3 May, 2024


Presidential Elections: Tamils’ Choice – Gotabaya’s Vision & Mission

By Karikalan S. Navaratnam

Karikalan S. Navaratnam

Never in history has such ruination – physical and moral – been associated with the name of one man ” – Ian  Kershaw,  Historian (‘Hitler 1936-1945 : Nemesis’ )

Over a period of 70 years, since  Sri Lanka  attained ‘Independence’, majoritarian racism has  increasingly become a pandemic virus. Elements of ethnocracy have eaten deep into the vital organs of democracy. We have once had some eminent leaders like Mr. Wilmot Perera and a few others, endowed with strong moral fibre to repudiate racism. Noble souls of their calibre are now an endangered species – nay, almost an extinct species except, perhaps, for some principled but politically feeble sentinels like Dr. Vickremabhu Karunaratne and Mr. Siritunga Jayasuriya. Sadly, theirs is a voice in the wilderness. Many a Marxists have morphed into medieval tribalists. It is a conversion of convenience! 

Comrade Vasudeva 

During a visit to Colombo on the eve of the Presidential Election in Nov. 2005, I had occasion to share a meal with some friends – Vasantha Obeysekere (Film Director, who is no more), Ms. Nimalka Fernando (Human Rights  activist) and Vasudeva Nanayakkara (DLF leader). That was the last supper I have had with Vasudeva (in  a literary sense – not in any  Bibilical sense) . In those days we Tamils had an  abiding admiration for Vasudeva. We looked upon him as a replica of an illustrious leader – the lovable  Mr. Edmund Samarakody ( former MP for Dehiowita and, later, Bulathsinhala).  Edmund  and  his colleague Mr. Meryl Fernando (Moratuwa MP ) had, to their very last breath, fought for the rights of the Tamils ; So much so, that racists derisively referred to Edmund as “M.P. for Bulath-themala ”.  Verily,  racism  has had a hallowed history in Sri Lanka, nourished by the Southern political class !

In the course of our chitchat, I found out  that Vasudeva  rooted for Mahinda Rajapaksa. I had furtive fears about Mahinda’s racist roots. Vasudeva assuaged my fears saying that Mahinda was a human rights activist and a civil libertarian who had in 1990 joined him on a mission to UNHRC (then, UNCHR), Geneva to protest against army abuses/atrocities perpetrated on JVP suspects and their families. There was an irony in his adulation:


Matale was one of the hotspots of  JVP insurgency. Gotabaya was the Army commanding officer in Matale from May 1989 and he left for USA in Jan. 1990, by which time the insurgency was crushed. Vasudeva initially opposed the candidacy of Gotabaya for Presidency. After expressing some token reservation, he has now emerged as a cheerleader for Gotabaya campaign. It is disgusting that Vasudeva  joined forces with the war criminals to denounce the passage of Geneva Resolution on War Crimes in Sri Lanka and to suppress the visual evidence of the slaughter of our people in the so-called “No-Fire Zone” at Mullivaikkal. That was the most unkindest cut of all” (Shakespeare). He had also commended India for shutting out “No-Fire Zone” Director Callum Macrae from entering India. (VideGlobal Times, Xinhua News, 24 Feb. 2014, Sri Lanka warns of US threat to South Asia”).

Callous Attitude

This cruel, cold and callous attitude towards tens of thouands of Tamil victims of heinous war crimes is shared by a great majority of the Sinhala-Buddhist (SB) constituency – not merely by the ‘patriotic’ politicos and the bigoted  monks. Especially, the entire media outlets in Sri Lanka, owned and operated by SBs, have unabashedly expressed their fraternal feeling of solidarity with the war criminals, acclaiming them as “war heroes”, extolling their valour and virtues and either defending or denying their atrocities and abuses. Gotabaya has been the godfather of the genocidaires  and, as well, the chief architect who charted the road map and orchestrated the carnage. It is not about the deaths of the armed rebels on the battlefront. After all, war is politics – lethal politics  at that, and the rebels were ready for the risks. Even here, the marauding military did not fight it clean. In violation of the rules of war, they used prohibited weapons (WMD) such as chemical weapons containing nerve agents in an ‘unequal’ war.  

Sick & Senile Society?

How come a civilized society – unless of course it is sick and senile – accept and applaud the massacre of multitude of civilians marooned in the “No-fire Zones”; the abduction, torture and disappearance of surrendees/detainees held in internment camps ; the savage sexual attacks against surrendees/detainees; summary execution of captive rebels; heavy artillery/aerial attacks on hospitals and a host of such other horrible and cruel treatment of fellow-Tamil citizens? 

During the siege of the “Safe Zone” with over 300,000 civilians trapped therein, the government/military deliberately understated the number and wantonly restricted/rationed  supplies of food and medicine provided by NGOs. Maybe, Gotabaya  wanted to replicate the Biafran scenario. Thus, hundreds of civilians were starved to death and hundreds of the wounded bled to death. In effect, Gotabaya took a leaf  out of President JR’s book. JR  said, inter alia, “…Really if I starve the Tamils  out, the Sinhala people will be happy.”  (per, Daily Telegraph 11 July 1983).  

Isaipriya and a host of other females were sexually savaged and killed. During the influx of IDPs into the camps, our womenfolk were ordered to strip naked and paraded before male officers for ostensible ‘security check’ with their lewd look. Rajapaksas called it a “humanitarian  operation” to liberate the Tamils. That is the mother of all travesty !.

Let alone empathizing with the victims/survivors and exposing the brutality of the Tri-forces personnel, media persons did not make even a passing reference to these barbaric acts. Why? Because of racism – vile, unadulterated racism, euphemistically referred to as “patriotism”.  

Alpha male

Gotabaya is their ‘alpha male’ adored by the bulk of the pan-Sinhala citizenry for all his attributes associated with rank racism. Microaggression is one of such  traits. His intemperate attacks on the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Ms. Jayalalithaa (now, deceased), abusive attacks on Tamil Nadu politicians calling them, “clowns”, sexist remarks about a Tamil medico visiting Vanni  and such other outrageous outbursts are symptoms of a ‘superiority syndrome’. Again, The Hindu daily says it tellingly: (EXCERPTS)

It is shocking that instead of addressing these issues in the right spirit,…… Defence  Secretary  Gotabaya Rajapaksa, ….. has chosen to vitiate the atmosphere even more with his intemperate remarks against Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, and by attributing motives to the adoption of resolutions on Sri Lanka by the State Assembly.”

“…..This includes an outrageous comment that because a Tamil woman, an “LTTE cadre” who was a British national, interviewed in the Channel 4 documentary was “so attractive” but had been neither raped nor killed by Sri Lankan soldiers, the allegation of sexual assault by soldiers could not be true. For this statement alone, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa must be taken to task. (The Hindu, Editorial, 16 Aug. 2011)

Sanitizing Gota’s sins

Even as his election campaign is airborne, Gotabaya’s fans and faithfuls seek to deny or sanitize his sins committed during his tenure. International media outlets have a fleeting glimpse of  the  gory events on his watch. (EXCERPTS) “Gotabaya is a hero to many majority Sinhalese, ……. but is feared by minorities and victims of human rights abuses….(H)e was accused of using extralegal methods and cracking down on those who criticised his style.”

“Gotabaya was accused of running abduction teams known as “white van” squads that whisked away rebel suspects and journalists deemed to be overly critical. Some of the abductees were released after torture, while others were never seen again. Gotabaya was also implicated in the killing of rebels and civilians who tried to surrender with white flags under a pre-arranged deal in the final days of the civil war. Ethnic Tamils say they handed over their children for investigations at the request of the military but did not see them again.” ( Al Jazeera, 11 Aug.2019 – “Wartime defence chief promises to prioritise Sri Lanka’s national security……) 

Gotabaya’s vision

I have a vision”, declares Gotabaya recently, at his Viyathmaga Annual Convention 2019.  It is reminiscent of the celebrated statement of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “I have a dream” – but  there is a difference ! Dr. King’s talk inspired humanity; Gotabaya’s words evoke “an eerie  feeling of  déjà vu. He could have  declared, instead :“I have an impaired vision”.  

The substance of his speech is not wholly reassuring. It reveals Gotabaya’s agenda to revive “whitevanism” and restore the culture of impunity. Many senior officers of the police/military Intelligence service, have been involved in committing serious crimes (abduction for ransom, murder, extortion, ‘disappearance’ etc.). Some of them are in custody facing charges and others are still at large, absconding or on bail. Most of them, at the behest of Rajapaksas had faithfully served them in their criminal enterprises, as swords as well as shields. Thus, ongoing investigations into the crimes are a pain in Rajapaksas’ butt. Gotabaya, once elected, would unleash the wolves, waiting in the wings and baying for the blood of the powerless humans of humble birth –  and, in particular, the defenceless political destitutes of Sri Lanka, called Tamils. Let us hear him speak: (EXCERPTS)

“….(W) must reinstate the intelligence mechanism that was proactive until 2015. 

We must bring the intelligence operations of the tri-Forces and the Police under the responsibility of one head and thereby connect all these units together. This responsibility must be again handed over to capable officers. At the same time, we must introduce a legal framework that will provide these officers the protection from the kind of political interference that we saw in the recent past that severely affected the confidence of our intelligence officers….”(English version of Gota’s speech, Colombo Telegraph, 9 Sept.2019-“I have a vision for my country)

‘Third Reich’ 

The spectre of a  Gotabaya presidency evolving, in style and substance, into a German ‘Third Reich’ has spooked many a liberals for quite some time. This anxiety was aggravated by a public plea made by the Deputy Chief Priest of Asgiriya Chapter, Wendaruwe Upali Thero to Gotabaya at his (Gota’s) birthday alms-giving ceremony. The plea was that Gotabaya  should “prove his critics right by becoming a real Hitler. 

Examining Gotabaya candidacy in this context, Prof. Jayadeva  Uyangoda  has, summed up the pith and substance of Gotabaya’s  intended  governance :-(EXCERPTS)

“The ex-military officers who seem to constitute Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s immediate support constituency have brought into the Viyath Maga project the fantasy of a new ruler who could transform Sri Lanka into a society of docile subjects who would embrace a Sinhalese –Buddhist strongman saviour of their rata, jaathiya and aagama …… This is the Fuhrer element which Upali  Thero also mentioned when he elaborated his political dream.”

“….(T)he political consciousness of this group of military officers has been shaped primarily by their participation in the counter-insurgency war against the LTTE. It is a synthesis of an extreme version of Sinhalese-Buddhist nationalism and militarism. Ideologically, they are averse to the basic dimensions of modern democracy such as, human rights, minority rights, constitutionalism, checks and balances, devolution, and institutional dispersal of politics in governance….

“….Among sections of Sinhalese-Buddhist elites, ever since the ethnic conflict escalated, there has emerged from time to time the clamour for a truly Sinhalese-Buddhist leader who would protect the interests of the Sinhalese-Buddhist majority from the challenges of the minorities without being constrained by democratic norms or international opinion. Mahinda Rajapaksa, when he was the President, nurtured these ethno-political dreams of the Sinhalese-Buddhist elites and he continued it even after he left office in January 2015. (Sunday Observer, 24  June 2018 – “Waiting for Herr Hitler ”)

Historic parallels

Adolf Hitler gained popular support by promoting Pan-Germanism and anti-semitism. He gained political power and ascendancy through democratic electoral  process. After assuming office as Chancellor in 1933, he began the process of transforming the Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany, a one-party dictatorship based on an autocratic, racially motivated ideology of National Socialism. He was responsible for the genocide of millions of Jews and other minorities, including prisoners of war. I am not a prophet of doom; but I have been a victim of SB racism, and have been rubbing my emotional scars. Let me exhort the ethnically/politically vulnerable  fraternity. Please don’t fail to see the parallels. 

Historic parallels can be ignored only at your own peril. It may be of some relevance to reflect, en passant, on militarism: French instincts were militaristic and domineering, due largely to Napoleanic influence. Napolean was not an evil like Hitler and was hailed by historians as the “Son of the Revolution”. Nonetheless, initially he was associated with a pro-democracy political group, called ‘The Jacobins’. The Reign of Terror’ of the Jacobins is yet another story.  In 1802, through a constitutional amendment, he became 1st Consul for life. In 1804, he crowned himself as Emperor. The slogan “Liberty, Equality , Fraternity ” was  the motto associated with the Revolution. Alluding to the spate of Napoleanic  wars, historians mockingly substituted a new slogan for the motto: “Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery 

Deadly cocktail

A toxic mix of anti-Tamil/Muslim racism, religious fanaticism, militarism, authoritarian and nationalistic fascism coupled with Mahavamsa myths is a deadly cocktail in the hands of the Rajapaksas, military mafia and the saffron-robed ayatollahs to inebriate the Sinhala-Buddhist populace.

To be concluded …

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  • 12

    So far you have reflected the outline of the tragedy and its architects. Hope you can suggest remedies that can be implemented from within or from without.

    • 18

      Well we all know the problem, we have had 2,500+ years of so called Buddhism yet we don’t seem to a the slightest clue about the essence of buddhism.
      Similarly we are 95%+ literate yet we can not comprehend what we read.
      We claim that we are very kind and pious in our ways, yet at the centre of our hearts we are sadists, we enjoy the pain of others.
      If there were no minorities in Sri Lanka we would find enough substitutes as scapegoats to victimize and humiliate.
      These are the hidden attitudes of the sinhalese, that the likes of Gota key into.
      Subconsciously he is giving our sadists with primordial instincts promise of ample ways to entertain our perverted minds abundantly.
      Why else would you think any straight thinking person of sound mind and sense would even consider voting for such a barbaric bastard?
      It is the twisted mindset of the Sinhalese that routes for Gota.
      To change the situation in Sri Lanka, we need to change exactly that. How do you do that, you have to teach true buddhism to the majority, and how do you do that, you have to teach the monks, true buddhism. How do you do that, I just wonder…???
      To orientate a buddhist monk, he must have the right mindset, the truth is most monks are monks due to circumstance, how can they understand the essence of buddhism whilst being tormented by personal devils? And associated lack of wisdom that is akin to those unfortunate ones!

      • 2

        Does India care about Tamilians at the election? No.
        Does Malaysia care about Tamilians at the election? No.

        Then why should SL? Only 4% of world Tamilians live in SL.

        Tamilians in SL can be taken for granted. They just vote for the UNP. They have no choice. No need to entertain their racist demands.

      • 9

        Well put, Gemini!
        “If there were no minorities in Sri Lanka we would find enough substitutes as scapegoats to victimize and humiliate.”
        Yes, all the Karawes, Devas etc who are busy touting their Sinha Le will meet their fate the day all minorities leave. BTW the Christians are probably next in line.
        Ignorant jackasses who don’t know that a Borah is different from a Sunni couldn’t tell a Methodist from a Cardinal.

        • 7

          Old codger

          “Ignorant jackasses who don’t know that a Borah is different from a Sunni couldn’t tell a Methodist from a Cardinal.”

          Probably because they do not seem to know right from wrong.

          • 2

            Right from left, you mean?

      • 4

        A well articulated brilliant essay….and equally brilliant is Gemini Cricket’s comment. “How do you teach true Buddhism to Buddhist Monks?” When its so obvious that what the monks (many of them) practice is anything but Buddha’s teachings …one wonders why they remain in robes….instead of getting out of them and joining the military or taking up politics of extremism to satisfy their sadistic desires. Isn’t it obvious that the robe gives them that extraordinary “power” to say and do anything they want in the same way that the military and the police in their uniforms derive power to control/abuse a layperson at their whims and fancies? When in civil attire they usually are harmless individuals…at best and cowards at worst. Unless and until the Sangha brings in an effective mechanism to rein in these rogue monks and the public (true SBs) demonstrate their anger and protest over the abuse of the sacred saffron robes “true buddhism” would never be understood by these monks or laypersons who blindly crouch at the feet of these monks in veneration.. .

    • 1

      A SEPARATE Homeland for Tamils(all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion caste or the date of arrival) scattered across the island is the only viable solution. The insurmountable stumbling block on the path is the +50% Tamils presently living in areas outside NE . Not a single family seem to have been convinced by the arguments of the writer Karikalan S. Navaratnam and prepared to relocate themselves which the proposed solution necessarily entails. Tamil activists of the caiblre of Mr Karikalan together with TNA should carry out a sustained campaign to pursuade the Tamils to relocate.


  • 10

    Talking about Tamil’s choice which Tamils are you talking about ? Tamils in the north or Tamils in the east or Tamil plantation workers of upcountry ? It’s obvious these three groups of
    Tamils are unrelated except through their language.

    • 14

      There is only one Tamil group in SL i.e. all who speak Tamil and consider themselves irrespective of whether they come from North,East,South or West of the island or the upcountry and that includes majority of Muslims too who regard Tamil as their mother tongue.

      • 2

        mr. Utugan
        Those who are familiar with my comments should have noticed that whenever I mention the word ‘Tamils’ I never fail to include in paranthesis “all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival scattered across the island”. You seem to agree. No one does such a favour to the readers. I am the only Sinhalese in this forum who promotes a separate Homeland for all Tamils for which I am endlesly vilified as a racist. Why?


  • 12

    If the unthinkable ever happens only God can safe the professional journalists, minorities and anyone who dare to oppose the members of the ruling family.

  • 19

    Tamils choice is lesser of the Evils at present. No Sinhalese President or Prime Minister will be sincere in their attempt to solve the Tamil problem. Prabaharan was right in his approach but unfortunately failed due to the intervention of the world against him/Tamils.

    • 10

      Problem of which Tamils? Wellala Tamils of Yapanaya? Dalith Tamils of Yapanaya? Tamils of Tirikunamale? Tamils of Madakalapuwa? Tamils of Tea Plantations? Tamils of Colombo? Other Tamils scattered in the South?
      Tamils do not have a problem. Native Sinhalayo have problems because of descendants of Demala labor brought to this country illegally by colonial parasites.

      • 14

        Eagle ass,
        When you are a man, a man with dignity, a man with class, a man they call a Mahattaya, you must have the sense to look at situations from a noble viewpoint.
        Otherwise you are a worthless piece of shit.
        Eagle eye, you belong to the latter. Sorry to say.
        Luckily you don’t represent Sinhalese. You just represent yourself with a twisted, narrow minded and highly primitive outlook to the situation in Sri Lanka.
        Perhaps the only thing you did was to listen to the Bandaranayake shit propaganda, when you were growing up.
        That propaganda has continued to be your gospel. Pity you are unable to see the truth. I don’t blame you.
        The buddha didn’t say emancipation was easy. You may wish to slide down the slippery slope of samara while you dance around like a crab in a pot of boiling water. Sorry for you, you pathetic old bastard.

        • 2

          What Tamil have for Sri lanka is original Tamil Nadu gang dream of capturing Sri lanka. Tamil began to feel exited after British captured Sri lanka and forcefully took our Sinhalese land and gave to South Indian Tamil and today Tamil more excited because Western colonialist conspired again and came back To Sri lanka to carry out their left over task from British Colony

        • 6

          Gamini Cricket
          Have heard the story of the about the Eagle in Aesop’s Fables?
          This Blind SB Eagle is a typical example of that eagle.
          In that fable the proud eagle was flying high in circles into the sky. Suddenly an arrow aimed from the ground struck it, and the eagle saw the arrow was feathered by one of it’s own.
          The eagle fluttering it’s way down towards earth with it’s life blood ebbing away exclaimed “We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction “.

        • 1

          Mahaththaya was flushed down the toilet in 1978 – by JR – The open economy was introduced to SL without the proper safeguards – the sense of right and wrong was taken away from Sri Lankan society.

          If Mahinda and his valient team sat on their bums and tried to be Mahaththayas
          We would be still fighting Prbhakaran.

          Gamini You go some where and play your cricket and be a mahaththaya in your own little bubble. And spend the rest of your pathetic life.

          We know all about your Ranil mahththayas double standards.
          He is NOT a gentleman he is a CROOK a HUMBUG and TRAITOR

      • 1

        Vasudawa is another communist tamil hiding under Sinhala name. He was relative of Tamil brother in low Gota whose family took Sinhalese name from intermarriage after British brought them to Sri lanka from Malaysia.
        This the whole reason Tamil tiger supporting western spies shoot propaganda into sky saying “Gota fought war” “rajapkses are heroes” etc.
        At first, they were charging war crime charges against Rajapcksas as a part of global trick to “promote Rajapksas into Singhalese’.

        Any idiot in the world can figure out what Western spies have been doing in Sri lanka. The plot they carried out in Sri laaka was the same copy what British did; what they did is they eliminated all true Sinhalese leaders including soldiers and saved groups like Ranil, Managala, Gota, low caste communists who have either have Christian roots, foreigner roots or directly married to Tamil.

        Western spies have given assurance to Tamil Tigers to destroy Singhalese Buddhist identity without a war and open the door to increase Tamil population and take over Sri lanka through votes.. And Rajapkses are foundation for that.

        I began to suspect about what Western propaganda news tell about Rajapackses during last part of war. All low caste communists were members of Rajapaksa’s party and they openly supportive of global Tamil and their Western supporters of carving out large part of Sri lanka’s land as province, but Rajapksas were so quiet?

        THis is where I began to investigate and discovered Rajapksas are descendant of Malays and have Tamil relatives

        • 1


          Rajapaksa’s are born Catholics of Malaccan (a state in Malaysia) origin. Their Malaccan relatives were banished by Islamic Rulers of Malacca for helping the Portuguese conquest of Malacca. The Portuguese helped these Malaccan Catholics to migrate and settle in any of their colonies. Some of the like Don Davids and Dona Carolines came and settled in Sri Lanka. By looking at the physical (Mongoloid) features of the Rajapakshe siblings one cannot deny the fact that their ancestors were Malay migrants. In Sri Lanka they converted to Sinhala-Buddhists for Political mileage. The Rajapakse’s poor ancestor became an informant to the British during the late 19th century anti-British local uprising around the Hambantota salterns. This information led to the capture of Karava Mudaliyar Amadoru and other leaders. The British rewarded the informant with the name Rajapakse (British gave special names to people who helped them) and appointed Don David Rajapaksa as an Arachchi and granted him 600 acres of land at Hungama for his service. The area was a Veddah territory of Giruwa pattu and the name of the land was Degampotha. This land was sold off in stages by Rajapakse Arachchi’s descendants to finance their indulgences leaving only Medamulana. Later, the land owning Sinhala-Buddhist Rajapakse family hailing from the south joined the Govigama caste around 1930s, long after D. S. Senanayake and other aspiring political families acquired the Govigama identity created by the mudaliar families of the De Saram clan and emerged as the dominant political force in the Hambantota district. During the years 2005 – 2015, the Rajapakse family was controlling the country’s national budget.

          • 0

            Thanks for this great info. I did not know this much info, but I tried several attempt to get some SL historian respond to my quests but failed. However, I got vary reasonable feeling similar to what you stated.
            I always felt that British have done more damage to Sinhalese than I ever thought. I began to see something repeating what British did in colonial period during Tiger war period. That was when British asked former pres. Chandrika to give a Tamil foreign minister job and later asked Tigers to kill him. It was a trick to install Tamil foreign ministers as a Hero into Singhalese. B) British invited extreme Muslim member of CK asked him to get the trade minister job to control harbours and smuggle weapons to Tigers which Ashraf successfully did. C) They did promoted another Tamil by ordering Tigers to kill him and promote his wife as a hero into Sinhalese and to make her presidential candidate, That was Mrs. Fullmadulle who is now with Gota.
            There were many thousand tricks British played on Sinhalese during war period and Sinhalese fell into them very well
            As I did not know much about Sri lanka about recent history, but what I felt about Sri lanka exactly right! I thought that some Tamil who claim to be fought for independent cannot be right, they could have installed by British same as British installed foreigners as fake Sinhalese. My feeling are exactly right!
            Here another one: some people who came to Canada from colonial countries told me similar stories what British did in their countries. Everything happened by accident. I did not go looking for info, but when I meet someone and hit the conversation and just happened…when I met a Sudanese, he asked me “Is Sri lanka president real Buddhist?

          • 0

            I hopping to meet families like you when I visit next time and want to urge Sinhalese who has low moral to recognise the uniqueness of Sinhalese and find leaders to bring Sri lanka as a powerful country into the world

            Also, We have to find a solution to the threat Sinhalese face without a war. War kill millions of innocent people be it British, American, European, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Jews, Tamil or any other..
            People must go for a war only after run out of every option available on earth.

      • 2

        Tamilians can be peacefully relocated to Tamil Nadu with their wealth. Permanant solution.

        Tamil Nadu is more developed than SL today. In the past SL was far more developed. That’s why Tamils came to SL to work in tobacco and tea plantations. Things have changed now. Tamils will happily go to Tamil Nadu.

        • 0

          This I exactly I want. then Tamil do not have any more tricks left over to get citizenships in the west and other countries and set up global military plot against Sri lanka

    • 6

      VP was a nut case and a coverd who killed innocent people without blinking and eye lid.

      Anaga _ Go back to toilet Nadu

      Hope your problems will be resolved over there.

      • 11

        Yeah true,
        Praba was the tamil equivalent of Mara.
        They both, just used sentiment to win over the people, and when it was convenient they walked all over their followers.
        Mara stole, Praba didn’t want the war to end for his selfish interests.
        Both of them are excellent at propaganda.
        Of course I am not denying the fact that tamils were driven to a guy like praba for shelter since we Sinhalese had been very mean to the tamil people over the years.
        Praba capitalized just as Mara capitalized on solving the LTTE war to achieve is personal aim.
        I can bet you that Praba fought thinking that there was crude oil in the eastern province while Mara ended the war with the same expectation.
        Lucky for us there was no oil there, otherwise we would have been stuck with Mara and co till the oil runs dry. Mara would have siphoned the oil money like crazy.
        This is my honest unbiased opinion.

        • 1

          No Mara is the Sinhala Bhuddist equivalent of VP
          Who managed to get the job done.

  • 10

    Dear Mr Karikalan,
    When I commented on your previous article I didn’t realise what a distinguished man you are – the last of those idealists who worked with SJVC, as it were. I was wanting to say that even if it isn’t very relevant.
    This is from a mobile phone from Lahugala – came here with a group of retired State School teachers from Bandarawela. Dr Ethir asks what your solution is. Very difficult to suggest anything. Most of us Sinhalese are stuck with the “us” vs “them” thinking that prevails.
    The Election. The thought of some horrible families dominating for ever does horrify.

    • 1

      Sinhala man
      “The Election. The thought of some horrible families dominating for ever does horrify.”
      Why don’t you console yourself thinking that it is going to be a free and fair election conducted under your own Yahapalana government who had 4.5 years of impressive development to show, upliftment of economic standard of the poor, opportunity to expose corruption of the ‘family’ , safety and security of people and propaganda by giants like Thisaranee G, Vishvamitra, Sarath Alwis and yourself not be second.
      Why fear I wonder.


    • 6

      Lopped off owing to length?
      Please educate entire electorate about importance of Preferences.
      The grouping around Nagananda Kodituwakku is honest, committed, and dedicated. They will present just one candidate. Likely to be Dr Ajith Colonne. A good man. His role, military intelligence, not indiscriminate slaughter.
      My view: he may even win.

  • 8

    Is the writer the spokes person for Tamils / Muslims?

    or is he self appointed?

    Are the Tamils / Muslims fond of a regime that supports Terrorrism?

    allows bombs to go off in places of worship?

    Plunders the central bank?

    Disunited and lethargic ?

    Cannot even name their presidential candidate?

  • 6

    why do these people dont write about the massacre in Easter Sunday? Is it something good according to people like this?
    The people who died in NFZ died because of LTTE. LTTE used them as a human shield and targetted army after positioning their weaponry among people. Why do these people fail to point that out?

    Hundreds of people died as a result of total negligence of national security by a government people like this advocated. People feel the need for a GR like leadership to secure their country

    • 2

      blood is on thir hands
      these people are no better than Zaharan and the murderers
      may they all rot in hell.

  • 1

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  • 10

    I’ve heard from reliable sources that Gota keeps a huge picture of Prabhakaran beside a small Buddha statue in his little shrine room and pays homage to both of them for transforming him from an unknown 7-Eleven store minder in small town California into a Sihhala-Buddhist alpha male, super-hero poised to take over the country as its absolute ruler.

    • 0

      Actual fact that if you able to make friendship with Israel, they will tell all because Israel organized group even western spies do not know most of the things they do around the world,

      however what you say naturally nobody will argue about it since Gota have Tamil brother in law, it is not surprising to have Tamil Tiger Leader’s picture.
      personally, I have nothing against them

  • 1

    A howling of a racist Tamil still suffering from the defeat of his fuhrer Pirabaharan and the Tiger “war heroes”.

    He doesn’t talk about the start of the separatist Tamil war machine in 1976 as Tamil New Tigers and later LTTE. He doesn’t talk about that war machine first targeted Tamils themselves, Tamil police officers, political leaders and civic leaders who had opposing views thus creating a subjugated population who would be sent to slaughter by these “saviours” (yet conveniently blame the “other”). He doesn’t talk about the political mandate given in 1978 at Vaddukkodai declaring war on the rest of the country. Was he expecting flowers from the rest of the country for that? He doesn’t talk about how LTTE even eliminated those Vaddukkodai political leaders and their own “liberation” compatriots in other groups leaving Sambandan et al (of TNA fame) to declare LTTE as the “sole representative of the Tamil people” thus crowning the fuhrer formally. Now how many children were forcibly recruited, put a cyanide capsule on their neck, gave an assault rifle they could barely carry and sent to laughter? How many innocent civilians/villagers were bombed in buses, trains, bus stops, train stations or hacked at their own homes? You still want to blame Gotabaya for it? How come 280,000 plus civilians came out alive from the final battle fields if the armed forces and their leaders were hellbent on annihilating them? How come 12,000 surrendered LTTE carder returned to the society if Gota and the forces were hellbent of eliminating them? Compare it with contemporary civil wars/insurgencies. It is you guys who brought destruction to your own people. Not anyone else.

  • 4

    Prof: Jayadeva Uyangoda has hit the nail on its head;
    The vision of Gotabaya is to transform Srilanka into the Democratic[ ???] Socialist Republic of Sinhala Buddhist Srilanka.
    Fasten your seat belt Srilankans!

  • 2

    Ranil is a dummy who cannot capitalise on any thing.

    The old buggers in the UNP should pave the way for the next generation.

    be frank and open in acknowleding their faliur_ allowing a masseker of 300+ in a single day is an un forgivable because this government had ample warning about muslim extimisim but they kept quiet after taking bribes from Bathurdeen _ Give an opportunity to leaders who are less than 55 years old. If UNP has any hope of being accepted as a credible political party in Sri Lanka.

    Ranil cannot bring back the UNP to the mainstream simply by promising an autonomy deal to the Tamils and fogetting about the national security and sidelining the majority.

  • 4

    Gotabaya Rajapakse is one of the key architect of giving Tamils in particular and all Sri Lankans as a whole Right to Live by annihilating So called Sun God Prabhakaran and his ruthless terrorist out fit of LTTE.
    There is no Tamil problem in Sri Lanka as if anybody point out problems which problems of all Sri Lankans and shall be solved through more economic empowerment and never ever by Federalism or Separatism.
    If anybody thinks that way, he or she is day dreaming.

    • 0


  • 4

    Mr. Karikalan, The truth is it is just not the Tamils but voters in general, are left with no choices, other than electing a Pimp ( who goes around fixing others) or a Murderer. But this is not just the reason, how we ended up in such pathetic situation. Since independence our self claimed Einsteins (voters) have had a glorious voting pattern, which is 1) first 30 years screwing the minority to create civil wars 2) next 30 years, busy fighting the war they created. 3) last 15 years of post war was all about one family “Rajapaksas” and keeping them in power 4) and last election was about getting rid of the menace called Rajapaksas , who they fanatically wanted to be in power , while doing so they created a nother menace which is of crazy , looney variety 5) And this election happens to be, between a Pimp and a Murder. 6) So the bottom line is, ” Lankan elections are revolving doors to insanity”.

  • 3

    Gota may be an authoritarian ruler but you cannot compare him to Hitler
    This shows what sort of empty vessel Mr Karikalan is

    The western world has acknowleged that Sri Lanka is a reasonably safe place for all communities.

    That is why asylum seekers are not welcome from Sri Lanka now.

    it is common knowledge in the West that this atroicity story propergated by people smugglers is a HUMBUG

    • 0

      Why Tamil compare him to Hitler? Tamil Tigers love Hitler. That is why Tigers gave Hitler salute which was ordered by British to humiliate “Sinhalese Aryan.” All European and Canadian have double standard. When they see they can gain something promoting hatred towards Germany or Hitler, they do. Otherwise, they secretly love Hitler. Tigers’ Hitler salute and unconditional Western support to Tigers is a solid proof

  • 7

    Karikalan S. Navaratnam

    *** So now you know that Racism in Sti Lanka is genetic and that cannot be changed from within. I am looking for a solution when Gotha and MR take over from outside. Rambukawella has spelt out Gothas vision and that is bringing China back at the expense of India . If that happens Annexation by India becomes a real possibilty as India cannot and will not allow China back in again. Instead of being a President, Gotha will become Chief Minsister which is what they deserve for all their arrogance and intransigence. I cant wait.

  • 3

    My friend, Gota’s Presidential candidacy has gone up in smoke, and turned belly up. When they gone to pay the deposit, election Commission has checked it up, they found out, it’s invalid. When he took up US citizenship, it’s surrendered to NRD, and was invalidated and he hasn’t still obtained a proper valid NIC.

    • 0

      Tamil Tigers love Gota and RW. Tamil are acting spies and act according to advice given by their colonial friends

  • 2

    Our famous cricketer M Muralidran said his people have enough Democracy.
    All they need are Jobs to earn a quid, houses to live in and educate the children.

    So many grievances, So much anger
    This dude must be living in a place which totally different to where Murali is….

  • 5

    Western countries are no longer accepting refugee visa applications from Sri Lankan Tamils. They have recognized the war is over, there is no immediate danger that threatens the lives of Tamils from certain districts. Unfortunately, some Tamil writers are trying to resurrect a dead ghost by comparing Sri Lanka to the “Third Reich”, which is an absurd and laughable claim. First of all, Hitler did not come to power by any democratic process, as the author claims. He lost the Presidential election to Hindenburg on the first attempt. So, he never had a clear mandate from the Germans. Hitler was appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg, not through any election. When Hindenburg suddenly died, Hitler automatically became President WITHOUT winning any election. There is no parallel in Sri Lanka, where every President has been elected through a majority vote.

    • 4

      Just like you and your mommy and daddy took refuge in Britain. Sinhalese racist living the good life in Britain and enjoying all the privileges and equal opportunity that these white western Christian countries offer , even to immigrants like you but want the opposite for the Tamil population back home . A population that has lived in their land for more than 2300 years and ruled their land and most of the island, as most of your so called Sinhalese kings and nobility were all Tamils. Many of these so called nobility only abandoned their Tamil identity , after the Europeans, especially the British arrived , to protect their immense land holdings and wealth, so now call themselves Sinhalese and took Sinhalese names. EG. Ravathai became Ratwatte. You want equality and respect in your new home but the opposite for the island’s indigenous Tamils in their own homeland, the racist hellhole that your so called patriotic parents and many other so called patriotic racist Sinhalese abandoned like rats from a sinking ship. All of you now enjoy the liberal western lifestyle and want this for your immigrant selves and for your children in your new homelands but screech out and encourage for discrimination , genocide and ethnic cleansing for the Tamil population back home in the land that your parents r abandoned for petty economic benefits and will support any Sinhalese racist, war criminal or crook/swindler from afar from the comfort of your western lounge rooms . Disgusting creatures. At least the Tamils were forced to leave due the Sinhalese state sponsored terrorism against them, what was the excuse for you so called Sinhalese lounge room patriots now living the good life in the west . left the island.

      • 4

        Constantly runnig down the Tamils who fled discrimination and many even for their lives, whilst they themselves abandoned their land for opportunistic economic reasons and for the good life, that they knew they will never have back in their racist hell hole that they themselves created. Enjoy the good life in the east but still want mayhem , discrimination , war crimes and economic stagnation back home , all in the name of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism. Come back and experience it back again, instead of nicely sitting in the west , enjoying the fruits of western democracy. Disgusting creature .

      • 2

        Sinhalese came to the island first. Some Sinhalese kings took Tamil (Chola or Pandyan) wives, but Tamils did not arrive on the island in large numbers till the 13th century. That is why virtually no Sinhalese can speak or write Tamil today. Not a single work of Sinhalese art, not a monument, painting, or song, has a Tamil inscription or is written in Tamil. Linguistically, the Sinhala language belongs to the Indo-European language group, while genetic studies point to Northwest India (Bengal) as the origin of the Sinhalese, which is consistent with Mahavamsa. These claims of Tamils coming to the island first are bizarre, as the Vedda language is far, far closer to Sinhala than Tamil. “Vedda maintains many archaic Sinhalese terms from the 10th to 12th centuries, as a relict of its close contact with Sinhalese, while retaining a number of unique words that cannot be derived from Sinhalese.” Veddas interacted with Sinhalese long before Tamils.

        • 0

          Stop lying you nasty racist piece of sh-t from London. I know you very well from the now defunct Sri Lankan forum. You are nasty piece . You even once claimed that you were born in the UK so have the same rights as the white British. What a joke same rights for you with the native White British but spread lies , myths about the island’s Tamils and advocate genocide and war crimes on them , from the safety of Britain. Sinhalese came first who told you that . Your racist mommy or daddy from Kandy? The native language of the island is Elu which is a simple semi Tamil Dravidian language. Old Sinhalese or Hela is a mixture of Elu and Prakrit and is still like Elu very close to its Tamil mother. Saivaism and Tamil have a far older history in the island and the king who converted to Buddhism was a Tamil Saivite Naga. Most Sinhalese are descended from Tamil speaking Yakka and Indian Tamil immigrants an d invaders from ancient to modern. Half the present day Sinhalese population are descended from Indian Tamil low castes who were imported into the island during the Portuguese and Dutch era to do menial work. Many of the so called Sinhalese nobility and upper castes are also descended from the Indian Tamil and other South Indian nobility who came to rule the island. Sinhalese language is 40% Tamil derived in vocabulary the largest component and its grammar , syntax , lexicon and alphabet is purely derived from Tamil and not from Sanskrit or Pali . It is basically a Dravidian language that has got a lot of Pali/Sanskrit words due to Buddhism. The Sinhalese DNA is 70% Indian Tamil . Go and take a hike you nasty racist from London.

          • 0

            I never claimed to be born in the UK, this is just your Eelamist imagination. Sinhalese derives from Maharashtri Prakrit, not Tamil. Elu is a variation of Prakrit, to say that Prakrit derives from Tamil is nonsense, since Prakrit is much older than Tamil. Vedic Sanskrit is also older than Tamil, although you Tamil supremacists will never accept the fact. Prakrit is older than Sanskrit. The scholar Buddhaghosa brought Pali and Sanskrit to Sri Lanka in the 4th century; once the monks became fluent, Sinhalese history was recorded in Pali in books like “Mahavamsa.” The monks never wrote anything in Tamil, not even one line, so to claim Sinhalese are descended from Tamils is utter rubbish. There is not a single monk who spoke Tamil, not a single monument with a Tamil inscription, not a single book written in Tamil, not a single poem, etc. Mahavamsa clearly says Sinhalese came to the island first, it says there was a tribe called “yakshas” (yakkas in Sinhala) who had to be “defeated.” These are probably the same yakkas in Ramayana. These yakkas are probably Veddas, descendants of “Balangoda Man.” The Vedda language and Sinhalese language are very close, suggesting an early encounter. Sinhalese are genetically North Indian, not Dravidian: “An VNTR study from 1996 also found over 70-82% of Sinhalese genes to originate from Bengali admixture:”

    • 2

      Yes this is why the west accepted around a million Eezham Thamizh as refugees and immigrants in their lands. An unprecedent amount compared to their world population of only 3.5 million. They have never accepted any other group is such large numbers. This is because they knew what really happened and that they were also guilty and complicit in what happened to the Thamizh population in the island, as they either turned a blind eye or were responsible like Britain by giving you Chingkalla Kurangus power on a platter in 1948 with no protection for the Thamizh. This may be the reason many Anglo Saxon nations accepted hundreds of thousangs of them , as they were partly responsible for their plight and also they know they will make good future productive citizens, which 99% have become. Thousands of Chingkallams and Thullkans also went to west and claimed to be Thamizh or part Thamizh fleeing Chingkalla state discrimination and falesely obtained refugee status and asylum and now once established screech anti Thamizh lies and hatred from there. You may be one of these Chingkallams. Someone commented here you now live in London. Do you? How did you arrive there? Why did you leave the island and then start screeching fake patriotism and racism from afar? Lots of Chingkallams do this . Become very racist , and thump their chests with fake patriotism for the land that they fled, from afar in the west, as they know this will not affect their lovely life in their new land. Also to appease their conscience , as unlike the Thamizh , these so called patriots abandoned their land for pure economic greed and the good life without corruption and state sponsored racism beckoned them. Funny you do not want all this , wherever you live but still want all this back in the land , where you fled from. Are you Bi polar or Schizophrenic?

      • 5

        Yes, after the LTTE overthrew the Vellalla TULF, all the Vellallas ran away from the North. They did not want their children to fight a war for a low-caste bugger like VP. Just like the high-caste Tamils in Tamil Nadu never sent their people to fight. Human smuggling soon became a good business for the LTTE, just like drug smuggling, weapons smuggling, and other illegal activity. All of the criminal activities of the LTTE are well-documented, that is why they are considered terrorists in the West. You supported this terrorist organization for 20 years, donating money, going to rallies, etc, all because you wanted revenge on Sinhalese. What happened at the end, you are still a refugee in the West, while the Sinhalese Army made your leader bend over in the mud before putting bullet in his head. Where is Eelam now?

    • 3

      Your hero Gothabaya. left the army and ran away to the USA during the height of the war and is still a US citizen. His son and daughter in law are now living there in the lap of luxury with all the money looted from the Tamil displaced and other citizens of the island , the so called racist Sinhalese modayas. , to whom this fake Sinhalese Malay origin family plays the racist card conveniently and then loots what is due to them and the rest of the people in the island in the name of Sinhalese Buddhist Fascism . What do you say to his man from London?

      • 0

        Gotabaya did not run, he served 20 years in the SLA. Your LTTE was actually very weak. Because of CBK and India, LTTE got some lucky breaks. Once Mahinda came into power, LTTE went up in smoke. VP was caught in the mud, too scared to swallow the cyanide capsule. First SLA gave Balachandran some biscuts, then after executing Bala, it was the father’s turn. All on Gota’s orders. Some other buggers were executed too, like Nadesan. He was trying to phone the Indian ambassador to get a fake truce. Entire family of Sun God were executed on Gota’s orders. Some say Jagath Silva gave a head chop to Sun God, who knows. Gota is a national hero, people will not forget his achievement of eliminating Tiger terrorism once and for all.

  • 4

    Eagle and the ilk , For bigots it does not matter which Tamil you are whether up/low country, Jaffna /Trinco, upper/lower cast. They just kill them all. Dont remember 83/84 pogrom where they arrived with voter registry and did not ask for rest of the details. Same on the day of Easter they did not ask for identity,. So stop your BS .

  • 4

    Gotha,s supporters should read today news in Daily Mirror. Goths has cheated the system , voted illegally and held a government position illegally as a foreign citizen. Now we know you guys may come up by saying it is ok for a foreigner to cheat Lanka as long it is Rajapaksa,s because cheating is what they do for a living. And if you are of the same ilk it will not matter to you too. But the public may want to know the facts. Gotha had the audacity to to register again, as recent in 2018 with his fake NIC and not the new one he claims to have. In the mean time ex CJ Shiranee today released her book “how she was illegally thrown out overnight, by Rajapaksa brothers. So in short Gotha registers under fake NIC/ passport ,obtained by fraud, but a CJ is expelled overnight by the him and his brothers. When police looked into this matter , Gotha,s new NIC has not shown up in any of the electoral list he had voted in past. Of course bigots will not mind because they picked the “Tsunami Hora” in past and they will pick the criminal brother next.

  • 0

    Dravidian Tamil elite decided soon after Ceylon independence (or even earlier) that the privileges they enjoyed under colonial rule can only be sustained by carving out an independent State. They encouraged rebellion that turned into full blown civil war, but by then the Dravidian leadership shifted to the Lankan DMK/Dalit types. Sinhalese, who know nothing about these Tamil divisions, used age old legend of Mahavamsa to fight back and fate decided that they would totally annihilate the militant Lankan DMK leadership. This was a major miscalculation by the Lankan Tamil elite who are not Brahmin in origin and who therefore cannot get the sympathies of the Brahmin leadership in Tamil Nadu or North India. In fact the Brahmins were rather unnerved to see a Dalit rebellion morphing into a full fledged rebel group under VP. When the tables were turned on VP and his killers they conveniently looked the other way, since ethnically they had nothing to do with the Dravidian hordes of Lanka.

    Now Lankan Tamils like the writer is writing nonsense, trying to blame everything on the rather dumb but effective Sinhalese counter terror tactics, and is bitter about the Tamil losses. That is a lot of water under the bridge. By further exacerbating the situation by becoming a thorn on his side, prudent Lankan Tamils should collaborate with Gotaby to neutralize him and work with him for a better future.

    • 3

      The Kas Chamber is best place for you. Yes we know that Piramanar like Choopiramaniyan were very unnerved but not sure of other Piramanar, as most Piramanar in modern day India are very poor and are busy trying to make ends meet
      as poor temple priests, marriage brokers , astrologers and in some north Indian states , they have even started to work as toilet cleaners. Their life is too miserable and poor for them to bother about Eezham Thamizh , Dravidians or even about other Piramanar from other states in India. Only rich power hungry nasty Aryan supremacist , Hindu extremist RSS type like Choopiramanian , who do not make up even 1% of Indian Piramanar or even 10% of the Thamizh Piramanar , care about all these things, as they have nothing better to do and are nasty, racist and casteist by nature. Other Piramanar Thamizh or non Thamizh , care two hoots. Unfortunately Choopiramanian types shout out aloud , powerful and make news , therefore everyone thinks they are the voice of the Piramanar , especially Thamizh Piramanar, when in reality they are only voicing their own nasty , Aryan supremacist casteist Hiduvata RSS type opinion. For your information most of the present day Indian population is Dravidian or predominantly Dravidian hybrids. Please read latest findings. Even many of the so called Aryan Piramanar , especially from the south are Dravidian hybrids. Please enjoy the Kas , Chamber, you deserve this.

    • 2

      Yes this why the superior Aryan Brahmin Swamy , with an inapt name Subramaniam , after the Tamil god Lord Murugan, a so called Tamil who hates his own Tamil people,. at least the non Brahmin variety, came all the way to Colombo to suck on inferior Sudhra part Malay part Dravidian Rajapucky;s kottai and pay homage to him . So did many other superior Brahmin and non Brahmin Aryans from India. As per you they do this , as they hate the original Tamil Dravidians but love the Sinhalese Dravidians who are largely descended from the hated Tamil Dravidian low castes and want to support them in their genocidal dance against the Tamil Dravidians , whom they hate too. What a convoluted way of thinking. Do they hate all the North Indian Dravidian, East Indian and other Dravidians in India , who make up the majority of the Indian population or just the original Tamil Dravidians , as they essentially represent the Dravidian culture and ancient language?

      • 0


        Its not that the Brahmins love Sinhalese or Rajapaksas. Its the Brahmin strategic thinking that the Sinhalese and Rajapaksa could wipe out the hordes to unwashed Dravidians who were the fighters of LTTE, thereby preventing a part of the Deccan falling into the full control of the Dravidians. LTTE run piece of the Deccan is a lot worse and totally unacceptable to them than the Sinhalese with obviously degenerate leaders in charge of Lanka.

        They knew that once they win the “war” against LTTE, the Sinhalese with their obvious weaknesses and immense propensity for corruption is a soft target that can be handled. And it has been handled very well since 2009.

        Ultimately one must admit that the superior thinking of the Brahmins has always won the day in India. The hordes of recently English educated, still unwashed and totally uncouth sundry Dravidian Dalit tribes of South India and their cousins in North and East India can never come up with such superior strategy. The events of the last 75 years since independence in India/Ceylon stand as the ultimate proof of this undeniable fact. (Meanwhile, Pakistan and Bangladesh have continues to wrap themselves in even more fanatic Moslem gear, thereby denying themselves any chance of modernity or progress. Just visit the hellholes that are Karachi, Dacca and see for yourself, if you ever doubt this).

        • 0

          May be they like the strange unwashed putrid smell and thoughts that come out of Sinhalese Dravidian Dalits like you . Have you ever heard of Pancha Dravida Brahmins . It is Brahmins from these areas from where most of India’s Brahmin genius’s originated from


  • 1

    Dr. Ethir
    As Sinhala_Man has mentioned, really it is difficult to suggest a remedy. I believe, given the intransigence of the SB leadership, the malady cannot be cured by native physicians/ medicines. It is not a surgeon’s job either. Rgds.- Karikalan

    • 2

      With reference to your reply to Dr.Ethir, what you have said about the SB intransigence is correct.
      I believe the malady can be cured ultimately only by ourselves as Lankans.
      That is the only sure way it will last on a firm foundation.
      The external influence for that to materialise have to be from our adjoining sub-continent.

      • 2


        “I believe the malady can be cured ultimately only by ourselves as Lankans.”

        You mean you want every citizen to accept the fascist idea of one nation, one religion, one language, one leader, …………..
        Please count me out.

        • 0

          No, I do not mean what you think.
          If you are giving far more importance to Modi please count me out. I am on a larger perspective way into the future.

  • 1

    Dear Sinhala Man;

    Thank you. I am happy that you hold S.J.V.Chelva in high esteem. Yes, I am proud to have served under Chelva.
    As you have correctly said, it is difficult to suggest a remedy for the malady. I believe that native treatment won’t help. Surgery may not be the answer, either. International community must step in and help us out.
    Regards. -Karikalan

    • 1

      Mr Karikalan,
      What International country has the moral highground to teach the Sri Lankans to solve our problems?
      I challenge any western country you name have their own shortcommings big and small.
      Are the blacks treated with dignity and respect in USA?
      Are the military interventions carried out by the west justified?
      Why is USA supporting Saudi Arabia – Which is a wholesale human rights abuser.
      Why is USA not persuing the killing of Jurnalist Kishogi (US Citizen)within the Saudi embassy in Turky.
      Unless we Sri Lankans are willing to listen to each other and think as Sri Lankans and do our duty to the country no one can help us from outside.
      If the law makers are corrup, Judiciary is currupt and police is currupt and un educated how can we have a just society.
      There may be shortcommings in the current constitution but If the Government Respects the Constitution and the rule of law and the police educated about the rights of all people and the rights are respected and protected Sri Lanka would be a better place.
      Why were Tamil families not protected in 1983 riots?
      The prevailing UNP govt made a unconstitutional decision to allow 1983 to happen to teach the Tamils a lesson. The police was not directed properly, the police and armed forces were not educated about protecting the right to live of all communities in the country.
      The government has a duty to netralise extremist elements that may belong to any community and protect the lives of its citizens irrespective of ethnicity.
      Have we lerned these lessons?
      Is USA going to teach us?
      I am sure they will jump at the idea of comming over to teach us and then causing us more headaches than we ever anticipated.

  • 0

    Dear Lester:
    You have raised a couple of issues:
    (1) I have had occasion to represent at least a dozen Sinhala asylum claimants (who had fled Sri Lanka), before Immigration Tribunals and Federal Court . I am happy that all of them are now living in peace and security in Canada. Some of these families have since become so friendly with me, that they affectionately call me, “Anna” in Tamil.
    (2) The “Hitler” theme was not mine. It was mooted by a Gotabaya acolyte, the Priest of Asgiriya Chapter, Wendaruwe Upali Thero at Gotabaya’s birthday alms-giving ceremony, in the presence of Mahinda Rajapakse. The Thero invited Gotabaya “to prove his critics right by becoming a real Hitler.” Gotabaya has not disapproved of the idea. It was in this context that Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda examined Gota’s candidacy.
    (3) Hitler was the leader of – National Socialist German Workers’Party (NSDAP), which had most seats in the German Parliament, though short of a majority (230 members out of 525).If Hitler was not the leader of a party with most seats, but an outsider to electoral politics and if he was not placed 2nd in the Prez Election, President Paul Von Hindenburg would not have made him Chancellor on 30 Jan.1933. Burning of the Parliament bldg. helped Hitler to increase Nazi seats in Parliament at March 5, 1933 Elections and changed the voting balance in Nazis’ favour. After the death of Hindenburg, the “Enabling Act” of March 23, 1933, passed by parliament helped Hitler to assume dictatorial powers as Fuhrer. Thus, I believe he adopted a democratic process.
    Thanks for raising the issues.-Karikalan

    • 3


      The total number of Sri Lankan refugees is more 530,000, we have to divide them into those who left for economic reasons and those who were actually persecuted. As an attorney, you are probably aware that the vast majority left for economic reasons but claimed to be “persecuted.” Persecution is easy to claim during a war, when there is a climate of martial law, checkpoints, irregular access to basic amenities, etc.
      Regarding Hitler, there is no need for a Hitler in Sri Lanka. One of Hitler’s primary goals was to expand the borders of Germany. The only way to do this was through war/armed aggression, hence the need for massive industrialization to build weapons and the use of slave labour (Jews, Gypsies, etc.). There is no similar effort underway in Sri Lanka, there is no fascist political party other than the TNA, which openly supported the LTTE in Parliament. My earlier point stands; Hitler was not elected President by a majority of the people, unlike Mahinda. Every President so far has been elected in a majority vote. Mahinda had a clear mandate to defeat the LTTE, when this was accomplished he again contested and stepped down after losing. So there is no comparison to Hitler who only contested one election in his life and lost.

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