17 September, 2024


The Tragic Death Of Chenthuran Is A Warning For All Of Us

By V. Anandasangaree

V. Anandasangaree

V. Anandasangaree

The tragic news of an Advanced Level student of Kokuvil Hindu College named Rajeswaran Chenthuran committing suicide by jumping in front of an express train from Colombo, came as a rude shock to Tamils all over the world. Everyone in Jaffna and many others around the country shared the grief with the bereaved family. On the 27th, the day of cremation all schools in the peninsula remained closed as a mark of respect and to enable thousands of students from many other schools to participate in the funeral. Why did this boy do this? What did he gain except bringing unending grief for years to come, to his kith and kin. There is no one related or even known to him in jail. This is what I am worrying about. Are we heading towards a new culture.

At the funeral which I attended and made a brief speech of condolence, I found fault with the politicians including me for this unfortunate incident which may not be the last one. We should not forget the fact that fiery and stimulating speeches of some politicians contribute liberally for incidents of this nature.

What the people are asking is the release of the Tamil Political prisoners unconditionally under a general amnesty, as done two or three occasion earlier. Merely because a few politicians and radicals are protesting against the release of the prisoners, can the Government ignore the feelings of a very large section of the people all over the country irrespective of their ethnicity. The demand comes from many other countries as well. Apart from this even the JVP, New Democratic Party leader Sarath Fonseka an important personality who conducted the war Athuraliya Rathna Thero and victims very seriously affected like Madam Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga are not opposed to the release.

I hope no one will find fault with me for linking the release of the prisoners with the other problems the minorities face in this country. The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) had given the impression all over the world as the sole representatives of the Tamil people. I had denounced several times earlier too that TNA has no exclusive right to defend the Tamils and that it is no more their monopoly. Every Tamil has a right to fight for the cause of the Tamils.

I as one such person put the entire blame on the TNA for the present crises. First of all the tremendous mistake they made was their failure to include the release of the Political Prisoners as one of their conditions to support the National Government. The second grievous mistake was not to unite all Tamil groups, to form a common front to deal with the National Government all matters related to the Tamils. If the TNA persists to maintain their status quo the other Tamil parties and groups will have no alternative other than forming an alliance within themselves. It is still not too late for the TNA to work on these lines and throw open their doors for a new united alliance. They must realise that since the death of Thanthai Chelvanayagam 37 years back they are still at zero.

From the year 2004 during the past 12 years the TNA did nothing for the Tamil cause, though their fraudulent election in 2004 gave them 22 seats the maximum they could get. It is foolish for the TNA to assume that the National Government in not aware of their fraudulent conduct since 2004. The whole world also cannot be unaware about this fraud. It is nothing but fair for the TNA at least now to concede their fraudulent acts which the Tamil United Liberation Front is prepared to forgive and forget. At lease now I hope the National Government will realise its mistakes in depending fully and only on the TNA for its strength. In the interest of the country and its people the TULF will render full unconditional support for the National Government irrespective of any mistake committed by anybody earlier.

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  • 6

    Thank you so much for this article. I lived in Sri Lanka during part of the war and have a book coming out next year that talks about my experiences there. I also have a Sri Lankan friend who has been suicidal. I only want the best for the people of Sri Lanka

    • 4

      There are millions around the world who are suffering from depression and who may be suicidal. These people need medical help which is often not recognized or neglected in our society. Trying to link this psychological disorder for political advantage will not remedy the situation.
      Being a young adult Rajeswaran Chenthuran committing suicide by jumping in front of a train appears to be due to a psychological imbalance rather than a sound well thought action for a cause. Sadly such consequences are politicized rather than attempting to research and recognize its prevalence to treat the affected.

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  • 1

    Sir, you are absolutely right. TNA supported this govt.without any preconditions or MOU and sacrificed the rights of all Tamils for the sake of their oan political interests. Last elections was a golden opportunity that was missed. Actually, we could have had more leverage with MR if TNA supported him. True known devil is better than angel looking Maithripala. Now even the Tamil diaspora realize their mistake in supporting the TNA.

  • 4

    Tamil psyche and Hindu ideology encourages suicide. While clearly there are other sorts of suicide, Tamils love to commit suicide for political issues even in Madras and some of these fellow set themselves on fire in India too. And backward Hinduism still encourages Sati and several Hindu brides have committed Sati too(jumping into or being pushed into the funeral pyre of their dead husbands). While suicide rates are appalling in post violent Sri Lanka, there is something odd with Tamil Tigers and their willingness to commit suicide. It is like the ISIS jihadis. They willingly blow themselves up or in the case of Tamil Tigers, blow themselves up or chew the Cyanide capsule. Why? Hindu Tamil psyche at play?

    • 4

      “Tamil psyche and Hindu ideology encourages encourages suicide”
      No. Then what about Tamils who are not Hindu committing suicide for political reasons ?

      It is only in Tamil Nadu and SL that a form of sel- mortification in the form of body piercing with hooks and fire walking rituals are a common among Hindus. It is not prevalent in North Indian among Hindus ,

      Sati the custom where the wife self immolates herself along with her dead husband on his funeral pyre was a North Indiah phenomena, it is no longer prevalent and has been made illegal.Sati never existed among South Indian Hindus.

      Committing suicide for political reasons may be a common feature in Tamil Nadu and SL which can be regarded as an exercise in sensational futility. It has nothing to do with Hinduism. Besides that, there a nothing in the Hindu scriptutures like the Vedas or Upanishads which justify or validate self- immolation or suicide and or even the practice of performing pennance or supplication to God.

  • 2

    TNA must make thier voice heard at all levels and should be vocal on thire points but unfortunately there are not doing what they expected to do. Samathan and some of his colleagues have became a spoke persons for Ranil instead of speaking for Tamils and the nation. This makes everyone life harder and in fact they are not performing very well on their opposition roll either. Ranil and his Royal college friends going could to get away with murder with weak opposition.

  • 1

    Well said Mr Anandasangaree. In the recent past I have come to beleive that Mr Sambanthar is not interested in solving “Tamil Problem”. He appears to beleive in the conversation process of the reconciliation going to appease the Sinhala ‘psyche’ untill the last tamil man standing so that he can preserve his own party’s dominance. It is time he calls for an all Tamil party conference initially in the North and move towards an inclusive politics like a Statesman rather than sitting on with the hope that the disquiet will fade. Calls for Unity is not going to help unless he really means it. It can no longer going to be my way or no-way. Hope he comes to his senses sooner rather than later. Accepting the position of Opposition Leader in Sri Lanka is a mistake when it was chosen only by default unlike Mr Amirthalingam who had the numbers in the 1977 parliamentary election. Current situation is only a ‘make belief’ system.

  • 7

    Mr. V. Anandasangaree:

    The Tragic Death Of Chenthuran Is A Warning For All Of Us:

    *** You are a Grand old Politician and your warning is misplaced as you are attacking the wrong people and let me give you some advice.
    Your attack is a bit of

    TNA Bashing and
    Genuine concern for the fallen hero “Chenthuran”. A tragic waste of a Young Tamil life with whole future ahaed of him.

    Let me first of all expain why it is TNA bashing.

    1) The tragic news of an Advanced Level student of Kokuvil Hindu College named Rajeswaran Chenthuran committing suicide by jumping in front of an express train from Colombo, came as a rude shock to Tamils all over the world. Everyone in Jaffna and many others around the country shared the grief with the bereaved family.

    *** It didnt come as a shock to me as it was waiting to happen. I put the blame for this fairly and squarley at the door of Temple Trees.

    Until the UN revealed the existence of Secret Miliraty Camps MS & RW pretended not to know about these Camps where all the so called LTTErs were locked up.
    MS as commander in Chief wolud have known but he lied.

    2) Why did this boy do this? What did he gain except bringing unending grief for years to come, to his kith and kin. There is no one related or even known to him in jail. This is what I am worrying about. Are we heading towards a new culture.

    *** He sacrificed his life to bring to the attention of the World the plight of the LTTErs. MS & RW have blood on their hands as they caused his death.

    3) At the funeral which I attended and made a brief speech of condolence, I found fault with the politicians including me for this unfortunate incident which may not be the last one. We should not forget the fact that fiery and stimulating speeches of some politicians contribute liberally for incidents of this nature.

    *** If I made the speech I would have sigled out MS & RW and no one else.

    4) I hope no one will find fault with me for linking the release of the prisoners with the other problems the minorities face in this country. The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) had given the impression all over the world as the sole representatives of the Tamil people. I had denounced several times earlier too that TNA has no exclusive right to defend the Tamils and that it is no more their monopoly. Every Tamil has a right to fight for the cause of the Tamils.

    *** The above definitely is TNA bashing to score points. If you beleive in Democracy then you should accept that TNA as the sole representative of Tamils.

    5) I as one such person put the entire blame on the TNA for the present crises. First of all the tremendous mistake they made was their failure to include the release of the Political Prisoners as one of their conditions to support the National Government. The second grievous mistake was not to unite all Tamil groups, to form a common front to deal with the National Government all matters related to the Tamils. If the TNA persists to maintain their status quo the other Tamil parties and groups will have no alternative other than forming an alliance within themselves. It is still not too late for the TNA to work on these lines and throw open their doors for a new united alliance. They must realise that since the death of Thanthai Chelvanayagam 37 years back they are still at zero.

    *** I know you feel left out and have a grievance. But accept peoples verdict and move on. As for your assertion that TNA shold have included the release of the Political Prisoners as one of their conditions to support the National Government. I am at loss to understand your message.

    a) TNA is the official opposition so your teory of being part of the GOSL falls by the wayside.
    b) At the time TNA beacme the official opposition no one was aware of the Secret Army Camps.

    6) From the year 2004 during the past 12 years the TNA did nothing for the Tamil cause, though their fraudulent election in 2004 gave them 22 seats the maximum they could get. It is foolish for the TNA to assume that the National Government in not aware of their fraudulent conduct since 2004. The whole world also cannot be unaware about this fraud. It is nothing but fair for the TNA at least now to concede their fraudulent acts which the Tamil United Liberation Front is prepared to forgive and forget. At lease now I hope the National Government will realise its mistakes in depending fully and only on the TNA for its strength. In the interest of the country and its people the TULF will render full unconditional support for the National Government irrespective of any mistake committed by anybody earlier.
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    *** It is a bit rich coming from someone like you who were happy to enjoy the benefits of the Official Vehicles ” provided by MR but failed to put Pressurs on MR to release the prisoners.

    Can you clarify the above. Silece will be an admission of Guilt.

  • 2

    People can commit suicide for a variety of reasons. To even imply that this had anything to do with politics, much less making it a public spectacle by closing schools is idiotic and uninformed.

    It is sad that Anandasangaree and his ilk have seen a need to politicize this for reasons known to them. Will they never get tired of it?

    • 6


      No Sinkalam. This is a Tamil pain and you are a pain in the Backside.

  • 1

    How would a pre-election MOU between the TNA and Sirisena have helped? The GoSL-LTTE ceasefire agreement did not prevent either party from blatantly violating it, even with the monitors present. The TNA didn’t sign any MOU because doing so would have caused the Rajapaksas to incite the racist crowds and it would have ensured the defeat of MS-Ranil, just as it happened to Sarath Fonseka. On balance, there has been a definite improvement in rights under the new regime,though many promises remain unfulfilled.

    First, there was news about talks between Karuna and Sangaree. Then Sangaree picks up a tragic emotional action by an immature youth as an opportunity to blame the TNA for the failure by the current regime to show sufficient progress on the prisoners issue. We know where this is headed.

    All Tamil leaders need to advise the youths to control their emotions and act rationally, without committing suicide to draw attention to any issue. It is a futile act that has never helped resolve anything. Rather, give the MS-Ranil regime time till March to resolve outstanding issues and show significant progress. If the regime continues to give the runaround, the TNA should start a public campaign of agitation and tie this up with the UNHRC resolution. It should be a collective, non-violent, non-emotional action, with the support of the progressive sections of the Sinhalese society.

    Meanwhile, have the TNA and the NPC done anything to help the families of those youths who have been in prisons?

    Do something meaningful for them, by creating a committee for legal and financial support as necessary, but a return to irrational suicides and political infighting is definitely not the way to go.

    Since the end of the war in 2009, Tamils have regained the moral high ground and international support in the struggle for their rights; it should not be frittered away by misguided and emotional actions of immature youths.

    • 4


      We do not know the full story of the late Senthuran yet. There have been stories in the electronic media that he had received a blow to the back of his head. We have not heard anything about the outcome of the police inquiry and postmortem. Many people also Harbour doubts about the real cause and motive behind this sad death. Anandasangary of course is playing the usual politics with this issue.

      I am keeping an open mind.

      Dr, Rajasingham Narendran

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  • 0

    In Tamilnadu Tamils Self immolate,

    That is Tamil custom.

    Anandasangaree is pouring Crocodile tears from Colombo.

    What a way to cheat people.

    • 6

      Jim Sooty:

      In Tamilnadu Tamils Self immolate

      But in Sinhala Lanka Sinkalams set fire to Tamils alive.

      What a way to kill people.

      But then again what do you expect in Animal Kingdom.

  • 5

    Banki Moon was garlanded by traumatised children when he visited the war zone soon after the war.

    He smiled sheepishly , accepted the garland said a few words and flew back to his posh office.

    Moon may have now forgotten the face of the child who garlanded him

    That child however may be suffering from trauma and a potential sucide victim. There are many like the child who garlnaded Moon, Senturan is one example what ever the circumsatnce of his death.

    Moon is back in his comfort zone making his routine statemnst on the need for reconcilaition and accounatbility

    There are thousands of children and men and women in the NE from suffering post-traumatic stress and disorder.

    The UN and IC and the Sri Lankna govt must take this a priority.

    • 0


      Why are you unnecessarily referring to Moon by mooning in the war zone. What did you want him to do when he was in Sri Lanka. Hit the children, pull apart the garland and shout at Mahinda publicly. Diplomacy does not work like that.

      Moon has gone a long way from there and brought the Tamil issue to the international agenda.

      You must realise that in his highest position, he should enjoy the comfort zoon. Instead he can’t join us for a G & T on such serious issues. Just imagine his fate if he had joined us.

      You are unnecessarily stressing yourself after your over the limit G&T. My Mahinda did his greatest service to the nation by eliminating the LTTE. Now the Tamil people can rebuild their lives.

      Keep on thanking of Moon for keeping the Mullivaikal episode live and kicking. Otherwise we two will be nobody in the CT columns.

      Do you remember Pondi Bajar gun fight. It is still a thriller in the Tamil history.

      Likewise Moon too is shining in our history.

      Once again, please do not write anything under the influence of G&T. Writing after one shot is ok. Not above that.

      Your loving and always understanding.


      • 0

        ‘My Mahinda did his greatest service to the nation by eliminating the LTTE.]

        your Moron Mahinda is now eliminated by his own people from the history. he is licking his own injured legs.

        now he is impotent and useless by his karma.

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