3 May, 2024


Kill, But Not With Chemical Weapons 

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

The one hundred or so missile attacks by the US, UK and France on Syria sent one clear message not only to Syria but to every other tyrant, including those on the American side. That message was: you can kill and massacre your people in any way you want as our civilized friends do in Yemen and Palestine, but not with chemical weapons, because that is barbaric. What about, may we ask, when Saddam Hussain, when he was a “son of our bitch”, gassed thousands of Kurds? Well, that was in the past and Saddam has been hanged in any case. How more hypocritical can one become in playing the power game in international politics?

A tyrant is a tyrant whether that tyrant is one’s friend or enemy; a massacre is massacre and killing is killing, whether those massacres and killings are committed using conventional or unconventional weapons. But to pick and choose when and where to respond against a particular tyrant and a particular massacre by the so called defenders of freedom and civilization shows the height of political hypocrisy. Had the so called NATO humanitarian interventionists intervened early and prevented the escalation of Syrian uprising, long before the Russians were invited by Assad, the world would not have witnessed the almost daily horror scenes shown by the media. Unfortunately, for the champions of NATO, Syria does not possess oil in plenty as Libya does. Also, such intervention may have raised embarrassing questions about US-backed Saudi bombings in Yemen.

Assad may have used chemical weapons, but the evidence for it is only circumstantial. Even a few months earlier there was similar charges levelled against him but credible journalism exposed the canard. To go back further in history, before bombing Iraq Bush administration told the world that Saddam Hussain was roasting babies in the oven and that he had acquired a nuclear device that could explode within forty-five minutes. None of those accusations proved correct.  What we have seen is the repeated tactic that once the US manufactures a falsehood and get its media to spread it, US allies fall for it and joins in the action that follows.         

Russia has warned that “there will be payback”. One can be rest assured that Russia’s response will not be militaristic. Here is a lesson that tyrants like Assad should learn when seeking support from another superpower. No two superpowers will clash against each other militarily on behalf of a client state because that would be suicidal. Even in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, Soviet Union withdrew at the last minute to avoid a hot war with US. If USSR could not go to war with US in support of a foremost communist client, will Russia go to war with it now on behalf of a Muslim Syria? Superpowers have their own agendas drawn in their own national interests. This is why Israel has developed its own defence capabilities without having to depend on any outside power in times of need. Iran and North Korea are now trying to imitate Israel’s lead in this respect. 

The Syrian crisis must end, and end soon, to save the lives of millions of innocent people. For five years the Syrians are caught in a cycle of violence to which the vast majority of them is not a party. The situation is now becoming even more complicated with the intervention of Turkey, which is determined to exterminate the Kurdish militia. That militia is backed by the US, and Turkey is a US ally as well as a member of NATO. However, in Syria, Turkey believes that a friend of a friend is not necessarily a friend.  

One would have thought that the OIC, an international body with fifty-seven Muslim countries as members, will have the resources and skill to intervene and solve problems arising in and between Muslim countries. Alas! Caught in the Shia-Sunni sectarian muddle between Iran and Saudi Arabia, that body is as impotent as the divided UN. Once again, the highly touted slogan “lslam the Answer”, raised by moderate and militant Islamists in the 1980s, remains as hollow as ever.  

In the end, one thing is certain. That is, the allied bombing of Syria is not going to solve anything. It is not even going to save Donald Trump and Teresa May from their own leadership predicaments at home. It is not a “mission” but mischief “accomplished”. The end result is more and more Muslims will starve, die and lose their homes.  They will continue to practice with distress their scripturally recommended hijra (migration), but in the reverse order, from dharul harb (abode of war) in which they currently live to dharul salam (abode of peace) in Christian West.                  

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  • 6

    Ameer Ali: You just write Articles without readinng properly reading the background. Probably, you are reading only the austrlian dailies which would be publishing only the propaganda. both IRan and Syria are not religious fanatic countries. syria has different kinds of Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox. It is a very religiously versatile country with lot of history. syria di dnot spray chemical weapons to Syrians AL NUSRA (Sri lanka also have supporters) or Syrian rebel army is foreigners. Remembr, TRUMP is going lot of hardships right now. He cannot do what he said. HE drew a fight with (I think pre informed it to North Korean leader) with North Korea. He settled t and scored some with the voters and then he moved to Syria. Besides, UK had to intervene because the conservative govt wants to discredit Labour party (they pulled the Nerve agent attack also like that, becaue Nerve agents definitely or MUST KILL the one who faced it, but they are living). Anyway in short, TRUMP and UK wanted it. It said France also came to send missles. but it looks three countries from the Security council went against very weak Syria and they could make it successful in all 103 Missile firings. Only 33 went where they wanted. Remember, well before the North Korea, they wanted aninvestigation over Trump getting help from russia and russian computer hacking. that also di dnot work. It is all game. Poor countries are Sambol.

    • 1

      “Kill but not with Chemical weapons”. This is in keeping with Islam, because when Koran instigated Muslims to kill non-believers, there were no chemical weapons.

      • 1

        Al-faquriah, where does Quran instigate to kill non-believers? This a misinterpretation by enemies of Islam. Do not believe it. Seeing is believing. Please read Quran.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 2

    This article is all lies.

    • 3

      Jim You are best when you write single sentences.

  • 6

    Your article is very unfair. syria is not an Islamic country even though Assad is muslims but he is a minority group of muslims.He is not from Wahabis, JIHADI, SUNNI, ISIS, AL QAEDA, or so many fanatic groups. IRan is alos a not a extremist country and they have a long history. Saudi Arabis tuend wahabi because the wesnt wanted it and Kings were submissive. Even POPE requested and said that was war was harming Catholics. Because the west want a war of sunnis agaisnt shias particularly against to the group that Iran created.

    • 2

      Jim softy the donkey, if Assad is Muslim how can Syria not be a Muslim country? Assad belongs to Alawite one of the sect of Shia Islam and they contitute only about 20%, 75% are Sunnis. Iran is more strict than Saudis. Dress code Hijab is compulsory, flogging for women who break the rule, death sentence for murder, prostituting, extra marital life, sharia MMDA and many. The only truth you donkey had written is western complicity in Shia-Sunni war.

  • 6

    Is there a double standard?

    Didn’t Sri Lanka use chemical weapons against LTTE and Tamil civilians?

    • 7

      Mr. Burt
      LTTE used chemical weapons on Muslims. Altogether Tamils raped and killed 113 thousand Muslims 84 thousand Sinhalese in border areas

      • 9

        You are making yourself,a laughing stock by writing nonsense.Your writing shows that you are a bloody fool.Tigers never raped and killed thousands of muslims or sinhalese,instead muslim homeguards and soldiers killed thousands of innocent tamils.Please,don’t be a racist,write the truth.

        • 3

          Singing Fish
          I found this information from the same source Mr.. Burt found his information.

        • 2

          Singing Fish, LTTE did not rape women is true except for few here and there including Tamil women but you writing Muslim homeguards killed thousands of innocent Tamil are gross lies.

      • 6


        “LTTE used chemical weapons on Muslims.”

        Where did the LTTE procure chemical weapons, Pakistan, China, ….Sri Lankan armed forces, ………….. was KP in charge of all LTTE procurement?

        “Altogether Tamils raped and killed 113 thousand Muslims 84 thousand Sinhalese in border areas”

        Where did you find these statistics?
        Is it from Lal loo’s depository?

        Now could you find the number of innocent Tamils, Muslims, Sinhalese raped, maimed, killed, made disappeared, ……………. by the Sri Lankan armed forces, Muslim home guards, JVP, green tigers, ………………………

        • 3

          Sinhalese raped, maimed, killed, made disappeared, ……………. by the Sri Lankan armed forces

          Yes Sir, you better believe it we did it. During those difficult times, when the Army was given Executive power by the President, we did it. We finished it. We did it in the 1970s, we did it in 1989-90 and we did it in 2009. And trust me, the boys in the Army will do it again if they have to.

          Extra Ordinary problems always need Extra ordinary solutions.

        • 1

          Soma was talking about LTTE throwing fertilizer. I guess LTTE castrated all their fighters when they joined the team?

        • 1

          I found this information from the same source Mr.. Burt found his information.

          • 2


            Without further clever ploy let me have the source.

            • 2

              Your friend Real Shivashankar also regularly quotes from the same source.

              • 1


                Without further clever ploy let me have the source.

      • 1

        Even after that, LTTE was flaotinf in Muddy Laggon. Paw da Tamils.

      • 1

        Soma, I had never heard of that or seen in the news.

  • 6

    I am glad that you were watching the Q&A in Australia last night Amir Ali

  • 5

    Short but precise. Excellent analysis by AA.

    • 7

      He is just repeating what was stated on the Q&A programme in Australia last night

      • 1

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma:

        Ok, we did not watch that. What is the issue the same info coming in from another source?

  • 3

    Amir Ali’s analysis and understanding of ‘ power politics’ is to be commended. His example of Sadam Hussein’s use of chemical bombs on his own citizens and the West’s non-response is a powerful citation.
    But his assiduous avoidence of his own Government’s use of chemical bombs in the final phase of Sri Lanka’s war against the Tamil people leaves one wondering how much he is truly committed to restoring Tamil-Muslim relationship.
    I also wonder whether he would respond to this comment.

    • 3

      This was what the well known international human rights activist from Canada stated in the Australian Q&A programme last night and he is now coughing it out as his analysis

      • 3

        Avantha Artigala’s Cartoon says it all!

    • 3

      For your information this was written on Sunday and sent to a paper which did not want to publish.

    • 1

      It only shows that you can’t beat diaspora Tamils in the lying game. With unconscionable lying they could fool the entire western block for obtaining i8 immigration as refugees, jumping the queue ahead of really deserving Afghans, Syrians etc. who were unable to manufacture such tall stories.(Remember Tamil Nadu is just 20km away)
      Tigers publicly carried cyanide whereever they went and force fed the civilians in drinking water. That is chemical warfare of most diabolical kind.

      • 3


        Afghanis have Pakistan, Syrians have Egypt, Saudi, Jordan, …………………. why do you think they are risking their life to go to Europe? How did you manage get to greener pastor and live there? Did a crooked Tamil Lawyer help you to get your asylum status?

        At the first opportunity Tamil/Sinhalese are likely to leave the country while advocating for their respective Utopian gettos. Whom are they kidding?
        Whom are you kidding?

        The looming reality is guess what, …………

  • 2

    What about your assiduous avoidance of the Sri Lankan Government using chemical weapons against the Tamil people?
    Are you still trying to curry favour with the ‘powers’?

    I’m afraid someone as well read as you can’t pretend ignorance!

    • 0


      Just FYI-

      Parroting that the GoSL used chemical weapons against the Tamil people a thousand times doesn’t make it true.

      Show the proof

  • 5

    The only chemical weapons Sri Lanka used against ‘innocent’ Tamils was Thala Thel.

    • 5


      “The only chemical weapons Sri Lanka used against ‘innocent’ Tamils was Thala Thel.”

      Did you drown innocent Tamils in Thala Thel?
      Interesting, isn’t it too expensive to use Thala Thel, instead you should have imported some cheap chemicals, poison, poisonous gas and chambers, incinerators (the one which burnt Rohana Wijeweera live at Kanata) from China or Pakistan.

      Please make it cost effective next time around.

      • 2

        NV in 2009 the Times of India reported that the LTTE tried to buy nuclear weapons. They meant the small battlefield bombs, not those carried by missiles. VP was cost conscious like all good Tamils.
        Your dollar contributions were wasted, you should have spent them on oil.

        • 5


          The Times of Hindia, Hindu, …..and many other media machines needed to manufacture consent in order to justify Hindia’s total involvement in the war between 2005 and 2009 and at UNHRC.

          It was Hindia’s post WMD action plan.

          Why didn’t Dr Gota take action against KP then?

          If you believe this you would believe anything.

          I am selling Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Trump Tower, Petronas, ……………… and throw in Lotus Tower for free, .. If you are interested please contact CT for further details.

    • 1

      What about Kola Kenda the chemical weapon Sri Lanka used against “innocent” Sinhalese, and now Pol Thel Sri Lanka is using against “innocent” Muslims.

  • 2

    So good to read..
    One of best contextual analysis of the Hypocracy of west…..
    But ends up his writing with a mixed message ..
    One hand west is bad and other hand west is good .

    • 1

      And of course, AA will not leave Australia and go to the Middle East.

  • 2

    Everything in a war is a chemical

    Gun powder, explosives, are chemicals atomic & nucleic energy are chemically derived.

    Only sabre rattling can make a brave, heroic holy war.

  • 6

    Muslims killing Muslims. Happens everyday.

    Christian USA, UK, Russia and France give both sides weapons to kill Muslims.

    Long live Israel!

    • 2

      That is True!
      Israeli Weapons Manufacturers in the USA, start Wars so they can sell their ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’, to their unsuspecting Victims!

  • 4

    Chemical weapons are Kosher to kill Sunni terrorists.

  • 4

    Kill, But Not With Chemical Weapons

    LOL! That’s a classic. Only a Muslim could say that.

    • 5

      Retarded ………………..shameless Pererass.

      “LOL! That’s a classic. Only a Muslim could say that.”


      Who says Dr Gota single handedly won the war, army successfully completed the largest hostage rescue mission, Zero casualty over 30 years, UN charter on one hand and both b***s on the other, special fire and forget shells, bombs, bullets killed only LTTE and avoided civilians, ……………………?

    • 1

      Dear “Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera”,
      The sarcasm employed by Dr. Ameer Ali is perfectly justified. I instinctively (almost as a reflex action!) think of America. There are all the tortures inflicted at Guantanamo Bay; aerial bombing, etc. All such killings etc are wrong. Chemical warfare is wrong, but it is arbitrarily singled out as especially wrong. How and why?
      Reginald, let me tell you that I find all your comments disgusting. Above this you have stated clearly that you committed atrocities in 1970, 1990, and in 2009 – each time “finishing” the job. Strange meaning of “finish”. Can’t you see that you way of doing things leads to unending conflict?
      Then there is the “Muslim” part of it. I asked a close Muslim friend, let me call him “Malik”, apogising for asking a question that wouldn’t he directed at anybody other than a Muslim. Well his name is Muslim, and he acknowledges that he is that in many senses of the word.
      But he has never killed an animal larger than a cockroach. That applies to a majority of Muslims. The sacrifice of at least a goat had to be performed when his son reached an age around 15. He bought one, and one of his relatives, thankfully, attended to that distasteful chore.
      I haven’t killed either; but I’m not a vegetarian. You are a hypocrite.
      This has been your reasoning: 1. All butchers are Muslims. ∴ All Muslims are butchers. ∴ All Muslims kill indiscriminately.
      Such reasoning is common in Sri Lanka, forgetting that even here pigs are usually slaughtered by Christians. And who slaughters cattle in “Western” meat producing countries?

  • 2

    The author did not just pretend, when was making comparison of Yemen and Iraq to Syria, that he did not know the 150,000 massacre of Tamils, with Chemical and cluster bombs ,by the Muslim-Sinhala Old Royal government and Muslim Leaders like Hakeem and Rishard went to UNHRC and defend that as Zero Casualty. Instead he, in his advancement to Hilmi’s seat, is protecting Hakeem and Rishard achievement in UNHRC, for the Muslim-Sinhala Government, a same act like Ranil protecting Old King. He just don’t want to mention the fact that Poisonous Gas was used in Lankawe with other inhuman methods like using Rape as weapon, using food and Medicine as weapons. Lankawe’s Muslim-Sinhala Government committed many times higher crime than Syria or Iraq or Yemen….. He purposefully avoided including Lankawe’s non-conventional weapons using war crime here because he just does not want to remind what happened in Lankawe to the current president of America. In fact that time (2009) he was a busy business man, so he doesn’t know 1/100 what happened in Lankawe. Author is carefully avoiding giving stick to president Trump so the President would beat the current Sharia-Yahapalanaya government. Is this not hypocrisy, but only America punishing gas weapons users but not the conventional weapons users?

    • 2

      LTTE used chemical weapons on Muslims. Altogether Tamils raped and killed 113 thousand Muslims 84 thousand Sinhalese in border areas.
      Mr Burt above, you and myself all have the access to the same source of information.

      • 2

        Stop lying you racist woman. LTTE chemical weapons! Show us proof and evidence and where did they purchase Chemical weapons from? Your father’s laboratory? They killed 113 thousand Sinhalese 84 thousand Sinhalese in border areas. Not even 5 % of this population lived in these areas , so where are you getting these figures from? Another Mahavamsa fairy tale. The number of so called civilians killed by the LTTE will not even exceed 3500 , whereas the Sri Lankan armed forces , the government the Muslim home guards in the east and Sinhalese and Muslim hooligans and thugs killed around 300000 Tamil civilians, around 145000 in May 2009 and there is evidence of this. There is a limit to your lies, you lying nasty racist evil woman.

        • 2

          RSSS, why are telling soma to stop lying? Soma following your footstep that is fabricating without any proof. According to statistic from army, media and other world organization death to toll of soldiers including LTTE was around 52,000 and civilian death toll around 75,000 to 100,000 including Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims but the majority were Tamils. See what you crow writes here 300,000. Like this racist woman there is a limit to your lies.

          • 1

            Forgot to take your Prozac. Runaway and listen to some Taliban or ISIS propaganda that will be more suitable to your bird brain

            • 1

              Hi, hi, hi…. You are the Australoid crow so having a bird brain.

      • 3


        Without further clever ploy let me have the source.

      • 1


        I am not overly concerned about you. Just continue your pills. you will be more than fine.

        When LTTE vacated 15000 families from North, they did not touch on the body of one Muslim; did not destroy their property.

        Hakeem worked very hard with both Sinhala parties until almost all Muslim properties burned down in Kandy. Find some Sinhala supporting actresses so the Muslim leadership will go again to UNHRC and tell nothing happened in Kandy. You keep up your propaganda against the dead and gone LTTE and make the Muslims leadership heeds to you. Then only your Sinhala Buddhist Kaadies can burn the rest of the Muslims properties make the show spectacular. That was not the spectacular firework you can see. Best is yet to come. Until Muslims become Tamils, Sinhala Politicians will not rest.
        Keep supplying girls to Muslim leadership and burn their properties. Then they will support your claim of LTTE raped and killed 133000 Muslims. But the Muslim Diaspora met New King in London forced him four times to get up from his seat and get out. Your technique will work.

    • 3


      You mean Muslim-Sinhala government committed many time higher than what western government did, that is more than 5 millions up to now. Then according to your calculation many times higher means may be more than 20 millions Tamils..I think you should stop commenting here if you cannot give facts and figures correctly.

      • 1

        You mean Muslim-Sinhala government committed many time higher than what western government did”
        Probably you can read Arabic only, not English!

        “You mean” ? Where is that coming from? Please stay out of sheepishly putting any words into my mouth that I didn’t write. I meant only what I wrote.

        You mean Muslim-Sinhala government committed many time higher than what western government did” It doesn’t bother me to see after Kandy riots you double your effort to save the Sharia – Yahapalanaya government, but don’t fool around here by adding or deducting of what others writing. That is really nasty of you.

        You could be a better justifier of Sharia- Yahapalanaya government, but a very, very bad commentator when you attempts to load unwanted to others comment and misinterpret them. I am not writing a Koran here for you to interpret it in all the way you want.

        The entire world saw militants daily bombing Iraqi crowded places and markets because West had asked Malik to start genuine Democratic government. Neither Author nor you have within an essay in CT condemning it.

        The entire world saw when the militants captured the villages from Yazidi community, killed the males of them and kept the women as sex slaves and sold the children for home slaves. In 21st century, only uncivilized people like Author or you have not written essay or comments condemning it.

        Author just using Saddam’s chemical bombing the Kurds, but not mentions his verdict to Kurds. Are the author or you are ready to join Tamils and others in supporting the Kurts on their call of freedom from Iraq and Turkey? . Why are you playing games here?

        • 0

          In other word you are saying whatever others fabricate and give false figures everyone should accept it. This what you wrote above, “Lankawe’s Muslim-Sinhala Government committed many times higher crime than Syria or Iraq or Yemen”. Here the killers are USA and allies. That is why I asked you, “You mean Muslim-Sinhala government committed many time higher than what western government did” Your English is so good that is why you cannot understand what you wrote in a different way. Okay to put to you simple way the death toll in Syria around 500,00, Yemen around 6,000 and Iraq around 2,000,000. So the total figure is 2,506,000. Actual figures can be more but not less. According to you Muslim-Sinhala government committed many times higher than these tree countries. That means you are telling Tamil death toll is higher than 2,506,000. If we just take multiple 3 as your multiple, the Tamil death toll was 7,518,000. Can you correct me if did not understand your English. You don’t write about western media propaganda here. About beheading, son killing mother, Yazidi village is not necessary here. We will just write about Sri Lanka.

          • 0

            Here the killers are USA and allies. If you throw up, don’t put that in my mouth. Put it in your mouth. That is plain and simple. Come back and accept that was your concoction but I didn’t say that.

            When America invaded Iraq there was no body to fight from Iraq Muslim army. The world saw it, they just walked in, after a long, long rhetoric from Saddam. When American troops returned to barrack it was Al Malik’s suicide bombers killed the 2 Million or 4 Million, whatever the number you learned to count up to.

            You keep convulsing to concoct numbers. But OIC countries are in very good relationship with America. They all want to normalize relationship with Israel. Other than Thero De Silva and Lankawe Muslims, even Palestinian is ready negotiating with Israel.
            In Ambassador Blake time, at the start, he didn’t want to work with TNA, so asked Hakeem to lead on the minority problem. Hakeem delivered a thundering rhetoric saying America is not the one to tell him what to do. There are no Muslims countries in the world, as much hating as Lankawe Muslims hating West. (That is your problem – Keep rock roll with that idea until you learn until the time Japanese monarchy learned and turn around; But why are you dragging me into that and I putting your throw ups in my mouth)
            Now, what you attempting is to show that you can read English and in addition very smart to twist and turn what you wanted to say as I said.
            So, like this time, if you throw up, promptly put it back in to your mouth. Not into my mouth.
            Read your Koran like good Muslims do, instead of constantly plough through all your lies like this on behalf of Muslim-Sinhala Government.

            • 0

              ARE YOU A US AND ZIONIST LICKING DONKEY? According to you USA and allies did not kill but it was Iraqi people who killed themselves. Even a kid reading my above comment will know you are the biggest lier here. You cannot give a straight answer to what I have pointed out above. If I throw up it was for you so gulp it and if I am lying you throw it back to me with the truth you know. The estimate of Iraqi soldiers and militias killed was over 16,000 thousands on the first day of American invasion, later more and together with civilians around 2,000,000. During Eelam for nearly 30 years the army fought with light weapons and only during final face of war only army had two or three jet fighters and attack boats but you are crying over 300,000 Tamils died. During Iraq war American used all the modern heavy weapons they have like tanks, artillery, surface to air rockets, missile attacks from jets etc so for you those are toys and only a small death toll. To evade giving right answer you are talking all sort of nonsense like Al Malik, Hakeem OIV countries relationship with America, Japanese monarchy etc etc… The worst liers in these forums are you and your cliques.

              • 0


                Sorry man, Donkeys are only from Afghan and Arabian deserts. Probably some are from Mannar too, but not known in other parts of Tamil Eelam. You ran out of subject and don’t have capacity to put forward a question, so you seek to show your original Arabian donkey servitude. You show me your figures from an accepted international investigation body that American- British troop killed 2M Iraqis. If you cannot, accept the fact. Only civilian killing took place was by the Iraqi Al Malik’s Suicide bombers. He let loose the suicide bombers to thaw the Western pressure to democratic the country. Don’t cheat, accept it. That is not new in the world; even Ranil did it in LG election.
                In Britain and America, their soldiers’ atrocities were investigated. None of the 55 OIC countries showed any initiation to show the investigators that your numbers as done by the American or British soldiers. For example when American planes bombed Afghan ICRC hospital by mistake, they investigated and censured the official under whom the atrocity took place and paid compensation. But you are part of the Muslims – Sinhala government which, inside the prison, plucked the eye of the Kutty Many before torture and kill him, because he said he will see Tamil Eelam with his eyes. No investigation; nor payment.

                Lankawe’s gas bombing & shelling made missing 150,000 Tamils in Mullaithivu alone. Living 90,000 war widows suggests minimum 500,000 family members’ death. Iraq population is 40M. Tamil in North East 1M. So (2/40)= 5% of the Iraq population killed by Suicides. (.5/1)=50%, that 50% of the North East were killed by illegal weapons of the Muslim-Sinhala Governments. Read your Koran(not your interpretations, but the real one), be honest and accepts the truth; don’t evade.

                • 0

                  I said “licking donkey” which mean a human being licking his masters back irrespective of what the truths are. I don’t have to show you, you can get all the true figures if you Google for the sources. Once you Google there will thousands of source and you choose the right, reliable sources. There are enough honest western sources which gives the true pictures. I gave you the figure during American invasion and later part of the year. American chose Malik as prime until 2014. He was then asked to resign and later made him vice-president. He is a Shia Muslim and an American ally. American and Zionist target was Saddam and his army and they were Sunnis. Only after the war militant carried out attacks against American forces. On the pretext of fighting terrorist, village by village they raided and killed the people. Shia around 55% and Sunnis 45%. These scheming bastards knew if the whip given to Shia there going to be endless fightings and around 2014 they armed the ISIL started a war and the Zionist was behind these. All Islamic world turned against ISIL, taking this as trump card they massacred the Sunnis together with Shia government and their allies. It is not possible to give details because of space. LTTE was their brain child with the support of India. Their aim was after creaing Eelam to get in there, create insurgency in South India and make billions on arms. May be India realised this later and did not fall into the trap. Iraq death toll should be 4 millions up to now. Only a idiot will try to give ratio here. Every Muslims read Quran unlike you shits. An irrelevant thing you are quoting here.

                  • 0

                    I went out of Lankawe refusing to lick the Sinhala Buddhist back, unlike you. Because the job you are doing becoming more (especially after Aluthgama, Gintota, Amparai, Kandy) hard and you feel you need a partner so you are calling me an American back licker and thus trying to make me to come back and become a partner of you in Sinhala Buddhist back licking. You an idiot don’t know to use that phase meaningfully. Only anti-American extremists Muslims are Lankawe Sinhala Back Lickers. You Sinhala Buddhist back licker feeling ashamed to tell about that but you like to accept OIC are licking America’s back. The Sinhala Buddhist back lickers, every Friday after prayer, protested against Tamils, UN and America. Then when the Sinhala Buddhist turned against them one group went UN to Complaint of Sinhala Buddhist and Faiszer Musthapha group went to support Sinhala Buddhist against Tamil. How do you call this double game? Your Sinhala Buddhist Gollayas made long campaign in Google while Al Maliki’s Suicide bombers were killing the civilians that it was only America killing because UN wanted Lankawe to investigate its war crime. Because your leaders and your writers’ job is Sinhala Buddhists back licking you stood behind that. You, well frogs, did not know OIC countries are not with you, but with America. They are not condemning America but though you people stayed with Sinhala Buddhist government in Kandy Riots, OIC countries right away condemned it. America and Britain investigated their Soldiers and leaders. No OIC countries didn’t present any 4M figure anywhere. Yes OIC countries are against ISIS, but put it in your head, not Faiszer, Hakeem, or Rishard ever released a statement against ISIS. You back licking Sinhala Buddhists claim Britain favoured Tamils, who are minority, but now you say America gave the power to Shia so Sunni Muslims have to fight against it. You are a low grade back licking opportunistic talker.

                    • 0

                      In other word you are saying rest of the Tamils here are licking Sinhala Buddhist back. History tells it was others in Sri Lanka who licked our back until Portuguese and other colonist arrived. It was you Tamils at the first opportunity without any feelings for their lands or culture went like kallathonis in millions to lick white man’s back and still you are licking by defending their exploits, destruction and killings by millions from east Asia to west Asia. I am not an anti-American extremist Muslims, I have many friends and relations there who praise the Americans. It is the powerful politicians and their Zionist coalition we hate. What do you expect us to do after Kandy riots? Take up arms like LTTE murderers did and go on a killing spree? You are writing here OIC countries are not with us and at the same time writing OIC countries right away condemned Kandy riots. What double standard is that? OIC countries did not give 4M figure but their media, other organization, western media and many honest organization gave that figure, it was 5 millions or over. Many Muslim organization in Sri Lanka condemned ISIL so what grudge you have against Hakeem and others to expect their condemnations. You rotten white man’s back licking donkey you don’t know who are Shia and who are Sunnis and all that took place in Iraq after American invasion. Like your clique here you are very good at fabricating and the boosting factor is the lowly enzymes in your low class human being blood.

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                      In other words it is you are only one have to putting your throw up in to mouth. I said anything only in my own words, not in “another words”. First learn to read in English and reply only what others writes. Don’t keep sheepishly saying in other words…… In other words. Learn from what other writing. All what I says is ISIS and Al Malaki killed Iraqis. You, the Sinhala Buddhist’s Back licker attempt twist that by saying you are reading from Google that 4 Million Iraqis were murdered by America. Now you are backing off. I said there were no 4 M figures appearing in any official reports. OIC is with Lankawe Muslims but with not with ISIS supporters like you or Hakeem or Rishard or Faiszer who refuse writ e against ISIS. Today also Afghani ISIS killed more than 65. They want to disturb the election. If you or Ali really against ISIS, open a new threat and condemns the killers. Don’t put up drama instead.
                      You appear to be dying heard saying the ISIS suiciders from OIC and American’s advanced war machines
                      America’s last year,s report also accepting the Rapist Army, 10 years after the war, still continuing the rapes. Read the UN figures of Tamils death. Then bring the report you read. We can talk about that. You have no idea it was only Tamils who fought with Portuguese and even Mapillai Muslims started hide in Eastern Province by the Help of Tamil King in Kandy. Don’t bring here anything from jaffnhistory.com.
                      You now saying we licked Portuguese back so to revenge us, you want to lick the Sinhalese Buddhists back. Go and do it until another Amapari or another Kandy. You asking what you have to do without licking the back of Sinhala Buddhist after the Kandy riots? Why do you ask me? Just do what you did for living until now!

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                American Nuclear bombs killed 150,000 Japanese. America didn’t claim that it was Zero Casualty Humanitarian Rescue Mission Operation. They accepted it did serious damage to Japan and apologized though it brought World War II to end. American Tomahawk missiles killed no one in Syria. Modern doesn’t mean kills more.
                Not stones, not toys, internationally banned, illegal weapons like Rape, Food, Medicine, Chemical, Cluster & Thermobaric weapons were used by the Lankawe Rapist Sinhala Buddhist Army. Still what we are asking is to let the UN to come in and verify the numbers. But your Muslim-Sinhala Government, protected by Hakeem, Rishard, Faiszer…. in UN as Zero Casualty, is refusing to allow them. (I can see it is hurting you when I mention what Hakeem did,i.e protecting Muslim Sinhala government, but you are still jealously guarding it, Strange ! isn’t it?
                In London, diaspora Muslims, after Kandy riots, openly declared, after talking to New King that until New King is there Muslims would not get their justice. Idiot, remember, talking against the Lankawe’s Fascist-Zionist, Muslim-Sinhala government is natural for those who breathe the free air of the West. I lick Western backs (, which, with me all 55 OIC countries are doing too, including Iran, Pakistan….); they give me place to live peacefully without fear; but you (, the Lankawe’s Muslim Panthams) lick Gnanam, Priyasad and other Sinhala Buddhists’ back because of your servitude for the pay and of the fear that they would rip off you part, if are not serving.

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    UN recognizes countries using preemptively of defensively conventional weapons to protect their sovereignty. But it doesn’t the non-conventional weapons like, Nuclear, Chemical, Thermobaric, gas, biological, rape, food and medicine…. Syria used Gas. This appears to be true, though America lied about Saddam’s WMD. But the other thing Author hiding is the truth that the punishment to Assad was not purely on the Gas weapon. It is on mainly of his association to Russia, who poisoned the British refugees. Assad is an idiot too. He took the punch when the Super Powers did not want to exchange it to each other, when they teased each other. It is crystal, Russian negotiators agreed to Britain to take its friends America and France to punish Putin’s game on Assad. Muslim consultant like this author, who is secretly protecting Lankawe from its gas attack by not mentioning it, is also failing to mention Lankawe not to play with Chinese weapon to kill Tamils, the same foolish game Assad played.

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    Before pretending to be an intellectual living off the fat of a Western country, Ali should think of what the civilised Sinhalese assisted by the Muslims having been doing to the Tamils. Stop being such a hypocrite.

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    Ameer is posing the question “There is this ALLEGED use of chemical weapons. Is bombing the hell out, the appropriate answer? Should the allegations be addressed first?”
    What did King Asoka do to the animal urge to ‘Kill Kill Kill’?
    Some commenters see LTTE in everything.

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    Converted Dravidian South Indian origin Sri Lankan Muslims aka fake Moors/Arabs, were seen celebrating on the streets , partying and holding victory parades throughout the country , when the then Rajapakse government in May 2009 committed genocide and terrible war crimes and deliberately killed more than 145000 innocent Tamil civilians on the pretext of fighting with the LTTE. Chemical weapons and all sorts of banned weapons were used against these Tamil civilians and the UN has proof of this. Muslims politicians and others went to the UN and other countries and lied and defended the Rajapakse government. Where was this Ali Ameer and other Muslims commentators and bloggers then? Were very quiet and enjoying the fun and sucking up to the Sinhalese racists and establishment, thinking about the spoils of war lands and benefits that the Muslims will receive from their Sinhalese co partners in the Tamil genocide ( everyone knows in their heart it was a genocide and war crime , even India and other nations that sided with the Sinhalese).

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    Contd: They received a rude shock when the Sinhalese turned against them, as they are now of no use to them. Now they are crying about what is happening in faraway places like Syria , Iraq or other Islamic hellholes , just because these people are their Arab masters or in the delusional belief that the Sri Lankan Muslims are Arabs too, or will join the Arab fold by showing their concern. The Arabs care two hoots for these converted South Asian low castes. Ask any Sri Lankan or other South Asian Muslim how they Arabs treat them in the Gulf. They seem to ignore how the Saudis framed the poor Sri Lankan Muslim housemaid Rizana for murder and then stated Rizana and the rest of the Sri Lankan Muslims are not of Arab origin but converted South Asians, therefor are not entitled to any special treatment reserved for Arabs. They dance and rejoice at the chemical bombing and genocide of their fellow non Muslim Tamils but show so much concern, when it happens to other Muslims like the Arabs , who other than the slender thread of a common religion , have no connection to them. There is no such thing called a pan Islamic or Muslim identity, ,except in the minds of these brain washed Sri Lankan Muslims . Muslims like the Christians , Hindus and Buddhists are racially ethnically linguistically divided. Now I will have Ralli Crow aka Mohammed screeching abuse at me

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      Only god knows why this Australoid crow RSSS have so much hatred for Sri Lankan Muslim or rather Sri Lankan Moors. Moors are not saying they Arabs but a mixed race from original traders from Arabia and Persia of course with Sinhalese and Tamils. What did Portuguese did when they first arrived in Sri Lanka? They attacked Moor traders and chased them, why? Because Moors were intelligent and were an economic challenge for them. Why didn’t they attack you tree climbers? Because you all were an uncivilized backward race and can be used as slaves. This itself is a proof although we were mixed but very much superior to you tree climbers. Whether Arabs care about us or not we do not care a shit about that. Do you think if we say we were tree climbing converts then they will care about us? Saudi follow Sharia law, death for convicts if proved, even those from princely families couldn’t escape. So you think if Rizana was Arab they are going to kiss her and send her away? In which news you read Arabs stating Sri Lankan were not Arab origin? You think they are donkeys like you to search for Muslims origin. When you Australoid crow Tamil screeching it perfectly all right for others to screech. Be aware you are screeching because of your inferiority complex of being an Austrloid crow.

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          Idiot RSSS crow I also read this article in CT. The author of this article may be a Tamil convert or from a generation of Tamil convert. His article itself show he have some grudge against Moors because he say Arabs do not consider Moors as Arabs. Who asked Arabs to consider us as Arabs. Those who go from here going to earn money not to get any favours from Arabs. Rizana got same punishment fellow Arabs get or any other nationality get. They are helping Moors here but not as an Arab but as fellow Muslims. I cannot understand why you Australoid crow cawing and croaking so much. Just because you crows are cawing on a irrelevant subject we are not going to give up our ethnicity as Sri Lankan Moor. This was not established not recently but during the Portuguese time.

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    “Here is a lesson that tyrants like Assad should learn when seeking support from another superpower. “
    There are no lessons for Imperialism and its partners I guess!
    Assad inherited an Arab nationalist (Baa’athist) regime which was politically oppressive, but not a tyranny on par with the Sheikdoms of the Arab peninsula.
    Assad was targetted by US imperialism soon after it had its way in Libya.
    Assad was ready for talks all along and it was the US and Saudi Arabia who wanted a regime change.
    Charges of Assad’s chemical weapons remain as credible as charges of Saddam’s WMDs.
    Syria still has the most secular regime in the Middle East (and far more tolerant than even Iraq even in the best of times) despite the recent fundamentalist poisoning of minds.
    It is a war that Assad has clearly won. The US is bitter and wants to punish Syria for that.
    What amazes me is that critics of Assad are silent about Yemen where US and Saudi Arabia are killing innocents by the hundreds.
    The question is whether US imperialism and its allies (Israel and Saudi Arabia) can be allowed to go on destroying lives in the Middle East or for that matter elsewhere.

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      “Syria still has the most secular regime in the Middle East (and far more tolerant than even Iraq even in the best of times) despite the recent fundamentalist poisoning of minds.”
      It is amazing how apparently educated people see all Muslim states as evil and fundamentalist across the board. That is the impression that they get from the monolithic media . Israel is always the good guy, even to most Christians.
      However, it should be pointed out that Lebanon is even more liberal than Syria, Hezbollah and Israel notwithstanding.

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        Lebanon has always been the most democratic and liberal country in the region.
        But the religious divide is strong– not so much the Muslim-Christian divide now, but the Saudi-induced Sunni reaction to the predominantly Shiite Hezbollah.

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        Dear old codger,
        You have said, ” Israel is always the good guy, even to most Christians.”
        Correction: “especially to Evangelistic Christians”. There is in Sri Lanka a T.V. Channel, called “God T.V.”
        I don’t think that anybody other than the mentally retarded view anything on it, but those guys are hooked on it. They apparently look for a second coming of Jesus Christ, which will take place when all Jews return to the “Holy Land”.
        I don’t know how things have got to this stage. It may be that Christians (rightly) feel guilty about the Holocaust engineered by Hitler and his Nazis. Also, many Christians, if they have the money, go on Pilgrimage to the “Holy Land”. It may be that they are reasonably well treated (and compulsorily relieved of a good deal of their money), and come back with sunshine stories of Israel.
        Actually, I get the impression that Israel is a fantastic place to be in, if you have the means to live, and don’t mind the tight security and the permanent fear of a war with the Arabs. It is a functioning democracy, and as for religion:
        “A Gallup survey in 2015 determined that 65 percent of Israelis say they are either “not religious” or “convinced atheists”, while 30 percent say they are “religious”. Israel is in the middle of the international religiosity scale, between Thailand, the world’s most religious country, and China, the least religious.”
        Taken from:
        Admittedly, there’s more said there.
        However, the bottom line has to be that Palestinian land was stolen from those whose ancestors had lived there for millennia – and had actually followed Judaism then. AND Muslims respect Judaism.
        But this whole business of religion is so full of contradictions.

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