17 September, 2024


Will Sri Lanka Follow The Example Of Nepal?

By Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

Veluppillai Thangavelu

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has consistently called for power sharing arrangements in a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure in a manner acceptable to the Tamil Speaking Muslim people. In all the elections held since May, 2009 voters have given a clear  mandate to the TNA’s manifestos calling for a federal form of government giving  Northern and Eastern provinces maximum autonomy.

In the parliamentary elections held in April, 2010 within a year after the war ended and thousands of internally displaced persons confined to camps and  the occupied armed forces and pro-government armed groups calling the shots, the TNA still obtained 233,190 votes (2.90%) nationally and won 14 out of 225 seats in parliament. In the parliamentary elections held in August, 2015 the TNA increased its share of votes as well as seats dramatically by polling 515,067 (4.62%) votes nationally and winning 16 out of 225 seats. This is an increase of 281,967 (54.75%) over votes polled during 2010 elections.

Contesting the second election for the de-merged Eastern province in 2012, the TNA received 193,387 votes (30.59) and won 11 out of 37 seats. It conceded the bonus seats to the UPFA by a narrow margin of 6,217 (0.99) votes.

At the 2013 Northern Provincial Council election, the first since 1988, the TNA secured 78.48% of the votes and won 30 of the 38 seats. C. V. Wigneswaran, TNA Chief Ministerial candidate was sworn in as the first democratically elected Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) on 7th October 2013.

The following Table 1 shows the details of voting in elections held in the Northern and Eastern provinces since May, 2009.QQQ

Thus, TNA has steadily increased its vote bank as the grip of the army and para – military groups hold on the people began to diminish.  It may be recalled that both the Northern and Eastern provinces were virtually under military rule with retired Sinhalese army commanders functioning as Governors with executive powers. This situation continued till January, 2015 when civilians replaced the military governors.Nepal

The TNA also proved its dominant role in politics when at the 2015 presidential election it decided to support common opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena. Table 2 below shows the results of the voting in the Northern and Eastern provinces in support of the common candidate Maithripala Sirisena with comparative figures for the previous elections held in January 2010.

Voting in the Northern and Eastern provinces
 Presidential Elections 2010 and 2015qqq

In all these elections TNA’s election manifesto called for the merger of Northern and Eastern provinces under a federal structure. Outlining its political stance in the run up to the NPC election in September, 2013 the TNA stated that “power sharing arrangements must be established in a unit of a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure, in a manner also acceptable to the Tamil Speaking Muslim people.”

On a political solution to the ethnic conflict, TNA manifesto stated as follows:

The principles and specific constitutional provisions that the TNA considers to be paramount to the resolution of the national question relates mainly to the sharing of the powers of governance through a shared sovereignty amongst the Peoples who inhabit this island. The following salient features of power sharing are fundamental to achieving genuine reconciliation, lasting peace and development for all the Peoples of Sri Lanka:

• The Tamils are a distinct People and from time immemorial have inhabited this island together with the Sinhalese People and others

• The contiguous preponderantly Tamil Speaking Northern and Eastern provinces is the historical habitation of the Tamil Speaking Peoples

• The Tamil People are entitled to the right to self-determination

• Power sharing arrangements must be established in a unit of a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure, in a manner also acceptable to the Tamil Speaking Muslim people

• Devolution of power on the basis of shared sovereignty shall necessarily be over land, law and order, socio-economic development including health and education, resources and fiscal powers.

The manifesto further stated “the Thamil People of Sri Lanka are a distinct People in terms of the interpretations maintained in relation to International Conventions and Covenants.  We as a People want to continue to live in our country in peaceful co-existence with others, with dignity and self respect, with freedom and liberty and without fear, as equal citizens not subject to majoritarian hegemony. We as a People would thus be concerned about our historic habitats, our Collective Rights that accrue to us as a Nation and our right to exercise our option to determine what is best for us to ensure self government in the Tamil Speaking North-East of the country within a united Sri Lanka.”

In the parliamentary elections held in August, 2015 the TNA re-iterated almost word to word the manifesto issued during the 2013 provincial elections. For sake of clarity, it is worth quoting in full that part of the TNA’s manifesto that deals with Thamil people and present constitutional arrangements and the stand of the TNA on a political solution.

“We, the Tamil People of Sri Lanka are a distinct People in terms of relevant International Conventions and Covenants. We as a People want to continue to live in our country in peaceful co-existence with others, with dignity and self-respect, with freedom and liberty and without fear, as equal citizens free from majoritarian hegemony.

“We as a People are thus concerned about our historical habitats, our Collective Rights that accrue to us as a People and as a Nation and our entitlement to exercise our right to determine our destiny to ensure self-government in the Tamil Speaking North-East of the country within a united and undivided Sri Lanka.

“The present constitutional arrangements in this regard have proved to be inadequate and unsatisfactory. They favour the majority and impose majoritarian hegemony on the Tamil People. Democracy in a plural society cannot function effectively without a constitutional framework that provides for equity, equality, justice, peace and security. It is in this context that we face the forthcoming Parliamentary Election.

“The TNA firmly believes that sovereignty lies with the People and not with the State. It is not the government in Colombo that holds the right to govern the Tamil People, but the People themselves. In this regard the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka is flawed in that power is concentrated at the Centre and its Agent, the Governor.

Our political philosophy is rooted in a fundamental democratic challenge to the authoritarian state. We made a significant contribution towards the achievement of these objectives on the 8th of January 2015 in the whole country. Our political programme is therefore rooted in the needs and aspirations of all people including the Tamil Speaking Peoples for justice and equality.

The principles and specific constitutional provisions that the TNA considers to be paramount to the resolution of the national question relate mainly to the sharing of the powers of governance through a shared sovereignty amongst the Peoples who inhabit this island. The following salient features of power sharing are fundamental to achieving genuine reconciliation, lasting peace and development for all the Peoples of Sri Lanka:

* The Tamils are a distinct People with their own culture, civilization, language and heritage and from time immemorial have inhabited this island together with the Sinhalese People and others;

* The contiguous preponderantly Tamil Speaking Northern and Eastern provinces are the historical habitation of the Tamil People and the Tamil Speaking Peoples;

* The Thamil People are entitled to the right to self-determination in keeping with United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both of which Sri Lanka has accepted and acceded to Power sharing arrangements must continue to be established as it existed earlier in a unit of a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure.

*The Tamil speaking Muslim historical inhabitants shall be entitled to be beneficiaries of all power-sharing arrangements in the North-East. This will no way inflict any disability on any People.”

It is very clear Thamil people have given up the demand for a separate state, but demand only a federal structure for the combined North and East their traditional homeland. TNA leader R. Sampanthan has also repeatedly said that the TNA is seeking self-government in the Thamil Speaking North-East of the country within a united and undivided Sri Lanka.

On March 09, Parliament adopted unanimously a resolution to convert itself into a Constitutional Assembly. The earlier resolution introduced by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in January under went a number of changes on the basis of amendments proposed by the Joint Opposition and the Janata Vimukti Peramuna.

According to Jayampathy Wickramaratne, MP who heads a committee at the Prime Minister’s Office to provide technical support to the Constitution-making process has asserted that the essence of the original resolution introduced in January has not been affected. Though the preamble of the original resolution, which talked of providing a Constitutional resolution of the Thamil question, has been removed Dr. Wickramaratne said “everything would be on the table for discussion”. The abolition of executive presidency and the introduction of electoral reforms are among the subjects which were likely to be covered during the process.

Unlike the constitutions enacted in 1972 by Srimavo Bandaranaike and 1978 by J.R. Jayewardene without the participation  of  Thamil representatives, this time around  there is adequate representation by Thamils as well as Muslims.

Karu Jayasuriya was appointed the Chairman of the Constitutional Assembly and 6 other Deputy Chairmen which includes one Thamil and one Muslim. Likewise, there are 4 Thamils and 2 Muslims in the 21 member strong Steering Committee chaired by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Unlike in the past, on February 21 the government has appointed a 20 – member Public Representations Committee with Lal Wijenayake as Chairman to obtain the views of the public on Constitutional Reforms.

Billed as the first in the history of constitution-making in Sri Lanka, the process of seeking views of the public district-wise on constitutional reforms commenced on February 01, 2016.

In each district, the panel held sittings at least for two days, according to Lal Wijenayake, Chairman of the Committee. The Committee concluded its sittings in Ratnapura and Amparai on February 29th. This is in contrast to the earlier two constitutions, the inputs came only from Parliamentarians.

In the North and East individuals and organizations appeared before the Committee and gave oral as well as written submissions, including e-mails. According to reports, there is unanimity on the part of the Thamil people demanding autonomy for the North and East under a federal structure.

The NPC has proposed that  a separate parliament be formed by merging the two provinces within a federal mechanism. And one or more regional parliament for the rest of the provinces. In a merged Northern and Eastern provinces, Muslim-areas therein be declared autonomous regions in the proposed new constitution.

It also proposed that the upcountry Thamils be treated as a separate unit with self-governing powers similar to the Northeast, including full police powers. .

The word federal has in the past, even at present, is a dreaded “F- word” in Sri Lankan politics. Even devolution is being turned into a “dirty” word by some extreme elements in the South.

However, no one needs to fear the F-word any more and move to a fair and just federal Sri Lanka. The constitutional debate after the regime change has focused on federalism, which is in itself a significant development. Many agree any solution to the National Question must be based on federal lines. Some government Ministers and Members of Parliament have spoken in favour of a federal constitution.

There is no compelling reason for a unitary model of government. The unitary model only helped to create a great divide between the Sinhalese and Thamils. The Soulbury Constitution contained no label, which is the norm in most constitutions in Western democracies. As a matter of fact, it was not the Thamils but S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike who first proposed a federal constitution for Sri Lanka. He did so in six articles he wrote for the Ceylon Morning Leader and in a public lecture in Jaffna, all in 1926. When the Donoughmore Commission visited the country, it was the Kandyan Sinhalese who proposed a federal arrangement, claiming that they were a separate ‘nation’. They wanted 3 federal units, one for the Kandyans, one for the coastal Sinhalese and one for the Thamil people living in the North and East. Had the country adopted a federal model right from the beginning in 1947, the country would have avoided a costly war lasting 3 decades.

It took another 22 years after W.W.R.D. Bandaranaike for S.J.V. Chelvanayakam to demand a federal constitution. Speaking at the inaugural meeting of the ITAK on 18 December 1949, Chelvanayakam said:

‘This is then the solution that we ask for: a Federal constitution for Ceylon consisting of an Autonomous Tamil speaking province and an autonomous Singhalese province with a Central Government common to both. This is the minimum provision necessary to prevent the smaller Tamil-speaking nation from extinction, or of being absorbed by the larger nation. (…) A federal constitution is an ideal worthy of being achieved and works no injustice to anybody and certainly not to the Sinhalese people.

True to form Mahinda Rajapaksa is opposing constitutional changes in respect of Provincial Councils beyond 13A.  He has backed tracked on his pledge to the Secretary-General Ban Ki moon on May 19, 2009 his firm resolve to proceed with the implementation of the 13th Amendment plus as well as to begin a broader dialogue with all parties, including the Thamil parties to further enhance the process and to bring about lasting peace and development in Sri Lanka.

In an article published in Colombo Telegraph on January 17, 2016 Mahinda Rajapaksa performed a summersault stating” The devolution of power in the new constitution should not exceed the provisions of the 13th Amendment that have been implemented at present. There should also be no merging of provinces.  The police and land powers accorded to the provincial councils through the 13th Amendment need to be re-examined.”

It is obvious Rajapaksa in on the wrong side of history and had not learnt any lessons from his historic defeat at the polls in January 2015 and August 2015.   He still entertains dreams of coming back to power by raising pseudo-nationalist and anti-Thamil slogans which serves the interests of communal and religious forces. He is now destined to spend the remainder of his life in the political wasteland.

A rare historic opportunity now presents to President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe for a complete break with the past and usher in an era of amity, modernity, prosperity and peace for all. Opposition leader R.Sampanthan, a moderate who represents the Thamil people has expressed his willingness to participate in the constitutional process in good faith.

It will be an unmitigated disaster if politicians of all hues fail the Nation for the fourth time since independence. They can learn a lesson from Nepal’s recent success in enacting a federal and secular Constitution consisting of 7 states to govern its multi-lingual (100 languages) and multi-ethnic society. The present constitution defines secularism as “religious and cultural freedom including protection of religion and culture prevalent since ancient time.” Until the abolition of the monarchy in 2008, Nepal was a Hindu kingdom with a unitary constitutional monarch.

Will Sri Lanka follow the example of Nepal?

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  • 7

    The Answer is No THangavelu

    But we cant stop you from Dreaming .

    • 8

      Soldier Abhaya,

      He is presenting reality as a realist.

      You are being idealist like a square head.

      You know who wins in the year of the monkey.

      The sensitive one.

    • 0

      Even northern province and southern province could be merged if peoples give yes vote at a separate referendum of those provenances.

  • 5

    No, as long as sinhala Buddhist idiots believe in monk moda vamsa history…no chance…

    • 0

      Yes, no chance.

    • 1

      Jamis Muthu Banda Tamil speaking Sinhalam and

      “No, as long as sinhala Buddhist idiots believe in monk moda vamsa history…no chance…”

      Somaass the Sinhala speaking Demela

      “Yes, no chance.”

      Could you both decipher your message to each other and inform the general public as to the importance of your exchanges of views.

  • 6

    I forgot, LTTE was really a democratic movement and had free elections and allowed people to express opinions and elect Tamil officials. Bless their hearts. Thangavelu, so sweet that you were so vocal about hand rights and voting when LTTE ruled .

  • 5

    Thangavelu here is a generational Tamil. His familial Tamil links goes way back.

    There is another group of Tamils. Their family names are distinct from names found in Tamil Nadu.

    An example of this variety is “Weerasingham”. The name Weerasingham has 2 syllables “Weera” and “Singham”. However neither syllable appears in the Tamil lexicon.

    It does not appear in the Tamil Lexicon because both syllables are Sinhala. In fact the combination is quite profoundly Sinhala. It means “Sinhala Hero”.

    So why on earth are there Tamils calling themselves “Weerasingham” or Sinhala hero?

    Well, circa 1915s the British created a new demography called “Ceylon Tamil” and started pumping wealth and privileges. These “Man-Friday” types could work in any number of countries after getting a good education in Ceylon.

    One was able to tap into a fountain of goodness just by identifying themselves as a “Ceylon Tamil”. The likes of “Weerasingha” who hailed from Sinhala families were able to enjoy the privileges just by identifying themselves as “Weerasingham”.

    This Man-Friday character was forced to speak English only. They were even fined if dared to speak another language. This requirement fit perfectly for Sinhala converts as they could easily switch identity without learning Tamil.

    The Tamil family names ending with the following postfix quite possibly descend from Sinhala families.


    These are only the most obvious ones. There could be more examples.

    • 6

      Dear Vibhushana,
      Oh dear!Here we go again.:
      “Their family names are distinct from names found in Tamil Nadu. An example of this variety is “Weerasingham”. The name Weerasingham has 2 syllables “Weera” and “Singham”. However neither syllable appears in the Tamil lexicon.”
      Partly true. Tamilnadu names tend to have village names attached, like Sinhala ge-names. Would you explain the meaning of the place name
      Vickramasinghapuram ?

      • 8

        Well, the name Vickramasinghapuram has 3 syllables. Vickrama, Singha and Puram. All syllables have Sanskrit origin. Its certainly not Tamil.

        The place was most likely named after a Sinhala person who was Tamilised. Given its Tamil Nadu quite possibly by marriage.

        • 4

          1.Vickremasinghapuram is in southern Tamilnadu.
          2.Tamilnadu also has towns named Lakshmipuram and Sripuram
          3.One Vickrama Raja is president of the TN traders association.

          Are you saying all these are Sinhala names? Not that it matters to me . Just curious.

          • 5

            There is a “Fernando Road” in Colombo somewhere.

            Its as if a Sinhala person trying to convince me “Fernando” is Sinhala just because the name is found in Colombo. There are 2 problems with this stand.

            1 – The “Fa” phoneme does not exist in the Sinhala script.
            2 – Fernando is a Spanish word – meaning “adventurous, bold journey”. There is no Sinhala word that even comes close.


            1 – One cannot spell Vickremasinghapuram in Tamil unless you use Grantha letters. “Sa”, “Aa” and “Ha” phonemes do not even exist in Tamil.
            2 – When you break it down its gives a Sanskrit/Sinhala term. It means “Town of the Victorious Lion”. There is no Tamil version that even comes close.

            Now, I hope you can see where the problem lies.

            • 2

              Dear dear Vibhushana,
              You are missing the point. Vikramasinghapuram is located in Tamilnadu not Sri Lanka! Look it up in Google maps . While you are at it do look up Panethura too.
              How it is spelt in Tamil, I have no idea. But I am sure the inhabitants are not getting lost due to indecipherable Grantha road signs….

              • 2

                Old Codger,

                Please go easy on Vibhushana; he will run away soon! He endeavoured to re-write history but failed miserably. Now he is a liquestic expert! He cannot bear the thought of Tamil influencing the Sinhala Language!

                • 1

                  I am a great admirer of scholarly people . So I am just trying to find out what makes Vibhushana tick. And learn something too.

              • 1

                I know its in Tamil Nadu. Its a Sinhala name in Tamil Nadu.

                • 1

                  Aha! I will let you in on something you don’t seem to know. Vickramasinghapuram is in a part of Tamilnadu which used to belong to Kerala. So the name is Malayalam ,not Tamil. Malayalam does have Sanskrit-based characters. So you have proved that Wickramasingha is a South Indian name.

              • 2

                Pananthurai ( now Panadura) was gift to Sapumalkumaraya (Sempahapperumal) as a token of appreciation for defeating the Jaffna King and capturing Nallur -the capital of Yarlpanam.


                • 0

                  Old Codger,

                  There is also a village named Nalluruwa in Panadura.


                  • 0

                    Please don’t tell Vibhushana.

              • 0

                Old Codger,
                Thanjavur, formerly Tanjore (and Tamil Nadu) was ruled by Maharashtra’s Sivaji dynasty the protectors of Sanskrit and Hinduism- the last battle for the English to take over EIC in total 1818- last maharaja from Thanjavur, Rajko.
                Hema Malani was born there.
                You can look it up Sivaji dynasty fought all the invaders- Mughals, Portugese, English and no other did it. the english regard the warrior of martial arts as equalant and better in a one to one contest. It’s in British and Indian archives.
                U.P- Vikrama Singh- the best brain USA had during 9/11 (Afganistan, Pakistan Lanka in short SARC terror)- American Foundation Colombo was his base- Only man who was Defense and State at the same time.

          • 0

            Is Vikram Singh, Tamil or Sinhala ?

            • 0

              It is neither Sinhala nor Tamil. Punjabis use this form of the name.
              Means the same.

    • 3

      Old Codger
      Vibushana seems poorly informed.

      Elela-singan is an ancient Tamil seafarers name.
      There are pmany male & female rathnams: Mani-rathnam (m, movie director); TV Rathnam (f, payback singer).
      Vedha-nayagam (pillai) was a great Tamil novelist of Tamilnadu.
      There have been at least two great scholars named Meenaatchi-sundaram (pillai) and the famous Sundaram Motors in Tamilnadu.

      Certainly several Tamil name endings (not syllables– a syllable has only one vowel) are more popular in Sri Lanka than in S. India and Sinhalese influence cannot be denied in names of persons and places.

      Tamils here had no system of family names until recently so that many names were lost with time.
      The Sinhalese with their elaborate name system retained clan, village and house names. For example, many Salagama Sinhalese still retain their Tamil names in the vasagama.
      What does it matter in the end?
      A name is a matter of personal choice.

      It is nice to see many Sinhalese women with beautiful Indian names, whereas many Tamil women have meaningless names further distorted by senseless spelling as prescribed by ‘numerologists’.

      • 4


        You also conveniently forgot to mention Sinhala caste names.

        “It is nice to see many Sinhalese women with beautiful Indian names,”

        How come a self-contained Sinhala/Buddhist people borrow Indian names and the Tamil women don’t?

        • 2

          I avoid caste names as much as possible when referring to individuals, as it is unethical. The ‘pillai’ in parentheses is part of the name (and not meant to mean caste as that is how those people are remembered).
          My point was to establish that names ending with ‘nayagam’ ‘ratnam’ ‘singam’ and ‘sundaram’ exist in Tamilnadu.
          BTW “pillai” does not refer to a specific caste in Tamilnadu.

          I did mention a Sinhala caste name, out of necessity. I hope that pleases you.

          Sri Lanka’s Tamil women had beautiful names until a generation ago. It is in the last three decades that numerology got the better of sense. South Indians are still wise about how they spell their names.
          Tamils (males more and females less) now borrow many North Indian sounding names.
          I do not object to anyone begging, borrowing or stealing anything good as long as it does not hurt another.

      • 2


        I think you need to know how to differentiate between Tamil vs Sanskrit terms first.

        Rathna, Nayaga and Sundara are not Tamil words.

        Given the proximity the only people who can strongly influence Tamils to adopt Sansrit names are the Sinhala people.

        • 5

          “”Tamils to adopt Sansrit names are the Sinhala people.””

          Because the Portugese sent you here.- they entered from Cochin
          Malayalam is a bit of Sanskrit thanks to Maharashtra and Tamil

          • 1

            “Malayalam is a bit of Sanskrit thanks to Maharashtra and Tamil”
            Can you kindly elaborate on this?

            When I asked my Malayali friend about it, he laughed aloud.

            • 2

              It seems to be under discussion even today.
              Here is Wikipedia on it:”Malayalam originated from Middle Tamil (Sen-Tamil) in the 6th century.[9] An alternative theory proposes a split in even more ancient times.[9] Malayalam incorporated many elements from Sanskrit through the ages and today over eighty percent of the vocabulary of Malayalam in scholarly usage is from Sanskrit.[Due to its lineage deriving from both Tamil and Sanskrit, the Malayalam alphabet has the largest number of letters among the Indian language orthographies.[17] The Malayalam script includes letters capable of representing almost all the sounds of all Indo-Aryan and Dravidian languages.

              If you write “ganga” in Malayalam, it is identical to Sinhala.

              • 0

                Old Codger
                You are right about Malayalam. Malayalam– unlike Kannada and Telugu –was a dialect of Tamil. The influence of Vashnavaism (esp. he translation of Ramayana and Mahabharatha by Ezuththachchan) into what is Malayalam played a big role in the cultural divide.
                While the Tamil Ramakaathai was in the Tamil script, Ezuththachchan used the Grantha script, really developed to write Sanskrit for the Tamil community.
                Silappathikaaram (the legend of Patthini, 5th Century CE?) authored by a Chera– present day Kerala –scholar is in Tamil.
                Geography too played a role.

                In Malayalam it is almost original Grantha script. Tamil script is used in some rituals I am told.
                The Sinhala script is a rounded version of Grantha– more aesthetic, I would say. It later added characters unique to Sinhala. (So it has a matching or slightly larger number of letters than Malayalam, despite absence of two consonants (R/r, zh).
                Tamil dropped its ‘vatteluththu’ and moved closer to Grantha.

                • 0

                  It is very sad how little ordinary Sri Lankans know ( or want to know)about the Indian states so near us, except in cliches such as toilets and poverty.I know that some think Tamils are a majority in India. Probably this ignorance of other cultures is the underlying reason for all our ethnic troubles.

            • 0

              “”Can you kindly elaborate on this? “”

              Category:”Classical Language in India” is an official status within the Republic of India, awarded by the Government of India. It is without direct relation to the usual definition of “classical language”

              Pali is not recognised as classical because it is used to distort Indian history.- like the advent of Buddhism and its statutes in the Deccan plateau or Geological plate that separates north from south India.

            • 0

              The Panchatantra: worlds original Animal fables and how it first got distorted by the usual culprit from the dawn of Islam: by Persian scholar Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa by Persian scholar Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa
              They deface everything and say its mine but now the english translators have accepted the origin.
              Why don’t muslim have human form but script?? nut jobs!!


              • 0

                Amal P
                Pali ceased to be spoken long ago. Brahminist tradition looked down on all Prakrits. Tamil too was once called a Prakrit, until it was established (along wih Kannada, Malyalam, Teugu, Tulu etc.) to be Dravidian and distinct from Indo-Aryan languages.
                When Tamil was declared a classical language a decade ago, there was clamour to recognize Kannada as a Classical Language. I liked the idea for many reasons. But I have no say in Indian affairs, let alone local affairs.

                I do not know the true origins of Panchatanra. There are the Jataka tales too to consider. I do not know the exact period of Aesop.
                The idea of animals talking may have stared in one place but the tales vary very much in style and content.

                Sanskritization of Malayalam occurred well before he period of Saraboji.

                I am no amateur historian and avoid indulging in speculation

                • 0

                  That is very slippery.
                  ” I do not know “
                  “I do not know the true origins”
                  “I am no amateur historian”
                  you have to corelate and use head because it is more than the 3 post and it is several- it took me quite a couple of days of research and of course I have been to almost all those areas (with archaeologist so its better than black and white history) so i am certain what i have said.

                  if you are no armature go to the archives. you find it there than Jog on the thread- it is difficult serve- if oyu had read then if you had question I could answer. I don’t have ready answer’s on this pc but on another which is not here- anyway to upload that quantity for this silly question would be ridiculous.- its besides the article.

                • 0

                  If I do not know I say I do not know.
                  What I am not I do not declare to be.
                  When I have good reason to believe what I say, I say it.
                  If that is being slippery it is far far better to be slippery in that way than to be assertive of things that one does not know for fact.

                  I am pleased for you if you are blissfully sure of every thing.
                  But your being sure does not mean that others are as sure about your correctness— like my Malayali friend.
                  It is a cruel world.

                  • 0

                    “But your being sure does not mean that others are as sure about your correctness— like my Malayali friend.”

                    unfortunately for you the subject of study is arts his_story just black and white- 2 no more. therefore comes artifacts carbon dating 3 but does not end there because its science.
                    this mode permits just 2 so you may stay master but it won’t stand the test in a judiciary.

                    Yes world is cruel so- nothing like the magnificent idler.

                    cheer up won’t haunt you.

            • 0

              “”When I asked my Malayali friend about it, he laughed aloud”

              let him run and get a stich ??
              Who is the Defence Minister of India just after Yellow Subs?? Why did LTTE construct Large Sculptor of 2009 at Tanjuvoor??
              Its all here and the dynesty- you need to go down dynesty and the last maharaja of India at Tanjovoor whom the Brits took care of Rajko…long name(1/2 muslim and half hindu) They ruled Tamil Nadu.
              The first english newspaper came from the marathas.(we can’t be choosy from events that took place because it is in the indian archives and british archives) But we have to reside in the present. Not in limbo state of stupid wars.


        • 3


          We know you are a Sangam scholar.

          “Given the proximity the only people who can strongly influence Tamils to adopt Sansrit names are the Sinhala people.”

          Are you of the opinion that the first Sinhala Ape spoke Sanskrit and practiced Buddhism well before Buddha was born, and the first Ape discovered zero?

          Please clarify.

        • 3

          If you are talking of ‘Pure Tamil’ then you have company: there are people who think that Tamil has been polluted by Sanskrit and other world languages.
          There is a lunatic fringe too claiming that all languages came from Tamil.

          Language is serious business. Let us talk of real language.

          Tamil began to be enriched by Sanskrit and various Prakrits at least by the Christian era. But there were strict rules of ‘Tamilization’ that held until around the 10th Century (CE).
          Later the influence of Sanskrit got stronger and many words entered Tamil as in source; and a few extra letters that were adopted helped the writing of alien names as in source– but not all.

          Most of the names that you call Sanskrit entered Tamil early and exist in devotional literature and major classics, composed well before 10th Century (CE). There have been later additions (under enhanced Brahmin influence) which too are part of Tamil.

          Sanskrit being the source does not make a word not Tamil or even less a borrowing from Sinhala.
          Both languages borrowed from Sanskrit and Prakrits in different proportions. But finding the origins of names of persons and places, requires a serious historical approach, certainly not sentimentalism.
          Amateur historians are a threat to serious writing of history as they are masters at guesswork (often frivolous) but not good at analysis in context

          If a word has continued to exist in South India for long the chances of a Sinhala source are remote. Equally, that does not mean that the word entered Sinhala through Tamil. The latter claim will be valid if Sinhala has the Tamilized rather than the Sanskrit source version.

          Sinhala like other world languages has enriched Tamil and still has useful features to offer Tamil. Educated Tamils should have the humility to accept this reality.

          Childish bickering about who arrived or conquered first will take us nowhere. What is sad is that both languages are being destroyed by reckless usage, especially in the media and neglect in language teaching at schools.

          • 0


            Thanks for your objective writing.

            “Sinhala like other world languages has enriched Tamil and still has useful features to offer Tamil. Educated Tamils should have the humility to accept this reality.”

            It is futile to deny that adjacent languages did not influence one and another. However, Tamil influence in Sinhala is significant and every respect. There were many materials on the net a decade back mainly quotes from Sinhala scholars on this subject. Such references have been meticulously removed!

            Prof. J. B. Dissanayake in his book Understanding the Sinhalese at page 118 states:

            “….Sinhala occupies a unique position among the languages of South Asia because of its close affinity, with two of the major linguistic families of the Indian sub continent Indo-Aryan and Dravidian…’ From this, one can conclude that Sinhala in written form could have been made by one or many, who knew both Dravidian and Aryan language. Thus early Dravidian Buddhist priests were scholars in Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit, to make Sinhala in spoken and written form possible.”

          • 2

            Hello Sekara,

            Chennai – http://dq.sdc.bsnl.co.in/
            Sri Lanka – http://rainbowpages.lk/

            GUNARATNAM [Chennai 1 – Sri Lanka 266] entries
            WEERASINGHAM [Chennai 0 – Sri Lanka 116] entries
            CHELVANAYAGAM [Chennai 0 – Sri Lanka 150] entries

            I did a quick name search of Tamil Names Chennai vs Sri Lanka. You can do so too with the links I have given above.

            The 3 sample name I have tried against Chennai returns next to no result. Whereas Sri Lankan directory always returns 150+ numbers.

            Tamils in Sri Lanka are relatively well off in comparison to Tamils in Tamil Nadu anyway so that could be a factor why more Tamils own a telephone.

            Although it would be quite silly to deny the Tamils have either adopted Sinhala names or Sinhala people have become Tamilised.

            Since there is no Bhramic influence in Sri Lanka the only influence is Sinhalese.

            • 1


              You are one who will try to prove a mango is actual a pineapple!

              Face it man; the Tamil language is much older than the Sinhala language; this is a fact.

              The Tamils language shaped the Sinhala language during the course of its development. Buddhism arrived in Sri Lanka from South India; hence, the monks at that time were proficient in both Pali and Tamil.

              Sanskrit did influence all indian regional languages including the Sinhala. The Tamils out of all the Dravidian languages resisted this influence but had to accept inevitable changes.

              Do some research on Tamil words in Sinhala language.

              DO some research on Sinhala words in Tamil language

              Please stop your futile endeavour to show that Sinhala own Sri Lanka lock stock and barrel!

    • 1

      Dear Vibhushana,
      You say:
      ” An example of this variety is “Weerasingham”. The name Weerasingham has 2 syllables “Weera” and “Singham”. However neither syllable appears in the Tamil lexicon.”
      Well, here is a young Indian scientist named Veerasingham in Goa:

      S. Veerasingam (National Institute of Oceanography, Panaji Goa)
      DST Fast Track Young Scientist Project.
      Plenty more if you look. Perhaps they are all descendants of Man Fridays from Jaffna?
      Also interesting is Veerasingampettai Village in Thajavur, Tamilnadu.
      I don’t think you are going to pick any bones about V and W ?

  • 4

    The problem with Tamil leadership is all are septuagenarians nearing their expiry date. Thambi had them under his thumb running a Pol Pot like regime while getting all to keep mom. Now by dispatching Tambi to La La land Rajapakse has got into the wrong side of the history. Well mate wait and see what Ranil and Maithri give you. All the very best. Spend more time on activities for afterlife so you have gained something in your life time.

  • 3

    Sri Lanka will not follow anything good for the people or the country and it will only speed up destroying the nation. We have no leaders but chauvinistic arrogant greedy selfish political mavericks, who are busy messing up everything which were once in order.

  • 5

    Any two or more provinces must be permitted to merge by mutual agreement – if majority in each so desires. Even prior to any formal recognition mmediately they can start cooperating with one another on matters of mutual interest, pooling and sharing financial and other resouces, particularly avoid unnecessary duplication of political positions.


  • 7

    “Will Sri Lanka follow the example of Nepal?

    Simple answer is no. The ruling Sinhala elite who have mismanaged the country since the 1950s have little forward thinking and will not jeopardize the Sinhala hegemony over the entire island that every present and past constitutions have provided them.

    A Federal constitution is not a threat to the unity of the country. The elites on all sides have known this since the 1950s. However it is a threat to Sinhala hegemony and the Sinhala elites who are the beneficiaries of this dominance will never be prepared to loosen the levers of power even a little. Today, with Tamils marginalised politically ever more so since independence, there is little need for the ruling Sinhala elite irrespective of the party to end the hegemony.

    Coming out of colonial rule, a country that was ahead of many others in similar positions now lags behind most of them. The people who are solely responsible for this failure are the Sinhala elite who have had full control of the country since independence.

    • 6

      ‘Coming out of colonial rule, a country that was ahead …..’

      You make it all sound so simple but it was far more complicated.

      The British left but what did they leave behind? A nation with a million Indian foreigners, with almost all schools run by Christian churches, with an English speaking elite, with a population divided by race language and class, with an industrious minority holding positions of power in commerce and education, with a majority that was poor, Sinhala speaking and Buddhist, with a landless Kandyan peasantry robbed of their property…and so on.

      And you expect that Ceylon could just continue ‘good’ British governance? What happened when the Sinhala elite tried to alleviate these problems? Did they really have ‘full control’ as you claim? Were there not other powerful bodies in action? Such simplistic nonsense!

      • 5

        But you are a stupid pirate in the island.
        Where are the BCC gas lines that flowed to our homes at Colombo 7.

        yakko udran kanna rilava.

      • 1

        Your response provides some clues to your prejudices with use of terms like “Indian Foreigners”. The British did not leave behind a perfect nation but did leave behind a nation with a lot of potential to build on and progress as a modern multi-ethnic and multi-religious one. They left behind an education system that could have been expanded on to connect with the world and produce world class business, community and political leaders. More importantly they left behind a honest civil service and judiciary. Within a few decades, for political purposes, the Sinhala elite decimated the good things left behind by the British, instead of building on expanding it to include those left out. The result endemic corruption at all levels in all sectors and a nation divided on racial, ethnic and religious lines.

        Your response attempts to continue with the myth that the Sinhalese were discriminated against by the British more than the Tamils. Under colonial rule, the colonials come first, everyone else, including Tamils came second.

        Instead of building on the good things the British had developed, what did the Sinhala elite who were handed power due to their numerical superiority do? They exploited their numerical superiority to establish and consolidate the Sinhala hegemony over the entire country, intentionally leaving the Tamils powerless. This approach that continues even today left the people of the country far more divided than during colonial days. The Sinhala elite’s approach to consolidate power included whipping up anti-Tamil racism amongst the Sinhala masses. Sri Lanka today is far more divided on language, race and religion that ever before.

  • 3

    “Will Sri Lanka follow the example of Nepal?”



  • 5

    Can Sira adopt Thangavelu’s Nepalese Model, if not Vellala Wiggs two in onel ?

    Sira can, if the inhabitant population say Yes?

    But for them to say yes, Thanagavalus must force the Yahapaana UNP to come up with a Referendum with one simple question first?.

    That is “Will the Vellalas and non Vellalas migrate to Wigeswaran’s Federal State for good “?

    If it is a Yes vote , Batalanda Ranil can get his Referendum passed without any hassles..

  • 4


    You are caught in a time warp. Much has happened in the past thirty years to change the Tamils and their needs quite drastically. They are not the people I knew thirty years ago. They do not even speak the same Tamil now.

    The past is long gone, never to return. Come and learn the new realities. The wants are different now and the solutions have to be different. First and foremost we need a new breed of educated, thinking, practical, performing and problem solving polticians now. Most of the present lot are a disgrace on a people, who have suffered as much as they have and hurt as much as they have. Your statistics are hollow and meaningless. Voting for the TNA or any other Tamil political formation has only led to the election of mostly dimwits. Are the Tamils dimwits? Definitely, no! They have made to elect the better of the worst! Is this how it should be?

    We have to define and make a new Tamil, who will be Tamil not only by language but by his culture- refinement of mind, values and taste. It is a big battle and has to be won by us, among us,

    Dr,Rajasingham Narendran

    • 6

      Don’t worry your lease is running out.
      Enough is enough.
      Let the rightful owners take possession.

  • 2

    Kishali does not like this kind of thing…she calls it adventurism…she wants us to stay with the Romans and the Dutch and the British…and mind you she has all the leagal eagles…and beagles supporting her. Poor Ranil just wanted the electoral system changed…he never dreamed that there would be a call for a new constitution that would give us a new state called Dharmadeepa that would turn us all into Dharmadootha and bring the old foxes “Dharmishta” society alive again…? Oh and it would have a multitide of cultural councils to ensure that people of all cultures had access to its facilities and defenses and it would have a host of pillars upon which it would stand firmly not just the shaky three we now have…we will never dare…we need a bunch of madmen like you to even think of such options…

  • 1

    Dutch brings this community and settle
    Brits bring that community and settle
    Brits allow this community to migrate and settle
    Then that community fights a war asking for a separate piece and their country of origin support it.
    then other communities also ask for ethnic ghettos to be made legal nations.
    finally the sinhalaya lose their native country

    Sinhalaya should open eyes

    • 3


      You are a human being, don’t forget that.
      A mere mortal fool, fighting for one race of people, trying
      to claim the sole rights to a piece of land.
      In aid of what?
      Don’t you have anything else going on in that mind of yours?
      How pathetic. Stupid Sri Lankans..

      • 2

        cant you say that to the so called tamils here trying to claim a part of sinhala peoples’ country based on a false history and false claims? Only when Sinhalas talk about their race and nijaboomi everyone is human, motherland is just a piece of land…

        when tamils do that hey, let they have their rights,..booo hooo …**DOUBLE STANDARDS**

        • 3


          You are too thick and pig headed to understand
          that this warring can’t go on forever over a piece of land.
          Learn that nothing stays the same and even some of the ancestors of the Sinhalese were fresh off the boat at one point, be it a long time ago.

          Look at western countries. Do they act like you even though
          immigrants are flooding in and will even change the identity
          of Europe in the long run.

          Just goes to show how narrow minded and primitive you lot still are,despite an imagined sense of greatness.
          Dumb Sri Lankans…

          • 1

            Look at western countries. Do they act like you even though immigrants are flooding in and will even change the identity of Europe in the long run.

            western countries are rich too.

            So, why Tamils are not asking an Eelam in a Western country ?

            • 0


              “So, why Tamils are not asking an Eelam in a Western country ?”

              Because you are too thick to know why!

            • 0

              Jim Softy,

              What a dim witted statement?
              Who is talking about Eelam here?
              I’m just trying to drive some fair-mindedness
              into the racist rabble.

            • 0

              jim softy

              “Look at western countries. Do they act like you even though immigrants are flooding in and will even change the identity of Europe in the long run.”

              Yes, yes, yes.

              They let loads and loads of asylum seekers into Europe. You agree they are being generous to the refugees. We should welcome and applaud their generosity as you do.

              Then why aren’t we following them and giving the Syrian, Iraqis, Africans homes in this island? We did give the kallathonies from North and South India homes.

  • 3

    The difference between Sri Lanka and Nepal are stark.

    1)Nepal’: population grew by 200% from 2001-2011 ; population increasing 3-million every 5 years

    Sri Lanka : Population has remained static for centuries (depending on the countability factors- however, in recent times, the number has remained the same for several decades)

    2) Nepal: 23 different ethnicities and languages

    Sri Lanka : There are only 2 major races- Kandyans are Sinhalese, speak Sinhalese, and are Buddhist as with majority of the Coastal people (albeit minor caste differences). The rest are Tamils.

    3)Nepal: The 7 different states will counter-balance each other out.

    Sri Lanka : 2 distinct states will pull away will pull away from each other, with the Tamils having the alliance of the colossal state of Tamil Nadu of which they are closest to.

    4)Nepal : Surrounded by China and India that keeps each other in check, thus keeping Nepalese states viable.

    Sri Lanka : Tamil state of India will be close to gigantic Tamil Nadu. Sinhalese state will not have an equivalent counter-balance for support

  • 0

    We Sri lanka has different expriment with Tamil racism promoted and enourege by TNA, TULF and FP since 1949.

    Tamil political parties having differnt political agenda only Tamil Eealm, by partition of island for Tamils.

    Tamil political class and thier leardship never accpects secularism of democrcay and diversity of ancient civilization of people of majorty sinhalese race in Island.

    Tamil’s of TNA denied 2600 years civilization of Sinhalese and they said Tamil were the origin race in Sri lanka. How can such party (TNA)working on deversity of Island for secular democrcay in proposed New constitution?

    From Tamil political reading and thier point of view “power devolution” or “seperation of powers” menas seperate state for Tamils—Notrh E…..

    To put in simple terms Tamil political class conscious of its complex of foreing dimensions is that notion repressents the an idea not that as Sri lankn as whole country ,the very political party of TNA move towards division in favour of USA, UK and Western agenda.

    Tamil political class was ever-never been an Independent roots of natioanl politics since thier 68 years of history.

    Indeed British colonialism has the ignominious history of leving behind legacies that continue by TNA current Tamil chavanist to faster the partition of SRI Lanka even after post -Indpendent Ceylon.
    That new part of partition by British colonilism of the Indian subcontient incluing Celyon , by and large the TNA is agent of hegemonist not that people of Tamils in Island.

    Indeed compare with Nepal recent struggle aginst Monarchy has been esatblihsed new democratic Goverment ,struggle led by Mao’s Commuinist, and other progressive and national forces ,who are roots goes for real secualirism and democracy. Their is not ethanic base democracy of federalism in current constitution in Nepal.

  • 0


    You are boaring writer.

    Initially you were a strong supporter of the LTTE, then TNA and now Ranil, Sirisena government.

    Even the Singhalese never justified Ranil, Sirisena’s foul play like you are doing.

    There is no gurantee that you wont support people like Karu, Douglasdevandanda, Anandasangaree and others.

    Is it problem with your age?

    For God shake, be with one policy.

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