By Anton Fernando –
It is true that countries need plans for progress and embark on projects to create economic opportunities for all citizens. However it is imperative that we carefully study the feasibility of such endeavors and assess their cost versus benefit to the country.
It is widely held by the people of Sri Lanka that ‘Development’ necessarily involves the construction of massive buildings and other structures, the more massive and larger-scale the better. The idea behind this simplistic notion is that giant skyscrapers similar to those in Hong Kong, Dubai or Singapore will deliver unprecedented economic prosperity to the country. This is based on poor understanding of finances, and an inability to see beyond surface appearances, which is a national characteristic of us Sri Lankans. The idea that large buildings and other structures, in and of themselves constitute Development was actively promoted by those who carried out this Development, namely, the Rajapaksa regime. Now, after three decades of such Development, it is clear that it benefited the regime, family and cronies, but not the country. Even after allegations of large scale corruption that lay underneath this Development became common knowledge, Sri Lankans have shown that they are willing to overlook such misconduct and re-elect corrupt politicians, telling themselves that “It is OK, at least they have done Development”. But there is a glaring question: if this Development is supposed to benefit the country, why are we in such dire economic straits?
The vast majority of people of Sri Lanka blindly trust their political leaders to properly manage the affairs of the country. There are many qualified advisors and professional experts employed by the Government as well as the private sector, who the people assume their leaders consult, and make sound judgments. Therefore, when it comes to the new Development projects, they believe that these are based on intelligent choices that will deliver a higher standard of living for the people and prosperity in general. It is also assumed that such decisions would be based on financial affordability, a proper consideration of the environmental impact, and Sri Lanka’s own needs and priorities.
Let us examine two major completed Development projects in Sri Lanka, the Mattala airport and the Hambantota Harbour. These were not conceptualized, planned and initiated according to the needs of the Sri Lankan people. It is evident that proper cost versus benefit projections, and environmental impact evaluations were not made. This kind of Development has yielded the ”world’s emptiest airport” and a “port without shipping”. The harbor has managed to look profitable by shifting cargo from the Colombo harbor.
In addition, the administration of the Colombo Port City, the largest ever financial investment undertaken in Sri Lanka, financed and being built by China, is shrouded in suspicion regarding ownership and sovereignty. The special Economic Zone of the Port City is not subject to local authorities including the Jurisdiction of Courts of Sri Lanka. While many foreign enterprises are expected to operate on the site, there is no clear expectation that it will primarily benefit Sri Lanka. Critics have pointed out that the location could be used as a haven for money laundering. Again, what is the use of the “Lotus Tower”, another high priced, bombastic project, to the people of Sri Lanka?
We must ask who wanted these Development projects? China has enticed a large number of countries in different parts of the world with massive loans for development projects. These projects, mostly dealing with infrastructure, have been envisioned to fulfill China’s master plan to lure as many countries as possible to be indebted to China and become coerced sponsors of a colossal intercontinental Belt and Road Initiative. In short, the Mega Projects in Sri Lanka are part of China’s schemes thrust upon Sri Lanka, to benefit China, and are rightly known as ‘debt traps’.
A common feature that connects these Development projects in Sri Lanka is their secrecy and lack of transparency. No details of the progress of such ventures are divulged to the public. The tactical hallmark of the perpetrators of these projects is obfuscation and deceit, designed to keep the public in the dark. Citizens and civil society are never consulted, while a handful of politicians have made highly impactful decisions, apparently based solely on what is in it for their personal gain.
Considering the above, we are compelled to ask the following questions: (1) Did our political leaders know that these ‘Development’ projects were a disaster to the country? (2) Were they hoodwinked into agreeing to the plans of a foreign power? (3) Or, did they know about the negative impact of these projects, but they did not want to let the people know? (4) Were personal enrichment and the image-boost from these ‘Development’ projects too good to ignore?
The policies and activities of the Rajapaksa clan of which massive and un-repayable Chinese ‘Development’ loans are a central feature, have precipitated Sri Lanka to becoming the worst performing country in Asia. People are suffering from shortages of food, fuel, and increase in price of all goods. The country has achieved the dubious distinction of being bankrupt, and an international beggar state. The foolish embracement of proposals by foreign powers has resulted in financial catastrophe. Currently, the Sri Lankan Government is busy devising ways to handing over tracts of prime land as payments for loans. The entire country is made to suffer from an unprecedented disaster, and the people are living in a state of hopelessness and misery. Moreover, we have reports of further enticements from China to take on more ‘Development’ projects.
Will there be any consequences for making such horrible blunders to make the country suffer an unprecedented debacle? Not a hope! Complete immunity is guaranteed by the total subservience of the entire governing system to the Rajapaksa clan. This has been made possible by their two-thirds majority in the Parliament that enabled them to amend the constitution to grant themselves near authoritarian powers. While severe punishments are meted out to perpetrators of relatively minor crimes, these politicians responsible for the current tragedy, live with nonchalance and enjoy luxurious lives in a parallel world. For them, stupidity and greed pays!
What do we do now? Certainly, we cannot afford to let this pattern of blunders and corruption to continue. As a nation we need a different way of thinking and a different set of leaders with the best interest of the country as their sole focus. It is the patriotic duty of all right thinking citizens, and in particular, the different elites, to organize themselves for electing to power a national government of enlightened, honest and capable political leaders dedicated to the national interest, not to their personal interest. The potential to defeat the Rajapaksas by a coalition of good men and women of all ethnicities, religions, and other groups has never been so pronounced as it is today.
Captain Morgan / December 8, 2021
This is truly a Five Star article. The author is a man who can think very clearly and express himself explicitly and fearlessly. This piece should be translated into Sinhala and Tamil and published in all the newspapers.
Dinuk / December 8, 2021
US citizen Basil Rajapakse, a high school drop out, who was Minister of Economic Development and now Finance is certainly intellectually and morally bankrupt.. so what do you expect for Lanka?!
At least the Chinese have built power plants and BMICH and theaters in Sri Lanka…What has the US built in Lanka? Nothing! The US asset strips countries like the Kerawelapitiya power plant.
USAID funds to and jaunts for politicians to “strenghten democracy” turned the parliament into a cesspit of corruption!
Funding to Law courts is for Lawfare to tie up the country in arbitration in Singapore courts.The so-called USAID Human Rights and minority projects promote divisions and now the US is asset stripping Lanka taking Yugadhanavi power plant!
nimal fernando / December 9, 2021
In the picture …… the Rajapakse brothers lined up wearing the red shawl around their neck …….. reminds of Marx Brothers ……….
“Monkey Business”
nimal fernando / December 9, 2021
The Rajapakses wear backwardness as a badge of honour ……. the “Sinhala-Buddhists” and many other Lankans see it as a virtue ………
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
Monkey business of MEDAMULANA horu at its heights.
One another nidoskota nidasak nadu .. telecasted today.
See, how this principal reacted in 2018.
Dinuk / December 9, 2021
This article reads like Cold War anti-China and BRI, propaganda from the US. China presents a real development Alternative to the FAILED Washington Consensus, OECD and Paris Club Debt Trap, colonial development policies that enable Economic Colonization of Africa, Asia and the Global South.
At least China has added value and land to Sri Lanka by building Colombo Port city, harbours, etc. USA only asset strips countries and calls it foreign investment!
This article echoes the CIA bots who spread anti-China propaganda and hate on Facebook and Social Media to divide and rule as Frances Haugan showed was happening in Myanmar and Ethiopia – a CIA Regime Change strategy.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
Please watch this video.
AKD is the most sensitive leader of the day. If anyone would not see it yet today, he or she should be deaf and blind.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
GONPART (not having a vision)- Mahindha Idealogy is to be blamed for the high interest loans taken for white elephant projects.
It is high time to CONFISTCATE all the high assets of RAJAPAKSHES in order to pay off the billions of dollars loan payments.
Srialnken media dont YET seem to reveal the truth, every huge loans that are before the nation today were taken in the second term of BP Mahinda from 2010 – 2015.
What good governance did was, struggled to gap up the loans taken by MAHINDA taking further loans. Today s media should speak out the truth … at least today. It is very unfair to fool the very same – battered nation again and again
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
what have they achieved for the people since Nov 2021
Nothing, #Let me recap for the waking up your impaired memories.
But to them in that family and their henchmen….. it became a black market like place… today no respect, but any rascals, thugs are kept above the law…..
1) They got all various high crime investigations of Rajapakshes exonerated by make kneel down the JUDICIARY. In a civlized country, people would stand to tear off the rajapakshes, but our people are made standstill by their thurggery starting from parliament to outside world.
2) One of their ELECTION pledges which was to release a multi convicted murderer, Drug kinpin, Duminda Silva, the brother of HIRU TV channel owner was released not respecting any prevailing laws
3) Wimal Buruwanse, Gonthadipila or the like men, that were constituents of the current coalition were freed from their ongoing crime cases, nullifying them its continuance. This is a gerater threat to prevailing law and order, but RAJAPKSHES made keel down the JUDICIATRY by appointing that EVA WANASUNDHARA as their family judge. How would the CHILDREN of this country ever learn to respect ” justice and law and order” ?
Raj-UK / December 8, 2021
The uncomfortable truth exposed by Anton Fdo.
Whether the Rajapakse regime was taken for a ride (in which case, sheer incompetence) or knowingly participated in large scale corruption, the current economic situation is the direct result of failed ‘investments’ & vanity projects, from air ports & harbours to conference halls & sports grounds. The Port City is most likely to be a colony of China (as Macau) with no control by SL govt, at best, or a ghost city with empty buildings, as happened to many such development projects in the middle East, at worst. Either way, no benefit for SL. Certainly, many involved earned mega bucks, therefore, a form of treachery.
Have the Sinhala nationalists who considered a federal solution for Tamil autonomy in the North unacceptable & hailed the Rajapakses as the saviours of the nation yet to realise the same heroes have sold the country to foreigners & earned commission in the process? Is there any political party prepared to investigate all these dud ‘investments’ & convict those responsible?
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2021
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leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
Well done thanks for making it shorter ☹☹☹☹☹☹🐕🐕🐕🐕
Rajash / December 8, 2021
Golden Gate Kalyani is another one.
People get hallucinated when they drive through glittering bridges or drive past glittering Lotus Tower or admire the glitter from their high rise flats or a sigh of envy from their shanties.
But all that glitter is not gold – and people are realising it.
old codger / December 8, 2021
“The idea behind this simplistic notion is that giant skyscrapers similar to those in Hong Kong, Dubai or Singapore will deliver unprecedented economic prosperity”
We as a nation practice what is known in Sinhala as “boru-shoak” .
Given a choice of TV for example, the average citizen will go for the biggest one whether he can afford it or not, and that too on hire purchase. It’s the same with vehicles. But few can afford brand-new vehicles, except for some Indian brands.
We admire our fancy highways, which only enable us to get stuck in traffic jams halfway across the country. The real need was for overbridges or bypasses in major towns, plus improved suburban transport. As the author mentions, we are saddled with a useless airport, harbour, and a ridiculous tower in Colombo. It isn’t China that is to blame. Our very own leaders asked for and got whatever they wanted.
Rajash / December 9, 2021
OC – agreed. One of Rajapaksa “payrolled” journalist Jamila Husain was comparing the Golden Gate Kalyani bridge to the Bandra Worli Sea Link in Mumbai India.
I have travelled to Mumbai a lot before this sea link was and after. There was an economic necessity for this sea link. Linking the business district of Mumbai to Western mumbai there by cutting commuting time, pollution and increase economic activity. A clear payback and tangible and non tangible benefit.
Where as the Golden Gate Kalyani is a “boru-shoak” .as you rightly point out.
The poor Journalist aim is to hood wink the 6.9
old codger / December 9, 2021
These journalists have no sense of proportion. The B-W Bridge is 5.6 km. long and cost 16 billion USD, all done without debt. When will we get to that level?
SJ / December 9, 2021
“When will we get to that level?”
Building without borrowing or building a bridge longer than 5.6 km?
Ranil was thinking of a much longer bridge some 20+ years ago.
old codger / December 10, 2021
Building without borrowing. I consider the latest bridge an expensive overkill. Something like the Japan-SL Friendship bridge on the Thotalanga side would have served just as well. Who are we trying to fool?
nimal fernando / December 9, 2021
The Nelum Kuluna was built ……. because France had the Eiffel Tower!
Wonder if Eagle Eye or Soma could sell Nelum Kuluna …….. like the guy who sold the Eiffel Tower twice …….. :))
The Burj Khalifa is mostly empty …… so is Petronas ……… only Trump Tower is full for a whole host of different reasons! :))
Mahila / December 9, 2021
OC and Nimal,
Who wants to attach prominence to Nelum mal?
A Political party
This was planned to gain popularity, and as a propaganda tool to enhance their image for political purposes.
Your assumption is as god as mine. Free and permanent advertisement and reminder to all voters!
R Bros Inc., were the beneficiaries – both tangible and intangible!!
a14455 / December 9, 2021
I suppose you love sitting in traffic for 1 hour when you can use this bridge and get to kadawata in 8 mins?
old codger / December 9, 2021
“when you can use this bridge and get to kadawata in 8 mins?”
Why don’t you try getting to Kadawata in 8 minutes without using your private helicopter?
SJ / December 9, 2021
He did not say from where.
old codger / December 10, 2021
You can’t even get to the bridge in 8 minutes from Kadawata. I can certify that. This guy is well known for outright lying.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
Dear OC,
I OFFERED him Ratathanakola. This guy A14455, is a birth failure.. his genetics should have lot of similarities to that of OUR ULTRA RACIST Eagle Eye.
These men have lost their faces today. There are rumours, that ballige puthas line up now to go to IMF tomorrow.
What happeend to GOTA s miracles ? That was just thrill to ultra modayas of A14455 nature.
Rajash / December 10, 2021
From where to Kadawata?
Is Kadawatta an industrial or financial centre to where thousands of people commute to work from the other side of the bridge? To compare it to B-W bridge.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
a14455 / December 9, 2021
As you know they are now about to change the staple from ” rice ” to ” ratathanakola”:
I now know why ? Your kind of bastards would never see it right … regardless of you being an expat.
I know it from my own experience ( I was in the country from Oct 20 to Nov 7)… the area is highly crowded by vehicular traffic. The bridge could reduce traffic by few minutes but not saving 52 minutes. not at all… please let us feed you properly with RATATHANAKOLA…. you deserve it.
SJ / December 9, 2021
Why do people object to this project?
It is Japanese funded, not…
a14455 / December 10, 2021
My opinion prof
The crowd here does not represent average Sri Lankans. They have either their political agenda or some racial agenda. It does not matter if a development project is useful or not they hate the Rajapaksa’s.
chiv / December 10, 2021
a 00000, Average Lankan retard who voted for Rajapaksas are reportedly now ready with broomsticks to give a warm welcome to them. Why don’t you try telling to public in Kadawata , what you write here ??
Rajash / December 10, 2021
a14455 list one development project the is generating revenue
a14455 / December 12, 2021
I was travelling from Dematagoda to Kadawatha in a pick me. I have the video to prove it. It is sad these monkeys are probably living in another country talking crap. laughable.
Rajash / December 12, 2021
You were the only one?
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
Dont trust him Rajash, I too used TUK TUK… 3 times during my recent visit. You are guys are right with the speed of a threewheeler….no matter facts would make it very clear, but A14455, or th elike would never want to consider them.
old codger / December 12, 2021
“I was travelling from Dematagoda to Kadawatha in a pick me. I have the video to prove it. “
Of course, of course. But as usual you cleverly fail to mention that the pick me was travelling at 180 kmph so that it could do the 24 km in 8 minutes. Do you really expect that other people, even monkeys, are as obviously stupid as the pick me passenger?? Did you even finish 4th grade maths?
What a miserable retard.
Ashan / December 8, 2021
The Chinese are allowed to bite off huge chunks our little island, and the Rajapaksa’s served it to them many times including the chopsticks.
If this was done by any opposition member he/she would have been accused of being a traitor. Where are the Sinhala nationalists who accused the Muslims of taking over the country? Are they okay with an alien nation owning us? We have seen mismanagement, corruption, racism, failure, collapse of our economy, and it could all be blamed on nepotism, cronyism, and unqualified criminals in the government. Unfortunately we can have no faith that this lot will not be elected once again, once we get rid of them….Sri Lankans have very short memories, and poor judgement, when it comes to voting for leaders.
SJ / December 8, 2021
Can you please tell us how much of Sri Lanka has been bitten off by private developers in real estate and plantations?
Whatever was given on long lease to the Chinese was by the Yahapalanaya government. In fairness to MR, he opposed the deal in Hambantota.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2021
Can you list the seaports in the world those had their breakeven point in five years? Can you put here a development proposal to a port showing how to repay the loan in the first five year from its income. I am not asking you to consider how isolated the Hangbangtota is.
Those who blame Ranil on Hangbangtota sale is comparable only to animals below dogs because dogs have faith, at least.
Ranil is the one rewrote the Colombo Pong Cing because it was given in freehold. He did his best save these without taking IMF loan (Which old King took) only to protect Old King being staged on UN Electric Chair. If Ranil was not there in 2015, Old Rowdy wouldn’t have been able to leave Temple Tree House on the January 9th Morning.
” In fairness to MR, he opposed the deal in Hambangtota.” What was the fairness there? What party was Old Rowdy that time and what Party was Rail then? If you say “Sampanthan Aiyya never voted against the 10% defense budgets” then that is in fairness for Sampanthan Aiyya because he was the OPL. Know it that English sentences’ has a meaning.
Don’t be such a silly sally coocoo to spit out immediately anything coming into the dry brain.
SJ / December 9, 2021
“Know it that English sentences’ has a meaning.”
Meaning like all his sentences written under the influence of unprescribed medication!
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2021
It seems this time you got something. Yes, you have perfectly applied the lesson boss taught in parliament. This is because the boss who now couldn’t do the trade freely, blaming “It was not me, it was Piraba”. Thanks Buddha, you are not let bankrupt because the part of the 25% female parliamentarians of Lankawe will get Ganja cultivated tax free. That time the Rapist Army which is squeezing the boss will soon seat the boss on the horse cart and pull him on Velanai roads, like Don Stephen did to Sir Pon Ramanathan in Colombo roads, before he kicked Tamils to India. All the sea rise one time, ebbs another time. “Yethatkum oru Kalam Varum”. Be ready to witness it.
RohanaW / December 9, 2021
What was the alternative MR had? He would have just handed over the whole thing.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
He could work with experts at the time he decided it for R&D Ptojects with china had he brain s to see that rebuilding the society is even more important/ the bugger would nt have let the country fallen in to debt trap as is the case the nation is caught. Germany was and the aftermath was multiple times brutal but they rebuilt the society immediately after the brutal war was over. All party conferences and national council s worked together. In srilanka/ Rajapakshes were easily baited by cruel chinese in the same time our ballige putha never thought beyond pocket filling and becoming wealthy on the cost of the people ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
Ajith / December 9, 2021
Native Vedda / December 10, 2021
“Whatever was given on long lease to the Chinese was by the Yahapalanaya”
Who decided Hambantota needed an expensive harbour?
Who carried out the feasibility study?
How did Rajapaksa select the contractor?
Did Rajapaksas call for an open tender
Who brought Chinese contractors to build the harbour?
Who borrowed the loan to build the harbour?
Did he or his functionaries shop around for the best priced loan?
Who paid additional £150 million to the same contractors to remove a huge rock which should have been removed before the Chinese company start building the harbour, instead the company charged additional $150 Million just to remove the rock.
Did the contractors or the lender do a due diligence of the government?
Out of the total cost what was the % of commission agreed and paid to obtain the contract.
What sort of pressure the Chinese government/its functionaries exerted on Rajapaksa to get the contract?
Let us hear why Sri Lanka was unable to repay the loan if Rajapaksas had done proper feasibility study?
Why didn’t the benevolent China write off at least half of the loan?
asoka1958 / December 8, 2021
Good article Anton.
Indeed millions of Lankans take great pride in admiring the new roads , airports etc , blindly mistaking them as develpment, not a debt trap.
The basic question one must ask is “ has anybody gotten rich by spending with a credit card?”
R’s and even Ranil/Sira too knew this borrowing was unsustainable but they all knew what low below- a chunk of commissions.
The bigger question is this. Our constitution calls for the Legislature and the judiciary to check the Executive performance. That is the very essence of JRJ’s foolish constitution. But due to this flawed constitution, the legislature and the judiciary failed act as this much needed check . Instead they have become part and parcel of the Executive branch.
The dangerous 20th Awas a death knell to whatever checks and balances we had left.
It is also the 20 th A, that allowed Gota to unilaterally and overnight ban chemical fertilizer. This type of massive executive power at the hands of an arrogant fool ruined what little economic activity we had ; agriculture!
Every single Lankan who voted to allow R’s to enable 20 th A and every single MP , including those who were bribed should take direct responsibility for our sad status today.
Brits were so darn right in 1948. We as a nation is not mature enough to manage a Democracy !!
Eagle Eye / December 9, 2021
“Indeed millions of Lankans take great pride in admiring the new roads , airports etc , blindly mistaking them as develpment, not a debt trap.”
Debt trap was not created by leaders who built roads, ports, airports from borrowed money. They built those things not because millions of Sri Lankans take great pride in admiring them but because they were identified by experts as necessary investments for long term development of the country.
Debt trap was created by ‘Yahapalana’ Royal Gang who borrowed but did not produce any tangible or intangible output. Yet, money evaporated.
old codger / December 9, 2021
“They built those things not because millions of Sri Lankans take great pride “
No, of course not. The Rajapaksas built them so they could be named after themselves.
SJ / December 9, 2021
Do the Brits know how to handle democracy?
They are now a colony of their former colony.
a14455 / December 9, 2021
“Brits were so darn right in 1948. We as a nation is not mature enough to manage a Democracy !!”
I can only cringe in shame.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
a14455 / December 9, 2021
WOW; finally something intelligent is being made by this joker.
Nobody else, medamulana rascals destroyed our democray. May be JR s open economy would be blamed further, but SLFP led coaliation was in power since 1994, they could well implement the reforms, if they really wanted. Just stay attacking JRJ would not bring much.
Anyways, Sepal and Sudda stop licking the backsides of Rajapakses – you guys too should take them as the example.
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2021
“Let us examine two major completed Development projects in Sri Lanka, the Mattala airport and the Hambantota Harbour. These were not conceptualized, planned and initiated according to the needs of the Sri Lankan people.”
It is good if you studied the background of these projects before coming out with inaccurate conclusions.
Some people try to give the impression that these projects are Rajapakshe’s projects and they are a failure. The truth is, these projects were identified, conducted feasibility studies and designed by members of the Southern Development Board appointed by President Chandrika Kumaratunga. Although she appointed the members to this Board, she did not show any interest to implement those projects because ???
In fact, the idea of Hambantota port was in the pipeline for a long time but for some unknown reasons previous Governments did not take the initiative to implement the project. Some experts say Hambantota port could be a ‘Gold Mine’ for Sri Lanka. Rajapakshe regime took the initiative to implement the project and had plans to develop an industrial zone to attract foreign investors. ‘Yahapalana’ guys threw those plans to the dust bin. They dumped paddy in Mattala airport and ruined that.
Projects of this nature have a long gestation period. But anti-Rajapakshe morons do not understand that and say they are failures.
old codger / December 9, 2021
“President Chandrika Kumaratunga. Although she appointed the members to this Board, she did not show any interest to implement those projects because ???”
You must give her credit for having more brains than Rajapaksa morons.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
Exactly the truth
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
there were posts circulating in Social media lately, if DA Rajaakshes was trained to use ” CONDOMS – AND PRECEVATIVES- srilanka would not have been robbed out to the manner it is seen today.
Molahathano became as such, because his education is not beyond GRADE 7.
This is the reason why CBK made it very clear ” uncultured, uncivilized bastards born to Medamulana hen”: My elders too revealed, they were called cattle thieves in Beliatta to that time.
asoka1958 / December 9, 2021
Eagle Eye- Sorry but I can only laugh at your comments, sir! A blunder is a blunder!
All leaders face millions of demands but has borrowed cash only for a few. So a smart leases pick those that gives most return fir the buck.
Hambantota has proved to give the least return fir the buck. So much so we had to lease it back to China in fear of default.
These foolish investments have now come back to bite us huge. We are broke sir!
nimal fernando / December 8, 2021
This may sound crazy but true ………
The sole responsibility for Lanka’s plight today, rests with one person: Ranil ……….
People are free to indulge in stupidity only when they are comfortable in their daily existence ………..
Hardship has a incredibly funny way of dragging peoples noses in reality ………
The economic hardship the people/country is facing today would’ve happened way back in 2002 if Ranil did not rescue the economy back then ……… Mahinda would’ve never become the president ……… Ranil’s economic-rescue in 2002 paved the way for Mahinda’s presidency in 2005
Again the people would’ve felt this economic hardship way back in 2015 …….. if Ranil did nor rescue the economy for the second time ……… Ranil’s economic rescue of 2015 – 2019 paved the way for Mahinda’s resurgence in 2019 ……..
Now, Ranil has no chance of rescuing the economy as his chances of coming to power is 0 ……… as a result the Rajapakses have no chance of coming to power again ………… or remaning in power …….
nimal fernando / December 8, 2021
Now, on empty stomachs, standing in long queues for days, in the dark without lights ……… whether they like it or not, people can’t help but know who the Rajapakses are …………
Better late than never!
It’s the economy, stupid. …….. that feeds you ……… not “Sinhala-Buddhism.”
Eagle Eye / December 9, 2021
“It’s the economy, stupid. …….. that feeds you ……… not “Sinhala-Buddhism.”
There is nothing called ‘Sinhala-Buddhism’. This is a term coined by anti-Buddhist mafia. Sinhalayo follow Buddhism preached by Siddhartha Gautama (aka Buddha). People in this country are not that dumb to think Buddhism is going to fill their stomachs. They follow Buddhism for a different purpose. It is a pity that anti-Buddhist morons cannot understand that.
nimal fernando / December 9, 2021
“Sinhalayo follow Buddhism preached by Siddhartha Gautama (aka Buddha).”
Oh! really? …….. Now, who’s the moron? :))))
Ashan / December 9, 2021
That is correct. If Ranil had a spine, and refused to go along with the Rajapaksas, did not become a dog in the manger and refuse to let go of the reins, and hand it over to others, and had a good record during his term, we would not have been cursed with this regime. Let us not forget the other miserable failure, Sirisena. He should take responsibility for the plight he put this country in, INCLUDING doing NOTHING when intelligence officials from around the world warned him about the Easter Day Bombings. With pathetic leaders like this, Sri Lanka has no chance to progress and survive.
old codger / December 9, 2021
If Ranil grows a bushy moustache , takes to patting babies, and learns how to make jokes, we would have a dream leader………competency and charisma in the same person!
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2021
“The policies and activities of the Rajapaksa clan of which massive and un-repayable Chinese ‘Development’ loans are a central feature, have precipitated Sri Lanka to becoming the worst performing country in Asia.
Mahila / December 9, 2021
It is axiomatic, that one’s eyes do not help to see his own face. Sadhu! Sadhu!!
Mahila / December 9, 2021
Then it could well be termed CS as well!
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2021
“While severe punishments are meted out to perpetrators of relatively minor crimes, these politicians responsible for the current tragedy, live with nonchalance and enjoy luxurious lives in a parallel world.”
Very true. The politicians responsible for the current tragedy are now in the opposition. Politicians responsible for robbing the Central Bank and allowed Muslim terrorists to go ahead with terrorist attacks enjoy a luxurious life.
Mahila / December 9, 2021
Your reference, “Very true. The politicians responsible for the current tragedy are now in the opposition.”
They did very well indeed by implementing haphazardly the following:
1. The banning of chemical fertiliser, without proper alternate policy current harvest Failure
2. Ordering Non-compliant organic fertiliser from china and rejecting only when ship arrived
3. Gas explosion Fiasco, by uncontrolled change in composition – not scientific!
4. No addition of Ethyl M to identify gas leak when it occurs pre-emptively; Lack of $$$?
5. Consequently lives lost and fellow human maimed for life; No consequence as dispensable!
6. Delay vaccine importation due lack of $$$ and misguide citizens ‘Dhammika Pani and Pots’
There can be many more added to the listing for the past 2 years since 2019 and nothing to do with the times before as it belongs to present “Saubhakya Dekma” proposed by ‘Viyathmaga’ and ‘Eliya’ as part of election pledge to bamboozle 6.9 Million rural masses.
What I am not very sure of is whether they are now in the opposition or government???
Although, I feel, I have “EAGLE VISION, I UNDERGO VISION BLURR BOUT CONFUSION”, time to time.
Pardon for such failing! I am only human!!!
Mahila / December 9, 2021
What an exemplary achievement, that,
1. First time ever, since the ‘Red China’ or the People’s Republic of China (PRC) commenced trade and diplomatic relations with SL, approximately 75 years ago that PRC has sued this resplendent isle of default in a trade transactions and again,
2. 1st time in the history of the People’s Bank of SL, being black listed. Bank founded in the 1960’s by then Trade and Commerce Minister, Illangaratne, to assist the small sized indigenous trader and industrialists and unblemished record for almost 60+ years!
What a Feat of unmatched quality? None could ever match!
No understanding of Science, or legality of Trade and commercial instruments – Letters of Credit (LC).
Childish or ‘Thanakola’ guzzling monsters trying to be whiz kids?
True to Sri Lankan Character, none will admit and be responsible and accountable!
So we dot learn a “lesson from our mistakes” – enhance knowledge base, but instead whitewash the incident and move on!!
No guarantee it will not be repeated as much as we see that the lives of common man/woman is expendable!! Gas leaks and explosions, people “Cooking their Food”; Akin to Rathupuswella tragedy incident seeking “Drinking Water”
Impeccable “Governance” indeed
SJ / December 8, 2021
The author should also do some research on the current bids to sell out to India and the US.
a14455 / December 8, 2021
There are two options available to you.
Vote for Sajith and those morons and they will do nothing at all
Vote for JVP and make sure another Khmer Rouge.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
a14455 / December 8, 2021
And the option for you the idiots that promoted – petrol attendet as the incubment president
Go to the nearest PSYCHOLOGIST/psychiatrist.
But please leave the healthy … because they should treat others as well.
a14455 / December 9, 2021
given your history of mental illness can you recommend me a name of such a healthcare professional ?
Many thanks -dear donkey
Paul / December 9, 2021
If Chinese investment is such a bad thing how is it that Western nations are vying for it? This is from 2015.
Mahila / December 9, 2021
Good morning
Chinese investment shouldn’t be dismissed as bad/worse than investment from sources, including Western, Oriental, Middle- Eastern and South Asian., including so called independent/impartial lenders IMF, IBRD, ADB.
Lenders of any colour, hue and shape they come are, first and foremost “Lenders”!
They are seeking to enhance their investors and people who provide the finances (shall I say) more than to whom they lend.
if they could get away with it, well why not?! Profit of course is the motive and don’t blame them!
What the recipients are supposed to do is to critically analyst the offer, whether “Solicited or unsolicited”, like what one would do ‘When out shopping for your staples’! None less, except is more sophisticated!!
Contribution to national economy, why, who and when the funded project would commence to be used and viability?
Importantly Return on Investment (RoI), which should be sufficient to repay the loan over its term.
NO RoI or EIA was done.
If it was done, those “responsible meet their waterloo” at Galle Face! Sialkot in the shade!!
Development loans interest rate (normally very low or zero), not the case with the Chinese loans
Grace period required.
Grants preferable – BMICH 1975
Eagle Eye / December 9, 2021
“If Chinese investment is such a bad thing how is it that Western nations are vying for it?”
Chinese investments are bad for Sri Lanka because Hindia and Uncle Sam do not like Chinese presence in this country. Ironically, they want to attract Chinese investments to their countries.
When China wanted to invest in renewable energy projects in three islands in the North, there were objections from Tamils but when Adani want to invest that is ‘VERY GOOD’.
old codger / December 9, 2021
Investment is not a bad thing, wherever it comes from. The recipient must have the ability to select the right investments, not just flashy ones he can name after himself.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2021
In the US, China puts its money on the Bond market or shares. Most of the time the bond is converted as investment in the US. In Lankawe it is put as short-term investment loans. But the investments are white elephants, so they don’t turn into investment but stand as loan until China forfeiture the property. Then it is 200% loss Lankawe. In addition, in Lankawe, China takes back the money as material charge and labor charge. That is remitted in dollars. Then the outstanding loan is remitted in dollars. So, for one single loan Lankawe pays two-dollar payments. Lankawe gets a loan in Yuan. Lankawe spend that in importing consumer goods. So Lankawe let all its money bleed in three times for one white elephant. In the UK if it puts investments in dollar or pounds, they benefit because their employees conduct the projects, and they even supply the materials. The projects generate ample cash, then they pay back any loan or bond part of the investment. If China had bought shares as investments, they never get back the money, other than dividends. They may start to sell only if they find they are losing on the share. Then it was China that lost, not the country it invested in. China plays games only on poor, cash dried Modayas. You heard about Uganda too.
asoka1958 / December 9, 2021
All capitalist economies are vying for investment by any company including foreign. The invested moves their production facilities to the receiving nation thus bringing capital and know how resulting in employment, generating local support business and tax revenue.
But what China is doing is not that for the most part. They are acquiring access to our country fir their Geo- Political ambitions by lending us $ for non rewarding investments thereby winning the hearts of the leaders. How else can you explain the millions port city corporation paid millions to Rajapaksha campaign just before 2015 election?
In actual fact they bribe themselves into SL. They scratch each other’s back. Then those foolish projects fail and we cannot honor repayments , they buy us out on 99 year leases thus controlling those assets. ie. Hambantota port, airport etc.
The fault lies with our foolish, ill educated , corrupt leaders.
Not China’s. They only take advantage. China is a predator.
Now generations to come will have to battle the Chinese to rid them, just like we did with Brits etc. R’s will be long dead and gone!
Captain Morgan / December 9, 2021
Paul: Chinese Investments are one thing but Chinese Loans are an entirely different thing. Please try to see the distinction.
old codger / December 9, 2021
“Chinese Loans are an entirely different thing. “
There would be no Chinese loans if nobody asked for them. Neither would there be Bangladeshi or Indian loans. The problem is with us and our governments. Take the bridge for example. Why was such a fancy structure built, when a simple one like the Thotalanga bridge would have done? We simply don’t live within our means. We want free education, healthcare, fertilizer, cheap food, and government jobs with pensions,but at the same time we want high tax-free salaries!
Do you think this is sustainable? Don’t blame the money-lender. The reason why the government doesn’t want to go to the IMF is that the IMF will insist on an end to profligate spending.
leelagemalli / December 9, 2021
too much of a good thing could lead to a destruction, my mother repeated.
She was wise. MR et al could go for it with respect of the expertise of the experts in the areas. He should also have invested a lot for REBUILDING the society. The bugger et al had no brains, and brutal family never listened to the experts. As is the case in current today.
He played with the lives of own people, but being POWER INTOXICATED…. and srilanken artists too should be blamed to have KEPT Mahinda above the sky….. above the law….. calling him Rajathuma… the kind of uneducated buggers would not bear the kind of fake adulation after some levels…. today, entire nation/country is thrown to a debt trap… with the high interest loans, Rajapkshes took in the name of so called development.
Chinese cherrypicked STUPID leaders in Asia and African contenents fo rtheir future. NO matter any country would not be able to PAY OFF the loans, the Chinese are still the winners because they can aquire the properities of those countriies, providing their peoples future employments.
Sinhala_Man / December 9, 2021
Anton Fernando,
This is wonderful writing. It is clear, easy to read, told directly, and appeals to our common sense. Yes, I go along with what you say. However, despite all those qualities, there still are some who will not agree; who go along with the theory that Rajapaksas were not guilty of all this.
I must listen to those who claim differently what we hold to be true, but it will not be easy for anybody to get me to rubbish your message. Also, I think that it is time that we stopped allowing ourselves to be persuaded by all these Youtube videos which try to confuse us by getting us to listen to crazy little skirmishes between the government and opposition politicians.
The only way to live is to have firm commitment to a certain way of thinking and acting. Let the leaders of the political parties (not the “party” of the Rajapaksas). We waste out time listening to all that these guys throw at us. No, I’m not going to listen to all the Youtubes that are recommended.
chiv / December 9, 2021
“Aney it is ok at least they did development.” Very funny indeed. How much literate our retards are?? “Aney Dan Sepada “
Mahila / December 9, 2021
Good morning
Chinese investment shouldn’t be dismissed as bad/worse than investment from sources, including Western, Oriental, Middle- Eastern and South Asian., including so called independent/impartial lenders IMF, IBRD, ADB.
Lenders of any colour, hue and shape they come are, first and foremost “Lenders”!
They are seeking to enhance their investors and people who provide the finances (shall I say) more than to whom they lend.
if they could get away with it, well why not?! Profit of course is the motive and don’t blame them!
What the recipients are supposed to do is to critically analyst the offer, whether “Solicited or unsolicited”, like what one would do ‘When out shopping for your staples’! None less, except is more sophisticated!!
Contribution to national economy, why, who and when the funded project would commence to be used and viability?
Importantly Return on Investment (RoI), which should be sufficient to repay the loan over its term.
NO RoI or EIA was done.
If it was done, those “responsible meet their waterloo” at Galle Face! Sialkot in the shade!!
Development loans interest rate (normally very low or zero), not the case with the Chinese loans
Grace period required.
Grants preferable – BMICH 1975
Buddhist1 / December 9, 2021
Why not appoint a “Super Powered Commission” to investigate and confiscate all assets of all politicians who cannot prove how they accumulated wealth over the past 20 years?
old codger / December 9, 2021
“Super Powered Commission” to investigate and confiscate all assets of all politicians”
Most of our politicians may be stupid retards, but they’re not suicidal.
Mahila / December 12, 2021
very true.
Self Preservation is their Motto!
Not anything else, even if it’s apocalyptic cataclysm!
Otherwise how do you explain the 20th amendment vote to hide some ‘FILES’.
Bet your bottom dollar!
soma / December 9, 2021
The best way to promote Rajapaksas for another generation is to promote Sajith Premadasa as the alternative.
Over to Dr. Dayan Jayathilake.
soma / December 9, 2021
If you wish to promote reconciliation between Rajapaksas and Premadas for some reason promote AKD at the next election.
Mahila / December 12, 2021
Soma, Why???
Could you please explain?
a14455 / December 9, 2021
Unfortunately Sri Lankans are a stupid lot . There is a pandemic Einstein !! That is why there is so many issues with foreign reserves. every country is facing similar issues. but frogs in the well don’t see this.
old codger / December 9, 2021
“That is why there is so many issues with foreign reserves. every country is facing similar issues. “
O fount of wisdom, pray name a few countries nearby, for our education?
Has even Pakistan banned fertilizer overnight? Has India banned palm oil as carcinogenic? Does Bangladesh have Buddhist monks deciding on agriculture? How come both India and Bangladesh have billions of USD to loan us? Is the 5G signal weak in your California mud puddle? Or are you too busy licking Rajapaksa genitals?
a14455 / December 9, 2021
monkey OC
for example, look at the US . Biden is set to lose the next election and the dumbo Trump is set to return you know why due to social spending reforms he is trying to enact. and inflation But how would a frog in the well such as you know that?
Even a donkey brain such as you could not argue with organic agriculture being good for the people, could you. and I was in Dambulla about week ago and I can tell you these shortages of vegetables is only in your imagination. There seemed to be no shortage of vegetables at all. So this is all a crisis in your stupid minds,
old codger / December 9, 2021
Only a US based moron could claim there are lots of vegetables in Dambulla without mentioning the prices. Doesn’t that matter? Not surprising for an oracle who doesn’t know that milk powder is cheaper than liquid. The prices are high because of shortages. Why are there shortages? Because Gota Deviyo banned fertilizer. Is there some hallucinogen in the Rajapaksa appendages that you lick?
What has the US got to do with it? Why should we care who wins their elections, as long as the Rajapaksas are booted out here? Are you here because you were booted out ?
a14455 / December 10, 2021
. unfortunately, I have never touched on the topic of milk powder. My guess is that your Alzihemers is kicking in. And I replied about the situation here because you asked me to name a country.
I just went to Safeway and paid 3 times as much for weekly groceries
I suppose this is also Gota Devios doing. let me try to arrange a shaman to do a seance.
old codger / December 10, 2021
“unfortunately, I have never touched on the topic of milk powder. ” You are well known for lying when are stumped. I suppose that’s what you learned at the Rajapaksa Trolling School.
“just went to Safeway and paid 3 times as much for weekly groceries”
Oh really? Weren’t you in Dambulla the other day? At least be consistent. Three times as much? So? What’s new? You should have bought your groceries in Dambulla. Only a pinhead will compare the COL in the US and here.
Mahila / December 12, 2021
Fear Not!
He is no Spiderman, everywhere, same time!!!
Must have been reminiscing about the new township of “Dambulla” in State of California, US of A!
Not the one in Sri Lanka???
He is planning this urban Udanaya, with their compatriots, who envisioned, Designed and implemented, “Uthuru Wasanthaya” and “Negenahira Navodaya.” amongst the ‘Orange groves of California!
Is it not ‘a14455’????
Sure that is the case, drives down, there regularly to refresh!!
Refresh what? ‘Capacity to think on his feet’!!!
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
Oh no…
“I suppose this is also Gota Devios doing. let me try to arrange a shaman to do a seance.”
This ultra backlicker of Gota may have learned it from Trump.
We warned you guys, petrol shed attendant in the US would not be able to bring any palpable changes to our hell.
Now you the kind of ultra idiots can only scratch you ears not being able to believe your eyes.
Alone that GAS-CYLINDER-BLAST issue is a simple issue that could be resolved within 24 hours, but your GOTA DEVIYO did not even focus on that… yet today, people are fallen in anxitiies but ballige puthas and their family kith and kin stay enjoying their day.
leelagemalli / December 10, 2021
Please think twice it is worth wasting time for an ultra slave of Rajapakshe clan.
He calls you monkey, and me as donkey…… see how he differentiate us from SLPP slaves :
A14455 is one of the good examples – even if he is given the chance to develop himself, his would not change – dogs tail would not be straightened even if you would put it in a bamboo sheath.
old codger / December 10, 2021
These paid trolls have no arguments. They know they’re losers, and are doing it for the money. So give the retards as good as you get.
a14455 / December 12, 2021
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leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
a14455 / December 12, 2021
Thank you so much for making it short:
I have no doubt, you were healed by your nearest psychologist before you travelled to srialnka. Thank you.
Native Vedda / December 10, 2021
“Unfortunately Sri Lankans are a stupid lot .”
It is obvious from your above typing.
leelagemalli / December 12, 2021
this Rajapakshe hired man (a14455) – has been on a visit to SRILANKA these days.
He might have brought enough ” US DOLLARs” (Similar to the size of dazy GrandMa’s Manik malla”: in order to settle hard up situation in the country.
Mahila / December 12, 2021
“That is why there is so many issues with foreign reserves. EVERY COUNTRY is facing similar issues”
Pandemic is everywhere, without exception. True.
EVERY COUNTRY is facing similar issues. NOT TRUE!
That should be visible to ‘One’ gazing from, WESTERN STAR OVER THE EASTERN PACIFIC!
is it not? Scientific, that is if one understands what is organic and not! Basic 8th standard Science!!
Some DO NOT?!!!
Ofcourse, not you; The Western Star over the Eastern Pacific illuminates your vision!
Bangladesh, India etc., as examples amongst many others, who give us generous loans and Currency Swaps to meet foreign payment issues of SL.
I would agree,
1. Some countries do experience $$$ crisis due to Pandemic
2. Resultant downturn in exports
3. Counties facing foreign currency shortage – due to Mismanagement, and
4. Due bad Fiscal policy
5. Not pandemic only
Example, Experience craziness of Fertiliser ban in unplanned/ill-advised manner 2022/23 food shortages and the resultant pandemonium/revolt.
.Non-intervention to correct mistakes in timely manner, inability to accept mistakes in fiscal policies and correct speedily in a timely manner, coupled with total Lack of accountability,.
It’s a case of “Bolting the stable door after the Horse has fled!!!” Not Governance
srikrish / December 9, 2021
It is all right to go on the blame game with no end in sight. Let us look at the basics!
What is development?
Development means economic growth! Dose it ends there.
Development is a complex concept that embodied many facets. It includes economic growth, health, education, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, gender equity, civil and political rights, sports, and culture and of course infrastructure development.
Economic growth is pivotal in the sense that without economic growth other elements in the development paradigm could not be sustained.
This means that creation of wealth is paramount?
For all these to happen, an integrated planning is essential
Ajith / December 9, 2021
A very good analytical article.