14 February, 2025


Tiran Wants Govt. To Charge And Arrest Mangala For Being Gay

President’s Counsel Hemantha Warnakulasuriya, a former ambassador and political appointee of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and top end criminal lawyer has been hired to appear for the petty thief that broke into the Panadura residence of UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera last week.



Warnakulasuriya is appearing in the robbery case for suspect Hiran Priyankara who was granted bail after stealing several items from Samaraweera’s residence.

The President’s Counsel told the Panadura Magistrates Court that the alleged robber had been engaged in a sexual relationship with Samaraweera and had been granted laptops and other gifts by the UNP Parliamentarian.

The suspect’s wife has also submitted an affidavit to Court detailing the long term sexual relationship between her husband and Samaraweera. The Keselwatte Police has been instructed to launch an investigation into the alleged relationship.

Spearheaded by the Ceylon Today newspaper, owned by former Samaraweera associate Tiran Alles, the rebel faction of the UNP is now calling for an inquiry into the UNP Communications Chief’s sexuality.

The newspaper has persisted in propagating speculation that the suspect was involved in a liaison with Samaraweera and is soon expected to launch a campaign to have the MP arrested for violating the Penal Code.

Homosexuality remains a criminal offence under Sri Lanka’s Penal Code and carries a prison term of up to 12 years.

Warnakulasuriya, who is the father in law of UNP MP Buddhika Pathirana – a UNP member also owned and operated by the Sirasa Media Network is believed to have been recruited to appear on behalf of the robbery suspect by Maharaja Chairman Kili Rajamahendran, reliable sources told Colombo Telegraph.

Latest comments

  • 4

    so tiran alles is a homophobic and an idiot of the first order.
    what people do in the confines of their homes has nothing to do with idiotic bigots like this alles man.
    is he a turn coat. I cant really remember.
    who is he anyweay?

  • 0

    Agree with Chatura

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