3 May, 2024


An Open Letter To The Most Venerable Mahanayake Theras & The Maha Sangha

By Mahinda Rajapaksa

Mahinda Rajapaksa

New institutions and laws to give foreign powers a central role in persecuting our armed forces

A few days ago, the President signed into effect the Office of Missing Persons Act and hailed it as a major step taken towards ‘reconciliation’. In August last year, the OMP Bill was bulldozed through Parliament by the UNP, the SLFP government group, the JVP and the TNA despite the objections raised by the Joint Opposition. Less than 40 minutes was allowed to debate this new law. I wish to draw the attention of the venerable members of the Maha Sangha to the following provisions of the Office of Missing Persons Act No: 14 of 2016 as amended by the Office on Missing Persons (Amendment) Act, No. 9 of 2017, which has just been given effect to, under the hand of the President:

1.      Even though the body to be set up under this law is referred to as an ‘office’, Section 12 of the OMP Act makes it clear that it will in actual fact be a tribunal which can receive complaints, carry out investigations, examine witnesses, issue summons and hold hearings. Its officers can enter without warrant at any time of the day or night any police station, prison or military installation and seize any document or object they require. Anyone who fails or refuses to cooperate with the OMP may be punished as if it were an act of contempt against the Court of Appeal.

2.      Section 21 of the Act empowers the OMP to receive funding from any source local or foreign. Hence this body can receive funding from foreign governments, international NGOs and even from pro-LTTE Diaspora organisations that have not been banned.  

3.      Section 12 (c) (iii) of the Act allows the OMP to admit as evidence any statement or material disregarding all criteria laid down in the Evidence Ordinance. Disregarding the Evidence Ordinance will result in the common safeguards available even to the accused in ordinary criminal courts in this country being denied to those brought before the OMP.

4.      Under Section 12(e) of the Act, all government bodies including the armed forces and intelligence services have to submit all required information and documents to the OMP even in contravention of the Official Secrets Act.

5.      According to Section 15 of the Act, no court, not even the Supreme Court can order officers of the OMP to submit to courts any material communicated to them in confidence. The provisions of the Right to Information Act will also not apply to the Office of Missing Persons.

6.      Under Section 25 of the Act, all officers of the OMP have been granted complete immunity from civil and criminal liability for any act or omission on their part or the contents of any report they may publish. Nothing that the OMP does can be called into question by any court of law except the Supreme Court under Articles 126 and 140 of the constitution. However, as the OMP can withhold information under Section 15 of the Act, there will be no practical use in moving even the Supreme Court against the OMP.  

Under section 13(1)(i) of the Act, information gathered by the OMP can be referred to the relevant law enforcement or prosecuting authority. The Office of Missing Persons is one of several institutions that the yahapalana government has agreed to set up to ‘deal with the past’ in terms of the UN Human Rights Council Resolution 30/1 of 14 October 2015, and its purpose is to feed information to other mechanisms. Recently, the government introduced a Bill to incorporate into local law the contents of the International Convention Against Enforced Disappearances which allows foreign countries to request the extradition of persons suspected of being responsible for enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka to be either tried in that foreign country or handed over to an international criminal tribunal for prosecution.

The debate on this Bill was postponed because of the objections raised by the Maha Sangha and the public. However the government has said that the withdrawal was only temporary and that this Bill will be reintroduced in Parliament in due course. It can be observed that the various laws being introduced by this government complement one another. The Office of Missing Persons (which will be funded and maintained by interested foreign parties) can make an allegation against an individual in a report and on that basis a foreign country can ask for the extradition of the suspect to be either tried in that country or handed over to an international criminal tribunal for prosecution. After the government was forced to postpone the debate on the Bill to give effect to the International Convention Against Enforced Disappearances, ministers of both the UNP and the SLFP were trying to justify that proposed law by saying that it will apply only to the future and not to the past.

That was an outright lie. If this law to give effect to the International Convention Against Enforced Disappearances had been passed by Parliament, under the proviso to Article 13(6) of our Constitution, it would have applied to the past automatically. The enthusiasm of the yahapalana political parties – the UNP, the SLFP group in the government, the TNA and the JVP to pass laws designed to punish members of the armed forces and the political authorities that gave leadership to the war is evident. The yahapalana government has sought to give interested foreign powers a central role under our own law, in the persecution of our armed forces through the new laws they have already passed or have placed before Parliament. I trust the Venerable Mahanayake Theras and the Maha Sangha will give due consideration to these acts of betrayal being committed under the guise of promoting reconciliation.

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  • 20

    M….oda Mahinda has no brain to do this sort of analysis.. It should be our patriot & eccentric GL Peris.. If I am wrong here, Lanaka is blessed with a leader. I truely wish I am wrong… and this article has considerable thoughts, input & influence from our great Lankan political leader…. “Wenin Kawurth Neme…. Mahinda Rajapake” … Hik Hik….

    • 22

      Most of the missing took place during the Rajapakshe regime that created the “white van culture”. Now when the OMP Bill is about to be passed, he is crying foul and running behind the Mahanayake Theras & the Maha Sangha to stop it. When he was in power he ignored the Mahanayake Theras and even threatened to split their nikaya.

      • 8

        This is the reason why the very same indifferent former to come forward and animate Mahanayakas.
        We perfectly know Mahanaayakas have no the least knowledge about the high sensitive issues such as missing persons in this country.
        So talking to them and get the approval of them as to why CURRENT prez implemented a commission such as OMP – is a like talking to the barber while you hair cut is being made. Right ?

        Man, Rajaakshe, get out of lanken politics, you have done enough to the fall of the nation than the rise of them.
        In the aftermath of WAR your govt could get the prevailing constitution amended, if your heart allowed to do so.
        Now to show an additional sympathy to the poping up problems is becoming a big joke to us all.
        Please thename of God see it right LET alone today.
        That can help the masses and get changed their thoughts.
        You should NOT behave likean elephant ina porcelan shop any more.
        The consequences are on the poor folks in this country.

        • 2

          “We perfectly know Mahanaayakas have no the least knowledge about the high sensitive issues such as missing persons in this country.” ———————–

          ——— Let a few Mahanaayakas go missing ………… A little personal experience does wonders for “knowledge”

      • 9


        “Most of the missing took place during the Rajapakshe regime that created the “white van culture”.

        No it started much earlier in UNP rule however Gota increased the scope, extend and scale of the operations.

    • 10

      AVB – “M….oda Mahinda has no brain to do this sort of analysis..” You beat me on this, I was about to say so. Medamulana Meeharaka has no brains because it is embedded in his rear.

    • 13

      Mahinda Rajapakshe the rabble rouser number one of the nation
      Both Prez Obama and former british premier Cameran served the nation in their terms and became silent – having studied their countries politics, but stupid folks of our nature – their former leaders behaves as if they have still powers to lead this country. No means, they are exemplary to the any generations in the future. If not Karma, what else can punish them ?
      One of the leaders who abused the maha sanga always for his malicious agendas. This time too, he makes every effort to mislead the nation – pretending that he is the only person to focus on the matter, as giving more care to he nation, in the line of protection people. He is very worried about the commission to have been appointed by the incumbent prez as Office of Missing Perons (OMP). Latter step has been long overdue. That can even activate ones went missing in the 89 insurgencies in the country. No matter it has been as such, but this particular DEVIOUS man of the nation, to misinterpret it this way is no means acceptable.
      People of the country should be ashamed to have allowed Rajapakshe to govern the nation, if he today is fallen to this levels just because his only motive is to rabble-rouse the nation but twisting the facts according to him – in his high days, he did not even care about Mahanayakas in his high days, but today;, for example at the time, his notorious sons ran night races tremoring the sacred tooth temple premises, irrespective of the repeated begging of the very same Mahanayakas.

      • 0


        “Both Prez Obama and former british premier Cameran served the nation in their terms and became silent…”

        Wikkamasingham was rejected by people 27 times but could not stay silent. He did not have guts to face the electorate and fielded Sarath Fonseka and Maithreepalam as Presidential candidates and eventually became PM thanks to Maithreepalam.

        • 2

          The very same Mr Maithreepalam saved the the life of Madamulana Musalaya- is the fact- if all the billa stories spread by MR s condom support Sangili Wimal Weerawanse et al.
          To that time, the thoughts were the world was after Mahinda Jaraspakashe.
          Today, kanna ona unama kabarath thalagoya – I wish the bugger would have been taken away by Hague and leaving us all in silence.
          Sangaya and any vulnerable folks are human shields for Rajaakshes and his toxic politics so as the case was ANY brutal leaders of this planet.

      • 0

        Both the cameron nd obama did nothing significant for their countries. So them going to obsecurity after retiring is a obviuos factor.

        The better comparion should be with churchil and lincon.

    • 10

      Incumbent President Maithree
      He made a biggest mistake- having made ties with former abusive politciians who also worked with HIGHLY ABUSIVE MAFIA king MR. Anyways, now his situation is turned out to be catch 22:
      We perfectly know how he became the leader in a dangerous situation the country was about to be brought. His election DID allow more rights to the parliament than had been under tyrannical MR regime. As no times in the past, today, parliament can move with the issue, though moves are seen as slow.
      This step on OMP should be instead commendable by anyone with some respect to HUMAN RIGHTs.
      No matter if they had been SOLDIERS in any forces, if they perpetrated crimes, they should be called for investigations. No impunity should be promoted as was the case with Mahidna Rajaapskeh era.

    • 9

      Yes of course it was DJ or GL the liyanamahattayas who wrote it.
      But one Percy Mahinda Rajapaksa said this:

      ““I took the wailings of this country’s mothers. Do I not have the freedom to speak about them? It was the wailing of those mothers which were heard by those 12 countries” (Hansard: 25th October, 1990 in page 366).”

      Was it the same Percy who said this, and why doesn’t he say so now?

      • 9

        No DJ, most likely by GLP.

        GLP is made so servile by betraying his academic credetials to this Thakkadiya.
        No educated would ever forgive GLP for the harm being done by him.

        Percy Mahinda even said all illful things time to time. කන්න ඕන උනාම කබරත් තලගොයා කරගන්න තිරිසනෙක්. ඔය අද පෙන්වන සාන්වේදී කම ජඩයාට තිබුනේ නැහැ බලයේ ඉන්නකොට. if want to eat, he would even change a monitor/kabara into a bengal monitor/thalagoya. ஒரு கபாரி கூட சாப்பிட வேண்டும் என்றால் ஒரு பெங்கல் மானிட்டர் / தலகோயியா செய்யப்படும்.
        I have no doubt the bugger should have cross implanted his both ends to add this way.

        • 2

          Oh c’mon Old Codger ………… you are a lot smarter than this. Do you in your wildest dreams believe that this is all about the country or it’s people?
          —- It’s simply more “easy-life” to be the president and ride in a Merc S-class than to be a assistant to the librarian – later with the indomitable sleight of hand it was made into a “Assistant Librarian” :)) – and ride in a bus!
          —— If the people are willing to be fooled, who are we to stop them? The human history is littered with millions of examples of Mahinda-ing and Donald-Trump-ing ………..
          ——Gotta admit, I have a grudging admiration for the rotter! ………. I don’t want to be no president, but wish I had his talents of smoke and mirrors ……… just to get the gals to eat out of my hand!

          • 3

            But old north wind from Europe comes up at night and blows his plans away though he long for wealth and honour, working himself to death for it.

          • 4

            Nimal F,
            Some people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.
            Not just our Percy, of course.

            • 1

              “”Not just our Percy, of course.””
              God forgives I don’t- the dead carry no tales.- one two tattu putte! the citizens backing keeps him alive they are guiltier more than the accused.
              He was not jailed by the judge at district court of court of columbia (trinco 5 case) because obummer the tip cut was a qualified constitutional lawyer like GL but could never win a case to practice (potagura) He has tweaked 10 times more than any president in the US has ever done via the justice department advising the state department instructing judges to prosecute or not. therefore he fears to utter a word against The Donald while the libtard billionaire media is going after The Donald to impeach him for similar misuse of office.
              Libtards know how to move goal post effectively- one two tattu putte!

            • 0

              That alone says- the levels of lanken civilization right ?

              In Europe – if you are evidently a criminal – but had been state leaders, you are still caught by the law and order systems.

              Like for example one of the recent presidents in Germany, got caught by a case where he had abused some funds. But later came to light, that case was even before him becoming the President. Can you imagine ?

              So was the case with UK former Premier. He thought he has to go after Brexit.
              He now behaves as if he is no different to any other average citizen.

              But OUR [Edited out] RAJAPAKSHE abuse lanken law and order on broad day light. They behave today, as if the law and order is no of validity to them but to others.

              This is the saddest situation. I think If I became the president, none of them would have been roaming in the city today.

        • 0

          But the problem is he seems to have guys to do the job for them even today.

          If GLP is the man to write for him – that says everything.

          This particular GLP has betrayed entire EDUCATED COMMUNITIES in this country.
          What is wrong with the kind of senior men in this land ?

      • 7

        old codger

        “Yes of course it was DJ or GL the liyanamahattayas who wrote it.”

        Are you sure? I believe it is Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa. Could you confirm it with Champa who trust Karuppan more than any of us.

  • 9

    M….oda Mahinda has no brain to do this sort of analysis.. It should be our patriot & eccentric GL Peris.. If I am wrong here, Lanaka is blessed with a leader. I truely wish I am wrong… and this article has considerable thoughts, input & influence from our great Lankan political leader…. “Wenin Kawurth Neme…. Mahinda Rajapake” … 1 2 3 .. Hik Hik….

  • 23

    If an act made by the legislature is improper, the mechanism to test the impropriety is through the Supreme Court. The Maha Sangha is not the authority to pronounce upon this. It is not a matter of Buddhism, it is a matter of constitutional propriety. Rajapakse is trying to avoid his own liability for the war crimes that were committed. He has command responsibility. So, his refuge now is the Maha Sangha. But, his responsibility is not under the domestic law alone but under international law. Whatever moral or other authority that the Maha Sangha has, it does not extend beyond Sri Lanka. So, this is a futile attempt. The government was merely incorporating an international treaty like instrument into domestic law-something it has a right as well as a duty to do. It will prevent future dictators like Rajapakse eliminating his opponents and killing civilians. The punishment of past offenders will deter future offenders.

    • 8

      It is shame that Srilanka elected twice a man who now thinks Mahasangha is superior to justice or parliament. In otherwords, the writer (whether it is the so called professor and constitutional expert GPL Peries or the duplomatic export Dr. Dayan Jeyatilake) assumes that country and the governance should be headed by Maha Sangha or two time President who ruled the country ignoring the constitution, parliament and rule of law and justice system. They also assume bloodbath of Tamils, Muslims and those Sinhalese who respect the rule of law, parliament and court of justice are threat to Buddhism preached by Mahinda Rajapakse and his Family (Half Christian and Half Americans).
      In fact, G.L. Peries strongly believe in Mahinda Buddhism is superior to Lord Buddha’s teachings. What a great Philosoper is GL Peries.

  • 23

    Someone told me that, these days MARA suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night and says.. MAMA NEVEY, GOTA THAMAI OKKOMA KERUVE…

    Is it True ?

    • 0

      [Edited out]

    • 5

      What was all Gota to have carried out ?

      I think Gota may have done in the line of fearing people and so called colombo beautifucation project that created 2 unexpectable floods sofar taking the lives of the innocience.

      Besides, if Gota s Meethota mulla was a good thing, why they the poor people to have been killed in that way ?

  • 1

    Will Suren Surendran get the Gig as the CC or of the OMP?…….Mahanayakas have their work cut out………..

    • 8

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Mahanayakas have their work cut out………..”

      Have the shameless Mahanayakas forgot and forgiven the clan for threatening them when they attempted to protest against the incarceration of the the lonely Field Marshall. If I remember correctly you were really p****d off when you heard those saffronistas were officially going to have a sit in near the fort station.

      Have you now cooled down?

      Wasn’t it disgrace? Do the Mahanayakas take salt with their food?

      • 0

        Dear Native, …….. It was an aberration…… Don’t you know Mahanayakas protected Mahavamsa from even Mahasen ( Sounds Hindian doesn’t it ) and made it the longest continuous civilization on the Planet………But it is all about to come to an end………Now the enemy is not just Mahasen….. Now we have Rajitha, and his Alsatian Chathhura, Dr Rani & his LGBTQ , Field Marshhall, , Aloysious, Mahendran, Dr Bahu, and Sonbitha’s Samaneras, NGOs, Professors who have been fattened on Dollar Feed Stocks. UN, Raporteur, Emerson, and not forgetting your relative Suren Surendran…….What a formidable assembly… Now even the Candian PM, what his name has joined……. You reckon Mahanayaks haven,t got their work cut out………Or my Elders reminded me to mention Modi . too Otherwise he might feel left out………….

        • 3

          “”and made it the longest continuous civilization on the Planet…””
          Mumbo Jumbo Gembo so they came from Siam and gave you the atta prikana and finally Ossie Corea gave the works to hide the shit under the carpet.
          “”fattened on Dollar Feed Stocks. “”
          and in your own words the Bank of India stocks did they not swap $$1.5 billion for rajafuckshe helicopter money??
          “” You reckon Mahanayaks haven,t got their work cut out””
          When english lions roar unitedly the world trembles. The lions are hungry and very hungry while you are mere spotted hyena. 70 years is a generation on free lease. – beg borrow and steal was the game.
          BoJo decides with Modi thunder would strike the useless tree the Rilawoo would scatter.

          • 0

            My Elders tell me Ossie Corea used only a hand gun, unlike the current Bouncers of the UNP who are trained on AK 47s in Bloemendhal and IDH……….Ossie did Ammandi’s Dad and got away Scot Free, thanks to the Roaring English Lions and their Ass Lickers. in Mahavamsa Land………I just saw the NGO Nikaya Boss Monk sitting next to Dr Ranil with his Purawesi Bala Mob, whom our UNP Wije thought are half nuts……In fact the NGO Prelate has complained to Dr Ranil about UNP Wije………, And Dr Ranil said Wije is no body. and not to worry , ….. Dr Ranil assured the Pura Wasi Balayas that everything is Huky Dory and the Federal Eelaam is ready, and waiting for the 2/3 majority ………….Dr Ranil seems so cocky… …….Wonder whether he is happy that Lotto Ravi is finally in the Dock ………..I am glad .Wije is not…….

        • 1

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          Do you think you are smart for your clever crab walk sideways? You haven’t responded to my comment.

  • 4

    Why go to maha sanga? One can pray from their homes itself. Who said anybody is guilty? The process is in place to prove that they are not guilty. While in power, how comfortable was Waldorf Astoria? ( GL & MR.) The other side of the page also has to be read.

  • 6

    Comment written and choreographed by DR DJ, GL, GEVINDU, WW, UG, DG.

  • 2

    Mara>>>” I trust the Venerable Mahanayake Theras and the Maha Sangha will give due consideration to these acts of betrayal being committed under the guise of promoting reconciliation.”>>>>>(a)who will translate this for the Thras.>>>(b)why is this open letter not addressed to the clergies of other religions>>>>>>what does Mara expect the Theras to do>>>>>>is the Theras above the constitution?>>>>>

    • 3

      The million dollar question is whether MAHANAYAKA theros trust MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE.

      None of their thoughts reveal to the nation, since they the theros have been in thie slumber mode….. on and on.

      Now with Balligeputha, Ghanasara is set to his silent mode, but the charges alleged to him is stagnated, what is seen is nothing goes forward.

    • 0

      Rajas: Sinhale is a Sinhala buddhist country. It is Tamils, muslims, and christians who do not like to recognize that fact. Because, Buddhists were sub servient for so long. So, now, it is good Some one tried to remind you people it is the buddhists who are the majority in that country and they have to protect their culture and civilization. All these sub humans – native vedda, Tamil from the north blame three mahanayakes. Even buddha had enemies like that. Nothing to talk about that. YOu talked the most decent here. anyway, it is better to remind you than the other barking loud animals here.

      • 0

        Jim Shitty , you said the following; All these sub humans – native vedda, Tamil from the north blame three mahanayakes. Even buddha had enemies like that. Nothing to talk about that.

        Then why are you talking about it? Are you threatened by people who can put filth like you in your place with basic intelligence, which you don’t have. This country belongs to Buddhists? Hahahahaha, really? When did that become a fact? I thought it was a wet dream of global pariahs like you. Go and screw off fool. If at all this lands belongs to a people, then it is the veddah community. Then all of us. You cannot fit, then f&^k off.

  • 4

    Who is running this cursed land?
    Buddhist Ayotullahs?
    Elected President.
    Another Iran in pipeline

  • 5

    I am really ashamed to be ex Sri Lankan n am I Glad that migrated?

    • 4


      Thank you for leaving my ancestral land. If possible help few of your relatives and friends to migrate.

      • 0

        “Thank you for leaving my ancestral land.”

        NV. SK left Sri Lanka not Tamil Nadu. SK, Please take NV’s advice and help few of your relatives and friends to migrate. Sri Lanka is better of without the rotten lot from Tamil Nadu.

  • 7

    Ane.. Why go to the Mahasangha… Go to Gnansara Thero will you …he will do a much better job.

  • 3

    Having jailed General Sarath Fonseka MR has forfeited his right comment on matters like thiWhat a hippocrit .Piduru gahe ellenada hadannne.

    • 5

      You and I would go on shouting, but there are masses, that have been on Punnakku

      would want to bring him back why ?

      Lanken folks are born idiots and corrupted people.
      Their reps getting elected to parliament are a good match to them.

      But some minorities – representing us and our thoughts, get marginalized.

      This is why I believe, Democracy isa joke for a country such as hours.

      We need social democracy.
      JVPrs are right.
      We need a state that would respect, LAW AND ORDER above everything if the nation to be learnt a lession.
      If they would succeed only full democracy can help the masses:

  • 2

    Mr. Mahinda Rajapkse: You say in the above open letter : ” After the Government was forced to………… the Ministers of both UNP and SLFP were trying to justify the purpose of the law saying it will apply only to the future and not the past”. Ven. Mahanayakas: Please make a careful note of this piece of information Mr. Rajapakse is placing before you. This is noting but another “DEAL” he had struck with both UNP “Boss”, Mr. Ranil and few other Ministers of SLFP who have “infiltrated” into “Sirisena Faction”. You need not know all the intricacies of Legal and Political matters. Simply rely on the old Sinhala saying: ” Gona herenakota dannawa Pol Pela kanna withthiya” ( when the cow turns you must know it is trying to eat the young coconut plant). So please remember this local saying, plus use your teaching of Buddha “Samma Dhitti” ( Right View) “Samma Sankappa” (Right Thought) that would generate “Panna” (Wisdom) to assess the contents and the “hidden” agenda of this “Open Letter” addressed to you by Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse. Thank you.

  • 0

    [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

    • 1

      Mr. former President, you/JO didn’t have the backbone to vote against OMP when it was presented to Parliament. Not only that, you took Wimal out of the country exactly during the same period. People are not blind. What is the point of this rigmarole now?—

      When you all were elected, people specifically expected you to stand up for the country and security forces “in the Parliament”. Instead, you/JO (minus-NFF) scratched Ranil’s back. You not only failed the country miserably but also disappointed us greatly. My pain coupled with disbelief is too much to bear. You hurt us more than what we deserve because we adored you more than what you deserve. —

      Today, Wimal is the only saviour left for the country. The masses heartily admire the role played by him since 2000 against Ranil’s CFA, P-TOMS and amalgamation of N/E in protecting unitary state. —-

      Wimal’s calculated bold decision to pull out from the Constitutional Assembly is also another critical action taken by him single-handedly to safeguard the country. Whatever Ranil tried, he could never pass Wimal. Wimal keeps standing tall against Ranil’s evil efforts since 2000! —

      You/JO dance like pathetic puppets according to Ranil’s tune. You didn’t have the backbone to pull out from federal steering committee.

      As for me, I don’t need you or your 42 (?) SLFP-MPP again in the Parliament. When you failed the masses they will fail you, too. We will be happy to return the favour.

      We have Chief-Prelate Theros, Maha-Sangha, Wimal Weerawansa, masses and Ranaviruvo on one side. Together, we will fight for the country as we did since February/2015. You and rest of the JO don’t belong with us. Please stay with Ranil and be the part of his traitor-team. We have no objection.

      • 4


        “Not only that, you took Wimal out of the country exactly during the same period.”

        You lost considerable business to Chinese prostitutes. What a pity?
        Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weearawansa being a toddler MR took him on his hip all the way abroad.

        • 0

          Native Vedda – Male prostitute (by own admission)

          You started talking about prostitutes all of a sudden. Seem to be taking solace in some sweet-unholy company or selling your own soul.

          Beware, not to hang the “do not disturb” sign on the door for too long. There is high chance the Room Service will notify the Police.

          • 4



            “Male prostitute (by own admission)” – You are referring to Jim Softy the poor thing who has retired recently after a long undistinguished career in southern beaches.

            Please look after your business. It is your patriotic and religious duty. How is your pimp?

            • 0

              Native Vedda – Male prostitute (by own admission)

              No, I was referring to you. When you call others names, you should have the courage to accept the reverse, too. Your comment shows that you were shocked to see the reverse.

            • 0

              Native Vedda – Pimp (by own admission)

              Many times you stoop to the level of calling me prostitute, whenever you were unable to counter me with logic. (Your replies to my comment on the news other side is disgusting). I told you to stop using slander in replying to my comments. You didn’t listen. As there is a limit for anybody’s patience, I decided to return the favour. This will remain as long as you use these words against me. It is your choice. I don’t get angry for insults but the gift you sent to me will come back to you when I declined to accept it.

              You and ‘Tamil from the North’ use same words when replying to me. If you think I will run away, you are very much mistaken.

          • 1

            Had I been aware the danger, I could have decided for an abortion.
            Champa, yours has been becoming beyond bearing.
            What the hell have you been bubbling over here ? Wimal the school drop out to be our saviour ?
            A man one of his conspiracies killed an innocient young man – found dead in his sleeping room – but nothing is subjected to investigations yet why ?
            The boy was fully pumped by VIAGRA testing materials, according to some reports, and had been very atheletic and showed no signed of any kind of health problems before.
            But acccording to Kaduwela mayor Buddhadasa, the boy was isolated in a room, where he was found last dead. Why ?
            What the hell has the lanken JUDICIARY been doing ? Not even questioning the these highly abusive family of Wimal Buruwanse ?

            These are just calculated high crimes. Why the man is free from FALSE passport issues etc are even high crimes for any average but to this abusive politician, .. seem to be not..

            And again that vehicle issues, high crimes if found to have done by any average but not for this man… all these should be made clear by them to the world LET alone today. Champa.

          • 2

            If NV is a prostitute for you, then there should be no words to name your servility to Wimal the condom support of former leader.

            • 0


              I don’t want talk about this subject anymore. This is the last on this subject. But the male commenters here take it a habit to insult me using the most despicable pronouns, adjectives and verbs. Using abusive language against women has become common. But I am not going to be such a common woman and keep quiet.

              It was Native Vedda who FIRST called me a prostitute (in sumanthiran’s news item and here) and he kept on calling me that. I only returned his favour. When he called me that you never made a comment like this against him. But, when I returned his favour it gave you pain, right?

              There is no way I shut my mouth. I normally don’t respond to this type of insults. When I kept quiet and maintain civility, he escalated using the word. If he thinks my patience is meekness, I am here to tell him it is not. If he calls me a prostitute, he himself is a male prostitute and he deserved to be called that. And I have a right to use the same word he used for me. I was under this type of insults from the beginning. I used to kept quiet. But not anymore. My patience has a limit.

              You have shown your side too by dragging Wimal unnecessarily to this. Be educated, cultured and civilized yourself before preaching others.

              • 2

                Hey Champa, remember we the minorities have suffered immensely in the hands of some hooligans amongst the majority. To add to this suffering, the various filth amongst the Tamil terrorist outfits and the garbage from north of SL (IPKF) left an indelible damage in the hearts of the weak. Then you sit there and write all this nonsense and spew racist comments in the name of your version of Buddhism. Don’t you think people will be hurt by it? Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims all suffered so much, lost everything and you sit there and write garbage. I have not a single racist bone in my body. I love all the same. The attacks on you have been drawn to yourself by YOU!!! If you are hurt by NV’s comments, you deserve every bit of it. If you cannot take it, then don’t write it. Idiots like you believe every Tamil is LTTE. Majority of the Tamils have suffered in the hands of the LTTE more than the Sinhalese. Remember the LTTE and all other groups wiped out majority of the intellectual community amongst the Tamils. So stop writing garbage or take it as it comes to you.

                • 0

                  Tamil from the North

                  I don’t stop my way of writing and I don’t take it as it comes to me. I always return it to the sender.

                  Not minions like you and Native Vedda, but some big shots also tried more hard ways to suppress me, but failed.

                  Nobody can make me stop writing. One thing for sure, some serious measures have to be taken to protect women (and children) from verbal, physical and social network abuse.

                  • 1

                    TO Champa / Native vedda,
                    Please do not call dear Champa a prostitute. In this 21st century, there are no prostitutes, only commercial sex workers (CSW).
                    There is no need to get agitated. Vedda will address you as a CSW next time . It is a very honourable job description.

                    • 0

                      Old Codger – a commercial sex worker (by own admission)

                      A worthless thrash like you don’t deserve a reply.

                  • 1

                    Idiot Champa, women and children should be protected from unwarranted attacks. The attacks on you is not because you are a woman, it is because you are a bloody racist mongrel. Alright we will continue our attacks on you every time you attack us. Also you said protect women? The attacks carried out by you are directed towards includes women and children who have suffered immensely in this war and before. 1957/58, 1977, 1983 so many children and women died. Since they were Tamils, it really does not matter? You filthy mongrel, we will continue our attacks on you. We minorities will never be shut down. When we were there you shut us down by killing us, but now we will expose the truth about filth like you.

                    • 0

                      Tamil from the North – Idiot (by own admission)

                      It doesn’t matter whether I am a man or a woman. I am not under obligation to reveal my gender. Even if I am man, I still am against male commenters attacking fellow commenters based on gender.

                      When Native Veddah thought I am a man, he didn’t use such words. For some reason when he assumed that I am woman, he used the word “prostitute”. It it against all womankind.

                      These are the Tamils who try to show the world that they fight for the the rights of their women and mothers. In actual life, they don’t respect women. They treat them like filth.

                      I don’t care anybody attacking me, but I don’t tolerate attacking me based on gender. Every time I see it, I return the favour, make no mistake about it.

                      One day I will be able do something tangible to protect women and children from all male abusers.

  • 2

    Calm down everyone!! All this is put on for the benefit of our ‘foreign friends’ who must be seen to been making an effort. In truth the Yahapalanaya carol party are only going through the motions but in reality they know that if any of our untouchable ‘war heroes’ are put on trial it would be suicide for MS and Ranil and the whole apple cart. NOTHING will happen in the end. The OMP will open a office and potter about in Colombo, and finally all that we will get will be some pus-weddila. Oh, and some increased spending at the 5-star hotel pubs where OMP and NGO staff will drown their sorrows in at the end of a ‘hot, long and tiring day’.

    Just like after 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 and all the way to 2009 nobody carrying out their ‘national’ duty with the blessing of the government of the day was ever made to answer for taking matters into their own hands. Not even Cyril Mathew!!

    The muttawa’s in the Maligawa can rest easy.

    • 4

      Meegomuve’s common kingfisher the crusaders coup when taken over.
      When angry, don’t write letters you sound like a fish in a frying pan.

  • 4

    Champa: You said: ” Today Wimal is the only saviour left in the country”. You must thank PM Ranil for SAVING your hero, as otherwise he (Wimal) would have been already housed as an inmate in that high security complex called “Welikada Magazine Prison” located in Borella.

    • 0


      PM saving Wimal? From what? Robbing the Central Bank? Disappearing 60,000 youth? Pocketing a commission to sign Magampura Port deal? Accepting election money from LTTE diaspora? Exchanging Indian line of credit for IT jobs? Swapping ETCA with Tamil/Estate votes?

      As for a prediction, my hero is taking over from Ranil and then it will be his decision whether he should jail Ranil for the above crimes or not. Destiny is sometimes passionately cruel.

      • 5


        P M Rail continues to save all the crooks who had good time under previous kleptocracy. All those dollar milliners living happily ever after they are rewarded with special Tax dodging schemes to please the crooks and some good ministries as well. —————————————Its time you switched sides and earned couple of millions in addition to living off from your immoral earnings.

  • 1

    In a parallel CT article Arun Kumaresan quotes (from Hansard: 25th October, 1990 in page 366), the then firebrand MP Mahinda Rajapaksa, “I took the wailings of this country’s mothers. Do I not have the freedom to speak about them? It was the wailing of those mothers which were heard by those 12 countries”.
    MR, are you a born-again person who now rates minority Lankan mothers as …..??
    What made you tell your friend N Ram (then Editor of The Hindu) that SL does not have minorities?
    Finding faults is easy but coming up with constructive suggestions is difficult. Tell us MR. The Sangha suggests to leave the constitution as is. Do you agree?
    Should SL come off UN radar? If so how?

  • 0

    We are campaigning so hard to portray our tri forces as innocents and the traitor predisident opens missing persons office to betray our war heroes. Everyone knows our Tri forces are going to be affected badly by this missing persons office.

  • 4

    “”New institutions and laws to give foreign powers a central role in persecuting our armed forces””

    Make friends with auto baldies – and sign subscription lists.
    Rajafuckshe the fool quarreling with his tools.
    The cleverest of socialistas could not save himself at Den Hague.

    When thunder strikes the useless tree the Rilawoo will scatter.
    The most beautiful thing for sheep of the land is to see a dictator when he is suffering.

    USS Nimitz in the Bay of Bengal.
    The ship is sailing about a hundred nautical miles off the coast of Chennai.
    21 ships, including two submarines and over 100 aircraft and helicopters in an aim to hunt down enemy submarines.

  • 0

    CT has become an interesting pastime for those who have left (given up on) Sri Lanka; CT is not for the people of Sri Lanka who are struggling to survive under the Yahapalanaya today. It is probably the opposite! For instance, it’s medium is English and 95% of Sri Lankans don’t use English in their day-today work. Many may be speaking in English but they neither read nor write English web articles, as their first choice. Look at the majority who writes and comments; (I too live abroad but frequent to SL for vacation and various businesses).
    I believe MR has written this article just to tickle the CT reader, and it is working interestingly. However, by insulting him those who write comments are kicking their own asses. Such comments ‘can not move even a tiny hair on his body’ (a Sinhalese saying about futile and impossible tasks).
    Today Sri Lankans are hoping a Rajapaksa come back. Its not a joke but the reality! The reasons are many-fold and obvious! He and his team has a proven track record of having resolved burning issues; there were many crooks too among his supporters but they are now with Yahapalana leaders. Even white vans are operating in broad day light today under Yahapalanaya! What else and what a good time for MR to write to CT!

  • 2

    Champa: Thanks for your reply of 24 July. Ignorance is a BLISS, you included.

    • 0


      How dare you call Champa an ignorant. ——–
      Champa’s pimp is the intellectually powerful Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa. —————–He will farce onto death in front of your residence. Failing MR will bottle feed him lemon juice and feed him some lemon puff. Do you want to see MR?

  • 4

    Why not MaRa immediately resign from paliament and party politics and become a member of the Maha Sangha and choose Vihares and Temples for his preachings.

    Then Mahinda also can make DJ, GL,Wimal , Vasu, Vitharane,DEW, and the likes converted to his Mahinda Buddhism.

    Then a big team from Mahinda’s Mahasangha can take over the parliament & the upper house and run the country with the blessings of the IC, UN ,and the emerging super power.

  • 1

    All the LTTE [Edited out] are crying foul at Mahinda. No surprises there. Diaspora [Edited out] want nothing but Sinhala blood.[Edited out]

  • 5

    Who gave the license to soldiers to kill Lasantha and Ekneligoda and kidnap Keith Noir and Poddala Jayantha.

    • 1

      No matter EVEN if MR himself allowed those licences to kill them on broad daylight,

      stupid folks would go after MR for one reason they STILL believe, MR mediation eleminated terror.

      They the punnaku eaters would never come to sense to see, and see them in mirror, how could MR men alone to have done the job alone ?

      This is typical to this GRASS eaters, else, we would have achieved LOT more by today.

  • 1

    Dear Mahinda Rajapakse

    Do not corrupt the Mahanayakes the same way when you were President, corrupted so many ministers, Members of Parliament, secretaries, officials, professionals, judges… and the list goes on.

    If there is a problem regarding your spiritual or religious concerns then well and good seek advise and solace from the Mahanayakes and they am sure will provide you with the best solution. But do not ask matters related to politics and win their support and favour by showering them with all luxuries as hidden bribes when they are suppose to lead very humble hermit lives as they have devowed all pleasures of life.

    Religious leaders cannot talk politics and they are totally ignorant and please do not spoil them and keep them totally out of politics. Now the Sinhala Buddhist monks have become a laughing stock and a shame throughout the world

    I understand your spineless onetime friend, a backstabber and now President, Maithripala Sirisena seeks to ask political decisions from Mahanayakes of the Asigiya Chapter. If this is the case why waste so much of money having a Parliament in Battaramulle and make a mockery when the true parliament is in Kandy with these Mahanayakes.

    I have heard a story a specialist doctor taking cues from the President Sirisena told his patient he would ask Mahanayake how to treat him and which operation needs to be performed on him. Thereafter the patient never visited him!

  • 0

    It looks all these dalit Tamil commenting here are ganged on this female User ID. Don’t you pathetic Tamils , that is how you treat your women falk. CT is a pathetic websites. It allows this ID to be abused. What is this Native Vedda, the Kenedian Refugee who behaves like a mad dog. What is the status of CT when people are abused like this ?. Why should not you guys be prosecuted for wilful abusing of suspected female user IDS ?. IT shows all these so-called male-IDS are chicken. they abuse this one female ID and they can not win. Just check your inbetween to see whether you have anything or whether you all are too some other kind. Simply pathetic.

    • 0


      Thank you but don’t worry. They will always remain as nobody. I don’t give a hoot about them.

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