By Kumudu Kusum Kumara –
Understanding Ragging As A Social Phenomenon, An Interpretation: In Search Of Sociality & Leadership
Ragging of freshers in the University becomes a problem in the eyes of the collective, due to its “inhuman nature” involving a “disturbingly high degree of physical and mental harassment” as it has been highlighted. Various measures recommended by authorities seasonally to deal with the problems of ragging highlight the enormity and the gravity of the problem as perceived by the collective. All the same, the measures we adopt in “combating” it should be conceived and applied with great care, so as not to repress merely the superficial aspects of the problem while preserving its roots intact. That would cause a re-emergence of ragging in even worse forms than are now prevalent.
Ragging: Problem or Solution?
While the collective perceives ragging as a problem for which solutions have to be sought, ironically, in my view, ragging itself may be understood as a collective solution by those who engage in it to problems of a different kind.
I suggest that the issue which lies at the heart of ragging is sociality. The critics view the behaviour of those who engage in ragging as anti-social; they violate by force the self of the individuals who are ragged and therefore social norms and even the law. This is to say, basically, they lack sociality.
From the perspective of those who engage in ragging and those who approve of it, the specific purpose of ragging is achieving sociality; seniors getting to know the freshers, and introducing them to the traditions of the University which they have entered. A senior’s role then, is to lead the freshers, however unfortunately for the latter, by ragging them.
The question whether the freshers should not be encouraged to rag the seniors to get to know them is not even considered, making taking the lead in ‘getting to know’ the prerogative of the seniors. Or is it considered the entitlement of the host initiating getting to know the visitor? Also, in this case, the burden of deciding the “traditions” of society is squarely taken on the shoulders of the seniors alone.
I wish to suggest that the problem for which ragging is considered a solution by the university student population is their innermost felt need to become leaders and their inability to achieve it.
The University students are taken to constitute the intellectual cream of the country. From a young age they have been made to believe by the society that higher education is the gateway to leadership.
There is an argument that given the bankruptcy of the economy, and the control of the private sector over the job market that make the university educated youth an unwanted element, it is the privations and intense frustrations staring them in the face, that make university students take to ragging. However, to treat them as acting out in this manner is to take them as blind to their reality and thus deny them human agency whereas the interpretation attempted in this article considers ragging is perceived by the students as a course of action taken to address their plight.
However, to lead is to be able to shows the way to others, which requires first to know the way oneself, and is to be able to think for oneself. Unfortunately, this is exactly what our higher education is unable to provide i.e. the opportunity for students to draw out their potential for thinking in a discerning manner, which is the essential requirement for leadership.
Thus, lacking in the ingredient essential for becoming leaders in the true sense, refusing to take part in “pretensions” to leadership by competing for achieving higher social status, refusing to join politics, and with the lack of talent or training to express themselves via any other means such as art, drama and literature, some students choose to assert themselves as leaders mainly by virtue of their seniority. That seems to be the only means they are aware of and is available to them.
While this leadership however does not outlive their university life, for some of them it provides a means of getting noticed by politicians outside the university and thereby an opportunity to secure some form of employment or, in some cases, to enter politics outside the university.
Means and ends
Ragging is nurtured by the conception that one becomes a senior simply because one arrives somewhere first. Those who claim leadership on seniority grounds are different from others who use ragging as a means for some other end, either recruiting the freshers to their political cause, or luring them into romantic liaisons. For the former, ragging is not a means to an end, it is the end itself. And they only provide the clue to understanding ragging as a social phenomenon.
Thus, ragging is a manifestation of the failure of the educational system to provide opportunities for a socially meaningful leadership role to our students beginning with the schools level. The ragging also denotes that their chances of self-assertion as intellectuals are slim. They resort to the only mode of asserting leadership that has been made available to them by their seniors that is, teasing and punishing those of a junior status. Bullying, which is harassment, a practice among school children, is the result of children reacting against the harassment they themselves suffer in the hands of adults in the family, school and society.
Seniority, is a dominant trait characteristic in our cultures, at home, in school, in politics, in the bureaucracy and among the faculty of the University. And university students, claiming leadership on the basis of seniority, are compelled to offer the freshers a course of action, acceptable to the latter. The objective of ragging is thus made to seem to mould the personality of the freshers to enable them to face the hardships of life within the University. This orientation of the freshers, the seniors consider as their responsibility and duty, thus there is the notion of a building up of a continuing tradition in the University from one generation to another.
Unfortunately for both the seniors and the freshers, the only course of action appealing to the seniors to initiate freshers into their world seems to be that in which they have been trained from the beginning of their social life, that is ragging, which in its essence is what is called teasing in the ordinary life.
Teasing in varying forms and degrees, bordering on coercion, verbal, physical, and sexual, is,in Sri Lanka in general, an essential part of initiating the fresher into the ordinary life of the world. Children, throughout their growing up period, whether at home, school, or in the larger life of society, are teased at every turn; such teasing being regarded as appropriate adult behaviour. Teasing is quite common among adults in urbanized settings in initiating freshers into the group in work place, club etc., Even a cursory glance at many of the milder forms of ragging employed in the University would show that they are identical with many forms of teasing and harassment that children are subjected to by adults.
Pleasure and sadism
Teasing brings pleasure to the one who teases, and even to the one who is teased – though up to a point depending on the circumstances, the relationship, and the mentality of those involved.
When punishments given to children at home and in the school, for example, standing on or crouching under the chair, are repeated in the University in ragging for no apparent rhyme or reason, it lacks any shred of justification. This is because it is out of context, inappropriate for the occasion, located in the national institute set up for imparting the highest levels of education. In fact, it is the punishment that is teased here and in the parody on punishment, punishment turns into teasing and teasing into punishment highlighting an element common to both, sadism which is also a form of pleasure, at least to the sadist. The element of sadism lurking underneath teasing comes to surface in punishing someone in public adding humiliation to punishment, turning punishment into harassment.
When one considers what teasing really teases out is the desire for pleasure in the other, in the soul of the one who teases, whether teasing turns into harassment or not depends on the ability of a person to tease out one’s desires without making the other person a victim of such desires .
The limit
Hence ragging does not seem a problem to many, even to some of those who undergo ragging, simply because it involves teasing. (However, this observation should not be taken as a condoning of ragging, in however milder form, even teasing, without the consent of the other.) It becomes a problem when it exceeds the limit, when teasing is forcibly carried out and when it involves, verbal or physical harassment, particularly sexual harassment. It becomes a problem at the point where teasing crosses the border to harassment, and then becomes “inhuman” involving a “degree of physical and mental harassment” whether high or low. The words “inhuman” and “degree” themselves suggest that what is commonly objectionable in ragging is exceeding the limit from being human to inhuman, from a humanly tolerable level to a disturbingly high degree in welcoming the fresher into our midst. It is when this happens, that ragging becomes, justifiably a topic for the public, when the media, politicians and the do-gooders cash in.
In the University, among those who join in ragging, as elsewhere in society, are people who differ in the strength and weakness of their character. The specific forms of ragging would depend on the differences in character of those who engage in ragging. It is not clear whether even all those who push ragging towards the path of violence are necessarily psychopaths– given the fact that violence, and sexual repression, have been key components of our cultures. What the Sadean idea that, ‘give complete freedom to the individual, sex and violence would not be very far’, suggests is that it is one’s socialization that helps one to keep impulses such as violence and sex under control.
The Solution
The University in dealing with violence in ragging would need to enforce law and order as is done elsewhere in society. But the problem lies in getting the victims to stand up and report the culprits, which is not very effective, as is well known, not entirely due to the threat of retaliatory humiliation or further violence. The freshers also develop a sense of belonging to the group which would make them hesitant to seek redress from the authorities, the latter being considered outsiders, as compared to the seniors.
Hence, my suggestion that while the University takes necessary action to enforce normal law and order to prevent violence in ragging, it should also seriously consider the possibility that in the collective life of the University ragging is a response to the problem that the University has failed to educate students to become true leaders, to think independently and act in socially meaningful ways.
Sterility of university
That the University has grown in size over time while becoming more and more sterile – failure to realize its social aims and objectives to produce autonomous human beings is a fact well known both to University students in general and to the more discerning faculty. Hilariously retold anecdotes exist among students on the sterility of faculty in their thinking and teaching. Only a very few academics in Sri Lanka, have focused in their writings on the seriousness of this problem. This is a problem for which I am afraid no expert can come up with easy suitable remedies.
One can only suggest that an apex body like the University Grants Commission can take the initiative in leading the concerned University faculty and administrators to address their minds to the prevailing state of University teaching in its various aspects, including curricula, examinations, lectures and tutorials, teacher-student relationship, teacher training, teacher supervision, and recruitment for teaching. It is essential to involve the student population in this process through appropriate mechanisms for taking the views of the students seriously and drawing out the implications of such views. “The state of teaching in the University” must be made a serious topic of discussion among the University community, both faculty and students, if a University is to flourish; and such a discussion would make students realize that there is something serious going on in the University. Such a realization and a genuine commitment on the part of the faculty and the administration to advance the quality of teaching, would probably arouse the university students to tease their own minds to develop their own personalities, rather than resorting to the ragging of freshers with a view ostensibly to reforming them. This however would be a long-drawn process, though one which requires serious commitment on the part of the faculty and the administration.
Policy makers, educators and administrators, if they desire to “combat” ragging I suggest, would need to seriously re-consider the objectives of our educational system, beyond reforming it to overcome the problem of large numbers of educated but unemployed youth. Matching employment opportunities with appropriate types of learning, skills and crafts is undoubtedly a nationally felt need. However, acquiring a marketable skill or the knowledge of a craft is hardly synonymous with education in its basic sense, the primary object of which is to nurture good citizens, i.e. those who could discriminately think for themselves in taking part in the life of the collective. The examination-oriented, competitive, monotonous educational system that we have is geared to inculcating the capacity to collect information and opinions and to regurgitate these in an examination. A teacher can cover up her/his inadequacies by enforcing conformity with convention, wisdom or received knowledge instead of promoting creativity. Our educational system offers little scope for the cultivation of creative imagination which is essential for citizens with a concern for the world in which they live. The child whose creative imagination is aroused and cultivated tends to tease his/her own mind to bring out its creativity, rather than ragging others to humiliate and harass them.
Such a conception of education, I would argue, together with Martha Nussbaum (Love’s Knowledge), should lead to the recognition that “the core of this education will be found in the studies that we now call “the humanities”. There involve the study of human life through works of art and literature, through the study of history, and through humanistic forms of social inquiry.”
*The article above which was originally written in 1997 and submitted to the then University Grants Commission (UGC), attempts a line of analysis that has current validity as a possible interpretation of ragging as a social phenomenon. The writer wishes to thank Dr. S.B.D. de Silva for commenting on a draft of the original article when it was written first, while the writer alone is solely responsible for errors of fact or interpretation if any, found in it. The original has been slightly revised for the present context.
Unreal / June 29, 2016
Leadership is the desire to serve the society one belongs to. It stems from abundance of love and compassion towards fellow humans.
Has ragging got anything to do with gaining that noble quality? No, is the unambiguous answer.
In Sri Lanka, sadly, ragging is an opportunity for someone from a home, school that is of lesser worth to pass sentencing on others more blessed at birth. Period.
The point of view expressed by the author is an example of what labour brings forth, when one is not required.
Laxmi / June 29, 2016
You are correct that ‘sociality’ is the problem, but this is a vague term and you do not break it down. It is about university student’s desire for intimate relationships particularly across gender lines with young women. University youth from rural areas do not know how to socialize with female peers and equals in a university setting..
At the age in other societies youth are sexually active, but in Sri Lanka universities they are repressed, and women students forced to where skirts and sarees, and muslims purdha!
Thus the repressed sexual energy of male students comes out in the form of ragging on the one hand and enforced dress codes for fresher women, which is the socially sanctioned method to express sexual frustrations in the warped and twisted Sri Lanka university culture, where sexual abuse of women students and faculty is also done by many lecturers and some deans with impunity.
Kumudu Kusum Kumara you need to do a gender analysis and collaborate with women faculty members on a proper research study on the subject rather that give us platitudes about ‘leadership’ reminiscent of Gota’s Military Leadership “solution”!.
Kusum / June 29, 2016
Quite true Laxmi, ragging is an issue of Gender based violence, only the so-called feminist NGO organizations are too busy on international conferences to focus on this issue under their nose!
And the female sociology lecturers need to wake up and make this a Women’s Rights issue.
Dinuk / June 30, 2016
Bob Marley sang:
“A hungry man, is an angry man”
Male Egoism and need to dominate is part of the so called Leadership problem identified here and MALE ego is constructed in opposition to the Second Sex alright.. and women have to suffer violence and harassment and so called eve teasing as a result..
Ragging is Gender Based violence and gay students also suffer due to MACHO male wanna be leaders who don’t understand that the smartest way is to lead from the back!
However, check out the living conditions of the students, 5-6 guys crammed into a tiny bed room sometimes, majority of the students are under nourished and lacking in “brain foods” – Omega oils etc. because they are poor and some send part of their scholarship funds to parents who are farmers.
There is no SPACE literally to grow and mediate on humanity or the human condition.
If students have to live like ANIMALS they will behave like animals. Much more funding is needed in the sector but the fear of private universities is making things worse. Private Universities will take some of the burden off the public university system.. University Students and their lecturers like to see themselves as victims of the system which is partly true, but more often than not they are their own worst enemies, and as sociologists know this is also an aspect of the culture of the UNDERCLASS.
A wholistic analysis is needed here..
jim softy / June 29, 2016
Ragging is simply lack or self worth from the person who is ragging, no compassion and kindness to others, animal behaviour, insecurity, jealousy.
If it is to be called a social phenomenon, that is the social group who have very low appreciation for other human beings, just animal behaviour. trying to make the weaker ones prey.
Sam Fernando / June 30, 2016
Ragging is simply continued due to the gap between ones coming from various social groups. Students from all regions of the country meet at the university. Some have had balanced schooling while the others not for some reasons. Gaps in such areas were much higher in developing countries such as ours. Most of my shirts and own belongings were abused by my fellow men while I was staying at Hilda. Like or not you had to let it go, since there you were helpless. U can defend yourself rejecting their wishes ( not only seniors, but also ones from the same batch but had not much in common).
Those enjoyed by ragging the freshers were most that came from rural areas. They had some complex not being able to get on with ones from towns. They have been suffering from inferiority complex being unable to get on with ones joined them from urban schools. Each time I faced ragging- just because I was a mahindian. They the seniors were either trying to protect their juniors or just let it to be part of it – not to face problems with the leading fellow batchas. Ragging I faced at Peradeniya was brutal. Even after 3 decades, I still remember how I was bucketed … thrown to the pond while me being amidst in deep sleep. I Could end up with a fatal situation, but luckily I escaped it. That was a joke and fun brining events for my seniors. Most of them were against me since I could get on with girls as sisters and I treated them so – So the jealousy and malice were top of their agenda when attacking me. During the ragging season, we went thorugh physical and mental attacked being carried out by seniors. If you came from south, the rag events you had to go through were more.
Sinchuappu / June 30, 2016
Ragging for the ragger a joyful event while others have to suffer as no other. The torments that the students go through those periods are not explainable. They have to respect them – since the expectation before them for completion of courses are their dreams.
If students are matured enough to see that they are all the same – but according to their talents only they could become different… things could change with years. But lanken thoughts of jealousy and malice accompany their lives even long before being part of universities. That is their culture. Ones that can afford are jealous at others, ones that went to popular schools are seen as leit figures of the society… English is given a place too there, if one can manage English.. he is seen as recognized while the others not. All and all various factors play a role ragging to be established at lanken kind of universities. Most that suffer the life do try to show their voices in ragging seasons. Bottom line is each and everyone entered to the unis have one common aim.. which is to compelte the course and face the future as capable academics.
BBS Rep / June 29, 2016
The issue is that Sri Lankans are, like the Israel military thinks, people who have just descended from the trees (meaning the monkey stage). Well we may feel a high sense of indignation against the Israelis for making such a claim. But the reality is they may not be all that wrong.
We Sri Lankans have demonstrated that when the British ruled we were subservient as caged monkey. But when the Brits left and left the cages open we have gone to town and let loose the cave man instincts to the hilt. We killed, murdered, plundered, raped and tortured with absolute abandon. The slightest of excuses were enough for the ape instinct to take over. Buddhism has done nothing to curb such instincts. Ragging is also a practice that caters to part of our immature animal brain which derives pleasure from torture.
nimal fernando / June 29, 2016
This is what I think as well. And you have articulated it very well.
“But when the Brits left and left the cages open we have gone to town and let loose the cave man instincts to the hilt.”
This was a gradual process and took a few decades/generations for the “colonial artificial training” to wear off and for us to revert to our true essence.
Also, there is some element of “A man/event is a prisoner of his/it’s time” as well. Britain itself has changed from the “colonial times.” And America has totally lost the plot.
Simon De Silva / June 30, 2016
only small populations like S pore and Hongkong could risetheir heads after brites left those colonies all others are torn as the UK lead could them a better life. I believe, it is the people to be blamed. In srilanka, unlike on the west, just get passed a small pact, it takes moonths… people s power have been above the law.
Now with press freedom being improved who is again taking advantage of it.. if not born culprits like SUPPORTERS of previous regime. Take on revenge is in their blood. Even if gian parties got together to form the govt, people s mind sets of those parties are apart as no times before. Even within one party – fractions go their own men when it to take on revenge.
Devasiri / June 29, 2016
Ragging is not at all the main problem in public local Universities.Sri Lankan public University problems deeper than your analysis and discuss real problems in low quality local universities: You need to sack all fake profs and follow international criteria to appoint them: In order to be a real international professor your PhD from world top 100 University, minimum 20 articles in ISI/SCOPUS indexed journals, 10 text books with international publishers and three countries have to appoint you as a Visiting professor. But all these Sri Lankan Professors are jokers and more than 40% University Lecturers are relatives to each others and they give degrees to each other (Husband gives PhD to wife and girlfriend/mistress getting PG degree, sons, daughter and son-in law and daughter- in-law). MY3 clean University system and sack fake professors and University mafia system. Some Dept are family trees.Never allow any dept to issue first degree if you do not have sufficient number of PhDs in that dept. Take some Universities many Deans do not have PhDs. This is a recipe for disaster.Identify and transfer all family members work in same University/Dept/Faculty as Lecturers. Recheck how these all family members came to system and penalize the responsible. Sometime wife is writing articles putting husband’s name for articles and husband getting professorship without shame (what ethics) presenting these to promotions. Stop University tecahers are doing local PhDs in same or other Universities. You know how people get Sri Lankan passport and B. Certificates and driving license. Same way Sri Lankan PhDs also can get. Today the most important thing is your PhD must come from accredited, ranking (at least 100) best University of the world to recognized your University basic products. Now see Sri Lankan local Universities are rotten to death. Somebody has to clean it.
sekara / June 29, 2016
Ragging may not be the main problem. But it is a problem nevertheless with bearing on many aspects of university life.
The university system has continued to weaken along with rising government control of the running of universities. Besides, meddlesome persons in the UGC have done much harm to the proper running of universities.
The creation of universities, faculties and disciplines for political reasons is another matter that needs to be addressed urgently.
But the attempt here to tar all universities with the same brush does not reflect good intention.
Kapila / June 30, 2016
Quite true Devasri< W.D. Lukshman's family tree was alive and well in Colombo University economics and sociology depts.
His daughter with no research papers was hired over an Ivy league PhD. with many papers, in the days of Heetige and Sasanka Perera who liked to guard their territory..
There is not research culture in the Sri Lanka university system and appointments and promotions are made on basis of political power, patronage, ethnic networks, rather than MERIT and Qualifications.
Fedrick / July 1, 2016
[Edited out]
Dilhara / June 29, 2016
Kumudu Dude, thanks for this, but you seem to be barking up the wrong tree, Dude!
Ragging is a manifestation of mainly MALE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION and Aggression. It is mainly males who rag and force women to do so too. In US campuses date rape is a huge problem.
It does not take a rocket scientist of a PhD in sociology to recognize that sexual frustration is the root of our problem among students and Buddhist monks. It takes this young woman who has experienced ragging in Pera to know it!
Attacking women and minorities is done by sexually frustrated Sri Lankan university YOUTH whose hormones are running wild and not because of leadership problem – though sexual aggression is part of an Alpha male complex too.
The Fetish with (military ) leadership training as Gota the goon was too, is an obfuscation of the real problem.
Buddhist monks and students in Sri lanka are a sexually repressed society.
Buddhist monks like BBS Gnanasara who is sexually frustrated and is taking out this sexual frustration on the Muslims as manifest in hate speech against minorities. He needs to have a girl friend and a health sexual relationship with a woman or a man or trans…
This is the biggest problem that the Buddhist Sanga also today face SEXUAL FRUSTRATION and anger with society because of this- with facebook and all modern technology available to these so called monks who want to have smart phone, travel overseas and visit hookers and have girl friends.. There are many sexually frustrated Sinhala youth in saffron robes preaching hatred because they can not have sex and healthy sexual relations with women or men.. Freud identified how sexual aggression is part of the human psyche. Gnanasara and his followers should be castrated or sent to visit sex workers.
Goon Gota Jarapassa’s solution was military training for frustrated students and Buddhist monks BBS attacking minorities..!
nimal fernando / June 29, 2016
“Ragging is a manifestation of mainly MALE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION and Aggression.”
Now that you have pointed it out, I feel there is truth in it.
It’s a very interesting point; that good old BBS Gnanasara’s aggression is sexual-frustration related. I suppose there is not much difference between real castration and celibacy; a form of “mental castration” – or even the requirement to project it to the world. I wish I could elaborate but unfortunately celibacy isn’t one of my strong points.
Outsides the confines of a university, how would the law deal with the form of abuse that students undergo in ragging? Why can’t the same law be applied within the universities?
Simon De Silva / June 30, 2016
Ragging is due to mental inblaances of those who feel they should lead the others. In this context – the seniors… seniors for some courses such as Agriculture, Medicine, make them above they really are… now looking back I feel even Associate Prof from Europe would not make him that high. Like frogs cornered to a well, lankens in general feel their degress being awarded by their unis are top… acutally today we pefectly know except Moratuwa all other unis are miles away from the good unis of the region.
I do feel those were the days that lanken unis produced top profiles that went across world to represent srilanka. TOday medicos dont even possess sound knowledge to work in a foreign country. Just to them and make your own assesments please.. so then you will know.. Poth gullahs are various kind will end up statle mates situations when they are sent to the UK or other countries for their PGs.
Pacs / June 29, 2016
Ragging in Sri Lanka is kind of Torture and extracting information by force, threat and torture.Amusement for the ragger and humiliation and pain for ragged. It affect the victims future too much. Violate the privacy of the new student.
The raggers become expert tortures where ever they are required. The victim become mentally tormented.
Lal Silva / June 29, 2016
When I went to the university I thought that raging was done by undergraduates coming from affluent collages, and that the rag ones coming from village background. But I was surprised that raging was done mainly by students having outstation background and further suppressing they mainly target students not from urban background but from rural background, their own brothers and sisters.
B Mackka / June 29, 2016
Author tries to justify ragging as a social phenomenon whereas it is nowadays practiced in the extreme as a social aberration with sexual connation. This type of extreme behavior and rowdyism is prevalent in society today and needs to be curtailed.
There are so many decent ways of getting to know each other without infringing on their human rights and sensitivities. University authorities can organize ‘Fresher’s Day’ social events etc.
Dean / June 29, 2016
It appears that “This phenomenon can be traced back to as early as 7th or 8th century A.D. In Greek culture, new entrants to the sport community were subjected to all kinds of humiliations and teasing to inculcate a team spirit in them. Gradually with the passage of time this technique was subjected to myriad modifications and was later adopted by the military forces, from there it finally entered in the education system”.
Be that as it may, but ragging in our universities has reached a new low of epic proportions with the kind of sadistic and inhumane treatment of freshers over the past several years.
It is high time that the authorities stepped in and either banned this practice in Sri Lanka, or at least implement regulations to severely punish individuals who are responsible for serious injuries or for forcibly inflicting socially unacceptable practices on freshers.
jehan / June 29, 2016
what a stupid article. ban ragging, anyone who indulges in ragging 7 years in free education. Also pay a fine of 1million. any protest in this regard should also be stopped. this ragging is encouraged by the jvp type in university to hold control over students, only way this type listens is a no nonsense policy.
why should the country give free education to this type of morons. no wonder people dont want to pay taxes.
das / July 4, 2016
Perhaps the most pertinent and practical comment..
Elizabeth Jonklass / June 29, 2016
Author has concentrated on ragging in the Universities. It does prevail, not only in Universities but in other Higher Education Institutions. Perhaps it is because of this that the anti-ragging law of 1998 was brought in to cover ragging in educational institutions and for the first time to my knowledge it was applied to the incident involving the Kelaniya University. Those involved are still locked up and if found guilty by the courts not only the students may get fined or imprisoned but get the sack. the punishment wil be more severe if the ragging is sexual.
I know that my neighbours children who attend good schools are playing rough sport such as rugger for the school. The initiation process or the rag when they aere admitted to the team was very much sexual. Things came to light because of injuries they sustained. The mother was speechless. But the father, who was himself a sportsman of the school took up the position that boys should be able bear these things. The reputation of the school should not be tarnished and that was the watch word.
We dont need to practise what was practised in Britain in the so called good old days and modern Britain has given that up. Recently there was a problem highlighted about new recruits as prison guards being ragged in the University style. Academics can write books on a given problem but what is required is to treat others as humans.
Sylvia Haik / June 29, 2016
I think ragging is an import from UK and USA. but as usual, these morons have misinterpreted it. They have confused it with bullying. Ragging in the universities is a fundraising event, supported by the whole community or the university village. Often the local MP offers himself or herself to be kidnapped for a ransom paid by the community. These students march around the village in fancy costumes and holding up a bucket into which the villagers drop money. This is miles away from our morons beating up and torturing defenceless students.
academic / June 29, 2016
Writer has not dealt with the political forces behind ragging. Eralier it was the JVP and now the peratugami party. They want losers who cannot get any job in the private sector to go on processions demonstrate and be obedient to their orders. Rag leaders are given a training at the peratugami holdouts on how to do the ragging. They want empty graduates suitable for nothing so that they can swell their parties with these guys and carry on their party propaganda like pasting posters, join thir rallies. etc. Unless this factor is taken into account this menace cannot be stopped
srinath.gunaratne / June 29, 2016
Remove bad apples from university! They do not deserve free education!
Name and shame.
Couple of honey pots all it takes!
Paul / June 29, 2016
How many thousands of students miss getting into university by a few marks. Expel anyone involved in ragging on the spot and give their place to one of these students. Ragging will end very quickly. But it will never end if there is no political will to end it.
Jerrmy / June 30, 2016
What a excellent essay written by Dr K.K .Kumara who has been involved and an expert in Third New Republican constitution proposed by UNP -Ranil W…?
I do not think that he is Jacobin ?
Liverpool Sudda / July 1, 2016
Why do we have to reduce every action to sexual frustration?Dont we other philosophers other than FRUED???