2 May, 2024


Gota And The Economy

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Until after the election and we know whether the constitution will be amended or not, it remains up in the air whether PM and Cabinet or President will drive economic policy. Gotabaya Rajapaksa has no particular ideology or philosophy; he is a pragmatist in the sense that he will adjust to take advantage of what it is most opportune at each stage. This means that at present, to quote him, he is putting “National Security foremost”; in the driving seat. The economy, “Prosperity with Splendour”, will be relegated to the backseat; reconciliation, that is accommodating Tamil and Muslim aspirations will be demoted to the luggage boot. This will be the order for the remainder of his administration. His three-month report card is congealing into a reliable predictor. 

In his January policy address Gota laid out an economic wish-list. Fair enough, a policy address is like a Throne Speech, an enunciation of broad intentions. It is in the nitty-gritty work of government activity that we expect to see promises translated into concrete actions. The rich in promises objectives were: Eliminating poverty; special programmes to combat corruption and fraud; increasing earnings from agricultural produce; technologies to develop inland fisheries; becoming a leader in UN Sustainable Development Goals; ensuring future generations are productive by nurturing knowledge, skills and abilities. Maybe it’s unfair to complain after just three months that there is still little sign of concrete governmental activities to launch these programmes.

Macroeconomic indicators are ambitious: Avoiding the middle-income trap; 6.5% GDP growth and $6,500 per capita GDP; unemployment below 4%, inflation below 5%, budget deficit below 4%, single digit interest rates and stabilising the rupee. It will be possible say if these macro-objectives are on track only after 18 months have elapsed. But PM Mahinda obtained $450 million financial assistance from India and appealed for a moratorium on debt servicing which augurs the government is bleeding. Lanka is falling deeper into the dept-trap.

Only a fool will expect any government to deliver economic nirvana in the medium term but what is missing up to now with the new regime is the silver bullet of an economic direction. There are three options for a country in our kind of economic conjuncture; a directed dirigisme (not state-owned) economy, market-led liberal capitalism and third neither here nor there wishy-washy staggering from one day to the next. The first, famously identified with post-Deng China is older and harks back to Singapore, South Korea and even Japan; the new champion is Vietnam. The second is exemplified from South and Central American banana republics that were once in thraldom to US imperialism, all the way through to democratic versions such as Sri Lanka’s 2015-2019 yahapalana regime. The third version is ever so common, but go no further than previous Mahinda Rajapaksa regimes. The feature that colours MR-type regimes is pervasive and corrosive corruption – Marcos, India’s Congress and BJP, Mexico (drugs and corruption), liberal democratic Africa and South & Central America. 

My concern is that Gota-pragmatism will be a practicality of survival bereft of structural economic perspective; that is the third option, again. Such pragmatism becomes opportunism of regime-survival where a president, whose personal probity may or may or may not be tarnished (but why was the Attorney General forced to drop the MiG case?), presides over a regime tainted by a corrupt extended family, ministers stained as rogues (loka horu) and a segment of the military-police apparatus with a history of democratic and human rights violations. The Swiss Embassy employee’s case, the hounding of judges and state officers who revealed inconvenient truths and the terrorising of relatives of missing persons who dare to protest, all point in the direction the “National Security State” and the bad old days. If things go this way Gota will be reduced to an impotent figurehead; real power will shift into the hands of second-level miscreants.

It is entirely incorrect to quote Lee Kwan Yue as a similar example.  True, Lee used authoritarianism to take Singapore forward, but to say Lee as akin to Gota is to caricature. Lee did not shield rights violators, miscreants or abusers of the law; if a member of Singapore’s military, police or state broke the law he would be punished far more severely than citizen violators. What is more important is that Lee built strong institutions. An efficient and unforgiving, but less than free society, rested on secure institutions; judiciary, state and uniformed services. This is the antithesis of a putative Gota state if led (God forbid) by malefactors in uniform and rogues in political power. 

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  • 9

    Can you expect such a visit from JR, MR or CBK,? is it a good initiative. but, Gota ‘s appearance like this will tarnish the reputation and name of executive president. People in Sri Lanka are not like in western countries. So, I do not think this kind of visit will work for a long time. What does government officials do? Are they sleeping ? it is their duty to do all this not president of the country.

    • 10

      He misses the 7 Eleven so this was the next best option. In the name of the war Tamils gold, money and belongings were looted. Hope they don’t lose their shops too.

      • 6


        Sinhalese are saints not to expel entire Tamil population from the south to the north within just 2 hours at gun point. Here you worry about gold, money and shops. Aren’t the Sinhalese saints to offer a minister post with all the perks to a former terrorist who made too many women widows, kids lose their fathers & parent lose their sons in just a single night?

        Aren’t those victimized Sinhalese the saints not to go to HR for this when the real terrorists’ relatives are holding ‘victim cards’ in front of HRC?

        • 4

          FYI – “terrorist who made too many women widows, kids lose their fathers & parent lose their sons in just a single night?” – That was about 800 surrendered policemen.

          • 1

            “That was about 800 surrendered policemen’
            And as a reward Rajapaksa govt sent him to UK on a diplomatic passport. After he got caught, spent time in detention, Rajapaksa bros made him deputy leader of SLFP.

            Ha Ha Ha

          • 1

            Burt, Let’s be fair & practical. Had you won Eelam, wouldn’t your President be a 8th grade dropout with a CV showing only decades of killing experience, amputating experience, bombing experience ,etc in the same line?

        • 2


          You put a smile on my face. Remember 1983 “Onna Koti Annwa” big mouth tough guys ran from Fort to Moratuwa. Then realizing how stupid they were they went after innocent Tamils who had nothing to do with the conflict.
          “Here you worry about gold, money and shops.”
          When you work hard you value the wealth, when you get rich by looting others you have no respect or value for wealth.
          “Aren’t the Sinhalese saints “
          I think Cardinal Ranjith thinks so: no me.

      • 2

        Good one Burt
        Gotabaya went from 7 Elven to be the president and your greatest achievement?
        let me think Ah! unproductive winger your parents must be so proud.
        Not to late still might be a slim chance for you to get a job in a 7 Elven. How is your CV any other qualifications other than a pathetic winger.

    • 10

      Old habits die hard. In USA he has not done any managerial or executive job. Still he hasn’t gotten the idea that he should not micromanage, he can send his buddy Kamal G. to do this job, unless his idea is to get cheap popularity to hoodwink foolish, gullible Sinhala voters. Typical Rajapakse tactics.

      • 7


        Thank God Gota became the president and only the shopkeepers are in trouble. Image it was his opponent; people would have to get home security systems installed.

      • 1

        Lalith “not done any managerial or executive job”
        This coming from one of of the greatest Executive mangers of all time in the planet Lalith with proven track record of been highest achievements at “Executive Manger at “No job company of Key board worrier @ home”.

        • 3

          Leonard sounds like a child: Stop crying on this forum and to do your home work.

          “Gotabaya went from 7 Elven to be the president “
          Should this surprise you? When the majority are idiots. Dint the Portuguese show a goat skin and take over Kotte.
          Don’t feel bad you come from a generation of idiots.

  • 14

    The picture speaks million words. Poor GR. What else he can do other than going to grocery shops and checking packages? That was very similar to his job when he was in USA. One cannot straighten a dog’s tail by putting it in a bamboo stick. He has no clue of a statesmanship. Statesmanship is not acting haughtily or acting niggardly. I feel sorry for the man.

  • 5

    i hope gots has the skills. if gots messes up, more boat people from Sl.

  • 17

    The people who try to compare GR to LKY are insulting that Great Leader. They have no clue whatsoever about LKY’s core values. They are like that mutt who said to Devani J. who wants Oxygen to live, they are rice eating donkeys with a slave mentality. How come this country fell into this level? What a lot of intellectuals, professionals we had 5-6 decades ago? Our Medical degrees were recognized all over the world, we didn’t have to do PLAB exam in UK, or USME in USA. Now we have become pariahs. Singapore has taken over our place. Instant PhD degrees, law degrees, the best Navy scholarships became freely available to incompetent MR offsprings like instant noodles. Overnight his wife became an expert in Child Psychology. What a country we are living in? I wonder what will become GR family in a few years time. Maybe Nobel Prize winners for hoodwinking 6.2 million people!!

  • 6

    Singapore is a city state and its issues are different to that of Sri Lanka, which are far more complex. LKY cannot be replicated in the Sri Lanka situation. Essentially, the president has to navigate a very difficult path; an exceptionally tough balancing act.

    The problem for any incumbent president is that there always are some skeletons in the cupboard. Lifestyles of politicians, massive spending on elections, etc. are not generally funded from personal fortunes or public subscriptions. Aspects of these will come back to haunt any incumbent. And that’s when institutions will be compromised, be it the judiciary, police, or any other institution. Strengthening and ensuring the independence of these should be the first priority. But that’s a Catch 22 situation.

  • 10

    Will Mister Ten Percent become the next Minister of Finance?

  • 10

    The majority of the people of this country, sadly, are fooled into believing falsehoods or refusing to see reality.
    God save Sorry Lanka

    • 0


      “majority of the people of this country, sadly, are fooled” – I am sure this includes LTTE’s Eelam..

  • 9

    As long as SB mania persists, DA Rjapakshe’s genes will remain active. All similar genes too would join the fray. Only people with some integrity can do something to redesign the course.

  • 7

    OK Kumar, this is a little more like it – calling the Gota spade a shovel….(I would call it an earth-mover, but there we are, and Bob’s your uncle!). Why did it take you even three months to see this? In one of your recent articles you took the position that Gota wasn’t corrupt, but his hench-aiyyas were. Were you after a bottle of good single malt at that time, or putting in a bid to be a consultant to the CEB?

    You are a good bloke, but if you dare to write, please write with the fearlessness that you are known for.

  • 6

    What are the present prices Mr. President . Is there a price control for Rice? We still can’t get Rice at reduced prices

  • 10

    If we know the surgeons levels of experience about his performances in surgery, we can predict the destiny of the patient. Likewise, if we know it well that Rajaakshes are only masters to loot, nevertheless them to offer the same state – is a thing that would NEVER be allowed in a civilized country. So we are now much aware of the lanken standards, that the majority of the people, having brainswashed by BPs led by Rajaakshes, we the over 60 lacks of voters have no other choice than, let it go.
    But my worry is EVEN if the ongoing forensic reports revealed that the BOND scam was generated by BP Mahinda Rajaakshe and it let continue under GG rule as well, nevertheless people to SEE otherway around … and continously talk about the good of Rajaakshes would not be acceptable by anyone with some sanity.
    But SINHALA modayas of RACIST BP AKA eagle and JD would never be able to grasph is becasue their viewing fields are block by RAJAKAHSE mantra.
    So what about the talks of VILLAGE living stupid people. There are over 70% country living in rural areas. They have no other choice but to follow up the others that stay glorifying about Rajakshes. This country is misled by MYTHs and theories of SKINN heads wearing saffron robes.
    Madagoda wipassi BP though wearing a red rob would never see it beyond his nose. This Mudalaliya but living hidden behind SIVURU would always take the lead in the parades of making more fools projects.
    Thanakolo should be made their Main food before long would be recommendable to these people.

  • 9

    There is NO growth in the economy of there is not UNITY and Respect among all communities in Sri Lanka. I n amuletic ethnic community military-style management will not work. Political analysts foresee a very bad time fr Sri Lanka for not keeping up to promises made to the UN. he country has earned the name LIAR among many countries except China. The honesty and reputation of the country is vital for the economic growth of a poor country

  • 9

    Not to worry! The Rajapakse loyalists can see the miracles they expected from the GR victory is not coming, Not today, tomorrow or ever!

    They know they have a clueless man at the top BUT just can’t come to terms with the reality that has dawned so quickly.

    So now it is swallow the tongue, close the eyes and pretend to be deaf.

    The economy is sliding into shambles. GR thinks giving instructions to control prices can make things happen. He needs to learn the basics of demand and supply. Maybe a late lesson on economics might be in order. Hopefully the slippery Cabraal might slip in some pointers in how to control world market prices..


  • 3

    The article gives a good analysis of the three main economic alternatives available for development. It is interesting to note that KD has classified the Yahapalana regime along with the failed banana republics in South and Central America following the market-led liberal capitalism influenced by American dictates. With respect to the Third “neither here nor there wishy-washy staggering from one day to the next” I wonder whether he would categorize the SLFP-LSSP coalition govt (of which he was a minor part in his young days) under this category. After all that was the period of a total inward-oriented economic where the per capita gross national product growth rate declined to a mere 0.7%.
    After many previous articles admonishing against ‘authoritarianism’ he admits that Lee Kwan Yue used authoritarianism to take Singapore forward but at the end he predicts doom without substantiating by way of any facts. He admits that Gota promises to revamp the economy through technology development in agricultural and inland fisheries and developing a knowledge based economy through IT development. So why not give him a chance and support these ventures and propose to the new Govt how such developments can take place in Sri Lanka’s context?

  • 4

    “reconciliation, that is accommodating Tamil and Muslim aspirations will be demoted to the luggage boot.”

    Kumar David, Can you please stop this ‘Adonawa’ that you keep on repeating. Sinhalayo are getting sick of this. This country has more burning problems and issues to tackle than accommodating ‘Para’ Demala and ‘Para’ Muslim aspirations such as separate State, Federal System, Maximum Devolution, Muslim Enclaves etc. etc.

    Native Sinhalayo made a huge sacrifice by giving citizenship to Kallathoni ‘Para’ Demalu and ‘Para’ Muslims in Sinhale instead of expelling them from this country at the time Sinhale got independence in the same way Burmese did. But instead of been grateful for the kind gesture of Native Sinhalayo these ungrateful bellige puthas started slaughtering Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies.

    Wellala politicians have taken an anti-Sri Lanka position at UNHRC to take revenge from Sri Lankan Government and Armed Forces for killing megalomaniac Piripakaran bellige putha and eliminating his LTTE barbarians who slaughtered Sinhalayo. So why should Native Sinhalayo pay attention to reconciliation or accommodating unrealistic aspirations of Demalu and Muslims?

  • 2

    Two representatives of ‘Para’ minorities who ruined this country after Sinhale got independence, Kumar David and Ameer Ali have become great preachers on how to rule this country. Your ‘Para’ tribes did immeasurable damage to Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. Please mind your business and let Gotabhaya do what he can do to this country ruined by ‘Para’ Demala, ‘Para’ Muslim extremists and don keys of Unpatriotic National Party.

    • 8

      Gotabaya lived over 15 years in the US. There he should have seen various systems that the developed world have been in place. This means not necessarily that Gotler to have some knowledge, but even any refugee who spent some years on the west could have them. That makes it bit different him from his brother BP Mahinda. But if there is no Mahinda, there will have no power to Gota. Gota is a man who has no the least knowledge about lanken politics, political teenager, that could lead this country to ruins. I have no hopes going by the 100 days we just passed, since he has not achieved anything as was the case in 100 day program of the previous govt.
      They made this country debtor nation, they now have to find ways to give a life to the nation.

      • 1

        “That makes it bit different him from his brother BP Mahinda.”

        Did Mahinda Rajapakse become a BP because he gave the leadership to kill ‘Para’ Demala megalomaniac Piripakaran Bellige Putha who went on slaughtering innocent Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies ?

  • 9

    Nobody seems to care about PGR’s citizenship status, least of all the Elections Commissioner and his office. According to the Constitution, a person who holds dual citizenship cannot be elected as a member of parliament, be appointed as prime minister or present himself as a candidate in a presidential election. Even the most basic and important laws in the Constitution are being flouted and there is no one to challenge this! And our politicians and diplomats keep on saying “Sri Lanka is capable of solving its own problems” and also talk about “home-grown solutions.” What a farce!

  • 7

    If you put aside the megalomania. He has experience as a military officer, Customer service when he worked at 7 Eleven, some technical expertise after studying in community college and holding a job in his field of study thereafter. Not bad qualifications. Much better than his stupid elder brother who was and is an utter dud ( assistant Librarian at Vidyodaya ). With some expert advice he could manage. But not by surrounding himself with his former cronies a.k.a. retired military officers. The trouble the country is in is very serious. It needs an experienced, talented hand at governance who has a proven track record . Unfortunately the Sinhalese cannot stand such capable and talented people. So they are doomed to face disaster.

  • 2

    The article gives a good analysis of the three main economic alternatives available for development. It is interesting to note that KD has classified the Yahapalana regime along with the failed banana republics in South and Central America following the market-led liberal capitalism influenced by American dictates. With respect to the Third “neither here nor there wishy-washy staggering from one day to the next” I wonder whether he would categorize the SLFP-LSSP coalition govt (of which he was a minor part in his young days) under this category. After all that was the period of a total inward-oriented economy where the per capita gross national product growth rate declined to a mere 0.7%.
    After many previous articles admonishing against ‘authoritarianism’ he admits that Lee Kwan Yue used authoritarianism to take Singapore forward but at the end he predicts doom for SL without substantiating by way of any facts. He admits that Gota promises to revamp the economy through technology development in agricultural and inland fisheries and developing a knowledge based economy through IT development. So why not give him a chance and support these ventures and propose to the new Govt how such developments can take place in Sri Lanka’s context? Be positive and contribute to the country’s development.

  • 0

    Prez Nandasena busted the Rice Mafia which was selling rotten rice to our Dalits at 100 Bux a Kilo. Now the Elite can buy Basamati for 200 Bux a Kilo.

    Vegetable Mafia is on his Radar now ,, I am sure Bandakka will become cheaper now along with Carrots and Butter Beans to the benefit of the Elite.
    And the Eggplants too.

    Once the Chinese complete our Infrasatructure Network and the Tourist Hotel Network , the same Chines will ensure that our GDP goes up with their Tourist Dollars.

    No need to worry about Western Nations sending our GDP higher, which they never do.
    If they did there wouldn’t have been that Dog Fight in Srikotha, where Dr Rani ‘s Elite , Anglican and Vellala Faction is in a fight to the death Battle with the Keselwatta Kid supporters, while the next Big one is only less than two months away.

    Dr Rani and his backers must have done their sums before they planned Yahapalanay . And worked out it is only one off opportunity.
    That is why they robbed the daylight out of the Srilankan Government Tax Kitty.-.

    Although the Yahapalanaya is truly gone, Dr Rani’s UNP Trade Union mate the Male Nurse is going to collect USD 65.000 worth Yahapalana Car Permits for just 3 months tenure in Kotte.

    That is a classic example of Dr Rani’s Economics whizardry..

    • 8

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “Prez Nandasena busted the Rice Mafia which was selling rotten rice to our Dalits at 100 Bux a Kilo. Now the Elite can buy Basamati for 200 Bux a Kilo.”

      I believe Abraham, Sam, Ranil, Vellala, Diaspora ………….. are behind this Rice Mafia while Dr Gota (DSc) had lifted ban on sand mining, a field day for sand Mafia.
      While you are on “Western Nations sending our GDP higher” tell us what exactly you have (what does it produces) that the Westerners want to buy from you. Crooks, more crooks, ….and war criminals, …. aspiring fascists.

      Your self proclaimed rocket scientist Rohitha Rajapaksa advises people to “Get a wife and make children” and questioned them “Why don’t you get urself a proper job and an education so you won’t be jealous of another person’s success? ” as if he has a proper job and proper PhD.

      “That is a classic example of Dr Rani’s Economics whizardry..”

      Instead go around the world with bowl and beg for dollars, starting with Hindian Modi. What a shameless creature this is.

  • 4

    Not as meaningful or high class as with the bow tie on!
    What went wrong? Trying to be more serious?

  • 9

    Singapore Lee studied in Oxford, Gots is a soilder with diploma in computers. there is no comparison. When you study in a leading university, the understanding u get of the world is different from a diploma holder. like a mechanic and a engineer. the stupid idiots who say gots is like lee, have not gone to a good university, and there world vision, is like a frog in the well. we can see from his appointments of known crooks to high positions. birds of feather flock together.

  • 6

    With chineese ccp in trouble, the chineese will pull all there investments back to china, for ccp to survive. this will lead to massive fdi flows back to china, for china to get back to growth, after the coronavirus scare. if corona stays for 6 months, as estimated, china will be not the china we will know. Sri Lanka must play its cards correctly, we are in for a rough ride.
    more than 40million chineese infected, 250000 dead, as per the information coming from china. bio weapon gone wrong, or a coup against xi by others.

    • 1

      I’m so shocked why no country in the planet using your vast knowledge and intellect and experience in political matters and not forgetting getting up to date world news and information.
      Could it be you have the ownership of highly acclaimed prestigious status been a none achiever , deadbeat, Born looser. Write off.

  • 0

    The since 2008 that Wall street collapse of stock Market was root cause financial crisis in global-wide. An ideals of reasons of Economic crisis which reading by David-Kumar an ideogeetic theory is belongs an illusionism. In fact David is an Engineering back ground NOt an economics by his knowledge of outlook of by is
    that delusion of Trostakism . That is not dialectical materialism, it is methodology of analysis of metaphysical by negative proposition. .

    By and large USA hegemony of Economy financial crisis and recession it caused lost of that jobs are in millions of USA, UK, Japan & EU countries, which that around world. While lost of jobs comes to 28 millions in globally.
    An Economic calculation by computed a measure of lost time that is large numbers of years. Which that clock turned back for giant economics hit very hard by crisis of Imperialist camp led by deep recession of USA. …since then!?

    The USA investment Bank of Lehman’s failure was a much a symptom as cause of that generalization of crisis by USA & West of a global financial system.It has bad effects to Island of Sri lanka. The crisis has no end at all, its like uninterrupted economics phonomonnel which towards 2020!@
    Then come crux of crisis of Lankan economic is not as implausible as it sound. Because we are a small Economy of GDP comes to USA 90 billions dollars. Having ample room for development and generated many sectors of development in GVC and GSC of developing.
    We need shifted to new Market economies an emerging MARKET of South-south corporation back to the Sustainability of path of development by GR leadership.
    That is an ideal of politically Economically and Socially approached by new pragmatism by GR has to be syncretism with democracy and development of non path Capitalism of development.

  • 2

    What improvements to economy can the country expect from a president who hasn’t taken even basic college level 100 micro and macro economic courses. Classic example is after taking advice from half baked corrupt advisors around him and to fulfill short-sighted election promises, to protect local farmers and prices overnight tariffs were imposed on agricultural product imported from India and what is heard is that India stopped exporting food items resulting in food prices skyrocketing
    Rajapakses have already started their old game that is putting the family before the country. Example is a new highway intersection at Medamulana at tax payers expenses without financial viability so that the Rajapaksa family and immediate neighbours have easy access to the Hwy. Using Military police to control traffic, using Military police to catch black marketers are first signs of SL turning into a military state and will accelerate after the GE as we have two people .. GR and Defence secretary who are both control freaks. Transition into GOTLER is visible.

    • 0

      Very true his advisory team is Godehewa , who did time in Jail and was asked to go home from Insurence when it was in the private sector. How did he make so much money. Other joker is Cabral . Leader of the group,that ran the EPF to the ground. How come he and his rogues like MR and MRS Dheerasinghe and Ajith Fernando are still on the lose. why is the AG silent? Gota should drop them . They are a liability for the SLPP.

  • 2

    Vyath Maga is pulling Gota to one side, on the other side of the rope is Rajapakse Family, in the middle “hulang gana paththata hoiya” is Gota. First of all Gota should remain, as he declared at his inaugural speech that he is “an independent person and a President for all”, not bound by any political party.
    Secondly he should also accept the fact that both his brother and Ranil-Maithripala groups have ruined the country and have made SL a begging country loaded with debt. If he accepts these two facts in public, then the masses who voted for him and to some extent those who did not vote for him will follow his plans.
    During the first 100 days of Gota’s Presidency when one looks back all a person can see are:
    1. Reversals of policies and decisions of the previous day being reversed the next day.
    2. Numerous Unfulfilled promises.
    3. Cutting taxes for name sake and recruiting more armed forces members (SL has 5th largest active armed force in the world) and government employees when the coffers are empty.
    4. Wavering between Viyathmaga (there too there are so many crooks like Nalaka who facilitated the robbing of the stock market) and Mahinda Rajapakse family whims and fancies.
    5. Cost of living hike and high rate of inflation more than Ranil’s Govt.
    6. Racist Nationalists raising their head contrary to Gota’s promise of “Sanghindiyawa”.
    7. Buddhist Mahanayakes and Catholic Cardinal becoming “Political Animals”.
    8. Judiciary, CID – Police, and Attorney General becoming part of the partisan politics and all the Politicians cases getting thrown out of courts due to technicality or they get postponed over and over again.
    9. Converting the country into a Military State.
    This is not the 54% of the voters expected from Gotabaya when they voted for him.

  • 1

    Both economists, day-for expert economists and those hatred and revenge full of idiots commenting on economy. Both the LTTE and IMF/WB Loans and their neo-liberal program instructed to destroy any manufacturing and production. We are on the process of destroying even our agricultural economy. We do not have skilled workers earning foreign exchange except the software writing and that is also mostly open source software or contract writing. We have seervice type economy where tourist hotel workers <nannies in the middle east, factory workers in South Korea working. BUT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GDP, AND ECONOMY. What dumb talk.

  • 0

    Lanka is not Singapore, neither in size, nor in spirit. What works for Singapore is a brilliant blend of talent under a totalitarian leader with a veneer of modernity and sophistication. Many decades of communism, socialism and degenerate party politics in Lanka has left its people in a very different state of mind than the Singaporeans, except perhaps the well educated, westernized elite in large cities. Whatever works for Lanka is closest to what Gotaby is trying to implement.

    As a frequent visitor to Lanka and a lover of the country and its wonderful people (except the Jihadi maniacs) I would personally like to see a slow and steady modernization of the country. There is no way that Gotaby can move forward in leaps and bounds. First establish safety and security and a totally reliable security apparatus, let not one ISIS beggar ever again stain the Lankan soil with innocent Kaffir Sinhalese and Tamil blood. Then simultaneously make slow but steady progress with controls on corruption, nepotism and give a chance to the smartest among the people to contribute to the society. Recognize good work, reward them and build a society that is self governing when it comes to cultural matters. Work hard to develop tourism, which can bring 3 to 4 times more revenue than what it does today. And in a totally safe and disciplined country good people will flourish. Levy a tax on those who hurt the economy such as Jihadi traders and traitors, they are the pestilence that feeds on the body of the innocent people. Use that tax to help elevate the Kaffir.

    In 10 years Lanka will be at a much better state as long as the above is done and the relationships with India, US, Western Europe and China are well managed.

    • 4

      Jay Chambers@
      Sinhalayas are modayas kewum kanna weerayas. This is a vernacular saying among sinhalayas. They just overestimate their profiles. How can we the sinhalaya even close to singapoorians that work die hard to achieve higher standards in any areas they touch ? Just because a handful of soft ware companies – or some you tube channel holders may well be that srilankens feel that they could achieve the levels. See the soft ware volume of 1200-mio nation indians is not even 3% of that country. meaning not even 32 millions. But that tiny number bring that much of foreign exchange to that COUNTRY. However their poverty levels stay that staganated as had been in the past.
      China instead have some poverty but their levels are not that high as is the case in India. In india, people die and dead bodies are being found in their street corners. Most odf them die wihtout the basic needs. It is said, over 80 percent of the populace live under stricken poverty.
      See the levels in SL, – over 40% live under poverty, if Ballige putha Rajakshes did have proper strategies, they could easily improve the living standards of the people. But they looted the sums into their pockets incl. CB bond scams from 2005 and painted the picture in disadavange of RW led UNPrs. I am into any kind of corruption levels but we should see itin the large picture… there I think – Rajakshes are the ones to be beheaded and let this nation be florished.
      Jathiwadhi gas ballan, never thought about the grievances of the poor, but their pockets. That Rohitha Abegunawardhana, Wimal Buruwansa or Gonthadipila should long have been premeditated to the very same manner they SAUDIs did it witht that Jamal Khashogi. These men are the ones that Rajashes have been using for the clean of their orifices.

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    Lankan Trotskyites after a few tots will allude that MR family owned SLPP, founded by Basil R, is corrupt.
    GR is the patron of the extreme rightwing BBS.
    GR is taking the Mussolini path of choosing the factory owners.
    Kumar David knows that we know that he knows the advent of Lankan Mussolonian segregation.
    This article shows Kumar’s ambition to be in the right side of the divide. Pathetic.
    Kumar: {“…..Gotabaya Rajapaksa has no particular ideology or philosophy; he is a pragmatist in the sense that he will adjust to take advantage of what it is most opportune at each stage…”}
    My foot, my foot.

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