18 January, 2025


When I Come Out With The Truth, You Say I Am Hurting The Sinhala-Buddhists

By C.V. Wigneswaran –

Justice C.V. Wigneswaran MP

Someone is Colombo asked me; What are you trying to tell the Sinhala-Buddhists? Do you realize you are hurting their feelings?

My response was; I was born among the Sinhalese and Muslims. I consider them my brothers and sisters. But when we stumble upon the truth it is no use covering it and hiding it. If someone were to tell me I was not born to my parents but was adopted by them, how will I feel? It is the same feeling the Sinhala Buddhists undergo when truth dawns upon them. But the truth has to be told. Of course persons of learning, historians, archaeologists and others can verify what I say and prove me wrong. After all I am not infallible. I base my assertions on what I have read and discussed with responsible historians. Some of them are still living. 

This is why I have asked that a Presidential Commission on History be set up with local Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim historians well versed in our ancient history together with internationally recognized Historians and others who are experts in the ancient history of the South East Asian Region to properly bring out the ancient history of the people of this Island.

What I have so far mentioned about our history are; 

1. The original inhabitants of this Island were Tamil speaking. The Tamil language has existed in this Island for over 3000 years continuously.

 2. The Sinhalese language is quite recent. It was formed around the 6th and 7th Centuries AD. Its first Grammar Sidat Sangarawa was written in the Thirteenth Century, just 700 years ago. 

3. There were no Sinhalese before the birth of the Sinhala language which is a mixture of Tamil and Pali. 

4. If so, how did the Sinhalese become the majority community in this Island is a logical question to ask. The answer is simple. There were only Tamil speaking people in this Island before the birth of the Sinhala language. They were Saivaites until Buddhism was introduced. For quite a few Centuries there were Demala Baudhayos in this Country (Tamil Buddhists). (Vide Book by Professor Sunil Ariaratne named the title Demala Baudhayo). Dushta Kamini (Dutugemunu) was a Buddhist Tamil. Ellalan was a Saivaite Tamil. The Buddhist remains in the North and East and elsewhere too, are from the era in which a large section of Tamils were Buddhists. While the Tamils of the North and East reverted to Saivaism due to the impact that the Bakthi Movement in South India had on them, the Tamils elsewhere continued to be Buddhists until the Sinhala language was born. It was thereafter that the term Sinhala Buddhists came into currency.

 5. Present day Buddhists have held on to a fictional story written by a Buddhist Priest for the glorification of Buddhism as he says so after every stanza in the Mahavamsa, and based their history on fiction and fantasies. There is no reference to the Vijaya story, that he and 700 followers were chased out by his father and they left by boat by sea, anywhere in the North Indian States’ History. 700 would have been a huge amount 2000 years ago. If the story was true, history or literature of these Northern States like Bengal or Orissa should have had a corresponding story. There aren’t any, unless recently concocted! 

6. The Mahavamsa itself does not refer to the Sinhala language or Community anywhere in its text since it was written in Pali and the Sinhala language was yet to be born in the 5th Century AD when Mahavamsa was written. But it refers to 27 Tamil Chieftains whom Dushta Kamini had to win over to get to the Palace of Ellalan in Anuradhapura.

7. Thus the identification of Tamil Kings from Deva Nampiya Theesan downwards until the Sinhala language was born, as Sinhalese Kings, was not correct.

8. It were the Tamil speaking people who became Sinhalese after the birth of the mixed language Sinhala, mixing Tamil with Pali words. A similar phenomenon is taking place in Chennai today. Lots of literate Tamils in Chennai are speaking Tamil mixed with a lot of English words and the expectation is that a new language called Tamlish would soon be born. The DNA tests have shown Sinhalese to be Dravidians. Therefore my theory about Tamils becoming Sinhalese is backed by science.

9. Tamils of Sri Lanka are not immigrants during the time of the Chola occupation in the 10th Century AD as many Sinhalese believe. The original Tamils were probably those whose forefathers lived in the Kumari Kandam now under the Indian Ocean, in the Province called Ealu (seven). Ealu gave way to the words Hela in Sinhala and Eelam in Tamil. It probably was the seventh province of Kumari Kandam which extended from South India to Mauritius in the West and to Western Australia in the East.

There had been three Sangam Periods among the Tamils. The First Sangam spanned a period of 4000 odd years. The Second a period of 3000 odd years and the third a period of around 1800 years. Tamil Literature that came out during those periods are identified by later literature. The First and Second Sangams belonged to the time of the existence of the Kumari Kandam which was later engulfed by sea. The Russian Expeditions in the Indian Ocean which started some years ago was suddenly stopped. Now with the finding of the Keeladi Civilisation in Madurai, it is high time the expeditions in the Indian Ocean started again to confirm the existence of the Kumari Kandam Civilisation. 

So while the Early Tamils who were serpent worshippers (Nagas) continued for centuries in this Island they were joined later inter alia by Pandyas, Cheras, Pallavas, Cholas and Ariya Chakravarthies and so on who left their people back here. Some of them spoke Tamil while in later periods others spoke Sinhalese. It is no wonder that the Rajapaksas trace their family connections to Telugu speaking people. Mahinda was much respected by the Thirupathi Telugu speaking priesthood. The Bandaranaikes came from the Pandaram people who were Treasurers of Tamil Kings.

So the Tamils and Sinhalese today are mixtures of various South Indian communities apart from being the descendants of the original inhabitants who lived in the Ealu area of Kumari Kandam still to be scientifically investigated.

Coming to your question what I am trying to tell my Sinhalese brethren is that we are not racially different – the Sinhalese and Tamils. Some diehard politicians and pseudo intellectuals have presented a false notion of history and conditioned our Sinhalese brethren to believe a lop-sided false view of history. In fact just sixty or seventy years ago a Committee sat to collect all Tamil names of villages, temples and place names in the North and East. Thereafter the Committee gave Sinhala names to those Tamil place names. Now they identify the Sinhala place names as the original names and insist that Tamil names were given during the time of the Cholas implying before that the place names were Sinhala and the areas were Sinhala Buddhist areas. Best instance is the name Weli Oya given to the original Tamil place name Manal Aru. Before 100 years nowhere does the name Weli Oya appear anywhere for Manal Aru.

It is not that I am hurting the Sinhalese but the Sinhalese politicians and others including Buddhist Priests have hurt us tremendously. When I come out with the truth you say I am hurting the Sinhala Buddhists.

Latest comments

  • 29

    Generally true as I have said in many of my articles for some year now.
    But the Sri Lankan intellectual climate is such that we need foreign scholars to come together and pronounce on these things. Technically if the PTA laws are passed, saying all this can be a terrorist offence. Already we have people in jail for offending Buddhists.

    • 15

      Where are people acting against love, peace and harmony rather than forgetting their own failures and trying to reconcile groups that set the country on fire against minorities with extremism and racism?

      Unfortunately, our motherland is yet dominated by queers in all 3 major communities, more so than in other comparable countries. They wear religious banners to show that they are religious but if one studies them closely their regular behavior contradicts it.


      Wiggie and the like ilk who are now over 80, but whenever Wiggie comes with his writings, he would not try to reconcile the communities, but make every way possible to strengthen further divisions.
      How could the kind of men ever be judges in this country is beyond my comprehension. He is not at all exemplary, no doubt he would shed the last breath with hidden hatreds.

      As we all know, Germany is a country with a black history, but its incumbent president, Franz Mueller, will not act like our WIGGIE. He will not act like adding fuel to a burning fire. Unfortunately, our country has produced evem judges and law professors who seem to have absolutely no wisdom. GLP is the number one example and the other is Wiggie in my eyes.

      • 18

        2/ Why can’t our people today act like other progressive people?
        Why can’t our people behave like that? Even today after 30 years of brutal civil war? Why add fuel to the fire if our ultimate goal is permament peace and harmony for all citizens of this country??????????????????????????????

        The curse of Sri Lanka is our senior people who do not understand the truth.
        Mahinda Rajapaksa is no different even though he is considered the most popular politician through fake media shows. Media prostitutes over to you we hate you forever…

        To my knowledge, there is no any other sinhala politicians in recent times, who spread racism, other than MaRa and his underground networks ?
        I believe that this country will be able to breathe properly when this pile is gone. These people are like living human bombs spreading hate.


        • 14

          Naturally it was then called the “Pearl of Asia”: however the older generations are still venomous reptiles. My zillion questions are unanswered, why do our toxic people fail to see beyond, these octogenarians behave like “teenagers” or “typical JVPrs” ? Looking back, the JVPs have been a headache for this nation for the last 40 years.

          Average JVPr does not see beyond that, they accuse others of being corrupted and abusive.. but the thing over 99% of this nation is like that more or less.
          They still don’t grasp that this nation belongs to different races, religions and other divisions and many of them have their own political views. 99% of srilankens are involved in corruption and abuse. It is like bark of a tree. It can only be controlled by collecitvity.

    • 11

      Strange that I have not come across a single article by “Jaffna Man” anywhere.
      I think that like his Sinhala counterpart he should at least declare his NIC number.

      • 4

        He doesn’t believe in visiting 4th floor in the near future and thanks for the request to publish NIC!!!???
        ATA is in the offing, in about a month or so!!
        Therefore, declares,THANKS, NO THANKS!!!???

        • 5

          So do you suggest that the one demanding NIC numbers on these pages has some links in the people in charge of the 4th floor?
          That besides, can you please tell me where I can find articles by Jaffna Man?

          • 6

            “the one demanding NIC numbers on these pages”
            Looks like the poor guy is on a break. I suppose even such a thick skin is not impervious to all the ribbing.

            • 4

              Don’t you get a little suspicious after suggestions by Mahila re 4th Floor?

            • 6

              Dear OC,
              The poor but toxic guy threatened me twice via email and CT yesterday.

              Can you imagine ?
              He looked like a monster to me today- I really don’t know how his fellow teachers put up with him then.
              ´if my mother lived, she would have said, ” my son bad company is the worst cancer of this life”. Likewise, SM is beyond inhuman since he is associated with VIJITHA HERATH and OTHER JVPrs.

  • 27

    What C.V. Wigneswaran has written about Sri Lanka is absolutely correct. The Tamils have lived in Sri Lanka about 3,000 years ago is a truth and cannot be disputed. During the period of the First and Second Tamil Sangams ‘Kumari Kandam’ was in existence which was also known as the Lost continent of Lemuria. We should not forget that about 7,000 years ago the movement of the Tectonic Plates would have caused the submerging of Kumari Kandam. Mention should also be made Kabadapuram was also submerged because of a great deluge. Today Madurai has been shifted interior. Because of this great deluge, many communities in Sri Lanka would have been disappeared. Even the Siva Temple namely Thondeeswaram (about 300 miles south of Sri Lanka) was submerged. These demonstrate that Tamils were the original inhabitants of Sri Lanka. Languages changes from time to time like Malayalam from Tamil. In fact the original Sinhalese were Tamils, preferably like the Cheras.

  • 25

    “I Am Hurting The Sinhala-Buddhists”

    What are you talking Justice C.V. Wigneswaran MP?

    You can’t hurt the Sinhala-Buddhists anymore than they have hurt themselves! They are bankrupt!! Can’t you see?

    Ranil is just performing the last rites. ……. The final few nails in the coffin.

    Mahinda had his supporters cheering him on …… now Ranil has his supporters cheering him on for doing the same things. ………. No matter, “educated,” knowledgeable, whatever …….. or not ……. Lankans are Lankans. A special breed.

    It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

    Enjoy while you can: the best entertainment in town.

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer lot.

    • 13

      nimal fernando

      “Ranil is just performing the last rites. ……. The final few nails in the coffin.”

      Then what?
      SJ will be designated as emperor Xi’s Chief Executive officer of SinhalaDiba?

        • 7

          old codger

          “What do you think of Hon. Wiggy’s and Ayathuray’s Kumarikandam theory?”

          Eminent Keeladi fame archaeologist Amarnath Ramakrishna has dismissed it as literary misinterpretation void of any archaeological evidence. Marine archaeology in India has limited scope. So have other scholars. However Athirampakkam is an interesting site where 250,000 – 385,000 years old stone stools have been discovered. Shanti Pappu has been following research development of Athirampakkam for many years.

          Is it true that Kumarikandam existed? Amarnath Ramakrishnan
          The video is in Tamil.

        • 6

          old codger,
          There are many theories about Kumari Kandam. It stretches from Madagascar to Western Australia. The people of Madagascar still embraces Hinduism and follows the Tamil tradition though they cannot speak Tamil today. The tribes in the Western Australia also resemble the behaviour of Tamils. Moreover, there are numerous islands which bear Tamil names. Fiji is another island where Hinduism is embraced. The names of the countries on the border of Kumari Kandam such as Malaysiya, Indonesia, Singapore, Borneo have their Sanskrit & Tamil roots. In between the great portion of land has submerged. One should not forget that Rig Veda is composed 10,000 years ago which mentions that the earth is like ball, made up of layers and has life. It also mentions of the movement of Plates. Kumari Kandam is in between the Indian & Australian Plates and African Plates on the West. Further many places have the Tamil name ‘Mathura’ – like the Keralites when migrated to Jaffna have named many places with names like Katkovalam. Finally, there is some truth that people from Kumari Kandam are great builders and that some architects of famous temples in Tamil Nadu are descendants of the people of Kumari Kanda. When taking into consideration of the aforementioned facts, the existence of KUMARI KANDAM cannot be ruled out.

          • 5

            Mr. AR,
            I am not here to take sides, but I have to contradict obvious falsehoods. You say :”The people of Madagascar still embraces Hinduism and follows the Tamil tradition though they cannot speak Tamil today.”
            No, they don’t speak Tamil, but a language closely related to Malay. Most even have Malay features because their ancestors came from Borneo, itself an amazing feat.
            But the actual fact is:
            Christianity —45.8% Protestantism —38.1% Catholicism —0.8% Other Christian 7.3% No religion 4.7% Traditional faiths 3.1% Islam 0.3% Others
            Other cultural elements commonly found throughout the island include the practice of male circumcision. Is circumcision a Hindu practice?
            The Hindus in Madagascar are recent Indian immigrants.
            “One should not forget that Rig Veda is composed 10,000 years ago which mentions that the earth is like ball, made up of layers and has life. It also mentions of the movement of Plates. Kumari Kandam is in between the Indian & Australian Plates ” and African Plates
            Do you have any proof of this? Of course you are free to believe, but the fact is that there is no scientific evidence for Kumarikandam.

            • 1

              old codger,
              The actual fact given by you is after the invasion of Westerners in Madagascar. But prior to the invasions of the Westerners, the original inhabitants of Lemuria were Lemurs, presently inhabiting Mascarano islands and the group of Comoros Island. These indigenuous inhabitants are much closer to the inhabitants of Indonesia. There are Tamil words in Indonesia. It is said that Madagascar together with India, pulled away from Africa 150 million years ago, stretching and thinning the crust on the island’s west coast before it finally snapped off. Yet the research of the lost continent of Lemuria continues. All these point out the probable of existence of the continent of Lemuria.

              • 7

                Lemurs are small primates, not humans. Your geography is confused. Lemuria did exist, but it broke up long before humans existed, in the time of the Dinosaurs. You have mentioned Fijian Hindus. They were transported there by the British, just like our plantation workers. There are Tamil words in Indonesia, but you don’t seem to know there are real Hindus in Bali .This is because South Indian merchants took the religion there. The Tamils do have a seafaring history to be proud of, much more than the Sinhalese. Some Tamils seem to have even visited Australia and New Zealand.
                It doesn’t improve Tamils’ reputation to use myths like Kumarikandam, which are as fake as the story of Buddha visiting Sri Lanka.

                • 1

                  old codger,
                  Thank you. I was confused. However, it is mentioned that 72 Pandiya Kings had ruled Tamil Nadu which was inclusive of the submerged KUMARI KANDAM from 30,000 BCE to 16,000 BCE in “Irayanar Agapporul” (Nakeerar Urai). It was also said that the Pandiya Kings who ruled Kumari Kanda held two Tamil Sangams and the Tamil texts are the main source at the moment relating sub-merged KUMARI KANDAM. It was also believed that LEMURIA (KUMARI KANDAM) was a paradise of 64 million people. However, Research & Geological findings are silent on the existence of LEMURIA but accept the theory of Tectonic Plates and Continental drift. Rig Veda also mentions about the movements of Tectonic Plates. Moreover, according to Telescopic view Lemuria would have submerged due to geographical changes, as a result people from South India (who have migrated to KUMARI KANDAM) would have migrated to other various lands after Kumari Kandam was submerged.

                  • 6

                    Confusion is excusable. Even I was confused when I wrote that Lemuria actually existed. It was the supercontinent Gondwana that existed and broke up long before any Sangam period.
                    The Lemuria theory was invented in the 19th century to explain various things which now are explained through continental drift. Both cannot be true at the same time. Lemuria was proposed as the birthplace of mankind, but science has proven that it is East Africa , so forget Kumarikandam and Lemuria. Science has moved on.

                    • 2

                      old codger

                      There is book written about 30 years ago and the details are as follows:
                      The Lost Land of Lemuria: Fabulous Geographies, Catastrophic Histories
                      by Sumathi Ramaswamy

                      A well researched book.
                      I was able to read only a few pages of the book as my friend who bought the book had to leave and I had to return it.
                      If you get a chance read it.
                      She too dismisses the idea of Kumari Kandam.

    • 2


      you are rejoicing too soon.The IMF would not have approved the first trance of their loan unless they could see the light at the end of the tunnel.It is not the amount that is important it is the message conveyed to the international community that is important when the IMF approves a loan.It is like a doctor saying the patient will not die.

      • 3

        “The IMF would not have approved the first trance”

        The IMF is in a trance ……… with a belly full of Sinhala_Man’s scorns.

        It doesn’t matter what the IMF thinks …….. but do you honestly think we can recover? With a mountain of more debt?

        “It is like a doctor saying the patient will not die.”

        Ah! the famous last words!

  • 16

    Thank you again for another good and accurate article about the history of Tamil people on the island/ You have confirmed what I have been stating all along on this forum and others about the island’s Tamils and the real origin of the Sinhalese, despite ridicule and abuse from many, including some Tamils themselves. If the Sinhalese do not like the truth that they are basically Tamils like Malayali and want to believe in lies fables and fairy tales and destroy and bankrupt the country that is their problem.

    • 9

      Siva Sankaran Sharma,
      We have gone on too long finding fault with each other.
      It is time to move on as a unit.
      I wouldn’t say that bankruptcy is ‘their’ problem. It is our problem too.
      Justice Wigneswaran is right. You are right. But, … .
      We have to build bridges. We have to cross bridges.
      We need those who believe in building bridges. It doesn’t matter on which side of the bridge they are.

      • 17

        Bridge building? As far as I can see hardly any Sinhalese wants to build any bridge but only want the break even the little bridges that were already there. Just look at all the illegal land grabbing, fake history being toured by the Archaeological department and the racist comments by Sinhalese politicians and government ministers against Tamil MPS even in parliament. Even yesterday when the religious statues and icons were being installed at the Athi Lingeswara temple at Vedduku Nari Malai as per the court orders the Sinhalese police and officials from the Archaeological department being there, trying to prevent them, despite the court stating they cannot, stating only original statues and icons should be installed after destroying them and throwing them out. Please read before commenting instead of living in a dream world. Not even 1% of the Sinhalese want to build any bridges and certainly not the ones who can influence Sinhalese opinion

        • 1

          … hardly any Sinhalese wants to build any bridge but only want the break
          _ What you see I also see. What I say you are unable to see.
          … when the religious statues were being installed …
          _ Police let installation continue.
          … Not even 1% of the Sinhalese want to build any bridges
          _ Majority does not want; Those who want are silent. The number is increasing.

          • 4

            The Police were forced to let the installation continue as they and the Sinhalese officers from the Archaeological department who had arrived to stop the installation, contravening the court order, could not stop it despite all their efforts. The ancient Hindu icons and religious statues there were all deliberately destroyed and the entire Hindu temple premises were vandalised and many of these ancient statues and icons had mysteriously disappeared and the Sinhalese police and officers of the Archaeological department were insisting that only these ancient broken statues and icons, many strangely vanished should be installed and not the new statues and icons. No one installs deliberately broken and vandalised icons and these people knew this and were trying to sabotage it despite the court order but were forced to back off by the Tamils.

            • 5

              Not only that these people are fully aware that you do not wear shoes or slippers inside the sacred premises of a Hindu temple but deliberately kept their footwear on, as a sign of their contempt for anything Hindu or Tamil, they would not have done this if they attended a Buddhist shrine. Please give an accurate picture and not whitewash what happened. They are fuming that in this instance they could not destroy this ancient Hindu shrine and forcibly convert it to a Sinhalese Buddhist shrine, despite using the Sinhalese armed forces and police to forbid the local Tamils from worshipping at this ancient Hindu shrine, destroying the ancient statues and icons and the ancient Siva lingam.

              • 5

                Reconciliation and building bridges is one thing but to hide what really happens and whitewash the planned structural genocide and destruction of ancient Tamil historical and religious sites, using fake history all in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism( not Buddhism) to reconcile and build bridges is not on. What you want to reconcile and build bridges as a slave and a second rate after your history, religious symbols have been deliberately taken over and destroyed and your land was stolen by the Sinhalese Sri Lankan state and the armed forces and other state departments for Sinhalese settlement to deliberately change the Tamil/Tamil speaking majority in the north and east to Sinhalese. I state that the Sinhalese state from the time of independence and even now the Sri Lankan state does not represent or work for anyone other than for the Sinhalese only, especially the Sinhalese Buddhists. It only represents their interests and wants to damn and destroy the island’s Tamils. This is also a fact, you may like it or not and live in cuckoo land but I do not. I also want to reconcile and build bridges but know that this will never happen as the vast majority of the Sinhalese do not want this but want to destroy rule and make the country only theirs. The British gave them a golden opportunity and they are going to use this. After all, this is what their Mahavamsa promised them.

                • 5

                  “Reconciliation and building bridges is one thing but to hide what really happens and whitewash the planned structural genocide and destruction of ancient Tamil historical and religious sites, using fake history all in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism (not Buddhism) to reconcile and build bridges is not on.”
                  They never hid, instead Chant,
                  “Bhudham Saranang Gachchami!!”
                  One becomes cleansed of all deceit, ever encountered or Delivered by this State!!!??
                  Wish you happy days!!

                • 1

                  Police let the installation proceed. Period.

      • 7

        You are correct, we have to build bridges between communities, races, religions at least among those living in this country.

        Let empathy flourish among communities.

        Every word we utter or write must help in building bridges.

        It is not through hatred, but through love, we could go forward and built up a united country for all.

        Sri Lankans inhabiting this blessed land

      • 6

        People change over time, and their countries with them.
        Look at the Ukrainians and Russians murdering each other, even though they are not much different, unlike “Tamils” and “Sinhalese”.
        Even if, as Wiggy claims, Tamil has existed here for 3000 years, the Veddahs have been here for far longer. I am no expert, but their language sounds very similar to Sinhala with “mangachcha” , “pojja” and “aththo” thrown in here and there. Is it not possible that Sinhala is descended from this?
        In any case, whether Sinhalese are descendants of Tamils is irrelevant, even though they are. Rishi Sunak describes himself as English, like the Turkish descended Boris Johnson.
        What we need is proper education, not a mishmash of fairy tales under the intellectual stranglehold of self-interested monks. We don’t need fairytales about Kumarikandam either. Even now it is impossible to criticise the “labba” without going to jail. Even Magistrates are afraid of it.
        What matters is who people think they are.

        • 3

          Maldives is right in the middle of Wiggy’s Kumarikandam. But the Maldivian language is closely related to Sinhala, not Tamil.

        • 2

          old codger

          Eminent Scholars have published many articles and books in this respect. I have in my collection of such articles namely:

          Languages in Contact Sinhala and Tamil By Professor J B Disanayaka

          Influence of Southern Indian Religious Practices on Buddhism in Sri Lanka By Prof. Tissa Kariyawasam

          Buddhism In Sri Lanka and South India Interactions Among Monastic Centre Prof S Pathmanathan

          The Philosophical and Social Role of Early Buddhism in South India By Professor Sudharsan Seneviratne

          Buddhism In Sri Lanka and South India Interactions Among Monastic Centre Prof S Pathmanathan

          The Dravidian Element in Sinhalese By C. E. GODAKUMBURA

          According to prof R A L H Gunawardana Sri Lankan history cannot be studied in isolation, India and Sri Lanka should be treated as one entity for the purpose of studying the history, heritage, …. of both countries.

          Prof K Indrapala in his “Evolution Of An Ethnic Identity – The Tamils in Sri Lanka
          C 300 BCE to 1200 CE ” considers that South India Sri lanka (SA SI) as one region for the purpose of History.

          • 4

            “According to prof R A L H Gunawardana Sri Lankan history cannot be studied in isolation, India and Sri Lanka should be treated as one entity for the purpose of studying the history, heritage, …. of both countries.”
            Exactly. To understand what happens here, we have to look over there. Many of our sociological experts seem to know more about Texas than Thanjavur.
            As I keep saying, we are as much Indians as Singaporeans and Hongkongers are Chinese.

    • 20

      I don’t know who is telling right and who is telling wrong about the origins of this land and all other communities who live now in this island are migrants or mixed with migrants. As we know Tamils have been living in this island for long to be citizens and one community cannot say that it is only their country. Australia. and Newzealand are now ruled by migrants and the origins have not claimed that it is their country and all white people should get out. Similarly, Sinhalese have no right to put violence against Tamils as we have seen since the power changed to Sinhalese hand. You and I know about 1958, 1962, 1977, 1983 massacres on Tamils by Sinhalese governments and military before the war between Tamils and Sinhalese.Even now the grabbing of land by Sinhalese governments (Kurunthumalai etc) is part of the elimination of Tamils using false historical grounds and it is part of elimination of Tamils in this land. The bankgruptcy and the economic crisis is purely because of the Sinhalese Budhist ideology and how we unite when the oppression is continued?

      • 4

        “I don’t know who is telling right and who is telling wrong about the origins of this land and all other communities….”
        But you very well know what you want to believe, and you challenge anyone contesting the fibs of CVW.

    • 2

      If the Sinhalese are basically Tamils, then in a sense isn’t what is claimed as “homeland” by some Tamils just as much their homeland too? Just asking.

      • 5

        You should discuss that with the Irish Christians.
        Perhaps it might have been different if the Sinhalese stuck to Hinduism. But don’t they, really? 😂😂

        • 3

          Yes, they worship the same gods and “Sinhala New Year” originated in Hinduism.

          • 3

            The vast majority of the Hindus do not celebrate this April New Year. Nor do they worship many of the gods worshipped by Sinhalese other than Tamil gods like Murugan and Pattini Aiyanar or Aiyanayake in Sinhalese are specific to Tamils or to Kerala which was once part of the Tamil country.

      • 7

        When people have assumed an identity for themselves, what their real identity is not much relevant.
        We are fighting about imagined identities.

      • 1

        LJ please don’t ask them embarrassing questions.

  • 17

    Yes Sir, when you speak the truth the real Buddhists will accept what you say. But when you speak the truth to Sinhala Buddhiswts then of course they will hate you. You must first understand that Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhism are entirely a different. Buddhsim is preached by Buddha but Sinhala Buddhsim is discovered by Sri lankan Sinhala racists as a politcal tool and not as a religion. So please do not drag Buddha into this mess. We all know how by discovering Sinhala Buddhism we have made the chosen land of Buddha into a pathetic begging nation where majority are hungry.

    • 7

      Wiggy is barking up the wrong tree
      Historical evidance will not help in resolving the Tamil issue.

      It is only a waste of time.

  • 3

    “1. The original inhabitants of this Island were Tamil speaking. The Tamil language has existed in this Island for over 3000 years continuously.”

    dear wiggie

    your points are well taken but you have to substantiate with some proof otherwise the rest of the world will not believe you.Also you must explain to the tamils assuming there is evidence that we were the orignal inhabitants of this country and the world acknowledges that,then how is it going to help us.There are original nhabitants in the america’s,australia,nz etc how has it helped them?

    “2. The Sinhalese language is quite recent. It was formed around the 6th and 7th Centuries AD. Its first Grammar Sidat Sangarawa was written in the Thirteenth Century, just 700 years ago. “

    now how does that help us in our current predicament,the fact that tamil came before sinhalese.

    “4. If so, how did the Sinhalese become the majority community in this Island is a logical question to ask. The answer is simple. “

    the answer may be simple wiggie but the fact that presently sinhalese are 75% and tamils 15% is not that simple for us.Numerically they out number us 5 to 1 and dear prabha forgot that and lost.

    • 11

      Tamils are now 15%( were 26% at the time of independence and Sinhalese 66%) due to the deliberate ethnic cleansing and marginalisation activities carried out by the Sinhalese and all Sinhalese-led governments since independence and still continuing. The Sinhalese never had control of the NE parts of the island and were largely confined to the southern parts of the island and only got control of the entire island and became the majority on the entire island thanks to the British, not because of their own effort. Other people also became a majority or a major community in this manner in many other lands but they behaved differently, like in India and these countries. are thriving. A Hindi-speaking person does not claim Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat or Bengal as their homeland and tries to chase the original populations from these regions. You are another apologist for state-sponsored Sinhalese racism. Just because they are now 75% and the Tamils are now 16%, does not make what happened correct or negate the ancient history, the Tamil claim to their ancient homeland in the north and east, where the Tamil speakers are still in a majority and the discrimination and marginalisation that is occurring in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism and fake concocted history. I

      • 3

        The Sinhalese never had control of the NE parts of the island and were largely confined to the southern parts of the island and only got control of the entire island and became the majority on the entire island thanks to the British,

        before the portueguese colonised us by defeating sangili we had the jaffna kingdom.This encompassed the current northern province and a small part of puttalam whre the pearl fisheries was and a small part of the eastern province.

        why are we not advertising this fact to the rest of the world and ask for what we had before colonisation took place.Everyone in the rest of the world got theirs back? some like tamilnadu did not exactly get independence but got federalism.We also can ask for the same to be done for us,but will have to forego trinco and its harbour.

        “perasai perum tharithirum”.

        • 6

          The Jaffna kingdom proper was the entire northern province and in the east, the Trincomalee district north of the Mahaveli River and the north-western coast. Coastal Chilaw, Puttlam and Negombo areas. These areas and Mannar were well known for Pearl fisheries and the Jaffna kingdom was well known for its Pearls and it was one of its major exports. Chilaw or Chilapam was the summer capital of the Jaffna king. This was the reason the South Indian origin Muslims or now called Sri Lankan Moors settled along the then Tamil North West Chilaw Puttalam coast when they first migrated as these areas were ethnically Tamil, part of the Tamil Jaffna kingdom and were thriving commercial centres, especially Pearl diving. The rest of the east, south of the Mahaveli river was not part of the Jaffna kingdom but from ancient times was Tamil occupied and was ruled by Tamil Vanniyar chiefs and these were called Vannmai. They came under the loose control of the king of Jaffna and paid tribute to him until the fall of the Jaffna kingdom. These were neve Sinhalese lands or Sinhalese occupied, be they be part of Jaffna kingdom or not but had always been Tamil and get your facts correct.

          • 6

            The king of Jaffan only gave limited control to the landlocked Kandyan kingdom to use the eastern Tamil ports to bring goods, services, migrants and brides from South India, as unlike the kingdom of Kotte the kingdom of Jaffna and Kandy were very closely allied. It is only after the fall of the Jaffna kingdoms, that these eastern Tamil Vannimai chieftains south the loose protection from the King of Kandy and they had no objection to this as these kings of Kandy were large of Tamil origin and practised Hinduism in private but in public to be acceptable to their Sinhalese subjects protected and fostered Buddhism but never in the east as these were Tamil Hindu lands. Remember they just came only under the loose protection of these Sinhalese or Tamil kings of Kandy but never under their direct rule or were part of the Kandyan kingdom proper as now being falsely portrayed. There were Tamil lands along the northwest part of the Kandyan kingdom that was part of Kandyan kingdom proper but never the easter province, this is why the British declared created the eastern province and declared this as a Tamil province, as the Sinhalese had no claim to this province. Very soon the Portuguese captured the rest of the east and the Kanyan loose control of these ancient Tamil areas ceased.

            • 4

              The English kings during medieval times ruled large parts of France around Normandy Calais, a legacy of Norman rule. Then do you mean to say these areas are English as for a few centuries the English ruled these French lands? At lest the English ruled these areas but the east only for a brief period came under the loose control of the Tamil/Sinhalese kings of Kandy and not directly ruled by them but had always been Tamil and ruled by Tamil chiefs. Lots of times Tamil kings have directly ruled Sinhalese for over 100 years then which means as per your argument these lands are Tamil. Please post since and read history properly, instead of mouthing Sinhalese propaganda and history. The Europeans ruled the entire island for 450 years which means the island is not Sinhalese or Tamil but European. Even the Tamil-speaking Telugu-origin Naickers of Madurai and Thanjavur, were in reality only Telugu by name but Tamil by culture, and ethnicity and had more Tamil heritage, as I had lately learnt.

          • 2

            “The Jaffna kingdom proper was the entire northern province and in the east, the Trincomalee district north of the Mahaveli River and the north-western coast. Coastal Chilaw, Puttlam and Negombo areas. “

            this is the problem when you qualify with the word “proper”. If you read with specs on my comment i refer to the jaffna kingdom in 1500 just before the arrival of the portueguese.That idiot usurper sankili lost it to them with his arrogance.The world will only look at pre colonisation status.The territory of the kingdom woud have changed many times over since magha created it.In fact the temple at nallur was built for the third time by sapumal kumaraya the adopted son of the king of kotte when he conquered the kingdom for 17 years and then we got it back.

            • 3

              rohan 25

              here is the jaffna kingdom in 1520 when the portueguese arrived.What do we have now?Nothing because we wanted parts of the kandyn kingdom too and that fool ponnambalam of malaysian descent at the time of independence was interested only in colombo with his 50:50 crap whereas jinnah wanted pakistan and got pakistan.If ponnambalam insisted on the jaffna kingdom given back to us the british would have had no choice but to give it back like they gave the mughal empire back to jinnah based on the muslim majority areas.


      • 5

        rohan 25
        “You are another apologist for state-sponsored Sinhalese racism.”

        what can i do if the tamils are only 15%(11% sri lankan tamils and 4% indian tamils).Are you blaming me for that.keep on blaming everybody but the tamils leaders since 1947and psuedo tamil leaders like prabhaharan who did not go on the path that i mentioned in my previous comment to you.At least we would have had control of the jaffna kigdom today either as a independent nation or federalism.Due to greed they wanted 20 percent of the land area a third of the coastline including the prized trincomalee harbour which was never under our control pre colonisation.

    • 3

      History is a bitch!
      Could history go back in reverse gear?
      even if what you say is 100% true. Is it possible for history to move backwards? As Sanker says, what happened in the most civilized countries of the world such as United States, Canada, Australia and New Zeeland among many other countries, not even eight hundred years back? What is the status of the original inhabitants of these countries now? Were they considered even as citizens now in the countries of their birth, They have to beg for small mercies.
      Now back to Sri Lanka, what happened has happened we could not undone. What we could do now and in the future to live as equal citizen without any consideration of their date of arrival.
      Let us move forward to live as equals without crying over the spoilt milk and being pessimistic?

  • 14

    Now I realize that Adam’s real name was Ananthan (Vellu) and Eve was Thangachi ! They have been occupying everything even before the big bang !

    However the fact is that the vast majority in this country are Sinhalese Buddhists.

    How come this so called judge accepts certain so called historical records 100% ? True historians say that history suffers from so many weaknesses, bias ,inaccuracy, lack of supporting records , illiteracy of the general population etc. Anyone could say anything and get away !

    There is nothing called traditional homelands. Should Americans handover NY to red Indians ! The world keeps changing. I believe the writers own children have found a better home in USA ( far away from their utterly virulent father ) , the traditional homeland of Red Indians !

    • 8

      “Anyone could say anything and get away !”
      Look at you and around you, since the people are so stupid they are susceptible to believe anything and everything you feed them.

      By the way
      Sinhala /Buddhist believe the first ape spoke Sinhala and practiced Sinhala/Buddhism before Buddha.
      Tamils believe the first ape spoke Tamil and practiced Tamil/Saivam.
      Do you have any problem with their belief?

      “There is nothing called traditional homelands.”

      Similarly there is nothing called Sinhala/Buddhist country, Sinhala Nation, Buddhist land, …. except to those who ……. were being brain washed by saffronistas from their early age, …. that is another form of child abuse.

      People are entitled to be secured in their safe homes, habitats, ….. earn their livelihood, …. and live peacefully without the interference of Saffronistas, armed forces and Archaeological department,..
      I suggest the members of armed forces and functionaries of state departments build their Vihares in their backyard or front garden.

      ” The world keeps changing.”

      Except the imagined world of Sinhala/Buddhists, the belief that Sinhala /Buddhist think first ape spoke Sinhala and practiced …………………..

  • 8

    Some years ago the Shroud of Turin was shown to be a fake but this has not prevent Roman Catholics from venerating it. There is a long article about it’s history and authenticity here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_Turin
    The point I’m making is that whether the Sinhalese are actually Tamils or not is irrelevant. They think of themselves as Sinhalese and this thinking governs their fears, their actions, their whole lives. Every nation has its myths, legends, heroes and villains. They are part of the tapestry that binds the nation together. Tamper with this at your peril.

    • 4

      Yes Paul, Wiggy may have been a judge but seems to lack basic social science literacy. So he keeps spewing amateurish history and half-baked, outdated notions of ‘nation’ and ‘nationhood.’ He has no concept of nationalism that has gained currency in the social sciences at present, namely Benedict Anderson’s conceptualization of national identity and nationalism. According to this view “a nation is a socially-constructed community, imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of a group.” [Anderson, B. (1983) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism] Ironically such a view of nationalism has more relevance and reality in the current predicament and outlook of Tamils in the aftermath of the terrible war, and can therefore help the cause of winning their political rights. But by constantly invoking highly dubious history, and making spurious claims based on that, only feeds into the racist mentality that is ruining the country and bringing enormous suffering to the people. What is even more outrageous is that Wiggy seems to be deliberately provocative. The title of his article is a clue that he does want to hurt and provoke the Sinhalese people.

      • 4

        [Part 2]
        What he is writing is unadulterated hate literature: he’s belittling the origin and identity of Sinhalese people. This is like trying to reconcile with your ‘enemy’ by insulting and denigrating his parents. In this he is behaving like the Tamil counterpart of the likes of Nalin de Silva, Weerawansa and Gnanasara. I used to argue like Wiggy. But that was when I was in lower school standing up to racist taunts by Sinhalese students. “I came first before you came to this country.” I think I am grown up now. Paul, you articulate the feelings of Sinhalese people well: “The point I’m making is that whether the Sinhalese are actually Tamils or not is irrelevant. They think of themselves as Sinhalese and this thinking governs their fears, their actions, their whole lives.” I totally agree. This is the root of Sinhalese nationalism, or any nationalism for that matter, understood in terms of Anderson’s theory of “imagined community.” And it equally applies to Tamil people and their sense of ontological insecurity and the resultant nationalist aspirations. The solution to the ethnic conflict and reconciliation lies along this road of mutual understanding and accommodation – not on a path of self-destructive fight over speculative claims of origins and ownership.

    • 8


      “………….. as Sinhalese and this thinking governs their fears, their actions, their whole lives. “

      I understand, therefore they need medical help, treatment for mass hysteria, they need treatment for paranoia, fear, … anger management, need to curb their unattainable greed, and Sinhalese and Buddhists should liberate themselves from the Angarika ‘s Sinhala/Buddhism. Once done they will feel freer and much better.

      • 4

        Vedda, it’s time you changed your tablets.

        • 3

          Are you by any chance the doctor in the room that he has been looking for?
          I triust that you will be able to help.
          I care for his health more than anyone else on these pages. Glad that you care too.

          • 2

            I regret that the patient is beyond help, he is gradually turning into Pol Pot.

            • 3

              I thought that PP was his preferred identity for some years now.
              Tell me, are you really the doctor in the room that he has been looking for?

        • 3


          ” it’s time you changed your tablets.”

          Any chance you have changed your employer from Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd to Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd?
          Congratulations and best wishes.

          Don’t expect SJ to join you as he is awaiting for Emperor XI’s telephone call.

          • 3

            How are you this morning?
            Not very bright it looks.
            Remember, unlike others I care for your health.

  • 7

    Simply an article by a bigot who lives in an utopia and vying for future bloodshed .

    • 7


      “……………… by a bigot who lives in an utopia and vying for future bloodshed .”

      Is it a warning to avoid repeating 1958, 1977, 1981, 1983,….
      I believe you.

  • 7

    The writer’s main argument is illogical and contradictory. He characterizes – quite correctly – history as stories/narratives made up to serve a community’s political needs and aspirations. And then goes on to make the fallacious claim that by getting some experts to dig into these stories a ‘correct’ history can be unearthed. There is no such thing as a ‘correct history’ that can be found within these narratives. But they become the ‘truth’ if they are told by the winners and rulers. All histories are narratives just like stories are. In his article he himself is telling many stories to make certain political claims. Secondly, I’m at a loss to understand if Tamils were the sole original inhabitants, as he claims, and kept switching between Buddhism and Saivaism, how did a totally new language called Sinhala emerge? What was the need and where did it come from? Of course as the writer says it is a fusion of Pali and Tamil. But why was this fusion necessary in Sri Lanka in the first place, when there was no such fusion resulting in a new language in Tamil Nadu when Buddhism flourished there?

    • 3

      Ajay Sundara Devan
      “Of course as the writer says it is a fusion of Pali and Tamil. “
      i don’t know about that.Sinhalese seems to be influenced by sanskrit a lot. The sinhala script is derived from brahmi.The earliest sanskrit inscriptions in india are derived from the brahmi script.So the question is how did this enter the sinhalese language.

      • 2

        The entire Indian script systems come from Brahmi, whose sources is West Asian.
        The Sinhala script is akin to Malayalam script which is very similar to the Grantha which is the source of the current Tamil script, which had nearly a millennium ago lost its own Vattelzuththu, a derivative of ‘Southern Brahmi’.
        The earliest Sanskrit inscription( in Brahmi) is post Christian and was found in South India.
        Devanagari came into being much much later.
        The Sinhala grammar text was modelled after a Tamil grammar work of the time. (Tamil itself followed Panini’s for Sanskrit)
        Sanskrit entered Sinhala through Pali and Tamil as well, and that is noticeable in the simplification of awkward consonant clusters in many words. (For example, Karma becoming Kamma)

  • 5

    [Contd. from above]
    Obviously there was something non-Tamil already on the island along with Tamil when Buddhism entered the scene. The writer himself says no new people came into the island with Buddhism. Then why was a new language necessary? Obviously the presence of a non-Tamil group already on the island led to the formation of a new language and ethnicity. The writer is presenting his own narrative of the island’s history to suit his ideological needs. He claims the Rajapaksas are Telugus. Many also claim Jaffna Tamils are Malayalis. By the way, I have heard a more interesting story about the Rajapaksas. According to this story, the Rajapaksas’ forefathers were brought from Java by the Dutch to serve as their bodyguards as they were well built. Also, once I had a good friend whose full name was “Wigneswara Mudiyanselage Punchi Banda.”

    • 10

      The first people who arrived on the island almost 50000 years ago were the Veddha from the South Indian mainland as there was a land bridge. Then various Dravidian tribes speaking proto-Dravidian or Proto-Tamil dialects started to arrive, from not only what is now called modern-day Tamil Nadu and Kerala but also from further Andhra, Telangana, Karnataka and even modern-day Odisha, the people of Odisha or ancient Kalinga were one of the first Dravidian people to get Aryanised. They arrived around approximately 5000- 10000 years ago again through this ancient land bridge or the shallow sea. This is the reason Wigneswaran stated the ancestors of the Sri Lankan Tamils were not only from modern-day Tamil Nadu/Kerala but also from various Dravidian and other tribes that arrived from Andhra, Karnataka or even slightly further north from Odisha. This is the reason certain aspects of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture reflect not only modern Tamil Nadu but also these other people too, especially Kerala or ancient Tamil Cheralam, which was Tamil until a few centuries ago. Later during the historic period also many migrations waves from what is modern Kerala, Karnataka, and the Telugu regions, Orissa landed on the island and these people got assimilated into the island’s modern Sinhalese and Tamils.

      • 10

        Proto-Dravidian or even Proto Indo -European, is a concept of what the original Dravidian language would have been and Tamil is the closest language that will come to this Proto-Dravidian language, just like the language Sanskrit is to Proto Indo European Even now modern Tamil has retained 65-70% of the Proto Dravidian words/vocabulary and aspects, whilst other Dravidian languages have not but have retained other aspects. Proto/Old Tamil would have retained even far more of the so-called Proto-Dravidian language, this is the reason many consider old Tamil basically a form of Proto-Dravidian. Out of the major Dravidian languages South and South Central (not going to discuss the northern Dravidian language like Brahui and others as they are spoken by few and so diverged from Proto Dravidian now, not worth discussing. ) Telugu is the most diverged from Proto Dravidian and Tamil the least. The least diverged language is the closest to the original and far older. Telugu is around 1800 years old, Kannada 2000 years old, and Malayalam started to diverge from middle Tamil around the 12th century but until a few centuries ago was still considered a dialect of Tamil.

        • 9

          Tamil is around 5000 years old and Keeladi excavations have proven beyond doubt that Tamili or Tamil Brahmi script is directly descended from the Indus Valley graffiti is at least 700 BC old and was widely used even by ordinary people as per the potsherds, is the mother of Brahmi script and not the other way around, as it is older more simple.

          Prior to the arrival of Buddhism on the island, the native language or dialect of the Dravidian tribes like the Naga/Chera ( hence one of the ancient Tamil names for the island Cheran Theevu, meaning the island of the Naga( snake worshippers). Chera is another name for Naga)and Yakka was Elu and this was a simple semi or proto-Tamil dialect and like old Sinhalese or Hela was very close structurally and phonetically to proper Tamil. The Naga and the Yakka were closely related. The Naga were largely the elite, traders and the Yakka were largely boorish peasants. Around 3000 years ago the island’s Naga, especially the elite and traders started to adopt proper Tamil as their mother tongue, however, the Yakka still largely used it.

          • 8

            This is the reason even after conversion to Buddhism in the regions where the Naga predominated, eg the NE Of the island, where the ancient trade centres and ports were from ancient times trading with the Mediterranean, the Arab world and east the ancient Tamil language and identity was largely maintained even up to this day. Proximity to Tamil South India also helped. Whereas in the rest of the island where the semi-Tamil speaking Yakka tribes predominated, the language got corrupted with the Pali of Buddhism and a new language and identity called Sinhalese started to evolve. Elu +Prakrit(Pali) = Hela or old Sinhalese, Elu/Eezham got Prakritised to Hela and another old Tamil word for the island Chingkalla or Chingkall theevu, meaning the red/copper coloured land or the red/cooper coloured island became Sinhala and Sinhala Deepa. That the Island’s first inhabitants Vedda worship the Tamil god Lord Murugan and his consort the Vedda Tamil lass Valliamma( a pure Tamil name) and follow many aspects of Tamil culture in their worship and the prehistoric Vedda Hindu place of worship of Kathirkamma, in honour of Lord Murugan, shows how much influence and interaction the Vedda have had with the Tamis of the island and even South India from ancient times.
            Or Kaavan Theesan all pure Tamil names and titles proving they were Tamils.

            • 7

              Also, the ancient five Ishwarams on the island worshipping Lord Siva and that the king who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Saivite Naga, son of King Mootha Sivan, meaning the great Siva in pure Tamil proves this fact. Even Dutta Gamini’s father’s name was Kaakai Vanna Theesan

              That the Island’s first inhabitants Vedda worship the Tamil god Lord Murugan and his consort the Vedda Tamil lass Valliamma( a pure Tamil name) and follow many aspects of Tamil culture in their worship and the prehistoric Vedda Hindu place of worship of Kathirkamma, in honour of Lord Murugan, shows how much influence and interaction the Vedda have had with the Tamis of the island and even South India from ancient times. Also, the ancient five Ishwarams on the island worshipping Lord Siva and that the king who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Saivite Naga, son of King Mootha Sivan, meaning the great Siva in pure Tamil proves this fact. Even Dutta Gamini’s father’s name was Kaakai Vanna Theesan or Kaavan Theesan all pure Tamil names and titles proving they were Tamils.

          • 4

            Tamils are weak in their arithmetic when it comes to sentimental matters like Tamil.

    • 3

      Ajay Sundara Devan

      “Obviously the presence of a non-Tamil group already on the island led to the formation of a new language and ethnicity. “

      you hit the nail on the head.be careful rohan 25 and SSS are going to call you a sinhalese masquerading as a tamil as i have been called by them many times.Some fellows (not these 2)used to call me a muslim masquerading as a tamil when long ago i condemned the LTTE for their ethnic cleansing of the muslims in jaffna.

      You are right the rajapakshes are malays mixed with sinhalese women.Nothing wrong with that.i have a healthy respect for malaysians and indonesians as i have lived among them quite a lot.We on this island are all cross bred mongrels that why though lovable it is difficult to control us.My mongrel dogs gave me a abundance of pleasure but took the life out of me trying to make them obey.The bandaranayakes are the ones who are of telugu origin,not the rajapakshes.fair ranil must be british.

      • 8

        The Bandaranaickes and the Jayawardenes /Wickremsinghes and all their kith and king are of South Indian Tamil origin, not Telugu. The Banadaranaickes are descended from an 18th-century South Indian Tamil named Neela Perumal belonging to the Tamil Pandarar caste, a priestly non Brahmis temple worker caste. The Jayawardene clan from Thambi Mudaliar another 18th-century Tamil immigrant. Jayawardene is quite a common name in Kerala and Kerala a few centuries ago was Tamil. As for you, who knows who you are, just because you post under the Hindu name Shankar does not mean you are Tamil. You can be anyone and I have never come across any Sri Lankan Tamil with a name called Ajay Sundara Devan. Sounds very South Indian or of South Indian origin. The Thevar or Devar caste is not found amongst ethnic Sri Lankan Tamil so no Sri Lankan Tamil has this tile or family name Thevar or Devar only South Indian Tamils have this.

        • 7

          Most probably even you are one too, this is the reason for all these posts as most Indian-origin Tamils, especially the trading rich classes living down south amongst the Sinhalese do not feel the pain and love that we Eelam Tamils have for our own land and our history and the loss and sacrifice when made to try to safeguard it from Sinhalese racism. As this is our land, history and culture and once we lose it we have nowhere to go. Like the Muslim Tamils or Moors, you are recent immigrants from Tamil Nadu/South India and your history and priorities are different from ours. We may share a common language and ethnicity but our origins and history are very different. Your original homeland is safe in South India but not ours Eelam is our homeland. This is why your perspective is different from ours

          • 1


            if you are referring to me we can trace our lineage to the jaffna kingdom.

            • 4

              If so, tell us where the idea of Nallur was likely to be first formed? Do not conduct research, just let us know what you know.

              • 4

                He is not an Eelam Tamil just look at all most of his comments, tracing the lineage from the Jaffna kingdom! my foot. I doubt it Even if it was most probably from the outer areas like Chilaw or Puttalam, which have all now been Sinhalised and part of the Sinhalese homeland. Most probably a Sinhalese or an Indian origin Chetty, Nadar or other community businessman or professional living down south, who thinks that our just demand for equal rights and to safeguard our homeland, is a terrible hindrance to their way of life and collecting wealth. Has no love for the North and East or awareness of our history. If anything happens they will run to Tamil Nadu and sit there, which we will never be able to do, you can see the plight of the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu and the difference among the Sri Lankan Tamils who fled to the west. He is similar to that famous selfish Indian-origin sports man from Kandy who constantly runs down the Eelam Tamils for his own selfish agenda. I have net many like them. They are selfish to the core.

                • 0

                  “you can see the plight of the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu and the difference among the Sri Lankan Tamils who fled to the west. “

                  yes,the tamils in the west are suffering a lot.They are having 10 times more the standard of living that they had in the nort and east and their children are doing very well in studies with the latest advanced education.
                  However the tamils who ran to tamilnadu are not suffering at all.They are confined tocamps and they are only allowed to go and do menial work in tamilnadu for their sustenance while their children also don’t go to school.

                  “Has no love for the North and East or awareness of our history. “

                  what has your tremendous love for the northeast achieved for the northeast except misery,death and nothing after 70 years after independence.

              • 0


                i don’t now what you mean by “idea of nallur”.It is like asking “idea of colombo”.
                Be more specific whithout making your question too broadbased for a specific answer from me.The only thing i know is the first king of the jaffna kingdom,kalingha magha made nallur the capital and it continued.

                Now here is my question to you.Tell us whre the idea of colombo was likely tbe first formed? From your answer we can compare mine.

                • 1

                  It is not Colombo. It is கல்யாணி (Kalyaani)

                  Again, it is not Kelani Ganga as the Brititish bastards (for their own convenience) and sori Sinhalam distorted it.

                  Again, it is Kalyaani Aaru (கல்யாணி ஆறு).

                  கல்யாணி (the place, now Colombo) is by the the prosperity, lusciousness and ricness etc. created and provided by கல்யாணி ஆறு (now, Kelani Ganga).

                  Sori Sinhalam and the British Bastards do not know this relationship, and for distorting and their own convenience named களனி (Kelani Ganaga) without knowing what களனி (Kelani) means.

                  However, British might have their own reasons as it (Kelani and Colombo) resonates with (rich producing) Colony.

                  In Tamil, களனி means – a watery drink made for (in later days) for cows using left over rice etc., some bran (where it is not sufficient to make the drink thick and rich) , or a gravy that is too watery, does not taste good or tasteless and texture feels as though sipping brackish-colour water, or in the context of river it is river or stream that is almost dried out but thin, dirty, often broken water flow. Basically, it is throw away and importantly in the context of place or river the meaning is poor, unfertile, barren landscape or river.

                  So, the Tamil name of Kalyani (கல்யாணி) aptly fits for both river and place.

                  • 1

                    Naming Kalyaani Aaru (கல்யாணி ஆறு) to Kelani Ganga and கல்யாணி (the place) to Colombo reminds me the Sinhalese favourite game of parcel passing slippers (or any sort of foot wear) after their weddings.

                    Basically, in a wedding, the Sinhalese do not have anything except their slippers for parcel passing game.

                    However, I do not take derogatory pick on Sinhalese for this because it is their culture and I respect it.

                    • 0

                      “It is not Colombo. It is கல்யாணி (Kalyaani)”

                      okay now i know what you mean by the idea of nallur.When nallur was the royal capital during the jaffna kingdom it was known as singhai nagar. The word nallur came only after its collapse.People started to refer to it as nalla-ur because it consisted people who were considered good people.

                    • 2

                      You have some interesting theories about the Sinhalese, about as amusing as those of CVW.

                  • 1

                    This I forgot to add.

                    The literal meaning of களனி (Kelani) is (கழுவி ஊற்றும் தண்ணி (நீர்)) – water that is thrown away after washing (most often) food like rice or any food that will leave some sort of waste remnants in the water that is used for washing.

                    • 4

                      The name was ‘Kalyaani Ganga”. the consonant cluster “lya” is frequently articulated as “la” in Sinhala. In Tamil it becomes “liya” (Kaliyaani).
                      I am sure that the water was pretty clear in the Kelani (written as களனி in Tamil) until after the development of the catchment, mainly the plantations and related industry.
                      By the way “water that is thrown away after washing food ” is கழனி (from கழு நீர், washed water).
                      We have had enough this linguistic acrobatics with Tamil taking advantage of its shortage of consonants.

                • 1

                  Before reading my answer, you let us know what does Kelani and / or Colombo mean even in Sinhalese? Nothing.

                  • 2

                    Proper nouns do not often have meaning.
                    Kelani is corruption of Kalyani as I said earlier.
                    The name Kolomba was there well before the Portuguese arrived. The place was known to foreigners for very much longer.

                • 1

                  There is one mistake that British changed the name to Colombo and Kelani. But who and when it was changed I do not know.

                  • 2

                    I am no expert on Tamil, but friends tell me that Negombo is called “Neer Kolompu” in Tamil. Also there is the coastal town of Kollam in Kerala and Kolombuturai in the North. Is there some common meaning?

                    • 2

                      Yes, they are Colombo Colonial renderings of the place name, from Tamil and Sinhala, Kozhumpu / Ko’lumpu / Ko’lamba / Kollam-tota etc., that stood for the landscape of the place, i.e., point of abrupt turn. Negombo in English is a corruption of the original Tamil name for the area Neer Kozhumpu or Neer Kalappu. Like Matta Kalappu( Batticaloa ) or Kalappuwa down south, meaning the confluence of water in Tamil. Kolunthu, Kolluki or Kolluvuthal means curved sharp bend, curved hook, hooking in Tamil. Similar names are also found in Dheveli. The old Tamil word Kolu the extreme point on the tip of thins becomes Koa, a sudden curvature in the reef of islands.

                    • 2

                      Kollam now also called Quilon is an important harbour city in Kerala. The landscapes of all these places are sharp turning points, comparable to that of Colombo. The place Colombo and its place name came into prominence ever since the Portuguese built a warehouse and later a fort in the present Fort area of Colombo city, in the early 16th century. However, until early British times, Colombo was actually confined to today’s Fort area. The native town outside of the fort was today’s Pettah (from Tamil Peaddai means wholesale area or downtown; Peadu in Tamil / Telugu means village, settlement etc).

                    • 2

                      The etymology of Colombo is not convincingly traceable through Sinhala sources, but there is a memory that the old name of Colombo was Kollam-tota. Various conjectures have been made with the help of Sinhala vocabulary to trace the etymology to a variety of Mango trees (Ko’lambiya), Mango leaves (Ko’le-amba), a tree bearing mango-like fruits (Kollan-haha), and another tree bearing ball-like flowers (Ko’lam). Kollam-tota is also interpreted as the port to embark for Kollam in Kerala. Tota is port, ferry etc in Sinhala, connected to Thodu-vary (from the verb root Thodu) in Tamil, meaning, touching or reaching point.

                    • 2

                      However, how Colombo is called in Tamil usage, and similar place names in modern Malayalam and Dhivehi (Maldivian), seem to provide an important key to understanding the etymology of Colombo. It is also pertinent to note here the wide prevalence of Tamil / Malayalam demography in the western coastal belt of Sri Lanka until they were absorbed into Sinhala identity after the 19th century. Colombo is written and pronounced as Kozhumpu or Ko’lumpu in Tamil. It is not an isolated place name in Eezham Tamil. There are two more Kozhumpus or Ko’lumpus: Negombo, some km north of Colombo is always called Neer-Kozhumpu or Neer-Ko’lompu in Eezham Tamil. There is one more place Kozhumputh-thu’rai or Ko’lumputh-thu’rai in the Jaffna Peninsula.

                    • 2


                      This Kalyaani name for Colombo and Kelani river I came across from ancestors (both old and even who had passed away before I was born) passing down as part of casual talk and discussions.

                      In the discussions, it was told that Colombo was called Kalyani Thurai (basically estuary or small port of Kalyaani).

                      Part of my maternal ancestral grand father side were involved in tobacco and tobacco cigar sale (perhaps after Portuguese) and our generations were told of this Kalyani name and story of Colombo (it was relatively well developed, essentially provided by nature of Kalyani (Kelani) river flowing and meeting delta).

                      Tamil newspaper THINAKARAN ran 13 part series how Colombo, Galle and all adjacent area are developed from (just before Portuguese) time and had become to know now Colombo, Kelani etc.

                      That series also confirms Kelani river was called by the name of Kalyaani river.

                      However, for Colombo, the series states that “Kolon (or Kalan) Thota” (in Sinhalese) had warted over the time to Colombo. The ‘Kolon Thotta’ is close to what my ancestors told in Tamil Kalyaani (Thurai), basically the place was called Kalyaani in Tamil (going by by ancestors).

                      So, I wrote what I heard from my ancestors, and not the one from Thinakaran series.

                      The Thinakaran (news paper) series also states that there are names like Kalambe in Sinhalese literature.

                    • 4

                      The name Kolamba is pretty old, and Neerkolumbu and Kolumbuthurai are certainly related.
                      Kollam has no phonetic link to any name of Colombo, but is referred to in old Tamil literature though.

                • 0

                  Is it coming back? Sinhalam may well have realised what Kelani (washed off (dirty) water) means.

                  Why name the Japanese funded high way (Kelani river) bridge “Golden Gate Kalyaani”?

                  I do not need any proof beyond this.

      • 4

        Sorry I do not recollect calling you a Sinhalese masquerading as a Tamil at all Rohan 25 may have but definitely not me

        • 2

          Will his NIC number be of any help?

  • 11

    “There had been three Sangam Periods among the Tamils. The First Sangam spanned a period of 4000 odd years. The Second a period of 3000 odd years and the third a period of around 1800 years.”
    This is utterly false. So are other claims pertaining to history.
    You are neither historian nor linguist. You willingly confuse history with fantasy, and intentionally or otherwise provoke anger.
    When one comes out with the kind of falsehoods, one hurts the intelligence of an informed reader, the way one does when swearing by false claims of bogus ‘god-men’ like the late criminal Premananda.

    • 13

      Don’t panic yourself. The fact is you don’t know the truth and Wigneswaran may know the truth and you have no right to say it is false or right information as well.Can you prove the history of Sinhalese told by Sarath Weerasekara or Mahinda Rajapaksa or Mahawamsa tell the truth. You are trying creat an image that you are the only person know the truth about history of Buddhist Sinhala. By saying this you are confusing and intentionally try to anger the Tamil Community. Most of the CT readers think that you are a Chinese intelligence agent and to create a division among communities with false information.Do you agree with it?

      • 9

        I am never in panic. It is tiger and lion worshippers who panic at dissent.
        Read a little on history of languages.
        For Tamil, there are several reputed historians respected globally.
        Thankfully I have read quite a few.
        I will strongly recommend them to all Tamil bigots.

    • 11

      “You willingly confuse history with fantasy, and intentionally or otherwise provoke anger.”
      Maybe that the idea.

      • 3

        Your ratings are under threat.

        • 3

          Spoke too soon OR did I make that difference?

          • 2

            Schrodinger’s cat is alive and well on CT.

  • 9

    s incredible that the Sinhalese have voted for the same old crooks who defrauded them through Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism. The”Maha” Sangha colluded with them sot that they could have a few Benz cars. The rural Sinhala child was taught in Sinhala and if he went to university studied Pali, Sanskrit and Buddhist Civilisation,. The children of their leaders were sent to the West after studying in international schools. Like the idiot progeny of the Rajapakses or of the Borulagoda Lion who roared mightily about Sinhala but sent his children abroad. It will be the continuation of the story as the Sinhala people seem easily duped.

    • 8

      What do you think that the Tamils are doing?

  • 5

    I wonder how many linguists, apart from those with a Tamil nationalistic axe to grind, would concur with Dr Wig’s view that the Sinhala language originated from Tamil by mixing Pali. He is not a linguist and this question can be resolved, if at all, by a vigorous debate between properly qualified linguists.

    Dr W: “If so, how did the Sinhalese become the majority community in this Island is a logical question to ask. The answer is simple.”

    His ”answer” is no answer at all but a rehash of the same old material found in his earlier articles. What were the dynamics involved in large numbers of Tamil speakers adopting the new language until they became the majority?

    • 2

      It’s more likely that Sinhala arose from the Vedda language with an admixture of Pali.

      • 6

        Modern Vedalanguage is now thoroughly mixed up with Sinhalese, however, the original Veda language and Elu as will as Hela or old Sinhalese was very similar in structure, vocabulary and pronunciation to Tamil. Compared to modern Sinhalese which has been deliberately Sanskritised, just like the way Kannada, Telugu and Modern Malayalam are to deliberately distance themselves from their Tamil or proto/Old Tamil mother. Look at the core language

      • 8

        It is actually the opposite of the Vedda dialect not the language in the Sinhalese areas and in the interior is now heavily influenced by Sinhalese to such an extent that other than a few original words most of their dialect is a form of broken Sinhalese now passing off as Vedda language or dialect, whereas in the coastal areas of the east, the Vedda dialect has been heavily influenced by Tamil and many of the Vedda along the eastern coast now call and identify themselves as Hindu Tamils. A significant proportion of eastern Tamil is actually Tamilised Hindu Vedda. Sinhalese arose with an admixture of Tamil or local Tamil dialect and Pali and this is the reason modern Sinhalese vocabulary, has around 35% Tamil-derived words, proper Tamil not Elu, despite all the deliberate Sanskritisation still has around. Its structure, lexicon, syntax, alphabet and grammar are derived from Tamil and not from Pali or Sanskrit. Sinhalese basically has a strong Dravidian foundation on which an Indo-Aryan superstructure has been built. The Sinhalese culture, dress, food and festivals and even the gods they worship are Dravidian, and nothing from Northern India, typical of Kerala and modern Tamil Nadu the ancient Tamil country.

      • 8

        On the other hand, the Sinhalese being descendants of early settlers it could have been a Prakrit contaminated by many languages, the was English has been.
        Borrowing from Sanskrit occurred directly as well as via Pali and Tamil. But Sinhala has the most beautiful script in all of South Asia.
        They should learn to celebrate what is currently relevant and of consequence.
        Boasting about Tamil has earned Tamils more enemies than friends in India.

        • 5

          …the way English has been.

          • 5

            It is Prakrit either from the few early settlers or arrived with trade or with Buddhism, Prakrit and as well Tamil were widely used for trade and other purposes in these regions from ancient times and even in the Tamil country. Of course, it will be similar as Pali itself is a Prakrit and Sinhalese has a lot of Pali-based words.

            • 5

              Pali influence was post Buddhist.

    • 2

      Encyclopedia Brittanica has the following in its article on the Sinhalese language:

      “The earliest inscriptions in Sinhalese, written on rock in Brāhmī characters, date from about 200 BC.”

      What would Dr W say to that?

      • 9

        Those Brahmi characters are not Sinhalese but Prakrit and many are in Tamili or Tamil Brahmi, that is now been proven to be the mother of Brahmi and not the other way around. The Sinhalese language only came into existence from around 7AD the earliest and this is a fact. How can Sinhalese characters exist before a language exist? 200 BC? So Sinhalese immediately sprouted and became a fully evolved language as soon as the mythical Prakirt-speaking Vijaya landed on the island from somewhere in north India. What utter rubbish. Then how come there is no Sinhalese writing anywhere in north India or any part of India or Sinhalese Brahmi? The oldest writing in Northern India is the Asokan around 274BC and this is in Pali/Prakrit. Tamil Bahmi or Tamili is from 700 BC earliest and lots of it is found, The Brahmi found in these rocks are in Prakrit Brahmi ( Pali ), Since modern Sinhalese has a lot of Pali the British mistook this for Sinhalese. Many modern Indian languages both Dravidian and Aryan other than Tamil have a lot of Sanskrit, this means all the ancient Sanskrit writing is not Sanskrit but belongs to these languages as per this logic as now 70% of the vocabulary in these languages is Sanskrit.

        • 2

          Don’t scholars consider the inscriptions in Prakrit (which is a family of languages) to be an early form of Sinhalese?

        • 1

          Hello Siva,
          Dr Robin Coningham of Durham University found potsherds with Brahmi Script dated from around 800 BCE (definitely pre-Asokan)in his archaeological digs at Anuradhapura, He also fould later inscriptions at higher levels that showed the development of Brahmi over this period. I have seen photographs that show the development from Brahmi Script, over the last 200 years or so, through to modern Sinhala Script. The development of the Brahmi Script for the letter “A” to the modern Sinhala is particularly striking. Could you please point us to the Archaeological sites of these so-called Tamil Brahmi Script inscriptions (preferably that include photographs) from 700 BCE. Please remember that a script is not a language. Is there similar evidence for the development of the Dravidian languages/Scripts from Brahmi. The Edicts of Asoka were written in a number of languages and scripts on various pillars throughout India (mainly in the North) and there were even Rock Inscriptions. Inscription in Sinhala and Sanskrit is pronounced “lipi” You sound a little confused as to whether Sanskrit was a living language spoken by people in the past?
          How did a language like Sinhala acquire the words for 1 to 10 from Tamil – Eka, Deka, Tuna, Hatara, Paha, Haya, Hata, Ata, Namaya, Dahaya.

          • 0

            Reply continued (new to Comments my apologies)
            Compare this with Hindi, English, French, Italian etc and you may convince yourself that they have a common root nothing like Tamil (or maybe you will claim that all languages are derived from Tamil). Most languages have loan words from other languages, however words for numbers seem to have a persistence that changes little over the centuries. Look up the numbering system for counting sheep in Yorkshire and some other parts of North England, or even counting in my own Scottish dialect Doric which sounds like a cross between German and Dutch (especially Limburghs)
            My wife is up-Country Sinhalese. The DNA of Up-Country Sinhalese is closest to the Tharu people of Utter Pradesh (and possibly Bijar) and fairly distant from Tamil Nadu.
            Best Regards

      • 5

        These articles are written by people with particular biases, as in Wikipedia. The fact is that the language mentioned is not exactly Sinhala, as the following paper by Prof. Raj Somadeva explains: “Their primary unit of analysis was the language used in the early BrÁhmÍ inscriptions of the country. Direct affiliation shown by the vocabulary with two middle Indian dialects: Sanskrit and PÁli languages, have been elucidated and explained as mother languages (mÁtª-bhÁÒÁ) of old Sinhala. This linguistic hypothesis was contextualized within the space defined by the historical chronicles in relation to the colonization of the island by a team of north Indian migrants said to have occurred in the 600 BCE”
        Actually, there is not much difference in the ages of the oldest “Tamil” rock inscriptions in India and “Sinhala” ones here.

      • 7

        “The earliest inscriptions in Sinhalese, written on rock in Brāhmī characters, date from about 200 BC.” is a woolly statement.
        Actually it is reference to “the early form of the Sinhala language”. One may call it proto-Sinhala.
        What does it matter? The Sinhala language is among the most flexible of South Asian languages and had a neat way of absorbing foreign words. It was more elegant than the way it happened in English.
        But what matters is how well can it meet demands of modernity. I would not say very well, but sadly for me Tamil is worse.

  • 4

    Sangam period CVW counts 4000+3000+1800 adds up to a whopping 8800 years. Humans have had agriculture only for about 10000 years. Does it make sense?

    • 7

      Add to that this purported “continent ” is based on Lemuria, which broke up long before humans existed. Also, it is a fact that some of the people of Madagascar are of Malay descent. According to Wiggy’s theory, they should be Tamils.

      • 11

        OC, SAV,

        What matters is Tamils have lived in the country for a sufficiently lengthy period–centuries–to feel they are one of the founding peoples of the country, and the Sinhalese cannot be self-aggrandizing and treat Tamils and their language as second-class citizens, unleashing violence on them or discriminating against them.

        At a bare minimum, Tamils are entitled to equal treatment; asking for a separate country would be maximalist, but sufficient devolution in the form of something that comes close to federalism is something that is entirely appropriate and is fully supported by evidence.

        A rational mind knows history is not science, and that there is a lot of guesswork in looking back based on some archaeological evidence. It is also understood that throughout history, victors commissioned historians to tell their own version of the truth, which included a lot of falsehoods. So there will always be disagreements on what the proper history is, but on what is relevant to a solution going forward, there can be no real disagreements.

        • 7

          Agnos ,
          “At a bare minimum, Tamils are entitled to equal treatment; asking for a separate country would be maximalist, but sufficient devolution in the form of something that comes close to federalism is something that is entirely appropriate and is fully supported by evidence.”
          Yes, absolutely, even if they were brought by the Dutch, as some Sinhala supremacists argue.
          But there is no need to gild the lily.

        • 5

          Of course, Agnos, history is not science and all that… but still the Sangam period is unlikely to have gone back 8800 years. Is asking for a bit of common sense in political discourse unbreasonable, even after the lack of it took our people to massacre at Mullivaikkal?

          • 6

            Your question is correct. I just don’t focus much on ancient history. People like CVW need to fact-check their assertions, or they will lose their credibility.

            • 4

              Tamils do have a proud real history. Mixing in a lot of fake speculation is counter productive.

            • 4

              Does CVW have much credibility to lose, any more than any Tamil nationalist politician?

        • 1

          With the general arc of Lankan history, racial segregation has never really been the best way to go about things. With the development of the Sinhala language and its adoption by Dravidian and – majority – non-Dravidian Lankans (such as the last King of Kandy and his family, Sapumal Kumaraya, Mayadunne’s Tamil battalions etc), Lankas best iteration will be when Lankanization happens completely. Much like Americanization (note: there are no ethno-states there though there is federalism), Lanka’s historical inhabitants have been fusing for a long time (here please note I am not a believer in the Vijaya myth).

          • 3

            Again cunningly misinforming. The vast overwhelming majority of the present-day Sinhalese are descended from Tamil Dravidians, both native and immigrant from the then Tamil country in South India and a minority from other non-Tamil Dravidians. The non-Dravidian element amongst the Sinhalese is a minority. The mythical prince Vijaya and his 700 companions who took Tamil Pandian wives, would have hardly made a dent in the local population’s DNA. Other than this original so-called migration from somewhere in NE India, the recent migration to the island from ancient to recent times has been from South India and that too 90% or more from the Tamil country and the vast majority of them assimilated into the evolving Sinhalese identity after converting to Buddhism. However, Sinhalese racists do not want to admit this stark truth that even DNA reveals but keep on insisting on all sorts of origins other than their actual Tamil Dravidian origin as if they admit this, then they will have to admit the antiquity of the Tamil language and the Tamil people on the island.

            • 3

              The last kings of Kandy were Naickers from Madurai. They were of Telugu origin but were Tamil speaking and considered themselves Tamil and not Telugu and their heritage and ancestry would have been more Tamil, as when the original Vijayanagara rulers and chieftains were sent to the Tamil country it was only the men and these men took local Tamil women from the ruling families. The Telugu and Tamil are similar Dravidian people, also Hindus with the same culture, speaking sister languages so there was no need to import brides from Telugu land, but when they ruled Kandy they imported Tamil-speaking brides from their South Indian homeland not only for them but even for the nobility. Sapumal Kumaraya was actually a Tamil and his actual name was Chenpaka Perumal. He was the son of a Kariyar Tamil chieftain either from the east coast of Sri Lanka or from then Tamil Kerala. The father fought valiantly for the Kote kingdom and died and in gratitude, the King of Kotte adopted the son as his heir. In the USA there are no separate languages but very soon will be in the south so no linguistic or ethnic state, it is a recent largely immigrant country but in countries like India, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium and many other lands even in the UK, the ancient homelands and ethno linguistic claims of nations are recognised and federalism is granted on this basis.

              • 3

                The Eelam Tamils originating from the north and east of the island like the Sinhalese in the southern parts of the island, have lived here for around 2500 years at least ( proven ) most probably even more and have occupied their ancient homeland in the north and east continuously and ruled this land largely until European colonisation. Just like the Sinhalese in the south of the island, they and their culture and language evolved from the local largely Naga, Dravidian tribes and immigrants from India largely from the South but some also from the North. The Sinhalese hardly lived in these areas and other than for small periods never had any control of these lands, until the British merged their lands with the Sinhalese lands down south in 1833 to create a new colony called Ceylon and then left handing power to the Sinhalese in 1948. It was the British who made them a minority in their own homeland and the Sinhalese who until then were confined to the southern parts of the island a majority controlling the entire island and until that the Sinhalese had no control or say in the Tamil parts of the island. Even the Tamil’Sinhalese kings of Kandy loosely ruled the parts of the east for a brief period.

                • 2

                  However, it was the local Tamil Vanniar chiefs who ruled these areas. Even all the ancient Buddhist ruins in these areas have nothing to do with Sinhalese, as they are now trying to falsely claim, these belong to the Tamils in these regions, where large numbers of them were Buddhist until 10AD and then as the rest of India recovered back to Hinduism.

                  None of the ancient kings on the island ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryans until around 7AD, when the Sinhalese language and people clearly came into existence, as they were not. They were of Tamil Hindus or Buddhists, either of South Indian origin or local Naga Tamil kings. The Tamils in the north and east of the island have from ancient times fiercely defended and kept their ancient Tamil identity even when many of them converted to Buddhism, whereas the rest of the Tamil or semi-Tamil speaking Dravidian Naga and largely Yakka tribes down the south of the island after converting to Buddhism evolved into the newly forming Sinhalese Identity with the mixture of Tamil and Pali( Prakrit).

                  • 2

                    The Sri Lankan Tamils also evolved on the island just like the Sinhalese, and just like the Sinhalese they also have an ancient history, identity and nation and homeland, which they have inhabited for the past 3000 years or more continuously and most of the time in history other than brief periods have ruled these lands themselves. Their identity, history and claim to their homeland are also just as valid and important as the Sinhalese identity, history and claim to their land and not trivialised and destroyed in the name of majority Sinhalese Buddhism, that only occurred thanks to the British. If the Tamils have always been subject to Sinhalese even before the Europeans arrived, especially the British then it is another story but it was around, therefore how can the Sinhalese now demand the Tamils from the NE with an ancient history and identity on the island and a homeland like Scotland or Wales in the UK, to assimilate into the Sinhalese identity and create a common identity? If they wanted to they would have already done but do not and fiercely kept their ancient Tamil identity and even made great losses and fought a war to maintain and preserve this identity. Trying to compare the ancient history of the island and federalism on this basis of ethnicity with a new immigrant land like the USA is the biggest joke.

                • 0

                  I know we – Sinhalese – are mostly of Tamil stock though this story of Lanka’s ancient tribes being Dravidian is new to me.

                  Since we are of Tamil stock, why this need to carve out a separate ethno-state? After all, Jaffna was set up as a result of an invasion from South India that itself took over invaders from ancient Kalinga/Odia. Of course the Lankans kept intermixing with people on the island since they knew that blood ties cannot be separated by artificial borders. Nothing cunning about being against racial segregation. Let Lankans be Lankans (Trilingual and Multi-faith).

                  The Swiss model would work well in Lanka but all of us know that any ‘Tamil only’ ethno-state will secede and create headaches for India vis-a-vis Tamil Nadu.

              • 3

                Caste was more important than ethnicity in Royal marriages.

                • 3

                  Yes, you are correct and this is the reason the royalty and even many of the so-called Sinhalese nobility and aristocrats, on the island even after they converted to the Sinhalese Buddhist identity still used to import Tamil Hindu brides from South India. 1) They were close relatives of the Sinhalese royal family and many of the aristocrats. They were a branch of the Pandian Royal family. This was the reason the Pandian always allied with the Sinhalese royal family and vice versa against the Tamil Cholas. 2) Even unit the early 1800s Sinhalese Govigamma and Tamil Vellalar families will intermarry with each other and even now there is far less scandal if a Sinhalese Govigamma marries a Tamil Vellalar than one of them marrying into a Sinhalese or Tamil belonging to a lower caste. You can still see the ethnicity of the Sinhalese and Tamil Karawe/ Karaiyar easily changes along the northwest coast of Negombo, Chilaw and Puttalam but becomes more rigid once you come to Mannar and south just north of Colombo, despite all of them having the same origin.

                  • 3

                    Even now in various parts of India, similar ethnic communities belonging to the same caste eg Tamil Telugu, Punjabi, and Rajasthani Hariyanavi will marry within the same or similar castes across ethnic lines. Especially royalty and nobility. After all the last independent Tamil king or Chieftain Pandara Vanniyan’s sister was married to Kandyan Sinhalese Chieftain and both King Senarath’s sons were married to two Tamil princesses from Jaffna. This is one of the reasons as soon as the Jaffna kingdom fell King Senarath attacked the Portuguese and briefly won for a very short period and the other is after the fall of the Jaffna kingdom the Kandyan kingdom lost access to the eastern ports of Trincomalee and Batticaloa and he had to make an accommodation with the Portuguese for this. Those days the ethnic identity was more fluid and many Sinhalese became Tamils and vice versa, as no one tried to impose an ethnic identity. People who wanted to identify themselves as Tamils were allowed to people who wanted to become Sinhalese were also allowed both by the Sinhalese and Tamil kings.

          • 4

            You are being naive that Americanization has fused the people.
            The Blacks and Hispanics remain excluded (unless they are super rich).
            The Asians like to be seen as whites, but suspicions run deep.

            • 1

              It may ‘seem’ that the Blacks and Hispanics are excluded based on media reports, but the level of intermarriage, assimmilation as well as participation in the armed forces suggests that they – i.e. the Blacks and Hispanics – legitimately feel part of America.

              • 3

                There was mixing even in South Africa, but there was apartheid.
                But the Blacks and Hispanics also feel severely excluded.

  • 2

    Contrary to what this racist Tamil claims, Sinhala goes back to 300BC. There is an unbroken record of its script and words from the earliest rock inscriptions through palm leaf manuscripts to the present day. However numerous loan words have over its long history entered the language from Tamil, Malayalam, Portuguese, Dutch and English.

    • 9

      Even well-known Sinhalese historians, linguists and anthropologists admit to the fact that the Sinhalese language only fully evolved from 7AD at the earliest and not before that. Only racists spin these fairy tales that originated in 300 BC from the arrival of the mythical Prince Vijaya, which is becoming more and more like a fairy tale. This is the reason the Mahavamsa was written in Pali, as Sinhalese was not a fully evolved or developed language then. It was a prerequisite that the monks in the Maha Vihara in ancient Anuradhapura should have a good knowledge of Pali, Sanskrit and Tamil and there is no mention of Sinhalese anywhere, as it was not a developed language. It was still evolving, Many are deliberately trying to pass off ancient Prakrit and Tamil or Tamil Brahmi as Sinhalese Prakrit. The British colonial white archaeologists in the last century and early 20Th century were full of Aryan superiority and the mistaken belief of an ancient Aryan Sinhalese civilisation that never was, kept on mistakenly identifying all ancient Brahmi writing on the island as Sinhalese Brahmi when it was not but it was Tamili( Tamil Brahmi) or Prakrit. There was no Sinhalese language but Sinhalese Prakrit writing.

      • 2

        “Only racists spin these fairy tales that originated in 300 BC from the arrival of the mythical Prince Vijaya, which is becoming more and more like a fairy tale.”
        My take is if they claimed that, Prince V., made the “Call to live with Kuveni and betrothed” to her in Sinhalese, perhaps it would have been the ‘First and foremost statement of Romantics in Sinhala’!!
        That would have fascinated many!!!
        Perhaps, being made in new language, KUVENI’S CURSE, apparently bestowed on this country, due to later separation of Kuveni and Vijaya and the latters’ marriage to Pandiyan princess alongwith his 700 acolytes would not have been so severe – dismissing the covenant to take Kuveni as his bride was a misunderstanding, VIRTUE OF USING NEW LANGUAGE IN ITS FORMATIVE YEARS THEN!!!???
        Would you agree that we may have escaped 1915 Muslim-Sinhala, 1956, 1958, 1977, and 1983 Sinhala-Tamil conflagration and 1971 and 1988-89 JVP uprising, 30 year war and Easter Sunday Bombings!!????? Add the deprivation, starvation and bankruptcy to boot!!???
        Am sure, if that ‘copulation contract’, or “invitation of togetherness” was in Sinhala, aftermath of Kuveni’s Curse, soothing affair and acceptable for termination at the drop of a Hat!!!

    • 4

      (Part I)
      “Contrary to what this RACIST – ILL-INFORMED AND INTEMPERATE NOMENCLATURE – Tamil claims,
      1. Sinhala goes back to 300BC.
      2. There is an unbroken record of its script and words from the earliest rock inscriptions through
      a. Palm leaf manuscripts to the present day.
      b. However numerous loan words have over its long history entered the language from Tamil, Malayalam, Portuguese, Dutch and English.”
      In respect of 1 above, if that statement as to the longevity of the language in Sri Lanka is correct as claimed, response is the Chinese Admiral Cheng He, who left a stone tablet in Galle Port on 15th February 1409, CE which is a TRILINGUAL PLAQUE on Cheng He’s third Journey and visit to Ceylon/Taprobane to visit Siripada (Adams Peak)
      Trilingual Languages referred to are CHINESE, TAMIL & PERSIAN paying respect and seeking the blessings of Lord Buddha, Allah and Tenavarai Nayanar (Lord Vishnu – Dondra Head Temple)!!??
      Reasonable questions and inferences are:
      A. Why confine to only 3 languages, Chinese, Persian and Tamil???
      i. Chinese Language of the Chinese Emperors delegate’s Language!!
      ii. Persian as the predominant Arabic language – praising Allah!!
      iii. Tamil as the predominant Language of this countries’ (Taprobane) population

      • 5


        “Palm leaf manuscripts to the present day”

        Palm leave manuscripts last only 300 to 400 years.
        Copied by monks who might have had no knowledge of the subject matter hence additions, omissions and mistakes could have been made, rendered them unreliable.

        “iii. Tamil as the predominant Language of this countries’ (Taprobane) population

        It was business language or trade was carried out in Tamil until Arabs dominated Indian Ocean, trade, social and religious life, … navigation.

      • 3

        Tamil was the language of trade in this region at the time, all the way to Indonesia . The Vijayanagara empire was at its peak. Coastal residents were mostly Tamil speaking. This includes Muslim Tamils. And no, they didn’t come from Kumarikandam.

        • 3

          Oc Kumari Kandam is in the realm of myth and has never been proven at all so far to have existed, so people when making arguments should refrain from quoting from these unproven myths, otherwise even the large truth that they state will not be believed

          • 4

            ” unproven myths”
            Are there ‘proven myths’?

      • 2

        Why worry about BC? Stick to 1948 AD, when The Britishers left our country, ‘Pearl Of the Indian Ocean’.They have left our shores and left the pearl before swine. They should have restored the status quo of Eelam And Lanka before they left us.

        • 2

          There was no Eelam when the Brits arrived and there were only a Dutch-ruled coastal region and the Kandyan Kingdom.
          A little hard to restore!

    • 5

      (Part II)
      B. The absence Sinhalese in the Inscriptions, only denotes and reasonable deduction is that it was not a Language in existence or at least widely used or spoken or used in Taprobane/Ceylon at that juncture!!?? 1409 – 700 years ago
      C. Galle being Port of Traders to and from Arab world, SE Asia (Malaya, Indonesia and Java), Arabic was widely at that time in Galle Port and hinterland hence Arabic had a place in the plaque!!
      D. So the claim 300 BC is a fantasy and dreamland expectation for origins of Sinhala!!!
      E. In addition, if your claim is accurate, then the authors of the Mahavamsa, the high priests of the Maha Bodhi Temple, Anuradhapura must have been out of their mind to write it in Pali if not Prakrit (Old Tamil Script), instead of Sinhala!!??? I’m confident those erudite monks were not “out of their minds” to do so, resorted to it as Sinhala wasn’t a known language at that time (including the arrival of Buddhism in SL) and visit of Mahinda – Son of emperor Asoka!!!???
      F. These are the ill-found, ill-informed assertions which had resulted in the existing discord among communities in this country!!!???

    • 7

      Part III)
      It’s in the best interest of Sri Lanka, we give up such ill-thoughts and unify in diversity as Sri Lankan Community to uplift this country!!!?? These divisive policies and practices, haven’t contributed to any upliftment, but downward plummeting of the civilisation and Bankruptcy!?
      Sri Lanka, then (Spoken) ELU during Venerable Mahinda’s visit, country as a whole progressed, with emissaries in Foreign Kingdoms and the Roma Empire, because of the unity and stature as it was predominantly Demala Baudhayo (Tamil Buddhist) predominant population!!!??
      Hopefully, God Save Sri Lanka from further calamity, regain and progress to new heights, acclaim and stature in the world community.

    • 6


      “Contrary to what this racist Tamil claims, Sinhala goes back to 300BC. “

      How far back?
      Can you cite evidence?

      “There is an unbroken record of its script and words from the earliest rock inscriptions through palm leaf manuscripts to the present day.”

      Please cite references.

      “However numerous loan words have over its long history entered the language from Tamil, Malayalam, Portuguese, Dutch and English.”

      Do you also believe as some Sinhala/Buddhists believe that the first ape spoke Sinhala?

      By the way Public Racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala believed Sinhala/Buddhists belong to Aryan race.
      Do you?

  • 6

    “only fully evolved from 7AD”
    That utterance refers its status as a language with a wealth of literature.
    Similar things are true of many European languages that went dormant under Roman dominance.
    When did English literature emerge? Does it mean that there was no language before that.
    Tamil Sangam literature dates back to the time of Christ, regarldless our 3-sangams myths.
    Leaving all that aside, what is the real ruling language of South Asia?
    Tamil cannot represent in writing an increasing proportion of its current word stock. Its glossary of technical terms is in a language that nobody except school teachers and students under 19 years use.
    Let us wake up and do something about it.

  • 4

    S J ,

    A little help to your myth busting from my side . Both Tamils and Sinhalese speak
    a clearly identifiable common language that is ” Money ! ” They speak German in
    Germany , French in France , English in UK and other English speaking countries
    and Arabic in Arab countries . Why ? Money , the most common language we
    added to our language skill ! I am also sure , more than 90% of comments on this
    forum are coming from outside Srilanka ! Good and Bad , Right and Wrong and
    Truth and false , all come clear only from where they are clearly visible .

    • 6


      “Both Tamils and Sinhalese speak a clearly identifiable common language that is ” Money ! ”

      Is it so?
      Now the words seem “we are broke”.
      It is also official.

      • 3

        sori sinhalam is broke by its penchant for Tamil genocide.

      • 2

        N V ,

        You went a step further NV ! Too long but looks real , ” we are broke “
        the official language !

  • 6

    There is news from the grapevine that there are now secret moves to build a huge Buddhist Vihara in Chunnakam with the connivance of the so-called Archaeological Department which everyone knows is really not interested in real and actual truth or Archaeology but is the handmaiden of powerful Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists in the government, police and armed forces who after the fall of the LTTE, now think there is no opposition locally or internationally and they can fully fast forward their racist Sinhalese Buddhist agenda, that is the root cause of all the current problems and convert the entire Tamil/Tamil speaking north and east to the Sinhalese Buddhist land. Apparently, a Buddhist monk has purchased 6 acres of private Tamil land adjoining the ancient Kantharoddai Tamil Buddhist site and ruins and has now received the blessing of the Archaeological Department, to build a huge Sinhalese Buddhist Vihara adjoining this ancient very important Tamil Buddhist site. There are secret plans being afoot the build this huge Vihara fast before any objections from the Tamils. Next to this ancient Tamil Buddhist site. Most probably after the Vihara is built they will rename Kantharodai as Kandurugoda and claim all these ancient Sinhalese Buddhist.

    • 6

      This is an extremely worrying trend, the country is bankrupt they are begging for money and seeking aid from everywhere including Tamil Nadu, people are starving not have enough food fuel and other essentials but yet with the overt and covets support of this government and most Sinhalese politicians and elite this racist Sinhalese Buddhist agenda must go on the need to destroy the island’s Tamil, their history, symbols and take over their ancient homeland and covert the entire island into Sinhalese Buddhist only land goes on. Where did this so-called Buddhist Bikku, who has renounced worldly goods get the money to purchase prime land, 6 acres which would have been very expensive? Which Sinhalese Buddhist extremist organisations funded this and these people must be very powerful and they would have used a front to dupe the Tamil landowner to sell the land. No Tamil in their right mind would have ever sold their land to Bikkus and Sinhalese Buddhist organisations, knowing what they have in mind, even for a high price.

      • 6

        They must have bribed and used corrupt Tamil or company as a front to purchase. YOu can see how diabolical their intent is. Yes, idiotic people are talking about building bridges and reconciliation when there is none coming but nasty racist aggression and planning how to destroy your people. Wigneswaran, Sumanthiran and TNA take note, otherwise after the new huge VIhara is built they will use fake history to claim everything as ancient Sinhalese Buddhist. Gosh, they are nonstop and relentless, the country can go to dogs but its racist Sinhalese-only Buddhist agenda goes on.
        Most people do not realise that the Sinhalese word Goda for a mound is also derived from the old Tamil word Koadu meaning mound or hillock like in Kazarkhode in Kerala.

          • 3

            Kandurugoda Vihara is part of Kantarodai. This has been put on Wikipedia by Sinhalese racists. Kandurugoda the word itself is derived from Tamil. Goda means mound or hillock in Sinhalese from ancient Tamil Koadu or Kundru meaning mound or hillock. In another Dravidian language Telugu it is Gonda. Meaning mound or hillock. Typical when Tamil words get Prakritised as you find in the case of Telugu or Kannada. Sinhalese extremists are now very busy going around editing and rewriting Wikipedia too. We have always known where your sympathies lie. You act very polite and sweet but read everything that you write it is full of Sinhalese extremism, wanting the remaining Tamils to assimilate into the island like the vast majority did from ancient to recent times

            • 2

              Wait so are there no buddhist structures in Jaffna? Also please don’t equate Lankanization with Sinhala extremism – no one is asking for a ‘Sinhala-only’ or ‘Buddhist-only’ area. The crux of the matter is Sri Lankans being able to traverse any part of the island without any impediments to their development. Also, quite importantly as you yourself have mentioned, WE are of ancient TAMIL stock. WE are a particular group of descendants who have called the island home for millenia and have embraced various faiths and ethnicities into the fabric of our being (Javanese, Malay, Veddah, Tamil, Moor, Burgher).

              • 3

                Yes, there are many ancient Buddhist structures in the north and east, just like there are many ancient Hindu structures down south. and other than a few the vast majority of them were built by the Tamil Buddhists when many Tamils were also Buddhists and not by Sinhalese as it is now trying to be falsely portrayed. Many of them would have been Saivites and when the population converted to Buddhism and then reconverted back to Hinduism becomes Hindu again. Many ancient Buddhist structures down south would have been built over an ancient Hindu temple or converted from a Hindu temple to a Buddhist, so why doesn’t the Archaeological department check these also and reconvert them back to Hindu temples? Why only concentrate on the Tamil north and east falsely claiming ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist sites as being Sinhalese Buddhist and trying to build new Viharas over these temples/structures and then illegally appropriate hundreds of acres of fertile private Tamil lands with the excuse that this is needed to service the newly built Vihara and settle outside Sinhalese. Everyone can see through this that the real reason for all this is, to settle thousands of outside Sinhalese on private Tamil lands in strategic areas and they are using these ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist temples and ruins to do this by concocting history that everything was Sinhalese when it was not.

                • 3

                  Even if it was this was centuries ago and most probably even these so-called Sinhalese are now reverted to HIndudm and their original Tamil identity and are the local Tamils who are being ethnically cleansed from their own land in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism. If you find an ancient ruin or structure Hindu or Buddhist just preserve the site, as every other nation does, state the correct history and see no more damage is created. Not destroy ancient Hindu temples and build new Buddhist Viharas on the site or next to it and falsely claim everything was Sinhalese Buddhist when it was not. The Nallur temple was built by the so-called Sinhalese king of Kotte Sapumal Kumaraya, who really was a Tamil named Chenpaka Perumal, some say from modern Kerala others from eastern Sri Lanka. However, he built this as a Sinhalese king, similarly many important Hindu and Buddhist and Hindu structures down south were built by Tamil kings and some Sinhalese kings also built Buddhist structures in the north and east, when Buddhism was widely prevalent in these areas but they never built these as Sinhalese Buddhist structures, this was for the local Tamil Buddhists. However, Buddhism died in the NE by 10AD.

                  • 4

                    Yes, we are all descended from a common Dravidian Tamil or Semi/proto Tamil-speaking lot. With input from Tamil Ss South India and other parts of India too. Not me as you can see from my name. The ones in the NE remained as Tamils but the rest evolved as Sinhalese, maybe if the Tamis from the NE did not reconvert back to Hinduism they may have also gradually become Sinhalese but they did not and now do not want to and this must be respected as they are also native to the island. The invasion of Rajah Rajah Cholan in 10AD did not create a Tamil homeland in the north and east, Their homeland was already there with lots of Tamil Hindus and a sizeable amount of Tamil Buddhists. They were ruled by Tamil kings and chiefs, who may have come either under the loose control of the common-era kings of Anuradhapura or Pandian and Chola kings of South India.

                    • 4

                      This is the reason the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils and the Kandyan Sinhalese, especially from the Purana villages are genetically very close. After his rule and the fall of the Cholas The Jaffna kingdom came into being. This may be the reason many Sinhalese think everything Tamil in the north and east started with Rajah Rajah Cholan. It did not he formally established and strengthened what was there and saw to it that Hinduism again became the only religion of the Tamils, just like in South India and the rest of India. He also needed this as the Tamil Pandian kingdom, the enemy of the Cholas were the allies and close relatives of the Sinhalese royalty and nobility, therefore he needed allies more than the Eelam Tamils. This is the reason the Eelam or Sri Lankan Tamils always feel very close to the Cholas, especially to Rajah Rajah Cholan and his son Rajendra Cholan, as they were their protectors, until the Jaffna kingdom arose. The Pandians were Sinhalese allies. Hope you are happy

                    • 4

                      Sorry, not establishing the wrong word but Rajah Rajah Cholan only strengthened and formalised the North and East of the island as Tamil lands. They were already established and were Tamil lands, however this period onwards they were formally recognised as the homeland of the indigenous Eelam Tamils. After the fall of the Cholas and their huge empire in the 13th Century, the island started to have a Tamil kingdom and two Sinhalese kingdoms and Tamil chiefdoms in the east and the population moved and became separated. Whoever identified as a Sinhalese or Buddhist moved down south and those who identifies as Tamil or Hindu moved to the NE.

        • 1

          Rohan25 ,

          In this modern world , poverty is an industry and Religion is one
          among many main Raw Materials the industry heavily depends
          on ! Long story short ! As for the case of Sinhala Buddhism ,
          Poverty and Sinhala Buddhism has been forced upon gullible
          masses by rogue politics which is also one main raw material of
          the industry . Poverty is the Mother of All Evils , as I understand it .

  • 3

    Vedda, please help. I’m not the Tamil I thought I was. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Sinhalese

  • 2

    Also, to all the pro-ltte/pro-eelam/separatist (or even non-separatists i guess) folks on CT, what are your sources? I’ve read ‘Tamils of Sri Lanka’ by Murugar Gunasingham but I may as well have spoken to someone who has no idea about anything – the book is literally conjecture based on what Gunasingham ‘thinks’ re: the origin of the Tamils in South Asia. The amount of times he called for studies to acutally confirm what he wrote in his book made my head spin.

    • 2

      History is more complicated than you might expect, and all dissent doesn’t boil down to “separatism”. Even separatism can be handled humanely, especially in a country which claims to be Buddhist. Look for example at how the Czechs and Slovaks handled it, despite not being Buddhists. You want “sources”?
      Why don’t you listen to Professor of Archaeology Raj Somadeva on Sinhala origin stories, since he certainly can’t be accused of separatism . He doesn’t believe that Vijaya started our history either:

      • 1

        ‘Video isn’t available anymore’ – whats the name of the particular lecture?

        Re: Czechia/Slovakia separation: Im not sure that the Sinhalese would be satisfied with not having the North, the same way that Tamils would not be satisfied by just getting the North (and not the East and Northwest as well). There seems to be more of a foundation for continued Lankanization versus Balkanization is all.

        • 1

          The video seems to work fine. Try again.
          Lankanization is a fine thing— in theory. All citizens must be treated as Lankans. But in practice, is it so?
          It is clear that the head of state cannot be from a minority ethnic or religious community. And who says so? Majority religious leaders. A particular religion is deemed to be protected. Its ruined monuments are actually rebuilt to modern standards instead of conserved.(Somadeva talks about this too). The ethnicity of state employees, including defence, is heavily skewed in favour of one community.
          Separatism is not the disease. It is a symptom. When the disease is addressed in a sincere fashion, the symptoms will disappear.

  • 3

    “For quite a few Centuries there were Demala Baudhayos in this Country (Tamil Buddhists). “

    when wiggie say this in hs article he is omitting a most important aspect of tamil bhuddhism which is the tamil bhuddhits practiced mahayana bhuddhism while the sihalese practised therevada.As a result thre was this conflict between the two and the theravada monks used to influence the sinhalse kings to get rid of their high tamil officials and army officers.As a result these people left the the king and took their families the people and settled down in places where they ended up as saivites.

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