21 January, 2025


Winning ‘Hearts & Mind’ Of The South – A Challenge To Tamils Living In Sri Lanka & Its Polity

By Arun Kumaresan

Arun Kumaresan - Air Vice Marshal (Ret'd)

Arun Kumaresan – Air Vice Marshal (Ret’d)

The word ‘Hearts and Minds’ was first used by a French General Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyaute in1870’s to counter the Black Flags rebellion in Indo China-Chinese border to gain much needed levy within the subjected population. This concept was also the cornerstone of the KESBAN; the strategy of Security and Development in countering Malayan emergency. British employed this concept with some success to eradicate the perceived feeling of seeing all Chinese as rebel communists by the majority Malay community. It was also used in Vietnam War and other campaigns, but the critics of this concept argue that it was used by aggressors to beautify conduct of a brutal war.

Of course, the above are in a conflict setting but concept of ‘Hearts and Minds’ has become more relevant in the post conflict Sri Lanka. The famous January 2015 revolution leading to ’Yahapalanaya’ regime came into power with much promise to win ‘Hearts and Minds’ of all Sri Lankans. Irrespective of the criticism of its momentum – there have been a considerable shift towards democratic and participatory governance. All stakeholders in executive, legislature and Judiciary operate with sufficient freedom that was in decline during the former era. It will be unfair to blame the former era alone as it all started since -in CBK’s parlance -1978 “Bahuobbotha” constitution of JRJ.

The great challenge for the reconciliation process is due to the perceptions and emotions that are generated in our mindsets both in individual and collective social setting. It creates a feeling of negativism in matters related to the other ethnicity; Sinhala viz-a-viz Tamil and vice versa. It has also transcended to create an anti-Indian feeling both in general and also in particular to issues related to Sri Lankans of Tamil ethnicity. It is very often overblown and has become a tool to raise emotions leading to hatred. Unfortunately, these negative emotions has transcended to the day to day life of all Sri Lankans

Recently, I had the benefit to receive a response from a Sri Lankan of Sinhalese ethnicity being annoyed with my suggestions on an unrelated matter where we had divergent views and he thought it fit to take a dig at me for mentioning the name of Mahatma Gandhi in one of my earlier articles in Colombo Telegraph. He said, quote“…Great to see you are praising a leader from India but forgetting all the great political and religious leaders mother Lanka produced during our rich and proud history”, without realizing the great Lord Gautama Buddha who taught us the art and science of living too was from the Indian sub continent.

Another friend of mine currently domiciled abroad, a Sinhalese and an ardent believer of Gospel also has great fears of India. He too had reservations of Dr Harsha De Silva’s project Ambulance service – as it is modeled on a functioning Indian system – that will open the gateway of bringing in Indians. Another fear he has is that there will be baby farms in North and East supported by India – of course his imagination has been running riot.

In another instant two Sri Lankans of Tamil ethnicity domiciled in USA at two different meetings post 2011 were vocal about the ability to coexist with Sinhalese and one an elderly medical officer was seemingly proud of their role with US state department in bringing in war crimes inquiry. I responded that nothing will happen as these are mere geo political maneuvers and if there were to be such inquiries that state department should first look at the mirror of their own conduct. The other was seemingly annoyed and degraded the Sri Lankan armed forces for which I gave him a belly full. In a social media post I was happy to see him recently in Colombo having gourmet food with his friends and looks that he has now got his appetite back.

Firstly, I respect all their views, as the above are examples that are in a mild setting – unlike many more that we here – from Gammanpila, Weerawansa and Sivajilingam likes – and it has to be taken seriously especially by the political authority and people of North and East. Whilst the feelings of the Tamils are being taken care of by the state, emotions of Sinhalese too needs attention as the past still haunts their minds.

Influence of India in Sri Lanka surpasses two millenniums. Sinhalese and Tamils have roots in India. Going by Mahawamsa, the arrival of King Vijaya has been recorded as an event that happened 2500 plus years ago. King Vijaya was a Bengali –not a Sinhalese – under the present day ethno classifications. Then Bengal encompassed present day Bangladesh and parts of Odessa. Some historians’ place the Kingdom Vijaya’s father was centered within the present day Bangladesh. Irrespective of some believers, Tamils too could have sea fared the narrow Palk Straits even before, similar to Vijaya and his clan’s voyage; the Mahawamsa records a King by the name of Elara, of Tamil origin who ruled over two millenniums ago. The question of who came first is irrelevant – chicken or egg- but the fact remains both arrived without the consent of the natives who were living from the era of Balangoda man – who was neither Sinhalese nor Tamil – but forced their way to make Sri Lanka their land for living – illegal boat people or kallathonis ; if it had happened now. To cut the long story short, the modern science depicts our anthropological linkage as follows: (Source: Wikipedia: Genetc Studies of Dr. SahaPapiha &Dr. Gautam K. Kshatriya respectively)sinhala-tamil-genetic

The above depiction should make all us ashamed of our perceptions of each other portraying as Aryans, Dravidians, Chola invaders etc, etc. One thing we don’t like to compare our ethno linkage with our closest anthropological cousins, Bengalis. Physical resemblance of Bangaladeshi cricketers on a live telecast could be easily confused as Sri Lankans, if not for the regalia they wear, justifies the above scientific conclusions. Sri Lankan Tamils too must take a close look of their genetic profiling as Bengali and Sinhalese component that heavily outweighs the other.

Irrespective of such anthropological linkages based on historical and on scientific evidence with India, there are strong perceptions among South’ with regards to Tamils as Pro Indian and India is Pro Tamils. Sri Lankan Tamils too tend to refer with affinity to India when dealing with matters of Sri Lanka and Sinhalese.

Events and actions during post Independent Sri Lanka were characterized by rise in the respective ethno nationalisms. SWRD came into power through propagating Sinhala nationalism and GG Ponnamapalam, Sunthalingam and others thrived in coming into legislature by espousing the cause of Tamil nationalism. But after the elections, most relished the comfortable Colombo lifestyle they had become accustomed to, in contrast to their voters who had to work hard for a living. Who started the ethno nationalism is irrelevant – chicken or egg situation again – but tens of thousands have had untimely and violent deaths and we remain in relatively primitive in socio economic development.These politicians failed to identify the commonality we share as depicted above.

Indo Lanka relations during the post independence are characterized by periods of zenith and nadir. The zenith was during Mrs Sirimavo Banadaranayke era, during which two repatriation treaties of plantation labor were signed and Katchativu became part of Sri Lanka. These agreements are of great value in the Sri Lankan context. With acumen and grace this lady conducted the Indo Lank relationship needs special mention, as she achieved above, whilst being a close friend of both China and Pakistan. Unfortunately, lapse of time and less emphasis of positives has made these a non issue in our mindset.

From 1977 there was a steady decline in the Indo Lanka relationship. Commentators put this on our alignment with US and to some extent to the unwanted utterances in the new parliament – cow and calf – co relating to two former lady Prime Ministers from both countries and their respective sons in politics at that time by the new UNP government without realizing the Indian counterpart will one day come back into power. Further, cold war era was characterized by attempts in gaining and controlling geographical spheres of influence. This has relevance as at that time as India had a slight tilt towards the then Soviets .History shows meddling with internal affairs was an instrument used to maintain strategic posture to their advantage by the powerful nations. These became more reinforced due to the geographical proximity of SL with India. Mrs Indra Ghandi thought it fit to support the separatist movements cashing in on the support it had in with the same language speaking people in Tamil Nadu. To date, this is seen by the South as the beginning of an armed militant movement.

The trend continued till the Indian air drop that halted the Vadamarachi operations. This was followed by the Indo Lanka accord and it was perceived as an agreement signed under pressure. This led to the arrival of Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), which was also seen as an alien army in occupation. These events still linger in the mindsets of the southern populace and they need not be blamed for it.

Indian Geo Strategic interests in the region are bound to continue. Towards this, the comment made recently by the former Defense Secretary (GR); “Govt. has let Indian cat out of the bag” has relevance but it should be noted that the Indian cat was never inside a bag. The reason for not installing the Chinese made air surveillance radar in Trincomalee due to heavy Indian pressure during his period will clearly show the position of the Indian cat irrespective who is ruling Sri Lanka. In the words of Mr Gamini Dissanayake, coincidently made just before the period of Vadamaraachi operations to the effect, Sri Lanka should understand the Geo Political realities in relation to being a close neighbor of India needs mention. His statement needs further research whether he was intuitive or otherwise; as what he told became a reality within weeks, if not in month or two. Tamil leadership needs to take a close look at this inevitable reality to ensure feelings arising from this reality do not crate perceptions and hurt the process of reconciliation.

In this backdrop of such perceptions, there have been significant gains in the process of reconciliation. During a recent visit by Mr Wimal Weerawanssa to meet the Malwatte Chief Prelate and the response by Venerable Mahanayake cautioning the politician against fear mongering, amplify the progress what Yahapalanaya ‘Hearts and Minds’ campaign achieved so far. This is a very good indicator and the emerging environment needs further nurturing. It is now the time for the Sri Lankan Tamils and its polity to take up the challenge and win the ‘Hearts and Minds’ of the people in South to erase the negative perceptions that has accrued over a period of time.

Fact remains there was an era of subversion culminating in terrorism. Residual fears will remain and will fertilize those who aspire to capture power by raising emotions, the same way our politicians from both sides did since independence. There need to be genuine attempts from all sides reduce the gaps and cement the fault lines that divide us. There is no need to waste any more time to analyze the rights and wrongs of the past. We have to create an environment for peaceful co-existence forever. Towards this, there should be a clear message from the Sri Lankan Tamils living in Sri Lanka through their democratically elected leadership in both provinces to see the successful passage of a resolution sans any conditions or cavities to the effect;
Affirming -The sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

Affirming – Not to support any forms of calls for cessation, subversion and/or violence.

Successful passage of a resolution to this effect in my opinion will erase to a great extent suspicion and mistrust. It will shut many mouths including that of the Diaspora of all shades living in relative comfort and cheering slogans of hatred at each other. It will also help to facilitate speedy and successful passage of a constitution that is acceptable to all segments of the society.

I hope, the Hon’ble Leader of the Opposition as the leader of the vast majority of Tamils living in Sri Lanka be given the necessary strength and support to lead this ‘Hearts and Minds’ effort with all Tamil Political and Social entities for the sake of peaceful and dignified living of all Lankans.

Latest comments

  • 8

    Well, your effort it commendable and appreciated.

    I should also say I can also fly a plane. I can fly a single engine Piper Warrior. So we have something in common.

    • 1

      [Edited out]

  • 16

    Sir, you seem to be leaning towards majority. No matter how much you support, some of them will still see you with the eyes of racism. Please be unbiased.

    whether it be Sinhalese or Tamils or Muslims, there should be equal efforts from every community to win the hearts and minds of each other. Just one community’s genuine attempts to bridge abyss and reduce trust-deficit will not work unless every one irrespective of their ethnic leniency realizes and comes together to establish the most needed “POSITIVE PEACE’.

    • 7

      You are correct-

      Pse note the following in my article;

      “……There need to be genuine attempts from all sides reduce the gaps and cement the fault lines that divide us….”

      • 4

        There need to be genuine attempts from all sides reduce the gaps and cement the fault lines that divide us….”

        Above is a crap statement.

        YOu need to what Tamils are saying since past times and how they have acted and reacted.

        there are no singes of reconciliation ever until they get their homeland.

        they convert every argument to their advantage even though the real underlying truth says that Tamils are tribalists, they wanrt another Tamilnadu here.

    • 9

      This may be news to you. Every country in the world shapes its actives based on the liking of the majority. If you don’t agree name a country that give preference to the minority over the majority. A minority engaging in terrorism will make things even worse.

      • 12


        Mind the steps please.

        You can’t climb up the stairs with your Zimmer Frame.

        Get someone to carry you into the surgery.

        • 7

          stupid vedda again!
          Why don’t you check eBay and see if they have a brain for sale.

  • 12

    “The word ‘Hearts and Minds’ was …..)

    If Sinhalese Buddhist follow Buddhism that would solve many problems.

    • 8

      Suicide murder of Sinhalese may give other ideas to the buddhists

      • 12


        “Suicide murder of Sinhalese may give other ideas to the buddhists”

        Yes I hate to agree with you.

        The Buddhists may want to kick all the Sinhala/Buddhists out of the country and liberate Buddhism from them.

        It is a welcome idea.

        You have dropped your hearing aid on the floor. Don’t step on it.

        • 6

          Stupid vedda
          You’re a person of rare intelligence. It’s rare when you show any.

    • 6


      If Sinhalese Buddhist follow Buddhism that would solve many problems.

      Long ago, Indian buddhists were buddhists, the result was buddhist became extinct untik Dr. ambedkar converted a million of Dalit to buddhism.

      Nalanda Was a humongous University, with thousands of teachers, said to be burnt for three months. All because, they were buddhists.

      Tamils Killed everybody for 30 years and now they ask for Reconciliation and they that plus war crimes can be traded for federal solution.

      So, you want Sinhala people to be dumb and Buddhists.

      Why it is christians, muslims and Tamils asking Sinhala – buddhists to be buddhists.

      What is their objective ?

      • 10

        jim softy Dimwit

        “Long ago, Indian buddhists were buddhists, the result was buddhist became extinct untik Dr. ambedkar converted a million of Dalit to buddhism.”

        Are you one of them? When did you hop into a Kallthonie and arrive here?

        “Nalanda Was a humongous University, with thousands of teachers, said to be burnt for three months. All because, they were buddhists.”

        Yes I agree. However, it was a university established in a land now we call India. What has it got to do with Sinhala/Buddhists or Sinhla/Buddhism of this island? Did Anagarika Dharmapala (homeless one) practise his Aryan Sinhala/Buddhism at Nalanda?

        “Tamils Killed everybody for 30 years and now they ask for Reconciliation and they that plus war crimes can be traded for federal solution.”

        Not everybody.

        Check the last census estimate carried out in 2011 after the conclusion of the war which shows there were about 21 million people living through-out the island.Did they all come from India after 2009?

        “So, you want Sinhala people to be dumb and Buddhists.”

        No Sinhalese and Buddhist must liberate their language and religion from Sinhala/Buddhism.

        ” What is their objective ?”

        Their objective should be kick the Sinhala/Buddhist out of the country and land them in Tamil Nadu, and live happily ever after.

      • 1

        Jim Softly,

        “Why it is christians, muslims and Tamils asking Sinhala – buddhists to be buddhists. What is their objective ?”

        Because the Christians, Muslims and Tamils want to live in peace in Sri Lanka with the Sinhala Buddhists.

  • 9

    At last, good to read an article on reconciliation between the Singhalese and Tamils. This is our future.

  • 11

    Arun Kumaresan

    I quite agree with you. Reconciliation begins with the acknowledgements of each others differences and similarities and similar purpose.

    What is important is that real reconciliation can only take place among perceived equals.
    The question that need be asked of all do the Tamils perceive themselves as a defeated second class citizens or are equal to any other ethnic group in Sri Lanka.
    I think the former perception is the prevalent one.Therefore our society has to go on a long journey to rectify these perceptions.Many Tamils are of the opinion that Sinhalese must take the first step toward reconciliation but I feel that will not happen because the Sinhalese majority is now in a triumphalist mood and do not feel the need for reconciliation at the moment.

    • 12

      It is not the Sinhalese are in a triumphalist mood it is that they have lost the trust of Tamils. Would you trust somebody who tried to murder you? Who do you think should reach out to whom for reconciliation?
      If you read comments of Tamils in this forum I would be far from trusting Tamils to reconcile. Who should be blamed for that?

      • 9


        Please do us a favour; go and fly kite!

        “Would you trust somebody who tried to murder you?”

        Have you just dropped out of the sky? I am sure the Tamils will give you thousands of reasons as to why Tamils should not trust the Sinhala!

        You need to get real!

        • 8

          How many times I have to tell you that terrorism does not pay?? You opted terror against the Sinhalese and that was your prerogative. Why are you crying now? If you still think terrorism is the answer, come again! But don’t be a crying child!

          Please learn even this late; negotiate and negotiate not terror

          • 4


            You have indeed just dropped out of the sky! Why do you think that I am a terrorist? So, if I stand up for my right and collectively for the rights of the Tamils, we must be terrorists in your myopic outlook! What a fellow you are.

            What you need to learn is that, Sri Lanka was put together as one country as a result of the colonial past. It is now right and proper to recognise this and the injustices that your community meted out to my community. The Tamils must be given autonomy in line with the internationally recognised protocols. This is exactly what the TNA and the Diaspora Tamils have been doing since the fall of MR. Where did you see terrorism? You need to open your blinkered set eyes and see for real that you have no options but to grant autonomy for the Tamils!

          • 3

            “How many times I have to tell you that terrorism does not pay?? You opted terror against the Sinhalese and that was your prerogative. Why are you crying now? If you still think terrorism is the answer, come again! But don’t be a crying child! Please learn even this late; negotiate and negotiate not terror”

            Your people started terrorism against innocent civilians when Prabhakaran was just a toddler:
            “The non-violent democratic struggles of our people were met with military repression. Our just demands were totally ignored, and the oppression continued on such a scale as to threaten the very survival of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. It was these circumstances which led me to form our liberation movement. I felt that an armed struggle was the only alternative left to our people, not only to ensure our survival but ultimately to free our selves from the Sinhala oppression. … The shocking events of the 1958 racial riots had a profound impact on me when I was a schoolboy. I heard of horrifying incidents of how our people had been mercilessly and brutally put to death by Sinhala racists. Once I met a widowed mother, a friend of my family, who related to me her agonising personal experience of this racial holocaust. During the riots a Sinhala mob attacked her house in Colombo. The rioters set fire to the house and murdered her husband. She and her children escaped with severe burn injuries. I was deeply shocked when I saw the scars on her body. I also heard stories of how young babies were roasted alive in boiling tar. When I heard such stories of cruelty I felt a deep sense of sympathy and love for my people. A great passion overwhelmed me to redeem my people from this racist system. I strongly felt that armed struggle was the only way to confront a system which employs armed might against unarmed, innocent people.” – VP http://www.eelamweb.com/leader/interview/in_1984/

            We don’t condemn the victims of violence who retaliate but the aggressors who initiate violence. Sinhalese were in the wrong. Tamils were justified to fight back when state sponsored pogroms brutally tortured, raped and killed thousands of Tamils Tamils repeatedly since 1956. Tamils HAVE been negotiating since the country’s independence only to be betrayed repeatedly, think of all the abrogated pacts. 1983 holocaust was the boiling point, there was no more negotiating when you are being wiped out, Thousands of Tamils joined the LTTE then in response to state terrorism. Resisting state terrorism is known as freedom fighting or national liberation, not terrorism. Sinhalese could have stopped it if they simply recognized the Tamil aspiration of self-determination in the lands they traditionally inhabited. It is the Buddhist thing to do as human life worth more than forced territorial unity of a nation.

      • 10


        “Would you trust somebody who tried to murder you?”

        No one will murder you. You are going to die anyway. Why would anyone want to murder you?

        “Who do you think should reach out to whom for reconciliation?”

        Tamils should, and will only when they see you falling on your Zimmer frame.

        “If you read comments of Tamils in this forum I would be far from trusting Tamils to reconcile. Who should be blamed for that?”

        Tamils are not demanding you (who is in her second childhood) to trust them, however, they have every right to expect genuine reconciliation with Buddhists, Sinhalese. and Muslims.

        At this age what do you have to offer them? In fact, every time you topple over your Zimmer frame, there is a good chance a Tamil would pick you from the ground and take you home.

        Make sure when you leave home on your own or by mistake due to your second childhood, you wear a personalised dog tag.

        • 6

          stupid vedda,
          I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!

  • 5

    Thank you a thought provocative opinion piece. The USA wants to use Sri Lanka as a toe-hold and that is why it uses the allegations of war crimes as a weapon to bring Sri Lanka to heel(as Hillary Clinton said about black people when her husband signed very harsh anti crime laws which many felt were specifically targeting blacks; we have totally different sets of laws for people caught with Cocaine the White drug of choice and crack which is the poorer black drug of choice; Nixon’s war on drugs was targeting blacks).
    They want SL to be part of their alliance along with India now against China. So it will be a certainty as daylight follows nighttime that ISIS terrorism will also come to SL if and when USA gets a prominent toe-hold and establishes a military presence next year. USA will move tooth and nail to prop the current regime but prefers a RW UNP regime of course.

    I wrote to Harsha De Silva supporting his Ambulance effort. It was one of kind and needed to be given a fair chance to succeed in a nation with woefully inept and useless medical emergency services. I posted many comments on his Facebook page. He is working hard to do different things. This was one of the few good things that this new regime has done in SL. I can tell by experience in the USA that timing and EMT efforts are critical in saving patients with cardiac events and also in saving accident victims. A friend of mine, had a massive cardiac event in the USA; he was SAVED only and only because of the timeliness of EMT workers who were professionally trained to apply CPR and use DeFibrillators. Some Silly Sri Lankan doctors were opposing Defibrillators too. Absurd. This friend of mine now has a new heart and a kidney but he would not have survived in Sri Lanka or any other third world nation. So Emergency professionally trained and equipped EMT Ambulance services arriving in a TIMELY manner helps saves lives.

    So then we had India wanting to teach SL a lesson by arming, training and financing terrorism without quite wanting separatism and a Dravida Nation in TN because SL was gravitating towards the US and was openly hostile towards India under JR-Ranil-Premedasa previous not too dharmishta, not Gandhian days of thuggocracy. Of course political events and above all the abhorrent 1983(and many smaller attacks since 1977) Black July enabled India to use this more. Also there were pure political considerations within Indian politics.

    USA is behaving foolishly by wooing people with no credibility within Sri Lanka. Obama’s State Department seems to give too much weight to American Tamils who will never go back to SL(neither will us Sinhalese Americans) to live but are lording over like the discredited Ahmed Chalabi types that Bush used in Iraq and failed. They seem to be gravitating towards LTTE apologists and LTTE supporters rather than non-LTTE Tamil professionals for a specific reason: I believe, they will create a South Sudan like situation if they do not have their way and start problems again. So I hope the new regime in SL will work fast to create a new constitution and devolve power to a feasible maximum.

    Out of Curiosity, AVM, are you the son of the former Police SP Arunthavanathan who went to Oman; his son joined SLAF right ? My old man was very fond of him and used to socialize with him and but you look different in this. I remember his son joining SLAF.

    • 6

      Thanks Mano. AVM Arunthavanathan was very much senior to me and became Dy Chief of Staff and later made Addl Secretary of Ministry Of Defense. Both appointments he held during the height of the humanitarian operations.

      • 12


        “…………………….the humanitarian operations”

        You are sadly mistaken if you regard the massacres of 115 batches of Tamil civilians from 1956 to 2001, and the war which lasted till 2009, as ‘humanitarian operations’.

        How many bombing missions – humanitarian of course,(of the 5,000 confirmed by the Air Force) did you carry out?

        • 7

          Why do you think the so called “massacres” of Tamil happened? Is it because the Tamils were innocently minding their own business or something else the Tamils did triggered it?

          How many Sri Lankans would be killed by now if not for the “humanitarian bombing missions by the Air Force”? Have you given a thought to that?
          Tamil civilians may have been killed by this humanitarian effort, but I consider these Tamils as our true heroes.

          • 6


            Your first para – Tamils were targeted, merely because they were Tamils, and not for any other reason – or, maybe, because they dared to demand complete equality in every sense of the word.
            Second para – only armed forces personnel mainly, would have been casualties.

            Bombs in the old days, were mainly unguided – not like the
            ‘smart/guided bombs’ of today’s wars.
            ‘Cluster Bombs’ too were used by the air force, and multi rocket launchers, supplied by Pakistan, by the army.
            These turned the tide, in the final days.

            • 8

              If Tamils were targeted merely because they were Tamils there wouldn’t be any Tamils in SL by now. Right?
              What equality you did not have if you grew up in SL? I like to know because none of the Tamils I associated with talked about inequality with me or anybody!
              Were you deprived of an education? were you bared from owning land or a home? were you not allowed healthcare? Were you not allowed to practice your religion? Were you not considered for jobs if you were proficient in Sinhalese? These are some inequalities Blacks of the US had to over come.

              You saying “only armed forces personnel mainly, would have been casualties” indicate that you never lived in SL during the 30 year Tamil terror war! Further, if the armed forces who are to defend our country and look after the security of our citizens, are murdered by any group they needed to be eradicated even if some citizens become casualties.

              BI, I don’t care what bombs are used but for the protection of our citizens and our country, particularly against this brutal Tamil terrorists.

              • 3


                ” I don’t care what bombs are used but for the protection of our citizens and our country, particularly against this brutal Tamil terrorists.”

                Now you need a magnifying glass to read what is being written here.

                When you are at an age where you ask the same question every 2 minutes, you repeat what you uttered 3 minutes earlier, you can’t hear because you don’t remember where you left your hearing aid, …. . …

                We tolerate you because we recognise you have a need to talk to someone all the time, and your children, grand-children, great-grandchildren and relatives have abandoned you.

                You are testing justice’s patience. Give him a break.

                • 5

                  stupid vedda
                  why don’t you write something intelligent?

      • 11

        “Humanitarian Operations.”
        You want people to buy that bluff?

      • 11


        What do know about the Tamil grievances? Better still, do you think that the Tamils have a ground to feel aggrieved?

        How would you handle the language issue? Do you think that Tamils should assimilate with the Sinhala and abandon the need to protect their demography, culture and language?

        What exactly do you want the Tamils to do in order to win the hards and minds of the South?

  • 13

    The attempt to reconcile is good but the genetic admixture of the Sinhalese not correct. Please research properly before posting.
    Gautam Kumar Kshatriya actually found that the genetic admixture of the Sinhalese is 25% in common with Bengali and 70% Tamil and genetic studies have shown that Tamils from South India have contributed to the majority of the genetic composition of present day Sinhalese.

    This makes sense as a very high percentage of the present day Sinhalese almost 50% are purely descended from low caste Indian Tamil slave labour that was imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch colonials. If half the present day Sinhalese population are purely descended from Indian Tamil how did the Bengali contribution be so great? It even deifies common sense. Leave them what about all the local population that was already existing and the constant immigration from South India from ancient to modern times? The Bengali contribution can never be that great. As for the Gujarathi from where did they come from?

    This new chart was concocted by extremist Sinhalese elements later. This was done during the era of Mahainda Rajapakse in Colombo, as they were alarmed by what Gautam Kumar Kshatriya’s findings, proving that contrary what they claim, the Sinhalese are basically descended from the Tamils and the Sri Lankan Tamils are not recent immigrants, and they are genetically much closer to the original Sinhalese, with whom they share a common origin and heritage. Basically the arrival of Buddhism created a new identity down south and constant South Indian invasions basically reinforced the existing Tamil and Saivite identity in the north and east.
    Around 55% of the Sri Lankan Tamil DNA is common not with modern day Sinhalese but largely with the original Sinhalese, as most of the so called modern day Sinhalese are descended from recently Sinhalised assimilated South Indian immigrants, who started to arrive during the last few centuries EG; Karawa, Salagma Durawa, Hunu, Hali ETC even many of the so called Kandyan Radala and upper Govigamma (Both low country and Kandyan). They had nothing to do with the formation or genetic contribution to the Sri Lankan Tamil identity.

    By around 12TH century AD migration from South India to the Tamil parts of the island had become a trickle but continued unabated to the Sinhalese south and reached its peak during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial era.

    In reality it is the Sri Lankan Tamils who have far more Bengali DNA in them that the Sinhalese. As they have a direct contribution of 28% ( Marginally higher than the Sinhalese) and through the shared DNA with the original Sinhalese another 17% at least indirectly. Making them around 45% Bengali and 55% Indian Tamil in origin.

    The irony is people who are more Tamil in origin and heritage like the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims or Moors are now trying to destroy Tamil, whereas the section of the population that has the lowest amount of Tamil origin and the highest amount of the North East Indian heritage than the Sinhalese who go around crowing around this, are the ones who defending the Tamil language Saivite religion and giving their lives for Tamil. With around 300000 dead and around 1.2 million ethnically cleansed loosing all their possessions and fleeing their lands.
    This proves it is what people perceive themselves that matters and not what they really are. The more North Indian origin Sri Lankan Tamils are dying and are prepared to undergo untold hardships for the sake of Tamil. Whereas the More Tamil Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims want to destroy Tamil and the Dravidian culture. One lot in the name of Buddhism praising the Indo Aryan culture , the other lot in the name of Islam want to be some pathetic clones of the Arabs.

    • 7

      Real Siva Sankaran Sarma

      what I cannot understand as per Arun Kumarsan’s genetic Pie charts, Tamils are ore Sinhalese and Benghali than Tamils. In that Sense, Tamil can easily assilimate into Sinhalese.

      Even with your analysis, If Sinhala people are mostly Tamil, why Tamils can not assimilate into Sinhalese.

      Because, you are, new tamils, are fighting with the former Tamils. Remember also, that during the portugeuse Time Jaffna was 60% Sinhala. Just before that, Jaffna Tamils had blood relationships with Mahanuwara – Sinhala people.

      If you go back to Tamilnadu your culture is=. but, you Tamils don’t like to go to Tamilnadu because you won’t be able to enjoy the freedom that you have with the Sinhala buddhist culture.

      On the other hand, Sinhala People cannot find the same culture anywhere in India or else where. So, Sinhala people have to fight to death against the enemy.

  • 12

    Educated Tamils always had a chip on their shoulder. Just because they bent over backwards to show their loyalty to the White masters, Tamils were given high position in the Government when our white masters left Sri Lanka. This superiority complex is the downfall of Tamils. Tamils should understand in a Democracy the majority rules and the minorities should work with the majority to get their due demands . In order to do so the minority should not threaten the majority, the way “Unjust” Wigneswaran passed the “genocide” resolution when the Yahapalana Govt was releasing the land held by the forces. Rather than thinking Tamils are superiors, Tamils should think they are equals and have to share the land with the Sinhalese and Sinhalese are the majority.

    • 11


      where did you get this?

      “Just because they bent over backwards to show their loyalty to the White masters, Tamils were given high position in the Government “

      Tamils earned their position.

      February 4, 1948 will go down in the history of the Tamil People as a BLACK DAY. On this fateful day, 3 million Tamils of Ceylon exchanged their white British colonial masters for the brown/black neo-colonial Sinhalese.

      Sri Lanka, then Ceylon, would not have gained independence from Britain without the support and consent of the Tamil people. In fact it was the Tamil leaders like Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan (1851-1930) and Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam (1853-1924) who fearlessly spearheaded the struggle for constitutional reforms that led to independence from colonial yoke.

      However, the Ponnambalam brothers in their evening of life realised that the Sinhalese politicians have taken them for a ride to advance the interests of the majority community at the expense of the Tamil people. Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan foresaw that the democratic principle of one-person one vote in a heterogeneous society would ultimately lead to tyranny of the majority.


      `Why did the (Donoughmore) Commissioners
      not study Ireland, which is next door to them?
      They (Irish) said that we are one lot and you
      are another. We cannot work together. We must have
      separate governments. Then I ask what happened in
      the Dominion of Canada? The officials concerned said,
      it is an impossible situation…. Let us give these
      French descendants one form of government and let us
      give the other people another form of government
      – forms of government suitable to the interests of
      each of these great big communities. Why did the
      Commissioners think of that?`


      `They should work towards promoting the union
      and solidarity of what we have been proud to call
      TAMIL EELAM. We desire to preserve our individuality
      as a people, to make ourselves worthy of inheritance.
      We are not enamoured about the cosmopolitanism which
      would make us neither fish, fowl nor red-herring.`

      D.S.Senanayake, the first Prime Minister of independent Ceylon, GAVE THE FOLLOWING SOLEMN PROMISE TO THE TAMILS and other minority communities `NO HARM NEED YOU (NON-SINHALESE) FEAR AT OUR HANDS (SINHALESE) IN A FREE LANKA.

      ` He was speaking in the State Council in October 1945 when all the Tamil members had unanimously voted for the acceptance of the Soulbury constitution in a White Paper.

      `Do you want to be governed from London or
      do you want, as Ceylon, to help govern Ceylon?
      On behalf of the (Ceylon National) Congress
      (founded by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam in 1919)
      and on my behalf, I give the minority communities
      the sincere assurance that no harm need you fear
      at our hands in a free Lanka.`

      But in 1948, the very year of Independence, D.S.Senanayake blatantly WENT BACK ON THE PROMISE AND BARED HIS TRUE COLOURS AS AN UNREPENTANT CHAMPION OF SINHALA CHAUVINISM by depriving one million Tamils of their citizenship.

      The Citizenship Act No.18 was unique in that it denied citizenship to a person born in the country before or after 1948 unless, at least, his father was born in or was a citizen of Sri Lanka. The following year, the same Tamils were deprived of their franchise rights by a simple amendment to the Parliamentary Elections Ordinance which said only citizens have the right to vote in elections. This reduced Tamils representation in Parliament from 33% in 1948 to a mere 20% in 1952.

      The Citizenship Act #18 of 1948 opened the floodgates to further legislative and administrative acts, which robbed Tamils of their language, educational, and employment rights. It might be informative at this stage to recapitulate the history of the National conflict between the Tamils and the Sinhalese.



      The Mahavamsa, a Buddhist chronicle written in the 6th century AD by a Buddhist monk portrays the Sinhalese King Dutugemunu as the National Hero who defeated the Tamil King Ellalan and unified the whole of Ceylon. Though Buddhism infinitely values human life as being the one and only condition from which nibbana (salvation) could be attained, Mahavamsa made a virtue of killing in defence of Buddhism. This 2nd century B.C book has been used to raise the cry of Race, Land and Faith by the Sinhalese-Buddhist chauvinistic forces during the last hundred years or more.

      The Mahavamsa has perpetrated the myth that Sinhalese-Buddhists are a chosen people with the special mission of preserving the Buddhist religion in Sri Lanka. Dr.Walpola Rahula, a scholar monk, wrote `for more than two millennia the Sinhalese have been inspired that they were a nation brought into being for the definite purpose of carrying the torch lit by Buddha.`

      In Mahavamsa tradition the Tamils are considered unbelievers, villains and invaders. It is the Mahavamsa theory that the Island as a whole belongs to the Sinhalese Buddhists only, and that there is no place or only second class status for Tamils. This Mahavamsa tradition is the root cause of the present conflict between the Tamil Nation and the Sinhalese Nation.

      The planned state-aided colonization of Tamil traditional Homelands, the Sinhala Only Act, the recognition of Buddhism as the state religion, the lion flag as the national flag, the national anthem and the stubborn insistence on a unitary constitution are manifestations of the Mahavamsa mind-set deeply embedded in the Sinhalese psyche. Initiatives in the past to settle the national conflict by the signing of the Bandaranayake-Chelvanayakam pact (1957), Dudley Senanayake- Chelvanayakam pact (1965), and the Indo-Ceylon Accord (1987) failed because of this single factor.


      The Tamils have experienced numerous betrayals by successive Sri Lankan governments since independence. They include the following signed pacts between the leaders of the Sinhalese and the Tamils, which were torn-up under pressure from Sinhalese-Buddhist extremists: 1. Bandaranaike – Chelvanayakam Pact (26 July, 1957) 2.Senanayake – Chelvanayakam Pact (24 March, 1965) Under both these pacts, a certain degree of autonomy was to be vested in the administration of Tamils traditional homeland (Northern and Eastern Provinces.)


      Through a systematic state-aided Sinhalese colonisation of the traditional homelands of the Tamils, the demographic profile of the Tamils has been drastically altered. In the Eastern Province, the once majority Tamil community (52.3 % in 1946 41.9 in 1981) has been reduced to a minority, whereas the percentage of Sinhalese rose from 8.4% in 1946 to a staggering 32.2% in 1981.

    • 7

      One of the main reasons why the Tamils occupied a better place in the government service and the professions under British rule than the Sinhalese did was due to the head start they had in the sphere of learning English although this was by accident and not design.

      The American Ceylon Mission was started in the Jaffna peninsula by the American Methodist Missionaries in 1816. In her very recent book, “Communal politics under the Donoughmore Constitution” Jane Russell gives a good account of the services rendered by these missionaries to education in Jaffna.

      According to her, the reason why the Mission chose Jaffna as the focus of its activities was because “the colonial government was anxious to avoid a clash with the English Missions and partly because its strategic position was the key to India which was the Mission’s main target”.

      By 1822, 42 schools staffed by Americans who were fluent in Tamil, had been established in the peninsula. In 1823, was set up the Batticotta (not to be confused with Batticaloa) Seminary at Vaddukoddai. This was the first English school in Asia. It was a free boarding school whose standard has been compared to that of a University, It taught English, Tamil prose, Mathematics, Greek, Latin History, Geography and. Philosophy.

      In 1833, a professor of Medicine arrived and thereafter the Seminary turned out medical students and potential doctors. The methods of the American Ceylon Mission was reported to be infinitely more advanced and the missionaries more dedicated than those in the English Mission Schools in the rest of Ceylon.

      Having learnt Tamil thoroughly, the Americans translated English text books into Tamil and compiled comprehensive English-Tamil dictionaries. As Colebrooke pointed out in 1830, the level of English education imparted in Jaffna was much higher than elsewhere in Ceylon as a result of the Americans asserting the importance of teaching English (unlike other missions).

      Due to a financial crisis, the colonial government cut down expenditure on education by half during the end of 1847. This did not affect the American Ceylon Mission. The effect was that the government’s schools in the South-West were outclassed completely. In 1929 there existed in the Jaffna peninsula 65 English schools, 10 of them being first/class Collegiate Schools, and 426 Vernacular schools. In that year, the Northern province had 6 out of 7 children attending some form schools.

      As K. Balasingam said in a speech in 1913, we have cultivated the only thing that could have been cultivated with profit despite the aridity of our soil. We ‘have attempted to cultivate men’.

      The Americans were followed by Catholic and Protestant Missionaries who all proceeded to set up schools as part of their aim of proselytising. When Hindu revivalism started, there was formed the Hindu Board of Education which, in turn, opened up its schools. Thus, Jaffna became blessed with many schools. It was said that, at one stage, Jaffna had more schools per square mile than anywhere else in the world.

      This gave a great impetus to the study of the English, a language which was the language of administration of the British Colonialists. Naturally, the Tamils obtained more posts in the government’s service and the professions, like law and medicine, out of proportion to their numbers. But, they were obtained in open competition and not through the back door. According to Jane Russell, the Ceylon Tamils constituted over 40 percent of the franchise for the Educated Members seat in 1918.

      A particular reason as to why the Tamil felt the urgent need for better and higher education, particularly in English, was his consciousness that he lived in the most barren and uneconomic part of Sri Lanka which did not boast of a river, a mountain or forest. Education was the only passport to a better life. So he studied hard.

      It was a slightly different picture with the Sinhalese in the South. They were blessed with a more fertile land where literally anything grew. Sustenance was easy. But, the educational facilities available to them were less than those available to the Tamils. Besides, till the economic crisis of 1929-1931, the Sinhala middle classes were not that keen to join government service or the professions as their lands could sustain them. It was in the years just before and just after the Second World War that the competition for jobs between the Sinhala and Tamil middle classes grew.

      According to the Soulbury Commission report, in the year 1938, out of 6002 pensionable officers, 3236 were Sinhalese and 1164 were Ceylon Tamils. Much of the friction between the two communities arose over the disputes about the social proportions in certain departments in the public service. The communal problem, therefore, is at bottom a competition between the respective middle classes for entry into government service and the professions and for trade opportunities.

      According to Jane Russell, the “golden age” of the Ceylon Tamils can be approximately ascribed to the 50 years between 1870 and 1920. In this period. the excellence of the English school system in the Jaffna peninsula enabled large numbers of the Jaffnese to find lucrative employment in the civil and clerical services of Malaya, India and Ceylon. Economically wealthy, the Jaffna Tamils had become politically powerful. The Coomaraswamy – Ponnambalam dynasty had been able to dominate the other communal representatives in the Legislative Council in the 19th century, and had therefore become the acknowledged leaders of the English – educated elite of both communities.

      When Ponnambalam Ramanathan was elected the first all-island representative in 1912 against the opposition of a Sinhalese, Marcus Fernando, he acquired de – jure the official recognition as spokesman of the English educated elite, which had been his de facto role for over 30 years.

      In 1916, his brother, Ponnambalam Arunachalam entered the political arena. From the outset of his political career, Arunachalam towered above his Sinhalese and Tamil contemporaries. Almost immediately he was recognised as the leader of the English educated elite. The founder of the Ceylon National Congress, as well as a number of labour organisations, Arunachalam dominated Ceylon’s politics for the remaining 7 years of his life. When he left the Congress in 1922 it marked the end of the ascendency of the Ceylon Tamils in Ceylon politics.

      Under Colonial rule the Sinhalese and Tamil leaders worked harmoniously together in pursuit of more and more reforms from the Colonial power. In 1915, after the martial law riots, it was the Tamil knight, Ponnambalam Ramanathan who braved the torpedo infested seas to travel to England to plead the cause of the detained Sinhala leaders, like D. S. Senanayake. Everyone knows the story of how, when Ramanathan returned to the island, the Sinhala leaders, including the then labour leader, A. E. Goonsinha, unharnessed the horses from his chariot and dragged the chariot themselves.

      When the Ceylon National Congress was founded in 1919, it was Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam who was elected its first president. In two consecutive elections, for the Educated Members Seat in the old Legislative Council, Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was elected despite the fact that a majority of the voters were Sinhalese.

      • 7

        why are you saying all these? To justify terrorism against Sri Lanka?
        Do you still think terrorism is the way to go?
        Why don’t you put your efforts to build a united SL by accepting Tamils as a minority as in many countries and work towards progress of all ethnic groups?
        Living in the past (where none of us had any say on what our leaders did) and cultivating anger is not going to help anybody. Think only of today and the future.

    • 8

      “Educated Tamils always had a chip on their shoulder. Just because they bent over backwards to show their loyalty to the White masters, Tamils were given high position in the Government when our white masters left Sri Lanka. This superiority complex is the downfall of Tamils.”

      Why shouldn’t they? They worked hard to get to their position not to give it all away because of uneducated Sinhala barbarism.
      As for the often repeated Sinhala nationalist canard about Tamil loyalty to the colonialists, it’s a nice fantasy but it’s wrong. In reality the university educated Tamil students of the Jaffna Youth Congress were agitating for independence from the British and it has been noted D.S. Senanayake advised the British to grant independence to Ceylon early due to such Tamil agitation.

      Tamils were preferred on their merits alone as they could speak English due to education provided by Christian missionaries. Why do so many Sinhalese have European last names if your people were defiant of colonial masters and proud of their heritage? Sinhala leaders themselves were anglicized elites; S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike for for example couldn’t speak Sinhala until later in his life.

      The truth about the supposed colonial favoritism toward Tamils:

      “Because the Jaffna soil was barren, mainly rocky or stone laden, people had to toil and sweat very hard to eke out a living (In Chilaw until His Lordship Marcus Fernando became the Bishop in the seventies, the Church also did not encourage education).

      They did not want their children to toil like them. They mortgaged their farmlands or even sold them to give their children English education. Even Ivor Jennings the first Vie Chancellor also has commented on this. The most successful of those who came up in the different competitive Examinations were selected according to requirements.

      In addition, the American Mission too helped in the development of English education.

      There were quite a number of Sinhalese who emerged as successful administrators, and professionals like Engineers, Doctors and Lawyers etc., during this period.

      The Sinhalese also had a special advantage – a singular advantage, over the Tamils.

      When smallholdings were introduced, quite a number of Sinhalese became owners.

      Thus, in terms of economy, and socio–economic mobility the Sinhalese were in a relatively superior position.

      There was no economic development in the North and East during the entire British period – not even infrastructures like Link-Roads and easing of travel and transport because the North and East did not come within the purview of the colonial economy of the British.” http://tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36262

      “It is true that the Tamils in Jaffna were educated, but the British did very little compared to what the then anti-colonial Americans and native revivalists did to education. The Jaffna Tamils had no other option as their economy of the Dutch times collapsed and was subordinated to plantation-based, Colombo-centric colonial economic outlook of the British.

      If the British were favouring Tamils in education why a university was not given to Tamils during the entire British rule? Even the native institutions in Jaffna that were affiliated to Calcutta and Madras were made into ‘secondary schools’ by the British-Colombo administration, while a university college and later a university was started only in Colombo.

      Those who argue that the British favoured Tamils should read what the Report of the Donoughmore Commission that was sent to Ceylon in 1927 by the first Labour government of Britain has said on the communities in the island.

      The coastal Sinhalese were the most ‘progressive’ people in the island according to the Donoughmore Report, which implied that they were the favourite of the British in having a special relationship and in eventually transferring power.

      That’s what the British did under the Donoughmore constitution and between 1945 and 1948 under the Soulbury constitution– transferring power to the coastal Sinhala leadership, despite witnessing an All-Sinhala cabinet for 10 years under Donoughmore constitution.” http://tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=36240

      “Tamils should understand in a Democracy the majority rules and the minorities should work with the majority to get their due demands .”

      Majority rule has been proven be lynch mob rule in Sinhala Lanka. Majoritarianism is what caused the civil war. Sinhalese should learn a thing or two about power-sharing.

      “Rather than thinking Tamils are superiors, Tamils should think they are equals and have to share the land with the Sinhalese and Sinhalese are the majority.”
      I’ve never heard Tamils they they are superior Aryans, superior to dark skinned race but I hear it routinely from Sinhala racists. Father of Sinhala nationalism Anagarika Dharmapala laid the foundation of the Aryan racial supremacy ideology among the Sinhalese.
      “This Sinhalese-Buddhist ideology, by the 1930s, had begun to draw inspiration from German Nazism. For example, Kumari Jayewardena gives an account of how A.E. Goonesingha, the leader of the Ceylon Labour Union launched a campaign against Malayali workers, which became virulent in the late 1930s. The same leader had sponsored ethnic unity in the 1920s. In the context of the economic depression of the 1930s, the slogan became one of Malayalis (from Kerala) stealing Sinhalese jobs. Kumari Jayewardena cites a letter in Goonesinha’s journal Viraya (17.4.1936), which called for a leader of the Sinhalese like Hitler, whose policies were said to be saving the Aryan race from degeneration.
      It was not just Goonesingha, but also D.S. Senanayake and S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike whose brand of nationalism drew inspiration from Nazism. … Thus Sinhalese-Buddhism shared with Nazi fascism a sense of victimhood amidst a sea of evil aliens (an idea already developed by Dharmapala), a mission to rectify this state of affairs, and especially when it had attained political power, a millennial vision (e.g. as Senanayake’s above).” https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/roots-implications-of-sinhalese-buddhist-ideology/

  • 4

    Bodhi Sira, Cousin Chandrika and him are the new generation Politicians boasts Batalanada Ranil,

    They will change the constitution , But Batalanda will talk to Malwatta Boss and introduce a clause to protect Malwatta Sinhala Buddhism,

    That is what Batalanda Ranil told his Yahapalana audience yesterday..

    In the mean time, Vellala Wigneswaran the CM ,who is the benefactor of Batalalanda Ranil’s bulldozing of the Mahavamsa constitution, has organized three protest meets in the North, which will be the Federal Tamil Eelaam under the new Constitution.

    These protests will demand the immediate halt to settling Sinhala Buddhists in the North and building Buddhist Temples there.

    And it was announced by none other than the the Yahapalana Partner TNA heavy Premachandran.

    Is that what this “winning the hearts and minds” is all about ?.

  • 8

    KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

    “Is that what this “winning the hearts and minds” is all about ?.”

    When you are thrown a rope to pull you out of your Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto, make use of the opportunity and support, grab it and come out of your pit.

    The world outside your pit is beautiful, healthy, plenty to enjoy, people live there, enjoy romantic experience with your love, travel around the country, meet people from all background, sing, dance, read, improve your sense of humour, exchange gifts, have good food, visit your friends and relatives, meditate, go to good movies, take a walk along marine drive, spend sometime forest monasteries, watch children play, be optimistic, do good to the people, be charitable even to your worst enemy, stop carrying MR’s b***s, stop ranting, be magnanimous, …… treat people with humanity, …..

    Which means grab the rope, come out of your self-made pit, …..

    By the way, before grabbing rope you should remember when to stop digging.

    • 2

      Dear Native,

      Now those must be your mates in the Diaspora.

      Because I don’t see beauty, health,smiles, singing, dancing and all the rest of the goodies which you mentioned, even in All you Can Eat buffets at Ozo , Mirage,or even Yarl..

      Bit of Romance .. yes only along the Marine Drive on hot rocks , but they are all Dalits under brollies..

      Any way you got a point ,

      Batalanda Ranil, sent Suren Surendran in place of Daham to meet and greet Bunky Moon with the Yahapalana President,

      May be to get the Rope from Bunky moon to pull us out of the Pit..right

      And Batalanada Ranil is going to create a new Buddhism too.

      Perhaps to fit us when Suren pulls us out of the Pit..

      That is what he told the Yahapalana suckers in Colombo.

      Here is what he said, “Of course I am not going to change Buddhism, All I am doing is to introduce a new clause to meet the needs of the Sinhalese in Malwatta.

      In fact I have asked the Malwatta Chapter Boss to come up with what he wants in the clause.”

      Makes sense.. Thanks buddy.

      Batalanda Ranil must now call his Faction Elite, Anglican , Vellala and Malwwatta Buddhist Faction of the UNP.

      Where is uncle Karu?…..

      • 1

        KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera

        What has Buddhism got to do with you?

        Sinhala/Buddhism has all the ingredient to transform this island into a fascistic state or a country similar to PolPotistas Cambodia or North Korea.

        Therefore we should kick the Sinhala/Buddhists out of this island back to their ancestral land in South India and let Buddhism flourish in this country in its pristine form.

        Afterwards, you will stop carrying MR’s b***s.

  • 7

    My question has/was always been; why no tamil talked about reconciliation prior to Tamils resorting to failed 30 years of terrorism against the country.
    Hope some one with sense will answer this question.

    • 5


      “My question has/was always been; why no tamil talked about reconciliation prior to Tamils resorting to failed 30 years of terrorism against the country.”

      You don’t even remember what you had for breakfast, leave alone history.

      I must congratulate for your determination, even at this age you manage to get few random words published on CT.

      • 3

        Stupidity has no boundaries!

        • 4


          “Stupidity has no boundaries!”

          Is that why you get more thumbs down than any of the fellow commentators? Keep it up.

          Where is your Zimmer Frame?

          • 4

            stupid vedda
            Thumbs down? because there are many Tamil terrorists and terror supporters here. The very reason I don’t want DFSL to be removed from the north and land not to be given back to those terror supporters.

  • 2

    Events and actions during post Independent Sri Lanka were characterized by rise in the respective ethno nationalisms.SWRD came into power through propagating Sinhala nationalism and GG Ponnamapalam, Sunthalingam and others thrived in coming into legislature by espousing the cause of Tamil nationalism. But after the elections, most relished the comfortable Colombo lifestyle they had become accustomed to, in contrast to their voters who had to work hard for a living.

    The writer seems to be ignorant of POST independent Sri Lankan politics or cast aspersions on the above mentioned two Tamil leaders. GGP played less in rabble rousing speeches during the post independent Ceylon and the reaction of the other one was logical after his bitter experience and not meant for the purpose of catching votes. GGP had well ahead of independence “relished the comfortable Colombo lifestyle..”
    Otherwise the article is -though of substance to a certain extent- a kind of one intended to appease someone, it appears.

  • 4

    The difference as far as practical affairs are concerned is the language. There are Sinhala (language) speaking people and Tamil (language) speaking people. I refuse to recognize any other differences/divisions. Tamil language users are handicapped in dealing with the state machinery and face extreme difficulties in this regard. Intransigent attitude of Hindu and Christian Tamils has contributed to their own suffering, not to mention the majoratarian attitude of the Sinhalese. Islamic Tamil speakers have been quite practical and have mastered the language of the majority.


    • 3

      not to mention the majoratarian attitude of the Sinhalese.

      Above is a stupid argument.

      the reason is Europe accepted multiculturalism and allowed immigrents to practice every thing their own. Immigrents became rich land owners while europeans indulged in pleasure and did not even produce enough children.

      Now europeans are scared and have become excessively racist because their cultures are disintegrating. they say if the birth rate is less than 1%, their societies will vanish and europe become a Islamic land.

    • 7


      Stop talking nonsense! No one can force their language on to the others. This is exactly what you have been trying to do! You have conveniently avoided saying the primary position given to Buddha and exclusive Sinhsla only colonisations!

      Please soma you can fool some people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time!

      • 4

        No one is forcing Sinhalese language on anybody. If any Tamil wants to improve their life they will learn Sinhalese. If I am to practice my profession in Jaffna, am I that stupid to tell people of Jaffna to learn Sinhalese????
        Do Tamils who live in Italy, France etc. refuse to learn those languages?
        Please. Bring up only intelligent arguments.

        • 4

          take a hike euse; you are a complete chauvinist full stop. You are full of yourself and you cannot see left or right!

          • 4

            That is your answer?????
            How can the Sinhalese give Tamils (mostly with your mentality) a part of SL to govern???

          • 6

            Burning Issue

            “take a hike euse; you are a complete chauvinist full stop. You are full of yourself and you cannot see left or right!”

            Please bear with Nuisance, she has well passed her second childhood.

        • 1


          Get this in your thick skull that the Tamils who inhabit within the North and East live in their own nation; they are not in Italy, England or Germany. Do you understand this clearly? It is your mental incapacity to comprehend this simple fact that constitute your chronic chauvinism! Many people tried to enlighten you but to no avail! This is why you need to take a hike to clear your head!

    • 8


      “Islamic Tamil speakers have been quite practical and have mastered the language of the majority.”

      We know you have a secret agenda.

      Islamic Tamils should be praised for their ability to master languages. They are clever aren’t they? Yet Muslims are unofficially barred from buying properties in Kandy and surrounding area. Could you explain why?

      What do you do with the majority who can’t or won’t learn languages?

      Are they (15 Million of them) stupid or what?

      Say hello to Sinhala speaking Demela Ravi Perera.

  • 3

    Retd. Officer, Arun Kumarsen:

    Looking at the Pie charts of Sinhala and Tamil Genetic composition, that Tamils are also former Sinhala People. A few percentage of increased tamil genes of Sri lankan Tamils can be their high mixing with Tamilnadu Tamils becauise Tamilandu is closeby.

    You also understand even though both groups have very high Indian influence, Sinhala – buddhist civilization is unique. there is no other place in India where you can take culture and directly repalce with the Sinhala – buddhist culture. On the other hand, Tamil culture is there just 16 miles away.

    considering all those facts, instead of all other options, why don’t you ask Tamils now to assimilate with Sinhala people ?

    • 7

      What an idiot Sinhalese Buddhist civilisation is unique so is the Sri Lankan or Eelam Tamil Saivite Hindu civilisation, their language customs and way of life. Yes there is a Tamil culture in South India but it is different from the Eelam Tamil culture and way of life and have nothing to do with us. We are also unique and have over the centuries in isolation evolved separately from the Tamils in South India.
      Tamils are not former Sinhalese people, as there was no such thing called a Sinhalese identity or people until the 8Th/9th century AD. Tamils is a very ancient language and the Tamils are a very ancient people. What this chart states is that the original/ancient Sinhalese in the island and the Sri Lankan Tamils share a largely common origin. Meaning they originated from the same indigenous stock that was speaking the Semi Tamil Elu dialect.
      Please use your brain. A much older and ancient people do not descend from a more recent identity and people. It is the other way around. Old Sinhalese or Hela was very close to Tamil in pronunciation.
      This is the reason the Sinhalese extremist and the Jarapakse regime got alarmed by the Gautam Khashtriya findings and concocted these new findings in Colombo a few ears ago. As the Khastriya findings show that the Sinhalese are basically Tamils.
      Some people incorrectly state Sri Lankan Tamils are descended from Malyali and Sinhalese due to the large amount of DNA shared with them. However this is incorrect as these two identities came from the ancient Tamils and are recent. One very recent. You cannot descent from your child but it is the other way around.

  • 7

    Mr.Arun kumaresan

    The title of your article is itself is upside down. The majority community in Sri lanka should appease with the minority by treating them as equals. While enslaving them and treating them as second class citizens how could you expect them to win the hearts and minds of the majority. Yet, the Tamils did try to win the hearts and minds of the Sinhalese since the British left Sri Lanka. The leading Tamils joined the Sinhala leaders and fought for independence. After obtaining the independence the Tamils were treated as second class citizens and when they were peacefully and democratically fought for their freedom and cried for justice, they were massacred and their properties confiscated and destroyed, not once but several times. How many Tamil civilians were murdered during the recent civil war. Of course I hate to think of the war as many civilians perished with no fault of theirs. There should not haven a war like it in Sri Lanka and never should be.
    The recent civil war was as a result of the majority subjugating the minority as second class citizens.
    There are civilised citizens among the Sinhalese who want the minority being treated equally but they fear for the hardliners and for losing power.
    Mr.Sambanthan of the TNA has given and is giving full support to the government. He attended the Independence day celebrations which no other Tamil leaders have attended before. He raised the lion flag which no other leaders in the Tamil community have raised before and yet the government playing poker with the Tamils. He requested the government to release the Tamil political prisoners held over many years to release them. Nothing happened so far. The Army is holding large extent of lands in Vali_North and other places like Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Mannar and refusing to release them even on the request of Mr.Sambanthan. The government thinks that the army is more important than the Tamil people. He pleaded to abolish the Terrorism act but nothing happened, Mr.Sambanthan feels that the government will restore the dignity of the Tamils by giving them the right to rule in the new constitution. But he will definitely fail and will be treated as a traitor. Mr.Sambanthan’s words to the Tamil people are ambiguous.
    The composition of the two races are not important now but
    let the majority race win the hearts and minds of the minority race, the Tamil Nation.

    • 4

      There are civilised citizens among the Sinhalese who want the minority being treated equally but they fear for the hardliners and for losing power.

      North and east should be a monoethnic Tamil enclave called Tamil homeland only for 30% Tamil while 70% of Tamils live in other provinces and Sinhala buddhists should allow Tamil, muslims, and Christians to have their own way at the expense of their culture and civilization. Everybody trying to subjugate Sinhala buddhists are called it Democracy.

  • 2

    This is why we should never identify ourselves as Tamil, Muslim, Sinhalese, Malay, Burger etc. We are ALL Ceylonese or Sri Lankans.

  • 3

    Mr. Arun and all participants,
    There is no point going back to long past history. The present and the future is what works for Sri Lanka or any other Country. Go as far as what you saw and what you experience. Do you know Tamils neither had a chance to take any major decision nor implement any Constitutional change that made Sri Lanka go down fast within 20 years after independence. Do you know that Tamil parties wanted to live peacefully and tried their best to get the majority accept them by signing pacts to make the life of Tamils better. Do you know who abrogated all those pacts signed by the then Prime Ministers and the Tamil leaders?. Do you know who began campaigning elections on racial platforms? Do you know who started racial riots? Do you know all Tamils living in all parts of Sri Lanka had to take refuge in their native North or East? Do you know Tamils depended on education, and employment or cultivation in their native lands. There is no point in showing from where Tamils and Sinhalese came from. Learn who destroyed who in the near history and at present. How is the history going to develop in the near future?. Who is going to make the self imposed Superiority Sinhalese who have the power to change the Constitution for the good or for the bad? What is the point in holding any powerless Tamil as not contributing for a peaceful existence? All these years after independence even though Tamils lost lives and properties, some of them got used only for the purpose of the majoritarian Governments to do further collateral damage to the Country. Can any one of you show the world at any time after independence if a Tamil or a Tamil party had any responsibility in rolling down the Country to todays position?

    • 0

      Do you know Tamils neither had a chance to take any major decision nor implement any Constitutional change that made Sri Lanka go down fast within 20 years after independence

      Tamils don’t have 51% of th epopulation in order to make decisions for the country.

      • 0

        When you say Tamils, you are referring by default to Tamils of North and East. Because the Tamil Politicians of North and East made sure that Indian Origin Tamils were made stateless. This in fact was the downfall of Tamils. If the Tamil Politicians of the past had the sensibility to give voting rights to all Tamils including the Tamils of the Indian origin then there would have been enough strength for them to get equal rights years ago. When they made sure Indian origin Tamils who were born in Sri Lanka were made stateless, the entire economy (Tea and Rubber and some Coconut) was in their hands. If the started a strike any government would have bent over backwards to give into their demands, especially equal rights.

  • 2

    In another instant two Sri Lankans of Tamil ethnicity domiciled in USA at two different meetings post 2011 were vocal about the ability to coexist with Sinhalese and one an elderly medical officer was seemingly proud of their role with US state department in bringing in war crimes inquiry.

    during the war, I heard one Tamil physician who is well established in the USA and had married to a white woman discussed about using suicide bombers in Sri lanka. The driving of the Petrol bowser into a military camp in North was the first they did like that.

    I think above tamil is the man.

  • 0


    It is not the past that matters. Identities are forged and cemented in the present. No matter what the genetic composition of our so called antagonists are, or where they really originated from, it is their present geo political establishment that really matter. If we go even further we will come to the conclusion that we all originated from the African ape. But that is irrelevant. As time has gone by we establish ourselves on a land, create a tribal enclave, create and identity and safeguard against marauders and then we claim ownership. So in the present day Sri Lanka we find ourselves divided between Sinhala South and Tamil North and East and the land-identityless Muslims creating a barrier of wealth, prestige and clannishness to survive.

    Arun, winning hearts and minds at this juncture in the history of Sri Lanka is quite premature – the barbarians in all communities, not only Gnanasaras are still holding sway.

  • 0

    An excellent article. My only disagreement is the pie chart information. I believe Sri Lankan Tamils are decedents of Malayalee and South Indian Tamils. There is enough evidence for this theory as the food Tamils eat and generally the skin of the Tamils very light when compared to South Indian Tamils.

    • 5

      The Malayalam identity and ethnicity, that broke of from its parent Tamil identity and ethnicity, is only very recent and only a few centuries ago, therefor Sri Lankan Tamils or for that matter any other Tamil,can never be their descendant. This is like a child stating their parents resemble them instead of the other way around. The close similarity in culture food habits between the Malayali and the Sri Lankan Tamils is due to the fact that, most Sri Lankan Tamils and the Malayalees as well as most of the present day Sinhalese share a common ancestry from the ancient western Tamil country ( Chera Nadu) that is now modern day Kerala.
      Prehistorically the people from western Tamil lands in the Indian mainland and the Tamil speaking population in the island were one and the same. They spoke a similar form of Tamil dressed similarly and followed the same matriarchal customs. Remember that the Eezhavas of Kerala closely associated with toddy tapping, just like the word Eezham, are said to have migrated from the island during ancient times. They now make up 28% of Kerala’s population.
      The present day Sri Lankan Tamils are now a blend of the original Tamils who were identical with the ancient Tamils from Kerala ( the western Tamil country) and with the Tamils from the eastern Tamil country ( present day Tamil Nadu or ancient Chola Pandian and Pallava lands). This is due to the various invasions from South India and settlement. Even the present day Sri Lankan Tamil dialect and customs show this blend of the ancient western Tamil country and dialect( Chera Nadu or modern day Kerala) and the ancient eastern Tamil country and dialect( Modern day Tamil Nadu or ancient Chola Pandian and Pallava lands). This is many words that are used in the Sri Lankan Tamil dialects ( but now fast disappearing due to the influence of modern Tamil movies) are still used in modern Malayalam but not used in Tamil Nadu. Like the people of Kerala Sri Lankan Tamils follow a lot of matriarchal customs and their cooking is quite similar to the way Malayali cook. They like Puttu Appan Idiappam, red rice ETC just like the Malayalis and Tamils who from the Kanyakumari Nagar kovil area.

  • 4

    You can win the minds (if they use them) and hearts (if they have them) of majority of Sinhalese only if you forgo your Tamil identity and stop resisting Sinhala hegemony. This is why Sinhalese say Uncle Tom Tamils in Colombo are living peacefully with them therefore there’s no ethnic problem in Sri Lanka.

    Uncle Tom Tamils living in Sinhala homeland in the south are not challenging Sinhala hegemony because they acknowledge they are living in the land doesn’t belong to them thus they have no incentive to challenge the Sinhalese. But Tamils living in north and east who waged war for their homeland have challenged and continue to challenge Sinhala hegemony for which they are detained, tortured and disappeared.
    Sinhalese are okay with singing Kumbaya with you as long as you don’t challenge their hegemony and pressure for accountability and justice or remind them of the root causes of the conflict. Sinhalese protested in their thousands to oppose UN war crimes inquiry and continue to protect their accused war criminals. You can’t expect any real justice from them until they evolve out of their Mahavamsa mentality that claims the entire Island as a promised land of the Sinhala race thus it’s not a multi-ethnic nation.

    • 1

      Sinhala Propaganda:

      Sinhala race thus it’s not a multi-ethnic nation.

      Which western country in the world – Australia, North america, Europe – that is not multi ethnic but immigrents are integrated if not assimilated into the majority ?

      Why Sri lanka should be different. Is it Because India.

      India is many countries together.

      • 2

        “Which western country in the world – Australia, North america, Europe – that is not multi ethnic but immigrents are integrated if not assimilated into the majority ? Why Sri lanka should be different. Is it Because India. India is many countries together.”

        Immigrants? Eelam Tamils have been living in Lanka long enough to be considered “native” people. They settled in Lanka way before a united political entity called Sri Lanka even existed and had their political autonomy separate from Sinhala kingdoms down south. Even whites who settled in the Americas few hundred years ago don’t see themselves as immigrants so why should Tamils. Sinhalese aren’t an indigenous people either. You guys are exiles from the Bengal region of India (according to your origin myths), that is to say you are an Indian people genetically, linguistically and religiously.
        So the term ‘immigrant’ in its current political meaning does not apply to settlers who settled in different parts of the world before the formation of modern nation-states.
        Since you brought up India, each ethnic group there enjoys political autonomy thus no one ethnicity is allowed to dominate another by their sheer population size alone. Even when there were attempts to impose something that are opposed by other groups, India compromises; for example:
        “The anti-Hindi imposition agitations ensured the passage of the Official Languages Act of 1963 and its amendment in 1967, thus ensuring the continued use of English as an official language of India. They effectively brought about the “virtual indefinite policy of bilingualism” of the Indian Republic.”

        Sri Lanka should follow the same model because we are a multi-ethnic nation composed of formerly different kingdoms and settlements. Canada too understands this that’s why there’s a French province of Quebec whose language enjoys linguistic parity with English as official languages. No one is forcing the French there to assimilate to British culture. Quebec still has a different cultural feel to it than rest of English peaking Canada.
        Tamils don’t have to “assimilate” to your culture just because you became the majority after Lanka became a united political entity. Their demand of regional autonomy to preserve and develop their own culture is more than justified. Your majoritarianist mentality is what caused the civil war but you people never learn and compromise and always wish to dominate!

        • 1

          Immigrants? Eelam Tamils have been living in Lanka long enough to be considered “native” people. They settled in Lanka way before a united political entity called Sri Lanka even existed

          Dravideans existed.

          The question is whether the Tamils existed ?

          Even Australians aboginies related to or are drazvideans.

          • 2

            “Dravideans existed. The question is whether the Tamils existed ? Even Australians aboginies related to or are drazvideans.”

            What language were these Dravidian people speaking? Tamil is the oldest living Dravidian language, older than Sinhalese. So of course Tamil speaking people existed way before Sinhalese even existed as a race.
            As for Australian aborigine and Dravidian link, I need to see some genetic studies for this conjecture.

  • 1

    Wilipedia to the rescue:

    Sinhalese people.

    Thank you for a brilliant and thoughtful article. Maybe you are right:

    “Genetic studies[edit]
    Main article: Genetic studies on Sinhalese

    Genetic distance of Sinhalese to other ethnic groups in the Indian Subcontinent according to an Alu Polymorphism analysis.
    Modern studies point towards a predominantly Bengali contribution and a minor Tamil and North Western Indian (Gujarati & Punjabi) contribution.[60][61][62]”

    So what do we do now? One option is to opress everybody else and seize total control of the Island.

    I’m not saying its right but that’s what migration is about, after all think of the Americans migrating from Europe the “early settlers” They settled.

    Any other options? Anyone for just getting along with everyone else?

    • 4

      Modern studies point towards a predominantly Bengali contribution and a minor Tamil and North Western Indian (Gujarati & Punjabi) contribution to the Sinhalese genes!
      Only someone gullible and stupid will believe this. Everything about the Sinhalese reeks of South India and the Tamils. Not Bengal Punjab or Gujarat, Gujarat and Punjab from where did these two areas arrive from? There is nothing connecting the Sinhalese to either of these two states or its people. In looks culture or in any other way.
      Did this so called skewed modern study decide that since these two states in the north western parts of India have more Indo Aryan DNA compared to the rest of North India it will look goog to include in them also in the Sinhalese genetic chart to show their Indo Aryan pedigree. Pathetic.
      Who did these so called modern studies? Where was it conducted? Who sponsored these studies? Was it deliberately done by certain interested partied to produce a skewed result to dispute Gautham Kumar Kshatriya’s finding that pointed to the fact that the main genetic contribution to the Sinhalese was from the Tamils of South India 70% followed by Bengali 25%.
      How can the Tamil contribution to the Sinhalese gene be minor, when it is a historically proven and recorded fact that around half the present Sinhalese population are descended from low caste Tamil slaves who were imported into the island from South India by the Portuguese first and then by the Dutch. Leave them what about all the migration from Tamil South India from ancient to modern times. They came as invaders, soldiers, mercenaries, artisans,aristocrats and as ordinary immigrants over the centuries. They converted to Buddhism and gradually got Assimilated as Sinhalese.
      This sort of invasion or migration never took place from any other part of India other than from the Tamil country. It is a well known fact that from prehistoric to modern times there has always been migration from Southern India.
      Even the Mahavamsa fable states the progenitor of the Sinhalese people Prince Vijaya and his 500 companions took Tamil women from South India as their wives and their descendants are the Sinhalese. This means from the very beginning the so called Sinhalese were half Tamil. Add to this all large scale migration from Tamil South India. Most of these migrants became Sinhalese over time, very few were assimilated into the Sri Lankan Tamil identity. Also what happened to the huge local population of Naga Yaksha( Dravidians) and Vedda who were speaking the semi Tamil Elu dialect.
      Old Sinhalese and the Vedda dialect like the native ELu dialect were very close to Tamil.
      Gutam K Kshatriya’s studies on the Genetics of the Sinhalese is correct not this so called modern studies that was done deliberately to disprove Gautam K Kshatriya’s studies.
      Everything points to a predominant Tamil contribution to the Sinhalese genes. History geography culture looks food dress. Not Bengali, may be a minor contributor. Definitely not Gujarati or Punjabi. Where ever in the world did these two pop up from. Just to top up the so called Indo Aryan pedigree of the Sinhalese?
      The author of this article in his haste to appease and find favour with the Sinhalese did not research properly.

      • 1

        That may be but the question is why do not Sinhalese and Tamils consider themselves as equals?

        So what’s the next step?

        • 4


          “That may be but the question is why do not Sinhalese and Tamils consider themselves as equals? “

          Because they share the same stupid gene and both people are stupid like you?

          • 1

            I see as a Native Vedda you are not either Tamil or Sinhalese

            I don’t see us having any Vedda genes.

  • 2

    Winning “Hearts and Minds are relevant” as long as southern politicians are disgusting crooks who prostitute the country for their advantage. Because , they rob the country and destroy the country in order to make their families rich. If the leader is one like fidel Castro, Putin, Rodrigo Duarte Tamils keep their mouths shut.

    There is no other country in the world, who allows minorities to bully the majority. None of the Western countries ahve several languages even though those countrioes are made up of migrents. Even India knows in some regions Secularism doesn’e work.

    Mahinda Rajapakse became a true alibaba who sacrificed the country in order to make his family the dynasty of Kings. But there will be some one who will bring Sri lanka to the right path.

  • 3

    These genetic studies may have errors and drawbacks .It Can not a sound evidence of interest. Even for a tentative conclusion you need enough studies and a meta analysis. It is obvious the Pie chart shown here is deliberate to force some ideas. Aru is another addition to BK and Hari.

  • 4

    “Diaspora of all shades living in relative comfort and cheering slogans of hatred at each other.”
    This is a false and damaging statement. No one speak or realise the Tamils abroad have sacrificed lot of comforts and love for their entire life. They lost their land, surroundings, language and culture. They worked hard year around . The children will be missing their parents for most of the day. They had to care for the family, extended families, relatives, villages and temples and charities. Once in a blue moon they go to Sri Lanka and spend the money they saved for years. You see this and think they are in comfort. They are humans their sufferings are same as other humans or more.

    • 3

      It’s funny seeing Diaspora bashing by the Sinhalese and their Tamil lackeys. They have this image of Tamil diaspora as this rich powerful lobby like the AIPAC who are travel in 1st class flights sipping on champagne while they send their poor brethren back home to die for their cause.
      Truth is that diaspora Tamils came as refugees who lost everything in the genocidal pogroms by uneducated Sinhala barbarians who not only set fire to their loved ones but also to their livelihood. They went to these foreign lands with nothing and had to build their way up from the bottom through struggling in dead-end jobs so their children could have a better future. They risked being tarred as terrorist supporters by helping their brethren back home fight for their homeland where could live with dignity and self-respect.

      Sinhalese cannot stand the freedom the diaspora enjoys to vent their anger at the genocidal state of Sinhala Lanka. Sinhalese are frustrated that they can’t use white vans to abduct and silence the diaspora voice hence the seething hate. Diaspora is the only voice Eelam Tamils have who can’t be silenced by state repression so Sinhalese do everything to malign them in the information warfare.

  • 3

    It’s a funny feeling knowing that the Sinhalese came from India. In a sense we are the Colonial Imperialists like the British.

  • 3

    According to Bangladseh historians …Bangalies are Dravidian origin and migrated from todays South India long time ago. Intially they were Hindus ,then converted to Buddhism and finally to Islam .Full Stop.

    Why this writer couldn’t become a chief of Air Force ?

    This is purely due to Sinhala racism …this is why this cursed land is bleeding.


  • 1

    All the Sri Lankan populations Droped from India and north India due gravitational force. They did not fall in the ocean but cleverly landed in Eelam with the help of parachute and rocket propellers.

    • 1

      @ Pacs

      True imaginary Prince Vijaya the deported criminal landed at Mannar using most advanced GPS

      Arahat MAHINDA came to meet Dev Namboya Tissa ( is he a Sinhalese ???) by Air Bus private jet.

      Happy ?


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