By Harsha Gunasena –
There was a debate on who was the author of the 20th Amendment to the constitution. It is not a complicated document to be authored as such. The legal draftsman was instructed to undo the changes of 19A except for the limitation of the terms of the president, duration of such terms and replacing the Constitutional Council with the Parliamentary Council with limited powers. The President himself could do it.
If the President wants to continue his down to earth, good, executive work of directing, guiding, and motivating the public staff, which is his own variety of President Premadasa’s mobile Ministries and Minister Athulathmudali’s Exporters Forum, he can do it with the current powers. There is no necessity of additional powers for that.
The fundamental issue here is that as pointed out by many the shift towards a despotic rule once again. An absolute majority of the parliament leads to a despotic rule. All the regimes with 2/3rd majority in Sri Lanka did not last too long as expected. Government of Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Mrs.B) in 1970 lasted only to the end of its extended term. It had to face a rebellion during its term. The UNP government which was initially headed by President J.R. Jayewardene (JRJ) lasted only three terms with all the constitutional juggleries. It had to face two rebellions one of which has taken the lives of the lieutenants of JRJ in front of his own eyes and the other lasted for 30 years and again has taken the lives of the possible successors of the leadership of the UNP. The rule of the President Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2010 also lasted only one term. Therefore, the expected result is that rulers with absolute power would not last to suit their expectations.
The country has faced three rebellions after the independence. This was a result of unequal treatment to various segments of the society by the state. It can be rural poor, lower strata of the society or ethnic minorities. Therefore, moving towards more democratic rule is needed to counter the social unrest. That was the opinion of G.L. Peiris when he headed the Commission appointed by President Premadasa to find out the reasons for JVP second insurrection. G.L. Peiris has forgotten all these since he has metamorphosized to a political animal. That was the sentiments expressed by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission headed by C.R. De Silva as well.
Mrs. B and JRJ have done a lot of good things as well as bad things to the country. The autocratic way of their governing style which was powered by the majority in the parliament they enjoyed was disagreed by many. However even in that style there were positives. The way Mrs.B handled the insurrection was one example. The 13A to the constitution which came with the Indian influence and with the sole decision of JRJ was the only legislative provision from independence for decentralization of power.
It was said that 20A is an interim amendment and a new constitution is on the way. Rulers with 2/3rd majority cannot and will not make a constitution acceptable to all. Mrs. B could not do it and her constitution marked the origin of Tamil rebellion. JRJ could not do it either. As he has pointed out in retirement his constitution would be defended by those in power and opposed by those who are not in power. In addition to the power the present ruling party has, with the strong bias of the President towards the ideology of Sinhala Buddhism it is extremely unlikely that they can produce a constitution acceptable to all which is a must of a constitution of a country.
Both the 17A and 19A to the constitution which curtailed the despotic powers of the President were passed by minority governments with the support of the oppositions. The Constitution making process initiated by the previous government was supported by the opposition as well, although there were differences of opinion of the basic issues. The process failed since the leaders of that government did not take the leadership of the process.
There were comments whether the Prime Minister would approve curtailing of his power. The fact would be that the family has decided sometime back the extent of authority the ruler should have and the succession plan. Things are happening based on that blueprint. Therefore, there is no question of a power struggle between the President and the PM.
If the President decides that 20A should be passed in the Parliament as it is it will be passed irrespective to the opposition to it within the ruling party. The MPs we have are not strong enough. In the Parliamentary history there were only few exceptions such as opposition to JRJ’s one man show of Gamani Jayasuriya and M.D.H. Jayawardena. As a result, they had to leave politics.
It is generally commented that people have given the ruling party a 2/3rd majority and now people have to face the consequences. It is not correct to say that the people have given them the 2/3rd majority.
JRJ came into power in 1977 with 5/6th majority of the parliament as a result of the despotic rule of Mrs. B. It was a vote against the then government rather than a vote for JRJ. Similarly, if the previous government played its role well the present government would have not come to power. However, the 2/3rd majority was given to them on a platter by the UNP leadership. Sajith Premadasa (SP) was polled 5.5mn votes in the Presidential election. If it is assumed that the people who voted for SP in the presidential election have voted for the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB), Tamil National Alliance, Tamil National People’s Front headed by Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, United National Party, Muslim National Alliance, Tamil Peoples National Alliance headed by C.V. Wigneswaran, All Ceylon Makkal Congress headed by Rishad Bathiudeen and Sri Lanka Muslim Congress in the general election, total number of votes for all of them were 3.6 mn. Therefore, there was a shortage of 1.9mn votes. At the general election although there was 0.27 mn increase of the total voters compared to the general election there was an overall reduction of 1mn of total polled. Out of the polled the increase of rejected votes compared to the presidential election was 0.6 mn. Total of the voters who did not turnup to vote and those who casted rejected votes was 1.6mn. There is a difference of 0.3mn between this figure and the reduction of votes to SP in the general election which was 1.9mn.
At the presidential election there were 0.3mn voters who cased their vote to other candidates other than the main two. Sri Lanka Peoples Freedom Alliance (SLPFA) together with its supportive parties, Eelam Peoples Democratic Party,Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal headed by Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman, Sri Lanka Freedom Party, National Congress headed by A.L.M. Atavulla and Our Power of Peoples Party obtained 7.1mn votes which is an increase of 0.2mn votes obtained by Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the presidential election. This explains the shortage of 0.3mn votes of SP to a certain extent.
If SJB together with the parties who voted SP in the presidential election managed to get the same amount of votes, there will not be a 2/3rd majority to the ruling party now. The difference was made by the voters who voted for SP in the presidential election and either did not vote or casted a rejected vote.
This happened since neither SJB nor UNP was able to get the voters to vote for them. The main reason for this was the division of the party at that crucial hour. The party leader Ranil Wickremesinghe should take the sole responsibility for this. Therefore, it is not appropriate to say that the people have given the ruling party 2/3rd majority. People who voted them did not give that majority and that majority was given by the peoples who did not vote for them. That was the irony of that. So if you have voted for SP at the presidential election and refrained for voting at general election or if you have intentionally made your vote rejected at the general election you are responsible for the plight of the country today.
The issue is that the country is going back and forth in respect of the basic document of the country which is the constitution. From the independence we have gone back and forth in respect of economic policy. We have gone to the two extremes, to the closed economy and then to the open economy. We have moved to nationalization of private assets and then to privatization of the same. The job of the governments in power was to undo the work of the previous government. In the economic front the differences between the two sides was narrowed very much compared to the situation in 1950s to 1980s. Now we have started to play with the constitution. Which is a more basic point than the economic policy. We may continue to go back and forth in these basics while the other countries are moving fast bypassing us.
The checks and balances created by the 19A to counter the absolute power of the President will be taken away by the 20A. Those checks and balances were aimed to counter social unrest which created three armed rebellions in the country. Therefore, there can be new set of checks and balances outside of the constitution as we experienced earlier. It may include armed struggle, political defiance (this is non-violent struggle applied defiantly and actively for political purposes as defined by Gene Sharp in his book From Dictatorship to Democracy which was translated to Sinhala by the writer), international pressure, pressure within the party and pressure from the family. The wish of all of us is to avoid any armed struggle. Finally, everything should be borne by the people.
The end of powerful leaders is marked in the very incidence of acquisition of such power.
Sugandh / September 29, 2020
“ If the President wants to continue his down to earth, good, executive work of directing, guiding, and motivating the public staff, ………., he can do it with the current powers.”
1. The above endorsements of Gotabaya by this author are so very far fetched! I reckon the author wanted to dull the blow of the very serious premise he has presented against Gotabaya.
2. Agreed that any President can do good work effectively under the current fully effective 19A. Maithripala Sirisena served as Prez during the mandated transitional phase of 19A; for example, the ministry of defence was under Sirisena only during that transitional term. Obviously, Gotabaya didn’t think twice before defying the 19A on that matter.
3. Perhaps the past mandate of the people to abolish the executive presidency (at least on two occasions) will be reborn. And that will be the beginning of the end.
S. C. Pasqual / September 30, 2020
Its actually funny listening to…..
#…..Ranjan Ramanayake talking about Judicial independence.
#…..Akila Viraj Kariyawasam/Ranil Wickremesinghe talking about people’s sovereignty.
#…..Ratnajeevan Hoole talking about Representative democracy.
Behavior of Ratnajeevan Hoole alone justify the 20A.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
We have no doubt u, Ms SCP are standing on ur little head.
So the way u look at things are upside down, why not u try with some constructive arguments. ?
I think it is high time u to start it with kindergarten. Good luck!?????????
S. C. Pasqual / September 30, 2020
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Sisira Weragoda / September 30, 2020
and to you
Native Vedda / October 2, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“Behavior of Ratnajeevan Hoole alone justify the 20A.”
Please clarify.
Harsha Gunasena / September 30, 2020
I stand by my statement quoted by you. There is a necessity for this. Please see the paragraph under “Paper Leviathan” of the following article written by me. https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-narrow-corridor-liberty-democracy-in-sri-lanka/
I do not agree with certain comments the President has made when he met people but this type of process is needed.
We should learn to commend the good work and condemn the bad work
Sugandh / October 1, 2020
Mr. Gunasena, appreciate you taking the time.
Agree that we should commend the good work. But an overall rating of performance must consider all actions, inactions, mistakes, successes, each weighted in accordance with its priority and verified outcomes.
Perhaps you have access to insider information, thus have verified the outcomes.
I give no weight to field visits of president and shouting out shallow directives… like “think outside of the box” or publicly stating some one-liner. Those were not meant to motivate but rather shift blame. The song and dance, the smoke and mirrors of self-serving politicians have to be scrutinised.
Also must recognise the competencies of Gotabaya. Besides knowledgeable on his background to the age of 70, and reviewing his publicised actions during his nearly a year as President, I’m convinced he has a very limited set of competencies.
What was Gotabaya’s competency to make a call on environmental impact of the road being build in the Singaraja forest, with or without his visit?
His military on the frontline first approach served SriLanka well on covid-19 containment. But that’s his approach to everything; didn’t arise from his foresight and genius.
Easton Scott / September 30, 2020
“The end of powerful leaders is marked in the very incidence of acquisition of such power.”
May it apply in this instance too, and we can rid of the entire lot of these buffoons!!
Eagle Eye / September 30, 2020
Easton Scott,
This is the dream of the buffoons who faced a humiliating defeat in Nandikadal. Like the dream of ‘Elam’ that never came true and that will never ever come true, this dream will also remain as a dream. Do not wake up, keep on dreaming!!!
“May it apply in this instance too, and we can rid of the entire lot of these buffoons!!”
rj1952 / September 30, 2020
buffoon, eagle less punakku eating puntak –
To call another as a buffoon you must be a bigger buffoon.
You are nothing but a hypocrital petty racist pimp who gets a cuddle or two from a high quality low caste untouchable Tamil meenachi.
A living disgrace of a 2 legged buffoon.
GATAM / September 30, 2020
The clan’s last hurrah!
Simon / September 30, 2020
“The Beginning Of The End”. I see it as the “Cart That Follows The Hoof Of The Calf”, the “Calf” being the “President” and the “Cart” being the “Country”. This “Calf” is not a well-trained beast to draw a “Cart” of a “Civil Society” made to follow a “Democratic Path”. This “Beast” has had training and “Made to Measure” for “Military Craft”, but never to handle “Civic Functions” in a “Representative Society” that desires “Responsibility” and “Accountability”. That he proved well within the period of 2009 to 2014, when he was functioning as the Secretary Defense. Needless to detail the very many “alleged” crimes that were brought before the “Judiciary” and also how he and his “Courtier” of “Legal Luminaries” and “Friends” in the Administration together with “Provisions” in the Constitution saved him from “Accountability” and “Responsibility” issues. Next comes his “Personality Issues”. He was and is heavily encumbered with the first Fetter mentioned in Buddha’s Teaching that prevents a person attaining the initial stage of “Service” to him and others, and that is “SKKAYA DITTHI” – explained by scholars of the “Teachings” as “PERSONALITY BELIEF” or simply “EGO”. This “WHOLE” of “20A”, according to him “Authored” by him and varying “actions” and “Public Utterances” encompasses that trait of “EGO” and the “Ego” driven “Urge” and “Desire” to be “I” and not “WE”.
Simon / September 30, 2020
My comment continued….. When a person is filled with that trait of “EGO”, he/she fails to “Foresee” and most dangerously go on a “Mission” of grabbing more and more power to fortify and safeguard oneself. This is evident from the very provision of excluding the “Audit Service” of President and PM Ministries together with those of hundreds of State Institutions. When that “Independent Audit” is set aside, “What I say is the Circular/Law” comes into being. Everyone in the country (even some of the Ministers including the Minister of Justice) denied having a hand in the drafting of the “20A’, until such time the President openly said, “I did it”. After that only the Government “2/3rd” majority started speaking of it. That too shows, how a “Slave Camp” (obey ME and FOLLOW ME) has been instituted withing that “2/3rd Majority”. So this “ENERGY” and “SPIRIT” of “SAKKAYA DITTHI” – EGO would certainly draw the “CART” (the Country) fitted with “WHEELS” of a New Constitution by a “ONE TRACK” mind “CALF” who will “END” the journey for both the “Cart” (the Country” and the “Calf” (himself).
kautilya / September 30, 2020
We do not see such a honourable people like Gamini Jayasooriya and M.D.H.Jayawardena in today’s parliament.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
Kautilya, mirror image of the society is the composition of parliament.
So how can we expect such personalities anywhere today. ?
Societal erosion is fertilized by Rajapak crime promoting media networks.
Now we are shortly before a beginning of a total downfall. ?????????????
rj1952 / September 30, 2020
Sad sorry Lanka now proudly known as one of the leading top-most colony in the beggars’ community is about to commit suicide thanks to this present family of rulers who just does not know whether they are coming or going.
With the world in turmoil thanks to China’s wholehearted gift to the world the dreaded killer known to one and all as the coronavirus-19, the colony are proudly hiding the actual numbers of those affected and the dead are making a vain effort once again to hoodwink the whttps://www.google.com.au/orld with their myths and crap.
Exports have gone dead costs of imports are rising by the second, the present bully rulers have no monies to scratch themselves the masses are starving and the negativity goes on and on.
With all these negative aspects happening the present Kalla kallathoni illegal war criminal of a president along with his family of ruthless scoundrels want to become unqualified dictators want to hold onto illicit power forever and ever.
There should be a new film/stage-play be produced with the title being – whilst Lanka is burning the rajapuka’s are fiddling with their balls.
Disgusting low life pariah buggers.
Eagle Eye / September 30, 2020
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rj1952 / September 30, 2020
eager less punakku puntak
being senior citizen arent you ashamed to have most of your petty vile comments being given the Islamic faith chop suey better known as a tip cut or circumcision.
if I was in this precarious self sought situation I will hug onto my pride and refrain from wasting my precious time in penning petty garbage.
retire gracefully, go and cuddle your meenachi, if she will ever let your stinking self get near to her.
what a pathetic human beast.?
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / September 30, 2020
There are too many people playing football with the lives of the decent people of Sri Lanka….no wonder they turn nasty from time to time..
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
People know it very well, who the captains are. Nevertheless their nature is getting caught by easy tricks. That has lot to do with people s thinking patterns.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Were you not known to the news based on ” Nagaya brought relics to Kelaniya Temple” last Nov 2019. Lacks of people rushed to worship them- according to gate gaurds of the temple. It is all because incumbent CHIEF monk made a public statement about that. Later it became clear that was an act of FACE BOOK freak aka a Gonthadi Kapuwa
People are made to believe anything and everything. Internel revolution has not helped them improvement of their knowledge. Instead, they just fell even deeper.
Even my circles, down there, they get caught by easy tricks. General knowledge is very poor in todays generations. They dont care much about knowledge. They dont read news papers as had been few decades ago in the country. In my days in SL, our elders waited until paper distributors ring their bells. This was also common in very rural corners of the country.
Today, whole lot of people only rely on TV news. Among them Derana and Hiru Channels which promote “hearsays” as “Headline news” are leading in the country.
S. C. Pasqual / September 30, 2020
Mr. LM (Loose Motion),
(As humbly requested by you to address as above)
Funny this is coming from a mouth of a person who worship cement columns……
And believe in “Holy Sprite / Holy Ghost” election monitors.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
But it s like ” elephant in the room ” nobody talks about him why? Because people are scared of their life. Murderer s are in power so 58% would mt feel that their basic human rights are safeguarded ???????????
Stanley / September 30, 2020
‘The Beginning Of The End’ – this is just the end of the beginning, there is much worse to come. No need to enumerate, we have all seen how politicians abuse power.
rj1952 / September 30, 2020
Stanley –
Is it not your rajapuka gang who are the best in the abusing of all varieties of power.?
Why are they so obnoxiously greedy for money, political power etc.
The sooner the planet gets rid of them the better it will be especially for the poor suffering masses of this sad sorry shitty country an unique rajapuka creation.
Stanley / September 30, 2020
Learn to write without slurs and obscenities if you want a serious reply.
SJ / September 30, 2020
You will be more effective talking to a brick wall than to some of these characters.
The CT should take a stand.
Stanley / October 1, 2020
SJ I agree. I can’t understand why CT turns a blind eye to it.
rj1952 / October 1, 2020
SJ & Stanly –
Once again I am pleading with the likes of you to inform me in writing on this prestigous webpage as to what I an ignorant para demala coolie am doing wrong.?
If you 2 just do not have the balls or the courage to do it then becomes your funeral.
Rest in peace, you 2 cry babies.
SJ / October 1, 2020
I had given up on you long ago as I doubted your ability to see what offends people’s sensibilities. Stanley has tried unsuccessfully.
Since you plead in a seemingly civilised language in the opening paragraph let me say:
We are not the only ones that have objected to your foul language.
Even those who agree with you have objected to your language.
Your self pity pouring out in the last part of the first sentences hints at an emotional problem which cannot be cured by your using foul language.
For your own sake, see someone who can help.
rj1952 / October 2, 2020
I wrote to you two in sarcasm.
If I am writing as what you loser Petty racist s state the administrator of this website will cull me off similar to a few others who are the past masters of being chopped and chopped.
If you are not able to stomach what I pen in decent language ? please ignore me as I always endeavour to write to the story concerned and am not a dumbo of a duck ?? to attack anyone with hatred or malice.
Native Vedda / October 2, 2020
“If you 2 just do not have the balls or the courage to do it then becomes your funeral.”
What is the difference between not having the b***s and not having courage?
rj1952 / October 2, 2020
One must have gungthu hunger in ones balls to achieve and fulfill ones ambition s and desires.
I was very backward and shy when I was growing up and missed on getting onto many a boat to claim or get rejected on whatever I was longing for.
That’s why I now treat folk with the utmost of courtesy and respect but when it’s not reciprocated a duel minus petty revenge in clean fun battle of wits takes place till the losing buffalo of a chicken drops dead.
I write in fun with a twinge of satire.
Ones who get offended ??? by my style should run back to hide under their Mama s underskirt s.
R. J. The sultan.
rj1952 / September 30, 2020
stanley –
what are the obscenities and slurs that I have penned.
Are you telling the world that –
1. rajapuka is a bad word.?
2. I for one am very well aware of the fact that you are obsessed with me and hope that it is not of a sexual nature.
3. am a pure bred hetrosexual who takes absolute pride in wooing quality ladies of your ilk or tribe.
4. are you also attempting to infer that the rajapuka’s are honest, not crooked have taken the lives of the innocents and are petty racists.?
============================If you can kindly prove that I have been in error I will profusely apoligise and endeavour to change my style of writing.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
Much worse to come. But they just take it for granted. They dont care. Media is handled by their goons.
So even worst situation would not be painted as worst.
Just imagine POL problem of the day. If previous govt had been in power, MR et al would have gone street protests against sky high coconut prices. They would have made everyon jokers. Today, people would not utter a single word against the injustices.
Crime friendly, crime tolerance, lawless, surplus of criminals- society is in making.
If anyone would act against, the musle above the brain would be their nature. People are memory losers in this country. So Rajaakshes are born to harvest on the votes. Basta.
Stanley / September 30, 2020
Very true LM. People have very short memories and suffer from apathy. In any other country the opposition parties would be shouting from the rooftops and leading mass demonstrations, but not in Sri Lanka.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2020
“In any other country the opposition parties would be shouting from the rooftops and leading mass demonstrations, but not in Sri Lanka.”
Man this is Coronavirus season.
The armed forces are itching for a fight mostly with Tamils and Muslims especially with the youth. Gota and Mahinda are waiting for an excuse to use all the emergency powers and not so legal ones in order to divert people’s attention from their inability to deliver none of the election promises.
Gota is silent because the white van fleet is not ready yet.
North and East have gone back to the early 1960s and Gota might choose to take this country back to late 1980s in the South.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
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leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
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SJ / October 1, 2020
Things are not very good here, but I can list a number of countries that are going through worse, some with a facade of democracy others without.
MyView / October 3, 2020
This is because the Opposition is divided :
As UNP and SJB
JVP self interest
TNA self interested
MUSLIM parties pure self interest as seen by Bathiudeen’s and SLMC stalwarts recent utterances of ” on the fence for highest bidder.”
Media: self interest
Judiciary: self interest
No one, I repeat no one, is thinking of the Country.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 4, 2020
Dear MV
An excellent summary. No one need to analyse anything other than what they can contribute to makes end meal for them and their family/their skill level to do so. if the Excellency identify the skill shortage then he will “not ask” but tell the persona how to go about getting that skill period.
The fact we have a strong leader with military background and military support and the majority support him set the phase for change………no one is qualified to say or anything otherwise other than to say they have a skill that fit in the puzzles of Nation building.
All those you have mentioned above had their run and most of them at gun point and ridiculed the democracy and human rights themselves now want to comment on a democratic process. They forget it is the same masses who put the current GOSL in place and now even have the audacity to file court cases based on legal arguments?? Yep few terms of the same strong president will put an end to this miserable lot until they leave or asked to leave by the people as the process has already started is why have the 2/3 in the parliment??
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 4, 2020
The process is to ensure the follies will not get the chance to make the same blunders that has held us back as a Nation for the 70 years period.
Chelva-SWRD pact and Dudly Chelva pact that never seen the parliament let alone a constitutional assembly/parliament approval/referendum for a devolution that we wasted an entire last term of an elected government even after a miserable war has not enlighten the above. We did not see the FP filing a case to ensure the entire Nation get to vote for this then historically 50’s and 60’s?? now is different??
What was the JVP solution to the Tamil and Muslim problems again?? they should talk about it a lot more now but except they separated the North and East early said anything during the final phase of the war and ever since and why??
TNA solution to Muslim problem is??? Yep for the Indian problem in the South they formed a party up North cool.
Muslim parties well I will not say much…except please leave the Muslim people alone tq.
The only lot has done well out of all this is the Indian workers have a great future thanks to CWC visionary politics & India has an Embassy in Jaffna. There you go.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 4, 2020
TNA and JVP track record/being the inspiration for democracy in their hay days of killing fields of their fellow men would be something the world look unto for human rights and progress and Nation building.
However JVP has demonstrated to be a National party with National policies acceptable to Sri Lankans but not the others??? JVP should run some private courses for the TNA and the Muslim Parties would win them future votes and fair share in the country for all their good Ideas?? There is a way we SL always provide and if anyone say we are not a tolerant Nation I will be devastated?
MyView / October 3, 2020
This is because the Opposition is badly divided :
As UNP and SJB
JVP self interested
TNA self interested
MUSLIM parties pure self interest as seen by Bathiudeen’s and SLMC stalwarts recent utterances of ” on the fence for highest bidder.”
Media: self interested
Judiciary: self interested
No one, I repeat no one, is thinking of the Country.
S. C. Pasqual / September 30, 2020
Mr. LM (Loose Motion),
(As humbly requested by you to address as above)
The people of this country ,
Telling you that there are more important things in life than a “POL” gedi…..
I don’t think people like you can understand things like that.
leelagemalli / September 30, 2020
Ms Pigi Scp, u the kind of idiots are standing on ur head so u ll never get it. Pol gedi are part of their daily essentials. If they cant control it how would mlechcha people develop the economy ?. Come to sense bitch tell us what has Gota the executioner achieved for benefit of masses during last 10 months? Be honest Ms Pigie thanks ?????????????????????
leelagemalli / October 1, 2020
How can POLBURUWAS of your nature see it right ?
Almost everyone knows you are another backlicker of RAJAPAKSHE rascals.
You dont care much about price hikes, so long you are paid by them for your submissive services.
Native Vedda / October 2, 2020
S. C. Passqual
“I don’t think people like you can understand things like that.”
Of course people cannot understand what the hell is going on in your head and Gota’s head as both of you are running like headless chicken, it looks Mahinda is very ill, when Udhaya Ganapathipillai, Weerawansa, Sarath Weerasekera, Ampitiya, Elle, Abhayatissa, Gota, …………. start ranting about 20A, Constitution, importing beef, 13A, MCC, Modi and Moody, Trinco Oil Tanks, Hambantota harbour, …. they seem to have lost their marbles, ….
Whats the matter with you lot?
RMN / September 30, 2020
This time there wouldn’t be an end to Rajapakses. Last week Alexander Lukashenko has set an example by becoming the President of Belarus sixth time. There were tens of thousands of people did protest against Lukashenko for months but all crushed violently. Who knows L could have taken advice from srilankan forces on extra judicial killings. Gota, by keeping the racist monks and armed forces happy, will follow the example of L and rule for ever and we should stop crying.
Razuh Langai / September 30, 2020
Sure in a society Tom, Dick & Harry or Wedda, Banda, Sinnathambi, Abdulla & john had taken the law into their hand someone has to stop this nonsense and bring order to the country. But who is that person who can do that?
It should be a person who loves this country. Can anyone of us come forward? The system is such that non of us can perform that task. First of all we should check ourselves. Start with, Do I dispose my garbage correctly. Then where do I keep the garbage is it in a proper place or hang it on someone’s wall.
I can write pages about ourselves but this is enough.
Then we look ourselves in our work places. Do we conduct our affairs correctly or follow someone like blind following the blind.
Then the professionals such as doctors and engineers lawyers and our one and only Rocket man (Putha)
Then we look at our politicians. Please ask those 225 to secretly vote someone to lead our country who is not corrupt. What would you think the result be?
Sure Lee Kuan Yew was a tough ruler. he was also accused of corruption and nepotism. But he had a vision. Some of our so called leaders have that vision but their hands are tainted.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2020
Razuh Langai
“Some of our so called leaders have that vision but their hands are tainted.”
So you are looking for a man/woman with vision but without hands.
I will let you know if I ever met such person in rest of my life.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / September 30, 2020
Dear Sir
You have parked the cart before the horse and preventing yourself from enjoying the ride.
We have all enjoyed the ride of the Ratha Pottu mafia Killing Fields in Jaffna and now you want to talk about armed struggle as well after all the Mother Lankan Children died??
If you wrote an article on this and ask if all been brought to the books under the SL law and order for all the killing you would have contributed a lot to the future of SL…may be then you would not have made the same conclusions??
Tamils has parity and Sinhalese have the equality they needed……..there should not be any issue other than having a strong leadership?? We may not even need a democracy going by the history but we need people like you to do some contribution to make things work for our Nation??
Nation never had any problems due to the “democracy or not democracy” but because we are an unruly bunch went around killed each other…thugs….we have now got “law and order” and do some good such as go and ask the GOSL some activity that will help the people such as social work or sit back and enjoy?
SJ / September 30, 2020
“Tamil(s) has parity”
For a start, check bottle labels in any supermarket in Colombo.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 2, 2020
Good point….I like to think all these are “work in progress”. If all work together in the parliment all these could be ironed out as this is what we suppose to do in the parliament and in a democracy. There is nothing else for the elected to do correct??
We talk about issues constructively/collectively and work together. Yet what I have seen is thuggery in my pwn backyard from the political parties inn the name of solving problems??? how??
Ajith / September 30, 2020
Mr Thiyagarajah Venugopal,
I think you don’t like to talk about the killing fields in Southern Srilanka by brutal Sinhala dictators like Srimavo Bandaranaiyake and Premadasa (Gota was a military commander). It is sad that most of the Srilankans are always in favour of killing fields in Srilanka whether it is in Jaffna or Maha Nuwara. The country have seen burning mums in the day light, drilling eyes in the prison, throwing headless bodies in the lakes and dumping the youths in the deep soil. Yes, you are right whether it is called democracy or not democracy killing fields are permanent.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 2, 2020
Dear Ajith
For me we are all same and never said is ok the human riots violences on any other fellow man and woman?. Please be fare to me.
I only focus on a part of the world I know well and the political party contributions to all that is wrong with our Nation from my prospective only.
I am sure and agree there are many dimensions to each and every problem, causes and effects. I just do nutlike to kill a fellow man to make my point that is all is the bottom line for me.
Harsha Gunasena / September 30, 2020
Thiagarajah Venugopal
I am against any armed struggle. I have mentioned that very clearly.
I have covered the aspects you have mentioned in different articles. In one article all those things cannot be covered. Democracy matters to everyone irrespective of the ethnicity. Since your community was suppressed by the Center over the years you see everything in that angle which is not correct. We should learn to look at the things objectively which is not an easy task.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / October 2, 2020
Thank you Mr Gunasena and understand.
SJ / September 30, 2020
Too many oversimplifications I fear.
For example, “Mrs. B could not do it and her constitution marked the origin of Tamil rebellion.”
The origins of the last Tamil rebellion could be traced to ‘Standardization”.
There were others like the Satyagraha 1961, induced by “Sinhala Only” followed by many unfortunate events. FGollowing its failure, the FP was muted in its response until after 1970.
The UF government by its own recklessness threw them a life lines, and the FP used it only to land itself in the infamous Vaddukoddai Resolution which was to be its own undoing, and revival only after the young Tamil militants screwed themselves up.
Mallaiyuran / October 1, 2020
Less than in a year Media situation has reached the status of 2014 that is 174 out of 179 counties. When it started in last November with Dharisha, it appeared like they were concerned about home cases and trying to suppress some local CIDs, Garnier Francine like people. Latter CT started to squeeze all of us. Shaymon Jeyasinghe like staunch UNP writers quit. Many commentators quit; noticeably a popular government critic Amare not to be seen. After imprisoning for month, today, We Media Federation President Desmond De Silva bailed out today. King warned that the defeated LTTE has got into the Social Media so International governments should take action for it. Now Rowdy Rambo is threatening again more laws against Web Media. Chitanta government banned many Diaspora Tamil Organizations and designated many individuals as LTTEyers. But international government didn’t do anything because these organizations are registered under overseas lands companies’ acts. UNSG has expressed his view at UNHRC, in a statement, That Lankawe is getting bad to worse so he was asking Lankawe to reply soon for all the matters UN & UNHRC raised with them.
Mallaiyuran / October 1, 2020
LankaCnews has published a 15 pages essay about the Sinharajah Forest Reserve road. This is very supportive media for government. Many media speculated about a Royal Family Hotel needed this road. But LanKaCnews says it is part of major-big deal. It says this is a similar project like the failed Uma Oya, named Gin-Nilwala. This is the one needs that path to take water to the sold land (Five villages spread) to China in Hangbangtota. Cnews say these projects either evaluated by the Chinese companies building them or no proper evaluation took place on these projects. Local environment authorities or NGOs were kept out.
During Yahapalanaya time Ganapathipillai said that Yahapalanaya had approved 1M Visas to Chinese for the Industrial zone. So we predicted a massive power and water consumption by Colombo Pong Cing and Hangbangtota industrial zone. An exclusive 400MW coal project started for power for Pong Cing and Gin-Nilwala water diversification is being done to replace Uma Oya project to supply water to Hangbangtota. There are at least three building complexes (in seaport, airport, and industrial zone) constructed to spell China & the names of the companies dealing these projects, for Arial view. This could a total of 40-50 buildings used in these “CHINA” spelling projects.