17 January, 2025


Tamil Information Centre Condemns Attacks On Buddhist Monks In Tamil Nadu

By Colombo Telegraph – 

The Tamil Information Centre calls on the people of Tamil Nadu to offer all necessary assistance to the victims of the recent attacks and the political leaders to intervene to stop these attacks on civilians travelling from Sri Lanka and  urges the authorities in Tamil Nadu to take all possible preventive measures and begin an immediate campaign through the media and other means to prevent such attacks in the future.

Issuing a statement London based TIC also urges the media to act responsibly when reporting on such attacks. The media must ensure reports are accurate and sensitive and do not encourage rifts between religions or communities.

We publish below the TIC statement in full;

Attacks on Buddhist monks and Sri Lankan visitors to Tamil Nadu must cease

We have observed the recent attacks on Buddhist monks and other Sri Lankan visitors in Tamil Nadu with grave concern and extreme unease. These attacks are callous and disgraceful and will not help the Sri Lankan Tamils, but may cause them more harm. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the victims.

Certainly, there is no justification for these acts from either a political perspective or, in truth, from the perspective of any other moral and freedom-loving people. These acts diminish the pride, dignity and freedom of Eelam Tamils.

Tamils have always prided themselves in their age old tradition of welcoming visitors. Pilgrims of all faiths should be permitted to pass without hindrance or harassment and such curtsy should be extended to all travelers from Sri Lanka.

While we recognize that heinous and immoral acts are being carried out by certain sections of the Buddhist clergy against Hindus, Christians and Muslims in Sri Lanka, we must emphasize the importance of identifying the perpetrators and desisting from accusing all Buddhist monks, many of whom speak out and campaign for tolerance and peace.

We respect and appreciate the profound sentiment and the immense support of the people of Tamil Nadu for the cause of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. But it is important that we work together towards the common goal of achieving justice for the Tamils and re-establishing democratic principles, freedoms and human rights for all people of Sri Lanka. We believe that attacks on Buddhist monks and pilgrims will only encourage further violence and will not contribute towards achieving justice and peace in Sri Lanka.

We urge the media to act responsibly when reporting on such attacks. The media must ensure reports are accurate and sensitive and do not encourage rifts between religions or communities.

TIC calls on the people of Tamil Nadu to offer all necessary assistance to the victims of the recent attacks and the political leaders to intervene to stop these attacks on civilians travelling from Sri Lanka.

The TIC also urges the authorities in Tamil Nadu to take all possible preventive measures and begin an immediate campaign through the media and other means to prevent such attacks in the future.

Second attack;


First attack;



Latest comments

  • 1

    The chaps had the courtesy to make this statement but alas so so called Mahanayake’s of Sri lanka keep mum when churches and mosques are attacked my their own monks !!!

    • 0

      This Tamil Information Center so called statement is the Biggest hypocritical joke since it was they who Organised these attacks.. and Also by a Miracle manage to get the Media present on two different locations to capture the violence.. And Not the How they only went after their Buddhist Monks and not the Lankans as they Usually do..So Tamil Information Center thought it might get a reaction a backlash in Sl so it can show the world or during the UNHCR.. And the people wo carried out the attack are from the Tamil Information Center itself.. Just like the Western LTTE groups and The Pro Western Tamil entity.. Oh we don’t know the LTTE we have never heard of them.. We never funded, armed or sent them training to other nations.. Aunty never gave cyanide to any kids We are gandhian non violent Human rights groups.. We dont even know what the LTTE leaders look like.. Are they Tamilean????

      • 0

        See how Tamils save the Bhikku rather than see it as an assault against the Bhikku. In this video it is clear that only a very few (one or two) are attacking the Buddhist Bhikku but many Tamils are saving him. Be thankful that the Tamils are so kind.

        This type of kindness you will never receive from Sinhala-Buddhists. This is the difference between Sinhalese and Tamils.

    • 0

      These videos and the pix are fake, I am sure channel 4 must have created this. No such incident happened in Chennai. The people in Chennai love the Buddhist monks. There are no thugs like the BBS in TN. Do not believe these videos and the pictures, they are fake.

      • 0

        Cant agree more. Also how you you know they are Tamils. There are so many Sinhalease tourist in Tamil Nadu. It could be the work of them. This is the game Sri Lanka played we are getting better in their own game.

  • 0

    Just because the mad saffron monks are desecrating Temples, Mosques and Christian churches in Sri Lanka, the Tamils of South India should not behave like them. They deserve respect.

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    I am a Sinahalese this is what we wanted, we want to wip tamils off the map… you will see …. enjoy channel 4 MUAHHAHAHAHAH SINAHALR RULESE….. MONK 4 LIFE

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    Uneducated TN barberians

    • 1


      “Uneducated TN barberians”

      They are your genetical siblings and are learning very fast from their Tamil and Sinhala brethren in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    As a Muslim I’m condemning this act.
    Further I feel pity due irresponsible work of some handful of Buddhists (i.e. BBS) these innocent monks are being punished in the land of Buddha (i.e. India) where Buddhism came from. Now you decide Halal is better or LTTE is better? Did any Muslims attack even after attacking on Muslims values?

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      “As a Muslim I’m condemning this act.”

      You don’t have to be Muslim to condemn all violence. Just do it as a fellow human being.

      • 0

        Well said

    • 0

      Shameer Halal is nothing to do with LTTE. But you cant live without LTTE. LTTE gave you a good opportunity to play opportunistic politics now it is gone you are at lost. Eat lot of Halal food and pray LTTE come back so you will be back in business,

  • 0

    I think these insulting without physical interactions should be promoted.
    Specially, I like to see some intelligent people with Muslim believes in Australia or some other country harassing Buddhist monks.. ( there are lot of Buddhist monks in Australia)
    That will open eyes of average Sinhalese what bad these uneducated, foolish Buddhist monks have done in the past against Tamils brothers and now against Muslims.

  • 0

    I wish to associate myself with this responsible and accommodative
    statement from TIC, London. This is further proof the influential Tamil diaspora has no quarrel with the Sinhala Nation and is ready to join hands with them at the right time. Their issues are with the present Rajapakse regime that continues to refuse justice to the Tamil Nation.


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      It is not just MR who refuses to recognise unity in diversity. If you look at the history of this island successive leaders have continued the de-legitimization of minority rights and their existence.

      With their political leadership the state institutions implemented most undemocratic policies with a zeal and continue to do so hoping one day the island would become exclusively Sinhala/Buddhist country.

      On the other hand these faceless little stupid bureaucrats fail to understand the dynamics of Indian geopolitical interest, which if I am permitted to say makes Sri Lanka as the Sinhala state of India.

    • 0

      While condemning the hounding of a lone visiting Lankan Buddhist monk I fully endorse the statement by the London based TIC in urging the media to act with restraint in reporting such acts and not inflame the passions of fascistic outfits like the BBS to justify rampages aginst minorities in SL.

    • 0

      Yea, the ambassador of peesh from the UK Diapera with an accommodation statement while resorting to nonviolence and shake hands while getting squeezed and ouched, quips: “Yamma thinga yenda kai pocchida myray”.

      The diaper clad Sungo hereby states that he has no bad feelings towards the ruling monarch of Soviet Republick of Hallelujah Lanka.

  • 0

    What you do to others comes back to you. I feel sorry for the innocent priest. My sympathies are for him. All these are what we created for us. Now we couldn’t live within and out side the country. All these are due to the shameless and dirty politicians. Now is the time for the people to think twice and hard and act before going behind this useless lot for they terribly let down the country and the people.

    • 0


      We faced these barbarians for thousands of years. What I read in all these comments are subtle justifications for attacks against Sinhalese and Buddhists. One thing all need to understand is that these incidents further stregthen our resolve to stand up to our enemies. We may be a tiny nation, but Jeyalalitha or Karunanidhi inspired [Edited out] can’t subjugate us. The separatists led by Emanuel or Rudrakumaran or their NGO cohorts in SL may be thinking that their objectives could be achieved through Tamilnadu thuggery. It will be a pipe dream. We thank those dogs for exposing the true nature of core Tamil values which epitomised Prabakaran’s terror. It further justifies our defense of the nation and the motherland.

      • 1

        keep dreaming about your conspiracy theories Hela and fool yourself silly

        This situation was brought upon that innocent monk by the actions of some in sri lanka grow up and accept it

        at least the indian police arrested the suspects in the 1st attack of the monk in the temple and then TIC issues a statment condeming it

        but as pointed out by others what does the Mahanayakes do when BBS rum amok and assault muslems,inspire youth to forcibly take out the burka of muslem women,burn and attack churches did the mahanaykes ever condem it? Shame on them trying to represent Buddhism which is a non violent religion

        • 0

          well said. If there is a “like” button to hit, I would have done so on your comment.

      • 1


        “We faced these barbarians for thousands of years.”

        Actually my people faced barbarians from North and South of India for many thousands of years. We still do. The difference is modern day barbarians are the descendants of Kallathonies.

        They tell us they are Tamils and Sinhalese but for my people both are foreigners.

        It is your genetically modified siblings who hurt you just as you hurt them. Hurting each other is mutual.

        However I have never condoned violence and never will.

    • 0

      The Tamil nationalists in Tamil Nadu are desperately trying to create another black July in Sri Lanka. While the voting for the US resolution against SL is about to take place, this is the best time and opportunity to provoke the Singala-Buddhists and make them attack the Tamils. The attack on the Sinhala-Buddhist monks in Chennai was premeditated to provoke a backlash in Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Well done, TIC, for speaking out.

    The behaviour of the nationalist zealots of Tamil Nadu just goes to prove that morons proliferate in all ethnic, social and religious groups. They are not exclusive to any belief system.

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      Gerard Thurai

      “morons proliferate in all ethnic, social and religious groups”

      Sri Lanka and Tamilnadu are fertile grounds.

    • 0

      @Gerard Thurai well said

  • 0

    I do condemn this type of attack to any human. However we should respect somebodies feelings.one monk was attacked. the publicity by the media and the peace loving organisations such as Tamil information centre , I feel, it is just out of proportion. Needless to mention the atrocities committed by the Sinhalese and their successive government on Tamils since 1948. I have been to a conference organised by TIC a few years ago about health matters in North and East of Srilanka. The main focus of the conference was to undermine the arm struggle , blaming the arm struggle for the problems. now TIC coming out with a new song. ” the pride , dignity and freedom of Eelam Tamil”. Eelam Tamils would not be there with the current pace of genocide. At least let the Tamil and Tamils survive. Now it is not the time to talk about Eelam dignity. At least do not undermine the support and feelings of Tamil. Forget about the Eelam dignity, respect and freedom. wish them good luck for their survival in Sinhala Buddist state.lets suuport the people struggling for the mere survival of the culture and language. do not undermine their feelings. As a Tamil, he will realise the mistake. but as Tamils we shoud forgive for the attack but support the feelings.
    Just to remind ourselves- the navy attacked Rajiv Gandhi was a hero in Srilanka.

  • 0

    This is exactly what the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka did to the Tamils in ’83 and what they are doing to the Muslims today.

    The Sinhala-Buddhist monks are nothing but Rowdies in robes. I hate these Sinhala-Buddhist monks, however I condemn this act.

    What ever said and done, this is not right. Attacking a lonely monk who has gone there for some spiritual purpose will not do any good to anybody.

    These idiots in TN are behaving like Sinhala-Buddhists barbarians. This is definitely not Tamil culture.

    • 0


      “These idiots in TN are behaving like Sinhala-Buddhists barbarians. This is definitely not Tamil culture.”

      The Sinhalese learn from South Indians at times Tamils learn from Sinhalese. This has been the case for may thousands of years.

      These two people exchange ideas on how to hurt each other and on how best to self destruct.

      I am sitting back and watching their own destruction.

    • 0

      You’re right, ‘Tamil culture’ actually consists of credit card fraud, suicide bombings and hiding behind women and children when the time comes to pay for unforgivable crimes. ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ barbarians have so far successfully eliminated two aspects I listed here. ‘Cultural genocide’ indeed :-)

      • 0

        Sinnalingam says:

        “hiding behind women and children when the time comes to pay for unforgivable crimes”

        Of course they did what you have just described. In fact the Tamils learned it from the Sri Lankan armed forces and the present President.

        Probably you would have conveniently forgotten the IPKF invasion of this island and how the armed forces and MR behaved. Sri Lankan armed forces were hiding behind their women folks while supplying Tamil terrorists LTTE with money and arms not to mention how the terrorists were entertained in Colombo.

        MR in an interview with a foreign TV made a statement that he was worried that the Indian might invade the South of Sri Lanka, all in his shaky voice.

        “‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ barbarians have so far successfully eliminated two aspects”

        I will put it as follows:

        The people were caught between Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. One is gone and one remains. How long, anybody’s guess.

    • 0

      Dear Siva,
      Some truths are gradually emerging out from this ugly scene. Persoanlly I condemn such barbaric acts. But there is suspicion over the attacks on the Buddhist priests. The issues are how did they take this specific episode on the video and that too twice – one at Madurai and the other at Chennai Railway Station on consecutive days. How did these Bhikkus gave pose as though they were assaulted. How is it that three attackers gain entry to the specific compartment and sat by the Buddhist priest. Is there any assurance that this Buddhist is not a member of the BBS. Is there any possibility whether Muslims would have hired some undesirable Tamils to commit this dirty job. Either the Muslims or the BBS or both have cleverly staged a drama in Tamil Nadu to tarnish the image of Tamil Nadu and to create another communal tension in Sri Lanka. Is there any possibility that these two evil forces would made use of the opportunity when the students of Tamil Nadu are on strike calling for justice for Sri Lanka Tamils. After all, Tamil Nadu is famous for hospitability. Surely Jayalalitha or Karunanithy would have been unaware of this. Let us wait till Tamil Nadu Govt. issues a statement.

      • 0


        I am glad you are attempting to forensically investigate the attacks.

        There could be other possibilities.

        Those Tamil hooligans who attacked Sinhala tourists in Tamilnadu could have been working for Gota when the student protest is picking up momentum. This attack could be used as pretext to ban such democratic protests by Delhi.

        I also understand LTTE’s flags are being waved by its rumps at almost all protests at a time when UNHRC is deciding on the fate of Sri Lanka on war crimes.

        These LTTE flags come handy for Sri Lanka to undermine the legitimate protests as LTTE inspired lump all participants as LTTE supporting diaspora.

        The question remains whether these flag bearing LTTE rumps are really concerned about the Dead Tamils or helping Gota to tighten his grip on Tamil people in Sri Lanka. I suspect the latter.

  • 0

    Well done TiS for the very timely message to refrain from uncivilised acts against Buddhist monks going into the Tamil Nadu holding them responsible for the barbarism of some rabid sinhala chauvinist monks patronised and protected by some leaders in power.


  • 0

    There are a number of Tamil organisations in the UK that stand against the division of the country and propagates unity, peace and harmony. The Tamils Information Centre is in the forefront of such organisations which works without any publicity. The centre and initiated several projects to create an atmosphere of understanding between all the communities. One of them is the funding of the a IT Unit in Osmaniya College, Jaffna. Sadly the Govt. of Sri Lanka does not take notice of such organisations but keeps talking of the activities of the pro-LTTE diaspora.

  • 0

    what our SENA doing here ? go to TN protect innocence monks

    • 0

      They have still not finished eating the Halal food so that they can go for dead chickens.

  • 0

    A very welcome statement and the quick action of the TN police is very welcome !

    No comment from the likes of Ben Hurling on this !

    I am still awaiting (though not holding my breadth) that the SL police will arrest the priest from the Dumbulla mosque attack !

    • 0

      Today it is reported that a mob led by buddhist monks has attacked a pastor of an evangelical church down south.
      The IGP has ordered an inquiry.

  • 0

    yes i’m a muslim but i like to say I’m a srilankan. Race, Religion aside

    This is completely immature of these idiots. these innocent monks are not to blame… You uncivilized indians will only cause more chaos. The once who go on pilgrimage are not the ones creating havoc i bet even my good friends would agree that the people who do such things are insulting the practice of lord buddha. To my knowledge these tamil nadu barbarians are acting on some other motives taking advantage of the situation.

  • 0

    Such meaningless inhuman actions should be condemned. Are the Indian authorities providing protection to tourists? Also let us not forget in Sri Lanka a three-wheeler driver spat betel chew on the Muslim Dress of the great-grand daughter of Governor Alavi MouLana. Was it not on the instigation of the Buddhist Priests of the Boda Bala Sena? What did the Sri Lanka Police do?

  • 0

    My Dearest follow Buddiest brothers and sisters!!! Dont worry what these idol worshipers are doing to your Monk, he deserves the world of respect. From above everything God is watching, he will take these wrong doers to task. what goes around comes around. so lets treat each others with respect coz soon we have to render accountability in the court of God almighty. I really feel for this monk :(

  • 0


  • 0

    I never expected such behavior from cultured Tamils in Tamil Nadu. There is no way we can justify this hooliganism.Tamils are educated, cultured, religious and civilised in the world. Regret for the incident.

  • 0

    It is time to think and reflect on the dangerous forces
    emerging. Were the monks attacked in Tamil Nadu because they are
    Buddhists ?or because they are Sinhalese? or because they are
    Sri Lankans?
    The BBS has started attacking the Muslims and Christians.They are
    not reined in because the power of the regime is supported by these
    extremists.What if the Muslim Gulf states also start attacking our
    workers there in retaliation for obstructions made against their
    religion in Sri Lanka?
    Will all these be explained away as “Karma”?Where is Sri Lanka heading?

  • 0

    I feel sorry for stupid arabs who voted last time for srilanka at UN resolution, now they have been deprived from eating halal Munchi biscuts heheheheh

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    Mar 19, Colombo: A leading monk of a Marxist movement in Sri Lanka has called the extremist Buddhist group an unholy and fake organization.

    Co-Convener of the Anti-Imperialist People’s Movement, Ven. Dambara Amila Thero has warned that the consequences of the actions of the extremist Buddhist group Bodhu Bala Sena would be felt by the entire country.

    Dambara Amila Thero at the Forum for National Unity has said that the Bodhu Bala Sena was attempting to make halal into a haram issue.

    He has likened the Bodhu Bala Sena’s actions in the halal controversy to holding a snake by its tail leaving room for it to sting its captor.

    However, the Bodhu Bala Sena announced that they have concluded the fight against the Halal victoriously and they will not talk about Halal issue any more. Instead they would now take up the issue of removing a mosque from Kuragala Buddhist monastery complex in the central hills, the national organizer of Bodu Bala Sena Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera said.

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    We sympathise with these innocent Buddhist Monks not solely because they are religious clergies but because they are also human beings. At the same time let us think of the several Muslims in Sri Lanka; the humiliation felt by the innocent Muslim women who were insulted and harassed for going about with their Hijab, the feeling of the mother of the the Muslim girl who was spat at for being in her Muslim dress; the concern for living of the Muslim restaurant owners who sell Halal food for his living being boycotted, etc, etc. Who were responsible for it? Are they not a section of the Buddhist Monks to whom these Monks also belong to. It is said that divine reaction could come in any form, first as a warning then followed by worst events. The mother of the girl, the innocent young women, the restaurant owner and other businessmen; wont they be cursing those who are responsible for what has is happening to them. Although it is not pleasant to say; are those curses beginning to bring down divine wrath that could make other innocents too to suffer because of the deliberate offenders?

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    All right thinking people will condemn these attacks on human beings, be they priests or laymen. Due to the hate speaches made by the Bodu Bala Sena on muslim womens dress, several attacks on muslim women have taken place. These too should get highlighted in the media and codemned by the government at the highest level of authority. Specially, the victims are innocent women.

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