3 May, 2024


Christchurch Massacre, White Supremacism & Islamophobia: Some Pertinent Reflections!

By Mohamed Harees

Lukman Harees

A monument will never change how she feels. It’s unfair that victims should have to forgive those who raped, tortured, and killed, or burned villages to the ground. On an Island of World Peace, shouldn’t those who inflicted terrible harm on others be forced to confess and atone, and not make widows and mothers pay for stone monuments?― Lisa See, The Island of Sea Women

For Muslims specially in the West, Friday Prayer is a day of community prayer, where families also travel to their local mosques – their religious sanctuary, where they gather in the early afternoon to pray as a community while their kids run through the halls as the imam recites the Quran in Arabic. On this fateful Friday just gone, the Muslim families in Christchurch in the idyllic New-Zealand were, on the contrary, preparing for funerals. As a shocked world awoke to the nightmare of the toll of New Zealand’s most deadly shooting and massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, in a carefully planned and unprecedented atrocity, with at least 49 people being gunned killed in cold blood and 20 being seriously injured, there were prayers around and political leaders across the world issued laudable statements of condemnation appearing as front line news. But a perplexed world began to ask: Is it mere the vile machinations of a deranged white supremacist terrorist or is it hate rhetoric of the politicians and media who has enabled anti-Muslim prejudice to become mainstream leading to their self-interested words helping to slay?

Massacre by its definition means ‘an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people’. Many  parallels could be found in the recent history all over the world. As Sri Lankans, who lived through the 30 year old civil war in the Island , we are quite familiar with these types of massacres. However, this deplorable mosque massacre in Christ-church will definitely bring back sad emotional memories of  another which occurred in the East within the hallowed precincts of mosques in Kathankudy in 1990 carried out by the Tiger terrorists, killing 141 and injuring many. In fact, more than others, those fortunate ones who survived this Kathankudy massacre and experienced those deadly moments while prostrating in prayer to their Lord, could realistically empathize, and feel the fear and agony of those in the Christchurch mosques  who were in a similar situation even 28 years later. They did not spare even a kid in the congregation, as some survivors then recounted. All of this type of hate attacks came from the brand of Fascism and Nationalism upheld by the Tigers, whose movement preached segregation and hatred rather than brotherhood, and that anyone different has “colonized” (a key Tiger nationalist code word for pointing out who to hate) the “Tamil Homeland”. Politics of division!

Writer and television co-host Waleed Aly in a recent Aussie TV discussion on the Christchurch tragedy captured the feelings in these types of massacres which happens within places of worship, quite succinctly. He said ‘’And I know the people who did this knew well enough how profoundly defenseless their victims were in that moment. This is a congregational prayer that happens every week like clockwork. This was slaughter by appointment. And it’s scary because, like millions of other Muslims, I’m going to keep attending those appointments and it feels like fish in a barrel’. 

Hate-based attacks are never spontaneous because hate is something constructed, learnt, and normalised and based on raw extremist ideologies and political expediencies. It is a reality that those who committed these dreadful acts came to believe what they were doing was right, that they were protecting their group, their country, their loved ones from an outside threat, which makes acts of identity-based violence different to other forms of violence. In fact, the Christchurch killer clearly was a white far right supremacist who held extremist views about immigration and bore anti-Muslim hatred, as the manifesto he laid bare proved and showed no remorse in respect of his crime against humanity. In fact, he felt it was part of his life mission to do what he did. His role models and patrons included Trump and few other Western prominent Islamophobes and the likes of Australian Senator Anning who blamed the victims for the tragedy in horrid language. He was inspired by Anders Breivik, the far-right Norwegian terrorist who murdered 77 people in 2011, He live-streamed his  despicable killing spree as he knew that he had a captive audience out there in the social media who were enthralled, motivated and enthused by his vile antics. He also played a song praising war criminal Karadzic as he drove to one of the mosques. To many youngsters and kids who were so used to video war games, this live streaming would have been sheer entertainment giving a sense of realism, rather than raising any remorse. 

The New Zealand Massacre was thus made to go viral and the attack marked a grim new age of social media-fuelled terrorism. The horror was designed specifically for an era that has married social media and racism — a massacre apparently motivated by white extremist hatred, streamed live on Facebook and calculated to go viral. How well the online community worked in the gunman’s favour was quite scary! By providing oxygen by allowing this on their platforms, the many TV stations and internet platforms too became accomplice to the Christchurch killer.

The world is witnessing an era of worsening social disintegration, political polarisation, and rising prejudice. It’s clear that the dangers of white nationalism are growing and aren’t limited to the US as seen in the Trump era. This attack is a reminder that this dangerous ideology also threatens immigrant communities worldwide, and that it’s fuelled by leaders around the world. As Waleed Aly further echoed in the aforesaid Aussie TV discussion, ‘There’s nothing about what happened in Christchurch today that shocked me. I wasn’t shocked when six people were shot to death at a mosque in Quebec City two years ago. I wasn’t shocked when a man drove a van into Finsbury Park mosque in London about six months later and I wasn’t shocked when 11 Jews were shot dead in a Pittsburgh synagogue late last year or when nine Christians were killed at a church in Charleston. If we’re honest, we’ll know this has been coming’. Thus, there is an imperative need to tackle a growing and globalized ideology of white nationalism that must be addressed at its source, of which the Christchurch tragedy is only the latest manifestation.  — which includes the mainstream politicians and media personalities who nurture, promote and excuse it. Thus, many have blood in their hands and should equally bear responsibility  for this unforgivable tragedy. 

Among white nationalists’ major motivators is “the great replacement” conspiracy theory. They fear that Jews, blacks and Muslims will replace white people and eventually subordinate them. Jews are often viewed as the diabolical head of the cabal, the nerve centre, who use their infinite wealth and power to reduce and weaken the white man. Standard white supremacist and far-right nationalist tropes, like fears of a “white genocide,” are sprinkled throughout the manifesto the gunman owned. There are also references to centuries-ago battles between Christians and Muslims ,which is certainly for a wider reach.  The primary goal of the manifesto’s author was to prevent Muslims and non-whites from taking over Western society, calling on white-majority countries to “crush immigration,” deport non-whites and have more children to stop the decline of white populations. 

In US, anti-Muslim hate has always existed and 09/11 was only a further catalyst. Coupled with the rise of political leaders with extreme views, the US witnessed in recent times a remarkable shift to the right when dealing with people of other faiths or colour. Politically motivated outbursts against Muslims in America have given rise to physical and verbal abuse. In Europe, the situation is not much different. In many European countries,  there has seen a surge of anti-Muslim sentiments, much of which is fuelled by far right politicians to gain votes and Media outlets to increase sales, by whipping up anti-Islamic rhetoric. By creating an atmosphere of hate and distrust, demonising Islam and the Muslims has become such an art with them and Islamophobia has become an industry but widely ignored and downplayed by the decision makers. As a result, Islamophobic crimes have often been broadly classified as hate. As we discuss the roots of the Christ church killings, we therefore also need to discuss how accepted the Islamophobia that underpinned the attack actually is! As President Erdogan said the Islamophobia that motivated the attacks “has rapidly started to take over Western communities like a cancer”. I would add that this cancer has grown beyond the West too, as we have seen in Myanmar and many parts of Asia. 

Moving on in the Post- Christ church period! Of course, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern  rose upto the occasion and said ‘New Zealand is united in grief’. ‘This is not the New Zealand they know. This is not the New Zealand we know.They are us. We will continue to stand by them “referring to the victims, not long after the mass murder. It is however not merely giving protection to the mosques on Fridays as it is not practicable in the medium to long run. As Trudeau said in a statement,” Far too often, Muslims suffer unimaginable loss and pain in the places where they should feel safest. To move forward as a world, we need to recognize diversity as a source of strength, and not a threat.” Unfortunately ,the West appears to defend demonization of Muslims as ‘freedom of expression and adopts double standards in dealing with Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism as we saw in the case of US Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In fact, in January 2015, protocol went out of the window as the 60 world leaders congregated in Paris to show their support and solidarity with France after a week of terrorist bloodshed that left 17 dead. ‘We are walking together, as one Europe, Africa, the Middle East against terrorism’ was the message. Today, as Christchurch with tears streaming down faces, riven with the grief and shock of the last few days, weeps for its’ victims of terror in a hallowed place of worship in larger numbers, I wonder whether those leaders will make a similar show of solidarity. Perhaps not ,as the political hypocrisy and double standards always governs their conduct and policies.   

Hate for Muslims, refugees and migrants doesn’t “just happen.” As stated earlier, terrorism against marginalized and the ‘other’ is a direct outcome of bigotry and hate that has been mainstreamed in our public discourse by many media organizations fanning the flames and our own democratically elected politicians. Across the globe, we are witnessing the growth in white nationalism and so-called populist leaders taking power, and their calling cards look the same. They talk tough on “clamping down” on migrants and refugees as they demonize Muslims and migrants generally. Terrorism, they say is an equal-opportunity employer. Heads full of putrid ideas and hearts full of hatred can take root anywhere. As Muslims, we saw this in ISIS. The only way to counter white-supremacist ideology and terrorism and extremism in general, is to tackle it head-on as a society at the grass root levels and civil/religious organizations through public activism. This starts with everyone understanding that these acts of terrorism are not one-offs. White supremacy is, of course, a growing and present danger in the lives of Muslims and other marginalized people and communities, but as said, as long as the hate can be dismissed as a rarity and the internet remains a pillar in our lives, it also threatens every single one of us. We each have a role to play in countering the narrative and the resulting ideologies. 

One of the positive signs which emerged rising from the rubbles of this tragedy  was the genuine outpourings of sympathy and support from many other communities. Within hours of the Christchurch mosque attacks, people of various faiths rallied around Muslims.The New Zealand Jewish community decided to shut its synagogues on Shabbat for the first time ever in an act of solidarity with the Muslim community. Chief Rabbi Mirvis tweeted, that “there can be few acts of greater evil than the massacre of peaceful people at prayer”, calling it “terrorism of the most despicable kind, callously planned & motivated by the scourge of Islamophobia”. Churches began opening their doors after mosques were told to close for security issues in the wake of the tragedy. A fundraiser for the victims reportedly topped $400,000. Overseas too, there was much anger against the perpetrators and sympathy for the victims too. A UK-based national forum for Christian-Muslim engagement was reportedly calling on Christians to go along to Friday prayers at their local mosques — a call the archbishop of Canterbury endorsed. Likewise, in the past, Muslim communities have stepped up to help in different ways when such hate disasters struck other communities, like it happened many times in the US and Europe. We know that Christchurch was not an exception; If the people want to ensure that such tragedies are not repeated, it’s time to start for all, irrespective of religious and racial differences, travelling in the same direction together, and take on hate and bigotry in every corner where it lives whether online or offline.

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  • 15

    Good points. Do not be silent when terrorists mow down innocent people in the west either. This savage was a TERRORIST and fits the very definition of political terrorism. So do the Jihadis like Omar Mateen who killed 49 people in Orlando. Or the Pakistani couple, whose demented terrorist wife came on a fiancee visa after only meeting a man online and they killed 14. I already spoke of rising anti-semitism in the US too. This vile man who killed innocent people deserve the death penalty except NZ doe not seem to have it anymore; apparently they abolished it. Do not be silent when Jihadists kill innocent people in the western christian societies that welcomed immigrants including brownies like me. It is wrong; no matter who does it for which demented ideology, it is wrong. Jihadis mowed down 86 people in Nice, France. Where were you then? This attack is condemned by all decent people across all races and all religions. It was a cowardly despicable act. But remember the attack on the Ariana Grande Concert? 22 people died in Manchester. Why? for going to a concert?

    We cannot be silent when these happen and be selectively outraged. I asked that from my former students. They all write sentiments when Jihadi terrorists attack innocents in the west including in nations that have nothing to do with war in the Middle-East. But they were so far silent on this terrorist white supremacist attack on innocents. We cannot be selective.

    • 16

      “Do not be silent when Jihadis kill innocent people” – What a load of expectations. It is clearly stated in the Koran to kill non believers and destroy their places of worship. So how can a Muslim who follows the Koran go against it and condemn when such acts against non Muslims by Muslims have been sanctioned. “Western societies that welcomed immigrants” – Have you ever found Muslims grateful to those who accepted them into their land. Look at eastern province where Muslims who went as refugees after years of uncontrolled birth and ethnic cleansing of Tamils are claiming that it belongs to them over the head of Tamils whose ancestors gave refuge to Muslims. This is going to happen in western countries which are allowing Muslims to settle in their countries. Already ghettos have been formed in UK and France where others are not permitted. This is why Whites are rising up to prevent Muslims taking over their lands. Islamophobia is a result of Islamomania which forces others to comply with their thinking by force. If you want to stop white supremacist attacks, Muslims must eradicate Islamic racism and terrorism.

      • 20

        Al-Lahfaquar, On a Sunday, you should be wandering Colombo roads for sightseeing, enjoy some street food and a Tamil movie, then get into a bus to reach your factory where you have to do a lots of tea packing for tomorrow’s delivery.

        Why trouble your poor low IQ with these serious matters bro? If you want to be busy, just wait till elections are informed, will reserve your ‘pappa baldi’ to show your expertise, OK?

      • 8

        Al-Lahfaquar Sayings H.G. Wells

        The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it….Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity.” – H.G. Wells

        • 0

          There are about 50 Muslim majority countries and 45 of them Islamic countries. If they practice Islam, which one of them are ‘replete’ with the above qualities?
          Communism too has all the right ideals. But all of them ended up oppressive. It’s less about the religions and all about the people and the culture I believe.

      • 7

        “Tamils are claiming that it belongs to them over the head of Tamils whose ancestors gave refuge to Muslims”

        Tamils and Muslims, both are settlers in SL. Who are Tamils to give refuge to Muslims? All I remember is, it is Muslims who gave refuge to Tamils in considerable amount in Colombo during the 83 program. Tamils themselves are from TN, grabbed the lands of Sinhala farmers in the north with the help of Dutch.

        Let the Whites rise up, and let Islamic Jihadists handle between them. Who asked you to cry for them? You should be busy still crying for your loss of generations in 2009, plus decades of dreaming.

        It is you who have to learn to live peacefully with other communities in SL, since the coming color is not too good for migrants. See, what White-supremacy says is to leave the non-whites from their lands. Your refuge, asylum or ok-to-be-slave cards will not work. Plus these white supremacists get mad seeing darker uglier people. More than Muslims, it is a warning for you!!!

        • 8

          You post under a Muslim identity but I have a strong feeling you are a Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist, deliberately posting under a Muslim identity to create rift , all your posting are very anti Tamil and pro Sinhalese with lots of lies and untruth and in reality does not do anything good for the Muslims but to further incite and create trouble for them, . Just look at this post let ” white rise up and Jehadis handle them” No sane Muslim will ever post this garbage. I have had my suspicion about you for a long time .

          • 8

            My dear friend, Siva Sankaran Sharma, probably this is the single most decent comment you have ever written. Otherwise, your regular comments (even a guy with handle, Cholan) are insulting Muslims and Sinhalese in filthy language. Do you expect others to keep shut when you keep on insulting others?

            I only reply to 3 particular guys who insult other communities except Tamils. Respect is a two way street

      • 0

        Stupid man; full of bull-shit.
        It is not clearly stated in the Koran to kill non-believers and destroy their places of worship.

    • 9

      read the article properly you Moron . Mano paarak gahaladha?/
      The author is referring to all forms of hate .Yes we cannot be selective He is also referring to the West for their double standards but appreciates about the coming together of people of all faiths to stand up against hate.

    • 2

      Lukman Harees,

      RE: Christchurch Massacre, White Supremacism & Islamophobia: Some Pertinent Reflections!
      (297 Words)
      Thanks for the article.
      Terrorism is simply a SYMPTOM.

      So what is the cause? Phobia of the other, hatred of the other, the stranger, the foreigner, who is not be like them in race, ethnicity, religion, religious belief etc.
      “Massacre by its definition means ‘an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people’. As Sri Lankans, who lived through the 30 year old civil war in the Island , we are quite familiar with these types of massacres. However this deplorable mosque massacre in Christ-church will definitely bring back sad emotional memories of another which occurred in the East within the hallowed precincts of mosques in Kathankudy in 1990 carried out by the Tiger terrorists, killing 141 and injuring many. They did not spare even a kid in the congregation, as some survivors then recounted. All of this type of hate attacks came from the brand of Fascism and Nationalism upheld by the Tigers, whose movement preached segregation and hatred rather than brotherhood, and that anyone different has “colonized” (a key Tiger nationalist code word for pointing out who to hate) the “Tamil Homeland”. Politics of division!”

      Hater: Target of Hatred:

      White Supremacist Racism: Non-whites, in the Para-White Land
      Examples: ( Australia, New Zealand, Americas)

      Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Supremacist: Para-Tamils/-Muslims, other Paras; Racism

      Para-Tamil “Hindu” Supremacist: Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”/-Muslims, other Paras; Racism

      Wahhabi-Salafi Supremacist Ideology : Other non-Wahhabi Muslims, non-believers. Kuffar

      Islamist Supremacist Ideology : Other Muslims, non-Muslims, non-believers. Kuffar
      Supremacist Ideology : Other non-Wahhabi Muslims, non-believers. Kuffar

      Roman Catholic Ideology: Jews, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus Buddhists who are not Catholics. Have the Catholics grown out of this Phobia and hatred?


      • 7

        All you Muslims mention about Kattankudi mosque Massacre in the east but fail to mention or are very silent about the large scale ethnic cleansing of Tamil Hindu villages and the destruction of many Hindu temples by the Muslim home guards in the east , in many instances the population was locked inside the Hindu temple and the temple was burnt. All these happened long before the Kattankudi massacre. Now many of these once Tamil Hindu areas have been converted to Muslim villages and mosques built , where the Hindu temple stood and have become no go aresa for the native Tamils Hindu [population , who are still not allowed to return to their villages. Tamil Hindus whose ancestors ironically gave the ancestors of these Muslims refuge and women to settle and start a family a few centuries ago., now chased out of their own land by the descendants of the very same Muslims , whose ancestors were given refuge by their ancestors. Kattankudi and its mosque was and still is a hotbed of Islamic extremism and Tamil Hindus were all chased from this area a few years before the mosque attack . Mullas from the mosques around the area were loudly urging the Muslim population , to chase all Hindu Tamils from the area and they complied with the Sinhalese police helping them. Kattakudi mosque was used as an arms depot by the Muslim home guards and they used to come here to collect their arms and pray for Allah blessings before they kill murder and ethnically cleanse the surrounding Hindu Tamil villages. This is why the LTTE attacked the mosque and many of the so called worshippers there were not that innocent. What happened in New Zealand is awful and should be condemned but like many stated Muslims have double standard , shout and scream when anything happens to them but keep quiet and silently encourage atrocities against others.

        • 7

          Post about the brutal massacre inside the Kattankudi mosque by Karuna and his gang I do not object to this but please balance this with what happened to the native Tamil Hindus in the east at the hands of the Muslim home guards who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces. Thousands of them were killed , raped , ethnically cleansed , Hindu temples deliberately burned and destroyed , in many instances with the village population burnt alive with the temple. Deliberately ignoring this and what happened to the real owners of the east , the Hindu Tamils and constantly only giving a one sided account, not only by you but by Sinhalese racists . The Sri Lankan government , Muslims , certain Indian media and others , shows their deliberate bias and what they think of the Tamils , that their lives . possessions, history and their claim to their ancient lands do not matter but only Sinhalese /Muslims lives matter. People who only arrived in the ancient Tamil east recently either as refugees or on state aided colonisation schemes and settled on stolen Tamil land .

          • 2

            Siva Shankaran Sharma,

            The news story is about killing of worshippers, in this case inside a mosque, and this indeed happened in Sri Lanka, courtesy of LTTE, at Kattankudy, and the comparison is appropriate and relevant.

            If the story is about the burning of a public library, then of course the comparison must be made to the burning of the Jaffna public library, a heinous crime against the Tamils.

            The problem many Tamils, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and others have is that their worldview is through the rose colored glasses of their own, beliefs and ideologies.

            Siva and the writer are no different.

            • 3

              It is not me but you who are biased and looking through rose tinted glasses. You have not mentioned about the atrocities commuit the news story is about a mosque attack in New Zealand where this heinous crime occurred on innocent local Muslims without any provocation by a white extremist , you cannot compare this to the Kattankudi Mosque incident , as the reason behind this was completely different and you know it. Muslims in New Zealand are a very peaceful lot minding their own business and many are refugees who had fled war torn countries. Compare this to what the Muslims in the east of Sri Lanka were up to long before the Kattankudi incident. Killing burning looting ethnically cleansing Tamils destroying Hindu temples with people locked up and burnt. Tamils were ethnically cleansed from Katannkudi by Muslims mobs a few years before the mosque incident and the mosque was used by Muslim home guards as an arms depot . It is a hot bed of Islamic Jehadi extremis and still is. It is for all these reasons the mosque was attacked and not just because it was a mosque , but it was the headquarters and an arms depot from where all these attacks on Hindu Tamils were planned. You know it and many others know it but deliberately keep on ignoring these facts and fail to mention this , whilst discussing the Kattaankudi mosque attack. It is you and the others who are prejudiced and do not compare the attack on the NEW Zealand mosque with an attack on a mosque that was a hot bed of Islamic extremism and still is and was used as a head quarters to plan execute , kill murder and ethnically cleanse the Hindu Tamils and Tamilised Veddha of the east who are the real owners of the east. . By omitting all this you are deliberately distorting history and facts. Shame on you . I thought you were better than this

              • 0


                So your point is that the Muslims inside the Kattankudy mosque werr combatants, and at Christ Church not combatants.

                Then one can extend this argument to the killing of Tamils by the Sri Lankan armed forces, because they are combatants?

                Anyway you are using double Standards here.

                Looks like some Tamils, not all Tamils are emotionally and psychologically confused, and confusing analogies.

          • 4


            You keep REPEATING that,

            “the Tamil Hindus in the east suffered at the hands of the Muslim home guards who were heavily armed by the Sri Lankan armed forces and “thousands of Tamils were killed , raped , ethnically cleansed , Hindu temples deliberately burned and destroyed , in many instances with the village population burnt alive with the temple. Deliberately ignoring this and what happened to the real owners of the east , the Hindu Tamils and constantly only giving a one sided account, not only by you but by Sinhalese racists.”

            Will you provide evidence for your allegations by giving:

            1. Names of Tamil villages that were attacked by Muslim home guards with dates
            of the attacks and casualties.

            2. Details of “Hindu temples deliberately burned and destroyed, in many instances with
            the village population burnt alive with the temple” with dates and names of the

            • 1

              I have provided these names and incidents many time but yet you keep on demanding this again and again, just like Soma and many other Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists keep on repeating the same lies and misinformation, you keep on demanding the same proof again and again thinking that if I do not provide this to you , your denial becomes the truth. You can take a horse to the water but cannot force it to drink and it is the same with you Sri Lankan Muslims , what ever proof is provided regarding your actual immigrant Dravidian Tamil South Indian origin or what the atrocities that the Muslim home guards committed on the native Tamil Hindu population in east Sri Lanka you will keep on denying this but selectively go on harping about incidents that affected your immigrant South Indian community,

              • 3


                If you have already given the details many times, it is simple for you to repeat it once more.

                If you can keep Repeating the same thing over and over again umpteen number of times, surely, it is incumbent on you to provide your evidence whenever it is called for.

                If you Cannot provide the evidence when called for, then have the decency NOT to Repeat your allegations again and again like a Broken Record.

                Also Remember, it is very easy to make allegations without evidence to support the allegations. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it. But, Responsible people will make sure that, as a rule, they back up their claims with Facts and Figures. It is all the more important that you provide the information called for without making excuses, if you want to make your allegations stick.

              • 2

                Siva Sankaran Sharma,

                For the god’s sake tell me, Tamils ever had that large area of land in north? No, because, present day land-ownership, larger population in the north are all the creation of Dutch.

                The Dutch liked south-Indian farmers and other coolies when they found that Sinhalese farmers didn’t have the expertise to help their irrigation requirement for highly profitable tobacco farming business.

                That is when they brought Vellarla people from Tamil Nadu (Vellarlar is farmer). Along with that many non-Vellarla lower caste also were brought in to north, but thanks to Dutch, now all are identifying themselves as “Vellarlar”.

                Then these Dutch grabbed the lands from original owners, and gave to newly settled TN people, Vellarlar and others. Then to protect these newly settled, new owners from original land owners, Dutch even created a special law called, Thesavalamai.

                That is how Jaffna is full of Vellarlar caste and they are mostly landlords. Vellarlar are found in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and North and East of Sri Lanka, which says originally TN, later colonial masters brought them to north and east of SL. Plus the Tamil population is about 12% today, which itself stands a proof that Tamils were brought in from TN by Dutch.

          • 4

            SSS Australoid crow you always write shit with your fabricated stories. If you are telling the truth give reference to news in media or other sources which will verify these. Muslims never went as refugees to your land but as traders to bring civilisation to you. Just stop cawing, write the real historical truth.

            • 2

              Stop ranting and take your Prozac tablets and go to bed ,. This will calm you moron. I can picture frothing and fuming whilst posting this , peanut brain.

      • 0

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    • 9

      Mano Ratwatte,
      Have you voiced against Sinhala supremacists attacks on minorities in SL?

    • 2

      Mano Ratwatte,

      Thanks for your erudite comment.

      Yes. Your former white students are-silent on this attack by the white supremist, because it goes against their Worldview that we are Civilized and others are not, so this silence .

      Their Worldview is that We are Civilized, and others like the Wahhabi Salafies and Islamists are not.

      Of course we All know Wahhabi Salafies, their clones and Islamists are not Civilized, and follow a Convoluted Satanic Ideology, that is far removed from Islam,per prescient Hadith of Najd.

      So, we have SILANCE from the Whites, Muslims, Tamils, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Wahhabis, Islamists etc. when their OWN respective TERRORISTS, commit crimes, in the name of their race, nationalism, religion or ideology.

      Double Standards!

    • 4

      Kiwi land and its people are luckier and can be proud of their law and order systems for having convicted the killer with murder within few days, less than a week.
      23 Feb 2019, there had been an deadly accident, that killed a duty bound- police officer within the city skirts of Colombo – the investigation is still being heard and even put off to April. How come ? The dead and the vicitimized family can only only hope fro an independent trial, since the barbaric driver to have driven carelessly, is connected with abusive thugish/politicians in today s politics.
      Wake up call is heard, that we the srilanken should stand against the HIGH criminals and against our weakened LAW AND ORDER systems in this country.
      Enough is enough…. why they let murderers to enjoy it YET today in this country ?

  • 8

    extreme elements we have in all human race, We have today, Jewish extremists, Hindu extremists, Muslim extremists, Christian extremists like that of Nzis. so, to wipe out this all humanity should work, there is no way we could wipe out totally unless, we have a common ground, I think New Zealand politicians have decided to have gun control laws. This should be introduced in all part of the world. No one should have right to hold guns except the security force.. So, that we could avoid this… since Tamil tigers introduced suicides to blow up, the suicide attacks went viral today in many countries. so, unless we have some control this on this matters and gun control, the humanity going to suffer. innocent people are going to die for this madness. A common sense should prevail and no point in holding historical or religious grudge ,, All what this man did was to unleash his anger on prayers. What crime those people have done to him to kill them like this..

    • 8

      You forgot Buddhist extremists. Was it deliberate? Correct it.

  • 7

    Lankan: Your comment:- “extreme elements we have in all human race”. A new “element” has sprung up in Sri Lanka. Did you listen to a “Journalist” attached to a TV station, explaining this “Massacre” in a different way; in keeping with his own interpretation of “KARMA” of Buddhist philosophy. This “Popular Journalist” (in his own assessment) is Chapa Bandara, who said: “The people who died at the mosque in New Zealand paid their “KARMA” for sending “Chemical Tainted”, (Adulterated) milk powder for the consumption of Sri Lankans. This is a “New Breed” of “Extremists” who roam around the country and this particular “Journalist” has “infiltrated” into schools, work places in the guise of”Human Resources” advocate and even Universities. He has his own “Web” site and conducts interviews with “Politicians” (all corrupted) and “Mafia” bosses in the the Legal fraternity. He is also assigned a seat in the “Discussions” conducted by the “Derana” TV and it would be very “interesting” but “DISGUSTING” to listen to his ideology on International subjects. Please listen to him and then only you will be able to meet this “New Breed” of “Extremists” now operating under the “Flag” of “Media Freedom” and under the cover of “Buddhist Label”. What “Liabilities” we have in Sri Lanka?

  • 8

    Atrocities are many but only a few are remembered. A fanatic Jew called Goldstein slaughtered Muslims at prayer but he was quietly released. How many times have Sunni fanatics bombed Shi’a mosques in Pakistan with no condemnation by Sunni clerics! Either every life is precious or no life is.

    • 0

      Every life is precious.

  • 7

    This is possible anywhere in the world against Islamist as they have put whole world under pressure with their extremism. At first PLO for with agenda of freedom for Palestine. Alkida for Islaminisation of whole world as a gift to their so called almighty. Again ISIS for same reason but lesser part of the world. for those extremism whole Muslim world kept silence , hoping & wishing those terrorist success as their target is to make whole world adhere to their god as they believe their god is only the reality & others belief is bullshits.. No human rights were adhere to by whole Muslim world. If anything done for the shake of their god , every Muslims for it . be it terrorism or very good-thing. Now Kaffir or none believers start taking revenge. Nobody can blame so called Kaffir or None believers if they are rejoiced & support people who take revengeful actions against followers of Islam.though killing is very badly condemned in every religions. Simply can say. Every action or actions has reaction with same magnitude. That is eternal truth. .

    • 8

      “Every action or actions has reaction with same magnitude. That is eternal truth. .” so said Ranjith(SPRRW)’s low IQ..ha..ha..

      thoge vayasa keyyadha?

    • 4


      Every action or actions has reaction with same magnitude.

      What about Magnitude of hiroshima bomb Action has no reaction

      • 0

        Reaction is Japan become number one as far as modern technologies is concern in any field in that sense USA defeated.

        • 2

          Ranjith, you mean to say that radiation increased brain power in the people there?

          • 0

            No not at all. Just like our lord Buddha as a crown prince determined to seek path to quell all the agonies human being face seen the four agonies on his way to place after schooling. Prince Siduhath’s courage & determination paid off in good way for the benefit of all human beings. Just like Japaneses as buddhists nation seen the destruction and rubble created by nuclear bombardment determined to came out of rubble. Their determination & courage paid off.. .

    • 2


  • 3

    Innocent people are killed in the name of an aggressive, intrusive, dictatorial religion. Devotees blame only the others. Even the very non-violent religion Buddhism had and have enemies. so, nothing wrong with Islam. On the other hand, you two groups of people are fighting since the beginning of each other’s religion as well as from Jerusalem. Look for other avenues. Blaming alone won’t stop it.

    • 4


      What about north korea and south korea what group are they

  • 0

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  • 8

    Why cannot these Muslims go to rich counties like Saudi Arabia or Dubai and get jobs there presently held by Indians and Pakistanis. Then they can peacefully practice their religion. Why they want to go to western countries instead of rich arab countries is the question. This hate by whites is bound to increase since Muslims do not integrate into these western societies. They wear the hijabs and they also fight to have schools only for muslims in the UK. Western governments are idiots to grant visas for muslims who create all kinds of trouble. How many people got killed in France due to action of muslim extremists not to mention 9-11.

    These western countries who came to rescue LTTE during the last stages of the war conveniently forgot the atrocities done by LTTE such as the Kaththankudy massacre, Sri Maha bodhi massacre and many others. They are hypocrites and well deserve what they get in return.

    • 1

      dear Moda Sinhalaya

      Thank you for living your name in true spirit !

      Pakistanis and Indians (granted not all Indians), but a good number who work in the Middle East, are also Muslims

      You are talking through your @rse when you say things like “Why cannot these Muslims go to rich counties…”

      Because of retards like you, all Sinhalayas will be branded as Modayas., so please stop and take my recommendation . Read and get some basic education

      • 0


        “Read and get some basic education”

        I beg to differ.
        Reading and getting some education do not make people wise.

        Are you bored with commenting on CT. No see long time.
        Take care.

  • 5

    Islamophobia is a fact, it’s there in the world, it’s a challenge for non-Muslims.

    There must be a way to balance matters so something called white supremacy; thanks god.

    Let white supremacy & Islamophobia fight each other till their end for others to heave a sigh of relief.

    Am I cruel?

    May be but less cruel than Islam & white supremacism.

    • 10

      Real Revolutionist,

      “Let white supremacy & Islamophobia fight each other till their end for others to heave a sigh of relief” – Don’t be relaxed, the winner want to colonize the low IQ roaches like you again..

      • 0


        IQ; problem for you?

        Copying J.. with IQ mania?

        Nishi Uggalle is the answer.

        • 2

          Real Revolutionist
          The Failed sorcerer

          Never mind Rishard
          Wave your magic wand or empty hand and make him disappear like the armed forces or Gota’s goons in white vans.

          I am right behind you.

      • 1


        All the minds that are deeply given in to doctrines of unseen god/s are low IQ.

        • 0

          Real Revolutionist

          Have you not heard of jesus in the world coming back of jesus through him you can see GOD

          • 0

            Why should we see god when there’s a god inside us?

            Do you want a god to teach you love, kindness & compassion?

            What god/s have preached us are not beyond human understanding.

  • 14

    When Prophet Muhammad introduced Islam, he used the sword to spread it. There were many Holy Wars where countless number of non Muslims were killed. The Quran he wrote offered 72 virgins to those Muslim Males who died for Islam and for the Muslim females their beloved husband without having to share with other females for ever in Paradise. None had the intellect to question where such large numbers of virgins are stacked and what use the virgins are without the Physical body being buried here on earth. Even today the Muslims become restless and angry when untruths in the Quran are pointed out, as they believe that there can not be any untruths and half truths in the Quran. I can understand the illiterate then 1400 years ago believing such, but what I can not fathom how the literate Muslims in society today believe so. If the Quran is the Gospel of the Muslims that Prophet Muhammad wrote, why is it the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Laws are to be repealed now. The Muslims have been openly boasting that the fastest growing Religion is Islam and that Islam will replace all other Religions in the future. The Muslims are brazen and foolish to think so. The Muslim Clerics hold all other Muslims by force and if any tries to leave the fold, will be killed. The recent punishment of 148 lashes and a 38 year Jail term, meted to Nasrin Sotoudeh a Human Rights Activist in Iran is unacceptable. Yet there are stupid Muslims who condone it. It is no secret that all Western Societies have been overrun by the Muslims who have settled down and are trying to impose their life style on the host country.

    • 22


      What do you know about Prophet Muhammad? Read, “100 most influential people in the world” by Michael H. Hart.

      First 4 place as below:
      Muhammad (570 – 632 AD) Prophet of Islam.
      Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) – British mathematician and scientist.
      Jesus Christ (c.5BC – 30 AD) Spiritual teacher and central figure of Christianity.
      Buddha (c 563 – 483 BC) Spiritual Teacher and founder of Buddhism.

      • 4


        If Mohammad is 1st, reason might be that he bribed men by offering male dominance & polygamy.

        • 6

          Real Revolutionist

          One who is not allowed to marry has one more sorrow than a married man

      • 1


        Michal H.Hart; who is that fool?

      • 0

        Real Muslim,
        What all Muslims suffer from is an attitudinal problem. You all believe that the Quran is infallible. No one is allowed to question the Quran. If one does or some one leaves the fold, is dealt with death. What the Quran promises for the martyrs , virgins for males and the husbands for the wives for ever in paradise, would have appealed to the illiterate 1400 years ago. Today you can not bluff the people anymore, as the majority are literate. Whether the Muslims like it or not, the Muslim Marriage Laws and Divorce Act will be repealed very soon. The females of the Muslims can not be relegated and their rights as citizens being denied, can not be accepted by modern society. Today all can see what has happened in Syria, where the females have overthrown the fanatical males from power. It is matter of time, where the Muslims have to give up their arrogance which they believe is God given. If the Muslims do not blend with the host societies and practice their faith in private but advertise to the whole world and cause the host countries problems, there will be more Christchurches to come. So be mindful when you all try to boast that Islam is the future Religion of the world and will replace all other Religions. Remember Muslims are highly vulnerable as all the males congregate for prayer every Friday. There is nothing to stop equal fanatics of other Religions, resorting to violence that I condemn wholeheartedly. Christchurch is not the end. Man should act with more respect and tolerance. However one should not push one’s luck too far as is happening now. I believe all Muslims should be allowed liberty like the rest of society without keeping them in shackles and with threat of death if they defy. The rigidity enforced in Islam, the Muslims are no different to other faiths. There are the good, the decent, Rogues, Drug Peddlers, Murderers, Rapists, like the rest.

        • 0


          Next time, take some high carb food before your Kasippu shot, you sound suffering from fluctuating sugar levels

          • 0

            Although you tried to project yourself as an intelligent individual asking me to read a Michael hart, you seem to be like all Islamists with no intellect to evaluate and just embracing blindly this so called Prophet, one of many who went in to a cave, till God spoke to them. I am sure this Muhammed would have fallen asleep and dreamt of a nightmare. As for Gabriel who had to wash his brains, as he could not convince any to convert to Islam at the beginning. It was only after that he started to kill in the name of God forcing the people to convert to Islam. When these facts are exposed in Wikipedia and Google, for all to see, the Muslims call it false that wrong information has been fed. If so why is it that those who think otherwise correct them?

  • 8

    What goes around comes around.

    • 11

      ThanthaiChelva – Of course, what went around, came around in May,2009?

      • 7

        Both you and Thanthai Chelva are Sinhalese Buddhist Facists. You posting under a fake Muslim identity and he under a fake Tamil identity. You think we are idiots and cannot see through your game.

    • 5


      What goes around comes around.

      Hiroshima bomb that when down did go around

  • 7

    Great reading and some excellent recall of history including Katahankudy, Sri Lanka mass killing at mosque was far worst then Christ church interms of number of killed . Still the scars of the event in Kathankudy killing is written in many Muslims mind as one of the darkest day of Sri Lankan Muslims and considered their sacrifice as great sacrifice for the motherland of Sri Lanka. In any case any killings of any human being, irrespective of their race, religion, belief is deplorable however entering a worship place to kill innocent, unarmed worshipper’s who entered to fulfil god’s command and brutally killed was sickening and unimaginable. Weather this act is carried out by White or black, Muslim or Buddhist, these acts are Barbaric in pure blood formation. I consider Karma in reverse order . There is another difference of Kathankudy killing to Christchurch is the global impact of social media in seemingly promoting /spreading violence in this age of era including recent Digana /Kandy violences in Sri Lanka.

  • 8

    Today the world is divided because of the improper understanding of the concept of religion. All preachers of different faiths should realize there is only one God with many manifestations according to the taste of many faiths. Equally all religious leaders should also realize that each and every Soul emanates from the Supreme Soul and are entitle to live and pray in whatever method they wish according to their beliefs, which should not impinge on the freedoms of people of other faiths and allow room for a division in the world. While condemning this barbaric act, Muslims and their preachers should also bear in mind that they should give up the idea of being a self-alienated community and not to engage in hatred propaganda while preaching other than love and kind, as there were many instances that even Christians were shot dead in Egypt in church and hundreds of innocent citizens in several instances in France. Imagine the number of Yazidis who were killed and their women being sold as slaves. First look at them as humans. There are guidelines to live peacefully in every religion which should pave way for mutual understanding among different religions. May those who lost their lives in this barbaric incident rest in peace.

  • 7

    Al-Lahfaquar Sayings H.G. Wells

    The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it….Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity.” – H.G. Wells

  • 1

    Sri Lanka is a safe haven for people of diverse religious beliefs , although not many are willing to accept the fact.

  • 5

    I am more appalled by the comments than the article itself. When a tragedy strikes on defenseless innocent civilians the people view the incident through tainted eyes, When a massacre of this magnitude was committed by Jihadis, Israelis, LTTE or supremacist on innocent civilians it is undoubtedly a crime against humanity no matter what race or religion that the victims belong to.

    The media and the people with vested interest have portrayed that Islamic terrorism is more profound than any other terrorism in the world.A careful study of the statistics of terrorist attacks and the crimes committed against humanity shows that a high percentage of the victims of terrorism are Muslims.

    The most disgusting aspect of this massacre is that the terrorist wanted to show to his supremacist colleagues around the world how he could execute his massacre at ease and with pride and spread a message that you could do it too. He did not show any remorse for what he has done and expect applause from them.

    • 0

      ‘ he didn’t show any remorse..
      ‘ A beast does not know it is a beast,and the nearer a man gets to being a beast,
      The less he knows it’
      ( George McDonald.)

  • 4

    Ardent supporter of Gotabya Rajapkse on his facebook page invited the gunman to Sri Lanka on a Friday and he loves him so much. He should be arrested for his hatred and pure racist remarks inherited from his Führer and the stupid racist doesn’t know the fact if he happen to be there on last Friday in Christhurch, he too would have been killed.

  • 6

    Did Perabakaran came to kathankudy, and killed Muslim brothers, No— Karuna had killed this Muslim brothers, who helped Karuna, ( A, Moulana / a Muslim minister,) A, moulana, should killed Karuna, but both were friends, today Karuna live better than other Tamils, so, don’t tell LTTE, from Jaffna came and killed ( Kathankudy Muslims) your own Batticalow friend, when Israel came to Srilanka and helped, that time Muslim Countries wants, help LTTE, but mad Perabakaran did not want fight against India, ( but India played Perabakaran‘s team, at last India killed, Tamils, India never want peace in Srilanka,

    • 5

      Karuna was killing Muslims in the east as Muslims were attacking killing raping ethnically cleansing Tamils in the east and destroying Hindu temples. . and it was not Pirapakaran but has a sister married to an eastern Muslim with Muslim nephews and nieces . This was why he attacked Jihadi headquarters Kattankudi Mosque. Karuna is just like Subramaina Swamy both hate Muslims spew hatred at them but have close Muslim relatives. Karuna’s sister most probably is now a Muslim and Subramania Swamy’s daughter Suhashini is married to a Muslim , the former Indian foreign minister’s son and her surname now is Suhashini Haider. Hates Muslim but has Muslim grand children. Just like Karunanidhi. he was spreading hatred towards the Tamil Brahmins but one of his sons has married into a prominent Tamil Brahmin family, I thing very closely related to Hindu Jam

  • 6

    If we can forget our different beliefs and views for a moment and remember that we are all human beings..when terrible things happen,we all hurt,weep.
    We grieve.
    It’s not a time for judgments and lectures.
    Referring to this butchery as ‘ karma’ by a newsreader, is heartless to say the least. Each one is responsible for his own actions.

  • 0

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  • 0

    An unbeliever has lot of questions to ask in a situation like this. But knowing the nature of believers it is best to keep the mouth shut.


    • 0


      “But knowing the nature of believers it is best to keep the mouth shut.”

      Why don’t you keep your mouth shut when people constructively critical about “Your Leader” Mahinda? It appears every time you type something about him you seem to climax.

  • 5

    Look-man, you guys make a big deal when your own community becomes a target. This is selfish man. When Islamic terrorists bomb synagogues, drive into crowded public squares, shoot randomly at commuters using public transit, bomb LGBTQ clubs and Shiite mosques mostly during Friday prayers, then where is the condemnation? Furthermore, when extremists detonate car bombs in bazaar’s and market places where civilians congregate, very few of these writers reprimand these type of terror attacks. Hundreds, if not thousands die in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali, Yemen, Kenya, Nigeria and elsewhere, and these writers with Muslim names don’t even bother to criticize this senseless violence perpetrated by people of their own faith. Islamophobia is not a one way street. you sow what you reap when the “chickens come home to roost”.

    • 2


      You are saying that Muslims should Not write about the Christchurch Mosque Terror attack because, you think that Muslims didn’t write about Terror attacks by Muslim Terrorists. Great logic. No wonder you are a Condemned person!

    • 5

      CondemnedLizaPriceless – Unlike Islamic extremist attacks, these extremists target the migrant workers little less color than their skin.

      They say, “roaches out of our lands”, so naturally you as well as other big mouths here become targets of their insecticide strategy. In a way, these writers give you some warning signs to get ready, and avoid getting caught to them in a wrong place. Be thankful to the writers.

      They have started with tougher confronting people, Arabs/Muslims. Next target might be south-Asian serviles, who knows?

  • 2

    Don’t criticize me just because you fail to understand my reply. I defend humanity all over the world. I decry violence targeted to anyone in the majority or minority. I never said writers such as Harees should NOT write on the Christchurch terror attack. My concern is when Muslim writers downplay on other attacks against Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, agnostics, Uighurs, Shiites and LGBTQ communities. Most of these writers are selfish and do not criticize their own Muslims when terrorist attack in the name of Jihad and Islam. Few other writers too remain silent or conveniently point fingers at greater Israeli project, Zionist or others. I agree that Zionist and Evangelicals are indirectly responsible and co-sponsor acts of terror using other state actors. Islamophobia is not new. Its been on the rise and statistics have spiked since Trump was elected president. The FBI domestic crime watch and domestic terror tracking with the e DIA intelligence has lost funding under the Trump administration. This is fact and not fiction. Another factor is that social media exacerbates the spread of hate speech and violence. However, the New Zealand terror attacks did not emerge in a vacuum. My concern is when Muslim writers downplay the terror unleashed in the name of Islam or Jihad in other parts of the world. This is what my previous comment was about.

    • 0


      Do you know how Free and Independent that the so-called Free Media is?

      Do you know that “Terror attacks by Muslims receive 357% more press attention with attacks by Muslims receiving an average of 105 headlines, while others get just 15?

      You, like ALL who depend on the Media, read enough and more about the attacks by Muslims but very little about the attacks Against Muslims. No wonder, there is so much Anti-Muslim feelings. So much so, that even a Muslim drawing attention to Terror attacks on Muslims is frowned by many.

      Will there ever be Justice in the world where opinions are formed through a Totally Biased Reporting by Vested Interests?

  • 0

    We ‘ weep with those who weep’ .

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