2 May, 2024


Boris To Donald As Sancho Panza To Don Quixote & Sri Lanka

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Boris To Donald As Sancho Panza To Don Quixote; Fruit-Cake Trump And Odd-Ball Johnson Make For An Eccentric Love-Fest

In recent months I have hedged my bets about Trump winning a second term in the 2020; my fudge formula has been “fifty-fifty”. The odds shifted in his favour in June and July and dipped again in early August. The acid test: Will a recession strike within the next 15 months, remains open; it will be the decider. The recent shift towards Trump is due to two initiatives: (a) hardening foreign policy (scuttling the Iran nuclear pact, trade-war with China, intimidating Canada and Mexico into abject capitulation and showing up Western Europe’s leaders as puppies with tails tucked deep between their legs); (b) throwing the gates of racism wide open in the US. Now he has been served a third relish; Boris Johnson (BJ) as British PM; this is precursor to a mad-hatter’s trans-Atlantic romp. Unwisely, many take these omens lightly. I don’t; it is my topic for the day.  

Advocacy of complacency comes in three flavours. Trump is only passing wind in his racist splurge, it will blow away with no lasting reek; Europe will stiffen its backbone thanks to Emmanuel Macron and glucosamine-sulphate; Boris unlike Trump is not an intrinsic racist and, in any case, he will be gone in months. I have differences with the first two. Trump is intrinsically racist (there is not a non-racist organ in his body but one). Whipping up race-hate is an election ploy and for this reason it will be sustained till November 2020 by when the chanting mobs would have gained a momentum of their own. Sorcerers lose control of apprentices: SWRD, a retinue of African dictators and recently Modi. The “Send her Home” chant targets brown skins. Blacks have been in America for centuries, so his vituperation against Baltimore District (“rat infested”) leaves me speechless. American whites are not in the main racist, but borderline liberals won’t mind less stress in university admission-attainment for their offspring and less competition in small businesses, professions and moving up the ladder. If they leave America “voluntarily”, what the heck, it doesn’t do any harm, does it, eh? You see I am less sanguine than most, or more alarmist, or chillingly, more far-seeing. 

There are other reasons for alarm when Trump and his Base whip up race-hate. A fortnight ago (21 July), quoting extensively from US political analysts I reflected their fear that Trump pines to be a dictator, a President-for-Life, abrogator of the two-term limit, and founder of a family dynasty via Ivanka. He has openly speculated on all counts. You can bet your and your children’s last dollar and dime that Republicans will not say ‘boo to this goose’. The GOP is no less a lickspittle stooge of Trump than Lanka’s MPs were of Rajapaksa. Trump has set out on a perilous journey; he will be stopped not by cowering Republicans or pussyfooting Asian immigrants but by the anger of radical and militant citizens at large. The fight to defeat racism in America is far from lost, actually it has yet to seriously joined; but let’s have no illusions, the outcome belongs to the future.

What if by fair means or foul Trump wins a second term? That’s alarming! He and his Base are hell-bent on rescinding term-limits as a president out of office is liable to criminal indictment. The Mueller Report and Congressional hearings were egg on the face of Democrats, but the point about indictment was clarified. Amending the constitution to remove term-limits requires 2/3 in both Houses of Congress and endorsed by 3/4 of the States. This calls for gigantic mobilisation. The only battle-cry that can deliver on this scale in the 21-st Century is lurid racism. Do not dismiss this as alarmism beyond reason and rationality. We live in a strange century my friend! Forget not Erdogan, Sisi, Duterte and African tinpot dictators who have or are planning to trash constitutions.

Let me meander along to foreign policy and Europe’s appeasement of Trump’s stark excesses. He violated (not withdrew) from the Iran nuclear pact, and to add injury to stark insult he is illegally inflicting misery on Iran’s people. All of Europe wails, wrings its hands and follows suit. Then the leaders take instructions from Washington, dare not defy the almighty dollar and fear America’s naval armada. Akin to Stalin’s complicity in the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, Putin and Xie will not lift a finger to ease the misery of the people of Iran or help market Iran’s oil. Hitler-history is repeating itself on a global not a European scale. EU leaders pontificate about “containing Iran” when the challenge is to contain the American ogre. There is no sign they will dare cross the ogre’s path, so forget it. Iran will be hung out to dry.

To say the world economy is intertwined by financial connexions, currency dependencies and global supply chains is to repeat the obvious. What is more to the point is how it is unravelling at the close of the second decade of the 21-st Century. The three big US economic glitches in order of significance are mounting and irreversible national debt prompted by rising fiscal deficit, an overdue recession, and a trade deficit which fruit-cake Trump is compounding by lashing out in trade wars. This piece cannot address all this except mention that US national debt now stands at a staggering $22 trillion (65% domestic, 35% foreign). I am working on a summary discussionwhich hopefully will see light in September about 21C capitalism under the hegemony by finance-capital. What my title obliges me to comment on here is how realities will push the Boris-Brexit-Trump-Trade storyline. 

The so-called Special Relationship is wool over the eyes; there is nothing special; Americans are senior partners, Brits the serfs are the Sancho Panzas of the North Atlantic. One more concubine in the harem reclining beside France, Germany and Canada. It has been so from when Churchill had to submit to Eisenhower’s WW2 line, the Brits and French had to eat humble pie in 1956 after their Suez insanity, Blair bummed Bush in the invasion of Iraq, and now May and Boris carry the chamber-pot for Trump to deposit his Iran nuclear-deal crap. 

The point of this moan is to say that Boris’ hope for grand economic support, compliments of Trump, if he is turfed out in a no-deal Brexit is illusory. He can’t back out of his 31 October promise of Brexit deal or no-deal, and the EU has given a firm no to reopening negotiations. Sorcerer Boris, and with him Britain will be dancing the gig come Halloween. Brexit is madness, no-deal Brexit is pluperfect madness. My hope is that a Tory defeat at Westminster will trigger fresh elections or a second referendum where Leave will be vanquished. 

Apart from the economic blows Brexit will deliver to the UK, there is BJ’s sordid reputation which will dog his life as PM. Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University and well-known author says “Johnson’s personal behaviour is similarly (to Trump’s) incontinent and he is a chronic liar. He has repeatedly been forced out of jobs for lying and other disreputable acts. He led the Brexit campaign in 2016 on claims that have been proven false. As Foreign Secretary he twice leaked secret intelligence. Like Trump he has high disapproval ratings among all age groups and his approval rating rises with voter age”. The Crisis of Anglo-American Democracy – Project Syndicate; Jul 25, 2019.

In the Washington Post of July 26 Maya Goodfellow (“Boris Johnson and his regressive Cabinet mean disaster for Britain”) has this to say: “An Eton-educated man whose career is a showreel of ineptitude and orchestrated blunder. This is how you might describe Boris Johnson. The people around him aren’t much better. Celebrated for being ‘diverse’, his picks for the country’s ‘Great Offices of State’ are united by their regressive views. Together, they represent the major problems in this country: an outdated class system, entrenched privilege and fixation on diversity over racial equality. They are the opposite of what Britain needs”.

BJ has been rebutted by an intransigent EU firm that the Irish Backstop is non-negotiable. The backstop is an arrangement by which a hard border between the EU and Northern Ireland (physically between Northern and Southern Ireland) is avoided. But it entails the rest of the UK being tied to a customs union with the EU. This neuters Brexit. BJ has vowed to ditch Backstop. But all the parties in N Ireland have said ‘in that case go to hell; we will bring down your government’. Scotland is equally adamant that it will leave the Union (UK). There is nothing the Americans can offer, Brexit means the end of the Union, no-deal Brexit will trigger a recession immediately. Unless I am blind to something BJ is finished. He knows this, so his government has taken its eye of Brussels and initiated an ambitious roadshow promising to spend hundreds of pounds that his government does not have on health, education, housing and all manner of goodies in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The electorate will fall for this bogus. It seems to me that the DJT-BJ love-fest has to end with each of them in their own small corner doing their own thing.

Last week (28 July) I sketched the road ahead for Hong Kong. I stand by every word. Though ominous, that analysis is proving by the day more prophetic than reems of Western scholarly crap and politically motivated and biased Western media splurge. Sorry that today is also a bit depressing.

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  • 0

    Didn’t know Dr Kumar is a Punter..
    Trumpy will shit it in again, Don’t you worry about that.
    He would not allow Ethnic Homelands , And he gives real Jobs to the Dalits there.
    You will be lucky if the Bookies offer you One Dollar Twenty..

    70% Srilankan inhabitants are Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Catholics ,
    And the great majority of them are Dalits in Economic Terms.

    And Dr Ranil and his supporter clans want them to be Docile Minded so Dr Ranil and his Colombo Elite , Anglicans , Vellalas, and now even the Wahibs can rule them .

    I am sure you don’t need to me to digress on the agenda Dr Ranil and his Cohorts have in this regard, with Dr Ranil’s New Constitution as the Center Piece and the UNP Millenium Corridor as the Fort Knox.

  • 0

    Don Quixote was a romantic and Sancho Panza was the calm realist who comes out with many a gem of wisdom. AKD is over-rating the worth of Boris by comparing him with Sancho and insulting Don Quixote by comparing him with someone who has little in common but for erratic conduct.
    The sad part of the Brexit saga is that it has badly hurt Labour and with it Corbyn.
    The backers of Boris will have other plans even if he is sent home.
    Does AKD seriously think that Trump is acting on his freewill? There are powerful forces behind him that decide what he does, regardless of what he says.
    We have seen enough with Clinton and Obama to know that who is President means little in the end for US foreign policy.

    • 0

      SJ has this Q&A {“Does AKD seriously think that Trump is acting on his freewill? There are powerful forces behind him that decide what he does, regardless of what he says…”}
      One wonders “Is AKD acting on his own freewill?”

      • 0

        Perhaps he does at least as much as you do.

      • 1


        ” One wonders “Is AKD acting on his own freewill?”

        Who is this AKD you mentioned above?
        Did you mean Kumar David (KD) or Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD)?

    • 1


      ” AKD is over-rating the worth of Boris by comparing him with ………………….”

      Who is this AKD you mentioned above?
      Did you mean Kumar David (KD) or Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD)?

  • 3

    Once again the Professors Trump Derangement Syndrome is on full display!
    Please give me one example of President Trump’s racism – if you can.
    Nobody called him a racist before he decided to run for President. It’s just a smear campaign by the Left as the “Russia Collusion” has gone nowhere.
    Here’s some history for you – the media pretends this never happened:-
    – KKK is an offshoot of the Democratic Party.
    – Democrats opposed Civil Rights Legislation (Jim Crow Laws etc.).
    – The Republican Party was created to end Slavery.
    – The Republican Party was instrumental in passing Civil Rights Legislation (opposed by Democrats).
    Educate yourself Professor!
    You still don’t understand BREXIT – it is the will of the people. This is called DEMOCRACY – a concept you don’t believe in.
    Both Boris and Trump are going nowhere – get used to it!
    One good thing about the Professors’ delusional rantings is that everyone can see why people like him and his Commie pals must never be allowed to hold power in any form.

    • 0

      Do you read the papers or listen to the news?
      Try this:
      You may learn something.
      You are almost right about “Both Boris and Trump are going nowhere – get used to it!”
      The right word is getting rather than going.

      • 1

        You linking buzzfeed says it all really….
        Nothing racist about telling the truth – even the former Mayor of Baltimore is on tape saying the same thing.
        You want to see real racism? Just look at a small island in the Indian Ocean and see how these people treat each other!

      • 0

        Buzzfeed is just one source among many.
        The truth is that the US is still racist, and Trump is well above average.
        Read the news intelligently. It may help.

        • 0

          It is important to differentiate between News and Activism. Unfortunately a lot of companies call themselves News organisations but are really activists.
          CNN falls into the activist category – it has become completely unwatchable. I would categorise Buzzfeed the same way. Even BBC isn’t free of Leftist bias.
          I’m not disputing that racism exists in the US – it is nowhere near as bad as the Activists make it out to be.
          Look at the recent fake hate crimes – there’s a list of these online including several that were given wide coverage by the major networks.
          If the US is such a racist place – why does everybody want to move there?

          • 0

            Poverty and unemployment drives many in Latin America towards the US. (You may not agree with the cause of poverty though.)
            The attraction is money for the Asian middle classes.
            Racism targets the Blacks and Latinos most.
            Trumps utterances are unprecedented by any presidential standards before (including Reagan as revealed lately).

            • 0

              What is unprecedented is how the Left and their Media Activist Allies have tried to destroy his Presidency from the day he won the election!
              A lot of what he says is simply him defending himself from the rhetoric.
              I don’t blame him for that – he’s entitled to do so.
              The Left have tried everything to destroy him including a fake “Russia Collusion” narrative that has now been proven false.
              The same people that wanted a border wall now oppose this same wall because Trump wants to build it!
              The real racism is the Left with their toxic Identity Politics – they’re handing Trump a 2020 win!
              Trump has a lot of support among Blacks and Hispanics – it’s not being reported on because it doesn’t fit the racist narrative that is being pushed.
              Still waiting for an example of Trumps racism.

          • 0

            The problem with Prof. Kumar is he tries to solve human problems with Mathematical formulas. One time he supported Sampur Coal burning power Station. It was Old Royal’s project to handover Tamils lands to India. He was worried Lankawe Need is going to out run the power supply. Old Royal dismantled Sapugaskanda and called for tender to replace it. An American firm quoted $ 1.1 B. The Chinese government quoted $2.2B. They granted the work to Chinese Government. Now the Oil Refinery is running well without replacement. An American firm is going to increase its capacity from 50 M Barrels to 70 M.

            Then if you look at the other side, he proposed Single Issue Common Candidate to get rid of Old Royals, the burglars who were planning to bring Coal Burning plant in captured Tamil area. His math worked. But backfired too, and have made the situation more complicated. The frog jumped from oil pan to fire. Old King is not fully sidelined, but now the more dangerous Old Brother Prince is in line for the Crown.

            Is single issue candidate is a solution for a country which is struggling for 70 years by political mischievous adventures? Who is a bride? Is the human flesh as woman? Or is she the expensive dress she is wearing? Or the Jewelry she is wearing? I think none of the elements from above can miss from the bride. If missing she cannot be brought to stage and rings exchanged while witnesses watching. Because Lankawe selected bride as just one of elements and that is why an Angoda run away has garbled the throne. Isn’t the educated people like Prof. Kumar , experienced politicians like CBK –Sampanthar and priest like Sobitha Thero guided the Sinhala Modaya to current mess. Then why do you call them Modayas? Because they were listening to these people who call them as high caliber, progressive guiders?
            Now he is working on tracing formula errors on President Trump.

    • 1

      UK Citizen
      Good Professori gone well beyond Trump Derangement and now well passed the point of no-return to stage two side effect that coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb “Intellectual yet idiot”
      But please have tiny bit of sympathy for the Professor imagine ten days ago when he woke up from his slumber he was greeted by the news B J is UK PM.
      Can things get any worst for the Professor oh gosh. Oh! yes it will “Trump 2020”.

      • 0

        “Oh! yes it will “Trump 2020”.”
        L, What have you got against the US, let alone humanity?

  • 0

    President Trump is not as racist as Prof. Kumar has narrated. Trump used the Christian Evangelical votes to win. Black and Hispanic, without caring of the situation stayed out of voting for Hillary. Trump was not seen as a dangerous racist even at that time either. There are minor, minor picky points. But none of them are good enough to categorize him as a dangerous racist. He is Businessman and he had a South American Origin lawyer as his Lawyer. He has enough connections with Jews. His current wife is East European, who one time treated as white Pariah in US. Of cause he looked for the beauty, not for Irish, English, French or German woman. He has not sponsored any major legislation that will affect non white races.

  • 0

    His “immigration economics” is matter of election promise. This is what Prof. Kumar has been advocating for long as neoliberalism, New Conservatism, Neo Colonialism…He cited France, New Zealand, Australia, UK election results for his side. These theories are only of the people who want to keep their boat before the trade wind. You really don’t get enough tools to know these theories & evaluate them and accept them. Prof. Kumar is an Engineer, not an Economist. The problem is economy is connected to every citizen, but the economic theories not postulated correctly even by Nobel Prize winners. This is serious problem of a science which is so deeply connected with all people. This is why Marx ploughed on the opposite side of the reality. As many still holding on Marx’s flawed theories, on the opposite side, some believes immigrants steal their jobs, especially in the developed countries. The major connection to job loss and is technology growth. Other one is world’s combined depression or growth. There is no formula to correctly calculate when a society’s labor supply is at optimal. Until an economist put out a formula which can be understood by laymen to calculate the labor need, Prof. Kumar class Marxist and Trampocian economists are bound to flourish in election times.

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