19 February, 2025


Sri Lankan Equation In The Rohingya Massacre & The Government’s Stand

By Mass L. Usuf

Mass Usuf

There are not many countries in the world that can boast about being the repository of the orthodox Theravada Buddhism. By virtue of this unique position plus its obligation to the international community in the field of human rights, it behoves the Sri Lanka government to issue a statement expressing its concern at the genocide or ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity as variously described by different organisations that is being perpetrated in Myanmar, a State predominantly of the Theravada tradition.

While the Myanmar government and the State Counsellor, the so-called Nobel Laurette and human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi hypocritically deny any abuse, Fortify Rights, a Swiss human rights organisation which investigate and document abuses in their report of 28 August 2017 states:

“The authorities evacuated 4,000 non-Muslim residents in northern Rakhine State, and not a single Muslim. This strengthens the appearance that an attack on civilian Muslims is underway. We’re receiving consistent reports that the army is opening fire on unarmed civilians and killing men, women, and children. We documented similar violations late last year, including horrendous killings of infants, mass gang-rape, and other violations.”

Suu Kyi Fuelling Violence

Commenting on the actions of this pseudo ‘beacon of Peace’, Fortify Rights further notes, “Suu Kyi’s inflammatory propaganda is fuelling anti-Rohingya and anti-aid-worker sentiment at a time when she should be doing everything in her power to instil calm, promote human rights, and open more humanitarian space. This is a pattern.” There is now a worldwide call to strip Suu Kyi of her noble prize.

Rafendi Djamin, Amnesty International’s Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific notes that Aung San Suu Kyi has failed to live up to both her political and moral responsibility to try to stop and condemn what is unfolding in Rakhine state.

Earlier on 24 March 2017 the Human Rights Council decided (through Resolution A/HRC/RES/34/22) to dispatch urgently an independent international fact-finding mission, to establish the facts and circumstances of the alleged recent human rights violations by military and security forces, and abuses, in Myanmar, in particular in Rakhine State, including but not limited to arbitrary detention, torture and inhuman treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings, enforced disappearances, forced displacement and unlawful destruction of property, with a view to ensuring full accountability for perpetrators and justice for victims. Not surprisingly the Myanmar government is not issuing them visas or access to the conflict area.

Institutionalisation Of Hate

Metta (loving kindness) is not reserved only for the Burmese Buddhist. It is a universal expression of love and kindness to all mankind which includes the Rohingya Muslims too. It is difficult to comprehend that a country in which 88% call themselves Buddhists can act in this disgusting manner. However, the institutionalisation of hate through indoctrination campaign within the governmental hierarchy is a further serious concern. 

Leaked official documents obtained by Fortify Rights reveal explicit government policies imposing extensive restrictions on the basic freedoms of Rohingya Muslims. The never-before published orders and guidelines outline discriminatory policies and abusive enforcement methods plainly designed to control the Rohingya population. The documents detail restrictions on movement, marriage, childbirth, home repairs and construction of houses of worship, and other aspects of everyday life.

Amnesty International observes that the authorities have placed northern Rakhine State under effective lockdown, imposing severe restrictions on the ability of journalists and independent human rights monitors to travel there.

Bear The Hallmarks

On September 17, 2008, the CNN reported that militants disguised as security forces launched an explosive assault on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, Wednesday killing 10 Yemeni police and civilians.  State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the explosions “bear the hallmarks of an al Qaeda attack.” This is an old report but the cliché ‘bear the hallmarks’ is the same even today when there is an explosion in the State Department’s theatre of operation. 

Similarly, the Aluthgama riots of June 2014 did ‘bear the hallmarks’ of Wirathu violence. The infamous terror monk of Myanmar whom the Times called ‘The Face of Buddhist Terror’.  It is reported that he sometimes calls himself the “Burmese Bin Laden”.  In Aluthgama, besides looting, destruction of properties by arson, etc. on that fateful day, two were killed and two youth were rendered disabled due to injuries to their legs. One of them was Mohamed Asjal a teenager who had gone to see the riots.  He was attacked and suffered severe injuries.  His mother Fathima Selvia said that my son was taken to the Nagoda hospital, they had assaulted him and said this should happen to ‘Thambiyas’. They had refused to even give him some water. She alleges that due to the negligence of the hospital her teenage son’s leg was amputated.

This terror monk Wirathu has been accused of inspiring persecution of Rohingya Muslims through his speeches, although he claims to be nothing more than a peaceful preacher, despite openly referring to Muslims as the “enemy”.

Compare this ‘peaceful preacher’ claim of Wirathu with the statement of the Bodu Bala Sena’s Chief Executive Dilanthe Withanage, seen below:

“If BBS wanted to launch extremism, terrorism or violence, we have the necessary power and strength, but we won’t, and even Ven. Gnanasara always tries to find solution to issues through discussions.”

“However, despite Withanage’s claim that both his BBS group and Gnanasara have always resorted to finding solutions to issues in an amicable manner, the Colombo Telegraph possess several videos where Gnanasara himself admitted that he was behind the Aluthgama riots in 2014. In another incident in May last year, when a supporter of his group was arrested by the police Gnanasara threatened to launch a blood bath from the Muslim dominated Maligawatte.” (Colombo Telegraph: 11 June 2017).

Does not the dishonest and deceptive claim of Withanage ‘bear the hallmarks’ of Wirathu’s humbug claim of being ‘a peaceful preacher?’.

It is normal for a monk to say, “Siyalu Sathwayo Niduk Wethwa, Neerogi Wethwa” (may all living beings be happy and healthy) – it teaches compassion, love not only of human beings but of all living beings including those in the animal kingdom.  In contrast, consider the following words coming out of Gnanasara Thera’s mouth:

“In this country, we still have a Sinhala Police; we still have a Sinhala Army. After today, if a single Marakkalaya (derogatory term for Muslim) or some other parayah (alien, outcast, also a derogatory term) touches a single Sinhalese…..it will be their end.” At the Aluthgama rally on June 15, 2014, the day prior to the eruption of the Aluthgama violence.

Wirathu Pattern

Intimidation, threats and physical attacks on persons by vigilante groups, destruction of property by arson or other methods, spreading hate by creating wrong perception, opportunistic politicians and monks instilling fear in the mind of the people through misinformation, discriminatory practices by state institutions, treating fellow citizens as aliens and humiliating such people etc. In Myanmar, they make the farcical claim that the Rohingya Muslims burn down their own villages and then accuse the Myanmar army and vigilante groups for it.

In the recent months of April to June 2017, the patience of the Sri Lankan Muslims was severely tested by the local unsocial rabid racists. There were a series of arson and other attacks on the Muslim commercial establishments, places of worship etc.  All acts, to use the cliché, ‘bear the hallmarks’ of the Wirathu hate campaign. 

The Muslim community never responded with violence.  The racist agenda was very clear.  It was to provoke the Muslims to hit back and then the racists will create a riot which will allow them to loot, destroy, injure, kill etc. the Muslims.  Finally, the blame will be placed on the Muslims with the standard statement that they (Muslims) started it.  A startled Inspector General of Police said in June this year that the suspect, a Bodu Bala Sena member, who was arrested for an arson attack at the Nugegoda Muslim shop confessed to the Police that he planned to attack two or three Buddhist temples in order to create a backlash.

Another instance from the many others that ‘bear the hallmarks’ of the Wirathu campaign of violence.

The Call Of Buddha 

Sanity prevailed in Sri Lanka because not all Sinhalese Buddhists are racists.  In fact, in addition to the decent and respectable Sinhala masses many Sinhala civil organisations, religious leaders including Buddhist monks, honest Sinhala Buddhist politicians did not hesitate to express their condemnation of the intransigence and criminal activities of the Bodu Bala Sena and their cohorts.  The government on its part is taking measures to foster peace, unity, reconciliation and co-existence among the various ethnic and religious communities living in Sri Lanka.

In view of these positive developments here, it is incumbent on the Government of Sri Lanka to issue a statement on Myanmar expressing its displeasure and condemnation of the gross violation of human rights especially, the treatment of women, burning of children, slaughtering the weak and the old.  This is the call of the Buddha – Metta (loving kindness).  The respectable Maha Sangha, civil organisations and all Buddhists brothers and sisters of this country must both individually and collectively act on this.

Please also read on Colombo Telegraph: June 5, 2015, Burmese Buddhist Boy, Sri Lankan Buddhist Boy & Slow Genocide Of Rohingya

Latest comments

  • 16

    What is happening to Rohingyas is crime against humanity, but the same thing happened to Tamils in Srilanka. For you to shed tears for them now while you filed event to raise a finger against similar atrocities committed against fellow citizens shows your double standards. You are highlighting that non-Muslims were evacuated from Rakhine state before unleashing violence against Rohinyas, but the same thing happened in Srilanka in 1977 and 1983 when Sinhala residents were transported out of Jaffna by state buses, before unleashing violence on Tamils. The first country that should have taken this matter up in UN or other international forum is Bangladesh as refugees have been pouring into their land. Did you care to find out why this was not done by Bangladesh. For that matter none of the Muslim countries have done so, as they are committing worse human rights violations on their non-Muslim minorities including forced conversions and ethnic cleansing. Bangladesh is guilty of same atrocities on Chakma Buddhists living on Chittagong hill tracts who are original inhabitants of the area, by driving them out and settling Muslims to change the demographic pattern. Also they are harbouring and training Rohingya insurgents with Saudi money. If you read the history of Rohingyas given by Al Jazeera you will know the truth. The problem in Rakhine state dates back to pre-independence where these Muslims had chased off native Buddhists from their lands and have occupied it. Therefore to portray Rohingyas as totally innocent and Buddhists as aggressors is distortion of the truth.

    • 4

      This bugger Gnana always find an opportunity to make some kind of attack on the Muslims or Islam when he gets even an ant size opening. The Gnana is a scumbag who twists stories and even the history of his choice of a story to air his psychopathic animosity towards Islam and the Muslims like his counterparts in India/Burma/Sri Lanka whose having the same like minded psychopathy. British came and destroyed the lands they invaded not only militarily but with history, culture and traditions. The British removed all the traditional and native ruling elites and replaced it with their Jewish blooded criminals in the likes of BRAHMINS and their allied kith and kin to infiltrate and destroy from within. The TAMILS he says he represents or belonging to has had the same fate. It was not the MUSLIMS who destroyed his TAMILIANS.
      It was his own so called HINDU BRAHMINS who in are control of the corporation that everyone calls as INDIA who destroyed them. The Brahmins plotted and planned to destroy the TAMILS trhough various means. One is by installing THELUNGU blooded criminals to rule over the Tamil nation until today. Almost all the Tamil Nadu political parties are headed by them. All the political leadership in any country who belong to the ruling elite forces, are by origin connected to the JEWS. Brahmins of INIDA are thick racists and even the HINDUS are being divided into untouchables by these criminals, as their counterparts in the Jewish race. The Periyar groups in Tamil Nadu will tell you about the Brahmin invasion and the destruction done to the Tamil Race.

      • 12

        Hey radical ideas the Islamic infidel, why are you getting angry when truth is being told. British never destroyed any ancient Buddhist monuments or kill Budhdhist monks in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka or Myanmar. It is the Moguls who destroyed Buddhist sites like Taxila and Nalanda and killed over 500 Buddhist monks. All the Buddha statues were destroyed by them like how Taliban destroyed Buddha statue in Bhamiyan. Stop bringing Jews into this matter, and do not behave like an idiot and lunatic brainwashed by stupid Koranic teachings.

        • 4

          You have just exposed your Jewishness boy. British did not do any killing, any destruction and they are pure and white like a dove…. is that what you are trying to say….? Britain is Jewish for the last 800 years. if you have been employed by them to defend, know that the world has awakened and this awakening will be the beginning of the end of the World Jewish barbarism which has caused the world millions of death with their worst wars conducted in the 20th century. The Jewish media which is propagandizing against Islam is a failure.
          watch this to know: THE JEWISH WORLD WARS …. https://youtu.be/0M4rpXYYB8Y

        • 1

          Yo Jew Al Fuk-the Jew, replying to your point made about the destruction of Bhamian Buddha statues, it was again the Mossad/CIA Jewish covert operation conducted by them to pit blame on the innocent Afghans. Look the entire Afghsnistan is Jew controlled area. There are no independent Media available to confirm that it was done by, as you and your criminal Jewish media frames, to be a “Muslim” attack. How did the world came to know about it???? Through CNN and BBC of course. These are anti Muslim, Anti Humanity Media Mafia. They can cook any story as they like and show it to the world…. and Ahoy, they saw Neil Amstrong landing on the moon…. ha,ha,ha… stupid scumbags who watch their Hollywood produced garbages…. No one land on the Moon… And No Muslim attacked the Bhamian. It was your imagination that was made you to believe as such through their Mind Control tool – Television. Go Figure now!

          • 9

            You stupid psycho case suffering from Judeophobia. How can a person who believes in backward barbaric Koran have radical ideas. Despite Japan offering money and technology to rebuild Bamian Buddha, the Islamic racists are not allowing it to be done. Buddhism was prevalent in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangldesh. Though Buddhist monuments including the tallest Buddha statue in Andhra Pradesh are still intact in India, how come all the Buddhist structures in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh have disappeared. To prove that Islam is a peaceful religion go and rebuild all those. Your stupid Arab ancestors worshipped the moon as Allah, and when white men trampled moon, you idiots are carrying out a disinformation campaign that they did not land on the mon. If not did they land on Allah’s head. Did you hear that there are 30,000 Chinese in Pakistan who have opened shops and restaurants selling pork. So much for your imbecile brotherhood, and stop coming out with your nonsense.

            • 2

              Yo Al Fuk,
              All your allegations are just propaganda lies based on the Jewish Media garbage. You have no proof whatsoever to prove any of those garbages you’re heaping on the Muslims. By contrast the world has ample PROOFS about the JEWISH MASS MURDER conducted on a larger basis like the WORLD WARS and the BRITISH/FRench/American invasions that took millions of lives of innocent human beings like whats going on in Burma (The JEWISH agents) conducting under the PIVOT OF ASIA programme to kill maximum human beings for human sacrifice offered to their Jewish god Baphomet. Just go to US/Australia/New Zealand and almost all the countries that these Jewish enterprise did when they invaded. The natives will tell you their horror stories on how the EUROPEAN Crypto JEWS came for Gold hunting and then destroyed millions of Red Indians, Aborigines and other native people. Your HASBARA campaign is weak you boy. The world is rising with knowledge they are acquiring through the Jewish Media which was invented to mind control the masses. That’s called a silver lining in the DARK CLOUDS. Jews will be finished sooner as the clock is ticking on them.

            • 1

              Yo Al Fuk, One more thing I missed to reply to your MUCK HEADED points, allegations, comments made above…… You have said it was the Muslims who destroyed the Buddhist monuments….. Well, I figured out what your job is….. You bloody JEW want to bring up the things to PIT THE MUSLIMS against the Buddhist through these dumb, unfounded allegations…. ha,ha,ha/ It won’t work boy. Internet is SUPER INTELLIGENT to provide anyone with factual historical records and information. Look, you said the Buddha Statues in Andhra Pradesh is still intact until today…. Haaa, haaa…haaa… Who ruled for 700-800 years the Indian subcontinent before the Jewish British Empire sneaked in???? The Muslim Moghuls….. Well, they could have destroyed everything they see as NON-MUSLIMS, right? But, did they do it???? A Big No. Even till today, most of the ancient sites are still surviving under Muslim ruled areas in the world. It is the JEWS who are thieves who came for TREASURE HUNTING who destroyed the monuments to find GOLD & SILVER and other valuables. It all ended up in WESTERN MUSEUMS you fool. One more point….Muslims did not invade Sri Lanka….It was Portugese Jews, Spanish Jews and the British Jews who did…. Go figure now!

              • 5

                “Muslims did not invade Srilanka” – What a crap. Muslims had already reached Arcot and Trichy and had plans to expand southwards to take over Srilanka. Unfortunately for them, Portuguese landed in Srilanka and took over. With superior fir power, these Islamic infidels were no match to Portuguese. From the time European influence began to rise in Indian ocean, Muslims had to run for their lives. Srilanka was saved by Portuguese from falling into the hands of these Muslim idiots. Imagine the ancient Buddhist monuments to have been destroyed by Muslim bastards. It is Buddha’s influence that saved Srilanka.

                • 2

                  Yo Al Fuk, you have proven 1000 times that you are a muck headed psychopath. The arrogance in your stupid self is driving you nuts. Its amazing to say the invaders as the saviours. Go and tell this to the JHU Champika bugger. Only he will accept your stories as he is one of those main contractors of the Israeli project to destroy the country by inciting the Sinhalas with the Tamils and Muslims to send more Sinhala youths to fight the Jewish racist wars. Dont smoke what you’re smoking in the night time.

                  • 3

                    You Islamic infidel lunatic, go to hell and be with your Allah. Do not ever try to mess around with our Buddhist values. It is your Muslims who are racists. Look at the way Muslim countries are ganging up against Myanmar. Did they ever condemn killing of Christians in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Philippines. Did they ever condemn the killing of Buddhists in Thailand, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Why are they jumping about now. china is solidly behind Myanmar and all your stupid Islamists cannot do anything. Did you hear that Chinese have invaded Pakistan and have opened up restaurants and shops selling pork. Very soon Pakistan will be re-named Porkistan.

                    • 1

                      Yo Al Fuk, First of all STOP CALLING yourself as a BUDDHIST. You are not a Buddhist but a filthy, psychopathic, criminal JEW. You are posing off as a Buddhist to do your job–INCITEMENT. When someone insists too much for being a Buddhist or whatever, its a lie. Its done to hide his real self. The way of your writing tells me that your are a 100% Jew and a pimp of their mission. We condemn ALL SORTS OF KILLINGS of human beings. Even if its happening in Muslim countries. In Muslim countries, the killings are happening because of the JEWISH covert operations. The CIA/MOSSAD have installed their CRYPTO JEWISH – DONMES (Jews infiltrating into other religions to spy and to subvert those religions and cultures) to insight and to make them kill each other. Like what is happening to our own country. Govi sect criminals are ruling from the Independence and have never let this country to breath a peaceful breath. They are still experimenting with their Racism and divide and rule to remain at the top of the PYRAMID to control everything.

              • 2

                You as one practising Islam religion, would you please let us know your mother-tongue (as well as that of your parents, grand parentsand great grand parents). I am sure all you people of Islam religion would call yourselves Sinhalese and not Muslims, had you all spoken Sinhala as mother tongue.

                • 1

                  EnAG, You want to find out who I AM? Right? Forget about who I am and what my religion or mother tongue is. We are well versed in tracking the JEW smell. Coming back to your points, yes all Muslims know that the RACE is not matter when it comes to identifying oneself belonging to a country or a nation. Sinhala and Tamil are proud nations. They lived amicably by having a last KING RAJASINGHE as their leader. What happened then??? The Thelungu criminals whom were living among the ruling elites plotted from behind against the KING with the JEWS of Britain and sold the country to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS, I mean the British Empire who stole 80% of the world and destroyed Millions of innocent human beings. In the end, when they are about leave the island they created their PSYCHOPATHIC/Crminal/Brutal agents, I mean, the GOVI-Thelungu Nayakkar-Traitors as the ruling elites. They are the ones who are ruling with their RACISM and divide and rule methods with the full backing of their counterparts (Brahmins of India/ Jews of the West). That’s why we are seeing the incitements coming from the government to pit the Sinhalas against all other group of people. As long long as people rely on the GOVI criminals to lead, this country will never see a peaceful day. Just ponder in this line and you will see the light.

                  • 3

                    If one ponders in your line of thoughts there’ll be no light to see as what you expressed above is just the mumbo-jumbo of your muddled thoughts. People of Islam religion (POIR) in SriLanka Identify themselves as different ethnicity taking advantage of the divide and rule policies of successive Sinhala governments since the Sinhalese got their independence on golden platter in 1948 and started oppressive measures against Tamil speaking peoples slowly and steadily till this day. Your hatredness towards Jews has no place in this discussion which is similar to that of Sinhalese who categorize Tamils who highlight the attoricies and injustices committed by them (the Sinhales) as Tigers. It was the opportunism that is been pactised by POIR I pointed out in my query above, and you’ve acknowledge my inference thereof. Thank you.

        • 2

          Very poor excuse to kill underprivileged people. Wirathu’s mob are actually ‘murdering’ Buddhism by their atrocities while helpless innocent people die.

      • 1

        Dear Usuf, One more observation we have made is that why Israel/US/Britain/France and all the Jew controlled countries are backing the destruction of the innocent Muslims living all around the world, implemented through their BLOOD connected RULING ELITES (Brahmins & Thelungus of India, Govi sect criminals of Sri Lanka, Burmese Crypto Jews-Aung Sung Syu Kyi/Wirathu, Middle East Arab Elites…etc) ???? Why do they have to go about start killing the peaceful Muslims all over the world?…….. The Israeli/US/British criminals want to expand their New World Order second phase by DESTROYING THE AL AQSA mosque. For this to happen, the Muslims of the world must be put into destruction. So, that when they start to destroy the Mosque there won’t be anyone to defend it. This is their GOAL. This is why even the GOVI criminals of Sri Lanka have launched many RACIST groups to conduct MOB VIOLENCE and through which the ETHNIC CLEANSING can be achieved. See, the entire country knows that the BBS/JHU and its allied TERRORIST groups are threatening the one part of the TAX PAYING CITIZENS of this country. Constitutionally these groups must be given the maximum punishment by law. Just look at the JUDICIARY???? Its one of the prime AXIS of this evil project. Its GOVI controlled Fascist MAFIA institution where they give full protection to the RACIST groups with TOTAL IMPUNITY. This is the stark reality that we all are facing.

      • 0

        buddhitist perpetuate racial hatred where ever they are majority. this is because of their insecurity of the so call religion

        • 1

          Hey Parayara, an Islamic infidel, you have no guts to write under a Muslim name. It is the Muslims who are perpetuating hatred, not only where they are in the majority, but also where they are in the minority. This is because of the hatred that is found in the Koran to treat others as infidels, kill non believers and destroy their places of worship, lie low till such time you become powerful and grab other peoples lands. This is exactly what is happening in all parts of the world as Muslims are told that they should not be ruled by non believers according to rules other than Shariya. can you ever show a single word of hatred in Dhammpada the sacred book of Buddhists delivering message of pace to the world.

          • 0

            Before you ask someone else about the guts in writing under a factual name, you must check your one first……..
            Is Al Faquria a Buddhist name? You are in conflict with your own stupid arguments and logic. Psychopathy like what you are having has no cure.

    • 0

      The good doctor will do well to remember that Sri Lankan Tamil nationalists (even without state power in hand) have committed comparable atrocities against Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese.
      The curse is nationalism. The line separating it from fascism is thin.
      Tamil narrow nationalists have since the 1960’s turned a blind eye to (and even defended) the even more vicious crimes by the US against humanity in the vain hope that imperialism will come to their rescue.

  • 6

    Disenfranchisement of Rohingyas by Myanmar is similar to disenfranchisement of Tamils of recent Indian origin by Srilanka, which all Muslim parliamentarians supported. So how can you find fault with similar act now just because Rohingyas are Muslims and Tamils were non-Muslims. Moreover none of the Rohingyas were deported to Bangladesh unlike the deportation of one million Tamils to India by Srilanka which was also supported by Muslims. Your complaint of ethnic cleansing by Buddhists in Myanmar and violence by Buddhists in Srilanka while remaining silent on violence and ethnic cleansing of Tamils by Muslims in eastern province shows your hypocrisy. Even now there are complaints of Muslims not only refusing to hand over lands appropriated by Tamils but also going ahead with appropriating new lands. Please settle these problems first in a peaceful and just manner before venturing out on foreign territory. The reaction of Sinhalese to Arabisation of parts of eastern province is similar to what happened in Myanmar, and do not blame them if they take drastic action to prevent similar fate happening to their country like what they did to Tamils.

    • 4

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, you are comparing Rohingya’s plights to Tamils in Sri Lanka. Rohingyas are just trading and farming communities living there for hundred of years. Most of them are poor and less educated. Those racist Myanmar Buddhist trying to annihilate them on various pretext. Those inhuman bastard on connivance with equally inhuman forces killing, raping, burning the villages and not even sparing the children. Now Rohingyas are resorting to arms to defend their people. This racist Myanmar Buddhist bastard pave the way for an arm conflict between them. Did like that happen to Tamils in Sri Lanka? There might have been racial riots but not like what happened or happening now in Myanmar. Who started terrorism in Sri Lanka? It was your Tamil terrorist LTTE who killed many thousands of Sinhalese, Muslims and even Tamils and wiped out villages, places of worship along with the worshipers etc. The reaction was forces took up arms to wipe out you terrorist. So don’t compare Tamils and Sinhalese conflicts with racist Buddhist of Myanmar and Rohingyas. There was no disenfranchisement of Indian origin Tamils (Estate labour) in Sri Lanka. By mutual agreement certain percentage of Indian Tamils India took and the rest were given citizenship in Sri Lanka. It was your bloody politicians who tried their best to chase Indian Tamils. Don’t twist history.

      • 6

        Ralli Ameen, I pity your ignorance about the treatment of Tamils of recent Indian origin by Srilanka due to your bigoted biased mind trying to portray the plight of Rohingya Muslims. For your information, in the first parliamentary election held in 1947, Tamils of recent Indian origin elected 07 members – Nawalapitiya, Kotagala, Talawakele, Nuwara-Eliya, Haputale, bandarawela and 2nd member for Badulla. If they did not have the franchise how could they have done so in an election conducted in a free and fair manner by British prior to Independence. Due to the complaint by kandyan Sinhalese that their areas are being represented by Tamils and wanted this corrected, the government passed the legislation soon after Independence to strip their franchise off. This is in black and white, and I do not know how this slipped your attention possibly due to your skewed brain. These Tamils entered Srilanka legally being brought by British to work in the estates, in which the local Sinhalese refused to work due to harsh conditions. These Tamils were declared stateless and denied access to higher education or state employment. They lived in squalid conditions with basic health and educational facilities. They could not get passports and were prevented from going abroad for jobs. Quite rightly Nehru refused to take them back and only after Shastri a well known anti-Tamil racist became prime minister of India that he signed a pact to deport one million of them back to India. This agreement was made without consulting Tamil Nadu where these people were to be settled. Even the granting of citizenship to the rest was delayed giving lame excuses.

        • 1

          Dr Gnana, prior to 1947 citizenship was given to fraction of estate Tamils, especially those representing the estate labour force but for majority it was not given because they were brought estate labourers recently from India. That they did not have franchise in the first place and not their franchise was not striped off from them. There were opposition from caste-conscious Sri Lankan Tamils and their politicians. They were scared if franchise given to Estate Tamils, their strength will be cut to half. To make it short after Indo-Sri Lanka agreement half were taken by India and the rest by Sri Lanka. How can they give passport to them before making them citizens? If they did not get education how come so many well educated estate Tamils in all sphere? But Rohingyas case is different. They were not brought as slave labourers like the Tamils. There were there for the last 800 hundred years as farmers and traders. They were Indo-Aryan people mostly settled in Rakhine state of Myanmar. Rohingyas were not given citizenship, many restrictions and even no state education. The racist Maynmar Buddhist carrying out systematic ethnic cleansing by killing them, burning their properties and dislocating them as refugees to Bangladesh. It a shame being a Doctor writing filthy lies.

          • 2

            rally Ameen there is no point in having discussions with you as you have a bigoted mind which has been brain washed with lies and half truth. Talk to CWC people about the problem of disfranchisement of their community. How can they elect 07 members to parliament in plantation areas if only a few had voting rights. Does this simple logic not destroy your racist posturing against Indian Tamils. For your information, in the first parliament there were 95 constituencies with five of them multi member – Colombo Central 03 and Badulla, Kadugannawa, Ambaangoda-Balapitiya and balangoda 02 each with a total of 101 elected members and to that another 06 appointed members were added. Though extra seats in Colombo central and balangoda were created for Tamil representation, they could not elect a Tamil representative, but supported leftist parties. You could ask this from old leftists who will say that in several other electorates Tamil marginal votes tilted the decision in their favour. Go through the three acts of parliament presented in 1948 and 1949 to get at the truth. Rohingyas started migrating in the 12th century, similar to migration from India to Srilanka much earlier than that. Unlike in Srilanka where most of the Tamil immigrants mingled with local Sinhalese and got assimilated, Rohingys did not. majority of Rohingyas were brought to Myanmar by British as slave labour for menial work after 1856, which you are trying to hide. They are not Indo-Aryan but Dravido-mongols like the Bengalis. You are the one who is disseminating lies simply because Rohingyas are Muslims. It is a shame on people like you to participate in a forum like this which stands for truth. For your information I am a doctorate in the most noblest field.

            • 0

              Dr Gnasna, for your information Rohingyas are Bengalis and Bengalis were known as Indo-Aryan stock not Dravidian stock. Rohingyas were not brought to Myanmar as slave labourers. Only you Tamils were taken as slave labourers by British everywhere’ even Keralites and telungus were not taken. They were farmers and traders migrated there few hundred years back. I do not get any prize for speaking about Rohingyas, I am writing the truth which I studied. I knew these Rohingya Muslim and South Indian Muslim’s problem during 1980s. There is place called Burma Bazaar in Madras 1. All the traders there were chased out from Burma within few days. I use to chat with some of them and they tell all about racist burmese atrocities. They say Rohingyas are treated very badly but they could not chase them because they were there for the last few hundred years. It is a shame on people like you to participate in a forum like this which doe not stand for but need truth from honest people. How can CT know whether you are writing the truth or just fabricating lies as truth? I doubt the noble field you are talking about.

      • 5

        Ralli Ameen, again you are justifying the taking up to arms by Rohingyas to defend themselves, and saying that Tamils did not face such a situation in Srilanka in order to take up arms against the state. This is a blatant lie to cover up the truth. Tamils faced three major riots in Srilanka where atrocities were committed on them by state sponsored agents. It is only after years of racial discrimination and violence that some youths took up arms to liberate Tamils from Sinhala rule. Terrorism in srilanka was started by the government and not Tamils, where terrorism in Myanmar has been started by Rohingyas with support from Muslim countries and not Myanmar government. It is not only Tamils who committed atrocities but also Sinhalese and Muslims which has been well documented. Several Tamil politicians and community leaders have apologised for the atrocities committed by members of their community. While a few Sinhala politicians and community leaders have done the same, there is not a single Muslim politician or community leader who has tendered an apology for the atrocities committed by members of their community on Tamils. This is still continuing with recent encroachment of a school playground by Muslim squatters in Valaichenai area.

        • 2

          Dr. Gnana, you say Tamil youth took up arms because of discrimination and violence by Sinhalese. Did Sinhalese started ethnic cleansing by going village by village and killing all Tamil, burning their houses like the Burmese doing to Rohingyas? Still you took up arms to fight Sinhalese and it looks right to you but very recently in an unbearable situation if Rohingyas youth took up arms to defend themselves it is wrong for you and Muslim countries are supporting them. During your terrorist conflict who supported Tamil terrorist, trained them and gave arms to them? Are they not Western Countries, Zionist state and India. You Tamil terrorist fought for a separate state but Rohingyas fighting for survival and to give them human rights. More than 50% of your Tamil terrorist were Christian and that is why they got the support of Western nation. Still LTTE terrorist have offices in Western countries. Rohingyas are fighting to protect themselves and to get their rights as human being. Even during the conflicts more than 40% of Tamils were living in Colombo and other southern states. Carried out businesses and their daily life without any problems but still they became killers. What doctorate you have? protecting Tamil terrorist and Muslim bashing?

          • 3

            Ralli Ameen again you are showing your ignorance due to your anti-Tamil bias. In 1956 when the first violence against Tamils was unleashed, Tanjanagaram a village near Kataragama and Kodavatuwan a village near Amparai were subjected to ethnic cleansing of Tamils by Sinhalese. In later years a stone inscription in Tamil found in this area denoting Tamil presence as found but once it was taken to the archaeological department, it has gone missing. After every ethnic riots in 1958, 1977 and 1983 ethnic cleansing of Took place in southern and north central provinces and in Kurunegala, Ratnapura and Moneragala districts. Since 1983, ethnic cleansing has taken place in Trincomalee along Anuradhapura and Habarana roads. Kantalai which was a Tamil majority town is now completely devoid of Tamils. Hindu temple in Kanniya hot wells has been demolished and a Buddhist temple built on it. In 1984, Tamils in 36 villages around Manal Aru were given 48 hours notice to quit and after they left Sinhalese from outside have been settled and the place name was changed to Weli-oya. During 1983 riots, Gamini Dissanayake got Indian Tamils settled in Trincomalee district evicted and transported them to upcountry areas and dumped them on the streets. Several Tamils went as refugees to India and are still not permitted to return. So please search for the truth from Tamils before writing your crap based on racist mind set.

            • 1

              Dr Gnana, I am not showing my ignorance or biased toward Tamil but simply said the truth and asked you a question but you are evading it because you are biased toward Rohingyas since they are Muslims. If they were Hindu or Christian you will write page after page supporting them. You said Tamil youth took up arms because of discrimination and violence by Sinhalese. You speak in favour of that but Rohingya youth taking up arms for the same cause you are saying it is wrong and Muslim countries are supporting them. And you are supporting racist Buddhist Mayanmar government. What justice is there in your view? Don’t talk nonsense about stone inscription. Sinhalese also saying the same thing. They have their stone inscriptions all over the island and we are destroying it but the government not saying such things. Those are racist talk. I have had never known all what you say but I know Sinhalese colonisation in some parts. You cannot get angry for that because you Tamil have colonised Colombo and other southern states. If they come to a Tamil town chase away all the Tamils and put Sinhalese there then you can call it a some form of genocide like what is happening in Israel. But nothing like that happening in Sri Lanka. Those Tamils who went to India were refugees as a result of your Tamil terrorist war. Most of them have returned and others are returning slowly but some wants to stay back in India and Indian government won’t give citizenship to them.

    • 1

      Disenfranchisement of Rohingyas by Myanmar is similar to disenfranchisement of Tamils of recent Indian origin by Srilanka// what false nonsense are you spreading?

      During British rule this country did not have any immigration control and any idiot can come. This created a mass demographic problem and British too brought labour. So the new government correctly brought a legislation which said those Indians whose stay in SL did not exceed more than 5 years is not permitted to settle here and were rightly sent away. Even today in west you cannot get citizenship just by living in 5 years.

      When SL sent people away, SL and India came to a settlement and singed a agreement. That is how we repatriated people. And out of those who were selected to repatriation more than 50% were allowed to stay here as Sri Lankans. And now some estate tamil politicians living in our sinhala homeland are asking for self rule inside hills…LOL

      • 5

        Ralli Ameen, please get the record straight. It is only in 1986, three years after the riots when the plight of these Tamils of recent Indian origin was exposed to the international community that JR decided to give citizenship to all those remaining and close the matter. This is in contrast to Rohingys, who had their franchise from the time of independence till 1982 and had been electing members to parliament. Though immigration of Rohingyas had bee from 12th century, bulk of them came only after 1856 as labourers brought by British. Indian Tamils never took up arms against Sinhalese or there is no accusation that they committed ethnic cleansing. In the case of Rohingyas there is allegation that they took up arms to support British and committed ethnic cleansing of Buddhists who were fighting with Japanese for Independence. For your information, Netaji formed his Indian army in Burma with the help of Japanese to fight for independence. Therefore unlike the innocent Tamils in Srilanka, these Rohingyas had committed treacherous activity against the indigenous Buddhists. It is because of this past record and because of the refusal to show allegiance to their country that Rohigyas were striped off of their citizenship and made stateless. If India could accept bulk of Tamils back why Bangladesh is not doing the same as a gesture of goodwill.

        • 1

          Dr Gnana, I don’t have to get any record straight and what I am writing is the truth. Before the Tamil terrorist conflict 40% of Northern and eastern Tamils were living in Colombo and Southern states. They were successful in every field and had comfortable life but still it is going on. Before Sinhala only act 90% of Christian Tamils and Christian Sinhalese monopolized every field like medical, technical, Forces, administration etc. After Sinhala only act were reduced but still the monopoly is going on. How can this happen if the Sinhalese treat you very badly and persecute you. On the other hand it was killer Tamil terrorist who persecuted Sinhalese and Muslim and ethnically cleansed Muslim and Sinhalese from North. Rohingyas were not brought as slave labourers like the Tamils. They were Indo-Aryan people mostly settled in Rakhine state of Myanmar and engaged in trade and farming for the last few hundreds years. “Netaji”, may be you are referring to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose the Indian nationalist who wanted to chase away the British. During world war 2 and after, he attacked British and since Burma too was under British he sought help from Japanese and attacked British. Rohingyas had nothing to do with it. It is you terrorist Tamils committed treacherous activity against the indigenous Sinhala Buddhists and Muslims. You are turning the same card to make blatant lie about Rohingyas. I think around 1980 Burma chased away all the Indians (mostly Muslims) from Rangoon. They were traders. Rohingyas were not affected because they were indigenous population of Rakhine state. Later they brought false allegation against Rohingyas, started racial riots, persecuting them and now in the process genocide and ethnic cleansing. Know the truth.

      • 3

        Sach such an idiot. Your statement “During British rule this did not have any immigration control and any idiot can come” is absolutely true as you were one such idiot who came. For your information British empire encompassed a large area in the globe where any of the citizen was free to move as it was one country. Even prior to British rule there was no immigration control and that is the reason why first historically recorded kallathonies Vijaya and his 700 gangsters were able to land. Your statement that in west you cannot get citizenship just by living for 5 years is wrong, because anyone who immigrated into the country legally and remained there without any criminal record for 05 years are granted naturalisation which gives him equal status with other citizens. Those Indian Tamils who were disfranchised had been living for at least three generations and their citizenship was removed as they could not prove that their father and grandfather were born in Srilanka. In contrast to it, Borahs, Sindhis, Pakistanis were granted citizenship without any question which shows the racial bias against these Tamils.

        • 0

          The disenfrashisement rule was applied to Indian tamils who did not live even 5 years in SL. In which place do you get citizenship simply by living in that coutry for 5 years for a job?
          Do you know how I came? Who cares when I have become part and parcel of the natural civilization of the country.

          Vijaya and 700? Dont you say Mahavamsa is wrong? then why quote from it?

        • 1

          Dr Gnana, again you are telling here filthy lies. Bohara and Sindhis were very minute community and all of them were engaged in successful business. May be because of that they got their citizenship but not all became citizen. Pakistanis and north Indian Muslims did not get citizenship. Few here and there would have got citizenship. But majority were stateless like the Estate Tamils. I personally know many stateless north Indian and South Indian Muslims who were stateless at that time. Like the estate Tamils they too got their citizenship after the Indo-Sri Lanka agreement.

          • 1

            Hey Ralli Bin Balli. Stop telling filthy lies. face the truth about your community who are south Indian low caste converts. Can any one of you trace your connection to any of the high class Sinhala or Tamil families. The meaning of Hambaya is crook. Arab is the name given to an awkward fellow. So much for your stupid ancestors. Myanmar has shown that Buddha is greater than Allah. if you talk too much Srilanka will also demonstrate the same. Tell all your racist fanatic Islamic infidels to look sharp, and seek protection from Buddha.

            • 0

              A commentor above said you Al-fuk have proven 1000 times that you are a muck headed psychopath. He is right but I am taking you little lower to that, a mad dog. A person can have few percentage of hatred but if it exceed 50% you are killing yourself. Buddhah said this. You mad dog’s heart filled with 100% hatred so I predict you will kill yourself soon. What dog biscuit you want Western brand or Sri Lankan brand?

              • 1

                You Islamic infidels like Ralli Ameen, Radical Ideas and Jehan, , what you are getting is counter to the hatred you have shown on others like Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Jews. You have insulted all other religions as well their gods. So why are you crying foul when Islam, Koran, Allah and Mohamed are insulted. If you stop your attack using uncivilised words, others will stop using them on you. It is simple as that. You Islamic racists think that you can do any harm to followers of other religions, but they cannot even give constructive criticism on your religion. Have you ever herd of Blasphemy charge made in non-Muslim countries. It is the Muslims including you who are confirmed psychopath just like your prophet. The fault is with Koran which urges you to commit crime on other religionists. Now the world has risen up against Islamic nonsense and you all are behaving like mad dogs while smelling like pigs. If Buddhists decide on Blasphemy laws, then all you bastards will end up in prison.

                • 0

                  Al-fuk mad dog we don’t smell like pigs, it is you mad dogs smell like pigs because you eat it flesh. I have a feeling that Muslim bashing in these forums are mostly people who hang a cross around their neck. They follow their Western masters Islamophobia attacks or belongs to mad monk Gnanasara clique. Can you tell how Muslims attack other religion? The list of attackers or attacker’s news in Sri Lanka? How can you stupid idiot find fault in Quran which followed by 2 billion people. As I have told you earlier you have very little time before you collapse. Consult a psychologist immediately. I will be happy if Buddhist brings a blasphemy law.

                  • 1

                    You idiotic Ralli-Bin-Balli, If anyone who eats flesh is a mad dog and smell like pigs, then whole of your community are mad dogs smelling like pigs. This means that you are saying that those who do not eat flesh are superior to infidels like Muslims. While there are several Buddhists and Hindus who do not eat flesh there is not a single Islamic stupid bastards who does not eat flesh. When you infidels scold Gnanassara for preaching hatred, there is nothing wrong in scolding Mohamed as a pig, dog and idiot as he has also preached hatred the same way. Just because 2 million people are mad hatters does not mean that Quran is idiotic It is natural when Mohamed is a schizophrenic his followers are the same. Get your body clean by bathing daily and mind clean by reading Dhammapada.

                    • 0

                      Al-fuk you psychopath mad dog, you don have a human brain at least to understand what I wrote. I said pig flesh eaters, that is pork. It is a special name for its flesh. Hindus do not eat flesh because, specially cow meat because if they do that they will be eating their god. 80% of Indians eat flesh of goat, chicken, fish and some eat pork also. We scold Gnanasara because he is racist. We don’t scold Buddha like you have done here because we show respect to them. You are a filthy, infidel dog so we cannot expect good words from such people. Do you know what is Dharmapada?

  • 3

    MASS L. USUF: You are very good at writing falsehood in order to support you muslim. But, the truth is different. I remember, it would be you who wrote about mosque destruction Kurunegala and muslims police to arrestf innocent Sinhala youth and to blame BBS for everything. Later it wss found, that is was one Sally , a politician weas involved and it was about a case claim insurance at the expense of BBS.. —————————Read the following article ——–http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-destabilization-of-myanmar-u-s-plan-for-carving-out-a-south-asian-kosovo-in-rohingyaland/5454716————— there are so many things going Myanmar, thailand, Vietnam, south Korea, Mongolia. Three of the worst cases are the Myanmar, thailand and Mongolia. It is the west powers, the Church who have made this. Mongolia like countries are socially completely destroyed. See thailand, govt is unstable they need to change prime minister often. Then Malaysian muslims want a separate state in thailand. In case of Myanmar it is friendly to China, has oil and also they have harbour which cater to the string or pearl concept of china. So, they changed the govt from military to Aun-Sun-Kyi. they publish false reports. The truth is different. YOu muslims are part of that because you Wahabis, whereever you go, you want to estaligh your desert islamic country there. So, stop your crap and read. You people are very dishienst people. Read this too —http://www.globalresearch.ca/west-backs-dangerous-plot-to-divide-thailand-along-religious-lines/5542154. —————http://www.globalresearch.ca/myanmars-ethno-sectarian-clashes-containing-china/5306192. So don’t write crap. The same thing goes with Uighur’s china. that is by Turkeish muslim ISIS.

  • 5

    Usuf: You have written a funny article. Why did you write about buddha. What about Allah or Mohommad. What do they during a situation like this…… Kill infidels…………… the reality is very different. both the USA and Britian supported Aung Sun Suu Ky thinking that she would become a human right activist for them. but, people know that she does not want to be a cat paw for the west, and she is known to be a pragmatic politician. I pasted only a few articles. there is one long article about what things are goin on the whole Asia including Phillipines where your friend ISIS trying to breakdown philipines. rohingyas living since the Britush went there. Why suddenly now, fights. It is Wahabis, I think created it by being western agents. Now, west wnat a separate country for Rohingyas. that is just to control the Myanmar govt which is alionged wioth the China. So, it is you muslims that destroy everything on your own as well as with the support of the West…………………………http://www.globalresearch.ca/saudi-arabias-southeast-asia-terror-tour/5578038……………….. Read this article and see how Saudi Arabia is part of the campaignin south Asia and South East asia for pushing against China. So, it is you muslims and Saudi Arabian Wahabis are to blame. One day, Saudi arabia gets that too. right now you people have money and oil. there will be a day that will be different.

    • 1


      “One day, Saudi Arabia gets that too. right now you people have money and oil. there will be a day that will be different”, you idiot that time won’t come even after your grand-grand children too are dead and gone. Saudi Arabia having so much oil reserve which they are not tapping right now. The rest of your comments here shows you are a white West and Zionist worshiping rotter carrying out Islamaphobia comments here.

      • 1

        Hey rally Bin Balli, in time to come Saudi has to wash their backs with oil. Already cars that can run on battery for 400 kilometres have been produced. dependency on oil is decreasing. Saudi has asked for loan from IMF this year. No one who is wealthy begs for loan. There are several Arabs doing menial jobs like toilet cleaning and dirt collecting in the west. Very soon there will be Arab house maids and servants in the homes of Srilankan. We only want decent people who are physically and mentally clean, and not Thaddi wallahs and Goni Billas to pollute our atmosphere.

        • 0

          Al-fuk psychopath you have hatred toward your own people and releasing it by showing it on others. The people who produce electric cars do not have such predictions. USA, Russia, Nigeria etc are oil rich countries but they don’t employ you labourers because they have their own manpower. Only few countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman etc take you labourers and others because they do not have manpower. Is it not God given chance to you all. If they are Islam conscious and racist like you all, they can get down only Muslims because there are so many poor Muslim countries. Without your manpower income from them you all will be beggars and the government will collapse. So dog don’t bark you are getting your bone from them.

  • 4

    This is a pathetic article. this is usual muslims hatred towards buddhim. You are criticizing Sri lankan buddhists and do not talk about what you muslims are doing all over the world. Why don’t you learn to take responsibility for your action. Why you Allah is responsible only for creating you when your parents are there and the other good things happening to you. Don’t you think you lot is complete hypocrisy. Anygood things you say “allahis great” Any bad things happnes you blame the other religeons.

  • 5

    This is Myanmar’s internal Matter. Lanka has nothing to do with it. Myanmar has every rights to eliminate Islamic terrorism in their soil. Rohyngyas should go back to their home land. That is Bangladesh. Myanmar has every rights to expel them from their land to restore peace. Buddhism has nothing to do with internal politics of that particular country. When Islamic terrorism works there it should be equal with same brutalities. Well done Myanmar. wish you all the best.

    • 7


      “This is Myanmar’s internal Matter. Lanka has nothing to do with it.”

      Is it?
      There is no such thing as internal matter anymore.
      If boat loads of refugees start arriving our shores will you be pleased to provide them with asylum, shelter, food and settle them here on my ancestral land. Remember when 700 thugs were expelled from Venga and arrived here we gave them refuge.

      “Buddhism has nothing to do with internal politics of that particular country. “

      Of course Buddhism has nothing to do with politics until crooks pervert it for their advantage. Can’t you see what has been happening since the advent of Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala, the Aryan fascist?

      • 1

        Native Vedda: that is for tamils. all international matters affect them personally, Because, they are all over the world.

  • 2

    West changed the Myanmar govt to Aun Sun Suu Kye. she did not do what they wanted. Then, as they did in Sinhale, wanted a Truth and Reconciliation commission. Now, all that did not work, Saudi Arabia and ISIS are working. So, It is as same as the Tamil terror in Srilanka now going in Myanmar. Fortunately the Myanmar govt knows who is behind and is careful.

  • 5

    we should start same thing here as well. Muslims live here are descendants of Tamil Muslims came here as refugees when Delhi power collapsed as such Citizenship rights of lanken Muslims too should be banned. must be sent to Pakistan. otherwise we will have same kind of problem here as well. Koran says be silence until you get power to fight other religions. Soon local Muslims will start destroying Buddhists and Hindu temples and sacred sites here as well like in Rakin province of Myanmar. I personally saw Rohigyas destroying Buddha statue in Rkkin province when I was in Myanmar.

  • 1

    Do u expect compassion from the protectors of gnana the aluthgama killer. Never expect justice from the kuffar,

  • 8

    Mr. Usuf what is happening to the Rohingya of Burma is a tragedy, however you and the rest of the Sri Lankan Muslims or Moors as you people incorrectly love to call your selves , despite hardly having any Moorish/Arab ancestry are the biggest hypocrites and opportunists. Your backstabbing immigrant Dravidian community from South India, largely descended from low caste Indian Tamil Hindu converts in the name of religion and a fake Arab origin and identity that only a few of you have in small doses, had joined with the Sinhalese racists at every opportunity ,to kill rape loot ethnically cleanse thousands of Tamils in the south and east and were making preparations to the same in the north, when the LTTE found out in time and chased you out. This is still continuing in the east ,using funds from the fundamentalist Saudi regime and Pakistan. Joining Sinhalese racists and the establishment and killing raping looting and ethnically cleansing ,your fellow non Muslim Tamils is fine but it becomes a tragedy to you fake Arab backstabbing opportunistic low caste immigrants from South India if the victims are Muslim. Even if these Muslims have no connection to you low caste fake Arab Dravidian converts. A common origin language and heritage is a far great a bond than the slender thread of a common religion. People belonging to the same ethnicity despite following different religions even Islam, are far closer to each other than people professing the same religion but belonging to different language ethnic or racial groups.

    • 0

      There comes the Real Siva Sankaran Sharma Australoid crow low caste Tamil cawing again. He had become mentally sick by always thinking these low caste bastards were civilized by Moors before colonialist came to India and Sri Lanka. So he gets a great satisfaction by saying saying Moors are from low caste Indian Tamil converts. Remember you low caste bastard we are not closer to you but miles apart. We don’t care a hoot about what was done to you terrorist Tamil bastards but not the good Tamils. It was you Tamil terrorist who killed, raped, looted and ethnically cleansed Moors.

      • 7

        Mr. Ameen,
        May I know your mother tongue? Also in the mosques in Srilanka the language of preachings by Imams is what? I’m certain , had you spoken Sinhala as your mother-tongue, you would be identifying yourself as Sinhala or Sinhala-Muslim and never as Muslim.

        • 1

          EnAg, I don’t have a mother tongue but spoken language is a kind of Moorish Tamil. 75% of Moors are following Sinhala language and I think after few decades they will be speaking only in Sinhala and Moorish Tamil will be forgotten. My children when they meet their classmates or cousins speaks only in Sinhala. Even if we switch on to Sinhala we will not identify ourselves as Sinhala but simply as Moors. History is to be blamed for that.

          • 1

            Mr. Ameen,
            There is no Tamil dialect known as Moorish Tamil spoken by people of Islam religion (POIR) in SriLanka. In Tamil Nadu and in some Arabic countries, mainly by immigrants of former, there is what is known as Arabic Tamil in which Tamil language is written in Arabic scripts. All my life I mixed with Tamil speaking POIR and count one as relative through marriage. I have been to mosques (known in Tamil language as Palli-vaasal) and attended two prayers with POIR and the language of communication was always Tamil except for few sentences in Arabic language when the Imams cite from Koran which they translate at times in Tamil language. Even In Zahira college in Colombo, the premiere Muslim college in the Island, Tamil language is the medium of instruction. In Sinhala South younger generations may be motivated to speak in Sinhala, your quantification would be smaller as still majority of POIR live in Tamil speaking North and East. POIR in Srilanka, if they speak in Sinhala language would identify themselves as Sinhala or Sinhala-Muslims, as opportunism is your way of life of your kind.. Please don’t tell, you have no mother-tongue because communication ability for one is very much more important than religion, which I for one consider as the curse of humanity.

            • 0

              EnAg, Moorish Tamil mean mixed dialect they speak, 70% is Tamil but more than 50% of words are pronounced wrongly. For instance for house Tamil says VEEDU and we say OODU, for unclean Tamil say ASUTHTHAM, we say NAJIS, for father Tamil says APPA, we say WAPPA, for mother Tamil says AMMA, we say UMMA, for elder brother Tamil says ANNAN, we say NANA, for equal Tamils say SAMAM, we say SAVASAVA. There are hundreds of difference like that, there are Sinhala words too. Many Arabic words and above ones are from Arabic. Even those who had studied Tamil language speak Moorish way in home otherwise they will laugh. If you had mixed with Ceylon Moors you should have noticed the differences. Arabic script was developed because of the big difference in the pronunciation. You write one Quranic verse in Tamil (not translation) and give that to non-Muslim Tamil to read. It will definitely going to be funny language. All prayers are conducted in Arabic, during Friday prayers Bayan (sayings of prophets, caliphs and short history) conducted in Tamil, some places in Sinhala. Reciting Quran only in Arabic. My elder brother studied in Sinhala medium in Zahira. They had Tamil medium too. Originally it was only in English medium. We have communication abilities in English, Sinhala and Tamil. You tell me that African American’s language is English. Are they white? Didn’t they have their own mother tongue which was not spoken now? North and East POIR may speak good Tamil because they live among them. You know what the South India Tamils says? North and East Tamils speak rotten Tamil and they only speak pure beautiful Tamil. That may be true. If a Jaffna Tamil or Easter Tamil sing a beautiful Tamil song you have to plug your ears.

              • 0

                It is worrying to see your points of view as your arguments are for arguments sake. Regarding your usage of different words in some instances by POIR is similar to differences of same between Tamils from Baticaloa region (colloquially known as Batticaloa Tamil), up-country Tamil ( similarly known as Indian Tamils) and yes, what is known as’Paruththithurai Thamil’ (from Pt.Pedro). To emphasize this fact please check the website called “Jaffna Muslim” which is written in perfect Tamil language with extremely few words (like ‘wabath’ for ‘death’) intermingled here and there. It is after eighties POIR returning from Mid-Easts since their stint in one of those countries (most of them doing menial work) and more after 9/11 only, this so called Arab favour caught on with the former, aided by Quatar and Saudi Arabia. There is no dialect called “Moorish Tamil” (it’s boorish on your part my friend, by twisting facts to establish your points). During British times POIR were catogerized as ‘Ceylon Muslims’ and ‘Indian Muslims’ for population statistics, and this fact was stated in the broad-sheet “The Island” some months ago. The late Abdul Kalam (former Indian President) proudly called himself a Tamil, but his close relatives in Puttalam would be calling themselves as Moors like yourself…………………(continued below because of lack of space!!)

              • 0

                Mr. Ameen,
                (………….continued from above)
                In Srilanka 95% of POIR cannot read, write, speak or understand Arabic language inspite of the efforts and recent trend by them as the wind is blowing aginst the Tamils. Also for entirely Tamil medium government jobs, POIR clamour for them but not for same jobs in Sinhala language; (imagine a lady teacher with hijab! Not only BBS, majority of Sinhala Buddhists would be up in arms against it). Regarding Zahira College, although Sinhala stream does exist, it is the Tamil and English (the latter, only for secondary education) languages are the main mediums as witnessed in the the recent “Islamic Day” celebration. The main language in “Palli vaasals” in Srilanka is Tamil. Even though in Colombo, and to some extend in Kandy, those born into middle and upper middle class POIR (like yourself) are trilingual and to some extent bilingual (Tamil and Sinhala languages) among those in South SriLanka, majority are monolingual (Tamil language).It is rediculous on your part to say in Tamil Nadu, people there laugh at Srilankan Tamil accent. In fact they appreciate the purity of the latter, as also emphasized by the renouned Tamil scholars from all around the globe including from Tamil Nadu, during “The International Tamil Conference” held in Jaffna in 1974 (which I was fortunate to witness as student) that ended in tragedy because of Sinhala Police attrocities. It is blatant lie on your part to say N-E Tamils sing horribly. Why are you listening Tamil songs when you hate Tamil language so much! In U.K ( a non-Muslim country where you live, I,m sure) where POIR of differnt corners of the world live, are identified either by their ethnicities or their languages but never as Muslims, as those, for example, from Seira-Leone and Nigeria. Please don’t laugh at those beautiful people because of their skin colour and physical features although they are Muslims like you. Finally, in the melting pot of South Indian Tamils of Islam religion, those from northern Indian subcontinent mixed- forced by the marriage condition set by the founder of the said faith or else they are infidels- Tamil language became their mother tongue and skin colour lightened as stipulated by the Mendel’s Law in Genetics. Had you spoken Sinhala language as your mother tongue you would be proudly calling yourself as Sinhala and not as Moor. Period!

                P.S: CT, Please allow the above comment even though it may be little longer. Thanks,

                • 0

                  EnAg, your mind is so biased against Moors so whatever I write there is something against that. If I am a Tamil or Sinhalese and if some group call themselves as different ethnic group I would not care a shit about that. I will only be proud of my race. So why the hell you and some writers in these CT forums are wasting your time by saying Moors are Tamil converts, that is also low caste Tamils. This is because of the low caste and class mentality you all have. If a Muslim is from Tamil convert or Sinhalese convert he will definitely be proud to call himself a Tamil or Sinhalese. We did not have and do not have such feeling from generation to generation that is because we are not Tamil or Sinhalese but Moors. You cannot change our thinking. We have a very big cultural differenece, if you have a brain you will know that. Just because we speak Tamil you cannot brand us as Tamils. There are many ethnic minorities all over the world who speak the majorities language although they are from different stock. Take for example black American. Their language is English but from different stock. First you go to Moors villages and towns in Central-Western and Southern parts of Sri Lanka, study how Moors speak Tamil language there and write the truth. Why don’t you contact jaffnamuslim.com editor and ask him whether he is a Moor or Tamil Muslim? You can ask ceylonmoors.com, they publish in Tamil too. (Continued)

                • 0


                  I did not write about usage of words but different pronunciation of same words as explained above. You are crazy to say our usage of words similar to Batticalo region. That shows how ignorant you are. What do you mean by after 80s when POIR returning from Saudi? You think before that we did not have our Islamic culture. You idiot we had contacts with Saudi Arabia for hundred of years. Every year we go to Haj (although small numbers long ago), our people wear burqa those days when going out, we had Madrasas (schools) long before going to Middle-east jobs (for which labour jobs you all are competing now) and there were families in the 18s and 19s who stayed back in Saudi after going for Haj. I hear all beautiful songs and like to hear more Hindi songs. Abdul Kalam is not a Ceylon Moor irrelevant here. Tamil Language is pleasant when Indian Tamils speaks and is horrible when Jaffna or Batticalo Tamil speak. These people’s song will be really horrible. In Sri Lanka 80% of POIR can read Arabic, 30% can write too and about 20% can speak. POIR doing lot of Sinhala language jobs, there are many women teaching and working in Hijab. Seira Leone and Nigeria are irrelevant here. Who is laughing at their colours? Majority of you Tamils people have the same colour. What nonsense you are talking about genetics? Even if we speak Sinhala we will call ourselves Moors and in about 50 years time all the Moors in the South, Central-Western province will speak Sinhala as their adopted tongue.

                  • 0

                    Mr. Ameen,
                    When one lacks intelectual honesty it is pointless debating. When you think like “naan pidiththa muyalukku moondru kaal” (you know this Tamil adage, I’m sure) it’s pointless to convince you. Half truths , non-truths and anger with name calling that you expressed above, is what poetess of Sangam period , Auvyaar, said, “kulaththalave aagumaam kunam”.

                    Relax, my friend! At his retired age you need that.

      • 6

        What Siva states is true. The so called Sri Lankan Moors are largely descended from low caste immigrant Indian Tamil Hindu converts to Islam and migrated to the island a few centuries ago, from their South Indian homeland. Largely from what is modern day Kerala. They were ethnic Tamil Muslims and the Malayali did not want them in their land. The Malayali did not do anything to their own Mapila Muslims, whom they consider as part and parcel of their ethnicity. They derogatively called these ethnic Dravidian Tamil Muslims in Kerala as ” Thullukan” and this name has stuck to them. Arabs never came in their thousands either to the shores of this island or South India and they never brought their women folk. Only a few hundred came to trade over a span of a few centuries , in what was once Tamil Kerala, Tamil Nadu and coastal Tamil Sri Lanka. Out of these few hundred only a small fraction would have taken low caste or loose moral Tamil women as their keeps and had sex with them. The half caste bastards of these Arab seamen and low caste Tamil harlots would have numbered a few hundred or a thousand the most. Their numbers would have been swallowed in the huge sea of hundreds of thousands of converted Dravidian Tamil Muslims who migrated to the island from South India. Now only a few hundred elite families in a population of 1.9 million have partially some Arab blood and even this is negligible. Stop screeching and behaving like an idiot. Siva will not be an Australoid nor 90% of the Tamils. Only low castes like the Sri Lankan Muslims will be Australoid and there is nothing wrong being Australoid. Insulting your own ancestors.

        • 1

          Rohan, you are defending Siva so you must be a Australoid crow cawing like Siva. Thulukkan came from Thulukkar which in turn from Thrukkiyar that is Turkish mixed origin. Mapillai are actually Moplas of Kerala and they too were Arab and Persian mixed origin. Mixed origin people get more mixed as time pass and they may follow the language and customs but not 100%. 95% of Dravidians are Australoid and this proved by Anthropologist. For nearly 3000 years invading people from west mixed with them and now you can see better features specially when you go toward Kerala, Karnataka and Andra Pradesh. Arabs and Persian came long before Muslim rule in India so it was them (like Moplas, Marikkars, Leebe etc) who civilized you tree climbing Australoids. Muslims ruled India for 700 years and they too were responsible for the present day civilization in India. So don’t caw you Australoid crow.

  • 1

    idol worshippers who pray to idols made out of stone and wood are destined to hell fire.

    idols cannot even protect themselves from a dog peeing on it. how come people expect good or bad from idols.

    • 7

      You idiotic infidel Jehan, you also worship a stone in the shape of male organ in Kabba in Mecca. Can you prevent dog peeing on Koran which will happen very soon, when Buddhists rise up against this Islamic onslaught. To be safe dump your Koran into a dustbin and start worshipping Buddha the supreme being in the world. You infidels are both physically and mentally unclean due to the cockade teaching of Koran. Even the idol Buddha is more powerful than that stupid entity called Allah.

      • 1

        Al-fuk, when did you see the black stone in Kabah. Did the Saudi king allow you to go inside Kabah to see the shape of black stone? Dogs can pee on Quran, Bibles, Hindu holy books or Buddhist holy books and even on your idols because they are dogs. Since you too is a dog so having the same mentality.

    • 4


      Is that why the Black stone kaaba brings hell fire to many Islamic countries?

  • 6

    The Burma is fed with the population increase of the Rohiyana muslims,who have more than ten in their families. This is due to the teaching of koran which advocates the followers to capture the world.Really these muslims are from Bangladesh,where there is population explosion.The muslims in Srilanka are shouting for the killing of muslim terrorists in Burma ,but they never raised their voice against the killing of innocent tamils by the muslim home guards.Further,will they raise their voice against the killing of christian in Egypt,Iraq,Bangladesh and in many other countries?

    • 6

      They kept quite because it benefitted their community and actively participated with the Sinhalese government armed forces and racists to discriminate kill and ethnically cleanse the Tamils, despite being Tamil themselves. All in the name of their religion and an imagined Middles Eastern origin, that any idiot can see they never or hardly had. Now they are cynically using the pathetic plight of Rohingya to further their own agenda in the island not because of any genuine concern for these unfortunates. They will try to pressurise the Sri Lankan government to give asylum to thousands of Rohingya and then settle them with funds obtained from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in strategic sparsely populated Tamil areas , like Mannar , parts of Puttalam , the Wilpattu corridor( like one evil one from Mannar was attempting) the Vanni and most of all in the east, where they badly want to steal the east from the Tamils and the Tamilised Vedda, who are the real owners of the east. It is ironic that they arrived in the east as refugees fleeing persecution, a few centuries ago and were given refuge , there by the eastern Tamils , whom their home guards with the help of the Sri Lankan armed forces , have ethnically cleansed in their thousands and now not allowed to return to their lands by these same Muslims , who are now crying about the plight and ethnic cleansing of Burmese Rohingya’s whom they cunningly want to bring here and settle in the ethnically cleansed Tamil lands in the north and east. Killing and ethnic cleansing of Tamils and stealing their lands and not allowing them to return is fine but not the Rohingya. Mark my word this is the beginning the next is to clamour to settle thousands of displaced Rohingya , largely in Tamil lands. What an irony Tamils ethnically cleansed from their lands and not allowed to return and their lands given to fleeing Rohingya who have no connection to this land.

      • 1

        Real Siva, these are all your fairy tales views and Muslims even won’t dream about doing such things in Sri Lanka. If you can prove they are really doing or going to do these, then you are proving Moors are not Tamil converts because they do not have even an atom of sympathy for Tamil race. Keep your rotten mouth shut you Australoid crow.

        • 3

          Only thing rotten evil and stupid here is you. By screaming and squealing here and verbally threatening other bloggers , you are not going to stop me or other bloggers here posting the real converted low caste Indian Tamil Hindu origin of the so called Sri Lankan Moors. There is hardly any Moor or Arab blood in them. even the few elite part Arab families have only small amounts of Arab in them and are basically Tamil. DNA and history proves this. Just because your backstabbing selfish southern elite for their own economic and power games had brain washed you converted low caste clowns to think that you are Arabs or Moors and hate your actual Dravidian Tamil origin does not mean you are Arab or Moor. This itself is a form of genocide. An elite for their own agenda, brainwashing and not allowing a people to acknowledge their own origin or culture but to hate it. Being a Muslim is not synonymous with being an Arab or of Arabic culture. Most of the world’s Muslims are not and do not even regard them selves as such. The Turks the Iranians the Kurds the Malays the Indians the Pakistanis , Albanians the list goes on. Even the Arabs identify themselves as Arabs first and then Muslim Christian or Druze .

          • 1

            Who is screaming and squealing here? The subject is about “Rohingya Massacre” so without giving view for or against this article you are writing about a irrelevant subject that is ethnicity of Moors. You always do this this, why? Is it because Moors had been a thriving civilized trading community in India and Sri Lanka? We know you Australoid Tamil are tree climbers at that time but by showing your hatred toward Moors you cannot erase this. You have to go back in a Time Machine to do this. You also make it a point to say low caste Tamil converts. Tamil is Tamil, that is a race. Are low caste Tamils and High cast Tamils having different facial feature, cultures and customs? You Australoid crow you must be not only a low caste but low class Tamil. You dog know that when somebody ask from us who are we say we are Muslims. If they ask our ethnicity we say we are Moors. That is what we are and we do not belong to you Australoid rotter.

        • 3

          Just because you low castes for political and economic purposes do not want to acknowledge your immigrant low caste Indian Tamil origin and have conveniently jumped on the incorrect classification that the Portuguese gave to all South Asian Muslims ” Moor” which all other South Asian Muslim groups have discarded, including your parent population the Tamil Muslims of Tamil Nadu. The parent population is proudly Tamil and their immigrant children in Sri Lanka are Arabs. Is this a joke? If you spoke Sinhalese you will be proudly claiming you are Sinhalese Muslims and not Moor as this is to your advantage. Whom are trying to fool brainwashed backstabber. I am a Brahmin and can never be Australoid. Low castes like you are. This is why you are so obsessed with about Australoid.

          • 1

            If you are Brahmin why are cawing like this. Northern Brahmins will be least bothered about these issues. You are an Australoid Brahmin. Northern Brahmins consider you as low caste Brahmins of Australoid Tamils. Will a Northern Brahmin give his daughter or son to your daughter or son. No, because you are low caste Brahmin. Why should we accept as convert of Australoid Tamil when we have our own ethnicity that we are Moors. Language depends on the surrounding you live. American Negroes speak English so are they white? Frenchmen and English speak different languages but look same. They will say their ethnicity is different. No point arguing but prove. File a action against Sri Lanka Government for recognizing us as belonging to different ethnic group. Why should we back stab you rotter. there are over 4 million Australoid Tamils in Sri lanka and another 50 odd million in India. We are a very minute fraction compared to you so what are you going to loose if we say we are not Tamil converts. If you are a good Tamil you will be least bothered if we say we are not convert of Tamils or any others. I am saying this again because that you are a low caste and class bastard having so much hatred toward Moors. God knows why. May be you are an back lender to Zionist,

            • 1

              Lunatic. Post something sensible . Just look at all our posts full of garbage, just like you

              • 0

                You are the real lunatic because you heart filled with hatred. What about you post. Are posting intelligent view on relevant articles. Always writing about Moor’s ethnicity and full of garbage just like you. I am just responding to your garbage writing but I am not a racist or concerned about ethnicity of anyone. You Hindu or Christian rotters will be burned like a dog after death and our bodies will be buried to rot. What so special about our bodies. Only special thing is god given Consciousness. Use it correctly.

        • 3

          Read this article from Colombo Telegraph and then rant rave and froth low caste Australoid fake Moor convert.
          This article is by a Muslim and not a Tamil

          • 0

            This Muslim man may be Tamil posing as a Muslim with Muslim name or just a Tamil convert. Read this comment by one Arul in that article, “The author of this article is trying to be provocative by using this headline. We can have an honest debate without bringing caste into the debate. All three main ethnic groups in Srilanka have a mixture of genetic and ethnic make up in them. The truth is present day Muslim population in Srilanka has a mixture of Arabic ,Tamil and Sinhalese blood in them.
            Only difference is the percentage of each of these ethnic groups. They are not purely Arabic as such. They are an admixture of Arabs who married the local (Tamil and Sinhalese) women, Muslim converts from south India (from the ancient Thamilakam, present day Tamilnadu and Kerala)Some of these Muslims from south India were mainly Dravidians who converted to Islam with small percentage of Arab descendants.
            Muslims of this country are probably Arabs according their to their paternal line and Tamils according to their maternal line. They have adopted their father’s religion and the mother’s language-(although some of them might have married Sinhalese women).They are neither Tamils nor Arabs, They are historically , ethnically and religiously different from Srilankan Tamils but linguistically related to them. That makes them a different ethnic groups in their own right.”

        • 2

          If you are Moor and not Tamil why do you speak Tamil instead of Berber? Why were your ancestors having Tamil Muslim names and following Tamil customs? Why do most of you (95% ) look like Tamils instead of looking like an Arab or Berber or some ordinary Moroccan? Why did that Arabs classify Sri Lankan Muslims as not of Arab descent but South Asian converts( meaning Tamils ) . Why don’t you go and live Morocco or in some other Arab land , as you identify yourselves as Moors, instead of trying to lay false claims to Tamil lands and steal these lands from the Tamils , with funds from Porkistan and Saudi Arabia? Why does your DNA state the core genetic origin of Sri Lankan Muslims is South Indian and there genetically no different to the island’s Sinhalese or Tamils, who are also South Indian? Please answer mad Australoid low caste convert? Constantly spewing hatred against the Tamils , and worshiping Arabs despite being Tamil himself. Why do hate your self or your low caste converted Australoid face?

          • 0

            Pandi Kutti (piglet) you are a brainless piglet. We say we are mixed race and have a separate ethnicity that is Ceylon Moor. You cannot erase that. We do not have Tamil names and there is nothing called Tamil Muslim name. Moors does not look 95% like Tamils. May be about 25% but those with the mixed Tamils. When did Arab classify Moors as Tamil? When did you compare the DNA of Moors and Tamils? Dravidian are from Australoid was proved by Anthropologist. Why don’t you search that? You all are Australoid and caste seal belongs to Brahmin. Who is worshiping Arabs? You slave Tamils. I am not spewing hatred, it is Tamil pigs and dogs like you is doing that. What shortcoming you have if we call ourselves Moors when even Sinhalese and the government had accepted that? Have you gone to Muslim villages here or even in South India. Go and see then you will know the differences. Sri Lanka Moors and Indian Moors is one lot, Tamil convert Muslims is different lot.

            • 0

              You can post all the bull shit you want but the truth is 95% of the Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from largely low caste Indian Tamil Hindu converts. The remaining 5% have some Arab and other western Asian or North Indian blood but even these people are predominantly of Dravidian Tamil descent. This is the truth and history and DNA proves this. Oink Oink

              • 0

                Piglet, you can post all the bull shit you want but the truth is you are low caste and low class Australoid Tamil. Ceylon Moor are Ceylon Moors, you low caste Tamil crow cannot change that however much you scream. Ceylon Moors call you all Para Thamulan. How many Moors and Tamil DNA test you took?

  • 3

    Burma (now Myanmar) was ruled by the infamous Burmese Junta. The Junta enriched themselves and sycophants rapaciously. They created the Rohingya problem as a cover. They cultivated a mono-ethnic Police and Army and gave them a free hand. Buddhist bigotry was encouraged.
    The torture, killing and slavery of Rohingyas reached intensity that UN rated Rohingyas as the most oppressed people. The Junta changed the constitution designed to prevent a person by the name Aung San Suu Kyi from holding high office They disenfranchised the Rohingyas. Now the persecution has reached the stage of genocide.
    Who are these Rohingyas? They are Muslims who have lived in Burma for at least 800 years. They do not resemble the majority Burman who are also Buddhists.
    Several NGOs have raised the plight of Rohingyas int their respective parliaments who in tern take this up in the UN.
    It is a matter of regret that Islamic countries are somewhat blasé on this issue.
    Maas L Usuf is duplicitous here. He must get a Muslim Lankan MP to raise this issue in the Parliament. Usuf will not because Muslim MPs will not.

    • 4

      This is the kind of humanity that we should expect from fellow human being. The oppressed must be helped and be in solidarity with them. Thank you K.Pillai for making a sensible point of view in the cruel society that we are all living in. The fate of the Tamils is also much similar to this. The ruling elites in Sri Lanka are THELUNGU criminals….Kandy NAYAKKARS…. The Senanayake, Bandaranayake and all the GOVI criminal Families. Isn’ t that’s why the ruling elites of India, the Brahmins (Nehru family, now the MODI the racist) are all helping their fellow NAYAKKAR criminals who are hiding behind the Sinhala Buddhist identity are supportive of the destruction of the Tamil race???? The truths are coming out faster than we thought. The GOVI CRIMINALS who are holding the ultimate power of the ruling of the state are CRIMINALLY ALLIED with the Brahmins of India, Jews of the West and the Burmese Brahmins to promote MASS MURDER on a larger scale. The Axis of all EVILS are in one big alliance….and so is the ANTI MUSLIM campaign which is at progress now in the ASIA region….The Pivot of Asia of the US is this.

    • 1

      Good original Tamils like you K. Pillai gives true independent views without weighing to either side. We need good comments from Tamils like you.

  • 0

    idol worshipers are destined to hell. how can idols made of wood and stone do anything. buddhism which is a philosophy which has been hijacked by idol worshipping hindus had no idols when it started. buddah was not a idol worshiper. the dumb people worship a hindu buddah . mostly looking chineese brahamin north indian, white.
    to people who worship idols. i will give a home-work. brake your idol in your house and see if it can do any harm to you. never can idols do harm or do good,

    use your brain and ask. how can a stone idol be of help. all these monks and priest are money makers, and will sell their mother for money.

    • 4

      First class idiot jehan,

      Why do you worship a box? Buddhist don’t worship idols, status are there for focus, show gratitude, etc.

      • 1

        Jehan is Muslims. SEE how pathetic he is using a christian name by a muslims…HE must be a wahabi.

      • 1

        John the brainless, no Muslims worship the Box that is if you meant Kabah. Muslim gather there on pilgrimage because Islam was born there. There are too Muslims worship only almighty Allah who is not a man or woman, not beget or begotten, no end or beginning, the creator of whole universe and the matter therein. I hope your dumb brain get it now.

    • 1

      Jehan: Islam has peaked. Here after only you go down. It is not by any one else. It is your own. Because, you are not technlogically developed only the man power. Do you think a bunch of gutter rats can take over the world.

    • 1

      You idiotic Islamic infidel, I will give you also a homework, Trample the Koran in your house, tear it into pieces and put into a dustbin. See if it can do any harm to you. never can Allah do harm or do good. use your brain and ask, how can a non entity called Allah be of help. Mohamed was a schizophrenic, paedophile and a crook merchant. All your Mullahs are rogues and liars who will also sell their mother for money. It is only stupid people like you who talk of hell or heaven. In Buddhism it is supreme bliss of Nirvana that we attain to achieve. Ask any non-Muslim he will tell that it is the Muslims who are destined to go to hell as Allah the imbecile lives there.

      • 1

        You idiotic idol worshiping infidels, I will give you a homework, trample your holy book, dash your idol god on the floor, pee on them and put into dustbin. See if it can do any harm to you. Never can your idol of dead gods (Jesus, Buddha) can harm or do good to you. Quran is just a book containing the messages, it does not have any holy power. We do not believe in anything that belongs to this material world as having holy power. Allah does not belongs to this material world, he is not a dead man, living man or woman. He is not beget or begotten, no beginning or end and whole universe is within his power. So how are you going to touch him or see him or dash idol of his image? You cannot. You can either praise (worship) him or scold him like a lunatic by yourself. Buddha never said he is a god and to worship him. He said we can attain Nirvana only by killing the urge and craving for all the worldly desires. If you are a follower of that you wouldn’t be writing in these forums.

        • 0

          Ralli Ameen: What you are preaching here already known and is very old stuff in India and it is called HInduism. In HInduism Allah is Brahman. Brahman is every where. He is everything. Anyway, science explians that thing is superstrings and Buddhism explains that thing is Rupa which is exactly similar to Superstrings. So, you people are backward in your thinking.

          • 0

            Your thinking is good but don’t mix it with unproven dogmas. If Allah is Brahman it is good but follow the message of original message of Brahman or Allah.

  • 5

    Your articles are always full of Al-Taqiyya, Al-Kitman,Al-Tawriya, Al-Muruna ,etc

    Sri Lanka government don’t have to make any statement because Muslim politicians have started settling Rohingyas all over Sri Lanka. Rohingyas must go back to Bangladesh. The illegal Muslim population in Sri Lanka could be 2 million.

    Sri Lanka’s 3 Muslim groups are: Marrakkala Muslims, Malay/Jaa Muslims, Borah Muslims. Marakkala Muslims are mainly from Malabar coast. Calling Marakkala- Muslims a Marakkala is innocent.

    Sri Lanka government must solve Muslim problem in SL first before solving world Muslim problems.
    SL Muslim problems:
    – Muslims who caused the Aluthgama riot are still at large,
    – Kuragala, Devanagala, Muhudu Maha Viharaya, Digawapiya, Somawathiya, Dabulla holycity, Anuradapura Holy city, Wilpatuwa, etc are under Muslim invasion ( in some places Buddhist archeological sites have been bulldozed and made fraudulent land deeds for them),
    -Muslims own the drugs and cannabis (Kerala ganja) smuggling empire,
    -Halal fraud,
    -Muslim IDP hoax,
    -Marakkala politician who owns 5000 acres, threatened magistrate, threw stones at the court, has links with drug smugglers, has destroyed forest and made money by cutting billions of ruppees worth trees, receives millions of dollars from terrorist funding countries, is at large.
    – Terrorist breeding madrasa are being built all over the country,


  • 4

    Sri Lanka have become a Muslim terrorists’ hub. New American ambassador is said to be an expert on Muslim problem. Soon she will start taming the muslims.

  • 3

    Another view of the Rohingya issue in Myanmar.
    While the ethnic conflict in Rankine state is very old, it has over the last years morphed into an Jihadist guerilla war financed and led from Saudi Arabia. The area is of geo-strategic interest:

    Pipelines from the western coast of Myanmar eastwards to China allow hydrocarbon imports from the Persian Gulf to China while avoiding the bottleneck of the Strait of Malacca and disputed
    parts of the South China Sea.

    It is in “Western interest” to hinder China’s projects in Myanmar. Inciting Jihad in Rakhine could help to achieve that. There is historic precedence for such a proxy war in Burma. During World War II British imperial forces incited the Rohingya Muslim in Rakhine to fight Burmese nationalist Buddhists allied with Japanese imperialists.


    • 0

      good find

  • 0

    USUF ad christian NGOs try to that Rohinqyas are innocent.————but,………. Rohingya community [in Karachi] is more inclined towards religion and they send their children to madressahs. It is a major reason that many religious parties, especially the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, the JI and the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl, have their organisational set-up in Burmese neighborhoods. Rohingyas in Karachi regularly collect donations, Zakat and hides of sacrificial animals and send these to Myanmar and Bangladesh to support the displaced families. Reuters noted in late 2016 that the Jihadist group is trained, led and financed through Pakistan and Saudi Arabia: A group of Rohingya Muslims that attacked Myanmar border guards in October is headed by people with links to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the International Crisis Group (ICG) said on Thursday, citing members of the group. “Though not confirmed, there are indications [Ataullah] went to Pakistan and possibly elsewhere, and that he received practical training in modern guerrilla warfare,” the group said. It noted that Ata Ullah was one of 20 Rohingya from Saudi Arabia leading the group’s operations in Rakhine State. Separately, a committee of 20 senior Rohingya emigres oversees the group, which has headquarters in Mecca, the ICG said.

  • 0

    john – idols will lead you to hell, dont tell me i didnt tell you.

    • 1

      Jehan: Why are you so scared to draw the picture of your messenger – Mohommad – on a wall ? Was it not from the same tribe that you are supposed to be.

      • 1

        Jimsofty the idiot, if Muhammad’s picture is allowed all are going to have a picture or idol of him in their home with garlands and incense around it and by now all the Muslims will be worshiping dead Muhammad’s picture or idols like you all worship dead Buddha’s, dead Jesus’ or mythological god’s idols like Hindus. That is why picture of messenger is banned. After all Muslims are not worshiping dead people or their idols. Think before you talk.

        • 0

          Ralli ameen: So, if you don’t care mohommad, Why do you get angry when his name is mentioned and when we say that mohommad is a pedophile engaged in child incest.

          • 0

            Jimsofty, that is because we don’t scold or talk about Jesus or Buddha in such a filthy low class way like you all do. Just don’t follow the western islamophobic writing. They are all out with lies and fabrication to smear Islam because their people are daily converting to Islam.

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    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 1


    Every one loves to protect his country because they want to keep the place safe for their children. When that is threatened they act as a response. Every living being whether it is human or not act in response to any perceived threat. This is a universal thing.

    When people see islamism growing in their own country as a threat to the main culture people counter act. This is what you see in Mynmmar. Stop being a threat.

    Muslims are daily killed in large numbers in Yemen by your holy land KSA. But you dont care for that. Are Muslims in Mynmmar more worthy than Muslims in Yemen? Why are you selective even among Muslims?

    Sri Lanka will act based on its national interests. And Bodu bala sena has links to Norway. The chairman Dilantha Withanage was connected to that Norwegian NGO fellow Arne Fjorft since 90s. So we know what happened there.

  • 0

    Muslims say, rohingyas are innocent. They attack burmese army and they want ta separate state. NEWs articles say, both sides are supported by the west. So, it looks the Tamil problem is reenacted in burma. ———————-The latest outbreak of violence took place on August 25, when hundreds of Rohingya fighters launched coordinated attacks on police posts across the north of the state, killing 12 members of the security forces. A group calling itself the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) carried out the attack. Some observers believe this was a false flag operation that gave the military the justification to carry out its plan of attack.

  • 2

    Selling drugs to non Muslims and breeding to take over the country is a crime against humanity. These Muslims do everything to undermine non believers thatywhy they are getting kicked out

  • 0

    The only demonstration to high light the violence inflicted by the Burmese Junta on the Rohingyas was by the people of Mannar. Several humanitarian agencies worldwide are taking up their cause – TGTE is one of them
    There is a strong lobby to recall the Nobel Price awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi. (Tempted to say “Karma in action”)
    Yesterday Modi was in Myanmar supporting Aung in her genocide. Shows the colour of the Modi led Indian bigots. The Modi government is as despicable as the Wirathu led bigots of Burma.
    Mass L Usuf, this is not the time to talk Omar Khayam’s cubic equation or whatever. Spread the Mannar protest please.

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