13 January, 2025


Towards A Universal Definition Of Terrorism

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Ten years ago, Sri Lanka prevailed in a Thirty Years War against a suicide-bombing separatist terrorism. Ten years later, this year 2019, on Easter Sunday, we were attacked atrociously by another type of terrorism: Islamist jihadist terrorism. So, the question of terrorism has been and remains an existential problem for Sri Lanka and it is from that perspective that I speak.

The question “What is to be done?” was initially posed by the writer Chernyshevsky, but was better known after Lenin posed it. What is less well known is that Lenin followed up his question “What is to be done?” with another question: “Where to begin?”. I suggest that we begin with understanding the matrix or the disease vector that produces the ideology and the mentality of terrorism, and assess what can be done to take down the matrix or to contain it.

The second question of course is “What is to be done?” and there I shall be following in the footsteps of Mr. Rajinder Khanna, the high-level representative of our neighbor and friend, India.

The ‘matrix’ is a set of policies and practices in the world order. One may call it the dark side or the down side of the world order. It is those policies and practices that provide the provocations, the stimuli and the opportunities for terrorism. All you really have to do is unpack the videos that radicalized the terrorists, as well as the videos that they themselves post. You take their pedagogical material and you will see inescapably, unavoidably, the recurrence of certain themes. The Occupation of the Palestinians and Palestine, and the worsening of that Occupation– that is true, and really is one of the catalysts. The aggression against many Arab and Islamic countries is another. This is also true, and there are videos of the bombings, the cruise missile strikes, the drones and the destruction. Then there are almost incentives provided by the patronizing of, or the space afforded to, certain types of Islamist terrorist organizations, whether it’s the Afghan mujahideen in 1978 or the KLA, or the evacuation from Raqqa in buses in more recent times.

So, you have this particular matrix of policies, of permissiveness, of a strange paradoxical mix of ‘state destruction’ and of the lassitude, for instance concerning the Russian warning about the Boston Marathon bombers. That is the matrix. What are we going to do about it? I leave that to you and our leaders. But I want to emphasize that we are about to see a powerful factor that will help the radicalization of terrorists and the proliferation of terrorists. And that is the talk of and perhaps action against Iran.

Speaking as a representative of Sri Lanka we have no involvement in the battle within the Islamic world, but the reality is that we do know that most of the terrorist organizations come from a certain stream within the Islamist space, the so-called Wahhabi or Salafist space. Not that everybody in that space is an extremist or a terrorist, but that’s where most of it comes from. But Iran by contrast has been the first respondent against it in Syria, even before the decisive support extended by the Russian Federation. Now if Iran is attacked, damaged, diverted, then two things happen. You weaken one side which for whatever reason has chosen to fight against the IS terrorists physically. Therefore, an attack on Iran or weakening of Iran will automatically strengthen, empower and enable the other side within the Islamic space– that is, the side of the Wahhabist-Salafist jihadist terrorists. You also give a message to every young Muslim that it doesn’t really matter; that there is an attack or a threat against you if you belong to an Islamic country and it doesn’t matter which side or which type it is. That is powerful motivator for radicalization of young people including, lone-wolf terrorists.

Now what are we going to do? Are we going to just sit back and say OK, we watched Iraq happen, and we watched Libya, and Syria almost happened, or half happened until Iran and Russia went in? Now something bigger is going to happen which is going to destabilize the region if not the world economy and unleash a tsunami of terrorism because most of them will not have anybody to worry about within the Islamic world and the rest of them will think there is a threat against Islam as a whole. So, this is a question that the world has to ask itself right now because there is a clock ticking.

There is also the problem of permissiveness. I used to tell my French counterparts when I was serving as Ambassador in Paris, please don’t allow these demonstrations of the LTTE with the crossed machine guns on their banners. Don’t allow school kids in Parisian schools, and especially in suburban schools to give their friends videos of the Tamil Tigers’ attacks on civilian airplanes at Katunayake airport because you cannot stop the spread of a bad example. But that is exactly what is happening in many western societies! So, any kid from a different background can pick up these videos, go home and be turned on by it. Now all of those are problems to do with the matrix. And “where to begin?” is to discuss collectively what can be done to shrink this matrix; to clean up this disease vector of policies which constitute the dark underside of the world order.

The second and final point is “What is to be done?”. And here I pick up from the excellent points made by India’s Rajinder Khanna. I think we have to pose a universalist definition of terrorism that is parsimonious, that is simple, but strikes a chord in every human being. And that is, we must bracket out the idea that terrorism is any and all kind of violent resistance by non-state actors, because in conditions of invasion and aggression and so on, there’ll always be violent resistance whether we like it or not. Terrorism, ladies and gentlemen, is the deliberate, intentional, lethal targeting of non-combatant civilians.

I propose that there be an attempt to have a universalist Charter, may be at the level of the United Nations; a Charter which movements claiming to fight for causes which they consider just, can sign up to abjure the use of violence against non-combatants. This is, of course in keeping with the ICRC’s doctrine. If we draw the line of demarcation there, that doesn’t mean all violence ceases and all non-state actors become pacifists, but that is another story altogether, and that has to be dealt with separately. What we can do is bracket out terrorism and then put the ball in the court of not only movements that claim to fight for resistance or liberation but also for states that tend to instrumentalize and tolerate them.

If we make this a question of the killing of innocents, you will have a resonance right in the families of the terrorists, because there will be some who say that’s ok, there is nobody who is innocent, anybody who is involved, even indirectly involved or is passively is a legitimate target– but that will be a minority. There will always be those, a wife, a lover, a son, a daughter a mother, a father, who says this is wrong, don’t do this, Allah didn’t say this should be done, God doesn’t say this, the Buddha doesn’t say this; and they will insist that killing innocents is bad. If we can draw the line there, not an elaborate distinction, but a simple distinction concerning the right and wrong use of violence, then we take the moral high ground.

The states that refuse to go along with this, then expose themselves ethically and morally. Movements that refuse to go along with this also make it very clear that they walk around with a target painted on their back. Because those who subscribe to this, as they did with the landmine convention, and pledge that “we will not wittingly engage with the killing of civilians” then, those movements open for themselves a window that someday there could be a negotiated solution with them. That my dear friends, is my answer to the two questions that I posed borrowed from the Russian political tradition, namely, “Where to begin?” and “What is to be done?”.

*Text of Ambassador Jayatilleka’s speech at the Roundtable discussion on “Enhancing international cooperation to combat spread of terrorist ideology and counter self-radicalization of lone terrorists”moderated by Deputy Secretary of Security Council of the Russian Federation Yury Kokov, at the 10th International meeting of the high-ranking officials responsible for security matters at Ufa organized by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Latest comments

  • 13

    Did you and the Russian guys discuss about hacking computers or poisoning individuals who dissent.

    • 6

      Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka,

      RE: Towards A Universal Definition Of Terrorism


      Para-Wahhabi Para-“Islam”?

      Para-Catholic Para-“Christianity”?

      Para-Hindu Para-“Hinduism” rebirths?

      Para-Capitalist/Communist;/Socialist Para-Ideologies.

      Ask the victims. They will tell you what terrorism is.

      The prefix Para- is applicable to the Land of Native Veddah Aethho and other Lands occupied by the Paras.

      • 9


        How about first a universal definition of state-terrorism?

        Are you brave enough to define state-terrorism of Russia in their own backyard? ………. Go on, of all people, Rohana Wijeweera was brave enough!

        Let me take a wild guess; you’ll play it safe! ……….. How do I know? ……Ah! just an inkling! :))

        Lest we forget ol’ Solzhenitsyn,

        “Of course, it is all done in the name of protecting the American people. That is the standard excuse that has been used since the earliest empires. We’re only trying to make sure you’re safe, they claim. Well, one should remember that there were no safer streets than Moscow under Stalin or Berlin under Hitler – unless, of course, it was the government that wanted to do you harm.

        Given a choice between government security and freedom with risks, always choose freedom. Criminals, including terrorists, don’t have much power, but government possesses crushing power. Of course, we Americans are conditioned to view our government as friendly and protective, but that is a mistake.

        Alexander Solzhenitsyn made an interesting point in his Gulag Archipelago. He said the reason so few Russians resisted when the secret police came to get them was because they were innocent. They had done nothing wrong, they were loyal, and they expected their government to realize that their arrest was a mistake. The government didn’t, of course, because they were victims of a dictator’s paranoia.” – Charley Reese

      • 3

        How about Paramarasiri?

        • 9


          Rodrigo is Para-Portuguese, Parangio, who ate white stones and drank blood.

    • 4

      Those allegedly poisoned were not dissenters of any significance.
      The charges of poisoning themselves are highly questionable and are characteristic of the lies that the British secret services have specialized in from early last century.
      Sadly, we readily accept any story that the dominant global media offers.
      The US is more notorious for harming dissenters and whistle-blowers.
      Hacking is not a Russian monopoly. The US has a more notorious record than any other in stealing information.

      • 5

        ” What is less well known is that Lenin followed up his question …… terrorism, and assess what can be done to take down the matrix or to contain it.
        Isn’t what, Thero’s preaching, America did in practice to greatest evil empire Lenin created, the USSR?

        Definition of terrorist is not the urgent one in Lankawe. Thero is a terrorist by association with three factions, 1). Terrorist Aanduwa 2) Terrorist EPRLF 3). Terrorist JVP. It said cats think drinking milk eyes closed make them not be seen by others. The urgently needed to Lankawe is UN makes the Terrorist governments and their Paramilitaries as serious criminals and isolates them and punishes them. UN was created to deal with Nazi Terrorist government. UN should deal with SLFP and UNP governments. They should immediately send UN Peacekeepers to arrest the 42 war criminals listed in the first OISL. If they don’t remember, Lemon Puff Veerya still remembers who they are. UN should get his help and arrest them.

        America crushed the one time’s world’s largest terrorist group the USSR. But it all after the terrorist empire murdered in and out of Union area in millions. It is in Afghanistan, Hungary, Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, Czechoslovakia ……… all over everywhere.

        Iran could have been brought down to ash the day it hijacked the 250 Diplomats. America’s mistake of excusing Iran was, killing it would strengthen the USSR’s buddy Iraq. It was partially right because those two terrorists were taking care of each other until Sadam throw chemical bombs on Kurtz and invaded Kuwait. Then America had to get in.

        Thero is a man, who defined in UNHRC that Smart Patriotism is a terrorist state killing nonmilitary, innocent 150,000 Tamils and arguing it was Zero Casualty Humanitarian Rescue operation Mission. If ever Old Royals Kleptocracy, war crime government comes back, Thero will be the foreign minister of that. But for that the World’s most notorious war criminal has to finish his negotiation with America. What a laughable chapter is that!

  • 13

    Let us also have a Universal Definition of War Crimes.

    • 9

      It already exists but the USA won’t allow it to be applied to their citizens.

    • 18

      Once upon a time, in a land not all that far away, there was an idealistic (??) young man (let’s call him DJ) who wished to fight oppression. Since the Tamils were being oppressed at the time, young DJ joined a revolutionary outfit which eventually formed a government, with young DJ as a Minister of something or other.. But the central government took a dim view of the proceedings, since the revolutionary outfit had exploded a few bombs. Poor DJ was forced to lie low after being ousted by an individual called VP.
      The question is, was young DJ a terrorist ? History is SUCH a bitch.

      • 10

        old codger

        DJ took boat ride crossed the palk strait spent some time in his ancestors land. He explained he was in India as illegal doing some clandestine work. He never explained what was the nature of his clandestine work nor did he disclose his employer’s details.

        Do you know whom did he work for and what was nature of his work?

        By the way the revolutionary outfit which eventually formed a government was clandestinely fighting for a separate state. Though DJ was part of the outfit for a long time he was/is unaware of the political objective of the outfit was.

        What a fool to not to know what EPRLF was upto.
        Did EPRLF taken him for a ride?
        Or the naive young man never understood what was happening around him?
        Well his father saved his neck and his bum.

      • 10

        Shhhhh ………. the Russians don’t know our man Dayan!

        Let the poor sod play the intellectual titan among the ignorant Cossacks ……….. far away from his country where he is well known.

        Every dog is entitled to his day!

        • 8

          nimal fernando

          “Let the poor sod play the intellectual titan among the ignorant Cossacks ……….. far away from his country where he is well known.”

          Come on, do you want Cossack horsemen to teach this diplomat(?) ride horses? He will return home without b***s.
          Is that you wish for him?
          What a cruel man you are.

    • 1

      eg; De-nuclearisation should apply Equally to all Nations!
      Not only to those in Opposition to the USA!
      Trump believes that it does Not apply to His Policies on North Korea!

  • 15

    D jayathilaka

    Sri Lanka doesn’t have anything to do with the Islamic countries, but how about state sponsored terrorism against its own people, the army and the police are aiding or sitting by when the mobs are torching everything systematically

    What about the saffron clad terrorist who were leading and involved in Aluthgama and other riots, still these terrorist are roaming free

    How is that you conveniently skip these Buddhist terrorists who have been terrorizing the Muslims for the last 5 years continuesly

    Accordingly to DIG Nalaka Silva, Digana riots were the turning point of the local terrorist who were involved in the Easter attacks

    Unless and until the unjustified oppression stops, these things will continue no matter what the Zionist controlled media try to portray otherwise

    Please talk the facts instead of beating around the bush

    • 2

      During Rajapakse regime when there was no serious reconciliation program there was only one attack on Muslims at Aluthgama. Because of Aluthgama incident, nearly 90% of Muslims cast their votes to Hansaya hoping Muslims will be safer under ‘Yahapalana’ Government headed by Sirisena and Ranil. But while the reconciliation program of this Government is in operation, there were six attacks on Muslims; Ampara, Digana, Poddala, Halawatha, Kuliyapitiya, Minuwangoda.

      • 11

        Eagle Eye – Do you mean that Rajapakse had a better “control” on attackers than present govt?

    • 7

      Concerned citizen, You asked, “how about state sponsored terrorism against its own people”, I guess Dayan categories it as below:

      “The ‘matrix’ is a set of policies and practices in the world order. One may call it the dark side or the down side of the world order. It is those policies and practices that provide the provocations, the stimuli and the opportunities for terrorism”

    • 3

      Concerned Citizen you are nothing but an Islamic bigot. If you say that Digana attack was the turning point for this Islamic terrorism, then will you justify Catholics resorting to terrorism against Muslims to revenge this carnage. Secondly this terror preparation had been going on for several years and not after the Digana attack. New evidence surfacing about bomb factories and training centers nullifies your claim.

      • 4

        Lanka Perera – Terrorism is terrorism and that can’t be justified by any means. So what was the turning point for Digana violence?

        Oxford Living Dictionary
        Terrorism: noun
        The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

  • 11

    Universal Definition of Terrorism – killing of innocent civilians for WHATEVER reasons.

    This include nuclear threats, taking over someone’s land by force, bombing by state or individuals, economic threats, riots, racism, drug dealings to destroy innocent civilians, etc.

    More countries fall under this category, more than individual terrorists.

    So, nothing is going to happen. Let me make modify the definition again – Any Muslim who kills is a terrorist!

  • 17

    As long as you were protecting MR, justifying all atrocities of that regime in subjugating not just LTTE but the entirety of the Tamil’s rights, you argued that “terrorism” was just an inherent trait of bunch of merciless rascals, just happened to be born that way. Now you are suddenly enlightened that the cause of terrorism is in fact a response to “State sponsored matrix of policies and practices in the world order that make up the dark side of governance”
    So, would you now agree that it was the ill-advises of educated goons like you who under the cover of a “PhD” in fact contributed to designing, protecting and promoting the wickedness and savagery by that State that resulted in creating terrorism – and that terrorism is neither inherent nor spontaneous, but rather a response to a greater evil!
    An evil born of no less than the well known snake in the grass!! And you did that just for a glass of champagne and roses in grand old Paree” – right? Dark side, indeed!!

  • 1

    Dayan Jayathilake’s definition and recognition apply to those who were called Freedom fighters. . How about organizations that are supported by the states. Any action on those will be stopped at the Security council level. Another need is terrorists are criminals where ever they live. Some countries live with their loot ot support living. Then lastly, how about politicization of the definition in international politics. That if your did not go by my rules, so what ever you did is criminal. Sri lankan War criminals, Kenya had such problems are examples.

  • 14

    Dr Dayan Jayatilleka Lankan Ambassador to Russia recently addressed the Deputy Secretary of Security Council of the Russian Federation Yury Kokov, at the 10th International meeting of the high-ranking officials responsible for security matters at Ufa organized by the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
    Dayan pretends to struggle hard {“Towards A Universal Definition Of Terrorism”}
    Dayan concludes {“…..That my dear friends, is my answer to the two questions that I posed borrowed from the Russian political tradition, namely, “Where to begin?” and “What is to be done?”……..”}
    The audience might have been pondering whether or not the two questions are Russian traditions.
    They would have wondered as to the relevance of Tamil children in French schools sharing propaganda videos. Dayan just wants to rub in that at a point in time, he was Lankan Ambassador to France.
    Seriously Dayan: Gotabaya’s past is common knowledge. Why have you changed your alliance to Gota?
    Dayan, your forte has been in the art of conveniently selecting parts of history.
    ‘Justice for all’ activists the world over observed the anti-Muslim activities, past/present deeds/misdeeds of BBS Buddhist founder Gnanasara Thero. They say that Gnanasara fits the commonly held perception of ‘Terrorist’.
    Dayan, touch your heart, do not allow Gota’s BBS patronage influence you. Is Gnanasara one?
    If not. Why?

    • 12

      Dear K.P.
      “touch your heart” did you say?!
      If only he had one, even if only a vestigial one, the country would have been speared almost all of the agony it ended up having to endure in the last 40 years of Dayan’s “learned” political activism!!

    • 0

      CIA does not like Theravada Buddhism. Terrorist monks in Asia initially narrated to counter act Communist expansion and the cold war. Now, they use Christianity in those countries and they want Ven. Virathu and Ven. Ghanasara to behave like militant. so their definitions Militant Buddhism, Terrorist monks will work out as they wanted it.
      K. Pillai has changed his presentation for a reason.

    • 3

      Thero did not have proud ambassador history in France. He went there fired from UNHRC. From there he was again fired. He never honestly answered the question of who killed the Tamils boys; it was blamed on Lankawe Embassy. Paris Police gave up in the middle without investigating the case. So nobody knows what happened to those boys. Now he is cooking up lot of proud stories out of his Paris Record.

      He is connecting Boston Marathon bombing with Aanduwa hired Easter Sunday ISIS bombing. Marathon bombing was done by isolated two brothers, not connected to ISIS or Chechenia. Bush supported Chechens Muslims. So US thought Chechens are not in any threat to them. But Russia had problem with the elder brother, had informed America of that. America investigated, but didn’t catch anything. After two years, the brothers prepared improvised bombs in pressure cooker and put in the road side on the Marathon Morning. There was no warning as ignorant Thero pretending. There were no tips to catch them. Remember US allowed Chechens to migrate as refugees. . But how FBI caught those brothers without any further serious incidence is a Hollywood Movies; still after they messed up the Marathon.

      Easter Sunday group was started by Old Royals in 2014, at the same time with BBS. Muslim & Sinhala Ministers, Defense Secretaries, Presidents, PMs, opposition leaders, IGPs, AGs…….. you name it all those in suspicions of that job. The terrorist was told, it seems, and do the master planning work out of the country, for the safety of not being caught (Because Aanduwa claims ISIS didn’t know about it and it was exclusively local act). This helped India to spot it. Without knowing what is going on, India warned 4 times. There is no comparison Aanduwa planning and bombing Tamil Churches on Easter Sunday and US goofing a high risk group as low risk, until Marathon day

  • 13

    Srilanka never had a Suicide bombing separatist terrorism or Islamist Jigadist terrorism. Srilanka even did not have Buddhist Fundamentalist Terrorism. Srilanka only had power greedy Opporunistic Terrorism using Buddhism & racism. Even the Easter Bombing must have planned,funded and organised by Opportunistic group that failed its previous attempts through military and constitutional plot.

  • 2

    Most of the politicians do not say ‘Buddhan Saranam Gachchami’. Instead they say ‘Saharan Saranam Gachchami’.

    • 3

      Eagle Blind Eye

      AS far as b***s carriers to the clan are concerned it is always

      Mahinda Sharanam Gacchami
      Gota Sharanam Gacchami
      Basil Sharanam Gacchami
      Namal Sharanam Gacchami
      Chamal Sharanam Gacchami

  • 9

    Dayan, Over the years – decades – has nobody said anything to you, or even the Governments, why terrorism remains an existential problem for Sri Lanka?
    The question should not be, what is to be done, or, where to begin, but why is it there! Terrorists don’t get to be who they are for the fun of it!
    When you ask the wrong questions, (naturally) you end up with the wrong answers!

  • 5


    ” don’t allow these demonstrations of the LTTE with the cross machine guns on the banners “

    What about the demonstrations of the Sinhalese in the western countries holding srilankan flags that has a ferocious lion holding a sword facing the public as well as minorities represented by stripes ? Is this a good example for kids ?

  • 1

    Terrorists are lagging behind in the tech department. These days a simple drone can be used to take out a target in a moving car. Since the drone is 50,000 ft in the air, there is nothing the target can do. It is thought that even Al-Baghdadi was injured in a drone strike. Similarly, it is very difficult for a terrorist outfit to operate in the open, at least on a large scale. Since drones can be used for aerial reconnaissance purposes. Once this data has been gathered, it is a simple matter for military intelligence planners to pinpoint weaknesses. This is why ISIS most of its territory so quickly. The only terrorist group still experiencing significant success on the battlefield is the Taliban. Even they are eager to negotiate with the Americans.

  • 0

    Venan: If US is not allowing it (War Crimes) to be applied to its citizens, then let us be like US. Now the difference is WE get together with US to apply that to our citizens. I think UK too act like US. So with Israel. So let us follow all these “Big Thugs”.

  • 6

    Dayan J has forgotten about State Terrorism in Sri Lanka.


  • 5

    Lanka stupid Perera

    Read the comments properly before you type, it’s what DIG Nalaka Silva said not me, maybe this would’ve have started after the Aluthgama incident in 2014, secondly no one found rocket science sophisticated bomb making factories, the usual lies your kind spreads, all they found was some chemical barrels in a copper factory.

    My point was terrorism is not only when one blows himself up, rather terrorism is when people are terrorized in any form, by the state, saffron clad thugs, etc

  • 4

    What separates delusions from denial is a gray area. Two wrongs do not make a right. Thanks to modern day technology and social media. If not Khashoggi, the North Korean guy and Arafat,s death would also have been questionable. Same in cases of Lasantha and Thaj . Being in Lanka, it will always be questionable.

  • 6

    Terrorism is product of state sponsored suppression or racist fanatics. Whether it be in Syria, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Indonesia or places in Africa or South America. Humans have been alienating from good and sensible human values; love, peace, right conduct, respect & right conduct, resulting in terrible carnage of innocent humans. Why the humans failed follow the teachings of Krishna, Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha. Is it because it is too simple and therefore, hard act to follow? All these talk by so called experts’ amount to nothing tangible if the underlying issues are not addressed.

  • 8

    If Dayan Jayatilleke is to regain any credibility as an academic or even “visionary” then he has to first sever ties to political personalities. Yes, terrorism does indeed need more credible definitions that include atrocities that powerful nations commit on millions of poor innocent people in targeted lands of economic or strategic value. State-sponsored atrocities and pogroms in third-world nations against their own citizens would firmly fit the definition of terrorism. Articles such as these would have received better recognition if he had not already been tainted by allegations of political cronyism and maneuvering.

    • 1

      Our national enigma, DJ indeed has the capacity to charm innocents fresh to the cocktail circuit. Alas, hoary old chestnuts will be fully aware of the baggage he carries. DJ will massage his ‘past’ to justify his future moves. But he can only fool some of the people, and that is why he keeps his cronies onside. Who knows where he will go next!

  • 0

    But the reality is that we do know that most of the terrorist organizations come from a certain stream within the Islamist space

    In Myanmar why are the Muslim displaced, Still no solutions, No one beginning for something to be done, in future will there be a division

  • 4

    Old codger / Native Vedda

    Upon Dayan’ s departure from EPRLF, Joe Seneviratne became a minister under Varatharajap Perumal. He later joined white lotus movement and now I believe with Mahinda’s party.

    • 4


      Was Joe a wanted man in the eighties along with this warmonger? Weren’t both hiding somewhere near Thiruchchi?

      • 3

        I googled and found now that he was running for his life in India in eighties. An interview with him by Harini Amarasuriya and Jonathan Spencer under the title ” Tracing conscience in a time of war: Archiving a history of dissent in Srilanka 1960s – 2000s ” gives many more details of his life. A photograph where he appears with Padmanabha and Ketheeswaran is published there. He appears to be a genuine social political activist with leftist ideas but don’t know how he ended up with notorious EPRLF. May be due to bad influence of Dayan. Felt bad to know that he is no longer alive, died in February 2018.
        http:// americanethnologist.org/features/collections/the-intimacy of dissent/tracing-conscience-in-a-time-of-war.

        • 0

          Your link doesn’t seem to work.

          • 0

            Old codger

            Please type the title of the article I have given above : ” tracing conscience in a time of war ……..” in Google and you will succeed. Or please type joe seneviratne politician Srilanka in google and you will see this article.

        • 2

          Peace lover,
          He seems to have been an interesting guy, though it must have been hard on his family.

  • 6

    Dayan Jayatilleka

    Ten years ago, Sri Lanka prevailed in a Thirty Years War against a suicide-bombing separatist terrorism. Ten years later, this year 2019, on Easter Sunday, we were attacked atrociously by another type of terrorism: Islamist jihadist terrorism. So, the question of terrorism has been and remains an existential problem for Sri Lanka and it is from that perspective that I speak.

    *** I hope you are not going through a state of. dimentia. You say you suffered 30 years of terrorism but we suffered and are still suffering State Terrorism with no end in sight. There is a clamour to bring back Gotha the CRIMINAL and even Tamil Wome with Pottu are being paid to sing the Chorus. Let me tell you Gotha is not coming back. Let us look at the evidence.

    1) He went to USA to consult Amercan Lawyers to submit the applocation to renounce the citizenship and he wasnt well received and abushed at a Car Prak and he fled.
    2) After returning he filed his application at the American Embassy. Given extension untill 29th May to file hisdefence.
    3) Retired Sri Lankan lawyer prepared ground to make an application for the case against him dismissed. But bizzarly one of the reasons was the long waiting list for his case to be listed . What a clever lawyer he was.

    Dayan if your Doctorate is worth any thing can you put some sense into these tiny Kalimans

  • 1

    People should understand, LTTE was a product of its time. Until 2001, there was no global consensus on terrorism. Furthermore, in the 80’s and 90’s, the technology available for monitoring and catching terrorists was limited. And the SLA did not have the experience that it now has in dealing with militants who utilize guerilla warfare. Now of course the picture has changed. Future Sri Lankan governments will not negotiate with terrorists, but eradicate them swiftly and efficiently. The SLA has been placed at strategic locations in the North and East to monitor any terrorist activity. Something like a “lone wolf attack” of the Easter Sunday variety is still possible, but the formation of a well-organized armed, terrorist outfit like the LTTE is next to impossible.

    • 2

      “Future Sri Lankan governments will not negotiate with terrorists, but eradicate them swiftly and efficiently.” – Oops – that is the wrong answer!
      Future Sri Lanka Presidents should aspire to give-up using divisiveness, arrogance, stupidity and ill-advises of goons like DJ to subjugate anyone’s rights in the country which alone sows the seeds for inevitable reactionary “terrorism.”
      Then, and then only, the need to negotiate with or to eradicate terrorists will not arise!

  • 2

    Universal Terrorism

    The very definition of terrorism itself is today totally biased and it is projected to identify anything and everything connected to Islam and Muslims thanks to most and not all media especially those who are completely prejudiced and openly anti-Islam..
    Just to brief the terminology terrorism before I proceed,
    terrorism; the unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion.
    2: violent and intimidating gang activity street terrorism. Other Words from terrorism. =======================
    but gang activity against civilians done is never considered terrorism and the attacks on civilians especially related to riots or gang revenge on innocent family members are charged on normal prevailing laws and most or all the time the criminals who are in reality terrorists get away and some even considered heroes for killing innocents.( this is prevalent in other countries too, including Islamic Majority countries)
    Coming to Islamic jihadist /Terrorist, Yes I would rather accept the term Islamist terrorist as the terrorism is based on a self-motivated form of Islamic dogma by interpreting Islam in a form that defines terrorist agenda.
    What is foremost important is to stop packaging, branding and marketing terms that have nothing to do with it, which only unintentionally stimulate the development of their (Terrorists) agenda, which is unfortunately propagated by some media not just in Sri Lanka but the world over.
    I would accept the term Islamic Terrorist rather than Jihadist or wahabi or Salafists, all three are misnomers.

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    The Islamic Scholars also can come together and use jtehaad to address many present day issues and obstacles faced by Muslims who are living with a majority of communities from other religions and especially the need is more desperate today in Sri Lanka than ever before ,the mistrust is so severe and am shocked to see nothing is been initiated by any of the Muslim clergy , if anyone comes on TV they use it to given sermons , They just do not have any answers ,we are not getting anywhere and time is ticking.
    ( jtehaad the process where the scholars of Islam strive to find a solution to an issue on which the Quran and Sunnah are silent.)


  • 2

    what shocks me most of the time since 1983 riots & tye rest that followed it, is ,why none of the governments to date did not atleast use rubber bullets, Tear gas or water canons which they use freely on young tender innocent youths protesting and in the past we have also known the use of live ammunition on innocent civilians who protested over their job rights and over their right for the safety of the prevention of contemnatio of drinking water and some were even killed.
    how come not a single activist or media have ever raised this question?

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    i say amerasiri , I will put you one ah, you are very tomuch the talking .

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    some online journals are picky , while some of the worst hate comments are allowed , facts are either edited out or withheld to please some hardline religous allies.

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    How do you help a community which is totally divided , suspicious of eachother and not willimg to consult eachother to resolve issues stop being judgemental and accept reality ?
    A community in total irvesable dilema .

    Can God help such ?

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