By Vishwamithra –
“It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” ~ Thomas Hardy
Fifty six percent, that is the percentage of women voters in Sri Lanka. With no disrespect for our men folks, every man, woman and child has a mother; not necessarily a confirmed father; but mother, beyond question. They may also have a sister, grandmother, aunt and a cousin sister; they are all in the maybe category. That woman, that mother, is the Queen of each household. She decides what to cook; she decides what time to put the children to bed and what time to wake them up. When no-one is present at home, she takes the shopping bag and goes to the market place and buys what she thinks is to be cooked. She decides what time to feed the children and the children’s father. After feeding the entire household, she goes to the kitchen and eats, with her plate in hand, standing. That is the way our average rural woman spends her time and controls the home, in her own way; no one has given it to her hand, she assumes leadership gladly and without any question.
She controls the home budget; she tells the husband when something is wrong with the children, whether it’s just a cold or a cough. She buys clothes for everyone else and if there is something left in the purse, then she might buy a skirt, a blouse material or a sari for herself. She does not expect anything in return; she does her chores day in and day out, like a machine with a compassionate heart and a steady mind, three hundred and sixty five days an year. Whether gratitude is shown or not by the other members of the home, she attends to these functional duties without a complaint, without any hue or cry. Such women, such unsung heroins make up fifty six percent of the voting population in the country.
It is to this fifty six (56%) percent the National People’s Power (NPP) has chosen to appeal. A timely tribute to the women of our time! (Mage kaalaye gahaniya). Premasiri Khemadasa, yesteryear’s maestro who created one whole symphony dedicated to the Mother of my Time (Mage kaalaye mawuni), would not have hesitated one second to pay his musical homage to this unique person in our lives. Woman indeed deserves it and much more.
Not only as a primary pillar in their political strategy, the NPP’s glowing tribute to our women as a spiritual rendition has hypnotized and captured the entire population of women in our society today. They are young; they are middle-aged and they are old. Some walk to the meeting-ground dragging their weather-beaten feet, without any footwear. Seemingly secure from the blistering sun under a little umbrella, dressed in the best clothes that they can find in their possession, with expectant yet inscrutable countenances and hard penetrating and weary eyes they look around, oblivious to the hawkish eyes of the onlookers and settle down in their seats. If they fail to get a seat, they, without complaining, keep standing, wondering who are these men and women trying allure us to their school of thought. A very justifiable inquiry indeed.
Whoever first thought through this process of holding rallies exclusively for women and naming the process ‘Gahenu eka mitata’ (a fistful of women) has ventured into a brilliant exercise of politics and electioneering. NPP’s intention to hedge in each segment of our population seems to be a very clever ploy. No other political party has done this up to date. What others have achieved so far has been limited to a cosmetic ‘women’s association meeting, may be once or twice an year. To hold one rally after another covering all districts in the country alone is a daunting task. However, the success is not in the organization, although it should be lauded without any reservation. The real success is the numbers in which each rally is attended voluntarily by our women.
They started their women’s campaign from Matara in the deep south. From there to Hambantota to Galle to Moneragala, Puttalam, Badulla, Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, Kalutara and Matale and so on. Planning is easy; yet to implement and achieve the desired results is another story altogether. The real results can be ascertained only at an election. But the enthusiasm and the vigor that the women’s campaign has engendered is beyond anybody’s wildest imagination. In order to prompt the average housewife, a village damsel, an aged grandmother to attend a political rally is not an ordinary task. It needs a lot cajoling; it needs a lot of door-knocking and then persuading these women to attend a mere political rally takes a lot of planning, a lot of scheduling, a lot of cold-calling and a lot of empathetic canvassing.
The NPP has recognized the basic data and treated that data in accordance with the appropriate scrutiny and understanding and also identifying the real need to address such data with enormous respect without prejudice and preconceptions. No political party to date has engaged their second and third tier members to such exhaustive measure as has the National People’s Power.
When one studies the faces and profiles of the women who attend these meetings, one finds, a trove of diverse feelings and emotions. The training which has obviously gone into the total exercise of this significant organization cannot be underrated. No organization can attain such weighty and refined success without a total effort by all that matter. The very painstaking attention to detail surely brings forth the devotion and skills the NPP has displayed to date.
Cornering fifty six percentage of the total voting bloc in the country is indeed, as I mentioned earlier, a clever feat of political craft. Apparently, the NPP is not going to stop there. A separate thrust into the other segments of our population such as the Maha Sanga, the youth, farmers, the fishermen and so on and so forth would certainly ensure a much better performance at the elections and the wonder is almost all are awaiting the outcome with abundance of exuberance and energy.
Both Ranil Wickremesinghe and Sajith Premadasa must be shivering. Ranil, of course, has totally destroyed the United National Party and he simply cannot even dream of launching such a detail-oriented political campaign. But Sajith and his henchmen have fallen asleep at the switch. Either they have been beaten to the finish line or they do not have within their Samagi Jana Balavegaya(SJB) any campaigner who could think on those lines of political organization. On the other hand, the Pohottuwa clan simply cannot approach the masses. They will be received with cat-calls and rotten tomatoes and stinking bad eggs. Not a very inviting prospect!
In addition to the organization of women around their Party, the NPP also has achieved another useful task of identifying their second, third and fourth level public speakers. Some of the women-speakers at these rallies have come of age. Each speaker has shown disciplined delivery, mastery in the vernacular and staying away from indulgence in vituperative politics. People judge them when such self-discipline and control is exhibited on the political platform. Their displays of arts and cultural items is so close to the rural men and women; their expressions are measured as well as spontaneous.
In other words, the NPP has managed to kill more than one bird with the same stone. Such a multi-pronged, multifaceted political crusade was last seen during the 1977 campaign run by JR Jayewardene. Well, that was forty seven (47) years ago. And during those 47 years, two generations have come to our midst. In fact, AKD and his immediate entourage have gone where Rohana Wijeweera had never been.
Wijeweera’s exhibitionistic campaigning did not bear any fruit. For that matter, Wijeweera’s Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) never emerged from its cocoonish cells. The people who attended the JVP rallies during Wijeweera’s time were the same lot. The crowd that attended a Hyde Park meeting also attended a meeting held in Hambantota or Nuwara Eliya. Nonetheless, Wijeweera’s JVP did not function as a mass-based organization. It was structured along the lines of those political movements whose ultimate goal was to capture power by hook or by crook. National People’s Power evolved as a mass movement whose structures have been architected in accordance with the conventional political parties. At least to that extent, the JVP has developed into a conventional mass-based political party hellbent on gaining power democratically. Instead of creating enemies, AKD and his NPP are learning how to make and earn friends, especially among the masses.
Politics in a democratic setup is the art of making friends. Without friends, you don’t have votes and without votes you don’t win elections and come to power. Ranil, Sajith and the Rajapaksas have to come to terms with the emergence of the NPP and its mass-based campaigns. There is no certainty that the NPP would come to power at the next elections. For that matter, there is no person born yet who can predict what happens at an election. The people have to pass their judgment at the booth. With all their expertise and shrewd planning, I’m sure the NPP is also paying sufficient attention to the unpredictables of politics. At least for the moment, a superior performance by the NPP is more than possible. And the 56% will be a decisive factor in their fate.
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
Jack / February 23, 2024
All you have written is true. But one thing remained to tested. It how seats in the parliament NPP allocate for women. If NPP parliament is composed of majority of men then women were taken only for a ride.
Sinhala_Man / February 23, 2024
Dear Jack.
The current practice appear to be to appoint those who top the poll in each District to go in (in fact, is that even the law? – I doubt it).
If that’s what happens, it is necessary for women to vote for women. But men are the more prominent individuals, and they may attract the most votes.
One mechanism to correct that is to send in mainly women from the National List, the way it was done with Harini Amarasuriya.
Panini Edirisinhe
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
Panini – Excellent answer! Funny how people try to hold NPP to a level of scrutiny that they hardly subject their favourite other parties to. No one can change things over night, perform miracles. If you consider the female representation in the Parliament by different political parties, I am sure the JVP is leading. They gave their only National List position to a female, where as the UNP used it to bring their defeated leader back through the back door.
Douglas / February 24, 2024
Dear S_M: Somewhere in this article, it says: ” NPP’s intention to hedge in each segment of the population seems to be a very clever ploy”.
So to hedge in this “56%” of women population is a “PLOY”.
What is your understanding of this “PLOY”?
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
No, not a ploy. I’d call t a strategy. If I really felt that the NPP is trying out various ploys, I’d stop supporting them immediately.
Anyone can blunder, and that is a bad blunder.
Douglas / February 26, 2024
Dear S-M: Thanks. I would call those meetings SELF-AWARENESS seminars to STRENGTHEN the 56% of the population who so far have not realized their contribution to the economy, politics, and society.
old codger / February 23, 2024
“She controls the home budget; she tells the husband when something is wrong with the children, whether it’s just a cold or a cough. She buys clothes for everyone else and if there is something left in the purse, then she might buy a skirt, a blouse material or a sari for herself. She does not expect anything in return; she does her chores day in and day out, like a machine with a compassionate heart and a steady mind, three hundred and sixty five days an year. “
What a sexist rant! In this 21st century, no less, written by one who keeps calling for a JVP-led “system change” !
SJ / February 23, 2024
I wish that I had met her when I was very much younger.
old codger / February 24, 2024
old codger / February 24, 2024
Looks like Vishwa got to her first….
SJ / February 25, 2024
You mean even before I could dream of one?
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
Dear old codger,
What is being described above is the reality; and the NPP is doing what it can to change it.
Most politicians, whether they mean it or not, preach Puritanism. I hope somebody will come up with more telling examples from our society than I can. Being a retired English teacher, I shall bring my examples from English History and Culture.
Adopting puritanical attitudes makes one safe from criticism. Malvolio in Twelfth Night, “full of self-love”, is one. By 1648, they had got more menacing, as Charles I, standing by the block realised. And there was John Milton writing in defence of his desire to divorce his wife. The Buddhist Sangha without doubt advocate similar policies.
The NPP has clearly signalled that they are against such practices, and in so doing they are taking risks on matters of principle. o.c. was never a friend of the NPP; he usually loves ribaldry, but now he sings a different song. Please THINK; don’t approve of the pseudonymous, and cowardly rants of this inconstant man.
old codger / February 24, 2024
Not being a retired English teacher naively infatuated with the very people one could least expect to be be fans of Malvolio, I don’t see the purpose of bringing up his name. Perhaps it is to show that your grasp of Shakespeare is better than your grasp of economics?
old codger / February 24, 2024
Perhaps you meant Malfoy. But you wouldn’t have heard of him in Bandarawela, even though he’s part of “English culture “….
leelagemalli / February 25, 2024
If Sri Lanka plays with their thoughts next time, this country will surely sink. Unfortunately, own people and biased media mislead own people.All because Not being able to reach a consensus on a common goal for one’s nation. People don’t seem to learn from their past mistakes.
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
Dear OC and all other rational thinkers,
You don’t have to learn it by heart from Shakespeare or any other European literature, you just have to have some kind of tendency to recognize common sense.
If only common sense-genes are found in your genomes, it could open your mind further. In November 2019, the entire population (thirisannu led 6.9 millions of voters), including youth and minorities, believed BLATANT lies propagated to society by media biases or media whores.
There were artists, journalists and all those racists and facists that worked together to bring that puppet by inflating him like a balloon.
So the consequences are before our eyes today, saddest reality though.
is it not like having driven the vehicle against the wall ?
why on earth, should we try ” Gotabaya “2 again ?????
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
Besides, Gotabaya’s VIYATHMAGA was almost like that of JVP’s millitary men dominated interllectuals. help me correcting this if anyone would have updated information on them ?
So how can we differentiate Gota’s from that of AKD ? SM would never be able to explain it, …. we have proved it over the last 6 months, but can anyone else please come with construtive responses on this … thanks.
Besides, JVPrs are not born today, they have done politics in this country for 52 of those 75 years. Isn’t it so?
They burned public and private property to drive the beggar nation deeper, and were said to be behind the latest riots, the last of which occurred in May and July 2022. I read somewhere that they acted like they killed over 50 000 youth in 89-92.
That killed innocent MP is though a member of the brutal Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna or any other party, nor should he be murdered on broad day light. Many speculated that JVP mobs killed him.
LankaScot / February 25, 2024
Hello SM
What happened to Charles Stewart on the 30th Jan 1649, outside of where the Old Bailey is now, should be an object lesson to Ranil. Charles tried to impose his Divine Right of Kings on Parliament, leading to Cromwell heading the Civil War for Parliament and resulting in Charles’ death. Parliament even after the Restitution ensured that the Monarchy would never again overrule their decisions – hence the UK is officially a Constitutional Monarchy. Ranil has to give the power back to Parliament or suffer the consequences. Cromwell marched his troops into Parliament and proclaimed ” You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately … In the name of God, go!”
Read Burns’ “Holy Willies Prayer” and see how Willie’s puritanical attitudes made him safe from criticism (they didn’t).
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / February 26, 2024
I didn’t know the poem, just a took a look. Thanks.
Uncomfortable with skewed vision. My second eye operated on for cataract today, so it’s covered now.
I will respond properly tomorrow.
Panini Edirisinhe, now in Maharagama
LankaScot / February 27, 2024
Hello SM,
Sorry to hear about your eye problems. I can sympathise as my wife suffers from having a Pterygium in each eye. Apparently this is due to excessive UV exposure and is more common in the tropical regions than Northern Europe. My brother had both eyes operated on, also for cataracts, last year – fully recovered now.
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / February 28, 2024
Thanks, LankaScot,
We are heir to certain problems because we live longer that ever before. Some are more fortunate.
I knew a good deal about Burns’ relatively short life (37 years) and I had reasonable knowledge about the contradictions in his own life. I’ve now heard this poem “performed” and appreciate the multiple ironies, including those in Calvinism which doesn’t appeal to me.
Ruchira / February 24, 2024
OC – What is so sexist about it? Notwithstanding it being the 21st century isn’t that what happens in most households? Or is it that the church doesn’t like women being liberated?
Ajith / February 23, 2024
“There is no certainty that NPP can come to power in the next election”
It is a necessity to change the political culture of the existing system that was created for the benefit of few family based political leadership which has no difference to dictatorship. I hope that NPP which is led by Anura has grown up to understand that Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism was the barrier for most of the problems the country faced in the past until now. In the past even JVP was influenced by the Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism.That change should come from the all corners, not only come to power but to rule the country by law.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
Dear Ajith,
I think that the NPP has realised that, and stated clearly that they reject Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalism. The problem is that some listen to them, and when they hear, they don’t believe they mean it.
However, it is necessary for any political party to garner and retain support. There are some hated words that must be avoided, until they can be explained clearly in contexts. “Federalism”, “division of the country”, etc are some of them. On the other hand, the NPP doesn’t want to pursue victory at any cost. If you’re willing to look at what they say without undue prejudice, I will try to say some of them.
Another person who seems to comment constructively on this website is “Douglas” from Unawatuna, near Galle. However, once we counter a criticism that you make, please don’t start all over again! People like us are only supporters of the NPP, not leaders, or professional politicians.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
old codger / February 24, 2024
“stated clearly that they reject Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalism”
When, where, and how? Proof please. Not “It’s true because I heard it”
leelagemalli / February 24, 2024
OC and rational thinkers ,
He will definitely dodge it. I bet.
I was surprised by the so-called “Bhikshu Peramuna” who are on a mission to promote JVP on the platform. Either “Bandarawela – Joker” does not see it, or deliberately shows his ignoarance in such matters.
In India, even today, many people hold some singers or artists or politicians in the air. In some parts of Sri Lanka, the same goes under the label of “Sinhala Buddhists”.
Sinhala_Man / February 25, 2024
Dear old codger,
I have spent more time that I could afford to, but I have failed to come up with the QED proof that you desired. Instead try this:
See how AKD at 31minutes 39 seconds of that 1:57:15 video denounces the Citizenship Act that came into force on 15 November 1948, nine days after I was born.
Rajan Hoole who studied it in detail
was born 31 days later.
However, having said that, I’m going to acknowledge that all of us get our facts a bit muddled up; let me put that in PART TWO.
old codger / February 26, 2024
I acknowledge your honesty in admitting that there is no proof of the JVP’s opposition to SB fundamentalism. All I want from people is to not make blanket statements without oncrete evidence.
The Citizenship Act is one thing, and Sinhala-Buddhist Fundamentalism is another.
The JVP has never denounced SB extremism in so many words. Mangala S was the only mainstream politician who did, and got himself excommunicated by the Mahanayakas.
There are people on this forum who claim to support the JVP, but at the same time claim that SB extremism doesn’t exist, and that plantation workers deserve no gratitude.
Sinhala_Man / February 25, 2024
In that same video, AKD repeats an inaccuracy which he was innocently repeating for a few months, and repeated for two weeks even after I pointed it out in an email, in English, that I sent him, and three others on the 22nd of January 2024, following his speech to Badulla District women on the previous day.
These guys are too busy!
Scroll back to 27 minutes, 41 seconds of the same video. He’s made a mistake about the date of the 2020 General Election, which was on 5/08/2020. And the convicted murderer, Premalal Jayasekara came second in Ratnapura with 104,237; first was Pavithra Wanniarachchi with 200,977.
The email was followed by telephone calls to the Pelawatte Office. All in the NPP have immense respect for AKD, but all know him to be human, and they recall that graphite/ graphene muddle.
When I find a really specific attack on racism, I shall draw your attention to it; I’m sure that I have in the past.
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / February 24, 2024
Dear Ajith,
Thanks for raising the same and I ask them to come up with constructive responses. The former Bandarawela teacher has been avoiding our issues for the past 8 months.
Self-proclaimed staunch JVP supporters but appear to be simply apathetic about the basics of JVP/NPP capabilities.
Experts today say that our people and their psyches are very vulnerable to predators.
Now the next one is emerging with India.
Listen to what Dr Jaysankar aka EAM has to say about Sri Lanka, not because of their love for Sri Lanka, but to take revenge on the region’s number European destination, “Maldives”. At the moment, MALDIVES has been swallowed up by India’s rival aka China. indians are very worried of Maldives being China’s darling.
leelagemalli / February 27, 2024
Hello Readers,
Please discuss this
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
It is clear that old school aristocratic rulers that have brought nothing but ruination to this island must be put where they belong: some in jail; others in retirement homes – along with those who are in cahoots with them – the ones whose only skills and competencies limited to licking their masters’ boots and aiding and abetting their crimes. Various chairmen and advisors of sorts…list could be endless…
That said notwithstanding the growing popularity of the NPP, their mettle needs to be proven. It is not winning the elections that is hard it is what comes afterwards. Talk is easy. Walking the talk is difficult. Let’s hope that the NPP will have the courage and commitment to rise up to the challenge…
Sinhala_Man / February 23, 2024
We still cannot be sure what will happen at an election. In the South, the NPP votes appear secure, and they are saying the right things about the need to unite the entire nation of Lanka. But to me it seems that they lack speakers of Tamil.
But how can I be sure of that, when I don’t know the language myself, and so I don’t know how much they are saying in Tamil? The Women’s Meetings have been one per District (rather than the old electorates), and are attended only by women in the District (apart from women who are in the Central Committee), and just two men: The District leader (always a man?) and AKD, as the National Leader.
But there also are District Meetings for retired armed forces personnel, which may not be popular with Tamils and Muslims. Nor with a peace-nick like me!
Running a campaign is not for amateurs!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela, now in Maharagama (NIC 483111444V)
Ajith / February 24, 2024
“But to me it seems that they lack speakers of Tamil.”
That is not the reason. Rajapaksas or Bandaranaiyakas or Jeyawardena’s didn’t speak Tamil but they had considerable Tamil votes but all of them cheated Tamils. Tamils have suffered by not only Rajapaksas or Ranils or Chandrika but also suffered by JVP actions against Tamils. Firstly, the JVP should come out the ideology of that this island belongs to only Sinhalese but Tamils and Muslims also belongs to this island and they should have their rights. Secondly, Devolution is not separation. It is sharing the power with Tamils and Muslims where they are in majority. JVP/NPP should have the honesty to say it to the Sinhalese people who are willing to accept devolution.
Lester / February 24, 2024
“Rajapaksas or Bandaranaiyakas or Jeyawardena’s didn’t speak Tamil but they had considerable Tamil votes but all of them cheated Tamils.”
What about Amir, Neelan, Yogeswaran, Lakshman, were they also cheated by Raja/Banda/Jeya? During the 26 year civil war, a right-wing political party (TNA) was allowed to voice their demands for separatism. I find that odd. It is like having ISIS in the House of Commons.
SJ / February 24, 2024
“Tamils have suffered by not only Rajapaksas or Ranils or Chandrika but also suffered by JVP actions against Tamils. “
Again an incomplete list.
We forget the harm inflicted on us by our own leaders, with guns as well as without, and willingly and unwillingly..
Ajith / February 24, 2024
“We forget the harm inflicted on us by our own leaders, with guns as well as without, and willingly and unwillingly.”
I understand that you are willingly or unwillingly joinedpart the SWRD family who initiated Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism which is behind the 1958 massacre of Tamils and destruction of the Sinhalese economy. So, you don’t have any other option other thanput the blame on Tamil politicians to justify the brutality of the Sinhalese fundamentalist leadership.
chiv / February 24, 2024
Ajith, to some degree SJ is right. Just look at the legal tussle in nominating party officials.
Nathan / February 24, 2024
Dear chiv,
Thanks to our politicians. What a land of idiotic people we are!
Ajith / February 24, 2024
I know very well about Tamil political parties and political leadership who are cheating Tamil people but SJ,s intention is different and revenge taking against ltte only.
SJ / February 27, 2024
Sorry mate.
I have no revenge to take on anyone. I only place before all some home truths about many matters, the LTTE’s folly being just one.
The LTTE committed suicide and in the process took tens of thousands to their death.
I cannot admire such an outfit the way some weird minds do.
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
Is weird-minds equal fascism?
Sinhala_Man / February 23, 2024
It’s interesting what you say about Khemadasa.
I have not met him one to one, but I have attended his concerts, where he personally conducted his music. that may have been all of fifty years ago. I remember “A Sea Symphony”. He wedded a western style symphony orchestra, and a number of local instruments.
And there are two Wikipedia entries for him:
It’s good for us to understand the our computers get trained to go across the the language that we use most.
I’m sure that there must be many Tamil websites; it may be very difficult (but not impossible) for me to get at Tamil programmes by default.
Panini Edirisinhe
nimal fernando / February 23, 2024
I love women …….. Native doesn’t ………
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
Yikes… is he a man date tooooo….!?
🙈 🙉 🙊
Native Vedda / February 24, 2024
nimal fernando
“I love women …….. Native doesn’t ………”
I love women, …
FYI my mother her sisters, her aunts, my father’s sisters, my grandmas, my nieces, my partner, …. are all women.
nimal fernando / February 24, 2024
Native, …….. Please don’t patronize …….. :)))
Your chauvinism …….. is out on display!
Whatever you say ……. there ain’t no escape …….. the ol’ double-negative ……. get two birds with one stone ……. the one in Bandarawela ………
nimal fernando / February 24, 2024
If you had hopes that ChatGPT can create a woman that you can finally like ……..
Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT ……. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/opinion/noam-chomsky-chatgpt-ai.html ……… https://news.berkeley.edu/2023/03/19/is-chatgpt-a-false-promise
Raj-UK / February 23, 2024
There is injustice, exploitation & discrimination but I thought it applies to all average citizens in SL. Desperate men & women slave in foreign counties without any rights & often exploited by employers & job agents. Particularly, the poor are faced with all kinds of hardship & unlike in developed countries, there is no ‘social service’ to speak of for the less privileged. Single mothers are often driven to destitution & society is not always kind to them but I was unaware that women folk in SL had to be ‘liberated’. Maybe Harini A, who I believe is an authority on the subject, knows all about the suffering of such women folk but isn’t that due to poverty? Isn’t this women’s lib thing making a gender issue of nothing?
Ruchira / February 24, 2024
I agree with Raj except for his concluding statement – “Isn’t this women’s lib thing making a gender issue of nothing?” – whatever the woes in the society, women are doubly affected for just being women. Who goes to the Middle East and slave as House Maids at times even getting sexually exploited – isn’t it women? There are legit reasons behind women’s lib and NPP seems to be trying to address and capitalise on them. I think it’s a good move.
Raj-UK / February 23, 2024
I understand the NPP wants to legalise prostitution & I have no objection but isn’t prostitution in SL largely due to poverty & exploitation of the vulnerable? If that is the case, is legalising brothels the answer? Maybe, Harini & the leader of the women’s front can educate me on this. As far as I am aware, women folk even in rural areas in 21st century SL, are not suppressed as in some third world or Islamic states, to be liberated. Didn’t we have a Minister for Women in past govts? Even if they didn’t do much for women, it would be down to the failing of the Minister concerned, not ignoring women’s rights. Females maybe a large vote base but ‘reaching’ out to them is just cynical manipulation of a non existent problem. I am sure, even rural women of toady, are capable of making their own decisions without a political party trying to capitalise on their vulnerability.
Nathan / February 24, 2024
Dear Raj-UK,
Do I hear that your wife is not the boss in your family … ?
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
Dear Raj-UK,
You’ve got a good point there; aren’t we cynically exploiting their vulnerability?
Ruchira / February 24, 2024
Raj- UK, I agree with your views on prostitution but not so much with the rest. Women regardless of rural or urban have their own set of problems simply being women – just being different – biologically even. The authors quote with which he starts off the essay is a revelation if you pay a little attention to it. May be you could revisit it and ponder on it as to what it means and its implications thereof…
old codger / February 24, 2024
Women in Sri Lanka are suppressed by paternalistic societal attitudes if anything. A girl HAS to get married by 30, unless she wants to be permanently single. Unless she has very liberal parents (very rare), that limits career opportunities. There are fixed ideas about female careers. Doctor/lawyer/ teacher/ accountant/ office worker all good. Engineering not so good. Definitely not bus/ train driver or conductor. Strangely, a lot of street cleaners are women, though it is not a preferred profession.
Vishwamitra himself thinks it normal :”She does not expect anything in return; she does her chores day in and day out, like a machine with a compassionate heart and a steady mind, three hundred and sixty five days an year. “
SJ / February 24, 2024
Prostitution is predominantly owing to need for money.
But need for money does not imply poverty.
There are many well to do skin trading individuals ans institutions.
Indian literature refers to wealthy brothels and prostitutes from ancient times.
old codger / February 24, 2024
But we aren’t Indians, even if we look like them….We are much more virtuous.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
The Member of Parliament who wants to use “Prostitution” as a revenue-generating industry is Diana Gamage who entered Parliament in all sorts of devious ways, and now is with Ranil or with the Rajapaksas. I don’t really care where. That is the sort of scum that must be thrown out.
The women (and even the boy/men) in this sort of profession are placed in vulnerable positions, and are often harassed even by law-enforces. What should be done is to de-criminalise the ways in which such persons earn their living, and protect them. This is not a way of life to be encouraged; safeguard them.
The approach to the problem is all important. And we must recognise that women can shine in other fields; that is what should be encouraged and enabled. To do otherwise is to think of women as having no other use except as sexual partners.
Sex is good, healthy and fun; but it should not be commercialised.
Ruchira / February 24, 2024
“The Member of Parliament who wants to use “Prostitution” as a revenue-generating industry is Diana Gamage who entered Parliament in all sorts of devious ways, ….”
It is she who has been ‘prostituting’ her political party to others in return of favours like getting into parliament through National List – What are her credentials to be enlisted in the National List? Does anybody even question?
If the National List is to be meaningful people I think should question the credentials of those who get enlisted to National List by the respective parties.
In Gamage’s case it was deal. She has no mandate from the people no legitimacy to be in the parliament imo.
Cicero / February 24, 2024
56% are probably from the Sinhala community. No evidence of Tamils or Muslim women being courted by the NPP. This is a defect that will affect the NPP. What is the NPP stance on the minorities? Women lack power in the community and are in that sense a minority as well. The excellent Harini is a showpiece. She speaks English and Sinhala well and is in total command of political issues. But, she does not go to India with the other leaders. She is not projected as a front line leader as often as should be done. There must be more of her kind made visible. Having a large number in the audience is insufficient. Does the NPP have women leaders other than Harini? Why are they not visible? What has been done to nurture younger women leaders? What of women leaders from minority communities? If giving prominence to women is a virtue of the NPP, why has it not thrown up prominent women leaders besides Harini?
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
Haven’t you come across this even more remarkable woman from Matara?
Saroja Paulraj / 2019.08.18
That’s 5 minutes in both Sinhala and Tamil. I can vouch for her Sinhala being better than mine. How do you assess her Tamil? Her accent, for instance? Vocabulary?
Here’s a 77 minute interview entirely in Tamil:
I’ve been told that she “knows” English, too, but two questions about that:
Firstly, Why should she speak English?
Secondly, Aren’t we competent speakers of English more prone than others to keep a “count” of mistakes in the use of language?
old codger / February 24, 2024
There are other women leaders in the NPP, like Ms. Balthazar. But they, like Harini, are outspoken feminists. It would be bad publicity, wouldn’t it, if Harini told an audience of Buddhist monks or JVP old guard that prostitution should be legal?
So, these leaders are showcased to people who might resonate with their ideas, while the rural xenophobes get a different set of speakers. Very clever, in my opinion.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
Dear oc,
Cleverness of that sort is despicable.
I support the NPP because in most activities they are sincere. We don’t know who you are, but you seem to here to mock and criticise. And I don’t want your NIC number. Mine is given because I take responsibility for what I say.
Your wit and learning had made you my favourite commenter. Not any more.
Your voice is now often shrill and rasping.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)
You used to be my favourite commenter because of your wit and learning. mot any more. Now, in your desperation to stop the NPP, which you seem to hate so venomously, your voice is often shrill and rasping.
leelagemalli / February 24, 2024
Nonsense, anyone who respects facts and true and meaningful complete arguments must agree with OLD CODGER.
Normally sychophants don’t see this correctly. Their vision is similar to that of a blind person. Their reactions are similar to those who were hypnotized by “Sadhu Sadhu effect” in my home country. From the point of view of experts, it is very pathological.
The Bandarawela clown always attacks anyone who opposes NPP or JVP. According to him that is democracy.
He even revealed my location to anyone who might kill me on the spot. He seems to have learnt the basics from the JVP facists.
By the way, earlier I thought Dr Harini Amarasooriya was brilliant.
However, my thoughts on her are no more better as she opined that the AKD-led team toured India because the Indians believed that AKD would win soon. She may be good to the university but not yet matured to mlechcha politics in srlanken context.
Ruchira / February 25, 2024
“You used to be my favourite commenter because of your wit and learning. mot any more. Now, in your desperation to stop the NPP, which you seem to hate so venomously, your voice is often shrill and rasping.”
My experience too. Either knowingly or unknowingly he has been lately exposing what he is really about. It looks like leelagemalli isn’t the only one here that posts scripted stuff to insult Sinhalese and particularly Buddhists.
Unpleasant is a rather kind characterisation.
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
Dear Readers,
For a time, Senior lawyer cum public rights activist, Nagananda Kodithuvakku was like the Siamese twin of SM.
SM insisted us to support him during those days. However, NK started exposing AKD’s follies and opportunism and SM changed his direction.
I think those in CT from the begining on, remember the Sinhala man’s interesting comments about Nagananda Kodithuwakku.
old codger / February 26, 2024
So, what am I really about, then? I didn’t know I was your favourite commenter, not that I care. I say what I believe, and am consistent.
Do I fall back like you on “personal reasons” to explain any irrational antipathy I might have? If you have arguments, present them, and have the good grace to respond rationally.
old codger / February 26, 2024
“posts scripted stuff to insult Sinhalese and particularly Buddhists.”
What presumption from one who popped up a couple of months ago! I have been here for many years, and have criticized (not insulted) Catholics, cardinals, Muslims, Tamils, whenever necessary. If I criticize SB’s more, it is because they are 78% , and have run the country for 76 years.
My opinions are my own. Unlike some, I don’t need to depend on inconsistent neo-fascists for support
If you can’t see the difference between criticism and insult, it isn’t my fault.
chiv / February 26, 2024
OC , absolutely right 💯
Ruchira / February 26, 2024
OC – if you want to split hairs about the favourite part pls go on. I just quoted what SM has written and indicated my sentiments are similar. Not that you were literally my favourite. You appear friendly and concerned at the outset but on close quarters that is hardly the case. You mischaracterize what others say and at times even down right lie about what people have said. I find it disingenuous to put it as mildly as I could. Inconsistent neo fascist for support? To whom are you referring to? Lester? Just because him and I agree on certain things it doesn’t mean I looked for his support. Goes onto show your hypocrisy. You agree with many people here and jointly criticise others and even defend some of them – for example chiv – does anyone pair you and him and jointly mock or attack or criticise the two of you. I haven’t. I havent seen Lester or even Panini doing that or anyone else for that matter. That kind of behaviour is shown by you and those who agree with your type of views to a great degree like leelagemalli for example. It doesn’t matter how long you have been here or the fact that I “popped” up here few months ago. I can make my own opinion based on my experience.
old codger / February 27, 2024
It is possible to have political disagreements without calling your opponents low-grade idiots/ low-caste, questioning their qualifications, calling them “trators” (your spelling).
I disagree with SM, but he is simply mood, for personal reasons. And he will honestly admit a mistake. He will NOT persistently distort statistics to prove fake points. He has a certain culture which, sadly some frustrated runaways don’t have.
“Just because him and I agree on certain things it doesn’t mean I looked for his support”
The sort of things you agree on are revealing. I regret that I am unable to agree that the minorities ruined this country, or that Tamil plantation workers (slaves!) make no significant economic contribution, or that SL med schools are the world’s best, ot that Sinhala Buddhism is close to Western thought.
old codger / February 27, 2024
Writing is a skill . Having access to a dictionary doesn’t make you a good writer. I am polite and friendly to those who reciprocate. If individuals take disagreements as a personal insult, it is their choice.
I have mentioned before that you have great skills in the “making friends and influencing people ” department. But you don’t get it, obviously. Something to do with private schooling?
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
OC – “If individuals take disagreements as a personal insult, it is their choice.”
Personal insults are one thing insulting Sinhala Buddhist are another. I think you can make the distinction?
As for making friends comment, it was the manner and the tone with which you said it that I found distasteful not the wriiten words themselves.
old codger / February 27, 2024
Give me an example of my insulting Sinhala Buddhists as such? Did I write the equivalent of “Tamils are terrorists “? , or the equivalent of “Plantation workers have low IQ”?
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
OC – “It is possible to have political disagreements without calling your opponents low-grade idiots/ low-caste, questioning their qualifications,…”
I think you need to settle scores with Lester for his conduct. As far as I can see he is not the only one who has been doing that. I have interscted with him somewhat successfully here despite the differing views we hold. Yes, I do agree with him on certain things.
“… calling them “trators” (your spelling).”
I didn’t call you or anyone here a traitor. If you feel it was directed at you. May be it’s worth examining why?
If the sort of things I agree on are revealing, so be it, I wasn’t planning on hiding them.
You are free to disagree with anything no need to tender any apologies or regrets.
But you are good at taking things out of context and mis characterise them and also accusing people of saying things that they never said.
For example minorities ruined this country. I accused the minorities for a 30 year war and it was said in a certain context, so are many other things, which I feel futile to split hairs about.
Finally you are free to disagree. Is anyone holding you at gun point and demanding that you agree?
old codger / February 27, 2024
“does anyone pair you and him and jointly mock or attack or criticise the two of you”.
Isn’t that what you were doing?
Didn’t you notice that at least five other people disagreed with your bullying? You should have taken the hint.
Lester / February 27, 2024
” I regret that I am unable to agree that the minorities ruined this country”
So who financed the LTTE for 26 years, was it the Maha Sangha?
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
OC – “So who financed the LTTE for 26 years, was it the Maha Sangha?”
Any comments?
old codger / February 27, 2024
The LTTE was not the disease. It was the symptom.
You still claim you aren’t his partner?
Lester / February 27, 2024
You cannot run a country with terrorists plotting acts of mass destruction next door. The problem cannot be contained within a geographical area by offering various concessions. Israel found this out the hard way, now they are spending 10’s of billions to eliminate Hamas. The cost to Israel’s economy (heavily reliant on tourism) will also be significant. Of course GOSL treats the minorities much better than Israel treats the Palestinians (there is no apartheid in Sri Lanka), but there is a parallel between Hamas and LTTE. LTTE trained with the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” (PFLP) in Southern Lebanon. at one point.
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
OC – I know your speciality is insulting ppl. So go on be happy. If that’s the only thing you are capable of. Yes LTTE was the symptom. Tamil Nationalist Racism is the disease. Go attend to your road signs now. May be next time trying being specific. The question asked was who funded the LTTE?
old codger / February 27, 2024
I don’t insult every crypto-fascist I come across. Only the ones who over-extend themselves.
Ruchira / February 28, 2024
OC – As far as chiv’s scholarship is concerned I was only trying to pursuade him to give details of it.
Here on CT comments section there’s a tendency of branding and insulting people that do not agree with the dominant tamil lead narrative wrt the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka with various names, racism and fascism seems to be most favourite. Sadly you turned out to be one of them.
On the one hand you are trying to imply that I have good friend-making and influencing skills while at the same time trying to portray it as bullying and fascism of various kinds. May be if you stick to one strategy something might come out of it.
Like I have already mentioned you take things out of their context and misrepresent the commenters. You also make things up to do this and insult people personally. It looks like that’s all your narrow mind is capable of.
You either can’t see the bigger picture presented or happily ignore it and focus on some narrow petty issue. Doesn’t bring anything much to the discussion table. You including many others, particularly whoever that calls him or herself leelagemalli, are quite masters of this.
Ruchira / February 28, 2024
I think I made a longer comment but got it edited out due to length. So here are some of things I may have included in that original comment: Your petty agenda is clear. I am not inclined to take your comments seriously hereafter. Therefore do not expect any responses from me for various insults and accusations that you make. You are free to carry on as you please – insult, name call, misquote others and continue the your petty agenda. And ofcourse you will have truck loads of support here. Good luck.
old codger / February 28, 2024
I am waiting for examples of myself “insulting Sinhala Buddhists “.
I hope you aren’t trying to run away because you can’t show the evidence. And your pal hasn’t named even one SB racist. Isn’t that strange?
old codger / February 28, 2024
“As far as chiv’s scholarship is concerned I was only trying to pursuade him to give details of it.” You were only interested because he is an SL Tamil who had done well with an Indian education . That’s unbelievable to some people.
“On the one hand you are trying to imply that I have good friend-making and influencing skills “
Never heard of sarcasm, have you? So much for a Non-government school education.
“Like I have already mentioned you take things out of their context and misrepresent the commenters. ” When you openly promote SB hegemony, what is there to misrepresent? Is there anything to discuss when you’ve already decided that?
The most charitable interpretation I can give is that what you write before you have a drink with your father is rational, but what you write after it is something else.
leelagemalli / February 27, 2024
NPP is believed to have internal cracks
I hope our NPP promoters will shed more light on the NPP crisis.
Sinhala_Man / February 28, 2024
Dear “leelagemalli”,
It may be that you believe that there are “internal cracks” within the NPP; I have yet to meet a committed NPPer who believes so.
The Party consists of individuals whose thoughts are not identical on all subjects, but there is no crisis.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444v) who llast left the shores of Lanka (and that only for a fortnight) in 2028.
Ruchira / February 24, 2024
“rural xenophobes”
Xenophobes – (atleast the ones I have run into) come in all forms and are hardly rural. If you want to insult the rural folks try some other line.
old codger / February 25, 2024
Don’t you think you should ask the guy who keeps talking about “government school idiots” ?
Ruchira / February 25, 2024
OC – ask what? He is right government schools keep producing idiots by truck loads that have been tolerating this nonesense for 75 years.
chiv / February 26, 2024
OC, did I tell you ” I studied in one of the Lankan government schools “producing idiots in truck loads” and somehow managed to get into “best medical schools in Lanka”. Surprisingly govt medical schools in Lanka are still producing geniuses and not idiots?? But GMOA claims there is more than 40,000 individuals are currently masquerading as doctors. I’m grateful that, even after DISCONTINUING medical education in Lanka, I managed to complete in a ” not so best ” medical schools in India. I didn’t do my under graduation in AIIMS, ( according to few here , the one and only, best medical school in India ) but still managed to do my post graduation in so called ” IVY LEAGUE universities in the U.S. Do you think, it’s possible for govt schooled idiots / Lankans, get into such universities ??? . When Prema was assassinated, some claim they were in private HS / college , whereas I was working in the U.S after completing my post graduation. Time flies, isn’t it ?? ECFMG became FMGMS and now USMLE. Pardon my ignorance, if a person is married to an Indian, what kind of visa do they need, as a dependent to live in that country ?? Who is worse ??? one who’s born with intellectual disabilities or the one , who believes an follows such retards ?????
old codger / February 26, 2024
Consistency is not the strong point of some commenters here. They don’t like their credentials being questioned but will happily run down others.
It seems that Lester is allowed to refer to “government school idiots”, but I can’t talk about rural xenophobes. Some still live under the impression that all Indian degrees are rubbish compared to local ones. What is the point of arguing with such ignorance?
Lester / February 28, 2024
Sri Lankan universities are excellent for studies in the natural sciences and medicine. Those who have never attended may have difficulty understanding.
“Consistency is not the strong point of some commenters here.”
Is it consistent when someone claims they are studying in India *after* they studied at an “IVY LEAGUE…” IITian’s generally study at the IIT first, then at the “Ivy.” Admission to an “Ivy” is not particularly selective either at the graduate level (first degree is another story), unless it is some super highly selective program like maths. Certainly not for medical research.
Is it consistent when someone says they are studying for the USMLE, but next week claims they are fully qualified to practice medicine in the US?
“Some still live under the impression that all Indian degrees are rubbish compared to local ones.”
Ruchira / February 26, 2024
Aiyyo chiv – no need to get hurt/upset. I didn’t say you are an idiot did I now? We all know you are a smarty pant and got a scholarship from India to study Medicine. It’s just we don’t know from where in India and on what basis? – which you dont tell us! C’mon spill the beans. Don’t put your price so up! 😀 Besides the idiots keep the world turning! ;)
I didn’t say AIIMS was the ONLY good medical institute in India. I said it is one of the best or the best, because from what I learnt, it is those who get the highest marks that enter AIIMS and it being funded and managed by the central government the best students from all over India ends up there.
I’ve also been to CMC Vellore started by Ida an American lady. I think I should still have the photo of her that is displayed on a wall of CMC premises on one my old phones or uploaded to some social media.
See I know atleast couple of good medical institutes in India. So curious as to where you got your scholarship from? That’s all. Given that you did your graduate fellowship in IVy league schools in the US I am highly curious!
Lester / February 26, 2024
“I didn’t say AIIMS was the ONLY good medical institute in India.”
Actually it is. The thing with these schools in the Caribbean, Malaysia, India – anyone can pay their way to get in. SL medical schools are good because admission is selective and the graduates are fully employable in UK, US, etc. Anyway, who would drop out of one of these schools for “PG” in the USA, that doesn’t make sense. More like fail out or never get admitted in the first place.
old codger / February 26, 2024
Maybe you should start asking questions on what qualifications some commenters have, from what schools, etc.
I think the problem is, if anything, that some cannot get their heads around the idea that “low-IQ” people can do better than them, given a level playing field.
old codger / February 26, 2024
You should also ask why purported private school alumni write sentences like this:
“Sri Lanka is as a small fry as Maldives in the region compared to India and therefore should not be fallen to the trap of being pitted against each other by India.”
LankaScot / February 27, 2024
Hello OC,
I know a possible reason. I read a PhD dissertation from an IT professional in Sri Lanka. It was complete kunu, however with the help of one of my Sinhalese nephews we translated his original Sinhalese dissertation. The IT professional had used Google Translate as his English was not great. I tried an experiment with my niece -she was very fluent in English but not an IT expert.. I translated one of my IT PowerPoint presentations into Sinhalese and then asked her to read it. She said it looked fine. I then asked her to translate it back into English without her ever seeing my original text. It was garbage also, not because her English was wrong, but due to Googles mis-translation.
Best regards
old codger / February 27, 2024
I saw an leaflet on a battery once that requested users to use “liquid from cow udder” to wash in case of acid leakage.
Lester / February 26, 2024
Money talks. Do you think CBK went to Sorbonne because of her “intellect?” Or Trump is qualified for Wharton? Luckily, these people were only politicians. A second-rate doctor is *fatal* for any society. That’s why we should oppose private medical schools in SL.
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
This Rajapaksa-Vandibattaya aka joker-lester is always against other leaders like CBK or anyone other than his beloved rascal Rajapaksas. That is how MAHENDRA RAJAAKSHE brainwashed the modayas in our hell.
CBK faced the same problems that civilized Ranil is facing today.
Sri Lanka is full of dominating rascals that are more rabid than those who use their brains to make decisions, despite the dominant Buddhist flag. Sinhala buddhism is not a religion but a life style and cover up being provided to breed more criminals. Gone were the days we thought it was a religion. TOday, even paedophiles are hidden behind SINHALA BUDDHIST MONK costume. Latter is a public secret, even if our modayas continue to kneel down before them.
Recently I got to know some powerful politicians in France and some other regional politicians in that country who only talked about CBK. It was when I was visiting the place in Paris for my business trips.
At the same time, to my understanding, many of them will not forget to mention that the good name of Sri Lankans has been irreparably tarnished by the Rajapaksas. Because they were not educated by civilized parents. Basta
SJ / February 27, 2024
“Do you think CBK went to Sorbonne “
She did not.
Check it out if you wish.
It does not require much intellect to go to top universities, even you could.
Lester / February 27, 2024
I read some article recently saying CBK did not want to investigate “HR abuses” because it would “demoralize” the Army. At that time in the 90’s, morale/motivation in the Army was very low and the rate of desertion was high. All speculation, but we can say that another 5 years of CBK, and the country would have collapsed entirely. LTTE had the capability to take Jaffna, had they recruited 100K mercenaries from Toilet Nadu, game over. MaRa was elected at exactly the right time. Even though the SLA always had very capable people (Denzil, Fonseka, Gotha, Janaka, etc.), end of the day, these guys have to take orders from the President. Coordination is critical. With MaRa and Gota, the coordination was perfect. LTTE lost territory and never regained it. They could only DEFEND, never launch major campaigns. The motivation of the soldiers was very high, thanks to the restructuring of the Forces by GR. That is why a quick victory was achieved. Now Gota was a “bad” President (compared to Defense Secretary) – this is a different story. He was forced into the job. He said he never wanted that position.Have a nice day.
Lester / February 27, 2024
“She did not. Check it out if you wish. It does not require much intellect to go to top universities, even you could.”
With your research “skill”, it may be a struggle to complete even the high school. But OC believes Wanni is equivalent to Silicon Valley, so don’t give up hope.
“Chandrika was sent abroad to continue her education and studied politics, economics, law and leadership at the Sorbonne.”
SJ / February 27, 2024
Chandrika some claimed went to Sorbonne 20 years ago and it was challenged. She graduated from Paris somewhere.
Hurling personal abuse at people speaks more about the abuser, as one sees mostly one’s own self in the other when making personal comments.
Lester / February 27, 2024
And what is your credibility? You refuse to condemn the LTTE as a terrorist outfit, even though 33 countries have designated it as such. That does not mean you support such an organisation, it simply means that your opinion is biased when it comes to such an issue. So why should we trust you when it comes to CBK, what proof do you have that she didn’t go to the Sorbonne, when there are multiple sources which say otherwise.
Native Vedda / February 27, 2024
“That’s why we should oppose private medical schools in SL.”
Are you saying Sri Lankan Unis are producing world class doctors?
Even if private medical schools produce dump doctors it is their service, knowledge, ability, care …. that would determine whether they are second rate doctor or life saving ones.
Those who can pay and buy education let them be free to do so, the good ones will survive, dump ones can join the army or civil service, ….. go abroad and find jobs there.
old codger / February 27, 2024
What is the credibility of a guy who ran away because he couldn’t take the heat?
That does not mean he’s a coward. It only means that his opinion is biased when proferring opinions from a sfe distance.
Ruchira / February 26, 2024
Lester – I don’t think AIIMS is the only good one in India but from what I have heard there are pretty dogdy ones out there in India. SAITM here was trying to go down the same path luckily whoever that was in charge of deciding, decided to close it. Now Rambukwella says there will be three more private medical schools by Lyceum, Gateway and the third ?SLIIT. Will have wait and see how they’d turn out. SAITM was a shoddy place. It’s a shame a person like Dr. Neville Fernando would initiate something like that.
Wrt Caribbean and Malaysian ones I think they are not as easy as some Russian or East European ones to get in. They would still require good grades. Malaysian ones are (atleast the ones I refer to) extended campuses of western universities either UK or AUS.
I recently had to consukt a dermatalogist at Lanka Hospitals who appeared to have been qualified in Medicine in the Caribbean. They seem to produce competent doctors and I don’t think entrance is as easy.
I think chiv is a genuine case. He is a little shy to tell us where he got the scholarship from. What makes you think otherwise?
Lester / February 26, 2024
I am just going by statistics. Caribbean med schools have a nearly 40% acceptance rate. Compared with 6.3% for a school in the US like Johns Hopkins and less than 1% for AIIMS. It’s unfortunate that private medical colleges are appearing in SL. We can agree, the country needs more doctors, but why sacrifice quality over quantity? Medicine requires a certain mindset and level of commitment, depending on specialty. It is not for everyone, unlike politics or management. A better solution is to increase the wages of existing doctors.
“What makes you think otherwise?”
Someone with a SL medical degree does not go begging in India.
old codger / February 27, 2024
“Medicine requires a certain mindset and level of commitment,”
I suppose that didn’t apply to the former president of the GMOA, whose sycophantic mindset contributed to bankrupting us. Was he one of the 40% admitted by a Caribbean med school?
If you “go by statistics,” your sewage plant has the highest employment rate, because there were only two applicants, and both were accepted…..
Mahila / February 27, 2024
(Part I)
Absolute Truth and Nothing but the Truth, which was the reason, University admissions especially for Medicine and some sciences had a PRECURSORY requirement of a VIVA VOCE (VV) with Medical Specialists and/or Scientists panel, prior to gaining admission to relevant course, up to 1963!!!???
That was done away with by the Erudite Politicians, who felt that the VV was being misused to Influence the decision making in admission!!! SO OUT IT WENT OUT OF THE WAINDOW!!?? Then it depended on the marked scores of the A/Level results!!?? Mere numbers and not reflecting the outlook of those being taken in for the MC!!! The Knowledgeable Peoples representatives, (not being satisfied), the Legislators in Power, who succeeded the 1956 Pancha Maha Balavegaya (PMB), in 1970, decided in their wisdom to utilise a system of Standardisation and District Level Quota, to offset the inadequate educational facilities in rural areas, which was clearly inequitable, in the National Perspective!!! It was Inequitable because the Students in Jaffna were EQUATED TO STUDENTS
Lester / February 27, 2024
Old Codger,
You have a lot to say for someone who recently stood in a bread line, drinks boiled water and complains about 20 Rs eggs. At the same time, you believe that the person mostly responsible for that, Velu P, is some kind of genius. Here’s a fitting quote from Einstein: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
Mahila / February 27, 2024
(Part II)
In Colombo and all others a preference – Lower marking for entry to all Premium courses of all the Universities in existence!!?? They had preferential students who didn’t have elementary English qualifications, when all reference books were only in English!!!?? How could then these medical students grasp the Subject comprehensively!!!?? So you have “HALF-BAKED” AS OUTPUTS, who naturally aren’t comprehensively qualified!!!
Presuming, that was the reason, CHIV may have applied and received a scholarship, or did follow privately secondary school in India and became a Medical student and Doctor!! So, naturally, he is grateful to India for the opportunity and continuing to serve in that country!!!
“SOMEONE WITH A SL MEDICAL DEGREE DOES NOT GO BEGGING IN INDIA” – ‘Untouchable Category’ at the best of Tolerance!!?? The status is STARK deprivation of position in Medical hierarchy – two of my relatives – my aunt and a cousin of mine – case in point!! The former went for employment in UK after trying for 2 years and Latter to USA!!??
Sri Lankan qualified doctors as far as I know are unable to practice in India as doctors, but undergo,
Mahila / February 27, 2024
(Part III)
a process to gain accreditation as in US and UK!!! SL MBBS isn’t recognised by Indian health Services!! Even in your famous Toilet Nadu!!!??? That’s the level it’s down to, as to recognition of SL MBBS!
LankaScot / February 27, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
The Cuban Hospital in Qatar has a very good reputation and that’s despite the US sanctions.
Best regards
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
LankaScot – from what i have heard there are quite a few success stories about Cuba – despite sanctions. This may be one of them.
SJ / February 27, 2024
Medicine and education are two fields in which the Cubans have served humanity in a big way.
They fought a war in Angola for some years. But not a word said by any accusing Cuban fighters of misconduct.
Native Vedda / February 27, 2024
” ….. you believe that the person mostly responsible for that, Velu P, is some kind of genius.”
Look without the massive commitment from Velu P, the Sri Lankan forces would not have won the war. Otherwise Premadasa and Mahinda would not have paid him handsomely.
Like Rohana Wijeweera he too killed many of his own people. Don’t you think it was a massive contribution for Mahinda’s victory. In addition he drew away many productive Tamils from the island. The rest chose Gota and we know how he ruined the country.
Any chance you are related to the cry baby Sarath Weerasekere?
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
Lester – I think what chiv says is that he discontinued his studies in Sri Lanka because he got a scholarship from India and went to US after completing undergrad studies in India. He may have taken the Indian scholarship due to several reasons. One being the communal violence in SL and other being it was from a better institute in India. Anyway he doesn’t want to talk about it. So no point in we keep guessing.
Lester / February 27, 2024
He said explicitly (his own words) that he was denied the right to study by GOSL. This is a falsehood, as no one, not even Prabhakaran, has ever been denied a basic education in Sri Lanka. Qualified people (of all ethnicities) have been denied a place in university, but that is due to supply and demand, not the government and not COST. In the US, for example, university is not free, so if you are a poor immigrant without residency, good luck. I don’t know why he went to India, other than some scholarship. What I know for sure is that a medical degree in SL is 4 years. Very intensive and highly lucrative if one wants to work in other countries. There is no reason to study in India. No one will drop out of an SL medical school for some second-rate training in India.
“The same report also revealed that more than 5,000 (Sri Lankan) doctors had acquired medical licences from Britain, Australia and countries in the Middle East, and a similar number have reserved slots for foreign licensing exams this year and in 2025.”
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
Lester – I didn’t see the chiv’s comment in which he had said that the government interfered with his studies. May be you are right or may be he is right. I’ve been trying to get more details from him but he is not interested in clarifying. BTW medical degree in SL is 5 years not 4. Yes, it’s true that there is a good demand for SL doctors from western countries. India too has some good medical establishments. But the problem with India is I think they have some pretty bad ones too. If we opened the flood gates to private medical unis without proper checks and balances to ensure quality we too might end up like India. If that’s what people want I guess there’s nothing much a few opposing voices can do. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.
chiv / February 26, 2024
R , looks like you have taken the bait. Now you two can go in tangent again and figure out the rest. Though you deny, Lester as your partner you keep referring as WE and US. Obviously the guy is so retarded, still hasn’t figured out what was said and keeps rambling ” who would drop out for PG in the U.S , dosen’t make any sense, more like fail out or never get admitted “. Now can you try explaining to the imbecile about under / post graduation in medical studies, and about Ivy colleges.. Good luck and have fun.
Ruchira / February 26, 2024
Hello chiv – when I said We and Us I wasn’t necessarily referring to Lester and Me. For heavens sake its figure of speech. But if you want to think it was about me and Lester pls go on. Be my guest. Not sure what the bait I have taken. Lester seems to think you are lying while I don’t. I was merely interested in knowing your story. If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine. But it was you who mentioned that you gave up medical studies in Sri Lanka because you got a scholarship from India and did your post graduate studies in the US. When you say something like that people get naturally interested in details. Hence the questions.
It looks like Lester and some others here have some form of rivalry perhaps dufferring views they hold on certain matters which are non of my business. So in eagerness of attacking each other, both sides seem to jump into conclusions that sometimes are faulty. Lester would figure out any mistakes he make on his own. I am sure he a grown ass man that doesn’t require spoon feeding. As for calling Lester and Me partners please see my comment OC here on this same thread.
SJ / February 27, 2024
“I am sure he a grown ass man that doesn’t require spoon feeding.”
BTW, grown ass man?
Not a nice thing to call a partner!
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
I honestly thought you could do better. Perhaps you can’t. And it ain’t our fault. Move on. Old and rusted insults. Find something new. If you can that is.
leelagemalli / February 27, 2024
Dear Chiv, rational thinkers would always respect you.
We have been reading your valuable comments for so long. There has been no saga between us even if some thoughts would cross that of ours. These men are sinhala-radicalists that would not care much about minority srilankens. That you will notice over the time by yourself.
This duo is destroying CYBER space of CT to the manner Rajapakshe ruined entire srilanka. The sake of your own safety, I would ask you not to reveal anything about you and your family.
chiv / February 27, 2024
LM, I readily admit to my own biases and short comings and when ever it’s obvious ( or told ) I am willing to apologize and say SORRY. I have done it a few times without being told . I have no affiliation to any Lankan political party or political leader. To be honest , I have no hopes for Lanka, which I go by my 96 year old mom. More importantly, I’m not here to make any enemies, but for sure, I cannot stand “hypocrites” , in what ever shape and size they come. I do keep reminding my self repeatedly not to be one. Otherwise I’m just an average Joe and I have said this few times before ” being a doctor is just a privilege and not an entitlement”. The day I quit I’m back to Mr and not anymore a Dr. ( the good thing is, in the U.S , rarely we are addressed as doctors instead MD after our names)
chiv / February 27, 2024
Finally , I do not want to divert or distract anyone from important matters. So this will be the last comment from me on this subject.
old codger / February 27, 2024
That was a crude attempt to get you to reveal your identity. You don’t owe anyone any explanation, least of all a couple of SB fascists.Though one promotes the JVP, I think even the JVP would stand for such an attitude. He should be pushing the Sinhala Veera Vidahana, though I doubt he’s heard of it.
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
Hello chiv – despite you wanting to leave the issue of your scholarship behind I thought I must clarify one thing. As usual old codger misrepresentswhat others say or do. In his latest comment he says it was a crude attempt to reveal your identity. Not sure how asking about a scholarship you got is an attempt to reveal your identity unless you were the only person who has received the said scholarship or among a handful of those who have. In which case you could have politely said revealing it would lead to a compromise of your anonimity hence you do not wish to do so. I guess that’s not the reason you don’t want to talk about it. This is a clear example where OC defame others and misrepresent them. Anyway good luck with your practice whereever you are based at the moment. You as far as I can see is a far more better person than our OC here.
old codger / February 27, 2024
“You as far as I can see is a far more better person than our OC here.”
Really? What a gem of a sentence from one who says government schools produce idiots by truckloads🤣🤣🤣
You asked for it, you got it.
It’s too late to back-pedal now. What you should do is to be decent and apologise to Chiv for bullying him with your mate.
Mahila / February 27, 2024
“This duo is destroying CYBER space of CT to the MANNER RAJAPAKSE RUINED ENTIRE SRI LANKA.”!!??
Don’t Forget to Add, SURFED THE CREAM INTO HIS POCKET – all the way to Santa Monica Principality and Ugandan Investment – secured for future generations of the family at the expense of Sri Lankans, who have been trained, “HOW TO STARVE – 1 YEAR”!!??
SJ / February 27, 2024
Even to respond to such tripe is to show too much respect.
old codger / February 27, 2024
Ruchira / February 25, 2024
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OC – ask what? He is right government schools keep producing idiots by truck loads.
At least check what you wrote before splitting hairs.
Ruchira / February 27, 2024
OC – What’s your point?
Ruchira / February 28, 2024
OC – on the issue of govt schools producing truck loads of idiots that you have made a comment about somewhere above. Yes I did say that. Nothing to back pedal. I also qualified it by saying they have been tolerating the nonsense that has been going on for 75 years. It wasn’t aimed at chiv or anyone in particular. If you want to be literal and split hairs I didn’t say everyone that comes out of government schools are idiots. If anyone can’t take it in the spirit with which it was uttered they infact are idiots. This is a classic example of what you do. (1) take things out of context (2) use such things taken out of context to misrepresent and even insult people who uttered them (3) clinging to petty issues to (4) deflect the focus from the bigger picture and larger issues addressed. Can only feel sorry for you.
Mahila / February 27, 2024
“Who is worse??? one who’s born with intellectual disabilities or the one, who believes and follows such retards?????”
Majority presently engaged in this discussion, that question is too complicated!! Interesting to find out, the Nature of response, if any, and the contents of response!!??
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
just becasue one single candidate to have held a speech in Tamil, you dont need to think that JVPrs are trilingual. Some donkey brays mislead us however we should not get misled by them.
Truthfully speaking, THere is a big shortage of candidates with langague skills within NPP. Not even any of them in leadership (of course except Harini) are talented at English enough to face forum discssions with foreigners.
Vijitha Herath, a current NPP MP, could speak very little english and he cant be the proper interpreter to AKD. Same is the case with Nalin Jaythissa who is said to be the future minister of health…… I wonder how would this guys ever take part in panel discussions with foreigners ….
Now they would compare that many european leaders dont speek English, however, Germans, French, and others have funds to hire interpreters while we as a begging and bankrupted nation, cant even cover our daily living by our own yet today.
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
Langauge issue is a real big shortcoming in that PARTY as I heard from some indians that shared me about the trip of AKD led delegation to india lately.
Many questioned as to why Dr HariniAmarasooriya was not seen in that delegation. If the party gives a chance to imancipation, why on earth, could not they name her to that recent official visit to India ?
That alone prove that murderous JVPrs are dominating within NPP today.
JVP has a brutal past so as the tamil rebel groups in recent past.
tHOSE mothers that lost their lovely sons in that brutal period (89 to 92), would never allow JVPrs to polarise in rural villages of srilanka.
They are yet today trarumatised as I got from the many known to me in srilanka. Now that stalker man from Bandarawela would chase me after on this point again even if he lives in srilanka not me.
Naman / February 24, 2024
Why not talk about the WOMEN who go to various foreign countries to do menial jobs to earn money to support their families?
Why not talk about the rulers who waste their hard earned foreign currency?
Many an households in SL is struggling without the Queen in the house leading to issues with child care.
The majority race should accept their faults over the last 7 decades.
Sinhala_Man / February 24, 2024
NOW, you’re talking, Naman.
old codger / February 25, 2024
“stated clearly that they reject Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalism”
When, where, and how? Proof please. Not “It’s true because I heard it”
leelagemalli / February 24, 2024
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He will definitely dodge it. I bet.
leelagemalli / February 26, 2024
Dear OC,
Let’s wait and see how our village schoolmaster or my naughty man will act this time…..that’s what grandma always said….Leopard spots never change.
He may be like a parrot in terms of some English literiture, but common knowledge seems to be not his subject.
To tell you, Old codger, We had a good Prof in Biochemistry (he was an austrian guy), he was a like a parrot too…. that did not say, that he should be the world expert in his field. The same is the case with our Bandarawela man.
old codger / February 26, 2024
He has admitted that he made a mistake, unlike some others here
leelagemalli / February 27, 2024
The problem is that he thinks we are stupid and repeats it. It goes full circle, we are still without our long awaiting answers to the magical powers of NPP. Can srilanken ECONOMIC be boomed just by punishing and hanging all corrupted politicians and public servants ?
What if trade unionists would come to street as is the case being done today ?
How would NPPrs act on them ?Today it is public secret all trade unions are constantly backed by JVP and PERATUGAMI dogs.
What if it turns out to be Gotabaya-2-drama?
Then people fall deeper and deeper into the pit, never getting out of it. All that AKD preaches (not one experience in any field) are just theoretical.. Some years ago, srilanka was still called ” pearl of the asia” with tea plantations and other beautiful sceneries, however if NPP woudl turn it another Nikaragua, not even current size of tourism would bring any forexes to the nation.
So, crimes and hatreds would go exponentially so that sinhala buddism turning to a SINAHALA BARBARISM forever.
LankaScot / February 26, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli
Speaking of Professors I worked with a Naval Architect that had a 1st(Hons) in Mathematics. My Father had acquired an old 100 foot boat without a propeller. I asked the Architect how to match a propeller to that size of boat. He gave me a 1 hour lecture on Blade design, vortex shedding and Reynolds Numbers. At the end he looked at my scribbled notes and said nonchalantly “to be honest the quickest way is to look at a boat of the same size and copy their propeller”.
The Project that we worked on was the Design and Construction of a Hyperbaric Rescue Vessel for divers. After it was built, it was tested by 16 divers sitting in the vessel for 12 hours complete with Rectal Thermometers and other medical instruments. I did not volunteer my services even for science.
Best regards
leelagemalli / February 27, 2024
Dear LS, Thank you. Glad you add meaningful comments.
We have plenty of examples of professors entering Sri Lankan politics who have completely lost – being unable to maintain their basic dignity. All this happens because most of them are based only on theories. There is a common popular saying in Sri Lanka that “Panditas cannot move from a to b via a “temporary wooden bridge”.
Professor GLP was a recognized high profile professor, but after he entered politics promoted by Rajapakse’s rabble, he further supported them. can you imagine?
Professor Rajiva Wijesinghe was the same. Prof. Paranawithana was no better. Then there is currently Prof Ranjit Bandara, another prankster who was caught ” everyone s laughing stock lately ” for having given some signals through finger-rolling tricks to his supporters in his committee where he chaired the session.
And the most famous CLOWN of all times was none other than Dr Dayan Jayathilake. All these people are real clowns after coming to Sri Lankan politics.
I don’t have such examples from Germany, because many of them entered politics as professors who have no chance of continuing in their society if bad habits or any bias are reported. From their upon, they would not have chance even to keep their Prof titles anymore.
LankaScot / February 26, 2024
Hello Naman,
There are many Sri Lankan women working in the Middle East.I met my wife in Qatar and got to know many of the Sri Lankans working there. Qatari companies generally pay all of the costs of workers coming to work especially the Supermarkets. Why do Sri Lankan Agencies tell lies about this and how do they get away with it? How does the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment get away with charging workers going abroad and give nothing in return?
We were in Qatar during the Covid lock-down. A number of our Sri Lankan friends were stranded in the Doha Industrial Area with no food, no money and no help from the Embassy or the Bureau. Luckily with a little help from highly placed colleagues I was able to gain entry and help them out. I met one of them recently here in Sri Lanka. He blamed the Sri Lankan Embassy for abandoning them. Many of the women that I met had children and husbands back in Sri Lanka. Usually the Grandparents or Aunties were looking after the children.
Best regards
Mahila / February 27, 2024
“Grandparents or Aunties were looking after the children!!”
Grandparents and Aunties looking after the children is welcome, as they are easier going than Parents!! Welcome action by children! So we can send more women to Middle East, and we (those stuck here) have a cosy life!? Otherwise, we may have to curtail the subsidised meals to our erudite parliamentarians.
Mahila / February 27, 2024
Naman, How could you think that Sri Lankans ever made any mistake!!! They never make Mistakes, including last 7 decades!!??? The Mistake was done by God himself, none other, because God made them Humans and domicile in SL!!??
Please tell me who is the Sri Lankan guy who ever made any mistake at all during their lifetime!!?? Even if they had they would accept it!!! The reason they don’t accept any mistake or aren’t accountable, is because they didn’t do anything of that sort!!!???
NO WOUNDER – BANKRUPTCY 03/2022 – BUNKALOTHU! Trying to be sociable – Gesture in case you don’t know meaning of ENGLISH (“Kaduwa”) word!!???
Naman / February 25, 2024
SL being predominantly Buddhist country, is allowing alcohol and drugs abuse; Gambling; hate speeches by both clergy and laypeople. The country needs Councils that can exert pressure on errant professionals/clergy
SLMC needs to take action against the doctors giving false medical reports.
SLMC should regularly publish their actions taken against these errant Doctors. Judiciary/Media/ Religious bodies should also do so.
SJ / February 27, 2024
India is not a predominantly Buddhist country but allow much worse in places.