3 May, 2024


We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas

By Vishwamithra

“Arbitrary power is the natural object of temptation to a prince, as wine and women to a young fellow, or a bribe to a judge, or avarice to old age…” ~Jonathan Swift

In the deep conclaves of libraries and reading houses philosophers and great thinkers exchange a vast array of ideas and thought, yet only a rare few of political leaders have come out as shining beacons studying the complex human condition and what cascades from that condition either to a benevolent or destructive effect on the future. While these great philosophers and thinkers are many and sometimes innumerable, those who chose politics as their profession or livelihood are a few and far in between. If the system of government is democratic in structures and processes, the most cynical kind of these politicians travel to unthinkable distances to exploit the weak susceptibilities of the average voter, to gain advantage over them in order to mount the high echelons of power. 

If the system of government is non-democratic, then the suppression of the people’s freewill and other fundamental freedoms are easy to play around with since the path to power is not through the people, as one would say. Yet there is another system of government that prevailed especially during the time when the notorious Rajapaksas were in that exalted position. That is an amalgam between a President and parliament whose ascension to power was through the ballot of the voter yet the exercise of that power was absolutely dictatorial and autocratic. Owing to the inherent deficiencies in the Sri Lankan Presidential structure and organism, the concentration of enormous powers within the office of President did pave the way for easy exercise of arbitrary and draconian decisions and mean exploitation of two third’s powers majority in parliament. Impeachment of the then Chief Justice is a clear example. Mahinda Rajapaksa, with his uncanny charm and maliciously intended role-playing, presented himself to the broad masses as a patriotic and sincere political leader. That message was very clear.

However, if the message is clear and succinct on the surface, but if beneath that agreeable outer cover are concealed dangerous and unkind intentions of self-enrichment and immeasurable disregard for the common man whom he most pitilessly condemned as irrelevant and exploited as pawns on a political chessboard, then the Rajapaksas and their cruel henchmen belong in Dante’s infamous ‘First Circle’ of hell. On the other hand, the people of Sri Lanka chose Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family as their rulers in two consecutive times. Third time was a ‘No’. Although Mahinda’s message was clear and bold, but what lay underneath was exposed beyond an iota of uncertainty. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his clan did not bargain for the resistance that was shown towards their unscrupulous regime during the last Presidential election campaign; the anger and rejection shown by the civil organizations and a smorgasbord of academics, intelligentsia and commoners was manifestly visible. 

Thus far and no further, the distance the people were willing to travel with the Rajapaksas, ultimately saw an end. The frustration and the feeling of being taken for a mammoth ride by a ruler who thought that his clear message and assumed-charm would sustain his corrupt and autocratic rule forever reached its peak during the 2015 Presidential Election campaign. A Cabinet that was equally corrupt and pathetic in its approach to complex political realities, a Cabinet that was happy and content with the bones that were thrown at them by the Rajapaksa siblings was taken by sheer surprise of an electoral victory for Maithripala Sirisena, a ‘commoner’ himself and a member of that corrupt Cabinet and also the General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), S W R D Bandaranaike’s machine for the empowerment of the ‘common man’, waited with their mouths open and minds closed. Bandaranaike’s ‘common man’ won the day, once again.

Then what happened is another story to tell, or not to tell, depending on whom to tell. But the signs are no good. The utter lack of memory of the voter and the alacrity at which events unfolded and the idiotic errors of judgments committed by both President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe contributed hugely to the disdain on the part of the general public. The people are not blind nor are their loyalties beyond boundaries. Corruption, whether it’s a part of the Rajapaksa’s ilk or associated is with the current administration, is corruption, period. Furthermore, members of the United National Party (UNP) being out of power for almost two and half decades does not give them a license to indulge in the same extremities as those who preceded them.

Being victims of the culture of corruption created over the last few decades, these politicos have chosen to play the same game to the same undignified rules. Barring the likes of Navin Dissanayake, Ruwan Wijeywardene, Sajith Premadasa and a few more, this shameful badge of corruption, allurement to money from ‘perpetual corrupters’, belongs to most in the current Administration, so the rumor goes. Alleged corruption is as bad as being proven guilty of that corruption. That is the cruel side of being alleged of lack of financial integrity. The optics of the allegation is more than sufficient for those who read only the headlines and that consists the vast majority in the country. Social media accompanied with some nasty headlines and cartoons can destroy an image of a political leader. State Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe must be aware of this aspect of political image-building. Years of good work can easily be erased and totally eliminated by a single stroke of an allegation of corrupt practice, whether financial or otherwise.

It is this hodgepodge of governance and politricks we are dealing with today. But the voter does not care a damn about the nuances. His wants and desires must be met, at least half way, and tangibly. A sincere attempt by the politician is seen by the voter immediately and his allegiance to such genuine characters in this not-so-genuine profession could last a longer time than to others who openly exploit the profession with shameless proficiency. Dudley Senanayake was a personification of such honesty and integrity. 

All these nuanced explanations might go unheard and unseen by the immediate cohorts of these politicians; yet the cryptic observations of the voter still matter. It should be a lesson for those in the UNP who aspire for leadership in the future. Whether it’s Navin, Sajith or anyone else, these fundamentals of leadership and management of mass movements have not changed and they will not. 

In the current political environment in Sri Lanka, a clear and bold message with a craftily assembled organization would still be an unambiguous way to power. The UNP and the SLFP are running out of time. While the Rajapaksas and the ‘Pohottuwa’-gang have been slinging mud at the present regime in every occurrence possible, being engaged in the running of the country’s economy and its disentanglement from unbearable debt burden caused by the Rajapaksa regime and offering that as a reason or an excuse will not be accepted by the voter,  common man or otherwise.

The Rajapaksas devoured the country’s wealth and good name. Their extent of corruption, nepotism and autocratic rule is not easy to surpass. Their indulgences are beyond the pale. Their avarice had no reasonable border. In short, they were not good rulers for the country. But the people must not be left to choose between two bad choices. If the people are condemned to choose the lesser of evil, it’s extremely injurious to the fabric of society; such condemnation would result in the people settling down to a mundane mediocrity. As it was with a decadent Roman society in the long drawn out fall of its Empire, our people too would begin displaying sheer disregard for decency; they would show callous concern for honesty and what looked like the beginning of the fall may have gone a way too far to contain. 

That is not an alluring prospect for an island nation that showed tremendous potential in the nineteen eighties. An island of potential prosperity could easily become an island of shame and dishonesty; a people of unmitigated pride and morality could easily end up as shameless rags of humanity, meandering in a desert of hope and barren inspirations.

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com  

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  • 27

    How can you forget Rajapakse regime?

    – Extrajudicial killings rampant

    – Media at Mahinda’s death knell.

    – White van abductions

    – Grease Yakkas

    – Extensive spy network all over the country.

    -Mortgaging Sri Lanka to China in an unprecedented scale

    – Bell Pottinger saga

    – Corruption in Central Bank providing extensive funding for Mahindas ventures and international missions. Central Bank Governor becoming the political emissary of Mahinda.

    – Barrister Walter Jayawardena loading himself for producing faulty manufactured report on human rights and for his legal advice on international affairs.

    – Air Lanka being treated like a Guinea Pig to keep its skirts open for poking by Mahinda & Co

    – Importation of cars to clog up the roads and pollute the air

    – Super human awards for Mahinda clan at the Russian Lumumba University and Colombo Universrity.

    – Shot gun supremacist Vimal Boruwanse floating in the air to be fed by Mahinda for his revival over his one day fasting.

    – Posters of wilder beast Mahinda in every nooks and corner of the country

    – Biggest Kiribath party in Colombo for Mahinda winning the third world war against the Tamil Tigers

    – Zoo for Gota at his residence at tax payers expense

    – Namal passing law exams with the help of Gal Lol Pieris who spent his foreign minster term on the air 24/7 at enormous cost to the state

    – Gunawardena’s, and Mervin Silva’s flying rockets through the thighs of Mahinda & Co.

    – Money rolling under the tables for the life strings of Mahinda regime

    – Unaccounted loot of the LTTE wealth kept under the wrap even by the present government.

    Did I miss anything else? Commentators please help!

    • 17

      Ayub Khan,
      Corruption commenced with the Helping Hambantota affair when the then judge Sarath N. Silva failed to convict Mahinda Rajapakse – he later admitted that his verdict was incorrect
      MaRa grew bold thereafter and founded a corrupt regime.

      Now, corruption is at its peak – or, is it? –

      • 21

        There is a clear distinction here …………… that most people fail to see

        Rajapakses do not give an explicit “moral” message …………. so people do not expect morals/ethics from the Rajapakses

        Sirisena, Ranil (and their ilk) convey an explicit “moral” message ………… that they fail to live up to ………. and people are disappointed; justifiably …..

        If you guys are too involved in Lankan politics and your emotions stop you from seeing what is right in front of your noses ……… just think ……….. the same battle is going on in far off Yankeeland ……. Donald can get away with a million things that Obama couldn’t …….

        That’s the reason I put forth the suggestion ………. that Mahinda has taught his children survival-skills (morals, ethics ……. or whatever the crap you pristine Buddhists want to call them) better than any other Lankan ……… the landslide victory of the Rajapakses proves I’m right. I don’t care what people say with their mouths ………. I know how they vote

        So my “bold message” to you is ……….. don’t believe “morals/ethics” crap what those humbugs preach in temples and churches and mosques and kovils ………. learn from the best and teach those skills to your children ……… look at Mahinda, look at Donald …..any child can grow up to be the president! …….. yours’ too …….. don’t deny your child the opportunity by teaching them the wrong things

        I’m the new ……. 21st century messiah; teaching you modern survival-skills ………. old-fashioned morals/ethics were always for the timid and the weak ……. passé

        My lectures/sermons are very cheap only $5,000 …….. but for you guys in the forum ………..I’ll always give a discount ………. how about 2 cents?

        • 0

          nimal fernando
          I don’t agree with you. The majority people yearn to see good ethics and good morals in politics. They can’t stand the current Parliament or SLFP, UNP, SLPP, JVP front runners. The problem is people have no other choice. So they are compelled to accept the same crap of politicians.
          Given the disappointment among voters, if there is any man who is dared to rise against the current political juggernauts , despite bullets, daggers, threats to life and smear campaigns, he will receive a good support.

    • 2

      Ayub Khan – You are spot on. There is a bogus Dr., public racist and warmonger who can possibly help!

    • 4

      Mr. Khan,

      Can you please add these to your list:

      1. Stealing $800 million of Tsunami funds through fake NGO called Helping Hambantota set up with assistance from Willie Gamage and depriving poor families of their right to rebuild their lives devastated by Tsunami

      2. Taking 19 billion US dollars as commissions from Chinese government corporations through white elephant useless development projects such as Hambantota Harbour, Airport, and southern expressway

      3. Putting Sri Lanka economy into an endless misery by taking high interest loans from China and pocketing in 40% of that money

      4. Nurturing an unprecedented culture of corruption and political victimization with immunity

      5. Killing and attacking journalists, judges, innocent civilians for 10 years

      6. Appointing an uneducated GoTa as defence head and stealing the credit of ending the 30 year war from SF, the true hero who led the final war against LTTE

      7. Making a synthetic lawyer of an idiotic son who couldn’t even pass his GCE (OL)

      8. Killing the most famous rugby player on behalf of another moron son
      9. Soliciting sex from girls of the families that lost their loved ones due to Premadasa Terror campaign in exchange of your service as a human rights lawyer in 1980s
      10. Raping girls in villages from down south on the promise of jobs

  • 2

    Why would Rajapaksas’ give a Clear Message to Vishwamithra?.
    Has Vishwamithra become a member of the GMOA, Professional Associations of Lankawe, Sinhala Buddhist Business Council or an associate Member of Pohottuwa?.
    Or has Vishwamithra become just a Swinging Voter?…

  • 14

    But the question is – does that bold message comes from Sirisena or Ranil?

  • 12

    Why is it always got to be a Rajapaksa. Are the Sinhala Buddhist that bankrupt?


    Loses three times and finally wins with promises a sane person wont believe.

    • 0

      Sorry posted on the wrong thread. Should have gone on:
      “Lessons Of Mexico’s Left Populism & The Case For Chamal As JO Candidate “

    • 0

      Nope. Sinhalese are not bankrupt at all. They were never lack of leaders. The only issue is Rajapaksa name instill instance fear among people so that no one is dared to give a challenge as they hold the power and money both.
      Anyways, I believe things will improve close to latter part of 2019 and who knows Rajapaksas will meet their match.

  • 7

    Has the current government done better in stability of economy and state security than previous govt. They are most important reasons for voters to decide.

  • 5

    Vishwamithra ,

    RE: We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas

    Read between the lines. The message is there.

    “If the system of government is democratic in structures and processes, the most cynical kind of these politicians travel to unthinkable distances to exploit the weak susceptibilities of the average voter, to gain advantage over them in order to mount the high echelons of power.

    We stole, and we mismanaged, and we did that because the mean IQ of the pupulace is 79, and we thought that we can fool them, they have been fooled for quite some time since independence my many politicians.”

    After all they say Sinhalaya Modaya, Kacun Kanna Yodaya.

    Sinhala are fools, and giants at eating sweet meats.

    Looks like the Chinese figured this out. They fooled me, as I was fooled by my own eg, and those around me were all Moda Sinhalayas., Moda Demalas and Moda Marakkalalayas. .

  • 3

    Vishwamithra ,

    RE: We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas

    Read between the lines. The message is there.

    “If the system of government is democratic in structures and processes, the most cynical kind of these politicians travel to unthinkable distances to exploit the weak susceptibilities of the average voter, to gain advantage over them in order to mount the high echelons of power.

    We stole, and we mismanaged, and we did that because the mean IQ of the pupulace is 79, and we thought that we can fool them, they have been fooled for quite some time since independence my many politicians.”

    After all they say Sinhalaya Modaya, Kacun Kanna Yodaya.

    Sinhala are fools, and giants at eating sweet meats.

    “Looks like the Chinese figured this out. They fooled me, as I was fooled by my own ego, and those around me were all Moda Sinhalayas., Moda Demalas and Moda Marakkalalayas. .” Mahinda Rajapaksa s now thinking…

  • 9

    Sri Lankans: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    Don’t get swayed by false promises, learn from the lessons of the past.

  • 12

    “We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas”
    its not coming from the Sri Lankans either …..Sinhalese, Tamils , Muslims alike ….and that is the issue….

    when will the Sri Lankans learn the lessons?

    • 5

      Politics is corrupt to the core. Votes are always left with two evils and based of the time they chose to go with the lesser of two evils. Can you blame them.

    • 2


      “when will the Sri Lankans learn the lessons?”

      When the mean IQ of 79 reaches 100. How long will it take?

      National IQ Scores – Country Rankings


      The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.

      Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.

      ——– Country
      ———————– %
      1 Singapore 108
      2 South Korea 106
      3 Japan 105
      4 Italy 102
      5 Iceland 101
      5 Mongolia 101
      6 Switzerland 101
      7 Austria 100
      7 China 100
      7 Luxembourg 100
      7 Netherlands 100
      7 Norway 100
      7 United Kingdom 100

      28 Sri Lanka 79

    • 1

      Wait until the learned Sri Lankans of the diaspora take over. ‘ Nagi’ as Prime Minister in 2020.

  • 3

    “We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas”

    Forget the article and look at the picture and you will get a CLEAR and BOLD message.

    If does not matter who you elect we work as a syndicate. When Mihanda was President Gota was only a Sec, a un-elected public servant. Just going by what he is accused of from Mig -Avant- White Van – Rouge Military units he ran as a ruling dictator.
    Basil was only a minister like almost a 100 others but he ran it with impunity.

    Mahinda as President and Chamal as speaker gave them enough cover to ruin hundreds of lives and the economy.

  • 3

    “The Rajapaksas devoured the country’s wealth and good name. Their extent of corruption, nepotism and autocratic rule is not easy to surpass. Their indulgences are beyond the pale. Their avarice had no reasonable border. In short, they were not good rulers for the country. But the people must not be left to choose between two bad choices”
    Wickramasinghas. Alosius, Mahendrans, Karunananyakas devoured the remainder of country’s wealth and good name, leaving the tax payers to make up for the loot ransacked by these vultures that promised to rid the country of Rajapashas corruptin and nepotism. The blind deaf clown Vishwamitra wants a clea rmessage coming from somewhere but from Rajapakshas, and certainly he was not getting it from a gang of bank robbers and NATIONAL ASSET STRIPPERS either. He thinks that if he takes a potshot at Rajapakshas it might appease the voters and cancels the crimes of this corrupt regime. Whoever that the people bring into power the next time, the outsider, I hope that he will lock up the criminals of both colours until they compensate for their crimes in jail.

    • 0

      Yep, only a new man will set everything straight. Anybody from the same lot will never correct anything. Their attitude is you scratch my back I scratch yours.

  • 9

    Rajapakses have no message to give to the voters. They don’t need to and they don’t care. The greedy pigs have robbed enough money and property to keep several generations of their extended family and the entire clan in luxurious debauchery. They are seeking re-election only to safeguard the loot and to protect themselves from any possible legal action and prison sentence. And they have no qualms about whipping up racism in the country once again to achieve their goal. From their past strategies they know it is a winning formula. The Rajapakse Mafia knows for sure the corrupt media, rabid monks, political thugs and the greedy corporate fat cats will all once again rally behind them for a share of the spoils. So in essence there is no message from the depraved Rajapakses other than the hint, “You stupid Sinhala-Buddhist sheep, you elect us and this time around we will fuck you up for good for the next 20 to 25 years.”

  • 4

    Rajapaksa was at least successful in commmencemt of transformation of mother Lanka into Sinhala only as existed in our previous constitution. Genecide of Muslims are just collateral damage.

  • 4

    A very CLEAR message has been sent to the Nation, through no lesser person than the Anu Nayake Thero of Asgiriya, a “Custodian” of the Sacred Tooth Relic of Buddha. According to “HIM” (the High Priest) this Nation must have a “HITLER” and he selected one among four of Rajapaksas. What more than that “MESSAGE”?

    • 0

      It was a spectacularly backfired compliment..!!!!!!!
      The magnitude of the objection to Hitler talk came from Sinhalese themselves is a clear message that people are not ready to accept a Hitler type military man even if he is the last man standing.

  • 3

    Every body who ever who do not toe in line with RAJAPAKSAS will RECEIVE CLEAR AND BOLD MESSAGE DELIVERED THROUGH WHITE VANS IF ANY BODY FROM RJAHPAKSE FAMILY GET THEIR LOST THRONE.until then please await for good results.

    • 0

      The “early emergence” of Gotabhaya is a Rajapaksa style tactic to discourage others to contest at the next Presidential election.
      Who knows, another “nothing to lose” man will challenge Gotabhaya and win.

  • 3

    MR who went to Medamulana on retirement came back when Sirisena (especially) and Wickramasinghe surreptitiously showed that MR and his clan would not be punished. From that point everybody (opposition, trade unions, students and even the general public) realised the government’s weakness and started exploiting it.

  • 2

    This comment was removed by edwin rodrigo because it abides by CT Comment policy. For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 2

    Referring to Chinese donation, Duminda Disanayake says he also received sarees and wrist watches (I guess ladies) from President Rajapakse. It is a pity that President Rajapakse did not give him a blouse, brassier and a knicker as well.

  • 2

    Almost 4 years have passed now. No one could even present a charge against Rajapksha’s for the so called mega corruption. All we have is good for nothing rhetoric and a newspaper article claiming Rajapaksha received money from China for his election campaign.

    What is Ranil “The Brain” Wikramasighe doing?

    • 3

      Shenali why are you saying this when you know what is happening. As long as RW is in power nothing will happen to MR and when MR comes to power nothing will happen to RW. Did you notice that MR has never uttered a word about Bond Scam. Now MS is trying to protect Gota in order to save his life in case Gota comes to power. See the difference in Malaysia where the then PM who also took bribes from China is being hurled to courts for corruption. NY times will not publish without proof, and that is the reason why MR has not taken any legal action against it for defamation.

  • 2

    Uneducated former SI bodyguard and friend of Anura Bandaranaikem. What qualities does he possess to be President? What really do you aim for here with your bar set so low?

  • 1

    On 08 January 2015, Lankans sent a clear message about bridling corruption/nepotism/impunity. Disappointed? Understatement! We have the message but to whom do we send it to?
    How many of us are bothered about the ‘leaks’ about leasing aircrafts, catering, dutyfree scams and ineptitude of LankanAirlines past management?
    Now we have this mental fatigue. We do not want to talk corruption/nepotism/impunity any more. We find killing of a leopard with sticks more horrendous than shooting tuskers with high powered rifles.
    Rajapaksas and the ‘Pohottuwa’-gang have spoken loudly. They will use the language/religion-divide

  • 6

    Raviraj, Lasantha, Ekneligoda, Joseph, Taraki, Mutur Massacre, Action Aid massacre of students, Welikada, massacre, Rathupaswela, Roshen, Thajudeen etc.. etc…- Cold Blooded Murders

    Entrust Fraud, Hedging fraud, Krish fraud, Nilwala fraud, Srilankan and Mihin Fraud, Nilwala fraud
    petroleum Fraud, Mahindodaya fraud, Carlton Fraud etc.. etc.. – Mega Frauds.

    Against Bond Scam which already 12 billion frozen masterminds behind bars.

    Need we say more

    • 2

      Thengai Spot On.

      Tsunami Hora, Rada Hora, Pushpa Rajapaksa Foundation, Siriliya Saviya, DA Rajapaksa memorial, Avant Garde, Mig Fraud.

  • 0

    Is not the deafening silence of the MR-clan regarding Gotler, loud and clear?

  • 0

    What Sri Lankans lack in IQ, they make up for with MQ (Meeharak Quotient).
    We are ready put up with anything and everything on soldier on as long as a saffron clad approve of it, we swallow bullshit hook, line and sinker, to fulfill all righteousness.
    We think deep down in our hearts that life should be suffering, it doesn’t matter the cause, as long as there is suffering we are willing to shoulder it and march on.
    The Sri Lankan psyche does not understand the meaning of comfort.
    Just as a Meeharaka doesn’t mind all the hard labour it is put through, we too are Meeharaka,’s in human form. We take all the crap that is dished-out to us, never minding all the illogic, emotional blackmail and brain washing.
    To us every thing is about others and not ourselves. For instance if Mr. A is denied something then we will happily forego the same, not minding our personal need for the same.
    How else can you explain our predicament?

  • 1

    How much did the Rajapaksa’s actually cream off the state?

    “State Minister of Child Affairs Vijayakala Maheswaran said she had not made any statement with the intention of bringing the LTTE back to life and said that it was a slip of the tongue.

    She expressed these views during a telephone conversation with the Social Empowerment Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayaka who called her during a media briefing in Colombo today.

    During the conversation, she explained that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had promised to give her Rs. one billion in cash and a Cabinet portfolio at the time of the previous regime.”

  • 0

    Vishwamithra, you say, ”We Need A Clear & Bold Message & It’s Not Coming From The Rajapaksas: “
    Indeed it is not coming from Rajapaksas. Instead, it is coming from me, Edwin Rodrigo, the Goebbels, in charge of propaganda for our great hero- DG 2020. And it is Clear & Bold. The Message is that the Operation PK (Pathola Karal) is already in progress and on schedule. The ER virus has already been released right at the outset signaling the start of the IT warfare.
    The 10 plagues, Water into blood, Frogs, Lice, Mixture of wild animals et al. have been deployed covertly years ago. They are code named Kalaveddas (special ceiling force), bunjikirillis (air force) SS Nazi canine brigade (The Infantry).
    So what should you do? Switch off your PC’s and RUN, RUN and RUN. But remember, you can RUN but you cannot HIDE from us. There will be a day of reckoning.

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