Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole
Ramifications of IMF Loan to Sri Lanka
Our government is totally without support from the people and is sustained in power by the military and police bashing up legitimate protest gatherings. Yet, we are said to be on the threshold of receiving the US$ 2.9 Billion IMF Loan in the next two weeks, reports CNN. God forbid! The IMF gives the loan. It will be spent by those who do not represent us, the people. And we the people would need to pay back when repayment id due. There is no free market in this as preached by the IMF.
The Local Government Elections are up in the air. Even if they are held, they will only indicate the popularity of government while the corrupt MPs who elected the President will continue in office.
It is totally irresponsible for the IMF governors to sit in America and authorize loans that we who need to pay back do not consent to. Yes, the loans will help ease our difficulties but bring no long-term solution. In the meantime, the populist instincts of the government, the cause of most of our problems, remain intact as evidenced in the government loosening all restrictions on foreign transactions using our credit cards while hospitals go without medicine. The elite are looked after. Those of us who have large credit card limits, can buy anything we want and continue to do so by paying the balance on the card in rupees every month to buy again the next month. The government feeds on the Sri Lankan instinct for wanting everything free, and for wanting more.

At Ooonjal-Katti: Donor Dr. Haran Sivasubramaniam giving away groceries worth Rs. 7000 (2nd from left). Mr. Poolohasingham (4th from left). The Grama Sevaka and Development Officer are also present.
Lack of Tamil Democracy
The lack of democracy in Sri Lanka must be addressed first and the legitimacy of the government established, before any IMF loan is authorized. That lack of democracy is a national crisis and a particular badly infected sore in the Tamil psyche. Despite all that President Ranil Wickremesinghe promises, nothing is done to resolve our problems. He seems to be a prisoner of the Sinhalese right or in secret league with the Sinhalese right.
I returned this evening (16th) after going to Olumadu and Oonjal-katti on a project to feed the poor. It is a project that started last year March with funding from my children and former students and colleagues.
Olumadu is 10 km from Manal Aaru (taken-over from Tamils and made into the Sinhalese Weli Oya). The take-over of Tamil lands is obvious as one goes from Olumadu to Manal Aaru. In-between, Tamil schools like in Kovil-pulyan-kulam, and Vedi-vaitha-kallu have had their Tamil populations driven out through selective killings. Schools are closed. The populations have run away to Vavuniya and are presently absentee landlords cultivating their paddy fields – once called Ithaya Poomi by the LTTE because of the large harvest. Soon they will not be able to sustain their paddy cultivation and the Weli Oya People will move in is what locals expect.
We Tamils desperately need that 13th Amendment to safeguard our way of life. An example is the Aathi Lingeswarar Temple in Olumadu. Prof. Pushparatnam of Jaffna University has certified it as a long-standing Saivite site as obvious from the term Lingam. Recently Wimal Weerawansa had gone with his thugs claiming it to be “our Buddhist site” and forbidden any Hindu worship or building steps leading up to the Lingam. Mr. Poopalasingham, one of the early settlers from 1976, got Prabha Ganeshan (allied with the Rajapaksas) to build some steps so when Weerawnsa ordered Poopalasingham to remove the steps, Poopalasingham referred Weerawansa to Prabaha Ganeshan and has persuaded Saivites to continue their worship. That tension persists and is a time-bomb waiting to go off.
If ours is a legitimate government, how can these things happen? Ours is an illegitimate government in whose hands the IMF plans to place the billions of dollars which we would be answerable to.
For our safety and well-being, we Tamils desperately need the Thirteenth Amendment and attendant with it the release of private lands acquired by the Archaeological and Forestry Departments. With the amendment come badly needed police powers. Mr. Poopalasingham’s elder son Uthayakumar was killed in 2000 fighting for the LTTE while their youngest, Vijeyakumaran who was a science teacher, was disappeared in 2009 before witnesses. After ignoring all his appeals and entreaties for 12 years, recently a CID Team visited Poopalasingham who responded, “Why did you come? To tell UNHRC because of the ongoing review to show that you are doing something? Or is it to pull the wool over IMF eyes to beg shamelessly for money?”
That encapsulates the respect we Tamils have for our police. The only way to restore the police to legitimacy is to give their management to the Provincial Councils as already enacted.
National Security and Royal College Mafia
An important anecdote shows who runs the country. It is the military and not civilian authorities. The President has promised to dismantle large sections of the military but there are no signs of anything happening, He has also promised to release lands taken over by the military. Any release has been token.
My brother-in-law Dr. Indran Asirwatham acquired a few acres of land in Keerimalai. His land was acquired in Mahinda Rajapaksa’s time on grounds of national security but in reality to feed his ego and take a swipe at Tamils. A Presidential Palace with a swimming pool was erected. The Hindu buildings in the area were almost completely destroyed to build the Palace. Now that Rajapaksa is gone, the navy has taken it over as the residence of the Northern Province Naval Commander (believed to be Admiral Aruna Tennakoon). A very large ground-staff of Sinhalese navy men are employed at the palace – a part of the Sinhalese disease that made Sri Lanka broke by giving jobs to everyone when there is no work.
Indran, despite coming to Jaffna and making several requests and sending several letters to see his own land, even with the support of the District Secretary, could not enter the area. National security, he was told!
Now he finds that for some time Royal College students having no military or government positions have access to the Palace to come on their vacations with their families and use the swimming pool. He is advised that it is unlikely he will get his land back as they have invested much. However, it is common sense that one cannot develop another person’s property and claim ownership, especially when its use is for the Royal College Mafia. The President, another Royalist Mafioso, also stays there often when he visits Jaffna. It is all part of the Sinhalese penchant for having everything free especially at Tamil expense with no sense of shame.
That is our national security, to give luxury accommodation and throw swimming parties to cronies.
One Sri Lanka
If the Sinhalese are sold on one Sri Lanka, they should stop oppressing minorities and provide for a devolved government where all communities can have room for cultural and religious self-expression and development. The Sinhalese must develop a sense of shame that would stop them from taking over things that belong to minorities. The IMF discipline will hopefully give pause to those Sinhalese who want everything free – like free state services without paying taxes.
The rule of law minimally requires implementing the laws that are in the books like the 13th amendment. It also means curbing the acquisitive and even violent proclivities of the Maha Sangha and people like Gnanasara Thero and Wimal Weerawansa.
The President should stop saying one thing to the Sinhalese and another to the Tamils. If there is no forked tongue when he preaches economic reform, he should ensure that Tamil people’s right to private property is not abrogated so as to entertain the Royalist Mafiosi on Tamil Property at Tamil expense. Minimally I expect the President to have a sense of shame when he stays on property bought with hard earned Tamil cash. It looks like he too believes in having everything free. That attitude must go if he wants to solve our problems. He should never stay in that illegitimate Palace and must learn to go to a Jaffna hotel and pay for his room with government cash to the Tamil owners.
Importantly, the IMF should not give funds to a corrupt government unless that government can prove its legitimacy through the endorsement of its people through elections.
Nathan / March 17, 2023
He (Ranil Wickremesinghe) seems to be a prisoner of the Sinhalese right, or, in secret league with the Sinhalese right.
How can anybody have a doubt that Ranil Wickremesinghe is a prisoner of anyone.
chiv / March 17, 2023
This is what is called government sponsored, systematic, organized racial cleansing. Any doubts ??? Whether it’s Wimal, Ganasara , Mahinda or Ranil , all SB governments / politicians have same agenda.
Can anyone built a palace over a Vihara ??? When people say there will be another Aragalaya, why not arms struggle???? Who is to be blamed ???
Pandi Kutti / March 17, 2023
All Chingkalla racists wanting to destroy Thamizh and steal their lands
chiv / March 18, 2023
PK do you think ICC will issue an arrest warrant to Rajapaksas for committing war crimes ????
Pandi Kutti / March 18, 2023
No, they will never, Only went it affects white European people whether in Ukraine, Bosnia or anywhere they will take action. Others can be damned. Already the west, Uk that created all these problems for the Thamizh and India are pandering to Chingkalla racists to keep China out and the Chingkallams are very good at this game. They all pretend about Thamizh’s rights and justice to them and every year go to the UN and pass toothless resolutions, against the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state, who even had the audacity to send an ex-military accused war criminal, this year to the UN as part of the Sri Lankan delegation and nothing happens and the game goes on until the structural genocide of the island’s Thamizh population is complete and then they will all say it is fait accompli and too late, nothing can be done now, but be joyful inside, thinking that now that the Thamizh has gone they can win the Chingkallams to their side, especially Hindia, pretend to be sad and wring their soiled dirty hands.
Pandi Kutti / March 18, 2023
Look carefully has the ICC or the international community, especially the west ever taken action when the victims of invasions, war crimes, and genocide were non-European whites? Far more powerful nations like Serbia, Indonesia and others were brought to task for human rights abuse by the international community and the west when it was in their interest. To put it nicely it is not in the interest of the west, especially Hindia to bring all the racist Chingkalla state and the war criminals and armed forces to the task. Very soon they will realise how wrong they were.
SJ / March 19, 2023
There is now a client seeking counsel (or consolation?).
Avoid critical comments on the West or India. He can be very touchy.
chiv / March 20, 2023
Deadwood, PK knows you well than anyone here in CT. The question it self is cynical and I agree with PK 100%.
SJ / March 21, 2023
PK has utterly sectarian views, but in fairness he is not a h*******e.
Sad that your baiting came to naught or in fact misfired.
Not even the owner of the ball that you bear had come to your rescue this time!
Try the guy collecting NIC numbers.
So, how is life on the shore where you landed after the long fruitless wafting on the waters?
Thokaikalia / March 17, 2023
The ancient temples in these war ravaged places can be preserved in the current ethos only by supporting the Tamil people who live around these temples with their livelihood. The pregnant mothers are not getting adequate food. The brain of new born babies grows for about a year. They too need food security. The people cannot settle down fully or stay the night because of the elephants. The wall of the only public hall in Unchalady village was partially knocked down by elephants who are pushed into these villages. People are scared to bring their children to their ancestral lands.
Expatriates send so much money to build so many brahminic temples higher and higher in the northeast towns. They are happy to feed the temple priests who receive truck loads of food in the name of the god even though they categorize their donors as lower than them, caste sudra.
Such people are safeguarding the Hindu lands. They are our brave heroes and deserve all the support they can get.
Agnos / March 18, 2023
IMF should have put additional conditions like releasing private lands of the people, before assisting SL. Why did they not? There are Tamil economists who advised the Govt — Indrajith Coomarawamy and Shanta Devarajan. Has anyone taken it up with them? And what are the TNA and India doing on this issue? Raj Rajaratnam recently visited Jaffna hospital to talk about entrepreneurship. Did anyone talk to him about these issues? Someone like him could encourage agriculture in the areas and support the local people as part of this process.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / March 18, 2023
I think India is only playing a double game. Just lip service to Tamil rights and devolution but in reality, is helping the Sinhalese to commit structural genocide against the island’s Tamils. Gives a lot of aid to the Sri Lankan state but with no strings attached. If the Indian government really wants to they can put an end to this Sinhalese Buddhist racism, land grabbing and forcible conversion of ancient Hindu temples to Buddhist by the Sri Lankan state, armed forces and the so-called Archeological department, which is really not interested in actual history or Archeology but proving to be more and more a handmaiden of Sinhalese Buddhist racism. Recently when the Australian Prime Minister visited India, saw on TV Modi openly, very undiplomatically and very angrily voicing his concern over the attack on Hindu temples in Australia by the local Khalistani Sikhs. However not only Modi but not even one senior member of the current so-called Hindu nationalist government, has not rebuked or even voiced any concern with regard to what is happening to ancient, historical, Hindu Saivite temples and sites on the island, at the hands of this present government, the racist occupying Sinhalese armed forces and the so-called Archeological department and other government agencies.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / March 18, 2023
Not one word. The so-called Indian foreign minister has visited the island many times, and had discussions both in Colombo and in Delhi on how to provide aid but not a word of rebuke or concern with regard to what is happening. The Indian minister for finance is another Tamil Brahmin from Tamil Nadu again. Another very important position, she also has lots of discussions but not a single word or concern about, the Sri Lankan state’s land grabbing policy in the north and east and destroying and converting ancient Hindu/Saivite temples to Buddhist. One of the latest is the seven hot wells in Trincomalee. They are fully aware of what is happening but do not care, as the victims are Tamils and to these Hinduvata fanatics only the North Indian Vedic Vaishnavite Hinduism matters and not the far more ancient Saivite Hinduism of the Tamils. They really do not want the Tamils on the island to prosper, or retain their lands, history and culture as they incorrectly think it will be a danger to India. On the contrary, a thriving prosperous Tamil population in the north and east with self-determination is the biggest safety to India’s southern borders. Not a racist anti-Indian self-serving fanatical Sinhalese Buddhist government or population. India will always have to be on the lookout.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / March 18, 2023
As for the Tamils you mentioned, the less said the better, there are Tamils and other Tamils, many self-serving and do not care, it is because of these types of Colombo-based Tamils and their poor decisions at the time of independence, the Tamils are now suffering. The IMF also should lay down conditions before granting aid. Not racism, grabbing of Tamil lands in the north and east by the state, armed forces and other departments, and the vast reduction of the racist occupying Sinhalese armed forces in the north and east.
Thokaikalia / March 18, 2023
Agnos, Arunachalam’s son Baku Mahadeva was arguing for standardisation against the Tamils at UGC and gave the UGC the false but theoretical logic divorced from ground reality to carry it out. Traitor! . Indrajith grew up abroad and is married to a Sinhalese from Hali Ella. Shantha grew up abroad. These are English speaking Tamils who would not step in the North East except to claim their temple rights to do pooja one day once a year to maintain their caste status. They are gonners whom the government uses. Oreo cookies. Why expect solutions for Tamils from them?
We should mobilize from down up. No man power. Problem identification is limited when it comes to non vellah people groups.
Jaffna University is irresponsible and not at all capable. It is mostly cooking up and churning out articles about how to worship in which temple etc. Other than that Civic engagement is nil these days. They may do some NGO work but no initiative.
Hope this ppnarrative awakens interest
Agnos / March 19, 2023
Baku Mahadeva was a grandson of Pon. Arunachalam, not his son. And I believe Mr. Kumar Mahadeva, who went on to become CEO of Cognizant Technologies, was the son of Mr. Baku Mahadeva. I hadn’t known about the Mahadeva connection to standardization. Good to know.
Still, N-E Tamils need allies from many quarters and need to cultivate interested people from anywhere, SL, India, and abroad, and impress on them the real situation, though ultimately the mobilization of the people on the ground is critical.
Thokaikalia / March 20, 2023
He was arguing that two different populations cannot have two different statistical distributions for their grades. He was a Mathematician so his voice carried or conveniently accepted at the UGC although heavily challenged by a member of the Ministry of Planning and Implementation.. Aluwihara was in the meeting and was chairman of the Standardisation committee. There were three copies of the report. Where are they?
SJ / March 20, 2023
I wish add to your observation.
Mr/Ms T claims “Arunachalam’s son Baku Mahadeva was arguing for standardisation against the Tamils at UGC “
There was no UGC in 1970-71 when standardization was conceived or in 1973 when it was combined with ‘district quota’.
If at all the UGC eliminated standardisation after its founding in 1979 under the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978. But it kept the district quota together with a merit based allocation.
In what official capacity BM could have been involved in 1970-74 foxes me.
You said “Good to know.”
Some fact checking will help you to know better.
Thokaikalia / March 20, 2023
SJ, there was always UGC by different names changing with the acts. I know because my father was the Treasury Representative.
SJ / March 21, 2023
There was no UGC or its like by any other name before 1979.
Please check it out.
“I know because my father was the Treasury Representative.”
If your father is alive, ask him in what name such a body existed if at all.
Treasury Representative to what? ministry of Education.
The decision to standardize was attributed to the Minister of Education.
If these is a score to settle with Baku M, do it in a credible way.
SJ / March 19, 2023
What IMF should and what IMF would are totally unrelated.
Are we not playing silly b*****s talking about IMF intentions?
“Raj Rajaratnam recently visited Jaffna hospital to talk about entrepreneurship. Did anyone talk to him about these issues?”
Raj Rajaratnam? A man with much clout in the IMF I wonder!
Rohan25 / March 18, 2023
Agnos looks like only Sinhalese blood and blood ties are thicker than water to the Indians and to these Indian Tamil Brahmins but not the Tamil blood or blood ties. This is why they constantly rush to help the Sinhalese no matter what, even if they constantly betray India and always damn the island’s Tamils, as they know Sinhalese are largely descended from immigrants from India. Half of them post-15th century from Tamil South India and the other half from ancient to medieval times, again largely from then Tamil South India and some from the current Bengal/Bihar/Odisha regions. Whereas the Sri Lankan Tamils, despite sharing a common language, ethnicity, and culture with Tamil Nadu and the majority of them a common religion with most Indians are largely descended from prehistoric Naga Dravidian settlers who migrated from South India. Therefore their language, culture and history can be damned and the Sinhalese can do anything to them. Do not expect anything from India other than lip service, which everyone knows they do not mean as their action speaks louder and now this article.
Thanga / March 18, 2023
The BJP government headed by Prime Minister Modi is only paying lip service to resolve the Tamil National Question. Jaishankar has visited Sri Lanka more than 10 times, but nothing came out of those visits. “We are talking, but they (Sri Lankan government) is not listening” seem to be his stand.
Rohan25 / March 18, 2023
Thanga here is the full speech from Jaishankar on how India helps and funds Buddhist restoration and heritage sites and their preservation. Other than the Jaffna cultural centre no funds to restore or preserve ancient Hindu/Saivite sites in the north and east and safeguard them from the fake Archaeological Department, the occupying racist Sinhalese armed forces and Sinhalese Buddhist fundamentalists. Most probably lots of these funds provided for the so-called Buddhist restoration by India are now being used to build Buddha statues, and Buddhist Viharas and forcibly convert ancient Saivite Hindu temples and religious sites to Buddhist, using the power of the Sinhalese state, the occupying Sinhalese armed forces and fake history concocted by the so-called Archeological department.
SJ / March 19, 2023
Was any other Indian government any different?
leelagemalli / March 19, 2023
Dr Hoole,
The International Monetary Fund is asked not to fund a corrupt government…. Who will die the most?
North, East and Uva are believed to be the less-fortunate provinces of the island.
Of which Tamil Sri Lankans live in the most affected and vulnerable provinces. So why are you so cynical about your own people?
Why do you hate your own communities ?Or do I get it wrong ?
R Kaz / March 20, 2023
It appears you missed the whole point, Dr Hoole is cynical with good reason, about the IMF and the Sinhala government. Imagine a Sinhala government looking after the welfare of Tamils? We will see pigs fly before that happens.
Paramanathan K / March 20, 2023
Well written details by Pro Hoole on the ongoing atrocities committed by pseudo patriots of politicians and certain sections of the Sinhalese businessmen. Those unscrupulous fellows are a bankrupted politicians in dire need to prove a point to his people as Wimal Weeravansa robbed the country when he was a cabinet minister in Rajapakses government. Country is not going to benefit at all by this type of activities but rather accelerate the downfall of economy. Ours is a shameless nation seeking IMF assistance for 17th time and yet politicians won’t give a damn about the impending dangers the young generation to face.
R Kaz / March 20, 2023
“There is no free market in this as preached by the IMF.”
There is also no democracy in anything preached by the IMF which is a tool of the US and the west. IMF conditions are there to ensure US national interests are prioritised and RW is the west’s man. For the US and the IMF, Tamil rights and Tamil human rights mattered only up to the point GR was removed and RW installed as President.
KA / March 20, 2023
IMF’s aim is about facilitating genocide of Tamils, which is also Hibndia;’s ulterior motivation and medium – long term aim.
American, British and West are going with Hindia for so called, nonexistent Indo Pacific (what is that anyway?)
IMF actively financed armed phase of genocide and now financing the structural genocide phase with Hindia providing every cover, assistance and facilitation for sori Sinhalam to finish off Tamil genocide.
Naman / March 20, 2023
There is no real Democracy in SL. It is majoritarianism. The other minorities are denied their rights. for the minorities the local council elections do not matter. What we need is a NEW CONSTITUTION right away. Why don’t RHH concentrate your efforts towards it. Provincial councils are a WASTE of tax payers money. Federal system is the PREFERRED choice for Tamil Speaking SL Citizens.
Ajay Sundara Devan / March 22, 2023
Dr Hoole
Do you think for a moment what would happen if the original Saivite owners of Jaffna apply your own logic?