18 February, 2025


United Nations Must Recognioze Tamil’s Right To Self-Determination

By Kumarathasan Rasingam

Kumarathasan Rasingam

Tamils demand the Right to Self-Determination as Tamils in Sri Lanka qualify as a People and Nation

When the United Nations was created after World War II, one of the main purposes of the United Nations was spelt out in Article 1 [2] of the Charter, which states ‘To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination of people.”

It is sad that the United Nations, UNHRC and the International Community have ignored the claims, sacrifices and sufferings of the Tamils in Tamil Eelam at the hands of the Sinhala/Buddhist hegemony since 1948. The British who amalgamated the Sinhala Nation and Tamil Nation in 1833 for their easy administration and while leaving the country the British passed the baton of power to the hands of the Buddhist Sinhalese and weakened the Tamil Nation that existed before.

The United Nations adopted the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1966, Article 1 of both these International Covenants state ‘All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”.

Tamils have experienced discrimination, denial of the rights to self-determination, abrogated agreements and violations of international human rights and humanitarian law amounting to GENOCIDE by successive Sri Lankan Governments.

As Tamils, we share the common racial and ethnic identity and belong to one race though we may be spread out in different geographical location. We also have a very strong cultural homogeneity, Pongal remains our most revered and respected cultural festival, our ways of dressing and food habits make us special people. Tamil our mother tongue is a binding factor irrespective of our differences based on religion or region.

It has to be noted that in 2011, the Office of the United Nations Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order was established by Human Rights Council Resolution 18/6.  On September 10, 2014, A/HRC/27/51.[99] to the Council and on October 27, 2014, the Independent Expert presented his third report to the General Assembly on the right to self-determination [A/69/272] In the press release issued the following day, he stated: “The realization on the right of self-determination is essential to maintaining local, regional and international peace and must be seen as an important conflict-prevention strategy”.

The systematic violations of human rights by the Sri Lankan Government over a period of seven decades are well documented and are clearly no accidental happenings [Pogroms against the Tamils in 1956. 1958. 1971, 1977, 1981 1983 and genocidal war from 2006-2009]

The burning of the Tamils Library in Jaffna in May 1981 [One of the best library in the east – with thousands of volumes of rare books and palm leaf manuscripts, original copies of regionally important historical documents, political, history of Sri Lanka etc.  The above constitute evidence of the resolute and determined efforts of alien Sinhala Governments to subjugate and assimilate the people of Tamil Eelam within the framework of a unitary Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lankan State. The people of Tamil Eelam have suffered long enough for their human rights. Today, they are a people who can no longer be denied their right to self-determination.

If the United Nations and United Nations Human Rights Council recognize and respect Human Rights to preserve world order, the Right to Self-Determination of the Tamils must be recognized and the crime of GENOCIDE committed by the Sri Lankan state, where 145,679 Tamils are still unaccounted must be punished without any further delay as JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.

In addition The United Nations, UNHRC, UN Security Council, International Criminal Court, the co-sponsors of the UNHRC Resolution 40/1 of March 2019  must  force Sri Lanka to initiate time bound steps with clear benchmarks to fully implement what was promised in 2015 [UNHRC Resolution30/1. Having obtained two more years the Government must not be allowed squander this opportunity by making false excuses to address accountability.

It should also be noted that the Permanent People’s Tribunal on Sri Lanka from 07 – 10 December 2013, Bremen, Germany was conducted by eminent Panel of Experts in human rights and human values. They are:-
1. His Excellency Feierstein Daniel – Director of the Center for Genocide Studies at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Professor in the Faculty at Genocide at the University of Buenos Aires.

2. His Excellency Halliday Denis: Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and 8 other Experts;

In conclusion The Tribunal finds that “The genocide against the Eelam Tamil group is a continuing process, one that has not yet accomplished the total destruction of their identity. The genocidal coordinated plan of actions reached a climax on May 2009, but it is clear that the Sri Lanka Government project to erase the Eelam Tamil identity, corroborated by the above mentioned conduct, shows that the genocide process is ongoing .The genocidal strategy has changed, the killings are transformed into other forms of conduct, but the intention to destroy the group and its identity remains and continues, through causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the Eelam Tamil group.

On the strength of the evidence presented, the tribunal reached the consensus ruling that the state of sri lanka is guilty of crime of gencide against eelam tamils and that the consequences of the genocide continue to the present day withongoing acts of genocide against eelam tamils.” [Page 27 para 2 &] Black July for Tamils [July 1983]

On July 25th and 27th Tamil prisoners who were held in custody under the infamous Prevention of Terrorism Act were killed within the wall of the high security Welikada prison. They were killed whilst they were in the custody of the Government of Sri Lanka. [Source:- Book –  Black July ’83 : Indictment – Page 208]

A FEW EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK  Black July “83 : Indictment Back Cover

Late President J. R. Jayawardene on 11th July 1983, two weeks before the holocaust of July and August in an interview with Ian Ward of the Daily Telegraph, announced to the world : “I am not worried about the opinion of the Tamil people.. Now, we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion… The more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be, here.  Really, if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy”

Dr. W. Dahanayake, MP for Galle, and one time Prime Minister advised in the Parliament as reported in December 1985. “The government should offer the Tamils a solution they could accept with dignity. They should also offer them a degree of autonomy within the framework of united Sri Lanka. Why can’t the Tamils of Sri Lanka have a government like that of Tamil Nadu, in the North and East of Sri Lanka?

Dr. Nihal Jayawickrama, Permanent Secretary in the 1970-1977 United Front Government: In his article on Post Independence Politics in Sri Lanka, wrote in February 1985 “the tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that while successive Sinhala governments were willing and able to be receptive to Sinhala aspirations, they consistently failed to respond to the equally legitimate aspirations of the Tamil speaking people, particularly in the Northern Eastern Provinces”

The Economist’s Report of August 6th 1983: “A tourist told yesterday how she watched in horror as a Sinhala mob deliberately burned alive a bus load of Tamils….There was no mercy. Women, children and old people were slaughtered. Police and soldiers did nothing to stop the genocide.”

Finally, the frustration of the Tamil people is palpable. Faced with continued military occupation of land and the daily overwhelming presence of soldiers across the North-East, including perpetrators who remain unpunished for mass atrocities, the Tamil people have been unequivocal in expressing their exasperation at the lack of progress. Only an internationalised mechanism, free from Sri Lankan interference will provide Tamils justice.

Latest comments

  • 13

    You have forgotten your roots! How come?
    There is a serious correction to be made.
    “The United Nations must recognize Tamils’ right to self-determination in Tamil Nadu!!!!”
    In Tamil Nadu, 88.43% of the population speak Tamil Language
    In Sri Lanka, only 11%.
    As Tamils refuse to learn Sinhala, the only language which is widely spoken in Sri Lanka, they should be given an opportunity to be with their own people in Tamil Nadu, which is fair.
    The United Nations should seriously consider in talking to Tamil Nadu administration where Tamils enjoy self-rule.

    • 6


      “As Tamils refuse to learn Sinhala, the only language which is widely spoken in Sri Lanka, they should be given an opportunity to be with their own people in Tamil Nadu, which is fair.”

      If that is the case where would you send Sinhala/Buddhists for them to feel homely with their own people, Tamil Nadu, North India, UK, Portugal, Holland, …. ?

      Why should anyone in their sane mind learn another language just because majority of the stupid people speak a concocted language named Sinhala?

      • 3

        I am with you. I have been tirelessly campaigning for a separate homeland for all Tamils (Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) scattered across the island. Probably I am the only Sinhalese in this forum to do so despite vehement protest by Tamil racist donkeys who inhabit this space. +50% Tamils acknowledge that Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to their own and desire to continue living in areas outside NE and that is the unshakable problem in this agenda. It is the responsibility of people of your category to convince them that they must be prepared to go in order to prepare the way for a Ealam. Your propaganda that Sinhalese are discriminatory, barbarian and genocidal in nature has not made a dent so far. My success depends on your success.


        • 1


          “My success depends on your success.”

          You mean:
          If I were a rich man,
          Daidle deedle daidle
          Daidle daidle deedle daidle dumb
          All day long I’d biddy-biddy-bum
          If I were a wealthy man
          You (I) wouldn’t have to work hard,
          Daidle deedle daidle
          Daidle daidle deedle daidle dumb

          By Lewis Bock Jerrold / Sheldon Harnick

          No doubt periodical riots will make you a very successful wealthy man.

      • 0

        Hindian Vedda
        Why should Sinhalese go anywhere when they have their own country, which was ruled, protected and built by their own Sinhalese Kings?
        Thank you for the first 2/3 of the last para. That is the only wise thing you said since 2015. Sinhalese and Tamils speak two distinctly different languages. Tamil is spoken by 77 million of people all over the world where the majority lives in Tamil Nadu while Sinhalese is one unique language which is spoken only in Sri Lanka.
        Of course there is no need for Tamils to learn our language as they can always go back to Tamil Nadu. But, if they want to live in Sri Lanka, they should learn the majority language and stop asking exclusive privileges to a language spoken by 11% of the population when close to 74 million of Tamils live outside Sri Lanka.
        About the origin of Sinhalese language:
        Sinhalese language is derived from Brahmi scripts which is Asia’s oldest coded writing system.
        According to R A E Coningham: Cambridge Archaeological Journal: 6:1, South Asia’s first Brahmi Scripts were found in Anuradhapura between 5th and 4th Century BC (which is King Pandukabhya’s reign), whereas India’s first Brahmi Scripts were found in King Ashoka’s time in the 3rd Century BC (as you know BC goes backwards) which shows that, contrary to popular belief that Brahmi was developed in India, the actual development of Brahmi Scripts has happened in ancient Lanka in Anuradhapura!!! The language which has been used in ancient inscriptions were Prakit (Pali – which was the language used by Lord Buddha.)
        Moreover, Thai, Tibetan and Javanese languages have also used Brahmi Scripts as a parental writing system. Brahmi is a code system which can be converted to any language. It has been used for record keeping with time periods and also in trading transactions.

        • 6

          Just because Champa practises the oldest profession in the world, you should not abuse your mouth as you usually do it with your customers. Right ?.
          Get your facts right, if you guys want TAMILs to go back to Tamilnadu, then we the sinhalaya too should go back to Bengali or where we emigtrated from. :
          Epidiomiological studies prove that we are broth from Indian subcontinent. So, why to argue on that matter.
          We also knew that our colonial masters had lot more close relationship with tamil srilankens than the sinhala srilankens: That was the reason, we found lot more tamils as doctors, engineers, and other higher professionals also in 70ties in the country. Just because political inabilities created a war and most of them migrated to Norwayy or other countries and their second generations seem to have risen those countries today. Please let us see it by going facts.
          Even if you guys, lick the balls of Rajaakshe extremists, we would never stand against truths. I think not just SINHALAYAs, but those minorrities that were part of lanka then should be treated in the same manner. Not just them, even Muslims, burgher or other folks should have the same right. Please get well CHAMPAWATHI.. you the kind o fsinahalayas are the cancer in this lost nation.

          • 3

            I don’t mind idiots like you showing your origin and sharing how you spend your pasttime, in your comments.
            I’ve no doubt you are a descendant of Vijaya Hora’s 700 bandits. But 99% Sinhalese are NOT.
            Before telling “Sinhalaya too should go back to Bengali where they migrated from,” learn Sinhale history.
            Why should we go to Bengali, idiot, when we have our country which was ruled by ancient Yakkha dynasties before Vijaya Hora arrived in Lanka? .
            Learn the history!
            Before Vijaya Hora landed, there had been Yakkha, Naga and Raaksha (Bali, Pulathisi) clans.
            Starting from Vesamuni Yakkha clan, there had been many Yakkha dynasties.
            Maha Rawana, the first King of Lankapura was of Yakkha clan.
            Rawana dynasty was the longest which had 14 Kings.
            This is the list of ancient Kings BEFORE Vijaya Hora’s arrival to Lanka:-
            1.) Yakkha dynasty – King Maha Rawana (Rawana I)
            2.) Naga dynasty – King Vibheeshana – Nagas-Kelaniya (Vibheeshana I, II, III, IV, V, VI and Vibheeshana VII)
            3.) Yakkha dynasty again – from King Rawana II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII and Rawana XIV.
            4.) Yakkha dynasty – King Dadimunda I, II, III, IV and V.
            5.) Yakkha dynasty – King Weeramunda
            6.) Yakkha dynasty – King Murudanda (King Pandukhabhya’s dynasty)
            7.) Other Yakkha dynasties Desha, Vardhana, Sakha, Sekhara, Tilakha, “SINHA”, Surya, Varna and Bamba.
            The last Yakkha King was Maha KalaSena (from Bamba dynasty) who was killed by Vijaya Hora and Kuweni (from a different Yakkha dynasty).
            Even in barbarian Kalinga Magha’s time, Sinhalese Yakkha people were distinctly identified as “Cingars” who fought against Kalinga Magha while Vijaya Hora’s people were identified as “Vangars” (people from VangaDeshaya).
            As highlighted above, Sinhalese haven’t got SINHA from Vijaya Hora’s fake Sinhapura. SINHA was one of the Yakkha dynasties who ruled ancient Lankapura.

            • 4

              Champa all your claims of Sinhala ancestry will come to zero, as two scientific studies on DNA of Sinhalese have found that their core genetic material is South Indian (Tamil and others). Also your denouncing of Bengalese and glorifying Aboriginal people will get the same fate, because in that study it was found that Bengali contribution is 26% compared to 9% of Veddhas. Thus scientifically there were no such people as Yakkas or Rakshasas, which is mere concoction. Give up your racist mind set and accept realities without making a fool of yourself.

              • 3

                Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
                Whose DNA are you talking about?
                What scientific studies are you talking about?
                I told you this before.
                Vijaya Hora didn’t have children from his Indian bride and he only brought 700 other bandits. How could such a small number of people built a nation?
                If 700 had 3 children, it is only 2100 people.
                If the number was so small, why did Elara bring a large army from South India to invade ancient Anuradhapura? Why did Kalinga Magha bring 25,000 ruthless mercenaries to capture Polonnaruwa? Why did sea pirate Aryachakravarti bring a large army to invade Northern Lanka? The reason is obvious. The South Indian invaders had to bring large armies because there were a large population of Sinhalese Yakkha people who had strong armies in the ancient Lanka. Also, all the South Indian invaders were defeated with our own resources.
                Next time use your brain before uttering rubbish. Your general knowledge is zero.

              • 2

                These are all Mahavamsa myth.

              • 0

                Sankaralingam, you are the one who is making a fool of yourself. I don’t know where you got your Dr. title from. You have absolutely no idea of genetic studies or scientific terminology. FYI geneticists do not talk of “core genetic material” in humans. As I told you several times earlier, the genetic material of all humans is the same, namely DNA. You don’t seem to know anything about genetics. So before you start lying at least get the terminology right so that you can pass off your lies as believable as possible. No geneticist will ever talk of “core genetic material” of the Sinhalese – so whatever nonsense you wrote about “core genetic material” of the Sinhalese is made up by YOU.


                Which study are you referring to? 9% Vaedda admixture in present day Sinhalese is a significant amount, as Sinhalese and Vaedda inter-marriage is very rare today. As long as you don’t give references, we cannot judge what this 9% signifies and your claims just becomes useless Tamil propaganda. And any genetic study, specially in regards to Vaeddas, which doesn’t specify where the geneticists obtained the samples is useless, as the nature of Vaedda settlements differ immensely – some are settlements of hunter gathering Vaeddas while others have started settled agriculture and interact with Sinhalese and in the east with the Tamils from recent times. The hunter gathering Vaeddas show no genetic admixture with the Sinhalese or anybody else. In all relevant gentic studies Sinhaelse show a slight genetic admixture with the Vaeddas, but the Tamils show none. Linguistically also Tamils show absolutely no affinity towards the Vaeddas.

                So please stop your foolish uneducated claims, distortions and lies and provide references to your claims. Without references your comments are just Tamil propaganda.

        • 0

          Hindian Vedda
          There is no mention in the ancient world history that Tamil was derived from Sanskrit, Pali or Brahmi Script. The widely known factor of the origin of Tamil is that it was derived from Sumerian and Egyptian languages!

        • 1


          “According to R A E Coningham: Cambridge Archaeological Journal: 6:1, South Asia’s first Brahmi Scripts were found in Anuradhapura between 5th and 4th Century BC “

          According to Mahawamsa the Tamil Brahmi Scripts were developed by G G Ponnampalam in order supplement his fake history.

          • 1

            Hindian Vedda
            You insulted Mahawamsa many times in the past. Tamils say it is a comic book. Why do you want to go back to Mahawamsa, when I have given a foreign source to prove my point?

    • 4

      Champa the stupid,

      I hope you’ll stop from here. Or else I have to drag your history from the time of the landing of Prince Vijaya.

      Also Tamils speak better Sinhalese than the other way around. Go outside and see I say!

      • 0

        Go ahead. I don’t give a damn.
        If you think a spongebob like you can stop me posting comments, you are very much mistaken.
        I have already talked about Vangar national Vijaya Hora and the ancient Lankan inhabitants and Yakka King Maha Kala Sena who ruled the country when Vijaya Hora arrived. Go ahead. I happy to repeat my comments.
        Tamils speak better Sinhalese? Really? Sometime ago there was an article by Hoole along with a video which showed him despicably scolding a Policeman in the North for not speaking of his language. Do you know in what language did he speak to the Policeman? English! He said in his article that the government should post Tamil speaking Policemen to Northern Police Stations. He has forgotten that if he has a right to speak in English or Tamil, then the Policeman should also have a right to speak in Sinhala. It is you who should go around and see the reality.

    • 4

      Brainless champa,
      We are talking about a country called sri Lanka. This is not the time for you to wash Indian butts.

      • 0

        SL koola
        Yeah, of course, you are talking about my country!

        • 4

          Chimpi Chimpi don’t get your waist cloth wrapped in a bloody twist. My country? You have a deed to prove this is your country? Idiots like you have wrecked this nation for many years and will continue to do so for many years to come. You still have not answered the question about Karuna Amman, his side kicks, only LTTE arms dealer and the Rajafucksa connection. Why you evade answering that simple question Chimpi?

          • 1

            Man nobody going to answer an uncivilized person like you.

    • 3

      Sinhalese were busy fighting the Portuguese, Dutch and British to play attention to the North and East, from 1505 onwards. During this period – Tamils from India fleeing the caste system settled in the north and east. Where the Vedda’s were living. The Wanni forest area until British times was the hereditary domain of a female ruler. Her husband named Wanniarachi attacked the British and was defeated. The entire Island was united in by Parakramabahu. who died in 1133. Meaning there were no Tamils in 1133. Tamils stated coming during the colonial era. Period. The Kings of Kandy considered themselves to be the rulers of the entire island.

      • 3


        “Tamils stated coming during the colonial era.”

        So before 1133 the Tamils didn’t know how to sail on their Kallathonies from South India to the island or swim all the way from Rameshwaram?

        It is interesting for the Mahawamsa categorically states about the invasion of Demelas of this island for over 2500 years.

        I am not sure which one to believe.
        Please enlighten us.
        Are you saying the island was continuously occupied by Grease Yakkas until the arrival of Sudhas with the view to civilise you lot? Until then The Demelas completely avoided this island.

    • 1


      It is a very good idea to let the Para-Tamils, Para-Sinhala, Para-Muslims, Para-Christians, Para-Hindus, Para-Buddhists etc. to help them get back to their Homeland Bharat, Damba-Diva, India from the Land of Native Veddah Aethho,, which they destroyed over the past 2 1/2 millennia.

      Just read up the Natute Genetucs paper on the Nstives of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho ( Sri Lanka).

      • 1

        What you say about Vedda is wrong.
        Vedda was not the only clan who were in ancient Lankapuraya.
        You may read my reply to Burampiya.

    • 3

      Champa ~ “……..In Tamil Nadu, 88.43% of the population speak Tamil Language… In Sri Lanka, only 11%……..”.
      Wrong. Tamil Nadu is part of India where under 4% speak Tamil.
      And by the way, Tamils do not enjoy ‘self rule’ in Tamil Nadu which is a federal state. It is this form of government which has kept India in one piece.

      • 0

        K. Pillai
        We are talking about Tamil Nadu, the land where the origin of Tamils begin, not India.
        According to 2001 Census, 88.43% of the people in Tami Nadu speak Tamil!!
        Your number 4% (which year?) is out of 1.33 BILLION (2017) of the TOTAL population in India.
        According to 2011 Census, the population in Tamil Nadu is 72.09 million. Out of that, 68.88 million people speak Tamil.
        According to same Census, in the entire India, 69.02 million people speak Tamil!
        Who are you trying to fool?
        If there is no self-rule in Tamil Nadu, you Tamils who are about 100 million (according to some statistics), should sign a petition to UN demanding self-rule to Tamil Nadu, where 95.5% are Tamils whose mother tongue is Tamil.

        • 1

          Champa: You have provided us the population of Tamil speakers in India and the total population of India.
          Now work out the percentage. If unable to, get help from a school kid.
          At one stage, the central government of India trialled Hindi as the administrative language of what is now Tamil Nadu. The centre listened and withdrew the trial. All is well over there, ever since, because of the federal form of government.

          • 1

            K. Pillai
            I replied only to your reply to my initial comment.
            If you look at properly, I talked about Tamil Nadu. It is you who talked about India.
            India is not a country of Tamils but Indians.
            Tamil Nadu is the country for Tamils where the state language is Tamil.
            Why should I calculate the percentage of Tamils in India, when anybody can see the percentage published in the Indian Census Office?

          • 0

            What is comparable to this island is not India, but Tamilnadu or any of the individual linguistic states of India.
            What the Tamils in this island is trying could be comparable to a hypothetical situation where the 11% Telugu people (according to some estimates 27%) wanting to carve out a Telugu state in Tamilnadu, citing Telugus ruling Tamil Nadu for centuries and archaeological finds like ancient coins of Andhra kings etc.

            BTW, Srilanka never tried to impose Sinhala on the Tamils, the way India tried to impose Hindi making Hindi compulsory in schools etc. Tamil children in Srilanka was never ever forced to learn Sinhala. The Hindi situation is still there and more problems are being created by the likes of Seeman.

            Tamils in Sri Lanka must try to be fair and stop demanding too much, otherwise before long Tamils’ dream about living in a Tamil state could come true, when the UN soldiers come here and starts relocating Tamils in Tamilnadu.

            • 2

              Punchi Point
              Punchi Brain
              Punchi Willi

              “Tamils in Sri Lanka must try to be fair and stop demanding too much, otherwise before long Tamils’ dream about living in a Tamil state could come true, when the UN soldiers come here and starts relocating Tamils in Tamilnadu.”

              Will they also relocate the so called Sinhala/Buddhist converts back to their ancestral home in South India?
              I love to see they march you and your lot to your ancestral home.
              Bring the UN Soldiers in, let them take the Kallathonie descendants to Tamil Nadu.

    • 2

      Could you please take a look at this article.
      I have written something that may run into THREE PARTS. I’ve got to edit it tomorrow, but before that please take a look at this:
      There’s also a message for Mr Kumarathasan Rasingam, as well.

  • 8

    I do not know where the Tamil Natio was in 1833 as the Kandyan Convention did not have a ‘Jaffna’ Representative. The Nation is only in the imagination of the Tamils largley living overseas. When the Minister of Tourism JOhn Amaratunga, invited the Tamils overseas to come and develop Jaffna, that they would release lands for investment into tourism no one wanted to bring their money to uplift the ‘down trodden Tamil Brethren’. Instead the Tamils now should go and claim thier nation in South India, which should be accomadating. Or maybe the Indian Government in not so toleraing as the SRi Lankan Government to their cause.

    • 5

      The was a Tamil nation in the island called the Jaffna kingdom that consisted of the entire northern province, the Trincomalee district north of the Maheveli river and coastal north west of the island from Puttalam to Chilaw/Negombo . Chilaw or Chilaapam was the summer capital of the kings of Jaffna and , pearl fishing was centred here. The Kingdom of Jaffna was famous for importing pearls, The rest of the east south of the Mahaveli river was ruled buy Tamil chieftains called Vannimais , who from time to time , came under the loose control of the Tamil kings of Kandy. This is also a historical fact. When the Europeans arrived, there were three major kingdoms in the island. One Tamil ( Jaffna) the other Sinhalese ( Kotte) and the last was a Tamil/Sinhalese kingdom( Kandy) it was not just a Sinhalese kingdom as now falesely depicted but was both. The court languages were Tamil and Sinhalese and there were Tamil areas in the Kandyan Kingdom proper. All three kingdoms were ruled by Tamil kings. This is also a historical fact.. What has the Kandyan convention got to do with the Tamil lands of the north and east and the Sinhalese coastal areas that were already under the British ? It only pertained to the Kingdom of Kandy and the convention is largely in Tamil and signed by many Kandyan chiefs in Tamil , as they were also of Tamil heritage. Oh by the way the lion flag , has nothing to with the Sinhalese race but is the traditional flag of the Tamil Naickers of Madurai/Thanjavur now Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists have usurped it and like everything calling it theirs.

      • 0

        Siva Sankaran Sharma
        What Tamil heritage? Your heritage is in South India.
        Your sun god’s Eelam map was A COPY of the Ancient Dutch Map of Ceylon!!!

    • 3

      … ‘When John Amaratunga invited overseas Tamils to come and develop Jaffna, no one wanted to bring their money to uplift the ‘down trodden Tamil Brethren’’.
      It is a shame that they read your intentions to burp with the hard-earned savings of Tamils!
      … ‘money to uplift the ‘down trodden Tamil Brethren’!
      Your love for Tamils is oozing thru your ears. Shed some more tears to shame the crocodiles!

      • 4

        Tamils living abroad watch Sri Lankan news closely. Tamils abroad will never ever invest in Sri Lanka because of the red-tapes, commissions, problems, land grabs, and as long as there is heavy military presence and as long as the Tamils political problem solved none will dare to invest in Sri Lanka.
        First try to clean your house then invite others.

        • 2

          Kumarathasan Rasingam
          Who wants LTTE black money?
          Only the slave government invited them.
          All the LTTE black money invested in Sri Lanka should be confiscated in order to clear the country’s name from Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Blacklist.

          • 2

            Champa, You establish my ‘point’ beautifully. Thank you.

          • 1

            What about the vast amount of money obtained as commission which forced Sri Lanka to sell a part of Sri Lanka to China. What about the Bond scam money. You brand all human rights activists as LTTE. As long as you people are on this mindset Sri Lanka will never ever prosper and no one will dare to invest in Sri Lanka until it get civilized and ruled by intellectuals and not by thieves.

    • 1

      Chanaka de Silva

      “The Nation is only in the imagination of the Tamils largley living overseas.”.

      True, it is a 300 years old Western/European concept and it never existed in this part of the world. It will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

      Was there a nation before and after 1833?

      ” Instead the Tamils now should go and claim thier nation in South India, which should be accomadating. “

      You are right, however what do you intend to do with majority of the population whose ancestors came from South India and converted to Sinhala/Buddhism over the period? Now it appears some of them are again mutating from Sinhala/Buddhists to Sinhala/Buddhist Fascists.
      Hope you are not one of them. Are you a Sinhala/Buddhist bigot with no idea of how nations are being democratically created, sustained, strengthened, ………… without sense of right history?

  • 2

    As per the scientific date available, Lanka’s last separation from India occurred around 7000 years ago. As Ramayanaya speak on creation of bridge between India & Lanka most certainly It should have been written after separation of Lanka from Indian subcontinent. It did not mention any habitations in south part of India. That means ancient Godavary Scenario is correct. It should be after Ramayanaya. It means Habitation in Lanka occurred well before south part of India .As Tamil is a derivative of Language called Proto Dravidian came to Godavary with first settlers there, Tamils have no rights whatsoever to claim separate area for them in Lanka .They have separate location in south part of India. As far as Lanka is concern they (Tamils) are just like white settlers in south Africa claiming that country. Due to skin colour It is clearly visible but in this case it is not. Majority of Tamils settlers now live here are ascendance of Dutch & British colonial Masters Slaves or coolis. As in good old days south Indians occupied this land for various reasons. As such new comers trying to show distorted picture getting historical occupations of south Indians here to justified their claim. Sinhalese should get to gather & should chase them out to south India by force. can do that as LTTE terrorism defeated. only a quality leader is needed to do that. For plantations we can get down quality workers from Myanmar. North , East Tamils & Tamil Muslims are not issue. No contribution from them at all.

    • 3

      Tamil Language predates Sinhala Langauge
      Tamil Buddhism predates Sinhala Buddhism


    • 3

      Stupid ugly man with your ugly tales and a stupid website that is full of lies, go and tell these concocted history to the readers of “Lanka Lies” and they will lap it up , as they are also stupid racist and ugly in their nature like you. By the way isn’t you family name Silva. Perera, Soysa or something similar? Proving your recent imported South Indian low caste slave ancestry just like many of the present day Chingkallams? Now spinning lots of cons and fairy tales to hide the real truth.

      • 0

        PandiKutti Sorry for late reply. my family name is not Silva, Perera or Soysa. Even those people with these family names were not recent imported ones. Tell me something why do people live in lakadive Islands, Moldives Islands & far down Island like Diago Garcia ex inhabitant speak derivatives of proto sinhala or ELU If south Indians are very good seafarers Those Islanders should speak Malayalam or Tamil. but Tamils were & are good farmers That was why Dutch brought Sakkiliyar from Andra to Jaffna for Tobacco cultivation & British brought Tamil dalite from Tamilnadu to work in Tea & rubber plantations. If you tamils were good seafarers Why did famous Cholar, & Pandian Dynasties hired Seafarers from Lanka to do trading in East indies & given them high valued title names & Paid high prices for kings of Lanka. recognized them as Kasthriya cast.One such occasion in Kotte era. chief Nadar ( Chief Trader based in Batticoloa) coordinating Trading activities Gifted Kotte King team of Karnataka Dancers (Female). King got very friendly with one Dancer & got child. But Nadar given that baby to king as his own one to avoid public defamation Ultimately that boy become famous as Sapumal. Do you Know That story.. As such you Tamil do not have story here except for occupation of this land, controlling trading so on.

        • 1

          Learn the history
          • The Sinhalese language of today is the product of evolution from Elu, the early Dravidian dialect spoken in Ceylon, when the latter came into contact with Pali in the same way as the present languages of North India came into existence after the Dravidian languages spoken there came into contact with Sanskrit, and as the Romance languages in Europe after the contact of the indigenous languages there with Latin.
          • The word ‘Sinhalam’ was derived from the Tamil word ‘Sri Ilam’, which became in course of time Sihalam and later Sinhalam, with the elision of the consonant r and the addition of the euphonic n.
          • The knowledge of the scientific system of irrigation found in Ceylon was not imported from abroad but was already in the possession of the people of the island from very early times, as will be seen from the names of numerous tanks ending in kulam as well as from the terms used for irrigation works which are Tamil derivatives.
          • The construction of larger and more numerous tanks and elas than in earlier times was due to the fillip given by the subsequent Sinhalese kings, after the arrival of Buddhism, owing to the necessity to feed vast numbers of the Buddhist clergy, to whom lands were donated by them, and also owing to their desire to acquire merit thereby.
          • The civilization of Ceylon, except for the introduction of Buddhism, is a branch of the old Dravidian civilization of India in almost all its aspects, as will be seen; for example, in the village panchayat system and the caste system. Even in the matter of the New Year celebrations, the Sinhalese follow the Tamil practice in regard to date and other details, and not the North Indian practice which is entirely different

          • 1

            Please stop these stupid lies. Tamils are an immigrant community. You have no history here. Look at what you are writing – you are actually writing the history of the Sinhalese, not your history. Only problem is that you are trying to make it something else than Sinhalese, but still you are silent about how you people came to be here speaking the same language as in Tamilnadu.

            Tamils heard about Elu language only in the 19th century when the British started studying the Sinhalese people’s history. You can prove me wrong by just giving me an example of your imaginary Dravidian language called Elu.

            Elu is the term used to denote genuine unmixed Sinhalese.
            Some examples of Elu words:
            English  Elu  Sanskrit  Pali  Tamil
            eye      äsa   akṣi    akkhi  kan
            hand    ata   hasta     hatta   kai
            tongue   diva     jihvā      jivhā  nākku
            tooth   data    danta     danta   pal 
            mouth   muva   mukha     mukha    vāy 
            demon   yakā    yakṣa    yakkha   pēy 
            red      ratu     raktaka     ratta  civappu
            food     boduna    bhōjana   bhojana  uṇavu

            Can you even pronounce Elu words properly?

            • 1

              Punchi Point
              Punchi Brain
              Punchi Willi
              Punchi Tamilan

              Read the conclusion of a PhD thesis on language

              Excerpt from

              Sinhala and Tamil: A Case of Contact-Induced Restructuring
              By Harold Dharmasenan Thampoe

              The variety of Tamil spoken in Sri Lanka, by and large, has the same features as Tamil generally and it shares to a large extent these features with other major Dravidian languages, but does not share them with NIA languages except the areal features which the languages of
              South Asia share. Sinhala, on the other hand, shares the majority of these features with Tamil, but does not share them with other NIA languages except the areal features. This indicates that Sinhala has converged towards Tamil and diverged from other NIA languages which it is believed to belong. The wide scale convergence between these two genetically unrelated languages and, more importantly, the differences between some features resulting from postcontact changes occurred in Sinhala, as shown in the analyses, are due neither to these two languages sharing language universals nor to coincidence, but to the changes which have occurred in Sinhala induced by its contact with Tamil. In Schiffman’s (2010: 753) view, ‘it seems that Sri Lanka is in fact a microcosm of the whole South Asian Linguistic area’ because of ‘other interesting Sprachbund topics that Sri Lanka displays (Vedda Creole, Sri
              Lanka Malay, Indo-Portuguese).’ ‘One issue,’ according to Schiffman (2010), ‘that needs to be dealt with in an article on South Asian linguistics is how Sinhala, a language separated widely from other Indo-Aryan languages, has been strongly influenced by Tamil’ (ibid.: 753). This issue remains central to the Sir Lankan Sprachbund among others Schiffman mentions. This dissertation, it is expected, will fulfil that long-felt need.

              When did you become an expert Linguist?

          • 0

            I learnt the history well. Except for lanka we have another area in Madagaskar called Sihanayake. Did your Tamils go there & created it for us. our irrigation system older than your first presence in south India from south-west Iran. You Tamils presence in south India is not older than our irrigation systems. Our ancestors Austronesian came here and build such marvelous irrigation systems even before you people came to Godavary . Can you name such marvelous irrigation systems in south India I mean older ones or prehistorical ones.Ceylon is not our land name Like Sihanayake ( Yakka Land) our land name was Sinhalay. Your adopted land is Tamilnadu as you started speaking derivative of proto darvadian just like Andra, Karnataka, Kerala did. You Tamils have nothing to do with our Sinhalay. Dutch brought some for Tobacco plantation & British brought some for Tea & Rubber plantation. For Cinnamon plantations our ancestors never allowed dutch or Portuguese to bring workers from south India due to fear of Incurable sannis like cholora & Vasoori. As such Dutch & Portuguese brought few from Madagaskar from different regions like sakalaya & Marina. Portuguese brought some from Mozambique too but had to tied like dogs due to men-eaters. But In Jaffna sinhalese population were very less withdrawn with captain Athapaththu ( leader of Angan Ranchus or platoons at that time) under the instructions of Kandyan King at that time.paving the way for Portuguese to rule.

  • 4

    Tamils are all over the world except in Antarctica. Why Should Tamils have Self Determination only in sinhale but not in Tamilnadu or else where in other parts of the world.

  • 5

    Sinhalae is a Buddhist country and Minorities have unrestricted freedom to express their feelings. So, Every minority in Sinhale tries to over power Buddhists asking for more. Neo-liberal camp likes as a culturally, financially, socially and Religiously degraded country is what they want. Money is everything people go for money, power and show -off. Overseas living Tamils cry for self determination, but they do not cry for poor who do not have anything and only the Sinhala Army helps them..

  • 7

    Tamils became a people and nation in Tamilnadu. That is where your self determination has to be realized. Not here.

    Self determination cannot be applied to Tamils here, as Tamils are not sufficiently differentiated as a separate people and a nation than Tamils in Tamilnadu. Tamils in this island are a relatively recent diaspora of Tamilnadu. Any group of people suddenly laying claims to a separate identity cannot be entitled nationhood at the cost of territories belonging to ancient nations. There’s no way we can give 40% of our island for a new Tamil homeland, when there is already one just 50+ miles across the ocean. Please be fair.

    This island simply does not have the natural topography and landscape to contain two separate nations who are hostile to each other as the Tamils and Sinhalese, as there are no natural boundaries in the entire island. The only natural boundary is the ocean surrounding the island. So having a separate state for Tamils in the north and east, in the superimposed artificial boundaries drawn in recent times, is not a solution. It will only lead to border disputes and more blood shed in the future. The best solution is that Sinhalese and Tamils learn to live peacefully, failing that it must be made possible by international intervention and negotiations with India for the Tamils to be relocated in Tamilnadu. Sinhalese people’s right to every inch of this island is irrevocable. You try this in whichever international court you wish. No fair court is going to rule in favour of carving out a separate Tamil state here, for the reasons stated above and also because it will not be a solution at all. It will be only be creating a new and bigger problem.

  • 6

    How dare these descendants of Malabari Dravidian slaves brought to this country illegally by Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial exploiters for their economic gain talk about Tamil rights.
    There are no Tamils in Sri Lanka. Sinhalayo called these people ‘Demalu’ and British called them ‘Malabars’ until a guy called Ponnambalam Arunachalam who prepared the Census Report in 1911 change the term ‘Malabars’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’. British allowed this because Wellala Demalu were licking the white a*ses. Using a customary law of Malabar called ‘Thesawalamei’ by Demalu in Yapanaya confirms that they are not Tamils but from Malabar.
    If Demalu have a problem with living in this country go and complain to Portuguese, Dutch and British Governments or to UNHRC because your ancestors were displaced forcibly by those colonial parasites, moved to another country and used as slaves for their economic gain which is a human rights violation.

  • 2

    I am with you. I have been tirelessly campaigning for a separate homeland for all Tamils (Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) scattered across the island. Probably I am the only Sinhalese in this forum to do so despite vehement protest by Tamil racist donkeys who inhabit this space. +50% Tamils acknowledge that Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to their own and desire to continue living in areas outside NE and that is the unshakable problem in this agenda. It is the responsibility of people of your category to convince them that they must be prepared to go in order to prepare the way for a Ealam. Your propaganda that Sinhalese are discriminatory, barbarian and genocidal in nature has not made a dent so far. My success depends on your success.


    • 3

      What about the Sinhalese living in the Traditional and Historical homeland of Tamils. If you look at the demography of East most of the Sinhalese were colonized by the Buddhist Sinhaese Government in the name of development. eg. Galoya , Pathavia, and thousands of Acres of Tamils homeland was encroached by Sinhalese. Will they go back to their original place.????

      • 2

        PART ONE

        This “colonisation” may have had to come, Kumarathasan Rasingam. Today populations move around, but must respect other cultures and people.
        We should first have controlled population growth! Well, there the world as a whole got it wrong! Can’t Muslim men understand that yet? (The need for amending MMDA is something I keep saying. A quite separate issue!) Next, the Dry Zone of the country was the area that was under-populated, and where development was possible. But we Sinhalese (previous generations!) had ulterior motives. Lastly, we just used the Up-country Tamils as beasts of Labour – denied them any advancement.
        The wrong actions began with D.S. Senanayake (or even earlier – time of which we have no memory? Not really!) when government-sponsored colonization began. Even you quote Dahanayake and Nihal Jayawickrema favourably. You, clearly are a reasonable man. There are others like you on this Sinhalese side as well.
        Why do you address Soma? She poses the same unanswerable question, pretending to be liberal. See what I have said of her here:
        We just must settle this problem, rationally. If not, there will be violence once more: both groups will suffer. We outnumber you so much, we will annihilate you, reducing ourselves to animals in the process. It simply would be wrong.

        And inexorably, we will pay the price. The World Community does have civilised values. There’s Trump, and there’s Jacinda Ardern. We, Sinhalese will also have to pay a price.

      • 2

        PART TWO
        Many things about Colonialism were bad. But we must move on from there. We can’t resurrect the DNA of people whom we have wiped out. These very pages currently on CT conclusively prove that we, the Sinhalese, can be as bad. There’s no point getting into egg and chicken situations. A section of the Tamil people had it good, in British times especially. The products of that period (from “your” side, I mean) were admirable people, but then some of them over-reached with 50-50 etc. That’s how people from “my” side see it. Let all that be! Egg & chicken!

        Prabhkaran became a monster. But there were reasons why he became so. However, how can we possibly have as leaders persons from that blood-stained generation. They must go! Yahapalanaya was wrong not to investigate – and the other section of it was corrupt. How can we accept Ravi Karunanayake still as a Minister? (I think he is in some way related to me – his grandfather was Dissanayake; SS or CC, both DIGs at the same time – nicknames “Jungle” and “Jingle”. I didn’t know either.) We don’t have to execute the grandson, but must we have him as a Minister? Can’t he retire?
        Can’t you see that it is our politicians whom we have to put in their places? Obversely, we get the government that we deserve. No point my saying more. Please follow the link that I have given from the Kumar David article to that about Nagananda Kodituwakku. Rasingam, you look as old as me; a good man. Let us think of our grandchildren.

        • 3

          Thank you Kumar.
          “the frustration of the Tamil people is palpable. Faced with continued military occupation of land and the daily overwhelming presence of soldiers across the North-East, including perpetrators who remain unpunished for mass atrocities, the Tamil people have been unequivocal in expressing their exasperation at the lack of progress. “
          “Before being displaced it was their access to land and water that provided local communities with diversified and sustainable sources of income and in turn economic security. The military occupation of their traditional land has denied them access to both for several years, making them dependent on the support of relatives and work with irregular wages. As a result, many households are currently struggling to meet their basic needs. In the occupied land, meanwhile, the military not only maintains its camps, it also runs businesses, such as resorts, restaurants and farms. There economic activities considerably deviate from the military’s actual ambit and pressure the local communities even further by taking away market shares and, therefore, work and livelihood opportunities.”
          “Four years in Sirisena’s presidency, there is a significant gap between the government’s rhetoric on transnational justice and current realities on the ground. The research findings of this report indicate that the rights of a significant part of the population continue to be violated due to the occupation of civilian land by the military. The STP and NAFSO recommend that the GoSL ensures land rights for all displaced people by releasing all miltary-occupied areas to the public and resettling all displaced families on their traditional land.”

        • 1

          What a joke to say Sinhala people who lived with Vedda Eththo in this country for thousands of years colonized their own country. It is like saying English people colonized England. Descendants of slaves brought to this country by Portuguese, Dutch and British do not know the history of Sinhale.
          North-East of the country is where Sinhala civilization flourished. Sinhala kingdoms Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa were in that part of the country. Dravida barbarian invaders destroyed those Kingdoms.

          • 2

            Eagle Blind Eye with Bird’s Brain

            “What a joke to say Sinhala people who lived with Vedda Eththo in this country for thousands of years colonized their own country.”

            What exactly is your point if you have one?

            “It is like saying English people colonized England. “

            Excerpt from
            Genetic study reveals 30% of white British DNA has German ancestry
            Wed 18 Mar 2015 18.00 GMT Last modified on Wed 14 Feb 2018 21.43 GMT

            Analysis over 20 years reveals heavy Anglo-Saxon influence, with French and Danish DNA coming from earlier migrations than the Normans or Vikings

            The analysis shows that the Anglo-Saxons were the only conquering force, around 400-500 AD, to substantially alter the country’s genetic makeup, with most white British people now owing almost 30% of their DNA to the ancestors of modern-day Germans.

            You stupid moron Anglo-Saxons now call themselves English.

            “Supposedly, the word “English” is a corruption of the word “Anglish” — or, the “Language of the Angles”, one of the Germanic tribes that, along with the Saxons and the Jutes (collectively the “Anglo-Saxons”), invaded and colonised Britain from the 5th century after the Romans left.” –
            Where does the word “English” come from?
            by Julian Northbrook on May 22, 2018

            Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
            -by Alexander Pope

        • 1

          I forgot to tell you that Jungle and Jingle Dissanayake never got on!

        • 6

          Thank u, Sinhala Man, I understand I lived in Sinhalese people in Areas like Hewaheta, Uda Pussellawa, Talawakelle during the good old days. There was no communal feelings at that time. If Sri Lanka is to prosper there should be a change in the minds of the Buddhist Clergy, and Sinhalese intellectuals . The educated and decent people must come forward and rule the country. The politicians now are only worry about their winning and will do any damage to the society and country to win the election. They never ever think of the country first. This is a curse for all of us. If the country gets back to correct track then all the problems will be solved easily.

      • 2


        These are Sinhalese lands grabbed by Tamils.

  • 5

    Lanka should encourage the fanatics among Tamils to once again take to arms. This can be done surreptitiously, through a small conspiracy, so that another lunatic of the Prabakaran type can emerge. Let them grow to a decent size, get them to do a few bombs and feel elated, with Tiger flags and massive supporting rallies in Toronto, Vienna and all over the West. Meanwhile, carefully identify the faces of all those who support the fanatics, using the extremely sophisticated face recognition technology from China and other technology from China. Then when the moment is right, Lanka should strike the new Tigers with annihilating lethal force, with all the power Lanka can muster. They should eliminate the Tiger supporters who have now been clearly identified once again and this time with undeniable digital recognition using face recognition and other technology. Those who surrender should be put in jail until they die, with the harshest possible punishments.
    This is the only way forward. Lankan legends talk about the infallibility of the Buddha, who per legend bestowed the ownership of the land to the Sinhalese, who will protect His Word, until the time of the next Buddha. What lovely and well aligned legend this is! Nothing I know, including the Nordic traditions, can come close to this. So the Sinhalese not only have the advantage of a close relationship with a super power like China, who themselves can relate well to Buddhism, but also a well-established, emotional legend to buttress their case. Lanka under a leader like Gotabya should use this to totally annihilate Tamil Tigers and the neo-Tigers of 2020.

    • 2

      As long as racist people like you Sri Lanka will never ever prosper but will go on begging or sell the country to pay the debts created by corrupt Sinhalese leaders.
      You people will never ever learn or change or prosper.

      • 0

        As long as hateful dishonest opportunistic people like you have this island, I think we can handle what ever comes our way….
        We are going to do a bit more begging from the UN and India – that is we are going to beg them to relocate the Tamils back in Tamilnadu. Because that’s the ONLY solution to this problem.
        BTW you Tamils have gone to the west begging and telling lies about your birth country to get asylum and now you want to make your largely contorted stories true to legitimize your presence in the west. Surely just because some people went rioting in 1956 or 1983 in Colombo and some cities, Tamils living in far away places don’t have to run all the way to the west, now would you? Funny thing is when the westerners talk between themselves they wonder why the Tamils so called fled all the way to the west, flying over their homeland Tamilnadu.

  • 1

    Kumarathasan Rasingam: “Tamils demand the Right to Self-Determination as Tamils in Sri Lanka qualify as a People and Nation”.
    Several UN member nations may agree. But a resolution of this sort will be vetoed by some permanent members who commit this crime.
    A veto may be construed as a victory by some.
    Better leave it ‘As is Where is’.

    • 3

      K. Pillai
      Yeah, better to leave it “As is Where is”, as if you push, over 2 million Tamils who live OUTSIDE THE NORTHERN PROVINCE will have to RELOCATE in Jaffna.

      • 2

        Dear Champa,
        What do you have to say to me?
        Something new here. You comment so much on almost every article that you see. When you see something that you don’t like, you say so. How is it that you have not commented at all on the forty or so articles (may even be more) by Dr W.A. Wijewardena?

        Let me keep my question as simple as possible. You know from experience that I respect you personally and never lay traps for you. Also, although you disagree totally with the substance of what I write, you try not to hurt me personally.
        In that spirit, Champa, may I put it to you that it is rather unfortunate that you totally neglect all aspects of knowledge associated with Economics?

        • 1

          What do you think?
          I can’t be here 24/7. I have to make a living.
          I sacrifice my free time, my mealtime and even my sleep to post comments here and elsewhere.
          About the economy, my perception is totally different.

        • 1

          Thanks, Champa.
          I’m not sure that the answer you have given me is sufficiently comprehensive.
          However, as you say, you’re just an independent person trying to figure out how best you can be of service to your society.
          I appreciate the fact that you are able to live with the fact that our perceptions are different.
          I’m a retired guy, and I stayed up, literally, the whole of last night, until the dawn crept through the window panes. Hopefully what I have written here is coherent, but I looked at an e-mail that I had sent off, and it was a terrible mess.
          And yet, the guy who’d got it sent me a pleasant enough response.
          The Maldives is a country that I know very well. Their parliamentary elections are next Saturday, the 6th. I was wondering whether to write an article drawing attention to the fact that it promises to be a very orderly affair.
          Last year there was a crucial Presidential Election and a decent President rules benignly there.
          Anyway, I can’t see myself collecting myself sufficiently to write such an article.
          Anyway, good night, and sleep well.
          Actually, I think that I’m wishing myself that!

          • 0

            Hey Sinhala_Man
            I posted that comment in a hurry.
            I will try to read those articles. I read all your comments, though I don’t reply all the time. I am sure you can write about Maldivian Parliamentary elections. I’ll be happy to read your analysis, so that I don’t have to go elsewhere to find info.
            With best regards,

      • 1

        Keep on reminding the Tamil racist donkeys on CT that Tamils (Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) outside WILL BE recolated into the envisaged Homeland at every opportunity.


        • 0

          Of course, yes. We should demand release of all lands previously belonged to Sinhalese which were taken over by Tamils in areas outside the Northern Province.
          If they demand self determination in the North for their Tamil speaking “nation”, all other provinces should EXCLUSIVELY be for Sinhalese!!!!
          Hooray, I like that.

          • 1


            “We should demand release of all lands previously belonged to Sinhalese which were taken over by Tamils in areas outside the Northern Province.”

            My people should demand the deportation of you lot back to your ancestral homeland in South Asia and evict all the illegal land grabbers from my ancestral land.

            • 0

              Stop insulting and mocking the Vaeddas, you useless wannabe native, Tamil man. You are not native, you are just Tamil. Your behaviour shows that you can never be native to this island. You have no brains or decency to understand and respect the fact that the Sinhalese are as much indigenous to this island as the Vaeddas. Vaeddas and the Sinhalese are intimately connected and both consider each other their kinsfolk. The Vaeddas have made up a good portion of the armies of the Sinhalese kings when fighting off your ancestors the Tamil invaders. You Tamils have big problems, trying to pass off your immigrant diasporic community as a native population. What you Tamil represent in this island is just destruction and mayhem. You people have no respect or love for this island. You are trying to Tamilnadunize this island and in the process you are trying to swallow in the Vaeddas too. That will never be tolerated. Vaeddas like everything else is claimed to be Dravidians by Tamils. And you think you can pass of a Vaedda? You don’t know the first thing about the indigenous culture or people of this island. You are just Tamils, trying to Tamilize everything. You think constructing good enough a bogus theory is history or real belonging and you know everything? You Tamils will never understand the harm and damage you people have done here, since you have no real love or connection to this island. Stop assuming rights you absolutely don’t have in this island, you immigrant Tamil man and stop desecrating this island and its indigenous peoples, the Sinhalese and the Vaeddas.

        • 2


          Have you ever considered relocating yourself and your fellow Kallathonies converts back to their ancestral homeland in South India?

  • 2

    Thank you, Mr. Rasingham for your educative article – quoting facts and figures in this complex Sinhala-Tamil debate. Such useful material will serve a definite purpose to those peace-makers keen to bring the two sides together in the future. The subject today is mired in much fake news, distorted history and sheer prejudice – which is not the monopoly of one side only. The ethnic issue today is a business/industry for many Sinhala politicians, some sections of the Buddhist clergy and uniformed forces. To them it is their raison d’etre, if you like.

    Pls continue to take part in these pages.

    R. Varathan

  • 0

    Champa thinks before she writes. You insult her by under-estimating her ability to think for herself.
    See the exchange of views, above, between her and me.
    Champa, many thanks for that last comment of yours, where you said that if I were to briefly apprise you of the situation in the Maldives leading up to the elections in the Maldives, it would lead to your saving time by not devoting hours to something that doesn’t concern you very much.
    Briefly is the key word there. I guess that all I’d have do is to tell you what the main issues are, what the main contenders stand for, give you my well-informed and honest predictions, and let you work out the rest. After that is done, I guess that I ought to sketch the history of the country in fewer than 200 words since half the readers will know nothing of the Maldives. Many readers by now know what my idiosyncrasies are, and to what extent they can trust me. Once allowance is made for all that, you will know what the objective situation is.
    Actually, in my comments on that Colombo Telegraph article on Nasheed, I deliberately held back my own comments until some others had had their say. So you’ll have to scroll down to see them.
    You won’t want to explore all the stuff that I have linked you to there. It may literally take you hours, and you can’t afford to devote all that much time to it.

  • 0

    A couple of months later CT had two “Maldives articles”
    when Sarath Amunugama made an ass of himself by going to Male for the inauguration of Solih’s Presidency. The quick way to find all that is by relying on your Google Browser. You have enough intelligence to pick out about five words to put in the browser and ask the engine to do the searching.
    Power cuts have come and gone. I think that I’d better start on the Maldives article on a pen drive, since if there are any more interruptions I can transfer to a notebook computer that I have, but hate to use.
    I’ve got old now, and I find that my mind races ahead of my fingers and I leave out words. Please excuse any such oversights by me.
    I had that written and saved when I saw this comment of yours.
    Of course, yes. We should demand release of all lands previously . . .”
    I find it disappointingly hard line, but you have a right to hold such views. One of my aims is to persuade you to change , but that necessarily means that I have to be prepared for disappointment. I don’t like Soma’s comments because they are boring re-statements of what she’s stated hundreds of times. Her views are just like South African apartheid, pretending that “separate development” is for the good of the “other” as well.
    Please see also this comment which appears below this article:
    We’ve just got to find a way out of this impasse.
    Tamil from the north / April 3, 2019
    @Sinahala_Man: you asked me why I attack Chimpa with derogatory names on another string

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    Sinhala Man.

    You appear to be quite knowledgeable about the Maldives.I was told that a good many Srilankans
    in the distant past had settled in the Maldives but had converted to Islam.

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      You’ve told me that you were at STC, Mt Lavinia, a little senior to me. I was in that school only for two years.
      Vinnie Vitharna who was my father’s pupil in Tangalle (World War Two days) was a teacher at Mt Lavinia before starting his University career. He’s really gone into this subject in depth.
      I rather think that my responding to these queries (much as I love you Plato!) is a way of not writing an article. But yes, they were all Sinhalese and all Buddhist, but then converted to 100% Islam. Wikipedia as usual!

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    Sinhala Man.
    Wikipedia as usual eh? Fiddlesticks! Now listen.You spent just a a couple of weeks at Mt.LAVINIA.
    Vinnie Vitharana, Coperahewa, Ashubotha and such types were also at Mt.Lavinia. Were they also taught by your pater?
    You told me…Impertinence!

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    Dear Plato,
    It sounds as though I’ve got you really mad at me! I was a bit short of time yesterday.
    To get the facts right: I was at Mt for two years, you must have been there for twelve.
    Yes, we were remarkable in having some of the best Hela people there. I remember them from their coming on relief, but not Vinnie. He had left by then and had got his two PhDs. I got to know him later, I can’t remember how, but it was because he was indeed my pater’s pupil in Christ Church College, Tangalle. From there he had proceeded to Mahinda. I have his book “Sri Lankan-Maldivian Affinities”, which I haven’t yet worked through. It is a scholarly work which I ought to study. One needs Linguistics, English, Sinhala and Dhivehi. There are obvious affinites, which one immediately recognises, but I never really learnt Dhivehi. My job was to give my pupils as good English as possible.
    I don’t have an adult’s memory of my pater, and most of his teaching was in the lower forms, obviously, because Keble’s school was only up to Standard Five. The Tangalle school was different, so he must have been especially good at handling those classes, which, of course, are vitally important, although unregarded by the average person – which you are not.
    Rajan’s mother had later taught at Tangalle, under the same Keralite, Mr Samuel with a hearing aid. He visited Sri Lanka about 1966 (can’t be really sure of the year), and I met him.
    One problem is that although Thiru and I tried to properly identify you (and he may have hit on your identity), I couldn’t place you at Peradeniya.
    More to the point, I may not have got that Maldives article done effectively enough. Embedded in it is Jeevan’s remarkable report on the Presidential Elections.

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    Sinhala- Man.

    Take it easy old chap. Frankly, I was mad at myself when I TYPED THAT SILLY RESPONSE.
    Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa.

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    Dear Plato,
    I’m greatly relieved.
    I hope that you will be taking a look at Jeevan Hoole’s Report of September 2018 which is embedded in my article on the Maldivian Elections.
    I think that as Sri Lankans we ought to be proud of that independence – and it will help us get our own Sri Lankan elections conducted properly.
    Obviously, you have to do your own assessing, but please read it through.

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