17 February, 2025


The New Opium And Its Addicts

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“…people’s stupidity and people’s good intentions influence events no less than do the necessities of the economic struggle.” – Czeslaw Miloz (The Captive Mind)

Defence authorities have suspended paying disabled soldiers their salaries[i].

These soldiers became disabled – and therefore unemployable – because they fought in the Eelam Wars. According to Rajapaksa logic, these are ‘War Heroes” and ‘Patriots’. And they have been deprived of their monthly salaries, on which many of them – and their families – would have been dependent.

Mahinda Gota BasilIt is hard to believe that any army official would have taken such a potentially controversial decision without the knowledge/approval of Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Minister of Defence and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence.

In a free country this would have been headline news and a main subject of commentary. In a country which takes the rhetoric about war heroes and patriotism seriously, it should have caused an outpouring of outrage.

In Rajapaksa Sri Lanka neither happened. This was not news; and there was no outrage.

Eventually 292 disabled soldiers, representing the interests of around 6000 disabled colleagues, had to seek judicial intervention. They have filed a case in the Appeal Court against the government’s decision to suspend their salary payments. They argue that according to military regulations, their salaries must be paid until they reach the retirement age.

The lawyer representing the army commander has asked for time. Now that the news is out, perhaps the President will ‘intervene’. He might do his ‘Knight Errant’ act, and ride to the rescue of the ‘soldiers-in-distress’. Then the soldiers can withdraw the law-suit and write a letter thanking the President. The letter will be given the widest possible publicity. Once the crisis is defused, the order may vanish into that state of limbo where most Commission reports and presidential promises repose.

Last week, the authorities confirmed that Brigadier Deshapriya Gunawardane, of Weliweriya and White Flag ignominy has indeed been presented with a diplomatic appointment. The military spokesman tried to excuse this inexcusable measure by arguing that the posting was not a promotion for the Brigadier’s conduct in Weliweriya; but a reward for his war-time services[ii].

Ordinary disabled soldiers are deprived of their salaries, for their wartime services; Brigadier Gunawardane is given a diplomatic promotion, for his wartime services.

According to The Sunday Times, a bipartisan resolution has been presented to the US Congress asking the Obama Administration to “place restrictions on the entry to the United States for anyone it identified as responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity”[iii] in Sri Lanka. The White Flag incident, if true, would definitely fall into the category of war crimes. And if the account in The Colombo Telegraph is accurate, the fingerprints of all three Rajapaksa brothers are prominent on the crime scene.

Basil and Gotabaya Rajapaksa are US-Lanka dual citizens, who travel to their homeland-of-choice quite regularly. If the resolution is carried and implemented, it will have a very direct impact on both of them. Keeping Brigadier Gunawardane happy would thus be an important consideration for the Ruling Siblings.

The war-winning army commander, General Sarath Fonseka, is also seeking judicial intervention. He has filed a case in the Appeal Court, against the UDA for illegally taking-over his land. The plot was given to him in 2009, as per a government decision to award land to the three war-winning service commanders. When Gen. Fonseka fell from grace, the UDA seized his land. “It is an illegal takeover. When a land is taken-over the owner must be informed and compensated. None of that was done. The Defence Secretary took over this land using his limitless powers,” the former army commander said[iv].

If these three incidents do not make Sinhalese and especially Sinhala-Buddhists understand the real nature and purpose of Rajapaksa patriotism, nothing will.

Aristotle cautioned, “A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler who they consider to be god-fearing and pious”[v]. This is true of patriotism as well, where it is accorded a religious veneer.

‘Blood-and-faith’ patriotism is the political religion in Rajapaksa Sri Lanka. The President often exhorts young people to be faithful to the motherland, once, twice and thrice. And in this political religion, the Rajapaksa brothers are the prophets and the popes.

According to media reports, a presidential election might be held in late 2014 or early 2015. The ‘blood-and-faith’ patriotism will be a key component of the Rajapaksa electoral platform. That electoral platform cannot be dismantled without exposing and debunking the patriotic lie which is at its very core.

Boru Bala Sena

The BBS is at it again. At a sparsely attended incendiary demonstration in Badulla some of the BBS stalwarts attacked a young boy, ‘accusing’ him of being a Muslim.

If the BBS/JHU/BNP stalwarts are serious about their patriotism, they should have organised demonstrations in support of the disabled soldiers who have been deprived of their livelihood by the defence authorities. But their allotted tasks are otherwise. The BBS is trying to incite anti-Muslim hysteria; perhaps the Rajapaksas think that anti-Muslim politics is the way to Narendra Modi’s heart. The JHU and the BNP have started screaming against the 13th Amendment, predictably[vi]. Expect them to wallow in ‘13th Amendment is separation’ madness, so that Mahinda Rajapaksa can lay claim to ‘I am the Moderate, keeping the fanatics at bay’ title, again.

In Europe, humanist thinking paved the way for democratic politics. The freeing of man from the divine paved the way for his political liberation. Democracy would have been impossible without the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. In Rajapaksa Sri Lanka we are witnessing an antithetical process. The ‘blood-and-faith’, ‘Motherland first, second and third’ political religion is becoming as compulsory as Islam is in Saudi Arabia. Those who refuse to accept its monstrous tenets or question its hypocritical workings risk being condemned as heretical traitors.

And its primary tenet is loyalty to the Rajapaksas.

Depriving disabled soldiers of their salaries is no bar to this religious patriotism; condemning the President and his brother for this rank injustice will be.

Umberto Eco pointed out, “For Ur fascism….individuals as individuals have no rights, and the People is conceived as a quality, a monolithic entity expressing the Common Will. Since no large quantity of human beings can have a common will the Leader pretends to be their interpreter. Having lost their power of delegation citizens do not act; they are only called on to play the role of the People”[vii].

In the Tiger’s shadow, ‘Tamil people’ were everything, while flesh-and-blood Tamils, men, women and children, were nothing. Perhaps nothing symbolised this condition than that civilizational horror which the Tigers reserved for their own people – forcible child conscription.

Similarly, in the Rajapaksa-country, ‘War-Heroes’ are everything, while individual ‘war heroes’, soldiers who actually waged the war, are nothing. The ‘Patriotic People’ are everything while individual Lankans (including Sinhala-Buddhists) are nothing.

Little wonder that a Tiger leader like KP can transform his allegiance to the Rajapaksas.

Making ordinary Sinhala-Buddhists see through this giant Rajapaksa hoax is a sine-qua-non for defeating the Rajapaksas at any imminent national election.

[i] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/sri_lanka/2014/05/140530_disabled_soldiers.shtml

[ii] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/sri_lanka/2014/05/140526_weliweriya_brigadier_turkey.shtml

[iii] http://www.sundaytimes.lk/140525/columns/resolution-in-us-congress-to-punish-lankas-war-criminals-100216.html

[iv] http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/sri_lanka/2014/05/140528_fonseka_court_video.shtml

[v] Politics

[vi] http://www.ceylontoday.lk/51-65308-news-detail-nff-jhu-against-full-implementation-of-13a.html

[vii] Eternal Fascism: Fourteen Ways of Looking at a Black Shirt

Latest comments

  • 10

    A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their regime and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that CHOOSES and DESERVES the Police State Dictatorship it is going to get.

    • 5

      Dear Tisaranee Gunasekara –

      “…people’s stupidity and people’s good intentions influence events no less than do the necessities of the economic struggle.” – Czeslaw Miloz (The Captive Mind)

      Defence authorities have suspended paying disabled soldiers their salaries[i].

      These soldiers became disabled – and therefore unemployable – because they fought in the Eelam Wars. According to Rajapaksa logic, these are ‘War Heroes” and ‘Patriots’. And they have been deprived of their monthly salaries, on which many of them – and their families – would have been dependent.


      So, these poor disabled veterans are fodder for the family hegemony. Why cant they give 50% of the commission they get for the welfare of these soldiers to freed the country from LTTE VP terrorism?

      This is Sinhala “Buddhism”.

  • 1

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 0

      [Edited out]

      • 1

        pathetic soul, get a life navin

  • 7

    “A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler who they consider to be god-fearing and pious”

    Long live Aristotle!

    May Aristotle be reborn in Sri Lanka to blow a bit of commons sense to our dumb and stupid electorate.


    • 1

      Ben Hurling

      “Long live Aristotle! May Aristotle be reborn in Sri Lanka to blow a bit of commons sense to our dumb and stupid electorate.”

      Ben, you need to keep educating the Para-Sinhala. You need to keep repeating, and hope some will get it, ask any teacher. They will tell you. That is why they have examinations.

      So for the education of Para-Sinhalese, in the land of Native Veda, who is this Aristotle?



      Aristotle (/ˈærɪˌstɒtəl/;[1] Greek: Ἀριστοτέλης [aristotélɛːs], Aristotélēs; 384 – 322 BCE)[2] was a Greek philosopher and scientist born in Stagirus, northern Greece, in 384 BCE. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, whereafter Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian.[3] At eighteen, he joined Plato’s Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BCE). His writings cover many subjects – including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and government – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy. Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great between 356 and 323 BCE. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, “Aristotle was the first genuine scientist in history. … Every scientist is in his debt.”[citation needed]

      Teaching Alexander the Great gave Aristotle many opportunities and an abundance of supplies. He established a library in the Lyceum which aided in the production of many of his hundreds of books. The fact that Aristotle was a pupil of Plato contributed to his former views of Platonism, but, following Plato’s death, Aristotle immersed himself in empirical studies and shifted from Platonism to empiricism.[4] He believed all peoples’ concepts and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception. Aristotle’s views on natural sciences represent the groundwork underlying many of his works.

      Aristotle’s views on physical science profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. Their influence extended into the Renaissance and were not replaced systematically until the Enlightenment and theories such as classical mechanics. Some of Aristotle’s zoological observations were not confirmed or refuted until the 19th century.[examples needed] His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, which was incorporated in the late 19th century into modern formal logic.

      In metaphysics, Aristotelianism profoundly influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophical and theological thought during the Middle Ages and continues to influence Christian theology, especially the scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. Aristotle was well known among medieval Muslim intellectuals and revered as “The First Teacher” (Arabic: المعلم الأول‎).

      His ethics, though always influential, gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics. All aspects of Aristotle’s philosophy continue to be the object of active academic study today. Though Aristotle wrote many elegant treatises and dialogues – Cicero described his literary style as “a river of gold”[5] – it is thought that only around a third of his original output has survived.[6]

      • 2

        Oh how clever you are, copying and pasting text from Wikipedia… we are so so proud of you!
        Please spare us this tripe mate.

        • 0

          [Edited out]

        • 0

          Looks like you need to practise a bit of Amarasiri’s Scholarship!
          Read this for yourself in Wikipedia and other relevant Websites.

    • 2

      Ben Hurling

      “May Aristotle be reborn in Sri Lanka to blow a bit of commons sense to our dumb and stupid electorate.”

      If he is ever to be born here he will also become another aspiring tyrant. Leave him alone.

  • 3

    Will the Diaspora and the NGOs nominate and lobby for a Pulitzer for Ms T?.

    Specially for this piece where she exhibits her extreme humanity for the Srilankan soldiers who made supreme sacrifices to win freedom and peace for the inhabitants.

    • 12

      Ado gemba,

      “..Will the Diaspora and the NGOs nominate and lobby for a Pulitzer for Ms T?..”

      Will the Rajapakshas nominate K.A. Sumanaya for the Puka pulverization award for crouching for the Rajapakshas?

    • 6

      I see you have refused to take my advice in the matter of your seeking to change your occupation from goodness-knows-what to comedian. Why don’t you heed my advice NOT to quit your day job in favour of stand up comedy? You’d be reducing the pain you inflict on the rest of us with your idiocies, if nothing else.
      I understand your paymasters are preparing a special award for New South Wales-domiciled stooges who send filthy SMSs to their enemies. Any truth in this and are you in the running for this accolade?

      • 1

        Emil van der Poorten

        “I understand your paymasters are preparing a special award for New South Wales-domiciled stooges who send filthy SMSs to their enemies.”

        If I were MR I wouldn’t employ K.A Sumanasekera and pay him. I won’t get value for money in return.

        He does all the typing here in order to impress his partner (if he has one) or impress himself as Dyan does all the time.

        If we don’t let him type here in this forum he might take up mugging or open a rent a mob agency.

        Which one do you prefer.

        I rather prefer him here than him joining the saffron clad thugs on the street.

        The least we could do to people is to occupy him here than let loose on the street.

        I know it is a colossal sacrifice on our part in the name of country and people.

        • 1


          Brilliant idea! Yes, let us have him inside and piss inside the tent rather than let him piss into the tent from outside! We can at least tip-cut the bugger.

      • 0

        Mr Poorten.

        You are the epitome of Dr Dayan’s intelligentsia whom he reckons should be the rightful custodians of our inhabitants.

        Your English mother tongue ( could it be Dutch or Portugese ), education intelligence, and elite background, you should be firing kick ass articles, like Dayan to drill some sense into your fellow intelligentsia, to find ways and means to win the vote of our poor inhabitant majority.

        Instead you are trying to set booby traps, and electrify fences to keep out the poor souls in the village who try to pinch a few smelly Durians to make their missus happy.

        And then join these Diaspora sympathisers and Prabkaran worshippers to hurl abuse at Sinhala Buddhist inhabitants who only want to earn a few crumbs and look after their kiddies.

        Even your Christian Faction Leader Rnil mate now says his Uncle’s Constitution is all rat shit.

        He wants to bury the 13 A all together and start new.

        Would that be a winning hand?.

        At least it will upset the LTTE proxy TNA and get it’s Leader off Ranil’s back,

        And that alone is a positive and probable plus for the long suffering Intelligentsia.

    • 5


      Since you too agree of her “extreme humanity for the SL soldiers” will you please do the honours inproposing her for that prize. Who else can do better than Sumanasekera?

    • 2

      K.A Sumanasekera

      Please take an extended holiday.

      Your memory fades and fails.

      “Neither the Sinhala Buddhists give their hard earned money to those brainwashed imbeciles.”

      Did the Hindians finance the JVP?

      Native Vedda
      May 20, 2014 at 11:38

      TGTE Named Chandrika As A War Criminal With Rajapaksas And Fonseka

      You haven’t responded to my question could you deal with it now.

      • 1

        Dear Native,

        Your Diaspora mates financed the Hindians to punish Manmohan and get Modi in …right?…

        See what happened,

        Diaspora pin up boy Vaiko ended up in the lock up and the pin up girl, Pretty Lalitha was forced to stay home and perhaps watch an MGR rerun.

        By the way did those exiled JVPers sponsor you as a dependant?….

        • 1

          K.A Sumanasekera

          “Neither the Sinhala Buddhists give their hard earned money to those brainwashed imbeciles.”

          Did the Hindians finance the JVP?

          • 0

            Dear Native,

            JVP new Boss Anura kumara is touring your neck of the woods to drum up support and fill the coffers before the next Prez Election.

            This is a 24 Carat opportunity for you to organize the BTF Chiefs Suren and the Reverend , TNGTE Boss PM Rudra and the Senator Skandaraja to meet up with him and dig deep to help him to become the common candidate.

            Even if he can’t roll Rajapksa, a Plan B can be put in place this time to have liberation movements at both ends simultaneously….

            And Rajapaksa would be really under the pump then….

            • 2

              K.A Sumanasekera

              “Neither the Sinhala Buddhists give their hard earned money to those brainwashed imbeciles.”

              Did the Hindians finance the JVP?

  • 5

    We beat our chests that we have won the war and at the same time not pay the soldiers who have been wounded in the war, is hypocrisy. We spend so much of money on pomp and pageantry to hoodwink Sri Lankans while killing the soldiers who carried out orders under police custody is the true face of politics in Sri Lanka today. Do we need this?

    • 7

      I think they need proof that these soldiers were wounded during the war, not when trying to rob a bank!


  • 7

    MR and co want to win this coming election otherwise they would be facing not only death penality but also end of their life in Sri Lanka. Once politically outed from SL they would not have any where to hide except china and China does not have any system of asylum
    So this is do or die situation for them
    So they may try to used race card or language card or religous card
    But this it would not work
    For simple reason that Indians are watching MR and co closing. I doubt they would send IPKF once again to fight for Tamils
    Rather they would force MR and co do something
    Life is in SL is so hard
    Most of people live on money earned from abroad : more than 3 millions Lankan migrant workers send money and more than 6’million may depend on them
    Living expenses are unbearing
    Poor get more poor
    And yet, MR and co made their fortunes out of politics
    This is life in SL and to deviate real problems of the country
    They have created BBS and so on
    JHU is dancing behind them not to save the country but to save their pocket

    • 0

      Dear Nas,

      “For simple reason that Indians are watching MR and co closing. I doubt they would send IPKF once again to fight for Tamils.”

      You used commonsense to arrive at this. Yes, Indians took many lessons from JR, Vijithamuni, Premadasa, King all of them; they have proved how hard would be if India sent the troops again. There is a high probability that Indian would have learned from those lessons.

      But that doesn’t apply to Lankans. You say:

      “MR and co want to win this coming election otherwise they would be facing not only death penalty but also end of their life in Sri Lanka. Once politically outed from SL they would not have any where to hide except china and China does not have any system of asylum “

      Even you appears to have forgotten how much struggles Fonseka had to get out of Cinnamon Lake Hotel. Thank god, he lost the election, the other Parties who sponsored the Common Candidate left the hotel. So Army, at last, let him go home until they went back and picked up him on February 8th,2010. If he had won the election, Cinnamon Lake might have been turned into Brother Prince’s Headquarters by now. This year might have been the newly elected president’s filth anniversary. LTTE’s murder count, up to now, only estimated as 1000 would have gone up as 1001.

  • 0

    Not paying now is an election voting bait – they will all be paid as
    arrears with a bonus too on the assurance that they vote for MR when
    the next election is around. This modus operadi may be applied to other
    suspected sectors to influence voting? What is SL short of in political

  • 0

    How long can a largely ignorant and foolish people continue to be duped. While the economic Captains of the Rajapakse regime claim the economy is progressively on the move, this article claims the regime is unable to pay disabled soldiers their pensions. It was the angry and disappointed lower rankers that overthrew Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie and his own armed forces and Generals. A Rupee’s increase in the price of the indispensable Wheat Flour at a time like this is indicative of the panic the administration is gripped with – managing (mismanaging?) their economic waggon. Mahinda Rajapakse is running out of options to keep the people fooled and under wraps – the Don Quixote way. The bubble has to burst – sooner than later. That will not be a pretty picture when it comes.

    R. Varathan

  • 2

    It appears that the Forces Personnel used to do manual labour have been drastically reduced and in place civil labourers are engaged. Obviously there must be resentment among the Forces to do menial labour work. Rajapaksas have no gratitude. Therefore it is not surprising the denial of salaries to the disabled soldiers. What a mockery the Rajapaksa govt. performed at the monument for the dead at the Parliament site spending millions putting up Marques for a function to celebrate the War Victory, 5th Anniversary, transporting the Families of the dead. Had the monies spent, was equally divided among the families of the War dead would have served better. No, the Rajapaksas want only the Publicity and are not interested in the dead or the disabled anymore. Believe me this game of deceit of the Rajapaksa’s will boomerang on them very soon. MR’s plans of a Presidential Election for his third term is effectively over, with Narendra Singh Modi emerging as PM of India.

    • 0

      the waffles are toasting under the gorillas butt …

      if the tamils have anything to get it can only and best be from this cannibal passa familial
      if not where will modi take it- partition?? Either way let there be a solution.

  • 0

    The actions of the Rajapakses are in line with their condom theory. At the end, this theory will outdo the regime.

  • 0

    Democracy,constitution,parliament,supreme court,judicial process,rule of law,police,have all got rotten and eroded by corruption,nepotism,religious extremism leading to decaying moral standard of the politicians who have manipulated the media for their advantage.
    The ordinary man on the street is bearing the crushing burden of rising prices and fall in his living standard when it comes to his health and welfare and with dwindling educational standard for his children.

    A new burden in the form of denying financial support to disabled soldiers will surely be the last straw that broke the camels back.

    The time has come for people to realize that they have been badly let down by the leaders they chose who are only interested in continuing with their deception to hold on to power, and that is because they tolerated it.
    Now is the time to put and end to that toleration.

  • 2

    Another diatribe from a woman who obviously hates Lanka, its foundations in Buddhism and would do anything to trivialize and run to the ground the local culture. Rajapaksa is only a red herring for this woman, even without him she would still be at her game.

    Something is seriously out of whack with this woman, any ideas guys? [Edited out], which she attributes to the culture of the Sinhalese and a deep set hatred towards Buddhism, that is obviously what it driving this woman.

    She would likely harbor the same venom for Hinduism and any Indian readers should be able to see through it.

    Some do-gooder types with little maturity could easily fall victim to this type of writer so readers beware! [Edited out]

    • 0

      [Edited out] most of this is probably untrue .



    • 0

      Jay Chambers,

      A Madakariya like you living in the [Edited out] chambers of MARAs talking of country love, religious foundations and cultures is the joke of the century. Get lost into the goo baldiya you came from, useless[Edited out].

    • 0

      Jay Chambers,

      Another diatribe from a mararized goo eater who obviously hates Lanka, its foundations in Buddhism and would do anything to trivialize and run to the ground the local culture. Rajapaksa is only a red herring for this goo swallower, even without him the bastard would still be at his game. Something is seriously out of whack with this maggot fucker, any ideas guys? Dangling an asshole with a mouth as large as a hopper pan expansion of which the eunuch attributes to the culture of the Sinhalese to enjoy deep-arse dipping in which is a deep set hatred towards Buddhism and its moderate values, that is obviously what it driving this hikanala. He would likely harbor the same venom for Hinduism and any Indian readers should be able to see through it. Some do-gooder types with little maturity could easily fall victim to this type of writer so readers beware! This despicable creature can be reached at: goo chambers, cesspit area, Mara’s toilet pit, the underground sewerage canal.

  • 0

    There are literally hundreds of Ex-MPs who completed the mandatory five years “service” as MPs and are getting a monthly pension – while public servants have to complete a minimum of ten years service to be eligible for pension (due to physical disability,confirmed by Medical Boards – a full public service pension is given only for 40 years service).
    If MP pensioners die,their widows get a Widows’ Pension.
    Even the MPs’ staff – private/coordinating secretaries etc. – too get pensions after five years “service”.
    All parliamentary pensions are increased yearly with increase in Cost of Living – public service pensions are static.
    There is a Pensions Department in parliament – details are very difficult to obtain – it is not mentioned in Annual Budgets.

    Now, public servants retiring after 40 years service are being denied their Retiring Gratuity & instead,are being offered a “bank loan” for the amount.

    Now comes the denial of salaries to disabled servicemen.

    There is simply no money, to pay citizens their entitlements.

    The president is going to Bolivia to discuss economic issues!!!!

  • 2


    The reason why these war veterans have not been paid is not because their so called sacrifice in killing hundreds of innocent Tamils has not been recognised but frankly the Truth is the Nation is Bankrupt.
    Teachers have already been warned of pay cuts.
    I am sure the intelligent ones know where the money came from and where it has gone.
    Into the pockets of MR, Gotha and his Cronies.
    After the UN inquiry and when sanctions are imposed Hunger will be the order of the day. But the Kings subjects will be prepared to support him and scavenge for food.

  • 0

    Got today is reported to have announced he is going to contest from Colombo District. All his Colombo beautifying won’t help as Colombo is under3 feet of water in the areas Gota built

  • 1

    When Premadasa came in to govern with Sirisena Cooray, people sighed not knowing when it would end. Similarly when Rajapaksa took over who is worse than Premadasa, supported by his equally corrupt siblings, manipulating the Election machinery getting himself elected over and over again, duping the gullible, people were completely helpless, not knowing how this country could be salvaged. Many had almost lost hope. But alas! light is seen at the end of the Rajapaksa tunnel now, with Modi’s emergence. MR who thought he had everyone fooled has to contend that he has only fooled himself. The day he is thrown out, I pity his siblings and the Rajapaksa name will be erased from this country, with every Bill Board torn overnight.

  • 0

    One of the clearest indicators that you have driven a point home is when people start to hurl invective at you instead of sanely addressing issues. I can see that my comments have struck a nerve with guys masquerading as Abhaya and Silva.

    The impartial reader will see that the woman (or man) called Tisrane has never had a good word for the country of Lanka, its elected leaders, its culture or its ancient civilization. Always dire warnings, about all hell breaking loose and the country being swallowed by vice and crime. When you visit the country you see the wonderful people of Lanka peacefully going about their business. The peace that dawned on this country five years back has been such a wonderful thing for it people.

    More people are killed on a regular day in cities like Chicago, Detroit and parts of New York such as the Bronx than in Lanka on a regular day. People of Lanka, ignore the woman and get along with your peaceful life. Have a Buddhaful day!

  • 0

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