3 May, 2024


President Accuses Media Of Criticizing His Government: Media Only Tells Home Truths

By Latheef Farook

Latheef Farook

Accusing the media of criticizing the government, President Maithripala Sirisena stated recently that media personnel had forgotten the sufferings they underwent during Rajapaksa regime. He claimed that it was his government that freed the media and had given the freedom now enjoyed.

Of course, it is common knowledge that there are plenty of Rajapaksa stooges all over including in the media. The talk has been that there are plenty of Rajapaksa mercenaries, stooges and ghost writers exploiting every possible opportunity to discredit the government.

However, the media in general is telling home truths for which the government is fully responsible. Media today is reflecting the mood of the people who voted for the government in the hope they would bring to book all those who brought the country to the misery.

People and the media which supported the government alike remain deeply disappointed with the government’s dismal failure to fulfil its pledges to prosecute those responsible for high profile fraud, corruption, crimes, murders, looting of nation’s wealth and the list continues. If we are to go by reports in the media, the so-called patriots only developed themselves under the guise of developing the country.

These include Hambantota port, Mattala airport, stadium, conference hall, Colombo port and the so called financial city projects which virtually sold out the country to foreigners. These projects increased the country’s debts beyond its financial capacity to repay. Country was financially mortgaged to foreign countries. This is one among many of the reasons why the Rajapaksa government was thrown out.

Now what has been going on under the present government has caused deep disappointment as they do not want the collapse of the government. Now the question is why is the new government which came to power on the slogan of good governance not taking firm action to deal with all those who ruined this country?

Most responsible media personnel who do not want the return of Rajapaksa government point out that the media is not trying to topple the government. Instead highlighting the government’s failure to ensure that even at this late stage the government wakes up, fulfil its pledges and avert any potential disaster which could bring unpredictable consequences.

Unfortunately, the current policy of doing nothing has resulted in people losing confidence in the ability of the government to deliver on their pledges to the nation. This means the government, willingly or unwillingly, playing into the hands of those who are suspected of plotting and conspiring to topple it. This is what the media does not want and thus highlighting burning issues in the hope that the government would wake up to the realities.

The often-raised question in almost every social gatherings and functions is that why can’t the government arrest the rogues, thieves, frauds and looters who flourished under Rajapaksa government. Why don’t the government bring to book those who committed crimes such as the suspected killing of rugger player Wasim Thajudeen and those from the media, whose soul would continue to haunt not only those in the previous government but those in the precent government too.

To cite an example time and again, the media raise questions about the wisdom behind government approving millions of rupees to import cars for parliamentarians at a time when the almost bankrupt country’s economy is run by International Monetary Fund with foreign debts exceeding $ 60 billion, almost 83% of the GDP, while the people are being subjected to immense problems and hardships in their day to day lives.

People are fed up of empty slogans such as turning Colombo into a financial center between Singapore and Dubai. Sri Lanka was more than a financial center in the early 1950 when late Singapore prime minister Lee Kwan Yew said that he would make Singapore a Sri Lanka and Dubai then was an unknown desert strip used for drying fish.

Almost every organization is mismanaged and the island today is one of the most mismanaged countries in the world despite all its natural blessings but turning more disastrous than ever heard of before.

They point out the need to sort out problems such as the dispute between doctors and the government over SAITM issue. This issue coupled with repeated students protests caused immense hardships to people. These are issues which need to be sorted as early as possible. However, that was not done. Instead the government leaders are travelling worldwide signing bilateral agreements which so far failed to bring any fruitful results including foreign investments. Yet up to date neither the president nor the prime minister thought it fit to visit to Gulf states which provides employment to around a million Sri Lankans whose annual remittances is more than seven billion dollars helping to sustain the economy from collapse.

There was a time when decent and responsible elements in the bureaucracy kept the corrupt politicians in check. However, in the recent past especially during the Rajapaksa regime politicians and large section of the bureaucracy joined hands to plunder the country and ruin several vital establishments.

For example, during Rajapaksa regime there were reports of politicians and bureaucracy jointly looting around $ 3.5 billion tsunami aid while tsunami victims continue to live even today in temporary shelters. 

The situation is such Is that seven decades after the independence the country couldn’t find a solution to dump its waste while an airline is almost grounded due to mismanagement.

The government came with a pledge to stop the hate crimes and bring about reconciliation within divided communities. However, when racist thugs began attacking mosques and Muslim owned businesses the government remained indifferent with many accusing it of giving a free hand.

This is the reason why the media and the people alike are critical of the government and it is time for the government to wake up from slumber and save the country and save the government itself.

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  • 4

    So Mr Latheef reckons the gun Sinhala kollas who ask brave questions from rouge Politikkas in Sira’s Yahapalana Government are all Rajapaksa stooges……. HeHeHeHeeeeeee……..Mate, your buddies are part of the problem…… Look at the Cocaine Shipment which was delivered to your big ass Minister buddy’s Sathosa Ware House………. You will be happy if Sirasa , Derana, Hiru journos keep mum…….BTW , has young Aloyusious opened his Mahendran Channel?……

    • 2

      There is lot of hate speech against Rajapaka who is considered as a second Dutu Gemunu by majority of Sinhala Budhhists who escaped the tsununami of malicious propaganda. I am waiting for the hate speech law.

      • 0

        Dear Latheef, Generally the people, majority of them, are not well versed or well informed about the REAL POWERS which is exercising controls in the GOSL system that which is fakely displayed and pronounced, published and propagandiced as A Sovereign WTF State and that its a WTF Democratic Socialist Republic ( my stinky smelling Athletes foot infected foot)$&@?! So, the actors who call themselves as the so called Sinhala Leaders in the Political arena, in the Buddhist religious organisations/societies/Temples, and the social groups and political parties have all come under the one Big Fat Mafia that is designed to corrupt everything that was considered to be GOOD in the service of not so open but at the moment secret Jewish Zionist Agenda. Maithreepala Sirisena is one such actor ( in the political prostitution) who has no shame or any empathy towards the population that is billing the corruptions of his members and the minions ( Jewish backed Sinhala Only Mafiosi) and this big War Machine they built upon the Sinhala Only ideology through the implementation of draconian laws that is designed to keep the Crypto Jewish Sinhala Buddhist Elites forces that is in control of everything even the life and death of a citizen. To help undestand on how the Jews were capable in transforming the nation into a servile lot to the Zionist cause….. you have to check the following video that gives SOME SHOCKING information about their deceptive methods employed in this regard….. Please watch……
        Rev. TED PIKE – ZIONIST SCOFIELD BIBLE (https://youtu.be/MTyt5GVrO60) Also, THE BURDEN OF SILENCE (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/interview-cengiz-sisman-on-the-donmes-350-year-burden-of-silence.aspx?pageID=238&nID=91139&NewsCatID=386)

    • 0

      Hope not this govt would make effort giving perks to the Journos who are the paparazzos of the day, pleasing them next.

      Ballige putha s previous regime a set of perk flow to Journos. So they did the job fo rthem.
      Even today, media prostitutes would abuse the good work being done by the current men while bringing all the muds to them.

      That is in air, so people feel, the govt does not do anything right.
      Almost every day foreign dignitories keep coming into the country and leave.. as no times in the past.
      GSP plus is a bless THAT MEDIA should bring all the good of that rathe rthan the bad.. but they failed.
      There are lot more like investigations stay stalemate,
      but nothing about them have been reported.
      Rajapakshe can murder anyone on broad day light, but JOURNOS stay deaf.

      That is the saddest realit of THIS GOD PUNISH island with MEDIA men.
      Media is mean to STATE but pro to RASCALS and culprits.

  • 9

    Let’s see if this useless ‘Yahapalana’ will arrest the MUSLIMS (businessmen and politicians) behind latest cocaine smuggling.

    Growing Muslim extremism and Muslimization of Sri Lanka haven’t been addressed yet by ‘Yahapalanaya’ fools.

    • 2

      Idiot, the people behind this cocaine smuggling are Sinhalese. Names of true culprits will never come if they are Sinhalese. If a Muslim involved his name will out immediately. Remember when you see news of such smuggling and no names given, they are definitely Sinhalese or even Tamils. Even in Muslim countries penalty is death. We Muslim will be very happy if the same type of penalty is carried out here. They won’t bring it here because majority of drug dealers are Sinhalese from politicians to watti-ammas (street peddlars). So do not be a stupid idiot.

    • 0

      Yo Stupid John the Sinhale Jew…… the narcotic business is the business of the Jews not the Muslims. The CIA and the Mossad are the ones who are running it worldwide. Even when the container was caught during the Gobbasena Mahinda’s rule, one call from CIA made everything to go underground and there was no talk about it afterwards. So, it was D.M. Jayaratne’s name that was in the air as the culprit. So, did you call anyone to arrest the Sinhala Buddhist Businessmen involved in it???? You are doing a bad job you Jew to incite the Sinhalas. Watch The CIA & The Drug Trade (https://youtu.be/vcp9bcypZo4)

    • 0

      Also, the drug trade run by the US had two major manufacturing enclaves, the Golden Triangle covering the East Asia region ( Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia) The Asia region ” Golden Crescent” involving Afghanistan, Pakistan countries. All the drug production belongs to the Jewish Mafia who controls everything even the governments. SL govt has all the links and also knows who is actually running it in the international drug trafficking business. Blame the Jews first………Watch this : THE PHONY DRUG WAR : How the US govt deals drugs (https://youtu.be/qJkFZ4W4bjg)

      • 3

        Goni Billa I_slam humanity in styscrapers!
        Throughout history islam has promoted drugs because they do not drink and they transported Opium to start the opium war for Britain. Obama the Tip cut was part of that 2 in one promoting Royingas into buddhist land.

  • 5

    latheef,it is just that president likes to hear a bit of praise too once in 6 months at least when he does a good thing like for example getting rid of mahendran with immense difficulty and substituting him with a good clean man,and having a presidential commission to probe the scam.

    A gem merchent of your community told me a long time ago never to trust anyone who praises you and to always consider those who criticise you as your friends.It stuck in my mind and i can see the wisdom of his words as time went on ,However even those who know this crave a little praise once in a way to satisfy their ego or to motivate them a bit.

  • 2

    Prosecutions against Rajapakshas could be speeded up if those who acuse him cooperate with the authorities in revealing their sources. Say Mangala Samaraweera is accusing Rajapaksa stealing $18 billion ? Not 19 or 17 . There must be laws forcing him to reveal the source of his infomation. There are lot of commentators here on CT who know detalis on Thathujeen case but wouldn’t have an iota of sympathy towards the parents by providing the evidence they are keeping for theselves. Most of these hard hearted b******s are Muslims. Don’t blame Ranil or the investgation authorities.

  • 3

    Mr. Farook,
    The media in SL has their own axes to grind. The Sirasa outfit is on a witch-hunt against Muhunthan Canagey the ICTA chairman. Then it has its daily segment on the bond scam. These two take up half the time allocated to news.
    Then there is the Kudu Channel, which yesterday aired some itinerant monk accusing Minister Bathiudeen of involvement in the Ratmalana drug bust. The channel often gives air-time to anti-Muslim views. It also appears to favour the GMOA .
    It is time the electronic media stopped editorializing and supplied more straight news.

    • 4

      old codger,

      “”The media in SL has their own axes to grind.””

      You are praising an unregulated media for a reason. You must know the story of Marcos media and Durante dictatorship.
      You should also know the Gandhi Media and Modi modern media that took the nation by storm. Lankan media is owned by 3 wallawes.

      who packs your parachute, on the road to delhi bombay??

  • 0

    Latheef Farook: “President Accuses Media Of Criticizing His Government: Media Only Tells Home Truths”.
    Lankan media is telling some of the “truths”. There is a group of hidden hands which is able to compel the media into a self-censorship mode. The “hidden hands” are wealthy and now uses threat of defamation lawsuits.

  • 3

    Dear Latheef, you are complaining relentlessly about attack on Mosques and Muslim businesses by Sinhala thugs, But you are woefully silent about crimes committed by Muslim thugs. Church in Mannar was damaged and stones thrown during a mass by a mob. Forest in Mullaitivu was set on fire to destroy it and settle Muslims from outside the province. All this was done with the support of Rishard Badurdeen who is a confirmed racist. When government settled Sinhalese from outside the province in Mannar you made a hue and cry. Why are you turning a blind eye to settlement of Muslims in the same manner. Incidentally the name of Rishard Badurdeen is being linked to narcotic smuggling. Another Muslim racist Athaulla has joined hands with Badurdeen to settle Muslims in Mullaitivu. This Athaula was instrumental in murder of tamils and destruction of their properties around Otumavadi and valaichchenai area and has gone unpunished. There is also a dangerous situation brewing in Meeravodai where Muslims have trespassed and are occupying playing field of Tamil school and creating trouble to students and parents. They are being supported by Muslim racists in provincial council, public service and police. Hisbulla another racists was responsible in acquiring land of a Hindu temple in Otumavadi and constructing bulidings for Muslims. Now the chief Buddhist priest has vowed to chase the muslims away and get the school land back before 28th. Please ask Muslim racists not to create trouble as otherwise it will be the Muslims who will suffer most, now that the Sinhalese have woken up.

    • 2

      Yo Doctor Gnana, we dont know for what you got a doctorate for…. anyways, replying to your anti-Muslim diatribe let us remind you that the information and the popular mainstream media is a controlled mechanism of the Pro-Zionist Sinhala Buddhist Mafia coming under the owerships of the CRYPTO JEWISH SINHALA Elite forces and we all know that fact. They have the power to make an innocent person a TERRORISTS and a Real TERRORIST a ‘peaceful savoiur of the nation’. Just follow the drama shown to the general public by the title BBS and Gnanasara ( the proxy arm of the Sinhala Crypto Jewish State of Sri Lanka). So, this report on Muslims stoning a Church is an old game of mind control of the Mossad trained Sinhala Elites who want to create the ideal situation to potray the Muslims as the real threat to the nation at this very moment. Its a False Flag. The Jews are experimenting these false flags on a bigger scale to further their WAR ON ISLAM project to annihilate the Muslims by proxy. GOSL is a mercenary agent of the State of Israel on this gameplan.

      • 4

        Radical Ideas-…… I_slam humanity.
        ” we dont know for what you got a doctorate for…”

        He was Judicial Medical Officer Jaffna ask Dr Nonis presidential adviser and former HC at London- Macwoods Chair.

        We all know one thing the love story of moroccan Bad-U-Din & SriMao with Egyptian Terrorist Pan_Arab Nasser from the closure of Suez canal in 1968 to date – Muslim hold the palestinian flag and send 1 million sex workers to M.E. and import Kuddu.
        That is the short and sweet side of of your present ISIS connection and taking over over 50% of all Lankan trade by default to keep the Malwatte and Thambli watte stacked with offshore account.
        Ask the lingam the whole story he has his office in the Lords Cricket Ground.

      • 3

        Please stop being a coward writing under a false name. For your information, my doctorate is in the noblest and in the supreme field. Speaking out the truth about Muslim extremism against Tamils is not anti-Muslim. In that case do you label all Muslim commentators speaking the truth against Sinhala extremism anti-Sinhala. There is no anti-Muslim diatribe here, but bringing out to the fair minded people about duplicity of Muslim commentators. You are trying to cover up the stone throwing on Mannar church by Muslims, and for your information several Muslims have been arrested for this crime, despite opposition from Rishard Badurdeen. This government was voted in by 95% of Muslims and 90% of Tamils and was due to the hatred of previous regime and not due to any Jewish pressure or manipulation. So please do not come out with your puerile and imbecilic ideas of Jewish control of everything. You are suffering from paranoid delusion due to being brainwashed against Jews. Muslims are self destructing themselves and others are capitalising on this, and therefore stop blaming others. Do not make false allegations against Sinhalese that they are on a project to annihilate Muslims. There is some genuine concern among Sinhalese about rising Islamic fundamentalism in Srilanka and the uncontrolled birth rate among the Muslims, and want this addressed as a priority.

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        • 0

          Yo Dr. Gnana (or probably AGNANA stupid) , You said above that your doctorate” is in the noblest and in the supreme field” …….. this is a WTF moment. What is that SUPREME your profession is part of the bigger scheme of the ZIONIST Agenda of controlling human beings and their freedom. The Western Medical industry is JEW OWNED and JEW controlled BIG MAFIA and you are nothing but a SERVILE SLAVE, A Sales Rep of this CRIMINAL SYSTEM-The Big Pharma. The system that you are being proud of is the one that INJECTING HARMFUL SUBSTANCE CONTAINED STUFFS into the human body – JEW INVENTED “VACCINES”…….. that contain MERCURY / ANIMAL HORMONES / DEAD BABY FETUS material etc., etc under the AGENDA 21 of the JEW controlled United Nations in EUGENICS to kill of Millions of GENTILE population of the world. You call this profession A NOBLE???? Everything comes under JEWISH POWER. Including the Govt., of Sri Lanka which is run through the Rothschild owned CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA (Under IMF/WB) and its local office operating from the Western Embassies. The subject is VERY DEEP and your Noble Mind cannot fathom it. Take a Pill Dottorrr. Also, please watch this video about the terroristic side of your NOBLE PROFESSION ——-

          • 3

            Radical Ideas,
            Polygamist Ideas , from the belching farting camels spawned by terrorist with charisma Pan_Arab Nasser that SriMao kept eating with moroccan Bad-U-Din from 1969 for her tambliwatte.
            I_slam humanity is not the solution for our world.
            Pan_Arab Nasser got 2 heart attacks and passed away after signing the treaty when he realised the power of America. Had the English lord listened to the caretaker arab Prince and broken Nasser’s neck with his bare hands (it was the crude way he put it that the Lord was taken aback) we would never have seen a closure of Suez canal and the situation at Lanka today with NAM and muslims sending sex slaves to ME.

          • 0

            Radical ideas, you Islamic infidel. You are suffering from Judeophobia. Whether you like it or not, Jews have proved themselves to be intelligent. Look at how they have transformed a dessert area of Israel into a greenery. Whatever you shout about you cannot dislodge Jews from their promised land. Hell with Arabs who are paying for the sins of their ancestors. What Sinhalese people do is none of your business, because it is better to have relationship with a chosen race than with idiotic and inferior Arabs practicing a barbaric religion.

            • 0

              Yo, Al Faquriah, take that, Marikkar, (the HASBARA GROUP)
              The fate of Israel has been sealed. Its a known fact that the holy scriptures speaks about THE END OF THE MISERY of the humanity…meaning the Jews and their criminality has an end. And they know it. The coming of all the criminals into one place, ISRAEL, stolen from the Palestinians is the DEATH BED to the EVIL ZIONIST IDEA of WORLD DOMINATION. It is they who are more interested in checking the facts in the Islamic Prophesies and Quranic predictions to know whats in store for them for the future and working to reverse it. For the moment they are free to kill mass humanity and the clock turns on them very soon…….The JEWS already have committed FAR TOO MANY CRIMES and the time is near WHEN THE ENTIRE HUMANITY GOES AWRY after knowing the truth behind all the crimes committed and they will GO ABOUT in search of every responsible JEW running for his life hiding behind trees……YOU KNOW SOMETHING, that the ISRAELI JEWS have grown the type of trees IN HUGE NUMBERS, that was described in the Islamic literature, in the end times, that comes as a protection cover for them to to hide from the marauding people…..THAT’s HOW SERIOUS THE SITUATION IS……..

    • 1

      Dr gnana

      “Please ask Muslim racists not to create trouble “

      you are a donkey asking one muslim to stop another muslim from creating trouble for the tamils. Don’t you understand they are a brotherhood and Latheef can’t do anything even if he wants to..The only person who can stop Rishard if what you say is true is modi,now that the LTTE is no more and karuna is a eunuch now.

      Start maintaining direct links to modi and his inner circle completely bypassing those buffoons in tamilnadu.Build up relationships ground up because modi is going to be the prime minister of india for a very long time just like Lee Kuan Yew.

      Unlike other north indians leaders who think the tamils of srilanka are quite alien and distant to them,modi will be different because srilankan tamils are hindus and modi is a genuine hindu who doesn’t just pay lip service to hinduism..Hinduism will take precedence for him over the aryan dravidian divide.Also his administration is not having malayalees who infested the sonia administration,even with her cooks,drivers and possibly cunninglis service providers all malayalees who have a historical enmity with the tamils of tamilnadu which would have spilled over into srilanka tamils too.So focus totally on modi for the success of all your endeavours.

      • 0

        you are full of bull.
        good try; king modi for Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    MS is trying to play Trump: Media is the problem the news is fake.

    Media wont be a problem if your govt had not turned into crap. UNP is carrying the burden of you bringing the corrupt crooks from the last govt and forcing it on Ranil.

    “President Maithripala Sirisena stated recently that media personnel had forgotten the sufferings they underwent during Rajapaksa regime.”

    This is not a valid answer nor an excuse. The majority knew that the last govt was rotten to the core that is why that govt was sent home through two elections. Two years have passed by and what have you got to show for? Revisit the platform on which you contested and the promises made to the country. What portion have you achieved?

  • 4

    The new government was voted in to conduct Yahapalanaya. Forget every thing happened under the previous government. Take an impartial look at what the politician are doing under this government. Why can’t the President and the Prime Minister stop current government corruption? What has the previous government got to do with importing so many new cars when people are suffering? What has the previous government got to do with paying billions of rupees for renting an empty building? What has the previous government got to do with the Bond scam? Please think logically and the answers are bitter.

    Before we accuse others we should demonstrate good governance as a Yahapalana government.

  • 2

    Sirisena should vership Rajapaksa as a God because Sirisena could betray his party and enjoy freedom today because Rajapaksa defeated terrorism.

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    “He (yet to be confirmed) was a waiter at the Lingan Ice Cream Bar, had seen the judge and used the opportunity.”

    How can I put this in my words? He was serving a patron with ice cream; Saw the parade moving on the street through the window of the Ice Cream parlor. Jumped over to the road stopped and the motor bike; grabbed the gun; shot the officer.
    Who put this murderer at Lingan and from when he was working there?

    Further it is said this guy is a former LTTEyer too. Now the police have a witness to say that this was not at Judge Illancheliyan; but a rehabilitated LTTEyer had grudges on that security officer. (An LTTEyer was hired, it seems, because they were known not to miss the target- Otherwise an ordinary paramilitary would have been enough)

    The explanation seems that past LTTEyer wanted to take up on an enemy at a time the murderer knows well that his enemy will be well armed and with colleagues, instead a time at market or somewhere else. Now, how the LTTEyer got into antagonism with a security officer instead of the other officers who arrested him and kept in jail in many other occasions? It could be because the dead officer might have been stealing the girlfriend of the former LTTEyer. We yet have to see the Appe Aanduwa’s part III of “Lies Agreed upon” to get the answers for that.

    This is much more thrilling Hollywood movie than the old one in which the police informant Gopi jumped over Jeyakumari ‘s house compound, and was hiding in Nedunkerny and at the same time a Tamil army officer who worked Gopi was accidentally shot by an unknown person. The G. L. Peries fame suicide jacket drama even cannot come near to this murder attempt of Judge Illancheliyan .

    Spin doctors of the Appe Aanduwa just write for money doesn’t care of the masters.

    None can live in North until 1:5 ratio manipulating security workers occupying the North.

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