18 September, 2024


The Great Neighbour Tilts: Lessons In Geopolitics

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“…Contiguous polities, in Kautilya’s analysis, existed in a state of latent hostility. Whatever professions of amity he might make, any ruler whose power grew significantly would find that it was in his interest to subvert his neighbor’s realm…The wise ruler would seek his allies from among his neighbor’s neighbors.” – Dr. Henry Kissinger, World Order (2014)

“Common to all countries of Southeast Asia is the existence within each state of an ethnic majority that forms the core, alongside numerous ethnic minorities. These latter are made up of groups that are more or less indigenous, as well as groups of people that arrived later as a result of history or migration”. – Huu Ngoc, Wandering through Vietnamese Culture (2006)

Up close and personal, India’s Prime Minister Modi has a presence, even a bit of an inner radiance born of confidence. This is the shared observation of my wife and me after the gracious introduction and handshakes at the India House reception two evenings back. Asia is lucky to have produced such a leader. We were lucky to meet him. That said, Sri Lankans were taught a firm lesson in Realism, in geopolitical realities and the balance of power, over the last few days.

No sagacious foreign leader on his visit to a neighboring country with a contentious, polarized domestic situation would make public remarks which implied or could be perceived as a tilt to one side. This is more so, if the side that is being tilted towards, is a numerical minority and the side that may perceive itself as being tilted against, is a large majority. There is only one set of circumstances in which a neighboring leader on a visit would actually say something that came across as a tilt. That is if there is no competition or counterweight.

China is regarded as having lost the game in Sri Lanka. India and the US are seen as having won. Mahinda Rajapaksa leveraged China for economic, strategic/security and diplomatic advantage for Sri Lanka. He used China as a counterweight to the West and India. He lost and China lost, and taken together that meant Sri Lanka lost something. Several weeks after, with Sri Lanka wide open and the playing field no longer level, the leader of our giant neighbor visited and shifted the goalposts by calling for a political solution beyond the status quo. He even mentioned the f word- federalism.

 On the second and final day of his visit to Sri Lanka, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi bonded with the Tamils of the Northern Province with aplomb…The audience went into raptures when Modi began his speech with a full throated “Vanakkam” (greetings)  in Tamil. They clapped lustily as he unreservedly acknowledged the sufferings the Tamils had gone through during the 30 year war, and assured them that India is committed to alleviating their sufferings and will never let them down…At the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the India-funded Jaffna Cultural Centre, Modi …recalled that he told the Lankan parliament that “cooperative federalism” is necessary for the all-round development of a country”. (Modi Bonds with Lankan Tamils with Aplomb, PK Balachandran, New Indian Express, March 14, 2015)

All of this was picked up by the Northern Tamil politicians:

‘…Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran …praised Modi for advocating “cooperative federalism” as a model for Sri Lanka. “Modi has implanted the idea of cooperative federalism and devolution in the minds of Lankan leaders,” the CM said.’ (‘Mixed Feelings in Sri Lanka on Modi visit’, PK Balachandran, New Indian Express, March 15, 2015)

Before (in the interview given to Meera Srinivasan of the Hindu), during (in his welcome speech) and after (in remarks to the media) Prime Minister Modi’s visit, Chief Minister Wigneswaran had clearly articulated the political perspective of departing from and moving beyond the 13th amendment. In his speech welcoming the visiting Prime Minister, he clearly flagged the powers of an Indian state, in “internal security, law and order, policing and protection pertaining to lands and so on within the state” as the desired immediate objective, saying:

“…Thirteenth Amendment can never be the final solution. The current 13th Amendment Framework and the existing Sri Lankan constitutional architecture that had evolved since the first Republican Constitution of 1972 without the consent and participation of Tamils of North and East of our Country, poses formidable challenges and hindrances in realizing the quantum of devolution required to fulfill the needs and aspirations of the Tamil Speaking People of North and East of Sri Lanka. Indian Constitution provides for the facilitation of sustainable development, internal security, law and order, policing and protection pertaining to lands and so on within the State…

…Especially the inadequacies of the Thirteenth Amendment. Even when the Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987 was signed there was a historic communication by our leaders to the then Indian Prime Minister, late Shri Rajiv Gandhi on 28 October 1987, pointing out   hollow and inadequate the 13th Amendment had been. They sought the then Indian Government’s intervention on behalf of the Tamils of North East Province of Sri Lanka. When Indo Lanka Accord was negotiated ostensibly as a solution to the Tamil Question, India whilst addressing Indian Security and Strategic concerns, stood as a guarantor on behalf of the Tamils of North-East. That situation prevails in North-East Provinces in Sri Lanka even today. We need the services of a guarantor and it is our considered view that the Government of India under your stewardship is best suited for this role!

The emaciated Thirteenth Amendment has not brought the required and expected devolution to the North and East. Even today parallel administrative structures exist one directed by the Centre and the other by the Province despite the appointment of an amiable Governor!

…We seek positive action to be taken to resolve our problems. May I suggest Sir, that there be talks among the Indian Government, Sri Lankan Government and the NPC and the EPC without taking refuge under the current constitutional provisions and protocols to find ways of resolving the central problem of the Tamil speaking people in an innovative and creative manner bearing in mind the root causes of our ethnic conflict and post war needs and priorities of the people of the Northern and Eastern Provinces?…” (Excerpt from Welcome Speech by Chief Minister Wigneswaran, Saturday March 14th 2015)

After Prime Minister Modi’s remarks which have been construed as an endorsement and a guarantee of support to “never let them down”, Chief Minister Wigneswaran and the Northern Provincial Council have more political space and are demonstrating a greater propensity to behave as an autonomous third player in Sri Lankan politics and more dangerously, in relations with the outside world. The visiting Indian Prime Minister’s political signal has strengthened a new assertiveness in the Northern Tamil political discourse, and to mix the metaphor, lifted the bar of Tamil expectations. This would not be an intrinsically bad thing except for the fact that the bar of expectation would be raised well beyond the achievable. Therefore, the entire shift would be damaging rather than conducive to the task of political reconciliation through the accommodation of those Tamil aspirations that are compatible with the overall national interest.

The slogan of going beyond the 13th amendment and the introduction of the term federalism runs up against the most obvious of obstacles, namely how it would get past a referendum. Given that the 19th amendment didn’t quite make it past the Cabinet in its undiluted form, it is wildly utopian to expect something qualitatively beyond the 13th amendment and invested with a federal spirit, i.e. something that goes beyond the unitary framework of the state, can get a two thirds majority in parliament, and secure a majority at a referendum.

Even if the UNP and the SLFP Right wing (CBK-Sudu Nelumites) unite to guarantee the passage through parliament, it is just the kind of single issue that can trigger a grassroots radical nationalist-Statist movement to successfully oppose it at a referendum. On an issue this emotive, it would take a foolhardy administration to attempt a JR Jayewardene 1982 type coercive Referendum, with political opponents jailed on trumped up charges. (Vijaya Kumaratunga was arrested, allegedly with a nod and a wink from then Opp. Leader, a Bandaranaike, on the charge of being a ‘Naxalite’).

The slogan of “going beyond” the 13th amendment with Indian-model federalism as the stated goal is most likely to achieve its exact opposite, namely a buildup which results in the scrapping of the 13th amendment itself or a political atmosphere after the referendum which makes the 13th amendment so radioactive as to be unworkable. There is after all, a direct line of political and ideological descent between the Tamil call for 50:50 (50% for the Sinhalese who constitute three quarters and 50% for those minorities who comprise a quarter of the citizenry) in 1947 and Sinhala Only in 1956.

With Chief Minister Wigneswaran’s stinging, insolent rebuke to Prime Minister Wickremesinghe after the latter’s free and frank interview with Indian TV, we have a lesson to learn. While a President and a Prime Minister from two traditionally opposing parties may be a good thing for balance, it can, in the specific political circumstances of Sri Lanka, provide a dangerous gap for manipulation. The North is politically ambitious and therefore needs to be contained. In order to close the gap in the field placing as it were, that would permit a politically restive North to play off one power center against the other, the citizens need to pick at the upcoming parliamentary election a Prime Minister from the same matrix as the President. Obviously that cannot be Mr. Wickremesinghe. Nor can the present Leader of the Opposition beat Mr. Wickremesinghe, and is therefore also not an option.

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  • 30

    CrossRoads Neethan Shan EP4 [Human and Political Rights of Tamils] – “March has become a critical month in our calendar for Tamils doing human rights advocacy. Many activists make a trip to Geneva or pay great attention to what is happening in Geneva during this time hoping that we will get justice of some sort, through that process.

    In this episode we discuss Geneva, genocide related resolution, changing political landscape in Sri Lanka many many other related topics.

    To discuss these topics with us, we had three special guests doing important work in this area. Dharsha Jegatheeswaran, Usha Sriskandarajah, and M.K. Eelaventhan “


    • 25


      Here is a useful article on Pon Arunachalam

      The Ceylon National Congress in Disarray 1920-21 Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam Leaves the Congress

      By Prof KMD Silva
      The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies
      July – December 1972

      Can be accessed from noolaham.net

      Speeches and writings of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam
      with a Forward by the Rt Hon Col Josiah C Wedgwood

      H W Cave & Co Printers Colombo

      This must be the original publication which Dayan failed to consult.

      I have checked PA’s particular speech and found nothing in that suggests anything towards Tamil Eelam.

      Dayan is getting away with commission and omission and thinks he is too clever.

      • 14

        Thanks Native Vedda. I have found the link to the By Prof KMD Silva The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies July – December 1972 http://www.noolaham.net/project/120/11991/11991.pdf

        I will try to find the link on the net for the second one.

        I am planning to visit Sri Lanka and would love to meet you. Not sure how to go about this.

        • 17


          I have a copy of the original “Speeches and writings of Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam with a Forward by the Rt Hon Col Josiah C Wedgwood H W Cave & Co Printers Colombo”

          Let me have your contact details and I can send you a scanned copy, within the next few weeks.

          • 10

            Please do mail to me NV

            • 12

              manisekaran & Anpu

              I need at least two weeks to scan the book (331 pages)

              • 11

                Dear Native Vedda,
                Thank you for the effort. There is no rush.

            • 14


              D K Ravi IAS officer is found dead in his house. Is there going to credible investigation? Police says it was a case of suicide. Do you believe the police. I am told local people are protesting for justice. Did you support the protest? When is the state going send its riot police to disperse the protest?

              How far the Hindian investigation intend to go?

          • 11

            Thanks NV.
            Would I be able to send the contact details via CT?

      • 9

        Native you are getting away with semantics. As a good Tamil posing as a Veddah you might believe a Tamil website.


        • 31


          Go check what I commented on Usha’s comment.

          I have a copy of the original book. So I know what I am talking about. Read prof Peter Salk’s comment to Dayan as well.

          I don’t care what Tamils and Sinhalese think, type and act as long as they maintained intellectual honesty.

          I am crossed at everyone who type fiction as facts.

          “Comment is free, but facts are sacred”

          CP Scott

          • 4

            What do you know about intellectual honesty? Read your own posts. But I don’t blame you for not trusting Tamilnation.

            • 25

              care_worker turned ruthless predator call it

              intellectual_nudity then.

              Honesty is the best policy but the man who follows it is not an honest man. Now see how you disclosed your inner feelings – honesty care worker???

            • 21


              “Read your own posts. But I don’t blame you for not trusting Tamilnation.”

              I will make your life easy. Read my comment to Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

              Two Nation’ Claim By Chief Minister Wigneswaran
              Dayan Jayatilleka March 3, 2015

              Native Vedda
              March 4, 2015 at 11:46 pm

              Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

              “the sacred word Tamil Eelam was used by him (thanks to the Tamil Nation Website)!”

              Don’t read too much into his speech. He didn’t mean Tamil Eelam as a separate state.

      • 40

        “Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam”
        type should not intervene and save the buro/buruvas because there is nothing to save. NaMo NDTV long says it all clearly-
        Spiderman- here my boys and girls the pen to keep all you chickens in the brood not the groove you predict.
        If the 20 million want to stupid fight (you are fighting butterfly warriors best in the air as of date-Gujarati has and still is also PM of maratha deccan) then Lanka becomes another subic bay which India wont mind- a security scare on China is already on (defense treaty signed with Russia 2 days after yellow sub) and this would be for free till mother India has all those subs it needs in the ocean- it takes 10 years for that and cash is not the question because they are used to sitting on `money pots`

        The problem the nation faces is the cat-o-lic (actually muslim strains)flirt going to think tanks of Delhi and nudjing a place like the proverbic maggot`- its going to be smelly for the country kollo he is a downright mercenary- me me getting old like vasu and is prepared to be a catylist for muslim uprisals /sabotages. tamils are stupid wiggie bowled as expected over the heads and well taken by the heart of baharat.

        Greater India was the historical extent of the culture of India beyond the Indian subcontinent. This particularly concerns the spread of Hinduism and Buddhism from India to Southeast Asia, Central Asia and China by the Silk Road during the early centuries of the Common Era, and the spread of the Indian writing systems like the Pallava script of the south Indian Pallava dynasty to the Southeast Asia[1][2] by the travellers and maritime traders of the 5th to 15th centuries. It also describes the establishment of Indianized Kingdoms in Southeast Asia and the spread of the Indian script, architecture and administration.[3][4] To the west, Greater India overlaps with Greater Persia in the Hindu Kush and Pamir Mountains. The term is tied to the geographic uncertainties surrounding the “Indies” during the Age of Exploration.

  • 23

    “Northern Province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran reiterated his position on devolution when he welcomed PM Modi in Jaffna on Saturday. He lamented that his council was not vested with adequate powers to look after the needs of people unlike in Indian states, especially Gujarat, of which Modi was Chief Minster prior to his election as PM. Wigneswaran has made no bones about his party’s position that the 13A is no solution in itself; it is only a stepping stone. He said to Modi: “Thirteenth Amendment can never be the final solution. No wonder you referred to your firm belief in co-operative federalism yesterday in Parliament … Indian Constitution provides for the facilitation of sustainable development, internal security, law and order, policing and protection pertaining to lands and so on within the State. Our inability to function in our Province to the extent you were able to help Gujarat under the Indian Constitution needs to be understood.” And Wigneswaran called for India’s intervention to make this possible. “We need the services of a guarantor and it is our considered view that the Government of India under your stewardship is best suited for this role!””

    [Edited out]

  • 32

    I love it – ‘the north is politically ambitious and so needs to be contained’ – yes the sinhalese chauvinists need nice subservient tamils …. keep it coming Dayan – you can’t make this stuff up!

    • 19

      DJ is an unashamed and unrestrained Sinhala chauvanist who makes no attempt to hide this. In a sense, I applaud him for his honesty and he is not afraid to come out with the statements like the one you quoted where he lays it out to everyone, his Sinhala majoritarian ideology. In fact I am starting to enjoy reading his commentary a lot more than I did in years gone by.

      With DJ, you know where he stands, it is the likes of Ranil W that Tamils need to be concerned about.

  • 31


    “This would not be an intrinsically bad thing except for the fact that the bar of expectation would be raised well beyond the achievable.”

    Is it you the bigot who decides what is achievable?

    “The slogan of going beyond the 13th amendment and the introduction of the term federalism runs up against the most obvious of obstacles, namely how it would get past a referendum.”

    Are you talking about a UN referendum, or a Sinhala Buddhist variety something like what JR used to extend his term?

    “The slogan of “going beyond” the 13th amendment with Indian-model federalism as the stated goal is most likely to achieve its exact opposite, namely a buildup which results in the scrapping of the 13th amendment itself or a political atmosphere after the referendum which makes the 13th amendment so radioactive as to be unworkable.”

    If that is so, what alternative will India have other than to recommend to the UN to have a referendum in the North-east to determine democratically what the Tamil people aspire to.

    Dayan, don’t talk about the crap of 50:50, remember the historical fact that the Tamils of the North-East had a state of their own (ask Tisaranee) before Britain un-did it and made them the so-called minority of the Sinhala Buddhist supremacist political elitist state with people like you.

    One doesn’t need a PhD in politics to figure that out, but your Mahavamsa mind set obstructs you to.

    Sinhalese political leaders, it appears, haven’t learned a lesson from what happened in former Yugoslavia and the newly formed states adjoining Russia.

    You are really a devil’s advocate leading the Sinhalese to their ruin like the Nazis.

    You are really the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels.

  • 28


    has pledged his loyalty to Emperror Modi and his Hindian Empire as he writes:

    “This is the shared observation of my wife and me after the gracious introduction and handshakes at the India House reception two evenings back. Asia is lucky to have produced such a leader. We were lucky to meet him.”

    Modi also knows that Sama Dhana Peda Dhanda works miraculosly well with his unruly neighbours in addition to the advice his Chinese neighbours have given him

    “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
    Sun-tzu – Chinese general & military strategist (~400 BC)

    Probably Modi must have had a firm grip on Dayan when he shook hands with him indicating that it was Dayan’s b**ls. Dayans hearts and mind might follow.

    • 8

      Native Vedda,
      At least Dayan has b**ls unlike you that is. I’m thinking, if you had b**ls, you should have been in Nanthikadal with your Eelam termites.


      • 33


        “At least Dayan has b**ls”

        Lets find out from Modi. Please drop a line to Hindian High Commission.

        ” I’m thinking,”

        Sorry you too are capable of thinking, where is the proof?

        “if you had b**ls,”

        My partner has taken away my b***s for safe keeping.

        “you should have been in Nanthikadal with your Eelam termites”

        Are you another stupid Sinhala/Buddhist? What have I got to do with Eelam termites?

        Are you one of MR’s former b***s carriers?

        • 8

          Native Vedda,
          D.J. is not going to stoop down to your low level and respond to your name calling. I don’t think he will invest a second of his time responding to you and your comments about his b**ls.

          I, on the other hand have no problem responding to people like you. The point I’m making is let’s keep our comments civil. This is a social site and let’s be responsible when exchanging ideas on issues.

          • 41

            CIVIL for the blues buruva.

            `No bastard won a war by dying for his country but by killing the other bastard`-General Patton USA the winner!!

            Kali of diaspora take note please this is possible under law.

            There is a much more civil way of reacting to lust of the sihala Buddhist foe. In the US solicitors use setup women to trap men of ranking and stitch them like in the raj rajaratnam case – this is common.

            We have seen 600 k sihal Buddhist women working in ME as maids and they are as innocent as the number that died in no fire zone.

            If the tails so decided they can hire an Arab contractor to spy on sihal Buddhist in the Middle East working in sex have them taken under the law stoned to death and sent in a coffin- a 100k within an year is not impossible in the middle east harvest.

            That solves a major problem of diaspora. Only Bangladeshi your blood brothers send their women to spread legs not Pakistan or India.- Nice jazz and blues made in the west not off shot Lankan poop university DJ cook appu.

            Morals are men not for God.

            • 23

              Colombo Telegraph should have edited out this horrendous comment!
              Please do edit this out!!

          • 33


            “I don’t think he will invest a second of his time responding to you and your comments about his b**ls.”

            What more is he going to say apart from more smart ass patriotic b**l s**t. I should think his b***s are safe in his partners custody.

            “I, on the other hand have no problem responding to people like you.”

            Please keep responding so that you can prove how little you know about this island and its problems.

            “The point I’m making is let’s keep our comments civil.”

            I assure you I have no intention of military means to counter you. I love to engage with people who are not only civil but wise. If you don’t qualify, I have no problem.

            “This is a social site and let’s be responsible when exchanging ideas on issues.”

            If you have bright ideas lets hear them.

            My objective in my life is to insult both stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese, because they deserve them, and I am the right Vedda to offend both. (Dayan and few others fit very well into this category. Hypocrites get priority.)

            Secondly I am trying my best to liberate Buddhism (Buddha’s teaching from Sinhala/Buddhism.

            Thirdly I want the Sinhala and Tamil people expatriated from this island, for they have the real pain in our neck for the past 2500 or so years.

            • 29

              NV bright idea!

              “This is a social site and let’s be responsible when exchanging ideas on issues.”
              `If you have bright ideas lets hear them.`

              funny Quote from 50k `convenience` private e-mail for official duties- oh the freedom of the internet!

              If I didn’t kick his ass every day, he wouldn’t be worth anything.
              – Hillary Clinton, on Bill Clinton

            • 2

              Native Vedda,
              Your objective in life is to figure out how to use a tooth brush.

              • 25

                “Your objective in life is to figure out how to use a tooth brush. “

                Oi Rhythm_less Blues hanging on the Margosa tree.

                The bogeyman lies on your finger nails not the bristles, apply it on your head and feel the buzz

                like the person who finds a sling and breaks his arm to wear it.;:-@

              • 19


                “Your objective in life is to figure out how to use a tooth brush.”

                Is this your bright idea?

                Well I don’t need your western concept product (brush) when I use my own freshly made nature given brush from Azadirachta indica (Kohomba, nimba, vempu) stem/stalk.

                Ficus benghalensis (Nuga, Nyagrodha, Al) another brilliant brush which you and family should try.

                Fresh stalk every morning keeps the dentist away.

          • 28

            Person calls his fellow citizens as “termites” thinks he is civilised. Brains of Jazz should be smaller than his b**ls… This guy must be from DJ’s hometown, kind of birth defect ?

            • 25


              “Person calls his fellow citizens as “termites” thinks he is civilised.”

              Its called two faces of Sinhala/Buddhism.

            • 3

              Eelam termites cannot be considered ‘fellow citizens’ because they reject Sri lankan citizenship and fight for Eelam citizenship. Do you even have brains Alahwhatever to understand that point? Alahwhatever, since you are obsessed with b**ls, thought i’d let you know that your Eelam ‘sun god’ died without any.

              • 24

                Civil!! Hmmmmm.

                Call that powder puff.
                Isn’t the speculation as poppycock exasperation’s?

  • 29

    It’s time DJ embrace Buddhism and practice Buddhism and preach Buddhism instead of spreading hate through his thoughts and writings.

    JR’s Cyril Mathew ‘ s acts pale in comparison to MR ‘s Dayan Jayatilleke aka Dayan de Silva ‘ s acts.

    MR likes to visit Thirupathi. Why not you visit Buddha Gaya and Kanchi and other holy places in India to bring inner peace DJ ?

    Atleast Mervin Silva confessed that he prayed to Vishnu Deyio in December to make MR lose on 8th Jan.2015.

    Any confessions from you ???

    It is interesting to see you have started quoting Henry Kissing er now a days.
    Good foxy move.

    Mervin and Sumane Abey have more credibility than you man.

  • 33

    I think India is movingforward and Sri Lankan mindset in some minds are subjected to square head thinking and unable to move out of the box and think differently.

    I will give an example, I visited Chennai around 35 years ago and last week was my second trip to Chennai to see how people are living and practice my tamil language skills. In the airport in Chennai the police and SpiceJet employees spoke Hindi, my driver spoke english, I tried to communicate in Tamil and the driver replied in English. When I entered Marriott the reception manager spoke english and Hindi. The Tv in the room had only one tamil channel. I went out to different social gathering and eating places where tourist went and I found good mix of north Indians and lots of Hindi.

    So. I realised India is movingforward in mixing cultures and there was no tamil only culture in Chennai, so if India Can make it Why Sri Lanka Can not do it?.

    The tamil kovils, cultural activities and language is floridhing in Tamil Nadu with north indians. In Mumbai I understand that there is around 10% tamils and Even some road names and shop names are written in Tamil in the area where tamils are living… My colouges who are Marati are having no problems with tamils so Why can not we learn from our naboer India?

    • 29


      Exactly! Anyone visiting Chennai would be amazed by the fact that this region, which was once considered anti-hindi is now full of hindi speaking people, both Tamils and non-Tamils.

      This change has happened by winning over the hearts of the Tamil people. This is the success of Indian model of cooperative federalism.

      Sinhalese, had they been not paranoid by the mythical mahavamsa stories, could have easily utilized the Tamils to build a prosperous society – something that would have replicated the golden era of Ravana, who was the ancestor of the present day sinhalese (and spiritual ancestor of the Hindu Tamils).

      • 5

        Dear Yoga and the Indian Tamil from Tamil Nadu,

        The Issues in Sri Lanka are different to the issues in India.
        Consider the following.

        There are 839,504 Tamils of Indian Origin in Lanka. The Northern province has 7789 persons and the Eastern Province 4151 persons.

        The rest 827,564 persons (98.6%) of Indian Origin Tamils live amongst the Sinhalese. They are descendants from Indentured Labour brought by the British to work the Plantations and ALL of them were what you describe as UNTOUCHABLES in India.

        Once in Lanka they have to live somewhere, the Land they live on was Land STOLEN by the British from the Sinhalese using Draconian Laws to do so.

        (Google for Crown Land Enforcement Ordinance of 1840, Waste Land Ordinance Act of 1897, Land Settlement Ordinance of 1889 or read my comment here for details https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/revolutionizing-sovereignty-to-secure-permanent-peace-in-sri-lanka/comment-page-1/#comment-1796930)

        In 1911 the TOTAL indigenous Lanka Tamil population was 528,000 but the number of Alien Indians occupying the Sinhala hinterland exceeded that and were 531,000. This was like DISPLACING the Sinhalese from their Land by moving the ENTIRE Tamil population into Sinhala Land.

        Now ask yourself ONE question.

        Would these Indian UNTOUCHABLES be welcome in the NORTH?

        The North had it’s OWN PANCHAMARS (untouchables) which were 60% of the Northern population. Here is a first hand experience from ONE of them.

        “When I moved to Hatton and later to Colombo, I found a very different world. It was a transforming experience for me and my wife to find that our workmates, mostly Sinhalese would actually sit with us and share a cup of tea. We found that we could go to night school and study without being threatened, beaten up, or go and borrow books, and do things that would bring swift retribution ‘back in the North’; our dwellings would have been torched and our women raped with impunity” (http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/12770)

        Sebastian Rasalingam who wrote the above is a Low Cast Jaffna Tamil married to an Indian origin Tamil lady from Hatton. He is an Octogenarian and now lives in Canada.

        Read my comment here for more details of the Panchamars of Jaffna https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/tamils-should-keep-silent-to-reconcile/comment-page-1/#comment-1794135

        The effects of the above displacement of the Sinhalese even several centuries later can be seen from the following

        “According to the 1946 census on population in the agricultural sector of the island, 40% of the agricultural peasant families found in the former Kandyan Kingdom were landless while there were 26% landless agricultural families recorded in the wet zone” (Herath 1995: 79).

        There are today, over a million landless Sinhala peasants who have been made destitute in their own lands and politically marginalised by the UNPARALLELED demographic changes that were forced on them at Gun Point.

        How do you restore their Land to them?
        It is not possible to evict the Indian Origin Tamils to give back the land to the original occupants.

        The govt addressed the issue in 1949 by developing UNINHABITED FORREST LAND under the Gal Oya Development Scheme.

        The Gal Oya scheme opened up Forrest Land and 40 million acres of land became available for settlement of the Landless.

        Veddhas, Moors, Tamils and the Landless Sinhala described above were selected for settlement.

        Then the Tamil politicians started racist objections. They claimed that this was Tamil Land. The Tamil United Liberation Front claimed it was EXCLUSIVELY Tamil Land (TULF election manifesto July 1977).

        It was the TULF that nurtured the Terrorists who were affectionately referred to as “our boys” until the “boys” started assassinating the Vellala Tamil Leadership.

        This is the Root Cause of the Ethnic problems in Lanka.

        You are not being told the truth by those who are posting here pretending to be an injured party.

        Land is the fount of Life and it is the Birthright of all Sri Lankans irrespective of cast, creed, religion or ethnicity. Any unreasonable and unfair claim to it by ANY group is sure to be opposed by the rest. It is not possible to ignore this and expect peace.

        Note; Please read Regional Powers and Small State Security: India and Sri Lanka, 1977-1990 By K. M. De Silva pages 90 – 94 to get an understanding of the Eastern Province.

        Also please refer to the following for independent evidence to the Northern Boundary of the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom.

        The Dutch National Archive gives the following description of a Fort built by them at Elephant Pass and the reason for building it.
        Elephant Pass

        During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy, who had close ties with Ceylon’s Buddhist population. There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory. Elephants captured on Ceylon were herded past here to Jaffna to be sold in India, hence the name Elephant Pass.

        I endeavour to write truthfully and would welcome any corrections supported by factual evidence to what I have written.

        Kind Regards,

        • 31


          Stick to the point if you can please. The difference is that the Sinhala Buddhists are very insecure. 40% Hindi speaking India used their heads but in Sri Lanka 75% Sinhala speaking fools use their emotions. This is the difference.

          Please do not hide behind the Jaffns cast system and accept your insecurity and grow up.

          • 3


            The point has been explained in my first sentence very clearly.

            If you are getting indigestion when the TRUTH is served bad luck.

          • 2

            what is wrong in being insecure? That is a human quality of mentally balancing the threats for them. It is because of that insecure feeling within India that indians are taking precautions against china and pakistan.

            And because of that insecurity US is maintaining a huge army. There is nothing wrong in being insecure…

            You have again and again showed what sort of an immature idiot you are…

        • 0

          Off the Cuff,

          Being a Tamil and being attached emotionally to the Tamils there, I have lot of reservations on these arguments. But thanks for posting this explanation.

      • 1

        ha ha you have done a colossal treason by calling Ravana is a sinhala ancestor in the eyes of tamils. Between ravana is a myth and keep it at that level.

        Tamils were always utilised by anti SL elements who want to destabilise SL.

        And is it now that chennai has multi lingual society? very backward! Colombo has been a multi lingual place in most of its history

    • 7

      Go and see Colombo..dehiwala, wellawatta, Bamba, etc,,.and how mixing, accomodative it is than anyother South asian city

      • 33

        Indian Tamil from Tamilnadu, India & Yoga

        Make sure you don’t visit this island when Sinhala/Buddhist are raging or about to rage. They have 500 years of bottled up anger against foreigners (Colonial Powers) and more than 2000 years of memories relating to Pandya, Chola, …. and other kingdoms interfering in this island.

        But the problem with them is that they don’t even remember ever raging against others. You cannot predict them.

        • 29

          “But the problem with them is that they don’t even remember ever raging against others. You cannot predict them. “

          I would invite all Indians to a long and winding mella to kathragama to bless the soil in hindi- you can be assured you wont hear a sinhala voice after the stamped. just may be kumma laka kumma laka chicke lay lay!
          I seen several stampedes at Delhi Indira days easily a million gather in and around.

        • 2

          It is the sinhala buddhists in rage that protect their island from every invader through out history. Idiots like you lie down until the ones in rage finish the job..

          • 16


            I am not surprised that you genuinely believe in what you said. Because, this is what you have been taught! I suppose it not your fault!

            • 2

              what is wrong in what I said?

              It is only the Sinhalese and of course Muslims, Burghers who defended and fought for the sovereignity of SL. Tamils were always willing tools of outside powers to destabilise SL.

              Because there was nothing to protect in SL for them

              If anyone bring wars with portugese that was to protect trade concerns and nothing. After all tamils had nothing to protect in SL

              • 20

                sach oooooooooooo

                “what is wrong in what I said?”

                What is right in what you said?

    • 32


      I was in Chennai two weeks ago.

      I booked a Taxi at the airport in Tamil, I encahsed some foreign currency in Tamil, I spoke to the taxi Driver all the way to the Hotel in Tamil.
      I went to mylapore Temple and saw Tamil culture alive and kicking.

      I did go to Mahapalipuram and for the first time came across a non Tamil speaking Hindian

      You go to Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo and the receptionis welcom you in English.

      You got to any hotel in London the eastern european receptionist/lobby manager welcomes you in heavy eastern european accent

  • 52

    Dayan the Catholic Preacher:

    Preaching to the Sinhalese masses the virtues of being under the New Colonial Master where the Tamils as under British Raj are now being treated as the favoured sons and daughters.

    1) Common to all countries of Southeast Asia is the existence within each state of an ethnic majority that forms the core, alongside numerous ethnic minorities. These latter are made up of groups that are more or less indigenous, as well as groups of people that arrived later as a result of history or migration”.

    *** Correction my friend: This is your orgin and you also migrtaed

    Sinhabahu or (“Lion-arms”), was the son of a Vanga princess and a lion. He killed his father and became king of Vanga. His son Vijaya would emigrate to Lanka and become the progenitor of the Sinhala people.

    2) Up close and personal, India’s Prime Minister Modi has a presence, even a bit of an inner radiance born of confidence. This is the shared observation of my wife and me after the gracious introduction and handshakes at the India House reception two evenings back. Asia is lucky to have produced such a leader. We were lucky to meet him.

    *** Were you dreaming that you wished you were able to meet him.How sad you were deprived of the oppoprtunity. You are yesterdays man.

    3) That said, Sri Lankans were taught a firm lesson in Realism, in geopolitical realities and the balance of power, over the last few days.

    *** Another correction. The Sinkalams knew it was a core curriculum but sadly it was never taught at schools.

    4) No sagacious foreign leader on his visit to a neighboring country with a contentious, polarized domestic situation would make public remarks which implied or could be perceived as a tilt to one side. This is more so, if the side that is being tilted towards, is a numerical minority and the side that may perceive itself as being tilted against, is a large majority. There is only one set of circumstances in which a neighboring leader on a visit would actually say something that came across as a tilt. That is if there is no competition or counterweight.

    *** This is what you call the Royal Prerogative.

    5) China is regarded as having lost the game in Sri Lanka. India and the US are seen as having won. Mahinda Rajapaksa leveraged China for economic, strategic/security and diplomatic advantage for Sri Lanka. He used China as a counterweight to the West and India. He lost and China lost, and taken together that meant Sri Lanka lost something.

    *** Mahintha lost, China Lost in a big way and Sinhala Lanka lost everything. Sovereignity, Dignity and a New Colombo Port City.
    Eelam won hands down.

    6) On the second and final day of his visit to Sri Lanka, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi bonded with the Tamils of the Northern Province with aplomb…The audience went into raptures when Modi began his speech with a full throated “Vanakkam” (greetings) in Tamil.
    All of this was picked up by the Northern Tamil politicians:

    *** Man he is our blood brother what do you expect. He needs AR Rehman to make music. That was music to our ears.

    7) Thirteenth Amendment can never be the final solution. The current 13th Amendment Framework and the existing Sri Lankan constitutional architecture that had evolved since the first Republican Constitution of 1972 without the consent and participation of Tamils of North and East of our Country, poses formidable challenges and hindrances in realizing the quantum of devolution required to fulfill the needs and aspirations of the Tamil Speaking People of North and East of Sri Lanka.

    *** Now we are talking.

    8) Especially the inadequacies of the Thirteenth Amendment. They sought the then Indian Government’s intervention on behalf of the Tamils of North East Province of Sri Lanka. When Indo Lanka Accord was negotiated ostensibly as a solution to the Tamil Question, India whilst addressing Indian Security and Strategic concerns, stood as a guarantor on behalf of the Tamils of North-East. That situation prevails in North-East Provinces in Sri Lanka even today. We need the services of a guarantor and it is our considered view that the Government of India under your stewardship is best suited for this role!

    *** Man you are talking sense. If you cant beat them Join them. You are not as stupid as I thought you are.

    9) After Prime Minister Modi’s remarks which have been construed as an endorsement and a guarantee of support to “never let them down”, Chief Minister Wigneswaran and the Northern Provincial Council have more political space and are demonstrating a greater propensity to behave as an autonomous third player in Sri Lankan politics and more dangerously, in relations with the outside world. The visiting Indian Prime Minister’s political signal has strengthened a new assertiveness in the Northern Tamil political discourse, and to mix the metaphor, lifted the bar of Tamil expectations. This would not be an intrinsically bad thing except for the fact that the bar of expectation would be raised well beyond the achievable. Therefore, the entire shift would be damaging rather than conducive to the task of political reconciliation through the accommodation of those Tamil aspirations that are compatible with the overall national interest.

    *** We have waited for so long and we have seen the Promised Land.

    10) Even if the UNP and the SLFP Right wing (CBK-Sudu Nelumites) unite to guarantee the passage through parliament, it is just the kind of single issue that can trigger a grassroots radical nationalist-Statist movement to successfully oppose it at a referendum.

    *** Dont worry the referendum will be confined to North & East like Scotland and will be supervised by TNA ( Tamil Nadu Army).

    11) The slogan of “going beyond” the 13th amendment with Indian-model federalism as the stated goal is most likely to achieve its exact opposite, namely a buildup which results in the scrapping of the 13th amendment itself or a political atmosphere after the referendum which makes the 13th amendment so radioactive as to be unworkable. There is after all, a direct line of political and ideological descent between the Tamil call for 50:50 (50% for the Sinhalese who constitute three quarters and 50% for those minorities who comprise a quarter of the citizenry) in 1947 and Sinhala Only in 1956.

    *** No chance. We are the masters of our own destiny and not you lot.

    12) With Chief Minister Wigneswaran’s stinging, insolent rebuke to Prime Minister Wickremesinghe after the latter’s free and frank interview with Indian TV, we have a lesson to learn.

    *** RW was asking for it and he got what he deserved.

    Entru Thaniyum Intha Suthanthira Thagam.

  • 4

    DJ having misguided perception of Relationship between China and
    Sri lanka, today we are at very revealing moment.

    Said by DJ .”China is having regarded lost game in Sri lanka. India and US are as seen having won the game..”

    DJ has out of touch with power balance of shifting of New Peaceful Rise of China. Her contribution to that World GDP comes to US$ 12 Trillion dollars. China is second largest to the USA giant economy in Globally. Hence China become driving force and another engine of driving of World economy by uninterruptly last three decades.
    Indeed the policy of an open and reform is key success of the Market socialist of economy of China led by CPC.

    Geo-politics that in Region and Globally is concern last 35 years the early of each decade saw a major turning point in the world political-economy and markets that China played key role is unique; which is favor of south-south developments of emerging market. By and large’…concept of China lost in Sri lanka’, is myth of pseudo-invented knowledge political reading of….DJ.

    Politics of Not that reading and writing on shorts essays, but its need political justice versus national power interest to be embodied for new road maps.

    Is seen as a an ideological school of thought belongs to neo- liberal parties of political power of rich elites. The growth and rise of china is clear imposing and seemingly inevitable.
    US is operating with large deficits of democracy and economic and a perceived the real loss of its Global leadership role.

    Needless to say world reality of global politics that China to the US and he doesn’t want those episodes to interrupt that promising cooperation between the both sides or do not want block the ongoing process of building a NEW LEVEL OF MAJOR POWER RELATIONS between two nations.

    This fact has been omitted by DJ’s reading of International politics by misplace or by misshapes. Is not that’ China lost to US or India’ now action are needed to realized, its the political reality and logic that both nations of US and India must welcomes the Rise of China, which accept the Global reality come into being.

    DJ has to change political thinking tank some Asian elites bent on acting as Washington and New Delhi’s proxies just turn a deaf ear to advice. Some Asians section of though they reject applying localized solutions to Asian problems. We want and China support and assist the use of Asian approaches of Sri lanka issues.

    • 42

      [Edited out] you stil crying like baby with begging bowl after the carnage!!
      you are grown up now.
      China can’t and wont do anything this ti me over because it has better bets on with russia and germany and the silk train is on- it is cheaper faster cleaner 68% than sea with pirates of sihala selling guns with islamist – boko harem
      The train arrived on 9th december just in time for christmas from the biggest consumer market in china and left with jammon olive oil and wine for chinese new year- It is the break china wanted.
      Cochin port has been the port of all romans arab portugese british & chinese fisherman. But Modi has shut it down for international We know the plaetau better than a piece of shit down below- so there is no pearl of harbours link to middle east; Thank you – pakistan from 48 have refused a gas pipe line to india from iran / new delhi is more in barter with iran than pakistan for 1000 years- pakistan is roosvelt and churchill made country to fight russia nothing more- afetr fight with russia pakistan would be condom like rajapakse does.
      China is big today because the USA wanted to open the door to western trade giving them a chance to eat better from western resources of purchase.
      Mao Tesu Tug and before door was open 2 eggs per week for family of 8 if you steal – jail and electric chair. you are [Edited out]and sihal cannot be chinese culture even by medecine transformation. aren’t you indian [Edited out]

    • 31


      “By and large’…concept of China lost in Sri lanka’, is myth of pseudo-invented knowledge political reading of….DJ. “

      China has never won in this island in the first place. China does not recognise that Indian ocean is India’s ocean. Fair enough even if China won in this island, its Hindia’s problem and not ours. Why should we worry?

      We can peacefully go to sleep only if you could buy a few nuclear weapons from Pakistan to maintain a nuclear parity with both powers.

      “When two elephants fight, the grass suffers; and, when the same two elephants make love, the grass also suffers.” – Swahili saying

  • 1

    DJ the last couple of sentences in the above article is tacit admission that you and your clan have lost the plot.The message that you read from the nugegoda man is similar to the message from John the Baptist in the wilderness- gone with the wind,with Sirisena being appointed the leader of the UPFA as well.

  • 20

    We should write and talk as responsible citizens of Sri Lanka and global Citizens. By writing words with sward to create happiness, actualy provocation, and I suggest constructive comments and sensible actions.

    Those who dont read between lines will definitly be brainwashed, by some unsensible comments. Remember politicians can say several promises but reality Can be different. Be carefull in day dreaming and act positively for the people of Sri Lanka, speasialy tamil speaking Poor people who have undergone worst of worst, still struggling to make a square meal for a day?

    Even the Singelease masses suffered with MR with ends to meet, where the rich enjoyed in a circle without sharing to the Singelease farmers. We need to give space for the politicians to fix the wrongdoing. By writing meaningless words from well to do places does not contribute anyware…..

  • 23


    Have you got your latest version of NFZ?

    This is from NFZ team –
    The launch of the Sinhala language version of the film continues to get coverage – and the need for the film becomes ever clearer. Do please keep spreading the word about the website where it can be seen or downloaded. http://nofirezone.org/sinhala-version
    We have now also written to all of the main television networks in Sri Lanka offering them the film for transmission – and Callum has said he is happy to travel to Sri Lanka to take part in a live studio debate afterwards.

    More disappointing were the comments of President Sirisena (see video above). In his recent interview with the BBC in which he said (according to the translation by the JDS) that he did “not believe” the allegations in No Fire Zone (despite admitting he had not seen the film) and accused us of trying to “mislead the international community”

    When he was asked if he would allow the film to be shown or ban it, he said: “No, even to decide whether we must allow it to be shown, we have to watch the film. Because we don’t know what it contains. So we have to watch it first” http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sl688m

    Clearly this represents a position very far from the “free press” he promised.

    Finally you may be interested in an article written by Callum for the influential Foreign Policy website which sets out what he believes should happen between now and September when the UN Human Rights Council inquiry (OISL) is published. That can be seen here: https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/03/12/stalling-justice-in-sri-lanka/ Do feel free to share and tweet the link.

  • 7

    Thank you for a very thought provoking article as always.

    I would like to add that Modi has invited the Representatives of Indian origin tamils to India for discussions on their ‘problems’.I feel this is another attempt to make a bad situation worse.

    Sushma Swaraj, a few days ago stated that the destinies of Sri lanka and India are interconnected. I feel that if India continues to aggressively interfere and ‘bulldoze’ Sri lanka into a solution tilting towards federalism, then we should seriously think about putting Sushma’s theory to the test.

    I’m going to put the cat among the pigeons when I state that Sri Lanka should re-callibrate her strategic discussions with Russia and China and take those discussions to a new height economically, politically and militarily. Those discussions must include the Sri Lankan state acquiring nuclear warheads with required missile launchers. These can be transported relatively quickly and stealthily. We could station Russian and /or Chinese technical personnel to assist us with such deployment. I’m not a war monger. On the contrary, i feel that the possession of such weapons systems will act as a deterrent to conflict and actually save lives. It will also strengthen our national security. I will site two examples to strengthen my argument.
    1) Military strikes would have been launched against North Korea by the U.S. and her allies if not for the fear of nuclear retaliation and also Chinese strategic interests in North Korea.
    2) Military strikes would have been launched against Syria by the U.S. and her allies if not for the strong opposition from Russia due to her strategic interests in Syria. Russia infact sent nuclear armed warships to Syria as a strong message to the U.S.
    The only reason why both these countries still have sovereignty and territorial integrity is due to their strategic partnerships and nuclear capability.
    While it’s true that Sri Lanka is a small nation, that does not mean that we need to be weak. There are quite a few examples of small nations that are economically and militarily strong. We need to aspire to reach that status.Unfortunately, do we have bold and strategic leadership to take us there.

    • 33


      “While it’s true that Sri Lanka is a small nation, that does not mean that we need to be weak.”

      Rest assured, this island will be weak economically because the state is run by the most stupid people. Those who rule this island and those who run it have a long cherished notion, building an exclusive Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto where all those crooks, rapist, corrupt rulers and bureaucrats, drug dealers, war criminals, ………. can comfortably hide.

      Seriously why do you need militarily strong country? Is it because you want the military to constantly engaged in war against its own people, 1971, 1987/91, over 30 years? You want the armed forces to hide behind their women folks if and when foreign army invades this island (1987)?

      This island cannot afford to be militarily strong, and why should it be? If you want to live in North Korea or Pakistan, please feel free to pack your bags.

      “We need to aspire to reach that status.Unfortunately, do we have bold and strategic leadership to take us there.”

      we don’t need military despots, bold and strategic leadership to run the country. On the contrary we need wise people to run it, create a suitable, political social and economic condition which hopefully help the people to achieve their full potential.

      • 1

        Native Vedda,
        If the Sri Lankan nation’s existence is threatened then we may very well opt for such an option. Yes, sanctions will be forthcoming, but those sanctions will not be UN backed since it will never be passed at the UN security council thanks to China and Russia.They will most probably be unilateral Western led sanctions. That’s where it’s very important to build strategic economic partnerships with China and Russia to negate those sanctions.

        In the present global context, Russia is not going to honour U.S. led sanctions and there is nothing the U.S. could do if the Russians and Chinese continue to do business with us. We are a resource rich nation and our people will have to learn to exploit our resources much better than we have been doing. When it concerns our security and our existence, who gives a damn about treaties or sanctions. The mesage to the world and India in particular is that we take our security deadly seriously and if we go down, we are going to take parts of the neighbourhood down with us. Then, and only then can we really test Sushma Swaraj’s theory about the destinies of India & Sri Lanka being interconnected.
        We need a strong military to protect our resources and business interests. Only then can we think of being economically strong. A militarily weak nation would not be allowed to prosper in the present global context. China is investing billions of dollars on her military, because one cannot be an economic superpower without protection by a strong military. It’s an immature argument on your part to state that I wish for a strong military in order to kill our citizens. I wish the very best on all my Sri Lankan citizens. That is those who consider themselves to be proud citizens of mother Lanka. Not the Eelam termites who are hellbent on causing division and destruction of our land. That’s absolute rubbish. However, no nation will tolerate an existential threat whether it be internal or external.

        I’m sure the patriotic citizens of Sri Lanka will make the right decision if it comes to choosing between living with sovereignty in one nation with certain sacrifices or living without sovereignty in a divided nation.

        • 27

          “”The mesage to the world and India in particular is that we take our security deadly seriously and if we go down, we are going to take parts of the neighbourhood down with us. “”

          donkey with a load of hand grenades to poop.

          Dreamboat is a shampoo try using it.
          Then..You dream better than Iraq, Afghanistan Libya because even Raja held the election as your concept is never feasible in the near future.

          “”if the Russians and Chinese continue to do business with us.””

          agricultural economy (how much tea going in the cheap to Russia going broke?/ both Russia china are into barter over $1 trillion)
          who gives you the money to buy that sort of stuff from russia china??- heard of chamber of commerce visit them get a service station tag before belching, or farting in the newsroom.

          Silk train is running> China, Russia, Germany, Spain railways faster than sea route by 2 weeks and clean carbon foot print.
          how is hambantota Gass Gembo electorate with air and sea support facing Diego Garcia??

          “That’s absolute rubbish. However, no nation will tolerate an existential threat whether it be internal or external. “

          So Gandhi went on existential hunger strike eating salt because the white race is super gun power-
          go try that NaMo will listen to the naked fakir- Om Tat Sat.

          Cannon to the left cannon to right with all your might the south and hills get blown china america fight- nice gameboy show??

          Stop eating Chinese Dog meat you are peeky jeesey

        • 30

          “”Then, and only then can we really test Sushma Swaraj’s theory about the destinies of India & Sri Lanka being interconnected.””

          You are not testing anybodies wife bazz and blues when it comes to that- have you seen Indian business center Moscow the stand alone building – from then five years before (say 1980) on the Indian rupee is exchange in Russia and vis a vis.
          The man you tested was Jetlag with finance minister.

          Now it’s the special breed of IIT Bombay the Martha seahorse that withstood all sea borne invasions for for centenaries from the west of the Deccan Plateau.

          When the British signed the treaty with Martha it also signed with kandy- 1818- you are subject- without even economic for garments GPS++tail!!

        • 22


          “If the Sri Lankan nation’s existence is threatened then we may very well opt for such an option.”

          Your fear psychosis/paranoia alone is worth billions of dollars for the arms industry, 99.9999% is owned by foreigners.

          • 1

            Foreigners? I’ll narrow that down for you. Chinese & Russian Arms industry and it’s been offered FOC thanks to our strategic partnership.

            • 21


              “Chinese & Russian Arms industry and it’s been offered FOC thanks to our strategic partnership.”

              Are there any Chinese & Russian Arms industry in your parallel universe?

              • 1

                Native Vedda,
                You want me to make it easy for you by informing where the warehouses are located in Sri Lanka. Sorry, I will not compromise national security.

                • 25

                  there is a yellow and red sign outside like the jaguar tiger flag colours- danger warehouse- which game did you first steal from gameboy??
                  I animated first for game creation back early 90’s so tell us if you got theorem and blues or just –
                  || beetle_juice dammed jeez.living off the sh*t drug barons.

    • 23

      Any such nuclear tantrum from Sri Lanka will bring the same unrelenting sanctions and pressure that Iran is facing today from the West. In other words, SL will face action even before any such thing becomes a reality. I can guarantee you that the US will not tolerate it in any form or shape from Sri Lanka.

    • 26

      “These can be transported relatively quickly and stealthily.”

      Is it so?

      Aren’t you pulling Dayan’s legs?

      • 1

        The medium range missiles can be launched from mobile launchers and can carry a nuclear payload if required. Nothing very fancy, but I guaranatee it’s got teeth.

        • 25

          comic strip lanket – scratchy wowla!!

          keep humming it’s raining with tsunami- no swamy married to marakal and Harvard ka Po_iya!! Boy kolla..

        • 23

          they are not for sale even to syria or iran – they are controlled by satellite (bulky skud type pay load.

          the US has and is the super bullet the only weapon the mother of all weapons in space – wit a 365 day record of `spaceplane` that can shoot all communication satellites off the space in flight –
          space station like stattelite are static by nature.
          we rotate round the sun.
          So Russia `no sale `of except for mules who want to get pregnant.- terrorist under a national flag like lanka the lying lion and ISIS, boka Harem.

          The failed bingo Jango Dango DJ.

    • 31

      Jazz, you “….. state that Sri Lanka should re-callibrate her strategic discussions with Russia and China and take those discussions to a new height economically, politically and militarily. Those discussions must include the Sri Lankan state acquiring nuclear warheads with required missile launchers”.

      That’s a pretty far out suggestion that is idiotic, not to mention unrealistic, to say the least! Can you imagine other small countries in the region (or elsewhere) getting China to supply them with nuclear weapons? For one thing, it can never happen – or have you never heard of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to which 151 states are signatories?

      If you have nothing sensible to add to the comments, best not to display your ignorance (and all that Jazz)!

      • 2

        I’m not interested about other small countries. I’m concerned about the security and existence of our nation. We got to do what we got to do to survive. Building strategic partnerships is the way to go.
        Btw, what’s so idiotic about it? Is the U.S. idiotic? The Russians, Chinese, French, Indians, Pakistanis, Israelis, and the list goes on. Why do they do it? They do it as a deterrent to possible attack? They do it for national security. They do it to save lives. Just because they have it does not mean they will use it. What it does, is to compel nations to respect each other, to respect each others sovereignty and territory and solve their problems/ issues through dialogue. If this world operated in that spirit, could you imagine the millions of lives saved? Could you imagine the number of conflicts that could have been avoided?

        Yeah, and I’m the idiotic one while sensible people like you look on as entire civilizations like in Iraq, Afghanistan and other parts of the world get destroyed under some pretext.

        • 20

          Jazz – Looks like you missed my point. The ‘idiotic’ thing I was referring to was your suggestion that China supply us with nuclear weapons and nothing to do with the nations that already are nuclear capable.

          In any event, as I mentioned, your suggestion could never happen due to the NPT, so why waste our time with nonsense?


          • 1

            Don’t be a hypocrit. Who died and made you the supreme authority to decide who will and will not have nuclear weapons as a deterrent? Just as much as Amercians and Indians want their country to be safe from attacks and value their sovereignty and territorial integrity, I as a Sri Lankan want my country to be safe too, and I also value my country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

            When a country is faced with an existential threat, do you think they will give a damn about treaties and sanctions? India and Pakistan also broke treaties and faced sanctions, but did that prevent them from developing nuclear deterrence?

            Besides, I’m not talking about Sri Lanka developing her own nuclear deterrence programs. I’m talking about getting into a strategic partnership with our powerful friends, who will provide the required nuclear deterrence for Sri Lanka. We need to make China and Russia stakeholders and partners of Sri Lanka by offering them services and resources in Sri Lanka. That’s how strategic partnerships are built. We create an environment where the security of Sri Lanka becomes strategically too valuable for them, which would compel them to get involved if our security is threatened.

            • 22

              Jazz – this is what you said “.. Those discussions must include the Sri Lankan state acquiring nuclear warheads with required missile launchers”.”

              This will never happen, so keep on dreaming…

              PS: I never did figure out why you called me a “hypocrit”(e). Care to explain?

              • 1

                Never say never….. If you push us hard enough, you may get a response which you will regret.

                You are a hypocrite because according to you, it’s okay for some countries to possess nuclear deterrence while others cannot. Who died and made you the supreme authority?

                • 16

                  Jazz – you’re right, I shouldn’t have said “never”, what I meant it is most unlikely, given the present international scenario.

                  But your wrong about assuming I think it is ok for some countries to have nuclear arms but not others. I never stated that (“never” in this case isn’t a mistake!).

                  I also don;t understand your repeated question about who died to make me an “authority”. I “never” claimed “authority” – I was just expressing an opinion!

                  You also failed to answer my question about your statement ” I’m not talking about Sri Lanka developing her own nuclear deterrence programs. I’m talking about getting into a strategic partnership with our powerful friends, who will provide the required nuclear deterrence for Sri Lanka. “, when earlier you said “.. Those discussions must include the Sri Lankan state acquiring nuclear warheads with required missile launchers”.

                  So you’re either a liar or type what you don’t mean.

                  • 1

                    What I’m saying is that there is a difference between producing/ developing one’s own nuclear deterrence and acquiring nuclear deterrence.

                    I’m talking about acquiring nuclear deterrence from China and or Russia through strategic defense agreements. We could have Chinese/Russian personnel in Sri Lanka who will be responsible for installing,maintaining & operating the missile sytems and mobile launchers.

                    • 14

                      Jazz – like I said before “dream on”…

            • 23

              “”who will and will not have nuclear weapons as a deterrent?”

              So musharaf spent 2 long years in exile at Westminster Edgeware road (security cost £1 million per month to British tax payer paid till larden was killed and all nukes defused- they still get $2 billion minium for upkeep.

              your days are kaputh because India has enough and more – you have to train there even to be cooli.- poor boy scum & stinker out of nut.

              Lanka have no money Miltary+ para_miltary= mara goota thugs are the drug scene in the SARC- shall get bombed by CIA soon.capital

  • 8

    This website seems to be attracting all the LTTE supporters in the world. It is getting very clear that this new government is on a slippery slope. If they don’t take some corrective action, we are heading for another Eelam fight. LTTE supporters want a separate state. For them, a Federal structure will be the first step. And from there, it will be an easy ride towards separatism. All patriotic Sri Lankans need to stop that from happening. I doubt whether Modi wants a separate Tamil state in the North of Sri Lanka. He will understand. But, we need a counter-weight to India, pronto. Otherwise, we are doomed as a nation.

    • 25


      “For them, a Federal structure will be the first step.”

      Interesting observation, could you elaborate on what you have typed above.

      “If they don’t take some corrective action, we are heading for another Eelam fight.”

      Let the Hindians worry about corrective actions as they have done since 2005. Even if Sinhala/Buddhist state agrees to separate it from Thamil Eealam it should get Hindia’s permission to do so.

      By any chance you live in a bunker.

      “Otherwise, we are doomed as a nation.”

      You are already doomed by hanging on to your nation, a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto, your own dead weight.

    • 22

      Carana, thanks for your simplification so modayas can uderstand what the hell is going on.CT is niw an LTTE site.

      Dayan you are kissing Kissinger now? Are you turning you axis again?
      Did modi recognize you.Did you meet him when you were hidding in India leaving all your commreades in Sri Lanka to be arrested when you were working with Tamil Sepwratist organization thst led you to be a ministerial appointment in the Indian backed Northern provincial council led by comerade Varadaraja Perumal?

      Why dont you pick a simple sinhala racist line and stick with it ?

    • 18

      Dayan are you?

    • 34

      Honestly I don’t know what to say. But I am elated that finally the knower of the field NaMo visited the field and said what he had to say in typical country style.
      May be Ltte want more but that is of no concern but you have finally dug your grave like Sikkim & Nagaland the unconquered by the Mughals and now they are states on request. 30 th state awaits you which is good the passport would only increase in value- he said lanka was the closest neighbor physically and repeated it and as if I don’t know that the others with common borders and Indian army surrounding is closer in many respects. PEN FOR THE BROOD OF ALL ETHNICS in the island..

      Pen on the hen and chicks to brood- the whole island in the Indian ocean.
      If you revolt against that state there wont be you and it takes 3 days when the Chinese and Americans keep shagging as in the Bangladesh rescue. He is not interested in the tamils and he need not be small minded to bind your business. But his business is the whole island- finite!! Sanskrit: धर्म dharma,!!There is no single word translation for dharma in western languages.He will use it as in his culture and belief.
      You are in your rightful place and facing the Rhino.
      Know your buddha fool. I fortunately have lived with Gujarati’s as a teenager and know what they when they say what- ` he is other backward class`- no fear.

      We say even the queen of England has to serve somebody- and this it you are just a pebble in the ocean- if you feel disheartened and fight you lose to the power they possess at this moment in time for the next 10 years.

      • 19


        Thanks for Geopolitics for Dummies or made simple.

        I must admit that I never knew one could write poetry about regional power politics.

        Keep up the good work.


        If you intent to replace Dayan don’t do it.

        • 38

          Man I am no care worker or poet but off industrial stock we build to survive in any material.
          human dynamics is not my soul but yours to work and ponder.
          But don’t you forget I traveled China 10 years not with english but Pin Yin sort of because there are 42 cultures and that is exactly how I learnt from my teens living India length and breath 10 years – what is standardized language is for art scholar not me.I can express if need be but like my own fun too.
          we want the job planned and done not impulse.
          You are great social I have no no patience for that work to be political or replace.- but beware of him that’s it.

          Life Is A Paradox- check it out with any present day Chinese from top or bottom.
          Cheers native you are a great Jum_peeer.

      • 4

        ha ha someone has learnt to write a sentence…..good work afzal!

        • 2

          [Edited out]

        • 2

          Good observation Sach

  • 45

    I am fed up with this Sinhala chirisitian [Edited out] when u CT going to stop this moron….

    • 4

      Did you complain about the CT’s scavenger Jaadi?

      • 3

        [Edited out]

      • 3

        [Edited out]

  • 17


    You think of scrapping the 13A. You could end up with something totally unexpected!

    Please don’t mislead the unsuspecting ordinary Sinhalese people!

    Sengodan. M

  • 21

    Keep it up DJ, your continuous pushing will one day lead to the UN deciding to seek an East Timor solution.

    Unfortunately many Tamil lives will be lost in the meantime, but if that is the price! for perceived Singhalese superiority.

    DJ, don’t you think if there was real equality for all citizens of Sri Lanka, ( pre 1950) this 13A and 13 plus etc etc would not be needed?

    Ostensibly educated people like you and SWRD to name two, crippled and are crippling Sri Lankan progress by being Demagogues.


  • 25

    The best thing about this fellow’s writing is that it evokes a lot of reader comments. And reading them gives us much of the entertainment, even though many don’t read him!

    The fact that this man has no scruples is well known, and therefore his punditry is of little use. No one respects. Besides no one reads him anymore, either for those same reasons.

    Not once; not even by mistake, has he complimented any of Ranil’s work and it cannot be said that he is unworthy of mention. This fact alone is reason enough for him not to be considered a balanced, impartial political analyst. So who wants to read a biased political analyst or listen to a biased political discussion on TV where he is featured?

  • 24


    You are not the smart rat you claim to be.

    There has never been any regime, past or present, that would want to consider the position and the grievances of the Tamils. That is the Sinhalese greed’s manifestation – they want to be the absolute rulers of the island with Tamils having no part in it, even in the areas their traditional “homeland”. All those commissions and reports on the possible grant of meaningful devolution was a pretense to dupe the Tamils and the whole world but it has come a cropper for the regime with India and the world breathing over SL. Your “sovereignty” of SL had long gone and is merely a dream. Your friend MR tried to go against the tide beating his chest as the next King Dutugemunu only to bite the dust. Of course, this has made you bitter that the water has slipped through your fingers despite all your best efforts to take a dig, before and after the fall.

    What is pointedly noteworthy in your melodrama is, MR tried rock politics as you had wished. The present regime tries to do the same thing in a more believable way but the Tamils are not going to let their grip off their property and rights either way. The Sinhalese will continue to be haunted both by the Tamils and internationally until they see and realise the sense to see and accede to the Tamils views. Today, you may be lucky that SL is still in one piece but the spoilt brat the sinhalese are, with their recalcitrant attitude in not reaching an agreeable solution with the Tamils will lead to the eventual break-up of SL anyway. This beating of chest as blowing one SL may be fit for the monkeys but doing monkey business. Hopefully the sinhalese finds one that can think.

  • 18

    It is not correct to state that the Great Neighbour is tilting. Only a course correction is being made for the purpose of Justice to the grieved party.

    Sengodan. M

  • 1

    So u were @ India house shaking hands with the emperor. I am no fan of Modi and BJP. (Winds of Gujerat). The equation, India ,SL, and TNA is not a new eqn. It was there from thimpu. Wigneswaran has a running battle with RW.

    What the ordinary tamils want is freedom from fear, land for cultivation and economic progress. Tamils and muslims dont get govt jobs ,bank loans, samurdhi. Tamils are hard working and they hardly drink tea.

    So DJ has once again displayed his servility to MR,I will bet my wife that it will not happen. After all buddies of MR are american.

    • 34

      “Wigneswaran has a running battle with RW.”
      that is not fair comment. His is always tempered to the situation and addressing as at the judiciary, specifically objectively.
      (heart or not the man MR gave him a ganesha with some thought whilst carrying a dorje.)

      You mixed up Mangala foreign minister having running battles with baseball bat on video. Dambulla, hambantota all free show bais_scope on CT video.

      now that is sihala running battle which an old tamil person with foresight from colombo would never do for donkeys years.

  • 18

    Dear Off the Cuff

    I am so glad you wrote some information with reference, I really did not know.
    When time permits I will definitely read since I am sincerely interested in these kind of information about our past and writings from the people lived before us.

    I have some other question you may have answers, Our last king was from India and why did we choose him if we didn’t like him?. I read somewhere that he was so cruel in his punishment that his second in command helped to get him out of his thrown. People tried to remove queens cloths and paraded them… why?

    Is it true that the farmers in the olden kingdom did not own land but worked in the land and due to the owners were killed in battle with the invaders the land came to the govi farmers?

    Anyway this is a social revolution which happened in recent times before British arrived in to Sri Lanka. Due to riots and problems faced by Muslims in south the king gave land for Muslims to settle in East…

    Can the rightful owners come back and argue for the land they have lost?

    I think we can only read history and learn about what happened but cannot use this to punish people or impose legal settlement. People have been moving always and changes happening continuously…

    I would say all nations are bound to change with time, socially, technically, culturally and linguistically.

    I would also say we have changed but we don’t realize it since we are in the ongoing process. If we are able to see the old video’s books we will be surprised how much we have changed and the language we speak has changed from the old times…

    We humans created the boarder, land and etc. I think Indian Tamils created tea industry to boom and they have worked hard for generations and we need to take good care of them. The hard working Indian Tamils are our assets and our wealth. I also realize that youths from Sinhala community needed jobs and income, and government needed to create jobs and security for the families.

    Was there wrong doing by Tamil politician or by Sinhala politician at this time, only historians may be able to give a correct picture.

    The fact is we are human and we will always think we are fair and correct but may cases we may be wrong.

    Again thank you for taking time to give your point of view and I will definitely search and read.

    • 3

      Dear Yoga,

      I did not see your comment earlier, as it was not where I expected to see your reply.

      Re “I have some other question you may have answers, Our last king was from India and why did we choose him if we didn’t like him?”

      I believe you are writing about the Kandyan Kingdom of the Sinhalese. Not only the last king, there were others before him who were from India.

      The Sinhala did not migrate to Lanka but evolved in Lanka. Some of the parent stock is from India and some from whoever was in Lanka (including the indigenous Veddha).

      There is genetic evidence that the Sinhala is a parent of the Lanka Tamils and that the Lanka Tamils are genetically not related to South Indian Tamils of Lanka. Hence you might be a Tamilized Sinhala, speaking Tamil and continuing to be Hindu. Though you are fighting the Sinhala now, the chances are that they are your parent.

      Thus it is natural to look for marriage partners among relations and friends.

      The first king, Vijaya was an Indian, he married Kuveni of Lanka and a Madurai princes afterwards. Unfortunately Vijaya discarded Kuveni and his children by Kuveni. Thus the Kings remained Indian for some time (the Sinhala were still evolving).

      Kings that came later continued the practice of marrying from India. You would not want your own son marrying your own daughter would you?

      These are simple questions with simple answers. They won’t cause me any difficulty as I won’t deny any established History. If that was your intent you will fail.

      Here is a bit of information from the wiki.

      The Nayaks of Kandy (a.k.a. Kandy Nayak Dynasty) were the rulers of Sri Lanka with Kandy as their capital from 1739 to 1815. They were also the last dynasty to rule Sri Lanka. They were related to the Madurai Nayak dynasty and to the Tanjore Nayak dynasty. There were four kings of this lineage and the last king, Vikrama Rajasinha, was captured by the British and exiled to Vellore Fort in India.

      Much earlier to the establishment of the Kandy Nayak dynasty, it was not unknown for the Sinhalese to take wives from ruling clans across Southern India. The first to do so was King

      Because the Kandy kings received military support from the Nayaks of Madurai and the Tanjore Nayak dynasty to fight off the Portuguese, alliances between Kandy, Madurai and Tanjore were already established. In the 17th and 18th centuries, marital alliances between Kandyan kings and Nayak princesses were a matter of policy. When a Sinhalese Kandyan king, Narendra Sinha, died without an offspring, the brother of his Madurai Nayak queen succeeded the throne in 1739 under the coronated name of Sri Vijaya Raja Sinha. Thus in 1739 the Nayaks came to rule the Kandy kingdom.

      These Nayak kings continued to marry with their Tanjore and Madurai counterparts. The Nayak kings were Hindus. They later converted to Buddhism and were responsible for renaissance of Buddhist culture in the Island. (wiki)

      Re “I read somewhere that he was so cruel in his punishment that his second in command helped to get him out of his thrown. People tried to remove queens cloths and paraded them… why?”

      Please keep your questions at an intellectual level because I can throw these type of questions back at you. Here is an example answer

      The Cruelty must have been caused by the TAMIL blood within him. After all he was a 4th generation Tamil speaking Nayakkar.

      Re “Is it true that the farmers in the olden kingdom did not own land but worked in the land and due to the owners were killed in battle with the invaders the land came to the govi farmers?”

      It is better that you provide references to your questions. Hypothetical questions will get hypothetical answers which are of no use to anyone.

      ALL Land in the Kandyan Kingdom was the property of the Sovereign. He gave grants and leases at his pleasure. Some were in exchange for services and others were outright grants specially to religious institutions.

      You must be thinking about the Tamil kingdom or the period under the LTTE.

      Re “……… Due to riots and problems faced by Muslims in south the king gave land for Muslims to settle in East… ”

      You have a poor understanding of Sri Lankan History. I hope you are not Sri Lankan.

      When the Portuguese were killing and persecuting Muslims in the coastal areas they were given refuge by the Sinhala King Senerat who granted them sufficient land to live within his Kingdom. The King owned the land hence it was his to give. Once given that Land belonged to the recipients. Please keep in mind that the land given was based on the POPULATION that needed protection at the time. Don’t runaway with the idea that the whole East was given.

      If you are a benevolent land owner who had a very large extent of land and you decide to give refuge to some homeless people by allocating some of your land to build a home for themselves, you will give sufficient land for the purpose. Once they occupy the land that you gave, do they have a claim to ALL of your land?

      Re I think we can only read history and learn about what happened but cannot use this to punish people or impose legal settlement.”

      If you are from India what you say is excusable and attributed to ignorance of SL. But if you are a Lankan then you are being hypocritical.

      There is no call to PUNISH anyone. The call is to redress a human tragedy caused by a colonial master. The Eastern Province is COMPLETELY Kandyan Land. There are Dutch records that prove it beyond question. There are over a million landless Kandyans whose lands were stolen by the British. Land has to be found for the above people. There are two alternatives. Restore their old lands to them or find new irrigated land for them to settle in and earn a living.

      The govt opted for the second. The Tamils objected claiming it is their land when the land used was UNINHABITED FORREST LAND WITHIN THE KANDYAN KINGDOM, the Land of the Sinhalese.

      The Tamil politicians claimed in their election manifesto an “Exclusively the Homeland of the Tamils” (TULF’s 1977 Election Manifesto).

      Please apply the arguments that you are using to justify Tamil claims to those million plus, Kandyan Sinhala and come up with a solution.

      Kind Regards,

      • 19

        “The Tamil politicians claimed in their election manifesto an “Exclusively the Homeland of the Tamils” (TULF’s 1977 Election Manifesto).”

        May be those politicians are well informed and not trying to twist history

        • 2

          Dear Anpu,

          Why don’t you argue the issue without posting “May be”s?
          Groping for facts?

          I can see that you are worried when the real history is related supported by references that unravels the twisting the separatists Tamils have been indulging in.

          You only post links without an accompanying argument from you.

          Take responsibility for what you write and argue your point of view. I have clearly established that the East was outside the Tamil Kingdom in its short 400 year history.

          No one has been able to counter the evidence that I produced.

          You are dumbfounded when Tamil selfishness and racism is exposed. These are things that you want hidden from the world.

          This country is multicultural and no group can EXCLUDE the others from any part of it. No one can claim Land on the basis of Ethnic Exclusivity.

          If you think otherwise bring on your arguments. You have all those writers who post on separatists websites to which you link.

          Ms Usha S Sriskanda Raja was a Champion Debater while in school (she said so herself). She is an accomplished writer and represents Separatist Tamil Opinion and is a High official of a Transnational Organisation of Tamils that wants a Tamil State called Eelam.

          She reads and contributes to CT (articles and comments). Who better than her to argue on your behalf. Judging from the copious and voluminous articles containing lengthy bibliographies she should be able to meet my arguments with ease.

          She reads my posts but she does not venture any comments now (though she did so long ago on Groundviews).

          Why don’t you convince her to counter what I write?

          Kind Regards,

          • 13


            “You only post links without an accompanying argument from you. “

            (1) If I just post links, Colombo Telegraph would send me a message – don’t just post links, write …. CT did not send me any message like that.
            (2)Have you got any problem with your vision? Read my comment again.
            (3)People have already written about Tamil Homeland and produced maps (picture worth thousands of words)

            • 3

              Dear Anpu,

              Your comment of March 19, 2015 at 6:34 pm has the following.

              1) a sentence copied from my post to Yoga.

              2) a speculative “May be”, a worthless rhetoric.

              3) The usual link from you.

              Where is your argument?

              You escaped the moderator’s axe because of that worthless rhetoric.

              Are you so intellectually bankrupt that you cannot argue your viewpoint?

              Re “People have already written about Tamil Homeland and produced maps (picture worth thousands of words”

              Oh yes there are many maps. You must be very familiar with these.


              That land claimed as Eelam is around 40%
              The claimed coastline is around 60%
              Tamils living within 7.9%

              Many has written about the purported Tamil homeland and many others have disproved those claims. I provided the opinion of a Tamil intellectual, Prof (Dr) Pradeep Jeganathan who says there was no Tamil Kingdom in the East and you have avoided commenting on that yet. Please see my reply to your second comment March 20, 2015 at 1:54 pm)

              Since you prefer a picture here is a picture and a Dutch record that confirms what Prof Jeganathan says.


              Have a good look at the A9 road. It goes through Elephant Pass causeway. This is where the Dutch has affirmed that they built a fort in the Jaffna Peninsular to protect the Tamil Kingdom’s BORDER from attacks by the Forces of the Kandyan King.

              This means that the WHOLE of the EAST on the Mainland was OUTSIDE the Tamil Kingdom and was part of the Sinhala Kingdom of the Kandyan King.

              The Tamil Homeland, if you want one, is the Jaffna Peninsular.

              The Dutch National Archive gives the following description of a Fort built by them at Elephant Pass and the reason for building it.
              Elephant Pass

              During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy, who had close ties with Ceylon’s Buddhist population. There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory. Elephants captured on Ceylon were herded past here to Jaffna to be sold in India, hence the name Elephant Pass.

              Kind Regards,

            • 17

              Anpu here are European settlements in India and Ceylon from 1501 MAP one glance of village @Jaffna.
              VOC (private company with army no government (but shares owned by all northern europeans christians protestants) came from the east and drew the concave arc Cpatna Kanya_kumari Surat

              De Jure,Y De Facto !!
              MAP:File:European settlements in India 1501-1739.png


              Stem cells and gene prove the exact time line of any specific DNA. UK is complete immigrants – proved at Welcome Group Medicine research
              Professor Peter Donnelly FMedSci FRS is Professor of Statistical Science and Director of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics.with Oxford Research.
              the MM Empire rules why worry much??

      • 17


        What about writing a reply to this http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2010/05/reply-archaeology-sparks-new-conflict.html

        “The infamous Cleghorn’s minute and the Tamil Homeland

        Mahinda Gunasekera begins with the Tamil claims to a traditional homeland and goes on to say that the Tamil separatists adopted the 1799 minute of the British colonial administrator named Hugh Cleghorn as the basis for their false claims. By extracting a few paragraphs from the British colonial officer Hugh Cleghorn’s minute which wrongly says the Sinhalese were descendants of the Siamese people and how it incorrectly refers to the inhabitants of Jaffna, Mahinda Gunasekera is clearly showing us how erroneous Hugh Cleghorn minute was, a job well done.

        The first question that came into my mind was from where Mahinda Gunasekara found the connection between the Tamil separatists claim or rather the ‘Vadukkodai Resolution of 1976’ and the infamous Hugh Cleghorn’s minute of 1799?

        It is not just the British officer Hugh Cleghorn who wrote about Sri Lanka and its people but there were many colonial officers, writers and historians among Portuguese, Dutch and British who have written about Sri Lanka and its people. A few examples were the Portuguese priest Fernao de Queyroz, the Portuguese historian Joao Ribeiro, the Dutch Predikant Philippus Baldaeus, Governor Rjklof Van Goens account dated 1675 referring to Eastern province (inhabitants of Batticalo), Jacob Burnand a Swiss soldier in the service of the Dutch, the English, Chief Justice in the British Government Sir Alexander Johnston, governor Sir Andrew Caldicott, and of course the prisoner of the kandyan kingdom Robert Knox are just a few.

        We must be able to differentiate between what these Colonial gentlemen actually saw and experienced physically and what they personally believed and assumed due to their limited knowledge about the region and its people.

        When the Europeans (Portuguese, Dutch and British) arrived, what all of them clearly observed and experienced during their period was that, there were two different Nations (Sinhalese and Tamils) having two different languages, religions, cultures, and living in two well defined and clearly and naturally demarcated (thick jungles, lakes, river, etc) land areas with their own kingdoms within their traditional lands. The Tamils lived as a majority within their separate land area (North & East) and the Sinhalese also lived as a majority within their land area (South & West). The British, on seeing the naturally existing borders of the two ethnic groups used their technology to demarcate them as two separate regions (occupied by two separate races) and created the maps for the first time somewhere in the 1800s. Unfortunately, the same British later united the two regions into a unitary state and gave it to one ethnic group (Sinhalese) by creating a single majority and making a total mess in the region.

        Now, let us see the assumptions these Colonial gentlemen made due to their lack of knowledge of the region and the people of Sri Lanka.

        In the year 1498, Vasco De Gama’s landing in Malabar (Kerela) marked the beginning of the era of foreign Intervention in the region. The Dutch preceded the Portuguese, and then the British East INDIA Company had been on the Malabar Coast since 1684. It was from Malabar that the Portuguese came to Sri Lanka. They found two different ethnic groups living in Sri Lanka in two different land areas, the one living closer to the Malabar/Coramandal coast had a similar language, religion and culture to the Malabars. Without any hesitation, they called them Malabars even though there was a Tamil King and the people spoke Tamil when they arrived. The Dutch who preceded them continued to call them Malabars and the British also called them Malabars but later when they realized that it was a mistaken identity, that they were not Malabars but Tamils, they corrected it. Similarly, due to Buddhism and the Buddhist culture, they also called the Sinhalese as the descendants of the Siamese people.

        In fact it was the Europeans who first misinterpreted the Mahavamsa and believed that the Sinhalese were Aryans and labeled the early Prakrit language as Sinhala. Today, due to the latest scientific discoveries in the fields of archaeological, epigraphical and anthropological research, the modern historians such as Prof. Leslie Gunawardane, (professor in history and a former Vice Chancellor of University of Peradeniya) and many other qualified historians do not accept that the Sinhala language or the Sinhala race existed during the early historic period.

        There is enough archeological evidence to prove that the Tamils have also lived outside the North & East (even in down South) but there is NO evidence what so ever to prove that the Sinhalese lived in the North & East. The census of Ceylon conducted in 1881 also indicates that the two Tamil provinces were inhabited almost exclusively by Tamils in the late nineteenth century (Census of Ceylon, 1881). The Sinhalese population constituted only 1.8% of the total population of the two Tamil provinces in 1881; Sinhalese accounted for only 0.51% of the total population of the Northern Province, and 4.2% of the Eastern Province.

        Let me also mention that in the recorded history of Sri Lanka and the epigraphic evidence found till today, nowhere it mentioned that there was a mass influx/settlement of Tamils from South India to the North & East of Sri Lanka or there was a mass exodus of Sinhalese from the North and East to the South. In other words, that all the Sinhalese living in the North & East simply pack their bags and went to the South leaving all their lands to the newly arrived Tamils without any protest? Most of the Sinhalese have their ancestral native place name also as a part of their name, known as Vasagama. Is there any Sinhalese person from any part of Sri Lanka who can come out and say that his Vasagama is a name from any part of North or East? Even those Sinhalese who are living in the North and East today were colonized after 1948 by DS Senanayake. The so called Sinhala history scholars will never fail to say that the East was under the Kandyan Kingdom. It is true that some parts of the Eastern province came under the Kandyan Kingdom from time to time but it makes no difference to the Tamil position in regard to the inhabitancy of the Eastern province. The Tamils would have had and yet have no objection what so ever to the benevolent and accommodating rule of the kandyan kings whether they were Kalinga or Nayakkar, and see no inconsistency in the Tamil claim to the Eastern province even under the Kandyan rule. On the other hand, I have never come across a Sinhala person or family that claimed an Eastern province habitancy or origin. If you speak to the Sinhalese living in the Eastern province, each one of them will say that their grandfather or great grandfather is from the South where as there are any number of Tamils who hail from the East and proudly proclaim their habitancy.”

        • 2

          Dear Anpu,

          Please read my reply to your previous post.

          Mr J.L Devanada is a good writer. He refers to many Portuguese, Dutch and British people of the past but he has not discussed the evidence that I placed before the CT readership and found in the Dutch National Archives.

          Obviously he did not know about it.

          There was no Tamil Kingdom in the East. The Tamil Kingdom was confined to the North. The whole of the South Eastern Seaboard of Mainland Lanka from Elephant Pass was OUTSIDE the Jaffna Tamil Kingdom.

          This was so from the time of Cankili II’s reign, because the border that existed during Cankili II did not change though the Ruler changed from Portuguese to Dutch to British.

          The Dutch National Archive gives the following description of a Fort built by them at Elephant Pass and the reason for building it.
          Elephant Pass

          During the 17th century the Company was engaged in a war of attrition with the king of Kandy, who had close ties with Ceylon’s Buddhist population. There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory. Elephants captured on Ceylon were herded past here to Jaffna to be sold in India, hence the name Elephant Pass.

          Here is an alternate opinion from a well respected Tamil Intellectual.

          Dr Pradeep Jeganathan, a Sri Lankan Tamil intellectual of repute, states,

          “Not every legitimate ruler of southern Lanka was a Buddhist in early modern times. Yet also it is not historically accurate to say that the Kings of Jaffna ruled the east, certainly even a cursory glance at Dutch records and the doings of Rajasinha the 2nd will tell you, that the Kings of the Kanda Uda Pas Rate, (the five countries on top of the mountains) were also the overlords of Batticoloa and Trincomalee”.

          Who is Dr Pradeep Jeganathan?

          Pradeep Jeganathan is Professor in the Department of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences at SNU. His research interests focus on the perpetration of violence, survival and bad death. Simultaneously he also has begun research on familial and romantic love. He also has continuing interests in colonial forms of knowledge, post-colonial nationalism and sublterneity and Theravada Buddhism. Cyber-cociality and cyber-subjectivity is another interest. He has published extensively on these themes.

          Pradeep was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he won the James McCormack Award for Outstanding Engineering Research, and the Robert Boit Prize for Short Fiction, and graduated in 1988 with a joint degree in Electrical Engineering and Creative Writing. He received his graduate training in socio-cultural anthropology at the University of Chicago, where he was awarded the University’s Century fellowship, and dissertation fellowships from the MacArthur & H.F. Guggenheim foundations. In 1997 he was awarded the departmental distinction for his doctoral dissertation, and subsequently the EarlS. Johnson Post-doctoral fellowship in the Social Sciences.

          He then moved to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, where he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Institute of Global Studies. In 2000 he was awarded the McKnight Land-grant Professorship in the University. He moved back to his place of birth, Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2004 and took up an appointment as Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Ethnic studies, where he also served on the Board of Management, and directed and worked on a number of large scale, multi sited field work projects, with grants from a number of international agencies including NORAD and IDRC. In 2008 he moved to Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies, as Senior Consultant Anthologist, and also served as visiting faculty at the Post Graduate Institute of Archaeological Research, at the University of Kelaniya.

          While in Srilanka he took an active role in public intellectual life, writing a regular Oped column in a major Sunday newspaper, and appearing occasionally on TV shows, and blogging. Pradeep also writes fiction and a collection of short stories. At the Water’s Edge, was short listed for the Gratiaen Prize in 2004. He is working on a novel. He has also tried his hand at semi-serious cooking and photography, the results of which can be seen on his food blog. He joined SNU in July, 2014.

          I think Mr. J.L. Devanada should debate Dr Pradeep Jeganathan as both are Tamils with different opinions. Dr Pradeep runs his own web site which is open to comment.

          But I have no problem debating with MR JLD if you can persuade him to write a reply to my post on CT.

          Kind Regards,

          • 19

            ” Dutch National Archives. “
            Check it out with Nonis- the ones who owned Mackwoods Sterling Company their kids born there(now in 50’s blonde as can be fluent in sihala are still alive and kicking at London West End.

            The archives contains the work of a private- very private company caled VOC started in 1603 after the English 1600.

            The VOC archive carries quite a bit of litter spread by non natives of French Singlish Speaking Gotabay dust- THistorians bat for their boss(check any university of Europe. Boss is always right- finally its the DNA gene that proves that all UK citizens are immigrants- welcome/oxford research)

            Anyway it does not confirm to the London Agreement of 1818 when the whole of India and Ceylon were taken together by the English in the famous treaties as at Somerset House Conference.

            Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (1563 – 8 February 1611) was a Dutch Protestant merchant, traveller and historian. An alternative spelling of his second name is Huijgen.
            He is credited with publishing important information about Asian trade, such as the navigational routes that enabled the passage to the elusive East Indies to be opened to the English and the Dutch. This enabled the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company to break the 16th century monopoly enjoyed by the Portuguese on trade with the East Indies.
            THE SPY:He left for Spain during December 1576 to be with his brother in Seville, staying in Spain until 1580 when he got a job working with another merchant in Lisbon. A downturn in trade led him to seek alternatives. With the help of his brother, Willem, who was acquainted with the newly appointed Archbishop of the Portuguese colony of Goa, Dominican Vicente da Fonseca, he was appointed Secretary to the Archbishop. So Jan Huyghens sailed for Goa on 8 April 1583, arriving five months later via Madeira, Guinea, the Cape, Madagascar and Mozambique.
            1598 English translation, John Huighen van Linschoten, His discours of voyages into ye Easte and West Indies: deuided into foure bookes London: John Wolfe. online. In Wolfe’s ordering, the First Book is the 1596 Itinerario, Second Book is 1597 Beschryvinghe, Third Book is the 1595 Reys-gheschrift and the Fourth Book is Linschoten’s translation of the revenues of the Spanish crown. In other editions, the 2nd and 3rd books are often switched around.
            1598 John Huighen van Linschoten his Discours of Voyages into ye Easte & West Indies From the Collections at the Library of Congress
            1874-85 English edition, The Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies, 1874-85 edition, London: Hakluyt. Reprint of only the First Book of 1598 translation ( vol.1, vol.2)
            Also good reading is `The Village in the Jungle` by Virginia wolfs husband Wolf – paranji the scabies. 1903.

            Even though Mackwoods was nationalised by 1968 born there kids of the English running the company were there till 1977.
            They have met the High Comissioner at london Nonis of course.
            You cannot change fact and authority of the ruling English.
            Dutch during the period was ruled by Roman Emperror born there Flanders/Dutch Spanish /Netherlands kingdom. His wife was queen of spain at sight in the north. His mistress was VOC.

            East India Company came under Crown Rule for the first time in
            By the time of The Act’s passing, The Company had been effectively dissolved anyway, as The Crown assumed all governmental responsibilities held by The Company by The Act for the Better Government of India. The Company’s 24,000-man military force was incorporated into the British Army, leaving it with only a shadow of the power it had wielded years earlier. Queen Victoria was the ruling monarch at the time, and thanks to her new authority over India, became the first monarch to use the title Empress of India.

            “It accomplished a work such as in the whole history of the human race no other company ever attempted and as such is likely to attempt in the years to come”
            -The Times 1874___

            Dutch: https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/explore-the-collection/timeline-dutch-history/1602-trade-with-the-east-voc

            The Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–1818) was the final and decisive conflict between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in India. The war left the Company in control of most of India. It began with an invasion of the Maratha territory by 110,400 British East India Company troops,[1] the largest such British controlled force massed in India. The troops were led by the Governor General Hastings (no relation to Warren Hastings, the first Governor-General of Bengal) and he was supported by a force under General Thomas Hislop. The operations began with action against Pindaris, a band of Muslims and Marathas from central India.South India included in the maratha- Tanjoor last maharajaha Sivaji Eko on british pension like Kandyan king.,Marathi gained prominence with the rise of the Maratha empire beginning with the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji ( ruled 1674`–1680). Subsequent rulers extended the empire northwards to Delhi, eastwards to Odisha, and southwards to Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu.

            Sihalaya you have no comprehensive language like the empire.

            The first Marathi translation of an English book was published in 1817, and the first Marathi newspaper was started in 1832.

            The British colonial period (also known as the Modern Period) saw standardization of Marathi grammar through the efforts of the Christian missionary William Carey. Carey’s dictionary had fewer entries and Marathi words were in Modi script. The most comprehensive Marathi-English dictionaries was compiled by Captain James Thomas Molesworth in 1831. The book is still in print nearly two centuries after its publication.[24]

            The late 19th century in Maharashtra was a period of colonial modernity. Like the corresponding periods in other Indian languages, this was the period dominated by English-educated intellectuals. It was the age of English prose, reformist activism and a great intellectual ferment.

            Fiction writer OTC: English is not your native, I studied in the English medium with dutch and Spanish as electives.Presently, my language in use is Spanish and as a policy we over here speak in English only to natives.

            Greatest Speech Ever Made Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator W/Time Inception Full HD Best Version

      • 2

        That was a brilliant response.



        • 1

          Thank you Jazz

        • 0


          Have you noticed that CT’s resident scavenger has modified his writing style?

          Apparently he is getting the message.

          Kind Regards,

      • 1

        //There is genetic evidence that the Sinhala is a parent of the Lanka Tamils and that the Lanka Tamils are genetically not related to South Indian Tamils of Lanka. Hence you might be a Tamilized Sinhala, speaking Tamil and continuing to be Hindu. Though you are fighting the Sinhala now, the chances are that they are your parent.//

        The only sinhala person here with whom I have different views, but full of respect is this guy – Off the cuff.

        I agree with the above lines. The tamils of eastern province have family names, food habits and other practices that suggest that they were Sinhalese generations ago.

        About the Tamils of the Northern province, I can’t say this for sure. But Sinhala blood is everywhere among the Eelam Tamils. Even the outward differences in their religions are also a very trivial thing – philosophically speaking, buddhism and hinduism of eelam tamils have a lot in common.

        It is a tragedy that the native tamils and native sinhalese of Sri Lanka fought with each other. It is a tragedy that average Sinhala buddhist is ignorant of the fact that the other guy being tortured is his cousin. And all the blame should go to Mahavamsa, the Sinhala Elite and Buddhist monks.

        • 1

          Indian Tamil from Tamilnadu, India
          Learn Deccan (Sanskrit means south) Plateau history to know that they came from the bay of Bengal(Andhra & Bengal(VOC) and Nadu in the hillsBrits) while Europe ruled the ones before perished like the ones who have gone away since then for various reasons acts of government at that time.
          (first british port after surat in west is andhra in east- its first “factory” as trading posts were called, in the town of Machilipatnam)
          1608 LANDING IN INDIA by English and same time by VOC Dutch from East therefore the food habits of sihal and muslim and tamil are the same, kavun, cokkis, idiappam pittu etc.(all dutch food)
          where do indian plantation workers get food habits from when they travel??
          ask the Surinamese who left from UP/Patna post.

          In 1604, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) began trading in India. Along the coast from Surat to Calcutta, VOC factories and warehouses covered a far larger area than the company controlled in the East Indies archipelago. It was from the islands that the VOC obtained most of its spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. India provided an ample supply of fabrics: silk and cotton. The finely decorated chintz (cotton) was especially popular in Europe, as was silk. Bengal opium was traded – in small quantities – on Java and occasionally in Europe. It was smoked as a recreational drug. Japanese produce included gold, silver, copper and porcelain. In Japan there was considerable demand for Indian silk. Silk, porcelain and tea were also traded in China. For a while, the VOC even traded in elephants in Asia. They were exported by the VOC from Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

          Five vessels leave Woolwich for the Spice Islands or East Indies led by James Lancaster holding six letters of introduction from The Queen, each with a blank space for the name of the local King. Lancaster intended to trade Iron, lead and British broad cloth for Spice, but made little impression the Dutch controlled trade, and the broad cloth was deemed too heavy to be of value by those living in the tropics.

          1608 LANDING IN INDIA
          Ships belonging to The Company dock at Surat and in the next two years establishes its first “factory” as trading posts were called, in the town of Machilipatnam of the Coromandel coast of The Bay of Bengal. Landing in India gave The Company access to spices not controlled by Dutch traders.

          Sir Thomas Roe was instructed by James 1 to arrange a commercial treaty with Emperor Nurudin Salim Jahangir. This gave The Company exclusive rights to reside and build factories around Surat in exchange for rare commodities from Europe. This provided a secure base for operations to wage trade wars with Portuguese and Dutch governments and merchants.

          1668 EXPANSION
          By 1668 The Company had established factories in Goa, Chittagong, Bombay, Madras and three small villages in the east of India called Sutanati, Gobindapore and Kalikata which was renamed Calcutta in 1690. The major factories became the walled forts of Fort William in Calcutta, Fort St George in Madras and Bombay castle, which developed into the great Indian Cities of today. Of these forts Fort William remains active as the HQ of the Eastern Command of the Indian Army.

          1684 TRADE WITH CHINA
          The Company receives Chinese permission to trade from Guangzhou (Canton) importing silk, tea and porcelain. Trade was made with the Chinese Hongs (trading companies) who controlled trade within China. In England, the demand for tea booms, in 1664 The Company placed an order for Tea for 100lbs, by 1750 annual imports had reached 4,727,992Lbs. Having initially traded tea for silver, the English are concerned that too much silver is leaving their shores. They begin to trade the highly addictive drug opium for tea, this leads directly to the opium wars between Britain and China, as the Chinese government tries to stop this trade.

          Weavers, dyers and linen drapers in England protest that imports of Indian cloth are threatening their own industries. They riot and attack East India House in London. Initially, The Company responds by re-exporting Asian textiles to other countries in Europe. But market forces soon overshadow the cries of protesters, and Asian textiles continue to be hugely popular in England throughout the 18th century.

          The East India Company bring coffee plants and seeds from Yemen to St Helena on board the ‘Houghton’ from the Red Sea port of Mocha. Napoleon Bonaparte, exiled to the island in 1816, remarked on the quality of St Helena coffee. St Helena coffee is unique, as it is not just a pure Arabica coffee, but produced from a single type of Arabica bean known as Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica. This coffee is still grown in St Helena today and is amongst the world’s finest, respected and rare coffees.

          1754 SEVERN YEARS WAR
          The French and British East India Companies and their respective Indian allies were at war with each other. The East India Company led by Robert Clive defeat the French ally, Siraj Ud Daulah, at the battle of Plassey ending the rule of the last independent Nawab of Bengal. This is judged to be one of the pivotal events leading to the formation of the British Empire in South Asia. The resulting central administration and governance starts a process that leads eventually to the formation of unified India.

          1773 BOSTON TEA PARTY
          The Boston Tea party was driven by resistance throughout British America against the Tea Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Colonists objected to the Tea Act because it violated their right to be taxed only by their own elected representatives. Men thinly disguised as Mohawk Indians dumped 342 chests overboard three ships, the ‘Dartmouth’, the ‘Eleanor’ and the ‘Beaver’, loaded with tea from The East India Company.

          The East India Company had grown into a powerful political and trading organisation, rivalling that of the British Government, in effect ruling many of The British Empires territories. The bill differentiated The East India Company’s political functions from its commercial activities. In political matters The East India Company was subordinated to the British government directly. The process was slow and required subsequent parliamentary acts to allow The British Government to fully separate The Company’s political control from its commercial activities.

          1813 THE CHARTER ACT
          This asserted the sovereignty of the British Crown over the Indian territories held by The Company. It renewed the Charter of The Company for a further twenty years but ended its Indian trade monopoly except for trade in tea. At this point The East India Company was forced to open India to missionaries, who had previously been banned.

          Robert Fortune, a botanist, was hired by The Company to obtain the finest tea plants from China to establish plantations in India. He disguised himself as Chinese ‘from a distant province’, hired an interpreter, a precaution as the Chinese were extremely protective of their virtual monopoly on tea production. His efforts resulted in the shipment of 20,000 plants to the Himalayas, establishing Darjeeling as one of the finest tea producing regions in the world, and India as the dominant world tea producer it is today.

          By the time of The Act’s passing, The Company had been effectively dissolved anyway, as The Crown assumed all governmental responsibilities held by The Company by The Act for the Better Government of India. The Company’s 24,000-man military force was incorporated into the British Army, leaving it with only a shadow of the power it had wielded years earlier. Queen Victoria was the ruling monarch at the time, and thanks to her new authority over India, became the first monarch to use the title Empress of India.

          “It accomplished a work such as in the whole history of the human race no other company ever attempted and as such is likely to attempt in the years to come”
          -The Times 1874
          Dutch VOC. OTC writes fiction we get it from Indian British and Dutch Museum seated next to best of britsh library, museum, School of Oriental and African Studies. with profs at hand we can never make a mistake of European history.
          Founded in 1602, the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie or VOC) flourished and survived for two centuries. The company, a combination of commercial organisations in various cities of Holland and Zeeland, traded both in Asia and between Asia and Europe. It was the first public company to issue negotiable shares and it developed into one of the biggest and most powerful trading and shipping concerns. The VOC ran its own shipyards, the largest being in Amsterdam. This spectacular trade with Asia made the Dutch Republic the world’s key commercial hub.
          In Asia, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) built up a network of hundreds of bases: from simple offices and warehouses to massive commercial bulwarks. At the heart of the VOC’s Asian operation was Batavia (Jakarta) on Java. Batavia was established in 1619, when Jan Pietersz Coen captured the port of Jacatra. He had a huge fort built on the site (Batavia Castle) with workshops, warehouses and residences for company staff. Around this a city grew which was in turn surrounded by a perimeter wall. The fort was also the home of the governor general, the highest VOC official in the East Indies. He chaired the Council of the Indies, the executive committee that took the decisions in the East Indies.
          Following the establishment of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), two or three fleets would sail each year from the Dutch Republic to Asia. Bigger ships were built for the voyage, to carry more people and more produce. It generally took eight months to reach the East Indies. An average of seven knots (13 kilometres per hour) was considered a good speed. Along the route, the VOC set up trading posts where ships could take on provisions for the next stage. Between 1602 and 1610, 8,500 people sailed to the East. The numbers soon rose: in the 17th century an average of 4,000 people sailed to East Asia each year; and in the 18th century even more. Eastindiamen could carry hundreds of passengers. The ship’s company of sailors and soldiers slept tightly packed between decks, where it was close and foul. No thought was given to hygiene. Officers, the captain and passengers occupied cabins on the quarterdeck. Discipline was severe on board. It had to be. Sailing to Asia was a dangerous undertaking, and often difficult as well as tedious.

        • 1

          Like in the middle east wars of occupation of european forces the locals perished or ran away else where and new people were imported to ceylon to work in the plantations- it is still an agricultural economy.

          De Jure,Y De Facto !! MAP:File:European settlements in India 1497-1739.png

          ONLY the Deccan PM NaMo can solve Lanka problem not the Europeans (they bought trade and labour issues and gave them rights of nation with a fight)
          No peace keeping possible but gaand pa latthi indian style not angrji ka putra style lankian farce.
          If not Lanka would become another american Subic Bay episode or viet_cong the ongoing tussle.- this would be the end of the road- gaand fath.

          On the contrary look at Uruguay very European in concept with Independence in 1811
          The only documented inhabitants of Uruguay before European colonization of the area were the Charrúa, a small tribe driven south by the Guaraní of Paraguay.
          Uruguay is home to 3.3 million people,[1] of whom 1.8 million live in the metropolitan area of its capital and largest city, Montevideo. With an area of approximately 176,000 square kilometres (68,000 sq mi), Uruguay is geographically the second-smallest nation in South America after Suriname.
          Uruguay remained largely uninhabited until the establishment of Colonia del Sacramento, one of the oldest European settlements in the country, by the Portuguese in 1680. Montevideo was founded as a military stronghold by the Spanish in the early 18th century, signifying the competing claims over the region. Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil. It remained subject to foreign influence and intervention throughout the 19th century, with the military playing a recurring role in domestic politics until the late 20th century. Modern Uruguay is a democratic constitutional republic, with a president who serves as both head of state and head of government.
          Uruguay is ranked first in Latin America in democracy, peace, lack of corruption, quality of living,[7] e-Government,[8] and equally first in South America when it comes to press freedom, size of the middle class, prosperity and security.[7] On a per capita basis, Uruguay contributes more troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions than any other country.[7] It ranks second in the region on economic freedom, income equality, per capita income and inflows of FDI.[7] Uruguay is the third best country on the continent in terms of HDI, GDP growth,[9] innovation and infrastructure.[7] It’s regarded as a high income country (top group) by the UN, the only one in Latin America alongside Chile.[8] Uruguay is also the 3rd best ranked in the world in e-Participation.[8] Uruguay is an important global exporter of combed wool, rice, soybeans, frozen beef, malt and milk.[7]
          The Economist named Uruguay “country of the year” in 2013[10] acknowledging the innovative policy of legalizing production, sale and consumption of cannabis. Same-sex marriage and abortion are also legal, leading Uruguay to be regarded as one of the most liberal nations in the world, and one of the most socially developed, outstanding regionally[11] and performing well globally on personal rights, tolerance and inclusion issues.[12]

  • 39

    Lankan’s some might say their sihalese tamil obsession with Muslim/Christian obsession.

    near north west The MM.Empire has stuck back with authority Modi plans beforehand like a great chess player- or how do you serve 24 cups of different mallai ka chai in one walk. not just vaddi kahata.

    Fail to plan, plan to Fail.

    …freedom is never granted.
    It is earned by each generation… in the face of tyranny, cruelty, oppression, extremism, sometimes there is only one choice.

    Stick to the Brood.

    All Babashaeb people follow BBS the plan was cleared- angrji ka puthra Lankan (English sons no fun Lanka all bombs)

    All will be fine in the ocean or with muslim support follow Boka Harem like the Somali who love your fisher men. Sirima woed Postmans son terrorist god father Nasser Pan_Arab militia from 1968 That was downfall still being pulled up everyone’s arose.- polla gennen balla marande.

    No orchids for miss violet, she is busy driving the dogs out side of nation.!!!

    Stick to the Brood Lanka. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGZEtZWOo0s
    Rooster Song Farmer Dan

  • 0

    Dear Indian Tamil from Tamilnadu, India

    Thank you, that was an unexpected bolt from the blue.

    Re “I agree with the above lines. The tamils of eastern province have family names, food habits and other practices that suggest that they were Sinhalese generations ago”

    I too appreciate you honesty and respect anyone who does so.

    Re “It is a tragedy that the native tamils and native sinhalese of Sri Lanka fought with each other. It is a tragedy that average Sinhala buddhist is ignorant of the fact that the other guy being tortured is his cousin. And all the blame should go to Mahavamsa, the Sinhala Elite and Buddhist monks.”

    Yes I agree it is a tragedy. Even in families you find children fighting parents and children fighting amongst themselves because of property. If you read the references I have given in my posts you will see the other side of the story.

    I try not use the Mahavamsa in my comments and instead, rely mostly on Tamil sources and acknowledged historians. However the Mahavamsa is a record of Indian and Tamil history as well. It has similar myths as does the Mahabharata and the Ramayana and historical narratives written in that period.

    What I wrote about the Tamils and the Sinhala was based on published Scientific studies on the subject.
    Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations.

    By Lanka Ranaweera, Supannee Kaewsutthi, Aung Win Tun, Hathaichanoke Boonyarit, Samerchai Poolsuwan and Patcharee Lertrit

    1. Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
    2. Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University, PraChan, Bangkok, Thailand
    The report is accessible online at http://www.nature.com/jhg/journal/v59/n1/full/jhg2013112a.html
    Earlier it was free but now you have to pay a small fee.
    There is an older study by Dr Kshatriya in the wiki and on the web.

    I am sorry that I could not acknowledge you directly under your comment but the resident CT scavenger has gone berserk under it.

    Kind Regards,

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