15 January, 2025


The Big Farce That Demands A DIFFERENT Answer !

By Kusal Perera

Kusal Perera

After Governor, Sir Henry Monck-Mason Moore left this island Ceylon, the heavy moustached, stocky ruler from Bothale who took over as Prime Minister, assured a Sinhala majority parliament by disfranchising the plantation Tamil polity and colonising the East. Thereafter, the tweed coat wearing, pipe smoking, bespectacled Anglican aristocrat, draped himself in white cloth topped with a white banian to take the ignorant Sinhala Buddhists on a merry-go-round, as their popularly elected PM. Every succeeding political leader after him have done same and no better. Jayawardne did one better, getting minister Cyril Mathew in shirt and trouser, to set about looting and beating Tamil life, to run away from democratic politics.

The two main political parties in the Sinhala constituency thus remain utter racist, despite two liberal sounding leaders, Madam Kumaratunge and Ranil Wickramasinghe who would talk plurality, look secular but were never able to, or rather never wanted to change party politics into decent, democratic politics to have their political parties as civilised parties that could think and act decently. Of these two parties, one is now ruling and the other wants to rule. Given the present rule without law and order, without transparency and accountability, reeking with nepotism and cronyism is by now apathy and needs a total change, what possibility is there ? What alternative is there ?

The “Samagi Balavegaya” (Unity Force ?) was proved a big farce, even before it was launched. It is no better, no different and no stronger than any before it. The “Platform for Freedom” is not heard of now and no one knows what is left of that. Yet the same faces and names got on the same platform, but dressed as “Vipakshaye Virodaya” (Protest of the Opposition) to have a shorter life span and an unannounced shelving. The same lot thereafter came together to sign another agreement as “Samagi Balavegaya”. While there was no serious discussion that took place in drafting the “10 Point” programme [Sic ! X:-(#@?] and those who signed knew not who drafted it, when queried about. The language and content nevertheless smacks of clear Sinhala chauvinism. Sajith proves he fits better as the lead force in the Samagi Balavegaya, while the UNP has absolutely no policy of its own. Reason it would remain Sinhala racist in the future too. Apart from this very chauvinist UNP, there is no “Balavegaya” (force) in this alliance that can collect a dozen or two, on its own. But, there are confirmed racists and proven political lumpens like Hemakumara (after concluding his term with MR, during war), back again in the opposition. They are happy to sit in the front row. 

It is any one’s guess how long this Samagi Balavegaya would go around, before changing it’s label into another. Possibly into “Sinhala Samagi Balavegaya” (Sinhala Unity Force). But some day, IF the UNP is voted to power because people’s frustrations and impatience gives no more extensions to this regime, take a look at the table below and see if you could have a decent cabinet of ministers, any better than now to govern this chaos, constitutionally named the “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”. Also note, some of the certain would be ministers, don’t have any better credibility than some in the present government.

Of course, the practice is for the opposition to draw up family trees and corruption lists of the ruling party. But, isn’t it right to see what the next power bloc would be, if they are voted to power ? This is my personal categorisation and some names in this list may not be there the next time. But for God’s sake, don’t ask for better names. There’s none left in the cupboard to pick a better one, even to give nominations to. The UNP for the past 16 years have not allowed a second level leadership to evolve, proving how democratic it is.] 

Compare this list with any that was before. There were in the past, real heavy weights and comparatively better disciplined men and women. But they messed up too and that is reason why we are this now.

What does all this say and mean ?

We need a clearly defined democratic development programme for a secular, plural Sri Lanka, before we pick names and faces. Picking names and faces, counting on charisma (always defined in popular Sinhala terms) for wishful change, have only made the next move for a better day, far more difficult and chaotic.

*The first paragraph of the earlier version of the article above was mistakenly edited out . We apologize to our readers and to the author, Kusal Perera.

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    Kusal your list is a BULL! who paid you to put this list out? Where is a list of UPFA politicians, why have you not presented one? You are a paid servant of the government.

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      Thanks for starting a much needed discussion on the need for a GENUINE PLURALISM and MULTICULTURAL VISION for democracy in Sri Lanka. There is little critical thinking on culture and politics in Sri Lanka today or the challenges ahead.. or the crying need for reform of POLITICAL PARTIES and POLITICAL CULTURE. The university is DEAD IN THE WATER – destroyed by a singularly UNEDUCATED Rajapassa family and its gigantic cabinet of ILLITERATE MORONS, THUGS and CRIMINALS.
      I recently went for a discussion on the National Policy for Social Integration at the Kadirigamar Cente (headed by a boy with connections but NO EXPERTISE) funded by the Govt. of Germany (GIZ-FLICT) where Vasu, GL and Rauf Hakim and others held forth with preselected stooges without real subject expertise, and decided and was struck by the appalling standard of the discussion that this was a waste of time and farce where Govt. Ministers and stooges pontificated for hours and there was NO SOCIAL SCIENCE EXPERTISE leveraged..
      The President’s elderly advisor Sunimal Fernando’s social science expertise is stuck in the 70s before debates on the NATURE of social integration and multiculturalism!
      No social scientists of stature were invited to the series of presentations made by govt-vetted talking heads on the misnamed exercise “of a policy for national integration” the PROCESS itself is deeply flawed and DIS-INTEGRATIVE. MINORITY COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES and EXPERTISE were conspicuously absent, whereas they should be given the space. GIZ and German Govt. should re-think funding this exercise.
      The powers that be in Sri Lanka are fond of hearing their own voices and silencing real expertise – this is the tragedy of this country as evident in all the Defense and South Asia economic conferences which are talk shows for the Govt to disseminate propaganda that passes for knowledge.
      Today there is NO CRITICAL THINKING or social science analysis in Sri Lanka! International donors increasingly fund the govt. and its militarization policy (e.g. World Bank Loans to Ministry of Defense – whatever happened to “DO NO HARM” principles of conflict sensitive development aid?), rather than fund real critical research which is terribly UNDER DEVELOPED and DEDEVELOPED today in Sri Lanka.
      Sri Lanka has social scientists of great stature in think thanks and universities but there is NO CONSULTATION with them in a proper forum.

      At the meeting I attended some TALKING HEADS and GL Perise made presentation and there was NO TIME for real intervention or feed back from the audience which had to wait 3 hours to say something.
      THe fact of the Matter is that there is a crying need for a BILL ON THE PREVENTION OF HATE SPEECH AND THE INCITEMENT TO RACIAL HATRED to ensure that those who seek to destroy harmony and the Multicultural Social Fabric (like Balue Sena) are held accountable. THIS is a PRIORITY – Vasu promised this but them dropped it – clearly there is NO POLITICAL WILL FOR social integration which itself is a problematic concept if it means that every one should accept Sinahal Buddhist hegemony as seems to be the case currently.

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      The final point I made in my reply to Mr. KAS was in reply to Lanka it was not for Mr. KAS sorry. Mr. Lanka thinks Kusal is a paid servant of the govt – I thought Kusal spares no punches when it comes to the present regime either, he calls a spade a spade – I think!
      But that’s for Kusal to clarify!

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    I would like to move Jayawickrama Perera from undifined yet to CERTIFIABLE IDIOT !

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    I would like to move Jayawickrama Perera from undefined yet to CERTIFIABLE IDIOT !

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    The great majority of the inhabitant population who are now thousand times better off in most important aspect of security, will have to invoke the blessings of Lord Jesus , Buddha, Allah and even Siva ,all combined if this lot takes charge to run our lives.

    Isn’t it intersting that Kusul’s best of the lot are Mangala and Ranil because Kirella has a( ? )

    By the way what can be more Racist and Chauvanist than calling a political party Tamil National Alliance?

    Would they allow a Muslim National Party on Cameron’s Turf and a Tamil National Party on Harper’s?.

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      Mr KAS if I may call you that – your comment shows your gross ignorance and a byproduct of your innate chauvinist mentality, bordering on stupidity!
      What about the separatists, the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Parti Québécoisi (PQ) for a start? A referendum to decide Scotland’s fate has been fixed and if you want to know the separatists lost by a small margin in the last Quebec referendum.
      In both UK and Canada these parties have been thriving and neither Cameron nor Harper can ever change that – because it’s not their turf Mr. KAS to treat like their own back yard like the Bandaranaikes, Premadasas and Jayawardenes. In these countries the historical territorial integrity of nations are preserved and no neophyte politicians turned dictators who use their offices as their own households can try to pass legislation like the 6th amendment or the 18th amendment – the people will not allow it! I have no trust in even those politicians who call for multiculturalism and a unitary Sri Lanka but wont admit or accept the existence of a Tamil Nation indigenous to the island. They call for integration but want in their hearts a sole Buddhist Sinhala identity for the island preserved, how disingenuous, I can spot them miles away!
      On another point Mullivaikkal would not have happened in Ranil’s watch – I think!
      And Mr KAS I thought Kusal spares no punches when it comes to the present regime either, he calls a spade a spade – I think!
      But that’s for Kusal to clarify!

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        Thank you Usha.
        My writings both in English and in Sinhala local press would provide the answer.
        I retain the right to oppose this MR regime unconditionally and also to be critical on all other political issues where I am not convinced yet.
        Unfortunately for us, the Sinhala South lives in a dichotomy. They simply love to live politically insane and therefore can not agree to engage intellectually. Most comments would prove me right in that.

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          So I was right, that’s why I respect you Mr. Kusal Perera though we have opposing views when it comes to ‘Eelam’, the recognition of Tamils as a nation of people in the island’s North and East or the level of autonomy for those very same Tamil people indigenous to the island and living in their traditional homeland, we can have a decent discussion, animated though it might be, and still bear no ill will!

  • 0

    Ravi Karunanayake is married to a Malay. What on earth the Eran Wickramaratne say or do to be classified Sinhala chauvinist? Kabir Hasheem is a Muslim and categorised as a Sinhala chauvinist?

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    The Big Farce That Demands A DIFFERENT Answer !

    Demand from whom? People produced the leaders, and keep producing rotten ones without fail.

    You keep looking for meat in the pot with the spoon: But there is no meat in the pot. What’s the point in complaining, move on.

    We need another few centuries to evolve before we become fully civilized. No point of bragging about our 2500-year civilization. World has moved on to 3000-year civilization.

  • 0

    Thanks CT,
    that correction was necessary and it is good professional journalism to have a foot note too, as explanation, especially for the readers.
    Kusal Perera

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