11 September, 2024


Sri Lanka Never Understands Sane Advices

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

Shivshankar Menon, National Security Adviser of India, visited Colombo from 8 – 9 July, 2013 to participate in the 2nd NSA-Level Meeting on Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security between India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Although security conference was the main purpose of Shivshankar’s visit, he also took the opportunity to convey India’s concerns about attempts made by the Sri Lankan government to dilute 13 A by robbing provincial councils powers over land and police. 13A came about through the Indo-Lanka accord in 1987. India is insisting that the 13A was part of a joint agreement and any changes being made should be first discussed by both countries.

At present, Provincial Councils have certain powers over State land. Under paragraph 1:3 of Appendix II of the Thirteenth Amendment, alienation or disposition of State land within a Province to any citizen or to any organisation shall be by the President but only on the advice of the relevant Provincial Council. It may be recalled that in the case filed against the former President, Chandrika Kumaratunga, for transferring state land to Water’s Edge Golf Company, one of the grounds on which the Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice Sarath Silva held that the transfer was illegal was that the advice of the Western Provincial Council had not been given. The Government is now considering deleting the requirement of advice and also taking back many other land powers devolved.

Although Police powers have been devolved to a certain extent by the Thirteenth Amendment, Provincial Councils are unable to exercise those powers as the Police Commission Act, No. 1 of 1990 which provides for the establishment of a National Police Commission and a Provincial Police Commission for each province has still not been brought into operation by successive Governments. The government wants to completely take back Police powers.

On 14 November, 1987 the Sri Lankan Parliament passed the 13th Amendment to the 1978 Constitution of Sri Lanka. It was certified on 14 November, 1987. The Act recognized Thamil an official language and English a link Language and established Provincial Councils. Provincial Council Act No 42 of 1987 laying down the procedure to be followed in Provincial Councils was also passed.

Under the Thirteenth Amendment, if a Bill on a subject devolved on Provincial Councils is to be passed by Parliament, the Bill has to be referred to all Provincial Councils for their views. If all Provincial Councils agree, then the Bill can be passed by a simple majority. However, if one or more Provincial Councils do not agree, then the Bill must be passed by a two-thirds majority if it is to apply to the provinces which did not agree. If passed only by a simple majority, the Bill will be law only in the provinces that have agreed.

The government now wants to amend Article 154 (G) 2 and 154G (3) of the constitution that sets out the procedure for making any amendments to the provincial council’s list of powers. If this is affected, it would make devolution completely meaningless and a mockery.

There are 11 sections to the 154G and most relevant in this respect are Sections (2) and (3).
Section (2) reads as follows:

Article 154G (2) – this provision requires a Bill to amend or repeal any provisions of the 13th Amendment to be referred by the President “to every Provincial Council for the expression of its views thereon”. If “every Provincial Council agrees to the amendment or repeal” such a Bill could be passed with a simple majority. On the other hand, if “one or more Councils do not agree to the amendment or repeal” such a Bill needs to be passed by a 2/3 majority.

Article 154 G (3) is similar to 154G (2); it deals with the Provincial Government List. It is couched in the same mandatory and prohibitive language as Article 154 (G) 2.

Under the heading “Statutes of Provincial Councils,” Section (1) says “every Provincial Council may, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, make statutes applicable to the Province for which it is established, with respect to any matter set out in List 1 of the Ninth Schedule (hereinafter referred to as “the Provincial Council List”). This statute making power is important and without this power the Provincial Councils are not institutions of devolution of power.

The demarcation between devolution and decentralization rests on this matter, if otherwise or without this power the Provincial Councils would be mere instrument of decentralization only.

After holding talks with the government, including President Mahinda Rajapaksa, National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon is apparently returning home empty handed like others before him. The government is in no mood to give any concessions although President Mahinda Rajapaksa during and after the war promised full implementation of 13 A plus. However, he never spelt out what 13 A plus means. While domestically playing the “patriotic card” he continues to dupe the countries that helped him to win the war against the LTTE on devolving power to Thamil people.

Now a concerted campaign of disinformation is carried by the Sri Lankan government to create a fear psychosis among the Sinhalese about provincial council system that has been in existence for 26 years. The LTTE spectre is also resurrected by ultra-Sinhala chauvinists who claim that a Northern Provincial Council controlled by the Thamil National Alliance (TNA) will lead to separation. And what Prabhakaran failed to secure Thamil Eelam through bullets the TNA will do so by the ballots. It is also claimed that the Provincial Council system is a white elephant. All these objections are raised only after the government was forced to conduct elections for the Northern Province Council after a lapse of 23 years!

Hard-line Sinhalese racists also claim that Sri Lanka was forced to sign the agreement under duress without consulting the people (read Sinhalese) following dropping of dhal bombs over Jaffna by the Indian air force fighter planes!

Both during and after the war ended India has repeatedly stressed its expectations that the Sri Lankan Thamil community would lead a life of dignity, as equal citizens. And India would make every effort to ensure the achievement of a future for the community marked by equality, justice and self-respect. But those expectations appear to be in ruins.

According to news reports Mahinda Rajapaksa categorically told Shivshankar Menon that he will proceed with his own agenda. He has told Menon the Parliamentary Select Committee PSC) will deliberate on the proposed amendments, if any and he will abide by the recommendations of the PSC. As for his earlier promise to implement 13 A fully, he said that promise was for the people (read Sinhala) and not for India, UNO and the international community.

In the meantime Mahinda Rajapaksa’s sibling Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, has spoken his mind in an interview to the government mouth piece the Daily News. Unlike others he does not mince his words. He has rejected devolution and wants the total abolition of 13 A, of course for the wrong reasons. Below is some extracts from his interview:

“…It is nothing but true and correct that in the North and East there must be the same percentage of the majority community. When 78% of this country comprises Sinhalese how does such a vast landmass in the North become 98% Thamil? Isn’t this unnatural? This was forced. Natural growth was prevented.”

“…No I don’t believe in devolution because of the above points I mentioned. If devolution is for administrative purposes that is of course legitimate. But if one thinks that devolution would provide an answer to the national problem that is something that I don’t agree with…I think that’s [the complete repealing of the 13th amendment] the way forward…”

“This again I see as a reaction to some of the claims and things done by the minorities. We shouldn’t let these things come out. Remember the majority community is 78% but if some 8% or 10% of the community tries to bring various issues all the time it creates a suspicion among the majority community. It creates insecurity within the majority community and obviously there will be sections reacting to that. This is what happened…” (‘I Deplore Any Form of Extremism’, Daily Mirror July 4, 2013)

In any other country the open exhibition of such blatant racism by any state functionary would have earned him outright dismissal. But, in Sri Lanka Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is adored as a Sinhala hero by Sinhala extremists! The UNP has openly accused him of financing outfits like the Bodu Bala Sena.

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in his much publicised interview is openly calling for the structural genocide of the Thamil people. Racists like Gotabhaya Rajapaksa are unable to stomach the domination of Northeast by Thamils and Muslims who together form more than 80% of the population. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa wants to change the demography of Northeast. It is he who is behind the accelerated Sinhala colonization of both the North and East, especially the Northern province. To carry out his genocidal grand plan the functioning of the Northern Provincial Council is an obstacle. Hence his call for the total abolition of 13 A.

Mahinda Rajapaksa has stacked the PSC with his puppet Ministers who have openly made statements in support of diluting 13 A. Those Ministers who were against truncating 13 A have been left in the cold. That includes Tissa Vitarana who chaired the All Party Conference (APC) Rajitha Senaratne, Vasudeva Nanayakkara and SLFP strongman and MP Reginald Cooray. These Ministers boldly called the move to dilute 13 A a blatant attempt to scuttle devolution and assert Sinhala political hegemony over the people of the North.

The PSC is being boycotted by all the main opposition parties – the UNP, the JVP and TNA.  Even some of the partners of the UPFA coalition like the LSSP, CP and the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) are opposed to the exercise. Now, the PSC is largely a cabinet subcommittee of ‘yes men’ appointed to rubber stamp changes to 13A.

The UNP has decided against joining the Parliamentary Select Committee since the government had not clearly set out its stand on the future of the 13th Amendment. Unlike in the past UNP is taking a principled stand on the ethnic issue. It wants full implementation of 13 A.

J.R. Jayewardene is called an old fox for his cunningness. But, Mahinda Rajapaksa is more cunning than J.R. Jayewardene. After finishing the LTTE with Indian arms, radars, intelligence, training etc.  he is now biting India’s hands! He thinks he does not need India’s help anymore since China is at his feet! He has signed a defence agreement with China and apparently he perceives India as the enemy country.

It will be interesting to see the next move by New Delhi. India cannot keep on parroting the mantra that “Thamil community should lead a life of dignity, as equal citizens, and India would make every effort to ensure the achievement of a future for the community marked by equality, justice and self-respect” without concrete action.

It is time India acts decisively and backs words with deeds.  Soft diplomatic approaches, mostly behind the scenes engagements have failed to domesticate Mahinda Rajapaksa. He is determined to follow his own agenda to impose Sinhala hegemony over the Thamil people and reduce them to the status of third class citizens.

There are many options open to India. One option is to announce boycott of the CHOGM scheduled to be held in Colombo in November this year. That will send a message to Mahinda Rajapaksa that India means business. It can also take over Kachchatheevu ceded to Ceylon in 1974. It must be very clear to India by now that Sri Lanka never understands sane advices.

Prime Minister Mrs. Indra Gandhi understood the mindset of Sri Lankan politicians and read the riot act. But, sadly her successors have failed to follow her bold diplomacy and no nonsense foreign policies.

On July 05, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has issued a proclamation reconstituting the Northern Provincial Council. He had asked the Commissioner of Elections to hold elections for the Northern Provincial Council. The Commissioner of Elections has fixed July 25 – August 01 for receiving nomination and election is likely to be held in September 27, 2013.

As I write the TNA has not nominated its candidate for the post of Chief Minister, but ex-Justice C.V. Wigneswaran is likely the choice. (This article was written two weeks ago)

Mahinda Rajapaksa true to form will use the entire government machinery to win votes. The Sinhala army is already engaging itself in canvassing votes for the ruling party. Appointment of graduate teachers put on hold for years is taking place now. In June this year 1,300 Samurdhi Development Officers have been recruited for all districts in the Northern Province. One hundred Samurdhi Development Officers selected for Jaffna District were given appointment letters by Namal Rajapaksa who is the unofficial MP for Kilinochchi district. A few IDPs also will be resettled in their homes during coming weeks. Other carrots will also be dangled before the voters. However, these gimmicks on the part of the ruling party are bound to fail. There are thousand reasons for Thamil voters who live like slaves under a military dictatorship to vote against the openly racist government. They have been treated like dirt by the Sinhala army of occupation. Their self-respect, dignity and fundamental freedoms have been flagrantly violated.

Sri Lanka never understands sane advices. Late Mrs. Indra Gandhi understood this very well and took appropriate actions. It appears India is running out of ammunition to deal with Sri Lanka.

As stated above, JR was called a wily old cunning fox, but Mahinda Rajapaksa is more cunning than his predecessors. The UNO let him go scot free not once but twice! Not only did he benefit from LTTE’s unofficial boycott to win his election, but also finish the LTTE with Indian help!  Now that he has signed a defence agreement with China, Mahinda Rajapaksa calculates he does not need India any more!

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  • 0

    dont be a baby .. india couldnt get you they toy (eelam) you lost ..

    • 0

      LTTE remnants/Diaspora Terrorists/ anti-lanka INGO-NGO Mafia US$ Vultures/ western countries & India trying to arms twist Lanka/ writers on INGO payroll /Leftist leftovers / TNA jokers dancing to Diaspora terrorist tune, need 13A as launching pad for day dream Eelam they see over one million light years away in the sky.

      • 0

        ”Leaders” without leadship:

        ‘’…. In each, the party previously in opposition gained decisive power on a platform that promised fundamental change. After each election, there were missed opportunities for initiatives that could have addressed many concerns of Tamil community members, while simultaneously respecting the concerns of all but the most radical Sinhalese nationalists. In each instance, however, Sri Lanka’s political leaders chose not to expend their political capital in this way but instead, to accede to demands of the radicals. … it will be useful to seek lessons from periods when Sri Lankan political leaders, like President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had such overwhelming political support that they were in a position, if they chose, to expend political capital by taking concrete steps toward communal reconciliation. …” – Prospects For Post Conflict Reconciliation And Development In Sri Lanka: Can Singapore Be Used As A Model? Prof John Richardson, Presentation at Global Asia Institute Speaker Series (2010), National University of Singapore

      • 0

        13th Amendment was introduced to stop this foolish Eelam. Dont you know it?

        TNA and LTTE still tell “they dont want 13” in public.

  • 0

    A splendid analysis from beginning to end. Mr. Thangavelu has written with utmost clarity after reading what he did, diligently between the lines.

    • 0

      What nonsense, Mr. Sivathasan.
      You have no idea of the background of the author a Vice President of WTM Canada. LMAO.
      He was the joker in November 2005 who was praising the LTTE for the boycott of the Presidential elections by force on the Tamil people, thus teaching a lesson for Ranil Wickramasinghe accusing him for the defection of Karuna into the hands of the SLA and GOSL. He accussed Ranil of being the “Cunning fox” like his uncle and that Ranil deserved the treatment from the LTTE.

      Now he is mourning about the Rajapakses. Ha ha ha.

      Thangavelu, was one of the 4 Tamils who went to meet T4J attorney Bruce Fein in June 2008 together with Canadian Tamils paid employees Danton Thurairajah, David Poopalapillai and Bavan Sriskandarajah encouraging him to dessert the Tamils For Justice after collecting over $100,000 dollars (most of it in cash).

      Bruce Fein did joining [Edited out] Pararajasingham (Son of the late MP) and Bavan Sriskandarajah founding Justice For Thamils which lasted only 30 days. Thereafter TRO USA owner Sreetharan who was under investigations by the FBI (and still is) formed the Tamils Against Genocide (in 2008), together with 50 TRO money collectors including lecturer Nanda Ganeshan from Los Angeles, and Janani Jananayagam the Tamil politician who contested the EU elections.

      The rest is history including the Genocide in Mullivaikkaal in May 2009. Now TAG and Bruce Fein together with other SFO attorney is involved in frivolous law suits against Mahinda Rajapakse where the US courts have absolutely no jurisdiction. US citizens and residents Gothabaya and Basil Rajapakse, Milinda Horagoda (aka Moragoda) from the UNP and SLFP now, and Generaley Fonseka has been let off the hook.

      TGTE’s Rudrakumar the immigration attorney from NY (And LTTE legal adviser) and others are still trying to figure out WTF has happened in the legal sense. They were very busy in Cyber Space and Buffaloa forming the Tamil government in exile. (TGTE). LMAO.

      What goes around comes around Thangavelu, now mourning about the Rajapakses which he led the cheerleading team, together with President Chandrika’s first cousin Senators BS and Usha Sriskandarajah. lol.
      Little knowledge is dangerous folks. Now the Tamil people in the North and East are suffering…..You all cannot run away from the truth….
      Lies can only take you all so far… The end of the road has been reached.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice

  • 0

    If Indra Gandhi understood things well, why was her son blown to pieces after her meddling? If she understood well why did India get its ‘Vietnam’ humiliation in Sri Lanka? I think you are on cloud coocoo there.

  • 0

    Vibhushana and Abhaya,
    It is disappointing to note that you gentlemen, if I may call you so, did not understand what the writer has emphasised and his version from where he sits in the national resolution arena. He is a Tamil that is well understood (that dosen’t mean that he has no substance), but all his articles which I have read, has good content and food for thought. His knowledge of History seems spot on and he articulates very well. What we need is an open mind when someone comes out with valued comments, at least from an educational angle to understand what it actually means. Whilst all of us including yourselves have a right to comment or have a opinion but please do not simply shut people down for sake of doing so. What goes up will have to come down at some point, so lets be carefulon how we tread. Most of us think that we are sitting on top of the mountain but not realising that we in fact are sitting on a volcano which may explode without notice.

    Good article – Good on you Mr.Veluppillai Thangavelu.

    • 0

      Look, I really do not give a flying fish about volcano about to erupt. Although it seems our friend Thangavelu has been wrong in the past too. Endorsing LTTE boycott of Ranil W. If I may recall the boycott was enforced after chopping off hands of Tamils who dared to vote.

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    India will never be able to manipulate the Sinhalese because the Sinhalese are more Indian than the Indians themselves and are a people who because of their islandic isolation have been able to preserve the south asian political practice. I am not of course speaking of these western educated worshipers of democracy and human rights who have ruled the island and who assume that this is their perogative. I am speaking of the Sinhala Speaking, Sinhala Reading, Sinhala Writing, Sinhala Thinking, Sinhala Dreaming People who Cook in Sinhala, Eat in Sinhala, Piss in Sinhala, Shit in Sinhala and make love and hate in Sinhala as well.

    These are not liberal democrats or any other kind of rats. These are the real thing: Strong, Dedicated to the point of being stubborn, Fearless to the point of being foolish, Cunning and Deceitful – or what is known as ‘strategic’, know well how to sing for their supper when necessary, are able to look you in the eye and lie, will torture and kill, have no respect for law or any kind of process and rule by fiat.

    In the face of this Sinhala force now in full resurgence, India must shrink, and whimper, tail between legs as any other beaten dog in the face of the victorious lion.

    This my beauties, is going to be well worth watching. This will be the greatest show of the century.

    These Tamils of course will be decimated. Their only option if they wish to remain here is to become Sinhalese, or slaves of Sinhalese. Tamil women of course can always opt to marry Sinhalese and lead comfortable lives.

    This is what I see and I am sure it is no illusion.

    • 0

      Your comment resemble your name Crzy old man. You are living in a crazy dream world.

      Already the trade unions, teachers unions, university students, doctors, lawyers are starting to rise up against the Regime. Rupee is dropping against world currencies. People are protesting on Railway lines, roads, on trees and in their Paddy fields.

      When the economic hit man hit their stomachs, the fake show off Sinhala Jathi Aala will disappear.

      These Jathi Aala thugs are the ones who robbed Tamil stores, businesses, broke into their homes, and even now on Land grab and breaking into minority businesses.

      Await for the next Indian Air Sambal Thosai drop, with a worldwide travel ban for war criminals and their racist coolies and effecting Tourism, trade, investmenhts and exports.

      This could be the time when the Donkey will understand where it’s tail is.

      Don’t expose your Donkey’s Sinhala Buddhist Racist tail to the world yet. Wait till CHOGM comes.

      Get ready to eat Sinhala Biddhist Jathi Aala Punnakku with Indian Sambal.

  • 0

    The minorities in Sri Lanka MUST talk to the Majority community in Sri Lanka first and EXACTLY and in detail explain what they need.

    If you say Self Determination, it could mean variety of things to variety of people depending on their circumstances.

    Minority rights provided for in for example, in western countries are different to what is asked from the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL).

    What is asked in Sri Lanka is a freehold title for a community of people called Tamils and Tamils speakers in the Northern and Eastern province of Sri Lanka to self management and to the exclusion of a majority ie. the Sinhalese (Buddhist + Christian)

    This is NOT minority rights. This is a creation of a de-facto state.
    Basically saying that Tamil affairs can ONLY be managed, Tamils affairs needs to be managed ONLY by Tamils and NO other people have a say in their affairs.

    If that is the case, then the same thing MUST apply to the Sinhalese people who by the way ONLY exist natively in Sri Lanka. Their culture is MORE at risk than any other community in Sri Lanka simply because of the numbers and the single point of existence (in Sri Lanka only).
    The speakers of native Sinhala ONLY exist in Sri Lanka

    Looking back at the 13th amendment:::>

    Even if the 13th amendment is a good thing and is required, the way it was introduced showed the Indian bias towards Tamils in Sri Lanka. I believe this is due to the presence of 70 million plus Tamils in Tamil Nadu state of India…And their sympathy towards Saiva Hindu worldview
    And their determination to interfere at every opportunity undermine Sri Lankan sovereignity.

    There was NO discussion, NO consultation , NO education of provincial administration before it was introduced at “gun point” into the Sri Lankan constitution.

    The 13 amendment if you look at closely, is a constitution in itself as it derives MOST if NOT ALL power from the president. This is a constituition inside a constitution AND the way it was introduced is and was a gross violation of soverignity of Sri Lanka as an independent state and NOT a adjoining state of India. There was NO element of democracy in the installation if the 13 amendment.

    NOW , the Tamils and some not so intelligent Sinhalese don’t want to even talk about the 13 amendment and want to install it again…

    The Tamils that go behind India and tell their stories to India behind Sri Lanka are real SELFISH TRAITORS (in capital letters). They live on horn and bite the ear.

    The provincial council system with even more power than the 13 amendment WILL create a satellite state of India inside Sri Lanka and will eventually lead to loss of independence of Sinhalese >>> which would lead to loss of sovereignity of Sri Lanka…

    How are you going to keep the Northern and Eastern province of Sri Lanka a Tamil Majority province when the total population of these 2 provinces will ONLY be 25% of total population. These 2 provinces are the least dense provinces in the country. UNLESS you implement POPULATION RESTRICTIONS to OUTSIDERS (the Sinhalese)….

    THe Northern and Eastern province are the LEAST multicultural , multi lingual provinces of Sri LAnka ….SO how are you going to teach the Sinhalese how to be multicultural , multilingual , multi world view…when you are so MONOTONIC

    The northern and eastern province of Sri Lanka will work closely with Tamil Nadu than rest of Sri Lanka which will eventually lead to 2 separate states in Sri Lanka or possibly 3 if Eastern province break away from Northern province over religious and cultural matters.

    • 0

      There is nothing called Minority rights or Majority rights.

      All the minority and we majority ask is to get rid of these fake Jathi Aala Sinhala Buddhist Crook Political Dogs who screwed and ruined our country since Independence.

      Look at who are governing our country. The biggest Alibabas in the world.

      Look at the Parliament Ministers who are 90% uneducated in their ministries subject matter and uncultured, who look and behave more like thugs than ministers.

      That’s what both Tamils and we Sinhalese are looking for. To govern and take care of our own affairs than for Alibabas to rob our money, property and future. Not for Governing thieves to rob, cheat and lie to people,and steal their property and the country.

      Give more powers to Provinces, and freedom to people and to all communities.

  • 0

    GR says 78% of the population is majority sinhalese. Correct, but how many of them subscribe to his extremist ideology of sinhala buddhist supremacy? How many are against devolution? How many are sick and tired of this corrupt and tyrannical regime?

    How many subscribe to the extreme philosophy of BBS, SH, SR? Leave out the christians. How many of 69% Buddhist are against racist fanaticism? I think not many. The fact that the govt was unable to move a 2/3 majority in parliment is a good indicator.

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    Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa has right to his opinion but no right to meddle with the issue as he is not an elected MP. The Sinhala colonization of the North and East is deplorable…and will ricochet. Imagine if remainder of the Tamil IDP’s are settled in Hambantota because their lands have been gobbled up by Rajapassas!! One would find every unread saffron thug on the street, burning and marauding!… While the army and NIB look on.

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    What ever said all findings by committees appointed by Sri Lankan Government from B-C pact, D-C pact, JR’s round table conference, Annexure C, Munnasinghe Commission, up to last all party conference headed by Prof Tissa Vitharana all recommended devolution as path to solve the ethnic problem. TNA or any other major Tamil parties did not participate in this Vitharana commission appointed by President Rajapakse. Devolution is the only way out

    • 0

      This is why Prof. Vitharna is kept out of the PSC? – which according to
      MR is the best – a way out to alter the 13th Amendment and use it as a tool for the next Elections!!!!!!

      The uneducated brothers teaching the educated?

  • 0

    Sri Lanka is not the same as the Sri Lankan governments. The governments act quite independently of public opinion when formulating foreign policy or defence strategies.

    If Sri Lankans in general have benefitted and are better off in terms of their own economies, health care, education opportunities, employability and lifestyle choices than a decade ago, or two decades ago, then yes, the government has been good to them and truly represent their needs.

    Ordinary Sri Lankans must attest to this or verify their position on this matter, not scribes or opinionated individuals.

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    The writer is covertly inciting Tamils to violence and put their lives on the line. The best course available for the impoverished people whether in the north, south or east is to intergrate nationally – economicaly, politicaly and culturally. The writer, like other racist leaders from the Tamil community want a Tamil only north, and all the benefits from other parts. The same demands of racists like Chelva, Ponna and Suda made and got NOWHERE, except they lead many young, innocent Tamils to premature death. Now who is calling the kettle black? The old fool who does not take “sane advice” himself.

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    “Racists like Gotabhaya Rajapaksa are unable to stomach the domination of Northeast by Thamils and Muslims who together form more than 80% of the population. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa wants to change the demography of Northeast.”

    Yes, the Tamils dominate the North (with the help of estate tamils who were settled in Vanni.

    Don’t drag the Muslims into your fold in order to claim east. Muslims very clearly have separate leadership and will always throw in their lot with the Sinhalese (In spite of the Balu senas)

    East was never a part of your homeland man, it indeed has been the homeland of the Sinhalese in the past.

  • 0

    JR was called a wily old cunning fox:

    who else will form the 13A that takes away with the right hand what the left hand gives?

    13A is not for devolution, but for tripping up people and waste their time till the Tamil nation is macerated enough that nobody would talk about devolution of power.

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    When LTTE joined UNP Sinhalese and scuttled the 13th Amendment, Thangavelu and his LTTE sang hosanna. If his LTTE and TNA dont need the 13th Amendment, why does these LTTE morons now cry about the same?

    Thousands of Tamils were killed by LTTE for supporting Indian peace intiatives. Even the diaspora LTTE donkeys danced with Sinhalese at Queens Park for killing Rajiv Gandhi who was the PM of India and partner of the 1987 Indo-lanka accord.

    Sumanthiran M.P, who was a guest at a dinner in Toronto by Canadian Tamil Congress, openly said he or his party TNA dont want the 13th Amendment. Now the shameless TNA contest provincial councils formed under the same 13th Amendment.

    Rajapakse government is still support pro-Indian politics and not supporting USA or the WEST. If he too start the same anti-Indian politics like UNP morons, his government will be in trouble.

    Indian army may come, not IPKF!

  • 0

    A fair narrative of the Tamil issue. But there are minor flaws – such as “Shiv Shankar Menon is apparently returning home empty handed – like others before him…” One wonders if Mr Thangavelu read the no-nonsense official Communique issued by the Indian High Commission that called upon the regime to move beyond the 13th Amendment – as earlier promised. While many LTTE-inspired Tamils still like Mr.Thangavelu continue to be critical of India, it is time they came down to earth and concede it was due to India’s pressure the Rajapakses have agreed to the NPC Elections.

    MR has not categorically announced a date because it is reported, in the past few days, there is tremendous pressure from the Buddhist priest-lead extremists to add to the already long trail of failed Pacts. Deja Vu 1956 doubtless. The 2 Kandy Priests getting into the fray is further proof of the strike back at the regime. This is possibly why Basil R is now put forward to say Land Power will NEVER be given. It is still possible for the Rajapakses to recklessly call off the NP Elections in the known nature of their prevarication.
    But if that unfortunate path can only be crossed ignoring Delhi’s
    subtle warning “there will be consequences”


  • 0

    Did the LTTE listen to sane advice? How can what the LTTE brought upon the Tamils in terms of the GOSLs have? Less or more?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Sane advice from Tamilians?

    NO thank you!

    When you can win it in the battle field, why do you need to put up with nonsense.

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    LTTE lost the battle to Chemical weapons, cluster and phosphorus bombs, illegal mines, supersonic jets, as well as international warfare via satellite intelligence services from the USA (As boasted by Robert Blake), India, RAW, CIA, and Mossad to mention a few.

    It is correct that LTTE advisers were insane, which includes The Balasingams, (Boru doctor and Nurse), Rudrakumar, KP, Karuna, Pillaiyan, Daya Master, Tamilini et al, as well as Vet.Narendran’s own Machan and one time his very own younger brother/temple partner. (All in the family). Then TRO and Tamil Net owner Sreetharan from Bethesda (TAG owner), TRO’s KP Reggi, Pararajasingam brothers (TRO), IFT owner in Geneva Anton Ponraj, Nediyavan in Norway, just to mention a few.

    Couple of US citizen attorneys paid by the Tamils. Cheer Leaders like Senators BS, US, Thangavelu, (Thanga from Toronto/WTM). Emmanuel was not in the scene or loop. Same with Surendran. Some UK and Canadian citizens who tried to stupidly bribe State dept./officials and FBI undercover agents to buy arms in the USA.(now jailed).

    Installing the Rajapakses in power after receiving money from the US citizens was a grave error in their judgement.

    Donald Gnanakone
    Tamils For Justice.

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    It is obvious why Sri Lanka does not want to accept advice from India as Sri Lanka has learnt good lesson in the last three decades by listneing to India.First it has a distabilizaion process initiated agasinst SL by Indira, then she armed LTTE and unleashed a peoxy war against us, then Rajiv dropped dhall and threatened to invade and forced us to sign an ” ‘ágreement’ that we did not want but signed under duress, India joined the arms embargo against Sri Lanka and finally voted against Sri Lanka in the UNHCR. Now they want us to go for devolution for OUR good! We know how trustworthy India is! So we do not want to accept her offers anymore.

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    Do you mean “Sane Advice by Insane Poliricians of India who created and nutured LTTE to destroy Sri Lanka”?

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    I wrote this article 2 weeks before the posting date. I am now aware the strong statement made by India’s foreign ministry official. What bothers me is India issues strong statements, but does not back same with action. India remained aloof when the Sri Lankan government took no action to rectify the legal defect pronounced by the court regarding the merger. The supreme court ruled that the merger is unconstitutional since parliament has not agreed for the merger. There was no law, only the gazette notification. At the same time the Supreme Court also advised the government that the defect could be rectified by passing a law with a two third majority. UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to his credit offered UNP support for the required 2/3 majority. But understandably Mahinda Rajapaksa refused the offer. For him the supreme court ruling was a god send gift. It suited his agenda. India never reacted when Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government breached the Indo – Ceylon agreement. India allowed Sri Lankan government to go scot free, instead of putting its feet firmly and decisively. I fully agree that it is India’s pressure that knocked some sense into Mahinda Rajapaksa’s wooden head. But both Mahinda and Basil have declared their intention to go ahead with amending 13A by ditching police and land powers. They are awaiting for the conclusion of the CHOGM in November, 2013 to fulfill their promises.

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