, Expose and Expose the Double Standards and Injustice.
Because Amarasiri is Altruistic, and gives his time, effort, skills and knowledge for the betterment of humanity by exposing the crooks, charlatans, killers, myth holders, double standard promoters, liars, rapists and all the undesirable characters in society, who comes in various hues of religion, racism and casteism.
That is more humanistic than collecting a few coins.
Azmi / November 5, 2016
Mr. Harees, sitting in UK, you are passing judgments. There is at least one organization that is voicing out the true feelings of the muslims.
And furthermore, there is nothing disparaging about any buddhists in his speech. Please rest in your armchair and read your daily dose of popular journal and be happy, wherever you are.
jim softy / November 5, 2016
there is nothing disparaging about any buddhists in his speech. Please rest in your armchair and read your daily dose of popular journal and be happy, wherever you are.
Check the you tube clip to see how they have scolded and THREATENED the BBS monk Ven. Ghanasara.
Dignity for all / November 5, 2016
What SLTJ did is summarised by this writer at the end . OPERATION SUCCESSFUL, PATIENT DIED.
DO GOOD THINGS AND THEN sh..t on it as they have done.
BTW I am in SL not outside.
Any organisation has the right to protest. But no right to talk or abuse. No reflection on the many good work done by SLTJ:, need to contain the foul mouth of Razik
This is a writer who speaks up when rights of Muslims in SL are trampled, never mind where he resides.
Yehiya / November 5, 2016
Best way is negotiation in table before street. If they following the Islam, this is the way of demanding rights. They blindly following the Indian culture P. Janulabdeen.I welcome Mr. Harees, writing as true Muslim & as peace nation.
Ahmed L. / November 6, 2016
What right you got to say “voicing out the true feelings of the muslims”??
I am a Muslim and I feel that SLTJ is unneeded element for our community here. And I also feel that MMDA needs some reforms.
I know a few guys in my circle from TJ who think women as sex and baby making machines, a labor aid for cooking and washing clothes only. As an example, one of the guy’s wife died, not even 3rd months is complete, and he got married with another. This is the respect he shows for his ex-wife? His kids mother? Humanity? To the religion?
Amarasiri / November 6, 2016
Azmi and Ahmed L.
“I am a Muslim and I feel that SLTJ is unneeded element for our community here. And I also feel that MMDA needs some reforms.”
There were no Muslim Women protesting against the reforms. Theuy won’t even let Muslim women to go to Mosques. The Fundamentalists think that Islam is about shame and honor, and it is the women who bring shame. Therefore, keep them constrained, tied like cows in a cow shed.
They know that it is the Muslim Girls and Women who are the victims of the MMDA.
Ahmed L. / November 6, 2016
“When fundamentalism went wrong”
The fact is, prior to Islam, the pagan Arabs used women as their sex objects or slaves. They bought women for this purpose on auctions. And (I bet even in the modern world this exist among non-Muslim cultures in certain areas. Even ISIS is reported to have been doing this.
While some religions regard women as being possessed of inherent sin and wickedness (wouldn’t want to name those religions), the noble Quran enforced women’s importance and equality as below:
“O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them – except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary, live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good.” [Noble Quran 4:19]
Now the above could be interpreted in many ways, which decides the wrong or right impression on Islam, supported by how Muslims behave today in public to non-Muslims’ eyes.
Riyas / November 5, 2016
The govt so far has proved it has no concern about Muslim needs.That is why the LLRC report censured Muslim politics for their inability to give the Jaffna Muslims the IDP status.That is why all these sufferings.No Muslim reps have ever been with bargaining power
Pandikutty / November 5, 2016
What about the Iblis Shaitan from Mannar, who was busy settling Muslims from everywhere else along the Wilpattu corridor but not Jaffna Muslims or for that matter the Tamil IDPS, who are far more in number. What power did this Mannar Shaitan/Iblis have good or evil. Decide and use Sharia on this Mannar Shaitan. Whipping ? stoning ?beheading? chopping? What about all those iblisis who should not be there in the first place settled along the Wilpattu corridor by the Mannar Shaitan. Whipping stoning beheading or chopping for them too, or to be chased back to the Maradana and Slave Island slums from where they really came from?
Barus / November 5, 2016
Riyas, your comments hit the nail on the head. This government does care about the needs of the muslims. All they care about are the WAYS AND MEANS TO PROTECT their colleagues and formers rulers of this country from being indicted or put in jail for their misdeeds and criminal activities.
Whatever happened to Wasim Thajudeen case!
Every joker who sits in that chair claiming to be a fair ruler is the same. Also his coterie of YES MEN (irrespective of the hues they represent , BLUE, GREEN, RED, PURPLE, YELLOW, SAFFRON OR WHATEVER) remain in those seats for 5 or 6 years counting all the money they make in this short glory period.
One guy, apparently robbed the Central Bank in broad daylight and yet no action taken.
A shameless bunch of people!!!
Adrian / November 5, 2016
Why is that most religions are married to genitals all the time?
jehan / November 5, 2016
Jihad is in Islam. Most muftis who hide this part of Islam are really doing a great sin. We as muslims if attacked, or if our Prophet is attacked, will take this to be a red line. Muftis who talk peace can look at myanmar and be like the rohingiyas. Gnanasara is not a monk but a terrorist we remember aluthgama. Haris can suck eggs in uk.
There is No God but Allah, Prophet Mohamed is his messenger.
Burning Issue / November 5, 2016
You are a sick man! The Tamils can tolerate the fundamentalist Buddhists but certainly not you lot in Jihadi form!
Ahmed L. / November 7, 2016
I don’t know if you are a Muslim, Sinhalese or Tamil, but you seem to incite violence and go out of topic
sr / November 5, 2016
Shall we all, the believers and non believers pray/request in chorus for Allah to come to us, physically instead of sending messengers and prove that he is responsible for all the creations in universe.
Good to give him a timeframe (a month) as time is precious for us.
So all the problems will be solved; to accept Allah or to forget him forever
We should have practical approach for any thing.
Amarasiri / November 5, 2016
“Good to give him a timeframe (a month) as time is precious for us.”
You can’t really argue with religious people on the streets. They are nuts. They do not believe in reason or philosophy. Only in their interpretation of the revelation.
Debating Religion & Politics – Forum for Discourse
Sam Harris – The Greatest Speech on Religion Ever – Religion Debate
He uses reason. Wish I had him as backup when I’m debating religious people. He explains and words things so much better than many people do.
You can use this against SLTJ’s and all religious nuts.
justice / November 5, 2016
What is striking in the above videos of protests/demonstrations, is the absence of women.
This is proof/confirmation that in Sri Lanka, Muslim women cannot/are not, allowed to protest injustice foisted upon them in the name of religion.
Islam treats women as much lower humans than men – mostly as “child bearing machines” and as “sex slaves”.
This is evident in hospital admissions.
Very few Muslim women are admitted to hospitals, even for childbirth, which are attended by traditional untrained midwives, with no examinations before,during and after pregnancies.
Family planning is unheard of.
Thus maternal, perinatal and neonatal mortality is high, but unrecorded as these are never notified as required by law, and foetuses and newborns are secretly buried.
Marriage eligibility by age and consent (by women) is quite another matter.
Amarasiri / November 5, 2016
“What is striking in the above videos of protests/demonstrations, is the absence of women.”
You hit the nail on the head.
Why would women protest to keep the injustices in the women?
May be they can find some brainwashed , idiotic women, or dress up like women.
Dangaya / November 7, 2016
You two id…s, don’t just stick to one news media and preach. See DailyMirror.lk where are women participating
Amarasiri / November 7, 2016
“See DailyMirror.lk where are women participating”
Q1. Are they men dressed like women?
Q2. Are they women with low IQ who have been forced by their men?
Q3. Are they women with low IQ, idiotic women?
Jinnah / November 5, 2016
Soon there will be Wahabi Salafist Saudi funded terrorists in Sri Lanka. Child marriage should be banned. Child rape via marriage should be banned. Backward practices have no room to operate in secular nations. Look at those clowns who thought they can lash a woman in Batticoloa area. Who the hell said we can have Sharia law in a secular nation? If you do not like it go to Saudi Arabia.
Bodin / November 5, 2016
Hats off to Mohamed Harees.
As a Muslim I am ashamed of these so-called Muslim (like Latheef Fraook, for example, with their medieval views about imposing Sharia Law). Some of the SLTJ behave like
Remember that Islam was the religion of Akbar the Great, a civilized tolerant leader who also gave a rightful place to women and other faiths.
The problem of Islamic societies will be solved when WOMEN ARE FULLY EMPOWERED
The issues of marriage, divorce, succession, maternity, family planning and
OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY should be EQUALLY vested in women and men.
There should be only ONE LAW for everyone
All decisions on Islamic marriages should be looked at by a committee consisting of
1/3 number of Islamic men, 1/3 number if Islamic women, and 1/3 representing other faiths of people living in this country equally divided among men and women.
It is up to the 2/3 Islamics to convince the 1/3 non-Islamics to what ever prepositions they wish to put forward.
That is, have a commitee with One Christian, One Buddhist, two educated Islamic Intellectuals (e.g., school Principals)
and two educated Islamic Women.
Mullahs and Theologians should NOT be in the committee, but only lay men, but such Mullahs, Theologians, Buddhist monks, Christian Prelates etc can advise the committee.
Native Vedda / November 6, 2016
I am surprised you also have the capacity to be sensible and human centered. Welcome back to humanity.
You are missing a very important point.
Who is/are behind militant medieval Muslims? What is their Agenda? Is it part of a process of Arabisation of this island through back door?
By the way why have you missed a Hindu in your committee of educated people? Anyhow education does not make people wise. Find wise people to be part of the committee.
Bodin / November 8, 2016
Native vedda asks why have I not included a Hindu in the committee ?
A civilized Hindu would be OK.
Most Hindus have their Manu Dharma deep set in their habits, which is an archaic system when man exploits man and women. Veddahs are probably better!
most of the problems of Hindus are because of their caste system. When in Colombo society they pretend to be all very modern and liberal. But back in the village they assume their role cast in the Manu Dharma.
Worse than that, the TNA and the Tamil Diaspora want to take over the East and control the Muslims. Even Ponnambalam claimed to represent the Muslims, although TB Jayah completely objected to it.
That is their mindset. Is it a Hindu Tamil mindset, or is it a Tamil-Christian mindset? I think they are rivals for the same mindset.
You have heard of the Jaffna man who used to walk 10 yards in front of his wife,and then the kids. During the war it was the wife who walked first. Now there are no land mines, and Jaffna is back to its old ways.
Of course, Muslims are worse. But we have four of them and so we can out last you guys four times over. However, there are many types of Muslims. I really have no objection to men having more than one wife if they can afford it, and if they are treated correctly.
I support and belong to the sect of the Aga Khan, Imam of the Nizari Ismailis.
Mohammed / November 5, 2016
Let everyone know that the SLTJ DOES NOT represent the Muslim body politik and that they vent their spleen independently. THEREBY they should face the consequences of their foolhardy actions.
Amarasiri / November 7, 2016
//”Let everyone know that the SLTJ DOES NOT represent the Muslim body politik and that they vent their spleen independently.”//
Muslim, non-Tauhidi, non-Wahhabi and non-Salafi Muslims must point out that there are two types of People, as far as Muslims are concerned.
1. Those Muslims who follow God, Allah, and
2. Those pseudo-Muslims, Wahhabis, Salafis and theit Clones and Tauhids, wjo follow Satan, Iblis, as per Hadith of Najd.
Reference: Hadith of Najd
The Hadith of Najd is a famous hadith with several chains of narration about three geographical locations. While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as “Najd” is disputed, by the Wahhabis, because they are identified.
jehan / November 5, 2016
Gnanasara should be in jail, the criminal instigated the mob to kill in aluthgama,
we have memories, he will pay.
WalaGemba Raja / November 5, 2016
First of all Mr Harees you should not condemn your own brethren for their bravery to say no to the EU or the West.
The EU has no damn right to use, abuse and target a minority religion’s constitutional provision to negotiate or hold our nation’s Muslim minority to RANSOM. If our government leadership has any balls, we should ask the EU to go F themselves when there is a far serious and heinous discrimination in our constitution to give Buddhism the foremost place that debase every other religion and ethnicity. On the other hand, imagine why we should swallow Western trash like LGBT to be accepted here in our Buddhist country? Why would we consort to divorce which divorce itself is a discriminatory process in the West that destroys all men without any equality. Marriage is the only legal provision that both men and women are equal and in divorce, its all to the benefit of the woman. Hence, these ploys are all the treacherous acts of women’s rights advocacy groups that are behind these EU motives of DECEPTION. I know this by experience as an advisor to many governments from falling pray to these tactics such as GSP+. If HR was the foremost issue, then why would any government willing to do business with a country such as China, which happens to be the most favoured-traing nation to the USA or to the WTO?
dignity for all / November 6, 2016
Please come out of the well., First of all please read the article. The writer is not touching on the protest at all .It is not about GSP+ . He is referring to the manner of speech of SLTJ leader who spoke in unrefined terms against a Buddhist monk which is against Islamic principles relating to handling criticism.
WalaGemba Raja / November 7, 2016
@dignity for all
Let alone “all”, do you know the meaning of DIGNITY? Do a turd like you that crawled out of the “well” think you are enlightened by the light to endorse the darkness, hatred, divisive politics, militanism and degrading tactics of the EU that is already at war with Islam and trying to import that war to our shores now that we have finished off bloody war. Add to this potent mix are ignoramus writers like Mr. Harees who make and condemn those in SLTJ! First of all, learn to read the fist signs of danger in ground zero than making irrelevant comments from a pulpit from thousand of miles away. If I was in the well as stated by you, then would governments that have seek my advice gone wrong and abdicated from power? Why don’t you critters crawl back under the rock you came out from, and let those on the offensive with their movements succeed as they trail blaze a new strategy in going on the offensive than being trapped defenseless. Has any faith, their deities (God or whoever)helped those disciples who did not help themselves to extricate from danger? Islam the religion of peace…… my a*se!!!! Islam or any other religions message of peace does not work in the 21st century with enemies that cannot respect PEACE and has declared war on these faith like the EU. You lack knowledge or lessons of your own faith and history.
ranjith / November 6, 2016
Wherever Muslims are in majority, religious minorities are in trouble, wherever Muslims are minority that countries are in trouble.that means Islam can not coexist with other religions. why??? are they aliens? not like other human beings.why do they need special treatment?/ every where. why can they not respect internationally accepted norms.why can they not respect country;s law.In Myanmar all the migrant working class accepted to live under country’s law and got citizenship but Muslims wanted special treatments and lost that facility. now become headache for entire region. Muslims want to insult other religions five times a day announcing there is no god but Allah. they want to see blood bath flowing every street on their new year celebration day. they want to rape little girls after age of forty or fifty. what a lunatic mindset. can the civilized countries accept these nonsense, if they want to live under sharia law should go to Islamic country without making trouble for other countries.
Marwan / November 6, 2016
Religious intolerance and persecution is often a tool used by governments to advance their own political agenda and self-interests. It is not unique to, nor does it reflect the core beliefs of Islam. If you must know, many of government’s attitudes toward religious minorities is often separate from the religious beliefs of all of the people. This is why in Egypt in recent events, Coptic Christians were protected by Muslims while they prayed, and is also why Muslims protected those churches from being burned amidst the chaos of the revolution. Education is key. Muslims in all of the majority Muslim countries in the world today, do understand that persecution of religious minorities is unacceptable and goes against the grain in the true teachings of Islam. Usually they are more willing to work together with minorities to solidify their rights for equality in citizenship.
Regarding coexistence of Islam with other religions, it must be said Islam spread like a wildfire because of its message of peace, submission, brotherhood and equality. As a Muslim soldier, Rabi Ibn Amir, put it, “God sent us to get people out of enslaving one another, into worshiping equally the one God, out of hard and narrow living into an easier and wider one, out of injustice of the absolute power of the ruler into the justice of restricted authority in Islam.” It is for this reason, not with swords, that Islam is still spreading fast in the West again. Both Islam and Christianity are missionary religions, although in Islam there is no organized clergy.
Those who portray Islam as a religion promoting hate, violence and bloodshed have neither read the Quran nor the Traditions and practices of the Prophet of Islam in depth. They pick up one or two verses of the Quran and use it to express their own hatred of Islam and Muslims. We Muslims are to respond only to hostility in self defense. To pacify them I quote directly from the Quran. “God only forbids you to enter in friendship towards those who fight against you because of (your faith) and drive you forth from your homeland, or aid (others) in driving your forth” (60:9). “O you who believe! Take not as intimate friends such of those who received the scripture before you, and of disbelievers, as those who make fun of Your beliefs. But keep your duty to God if you are true believers” (5:57). And, “Whoever kills a human being, not in lieu of another human being, or because of causing mischief on earth, it is as if he has killed all mankind, and if he saves a human life, he has saved life of all mankind’ (5:32).
The five times a day call for prayer is meant as a reminder to Muslims to fulfill their duty and obligations to God. It is the second pillar of Islam out of five pillars which make up its foundation. It is not meant as an insult to other religions as you suggest. It is unique since it is being recited around the world in all of the time zones, as the world continues to rotate on its axis. In all instances it is recited in the original Arabic language, started from the time of the Prophet. It is meant to be reminder to all Muslims, a call to come to prayer, and come to success, while it also serves the remembrance and mention of God’s name throughout the entirety of space and time on planet earth, until world’s end. There is nothing ever that could match this unique phenomenon, except by God’s will.
Another important and unique event in Islam is the circumambulation of the Holy Ka’ba in Mecca. It goes on non-stop like the heart beat of a man. Never a moment when it is empty without worshipers performing their sacred obligations. It just has never happened. An unending crowd of worshipers keep continuously visiting this site to perform their obligations 24/7.
Another mass and collective act carried out by all Muslims from all over the world is direction they all stand while in prayer. All worshipers, starting from the immediate vicinity, directly facing the Ka’ba, to the furthest distance away from it anywhere in the world, face the same direction while in prayer. It is the direction of Ka’ba in Mecca when praying. There is nothing so unique and like it in the rest of the world.
What does all this point to? That Islam is here to stay. If you cannot beat it, then best is to join it. Start learning the message that Islam brings to the world. What is it trying to convey. Strive to understand it in its correct perspective. There were many like you, or even worse than you, who attacked Islam and Muslim practices. But once they did their research and homework, are now preaching to us who are born Muslims. Absolutely incredible. This is Allah’s promise to us. If we, born Muslims don’t do our job of conveying His message in Deen-ul-Islam, very soon reverts to Islam will do a better job.
ranjith / November 6, 2016
comment on 8;55 and 8;56 as well.8;32 and 8;33 too.if peace loving religion why sword verses spoken.if any country feel your call for prayer is insult to other religions and have every rights ban it.likewise if any government want to adhere to internationally accepted norms and conditions in country’s civil law they have every rights to implement them.that decision has nothing to do with any religion.if marriage age is 18 years let it be so.if registration of marriage need consent of man and woman.it is very much acceptable.nobody can raise any issue on that. it is human right.if Muslims want other way due to Islamic teachings, it is a clear indication that Islam deny very basic human rights.as such your explanations are west of time only.can be term as bullshit
Ahmed L. / November 7, 2016
Your first 2 sentences were right, and the rest all suggests “little knowledge is very dangerous”.
Better you comment with full knowledge, for the right explanation.
ranjith / November 7, 2016
I think my knowledge on your religion is better than you all.your religion mesmerized you people to believe that people of all other faiths are animals as such their rights has to be ignored just like Nazism did during WWII calling Jews subhumans and removing mental barrier in human conscience that prevent human beings killing fellow human being.that way your messenger did same thing. see your holy book 8;55 and 8;56 and the other verses on this issue.ISIS, Bokoharam and all other Islamic groups work with that mindset.even they killed fellow Muslims who are considered as hypocrites whom are obstacle to their fight for Allah’s cause. That was what your messenger spoken and did.he is considered as most successful terrorist ever to be born on the earth.prevent that type of scenarios allied forces made dead body of Hitler disappeared. Our forces did same with Piribakeran dead body and NATO forces with OSAMA bil Landen death Body.
Native Vedda / November 7, 2016
“I think my knowledge on your religion is better than you all”
I believe you.
Could you tell us what you know about Islam?
It won’t take more a couple of lines.
ranjith / November 7, 2016
hy should I teach you. if you want you learn it study it.I did it to improve my knowledge on all the religions and religion related violence. it was my work study.get lost idiot.
Douglas / November 6, 2016
These “Pundits”, whether Muslims and others must understand and admit to the NATURE of all living beings of this planet earth. Also must be able and be ready to ACCEPT things as those are. In relation to this marriage law of “under aged” female species, the real biological factor is: when a female is born to this world, she brings “within” her 7000 and more “Eggs” that go to “fertilize” in “meeting” with a male “Sperm”. The proved scientific findings is undisputable, in that, an “inborn” “Egg” arrives, (called “discharged once in every cycle of 28 days “) in the way to womb only after the female attain “puberty” and that “discharge” of the egg is the very “Nature” of this stage called “puberty” or popularly called “attainment of age”. That “attainment of age” in actual fact is “preparedness to become a mother”. Why the Muslims cannot accept that NATURE of living beings? I discussed here roughly the NATURE; but there are whole lot of other SOCIAL aspects that must discussed.
Jehan / November 6, 2016
This thing of accepting the EU agenda is the tip of the iceberg .
1.Homosexuality to be legalized and marriage of Homosexuals to
Be legalized to get the GSP consession.
1. Can the country go this route for few dollars.
People though Muslims who live in the west and have signed
To be citizens in EU countries have nullified there state of Imaan by
Accepting Homosexualalitys legality. As they accept this as a form of family.
Quran is explicit in condemning of Homosexuality.
Be it Buddhist, Hindu,Muslims or Christians have not gone like people in the
West of Homosexual marriages in Sri Lanka. This will change if we just copy
The west in every thing we do. Movies are the first source where acceptance of
Gays are propergated, beware.
WalaGemba Raja / November 8, 2016
“Muslims are taught to take heed of the advice of Prophet (OWBP) when we engage in criticism” -Lookman Haris.
The Muslims who triumphed by taking heed of their Prophet was centuries ago where even the enemy respected combat and the engagement of war and revered the teachings of their tribal elders who were magnanimous leaders. Do you mean to tell us Mr. Harees that if the Muslims heed their Prophet in this beastly country that they (the Muslims) or any other ethnicity would survive? You jackass’s are in the wrong century and preaching to the wrong choir of Yakkas and the Naaga race!
M.L. M Keneth FAIZAL / November 10, 2016