By Pon. Chandran –
It is interesting to note that the recent sporadic students’ struggle all over Tamil Nadu has caught the attention of the media and the people at large, sans the Governments and the leaders that matters! Whereas, the struggle has intensified the debate on the Tamil Eelam question, a fresh, from the point of its resolution, with the mediation of the International Community. The debate is particularly focused in the wake of the on-going 22nd Session of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva from the second week of Feb 2013.
The point of contention in the debate raised by the students centers around the Draft Resolution, rather known as ‘Procedural Resolution’ mooted by USA, titled “Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka“. (Incidentally the title is the same as the one in the last session). The Draft Resolution is under circulation and debate. While majority of the students urge, all concerned, to reject the Resolution in toto, there are a few who wants the Indian Government to support the US sponsored resolution and others who demand the draft resolution to be passed with necessary corrections.
The call for rejection emanates from the section who perceive the resolution as a garb by the US to protect the Sinhala Chauvinist GoSL, who perpetrated a Genocidal war against Eelam Tamils. This section also vehemently oppose any attempt to appreciate the socalled reconstruction and rehabilitation claimed to have been done by GoSL, which has indeed only paved the way for obnoxious Structural Genocide. This they believe is a post war cleansing structured to wipe off the Tamil ethnicity and the existence of Tamil Homeland, by means of structured sinhalisation, militarisation, decimation of cultural symbols and thus impacting the socio-economic well being of the Eelam Tamils. Hence they demand the unfettered International Investigation into the Crime of Genocide and to facilitate a Referendum among the Eelam Tamils for initiating a political transition towards an independent homeland, eventually.
Those who support the resolution with or without corrections hope that the resolution will pave the way for an “Independent International Inquiry of Commission into the Crime of Genocide, War Crimes and the Crimes against Humanity”. Whereas, the draft resolution WELCOMES the OHCHR’s Report on Srilanka (Ms.Navineetham Pillay’s report of Feb 2013) and its recommendations with regard to “truth seeking mechanism”, it only NOTES the
“High Commissioner’s call for an independent and credible international investigation into the alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law” .
Further in the fourth draft, which is reported to be the final one, instead of urging the GoSL to implement the recommendations of OHCHR, it only ENCOURAGES the
“GOSL to implement the recommendations. Further it calls upon the GOSL to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, as applicable”.
This is being ridiculed and opposed as it only facilitates the trial of the gruesome murder committed by the very jury!
The draft resolution is in essence reiterating the GOSL to implement the “constructive recommendations| of LLRC and thus exonerate them and their accomplices from their Crimes of Genocide. This tacitly justifies the post war structural genocide. This also grants GOSL the much required “veto” to entertain the international intervention only with their “consultation and concurrence”! It further offers time for the GOSL to erase the remaining vestiges of Genocidal war.
It is obvious that the draft resolution is not categorical about the launching of an International Investigation invoking either the Article 99 of the UN Charter or invoking the principle of R2P – the Responsibility To Protect.
It is in this backdrop, the students’ uprising becomes significant. Although it is spontaneous, it is getting organically groomed from within. It is an uprising which is endeavoring to assimilate the politics of international law and human rights, with a concern for humanity and justice. This, we believe, is bound to reverberate in the minds of the International Community and hopefully result in a Resolution in the UNHRC for the freedom of Tamil Eelam. As nothing tangible has emerged either from the Government of India or from USA, who were the key accomplices in the Genocidal war, there are indications that the students may plunge in to action calling for public boycott of American Goods in Tamil Nadu, which roughly aggregates to Rs.200 crores a day. Further there seem to be moves to launch a non-violent non-cooperation campaign by the Tamil software engineers and other professionals who have been catering to the profits of American Corporates, if the Unites States does not mend their ways of protecting the Genocidal Sri Lanka and comes out categorically with a resolution which will protect the cause of the Eelam Tamils and usher in the much required Independent International Investigation. If there is no positive response for the above, this will certainly usher in a new kind of politics in Tamil Nadu, spear headed by the students, who constitute a big chunk of the existing and future voters. The present movement will be an harbinger of yet another great political upheaval of the 60s in Tamil Nadu, which will as well, certainly change the political scenario of the sub-continent, which has been serving the interests of the Corporates.
*Ponniah Chandran is a Human Rights activist from Coimbatore, he runs his own film club and screens socio-political-economic movies. He is film critic. After seeking retirement from the banking sector, he is a full time human rights activist along with his wife. He along with his wife were imprisoned on charges of stoning Indian Military trucks carrying arms to Sri Lanka. He is an anti-war activist. He is a very active member of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties. He has extensively visited the post war zones of Sri Lanka and has organised several intellectual debates,conferences and seminars on the future of Tamils in Sri Lanka. He has actively taken part in the Koodankulam nuclear issue, the Mullai periyar issue, fishermens’ struggle, anti-nuclear struggle in India apart from environmental issues like anti-mining in Orissa and Chattisgarh. He is presently taking part in the student’s movement in TN addressing them and guiding them.
Dr.Paul Newman / March 20, 2013
IC will not respond to any just voices! but I’m sure this struggle will go a long way in creating awareness among the present generation and bring in a refreshing change as most of them are first time voters. They will know how the political parties in India and TN have used this issue to meet their own end. If you remember in 2011 after the elections, the dept. of visual communications of Loyola college conducted a post poll survey in which 70% of the respondents answered that they did not vote for the congress/DMK combine because the war on Tamils was conducted by these two parties. My best wishes to people like you and Thiru.Kurinji who have been working selflessly to bring such positive changes for a long time!
Sinhala Chelvam / March 20, 2013
The just voice.. was this the just voice that in the 80s help arm Terrorist which led to a 30 year brutal war which the LTTE then started to murder Tamils.. And during the Last stages the LTTE held By force Human shield as they have many many times to protect them self.. and the Just voice was asking to save the LTTE rather than the Tamil civilians.. That is some heavenly Just voice no doubt a few LTTE western GTF money made their voices even more angelic
Rambler / March 20, 2013
This highly selective shedding of tears and surgical anti-war campaign of these self-proclaimed go getters only shows the moral bankruptcy and the media savvy nature of the LTTE rump.
K.A Sumanasekera / March 20, 2013
It is good to hear that the TN Uni students are taking up the Eelaam Dream of Pranakaran and now articulated and heavily promoted by the Diaspora who failed miserably in Srilanka.
TN is the ideal place for the Eelaam, with its 60 Mil plus inhabitants.
Diaspora with its Miliion plus population, who claim to have Billions in their kitty can transform Nadu to be the most prosperous State in India.
The tremendous pool of talent among the Diaspora in all spheres of modern technology, finance, medicine and law will be a sure fire aid to turbo charge the transformation of the Nadu.
Although India is a rapidly growing economy, the number of theinhabitants who live in abject poverty is 400 Million plus.
A fair share of this are in Tamil Nadu.
Wouldn’t it be an excellent humanitarian exercise if the Diaspora money and muscle can be employed to lift the living standards of their blood brothers and sisters instead of leaving them at the mercy of crooked politicians who will never be able to lift them over the povery line let alone make them prosperous.
Native Vedda / March 20, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
“It is good to hear that the TN Uni students are taking up the Eelaam Dream of Pranakaran”
Aren’t these students your Tamil brothers too?
Since you too share a fair % of DNA with your brother Tamils in Tamilnadu who are in abject poverty, you too have a familial responsibility to feed them.
When do you want to start cracking or would you like them to rot in hell?
Mango / March 20, 2013
If Mr Chandran is an ‘anti-war’ activist, did he undertake any anti-LTTE actions during Eelam War 4 to stop the LTTE’s war activities? if not, why not?
gamini / March 21, 2013
Why is it that the Sinhala leaders conceding Sri Lanka to be a multi-cultural and a multi-religious society not recognizing the minorities? If not, why not? Mango this conflict and senseless killing is due to people like you.
Mango / March 22, 2013
Gamini, what the hell are you talking about? Chandran claims to be an ‘anti-war’ activist. In reality, he’s only anti-war against one side, GoSL. Chandran is pro-war for the the LTTE. The conflict wasn’t senseless. Both sides had declared aims and were willing to go war to settle the matter.
Safa / March 20, 2013
TN has the neccesary political clout to influence the policies of the central govt. For too long has the foreign policy of india been dictated by a handfull of elite. Time for change in India and TN.
MNZ / March 20, 2013
There is over-exaggerated hype about the Geneva vote against Sri Lanka.
Everybody knows it was a fait accompli situation from day one, and the only drama unfolding is to do with the language used in the final draft of the Resolution.
SL won’t worry too much about this slap on the wrist, and the regime will continue pursuing its own critical agenda, i.e. how to rule in perpetuity.
This will also ensure continuation of enriching themselves and their cronies by award of multi-million dollar tenders and projects in the guise of development.
We may expect this corrupt and undemocratic regime to react only if and when there are real sanctions imposed on us.
Unlike Zimbabwe, which can withstand sanctions because it is blessed with an abundance of critical mineral resources (Platinum, Uranium, Titanium, Chrome, Gold, Diamonds etc..), economic sanctions on SL will bring us quickly to our knees, as our major resource is merely export of cheap labour to Muslim countries.
If the regime continues to procrastinate in resolving the outstanding ethnic issues, economic sanctions would be the next logical option which the hypocritical West would consider.
And who knows, they may just throw in charges of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity against our leaders for good measure!
Leon / March 20, 2013
I have a suggestion which is far more effective than the demonstrations that are taking place in TN. These students are carrying out fasts unto death which are not meaningful
and effective, besides it is a waste of precious lives. What is more effective is that these striking students should persuade the Trade Unions involved in the clearing of
cargo at airports and other ports originating from Sri Lanka, refuse to handle them until a stronger resolution is passed at the HR Council in Geneva or demand an independent international
investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity be carried out by the Human Rights Council.
and this is the right time to carry it out. This would be striking the iron while it is hot This should be the first step which can then proceed to a total embargo of anything originating from the Sri Lankan economy which is virtually collapsing.
Native Vedda / March 20, 2013
It is an onerous task to persuade the trade unions of all states. Not many people know about the war crimes and crimes against humanity that were perpetrated against the people of Sri Lanka from 5th April 1971 to date.
It is a colossal task. The amount of publicity the student protest has generated in the past few days could help them to build a network of like minded people all over Indian sub continent which I believe if used effectively can move hearts and minds of people. Goodwill and sympathy of ordinary people can do wonders.
The danger is the inertia driven bureaucracy will resist all changes and challenges aimed at the state with all resources at its disposal. Basically bureaucracy does not change and uncertainty.
They have a tried and tested weapon in their armory, (Sama, Dhana, Peda, Dhanda) divide and rule.
In a few months time you will see the student movement is divided into several ineffective fringe groups.
RAJA / March 20, 2013
In trying to shield Srilanka, India is committing hara-kiri. How can India say Srilanka is a friendly state when Srilanka navy is continuously killing innocent fishermen of India. This is abject north Indian racism that is being forced onto Tamil people of India and Srilanka. Nobody talks about Indian government arming Bangladeshi fighters against Pakistan and then invading East Pakistan to liberate Bangladesh. Srilanka is an Indian foreign policy failure and those in power are unwilling to admit it. The dormant Tamil nationalism has been rekindled due to the madness of the North Indian racists and the corrupt Keralites influencing Indian foreign policy.
gamini / March 21, 2013
Raja, it is about time a few assassinations of top Political leadership took place in both in Sri Lanka and India.
K.A Sumanasekera / March 21, 2013
My mate Native Vedda says that the Naduans are our brothers who have our DNA and ask us to help them to get themselves out of poverty.
I am not sure about the DNA but we have been helping them even before the Kallathoni era.
We infact gave them our valuable Citizenship which is a most sought after item among the Diaspora at present, to a Million of them, including Ganeshan’s who later teamed with Tigers to stich us up.
Now the same Nadu brothers are bashing our innocent Buddhist devotees, mainly the rural poor who spend their lifetime,s savings to see their Buddha’s birth place.
Since late they have started bashing our Buddhist monks too.
And their Leaders from both sides of politics have stiched up the Indian PM, who by the way may have our DNA, via Prince Vijaya, and pushed India in to the US camp.
Because the Tigers couldn’t get their way and the Tiger supporters world wide are pissed off and ganged together with their powerful White allies to fix up Srilanka.
Is this “holy alliance” with the US good for the 400 Million plus poor,a fair few who are in Tamil Nadu?.
Will the US back India , if the Pakis get annoyed over Kasmire?.
Perhaps Ambanis who live in 22 stories of luxury may gleefully welcome the alliance. .
Srilanka on the other hand has been travelling along nicely with the average punters also doing reasonably well, although the Colombo elite have have had the best benefits.
With the increasing disposable incomes more and more would have travelled to Mahabodhi on their way to Veranasi if the Nadu brothers have been more civil.
But that seems not the case.
So how can we be a help to lift them from their miserable poverty?.
gamini / March 21, 2013
Sumanasekara, Bashing is better than your Buddhist way of killing in cold blood.
Native Vedda / March 21, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera
Would you like to review your own comment line by line and amend it so that you will have an option for rear guard action.
snnagarajan / March 21, 2013
The greatest tragedy is that the most lethal enemy of mankind is not only properly recognised nor understood its immediate aim nor its weapons and strategy.The recent ‘love’ of U.S towards the Tamil of Elam should not be understood as a change of heart of the most powerfull enemy whose H.Q is Washington.The ruling section in India is very much a slave of that gang also. How to defeat this global gang (latest and most lethal Urban linkage) should be clearly worked out and carried out to save mankind and the Life Base.The role of the Mother is very important.Examin.More after hearing from you.Global Peace Centre 10 Gandhinagar Kovaipudur PO Coimbatore 42 Tamilnadu Let my adds be also published
sivakumar / March 21, 2013
american humanity is a known factor and understandable like singla chavunism.anyway tamilnadu students had taken an ever justificable cause in their hands which is going to change the political arena of the entire indian is left for any civilicized people including singaleese democrats to decide which side they take whether equality or oppression whether chavunism or final analysis,tamil people will be in the fore front to liberate whole humanity from the clutches of oppression and exploitation,singaleese people included.eelam may be one of the premilinary step in that long path.weldon students you are the leaders.
sivakumar / March 21, 2013
IC could understand every thing in an impartial way if an enquiry team carrying well-known figures like Nomcharmsky formed to examin the ethnic crisis of srilanka, including the war crimes.the team should be free from any governmental influence.i think students are trying to say that by their struggles.
Gowthaman / March 21, 2013
There could be a lot of reasons and vested interests in favour of or against the ‘resolution’. I do not believe that a strong resolution will emerge or, for that matter, any long lasting action that could bring justice to the departed.
I strongly believe that we should be able to humanely support who have managed to leave the uninhabitable land to another land looking forward to survive and eventually thrive in the future to come. Let’s serve the living than the departed. Chasing after the mirage called justice is only going to distance us from the living.
It is definitely inhuman, in my humble opinion, that we should even expect sanctions on a country or its economy that could adversely affect the innocent lives there.
I do not expect the IC to respond instead, expect our student friends to really join hands in serving the needy Tamil Elders,Children, Brothers and Sisters who have gone through inexplicable trauma by providing sustainable and positive support.
Kishore KariKalan / March 22, 2013
It’s sum of last 100years (ONE Century)what the leaders of Ceylone and Rulers of SriLanka after independence started to discriminate TAMILS totally in all walks of life, startd GENOSIDE little by little paved and made brainwash of Sinhala people to act against TAMIlS in SRILANKA. So since post independence it has been supported by the GoSL and made the products EPRLF, TELO,LTTE and so on.
It all happened, the GoSL till now not even accept tamils in any of their. As a whole to the people of thie country. It always spreads the news against tamils, alowly atarted Genocide, it now centred @ Mulivaikal.
If you turned back the History of Srilanka, many of the Mullivaikal’s Genocide has taken place.
So what chandran States in the above article is right, and wherever this kind of Human Violations on the people,
We join togather supports for the suffering people.
Jim Hardy / March 22, 2013
I welcome the Tamilnadu Students intellectuals writers & activists against crooked politicians & Americanization of Tamilnadu.
Americans helped the SriLankan Govt covertly.