This lion was flipped five metres into the air by a buffalo in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. The buffalo bull was conducting a daring rescue mission in a bid to save his friend from certain death. Two young lions had been silently stalking the buffalo for about 45 minutes when one finally made its move. But the predator was so focused on bringing down his prey that it left itself open to a surprise attack. The astonishing images were captured by Ian Matheson, 52, during an early morning game drive with his son Oliver, 16, and two of Oliver’s friends in the Mjejane Reserve on the border of the Kruger Park. Amazingly all of the animals walked away from the encounter with no major injuries, except perhaps some bruised egos on the lion’s part.
Videographer: Oliver Matheson / Ian Matheson
Producer: Thomas Midlane
Editor: Joshua Douglas
Saro / December 16, 2013
What is relevant here is that the predators can be overcome even if they are lions if the prey is vigilant and makes its moves wisely. The lions shouldn’t think that they are stronger and can prey on the harmless, weaker preys that are mindful of their lives.
GOD / December 16, 2013
No it’s not, Buffalos can’t do this every time. That lion lose its pride. Lion’s usually attack with pride and isolate the victim. But in this video the lion has been isolated. It has done the mistake. That’s how they attack elephants too. Attack from behind and with the pride while isolating the elephant.
Rhinocerus / December 17, 2013
Amarasiri / December 17, 2013
1. Sinhala are NOT the Lion Race. ………………….
2. It was All Monk Mahanam’s Imagination, in Mahawamsa…which the Sinhala Fools believe… and Monk Mahanama knew no Biology 1,500 years ago………………………………………
3. The Monks, the Politicians and the Racists all exploit the Lion Myth and Buddhism to degrade the Native Veddahs and others………
4. This has NOTHING to do with Buddhism, as taught by the Enlightened Buddha………
5. Did you ever wonder why there are hardly ant Tamil Buddhists in Lanka? ……………………………
GOD / December 17, 2013
hikiz, What ever you think. Make poster and hang on a tree in front of your house
Javi / December 17, 2013
“|”falg of city of Buffalo, New York “|” moron from Meehark tota!
Not really it’s the paedophile dogs orange gown from Gauta(na)mo bay. Like bin lardens tainted knickers you get for free 8 fold. Ha ha!!
GOD / December 17, 2013
:O it’s the falg of city of Buffalo, New York
Javi / December 17, 2013
Walk alone undeterred like a Rhino- Gautama,
Dogs have fleas,
Fleas have no dogs,
Who is a pretty boy, Now??
OM mani peme hung, there are many more buddhas, pudu ballo.
Om Hari Om
GOD / December 17, 2013
And your mom have what your father don’t have. :D
Oh nama shiva anus shiva :D
Javi / December 17, 2013
“|”And your mom have what your father don’t have. :D Oh nama shiva anus shiva :D”|”
Come suck my nuts tatte motte offshot slave!!
Tamil from the north / December 19, 2013
Exactly Saro!!!!!!!!
JimSofty / December 16, 2013
IT is two lion cubs. they have to make mistakes and learn.
shankar / December 16, 2013
Bad omen for srilanka.
John / December 17, 2013
Yeah , for Eelam Buffalows
Abhaya / December 17, 2013
aratai / December 16, 2013
End of Lion’s career as the King of Forrest..
Jagath Asoka / December 16, 2013
Amazing! I would not have believed without this clip.
Javi / December 17, 2013
The world is a big place not just your yarn hammock (^‿◕)It happens at Serengeti pretty often with the big ones too. Nothing is invincible.
Teeny weeny magic beanie pointing towards the sky; give me muscle, power, strength.
“”I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.””–Hillary Clinton
sarojini / December 17, 2013
Yes, a beautiful video clip . Thanks CT
Javi / December 20, 2013
`a beautiful veee`
/ \
flying lion: Kfir (Hebrew: כְּפִיר, “Lion Cub”) `Gooo`ta `Booo`ta
Run till you get a stitch. (^‿◕)
Equin`ox, the male-cow in command of the horse’s pollos phallus.
R.Dias / December 16, 2013
shankar / December 16, 2013
Reminds me of cameron butting mahinda.
sach / December 16, 2013
Seems like these sort of things are seen by commentators here only today. Anyone that has knowledge on wild life knows how exactly animals in wild operate. It is not surprising that many here talk with less knowledge. Between is colombo telegraph into wild life now? change of tracks? no news items?
Javi / December 17, 2013
Variety is the very stuff of life!。◕‿◕。
Withering heights, don’t find fault `find a remedy` not your kattadiya concept.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71dcv3aIiSE – this is happiness, humor..(^‿◕)
Java Jones / December 17, 2013
Another cool link, Javi – thanks! Also liked Roberta doing ‘Killing me…’ – and old fave…
Keep ’em comin’
whywhy / December 16, 2013
Just one day, once in a blue moon life saving counter
attack,why should anyone wants to become buffalo?
Even buffaloes won’t stand idle just watching when one
of its members is being laid down by the mighty.they
joined the fight and chased away the killer.I think
that’s the lesson.
Suffian / December 18, 2013
That’s y our lion carry with sword
Randy / December 20, 2013
Search YouTube for “Battle at Kruger”, Buffalo rescue one of their young from lion pride. Another one “Lion attacks a Buffalo near Mfuwe Lodge”
Crazyoldmansl / December 24, 2013
I know a lion that is going to get the same treatment very soon.