By Colombo Telegraph –
UN has at last disclosed the fact that the Sri Lankan government succeeded in defeating the LTTE, only by killing over 40,000 innocent civilians and making almost that many to disappear says the Leader of Democratic People’s Front and Convener of Civil Monitoring Commission Mano Ganesan.
‘The Charles Petrie report tells all. UN has failed in fulfilling its responsibility and preventing the mass murder. UNSG Moon failed with 40,000 plus Tamil lives. Today he cannot continue to walk away from his obligations again. UN Secretary General who rushed to Sri Lanka soon after the war was proclaimed ended, issued a joint statement on May/23/2012 with President Mahinda Rajapaksa raising the hopes of the dejected Tamils of this country. This joint statement spoke of President Rajapaksa’s expressed firm resolve to proceed with the implementation of the 13th Amendment and further enhance this process and to bring about lasting peace in Sri Lanka. It also spoke extensively on relief, rehabilitation, resettlement, reconciliation and accountability with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations. The Tamils along with their international friends demand explanations from UNSG Ban Ki-moon” he further said.
Ganesan also stated that the UN report submitted by the panel led by Charles Petrie, has further admitted that the UN, the apex global watchdog is to be blamed as the UN has failed in fulfilling its obligation with timely intervention to avert the genocide took place in Sri Lanka during the last phase of the war.
‘Thus, along with the war parties Lankan government and the LTTE, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon too should be placed on the docks for the wrongdoings took place in Sri Lanka’ asserted a concerned Ganeshan.
Ganesan made the above remarks in his Facebook page and Twitter which have been picked up by international and national Tamil media today said the media communiqué issued by DPF media office. He further urged the global Tamil activists and human rights defenders to pursue if Moon could be indicted for this serious debacle of the UN in the capacity of its secretary general.
Mano Ganesan further said as follows: :
‘Moon cannot just say that the Lankan occurrences would be taken as a “lesson” and that UN would prepare itself to stop such massacres in the future. The UN has seen its share of genocides and what took place in Sri Lanka is not the first mass murder ever. For this reason, Ban Ki-moon could not flee responsibility by just claiming that the annihilation is unprecedented and that he was not prepared for such destruction in holocaustic proportions.
‘The precautionary actions and future alertness can come later. But now, he should act on the prolongation of Sri Lankan disaster which he failed to prevent. Tamils and global human rights organizations should demand from him what is his explanation for not acting to save the lives of innocent people when UN should have intervened and stopped it. Our voice should shake the UN system from its core and create shudder in the global community for their inaction.
In his Facebook he has said, ‘It is a separate matter trying the criminals and punishing them. However, the current situation in Sri Lanka is unpardonable against the joint statement between UNSG Ban Ki-moon and president Rajapaksa made immediately after the war during Moon’s visit.
‘The government declines to accept that massacres have taken place at all. It persists among the Sinhalese masses that everyone killed has been a LTTE cadre. It refuses to admit the charge that it wantonly refused to provide a last chance by a limited ceasefire for three days for the innocent civilians to come to safer ground’.
‘Keep aside the war crimes. It could be clearly seen that the government continues to refuse to consider a fair solution for the simmering ethnic issue, which was the root cause why the Tamils resorted to armed struggle to begin with. The government now violates the pledge it made to the UNSG and world at large that it would agree to a just solution improved from 13A. During the war the GoSL said repeatedly that it will arrive at a just political solution after it defeats the LTTE as tigers were the principal obstacle for reaching a just solution’.
‘Today the government drags its feet even in implementing the recommendations of the LLRC, which was appointed by this very government. At least, the government is not heeding to a simple prescription of the LLRC that the list of the disappeared, abducted and the surrendered should be made public.
‘In the meantime, military rule continues in the North, especially in Vanni, which has made the lives of Tamils particularly of the women and children pure hell. Although it is now over three years since the war was ended, the government is increasing the presence of the armed forces, against the LLRC recommendations. Instead of constructing houses for the displaced, the government is busily constructing Army cantonments and settlements in the Vanni and Batticaloa districts with the sinister goal of changing the demography’.
‘Furthermore, the government is encouraging attacks on Hindu, Islam and Christian religious locations of Tamil speaking people in an aggressive manner. Without listening to the repeated calls of the Tamil leaders for power sharing within a truly peaceful and united country, it is blindly engaged in a spree to make and proclaim this island a Sinhala- Buddhist republic.’
’The government drags indefinitely holding the provincial council election in the North, when elections have been held in all other provinces in the country. It conducted presidential, parliamentary and LG elections in the north but not the PC elections. The Elections Commissioner has expressed his readiness to hold elections. It is the government that is holding it for sinister political reasons’
‘This government that shrewdly obtained all the assistance from India to defeat the LTTE, today has the audacity to tear down the 13th Amendment and throw it at the face of India. The government that earlier said that it would go beyond 13, now is engaged in a numbers game and tables number 19 which is 13 minus!’
‘In such a context, UNSG Moon cannot continue to walk away from his obligations again. UN Secretary General who rushed to Sri Lanka soon after the war was proclaimed ended, issued a joint statement on May/23/2012 with President Mahinda Rajapaksa raising the hopes of the dejected Tamils of this country. this statement joint statement spoke of President Rajapaksa’s expressed firm resolve to proceed with the implementation of the 13th Amendment andfurther enhance this process and to bring about lasting peace in Sri Lanka. It also spoke extensively on relief, rehabilitation, resettlement, reconciliation and accountability with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations.’
‘What has happened to this statement and the respective spirit ? We would like to ask Moon if the same cruel fate that befell on the innocent Tamil people during the last phase of the war, fell on this statement as well? Especially, we place Moon in the docks and ask him these questions.’
‘I call upon the collective voice of the Tamils living here as well as abroad and our brethren in Tamil Nadu with our international friends to act now. We should create waves in the UN system and among the world at large who stood inactive in the face of the exterminations took place in Sri Lanka’
punchinilame / November 19, 2012
The RESIGNATION of the UNSG,based on western standards of responsibility is the next logical step,especially in view of Prof. Boyles analysis of how culpable the UNSG is on the basis of its
own rules.
The passing down of the Report to the 2nd Senior level for a
study & recommendation is similar to an LLRC followed by an Action Plan!!
Piranha / November 19, 2012
Mano Ganesan’s call is a very valid one. Despite knowing full well what carnage was being committed by the Sri Lankan military the UNSG kept silent. He can’t just walk away saying lessons have been learnt without having to answer for his actions/inactions.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 19, 2012
All this happened to a greater extent is because Shrub discredited and shooed the UN then brought in a poodle like monkey moon whose daughter is married to one of his main advisers, the classic outlaw.
BunkerRat / November 19, 2012
The nation is now at peace thanks to the sacrifices by the proud troops.
There are elements within the country as well as outside the country, particularly the TTD, who yearn to get the violence and terror started, create havoc and applaud.
The present leaders should not waste time in listening to these critics but engage in uplifting the lives of the people.
Tamilnadu is the ideal place for all Tamils to create a separate state. Let’s promote that in the next 30 years.
Sri Lanka… love it or LEAVE IT.
Native Vedda / November 19, 2012
BunkerRat says:
“the proud troops”
Proud for what?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself for insulting innocent civilian who lost their lives in the war.
The killer army needs support not your praise. Their heads are screwed up due to perpetrating and witnessing war crimes.
Even the MR clan has stopped priding itself.
Stay at home and protect your women folks from the large number of army men who suffer from either mild or advance stages of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Do something to relieve their suffering rather than taking a p..s.
“Tamilnadu is the ideal place for all Tamils to create a separate state. Let’s promote that in the next 30 years.”
Good idea I will give you a hand.
Similar state should be carved out of Sinhapura, a nation for Sinhalese.
I will give you both hands.
Jegath / November 20, 2012
Yeah don’t listen,nobody begged to be listened,UN listens,respected HR groups and people of civilised world listens..so who cares if the thugs in the name of presidents and minsters don’t listen, supporting war criminals makes the good sinhalese look uncivilised in the eys of people who respect human values and life..
Also Bengal is the ideal place for Sinhalese,Vijaya originated there and Sinhalese DNA match that of Bengalese..
Extreme sinhalese…either leave lanka or remain silent.
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
Jegath says:
“Extreme sinhalese…either leave lanka or remain silent.”
It is not a question of extreme Sinhalese or peace loving Tamis.
I want all the stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese to go back to India, their homeland.
On my last count the population of stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese numbered nearly 20 Million.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 20, 2012
Jegath: Quote: Also Bengal is the ideal place for Sinhalese,Vijaya originated there and Sinhalese DNA match that of Bengalese..Unquote
There is nothing to say that the DNA matches it’s just hearsay.
Vijaya was a bandit on the run therefore there is no specific location in the east or west of India.
BTW Bengali women are very hot (sleep on man) are Sinhalese women the same, the ones who romance under the umbrella at galle face green or just about anywhere?
Jay Ranaweera / November 20, 2012
Peter / November 22, 2012
BunkerRat – You say “The present leaders should not waste time in listening to these critics but engage in uplifting the lives of the people.”
Looks like they are too busy uplifting their own lives to bother with the people’s!
Senguttuvan / November 20, 2012
It will not be too long before Mano Ganesan establishes him as the
leading voice in the hill country – a role played from pre-Independence time by the CWC under the unassailable leadership
of the late S. Thondaman. Mano’s father will smile from the better place if and when Mano achieves this landmark.
It is time Mano recovers his prominent role in the Colombo District as the voice of Indian Tamils. This is possible since many indigenous Tamils and Sinhalese also support this very energetic young politician.
BunkerRat / November 20, 2012
We are ready… Waanga machaan!
Leon / November 20, 2012
Both UN and India are complicit in the massacre of 40,000 innocent Tamils.The Tamil Diaspora should seek legal opinion to find out whether Ban Ki Moon can be indicted as he is an accessory to this slaughter.
There are others who have blood on their hands. Mahinda Rajapakse, Gothabaya Rajapakse, Palitha Kohona and Shavendra Silva from Sri Lanka. and Narayanan,Shiv Shanker Menon, Mukergee and Wije Nambiar from India.They should also be investigated.
Rajiv / November 20, 2012
Since you want everyone investigated, how about Surendiran, Emmanuel, Joseph, Adele, Rudrakumaran and the rest of the thugs in Norway, England, Paris and rest of Europe?
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
All of them.
When can we start?
BunkerRat / November 20, 2012
My dear Leon:
In a hypothetical, worst case scenario, with a UN mandate, if the Sri Lankans ‘responsible’ for this “genocide” were taken to the Hague, do you know what they would do?
I will leave it for you to do the legwork in research … but just don’t forget to read volumes about how real Sri Lankans take pride to walk to the executioner, and die for the country, especially when they are persecuted by the white man.
Sri Lanka would come out winning for the second time!
You have no idea how we protect our country.
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
BunkerRat says:
“just don’t forget to read volumes about how real Sri Lankans take pride to walk to the executioner, and die for the country”
No pride in dying. Be a man face the music, funeral music is optional.
Will you be walking in the front or lead them from behind just as VP did when he conducted the war?
Are you or have you been a secret admirer of VP?
If so why?
If not why not?
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 20, 2012
Heeneng de malli It wont be Den Haag but bade lede badkinnen.
Try soylent green it would bring the population down from 20M to 0 that includes all. New brooms sweep clean.
Gerrad / November 21, 2012
Then why didn’t the Sinhala youth in the south, including JVP were reluctant to join the army during 30 odd years when LTTE was terrorising the country?
And how do you account for the 50,000 army deserters, who fled the army
and most of them are involved in criminal activities, using their arny
Even your hero Gota left the army and took shelter in USA, doing a menial job at a 7-11 store.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / November 21, 2012
“Even your hero Gota left the army and took shelter in USA, doing a menial job at a 7-11 store.”.
Leela / November 20, 2012
“UNSG Moon failed with 40,000 plus Tamil lives.” Ganesan says. We’ve heard different people and different institutions counting those numbers from 7,000 to 100,000+. There are enough aerial photographs to show LTTE leaders using civilians as human shield and locating their cannons among them.
Leave that aside, just this morning I’ve seen in Al Jazeera, bodies of babies being dug out of rubble of a building occupied by local and international journalists aftermath an attack on it by Israeli jets. When questioned, Israeli spokesman said that they do not target civilians only Hamas terrorists. Asked about Innocent civilians deaths, he said Hamas should take the responsibility for one of the leaders stayed in that building at the time and it is he they targeted.
Israeli spokesman further said, his defense forces will go after Hamas leaders where ever they are because their aim is to destroy Israel. Palestine people shouldn’t have elected Hamas, said he.
HR organisations, the so-called IC and their NGO puppets are silent for collateral damage is not a crime. Surely there cannot be a different rule for Sri Lanka.
Geethal / November 20, 2012
SL stating their excuses for disregarding civilians (collateral damage)
UN stating their excuses for selective application (collateral damage)
Both ‘collateral damage’ of exercising the brand ‘justice’.
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
Here we go again.
Donald J Gnanakone / November 20, 2012
Israel should be condemned for killing 110 Palestinians, in the current Gaza war, but they have to come a long way to equal the Rajapakses/Fonseka accomplishment in 2009 numbers of 100,000 Tamil civilians. Wow.
UN’s own position as being responsible for the deaths of Tamils is becoming precarious. And they are not the only powers. That is another reason everyone is so reluctant so far of holding independent investigations on war crimes in Sri Lanka for the past 4 years…
Supplying banned weapons also might become an issue as well as hundreds of thousands on land mines that are in military stockpile and what they used in 2008-2009.
Leela / November 20, 2012
Donald J Gnanakone
Would mind telling us how you have counted the deaths to make 100000
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 20, 2012
Dont get ants in your pants.
The Tamils gave the world the Zero therefore the world counts the billions, trillions.
The IPKF checked the 100k from info at Waters Edge to Worlds End ;)
Bolo Hindustan Ki Jai! Leelo.
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
By now you should have found out from the friends and relatives of the victims.
It would be much better if you found out it yourself from the perpetrators.
The Sri Lankan state is yet to account for the death of innocent Sinhalese youth that is 18,000 in 1971 and 130,000 between 1987 and 1991. These were conservative estimates.
Sumudu / November 21, 2012
UK offered PhD in the field of sociology or art stream should be that low- this I realize when reading the comments of Leela repeatedly. She ( or he) seems to be not grasphing the least :(
Priya / November 20, 2012
Well said Leela.Exactly, why two rules for two countries.If Israels can ignore civilian casualties and keep attacking Hamas,the same logic can be applied for our forces as well. After all Tamil civilians decided to go with LTTE and get holed up in that tiny strip of land. LTTE tactically covered behind them and attacked forces.Forces restrained initially and restricted to small arm offensive though LTTE did’nt stop attacking.When someone is attacking you hiding behind something you have no choice rather than counter attacking them .You cannot think too much about the cover they take.Unfortunately it has been a civilian shield in this case.But LTTE should be blamed more for the tragic demise of their own people whom they proclaimed to be their own saviours.
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
The war between the Sinhala/Buddhist state and the LTTE did not take place in Israel.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / November 21, 2012
Panda / November 20, 2012
Many Sri Lankans are so relieved that terrorism is gone, that they are indifferent to the violence against civilians, or how many were slaughtered. Only the families of these poor victims will care.
The rest of the country has unfortunately gone on with their lives, indifferent to the fact that their government
has been involved in horrible human rights violations, and should be held responsible for the deaths of our countrymen, or in complete denial of the fact.
Chandana / November 20, 2012
I like to ask what LTTE was doing, only killing security personnel? what a mouth he speaks out.
Native Vedda / November 21, 2012
LTTE was in bed with Premadasa and his security forces while fighting the IPKF and the Tamils.
dingiri / November 20, 2012
Question at O’Level 2012:
Q. What is the the following sequence of numbers called and can you guess the next number in the sequence?
6000 10000 12000 15000 20000 40000 100000
A. It is the output from the Random Casualty Figure Generator possesed by the Tamil Eelam Lobbists. It doubles each time the UN fails to order the partition of Sri Lanka with military force. The next number in the sequence is 200000.
BunkerRat / November 20, 2012
LOL Dingiri… LOL!
The number also doubles… each time the members of the Tamil Terrorist Diaspora, the TTD reminisces the resources they wasted in funding the Tamil terrorists for 30 years to kill Sri Lankans en masse.
I certainly understand the pain the losers feel!
Rajiv / November 20, 2012
Bunker Rat,
I can certainly see the pain the losers feel too. Remember, they never opened their mouths about civilians when the LTTE was on top. Nor did they open their mouth until a few days after the war ended. All that time, they were hoping their terrorist masters would pull off a grand surprise.
The last time they did a census in SL was in 1981(since then done in 2011). No one knows how many people lived their to come up with these numbers. Also, no one knows how many people died in the North due to the Tsunami. But according to the UN and the INGO’s and the foreign Tamils, only civilians died. The LTTE cadre all swam to safety.
Mango / November 20, 2012
May I suggest a wild card number? It’s “80,000”. Why this ?
That’s the result from Donald Gnanakone’s random women raped number generator of “80,000 war widows”who “have been raped, “some or many multiple times.”
Hohoho / November 20, 2012
Oh, really, colombo telegraph assholes? what about the innocent 1 million killed in Iraq by US and NATO?
You scum asses are only hell-bent on discrediting your own country for your own shit gains.
Get a life, assholes.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / November 21, 2012
Native Vedda / November 20, 2012
Chrismas has arrived too early for you.
You say:
“what about the innocent 1 million killed in Iraq by US and NATO?”
What about it?
You can Hohoho all the way to ICC and take on
the mighty US and NATO. We will help you. We will be right behind you.
You say:
“You scum asses are only hell-bent on discrediting your own country for your own shit gains”
Your country does not need others to discredit it. It has been doing it splendidly for many years. You are the evidence.
I know colombo telegraph is run by ass…es and scum a…s but they our a….s and scum a…s not yours. However they must be doing a good job otherwise you wouldn’t be hopping mad in this forum.
Did they hit you where it hurts?
By the way could you let me know the meaning of a….s and scum a…s only if you know it.
G1 / November 20, 2012
We never gave two hoots about “Darusman” report on war crimes and
now why are we wasting time on this so called “Petrie” report….????
Native Vedda / November 21, 2012
As stupid people you have wasted time, lives, resources, goodwill, humanity, etc.
You say
“Darusman” report “
Please do visit the report again.
G1 / November 21, 2012
Come on Vedda,
Is it what our democratically elected president, his entire cabinet ministers,MOD, all the local media, diplomats(especially the current Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN & his deputy) AND even the mighty MAHA-SANGHA used to call it or brand it as Darusman report
Some of our great politicos even claimed that its NOT a UN Report, Its a Darusman report that has no mandate & legally, morally and substantively flawed.
About “Petrie” report……………. nothings going to change, other than denial denial denial from our govt,
“people get the government they deserve”
So don’t you share the same stupidity for electing this govt?
Or if you not elected them, then you didn’t do the proper job convincing people to not to elect the current govt for 2nd term.
Jhonny / November 20, 2012
MARA duped both UN / US and India similar to VP and SF. Too late now except……..whatever.
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 20, 2012
Assholes assholes assholes went for war for rajaporkistan and country.
Assholes assholes assholes went for war and became beggars.
Assholes assholes assholes went for war and lost their amude.
csj / November 21, 2012
What we must do without delay…
Today the nations of the world are self-engaged, occupied with mortal and transitory accomplishments, consumed by the fires of passion and self. UN Has Disclosed The Civilian Killings And UN Failure!!! “Let your vision be world embracing…” — Bahá’u’lláh corruption.
The plight of truthfulness, sincerity, and justice.
In these days truthfulness and sincerity are sorely afflicted in the clutches of falsehood, and justice is tormented by the scourge of injustice.Disunity is a danger that the nations and peoples of the earth can no longer endure; the consequences are too terrible to contemplate, too obvious to require any demonstration.
wickee / November 21, 2012
Where UN failed was not in the effort to stop the war. But to get civillians out of LTTE’s control. Shame on LTTE ,the ‘salvators’, who used their own community (salvatees)as human shields.
Had UN was successful in that this catestrophe would not have happened.
By the way, who knows whether the ‘human shields’ actually wanted to leave the LTTE, cos they consisted the hard core LTTE suporters and members of MAHAVIR families.
So why should UN be blamed themselves?
Veddah Diaspora / November 21, 2012
Leela (aka Leelaratne – Retired Govt. Servant) attracts lots of counter
comments, because his midset cannot be touched.
He does not realise the difference between “human shield” and Hospitals
bombed as opposed to laser-targetting of Hamas leadership, only after
Hamas rockets land. Leela forgets the Ch. 4 clips which the UN is bound
to investigate. Forget the 7000 to 100000 as much as the “zero” civilian
casualities in the “humanitarian operation” that has gone into two UN
Reports. The “sarong-raised” attitude of the Regime & supporters still persists.
The LTTE fight was one of liberation but conveniently catergorised as
one under 9/11 Terrorism.
Native Vedda / November 21, 2012
Veddah Diaspora
“The LTTE fight was one of liberation but conveniently catergorised as
one under 9/11 Terrorism”
Come again
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / November 21, 2012
The LTTE fight was NOT one of liberation
but conveniently categorized as one under 9/11 Terrorism.
they are realy not a libaration army, but a innocents killing force.
they killed so many innocents as well as misled all the tamils.
justice / November 21, 2012
The Petrie Report is generated by the UN itself.
The UN/Moon has to respond.
Will our own intellectuals who criticised the “Darusman Report” do the same to this one?