13 February, 2025


The Judicial Power Of The People & A Presidential Interpretation Of Our Constitution?

Since 1972 this country has known no monarch and the President has not inherited that mantle. All his powers are limited by the provisions of the constitution.’ ~ Dissolution of Parliament Case (2018)

We as citizens of the country have witnessed in the past weeks some grave political developments that impact the governance of our country.

On 31 January the President’s Media Division (PMD) released a public document. This document indicates that it is meant to be the Secretariat’s interpretation of the President’s powers under our constitution.

Just before the PMD release, the Online Safety Bill was signed into law by the Speaker. This Bill was brought to Parliament after the Determination of the Supreme Court which required 31 amendments. The OSA was very controversial legislation, criticized by civil society, local experts and international organizations and Tech companies. They expressed grave concerns on its damaging impact on the democratic and fundamental rights of the people. The Speaker ignored calls by the Opposition for time to debate the Bill in parliament and ensure that it complied with the amendments that the Court had determined were essential for this law to be legal. The Opposition had pointed out that compliance was essential to ensure the OSA was a valid law according to our constitution.

The Speaker’s actions have resulted in the OSA Act becoming the law of the country, with no assurance that it conforms to the Supreme Court Determination and the constitution. This is unprecedented in parliamentary procedures. We now have a law whose legality is doubtful.

Both these developments indicate a growing trend towards authoritarian governance, disregarding the constitution and the democratic rights of the people. The Friday Forum draws attention to some matters that clarify that the misleading media release of the Presidential Secretariat, published with the President’s approval, must be challenged and rejected:

a) Under our constitution only the Supreme Court can interpret the constitution. The President and the Presidential Secretariat have no role and authority in this regard.

b) For 76 years the courts, and their independence from the Executive and parliament through a constitutional system of checks and balances, has been a foundational value in governance in Sri Lanka, and is recognized in the1978 constitution. That concept has not been eliminated by 21 later amendments to this constitution. It is reflected in post- independence jurisprudence of the Superior Courts of the country, especially the apex Supreme Court.

c) The document indicates that the President is empowered to exercise all powers under the constitution at the President’s sole discretion. No public institution, including the courts and the Constitutional Council on high post appointments, have a right to place any obstacles to the exercise of Presidential powers. If the President is deemed to have acted unconstitutionally, by exceeding his powers, the constitution “provides a procedure to address this”.

The President has taken an oath of office as President, and also as a lawyer, to be guided by the constitution of the country in all his actions. This PMD document suggests that he can disregard the constitution if he thinks that this is best for the country. The fact that he is challenging the Opposition in parliament to respond perhaps with an impeachment motion is indicative of his confidence in his parliamentary majority that will, as in the past, raise their hands in support of him with mindless loyalty whatever are the consequences for the country.

d) The Supreme Court has indicated in many judgments in the last decades, that public office must be held in public trust and official powers must be exercised within the framework of the law and the constitution. This has been reiterated in several recent cases, including the case on the economic crisis and the fundamental rights of the people. President Wickremesinghe is aware that in 2018, the Supreme Court, in a seven bench decision, decided that President Sirisena had acted arbitrarily and unconstitutionally by dissolving Parliament. Consequently, he was restored to the office of Prime Minister. The President cannot seek unquestioning loyalty to himself from all public officials and institutions, in the exercise of what he personally considers are his powers and responsibilities.

e) The Constitutional Council (CC) is not an executive body. It has been empowered by the constitution to scrutinize Presidential nominees, and to approve them to high posts. This has been reiterated in the Twenty First Amendment that President Wickremesinghe himself initiated. This body has a constitutional right and an obligation to fulfill its mandate of either nominating or approving the most suitable candidates for high office. The Constitutional Council rejecting a nominee cannot be considered an ‘obstacle’ to the exercise of presidential power.

The PMD document challenging the Opposition to impeach the President if he abuses power, demonstrates the manner in which, in the post war years, this office has been transformed into something even worse than the powerful executive presidency originally created by the 1978 constitution. President Wickremesinghe is clearly seeking to carry this office to an even higher level of an authoritarian dictatorship, with the justification of having to seek solutions to national bankruptcy.

The time has come for us as citizens to demand that the abolition of the executive Presidency is realized as a matter of urgency in 2024. It is a toxic model of governance that has damaged public institutions. All the major political parties in this country made this promise and never fulfilled it. All Presidents who came to office, except President Chandrika Kumaranatunga, failed the nation in this regard. The draft constitution of 2000 which President Kumaratunga’s government presented, providing for abolition of the Executive Presidency could not be adopted by parliament because of the conduct of the Leader of the Opposition, who was at that time, current President Ranil Wickremesinghe. He and his UNP rejected this constitution and tore the document during the debate in parliament.  The disagreement was not in regard to the text of this constitution, but a provision on who would head the new government. It is classic irony that 24 years later, Mr Wickremesinghe is trying to strengthen the Executive Presidency and transform it into a political dictatorship beyond the limits of the constitution. His rationale appears to be his personal vision or “Idiri Dekma” or what he thinks is best for the country. Is this a new articulation of another Executive President’s “Vistas of Prosperity”? 

The events of recent weeks in 2024 and our national economic and governance crisis must convince us as citizens to call for an affirmation by all parties and their leaders that they will abolish the executive presidency, and go back to a system of an elected Prime Minister responsible to parliament and the people. Let us call for a referendum on this matter, that is combined with the first election held in 2024.        

Prof. Savitri Goonesekere, Prof. Deepika Udagama, Prof. Camena Guneratne, Prof Gananath Obeyesekere, Prof. Ranjini Obeyesekere, Dr. Geedreck Usvatte-Aratchi, Prof Gameela Samarasinghe, Mr. Chandra Jayaratne, Dr. A.C. Visvalingam, Bishop Duleep de Chickera, Mr. Daneshan CasieChetty, Dr. Ahilan Kadirgamar, Mr. Javid Yusuf, Mr. Priyantha Gamage,  Rev. Dr. Jayasiri Peiris, Mr. S.C.C. Elankovan, Pulasthi Hewamanna and Shanthi Dias

(The Friday Forum is an informal group of concerned citizens pledged to uphold norms of democracy, good governance, the rule of law, human rights, media freedom and tolerance in our pluralist society.)

Latest comments

  • 12

    The Executive Presidency must be abolished it is true, but that is a complex issue which cannot be handled in 2024.
    A new constitution will take years of formulate. Eran Wickremaratne said this very clearly just yesterday. (sorry this is all in Sinhala, 29 minutes.)
    Do that now, and Ranil is likely to manipulate it such that he remains beyond September 2024. As it is, he has become a dictator after his UNP earned only 2.15% of the National Vote, and worming his way in on the National List.
    On no account should this year’s Presidential Election be postponed.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC483111444v)

    • 2

      Too many elections have been postponed. To shift to a parliamentary system now jeopardises the public sentiments and potentially dilutes the new pole of power that is emerging, that pledges to be a force for good against everything that is evil that has prevailed so far, unchallenged. The country is at a historical moment and the emerging power needs to be allowed to consolidate itself for which the Presidential system is imperative at this point in time. The Friday Forum itself recognizes that the current Members of the Parliament are unlikely to support the Opposition in the event an impeachment motion is tabled by them. How justifiable then it is to transfer the power to such a parliament? Would future Parliaments behave differently under a Parliamentary system? It is easier to keep one President under checks and balances than allowing a whole parliament of 225 to take arbitrary decisions not in line with the spirit of the people.

    • 4

      Dear Readers,
      Although this AKD disciple does not raise his voice loudly about the abolition of the executive presidency, his views are still unclear.
      I know JVP wants to abolish it by hook or by crook.
      However, former GOTA supporters in public are on the side of AKD, so how can he succeed ?
      People are utterly stupid in our hell entwined with much higher corruption.

      (I’m sorry, this video is in Sinhala. I will add them in English to everyone’s post.)
      The entire Sri Lanka thought that the EP should no longer be there. It is not an easy task, but if one does not do it at this crucial time in the country, when will it?

      It is not yet clear whether AKD-led moderate Janata Vimukthi Peramuna can do it or not. Inexperienced AKD leadership will either be like GOTA 2 or good governance. as trade unionis supporter, how can AKD do the job what others failed back and forth ?
      This is a million dollar issue for me….
      However, almost everything in OUR motherland is ruined by corruption, how can UNEXPERIENCED JVP do the job ?

      • 1

        Bad and sad news for you.
        we should see the reality as it is. The clouds over the skies of my home country, Sri Lanka, are now somehow blurring.
        Each simple Simon criticizes the other. Hearsays become news.

        Regardless of your blind beliefs, it seems that the SJB and older UNP members now realize that Ranil is the only person who can lead the country in a few years. Rest will rally to support him not as a leader but to restore the economy and hand it over to AKD or any other youth group.
        Everyone else will soon be behind the current government and that will be a reality.

        AKD will have to draw on his experience as an opposition leader first. People will never give a chance to a person who is similar to GOTABAYA AGAIN…. so Gota 2 will not be the reality.
        If Sajith has not been able to convince the nation, how can JVP theoretical men be the rulers of a country where over 99% people are corrupt? Also in July 2022 they proved to be more disruptors than true pragmatists. I couldn’t believe my eyes, how lorries and buses were thrown into Baira Lake…. Do you remember?
        Since you have done almost nothing for the nation since your retirement in early 60s, even you cant be considered as uncorrupted.

        • 1


          AKD will have to draw on his experience as an opposition leader first. People will never give a chance to a person who is similar to GOTABAYA AGAIN…. so Gota 2 will not be the reality.
          If Sajith has not been able to convince the nation, how can JVP theoretical men be the rulers of a country where over 99% people are corrupt? Also in July 2022 they proved to be more disruptors than true pragmatists. I couldn’t believe my eyes, how lorries and buses were thrown into Baira Lake…. Do you remember?

          Since you have done almost nothing for the nation since your retirement in early 60s, even you cant be considered as uncorrupted.

          In Europe, some doctors, retired govt servants work also after their retired age, though they are in their early 80ties, not for money but voluntarily, unwilling to put aside the knowledge and expertise they have acquired.

          • 1

            Dear LM: If, as desired by you, AKD gathers experience like “Ranil/Mara”, that will be the day I will say GOOD_BYE to AKD and the whole of JVP/NPP.

            I know AKD will not be that STUPID scoundrel to gather experience like the leaders we had for the last 76 years.

  • 12

    “The draft constitution of 2000 which President Kumaratunga’s government presented, providing for abolition of the Executive Presidency could not be adopted by parliament because of the conduct of the Leader of the Opposition, who was at that time, current President Ranil Wickremesinghe.”
    It is a pity that most people have forgotten this incident but I was watching it all on TV and still remember vividly that the UNP members in the opposition were behaving in an extremely unruly manner, burning copies of this proposal in parliament, while the diabolical Leader of the Opposition was seated in a detached manner, making no effort whatsoever to restrain his party members.

  • 19

    I, in my whole life, haven’t seen a more ludicrous situation ……. where a man who lost his own seat …….. and the party he is the leader, couldn’t get even a single seat …….. comes to parliament through the national-list, which was never meant for defeated candidates to creep into the parliament through the back door, and ends up as the president!

    I don’t give a fig about the “legality” of the fricking constitution. ………. For the life of me, I can’t understand how Lankan high-brows think it’s a pretty normal state of affairs.

    Can Ranil – or 113 members of parliament – decide who is best for the country ……… and should be the president?

    Isn’t it any wonder ……. Lanka is bankrupt …….. and is the laughing stock of the world?

    National-List ———- > “The letter of the law and the spirit of the law are two possible ways to regard rules, or laws. To obey the letter of the law is to follow the literal reading of the words of the law, whereas following the spirit of the law is to follow the intention of why the law was enforced.”

    If Lankan intelligentsia don’t get ……. that this is a classic case of violating the spirit of the original intention/purpose of the National List by Ranil ……. is there any hope for Lanka?

    • 2

      Since the spirit of the law is not followed making it the written law could be the solution.

      • 8

        It is the spirit of the written law that is not followed. For example, comedians arrested under the ICCPR.

        • 1

          OC – Take some English lessons from Sinhala_Man and try again understanding what people say.

          • 5

            I understand standard English quite well. Check what you wrote again. I don’t see any difference between “misuse of the law” and violating its spirit.
            And, pray explain how ” making it the written law” is a solution? Isn’t it already written?

            • 0

              OC – What is the purpose of the National List? Ranil’s appointment to the parliament – does it align with this purpose? If yes – How? If no – why?

            • 0

              OC – This may be of help. I am too tired to explain in length. But in short there appears to be provisions in the constituion that could override the spirit of the National List appointments. My suggestion was to have what is implied (spirit) of the law also in writing. Basically include clause actively preventing electorally lost candidates being appointed through NL. Basically add a WRITTEN clause that states: you CANNOT appoint a defeated candidate to the parliament through the NL.
              In the case of the comedian’s arrest – there was no law under which she could have been arrested. Because the law is clear on who could be arrested. It gives written criteria. The arrest therefore was a violation of the written law. Not an implied or intended one. Hope I am clear.

              • 1

                The national list law is vaguely worded to leave loopholes for defeated candidates. Political parties need to have their best members in Parliament. Even the JVP reneged on its promise to put a former Auditor-General in Parliament when it didn’t get the number of seats it expected.
                The judiciary itself is corrupt. Sarath Silva and Mohan Pieris could be counted on to provide legal backing for government politics.
                In the the other cases, there is the ICCPR, which is misinterpreted mostly on the complaints of publicity-seeking monks.

            • 0

              OC – I’m no lawyer. That’s what I thought it means. Ask a lawyer and see.

        • 0

          Old Codger- I wasn’t referring to the ICCPR above. In the case of the comedian arrested under ICCPR Act, it wasn’t a case of violating the spirit of the law but a blatant misuse or abuse of the law – the ICCPR Act. They co-opted it to make an arbitrary arrest. If you read the verdict given by the judge upon granting bail to her, he clearly specifies, in order for an act of speech to become a hate speech, certain criteria given under several sections of the ICCPR Act must be fullfilled. Natasha’s case according to said criteria does not fall under hate speech. The arrest should have not taken place to begin with. Nothing to do with the Spirit of the law. It is about not applying the written law or abusing the written law. I am no lawyer but I feel the lady comedian may have grounds to file an FR application against the Police Department for making an illegal arrest without a proper investigations or a warrant and thereby causing her suffering and reputational damage to her person and career that may require compensation. Read the verdict for yourself it’s available online.

    • 17

      Nimal, did you see what Appachi had to say ” executive presidency should be abolished, anyway I have enjoyed the privileges of it”. Real patriotism, isn’t it.

      • 13


        What can you expect from these pricks?

        • 15

          What is important is, the 22 million citizens …….. not Ranil, Mahinda, Sajith, CBK, DS, SWRD, Sirima, JR, Premadasa. …… Their importance is created by the imagery that is daily bombarding us ……. big cars, security running around, worthless functions, …… pomp and ceremony. …. Exactly how it’s created about the British Royalty. ………. But their pols are kept a few rungs down, relatively “working class” with the rest of the citizens.

          DS, SWRD, CBK, Ranil, …….. already had the haughtiness inbuilt …… coming from wealth and Wallauwas ……. Mahinda who was dirt poor and had nothing but sand to eat in Hambanthota …… had to invent and create a mythical ancestry to measure up to the others, to have a similar impact with the voters

          This is what the citizens out there should be made to realize …….. by the opinion-shapers …….. social media influencers …..

          Get rid of the sacrosanct crap – laws against insulting the judiciary …….. if Mohan Peris and Sarath Silva can be appointed the chief justice they deserve all the insults they can get ……… and then some. …… Put them in jail: not the ones who exposed them.

          Some honest, impartial ……. and patriotic critics on social media, in recent times, have exposed the crooked pols ……. no wonder Ranil introduced the bill to curtail media freedom!

          How ironic, it’s Ranil and his paid self-serving goons that spread the most lies!!

          Hope whoever comes to power next ……….. use Ranil’s own laws …….. with ample facts and evidence out there …….. to jail him.

          Then Lanka will be on the road to recovery ……… and Ranil’s right handman Native on the way to Angoda ……..

          • 12

            This might have got truncated,

            Get rid of the sacrosanct crap – laws against insulting the judiciary …….. if Mohan Peris and Sarath Silva can be appointed the chief justice they deserve all the insults they can get ……… and then some. …… Put them in jail: not the ones who exposed them.

            Some honest, impartial ……. and patriotic critics on social media, in recent times, have exposed the crooked pols ……. no wonder Ranil introduced the bill to curtail media freedom!

            How ironic, it’s Ranil and his paid self-serving goons that spread the most lies!!

            Hope whoever comes to power next ……….. use Ranil’s own laws …….. with ample facts and evidence out there …….. to jail him.

            Then Lanka will be on the road to recovery ……… and Ranil’s right handman Native on the way to Angoda ……..

          • 3

            “… Native on the way to Angoda ……..”
            I don’t think he could escape with an insanity plea…. now that you have given the idea, he might try…

        • 10

          Some interesting things about the creation of an independent Singapore ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PJ9JTod9X0

          I’ve seen some intellectually dishonest scum of the earth …….. recently trying to equate Ranil’s curtailing of media freedoms …… to LKY’s control of Singapore’s media. ……. For chrissakes man, the two have nothing in common: none whatsoever. LKY didn’t control the media and start spreading lies and misinformation himself! …… Ranil is the champion of spreading lies and misinformation just for the sole reason of staying in power as long as he can: his rules/laws should first apply to him!

          Unlike Ranil, LKY didn’t surround himself with corruption. …….. This is how harshly Singapore deals with corruption …….. and it’s led by women …….. imagine Ranil’s newest darling Diana fighting corruption! …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHthgB8nkpg

          Native, Hope by now …….. you get I don’t much like Ranil ………..

      • 12

        chiv: ” I have enjoyed the privileges of it”. Why he is not speaking of the PRIVILEGES he is still enjoying as an “Ex-President”?

        We will not allow people to forget those privileges, such as -A palatial house – fully furnished; a Security Contingent; A Secretariat; A Fleet of Vehicles; fully paid Electricity and Water Bills; A Pension, and many more, ALL paid for by the Tax Payers – the People.

        All of these PRIVILEGES must be WITHDRAWN, not only to him but ALL others who are presently enjoying such facilities at the expense of our Taxes. We have assurance that in the event NPP forms a Government ALL and many more such PRIVILEGES would be withdrawn. No other political party has yet given that promise to the people.

        • 8

          This old gent is telling who gets what ………… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyRBAL6_kxc

          I was waiting to find out how much Native gets as a presidential advisor ……… but that he didn’t reveal.

          Native is a good man ……… but he has lost his way since Ranil’s ascendency ……….

          • 7

            nimal fernando

            Thanks for the link.
            If all these past presidents ( or their spouse) are entitle for their “ENTITLEMENTS” three pensions each irrespective of their party affiliations do you think the crooks would ever gettogether to abolish presidential system in this island?

            Let us see what our friend Sinhala_Man is going to do about it if and when AKD becomes the next President, before he plans AKD’s pension.

          • 3

            NF, NV, SJ, OC and all logical thinkers,
            Please watch the video below and compare SINHALA BUDDHISM and REAL BUDDHISM.
            Everyone in Sri Lanka should be guided to the fact that they have been misled by the Sinhala Buddhist monks for so long – this “delusion” has confused the vulnerable/gulliable people of Sri Lanka. My sister who is in late 80ties, does not know what DHARMA means but is compelled to observe sil 4/months. She just does it to stand out in her verein.
            Many SB monks become easy hirelings in political demonstrations, they are real thugs in their red robes of AKD forces or others. Ma-galkande-dog is back to political parades irresppective of his recent jail sessions in Japan.

            What is the difference between the dressed up/decorated elephants in Buddhist processions in Sri Lanka and the “monks sitting in the temple” who have no knowledge of the Dhamma?

        • 2

          Douglas Appo,
          What are your predictions about our hell? Why are you leaving CT now? Why was it a bit quiet in CT since “Ruchira virus infected to Mr. Bandarawela”? Are you keeping well?


          I am scared to see NALIN HEWAGE or the like 89 STYLE killers. I am traumatised yet today.
          Do you think the people of our country will ever use their brains?

          Look at your neighborhood and make up your own mind.. ..I do that every time I visit my home country.

          Don’t you think more than 99% of our people are corrupt? They are like animals… only surface values are important to them.

          . I confess today that many of my family and relatives living in that hell are really corrupt and like fools. They also follow “SADU SADU effect” rather than using their little brain.
          Although I have helped many of them in various ways, I have nothing to do with them as of today.
          Yesterday, I again donated more than 300 euros from my pocket to a charity.
          There I worked overtime and collected money. I am bound to do some good and accumulate some merit for my late mother.

          • 2

            Dear LM: Thank you. I am doing well. Presently, I am doing my little bit to improve the thinking patterns (what you have described above) and make them independent and free from bondage. The success story is to be measured as and when that critical thinking is to be expressed soon

            These days my village is filled with tourists and the traffic has spoiled that peace, I enjoy the early morning hours and the sunset glamour. However, it is the economic well-being of the local population and I have lost (temporarily) my “Kadamandiya” meetings. Instead of being critical, let us invest our little bit remaining to uplift whoever we can. Thanks again.

    • 11

      old codger

      Please watch this link.
      Palanivel Thiagarajan earlier finance minister of Tamil Nadu is making a speech in New Delhi protesting against centre for keeping the states down.

      Kerala protest in Delhi – Trichy Siva, PTR Palanivel Thiagarajan | Thirumavalavan Latest Speech

      • 6


        Read this …… linked articles are good too ……… https://blog.umd.edu/davidkass/2021/08/27/how-ted-weschler-turned-70000-into-264-million-in-a-retirement-account/

        We had it easy …… the world is getting really tough for the next generations ……. if you have kids ……. can’t send them out into the world without razor-sharp survival skills ……..

        • 0


          They are slowly planning a war against china.

          Smaller nation 0. 5 million might have taken a wrong decision by appointing that Muizi.

          • 2

            It’s all about leaders ……. how to win power or stay in power. …… The average citizens have very little stake in it.

            I believe China has peaked …….. because of Xi Jinping’s …….. greed and power-hunger. He used all the good work of his predecessors to make himself chairman for life

            Not many people are clued-up on how China’s flooding of world markets with decent-quality cheap goods kept inflation down in many countries for decades, despite unprecedented money-printing.

            I feel those days are coming to an end …….. many countries are now finding it difficult to keep inflation down …….. in spite of rate hikes.

      • 4

        I think you want S. Sivathasan to watch this, but thanks anyway.
        I am eagerly awaiting Sinhala Man’s comments on PTR’s English.
        Oh, I almost forgot. I also await Lester’s analysis of PTR’s IQ.

        • 4

          old codger

          “I am eagerly awaiting Sinhala Man’s comments on PTR’s English.”

          In recent months Stalin has put a lid on PTR, who is very Fluent in Finance, did very well and being respected almost everywhere except in New Delhi. Stalin fears PTR is seen as main threat to his family dynasty.

          In the mean time today’s Sunday Times published a column by Don Manu (Sunday Punch) exposing JVP’s recent double tongue approach to Hindia. Please read it, ….

          Anura’s Indian summer exposes JVP’s double face, double tongue

          As always I am concerned about “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, ….. let him enjoy his newly found status as a statement until his old guards strip him of what he has or hasn’t got.

          • 2

            I have always said that the JVP /NPP has two faces, the nice public face of AKD and Thilini W, and the hardliners like Wasantha Samarasingha .
            AKD visits an Amul milk plant in India, while Namal Karunaratna threatens Amul for trying to buy Milco.

            • 0

              Sorry, Harini A, not Thilini.

              • 3

                “Sorry, Harini”

                The sharp-eyed you’re …….. it’s unlike of you to get a gal’s name wrong! ………. Guess, she is not your cup of tea! :)))))

                • 3

                  “Guess, she is not your cup of tea! :))))”
                  On the contrary, I like her better than, say, Deepthi……

            • 1

              Dear OC,
              Did you watch these (sinhala videos) ? I think I will have to find one another.


              How will the JVP deal with the cancer of the society which are “Unionists” once they get the dream power to rule this nation?

              In fact, MANY believe JVPrs and FRONTLINE dogs spearhead those trade union demonstrations and University ragging across the country ? Is that not paradoxial ?

              • 1

                Yes, the SJB is just the UNP wearing different colours.

  • 8

    Alexi Navalny died in prison, under Nova Stalin’s administration. He was at the court yesterday as per BBC.
    I just remember when “the Male Handsome” person Nirmala Rupan was beaten by Rapist Army in North and brought to Anuradhapura Hospital and tied to bed’s leg (three days) without water, medicine, until he scummed to torture wounds. When the Human right lawyers brought that as a fundamental rights violation Under Mokan Piers regime, he gave a verdict that the Tamils had no fundamental rights. Later, the Evil Emperor, at the start of Yahapalanaya, dismissed Mokan, but Mokan got the Ambassador job as he wanted in return for the dismissal from CJ position. But still Evil refused to reverse the verdict Mokan gave on Nirmala Rupan prison torture and murder. But Female beauty Premawathi Nanampere was raped and murdered in the south by the Rapist Army. But Siri Ma O made the rapist army pay for it.

    But Ranjan Ramanayake is worried still though he escaped alive from Langkang Prison, only losing his civil rights and citizenship.

    What world of 21st century!

  • 2

    “The time has come for us as citizens to demand that the abolition of the executive Presidency is realized as a matter of urgency in 2024.”
    How? In the form of another Aragalaya?

  • 10

    Why this desire to absolve Chandrika? She belongs to the same string of people who undermined the best interests of the people of this country. The Bandit Queen had her fair share of misdeeds to account for. Power of the unchecked Presidency corrupted all. The continuous course of judicial independence is just bunkum when you think of interludes of absence of such independence. The appointment of Basnayake over Nagalingam on purely communal grounds, the period of Sarath Silva and other “independent” chief justices do not indicate continuity but constant executive interference with the judiciary. Authoritarianism results from a multiplicity of factors that have coalesced to bring ruin. That ruin provides justification for RW to say that he is the man who has brought relative stability . He banks on the fact that many will believe this story. We are a people with many legends but gullibility is the best of them.

  • 8

    Time has come for the Professionals in SL, to act according to the rules and NOT according to the CORRUPT rulers. Doctors SHOULD NOT give false medical reports so that crooks can stay in the hospitals and avoid the courts.

  • 6

    Ranil, who wants to control the Constitutional Council, violating the constitution and getting the online safety bill illegally passed without including the amendments proposed by the Supreme Court, clearly shows he is a “control freak”. Can anyone imagine that the Central Bank robbery would have happened without this control freak’s knowledge and approval?

    Even to date, after becoming the President, the corruption by his cabinet ministers has not stopped. He has not brought any of the monies hidden away by previous and present politicians abroad. Only thing he has done is pave way to borrow more money while showing the citizens he is reducing able the debt pay

    • 1

      Erroneously uploaded. Sorry

  • 7

    Ranil, who wants to control the Constitutional Council, violating the constitution and getting the online safety bill illegally passed without including the amendments proposed by the Supreme Court, clearly shows he is a “control freak”. Can anyone imagine that the Central Bank robbery would have happened without this control freak’s knowledge and approval?

    Even to date, after becoming the President, the corruption by his cabinet ministers has not stopped. He has not brought any of the monies hidden away by previous and present politicians abroad. The only thing he has done is pave the way to borrow more money while showing the citizens he is reducing the debt payable by the country.

  • 0

    Unsure how all of these corruptive Lankan political practices work, but if Ranil retains executive presidency, he’ll take his executive chance to scrap the elections (any elections) in 2024….and Pottuwas will raise their hands to second it. Work on abolishing it, and Ranil-Pottuwas would use that as the excuse to delay elections again, because abolishing of executive presidency is a major political process in itself, according to these crooks. Is that what it is all about?

    Isn’t the US, bastion of Decomocracy going to help us out? Armed forces need to be paid out, or be patriotic towards their Motherland. Sajith did try to do something like that. What a brave man! Came to nothing though. Round two must happen soon!

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      I think SJB will split into smaller groups in the coming days. I am sorry from my friend Dr Harsha de Silva. Had he joined the current interior govt, he could do lot more to the nation.
      SJB leadership is currently attacking the president of their party. Winners will be JVP led Malimawa. Sajith’s wrong decision to accept Daya Ratnayake who was another former army commander against S.F. is beyond ethics and morals.
      The SJB leader has now proved to be a baby type of man to the nation. He could take over presidency, but he did not…. now again, he tries to split his party…..
      . Former president Mrs. CBK warned SAJITH 5 years ago but SJB’s provocative mouth didn’t think twice. Lack of political seniority, has put him a juvenile politicians marching behind AKD today.

      Although he lives and attends school in the UK, his genetics are no different from those of his illiterate father.

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