By Jehan Perera –
Just as in the south in the Sinhalese-majority areas where ethnic nationalism is being used for political advantage, a similar phenomenon is taking place in the north and east of the country in the Tamil-majority areas. It is being used in the north, among others, to protest against the increase in criminal activities that most recently included the rape and murder of a six year old child. The rise in ethnic nationalism is taking place with a corresponding decline in the electoral strength of those who are taking moderate and non-racist positions. This was visible at the recently concluded local government elections where nationalist parties improved their performance at the cost of moderate parties both in the north and south.
Former Minister of State for Child Affairs and member of the government, Vijayakala Maheswaran has shown this political propensity to exploit the latent ethnic nationalism of people by speaking one-sidedly about the past and present. At a public event in Jaffna she highlighted the period of the LTTE as being one in which the security of the Tamil people from criminal activities had been secure. In the presence of government ministers and TNA leaders, whose members had once been victims of the LTTE, she said “Today we realise from the bottom of our heart how we are proud to have lived under the times of LTTE prior to May 18, 2009.” This was in reference to the rape and murder of the child.
The American poet James Russell Lowell (1819–91) wrote, “Be noble! and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping, but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own.” If the word “noble is replaced by the word “nationalist” this would be an apt description of the downside of Sri Lankan politics at the present time. Vijayakala Maheswaran’s praise of the LTTE has brought about a veritable storm of denunciation by nationalist politicians in the Sinhalese polity, accused of many crimes themselves, who have been doing their best to create insecurity and stoke up fears in the Sinhalese people of a return of the LTTE.
No Return
Having been to the north and east regularly since the war ended I can say that not once did I encounter members of the Tamil community who wanted a return of the LTTE as a force on the ground. This is because they are aware that such a development would lead to violence. The period of the LTTE is now past and will not come again. Nor will there be a Tamil Eelam for which they fought unless Sri Lanka indeed produces an authoritarian and nationalist leadership that violates human rights with impunity and treats ethnic and religious minorities as enemies, as Hitler did, and goes into open conflict with both neighboring and more distant countries, which led to its partition.
For the past several years in the north, and especially after the coming to power of the previous government headed by former president Mahinda Rajapaksa there has been a steady deterioration in the law and order situation with many criminal groups from within the Tamil community attacking each other and seeking to live off the civilian community. The former government sought to control the general population by creating a stronger central government in which the military played a bigger role. However, the ethos of the present government is entirely different.
A television journalist from the mainstream media said to me recently that he had recently been to Jaffna on a private assignment to cover a wedding. He said that the people had welcomed him and his crew. He said they the wedding party had worried that they might be attacked by criminals who now knew of their financial situation. He also said that the people had claimed they preferred the Sri Lankan army being stationed in the north rather than the police being stationed there. This may be due to the fact that when the army was around, they set up a system of checkpoints. Those who were potentially criminals had kept a low profile as they risked being shot at by the army. On the other hand, now that the lightly armed police have replaced the army to keep the civilian peace, the criminals are no longer afraid.
See Differently
Ironically, the north is paying the price of the return to democracy. This gain to the country, and to the Tamil people, provides the framework within which all other rights may be enjoyed. Previously the army was on the streets ensuring security through their checkpoints. But this was also not to the liking of the people who felt that they were being controlled by a military force outside of their control. The withdrawal of the army from the checkpoints, provided the police with an opportunity to replace them and take up the challenge of ensuring the people’s security as a civilian force. But this has yet to happen even as the composition of the police slowly changes from being a Sinhalese police to being a multi ethnic one.
The words repeatedly flaunted by Vijayakala Maheswaran need to be viewed in perspective and not only as a provocation and a call to arms. They echo with the resentment that the government has not adequately addressed the issue of violence and crime that is within the Tamil community. These are not calls for the revival of a period in time in which hundreds if not thousands of children were forcibly taken from their parents and conscripted into the LTTE armed forces. Her speech was an expression of the frustration of people who feel that the post-war period has not brought them the economic benefit they thought would benefit them nor the truth, justice and reconciliation that both political and civil society groups are trying to advance.
Recently, a senior religious leader echoed the sentiments of most people in the country that it needs a strong leader if it is to develop and not fall into disunity. But he expressed his sentiments in a controversial manner when he urged the potential leader to “Be a Hitler! Go with the military. Take the leadership of the country.” This statement had been used to criticize the venerable prelate. But no one will believe that he wanted gas chambers, concentration camps and the partition of the country, as occurred as a result of Hitler’s rule over Germany. Likewise Vijayakala Maheswaran’s words at the public event need to be seen as a call to the mainstream polity and to the government to act fast and resolve the problems of the people and not for the revival of the LTTE which led to mass destruction and sorrow.
Upali / July 9, 2018
North South mentality and boorish attitudes are very well displayed here.As Gotabaya said of the monks call to act like Hitler may be people have not understood Vijayakala. Its only for the brainy.However statements made look similar. But the treatment and the way we look at them is different in the south. So far no one has said that the Ven. monk Upali should be disrobed for inviting Hitlerite Politics worse than Prabakaran.
AVB / July 9, 2018
After LTTE took arms openly after 1983 riots and till the end of 2009, there were hardly any incident reporting civil violence against any minorities like burning homes, destroying Hindu, Muslim or Christian churches in the South. Am I wrong.
Until 2009, all GnanaSaras, Gamanoilas, Champika like people were hibernating did not exist… Wasn’t there more peace for minorities in the South side of the country in this period….
sach / July 9, 2018
LTTE took arms before 1983….there were hardly incidents reporting violence against Muslims? Hindus and Christians? What are you smoking? Whole eastern province was ALWAYS like a volcano close to eruption. And hey no muslims left in North as well……
Gnanasaras met your LTTE scum in Norway together with peace agent Solheim. No there was no peace for anyone when LTTE was around. If you want to say Sinhala-Muslim violence started after 2009, learn history. 1990 Aluthgama, 2001 Mawanella, everywhere problems occurred if the right condition was created. So your theory of whitewashing LTTE this way also does not hold water.
Citizen Silva / July 12, 2018
That is why people are asking for Hitler to deliver same sort of system
Sinhala_Man / July 10, 2018
Exactly. There was a committee appointed to go in to Vijayakala’s statement. Wa Navin Dissanayake in the committee? See what he has said today:
She had to give up being a Deputy Minister; she’s probably become a more respectable human being as a result! Hardly anybody seems to have respect for these Ministers.
On the other hand throwing her out of Parliament will be a grave mistake. It is important that people be allowed to give vent to their frustration through speech; if she is thrown out of Parliament, there’ll be only very slightly more justification than for banning the JVP for instigating the 1983 Pogrom. Think of what that led to!
Politics is necessary, but not “playing politics”.
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
Thanks for the link and your measured response.
Why didn’t parliamentary puritan Navin Nayake (who also writes letters in English to UK parliamentarians-to justify Brigadier Priyankara’s appalling behavior) pursue a case against Wimala Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa for wanting to Bomb the parliament? Please note Weerawansa also urged the armed forces to carpet bomb Vanni during the war.
How come the parliament is awash with Nayakes, at the last count about 18 of them, roughly 8% of the total MPs?
Naman / July 9, 2018
Indecisiveness by the current GoSL in tackling crime corruption is no good. We need to have an Early Presidential Election
K A Sumanasekera / July 9, 2018
The talk of the Town is Vijayakanali is packing the bags and heading to London with the kids, so Dr Ranil wouldn’t have the chance to sack . her ,
And try to shore up him dwindling support base among the Backbench…
TNA CM Wigneswaran is thrilled to have Vijayakalani in London,
The knowledgeable Tamil s in Colombo strongholds say the Duo are joining to form a new Party to contest the up coming Elections.
It is not only Dr Gehan who has come to the rescue of Ms Maheshwaran…..
Sampathar’s deputy, Mr Abram has also declared at a public Meeting that Ms Vijayakalani is spot about her call to resurrect Mr Pirahaparan…..
Will Abraham join Wigneswaran….
Native Vedda / July 9, 2018
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“The talk of the Town is Vijayakanali is packing the bags and heading to London with the kids, “.
Who is this Vijayakanali? Were you drunk?
Has Namal Baby commenced his Kallathonie overseas service again?
Join Namal Baby’s crew.
K. Anaga / July 9, 2018
As long as the present atmosphere continues in Srilaka as a whole and the Tamil speaking areas in particular Vijaya kala’s outburst will continue at least in the minds of the Tamil people. Despite so called ‘liberation’ of the Tamil people from the ‘Clutches of the LTTE’, the law and order situation continues to deteriorate. We are told the army is stationed in Jaffna for the security of the people-Security from whom? It is natural for the people to compare the the Situation during the LTTE rule and governments. and come to conclusions. The conclusion appears to be that LTTE is thousand time better. There was no Rapes, murders,Kerala Gangas ,heroin etc. There is suspicion that the security forces are behind Gangas and encourages rowdyism to show to the world that without them situation will be worse.Where have all the Ganjas and other drugs captured by the security forces (police and army) gone? It may be advisable to reduce the army in Tamil speaking areas and watch the situation with only the ‘genuine’ police force.
sach / July 9, 2018
Really to which situation are Jaffna people comparing the present situation to? To 1995 before taking a trip across the lagoon with the LTTE or before 2009? Before 2009 it was the army that was stationed in North.
I cant imagine Tamils migrating out of North from a very well functioning situation in North? Sri Lanka saw the biggest internal migration from North in 2000-2002 after signing the CFA with LTTE. Why did you flee if it was good?
And again wasn’t the law and order situation better with a low crime letter before this yahapalana came into power? Why was Vidya raped after 2015 and not earlier? Any horrendous crimes before 2015?
sach / July 9, 2018
I guess Jehan’s solution is implementing UN resolution, do exactly what Sampandan says with a new constitution and appeasing tamil nationalism…….er sorry no
Native Vedda / July 9, 2018
What does he says?
He wants this country to be democratised.
Is it too much to ask?
sach / July 9, 2018
He wants country to be destroyed. Tell me a single instance this fellow wrote against LTTE, any incident this fellow condemned LTTE terrorism. Did he rejoice when SL end war? The answers explains what his motives are……
Native Vedda / July 9, 2018
Please shock us, say something wise.
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
“Tell me a single instance this fellow wrote against LTTE, any incident this fellow condemned LTTE terrorism.”
Watch this clip you will get the answer to your stupid question.
sach / July 10, 2018
Where is jehan in this?
K A Sumanasekera / July 10, 2018
Dear Native,
What happened to the British girl in Mirissa. Two British Ruggerites in Kollupitiya Nalika Jewellers in matara. MC Member in Galkissa, Littte 6 Year Old in Jaffna, 16 Year Old in Northern Islands, Poor father in Aunradhapura, ,Kosgoda Sujiya, Dead Cop in Matara Arjun Aloysious , Sand Mafia,Ava and list goes on and on.
How much more Democracy do you want Native?…….
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
I take it you agree with Vijayakala Maheswaran.
I know you are a secret admirer of VP.
Ajith / July 9, 2018
“I can say that not once did I encounter members of the Tamil community who wanted a return of the LTTE as a force on the ground. This is because they are aware that such a development would lead to violence.” Jegan Perera,
Dear Jegan,
Have you heard from the Sinhalese community who wanted a return of the Mahinda Regime which lead to violence and dictatorship in this country. No, it is the same Mahinda regime who took the country in the country into lawlessness, robbery, and family dictatorship after the end of war which resulted death over 40000 Tamils, 90000 Tamil widows, over 30000 Sinhalese youth and over 50,000 Sinhalese widows. The war ended not because of Mahinda family, it is the saccrifice of 30000 Sinhalese youth, the Sinhalese military, contribution from India, USA, China and moreover former LTTE deputy leader and Eastern LTTE leader Karuna etc. Immediately after the end of Mahinda Mahinda started a war with Muslims & he used Sinhala military to threatened democracy. Still 47% of people wants him back knowingly his regime will be a real threat to 6.2 million people who voted against him.
I agree that Vijakala used LTTE for her political opportunism like any other Sinhalese politicians and the cry from the Sinhalese, partculary Mahinda regime is for political opportunism and every one know that the impact of this political opporunism by Mahinda regime has serious impact on Srilanka and its people is huge.
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
“The war ended not because of Mahinda family, it is the saccrifice of 30000 Sinhalese youth, the Sinhalese military, contribution from India, USA, China and moreover former LTTE deputy leader and Eastern LTTE leader Karuna etc.”
Be serious, VP won two elections and a 30 year war for Mahinda. Mahinda must be eternally grateful to VP.
chiv / July 9, 2018
When you deny the right to Vijayakala to express or speak you end up getting a person like Ananthi. If you try denying her rights then you are going to end up with women of LTTE who actively participated in the war. The retarded public and racial minded politicians are still unable to get this fact inside their thick skull after 30 years of conflicts,loss of humans, loss of credibility and irreparable damage to the country.By the way the rumor is VK is leaving the country for good. Of course who can blame her, looks like she has had enough with Lankawe. History repeats. In the mean time Geetha and Rosy will continue to hang on until they decide their own retirement.
sach / July 9, 2018
We like your extremist retards getting into power in North :) if you want send Ananthi….we like it. It makes things easier for us…………..
Analysis / July 9, 2018
Over the last few days, we saw that statements regarding LTTE was less tolerated than that of HITLER’S .When the former’s name was brought up in the media, the whole country shivered in fear. This implies that this country favours Hitler’s policies and would wish for the potential Hitler to rise to power, only to grind their teeth and beat their chests in weeping and regrets. Hope this is clear.
sinhalese buddhist / July 9, 2018
Take a look at El Salvador, as an example. A long-drawn out war, followed by a short “peace” has now resulted in violence in the streets where civilians fear even going to the market. Unless the paramilitaries and the SLA are provided with meaningful way to survive financially, they will resort to using the skills they gained in combat – ruthless killing, intimidation and destruction of property.
Earlier they did it in the name of the country (Sri Lanka or Ealam – depending on your bent), but niow they are doing it in terms of their economic well being. It is the responsibility of BOTH the central government AND the provicial councils to work together to uplift the economy of the provinces.
In the North, Wigneswaran and co. are too busy dancing to the tune of expatriate LTTE supporters to work on the economic uplifting of the poor there. Thaat is why they returned millions of money allocated to them. Instead they want to placate the overseas funders by pursuing the revenge agenda at the UN. In the process it gives the diaspora leverage with politicians in their coountries of residence – it’s a win win for the rich Tamils in SL and the diaspora, but creates doom for poor Tamils and Sinhalese living in Sri Lanka.
The same goes for the elite Sinhalese who are hell bent of riding the China wave to enrich themselves through graft, while giving away the country’s resources and turning a blind eye to pollution of our enviornment and displacement of our workers via “free-trade”. The ex-SLA soldier does not have many non-military skills to bank on in this economy and is not interested in returning to a paddy field or chena to make a living. So they turn to the easiest way to make a buck – violence and intimidation – just like the Tamil thugs in the North who have the LTTE to thank for their training and indoctrination in violence and thuggery.
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
sinhalese buddhist
“just like the Tamil thugs in the North who have the LTTE to thank for their training and indoctrination in violence and thuggery.”
Okay Thugs in the North are Tamils, are the ex-SLA soldiers also Tamils?
K.Pillai / July 9, 2018
Jehan Perera
The ethnic nationalism in majority Sinhala areas is of the ‘victor-type’. The quest for justice by minorities is NOT nationalism but disappointment/desperation/survival.
Do the Rohingyas in refuge camps ever talk nationalism?
Vijeyakala is the only UNP MP from NP. She probably sensed that her support is dwindling because…….well that is a different story.
Unemployment in N&E is twice the national average. Burglaries, drug usage, alcohol abuse, the general bribes to police, delays in court system are more than twice the average. Add to this the harassment by the occupying Armed Services and Police. People do have nostalgic memories of the LTTE days.
Vijeyakala latched on to this as an election stunt. It was a deliberate calculated stunt – to UNP as well!
The last thing Vijeyakala will ever want is LTTE back.
So let the voters choose.
This incident has masked the corruption/nepotism/impunity ascendency.
The advent of Gotler brigades?
sach / July 9, 2018
For the past several years in the north, and especially after the coming to power of the previous government headed by former president Mahinda Rajapaksa there has been a steady deterioration in the law and order situation with many criminal groups from within the Tamil community attacking each other and seeking to live off the civilian community. //////////////
What is this Jehan speaking about? The rule of law deteriorated in North and rest of the country after your Yahapalana american project was implemented. It was after yahapalanaya came and security was loosened in North, we could see the horrendous rape case of Vidya. There were no crimes in North before the end of 2014. What agenda does this man has by lying?
Native Vedda / July 9, 2018
We are busy right now. Can we ignore you some other time?
sach / July 10, 2018
So you replied to say that you ignore? If you really ignore you dont reply. Dont waste space.
Lanka 3 / July 10, 2018
One theory is this is done to get votes from both sides.
Sinhalese mass will.vote MR and co to stop LTTE come to power ..by calling for LTTE come into power .?
Who asked her to speak out
Mallaiyuran / July 10, 2018
“ Vijayakala Maheswaran has shown this political propensity to exploit the latent ethnic nationalism “
If Vijayakala is doing this for election, can Jehan PhD write a reply to the Sinhala Media that is saying Vijayakala is seeking refuge in UK? Jehan PhD has to come out and say whether is lying or the Colombo media is lying that she is moving to UK.
” Ironically, the north is paying the price of the return to democracy. ”
Jehan PhD is a courageous writer. He bravely put down all that the UNP & SLFP, who worked hard to create, but was shy because of the pending resolution 30/1 to tell in Stages. “Tamils has to be constantly crushed, tortured, humiliated, roasted and bar-b- Qed in the 4th floor. If we (the Sinhala Intellectuals) allow them to go free, this is how they will behave. This is what Jehan PhD message by the by above sentence. When Tamils flourished under British Democracy then it is “Sudu favored the Demulu” . Jehan PhD’s specialization is how to twist the tongue!
These crook minded writers are trying hard to hide that Tamils’ areas were most crime free area until Sinhala Polices were introduced to North and East. All the crime in the North is emerging from the Army smuggled Kerala Kanja. Every TN boat is fishing in Northern waters are arrested, so far this Rapist Army has not intercepted one single boat of Kanja. Jehan is PhD fooling everybody when their Prime Minister signed and cleared from customs the Drugs Containers. Colombo and Jaffna is Drug hub of South Asia. Country’s fastest growing trade is sex. Isn’t there few days ago in CT an essay, which is saying that this is not just problem of North but this is the case of the entire country. Anything happening in Jaffa is happening by direction of the Colombo’s Sinhala Intellectuals.
Mallaiyuran / July 10, 2018
” the increase in criminal activities that most recently included the rape and murder of a six year old child “
Jehan PhD doesn’t covering up it at all. Out of the three rape-murder cases shown in that week, latest was a 60 years Old Woman raped and tortured for three hours, after mid night,1:30 AM. That is absolutely Rapist Army’s action. Her house was next to an Army camp. Now Jehan is PhD is duping that one family wants the Rapist Army deployed again and they wants the check points established too. What a gimmick Jehan PhD writing! This guy is just a criminal liar. He is the one wrote in CT now everybody is happy because there are no check point in Colombo, and they all thanked all King for that. Now he is reversing the talks. Did Jehan PhD explain to that Tamil family those the Sinhalese in Colombo don’t like Check points? Then what they replied? If there is Tamil family inviting Racist Jehan PhD to wedding, then they should be different from others.
Jehan PhD has did his best here that the Rapist Army has no connection with the crimes taking place in Jaffa, that all happening because Tamils are criminals. Yesterday a Tamil MMP was shot in Colombo. This MMP is the person paying for the educational expenses for Ananatha Suthahar’s children. This a shameful day for the country, becuase the honestly elected only Tamil MP, Minister is resigning and going to UK as refugee because the fear Sinhala Aanduwa’s murders.
Mallaiyuran / July 10, 2018
Jehan PhD did not tell that Tamil, deploying the Rapist Army would not possible under Ranil’s Yahapalanaya Democratic Government, but may be possible if the Sinhala Hitler comes to power. But (if the Jehan PhD’s concoction is true) he seems to have told the family, “Bravo! isn’t that a smart Idea to counter the tiger woman and make to shut up her mouth? For sure when I return to Colombo, I will talk about this to our PM. He will adore this idea and will implement right away”.
(Jehan PhD took a shameless education that is why he proudly wrote that concoction here. He wrote here how Yahapalanaya should use Lord Naseby too.)
Rajash / July 10, 2018
The Tamils are crying for LTTE to come back …but the Sinhala people have gone even worse …they want a Hitler to rule them!!!!!
One would have thought after 70 years of riots against the minorities and 30 years of civil war the country would try to find peace with itself and all its citizens
No…they want to escalate to the level of Hitler … !!!!!!!
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 10, 2018
What VijayaKala stated is the truth and if the Sinhalese, from extremists to pretend liberals do not like what she stated it is their problem and not ours. It is a fact that large scale crimes in Tamil areas only arrived with the stationing of the Sinhalese armed forces and police in these areas on a large scale since May 2009 . Prior to this , you never found any of these sort of crimes in the Tamil areas. The so called Tamil criminal elements and paramilitaries are under the control of the armed forces and police. They can control everything else but not these criminals who are acting with impunity, strange. There is a vast difference between the formation of the LTTE and Tamil nationalism and the so called Sinhalese nationalism , Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism , that is supported by many in the establishment and clergy. The former came into being because of state sponsored discrimination and genocide of the Tamils from the time of independence to now. It only seeks to protect the Tamil people, their language culture heritage and whatever remains of their homelands , that has not been stolen . Not to discriminate or marginalise others or to steal their lands or destroy their heritage. Sinhalese nationalism and Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism on the other hand seeks to destroy everything non Sinhalese or non Buddhist in the island and make the island a 100% Sinhalese Buddhist state. It has powerful backers. It does not recognise the fact that the island is multi racial, multi ethnic, multi religious or want to acknowledge the ancient history of the island’s Tamils and their just rights and right to their lands , that they had ruled until European colonisation. Sinhalese politicians from the time of independence have exploited this for their own personal benefit and have created this mess. Tamil nationalism was born out of this mess. Not a single Sinhalese led Sri Lankan government has ever honoured any agreement made with Tamils including the LTTE.
Hela / July 10, 2018
“For the past several years in the north, and especially after the coming to power of the previous government headed by former president Mahinda Rajapaksa there has been a steady deterioration in the law and order situation with many criminal groups from within the Tamil community attacking each other and seeking to live off the civilian community”.
Readers know that this is a bold face lie. Jehan gleefully swimming in the cesspool they created.
A comparative review of security and police records related to North before 2015 (since May 2019) and after 2015 will amply show when law and order has deteriorated.
Continued Rajapakse bashing doesn’t work any more. If Jehan and their ilk didn’t realise it after LG elections, then they will face a bigger defeat next time around even if they manage to put prominent Rajapakses behind bars with the kangaroo courts being set up now.
Hela / July 10, 2018
Anyone can be frustrated with the current law and order situation which is the own making of the present yahapalana junta where it’s IGP openly stated a policy of bending the law, where the junta sought to create special courts to selectively try political opponents, and where the junta has created a special Gestapo style organ called FCID to manufacture evidence in support of kangaroo court hearings. However such frustrations never justify propagation of banned terrorist organisations, especially by the legislators who are specifically bound by their constitutional oaths. Such violations must be punished and nipped in the bud if further deterioration of law & order and compromise of national security is to be avoided.
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
“Anyone can be frustrated with the current law and order situation which is the own making of the present yahapalana junta where it’s IGP openly stated a policy of bending the law, where the junta sought to create special courts to selectively try political opponents, and where the junta has created a special Gestapo style organ called FCID to manufacture evidence in support of kangaroo court hearings.”
Gosh too long.
Do you surmise that everything was fine between 2005 and 2015?
If you do you must visit Sri Lanka once in a while and face the people. The planet Seth is too far from here hence you can only make it probably once in your life time if you are lucky.
Does not matter, please stay there.
Shrikharan / July 10, 2018
One can say anything they like “I like to rob the bank” but they only break the law when they start acting on it!
This is what I was told as a young school boy.
Vijayakala Maheswaran did not do anything wrong in what she said.
Wimal Weerawansa said he wants to bomb the parliament. He has the right to say it. Remember ‘barking dog never bites! He is only guilty if he gets caught in an action in acomplishing what he said.
OK! I am going to say something worse than Vijayakala Maheswaran and Wimal Weerawansa said. I want to destroy the whole world and kill all the people in the world. Arrest me and put me in jail.
wannihami / July 10, 2018
Sach, Hela and Sumane etc, the author Jegan Perera is singing for his supper from the US NGOs and he is either on the payroll or wannabe on the payroll of holier than thou elitist east coast liberals. Jehan is spewing utter nonsense when law and order in the NP is deteriorating so rapidly under Yahapalanaya, he is trying to fool who/whom?
Native Vedda / July 10, 2018
“Sach, Hela and Sumane etc, the author Jegan Perera is singing for his supper from the US NGOs and he is either on the payroll or wannabe on the payroll of holier than thou elitist east coast liberals.”
You too want to work for them, please apply.
I guess you have been suffering from jealousy.
Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.
H. G. Wells
chiv / July 10, 2018
Sach by the way you are one among them. A retard is in apparent denial until he is told so. Why do you think Lanka is one of those country in Trump,s list.There is no hope for the country as long you and the rest of the Pseudo patriots are enlightened. But then again the possibility of that is none to minimal.
Colombo Man / July 10, 2018
During the second world war – Britain was in the brink of defeat by the more powerful Nazi Germany under Hitler.
At that time all parties got to gether and formed a war cabinet.
The situation in Sri Lanka can be compared to the same if not graver.
This is a time for all stake holders within Sri lanka to rally to overcome the threats to our small island in the Indian Ocean.
justice / July 10, 2018
“……………..…………….a steady deterioration of the law and order situation with many criminal groups from within the Tamil community……………………………………………………….”
If these are eliminated, Tamils can live in peace and contentment.
But the behaviour of the armed forces and police like “lords and masters” of the Tamils in the region, and as even the owners of all lands (and homes) – public/state and private, is not conducive to law and order.
The government cannot be unaware of this situation, but apparently is unable to correct it.
Vijayakala has the guts to expose this – and is found to be at fault.
Mallaiyuran / July 13, 2018
” The former government sought to control the general population by creating a stronger central government in which the military played a bigger role. However, the ethos of the present government is entirely different. “
This is as usual Jehan PhD Praising whichever the Appe Aanduwa he associates with.
1). After even a long struggle, still no one is able to get rid of PTA. This is reason Tamils are still being tortured in the North East and shot in Colombo.
2). When Sinhala A do a rape, Murder, or drug smuggling, to hide this Sinhala Politicians or Rapist army related crimes, Appe Aanduwa is arresting Tamil B, because of PTA. That is the reason (to Save the Sinhala criminals) only Appe Aanduwa is refusing to remove the PTA.
3). Appe Aanduwa has brought the capital punishment because if they catch a Tamil and torture and let him/her go he/she going to a foreign country and complaining about Aanduwa’s torture. To complete his case in prison itself, Appe Aanduwa has brought the capital Punishment.
4). Now all three forces have police power. This is said to will be used only in the North. This is going to devastate the North.
Jehan PhD like biased writers still supporting the Appe Aanduwa even after it has brought the capital punishment and Police power to All there forces. I don’t know who is still paying for Jehan PhD still.